Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, June 01, 1850, Image 3

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PASSENGERS. , mnr Mi-mmorn, from Charleston—Mias "" -viuter. child mid srvfc 1) A Ounnon, Jr, >V „ M,-a Winter, chili 1 T Barnett, J hi iriffln. B 11 ' vils, ”‘' tain- • . Cunningham. Kill?' * “ ... ' — - arris, T O Barnwell. Konn- J II Celt, H King, Dr CONSIPNEES. Metouiorn, from Charleston—J Cohen rcr steamer Mew u 1 Do8]ow & Webster, H V 'l'‘ lli r C ,\v Kirk, Agent C R R, Fla Boat. ^GNKES PER CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. 1 nan tmles Cotton, A Mdze. to N A Hardee WjfSSUn, D M Jackson, C K Ayer, J Mur- i Co, C■ R®Hardeman. A A Solomons & Co, iiison, . 8 j,b ur n, A Welles A Co, J Van Neos, nvlandS ■ , 00 j,Ford A Watts, Jas Linder, U Agent, • vi jj cr & go, D Hitchcock, Allen, Ball A aehburn. ’ Commercial. latest dates. jvpr]l00li May 11 | Havre, May 9 | Havana, May 21 SAVANNAH MARKET, JUNE 1. transactions tor the past ten days hnve been 01 th!«n tor the previous two months. The inar- ;,rs f !in» the forepart of the week has becu quite “ ctl U reJ°and the prices of the previous week fully jjUinaau, ruce ipts of the week have been to a “"•tent t or the season. The accounts from the „rinr in relation to the growing crop are not very " .rnirinc and luive had a tendency to make holders “firm On Tuesday evening the telegraphic ac- uore the arrival ot the British steamer, Asia, at 11,1118 to hand, with seven duys later intelli- ilalitax. cnmc ■-t e j ^ a(lvuHce [„ t ) le Liverpool mar- i _ .... l n r< flirt vir.wilr I l/Ul linlna e, and rep these accounts our market has been quiet, few “rations have taken place—operators awaiting US urivate advices. On Thursday no sales were 2 , and yesterday only 63 bales were sold, 48 . i'll und 15 at 12J cents. In the present state ot the nrket it is difficult to give accurate quotations, hut E fallowing are considered correct: Ord. to good Kill alii;Mid- to Good Mid. 11* a 12; Mid. Fair j J Fair 12J. his description during the past week, and the sales “a,, Have been at a slight udvance on previous prices. Ihe sales have been abrut 600 bides, und prices rang- it from 181 to 25 cents. RICE. This article lias advanced J of a cent, JJh r t'ood demand, and the market firm. The sales have been made at3 1-16 to$3* & 100 »s- iiOUGHltlCE. There is but a limited quantity in market - and sales have been mnde at 80c. -F bushel. FLOUR. The demand for Flour is limited to re- tail trade. Ballimore Flour is selling at 6 75 ® $6 00. MOLASSES. But few sales have bpen made, and the demand moderate. Cuba has been sold at 18 cts hhd., arrsl New Orleans in bbls.at30 cents. • BACON. The only demand is for retail. Should er* are held at 4* @ 5 cents, and Sides 61 ® 6* centH. CANDLES. Spermaceti, by the box, ure held at 42 ,50 cents F R>- Savannah made. (Tallow) at 15 ® ;■ and Northern made, do. at 13 ® 14c. COFFEE. But a limited demand for this article. Rio is hclil at 10 ® Ilf, Java at 14 ® 15. Java at re tail 17 cents. „ SALT. A cargo ol 3000 sacks has h*en sold at 75c. ^HAY. Northern Hay is held at off cents, and East- u has been sold at $1 ® $1 06*. SUGAR. There is but a moderate demand for this .tide, anda fair stock of all descriptions on hand. Por to Rico and St. Croix are quoted at 6 © 8 F ttJ.; iViiite Havana, 8$ @ 9; N. Orleans, 6 ® 7; Loaf and Crashed, 9 @ 10 cents. ~ 1RON. Pig Iron, F ton, is quoted at $24; Hoop, i $r cwt.; Sheet, 4 56® 5 00 F cwt; Nail Rods, ®G 00 ® $6 25 F cwt. ". RAGGING. There has been hut a limited inquiry or this article, and the prices are nominal. BALE ROPE. No demand, but it is held at 9£ ® 11 cents F lb. FREIGHTS. To Liverpool |d. for square and id., tor round bales; to Havre jc. for square und Je. for a Islands. Coastwiae dull.. The regular rates are: New-York Jc. fur square and 5-16c. for round bales totton, and 62 j cents F cask for Rice ; to Boston ic. tor Cotton. 75 cents for Rice; to Philadelphia20 ® 25 ents 100 tbs. for square, and 5-16 for round Cotton, nd 75 @ 87*0. for Rice, EXCHANGE. We quote Sterling at 81 Fc. prem. 'omatic Exchange. The banks are selling Sight Ihecks on. all-Northern cities at IF cent, pretni- i, and are purchasing Sight to 6 days draft at par; days j ® i F ct. disc.; 60 days 1 ® i5 F ct. disc.; days 1J- @ li F ct. disc. Savannah Exports, May 31. New-York, per bark Vernon—167 bales Upl'd Cot ton, 10doS I do. 72do Wool, 6 do Yarn, 78 do Do- icstics. 226 casks Rice.lOObbls Turpentine, 12 doSpts to, 31 do Rocin, 56 oil casks, 4 hulf pipes Brandy, 20 'kgs, 83 Hides, and 3 bundles do. Philadelphia, Per schr Julia Eliza—944 bales Cot- m, 161 do Yarn, 90 casks Rough Rice. 9 pkge. New-York, Per bark Isaac Mead—345 bales Cotton, casks Rice, 11 pkgs Mdze. Moucy Matters, Trade, <Xcc. NEW YORK, May 27. In Freights there is nothing uportant, excepting 500 to 2,000 bales of cotton at led, which is an advance, Within a few days there avebeen engaged to London 1000 hbls turpentine, Is 1; Provisions 20s; 100 tes beef, 60 tes Rice and 50 his merican hemp, on terms we did not leant. To Glas- tow400 hbls tar, Is 9d ; and 20 tuns hoofs and horns, 1s. To Huyre, the packet is full of cotton fc, and IS$120,000 specie; that of 1st prox. is filling up nt icsame rate for Cotton, and $6 for rice. To Hol ed, 50,000 staves, $18nl9 ; and 400 bbls ashes, 15sa Is 66; and to Antwerp, ashes QOs, and quercitren ck,228 6d. A ship was taken up for Buenos Ayres I $12 for lumber; a Russian for Marseilles, at $15 hr pipe staves; I.ubec brig to load at Wilmington lor Rotterdam at 2s 6d for cargo rosin ; a vessel here tor Cork and a market, nt 4Jd for corn; a ship from v,:.m lor Panama nt $18 for coal ;tuid an American •loadatRichibucto for London, nt £45s for deals. FANCY GOODS, 8cc. BARNARD STRE E T CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, SOUTH OF THE MARKET, T HE SUBSCRIBER having just returned from tlie North, has now ready and offers for snle at such priceB as must give satisfaction, a large and carefully selected stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY' GOODS, Consisting in part of Bbown and Bleached Sheet ings nnd ShibtinSs, all widths and qualities. Blue Denims, Bed Ticks, Shirting Stripes, C’ld Homespuns and Apron Checks. A large assortment of col’d and MOURNING CALICOES, Mourning and colored Ginghams, Furniture Calicoes, White Marseilles Quilts und Couuterpuucs, and Fur niture Dimitv. A select assortment of Black, Plain, and Sutin-stripe, Barege, from 25 cents upwards. Pink, Butt', Mode, Blue, Green, and Fancy colored Palm and Satin-striped, do. Silk war]) Lin, DeLinde, und Poplins, a new article for Ladies dresses. Linen Lus tres; with n splendid col lection of blk and col’d MUSLINS AND ORGANDIES, Embroidered Swisse, and Jaconets, in great variety Figured, Ploided, Striped and Pluin SuisBe, Ja conet, Cutnbric, Mull, Nausooks, Bishop Lawn and Book Muslins. White Pink uud Blue Muslin Dimity. BLACK ITALIAN SILKS, u Warranted Italian,” for Ladies Dresses and Man tillas, with black Silk Lace for Trimming, &.e. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Ladies, Gents, Misses and Boys, Hose and J hose- Childrens Plain and Open-work white Cotton socks. Ladies, Gents, Missus and Boys Gloves, in every style and quality, in Black, White and Colored. LINEN GOODS. Finger Spun 4-4 IRISH LINENS, “ warranted all pure Linen yarn, mid sound bleach,” from 25 cts per yard, upwards, Pillow Case, do. 6-4. 7-4,8-4, and 10-4 l.inen Table Damask and Table Cloths, Long Lawns, Damask Napkins and Doyleys; Bird’s Eye, Scotch nnd Russia Diapers; Black and Brown Hollands; Dowlas and II Back Towelling und Towels, with a large quantity ot Bordered and Revere L C Hdki's, well worthy the attention uf families. COAT & PANTS STUFFS. French and English Drap D’Ete, Argo Coatings and Checks, Fancy and White Linen Drills, in great va riety ; with a collection of low-priced goods for com mon use and servants wear. Marseilles and other Vestings. Ladies Black Silk Mantillas, WHITE CANTON CRAPE SHAWLS, nud Embroidered Muslin Sacks, Now so very fsshionable. White nnd Colored Barege, Linen nnd Argo Shawls. Black, White and colored Barege Mantles. LADIES WORKED CUFFS and Collars; Blue and Green Barege and Gauze Veils, Oil Silk, figured and plain Lisle and Silk Lace, Linen Edgings, Thread and Lisle do, and Laces, Pocket and Head Tikis in great variety, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Twist, Fringe and Beads, together with Berlin Net and Corded Coats, and a quantity of those cheap pieces Grass Cloth, same as last season. All of which will be sold at such prices as will clear ly show the advantage of purchasing for Cash, april 8 T. McKENNA. SHIP LINES. FOR NEYV-Y’OUK—Old ENtnblfehed Line. Tlie regular Packet Ship HARTFORD, D. jgjg.Sanneriiian, master, having part of her freight engaged, will have despatch. For freight or passage, having very superior accommodations, apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to May 25 BIUGHAM, KELLY A CO. FOR PHILADELPHIA—Heron’** .Line. The fast sailing Packet Schooner ‘-J . HUMES,” Lodge, Master, having a pnrt of her cargo engaged, will ltuve despatch. For balance of freight or passage, having good accommodations, ap ply to the Captain, on board, at Harris’ Wharf, or to Mny 30 6t CHAS. A. GREINER. FOR LIVERPOOL. Ski The new and elegant Ship, ELLEN MARIA, Capt. A. Whitmore, having alargo portion ot her cargo engaged, will hove immediate despatch. oiner curgo engaged, will nave immediate despatcn. For freight—500 holes Cotton, or passago, having hand some accommodations, apply on board or to —■1GH7 May 17 BIUGHAM, KELLY & CO. ' FOR NEW-YORK.~Ncw Line. PACKET OF SATURDAY, JUNE 1. Tlie regular packet, Bark ISAAC MEAD, 6>£§g£.Capt. Robert T. Brown, will positively sail as uLiuve. For balance of freight or passage, apply on hoard, at Anderson’s Upper Wharf, or to June 1. ROWLAND A WASIIBUHN. FOR NEW-YORK AND NEW BEDFORD. NEW LINE. jpti The regular packet Schooner, GEORGE J. JONES, Capt 11. Look, bus tlie larger por tion ot a freight engaged, nnd will have dispatch.— For balance of freight or passage, apply on board nt Anderson’s Wharf, or to June 1. ROWLAND A WASHBURN. CABINET MAKING nnd UP HOLSTERY.—II. S. BOGAIIDUS, No- 25 Bull st., would inform tint citizens of Sa- vanuuh, that he has taken tlie above store, lor tlie purpose of carrying on tlie Cubinet and Up- holateriug business, viz: Making new nnd repairing old furniture. Old furniture bought uud sold. Tlie bot toms of Sofus, Divans, Chairs, nnd Ottomans, made over and re-covered. Glass plates of all sizes kept for sale. Carpets, Oil Cloth, and Matting, cut nnd put down. Bells and Lamps hung; Curtains nnd Roller Blinds put up. Musical Instruments of all kinds re paired. Wool, hair and tnoss Matrasses for sale; Also, feather beds, bolsters nnd pillows. Old Matras ses made over in the best manner. Every description of Coffins on hand anil mnde to order, of the best ma terials and finish : Prices low. H. S. B. hns been engaged in the above business in the city of Savannah, lor tlie last seventeen years, which induces him to believe that he can please all those who will favor him with a portion of tlich- work. april 5—Ly STEAMBOAT LINES. FOR HAMBURG AND AUGUSTA. Leaves Saturday Afternoon, June 1. The fine new eteiun-packet OREGON, Captain N. T. Phtlpot, will leuvo every Saturday, nt five o'clock. P. M. For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, ap ply on board, or to M. A. COHEN. Way-freight payablo by shippers, and must bo on boRrcVby 4 o’clock. MISCELLANEOUS. monongahela whiskey. 15 qhxjjpjbbls. “Old Mononguhcla,” in store, and for by May 31 . W. M. DAVIDSON. FOR AUGUSTA AND HAMBURG. Leaves ou Tuesday, Afternoon, June 4th. i fcThe superior light draught steam Packet, Lmafettff H. L. COOK, Captain Shaw, will leave ng n |, 0V(Jt on Tuesdat, at 5 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on hoard, nt Dillon's wharf, or to M. A. COHEN . Agent. FOR BURNT FORT, VIA DARIEN, ST. SIMON’S ISLAND, BRUNS WICK, BETHEL, JEFFERSONTON, Ac. Leaves Thursday Afternoon, June 6. I In The steam-packet IVANHOE, Captain P- McNelty, is now receiving freight and ‘'^““““Ipasssengera at Ferry Wliuif, and will leave every Thursday, at 4 o'clock I*. M. *»*I-'or IA o„u.v. SEGAR AND TUBACO STORE No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign of the Indian near Monument Square) Savannah, Geo. N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand, Spanish, Ilall Spanish and American Segars, at Wholesale and Re tail. Also Chewing Tobucco, Suutf, &c. mar 29 crgH| SODA WATER. By request, I have Styll this week, opened a Soda Fountain at my ffjbhH 6tore. I promise the public that, neither pains WattM nor expense shall he spared to please them.— Plenty of Ice, Cold Water and first-rate Syrups of my own manufacture. In future my store will be found open (every day,) from 5 A. M. to 12 P. M. May 22 tf W. HUMPHREYS. Theunder- C ONTRACTOR & BUILDER. signed is prepared to execute with neatness and CHARLESTON, May 31.—The transactions ot the tek foot up 400 bales, against the receipts in the jane time of 5594 bales. Extreme quotations rage 10} to 121. There has been but a moderate de- nd for all descriptions of Long Cotton. The trans- "dofts do not exceed 200 bales. Former prices sus- ined. BICE.—'There has been n good demand for most ties. The receipts, which comprise 1124 tierces changed hands, at extremes l unging from 2 to the bulk of the sales, however, hnvg been made ices ruling from 33-16tlis to $351Gths. HOUGH RICE,—This article has been very much Sleeted during the week. The receipts comprise '°ut 20,000 bushels. LIVERPOOL, Mny 17. Our quotations, with the C'T'tion of fair, which has been raised Id., remain mi Friday last, although at the close of last week tae commencement of tlie present, the bulk of business was done at somewhat advanced rates, i however, amounting to quotations. We must, O'vever, now fall back upon our former rates, but i in J steadily at them, The committee of brokers m j lr Upland at 71; Mobile 7J ; nnd Orleans 7} . American, 5,820 Surats, 1,850 Egyptians, nnd 40 la ’ nn d 20 I’ernams have been taken on specula- --and 2,380 American, 270 Surats, and 50 Bahia f*P°rt. and the soles of the week amount to hales. Itoiltt, F UMBRELLAS. Tlie subscriber hns , on hand a good assortment of fancy, French finish Umbrellas of Silk, Gingham and Cot ton. Those in want can buy low for cash. 51 ’ GEO. 8. NICHOLS. re*: H — Linen Sack Jackets: A neat and beau- “ral article "for gentlemen in their study this weather. For safe cheup, at the Clothing store, GEO. S. NICHOLS. oysF fuhbona 1 j June FANCY AND TKXMMING STORE OF liATICHMANN &. LICHl’E.—Juet received another H large assortment of BONNETS, as Jenny Lind and Hungarian, new styles, Sicilian, Neapolitan Laoe, Spanish, Diamond, Pamiln, French, and Misses’ Bon nets of every description. The ladies are respectful* y invited to call and see at 139 BROUGHTON-ST, T ATIIROP «& FOOTE are now receiving, and will continue to receive, during the summer, a full supply of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Merchants, planters and others are invited to exam ine the stock, which will be olforod on favorubit* terms. mar 11 pOME AND SEE,—A very rich assortment of Bags, Purses, Pc Ttmonaies, Card Cases, Paper Cutters, &c., nt HOWELL’S, mar 22 157 Congress-street. AT OTTO 8EAL.S.—A fine assortment ot transpa rent and fancy Motto Seals, for sale by J. B. CUBBEDGE, mar 12 Market Square. \T OS QUITO NETTING.—150 pieces White and Colored Gauze Netting. 50 pieces White and Colored Lace do., for sale hy april 15 SNIDER, LATIIROP A NEVITT. lYTEW SPRING GOODS.—A lurge variety o 1^1 Blk and cold Cashmerette, blk and cl’d Drap D’Ete .Sacks, and Palo Alto Coats, for sale low by uprillO HAMILTON &. SYMONS. OARASOLS.—A large assortment Plain nnd Fig- ST ured Parasols, Sun Shades, and Sun Umbrellas Just received by april 13 LATHROP A FOOTE. P EC’D PER STEAMER SOUTHERNER. I V Plain anil Emhroid’d Swiss Muslin, Muslin Mnn- tilas, Swiss Edgings and Insertings, Ladies English Cotton Hose, Silk Hose, Silk Gloves, Egyptian Nett Gloves nnd Mitts, Bonnet Ribbons, Cologne, Lubin’s Extracts, Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, Ac. For snle low by May 21 LaROCI-IE. BOWNE A CO. ff^IJCKING C03IIIS. A new and elegant aesort- JL ment of the latest patterns, viz : Plain and Carved Tortoise Shell, Buffalo nnd Brazilian Combs. Just received, and for sale by Mny 28 G- R. HENDRICKSON & CO. DARAGES, Muslins, Ginghams, Ac. For sale XI at reduced prices, hy May 21 LaROCHE, BOWNE A CO. PER STEAMER SOUTHERNER. Just Received a fine lot of Ladies’ Umbrel- las, Parasols nnd Sunshades. Also, a large assortment of Gents’ Silk and Cotton Um brellas. £or sale low by May 21 LaROCIIE, BOWNE & CO. T A DIES’ PORTE MONAIES Just rcceiv- Xi ed a small lot, new styles, soma.very rich: also for gentlemen. May 25 JOHN M. COOPER. II/TATTING CLASPS, for fastening Mutting to il l Parlors, Halls, Ac. A supply just received, ami for sale by COLLINS A BULKLEY, may 15 100 Bryan-street. Y> ECE1VKD per brig Wilson Fuller five barrels fresh Hoda Biscuit, V 5 barrels fresh Butter Crackers, 5 “ “ Pilot Bread, 5 Firkins choice Goshen Butter, 5 boxes Cheese; 20 bbls. Mercer Potatoes, a choice article: and a choice article of Green unci Black Tews. * JOHN D. JESSE, mar 21 despatch, all work in the above line. No. 142 Brough- ton-street, twu doors West of I YV Morrell’s Furni ture store. May 29 L. SOLOMONS. Agent. S TRATTON & DOBSON, Practical Gas-Fit ters, No. 72 St. Juliim-street. Work-shop cornet of State and Bull-streets Dwellings, Stores, Churches, &c. fitted up at the shortest notice and in the best mtnne* Personal at tention given to all work entrustedtotl "ir care. References.*—R. H. Gkifftn, Esq., President ol the Gns Light Company, and the contractors erecting the Gas Works. c apl 29 JgOARDING. PAYNE LOVELL, having been burned out at his old stand on Broughton street, hns taken the house on the S. W. corner Broughton A Montgomcri/-strect8, where he is now better prepared to accommodate any who may favor him with their patronage than he was ut his former stand, and res pectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public generally. May 28 LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. rif IIE subscriber, having devoted much time nnd X attention to the science of ELECTRICITY, es pecially in reference to tlie art of Protecting objects from the effects of Lightning; nnd having placed his Improved Conductors on many thousands of Build ings the New England Cities and Country, with entire success, now offers his services in that line ot business to the citizens of Savannah a'ld neighboring countay. All work entrusted to ray care will receive my per sonal attention, and be warranted to be done in the most scientific and tliofough manner ever yet divised. Ail orders by mail or otherwise, promptly attended to. ’ LEWIS GALE, Electrician, May 31 lm* • Residence, No. 19 Price-st. CLOTHING. Brown and Chock Lin- t. • » Alpaca und Drap D’Etes Sacks and Round “Wpe Janes, Check Linen, Bl’k Alpaca, Drap jj. “ n, j White Linen Pantnloons; Silk, Bl’k Alpaca, nigh, col ’ d Merseilles Vesta, muy he found, and »nze f Cr y reas °ngble at the Clothing store, Gibbons’ ’ , or hoys between the age of six and sixteen. 81 GEO. 8. NICHOLS. huge, [June ttoaS?' * have left all of my bills for Chimney r- B w ??E' n g for the last year, 1849, in the hands of Lhodias, J. P.,lor collection, uud adviBe ior to i? S ln dehted to call and settle with him, Julv . l8 ,? ext Return day, which will be on the 3d 4sv a’n 0tllerwi8e he will enter suit against them. E. M.McDONELL. [May ,>5,000 SEVEN PER CENT BONDS f 'mnAnv i ' °Lthe Central Railroad and Banking 1 for sale by *’ • PADELFORD, I’AY & CO. W ANTED, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer A ' Apply at this office. tf may 16 gAVANNAH GYMNASIUM. The subscrib er. respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlhmcn of Savannah that he is now fuUy prepared for the re ception of company, and will at all trines from this date be fully supplied with the best of Ice Creams. Cakes, Confectionary, Leinofide, and the very best flavored Lemon and Ginger Pop ever made in thiB city. Cotillion and Family Parties, Pic Nics and Boat Excursions will x be furnished with the above articles on short notice and at reasonable prices. The Garden and Grounds attached to the Gym nasium will be open to ladies and gentlemen all hours of the day and evening until 10 o'clock, and refresh ments will be served utem upon giving notice with the bell. P. S. All the archery apparatus having arrived, Ladies wishing to form clubs are now notified. May 19 tf \VM. CLAGHORN. Freight or Passage, apply oil board, or to M. A. CO HEN, Agent. £jr* All Freights payable by shippers, nnd will be stored during the absence of the boat free of charge. Freights consigned to the Agent will he forward, ed free of commissions. FOR AUGUSTA ami HAMBURG! Leaves Friday Forenoon, June 2. The new andsplendidsteumcr HAN- COCK, Capt. Muiiray, will leave for the above ports and intermediate landings, every Fri day, at 10 o’clock A.M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to JOHN FOSTER, Agent, Anderson’s Lower Wharf. UNION STEAMBOAT COMPANY OF GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. r PIIE very light draught Steam-packets II. L. COOK und U I! KG OX are now making regular trips. The former commanded by Capt. T. E. Shaw, and the latter by Capt. T.N. Philpot, both gentlemen of experience on the Savannah Iliver. These bouts are enabled to reach Augusta and Ham burg, in the lowest stages of the river. Tlie days of departure ure: CiP'Froni Savannah, on TUESDAY’S and SAT URDAYS, und JC® 5 '’ From Augusta and Hamburg, on SATUR DAY’S nnd WEDNESDAYS. fif" Freight consigned to the Agent at Savannah to he sent via the river, into South Cnrolinn, Georgia, Al abama, Tennessee, will he forwarded free of commis sion. (mar 6) M. A. COHEN, Agent. , U- S. MAIL STEAM LINE BETWEEN CHARLESTON AND HAVANA, VIA SAVANNAH AND KEY-WEST. To Snll on Sntnrilay, 1st of June. The splendid new steamship ISA BEL, ot 1100 tons burthen, comman ded by Captain William Rollins, will leave Charleston on the 1st and 15th at 7 o’clock, A. M., anil Hnvunu ou the 8th and 22d, at 5 o'clock, P. M., every month—touching at SAVANNAH and KEY WEST each way. RATES OF TASSAGE : From Charleston or Savannah to Havana, $40 “in Charleston or Savannah to Key West, *30 Key West to II ivnnn, 10 Charleston to Savannah, .* 5 For freight or passage, apply to tlie agents, M. C. MORDECAI, Charleston. BROOKS & TUl’PER, Savannah. May 8 DRAKE, BRO’S & CO., Havana. . BLACK TEA, 20 half chests Pow- ! j , [H choug Tea, 5 ounce Papers, landing from brig l l 7-..‘ i:i'ilifciExcel. For sale by May 31 YV. M. DAVIDSON. S III UT S—S H I It TS. Another large lot of those beautiful Shirts has been received by May 30 G. 8. NICHOLS. CUMMER Business Coats. A full supply on hand, “3 and ask but small profits on them, ut the Clothing Store, Gibbons' Range, by May 30 G. S. NICHOLS. SAVANNAH GAS LIGHT COMPANY’. riAIIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of said C.onipa- X ny have called for a third instalment ot thirty per cent., payuble on or briore tile first day of June, 1850, ut the office of the President and Treasurer. ROBERT II. GRLFFEN, President. Sa- nnnah, May 10, 1850. T A TII.S. 50 M. Good Eastern Laths, landing l i from Brie Frank. For sole hy May 30 ~ BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. XCTBsc-S'TTY ARRIVED AT LAST! gag RsiUTThe Travelling Trunks and JgU SBlT' I'1 I V\ Uat Boxes whicli I havcexpec-cs=«i ou very reasonable terms. SAM. A. WOOD, May 13. 106, Bryan-st. I,’ASTERN BRICK 50,000 good quality Hi Eastern Brick in store. For sale by May 13 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. TVTEGROEH WANTED.—The subscribers, Cor- li tractors on the Augusta 6c Waynesboro’ Rail Road, wish to hire until tne first of January next, on for a shorter period, Sixty able-bodied men; Twenty boys, and a few women, to work upon said Road, be tween the Central Rail Rond and Waynesboro’. For further particulars upply to Joseph Bancroft 117 Bay street. „ n pnl <;—tf JOHN D. GRAY & Co Y>AIaTIIUORE HA3IS. 14 tierces Caseard’fl JL> Baltimore Hams : landing from Schr. C. H. Hale, and for sale by Mny 22 COHENS & IIERTZ. T IME. 100 bills, landing and for sale by Xj may 28 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. OVERNESS WANTED. A LADY who is " Jf qualified to teach Mu.^ic, French, Drawing and the branches of an English education, is wanted to take chi rge of the education of ft j’oung lady. The location is in the country, and is perfectly healthy and pleasant. To one who can bring satisfactory recom mendations a liberal salary will be given. ***Address the publisher of this paper. Savannah Republican, Charleston Courier and Mercury will copy tlie above one week and sen i bill to this office. May 2—tf INDIAN VEGETABLE OIL, Kor the Hair I. For sale by JNO. A. MAYER, may 4 ODEY’S Ladies’ Book and Graham’s Magazine, VT lor .June. Rec’d by May 28 J. B. CUBBEDGE. CAN’D WASH BALLS. A fresh supply rec’d O and for sale by Mny 28 G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. "DROWN SHIRTINGS.—10 bales 1 Brown X) Shirtings. 25 bales i do., just received and for 6n apn4 13 SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVITT. DALTIM7RE HAMS. 300 superior Balti- JL> more cured canvassed Harne. For sale by May 28 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. ITAY. 130bundles primo quality Hay. Landing XI from bark Texae, and for sale by May 28 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. • FOR AUGUSTA, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. Every Friday, at 4, P. M. The steam-packet DcKALB, John Moody, master, having been furnish ed with new boilers, and pu£ in com plete order in every respect, will resume her regular trips, leaving the Augusta Steam-packet Whart, Sa vannah, every Friday Afternoon, nnd Augusta ev ery Tuesday Morning, throughout the year. BROOKS & TUl’PER, Agents, Savannah ; G. WALKER, Ag't, Augusta; E. LAFITTE &. CO., Agents, Charleston. U.S.MAIL LINE FROM SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TO TALLAHAS SEE, FLORIDA, f*. Through in Set- ' enly hours ! ~ Fare ‘ including meals on the boats ! Bunts leave Suv'nnnah on Tuesduys and Saturdays, at lOo’ciock, A. M, uml the stuges leave Jacksonville immediately on the arrival of the boats, Wednesdays and Sundays, for Tallahassee, via Barber’s, Alligator, Mineral Springs and Madisonville. %* Passengers will find this tile shortest nnd most comfortable route. Til. D. DEXTER, Prop. Stage Coadkcs. WOOD & COX, Agents, Jacksonville. , Agcuts, Tallahassee. ’ jjp - Through Tickets for sale by BROOKS it TUPPER, Agents. Savannah SEMI-WEEKLY U. S. MAIL STEAM PACKET LINE. JksgSsgb BETWEEN SAVANNAH, GEO., AND PALATKA, FLA., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK and St. MA RY’S. GEO., AND JACKSONVILLE, BLACK- CREEK and P1COLATA, FLA., In connection with the Charleston Dally Muil Steam Packets at Savannah, the Mail Steamer Sarah Spaul ding, from Palatka to Lnke Monroe, the Mail Stages from Jacksonville, via Alligator Mineral Springs nnd Madisonville, to Tallahasse, an from Picolutato St. Augustine. WM. GASTON, Cupt. John IIehhahd. ST. MATHEWS, Capt. Nicholas King. These Packets leave Savannah every Tuesday und Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Returning—Leave Palatka evc* y Tuesday and Fri day morning at 7 o’clock, touching at the above- named plucca each way. All goods consigned to the agents forwarded free of commission. agents: BROOKS &. TUPPER, Savannah ; A. A. DeLorme, Darien; Alexander Scranton, Bruns wick ; John Bes6cnt, St. Mary’s ; Fernandez ifc Bis- bee, Jacksonville; A. Coy, Black-Creek; Geo. Cool ey, Picolata; R. R. Reid & Co., Pulatka; E. Lafitte, Charleston. FOR PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA AND ATLANTIC STEAM. NAV IGATION COMPANY’S LINE. To Hail on Sntanlay, June 1. al 4 o’clock P. M. precisely, from Adger’s South Wharf. The fine superior Steam Ship OS' TREY', Capt. John Dickinson, having been thoroughly refitted nud enlarg ed, will sail as above, and continue to regularly every other Saturday afternoon sail throughout the season. Cabin pas6uge $2(1 Steerage Passengers 8 No berth'secured until paid fur. For Freight or Passage upply to THOMAS G.BL’DD. Or. East liny and Boyce’s Sc. Wharf. DAILY UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM PACKET LINE. GLASS WARE. Tumblers, Goblets, YVines, Cut and ' Pressed Decanters, Pressure Dishes, Nappies, t finger Specie Jars, Wine Bottles, Finger Bowls, Fluid Lumps, Toilet Bottles, Glass Milk Pans: a new article, Salt Cellars, Bird Glasses, Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes, Celery Glasses. Hocks, Lemonades, Ioe Cream Glasses, Lanterns. Girandoles Extra Prisms, I Reiters, Ac. Rec'd by late nrrivals, and for .sale by „ COLLINS &. BULKLEY, -- 100 Bi van-strcot. S UMMER STOCKS and Cravats: A very neat article. Just rece.ivcd, and for sale cheap hy M «y 30 G, S. NICHOLS. B UTLER’S effervescent Mugneslan Apperient, and Butler’s tasteless Seidlitz Powder. For sola by L. J. MYERS, ffofiS y ,Binet’s Buildings. D R. FEUCHTWANGEU’S infolUblo Bedbug Poison. F or salts by May 31 RaROCHE & GODFREY. PHILADELPHIA BOOTS. Rec'd this day, per eVniner Osprey, Geuts, Fump- sole Boots, Gents' Gaiters, Ac., 8. A. YVOOD, May 30 106 Bryan-strect. itfuily. G AS FITTINGS. The eubscrioer respectfully informs the citizens of Savannah, that he will BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON, via HILTON 1 HEAD AND BEAUFORT—INLAND TWO-THIRDS OF THE WAY. METAMORA,?!, Caft. F. Barden. ' YVM: SEA BROOK,....-... Capt. P. Blankenship GEN. CLINCH, Capt. Fekn 1'eck. JASPER,.... - Capt. YV. 8. Dickson. This Line is composed of the above very superior Steam Packets, with experienced ccmmandera, and cannot be excelled for safety, comfort and regularity. They leave Savannah every evening, and. leave Charleston every morning throughout the year. Fere Five Dollars, meals included. Through Tick ets between Macon and Charleston, Ton Dollars, in cluding meals on the steamers and omnibus fare in Savannah. . BROOKS A TUPPllB. Agents, Savannah. E. LAFITTE A CO Acts.'ChatiMtou. informs the citizens of Savannah, that he shortly receive a largo assortment of Gas Burners, Peneouts, Brackets, Ac., Ac., from Philadelphia.— Having competent workmen eneaged, he is prepared to fill any orders on tim most reasonable terms, and solicits their patronage. U. CRANSTON, 91 Bryan-st., next April 17-Gm door to Hamilton A Symonds. WEDDING CAKE BOXES.-A supply ro- Y» cnivedandforsalcby JOHN M. COOPER. BALTIMORE FLOUR.—100 bbls, in store. JJ For sale bv . For sale hy may 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. B OTTLED ALE.-lObbls, r.ottlqd Air in half pints, in store and lor sule hv May 17 YV. M, DAVIDSON.*.., N ORTHERN HAY.—1C5 bales prime Northern Huy, ladning from ship Tamerlane, and f6r sale by may 15 PADELFORD, FAN A CO- P El’PER, NUTMEGS, «cc. 20 hags black Pepper; 1 bbl. Nutmegs; IcasoMaco; 10 bugs Ginger; 100 mats of Cinnamon. Just received and for sale by G. R HENDRICKSON A Co. B ROWN Linen Travelling Sacks. Ju t received uud for sale ntthe Cheap Clothing Store, Gib bons’ Range, by May 30 G. S. NICHOLS. MEDICINES. OWAIM’S, Jaync’e, I*eery’s A Falineii- stock’s Vermifuge. For sale by L. J. MYERS, Smets' uildiug. May 17 B ILLING’S Carminative and Astringent Syrup. The great Southern Remedy for Dys- tery, Cholera Infantum or Summer Complaints of Children, Cholera Morbus; DiarrhoBa, or uny irregu larities of the Bowels. For sale by May 29 L. J. MYERS, Smet's Building. A MERICAN ANTI-FERRIS, a certain, xn. und speedy Remedy for I-’cver nnd Ague, sale by L. J. MYERS, May 28, 1850. Smet’s Building. snle For I NDIA CHOLAGOGUE, an unfailing Remedy lor tlie F’ever and Ague, und other bilious discuses. Just received and for SHle by L. J. MY’ERS, Mny 17 Smets' Building. M ILK OF ROSES, For the. C< mplexion. For sale by JNO A. MAYER. D 1 ISINFECTING and Antiseptic Liquid, for pre venting the spread of cholera, and other contagi ous diseases. For sule by apl 20 LaROCHE & GODFREY. I UBLN’S EXTRACTS, as Jenny Lind, etc., A Jules Hauel’a Euu luHtral. Lavender Water. “A la Jules Iluuel’u Euu luHtrul, Lavender Water, “A la cloche d’or.” For sale by L. J. MYERS, mar 27 Smets' Building. OMIOMSONIAN COUGHSYRUl* For safe A hy JNO. A. MAYER. JNO. A. MAYER. TJTGIILY IMPORTANT to Planters and Fam- l A ilies I German Vegetable Worm Powder. This Vermifuge is the powdered Seed of Artemisia Santon- icn, which not only in Europe, but our Western States for a number of years, has been given with great suc cess. For safe hy L. J. MYERS, May 31 Smets 1 Building. P OOR MAN’S A Badean B Plasters. For sale by May 31 L. J. MYERS. rip ARRANT’S effervescent Seltzer APPERIENT A Just received tuid for sule by May 29 L. J. MY’EltS, Sraet’s Building. G ERMAN COLOGNE, in pint and quart hot ties, just received and for. sale by april 5 LaROCHE & GODFREY. PATCHOULI,Y COMPOUND, for destroying A Moths. For ssle by May 31 LaROCHE A GODFREY. May 31 ile by LaROCHE A GODFREY. ripoWNSEND’S, So nil’s ifc Carpenter’s A Sarsaparilla. For sale by L. J. MYERS, Muy 17 Smets BuildiDg. s ANDS’ & TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARIL LA, for sale by LaROCHE A GODFliEY, mar 30 ' Gaudry’s Building. . P ROFESSOR BARRY’S TRICOPHER- OUS, or Medicated Compound.—Infallible for renewing, invigorating, and beautifying tlie Hair, re moving Sciu-I. Dandruff, and all affections of foe Scalp, and curing Eruptions on tils Skin, Diseases of tire Glands, Muscles, and Integuments, and reliev ing Stings, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains. Ac, Just received und for sule hy G. It. HENDRICKSON A CO., mur 26 Gibbons' Buildings. A YER'S CHERRY’ PECTORAL.—For safe by JOHN A. MAYER, mar 4 156 liroughton-Gt. D lt. WISTAJt’si BALSAM oj: WILD CHER- ry, for sale by L. J. MYERS, mar 23 Smets’iBuildmg. A SPLENDID assortment of Spirit Gas Livnps, from 25c to $3 each, just received and for sale h.V JOHN A. MAYER, May 10. » No. 154 Brooghton-st. H ULL’S CINNAMON SOAP, uud a variety ot other kinds. For side bv may 4 ' JNO. A. MAY’ER. P OOR MAN’S FRIEND. Dr. Roberts’ Oint ment ot many Virtues, or Poor Man's Fripnd. for eruptions und wounds of every description For- sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO,. apnl 18. Gibbons’ Buildings. fNOLLETON BITTERS.—The celebrated Col- leton Bitters, a purely vegetable preparation, and a sovereign remedy for Dlspepsia; just received and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, A CO., april 17 OihhrvrV UtufejTVVe. T> OUSSELL’SRASPBERRY CREAM, mr JL*' beautifying the complexion and preventing the skin from chapping. For^iAehv^ [may 5 LA ROCHE & GODFREY. CJARATOGA WATER,—109 dozen ptotsod qt bottles of Saratoga Water. Just received troyi the Springs, snd for I'stebjpV'. ' • ' , • r: li otVnn icrciu jt. rtn 1 mar 26 na ior usie oy G ,R. HJvNDRRjKSON ti QO . (abbens' IbiiMIug.