Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, September 10, 1850, Image 1

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, 0 i ir Dollars per annum. Publication Office No. 115 Bay-Street, near the Custom House. Savannah. Georgia. Tuesday morning. September 10. im. Single Number, Two Cents* ITmbm. City in h f P ‘j»«r n tiKW wUlbo restricted to their rogu- VeMly W"™" , .11 other advertisement* not portain- b othe e ir’regular business a* agreed for, will he clmrg eWU .„. r h«ers exceeding in their advertisement* yesrij „ "?e rof line* agreed for, will bo charged B average 0““' P^uvertiscmeiits sentto thi* office without di- I?" “ to the number of insertion., will be pnb- iction* e* *■ ., ordere d t0 be discontinued, and ■bed <1““?'“ ' , v '“^““^r ertiesmentsappear intheTri-weok. .^‘llLetters'dbected t0 thi* office or the Editor, s«t he eesthe' 11 - - MISCELLANEOUS. milK NEW HLEE-BOOK-'THE ALPINE 1 GLEE-SINGER. Jlv WilliamB. Bradbury, co editor of 11 The Mendelssohn Collection,’’ “TheN. Y. Choralist,” “Psahnodiet," and author of various oth er musical works. We have just published THE ALPINE GLEE- SINGER, a new collection of the most beautiful and popular secular music, in four vocal parts, lor choirs, musical societies, and social music parties. Its lead- A great vurlety of new and beautiful SWISS MEL ODIES harmonized. ALPINE AND TYROLESE MELODIES—Tho choicest variety ever presented to American singers. POPULAR' GERMAN PEOPLE'S OR STU DENTS’ SONGS—In parts, from the pens of emi nent modem German Composers. POPULAR 80NGS HARMONIZED—A variety of the most popular English, Scotch and American "yAILY and thi-weekly. yVoHM M. COOPCK. T flToMl’SON’ EDITOR. terms: . .f.v.inv New" is delivered to C The Dnl'y _ ° aI *„ m , payable half yearly bscribera« * JJ CKNTa a week, payable to the Single copies, two cents. “ rritt T,f Weekly M® rn,n * News,for the coun- ThrTrl-wce j newimattBrw ,d new advertise- J' c0 ““the dgi'Xt *• f“ rnUhed fortw0 dollar * P er ’ lt “um,'"“ d ’ anc t e ,' in , e rted at thefollowing rates: Adyertiaeng® 50 . 1 square 1 month, $7,00 ia*r«i 1 * n,er L 50 1 square 2 months, 12,00 licont inunn ? 2 50 I 1 squsre 3 months, 15,00 } ea s to constitute a square. ^V'dverhieroentrinsorted st the nsnal rate*. . Legal sdveruB . transient persons or stranger*, Songs, Harmonized. ‘' livertl8 'T?n advance. . ORIGINAL PIECES—Of the Author’* choicest se cular compositions. HIGHLY-FINISHED PIECES—A select number of highly tinislied four-voice compositions, by Men delssohn, Hauptmann, Kreutzer, und others. OPERATIC MELODIES—A choice variety ol light, favorite operatic melodies harmonized. FLORA’S FESTIVAL—A Cantatu ; re-arranged and harmonized for adult choirs and classes, com plete in itself as a musical recreation, and equally beautiful as disconnected four-voice songs, duetts, solos. &c. . ,... . VOCAL EXERCISES, &.c.—In addition to the above will bo found a full set of vocal exercises lor Choirs and Singing Classes, chiefly from Panseron, together with Lablache's celebrated instruction for the cultivation and management ot the voice, the whole constituting a work tor all classes 01 singers, we believe ’-not a little in advance ot anything.ot the kind that has appeared in this country.” MARK II. NEWMAN Sc CO. 11)9 Broadway, Neiv-York. PIANO FORTES.—The sub scribers would respectfully call atten tion to their stock of Piano Fortes, comprising a variety of styles, com- . fi.i.li bv J- B. Dunham. A. Stodart, and it 8 B ii»lftmd Son,New York, and L. Gilbert, Bos- nuncio insthemrtalicframe,vibratmg overbridge >n; inctuoing Theee i ne t r uments nre oi wairan- j t8 jilhv based upon nn established reputation '^maniM Ssrs steading, and are ottered at factory ri ^ 3 b 5 y 5 tho manufacturer’s agents. aum & ^ Cor St Julian-st. and Market-sq. N I!,-Second hand Pianos taken in exchange. Aug. 5. FTtTEVrl»AULEY.- A fresh supply of Rob- r imum's Patent Barley. Just received and for L sons R. HENDRICKSON &CO. isle uy Aucl9 ’ ALPHABETICAL catalogue 1 ND Prices Current ot Fine ami Important Steel A En»ravings, &c„ by the most eminent Artists, Prices Current of Picture Frames, supplied 0 the trade by Holbrooke & Co., Leicester Sq., ondon,audNo. 180 Fulton Street, N. Y. The above mentionedCatalogue and Prices Cur- may be seen, and the Pictures and Frames (or .itherof them alone) be obtained at the Now-York iriers, by applying to July 25 JOHN M. COOPER. G unny cloth store, for sale by , 200 Bales Gunny Cloth in PADELFORD, FAY Sc CO. IIOOR MAN’S FRIEND. Dr. Roberts’ pint ] ment of many Virtues, or Poor Man s F nend, or eruptions and wounds of every description F or ale by aprillb. G. It. HENDRICKSON & CO,. Gibbons’ Buildings- aug 7. 2||8 1JIE. 400 bbls. Lime expected dally per sch r. j Wilder. For sule, to arrive, by M, KELLY & CO. July 18. BRIGHAM, pi,OUR. 50 bbls. Baltimore Flour, landing and ' for sale by July 18. BRIGIIAAI, KELLY & CO. B ILLING’S Carminative ami Astringent Syrup# The great Southern Remedy for Dya- ry. Cholera Infantum or Summer Complaints ol Children, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, or nny irregu- arities of the Bowels. Forsnleby May 29 L. J. MYERS. Smet’s Building. J)K. WISTAlt’S BALSAM of WILD^CHER ry, for sale by mar 23 L. J. MYERS, Smcts’ Building. MELODEONS. These beautiful in- strumenta are recommended to the Musicol World, ns tho most unique invention of the , . m kind overproduced. The key-board is from four to five octaves in compass, and similar to that ot the Piano Forte. By the use of a swell, the volume of tone can be increased so as to equal that ot the are be* omy of price, render them all that is desirable to those who cultivate a taste for Sacred Music; while their remarkable quickness of touch renders them suscep tible of the most rapid execution. For sale by the Manufacturer’s Agents, F. ZOGBAUM & CO, <Vug 5 Corner St. Julian-st. and Market-square. •• DEATHS DOOU.” H OW frequently do we hear thia expression, which is meant to convey to the mind the last, Kiagc of sickness that a patient can be reduced to, and live. Mrs. Harrison, a member of the Trinity Church, was, as she expresses herself, brought down to “ Death s Door” by Rheumatism and Nervous Headache, when, like an angel of Mercy RAD WAY’S READY RE LIEF relieved her of her severe pains aud restored her to her friends in perfect health. The very instant Radway’s Ready Relief is applied, its beneficial effects are experienced. It soothes, heals, cleanses and purities ; it instantly allays in na tion. reduces inflammations and swellings, relieves the most severe Neuralgic paius, gives ease to Burns, Hores, Eruptions, cures Rheumatism, Lumbago, Gout, Paralyaie, Scalds, Sprains, Strains, Spasms, Stiff Neck, Weakness in the Side and Back, Sores ot all kinds, Galls, Bruises, Chufes, Sore Throat, Influ enza, Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, &c. Elegant Toilet Requisites. To Embellish and Enhance the Charms of Beauty!! RADWAY’S MEDICATED SOAP! During the heat and dust of Summer, or trout and bleak winds of winter; aud in cases ot sunburn, stings of insects, chilblains, chapped hands, or inci dental inflammation, its virtues liuve long and exten sively been acknowledged. Its purifying aud retresn- ing properties have obtained ita selection trom the thousands ef other cosmetics, both ot F'.uropenn and domestic manufacture, by the bon ton ot ah parts ot the fashionable world, from the burning tropica to the frozen realms of the Ice King, lhe public will oleaae hear in-mind that Radway’s Medicated poup a the only cafe preparation for the skin now inuse; tliis has been ccrtilied to by our most prominent chemists. Radway’s Soap is free from poisonous, ir ritating and pernicious ingredients. It can be used on the tender skin of the infant with the same happy results ns upon beauty in its prime. *,”See that ench cuke is enveloped in a splendid label ol steel engrav ing ; and further, ace that the signature ot R. G. Rad way is upon each cake. Price 25 cents, large cakes. The Crowning Ornament of beauty is a luxuriant Head of Glossy Hair. Railway’s Circassian Balm. Warranted the best Ilair Tonic in use, tor Dressing and Beautifying the Hair. • It cleanses the Scalp from Dandruff, keeps it clean, cures Scurvy, Baldness, and Sores on the Head, stops the hair from falling out, renders it strong, hne, smooth, sort and glossy. Persona who have lost their hair by sickness will find a complete antidote in Radway’a Circassian Balm. It also gives it a dark and beautiful color, and will prevent it from turning erev. From its exquisite purity, it is admirably a- ftapted for the hair ot children of the most tender age. It is sold in large bottles for 2.) cents per buttle, and it is warranted the best hair preparation in use, it will not soil the hat, can, or. the finest tnbnc. "ee that the signature of RADiVAY & CO. is upon each bottle—no Circassian Balm is genuine without the signature of Radway Sc Co. * * For sale by „ „ G. R. HENDRICKSON & Co., A. A. SOLOMONS & Co..and Aug 2 WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, Agents. for WERUINO’S Restorative CORDIAL, to the relief of Nervous Alfections, Dyspepsia Scc. F’or pale by July 2 _ JHP Dyspnusi L. J. MYERS, Smet’s Bpllding. T ARGE BOYS, i& LITTLE CHILDREN, x-J 1 have just received from New-York, another as sortment of Boys’ Clothing; among which ia a new style of Cloth Jackets, called the Military Jacket, and nud tn be very fashionable at the North. Also, Blue sod lllnck Alpaca Round Jackets—very handsome. „ For the Little Children: Beautiful Fancy Suits, Linen and Silk LustreKilts, white, anil just the Wing for hot weather. F’or suleat the Clothing store. Ribbons' Range, by June 18 G. S. NICHOLS. r^OLD PENS. A new supply just received by D July 10 JOHN M. COOPER. (ITONONGAHELA WHISKEY...25 barrels landing from Bark Vernon, mid tor shIc by aug 17 JAS. A NORRIS. pOGLK’S HYPERION FLUID: for restoring -L* and embellishing die Hair. Just received trom the manufacturer, und for sale hy ' L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, Aug G Smet’s Building POOR MAN’S Sc Badean's Flusters. For sale by 1 May L..1. MYERS. POUEIGN AND JOMKKTIC LIQUORS , 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy, & Co’s., Brandy Pipes Medcr Swan Gin B Puncheon Old Scotch Whiskey ( "J do. do. Jamaica Rum r ~ do. Jo. St. Croix do ' T'urtcr nnd eighth casks 4th proof Rrnndy obla. do ,1® do. P. & 1J. Connecticut River Gin •i0 do. E Phelps’ do im do. New Orleans Rectified Whiskey for sale from store, by 19 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ _ GARDEN SEED '—TO PURCHASERS OF GARDEN SEEDS, It Is self evident, that unless the seeds which wo may sow, arc good in all respects, it will be folly to ex- J^ANDRBTH’S pectfuvornble results—cither we shall be disappoint ed by their nod vegotaring, nr what 1s still more vexatious dnd, after careful culture, thnt the variety is worthless :—Flow many from their own experi ence cun estimate the annoyance of such an evont! Conscious of the room for improvement, and assured that the secds-man who should justly be entitled to confidence, would receive ample support, the foun ders ot the establishment, now conducted by tho subscriber, started morn than half a century ago, with tlm determination to sell nothing but what was worthy of credit; and that they might the more cer- MEDICINES, 80c. DR. ALLEN’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, FOn THE CURB OF DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. tfC. T HIS medicine ia ottered to the public under the ussurance that there ia no article in existence having stronger claims to their consideration Being compounded hy a regulur GRADUATE of JEF FERSON COLLEGE, Philadelphia, ami a pructia- ing Physician of TWENTY YEARS STANDING in Philadelphia, hia long experience has confirmed him in the opinion that a compounded tnodicine was re quired to prevent and remedy the debilitation pro duced by residing in low miasmatic climates, and to „ __ . counteract the prostrating influences of the many tainly accomplish thoir object, resolved to produce, .nervous disorders with which the human family are as far as possible, the seeds which they should rend; MISCELLANEOUS. D R. CHURCH’S Genuine Vegtable LOTIbN, an eflectunl cur# for Eruption* dr the face md skin, particularly Pimples, Blotches, Sunburns, Ring worm » Freckle*,'Ace. Just received and for sale at 75c per bottle. L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, Aug 6 Smet’s Building. experience having shown them tuat most imported seeds could not be relied on, much less those casual ly collected, and sold to dealers.—The result was as they had foreseen :—unlimited public confidence. The concern thus conducted, hgs been grauually en larged, nnd is now the most extensive of its kind in America ; supplying not only niucli of the demand in tho Middle, Western and Southern States, but ex porting to the West Indies, Bo»th America and the British l’osesaions in Asia. DAVID LANDRETH. ARTICHOKE, Large Globe. ASPARAGUS, Large Green Purple Top. BEANS, Bush or Snnp Shorls, Early Six Weeks, Red Speckled Valentine, Brown Speckled Valentine. Early Yellow Six Weeks, China ted Eye, Large Lima, BEETS, Extra Early Turnipfooted, Early Turnip, rooted Red, Long Blood-rod, Silesian, or Sugar, Mun- gel Wurtzer. BROCCOLI, Purple Cape, (Imported.) CABBAGE, Eurfy York, (lmorted,) Landrcth’a Large York, Early Sugar Log!, (imported,) Early Battersea, Green Curled Savoy, Lnrge Drumhead Sa voy, Red Dutch, (for pickling,) Large Late Drumhead, Flat Dutch, Bergen. CARROT, Long Orange, Early Horn, Altringham, or Field. CAULIFLOWER, Early Asiatic, (Imported.) Late Dutch, (Imported.) CELERY, White Solid, Red Solid. EGG PLANE OR MELO\QENA, Large Purple. CUCUMBER, Early Frumo, or Table, Long Green or Turkey. LEEK, Largs I.ofidfln, Scotch or Flag. LETTUCE. Early Curled, or Cut Salad, Early Cabbage, Brown Dutch, Royal Cabbage, Philadelphia Cabbage, Curled India, White Cos, Green Cos. MELON, Nutmeg, Citron, Spanish Watjr, Caroli na Water, Mountain Sprout Water, Dudley or Moun tain Sweet. ONION, Silver Skinned, or White, Large Yellow Strusburg, Large Red Wethersfield. PARSELEY Curled, or Double, Plainer Single. PARSNIP, Sugar. PEAS, Landreth’s Extra Early. Early Frame, Early Charlton, Bishop’s Dwarf Prolific, Dwarf Blue Im perial, Royal Dwarf Marrowfat, Laree White Mar rowfat, Peruvian Black Eye Marrowfat, Knights Dwarf Marrowfat, Knight's Tall Marrowfut, Blue Prussian. PEPPER, Large Sweet Boll-shaped, Cayenne, or Long. PUMPKIN, Shaw, Common Field, or Cheese. RAVISH, Long Scarlet Short-top. Long Salmon, White Turnip-rooted, Red Turnip-rooted, Yellow Turnip-rooted, Summer White, White Spanish, Black Spanish. , SPINACH, Round Savoy-lesved, Prickly Seed. SQUASH. Early Bush, Early Apple Bush, Long Green Crookneck, Cocoa Nut. TOMATO. OR LOVE APPLE, Lnrge Red. :>-leaveil,) Red STEEL PENS In variety, and of the best makers, may always be had ol I tho subacriber—such os Gillott'a School sand Desk Pcn.putupln convenientboXed of one dozen each: Mark Levy’* extra fine cfroular minted Victoria Pen*: Magnunq Honuta, .fcc. Also, Sold Pens, Cluill Poll Nibbs, Quills, etc. July 8 J. B. CUBBEDGB. F OR SAx,E.—A new fastened Surf Boat, also 10 Water Casks, in good order. Apply to , June 20 PADELFORD. FAY & CO. afflicted. DR. ALLEN is a well known physician, and has 1 fit ARRANT’S CORDIAL ELIXER OF RHt- used the above medicine in his practice for twelve A BARB. A fresh supply of thia celebrated med- vonr with thn mnAt nHtnniHhinu rthurt. liAvim? tested i n ; nn #*..*.*a n i icine for the cure of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious Headache, Diarrhoea, See. FoFsaleby ICSC July 30. G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. year with the most astonishing eficct, having tested its qualities in above (FIVE THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ever received more flattering recom mendation from physicians of eminent standing than has been bestowed un tilts. 1 a-* 01 extra size tiomoaunc and Satin Vests. Large Tlioiienmln are now suffering from thnt I men in WHnt, call and see, at the Clothing Storo, GiL- moat d i-vudful complaint, the Dyspepsia, when a sin-I boos’Range. F’or sale by lien’s Vegetable ~ J l^XTKA SIZE VESTS. ^Just received, a lo^ rlo bottle of Dr. Allen’s Vegetable Compound would have the effect of removing (all those distressing foelings attendant on that most debilitating disease. Sole Proprietors—G. VV. Allen, M. I). Phil, and A. J. Sc W. L. Clkavland, 207 King-st Charleston, S. C. A A. SOLOMONS & CO., Juiy 13 Only agents in Savannah, Gn. July 17. GEO. S. NICHOLS. BELTER’SnVATEK, IN JUGS. Just re- Cr ceived, and for sale by L. J. MYERS. June 22 Gibbons' Building. TROUBLE DISTILLED AlTc6ffoi~Fmr U sale bv JOHN A. MAYER. TURNIP. Early Flat Dutch, (Strap- Topped (Strap Leaved) Early Stone, Large Norfolk, Large Globe, Yellow Aberdeen, Scotch Yellow, Dale s Hybrid, Rata Bags, or Swediphs. Forsale by TURNER & ODEN, Aug 13 ly Monument-square. M EKN FUN. —The celebrated Cliineae Skin Powder, for restoring, beautifying and pre serving the skin and complexion, preventing cutane ous eruptions, chapping, aud obviating too copious nersuiration. Junt received and for sale by June 2» G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. J ENNY Lind Pomatum, in glass jars, by Eugene Roussel, price 50 eta. Forsnleby July 19 JOHN A. MAYER. CURE YOURSELF. 1T1ROM time immemorial there has existed in largo 1 cities and populous towns, a species ot disease the dependence nnd propagation ot which results from the violation of divine nnd moral laws. 9o those afflicted, the AMERICAN COMPOUND U pre sented to their notice ns being the most cortian, spec- dv, and voluabe specific ever ottered to the untortu- nate. It has, wherever known, acquired a reputation that daily experience continues to strengthen. Thou sands have been cured by its use; and as it leaves no odour on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet or business, nor contains cither mercury or noxious drugs in the len«tinjurious to the system. It is boldly presented aa the best cure tor such diseases yet ottered. It is usedby Physi.cinns, and pronounc ed superior to nny known remedy. Prepared by Dr. J.N. Recter Sc Brother, 294 Mar- ket-Mreet For sale by W. HUMPHREYS Kt A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., July 24 1 y T. M. TURNER * ( '°- L ATHS. 50 M. Good Eastern Laths, landing from Brig Frank. For sale by May 30 BRIGHAM, KELLY Sc CO. sale by Aug 12 JOHN A. MAYER, 154 Broiighton-street. Y> ECEIVED per schooner Ocean, from Ball}- Iv more, Fifty aupcriwr Hams, Teh bbls F’lour, Five bbls Dried A ppfes, by mar 29 J. D. JESSE. ■REFRIGERATORS. —Gold's Patent Union XV Uefrigerutofs fur preserving P'ruita, Butter, Meats and Provisions of all kinds, keeping them ooo( . A sale and certain cure for Consumpttnnojthc Lungs, I and sweet A few of the above superior refrigerator* Spitting of Blood, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pain in received mid lor «Uc by the side, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and all Pul- | _*P J*' COLLINS Sc BULF pORTO-RICO COFFEE.—25 bbl*. Pbrto Rl- T HE Louisville Journal saya: “Dr. Roger*’ Liver- " wort and Tar not only gives immediate relief in Coughs and Colds, but, from the testimony of men of the highest, standing here and elsewhere, it i» mak ing some very remarkable cures in Consumption.” sale by June 4 co Cuttce ol superior quality, landing and for COHEN! COHEN8 & HERTZ. C OLD SODA WATER. The subscriber re spectfully informs hi* friends itnd the cltizer.q g some very remarknnle cure* in uonsumpuou. v - i|*uiuujuuuinu ui* menus aim me citizens The Railway Register adds -. “ We Imvo heard it sta- generally that having paid strict attention to hi* Sod« ted by persons of great respectability, who have used Fount, hdis prepared tn furnish those who will Ca thie medicine, that it ib one of the most remarkable vorhim with tliuir patronage, with a cool nnd refresh • medicines of the age, for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, ing beverage ut his store, 154 Broughton-street, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in the Side nnd Breast, Spit- Aug 19 JUHN A MAYEft. plafntsfwhfchrffneglectcd°usuallytormffateln^Cmi- TJALTIMORE BACON.-IO Hbd. superior sumption; and the certificates attached to the silver* | S?^ J " l ° r £ ; 5“ r< ’ d . .‘if*?; .,*??. Lwdta# tisements would seem to justify this statement.’’ from brig Henrietta, und for sale by may 3 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. t ’ ng BrougUton street Liverwort ITiis plant lins for many yenvs been found to be of singular virtue in the cure cf nffections of the Liver. More recently it wns ascertained that it possessed great power in arresting bleeding at the lungs, coughs of a chronic character, etc., and of essential service in ail diseases of a pulmonary character. Tht. This article Is now univereully acknowledged to be the most healing and efficient application for diseased /'’ENTRAL RAIL ROAD (OLD) STOCK.— or decay ingJunge,or any portion of the fleshy or mus V2 65 Shares loreale by cular parts of the humun body. Its medicinid and | JulyJ6 PADELFORD, BAY Sc CO. b'ssmk: di exists among scientific men, thnt the preparation used PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS! and others, written in most any language put up with care nnd despatch,not to ho exccll-' ed in flic c ity. L. J. MYEH8, Apothecary/ Comer Broughton Sc Whitaker street*. CvP A night hell is tobo found on tho door, ffpht- tBrou ’ July I in the embalmment of bodies, was composed princi pally of thlsingredient. I11 later ages it wns found to be in universal useamone the aborigines of America, nnd atthiaduy it Is their principal, and. In fact, only medicine for an unsound state of the lungs, or any approach to it. Those who are acquainted with tho history of this hardy race of men, know that a death from. Consumption is unknown among them I The medical faculty in all countries appear to hnvo be come aware of the great healing properties of this article, nnd nre now introducing it in their practice. Dr. Buchan, of England; Dr. Crichton, of St. Peters burg; Dr. La Prieure.of Paris; nnd the distinguished Dr. Cooper, have been in the habit of combining it with other nrticleB in their prescriptions, and with entire success. ... , Reware of Counterfeits and base Imitations ’■ prime Cincinnati Shoulder*, 15 do. Sides, land ing from schr C. C. Stratton, and for tale by Aug 14 JAS. A, NORRIS: . D lt. JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT: for Cough*J Colds, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Difficulty or Breathing, and other diseases of the pulmonary or gans. Justree’d and for sale at 75c per bottln by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, Aug IS Smet’s Building' „ PHILADELPHIA BOOTS A Nil JGAITERS.—Received this day per steamer 1 Osprey, a supply of Gentlemen’s Boots and Gaiters, at lUti Bryan-street. June 28 SA.M’L A. WbOD. DROWN Linen Travelling Sacks. Just received/ ceware oj - — , CheBP 8t ° r °’ ^ Tho genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. _ | ,lu rpRICOPIIEROUS. Prof. Barry’s Tricopher A ous, or Medicated Compound, for restoring, preserving, and beautifying the hair; eradicating Scull and Dandriff nnd curing diseases of the skin. Just Veceived and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON & CG„ June 5. Gibbon’s Range. M adeira wine.— 25 Half pipes ) “Howard, March & Co." 6 qr. casks j Of superior quality, just received and ior saleby Trice $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold Wholesale and Retail, hy SCOV1L & MEAD. 113 Chatrea-at. Between Conti and St.Louls-sts., N. Orleans, General Agents for the Southern States. 8old Wholesale nnd Retail, by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO., and TURNER Sc ODEN. Savannah, Ga. GEORGE PAYNE, Macon. Mny 29. July PADELFORD, FAY Sc CO. OA DOZ. HICKORY SHIRTS, just rec’d A\J per ship Hartford, and for sale cheap by July 17 GEO. S. NICHOLS. m FLOYD HOUSE, Macon, Ge®.— The Proprietor most respectfully retains hts thanks to his friends mid the travelling public, for the unparalleled pntronugo received by him du ring his administration over the above establishment, and hopes, hy renewed nnd unremitting ettorts to please, to merit the very liberal encouragement that lias been lavished upon him lor the Inst eight months. And he is ennhlad to do this trom the tact that the FLOYD HOUSE is the most eligible house in the place of its location, or, in fact, ever can bp. Rhus more front than all of the houses of the kind in Macon put totteXbeT.hnvingfourhundrednndtwentyfeet,avd»limi- ing on the corner of two ot the most tushionnble streets in the city, where those wishing it can have a front room at any time. THE FURNITURE IS ALL NEW, Table and Rooms, nnd be challenges a comparison by any house between New-York and New-Orle.ins. The Tallahassee Stage Office is permanently located “‘lnconnectionwiihthis House is a splendid New Six Horse Omnibus got up expressly for «* use. • Macon, Ga. May 9. 6m S. LUFURD. RUTTER AND CHEESE—30 kegs selected ■•-'.Goshen Butter, «■* tubs do, Eale*b 10XU8 Ell S bidl Dairy Cheese, lauding and for jrcg 23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON it CO. POTTON CORDAGE 5 hales Cotton Cord age, for sale hy BRIGHAM. KELLY St- CO. I OCOA..—linkers’ Cocon warranted pure nud . *up«rior quality. For -nle hy J^S’ 17 O. R.iHENDRIC SON Sc CO. VF.GAUls...Ju*t received, a fresh supply of choice , "’’"nils. Also, a .apply of Seafnrlatti, Spanish, superior cut Tobacco, for smoking, and tor sale by JOHN A. MAYER, ]54 Brotfghton s* S ELTZER APERIENT.—Tarrant’s efferve scent Seltzer Aperient, prepared on nn entire new principle, from a late and accurate analysis oj the celebrated Spring in Germany; just received and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO„ July, 30 Gibbon's llange. B ACON. 20 Casks Sides and Shoulders land ing from ship Hartford for sale by July 17 BRIGHAM, KELLY Sc CO. TITLES HAUEL’S DEPILATORY POWDER *1 Warranted to removo the thickest hair, without injuring the skin. Justrcceived and for sale by J. MYjCjRH* mR l4 Smet’s Building. R llSHTON & CLARK’S COD LIVER OIL Ju“t received a full supply ot the above cclcbra ted Oil, for tho use of consumptive patienM. For eale bv . TURNER & ODEN. 'Aug G Monument Sq. P ORT WINE dfc HYSON TEA.-10 warier casks Port Wine, mid 10 bl chetU Hyson Tea, In store nnd for sale by npril 1 W M. DAVIDSON. G" fresh harden Seeds, just received an d for sale by aprii 5 LaltOCHK Sc GODFREY. ’.ITRIGHT’S Pure Concentrated EXTRACT of VV LEMON, for Savoring leu Creams, Jellies, &c F °»nril5 by LaROCIIE Sc GODFREY I TUNE BLACK TEA—lOhalf chests very su 1 nerior Black Tea, lunding from sebr Fanny, and or sale by [June 29| JAS. A. NORRIS. OACON, SHOULDERS AND SIDES. Ji 25 hhds Shoulders und 10 hhds Sides, landing and for side by JAS. A. NORRIS. July 13 H " A W-HO-NOO; or Records of a Tourist, by Charles Lamuuii, author ol Letters front the A! leghnny.itc. The Family Dentist; by Charles A. PuBouchet, Denial Surgeon". Materia Median nnd Therapeutics; with ample it .lustrations of practice in all the departments ol Med ical Science, by Thomas D. Mitchell, A. M , M. D. „ A Compilation of tlio Penal Code of die State or Pic Nics anteBout Excursions G ; ^ vill) , lletbl . ul , ol Rill, of Indictment neces th n above articles on shoi t not ^ . j n prosecutions under it* and tlie Rules oi Prac S or respectfully informs the Ladies Mid Gentlemen of Savannah that he Is now tally prepared lorthcie- ceptinn of company, and will at nil times f.om tin date he fully supplied with the best ot Ice Creams. Cakes, Confectionary, Lemonade., and thr. very beet favored Lemon and (linger l op ver made in this city. Cotillion and Family l at ties. Pic Nics and Bobt Excursions will ho furm.-hi d with Garden nnd Grounds attached to the Gyrn- aasium will be open to ladies nnd gentlemen all h o i thn day and evening until 19 o clock, and re- " inetita will be served tucin upon giving notice Ms"- All the archery apparatus having arrived, bury Ladies wishing to torrn clubs no w not in cii May ** tl WM. CLAGHORN. i physical description of thrf * Von llumbolt. n. s WlCBjftLa. M emoirs of the life and writ* lugs of Thomas Chalmers, D. I)„ LL. D. By his son-in-law, the Reverend William Ilanna, LL. D. Vol. 1. . Cosmos: A sketch of a l Universe. By Alexander’ Women In America: Her work and her reward.' By Maria J. McIntosh, author of “Charms and Couh tor Charms,” &c. The Wilmingtons: A Novel. By the author “Norman’s Bridge,” “Angela," Sec. Sketches of Minnesota, tho New England of the WeBt, with Incidents of Travel in that Territory dur ing the Summer of 1849. By E. 8. Seymour, The Life mid Correspondence of Robert Southey.' Part 2. , Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Women Historical amt Descriptive Skel of the Bible. By P. C. Headley. | The Genius ol Scotland. By ReV. Robt. Turnbull. Dictionary of Mechanics, Engine-work and Engl THE GREAT REMEDY For Rheumatism. Gout, Pain in the Side. Hip, Rack Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King’s Evil, White - Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, and all Fixed neering. Part.!. ga;,,. whatever. I °‘ Ae : ^ th9 aUtl,or of th “ Pains whatever. WHERE THIS FLASTER IS APPLIED, PAIN CANNOT EXIST. * Received hy JOHN M. COOPER. rpHESE Plasters posses* tho advantage* of be- jJfPRF.HSIONN Experiences of tho West I ing put up in air-tight boxes—hence they retain J , U(]ies unJ North Atuftrk .„ ln 1849 by Robt- Baird thdr full virtues in nil climate*, vs e havejuf t receiv- i . -- ed thefollowing tCBtimcmial from C. C. Sellarj,an eminent lawyer in successful practice in Wilcox county, Alabama. He is a gentleman in With stand inir. and one whose influence has great weight: “Camden, Ala., Nov.24th 1848. ^*.***** Messrs. Scovil $ Mead,-Gentlemen: Haying been by N cienvehmd. requested to state what has been the result of my Sleep, Physiologically Considered, With reference to experience in the uee of your “Hebrew Plaster, I Sensation and Memory, by Blanchard Fosgate, M. D./ cheerfully comply by saying that I have found it to pUygician to the New York State Prison at Auburn, bene heretofore recommended, an “invaluable me- Aug. 8 Received by JOHN M. COOPEK. diciue.” In different casea of my iomily I have ap- . i—j plied the Plaster to Chronic Pores, Tumors and RKEN (ilNGER—a superior article Just re*. Pains, and it has never foiled to aflord instant reliet. Ce ivcd per steamer Isabel, fr&to Havana, and for A. M. Turkey nnd its pen tiny; the Result of Journey a made in 1847 and 1848 to exumino into the state of that country, hy Charles MacPhrlane } Keq., author of Constantinople in 1828, Greenwood Illustrated; a Directory for VMtors* I have also used it with gt od effect upon my own per son in the cure of ulcers, with which I have been se- vcrely &c c . c . SELLARS. Ithaabecn very heneficial in cases of Weakness, such us Pain and Weakness in thn Stomach, Weak I hubs, Lameness. Affection of the Spine, Female Weakness, &c. No female, subject to pain and weakness in thebRck, or side, should he without it. sale by inny 16 L. J. MYERS, Smcu’ Building. C OD LIVER OIL. Rushton, Clnrk Sc Co.’#' celebrated genuine medicinal Cod Liver Oil.— Just received and for-snle by G. R. HENDRICKSON Sc CO., May 13. Gibson’s Buildings. . weakness ill tneoaca, or sme, i OHOULDKHS nnd SIDES. 22 lihda. pri Married ladies, in delicate situations, find gi oat relict I jtacon Shoulders, snry m prosecutions lice; by Howell Cohn, oi nmision county, '-jk. The Alpine Glee Singer ; a completo collection of secular and social music, arranged in four vocal parte, for choirs, singing classes, and musical societies : with a full course of vocal exercises, by William B. Brad- Bridhnry'* Sabbath School Melodies. Rec’d by aug,24 JOHN M. COOPER. from constantly wearing this Plaster. The application of the Plasters between the shoul ders has been found u certain remedy for Colds, Cough*, Phthisic nnd Lung Affliction in their primary tages. It destroys inflnmation hy perspiration. Purchasers art advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. CAUTION.—The subscribers are the only General Agents in the Southern States for the sale of thi. tru ly valuable Plaster; mid in order to prevent purchas ers being imputed upon hy a counterfeit article, sold in this city and elsewhere, for tho genuine, they in vito particular attention to the following Marita of tbo Gennne: 1st. The. genuine isput up in smooth, engine turned bottomed boxes. 0. 7'Ae genuins has the engraved head of Jew David on tie directions, around the bar.. 3d Unices it has. (on the direction around box) a -ipv of the Record of the Court to E. '1’AVLon, Rocil- K3TER. it is counterfeit. ns*-SCOVIL & MEAD. U3 Charles street, New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for tho Southern States, to whom all orders mu-the addressed. Sold Wholesale and Retail by THOMAS M. TURNER, Sc CO.,and TURNER Sc ODEN, Savannah. May 09 GEORGE PAYNE, Mar.on. 10 hhds. prime Bacon Sid.* Landing from brig Stephen Young, from N. Orleans, and for sale by Mny 24 COHENS & HERTZ. C ARD CASES, Port Monaig, Pocket Books, Vi*-’ iting Cards, superior Note Paper and ISnvolopes, to match, small sized Letter Paper, gilt-edge, ruled' and plain. For .ale hy J. i>, CUBBEDGE, July 9 South side Market-square . IM? Choice Hams nnd 15 bbls. Bologna Sausages. Landing, and for sule by June 11 JAS. A. NORRIS. H AMS AND BOLOGNA SAUSAGES. HOVVEI.L. No. 151 OoDgresut TyjcMtrNN’S ELIXER OF OPIUM. TW contains nil the vdlounlo qualities of Opium lellteriou* aiuiusclese principles. «. R. 1JENDRIC Drug. , witho Aug.21 HENDRICKSON Sc CO- received CPIKIT GAS or Btirnitg Fluid, juat receive and for sale hy JNO, A. MAYER, ang)5 154 Broughton it'