Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, September 10, 1850, Image 4

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SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS......T V E SD AY, SEPTEMBER 10,1830 MISCELLANEOUS. CABINET MAKING anti UP- HOL8TKL. Y.—H. 8. BOGAIU1U6, No- , 85 Bull xonW Inform ifi-) citizens of 3a- 'snueF .a I . Lantni-.-i ,<e abovestore, fortlio purpoeo ot ec..r-’f n the Cabinet and Up- liol»Coringl'”si’’ei>.,making nc ■< and repulring old furniture. Jld furniture bougat ad sold. The bot tom* of HcLie, Divan*, C 1 'tire, and Ottoman made over atulru-covcro... Glaaa plates of all sizes kept for sale. Carpets, Oil Cl itb, and Malting, cut and nut down. Bella and Lamps hung; Curtains and Roller Blinds put up. Musical Instruments of all kinds re paired. Wool, hair and moss Matrasses ter sale; Also, feather beds, bolsters and pillows. Old Matrns- ses made over in the best manner. y—y e Every description of Coffins on hand Vt'tguggMMBlB and made to order, of tho best ma terials and finish: Prices low, H. 8. B. has been engaged In the above business in the city of Savannah, for the lust seventeen years, which induces him to believe that he can please all those who will favor him with a portion of their work. april 5—ly MONONGAIIELA WHISKEY. 15 bids. “Old Mononguhela," in store, and for kale by May 1)1 W. M. DAVIDSON. R OWAND’S TONIC MIXTURE, or Vcge table Febrifuge, a specific and lasting cure tor fe- ter and ague. For sale by april 1 L. J. MYERS, Smets’ Building. . GLASS WARE. Tumblers. ■ Goblets, Wines, Cut and Pressed | Decanters, Pressure Dishes, Nappies, 'ripecie Jars, Wine Bottles, Finger Bow's, F'luid Lumps, Toilet Bottles, Glass Milk Pans: a new article, Halt Cellars, Bird Glasses, Sugar Bowls, Butter DisheB, Celery Glasses. Hocks, Lemonades, Ice Cream Glasses, Lanterns, Girandoles Extra Prisms, Pitchers, &c. Rec’d by late arrivals, and for sale byj COLLINS St BULKLLY, May 89 100 Bryan-strcct. BLACK TEA. 20 half chests Pow- ‘y£i)||H| chime Tea, 5 ounce Papers,landing from brig " liitExcel. For sale bv W. M. DAVIDSON. (Excel. For sale by day ;n • /CHAMPAGNE WINE. -25bslits Grape Cham pagno, landing from ship Southport for salo by April 1 W. M. DAVIDSON B ACON and Candles.—9 Iihds Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 110boxes Mould Candles. Lundingper ■chr Enterprise, from New Orleans,-lor sales by may 7 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. r amp OIL, forsale by JOHN POOLE, 1 i No. 11 Whitaker-street, apt 9 nearly opposite Swift, Denslow Si Webster. S HOWN SHIRTINGS.—10 bales * Brown Shirtings. 25 bales $ do., just received and tor sale by april SNIDER, LATHltOP & NEVITT. 300 superior Balti more cured canvassed iiams. Forsale by May 88 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. jJALTIMOKE HAMf Lunding from bark Texas, and for sale by May 28 BRIGHAM, KELLY Si CO. * JAY. 150bundlea prime quality Hay FANCY GOODS. POCKET BOOKS, Port Monais, Purses, Ac., for sale by J. B. CUBBEDGE, apl 3 Market-square. {SPRING GOOD S.—The subscriber baa just opened, at the Cheap Cash Store, No. 157 Con gress-street, a splendid assortment of NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS, as follows: Bl’k and Col’d Jackonets, French Prints and Ging hams. Barege Silk Tissue, Plain nnd Printed. Linen Lusters, Foulards, Lawns, &e. Also, Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs, all kinds. Bl.k Lace and Love Veils, infants’ Waists. Emb. Muslin Caps and Collars. Mourning Collars uud Sleeves. Children’s Jackonet Collars. Princess Allico and President Collars. Emb. Puff Sleeves and Breakfast Caps. Fancy and Ul'k Beaufort Tie*. Bl’k and Col’d Silk Gloves. And the best articles of Kid Glove lnthe market Plain, Jackonet and Swiss Muslins. Bl it and Co’d Silk Mantillas. Emb. Muslin Mantillas. ALSO A fine assortment of French and American Ging hams, Drills, Camlets, Checks, Cambrics, Ticking, Sheetings,Shirtings, Osnaburgs, and everything else suitable for Summer Pants and CoatB, together with other articles too numerous to mention. All of which will So offered os low ns can be purchased in tie city. GARRETT VAN NESS. A CARD.—The public are respectfully informed that the subscriber, having purchased the stock of goodslutely belonging to John Van Ness, 157 Con gress-street, will offer tne same for snie at reduced prices for cash. GARRETT VAN NESS. July 8 PER STEAMER SOUTHERNER. Just Received a tine lot of Ladies’ Umbrel las, Parasols and Sunshades. Also, a large ■assortment of Gents' Silk and Cotton Um brellas. For sale low by May 81 * LaROCHE, BOWNE & CO. fiOLI) PENS.—A new supply, just received and VI for sale by JOHN M. COOPER. L ACE COLLARS, CAPES. tfcc.-Thread and Valencienes Lace Collars and Cuffs, Jaconet and Muslin Collnrs and Cuffs, Lace Capes, Ren Silk Mantilla N. A., Embroidered Lawn Hankerchiefs, fan cy Silk Buttons, &c, received per Brig l’hilura. april 13 LATIIROP Si FOOTE. W ATER COLORS, India Ink, Hair Pencils, Sic., forsale by apl 8 J. B. CUBBEDGE. OACKGAMMON BOARDS AND CHESS- JO MEN, for sale by J. B. CUBBEDGE, apl 3 Market-square. I VORY nnd BONE Paper Folders, Tablets Pocket Inkstands, Sic-, for sale by april 5 J. B. CUBBEDGE. CLOTHING. A PANAMA HATS.—Geo. 8. Nichols has on band a good assortment of Panama, Leg horn, and Straw Hats; for gentlemen, boy Band children, which he offers at areasonable price, and in vites those in want to call and set', at the Cheap Coth- ing Store, Gibbons’ Range. GEO. S. NICHOLS. jg^Afew extra fine Spanish Fashion Pnnama’s may be seen, nnd bought cheap. apl 87 SOMETHING HANDSOME, in the way c O Black Cashmerct Sacks, can be bought at tt « Clothing Store, Gibbons' Rangfc, and for sale low 1 cash by May 30 G. S. NICHOLS. HOYS’ CLOTHING and SUMMER HATS. The subscriber has received a handsome assort ment of Boye’ Clothing, comprising the most ionable patterns, together with a good assortment of Summer Hats, which he will sell at reaaouable pri ces. Those in want, are invited to call at the cheap Clothing Store, Gibbons’ range, mar 30 GEO 8. NICHOLS. S I 1 n n A a NEW SPRING GOODS. P. D. HILZHEIM, Agent, Shaffer’s Building, Congress-Street, invitethe attention of the public to his large nnd increased stock of Clothing, Saddlery, Trunks, Sic. Hekeeps constantly on hand an assortment of Dress and P'rock Coats, from 810 to $19; fine Cassi- merePants,from$4 up; SatinVests, b’k u cTd.from $9 50 up; Hats, Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Saddles and Bridles, Trunks, &c., at reduced prices; Gentlemen’s Cloaks, from $19 up; Servants’ Clothing chcapef than they can be purchased in the city. Also, various other articles in his line, at prices which cannot fail to please. may 91. MEDICINES. llTATER-PUOOP SUITS.—GEO. S. NICH- " v OLS has just opened some water-proof Cloaks, Sack Coats, Leggings, and Head Covers, a capital ar ticle for those exposed in rainy weather. For sale at the Clothing Store, Gibbons’ range mar 30 UMBRELLAS. Tne subscriber has "on hand a good assortment of fancy, French 1 finish Iftnbrellas of Silk, Gingham and Cot- “ton. Those in want can buy low for cash. June 1 GEO. S. NICHOLS. VESTS AND GLOVES. Just received a lot of White Mar’s Vests; also a few doz en Lisle Thread and Silk Gloves. Forsale by May 23 HAMILTON Si SYMONS. CUMMER CLOTHING. Linen-drill PANTS ; an asst Fancy and White assortment just received and for sale by HAMILTON & SYMONS. May 23, c CUMMER CLOTHING. Bl’k and col’d Al- O pacn Sacks and l’alo Alto Coats; also a large lot of brown linen Sacks, suitable for traveling. For sale by HAMILTON#*. SYMONS. May 23,1850. R EC’D PER STEAMER SOUTHERNER. Plain and Emorold’d Swiss Muslin, Muslin Man illas, Swiss Edgings and Insortings, Ladies English fiotton Hose, Silk Hose, Silk Gloves, Egyptian Nett Gloves ami Mitts, Bonnet Ribbons, Cologne, Lubin’s Extracts, Soaps, Flair Brushes, Combs, &c. For sale l °Ma/2l LaROCHE. BOWNE & CO. UCKING COMDS. A new and elegant assort ment of the latest patterns, viz : Plain and Carved TortoiseShell, Buffalo and Brazilian Combs. Just received, and for sale by May 28 G- R. HENDRICKSON & CO. JJAKAGES, Muslins, Ginghams, Sic. F'or sale May 21 Laroche, bowne & co. IVTOLAS8ES, SUGAR, LIQUOR, <&c.- !yJ. 50 hhds and tierces, prime Cardenns Molasses 50 bbls prime N O Molasses 25 lids Muscovado andN O Sugar ; 2o bbls do 95 bats Swift’s Clarified do 5 boxes White Havana do 21) nnds prime Cincinnati Bacon Sides 15 J bbls Domestic Brandy, Gin and Rum 100 bills. Extra Baltimore Flour 20 casks Falkirk Ale, m quarts and pints 50 bbls White Wlue Vinegar 10 boxes Sonp of various qualities 300 pieces Dundee Imitation Kent Bagging, weigh ing from lj to 15 lbs per yard. 250 coils Kent Bale Rope, for sale by ■ april6 JAMES A, NORRIS. B VEtTm O 111! IIAMS.—150 choice Baltimore Hams, landing from schr. Ocean nnd lor sale by June29 JaS. A. NORRIS B LACK TEA 10 Chests Black Tea in 5oz pa cers, lunding from ship Hartford, and for sale by april 1 W. M. DAVIDSON. rjtEA TRAYS. -A lino assortment of waiters _ Single and in Setts, of assorted sizes and put ferns, lust received per ship Medora, and for side by COLLINS & BULKLEY, april 20 100 Bryan st N EW ORLEANS WHISKEY.—100 barrels N. O. Whiskey landing per brig Tartar, Rndior .gale by JAS. A. NORRIS, mar 18 J~JIJMB BELLS, for strengthening and expand ing the chest, and tor sale by A supply of them just received LL1NS & BULKLEY. QTONE WARE, of superior quality, consisting of Cov’d Jafs, Butter Pots, Milk Churns, Jugs, Pitch ers, Water Kegs, Spittoons, Milk Pans. Cockroach Tgapt. Also, a lino assortment of Yellow Bukin, Pans, Tie l’iatee, &c. Received by late arrivals, ant tor sale by COLLINS Si. BULKLEY, mar 12 No. 100 Bryim-street TTUU8HES! BRUSHES!!—A fine assortment of Ifulr Brushes; also Flesh, Cloth, and Shoe Brusncs. J ust received nnd for sale by JNO. A. MAYER, Druggist, mar 38 NO. 154 Brougnton-Bt EEBE’S COOKING RANGES.—The un dersigned has just received a half dozen W. Bee be, s Cooking Ranges, for burning wood or coal, with or without water backs, which will be sold at a small advance on Now-York prices, and warranted to give p erfect satdafiiction or no sale. mar 93 McARTHOR & MORSE. IVOTE PAPER, and ENVELOPES, a beautiful 1” assortment. Tissue Paper, nnd Perforated Pa pers, tor sale by april 5 J. B. CUBBEDGE. rpnREE STRONG MEN > by Alexandre Du- 1- mas, translated by Fnyette Robinson. Cruising in thp Last War : by Charles J. Peterson, author of “The War of 1812, &.c.*’ The Miner’s Daughter, a Tale of tho Peak: by Charles Dickens. Household Words,|(Nos.7 and 8: by Charles Dick ens. Littel’s Living Age, No. 316. Received by June 7 JOHN M. COOPER. ’T'RANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES.— A A beautiful assortment of those fine and common Window Shades. Just received and for sale by mar 4 LaROCHE, BOWNE & CO. ’IfO THE LADIES.—We respectfully invite A your attention to our stock of Spring and 3am- mer Bonnets, consisting in part as follows, viz : Super French Lace, Milan Edge, Split Straw, Jenny Liml, Hungarian Lace, Spanish rilraw, Neapolitan Lace, Slate Cactus, Super Gimp, F luted Pearl and Pedal, Lyonise, Pamila, Florence, Brocade, Sic. Also, n beautiful assortment of Misses’ Bonnets, such ns Lace, Cobing, Tuley, Gimp, Fluted Peurl and Pedal, London Plaid, &c„ together with . great vari ety of Artificial Flowers, Dotted Ruches and Tablis, Bonnet Ribbons, Neck Ribbons, Sic., &c., all of which will be sold ut a small advance Ym first cost. CURRELL Si. BOGGS, mar 20 Liliibridgo’s New Brick Building. W AX TAPERS, Motto Seals, My Own A. B. C., Dice and Dice Boxes, Pocket Inkstands, Card Racks, Card Caser, Mathematical Instruments, Shaving Boxes, India Rubber Bands, Tooth Brushes, Playing Cards, Porcelain Slates, Terrestial Globes, Watch Stunds, Papeterie, &c &c. For sale by ap 15 J. B. CUBBEDGE. B IRD C AG EH.—Mocking Bird, Robin nnd Ca nary Bird Cages, Just received and for sale by COLLINS Si BULKLEY, april 16 100 Bryan street. TJAGGING «Sk ROPE.—80 bales Gunny Bag. I * ging. 10 pieces Russia Bagging. 60 do Ken tucky, do. 150 coils Kentucky Rope, in store nnd forsulebjr apl 22 PADELFOllD, FAY & CO. LINEN GAITERe».—Received from Philadelphiatbisday, an assort ment of Ladies’ Linen Gaiters, Mo roeco Excelsiors and Shoetees. SAM, A. WOOD, 106 Brynn-street. T.4ANCY BASKETS.—A beautiful assortment X 1 of Fancy, Work and Travelling Baskets, just re ceived and for sale by COLLINS & BULKLEY, may 11 100 Bryan street tnnK PROFESSOR’S LADY, by Bcrthold A Auerbach, author of Village Tales of the Black Forrest, translated by Mary Howitt. Mohammed the Arabian Prophet, a tragedy in five acts, by George H. Miles. Pictorial Field Book of tho Revolution, part 3. Railway Economy, a treatise on tho new art of Transport by Dionysius Lcrdner, D. C. S., &,c. Mothers of tho Wise and Good, by Jnbez Burns, D. D., author of “Pulpit Cyclop,edia,’ ’ &c. Journal of Three Years’ Residence in Abysinia, by Rev. Samuel Gobut.now Bishop of Jerusalem. Carpenter on the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors, in Health and Disease. Latter-Day Pamphlets, edited by Thomas Carlylo, No. VI—Parliaments. The Origin of the Material Universe, with a de scription of the manner of the formation of the Earth, to. Received by JOHN M. COOPER. July 17 ip OV.SEAmiOnK’S QUICK STEP— VJT Composed oy G. F\ Cole, for the Wellington Light Infantry of Charleston, and dedicated by them to tile guest on th- 22d-Fehruary last; Banner Song of tho Washington Light Infantry, composed by M. S, li eaves. F or sole by F. ZOGBAUM & CO., Aug 5 Corner St. Julinn-St. nnd Mnrket-eq. FH)U It,—75 bbls. Family Flour, a uperior article, for sale by 15 COHENS & IJERTZ. July JJLANKS! Bank Cheeks, Dr. t _ eipts, Bills of Lading, Bills of Sale, Shipping Articles, and var- ou* other Blanks, kept for sale and printed to order by J. B. CUBBEDGE. I NDIA P1IOLAGOGUK, an unfailing Remedy for'the Fever and Ague, and other bilious’ diseases. Ju«t received and for solely L. J. MYERS, a ay 17 Smets’ Building. f lAHE Vale of Cedars, or the Martyr, by Grace A Aguilar, uuthor ot “Home Influence, &c.” Lodge's Portraits, Vol.5. Tho Hand Book of Games, forming one of Bohn's Scientific Library, compiled from tlie beet authors. The Tragedy of Euripedes, Voi. 1st, Bohn’s Classical Library. Tho Young Lady's Friend, by Mrs. John Farrar, author of the Children’s Robinson Crusoe, Ac. Principles of Medical Jurisprudence, designed for the professions of Law and Medicine, by Amos Dean. Dr. Johnson, his Religious Life and bis Death. Also, a further supply of The Rev. Thomas Smith, D. D. on the Unity of the Human Races Received by JOHN M. COOPER. CUMMER CLOTHIG. Bl’k and col’d Drap d’ Ete Frock and Dress CoilIh, bIbo a variety of Drap d’ Ete PnntN, all of late style. For sale low by May 23 HAMILTON & SYMONS. fiO UOZ. SHIRTS, of all kinds and qualities GO at the Clothing Store, Gibbons’Range, and for sale by «pl 97 GEO. S. NICHOLS. /’4.AUZE MERINO VESTS; AND FLANNELS, vJ 5 dozen Ladies Gauze Merino Vests. 5 iff) Gontlemen’s do do. 4 pieces Gauze Flannel, for sale by april 15 SNIDER, LATIIROP & NEVITT. L INEN SHIRTING, Pillow Case Linen, &c. Just received and for sale low by May 21 LaROCHE, BOWNE Si CO. "I^ESTS. G. S. NICHOLS is receiving nhandeomc v assortment of White and Fancy Mareeillt s Vests, which will he sold at moderate pi ices. Call and see, at the Clothing Store, Gibbons’ Range. May 30 ENT’S GAITERS.—A fine supply of Gentle YX men's Linen Gaiters, for sale by „ SAM. A. WOOD, april 18 J06 Bryan street. CHOES, SHOES.—McCurdy’s Slippers or La ° •lies- S. A. WOOD, n P' 2 106 Bry an-street. S HI RT S—"S IIIR T S. Another large lot of those beautiful Shirts has been received by May 30 G. S, NICHOLS. CUMMER Business Coats. Afuilsupplvonhand, b-7 and ask but small profits on them, at the Clothing Store, Gibbons’ Runge, by M »y ;iu G, S. NICHOLS. PXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT of CLOTIIU A-J 1NG at No. 96 &. 150, Gibbons' Range, Savannah, Georgia.—The subscriber would respectfully inform his customers, nnd citizens generally, that he is now receiving a large assortment of seasonable Ready Made Clothing, made up to his order exclusively to het ail, and those who buy may depend on getting nn excellent article, well mado. His stock will con sist oi the most fashionable goods and made in the most fashionable style. It is unnecessary to enume rate the different garments in an advertisement, nnd will any, every fashionable garment can be found at his establishment, and at ns low prices ns can be offer ed, for as good goods as will be found there. All in want Hre invited to give him a call. N. B. A full assortment of Youths’, Boys’ nnd Chil dren’s Ready Made Clothing, which the Ladies are i vited to look at. April 1 GEORGE S. NICHOLS. HOYS’ CLOTHING. Brown and Check Lin. JJ en, Bl’k AlpacnandDrapD’Etes Sacks and Round Jackets; Stripe Janes, Check Linen, Bl’k Alpaca, Drap D’Ete and White Linen Pantn'.oons; Silk, Bl’k Alpaca, white and col’d Marseilles Vests, may be found, and bought very reasonable at the C'.othingstore, Gibbons 1 Range, lor boys between the age of six and sixteen. J,l »e 1 GEO. S. NICHOLS. gANB WASH BALLS. and for sale by May 28 A fresh supply rec’d G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. J’NDIAN VEGETABLE OIL For sale by may 4 mu, For the Hair JNO. A. MAYER. P ATCHOULLY COMPOUND, for destroying Moths. F'orssloby May 31 LaROCHE St GODFREY. fjfOWNSENIPS, Sunil’s &; Carpenter’s Sarsaparilla. May 17 For sale by L. J. MYERS, Smets Building. S ANDS’ & TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARIL LA, for sale by LaROCHE & GODFREY, mar 30 Gnudry’s Building. B altimore corn. 1200 bushels Prime White Baltimore Corn, la:,ding from Brig Nan cy, and for sale by COHENS & HERTZ. Jane 4. B OTTLE CORKS.—Afresh supply of French’ Velvet Wine Bottle Corks ; also Taper and com - mon Beer Demijohn and Jar Corks; iu«t roce'vcd and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON*. CO. June 10 Gibbons* Buililiurs. T HE UNITY OF THE IIUa'IAN RACK proved to la’ the Doctrine of Scripture, Reason and Science: with a review of tho present position and theory of Professor Agassiz : by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D. D. History of the Polk Administration: by Lucien B. Chase, member of Congress. Hnrpor’s rsw edition of Moenuley’s History of England (uniform with Hume’s England) two vols.. 12 mo. David Copperfield, No. 13. Putnam’s Book—Buyer's Manual. Received by June 19 JOHN M. COOPER. OIIAMPAGNK CIDER*—-25 barrels Newark v-/ Refined Champagne Cider, in store ami forsale by mar 6 W. M. DAVIDSON. IVOTICE.—All persons indebted to the Estate ot i ’ Henry James, deceased, arc requested to make immediate payment; audnll personshaving demands against the said estate, will present them duly attest ed, within the time prescribed by law. to may U Utw-6m W. M. DAVIDSON, Ex'r. F OUR MONTHS after dats application will be made to the Honorable, the Justices of the Inte rior Court ot Chatham County, when sitting for or dinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belong- mg to the Orphans of thelate Thomas Askew, for the benefit ot said Orphans. JOHN F. POSEY May 28 tt Guardian. T’O PRINTERS. John D. McCreary, Printing i Ink Manufacturer, Nos. 331 and 333 Ftanton-st , New-York, Depot No. 3Spruce-street, would call the attention of Printers to his improved PRINTING INKS ot various kinds and colors, at the following prices; 13 Extra Fne Jet Black, (for Card and Wood Cut,) $2 00 and $3 00 per lb. Fine Book Ink, o 75 .. 1 00 “ Rook Ink 0 40 “ 0 50 " Fine Red Ink ,....1 25, 1 50 and 2 00“ m W \- n u* ***A 18 ’ 20 ' find 25 cts. “ Blue, Yellow Green and White, 1 25 nnd 1 50 “ Gold Size at $2, per lb. and Bronze at 50, 75 cts. and $1, per oz. For the quality of which he has the followin'* be sides numerous other testimonials : , v , f . New-Yoiik, Sept. 25, 1848. We have for some time past, used the various qual- ites ot 1 nnting Inks manufactured by John fl(c Oreary, nnd found them to 8urpn88 any others we ev er used, m beauty and permanency of color, and in the process oi workieg. ’ Leavitt, Trow & Co, American Bible Society Printing office, mi t New-York, Sept. 25, 18-18 Tiffs will certify that 1 have used the varioua kinds of line Printing Inks, manufactured in this City, and best* Et m>lde >y J ' McCrerir >'’ fully equal to the Fnrf^ LV ‘fv lTS v 0Y , T ' Foreman of Press Room. For sale at New York prices, by JOHN M. COOPER, Agent, mnr2:i Savannah. \ SPLENDID assortment of Spirit Gas Lame fro,n 2 ' 1C tG $5 each, just received and for sale b y . .. JOHN A. MAYER. No. ].*>4 Brouffhton-st Mnv 10. ? ml POWDERS. 4 cro Y kS f ld itZ £ ow d° rf, i extra size; nl* 0 Soda Powders For sale by 11 " 5 ’ mUCh 6U R cri ' ;t ' t0 .those usually sold THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. D R. TOBIAS’S VENETIAN LINIMENT is war ranted to be superior to any other medicine yet known for the cure of Wens, Hums, Coughs, Lumbago, Headache., Dysen tery, Chilblains, Sea Sickness, Chapped Hands, Old Sores, Croup, Swellings, Warts, Hemorrhage, Cramp, Chronic liheumatism, Weakness in the Limbs, Cholera, Vomiting, Cuts, Bruises, Cold Feet, Corns, Tooth-Ache, Sore Throats, Palpitation o f the Heart, *e. This Liniment was the discovery of the late Dr. So lomon, of Gilead House, Liverpool, a graduate of the College of Surgeons in Dublin, aud was used with great success throughout England during a period of 1 *■ years, since which it has become the property of i present proprietor, the grandson of the lute doc- lc. ; and during the time itlias been introduced into this country over 1000 certificates have been received, speaking in the highest terms of its pain relnivmg qualities ; aud to prove what it is represented to be, every agent is ordered to refund the money should it fail to give relief when used according to the directions A few certificates are given. Certficate oi Mrs. L. I. Cohen. Having used in my family, with the most complete success, Dr. Tobias’s Venetian Liniment for croup nough, headache pain in tho limbs, sore throat, &c„ 1 feel it no more thanan act of justice to the Doctor to give this certificate ; and the speedy cures it has affec ted,have been most ustonishing. 1 am never without a bottle of it in my house, and am sure no one will re gret trying it. SOPHIA COFIEN, 261 Ninth street. Certificate of Mrs. W. E. Cornish. Dr. Tobias—Sir : One of my children was severely attacked with croup. I used your Venetian Lini ment which gave immediate relief, and I really think it was the means of saving my child’s life. Under no consideration would I be without a bottle in my house. I also consider it a most certain remedy for scalds and bruises, having thoroughly tested it for tho same. SARAH CORNISH,354 Bowery. City and County u f New York, ss—Andrew Hun ter, of said city, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that he was engaged in superintending the con struction of u sewer in 30th street, between the 6th and 8th nvenucs, and in hoisting up a large stone of nearly a ton weight, the fall gave way and precipita ted deponent, with the stone, into the sewer, adistance of over fifteen feet, striking him on the back and shoulder, which so severely jammed nnd bruised de ponent, thathe was taken up insensible and thought to be killed. Dr. Tobias was immediately sent lor, andapplied the Venetian Liniment, which so revived this deponent that ill a few minutes hewn able to speak ; nnd by the constant use Of this most valuable preparation. |je was sufficiently recovered to attend to his business nsusunlffn the short space of four days, to the astonishment of all who witnessed the accident ANDREW HUNTER, 7th Avenue,between 31st and38d-streets. Sworn to before me, this .'id day of January, ld48. VVm. V. Brady, Mayor. For sale by A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., Market-square. Savannah. Wholesale and retail price, 25 and 50 cts. per bottle. Dr. TOBIAS’ office No. 1 Murray-st., New-York May 29 cod BOOKs' ^ i Friendship, a story of d‘^ Vv %o by Grace Aguilar. 1 Uo »ne*ti c j** I Robber oTTheRh^VaH^rsto^ 1 ^^. oltherimrc m.dvicnsitudesollhe^^V; I Dr. Valentine’s Comic Lectures deli- ' ' centric characters, Comic Sonas’ catioT Uof traits. 8 ’ “ c '> with C* Leaves from the Note Book of a T , * Doctor, by Madison Tensas, M. D ° milai >a Dr. Valentine nnd Yankee Hill’sMebm, ^ ing the second series of Dr. VnlontW°!? !l< >!eiL cures, with characters as given hv m , on >ic L Hill. 8 7 'ate )■>,? The Bronze Statue or the Virgin’s Ki. , ** Reynolds. tyG. ty . Simrleyyow or the Dog Fiend, by Cant ». * Tho King’s Own, by Capt. Marryat. May 18 PP ’ y ° f Ja “ e Eyr<! ’ WhSt ® J«ck<£'4/^ TURNER & ODEN, Monument Sq. Au TCiahn ehtock’s vi: 1011 fugf j",, , sale bv Ved n tUU 8Upp!y " f tlu * "hove article. For Auer, TURNER & ODEN, :— M° uun ient Sq. pi RE COLOGNE SPIRIT. For sale by 4,,- 1.1 JOHN A. MAYER, 154 Broughton-atrcpt. f ABIE*’ Satchels and Tr M l J line 29 I*i ovelling Baes-for sale by G. ». NICHOLS May 18 CONQUEST 'oi r 7TTr\ I By the author of “ HnMTi "tillsI Biography of Ema n uei8>: ' by James John Garth [ Biblical and Physical History of Man - i Nott, M. D. * “y Joseph- Success in Life ; The Lawyer r bv lit.. , hill. y r, ' L 'C.TJ The Daltona; or the three Ronds in I if. by Charles Lever, Esq. 1Ie > P«lt L Sights in the Gold Regions : byTheodnn, I son. rc l. J;.*j ■ Talbot and Vernon, a Novel. The Gospel its own Advocate: bv Ran. LL.D. / ueorge Gi) Dictionary jt Scientific Terms - ho Hoblin. * y Household Words, a weekly journal , Charles Dickens. * J nl ’ 1 A Treatiseon Physical Geography • bv 1 > ton. * "•■iwriaj.l Latter Day Pamphlets: Edited b} Thins c part 4. 8 Cute L Miscellaneous Works.of Oliver Golrl»mi.u . I Prior, vol. 4. mith:byI The American Bird Fancier; considers I ference to the breeding, rearing, feeding n Sic., of cage nnd house Birds, with di«c^' U " ,s ' B, »tl D. J. Brown, author of the “American p5 &c. &c. “U'kyM Also, a further supply of Memoirs of th. u I Orleans : by W. Cooke Taylor, LL D “ Hoil «'J Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antnln„« „ _f France; by Madame Camp an ^ n < Bedchamber to the Queen. * ’ l8 “)'of| Life of Lady Colquhoun : by James Hi Woman’s Friendship: by Grace Aguilar Kaiooinh; Edited by VV. S. Mayo, M n vi v The East; or Sketches of Travel in Es FR)iy Land: by the Rev. J. A. Spencer, M. A May 31 JOHN M. COOPeJ Dy.GOURAUD’S MEDICATED SOAP,ifcc. N OT the pure white of the marbles of Pari can compare with that which is imparted to tho dark est or most Tanned, Sun burnt, Sallow or Freckled Skin, by a free use of GOUROUD’S ambrosial In dian Medicated Soap! Rashes, Ringworms, Worms in the£kin, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Motu, and all other cutaneous disfigurements vanish from before it, as if by magic ! Its delightful, soothing properties make it peculiarly valuable in the nursery, as also in thefre- quently painful operation of shaving. It can be used at discretion either in salt or hard water—and Captain ot a ship should go to sen without n sup ply. The roughest nnd darkest skin becomes by its use, soft, smooth nnd pellucid. GOUKAUD'S Poudre Subtile will positively uproot superfluous hnir from low foreheads, upper lips, or Irom any part of the body ! . Gouriul’s Lilly White is an innocent prepara tion for instantly removing flushes and rendering r °nghand yellow skins smooth and white. - 7A' R' - FELIX GOUllAUD'S really valuable pre parations can only be had genuine at „ „„ A. A. SOLOMONS & CO’S. May 30. cod Market Square. DRUGS.—Comer of Liberty and Mont gomery streets.—The undersigned would in form lnsfnends nnd the public that he has just received a new and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, warranted as pure and genuine as can be purchased rathe city. Prescriptions carefully and promptly at- tended to. The subscriber, thankful for past lavors, hopes, by strict attention to bis business, to merit n continuance of the same. Soda Water, of superior manufacture, kept during the Summer senson. p 0 mar7 TFJOS. S. LEWIS. CARD.—The undersigned having re-opened with an entire New stock of DRUGS CHEM- ’ CA '.' S ', FANCY ARTICLES, at No. 139 , Brougliton-street, (formerly Wal ker s Marble Yard) is now ready to furnish anything m his line, at the shortest notice. SODA WATER" made m his own peculiar way, sent to any part of the city, and always to be had at the store, m the heich est state oi perfection. fa Prescriptions put up with care and despatch, f Jar . 8 , ub8crlber l‘«ving served the public long and faithtully, respectfully solicits a share of patronage mar27 thos. rVerscV A YERS’CHERRY PECTORAL, a valua- Ponderous treti b ]e Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthmn, etc. To ^ lnn “ t ,' llutnre Gay. The American be had fresh and jeiiuine, at L. J. MYERS *° rR ’ „ : ? 11 pro l apl 3 Corner Broughton and YVlfftaker-s’ts. T TEPATIC ELIXIR-A new remedy for Jaun- 1,Bt ’ viz : 1 1 d‘ce. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weakness and Sour LONDON QUARTERLY REVIE ness ot the Stomach. Loss of AnnoHfn „ 2HE EDIJSlWRdH 7? wvrr ir »V eaKness and Sou ness ot the Stomach, Loss ot Appetite, &c. This is r Vegetable production, and may be taken, with ner- P««ons of the tort saiety, lor any term of time, by persons of the IHE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, most delicate constitution, however low they mav and have been reduced by disease. It will also be found JIEA( ' K WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGA. a sure remedy for Blotched Faces, so troublesome t( ’ ” ’ youngperaons. For sole by apl 2(5 LaROCHE & GODFREY UUMMUS’ AROMATIC VEGETABLt w ,, a* tcr8 ’ 'I! 1 '„ ,lln , cure of Jaundice, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, Diarrhoea, etc., just received and for Baleb y L. J. MYERS, " prl 1 Smets’Building ^mets Building. ^nd is not ultra in its views on any onooi I7J2 ® I,S OF WO.MAN,or rdfted bv 'f'’ 11 know ’ ed i>' 0 = it . m of I'einule C/Ourage nnd Virtue: bv Eliznheth t a,l0f '"Y L)r *,Lhnlmers. and now. sinc< Stnrling. 3 is conducted by his son-in-law, Dr. Ilnnnf Stnrling. 1 he "Life nnd Religion of Mnhnmmed, trnnslnted from the Persian; by Rev. James L. Merrick. Montaigne, tjie Endless Study; and other Miscrlla- bull' by Auxarulel ' Vmet I translated by Robt.Tur Milmnn’a Gibbons’ History of the Roman Empire —Harpers’edition, vol.2. 1 American Cottage und Villa Architecture; n series °*j 1P ' VS nnd FI"”* of Residences actually built with Iliiits on Landscape Gardening: by ,1 c rlidnev’ T ir "o Fliouider Knot, or Sketches of tho Three-Fold Life oi Man: by H. F. Telit. Conscience and ’.lie Constitution, with remarks on the recent Speeclvof the II,.u. Daniel Webster on the subject ol Slavery: by M. Stuart. A Statement of Reasons showing tho illegality of that verdict upon which sentence of death 1ms been pronounced against Dr. John VV. Webster The Home Altar; an appeal in behalf of Family Worship, with Prayers and Hymns for Family Use- by ,F b "p, Pa '‘ M’torat the .Southern Pulpit. Mrs. Ellis Morning Call—Nos. 1 to 10 H I ruth stranger than Fiction ; a narrative ofrecent transactions, Involving inquiries in regard to the prin ciplosot Honor. Truth and Justice whiel! ohtnir, b, c ? .i“£ Jl,ly 18 JOHN M. COOPER MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION'.,,, " THE subscriber keeps on haaJ U a assortment oi Standard Sacred 1 struetion Books, &c„ such as n”' 1 ; 1 '! _ Harp, Carolina Sacra, Boston Acadeuf Harmonist, Southern Harmony, The Missouri^'* rust, The Juvenile Choir, School far the Violin u Preceptor for the Acordian, Howe's iiMrucUonS for the Piano Forte, and other instruments Mav2:t J- B- CUBBEDGl LETTERS OFA^TUa^ LER, or Notes of things seen it i ropeand America, by WilHamW Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Km, comprising!! Voyage to Californis, via l'anam. Lite in Han Francisco and Monterey. Pictures of the Gold Region, and Experlena Mexicaumvel, by Bayard ylor, author of v“ David Copperfield, part K. Received bv May21 JOHN M. CO0PE1 MRS. WHITTLESEY’S - ]\TOTHERS’ fflAGAZINE.—“The obie ITA this Periodical may be briefly stated to be t those who sustain the maternal relation, orare’o wise tlie guardians of the young, in undent™ appreciating, andfulliling lie duties growing o such relations, and especially to impress uuon theimportanceof such a training—physical Intel al, moral, and religious—as shall enablo the jul of their charge to act wisfly, beneficently, and m fully in the grant theatre of life,—all aoxiliarv higher and a better ‘life to come.” 1 terms: 1 copy per year, if paid in ndvance... Jl t 4 copies “ 3( ,1 “ “ 5( 10 ** io SpccimcnNumbers of the above cheap and ble Magazine may be seen at the store of ti scriber, who will Forward the names of subs without delay. j. B . CUBBEDfl apl 18 , T HU. Story of a Family; by the authoi Maiden Aunt. The Students of Paris, a Romance of tlie 11 fury; by Albert Smith, author of the Pottleti acy. Linda, or, the Young Pilot of the Belle Cr tale ol Southern Life. ihe Trippings oi Tom Pepper, or the Rei Romimcmg—an autobiography; by Harry Fr Giseila, or the Hungarian Maiden; by the ai the Prairie Bird, &c. Indiana; by George Sand, author of Coi Sic. Lizzie Leigh, a Domestic Tale; by Chiu. I Lveiyn, the Child of the Revolution; by Mi Kobmson. The Swedes in Prague, or the Signal Ro Roinnnce ot the Thirty Years’ War; transisti the German. * ¥ * Received by Ma y 30- JOHN M. COO B I ^9r? WOOD,S I |fAGAZI N E A1 BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS to the late revolutions and counter-revohuif tne notions ot* Europe, which have folio other in such quick succession, and of v end is not yet," the lending periodicals of ( ?• u ave become invested wi|h a degree < hitherto unknown. They occupy a midd between tho hasty, disjointed, und neceasar tect records of the newspapers, and the nnd ponderous treatises to be furnished by urtfiu it proper to call renewed att these Periodicals, nnd the very low prices they i%re ottered to subscribers. The fol their list, viz : THE El)USB URGH RE VIE lf r , THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW\ erately, tliough clearly and firmly the'three great parties in England—To and Radical— “ Blackwood” nnd the Qunrterly,” nre Tory; the “Edinburgh mm at nn< * “ Westminster Review,’ lhe “ North British Review” owes its cstn to the last grent ecclesiastical movement in and is not ultra in its views on any one of ./ J . u 1> J 1118 oon-in-iaw, J>r. Jiannn, with .Sir David Bi ewster. Its literary cha the very highest order. The “ Westminsti reprinted under that title only, is publish land under the title of the “Foreign Qur Westminster,” it being in fact a union Reviews formerly published and reprintei pnrate title. It was, therefore, the advonti combination, of uniting in one work tlie b( ot both as heretofore issued. The above Periodicals are reprinted in immediately on their arrival by the British in a beautiful cleur type, on fine white p«P faithful copies of tlie originals. Black"’ azine being an exact fac simile of thoEdii tion. TERMS. For any one of the four Reviews, #2,00] For any lavo, do. • 5.0 For any three, do. For all four of the Reviews, 8,0 For Blackwood’s Magazine, 3,0 Eor Blackwood and thrpe Reviews, 9JJ F or Black wood and the four Reviews, l0,t Payments to he made in all cases in ad fiSS® 5 * Remittances nnd communication* always addressed, post-paid or franked, 1 Ushers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO*» X) Fulton Street, Nett Entrance