Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, October 07, 1850, Image 2

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SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS MONDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1850 tue morning news BV JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM T. THOMPSOltf>J!DI T p R r~m » m a: Daily Paper, $4,00:-.:::Trl-'veokly «2.00 All nm Advertiseramit aw ear la both popart. Monday l»lDrnlnKrO ct,l * t< ’ r 7 - Largest Circulation Id the City !! Our Reading Room. At we are frequently asked what la the price ol inscription to the Reading Room of the Morn- ing Hiki, we beg leave to Inform our friends that it is FREE, and that we are glad to ace them, and their frlenda, at all limes. Th* Steamship Florida Sailed.—A dispatch received at this office yesterday, statea that the new steamship Florida, Captain Lyon. Bailed from New- York on Saturday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. She has a very large number of passengers on board, tor this city. Her trial trip was completely succeaslul. On her return, when she passed the Hook, she was mak ing 14 milui per hour, against a very strong bead wind. BT We were gratified on Suturday last, to notice the return of our fellow-citizen, Hon. Joseph W. Jackson, in good health. U9“ Sir E. Belches, of the British Navy, and tho Hou. J. Babton, Minister to Chili, and lady, arrived in our city on Saturday night, in the steamer Nina, from Charleston. Dseadful Disastee. Our city was thrown into ■ state of interne excitement on (Saturday afternoon, by tho telegraphic despatch, which wilt b 1 found in another column, bringing tho melancholy tidings Of the loaa of the bark ltaac Mead of this port, with some twenty eight passengers on board. Capt. BnoWN of tho ltaac Mead, being & favorite with our people, muny of whom are absent at tho North, it was naturally expected that a large portion of the passengers were from this city, and in the uncertain ty which prevailed the most painful anxiety was man Rested by ull who had reason to Ijjar tnat their rein tivea and friends might be on board the ill-futcd bark During the day other despatches were received by which we learn the names of sumo of the passen gers, and dispatches were sent from till- city request ing a complete list of the passengers, which was how ever not received at a late hour last night It is prob able that it will be difficult for the agents in New- York or any one else t > furnish such a list, as the- captain's papers must have all boon lost, and prob ably lie possessed the only record of all tiicir naim-s. In the meantime we have to liopo that the worst tears of our citizousfor the safety of their iiiouds may not be realized. Since the loss of tho ill-fated Pulaski, by which our city and State suffered so severely, no calumity has occurred which bus cast such a gloom over our city. We understand that the cargo of the ltaac Mead was very valuable, and that it was chiefly consigned to our merchants. The tfuftti+e Slave mil—Its Authority t Openly Defied. The excitement among the Abolitionists and free blacks is becoming unbounded. Maas meetings and conventions are being held in every direction, at which resolutions arc boldly adopted, declaring their determination to resist, with arms, any tnture at tempts to recover fugitive slaves. At Worcester and Springfield. In Massachusetts, and at Oswego and Utica, New-York, the greatest excitement pre vails. In New-York city n great negro indignation meeting was held on Tuesday evening, the proceed ings of which were of the most outrageous and revolutionary character. After aoveral inflammatory speeches, the Fugitive Slave Bill was read, and a series of resolutions, denouncing tho law and the framers uf it, and calling upon the colored people to rise up and arm themselves, were unanimously passed, amid the shouts and cheers of the half fran tic multitude. At the conclusion of the proceedings song was sung, and a collection taken up to delray the expenses of eertuin fugitive slaves, who were now on their wiiy to Canada. These proceedings, to openly subversive of order and utterly iu defiance of law. took place in one of the churches ol New York city, and were counte nanced by the city authorities, and are either approv. cd or allowed to pass unrebuked by tho N w fork press, is this the good faith upou which the South ern people are to place their reliance 1 is this the conterralitm which is to secure us in our rights 1 We „ mend that it is the duty of the Northern authori ties to put a stop to these revolutionary proceedings of tho blocks and abolitionists. Such meeting,, at which resolutions are adopted openly declaring hoe tility to tho law of the luud, and a determination to r esist its execution with arms, are subversive ol every principle of Government, and their toleration by tho legrfl authorities is iu itself just cause of complaint on tlie part of the South. Our Northern brethren, who arc so prornm to do nounce, as revolutionary and treasonable, alienee able and leagal movements of our people, in vindica tion of their rights, should be equally prompt to suppress open and avowed rebellion in their midst. They should notallow tho negro, mob within their own jurisdiction, to set tbo laws of the country at defiance. BY TELEGRAPH. melanchoi.lv disaster. The IsaacMead of this Port Sunk! 28 Persons Drowned. Nr.w York, October 5, P. M. I , Received in Savanuali, at 24 oclock, r. .M. ) The bark ltaac Mead, Capt. Brown, from this port lor Savnnnnb. was run Into and sunk by the steamer Southerner, from Charleston, bound to New York, yesterday (Friday) morning, at 3 o’clock, oft' Cape May, and went down in five minutes. Twenty, four (24) persons were drowned. Captain Brown saved, hut his eldest sou was drowned. The Isaac Mead cloarod for duvanuah on Tuesday morn- ing last. SECOND DISPATCH. Saturday Evening* 7 o’clock. A dUpatch jU9t received,states that Mr?. Barnabd^ Miss Catharine L. Barnard, and Master John' Uarstow, (son of Mr. E. B. Batstow,) were on board, and are lost. There were only two passen gers saved j their names are not given. THIRD DISPATCH Washington, Oct. 5,9 o’clock, 20, P. M. 1 Received iu Suvannnb, 9 o clock. 25,1. M. > Our dispatch just received, states that the number of passengers lost are 28; among them are.Harriet Ghannes and Mis. A. Barnes, of Macon : Mrs. C. B rnard, Miss C. L. Barnard, and Master John Barstow, of Wilmington Island,Georgiu, and Dr. E- d. McGinnis, wife and child, ol Savannah. The steamship Southerner was but slightly dnmng- ed by the collision. Sunday Morning. A letter received from Mr. John Adams, dated at New-York on Monday last, states that he and his brother Andrew Adams, both from England, and who had only arrived at New-York a day or two be fore. intruded to take passage on buurd the Isaac Mead, for Savannah. They have a brother residing in thin city. Wc kept our paper open to a lato hour last night, hoping our telegraphic agent would transmit to us a full account of the disaster, which haa caused such painful anxiety to the miuda of muny of our citizens. But for some unnccountuble cause, no dispatch was received at this office. THE Bounty Land Bill Swindles. It will bo remembered that our telegraphic despatch on Thurs day stated that the President has suspended the Bounty Land Bill, in consequence or errors made by the engrossing clerk. The N. Y. Exprett contains the foliowing explanation oi theail'airi An enormous swindle and outrage was perpetrat edupon Congress.on Monday morning,it seems now, by «n rARfuiiitif clerk, who, undoubtedly. It lit? is the guilty party, has been bribed to do Jthe work tor jobbers in land patents. Tlie Bounty Land Bill, just passed, provides, in substanco. against the issuing ot any land warrant* or land scrip until the soldiers en titled to bounty lands made their locations. I be object was to prevent tlie sale of them new land warrants in Wall street and other tiWney innrkets. The engrossing clerk, it seems, by leaving out a word or two or altering them, contrived to lot them warrants gointo market immediately, just as other land warrants do. The effect is to knock down the price of- the Mexican bounty land warrants forty or fifty per cent., we presume. The Senate on Monday morning,as soon as this error of the > iigrossing clerk was discovered, and when the bill had been signed and become a law, passed a new bill, setting tlie old one right, ami the House of Representatives was ta king tlie ayes and noes on that bill when 12 oclock arrived, and cut oft all furlher action. The Prcsi- I dent has rigbltully suspended ull action upou this j law till Congress re-asseinbles. Our despatch published on Friday, states that the Bill will go into operation,the President.having with drawn his objections. DEPARTURE OP STPAMfT*^ I FROM LIVERPOOL ER *- York, i Cambria, Bo.ton.8hpt. 21 Eurnpo, N. Y’k., Sept 25 Atlantic, N. Y’k., Sept. 2(1 America, Boston, Oct. 5 Pacific, N. York, Oct. 16 Asia. Kr, Atrica, N. y 0 JM. 1, Atlantic, N, YoJ^q^Ji FROM HAVRE. ' Franklin tor New York FROM SOUTHAMPTON Ocu Hermann, N. V. Sept. 20 | Washing;™ JJ v „ 1 rr . FROM GLASGOW. City of Glasgow ..for New York FROM AMERICA V || FROM BOSTON. FROM n. Canada, Liverp’l, Oct. 2 Niagara ulm,? 0 ' 1 Cambria. •• Oct. Hi *-• ltrul “• America, •• Oct. 30 Canada, “ Nov. Ill FOR HAVANA, NEW ORLEANS AND rtuK'l Oeurgta leaves X. Y„ Oct. U. and tJ.v.unft^l FROM HAVANA. Isabel for Savannah, Niagara, Liveru'i I Atlantic, •- *“• Oftll Lumps, •• it I Asia, „ <Ha| MARRIED. In Philadelphia, on tho 29th ult. by the Rev. Mr Cos- greave. Mr. M. DOYLE, of Savannah, to Miss A. J. FORTUNE, of Southwark. Commercial. L A T r. S T D A T E s . Liverpool, Sept. 21 | Havre, Sept, 19 1 Havana. Sept 20 M.iviuiiiuli Miirket. October 7. COTTON.—The sales oil Saturday were 236 hales, at the following prices- 25 bales lit 134 l 154 at 13 5-10; flat 134; 42 at 13}: and 9at 14 cents. lhe advance on lust week prices of }e. has been estab lished. Wavnnnali Export*. October 5. Per brig Susan, for Boston—35U bales Upland cot- t0 per bark Gen Taylor, for New York—93,935 lcet lumber. „ . . Per ship Eli Whitney, for Liverpool—2,2a4 bales Upliind Cotton. Per sclir George J Jones, tor New \ ork—309 bales Upland Cotton, 6 pkgs mdze. PASSENGERS. Per steamer Win Gas tun, from p n ,„, R Thomas. Mrs Mattucy A child, w (j i, llnwkins. J Stewart, C Flanders, IIA ih'u.Hh 1 D l J N Reaves, A Rollston, 3 deck. ®*eB, pColI Per steamer Nina, from Charleston—Vi,. a I Miss Astabnrsga. Miss Garth. Mrs Bartow « n s A Mrs Kirk, Mrs Houseniun ami serve M. ,,' fr Messrs L J Murpliey, E F Wood, H b11 ViUi Wood. Cahints. Sir E Belcher, British Nisilil 1 ton, Minister to Cliila. C F Barth, M 1 f" Church. F W Bliss, F Hall, tlaudry n A u' A Erliur, Denseman, R H Kirk mid 2 deck Per steamer Win Sea .rook, from Charlesi™, Arnisted. 2 Misses Aii>uied,2 Misses OatL u 1 Monro, Mrs Postell, Miss Pustcll MissMiVa?*! Miss E Castels, Miss M A Boss, Mrs Clsk Vme,"** Rev S A Castels. lion J W Jackson, J j.';,,]., (I J J union. .1 M Tyson, R Lang, T N L«n«&' Brice, E L Harrison. .1 browner. P WsrcliL?' onton, W V Premia, R G Caniron, J itea u mao, N Cootinnn, ABubbetl, >1 Dari™ ee'a Tyner, T Monro. II B Hill. W H Gamier *2! J Lambeth, Masti:r Postell, and 2 on deck. ' U ' Special Notices. tar Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed on Saturday afternoon and yesterday, by some of our citizens, who, in their anxiety to learn tho partieu lars of the distressing disaster, the loss of the ltaac 1 Mead, called on Mr. Taylox, the Telegraphic opera tor, fur information. It should be borne in mind that Mr. T. is under the most solemn obligations to observe strictly the rules of the Company, and that however desirous be might have been to relieve tho painful apprehensions of the public, lie could not, without a betrayal of the trust reposed in him, 1m. part the information in his possession Mr. Taylor.’* uniform pdlteneis and courtesy towards those hav ing business with the office, afford the best evidence of his disposition to oblige, whenever it is consistent with the obligations and duties of his station to do Abolition Preacbcrn. The Charleston Sun learns from the Cheesboro’ N.C. Patriot, that two Wesleyan Preachers—Brooks I and McBride—are npeuly fanning the fiume of ahnli. tionism.by regularly preaching against our domestic institutions and forming associations of nou-slavehol- ders, in the neighborhood of Jamestown, N. C.,—n Quaker settlement The enemy are among us. re marks tlie Sun audit be 'ooves all peaceable citizens to be tm the lookout. This is not tho first nor the only effort thst has hem made to array foreigner* and non-slaveholders in the Southern States against tho slaveholders. Certain pretendtd eontcrcativct have iatteily betrayed a squinting that way in Georgia It will he well for them, we think to restrain their seal. The man that would advocate such a doctrine is the worst en emy alike of the slaveholder and the non-slavehold’ er. He would betray and rob the one and debase and trample on the other. It becomes the true friends of the South of all classes to wa tch this movement. Misstssirri Moving.—We are unable to make room for Governor Quitman's Proclamation. It is hardly necessary to say that it is truly southern in its tone and spirit. The Governor orders the legisla ture to aserahle at Jackson, the capital of the State on the 18th day of November. Geoxoia Military School-We have learned, with pleasure, says tho Marietta Advocate, that ibe Trustees of the Military School have contracted for the necessary buildings, at a cost of about seveu thousand dollars. The Board have made r most ju dicious selection and purchase of one hundred and twenty acres, in the immediate vicinity of Marietta. including a beautiful elevation for th* site of the pro. posed buildings. Col. Brumby, who is to occupy lhe position of Principal in the Institution, furnishes the plan. Tho brick work is to be completed by the first of Januury next, and the wholo to be in readiness by the first of June. — Disaster at Sen and Loss of Life. The barque Sophia, of Portland, Me., fell In, on the 3d ult. in lat. 59, Ion. 25, with the brig Johanna Johnson, (of Stockholm,) bound from Charleston, 8.C., to Bremen, with a cargo of pitch pine timber and spirits of turpentine. Tlie Johanna was In a vi ry disabled condition, had five feet of water In her hold, and was leakingat the rate of an inch amimite. Tl e Sophia took off the captain and crew. John Clark, of Calai*, Me., and a French seaman of the Sophia were drowned. Nothing was aaved but what the crew atoed in The Indian Appxopbjation Bill, in the In. diau Appropriation Bill passed by the Senate, there Is about a million of dollars for the Clierokee In dians, for culms due them upon leaving Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee; it is said, that certain white agents at Washington wil’ get about the most of it. After the bill was passed, end it went through with a straggle,jtbese agents, it is said, were in high glee. Shocking Muvdex.—Phebe Sharpies*, daughter of Aaron Sharpless, teacher of a school ot Rocky Hill, . near Wert Chester, Pa., was found brutally murder ed at the door of the school house, on Saturday morning- She was thnt through the back of the neck. A man named George rharaoh was arrested on suspicion, and on his person was found a ncwi-pa- gier with a piece tom off, and the piece was found gieer the murdered lady, having been used for -the wadding of the gun thst killed her. She was an esti- •rablcyoung lady, ond the occurrence produced a gie# excitement in lhe neighborhood. Correspondence of the Daily Morning A etas. New Yuhk. Oct. 1, 1850. As the event of yesterdny was ono in which your readers are somewhat interested—namely tho trial trip of the steam hip Florida-intended for the Savan nuh line, 1 hasten to inform you of tho particulars, 1 may promisethejaccount of the trip, however, with some remarks about tlie vessel, nnd I assure you, that sho is positively a splendid one, not alone in her fit ting up nnd her appartuiente, but in all those qual ities, which constitute a steam-ship, of the highest class. Her model is cha-ste, and remarkably beauti ful—slie floats on the boBom of old Neptune, as grace fully as a swnn ; nnd sho moves through the water with senrecly a jar to disturb your comfort. She is 214 feet long, 35 feet 3 mches broad, and the depth 22 foot 6 inches. Her engine is a masterpiece ot workmanship, ss indeed are nil those made at the Novelty Works, ft is of 500 horse power ; is a one- side laver marine engine, with wrought iron frame. The cylinder is 75 inches with 8 feet stroke—the wheels 294 feet diameter ; 10 feet face; 32 paddles, 26 inches wide. I B"sides a very neat saloon on deck, she lias two caViins below; the tore cabin is 51 feet long, by 6 feet 10 inches in height; tlie after one is 40 lcet long; and she can accommodate from 180 to 200 passengers with births. The cabins are exceedingly neat and beautiful—the panelling being of satin; with rose wood borders. The Interstices are divided by pil lars of white, surmounted with gilted capitals. The very best taste lias been displayed in every thing connected with these cabins. Tlie vessel is ceiled inside, and plunked outside with yellow Georgia pine. Her knees are all of hac- matac, and bolted in the bcst£ nnd strong man ner. The lower piinncl* are of white oak ; the up per pnnncls of live onk and cedar -. tlie beams of yel low Georgin pine. Pile is provided with four of Francis' Metnlic Llle-Boato. Bo much for the hont; now for her powers as a sea vessel. She left her dock in the East river at a few minutes past 10 o’clock, A. M„ and rounding tlie , R * n'ighVundVobbcd of about"$5,600—about $2,800 Battery, went a shor distance up the North river, w hicb was in specie, $2,000 ol it and thf ti turning round, proceeded directly seaward. Ncw-YorU Coltou Market. New Yobk, Oct 4. The advices brought by tlie Cambria liuve given an impulse to our cotton market, which has expe rienced an advance of 1 on all qualities. (Sales to day 2,000 bales. ,, , . 3 New York, Oct 5. Cotton market quiet. Sales to-day (Saturday) 500 bales. The sutes of the week iiiuounteu to 8,000 bales. Maryland Election. Baltimore, Oct 4. Our Gubernatorial election is over. The contest has been a very animated otic. The democratic Gov ernor. Enoch Louis Lowe, is eluded by 1,800 ma jority. Dentil of a .Member of Congress. Baltimore, Oct. 5. Chester Butler, . member oi Congress irom Pennsylvania, died yesterday. Collector nt ban Francisco. • Washington, OcLl. Hon. T. Butler Kino, ol Georgia, lias been ap pointed Collector ut San Francisco, Calitonna, in place of 1. R. Davis, Penn., who decline the appoint ment. ___ Heavy Hank Robbery. I Manchester. Vermont. Oct 1st The Bsttenkill Batik, ot this place, was broken into CHARLESTON, Oct. 5 - Cotton.—'The market yesterday was quiet the transactions having been | uontineu chiefly to but one buyer, prices however were nt iiq uiIvhiick ot hbcut ^ uu tlioao oil tue tiny previous. The sales amounted to 500 bales, at ex tremes ranging from 13} a 13} NEW ORLEANS, Ocu, 4, 1850.—Tho Cambria's advices were received last night. The sales ot Cot ton to-day amounted to 1500 bales ot 4 advuuce: Middliug, 13 a 134 I Fair, 14. . Thu first hogsnead of Sugar was received to-day from Point Coupee, und was ot fair quality. ATLANTA, Oct 3—Cotton—There is very little coming iu ami agreeable to the best information, from tlie Colton growing counties, in the upper part ot the State, mere will not be more than a half a crop. 1 lie sales of tho week have been small, prices 124 a 124 for fair. AUGUSTA, Oet 4.—Cotton—The intelligence per Cuuiuria, given in this morning’s paper, caused quite an active deinund iu our market to day, and some 81)0 bales changed bauds at 4 a } ot., advance on tile prices paid yesterday. The river is still low, but our light d aught steam ers continue to come up to the wharves. MACON, Oct 5— Cotton—Our market is firm and prices have advanced about half a cent, since tile re ceipt of the Cambria's accounts. We ,uote 12 a 134 ceuis. Prices here are based principally upon the prospect oi h short crop. The receipts amount to only 4 oroOl) bales daily. NOTICES of Candidates for Office are published daily, untilfij First Monday ill January n 'xt, for the sum of fj Dollars—Payable ttrictly in advance. Receiver of Tax Returns for l lmntha James M.J nks, watch-maker, No.64 St. Juljj will be a caudidute for the Office in January aeii 1 Oct 1 She run from Governor’s Island to the Light ship, outside Sandy Hook, a dlstanceof twenty-two miles, in one hour nnd forty-seven minutes, nnd the same di-tance bnckin one hour and twenty-five minutes. The wheels made sixteen tevolutions per minute, with sixteen pounds ot steam. A large pnrty of ladies and gentlemen were on board, and quite a jolly time was passed in the cabin, where all sorts of good things had been pro vided for the occasion. Mr. Chick is the name of the Steward, but lie is evidently no chick at the busines, for be suited everybody's taste to a nicety. The Florida, as you are aware, is to run in con- Innction with the Alabama, which will be ready to Pike her place in the line in December next, and will be placed under the command of Capt. Dudlow — The Florida leaves here on Saturday next, for your P Site is commanded by Capt. Thomas Lyon ; first officer, Mr. 8. Woodhulf; second officer, Mr. Barr. Engineer. Mr. Smith; Clerk, Mr. Calver, who were all attached I understand, to the Cherokee, when she run in the line. The cholera is never mentioned now—its name i« nev-r heard, and the city continues in a state of high health. The deaths last week were only 315, being eight less than the week before—of these, 71 were men, 52 women, 113 girls, nnd 79 boys. An eft'ort was made in the Court of Oyer and Terminer this morning to brine on young Drury's trial, but ft was set down lor Wednesday next; as was likewise his father's, for passing counterfeit money. Judge Edwards, of the Supreme Court, decided, on Saturday, to discharge Mrs. Forrest irom the ar rest. in the want of n cereal, us he beliered that ^ had been abolished by the new code; but Mr. Og Conner, the conn-el tor Mrs. F., who was one of the codifiers, persuaded the Judge to permit the question to go before the full bench, and it will be argued there this week. In the meantime Mr. For- re«t is permitted to leave the State, but must return win n the argument is brought on A most di-gurting exhibition is announced to open here this week, consisting of wax figure- of Dr. Park- man and Prof. Webster, and a mode l and interior plan of the Cedlege, rMicre tlie murder was commit ted. But to crown all the veritable Littlefield, the Janitor, is to “lecture," as it is termed, and explain the particulars of that horrible afii Ir I Can there he anything more base—moreheartloss—more wicked— than tills T The man seems to gloat over lhe san guinary details—remember with what apparent gusto hp dwelt upon them in the trial; and not content with his $3,(XX) blood money, must now trnfie his knowledge ot thnt heartrendering tragedy, and en rich him-elf at the expense of those whose feelings have surely already been sufficiently lacerated. I trust thnt the public of New-York will frown down the attempt, and hoot the fellow from the building There was a rumor yesterday that Howard Si Son, the owners of a line, of steamers between this port nnd Chagres, had failed. They got into a tight placo it seems, and their notes Wi re protested on Satur day. but I hear that they got through all straight. It wna occasioned by the failure "f eertuin ship builders to take up their notes. H Si Son have been build- in* pretty extensively lately. There is a talk about getting up a subscription to purchase the freedom of the slave Hamlet, who was arrested here last week The price demanded is $8(X). which I have no doubt will be raised. There is s ill great excitement among the colored people, and a great many fugitive slaves have left for Canada—a hundred went in one day. five <-f whom were waiters at one hotel Thev a>e holding meet Ings nightly tiArganize plans to protect or rescue and >ny. untie who may he hereafter arrested under similar clrcumslxnsas, and arow, I presume, may be expected. CRAULEMAC. 1)1 IUUl i as ou. v.. i -w-, -- - - f . A reward ol $51X1 is offered tor tins recovery ot the money, or a proportionate sum tor any amount thercuf. Mail Coach attacked and Robbed. Baltimobe, Oet. 1st. Last evening, while the mail coach was in tho vi cimty of Uuioutown. I’a., it was atlackr d by a party of rohbets, who stole a number, ol trunks aud aev Cl al thousand dollars in money. The Fugitive riluve Dill in Massachusetts * Boston, Oct 1. At the Wing Convention, at Worcester, to day. Jenny Lind received one vote for Lieut. Governor. Thu Speaker, iu the afternoon, denounced, .the Fu gitive Slave Bill iu uu measured terms. Judge Bar ton eaid that he held it in execration, and that no law that didawuy with those two great bulwarks of lib- ei ty—the trial by jury and tho habeas corpus act— could lie sustained here. Tbo Double Exrcntlon. New Haven, Oct. 2. At 11 o’clock this afternoon, Henry Leander Foote and Jas. McCaffrey, were executed in the jail yard, Nr w Haven. The first for tlie murder of a young g.rl named Emily Cooper, and tlie second lor the inurdi r of a Mrs. Ann Smith, on East Rock near this city. Mrs. Smith's husband was also killed at the same time, ami it is supposed t.y tlie same hands. Religious services we re had in the i’risouers’ ceil at an r ally hour. Both l’risomrs expressed contri tion, but McCaffrey denied his guilt to the last. They wort brought outut their cells at 10 minutes betore IL o’clock, attended try the Clergy. McCaffrey by the Rev. Win. O’Kiclly. Catholic,—he said nothing to tile spectators, hut continued ejaculating, “Oil God, oh Christ I" etc. At one minute past II Sheriff' l’annlee stepped on the spring ol the drop and in stuntly both prisoners were suspended by the neck. Tho Grand Jury ol Philadelphia have indict- ed thc fire department of that city as a nuisance, anil call upon the city authorities to havo It abated, mean time urging the citizens to reluse all donations independent or volunteer companies. Government Finances.—Tho U. S Treasurer statement shows the amount at his credit, hy returns rcoeived to Monday, 23d September, to be $15,300.836 30, Of this there was at Washington,$100,985 08, Boston, 82, 878,812,27; New York, $5,076,227 23, Philadelphia. $1,'T9,362 86; Baltimore, $58,1105 37: Richmond, $9,302 41; Norfolk, $2,871 67; Wilmlng ton, N. C., $3,633 38; Mint, Philadelphia, $4,841,150; Branch mint, New Orleans, $61X1,000. Transfers or dered to Treasury U. S-, Washington, $200,000. Important rxoM Washington. A despatch from Washington states that the Secretary of the Treasury has issued a circular in rclatatiou to the payment of the expenses of the weigh ng, mensur ing. and guauing imported merchandize, the effect of which will hr- to relieve importers from the payment of these expense*. "Honobables."—A dispatch to the New Tork 7Vi bane, giving some account of Friday night's Congres feionnl proceedings, says: “Adjourned after midnight. High time. Many drunk." J(T Father Mathew arrived at St Louis on the 21st nit He was to devote the ensuing week to the administration of the pledge. The disciples he has made throughout the State, exreed 250,1X10 including upwards ol 14,000 in New Orleans, during thf past •walk SELECT SCnOftL. The undersigned proposes lo open u School, lira ed to twenty five pupils, at twenty live dollarsn per term of 5} mouths ; one ball pnyable in ndrai tire balance at three u ontha The courieof i will embrace the Elementary and higher bin ol English, together with Latin, Mathematics. ■ Practical Surveying. The exercises uf the ichoolij commence ns soon ns fifteen pupils are entered, i ply at Mr. J. M. Cooper’s Book Store Sept 19 tf JOS. M. SHELLM.ttl YOUNG L ADI E8> SCHOOL. Madame A. Girard has the honor ot nnnouKini her many friends and tlie people of Savannah,ti -he will re open her 6chool for young ladiesun f 1st of October. H. K. Preston. Esq., will, as usual, barcrliirp j the English Department. sept 24 I'2td2w4 Sloping intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH. - • OCTOBER' I* O It T C A LI N DAR. MOON'S PHASES. New Mn. 4d. 9b. 48m.. a I Eli Mn,20d.. 10h. 3m„ M First qr. 12d. 9h.22m„ m | Lat qr. 27th, lih. 57m.,M s u N MOON H gh VV atcr Oct. Rises. Sots. fciets. Morn. **n 1 8 5 0. H. M. H. M. It. M. H. M. 11 M 7 Monday, 5 58 5 37 07 22 09 24 09 4^» 8 'i uesduy 5 57 5 36 08 03 10 00 10 10 9 Wednesday.. 6 00 5 35 08 45 10 37 10 hl> 10 Thursday,... h 00 5 33 09 30 11 16 11 Al 11 Friday, <; 01 5 32 10 18 11 59 00 48 12 Saturday,. .. 6 02 5 31 11 00 00 13 Sunday G 03 5 30 11 59 01 13 01 53 NOTICE.»»The ■ub?cribers offor stile that large ami valuable lot ot ii known tut the ‘‘Burton Bay" on the L isville Rond, in Effingham Co., thirty*^ liiilcxs from the city of Savannah, call particular attention to tlii? l»n guru it very valuable for tho culture ot Col Cotton, Rice, &.c. The premised are well improt* and uuder good repair. We only asi^the public call and set: the land, na we are sure it will pie any ono wishing rich land. Any informationm»y| had respe cting the place by applying to Milton! Powers at No. 3* C. It. Road, or to Wm. Coowf Eden Ellingham, or to Virgil Powers, atFort \»1| Houston Co. Geo. MILTON H. POWERS,) VIRGIL POWERS, WM. COOPER. . Charles Courier please copy once » | ono month, and seud bill to this Office. Oct 7 * 4m p STOVES ARRIVED. Ship Eva, Philbrook, from Charleston, in ballast —to A Low &. Co. Steamer VVm Gaston. Ilebbard, Palatka—to Co hens & Hertz. Steamer Nina, Magee, Charleston—to Cohens Si Hertz. Steamer YVm Seabrook, Blankenthip, Charleston, to Cohens Si Hertz. CLEARED. Brig Susan, Tliurlow, for Boston—Washburn, Wil der Si Co. Bark Gen Taylor, Soule, for New York—C A Grle- ner. Schr George J Jones, Lookc, for New York—Row land Si Washburn. Ship Eli Whitney, Blusland, for Liverpool—I’adel ford, r'uy Si Co. DEPARTED. Steamer DeKnib, Moody, Augusta; Steamer Nina, Magee, for Charleston. Steamer Wm Seabrook. Blankenship, Charleston. Steamer J Stone, Freeland. Palatka. MEMORANDA I.ewis. Del, Sept 3(1—The brig Frank, Coombs, fm Savannah, for Philadelphia, is how at an-hor on the Fourteen Foot Bank. Philadelphia, Sept 30—Arr schr Dart, Somers, 6 dys fm Savannah. New Y’ork—Arr schr Sarah Lewis, Harkill, 13 days from Jacksonville, Fin; brig Wm Nichols, Layton, from do. Oct 1—Cld echr Lydia Ann, Voorhis, for Savan nah. Arr ship Georgia. Mills, (of Savannah) fm Liv erpool. Cld hark irnne Mead, Brown, lor Savanuuh ; bark Berry Adams, Curimsh, for do. The schr Henry. Brown, from Darien, Geo., with a cargo ol Yellow Pine Lumber, went ashore on the Point of Sandy Hook, during the squall on Saturday night 28th ult. Assitance has been sent to her. The vessel will probably be gotteu off with loss of deck load. Tho barque Mary, Mosses, nt Boston from Liver pool, Kbarded on tlie 17th September, when in lat 45, Ion 46, the wreck of the Br ship Victoria, ot Brislel, abandoned and water logged—timber ladi n. Ship Wabash Asiiobe —The ship Wabash John ston from N Orleans for New-York. went ashore on Long Keaeli, opposite the Great Swamp, between Barungat und Little Egu Harbor, on Friday evening last,about 7 o’clock, und bilged. Just received Rnd for enle 150 Cutik JWWI Ranee? ; 100 parlor Stoves, J5 Hall and Office. 104 of tlie most inshionable patterns. Aba f at* J and Hoar Pumps, Plain end Jappnneu In Hollow and Enamelled Ware. Furnace*. Irons, Grid Irons, Sauce Pans, Fry Pans,Ate,L Pipe, sheet Lead, iron, Copper anil Zinc. McAKTHOR & MOM. I Oct 7 ‘ No. 13 BanuraSt* I LLUSTRATIONS of the HOUSCRJ TURKS.—Derived principally from customs Rites traditions, lurnia ot t P w "’ ,j| the Eastern Nations; embodying all thatu - in-the works of the most celebrated onrnai * iers: edited by Rev. George Hueb. ,1 Lonz Powers, oifthe Regulators, aRcrauo 1 lucky, founded on tacts, by l.nnpEI ccived by JOHN M. tuui Oct 7 L OST.—On Thursdny afternoon !»<.' ,{ Sl cil Case with Pen. The finder will W rewarded by leaving the sume ut this oncft oct 7 ^ F resii wheat bbaWj-mJ^J sale by ROBT. HABLHsHAN* Oct 7 3t M Old Tuscaloosa W sale by Oct 7 COUENri a 1 |MI*I , INKS,—10 quui ler ca.:X* . CM W 10 do Madeira, and 25 basket* J pagne, iu Store, aud for salo by^_ ^ pjvlM® "7 on**! G ~ OSHEN UUTTER.-24 rirffint o ter (selected) landing n \ V1I> U ^I For Bale by W. M ua | Oct 7 n ii.i ciwaa.—25 hluK pf Jf or *le(J Bacon Sidos, landing this day-«' Oct 7 JAMES A. - J^ACON MDBS bha^'I O TARD, DUPWY * M’S’i bait pipes Oturd, Dupuy & Le * ■ 1847) iu bond, aud for sale by Oct 7 CONSIGNEES. Per Steamer Wm Gns'on, trnm Palatka—5 bales fi 1 cotton to E Read, G W Anderson St Bio, J Groven- stine. Per steamer Nir.fi from Charleston—J S Norris, Ambler, Barnuni <2 Co, Rabun & Fulton, J M Coop er, J A Mugilk W M Wadley and others, Per steamer Win Seabrook, from Charleston—C R R, Fla Boats. Rosenbnld Si Hro. J Lippman. Cant O C Parker, A Munson. A Rich,.I F Doe, Currreli Si Boggs. A Haywood, Collins Si Bulkley, J W Anderson, J Dai is. CONSIGNEES PER CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. Oct 5.—448 hales cotton. 18 do yarn Si mdze fo G 8 Frierson, Rowland & Washburn, Allen A Ball. Wash burn, Wilder A Co, N A Hardee A Co, W A Cars- W. M. "PRICE & VEAQEft 147 Uuy-strcct, ol H AVE received u largo assortmerts CLOTHS, CASSfMERES AS uor ,» which they a’e prepared lo mua e Oct 5 Visettes. Just received St Al*j TjXRENCH Cumbricks, Gingb» ro! ' and Shawls. Just received hj^^L * . marshal'- *7] Just received by oct 7 firussri'; pARPETTINGS.—» Pining*; l»]y iucraiu and common L r match. For *ale hy MARSHALL A aAHUNJ ** tile ilth. '’4 . - 1VT ARBff *t-L well. Dye, Olivet A Co. R Habersham A Son. Win . wu by Wednesday; ujjg, it:! Duncan, Holt Sc Both well, Jo* H Burroughs, Hollia j VV ^rtinpxit oi rich Cbc** **** ¥ A Lawson, Frauklfti A Brantly, Rabun A Fulton, T framing* lo «M»eb. fl Wayne, J Jones A Son, C Hnrfrldge.