Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, October 08, 1850, Image 1

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Publication Office Mo. 115 Bay-Street, near the Custom House. swAS Single Ktunbcr, 1 wo Cents* SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 8. 1850 S^^fuAlLV AM) TKl-VVEKKH, '"ff ioHN B». C OOPER. T imujmT^ON. K1)itor. !"• terms: .. ilnrnina Sewn i. delivered to City IfW On* 1 * ? ral “„,in. payable halt yaarly in CKNT3 11 week ’ tmylbla to tU * „w,°r ,,r pie , t twocknth. f.itVly Mnnilu* Pie wh. for the coun- e fri-" t j ' oew « matter and new advertise jotwmnf furnished for two dollar, per ,of the dtnJ' ‘ i»» dv “ , ' c "' in , e rted at the following rutes : iveritaeoie ^ ; iquBro 1 month, ®7.0(i urn. 1 >n* ert ’ i square 2 months, 12,00 contii>»“ n ° f o 5o I 1 square mouths, 15,00 Ti'»/>«« "r ' e “* 10 cov,,Uuo: ° **“ ore - l“»'* f "r r .iJ^ientrt“«rte<l «t the n.ual rate.. 1‘rw.in.nt* f">» tra, ' ,im,t P er,ona ur " tra,, 8“ r “- be paid he restricted to their regu ir ly advertJ o ot i,er adverti-oment. not pertain- ‘tHrirM*? 1 ® 1, he.inei. as agreed for, will he char, “*• , - r H.er. exceedingintheir advertisements ^. nemb»7oniTe. agreed for, will he charged S u rj«Mti.en«>ht» sent to this office without di- r Ad m he number of insertion., will he pnb l"daily, unt ’l ordered t0 b0 di,conI11,ued ' and '^‘’^"diartie.ntent' appear in the Tri-week- Ml UtteMdireeled to this office or the Editor, b. pint P a ' d ■ —r7T„ toU r months alter date, application he made to the Honorable the Justices ot the ' ", ouri of Chatham county, when sitting: or ''f 0 ' wno.es, for leave to sell the following ■dinuiT 1’ P 0nt . n( .gro man named Peter, and all per of Philip Reilly, laie of said county. C il'tortho benefit of the heirs and creditors ol iT. state JULIA ANN iUELLY ’ Admx ' ot'B d7 — T/vrifE The copartnership herctotore exist- i ing lrtuwii the subscribers, under the firm ot HAMILTON & CO., Bridgeport, Conn., und HAM- SYMONS, .Savannah, Ueo., is this day dts- I,v mutual consent. W. R. SYMONS will con- ' tlisbusiness in Savannah on his own account ® c 7 W. R. SYMONS. The .uh.crlber, grateful for the patronage to the lute firm, hope* hy the SUPERIOR E AND EXCELLENCE OF THE GOODS will be enabled to offer, to merit it. continuance ,m las friends und the public generally ^ vmons * FOR lUiNT. The eastern tenement of brick 3 two stories high.'in Broughton st.. will be tin U 111 a few days, well calculated for a .wholesale iness,being 70 feet deep, and 00 fW;t Iront. For eg30 P ' y tU COHENS & HERTZ. ,\C0N. 2° Casks Sides and Snouldera land in* from ship Hartford for aala by _ a »y p7 BRiGUAM, KELLY JtCO. rSHTON & CLAHK’S COD RIVER OIL , Ju-t received a lull supply ol llie above celcbru Oil, for the use of con-umptive patients For bY TURNER & ODEN, uc j Monument Bq. [IT WINE «fc HYSON TKA.—10quarter ok. Port Wine, and 10 hi'chests Hyson lea,In rod for sale t>y „ M . DAVIDSON. IE SCBSCHIRER respectfully mlorms his nt-nde and the public, that lie has just opened if fancy articles, among which are Luhtn s Ex- for the handkerchiefs fancy Toilet Bottles, Harrow for the hair, Jules Hauela Eau Lustrale teetorative, Shaving Creams, Ambrosial Shav- ikes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Cufciba, *1 rail* : Wash Ball*, Brown Windsor tioup, iooth Magnifying Mirrors, &c., &c. Persons wish- procure any of the above named articles, should once at JOHN A. MAY ER rf, 09 154 Broughton st. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE SD Prices Current of Fine and important Steel Engravings &c., by the most eminent Artists, i a Prices Current of Picture Frames, supplied ietrade hy Holbrooke At Co., Leicester Sq., don, and No. 180 Fulton Street, N. Y. tie above mentionedCatalcgue and Prices Cur- may be seen, and the Pictures and Frames (or sr of them alone) be obtained at the New-York es, by applying to uly25 JOHN M. CCOll 1 . >0011 itIAN’8 FIUKN1K Dr. Roberts’ Oint inert of many Virtues, ur Poor Man’*- Friend, jpr eruptions and wounds of every descripti« »n For We by G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO,, j april lb Gibbons’ Buildings* MISCELLANEOUS. HIE. 400 Mils. Lime expected daily per schr. 2 Wilder. For sale, to arrive, by July 18. BRIGHAM, KELLY" & CO. j^LOIIlf. 50 bids. Baltimore Flour, landing and • for 6»le by July id. BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. I®* WIST All’ll) BALSAM of WILD CHER ty, for sale by I,. .1. MYERS, t*r 23 Smet?' Building. 1 0~C O u N TRY Ti KUCIIANTS —- NEW FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS.— J lie subscriber* are now receiving their uennl large Ind well selected stock of StHple and Fancy Dry F" 1 ™". sdnpteti to the fall trade, which they otter fur ten '''' P* ece or package, on accommodating •eptld _ SNIDER, LATIIROr ti NF.VITT. IIA CIIOLAGOGUE, an unfailing Remedy r the Fever and Ague, and other bilious diseases, received and for u'ulety L. J. MYERS, y 17 Miners' Building. • LI) 1*ENS. Anew supplv iust received by July 10 ■ JOHN M. COOPER. Chatham Superior Court,May Term, 1S50 James Moroecai, ) »*, \ Libel for Divorco Sarah Mohdecai, ) I T appearing to the Court by the return of tha Sher iff, that the defendant cannot la’ found ill thiscoun- ty, on motion, it is ordered, that the suid defendant do file her answer or dtdensivo allegation in writing, to the above libel, on or before the first day of the next term of this court, or that the plaintiff'have leave to proceed ex parte to the Jury. And it is further or dered, that a copy of this order he published in one ot the gazettes of this city, once u month for fouff months prior to the next term of this court. Extract tront the minutes. JNU. F. GU1LMARTIN. Clerk s. c. c. c. nug 14 lam—4m Chatham Superior Court, May Term, 1S30. William J. Ba.vdv, j n. v Libel for Divorce. Rebkcca Bandv, ) I T appearing to this court by [lie return of the Sher iff, tiiat the defendant cannot be found in this coun ty. on motion, it is ordered, diat the said defend ant do file her answer or defensive allegation in wri ting, to the above Libel, on or before the first day of the next term of this court, or that the plaintiff have leave to proceed ex parte to the Jury. And it is further oidered, flint a copy of this order be publish ed in one of the gazettes of this city, once a inohth, for four months, prior to the next term of this court. Extract from the minutes. JNU. F. GU1L.MART1N, Clerk s.c. c. c. nug 14 m —4m Chatham Superior Court, May Term, 1830 Catherine E. Barnard, Compl't, j Murdock CmsoLat, Isaac B. Row- j * n ^ t l u ' , J r - land, John T. Rowland, Delta. J O N motion, it is ordered that Murdock Chisolm and Isaac B. Rowland, Defendants in the above en> titled rase,who reside without the limits of Chatham county, do file their demurrer, plea or answer to the bill filed against them by Catherine E. Barnard, on or before the second Monday ill January u: xt, or tliut the same be taken pro oi ntosso against them; and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be served upon them three months lietore the next terra of the Superior. Codrt, or published once a month for four months in one of the gazettes of the city of Savan nah. Extract Iroin the minutes. [Signed] JNU. F.UUILMARTIN, c.s.c. c c. sept 7 lum4 l VTOTICE.—Ail persons indebted to the Estate ol i. v Henry James, deceased, are requested to inak> immediate payment; and all persons having demands against the said estate, will present them duly attest ed, within the time prescribed hy law, to may 11 fftw lim YV. M. DAVIDSON, Ex'r. TUIINER’8 Compound Fluid Ex-tract of Canyza and StylHngln. r HIS preparation is a Concentrated Extract, con tabling all the Active Medical Properties of tin Uonyza, (.commonly known as Black Root,) and the atyllingia,or Queen's Delight. These plants have been long used among our South ern Negroes, and recently by the Medical Profession, with the happiest results, in cases of Chronic Rheu matism, Ulcers ol long standing, and Secondary Syphilis. It is much superior to any preparation el Sarsaparilla as an alterative, being more active and prompt ill its operation on the system. These facts nave induced the subscribers to present to the atten tion of Physicians a fluid extract prepared strictly ac cording to Chemical and Parmaceutu ul science, de void of all the feculent und inert parts of the roots, nut doubting that it will supersede the unscientific and crude preparations hitherto used. Price—®! per bottle, or six bottles for ®5. Preparedandsold by TURNER & ODEN, .Moiiume-iit-Siiuare, And by T. M. TURNER & CO. mar 2fi ltd Bay-street, Savannah, Ga. ’I4IJE NEW GLEE-BOOK—THE ALPINE l GLEE-SINGER. By William b.Bradbury, co- editor ot " The Mendelssohn Collection,“TlieN. Y. Clioralist," “Psnlmudist," and author of various oth er muiicnl works. We have ju-,t published THE ALPINE GLEE- SINGER, a now collection of tile me-1 beautiful and popular secular music, in four vocal parts, for choirs, musical societies, and suciul music parties. Its lead ing features are, A great variety of new and beautiful SWISS MEL ODIES harmonized. . ALPINE AND TYROLESE MELODIES—The choicest variety ever presented to American singers. POPULAR GERMAN PEOPLE’S OR STU DENTS' SONGS- in part-, from the pens ot emi nent modern German Composers. POPULAR SONGS HARMONIZED—A variety ot the most popular English, Scotch and American Songs, Harmonized ORIGINAL PIECES—Ot the Author’s choicest se cular compositions. HIGHLY-FINISHED PIECES—A select number of highly finished four-voice compositions, by Men delssohn, Hauptmann, Kreutzer, and others. OPERATIC MELODIES—A choice variety ot light favorite operatic melodies harmonized FLORA’S FESTIVAL—A Cantata; rc-arranged and harmonized for adult choirs and classes, com plete in itself as u musical recreation, and equally beautiful as disconnected four-voice songB, duetts, solos. A-c. _ .... . VOCAL EXERCISES, Sic.—In iddition to the above will be found a full set of vocal exercises for Choir.- and Singing Classes, chiefly from Panseron, together with Lablache’a celebrated instruction for the cultivation and management of the voice, tile whole constituting a work lor all classes ot singers, we believe ‘mot a little in advance ot any tiling ot the kind that has appeared in this country." MARK II. NEWMAN & CO. ONGAHKLA WHIISKEY.—25barrels WPS from Bark Vernon, arid for sale by JAS. A NORRIS. pORKlGN AND TOMHSTIC! LIQUORS. .•> bah pipe- Otard, Dopuy, Si Co’s., Brandy J Pipes Mcdcr Swan Gin ‘PUiichi'.uu Old Scotch Whiskey J do - do. Jnmaicn Rum oil m,. .' do. St. Croix do aoX,™ BIld eighth casks 4tli proof Brandy j-Q j 0, £• & H. Connecticut River Gin ]« U 0 - *5 Phelps' do For Jr* w Orleans Rectified Whiskey 4 '"'efrom store, by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Si CO. Rutter AN1> CHEESE.—no keg» selected Goshen Butter, S ! ub " do, •ihy ** En 5 1ieh Doiry Cheese, landing and for jug 2.7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Si CO. nug 7. 2||8 iaa Broadway, New-York. CUKE Y0UH8ELF. F ROM time immemorial there has existed in large cities and populous towns, a species oi disease the (lepcudence and propagation of which results from the violation of divine and moral laws, lo those afflicted, the AMERICAN COMPOUND is pre sented to their notice as being the most certian. spee dy and valuube specific ever offered to the unfortu nate. It has. wherever known, acquired a reputation that daily experience continues to strengthen. I hou- snndshave been cured by its use; and us it leaves no odour on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet or business, nor contains either mercury or noxious drugs in the lea«tinjurious to the system. It is bolillv presented ns the best cure for such diseases yet ottered. It is used by Physicians, and pronounc- ed superior to any known remedy. • Prepared hy Dr. J.N. Rector M Brother, 294 Mar ket street For sale by W. HUMPHREYS, ket-street. i or , ^ A _ SOLOMONS & CO., July 24 ly T. H. TURNER & rn. ~ Jb j^JEniV’ J V E OlE T X II Is K O lUlrOUN JD, ron Tjrtc curr of ’ .. DYSPEPSIA. LlVKlt+COMPLAlNT. KEIIVOVS DEBILITY. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, ffC. ’J7I11S medicine is nrt'ered to flip public- rniUer the l assurance that there is /no article in exlstcnce httving stronger chums to their consideration Heine compounded hy a regular QUA DU ATE of JEF FERSON COLLEGE, ^Philadelphia, and a practis ing Physician of TSPENTY PEAKS STANDING in Philadelphia, his long experience has confirmed him in the opinion that a compounded medicine wufti re quired to prevent and remedy the deblUtqtin# pro* duced by residing-in low mnt.mutic climates, ami to' counteract the prostrating influences of the. many nervous disorders with which the human family arc afflicted. ,v * . ' ' _' DR ALI.fN fa a well Known physic inn, and has used the above medicine in his practice for twelve year with the most astonishing effect, having tested itk'qunliticsin above FIVE THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ever, received moru flattering recom mendation frpni physicians of eminent standing than has been-pestdki-eit on tBis. \ TIioiinnndH nre now attflerinp f¥om thai most dreadful complaint, the DHpipria, when n sin glo bottle of Dr Allen's Vegetable Compound would have the effect ol removing nil those distressing feelings attendant on that most debilitating disease. Sole Proprietors—G W Allf.k, M. D. Phil, and A. J. At W. L. Clkavland. 207 King-st Charleston. S. C A A POI.OMON-S & CO„ July 13 Only agents in Savannah, Gn. A safe and I-.,riant nor fur CuiishmptiOnuj the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Pain in the side. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and all Pul monary AJfcctidns. Opinions of the jPPcaa. rTUIE Louisville Journal says i; " Dr. Rogers' Liver- 1. wort and Tar not only gives immediate relief in Coughs and Colds, but, from the testimony of men of the highest standing here and elsewhere, It is mak ing some very remarkable cureKin Consumption.” The Railway Register adds: “'We have heard it sta ted hy persons of great respeoytljility, who have used this medicine, that it i» one ot the most remarkable medicines of the age, for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis. Asthma, Tain in the tad" and Brqnst. Spit ting of Blood. Whooping Cough,(and all l ung Com plaints ; which, if neglected, usurgly terminated Con sumption; and the certificates gttachrd to the adve.- tisements would seem to justify this statement." Liverwort* Thisplanthas for many year* been found to be ot ingular virtue In thecure'f affections of the Liver. More recently it was ascertained that it possessed great power in arresting bleqding at the lungs, coughs of a chronic character, etc., and M essential service In all diseases of a pulmonary character. Tar.* This article is nowuniver8itlly«cknowledged to be the most healing and efficient application for diseased or decaying lunga,or any portion of the fleshy or mua culnr parts of the liumun body. Its medicinal and preservative qualities wore understood by the Egyp tians in the early ages of the world, and no doubt now exists among scientific men, that the preparation used in the embalmment of bodies, wu composed princi pally of thiaingredient. In later ages it was found to be in universal useamong the aborigines of America, and at this day it is their principal, and, Intact, only medicine for an unsound state of the lungs, or any approach to it. Those who are acquainted with the ht-tory of this hardy race of men, know that a death from Consumption is unknown among them I The medical faculty in all countries appear to have be come aware of tho great healing properties of this article, and are now introducing it in their practice. Dr. Buchan,of England; Dr. Crichton, of St. Peters burg; Dr.LaPrieurc.of Paris; and the distinguished Dr. Cooper, have been in the habit of combining it with other articles in their prescriptions, and with entire success. Beware of Counterfeits and base Imitations! The genuine article is signed Andrbw Rooxas, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price 81 per buttle, or six bottles for 85. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by MCOVIL At MEAD 113 Chatres-st.. Between Conti and St. Louis-sts., N. Orleans. General Agents for the Southern States. 8old Wholesale and Retail, by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO., and TURNER A. ODEN, Savannah, Ga. GEORGE PAYNE, Macon. May 29. (JffTTON CORDAGE—5 bales Cotton Cord for sale by Jl 17 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. LOINS’ Extracts for the Handkerchief, as olin« i” 3 ! Elnd Rough and Ready, Bouquet de Car- noli.’ Club. Sweet Pea. Honey Suckle, Mac- ntlnr.. , , ^eraneum. West End, and hundred ! U ,,J Bl "°, An tun and Jean Maria Farina’eCologne. received and for safe by mat a, L. J. MYERS, Apothecary. Bracts’ Building. m FLOYD HOUSE, 31 aeon, Geo.— The Proprietor most respectlully returns Uia thanka to his friends and the travelling public, for the unparalleled patronage roceived by him du- ring hie administration over the above establishment, and hopes, by renewed and unremitting efforts to please, to merit the very liberal eTicmirugement that has been lavished upon him for the last eight monffis. And he ie enabled to do this from the fact that the FLOYD HOUSE is the most eligible house in the place of its location, or, in fact, ever can be. It has more front than all of the houses ot the kmdin Macon put together, hnvinir/ottr hundredand twenty itip on the corner of two of the niost fashionable street* in the city, where those wishing it can nave a front room at an> time. THE FURNITURE IS ALL NEW, Table and Rooms, Hnd hr challenges a comparison by anv house between New-York and New-Orleans. ThcTBllahassee Stage Office is permanently located at the Floyd H use In connection with this House Is a splendid New Bix Horse Omnibus got up expressly '°r its use. Macon. Ga. Mey 9. Am 3. BUFORD- THE GREAT REMEDY For Rheumatism. Gout, Pain in the Side. Hip, Back, Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King's Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tumore, Stiff Joints, and all Fixed Pains whatever. WIIKHK THIS PIASTER IS APPLIED, PAIN CANNOT H'lIKSF. Plasters possess the advantages of be- JL ing put up in air-tight boxes—lienee they retain their full virtues in all climates. We havejust receiv. cd the following testimonial from C. C. Sellars, an eminent lawyer in successful practice In Wilcox countv, Alabama. He is a gentleman in high stand ing, and one whose influence has great weight: “Camden, Ala.. Nov. 24th 1948. “Messrs. Scovil A Mead— Gentlemen: Having beer requested to state wliat has been the result of my experience in the use of ycur “Hebrew Plaster," 1 cheerfully comply by saying that I have found it ti be us heretofore recommended, an “invaluable me dicine.” In different cases of my family I have ap plied the Plaster to Chronic Bores, Tumors and Pains, and it hns never failed to afford ins’ant relief. I have also used it with gt od effect upon my own per son in the cure of ulcers, with which 1 have been se verely afflicted. Respectlully, Ac. C. C. SELLARS. Ithasbecn very ben* ficlal in cases of Weakness, such ns Pain and Weaknoss in the Stomach, Weak Limbs, Lameness, Affection of the* Spine, Female Weakness, Ac. No female, subject to pain und weakness in the back, or side, should bo without it. Married ladies, in delicate situations, find great relief from constantly wearing this Plaster. The application of the Plasters between the shoul ders has been found n certain remedy for Colds, Coughs, Phthisic and Lung Affection in their primary tages. It destroys inflomution by perspiration. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfei’ of this ..article is in existence. CAUTION.—The subscribers are the only Gi-coral Agents in the Southern States for the sale of tide tru ly valuable Plaster; and in order to prevent purchas era being impel sed upon by a counterfeit article, sold in this city and elsewhere, for the genuine, they In vite particularattontion to the following Marks of the Genunei 1st. Thegenuinc is put up in smooth enginetUrncd bottomed boxes. 2. The genuine has the engraved head of Jew David on the directions, around the box. 3d. Unless it has, (on the direction around box) a ■spy of the Record of the Court to E. Tatlo*. Roch ester, it it counterfeit. ty 3 4 S * * SCOVIL A MEAD, 113 Charles street, New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern States, to whom idl orders must he addressed. 8old Wholesale and Retail by THOMAS M. TURNER, A CO., and TURNER A ODUN. Savat.Jj. Mey S3 GEORGE PAYNE, Mace*. MEDICINE'S, Soo. NUMBER m. .mnmjq, s,, , MISCELLANEOUS." H c “ DEATH’S) DOUR-” OW lj'equcmly do we hemjtKIs expression, which , i* Jtwut to couvey to the mind the last stage of sickness tBat a patient can bo reduced to, andlive. Mrs. llafri.on, a member of the Trinity Church, was, as shu espresso* herself, brought down to “Death's § r“ by Rheumatism and Nervous Headache, when, an ungel of Morey RAD WAY’S READY RE- F relieved her of her severe pains and restored to her friends in perfect health. >' The very instant Rad way’s Ready Relief is applied, its beneficial effects are experienced. It soothes, licsls, cleanses and purifies ; it instantly allays irrita tion. reduces inflammations and swellings, relieves tile most severe Neuralgic pains, gives ease to Burns, Bores, Eruptions, euros Rheumatism, Lumbago, Gout, Paralysis, Scalds, Spiritis, Strains, Bpaams, dtitf Neok, Weakness in the Bide nud Back, Sores of all kinds, Galls, Bruises, Chafes, Bore Thrust, Influ enza, Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, Ac. Elegant Toilet Requisite*. To Embellish and Euhancs ths Charms of Beauty! I RADWAY’S MEDICATED SOAP! During tlie hear and dust of Bummer, or frost and bleak winds of winter; and in cases of sunburn, -tings of insects, chilblains, chapped hands, or inci dental Inflammation, Its virtues have long and exten sively been acknowledged, its purifylne and refresh ing properties have obtained its selection from the thousands of other conmetics, both ot European and domestic manufacture, by the 4on ton of all parts of the fashionable world, from the burning tropics to the frozen realms of the Ice King. The public will please bear in mind that Radway's Medicated Soap is the only sufe preparation for the skin now in use; this has been certified to by our most prominent chemists. Radway’s Sonp Is free from poisonous,ir ritating and pernicious ingredients. It can be used on tlie tender skin of the infant with the same happy results as upon beauty in its prime. *.*dee that each cake is envi loped in a splendid label of steel engrav ing : and further, sec thut the signature of II. G. Rad- wav is upon each cake. Price 25 cents, large cukes. The Crowning Ornament of Beauty is a luxuriant Head of Glossy Hair. Rail way’a Circtisaian Balm. Warranted the best Hair Tunic in use, for Dressing and Beautifying toe Hair. It cleanses the Scalp from Dandruff', keeps it clean, cures Scurvy, Baldness, and Bores on the Head, stops thebair from fulling out, renders itstrung, fine, -mouth, sott and glossy. Persons who have lost their hair by sickness will find a complete antidote in Radway’s Circassian Balm. It also gives it a dark and beautiful coloP, and will prevent it from turning grey. F'rom its exquisite purity, it Is uumirably a- dapted for the hair ot children of the most tender age. It is sold in large bottles for 25 cents per bottle, and it is warranted the best hair preparation in use, it will not soil the hat, cap, or the finest fabric. Bee that the signature of RADWAY A CO. is upon each bottle—no Circassian Balm is genuine without the signature of Radway A Co. *.* For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON A Co., A. A. SOLOMONS & Co., and Aug 2 WILLIAM HUMPHREYS. Awnts. STEEL PENS' in variety, and ol the best makers, may always b“ had ol the subscriber—such as Gillott’s School and DeskPen.putupin convenient boxes of one dozen each; Mark Levy’s extra line circular pointed Victoria Pens: Magnum Bonum, Ac. Also, Gold Pens, Quill Pen Nibbs, Quills, etc. July 8 J. B CUBBEDGE. P L ANTERS) DRY GOODS. The subscribers Invite the attention of planters to their extensive and well selected assortment of Kerseys. Blankets, R d Flannel, Hc.vy Brown Shirting, Scotch Bonnots Ac., which they wi,l sellat very low prices sept2(1 LaROCHE, BOWNF. A Co. ("J.KEEN GINGER ! GREEN GINGER ! I-A '■* superior article for making Preserves end Syr ups. Just received from Havana an for sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothccnry. sept 25 Blurts’ Building. WOOL ........ uw, <,u,i aiioe uusmess, uns Close a nit Stiffs In Bryuu.strwt.snd moved to Gibbous’ linlliilniSf where he will be happy to serve bis otS customers and the public generally. » t 'P t sasIl. a. wood. OJA VANN AH GYMNASIUM. The *ub*orib- , “ fespectlully iutorins the Ladies and Gentlemen ot Savannah that he is now*fully prepared for die ns- ception ol company, and will at all tliiiea from this date be iully supplied with the best of Ice Creams. Cakes, Confectionary, LehOndds, and (As very but favored Lemon trad Ginger Pop l” r? lldt: vit x- Gotilllon and Family Percies; 1 ic Nics and Bo»t Excursions will he furnished with pri * )0VH * rtic,e * 00 sbort notice and at reasonable V The Garden and Grounds attached to the Gym*" the bell. —-F““Hvla* ! t .m 8 ' J l H 1 th *. * < rcher y, npparaths having urrivsi. Ladies wishing to torm clubs are flow notified Ma F 19 « WM. CLAGUORN. " C REAM ALE.—25 barrels Summer Stock A'e landing from oark Texas and tor sale by sept 11 W M. DAVIDSON. M OURNING GO■ IDS.—Received by recent »r rivals. Mourning Calico, French Cambric, French and Scotch Gingham in latest style; also black Alpaca, Black Bombazine, Black Mohair, Lustre, and Black. Drap D" Canton, a new and vety beautiful article, Sept 26 LaROCHE, BOWNE A CO. |)OKTKAiT.S OF JENN Y LIND.-For sale I by J B.CUBBEDGE. Sept 21 B oon*. ANDriHOEto.—Tnc unde r-ign.U have on hand, nsd are cout.nunlly receiving a large assortment ot Boots and Shoes, which tht j offer to the public on accommodating terms a: whole-suit und retail. E. F. WOOD A CO., sept 26 Gibhutis' Building. N ew dry goods.—Laroche, bowne A Co., Hre in w receiving their full supply of Foreign and Domestic D- >' Goods to which they in- vl te tlie attention of purchasers, sept 26 Ql'UAK,—15 hhds choice 8t. Croix Bugar; 30 do *“ Porto Rico do, 30 do N. O. do. 25 bags Brazil do; 60 hbis Crashed and Powdeied do.; 25 do. rituart’o Clarified do.; 40 do common N. O. do.; fur sale from store by sept 18 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. A LMOND Lotion lot cleansing the skin, for sale by L. T. /I by sept 17 MYERS. Apothecary, Snn is' Building, P OOR JIAN’H A Badnan's Piasters. For ealeb) Mav L.J. MYERS. F LOUR, POTATOES, &c.—P0 barrels pure Genesee Flour; 40half bbls dodo; 25 bhls Hiram Smith's Extra do; 50 do Potatoes; 30 do Crashed and Powdered sugar; 40 do Treadwell’s Butter.Sugar and Soda Crackers; 20 boxes do Soria Biscuits; 50 kegs prime Leaf Lard; 30 bbls New No. 3 Mackerel; 29 bags old governmen Java Coffee. Landing and fur sale by sept 11 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. I 14ALL GOODS, 1850.—Just received per late arrivals a fresh supply of Cloth hui! Cass Dress, Frocks, Sacks, Pottos; ala >, a large lot of black and fancy Cuss Pants and V> sts. For sale low at PIERSON A HEIDT'S, sept 3 No. 10 Whltaker-street. MONONGAHELA WHISKEY. 15 bbls. “Old Monongahela," in store, and for fsale by May :;1 W. M. DAVIDSON. H ousehold words, no. 21.—The Lorgnette, or Studies of the Town, by an Opera Goer. Reminiscences of Congress, by Charles W. Marsh, being a Life of Daniel Webster. Stuhb s Calendar, or the Fetnl Boots, by W. M. Tiiackefay, author of “Vanity Fair.” The Every Day Book, oi pleasant and useful read- inm The Lily artd the Totem, or the Huguenots in Flor ida, by author of the “Yemassee, " “ Life of Marion,' Ac. The Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Portraits of Jenny Lind A fresh supply of Woman's Friendship and Vale of Cedarif. Received by septal JOHN M. COOrER. P ORTO RICO COFFEE.—25 bbls. Porto Ri co Coffee of superior quality, landing and for sale by COHENS A HERTZ. June! M ICHAUX’8 Freckle Wash. A complete rent edy for freckle- nnd other utt'ectioue of the skin’ just received' and tor (mlo hv L; J. MYERS, Apotl fCjft'IT ' {Knots' Belli TTARPKH’S New Monthly MagazineforSeptem* A A bur, and further supplies of the previous aunt- bers. Nos. 5 nnd 6 Pictorial Field Book of the Americas Revolution. I : The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with remini*- cancel of Friuuda and Cotemporuries, 1 No. 8 Latter Day Ptmphlets, Edited by Thoms* Carlyle. Julia Howard, a romance hy Mr*. Martin Bell. No 16 Byrne’s Dictionary ot Mechanics, Engin* Work, 6lc. “ History of Dsrlus, the Great. By Jacob Abbott. Principles of Medical Jurisprudence; designed tot the protrusions ol Law and Medicine. By Amos Dean. Practical Sermons to he read in families and soeikt meetings. By Archibald Alexander, D D. Tlie Logic and Utility of Mathematics, with tb» best methods ol'instruciion, explained and illustrated. By Charles Davies, L. L. 1). . &»ap's Fables, a new version, chiefly from original sources. By Rev. Thomas James, M. A. No. 11 Inconographlc Encydouadia. The Snow Flake, lor 1851. Leaflets of Memory, for 1851. Fresh supply of the Berber. Received by sept 25 JOHN M.CGOPBR. .218? .££ BI i£.7 MAKING and UP- "“W"* HQLhTKKY.—H. S. fiOGARDUfc, No* rrEEMti Hul1 ‘Ft would inform th* citizens of Ss* varnish, that ha has taken the above store, fjrutepotpo :• of carrying outhe Csblnetand Up. * — w “’» v«o in, auu uduiiipoa, niKig overan, recovi.ed. Glass plates ot all sizes keptfor tale. Carpets, Oil Cl th, and MW ting, cht and but down, Bella Bnd Lamps hung; Curtriii* and Holler Blinds pump. Musical Instrument* bf all kinds re paired. Wool, hair and moss Matrasses for sale; Alsu, feather beds, bolsters and ptllotes. Old Matras ses made over in tho best manner. Every description of Coffins on hand — and made to order, of the best ma terial, ant!6nlsh: Prices low. H. 8. B. ha.- been engaged in Cke above business tn the city ol Savannah, for the last seventeen years, which induces him to believe that he can please all those who will favor him with a portion of their work. uprilS—ly HALS MOPE.—2S0 coin L AJ in small culls, landing and for sale by ‘ July 15 COHENS te HER Pale Rop. ' ( ’ANAL FLOUR, &c bbls pure Gene.,. 1 Flour; 30 do Hiram Smith’s Extra do; 30 kegs selected Goshen Butter: 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese; 50 do Adamautlne Candles; 30 begs Old Gov't Java Coffee: 60 bbl* Butter, Sugar and So da Crackers; 25 box** Soda Biscuit; 15 bbis Tread well's Pilot Bread; 25 ltulf chests 6 oz paper* liliivk Tea; 15 uo do i ib do; landing and tor sale bv sept 0 bCKAN'i ON, JOHNSTON ie. CO. T ANDRETH’ri GARDEN SElJD —TO Li PURCHASERS OF GARDEN SEEDS. It is self evident, that unlose the seeds which we may sow, are good in all respects, it will lie folly to ex pect favoi able results—,-ither wa shall be disappoint* ed by thorn not vegetating, or what in still rnora vexutii.us, find, after careful culture, lhnt the variety is worthless:—How many, from their own experi ence can estimate the annoyance of such an event I Conscious of the room for improvement, and assured tout the Bt-eds-tunu who shintid justiy be entitled t# confidence, wouhi receive anq-ie rnppart, the*'foun der* ol tho cslHbljbhmem, now oon iucled by th* subscriber, started more than half a eelitury ego, with ths determination to sell udrbihp but what was worthy ol ere,.it; and that ti ny might'the more cer tainly accomplish their obit ct. resolved to produce, as far n.« possioio, the seeds, which they i,hould vend i expenenoe having -howto them t st most imported seed* could not he relied on. much less those casual• ly collected, and sold to'dealer's.—’Phi* re. tile was as tney had idreseru :—Unlimited ptihllc cunfidenc®. The concern thus conducted, has been grtr ually en larged, nnd is now the most extori-ivo i t Its kind ia America ; supplying notedly much of the demand in the Middle, We-teru and Southern States, hut ex- S orting to the West Indies, South America and the ritish Posesaions in Asia. DAVID LANDftfiTH. ARTICHOKE, Large' Globe. ASPARAGUS, Large Greed Purple Top, BEANS. Bush or Snfip Shorts, Early Six Weeks, Rod Speckled Valentine', Brown Speckled Valentine. Early Yellow Six Weeks, China Red Eye, Large Lima, BEETS, Extra Early Turnip-rooted, Early Turnip, rooted Red, Long Bloud'red, silcsian, oh Sugar, Max- gel Wurtzer. BROCCOLI, Purple Cape, (Imported.) CABBAGE, Early Y'ork, (Imortcd,) Landreth’s Large York, Early Sugar Lost, (Imported.) Early Battersea, Green Curled Savoy 1 , Large* Drumhead Sa voy, Red Dutch, (for pickling,) Large Late Drumhead, Flat Dutch, Bergen. CARROT, LongOrasfge, Early Horn, AUrlngham, or Field. , - CAULIFLOWER, Early Asiatic; (Imported.) Late Dutch, (Imported.) CELERY, White Solid, Red Solid. EGG PLANF OR MELONQENA, Large Purple. CUCUMBER, Early Frame, or Table, Long Groan or Turkey. LEEK, Large London, Scotch dr Flag-.- LETTCCE. Early Curled, or Cut Salad Early Cabbage, Brown Dutch. P • yal Cabbage, Philadelphia Cabbage, Curled lndii Wh.te Cos, Green Cos. MELON, Nutme.', ( ltro e Spanish Water, Caroli na Water, Mouutain’SproutWater, Dud'Oy or MoUn- tain Sweet. ‘ . ONION, Silver Skinned, or White, Large Yollaw Strasburg, Large Red Wethersfield. PARSELEY Curled, or Double, Plain or Single. PARSNIP, Sugar. PEAS, Landreth’s Extra Early, Early Frame, Early Charlton, Bishop’s Dwarf Prolific, Dwarf Blue Im perial, Royal Dwarf Marrowffst, Largo White Mar rowfat, Peruvian Riack Eye Marrowfat, KrilghP* Dwarf Marrowfat, Knight's Tull Marrowfat, lilu* Prusslsn. PEPPER, Large Sweet Bell-shaped, Cayenne, or PUMPKIN, Shaw, Common Field, dr Cheese. RADISH, Long* Scarlet Short-top. Long Sslmoa. White Turnip-rooted, Red Turnip-rooted, Yellow Turnip-rooted, Suhuner White, White Spanish, Black Spanish. SPINACH, Round Savoy-leaved, Prickly Seed. SQUASH. Early Bush, Early Apple Bush, Lang Green Crookneck, Cocoa Nut. TOMATO. OR LOVE APPLE, Large Red TURNIP. Early Flat Dhtcli. (Strap-leaved,) Rod Topped (Strap Leaved) Early Stone. I.alge Norfolk, Large Globe, Yellow Aberdeen. Scotch Y llow, Pate’* Hybrid, RutaBagu, or Swedish. For sale by TURNER 4c OlfiCN 1 Awglfi ly tftMtaWflpnr