Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, October 12, 1850, Image 1

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L our Dollars per annum. Publication Offica No. 115 Bay-Street, near the Custom House. Single Number. Two Cents. •S^r^DAILY and tri-weekly, pp, JOHW M. COOPER. T THO~Mpbon, editor. terms: f . n«ilr Morning tfews is delivered to City | fhc ^ per annum, payable half yearly in L(,;cribers . CRNTS a week, payable to the |< rfl . nrc »°LLie copies, two ckntb. F 0 ** 1 \Vfi‘k*y M'ornlD* News,for the coun- I The u "' .11 1 h<, riBwamm ier and new advertiae- h |C "f tS'« dntlp, is furnished for two dollars per- ''.H^m’iitsinserted atthefollowing rates : J Ji ' Ct i'n,«ertion,®0,.'i0 I 1 square 1 month, $7,00 |l upnre, 1 1 __ 50 1 square 2 months, 12,00 IJjdicootju . ’ 2) 50 I 1 square 3 months, 15,00 Trim line* or less to constitute o. syuare. y> ... for each insertion. ir Advertisements inserted at the nsual rates. Advedieemonts from transient persons or strangers, v'Klverlisers 1 will be restricted to their regu- V.i.hsue* and all other advertisements not pertain- I,[totheir regular baainosa as agreed for, will becharg volvadrertisers exceedingintlieir advertisements number of lines agreed for, will be charged If 8»“* a r. . I’l'T- Aiivertisements sent to this office without di- ^nsss to the number of insertions, will be pnb- lished daily, until ordered to bo discontinued, and I I'-S-ffinswadvertiesment* appear in the Tri-week- I Si for the country. I 1 * * AU Letters directed to this office or the Editor, must he pnetpaid. [HE MORNING NEWS, Messrs. Stephens and Toombs before their Constituents. I Messrs. Stephens and Toombs addressed their •onstituents at Augusta on Monday, and were an- Iworcd by Mr. Smyths, editor of the Republic, who , no less au ardent whig than an able and consis- at advocate of Southern rights. The Constitution- t says that our Representatives, made ablo and jngcmioua speeches in defence of their remarkable fouricin the gourthern question, and endeavorod to lonvincc the auditory that the South had achieved I .meatvictory over the North^but that “they appar- ®tly made no converts to their views, nor did they Irate any enthusiasm even among those who Ihought with them.” Mr. Smythe made two able tin] well delivered speeches, in which he reviewed llie course of his opponents on (fie Territorial ques tion, reading frequent extracts from their speeches a lupport of his own views, and in proof of their in- fcoasistency. ffeshould like to have heard Mr. Toombs in his Ifforts to reconcile his speeches in Congress with his Jircsent position. Wo have been among that geritle- liian's warmest admirers in days past; he has had lur roteaud qur zealous support for the position i:e now holds, nhd wc arc free to ndmit that his Irgiimenta and his eloquence had much to do in con. dieting our mind of the deep injustice which the fciouth has suffered in her controversy with the p'orth. But lie has left us tar behind him. While The Lace Merchant's Dog.—Who would have im agined that n dog had been made serviceable ns a clerk, and thus made for his master upwards of 100,. 000 crowns t And yet an incident like this happened a few years since. One of those industrious lieirgs who know how to make a chaldron ol coals out of a billet of wood, de- still under the conviction that the South ha* |4fpTii-h^r!?,l’ > ranf < nl’ inorrh™,)? ou F”?. eitl trade— , TJfepreidffed thnt of merchandize, which occup.cd the least space, and was calculated to yield the most Buffered wrong, and that she owes ft to herself to de- 1 laud mine measure of security for the future, if not i dress for the past, ho has nrrived at the conclusion I lot “no outrage has been committed," nr that, to use [is own words—“if there lias been aggression perpe- 1 oted on the South, she lias done the mischief her- loll; she has only berselfto blume. It is by her own I amis mid by the hnnds of her sons that the wrong pas been done. If this he true, and if we have misunderstood Mr. I oomds, we would like very much to hear hitn ex- 1 loin the billowing passages from his speeches; j liich we wero weak enough to receive in good earn- J'totthe time they were uttered, while we applaud- j d him for their utterance. On the 27th of February, a mossngo from the I’res- 1 icnt uommunicated to the House ot Representatives I copy of the constitution of California. Mr. Toombs jould not conceal his indignation at the wrong, and le spoke boldly against it—so boldly that his speecli Ns called a war speech. On that memorable occa- lien lie uttered tile following lauguage. I.'“ Am cry of Union is the masked battery from be- I" 1 ' 1 die constitution and the rights of the-south *reto be assailed. I, Ltttbeiouth mark the man, who is for the Union I tttrijliaiari.and to the last, extremity. When the toy of lur peril comes, he will be the imitator of the I*orient character, the base Judean, who for thirty threw away a pearl richer than all his J Again, spoke Mr. Toombs. Said he : •it!-, not f or others, but for myself. Deprive us I,, j 1 . 1 * rt 8“f and appropriate this common property 1“ j ,orni «]to yourselves, it is then your govern- Inn i? l r tmine '. * 1)01,1 am its enemy, and I will [i, 1 * cnn .bring my children and my constiuents Iwmmu rof LLerty, and like Iiamilcar, I would Iti-j “ om t0 eternal hostility to your foul domin- leiw'rf- ? US 0U1 ’ just rights, and we are ready ns lad it. to ? ll,nd by the Union, every part of it, * r/i, , rVFr S; interest. Refuse it, und for one, 1 will 3 lr ‘dependence.'" pull again: l M !j| a J' iu P on tlie grout principle that the south If thpiLi. , ™ e B u al participation in the territories Bern nrii! i & tatcs. / claim the right for her to enter will diri f. , } lro P°rty and security to enjoy it. Slio filterii^ ou 11 y ou wish i( ' but tbe rl (,'ht tu licumiti , ne8cr surrender und wc will maintain No om^re !uid down.” tmcv' V| |i ^ *' 1C9C Wcro onl y figures of speech, mere l 0 6 , <i,clll!s i 1'iey should not have been put forth l . '' should they havo been permitted to i 0 unex plniucd until they had deceived mntiy tom,i .'" ,n fLe belief that the South had really •ctlv °* ( i' e8a l'8f«ction. We hnvonet been ox- i th... a "' 1 . 1 'rod, for we never took such nn oath Prescribed by Mr. Tooains; but cither he de- , tin I,"! 1 i‘ nn ' or be la deceiving us now, by telling gained a victory over the North in " le compromise. nival of (he Georgia—Later from Ila- . New v va,m » &0 - ►hip p ‘ 8 " K - Oct. 7—3 P. M.—The U. S. mail stonm- *■'!« mails in** rnvaa bftre ll,s t eight with the Caill'or- Lvtuin si, 8e . vr . n 110,1 n halfdays from Chagree vin ThsniJSfe®* 117 passengers nnu $500,000 in iek‘ eor ^. 'eil Havana on the Qd inst. But N isdHi|v P rov nilsthore. The newGovenor-Cien- J^Pwii. 'ni; o e *P 0clfl, f with five thousand troops f rom r'"”'uil hub I' 11 , 10 were reviewed by the Goveirnr- |°*tion w ™“ u'“ b80d ed on the 23d hist. Much indig r“ e ir arm.... ‘' 0< b ytiieungracious manner in which <b r™nr,m^' ,Uiro . dof W ra - \>muU° n T °*' tbo muskets in consequence |“ p mdintu-H i!l t0 , tbe armory unfit for use. haring r f hicsiik f 8 , wler and injured hy various oth- | If Hscli|jp r « ” c *“ <l03 ' which once adorned the cili- l" i'rwjj e ' ® ro uppended to the tails of dogs, and “i'S'srd* of t^,„?f,u°U8ly treated, it was said that ° 1 l,, “riii le j ) ' (, 0, ‘lhons vf dollars per annum was (8 “ p r exnsnsuo l i p support of additional troops nnd rfistrivo,) ,1)H l6 i no d. A French steamer of gjistei with ih,.*- avana 00 Die lstinst.. and exchanged *“ , 'Oport No other foreign man-nf-war .ii'Hities, ihe „ Oiario de la Marina, ot 2d instant, n ‘*teof war/Ji-cUa 00 #t 1Iavana tbo Spanish J ,r '-stilt hcr*nas t * B|? " 8 f"'l oar ge of tobacco nnd se- da 'l Cr P a86 °ngers have at least $200,000in gold SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 12. 1850. ~ T CARDS. NUMBER gao. ltcniM of News by the Cmnbrin. Dangerous Position of Marshal Ilaynau at llano- ocr.—The Zeitung for Norddcutschlaml, of tho 11th instant, nimounccs the arrival of General Haynau at Hanotcr, nnd tho outbreak of some potty disturban ces in consequence of n mob wishing to attack tile hotel in which the Marshal had taken his quarters.— Several arrests took place, nnd it was found necessa ry to disperse the crowd by menus of the civic guard. 1 lie Paris correspondent of tho Times states that a police force hud to protect General Ilaynau “from the violence of the Democrats of Cologne, who wished to imitate tho draymen of London,” Ilaynau. The following inscription limy lie seen chalked upon a wall at Backside, in the neighborhood of Barclay &. Perkins' brewery : “ Near this spot, in the arms of the Police, nnd covered with dirt, fell Gen, Ilaynau, Sept.' 4, 1850." Tho very stoues do prate his whereabouts. Completion of the Hritahnia 11 ridge. Our columns may at length record the final triumph of Air. Ste phenson's engineering genius in bridging the Mcnni Straits. A communication, dated Menai Straits, Fri day, Sept. 13, says :—“After some years of unremit ting labor, the engineers safely lowered tho 'last'of the Britannia tubes to its permanent resting place today." Shipwreck and Loss af Life. Intelligence has'hecn received at Lloyd's ot tho destruction of nn im mense number of ships, and tho loss of upwards of a hundred lives, in a tremendous galo that occurred nt the Cape of Good Hope on the 30th of dune last. During the tempest tho barque Grindlay nnd the Bri tish Setler train went down with all hands, the Roy al Albert became a total wreck, but fortunately her crew were saved. Fancy Ball at Louisville. The Louisville Courier has u long account of a grand fancy ball given on the 25th ult., by Mrs. Robert J Ward, the lady who figur ed so conspicuously in the Lawrence divorce corres pondence. The following description of the appear ance of the late Mrs. Bigelow Lawrence will interest the ladies: Aliss Snllie Ward, os usual, was the centre of at traction, She appeared during tho evening in two splendid costumes, ench of which was peculiarly be coming. Before supper she was Nourmahal, the light of the llarcm. She wore u pink satin skirt, with sil ver lamnis over it, nnd a bodice embroidered with silver nnd studded With diamonds; her oriental sleeves were of white, adorned with silver and gold, nnd her trousers of satin, spangled with glittering gold; her hair was braided with pearls and covered with a beautiful Greek cap, nnd her tiny pink skippers wero gorgeously embroidered with silver. The splendid jewels profused over this magnificent cos tume threw back the light which fell upon them as if in sheer disdain of inferior effulgence. Her second appearance was Nourmahal at the Feast of Roses. Her dress was white illusion, dotted wish sliver, white silvered veil, wreath of white roses, white silk boots with silver anklets; and she bore the charmed lute. In this latter character she was truly a beautiful exemplification ol tho poetical thought she represented. Always sweet and fair, and lovely, und beautiful, she was if possible, more bo during that evening, nnd her different characters were sus tained incomparable excellent. profit. lie borrowed a small sum of money from n friend, nnd repairing to Flanders, he there bought pieces of laec, which, without any danger, he smug gled into France in the following manner : He trained nn active spaniel to his purpose. He caused him to be shnved, nnd procured for him the skin ofRnotlierdog. of the same hue and the same shape. lie then rolled the lace around the body of his dog, and put over it the garment of the stranger so ndroitly, that it was impossible to discover the trick. The lnce thus arrnngedin his pedestrian band- nox, he would sny to his docile messenger—“Forwnrd, my friend." At these words the dog v§d start nnd pass boldly through the gates of Maliffbs of Valen- cinnes, in the face of the vigilant officers placed there to prevent smuggling. Hnving passed the bounds, ho would WHit tor his master nt a little dis tance in the open country. There they mutually caressed and feasted, and the merchant placed his packages in a place of security, renewing his occu- pntion as necessity required. Such was the success of tho smuggler, that in five or six years lie amassed a handsome fortune, and kept Ilia coach. Envy pursues the prosperous. A miscliit* vious neighbor betrayed the lnce merchant, mid, not- wltli funding his efforts to disguise his dog, he was suspected, watched, niul discovered. How lnr does the cunning of some nnimals'cxtend! Did the spies of tho custom house expect hitn nt one gate, he saw them at n distance, nnd instantly went towards the other. Were tho gutes shut ngaiuethim, lie overcome every obstacle. Sometimes he leaped over the wall; at others he passed secretly behind a carriage, or running be tween the legs of travellers, lie would thus accom plish his aim. One day, however, while swimming hi a stream nearMalines, he was shot, nnd died in the water. There was then about him live thousand crowns worth of lac?—the loss of which did not af fect the master, but he was inconsolable for the loss of his faithful dog. An Impatient Lover.—Edward I.ndbroke, a respec- tnbly dressed young mnn, was nwaiting, at the East ern Counties Railway Station, Shoreditch, the arrival, hy the Colchester train, of a young lady, to whom he was paying his addresses, and ns the train was be hind its time he became grently excited abused all the authorities of the railway, and nt last assaulted one of the officers. He was given into custody, nnd when the lady arrived she found her lover was in the lock-up. He wns fined 40s. and ordered to find bail to keep the peace. The Latest Compliment. At tho WestboroUgh (Mass.) Cattle Show, Inst week was exhibited a Hol stein cow called “.fenny Lind,” with a_ bull calf by her side nmned “Bnrnum 1" Special Notices. • NOTICES of Candidates for Office are published daily, until the First Monday in January next, for the sum of Five Dollars—Payable strictly inadvance. Receiver of Tax Returns for Client limn Co. H. T. THEU3 will he a candidate lor the Office in January next. Oct !l SELECT SCHOOL. The undersigned proposes to open a School, limit ed to twenty five pupils, at twenty live dollars each per term of 5j months; one half payable in advance, tlie balance nt three months. The course oi 6tudy will embrace the Elementary and higher branches of English, together with Latin, Muthematics, and Practical Surveying. The exercises oi the school will commence as soon as fifteen pupils are entered. Ap ply at Air. J. M. Cooper’s Book Store Sept 19 tf JOS. M. SHELLA1AN. YOCN« LADIES' SCHOOL. Aladame A. Girard has the honor of announcing to her many friends and the people of Ssvaunnh, that Bhe will re-bpeu her school for young ladies on the 1st of October. JL K. I’reston, Esq., will, as usual, have charge of the English Department. ‘ sept 24 12td2w4 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING J. B C UBBEDGE, No 115 Bay-Btreet, Savannah, Geo., PRINTER ot the Daily Morning News, respectfully informs his friends and the public, tlint he is prepared to execute orders for Plain und Fancy Printing in superior style, nnd on ns favorable terms ns any establishment in the city; his.material being nil new I and of tlie latest styles, uud the best Workmen bsing nmployeii, he hopes to give sutis- BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. GEORGE N. NICIIOL8, Owen’s Building opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, Is prepared to execute all work in his line with dispatch, and in a style not to be surpassed. Prices ns reasonable ns any other establishment in the city. 6m / July 9. oTfTJ tl PIANO AND |F URN I TURK .STORE, The Subscribers take this method tq inform their friends and the public that they are now making large additions to tlieli stock of \ PianoH nnd Cabinet Furniture, which they oiler for sale at New York prices. Our stock of Furniture and Pianos is made to our own order and selection. We have confidence in re commending it to all who are in want, and on the most accommodating terms. I. W. MORRELL & CO. I. W. MORRELL N. F. WEBSTER. Allg 1 JOHN POOLE," WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX Paints, Oils, Tur t mtineaai Famishes, French and American Window Glass,paint, varnish and white wash Brushes, sable and'camel-hair Pencils, badger and camel-hair Blenders, Grain ing Combs, Artists' Brushes, 4c. 4c. Paper Hangings, Borders and Fire Board Prints. N. B. House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining, and Glazing done nn reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE,11 Whitaker Street, nearly opposite Swift, Denslow & WebBter March 30 M P. JACOBS, CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign ofjbe Indian) near Alonu- ment Square) Savannah, Geo. N. B.—Keeps constantly mu hand, Spanish, Half Spunish nnd American Scgars, at Wholesale and Re tail. Also Chewing Tobacco, fenutf, &c. AIareh29. tf HTOVES, TIN WARE, &c., ifcr. T HE best assortment of Cooking and other Stoves ever ottered in this market, consisting of select patterns, purchased in Philadelphia, New York nnd Albany, Tin Wnreat wholesale, ot the best quality. Japanned and Planished Ware, Lifting and Force Pumps. Beer Pumps, Lead Pipe, Brnss Preserve Ket tles, Copper, Tin nnd Brnss Lanterns, a very hnnds ome variety. Counter mid Tea Scales, Patent Cottee Mills, Cool Hods nnd Pokers, CoalShovels and Sif ters, Cake Shovels, Brinish Lustre, tec.. Sic. Although my store is not very large, a great por tion ot stoveB, &c., can bo seen where they are stor ed near at hand. JAMES SULLIVAN. JulY 13 _ _ , Whitaker street, Savnnnn^h, Qg. COCK, Capt. aIuruay, will leave fo SAFA N N A H mutual insurance company, of this city. C. P. Richardsoxe, Prest. J. A. Norris, See. The above Company is now prepared to take Ma- j rineund Fire Risks, in this city or the surrounding j country, on the most favorable terms, for which ap-1 ply to the Secretary, at their OJkce, No. 150 on the Buy. ly June 11 - STRATTON tfc J PRACTICAL GA* No. 7ti St. Julign-sfi-ect. fl’orj And Bull-i' lODHON, 8 FITTERS,: shop corner of State f Dwellings, Stores, Churches, <V.c. fitted up at tho ( shortest notice and In the best manner Personal at- ‘ tention given to nil work entrusted to their eare. E References.—R. H. Griffin, Esq., President of f the Gas Light Company, nnd the contractors erecting i" the Gas Works. c May 29. 5m U. CRANSTON, GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan-street, next door to Hamilton 4 Symons. The subscriber respectfully informs tile citizens of Suvnnnah, that lie will shortly receive a large as sortment of Gas Burners, Pennants, Brackets, &c., &c„ from Philadelphia.—Having competent work men engaged, he is prepared to fill any orders on the most reasonable terms, nnd solicits their patronage. April 17 Cm LONDON PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE. Takes itisks in Savannah. Apply to Ang 1. R. HABERSHAM & SON. Agts. HENRY K. PRESTON, Tcnclier in the Classics nml Mnlhcumtics, NO. 74 ST. JULIAN-srnEET. sept 2 tf OR. MOREL : OFFICE—No. 157 BROUGHTON-ST. Feb. 7.) SAVANNAH, GA. CARD. T HE undersigned respectfully informs his former friends and acquaintances, that lie intends to re turn to SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, in person, enrly in October, nnd has taken the store No 96 Bryant-st., one door west of Whitaker, nnd will open the same with nn entire new and large assortment of SEASONABLE READY MADE CLOTHING, all manufactured this fall, expressly for this place, under his own immediate attention, unsurpassed by any other establishment. A. P. HOUSTON. Formerly Hamilton & Houston. The above Clothing business will bn continued in all its various departments by the new firm of HOUSTON & GIIOUNDESON, No. 96 Bryant-sL Terms :—Cash or City acceptances, sept26 tf U NDER SHIRTS, of Silk, Merino and (fctton, with an assortment of Drawers. Just received Oct 1 by PRICE & VEADEIl, 147 Bay-st. p OSHEN BUTTER.—10 tuba Goshen Butter, Vlf just received and for sale hy sept 27 WM DAVIDSON. JENN Y LINO’S SONGS.—Child of the Regi- J ment; Camp was luy Home; Como my lovely Maiden; Farewell my Fatherland; I’ve left my Snow- clad Hills; I Dream of my Fatherland; Jenny Liud's Last Night in England; My Home, my Happy Home; Post Boy’s return; Search Through the Wide World; Ses King's Bride; Song of the Drum; Stars of Heav en are Gleaming; Thy Blessing Dearest Mother; Sa int a la France; Rataplan; Upon a Summer’s Day; What are the World und its pleasures. For sale hy F. ZOGBAUM & CO., sept 27 Cor. St Julian-st., and Market-sqr. M FOll SALE, OR RENT. Lots Nos. 17 and 18, Columbia-square, with the Improve ments, areoffered for sale, and ifnot sold by the 15th of October next, will be rented. Possession given on the 1st November next Apply at this office. Sept 23 || t!5o CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE* rpiIE Undersigned having formed a Copartnership -l under the name and aiyleof 8. K. BOTHWELL & Co., for the transaction of a GROCERY and Gen eral COMMISSION BUSINESS, haviugtaken theetore formerly occupied by the late Phillip Reilly, tender their services to their friends and the public general ly. 8.E. BOTHWELL, July 24 3m R. L. GAMBLE. A DMINISTRATOR’S Snlc. Will be sold, at il the residence of C. Bevill, Effingham Co. on the 1 st day of November next nil the Perishable Property belonging to the Estate of the late Gideon C.Bevill, de ceased, consisting of: Mules. Horses, Waggons, Calls Timber Carriages, Street Waggon, Buggy and Iter ness, Saddle and Bridle, Black Smith. Carpenter im plantation Tools, two Wood Flats, Household an- Kitchen furniture; together with many otherarti eles too tedious to mention, for the benefit of Heirs and Creditors, Terma of sale made known on tlie day. E. W. SOLOMONS, Adiq. Sept 28 F t N-l B O Y" S 9 READY MADE CLOTHING! The undersigned would reaperlfal- eMHk ly inform both Parent?nnd Guardians, TUBS ; having lloya to clothe, that he has just returned from Now-Yorlt, with a complete assort ment ol * r ' Boys’ Ready Made Clothing! W n) "' wl11 keep up the assortment through the g H season. He hns taken much pains in having 2 « them made up to suit this market, and wilt offer 2 o them to Ids patrons ns low as possible. Each ar- ” > ticlo will he marked with the selling price, and w no abatement 1 rum it. Tho following wilt com- w pose the assortment: w J5 Boys’ Black Cloth Cloaks nnd Over Coat* S J “ Drab and black Pilot Over Sucks w ^ “ green,iirown nud bl’k Cloth Sack* ► O “ huicy Tweed, Cas., Frock and Sack Coat* tf P “ “ " .. “ Polka Coatees m| “ full trimmed hl'fc Clolh Frock Coat* 0 “ hl'te.bl’k.hr'ji.given nnd Cadet Jacket* Sg g “ hi k mixed Satinet R. Jackets " 3 " fancy Caslmure and bl'k Cas. Pant* 2 g “ Tweed, Cat. nnd Satinet Pants tf O “ bl’k dg’d Satin Velentia and Mral'sVaalB. tf M Children’s bl’k and fancy Dress Suitoa, p, Boys’ white and col’d Shirts and under Shirt* Q “ fit* 0 blue and black Navy Caps, with and t* <z without Cover*, with a complete assortment of O pq Cnps of all other kinds, from Ghildreti’ft Jockeys HI N. B.—Having q privnte room for trying on H Boys’ Clothing, l'must decline sending It ont 9 2 to bo tried on, exceptin case* of sickness. Those (t in want are invited to give me a call, at the — Clothing Store Nos. 69and 150, Gibbons' Range, S°Pt 25 GEO. S. NICHOLS* STOVES, Just received nnd for mile 150 Cook Stove*, and RangeB ; 100 pnrlor Stove*, 75 Hall and Office Stove* ot tho most lushlonnblo patterns. Also Force, Lift, . J " n “, "oar Pumps, Plain nnd Jappnned Tin Ware, the above poi tsumi intermediate landings, every FriJHollow and Enunielled Ware, Furnaces, Smoothing day, at 10 o'clock A.M. Forfreight or passage applylrons, Grid Irons, Sauce Pans, Fry Puns, Sic., Lead on board, or to BEHN Sc FOSTER, Agt*, 7 Pipe, sheet Lead, Iron, Copper nnd Zinc. Bay Street. McARTHOR St MORSE, Oct 7 “ - — FOR AUGUSTA, HAMBURG, AND THE INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS Arrival of tho bark Peter Demill. YVe have jnat The Steam-packet OREGON 0 5^?T ve, , fel ‘hffonowingyerydeilra- • - — - - — me goods, viz: Children’s white nnd colored Wool Leaven Saturday Morning October 1‘2. Freight or Passage, apply on hoard, or to ROWLAND & WASHBURN. Agts throughout the season. Cabin passage, $20 Steorage Passengers 8 No berth secured until paid for. For Freight or Passage apply ' THC No. 13 Barnard Street. ANOTHER IMPORTANT ARRIVAL- XV Arrival Of tho bark Peter Demill. YV„ tin. In Captain Shaw; will leave the Ut ’T,?' v,z L ’"We and colored Wool ion Steam Boat Company’s Whm S.J W’uf’i %*ft MWes YVlilte las above, at 10 o’clock, A M. Fo 8 ," d n, H J% L £ dlw d ? B, * ck * nd * lat « 4o. all quali- Blnck CHflhmere do.; do. Segoniado.; do Sfepwr made colored Spun do.; do. Black Ingrain Silk do.; Men’s brown nnd mixed Half do.; Super Merino halt do.; Ladien’ Cashmere Gloves; a superior article La dies' Si Gents JJ. 8, Gloves; Cnsson and French buck Gloves;Tuftcd Mitts: Striped AVool Mitts; Canton Mitts. Children’s Mutt's; Berlin Cutis; Victoria Boots; Cuba, FGR PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA AND ATLANTIC STEAM NAV 1GATION COMPANY’S LINE. To Snll on Hnturday, Oct 10. -• v —~— at 4 o'clock P. M.prtcisely, from Adger’s South WharJ ' ® u P or Bo 7 a ,' Boots; Ladles and Gents’Silk j. Tho lino superior Steam Ship OS aod Mermo Vesta; Man s royal ribbed Drawer*; La- PREY, Capt. John Dickinson, huviiij d *°l H P ua Sllk Scarfs; Gents Mubblin*; Wop> Strip- been thoroughly refitted and enlarp ad J'H a H*n,v£ H P cr «J* oods j, ' o vet , JBbtions; Tstleta sd, will sail as ubovc, and continue ti nno Belt Ribbons; Gauze, Cap nnd Neck do.; an ele- sail regularly every other Suturday afturnooi ® a,l ‘ assortment ol Bonnet Ribbons;, style entirely • • 1 new, and patterns exceedingly rich. Plaid YVool Shawls; Super Long do.; Children.’* Sock*; Knitting, Cotton, Gilt Button*, Sic., all of which will be sold at gur usual low prices, for cash or city acceptance*. J7URREL1, Si BOGGS. UNION (STEAMBOAT COMPANY *E!!llS| OF OMAS G. BUDD, sept 18 YVcst corner Broughton nnd Barnard-ata. Cr. East Bay and Boyce’s So. Whf. Charlestn, s! C BALTIMORE FLOUR. 200 home!* Balti more Floor. 100 barrels ex. do. do. Land tug irom brig Albemarle, ntBnlton’s YVbarf. For sale hy R. HABERSHAM & SON. Sept. 18 PIONO FORTES—The snbscri- bers would respecttYilly call attention to their stock of Piano rortes, com- prising a variety of styles, compass nnd finish, by J. B. Dunham, A. Stodart and \Vm. Hall and Son, New York, and L. Gilbert, Boston; in cluding the inotalic frame, vibrating overbridge pa- ,tcnt notion, &.c. Those instruments are of warran ted durability,linscd uponnn established reputation of mnny years standing, nnd are ottered at factory p rices by the manufacturer's agents. F. ZOGBAUM & Co., „ „ _ ,, G°rSt Julinn-st..nnd Market-eq. N. B.-Second hand l’innos token in ekehaiige. Sept. 17., S AVANNAH GYMNASIUM. The subscrib er respectfully informs tlie Ladies and Gentlemen ol Savannah that he is now fully prepared for the re ception of company, and will at nil times from this date he fully supplied witli the beat of Ice Creams, Cakes, Confectionary, Lemonade, and the very best flavored Lemon and Ginger Pop ver made in this city. Cotillion and Family Parties, PicNics and Bo n t Excursions will he furnished with th cnbove articles on short notice nnd at reasonable prices. V The Garden and Grounds attached to the Gym tnistum will be open to ladles and gentlemen all hours o f the day nnd evening unt.l 10 oVlock, and refresh- inents will be served them upon giving notice with the bell. P. S. All the urchery apparatus having arrived, Ladies wishing to form clubs are now notified. May 16 tf YVM. CLAGllORN. T_T ARPEll’S New Monthly Magazine for Septem- A A her, and further supplies of the previous num bers. Nos. 5 nnd 6 Pictorial Field Book of the American Revolution. The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with reminis cences of Friends and Cotemporaries. No. 8 Latter Day Pamphlets, Edited by Thomas Carlyle. Julia Howard, a romance by Mrs. Martin Bell. No. 16 Byrne’s Dictionary ol Mechanics, Engine YVork, &c. History of Darius, the Great By Jacob Abbott. Principles of Medical Jurisprudence; designed for tho professions of Law and Medicine. By Amos Dean. Practical Sermons to he read in families and social meetings. By Archibald Alexander, D. D. The Logic and Utility of Mathematics, with tlie best methods of instruction, explained and illustrated. By Charles Davies, L. L. I). Alsop’s Fables, a new version, chiefly from original sources. By Rev. Thomas James, M. A. No. 11 Inconographic Encyclopaedia. The Snow Flake, for 1851. Leaflets of Memory, for 1851. Freeh supply of the Berber. Received by <">Pt 25 JOHN M. COOPER. CABINET MAKING nnd UP HOLSTERY".—H. S. BOGARDUS, No- 25 Bull st, would inform Ilia citizens of Sa vannah, that he has taken the above store, for the purpose of carrying oil tho Cabinet and Up holstering business, viz: Making new and reparing old furniture. Old furniture bought and Bold. The bot toms of Sofas, Div tins, Cha'rs, and Ottomans, made over and le-covered. Glass plates of all sizes keptfor sale. Carpets, Oil Cloth, nnd Matting, cut and put down. Bells and Lamps hung; Curtains and Roller Blinds put up. Musical I nstrumnnts of nil kinds re paired. YVool, hair nnd moss Matrasses lor sale; Also, feather beds, bolsters and pillows. Old Matt as. ■os made over in the best manner. -j Every description of Coffins on hand ® and made tu order, of the beet ma terials and finish: Prices low. H. S. B. has been engaged in the above business In the city ot Savannah, tor the last seventeen years, which induces him to believe that he can please all those who will favor him with a portion of their work. april 5—ly HALE ROPE.—250 coils Kentucky Palo Hope AA in smull coils, landing and for sale hy July 15 COHENS & HERTZ AA ANAL FLOUR, &C.--40 libla pure Genesee AX Flour; 30 do Hiram Smith’s Extra do; 30 kegs selected Goshen Butter; 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese; 50 do Adamantine Candles; 30' hags Old Gov’t Java Coffee; 60 bbls Butter, Sugar and So da Crackers; 25 boxes Soda Biscuit; 15 bbls Tread well’s Pilot Bread; 25- half chests 6 oz papers Black Tea; 15 do do 1 lb do; landing nnd for sale by sept 6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. 30,000 PAIRS PLANTATION BROGANS.—Tlie Subscribers are >iow receiving tlieir usual supply of Plantation Brogans, made to Order by the most approved manufacturers. Our stock is very extensive and selected with care. Having succeeded in giving satisfaction to those who have favored us with their patronage for n series oi year*, we would respectfully invite Planters who have not ret pur chased of us, to give us a call, to whom we pledge ourselves to spare no pains in pleasing. - In addition to our thick work, we keep constantly on hand • large and choice stock of Ladles’, Gentlemen'* and Children Boots and Shoes. Please try us. VERSTfLLE, LUFEURROYV Si BUTLER, oct 1 3m FIHVBBO Sacks and Frock Coats. Received a* A lor sale cheap by °°t 8 PRICE A VEAPEB.- JAA8IMERE PANTS and Vests, bluck and vx fancy. J ust received at gc Pt33 PIERSON & HEIDT’3. MELODEONS. These beautiful in struments are recommended to the Musical YVorld, as tlie most unique invention of {the kind ever produced. The key-board is from four to five octaves in compas*, and Blmilar to that of the Piano Forte. By the uae of a swell, the vohuno of tone can lie increased so as to equnl that of the Chapel Organ, ns substitutes for which they are be coming generally in use. Their beauty or finish, su perior quality ot tone, portability and extreme econ omy ofprice, render them nil tbatisdssirable to those who cultivate a taste for Sacred Music; while their remarkable quickness of touch ronderstbem suscep tible of the most rapid execution. For sale by the Manufacturer’s Agents, F. ZOGBAUM A, CO, Aug 5 Corner St. Juliau-st. and Market-square. TYTKW FLOUR.—100bbls. BaltimoreFkmr. from 11 new wheat; 50 do. pure Genesee do, do. do.; 40 do. Hiram Smith's Extra do., do. do Landing and for sale hy SC RANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. Oct 4 Landing and P AILS.—100 dozen painted Pails, for sale by Oct 3 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. T>UTTE1 . CHEESE, MACERAL, &e,-40 teg* AA Selected Goshen Butter; 100 boxes English DM- ry Cheese; 20 half bills. No. 1 Maekeral new; 25 bills- do.No.1 do. do.; 25 do. do. No. 2 do. do.; 40 do. do. No. 3 do. do.; 1 hbd. new Codfish. Landing end for sale by 6 Oct 3 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Si CO. ']YrOTIOE.-*Four months after date, application II will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Interior Court of Chatham county, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, for lenve to sell the following property, viz: One negro man named Peter, and all the real estate of Philip Reilly, late of said county, deceased, fortho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. JULIA ANN RIELLY, Adm’x. aug 27 rkUNDKE BAGGING^-The subscribers offer AA lur sale 1000 pieces, weighing from 1* ® 14 to* f vard HOB’T IlABEltBHAM * SON?* Augusts A OTOT of those beautiful Jenny Lind Fancy Cloth Sacks. For sales low, at 3*1*33 PIERSON Sc HEIDT’S. . FASHIONABLE HATS—a few dozen, just received by «*Pt30 , PRICE & VEADER. CIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK. LX oct 2 12t R. HABERSHAM fc SON. I * 0 /* 2 !. Old stand of Hamilton A Symons. plG BLUE.—1 cask Superior English Fig Blue. Just received nnd for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON St CO. sept 23 Gibboan’ Building.