Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, October 19, 1850, Image 4

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SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS SATURDAY, OCTOBE R ID, 1850. 4 DM IN 1HT It A TOR’S HALE VVIM ba told ' *■ *® d r *t Tuesday in November next, before ■ — .mu in o. i uuDun^ hi novomeer uexi, ueiure Inn Court House door, in the city of Suvuuimh, be tween the i.-.-i hours of sale, All that Plantation known as Jenkins' Point, on Whiteinarsh Island, containing 300 acres, more or I,or No 4, MooreTythlng, Percival Wnrd, withlm- jure. I'lnwitB thereon; Also, Ten Negroes, namely: Tilla, Martha, Jnck, Betsey, Thotnns, Lucy, John, Tom, Alary and Henri etta : The same being the real nnd personal property o( John Bradley, deceasod, late of Chatham county, and sold by permission of the honorable Inferior Court of Said county, whilst sitting for ordinary purposes in July term. Terms of sale, caali; purchasers paying lor titles. OCTAVUS COHEN, Aug 7 3in Administrator. : AMP OIli, forsale by JOHN 1’OOLE * J No. H Whitakcr-st npl 2 nearly opposite Swift, Henalow & Webster. fTMIV. SUAII KOOK’S quick HTT5P- 'A Oomposod ny fl. F. Cole, for the Wahington Light Infantry of Charleston, and dedicated by them to the guest on the 22d February last; Banner Song of the Washington Light Infantry, composed by AT, 8. Ucevca. Forsale by F.ZOGBAIJM A CO., _Aug5 Corner St, Jullnn-St. and Mnrkct-eq. —Jf) f 'A HI),—The undersigned having re-opened X'lp With an entire Now stock of DRUGS, CHKM- )-» 1CALS, and FANCY ARTICLES, at No. 139 South-side Broughton-strset, (formerly Wal ker's Marble Yard) is now reudy to furnish anything m Ins lino, at the shortest notice. SODA WATER, made in Ills own peculiar wuy, sent to any part of the city, and always to he had at the store, in tile heigh- cat btate oi perfection. RjBScnirTioNH put up with care and despatch. , .1 he subscriber having served the public long nnd laithfully, respectfully solicits u share of patronage mar 27 THOS. RYER80N. PHYSICIANS’ PJIKSCIIIPTIONS, ami others, written in most nuy language I 1 '*! up with care nnd despatch,not to bo excel]- - ..ml despatch,not to be excell ed in the city. L. .1. M YERS, Apotliecary, , Comer Broughton & Whitaker streets. A night bell is to be found on the door,front ing Broughton street j ulv g |"ANi>kll i ir»8 GAROEN SEED JU PURCHASERS OF GARDEN SEEDS ...TO - —~~ HIL'aI. jJO. It 18 Bftli evident, that unlona tho sopds which wo nnv SOW, nr0 good in all l-espeets, it will ho folly to ex pect favorable renults—either wn shall be di-appoinl- ed by their not vegetating, or what is still more yercatlous, find, niter careful culture, t[int the variety is worthlessHow many from their own expen* ence can estimate the annoyance of such an event 1 Conscious of l oe room for improvement, nnd assured that the seed- man who should justly be entitled to confidence, would reeeivo ample support, tile foun ders of the establishment, now coil tutted by the subscriber, started morn than half n century ago with the determination to sell nothing but wlnit was worthy of credit; nnd that they might tho more cer tainly accomplish their object, resolved to produce, ns tar as possible, tile Beads which they should vend ■ experience having shown them that most imported seeds could not be relied on, much less those casual- I’j collected, and said- to dealers.—The result was ns they had foreseenunlimited public confidence. I he concern thus conducted, has been g radually en larged, nnd is now the most extensive of its kind in Anicnea; supplying not only much of tho demand in the Middle, \V ostorn and Southern .States, hut ex- nortiug totheWcst Indies, South America mid the British Ponesaions in Asia. DAVID LANDRETII ARTICHOKE, Large Globe. ASPARAGUS, Large Green Purple Top. BEANS, Hush or Snap Shorts, Early Six Weeks, Rod Speckled Valentine, Brown Speckled Valentine Early 1 allow Six Weeks, China Red Eye, Large Lima, BEETS, Extra Early Turnip-rooted, Em lyTumip- rontod Red, Long Blood-red, Silesian, or Sugar, Man gel Wnrlzer. BROCCOLI, Purple Capo, (Imported.) CABBAGE, Early York, (Imorted.) Landreth's Large York, Early Sugar Loaf, (Imported.) Early Battersea, Given Curled Savoy, Large Drumhead Sa- yoy, Bed Dutch, (for pickling,) Largo Lnte Drumhead, Flat Dutch. Bergen. CARROT, Long Orange, Early Horn, Altringliam, or Reid. ° ’ CAULIFLOWER, Early Asiatic, (Imported.) Lato Dutch, (Imported.) CELERY, )\ bite Solid, Red Solid. EGO PLANE OR MELONGENA, Large Purple CUCUMBER, Early Frame, or Table, Long Green or Turkey. LEEK, Large London, Scotch or Flair. LETTUCE. Early Curled, or Cut Salad Early Cabbage, Brown Dutch, Royal Cabbage, Philadelphia Cabbage, Curled India, White Cos, Green Cos. MELON, Nutmeg, Citron, Spanish Water, Caroli na vv ater, Mountain Sprout Water, Dudley or M,»n- tain Sweet. • ONION}Silver Skinned, or White, Large Yellow ■trashin g, Large Red Wethersfield. urn's burled, or Double, Tlainor Single. IA US NIP, Sugar. ° ' PEAS, Landreth’s Extra Early, Early Frame, Earlv Charlton, Bishop’s Dwarf Prolific, Dwarf Blue Im perial, Royal Dwarf Marrowfat, Large White Mar- rowiat, Peruvian Black Eye Marrowfat, Knight’s Dwari Marrowlat, Knight’s Tull Marrowfat, lilue Prussian. ’ Long l l ' ER ' LarS ° S ' VCOt Iie]lslln P ed i Cayenne, or PUMPKIN. Shaw. Common Field, or Cheese Long Scarlet Short-top, Long Salmon. AVhue 1 urmp-rooted, Rod Turnip-rooted, Yellow i urmp-rooted, Summer White, White Spanish, Black Spanish. SPINACH, Round Savoy-lenvcd, Prickly Seed SQUASH. Early Bush, Early Apple Bush, Long Green Crookneck, Cocoa Nut T,?,¥dL°A°{ ; r ‘° v $ APPLE, Lnrge Red J CRiy/X, Lully Flat Dutch, (Strap-leaved,) Tied Topped (Strap Leaved) Early Stone, Large Norfolk, Largo Globe, \ ellow Aberdeen, Scotch Yellow, Dale's Hybrid,ltutu Buga, or Swedish. For sale bv TURNER & ODEN Aug 13 1 y Memimont-seuaro T® - PiLINTEIlS. John 1). McCreary, Printing Manufacturer, Nos. 331 mid 333 Stimton-sr .. v. , IF 7. ’ u oiamon-st.. C® W "J ork, Depot No. 3 Spruce-street, would call the Printers to his improved PRINTING iNNa—I ~~ mu, improved raianm INKSoi various kinds nnd colors, at the followin prices: e Extra Fno Jot Black, (for Card and Wood Cut,) S3 01) and S3 00 per lb. l ine Book Ink, 0 75 -. 1 00 “ Book Ink 0 40 “ 0 50 “ Fine Red Ink ] 25. 1 50 mid 2 00“ m * J n u ’ • 18. '-10. and 25 (its. “ Blue, Yellow, Green and White, 1 25 mull 50 “ t.oid hize at $2, per lb. and Bronze at 50, 75 cts. mid frl, per oz. For the quality of which lie has the following be sides numerous other testimonials : 6 w , ,. Nine-York, Sept. 25. 1848. ites'of 'priutmVl 0 tim " P ? St ' " 8pd the vnri °US quid- rm ting Inks manufactured by Joln.D. Mc- Cieary.'imd found them to Hurpass any others we cv- <* co,or - - Leavitt, Tnow <fc Co.. American Uible Society Printing offiefc. Svlvantis How, Foreman of Press Room Forsale at New York prices, by JOHN M. COOPER, Agent. nnxT Savannah. T^MINISTKATOHLS Sale. Will b^dd^t -‘f the residence ol C. Bevill, Effing! _i*' v — “■ .gham Co. on tlie 1st hi} ol November next, all the Perishable Property belonging to the Estate of the late Gideon C.iievill de ceased, consisting of: Mules. Horses, Waggon- Carts limber Carriages. Street Waggon. Euifgv mid H«r ness, Saddle .fid Bridle, Black Wbf^'ter a” 1 lantation Tools, two Wood Flats, Household nn- F,itchen Furniture; together with many othernrti clas too tedious to mention, for tho benefit of I !e''r.~ mu! Creditors, Terms of sale made known on tha flR J' E. W. SOLOMONS, Adm. Sept 28 , F-tN-1 N ew fall goods, per brigs Augusta nnd Columbia.—20 eases row style lall Prints; 10 do Marlboro Stripes and Plaids; 2 bales C'hnmbrays; 2 do Gray Cloth; 10 cases low priced Kerseys; 10 bales do do Bro Shirtings; 2 cases cotton Umbrellas; 2 do cotton ting Pocket lldkfs.; 1 do. fancy wool CubrI- meres; 1 do plain and figured Swiss Muslins; 2 bales plaid wool Shawls; 1 case Pongee Silk Hdkfs: 1 do fancy Head Hdkfs.; 5 bales fine Hen Island. Shirtings; 2 cases Kentucky Jeans; 5 bales blk and white Wad ding. For sale on accommodating terms, by sept 9 SNIDER. LATHROP & NEVITT. N ew buy goods fo* fall trade. Domestics, Kerseys, Plains, Plaid Kinseys, Plain do., Tweeds, Satinets; Kentucky Jeans, Cassimcres, Red (all Wool) Flannels, White do., Super French eol'd ilo., Bro. Cnnton Flannels, Bleached do, Prints, Moui do Laines, Hosiery, Silk Hdkfs, Linneu Hdkfs, &<-., Ac. VVould coll the attention of dealers to the stock of Dry Goods now opening and for sale by sept 2 LATHROP & FOOTE. M ORE NEW GOODS! !~Wehuve just open ed the following articles, viz: Nellesson’s super black French Cloth ; super black French Doe Skin CaSBimere; ilo Wool-dyed, do; do F ancy French do; do Gray-mixed do ; do fancy Striped mul Diagonal do; do Gray mixed Tweeds; black Satin for Vestings; Merino Serge; Fancy Silk Vestings; do Wool do; blk nnd colored Twist; do Sewing Silk ; do Coat Bindings; do fancy Twist But tons ; Satin and Lusting Buttons; Gents Merino nnd Lmnbs-wool Shirts; Gray Merino and Cotton Draws ; super India Rubber Braces ; Silk and Linen Hdkfs, &c., Ac. All of which will besold unusually low for easlior city acceptance. sept 13 CUIIRELL A BOGGS. A RESCUE TO THE AFFLICTED. THE CELEBRA TEI). JEW DAVID'S. . HEBREW PLASTER. A certain remedy for all fixed pains in the Side, Chest, Loins, Back, Bowels, Muscles, Rheumatism in all its varied forms, Nervous Affections, Lungs and Liver Complaints, Spinal Affections, Female Weak nesses, etc., etc. For the above complaints this Plas ter has no equal. The great celebrity which it has already acquired, not only in the old, but in the new world, tlie extraordinary cures it has performed in tiro most extreme cases of suffering, have acquired for it such 11 reputation, that the xiroprietor has not until rccenlly been able to supply half the demand. Tlie sales throughout every city, town and village in the United States, are without a parallel I A circumstance not surprising, when tlie vast n- mnunt ol human suffering relieved by its use is con sidered. In spinal Defects, tho benefit usually is of the uuistdeciiied character. In Nervous Complaints, nineteen cases out of twenty readily yield to tlie pen etrating stimuli! combined (u this valuable prepara tion. I11 Rheumntism, either acute or chronic, the claims of tlie Hebrew Plaster have long since been univer sally acknowledged Those who are laboring under weak backs, no matter from what cause the weakness may have originated—even if such persons have been misguided in previous applications in the use of tlie Hebrew Plaster they will find the affected part sud denly restored to its original soundness. As a supporter in enses of constitutional weakness it will he found of great advantage. It is particular ly recommended to Females who are sufiering from sudden weakness, or general debility. In short, it embraces all the virtues which the most scientific mind was capable of compounding from valuable substan ces found ill the old world, nnd wiil be found entire ly free from those objections which are a source of complaint with tlie numerous spread-plasters now before the public. tCT- These plasters possess the advantage of be ing put up in air tight boxes—lienee they retain their full; virtues in all climates. Beware ol'Coiinterfeitsniiil Base Imitations. None £■£uuiue without the engraving of Jew David 011 tho wrapper around encli box. Price 50 cents per box. Each box contains sufficient to spread six or eight plasters. Mnrks of the Gcniuie: 1 st. The genuine is pul up in smooth, engineturned bottomed boxes. 2. The genuine has the engraved head of Jew David on the directions, around the box 3d. Unless it has, (on the direction around box) a '"1‘P «f the Record of the Court to E. Taylor, Roch ester, it. is counterfeit. I V' SCOVIL vt MEAD.113 Chnrles street,New' Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold Wholesale nnd Retail by THOMAS M. TURNER, A CO., nnd TURNER A ODEN, Savin... h. Oct 10 GEORGE l’AYNE, Macon. From Dr. Ilirnin Cox. Late Professor in Cincinnati Electric Medical College. Mr. A. L. Scovill: Howcverreluctr.ntI have been to permit my name to be attached to patent medi cine, 1 consider it a duty to the community to state that 111 three cases of incipient consumption, viz • Mi-s Belt, Miss Burger, and Mr. 11. II. Cox, one of the Ci- ty Council, that Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar ope rated more like a specific than any other remedy, that I ever used. One of tho cases, viz ; Miss Bell pro. nounced by several Physicians to lie laboring under the last stage of Scrofulous Consumption. She is now in good health, from the use of a few bottles cf the above syrup. HIRAM COX, M. D Cincinnati, Jan. 25,1847. From the lion. Judge Henry Morse. Mr. A. L. Scovill: 1 am well acquainted witli Dr. Hiram Cox and his practice, he lim ing been my family physician lor many years, and can cheerfully say that I have as much confidence in his skill ns aii v man lmng. HENRY MORSE. Cincinnati, Nov. 8th, 1847. From William Richards. M. D. I feel constrained from r. sense ot duty to make tho following statement, conscious that it may appear unprofessional. Mr. Charles Wade, ol this city was quite low with Pulmonary Consumption, lor which i had been treating with less than usual success At his request, and that of his friends, I permitted him to try Dr. Rogers’Liverwort and Tar; and I niu»t confess that its efiects were really surprising After using the second bottle my visits were discontinued and lie was soon restored to health i do eon’ scientiouslv recommend my brother practitioners to 7 K C iu “!i n mv P in 1,11 pulmonary complaints which baffle the ordinary mode of treatment * r- ■ r, ^{LL'AM J. RICHARDS, M. D. Cincinnati, Oct. 1st, 1841. liinrarc of Counterfeits and base Imitations! 1 he genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Whet* 1 I 11 ! 1 ' blltde - or six bottles for S3. Sold Wholesale anil Retail, by SCOVIL A MEAD. 113 Chatres-st. Between Conti and St. Luuis-sts., N. Orleans General Agents lor the Southern Stute: 1 Kotffil. In odd Whole-ale nnd Retfti. liv THOMAS M. TURNER A CO„ nnd 3 QRNF.R A ODEN, Savannah, Ga GEORGE PAYNE, Macon. Oct. 10 lirOTrCE—Four month? affnr date, application F X will be made to the Honorable the Justices oftho Interior Court of Chatham county, when sijttin-* for ordmnry purposes, for leave to sell the following property, viz: One negro man named Peter, and all tire real estate of Philip Reilly, late of said County oocensed, lorthe benefit of tlie heirs aud creditors of said .estate. JULIA ANN RIELLY, Adm’x nng27 ft UHIITON it CLARK*!* COD LIVER OIL a*'Just-received a full supply of the above eelehra ten Oil, tor the uso of consumptive patients. r *a>o b Y TURNER A ODEN.' 6 Menu 711 enr Sq. TUltXEK>S Compound Fluid Hx-ir.igf of Conjzn and Stylliagin. T HIS preparation is a Concentrated Extract con- taming ail the Active Medical PropmXofX oonyza, (commonly known ns Black Root,) and tho atylhngia, or Queen’s Delight. ' C Those plants have been long usednmongourSouth- wirh N H Sr i 0 ' :3, ' 1,ld . rcCe ’, ,tly by t!,e Medical Profession, " ltl . 1 tllu happiest results, in cases of Chronic tiheu- "vnbRtl °}5f rs " 1 , lon ” landing, mid Secondary ._>phili9. Itio much superior to any preparation of sarsaparilla as an alterative, being more active and prompt in Us operation 0,1 the system. These facts have induced the subscribers to present to the atteu. tion ol physicians a thud extract prepared strictly nc* cording to Chemical andParmaceutieal science, de- void ot all the feculent and inert parts of the roots not doubting that it willsuper-ede file unscientific and crude preparations hitherto used Price—SI per ln.-i.tio, or six bottles for $5 Prepared and sold by TURNER A ODEN. « ■, .. Monument-Square, Ami by i'. M. TURNER A Co mHT ~ J 181 Bay-street,riavannall, Ga. TVTOTICH. The copartnership heretofore exist- ix ing between the subscribers, under the linn of A. HAMILTON A CO., Bridgeport, Conn., and HAM- II.TON A SYMONS, Savannah, Geo., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. W. R. SYMONS will con tinue the business in Savannah on his own account. The claims of the late firm nre left with him for ret- tlement. ALEX’R HAMILTON, Augl. W. R. SYMONS. The subscriber, grateful for the patronage extended to the late firm, hopes by the SUPERIOR STYLE AND EXCELLENCE OF THE GOODS he will lie enabled to offer, to merit Its continuance from his friends ami the public generally. Augl W.R. SYMONS DR. ALLEN'S V F, G H T A It I, 1: (1 a ill 1’ O II N D, ron the cure or DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, (fC. rriHIS medicine is offered to tho public under the JL assurance that there is no article in existence having stronger claims to thoir consideration Being compounded by a regular GRADUATE of JEF FERSON COLLEGE, Philadelphia, and a practis ing Physician of TWENTY YEARS STANDING in Philadelphia, his long experience has confirmed him in the opinion that a compounded medicine wus re quired to prevent and remedy the debilitation pro duced by residing in low miasmntic climates, and to counteract the prostrating influences of the many nervous disorders witli which the human family are afflicted. DR. ALLEN is a woll known physician, nnd has used the above medicine in his practice for twelve year with tho most astonishing effect, having tested its qualities in above FIVE THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ewer received more flattering recom mendation from physicians of eminent standing than lias beer, bestowed 011 this. TIioiiMiintls, nre now w 11 fleeing; from that most dreadful complaint, the Dyspepsia, when a “in gle bottle of ]>r. Aik ns Vegetable Compound would liavo the effect 0 ) removing,nil those distressing feelings attendant on that most debilitating disease. Sole Proprietors—G. W. Allen, M. D. Phil, and A. J. A W. I,. Cleavland, 207 King-st Charleston, S. C. A A. SOLOMONS A CO., July 13 Only agents in Savannah, Ga. GLEE-SiNGER. By William B.Brudbury, co- ” lelseohn C " ' " editor of “ Tlie Mendelssohn Collection,'’ “The’N. Y. Choralist,” “Psalmodist,” and uuthor of various oth er musical works. Wo have just published THE ALPINE GLEE- SINGER, a new collection of the most beautiful and popular secular music, in four vocal parts, for choirs, musical socioties, and social music parties. Its lead ing features are, A great variety of new and beautiful SWISS MEL ODIES harmonized. ALPINE AND TYROLESE MELODIES—The choicest variety ever presented to American singers. POPULAR GERMAN PEOPLE’S OR STU DENTS’ SONGS—111 parts, from the pens of emi nent modern German Composers. POPULAR. SONGS HARMONIZED—A variety of tho most popular English, Scotch and American Songs. Harmonized. ORIGINAL PIECES—Of the Author’s choicest se cular compositions. HIGHLY-FINISHED PIECES—A select number of highly finished four-voice compositions, by Men delssohn, Hauptmann, Kreutzcr, and others. OPFIRATIC MELODIES—A choiqe variety of light, favorite operatic lpelodies harmonized F’LORA'S FESTIVAL”—A Cantata; rearranged and harmonized for adult choirs and classes, com plete in itself us a musical recreation, and equally beautiful as disconnected four-voice songs, duetts, solos. Ac. VOCAL EXERCISES, Ac.—In addition to the above will be found a full set of vocal exercises for Choirs and Singing Classes, chiefly from Panseron, together with Lablucbe’s celebrated instruction for tlie cultivation and management of the voice, tlie whole constituting a work for all classes of singers, we believe “not a little in advance of anything of the kind that lias appeared in this country.” MARK 11. NEWMAN A CO. aug 7. 2|)8 199 Broadway, New-York. CURE YOURSELF* UiROM time immemorial there has existed in lnrge A cities and populous towns, n species of disease the dependence mid propagation of which results from the violation of divine nnd moral laws. To those afflicted, the AMERICAN COMPOUND is pre sented to their notice as being the most certiun, spee dy, and valuabe specifle ever offered to the unl'm-tu- natfi. It has, wherever known,acquired a reputation that daily experience continues to strengthen. Thou- sandshave been cured by its use; and as it leaves no odour on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet, or business, nor contains either mercury or noxious drugs in tho least injurious to the system. It is boldly presented us the best cure for such diseases yet offered. It is used by Physicians, and pronuunc- ed superior to any known remedy. Prepared by Dr. J. N. Rector A Brother, 294 Mar ket-street. For sale by W. HUMPHREYS, A. A. .SOLOMONS A CO., July 24 ly T. M. TURNER A <’O. FLOYD HOUSE, illncon, Geo.— The |:j| Proprietor most respectfully returns his £• thanks to his friends and the travelling public, for the unparalleled patronage received by him du ring his administration over the above establishment, and hopes, by renewed and unremitting efforts to please, to merit the very liberal encouragement that has been lavished upon him for the last eight months. Andhcis enabled to do this from the fact that the FLOYD HOUSE is the most eligible house-in the place oi'its location, or, in fact, ever can be. It has more front than all ot the houses ot the kind in Macon put together, liaving/oar hiindrednndtwentyfeet, andstund- ingon the corner of two o:'the most fashionable streets in the city, where those wishing it can have a front room at any time. THE FURNITURE IS ALL NEW, .! able and Rooms, and he challenges a comparison by any house between New-York nnd Few.Orleans. The Tallahassee Stage Office is permanently located at the Floyd House. in connection with this House is a splendid New Six Horse Omnibus got up expressly for its use. Macon, Ga. May 9. Cm ' S. BUFORD TVT OUR XING GOODS,—Received by recent ar -LVJ rivals, MnurningCulico, F'ret ’ ~ ■ . --- o . - ■ encli Cambric, French and Scotch Gingham, 111 latest style; also black Alpaca, Black Boftibazine, Black Mohair, Lustre, and Black. Drnp De Canton, a new and very beautiful article,' _Sept26 LaROCHE, BOWNE A CO. r IPnU SUBSCRIBER respectfully-informs his *- iriends 811(1 the public, that lie has just opened . , — public, that lie has just opened a lot ol fancy articles, among which nre Lubin’s Fix- tracts for tlie handkerchief, fancy Toilet Bottle? llecl Marrow for the hair, Jules Hands Kan Lustrale Ilair Restorative, ^having Creams, Ambrosial Shav ing Cakes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Combs, Trans parent Wash Ball?, Brown Winrl-'or tionii, Tooth 1 ustc,Magnifying Mirrors, Ac., ■ Persons wish ing to procure any of the above named article? should call nmincent JOHN A. MAI Ell’S, RU e *- p 134 Broughton st. ‘ T v,V,r° ,VV>.T 11 Y. nE U C IIA N T s7.r. ,,, ‘ NW * ALL and WINTER DRY GOODS — luo subscribers are now receiving their usual large and well %-lected stock of Staple and F’ancy Drv Good?, adapted to the fall trade, which Slry offer for term.? ^ Plt ** ! 01 P !lR ‘ in 3°i 0,1 accommodating sept lfi SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVITT. OK HUNT. Lots Nos. 17 jgVnml 18, Cojumbin-squnre, with the Improve- molds, areoffered lor sale, mid if not sold by the 15th ol October next, will be rented. Possession given on the 1st November next. Apply at this office. ’ ‘‘P* ' - 1 || tl5o n’Gnr < ft?ra PARa ^ B, 7 nrP NOTICE. ITIF, Undersigned having formed a Copartnership , „ under the name nnd styleol'S. E. BOTH WELL ^.i?.n\raA h i‘7 r i , lf nctionof a GROCERY ami Gen- f .ni,"OMMiSrdONBUSINESS, havingtaken the store tormerh occupied by the lnte Phillip Reilly tinder t.ieir Services to their friends i«xl the public general- y j„, v „• S. E. BOTH WELL, Jlllv ' * R. L. GAMBLE poll 1 O RICO SUGAR, «fcc.—28 iitiiH choice .7 a <,rt 7 I lC1 ’ Sitirar; 25 F.fghth casks 4th proof Brandy 24 kegs selected Goshen Butter; 10 boxes vV n a nd l Ppp, ' r i Peuml papers; 20 bills, new No 1 Mackerel, 15 half do. do. do. do. Landing from but k \ ernon, amf tor sale by -I't'20 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A Co. ft'yVJTKj BACON AMD BAKU.—100 bids ! Baltimore Flour from new Wheat; go d 0 n Genesee do.: on t,.,u .i„ -1,. ,1... P’ re . x"a S do n h ,'V a - d “r‘ Uh; inwmtes fholder41 ‘w P l nn | ,e ^"? 0n ? Mlw ; 20 « ft t- d ^-do. L«ndfedW bl ra',eU^ fl ‘ dd - d «- do. SCRANTON, Jttll\STO.N A CO. L UKINS’ F.xtracts for the Handkerchief, as Jenny Lind, Rough nnd Bendy, Bouquet de Car oline, Jorkry Club, Sweet Pen, Honey Suckle, Mag nolia, Violette, Gnrunouin, West End, and hundred others; also Anton mid Jean Marla Furina’s Cologne. Justreccived-and for sale by L. J. MYERS, Apofliccnry. s rpt 23 Smuts' Building. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. S R. TOBIAS’S VENETIAN LINIMENT is war ranted to be superior to uny other medicine yet wn fertile cure of Wens, Barns, Coughs, Lumbago, Headache, Dysen tery, Chilblains, Sea Sickness, Chapped Hands, Old Sores, Croup, Swellings, Warts, Hemorrhage, Cramp, Chronic Rheumatism, Weakness in the Limbs, Cholera, Vomiting, Cuts, Bruises, Cold Feet, Corns, Tooth-Ache, Sore Throats, Palpitation of the Heart, tyc. This Liniment was the discovery of the late Dr. So lomon, of Gilead House, Liverpool, a graduate of the College of Surgeons in Dublin, nud was used with present proprietor, ...„ 6 . uut . ter; and duringthe time ithas been introduced into this country over 1000 certificates have been received, speaking in the highest terms of its pain releiving qualities; and to prove what it is represented to be, every ngent is ordered to refund tho money should it fail to give relief when used according to the drections. A few certificates are given. Cenficate oi Mrs. L. /. Cohen. Having used in my family, with the most complete -■cress, Dr. Tobias's Venetian Liniment for croup, „ — — - . * w u . u - u ,ui lucul 1U1 CI Ulip, nough, nendache pain in tlie limbs, sore throat, Ac,, 1 feel it no more than an act of justice to the Doctor to give this certificate ; and tlie speedy cures it has afflic ted,have been most astonishing, i am never without a bottle of it in my house, nnd am sure no one will re gret trying it. SOPHIA COHEN, 261 Ninth street. Certificate of Mrs. W. E. Cornish. Dr. Tobias—Sir : One of my children wus severely attacked with croup. I used your Venetian Lini ment which gave immediate relief, and I really think it was the means of saving my child's life. Under no consideration would I be without a bottle in my house. I also consider it 11 most certain remedy for scalds and bruises, having thoroughly tested it for 'lie same. SARAH CORNISH,354 Bowery. City and County T New York, ss—Andrew Hun ter, of said city, being Jtily sworn, doth depose and say, that he was engaged 111 superintending the con struction of a sewer in 30th street, between the 6th and 8th avenues, and in hoisting up a large stone of nearly a ton weight, the fall gave way and precipita ted deponent, with the stone, into the sewer, a distance of over fifteen feet.stnking him on the back nnd shoulder, which so severely jammed nnd bruised de ponent,thnthe was takeu up insensible nud thought to be killed. Dr. Tobias was immediately sent lor, and applied the Venetian Liniment, which so revived this deponent that in a few minutes he wa able to speak ; nud by the constant use of this most valuable preparation, he was sufficiently recovered to attend to his business asusunl.intheshortspnceoffourdays, to the astonishment of all who witnessed the accident' ANDREW HUNTER, 7th Avenue, botween 31st and 32d-streeta. Sworn to before me, this ildday of January, 1848. Wm. V. Biiady, Mayor. For sale by A. A. SOLOMONS A CO„ Markot-squiire.Savannah. VV holesaleand retail price, 25 and 50 cts. per bottle. Dr. TOBIAS' office No. 1 Murray-st., Now-York May 29 cod Dr.GOURAUD’S MEDICATED SOAP,&c. N OT tho pure white of the marbles of Pari can compare with tliatwhich is imparted to the dark est or most Tanned, Sun burnt, Sallow or Freckled Skin, by a free use of GOUROUD’S ambrosial In dian Medicated Soap! Rashes. Ringworm.?, Worms in the Skin, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Motu, mid all other cutaneous disfigurements vanish from before it, ns if ; ~ ...... .... .... ..... . i Jum ueiore it, ns 11 by majnc ! Its uGiigiitlul, soothing properties nmkc it peculiarly valuable in the nursery, as also in the fre quently painful operation of shaving. It can bo used at discretion either in salt or hard water—and V. v • ;—. ......... ui uniu water—linn no Captain ol n ship should go to sea without n sup ply. The roughest anil darkest skin becomes by its use. solt, smooth and pellucid. GOURAUD'S Pondre Subtile will positively uproot superfluous hair from low foreheads, upper lips, or Iroin any part of tlie body 1 Gotirtul’H Lilly AVliite is an innocent prepara tion for instantly removing flushes and rendering rough and yellow skins smooth nnd white. ! i-Dr. FELIX GOUIIAUD’8really valuable pre parations can only be had gen nine at A. A. SOLOMONS A CO’S. May 30. eod Market Square. R. R. R. To give relief to cruel pnngsof pain, Relieve the patient from his torturing grief, To cure instantly Burns, Sores and Sprains, I? tlie object of ltadwny’s Ready Relief. Sores ol all kind.?. Lumbago ami still' bnck, Rheumntism. Cramps, Paralysis nnd Gout, Frost Bitten Flesh—or Cold. Cuts or Chaps— It instantly relieves without adoubt. In Rheumatism, Nervous and Neuralgic Affections Radway's Ready Reliefactslikea charm* The very moment it is applied, it gives relief, and cures the worst eases oi Rheumatism. Lumbago. Gout nnd Par alysis. In Hemicrania or Nervous Heudnclieits ef fects nre speedy and effectual, in fact it is the only remedy that possesses uny certain power over Neural gic diseases. How many thousands aro there who are sufiering with that cruel disease, Nervous Head ache, yet have tailed in receiving permanent relief lie will warrant them not only a speedy relief, but a permanent cure, if they will use Radway’s Ready Reliel according to directions. Rndtvtiy’s* Aleilicnted Soil [1. is tlie most purifying balsamic, cleansing and heajin" preparation that can be applied to the skin, it refresh” es tlie wearv, gives tone and vigor to the functions of the skin, removes every particle of oxcressence from the cuticle, and imparts beauty to tlie complexions of all who use it. Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Tetter? and other unsightly spots vanish after the libations with tins Soap, like dew before the morning sun.— Let every indy and gentleman use RndwnvV famous Medicated tioap 111 the bath, nim we will warrant them u pure, clean, sweet, fair and healthy skin, and a beau- tiiulclear, transparent complexion. LOOK FOR Till! STEIiL ENGRAVING. Radway s Snap, A. No. 1, is enclosed within a lube ol beautiful steel engraving, representing two female ..cu es ot Beauty and Health. Fee that the signature ot J■ ■ G. Railway is upon each rake—none other is gcmiuto—price 25 cents, large cakes. Beautiful Locks of Hair. 1 is true that the crowning ornnmentoi beauty is r. head of luxuriant hair, the most lovely face would appear indifferent if it were minus the locks of hair to give itexpression. Lovers have sworn by the hatr ot their lady loves. Poets have sung of raven tresses, w irriors have fought for the possession of h simple loekoi their lady's hair, kings have given half their thrones to posucss a queen possessed of beuutifullockB ot liuir. Rtulway’s Circassian Balm Istlte tnostnnturn! hair restorative in use,it cleanses tlie scalp from dandruff, removes Scurf, cures sores ot the head, is a perfect antidote for Baldness gives nourishment to the roots,. invigorates the bulbs, strengthens the hair, prevents its falling out. nnd ior- ces it to grow'. Iris admirable lor dressing the hair, it is superior to all other preparations lor The hnir.-Z eiwnio-i" d, ° ,lnve ,1(i ed RADWAY'S GIRO AS fl AN BALM preferitto all oils Ac., in use. Railway s Circassian Balm is 25 cents per bottle, large ho lies. Stte that each bottle has the lac simile sig nature ol RADWAY A CO. *** Forsuleby G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO., A A. SOLOMONS A CO. ami WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, Agents. Oft I 0 to tho lnte revolutions aud coiniRr^pi 1 l' V ' s ~oi l the nations of Europe, whlTa i ,VVohl Honi.> other in such quick B ucce 8 , 1 1 '''' 0 J fQll “» d % * enid ts nat ytt," the leading plrffl'dS. 0 ^^^ am have become investetfwith „ T' of 'Wts hitherto unknown. They occiL, deftre<! offo® between the hasty, disjoK iect records of tV„ .......A ' Bnd »a nsurlRi “ 1 rianat afuture day. The America l thf I fore, deem it proper to rail * CHn 1 “Wishers ill' these Periodicals, nnd tho very ’™" 1 . they are offered to subscribers ^i P J e,| “> theirlist, viz : orS- *“ c foUaw; THE LONDON QUARTERLY THE EDINBURGH REVIEW RByi E>r, THE NORTH BRITISH REV/F nr THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW,' BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH Msr, In these periodicals are Contained eratcly, tliough clearly and firmlv „ V,eW8 the three great parties in Engl ml .l^Wsed mid Radical-“ Blackwood” Snd iv >' Quarterly," are Tory; the •• Fdini the , “ ' and Whig t and the “ Westminster Rptin® b „^ cr isa The “North British Review” owesitl li bcr to tlio last great ecclesiastical movemL < l etaWi,ll nic and is not ultrain its views on any department of human knowledge^ 7, 7 ,he Urn edited by Dr. Chalnjers. and now is conducted by his son-in-law, h “ de«j with Sir David Biewster. Its liternrv tlie very highest order. The “ Westmta^ 80 ' 0 ' reprinted under that title only i 8 nmS i er ’ land under the title of the “ Foreign' hed ‘"E Westminster,” it being in fact n 7‘ i Ciunr,w lr 1 Reviews formerly published and reprinLf ,lle 1 parate title. It was, therefore, the aM^'l combination, <li uniting in one work 1 tt ol both as heretofore issued. hebe8 ‘ f «tp The above Periodicals are reprinted in x , immediately on their arrival by the liriti.fr in a beautiful clear type, on flue white n?" 8 l:a ” ei faithful copies of & origi.ml. Blfefi azine being an exact fac simile of the EdTnbwgh terms. Fornny one of the lour Reviews, 8? On For any nvo, do. For any three, do. “ For all four of the Reviews, elSI 11 For Blackwood’s Magazine, ara " Eor Blackwood and three Reviews Vm “ For Blackwood and the four Reviews 1000 ■ Payments to be made in alt ease, in adtanu Remittances and communications elm,i'u fishcra.^ = d , post-paid or franked, to t h e P LEONARD SCOTT A CO 79 Fulton Street, New Y mk Entrance 54 Gold “ DEATH’S DOOll.” TTOW frequently do we hear this expression »l JL-1 is meant to convey to the mind the last sn- sickness that a patient can be reduced to and Mrs. Harrison, a member of the Trinity Chnr,l7^ as she expresses herself, brought down to “Deal Door” by Rheumatism and Nervous HeadacheS "fe Rn ?. n ? el ,° f M ercy RADWAY’8 READY L1LF relieved her ol her severe pains and resto her to her friends in periect health. The very instant Rndway’s Ready Relief ieappij its beneficial effects are experienced. It soot), heals, cleanses and purifies; it instantly allays Ini tion. reduces inflammations und swellings reliel the most severe Neuralgic pains, gives ease’to Bilk Sores, Eruptions', cures Rheumatism, Lumba uAS 1, Pa J ,7, 9i8 i Scalds, Sprains, Strains, Spa Stitt Neck, Weakness iu the Side and Bnck Sort all kinds, Galls, Bruises, Chafes, Sore Throat, I enza, Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, Ac. Elegant Toilet Requisites. To Embellish and Enhance the Charms of Bmlt RADWAY’S MEDICATED SOAP! During the heat and dust of Summer, or frost a bleak winds of winter; nnd in casts of sunbllf stings of insects, chilblains, chapped hands, oti dental inflammation, its virtues have long nwl ex sively been acknowledged. Its purifying and reft ing properties have obtained ita selection from 1: thousands of other cosmetics, both oi Europeans domestic manufacture, by the bon ton of alfpartp the fashionable world, from the burning tropics the frozen realms of the Ice King. The public 1 plense bear in mind that Radway's Medicated So is the only sate preparation lor the skin non-in us this tins been certified to by our most promise chemists. Radway’s Soap is free from poisonous, ntuting nnd pernicious ingredients, it can be us 011 the .ender skin of the infant with the somehsp] results as upon beauty in its prime. VSecthateii. cake is enveloped in a splendid label of steel cnoi ing; and further, see that the signature of It. G.Rs way is upon each cake. Price 25 cents, large mb The Crowning Ornament of Beauty is a lun Head of Glossy Hair, Riulwny’H Cii'ciisninn Bnlm, Warranted tlie best Hair Tonic in use, for Drcssi nnd Beautiiymg the Hair. . It cleanses tlie Scalp from Dandruff, keeps itcL cures Scurvy, Baldness, and Sores on the Uu stops the hnir from falling out, renders it strong, ti smooth, soft nnd glossy. Persons who have ! their hair by sickness will find a complete antidi in Radway’s Circassian Balm. It also gives itsds nnd benutil'ul color, and will prevent it from turn grey. From its exquisite purity, it is admirably dapted for the hnir of children of the most taf age. It is sold in large bottles lor 25 cent! | bottle, nnd it is warranted the best hair prepaid in use, it will not soil the lint, cap, or thefiaest is” Sep that the signature of RADWAY A CO.is ef each bottle—no Circassian Balm is genuine with the signature of Rudway A Co. *»* F’or sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON A Co., A. A. SOLOMONS & Co.,and Aug 2 WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, AgroO Chat Imm Superior Court,May Term, IS James Mokdecai, ) 1 is. > Libel for Divorce Sarah Mokdecai, ) , I T nppeuring to the Court by the return ofthe-» iff, that the”dei'endantcnniiotbe found in that# ty, 011 motion, it is ordered, tliat. the said defend do file her answer or defensive allegation inn™ to the above libel, on or before tlie first day of then term of this court, or that the plaintiff have leave proceed ex pnrte to the Jury. And it is further (■ tiered, that a copy of this order be published mootl the grzettes of this city, once 11 month fur l<J months prior to the next terra of this court. Extract trom the minutes. JNO. F. GUILMARTIN, Clerk s.c.c.t-l nug 14 Um-i’l Chatiiani Superior Court, May Term,!* William J. Bandy, ) _ rs. \ Libel for Dirorff.| Rehecca Bandy, J . I T appearing to this con't bv the return oi tea iff', that the defendant cannot be found in ty, on motion, it is ordered, that the ant do file her answer or defensive nllecafiot? trng, to the above Libel, on or before the tir;'.‘<!i the next term of this court, or that t!ief**L liuve leave to proceed ex parte to the Jury. » "J further 01 dered, that a copy of this order be l'‘ *| ed in one of the gazettes of this city'. ° n 5 e ,* in g for four months, prior to the next term of a 11 - Extract from the minutes. , ,, JNO. F. GUILMARTIN, Clerk s c c ,"" aug 14 CliutUnin Superior Court,May Term, 1- Cathebine E. Baknabd, Compl’t, 1 and .InEqoitJ- Mukdock Chisolm, Isaac B. Row land, John T. Rowland. Delts. J . „ O N motion, it is ordered that Murdock Cni»s Isaec B. Rowland, Defendants in the 73 titled 'cnse ; who reside without tlie limits 01 county, do file their demurrer, plea or ana ^1 hill tiled against them by Catherine E. I> n ™ ^ r |y before the second Monday in Jnnuarynf- , ^ the same be taken pro enntesso against t.' jt J is further ordered, that a copy of tbisoruc upon them three month' before the next j - jj Superior Court, or published once a men months in one of the gazettes ot the city null. Extract from the minutes. . [Signed] JNO. F. GUILMARTIN, c. OTIOE.—All persons indebted Henry James, deceased, are re 9 ue . | immedintepayment; andallpersoneusv 5 against the said estate, will present tfiom I N rgiiinsttfie said estate, win prem-ii? - :d, within the time prescribed by law, m „ j; may 11 ,2tw-6m W. M. DAt !R L F OUR MONTHS after the l made to the Honorable, the Justice. pjr t ier Court of Chatliam County, when dinary purposes, for leave to sell |rr ing to the Orphans of rhelatc Thomas A. benefit of said Orphans. JOHN *■ ^ w j£, May 28