Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, November 01, 1850, Image 2

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SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 1. 1850 THE MORNING NEWS IIY JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM T. THOMPSON, EDITOR MKU. , , „ In Macon, on Wednesday, 23rd mat., ir | year ot his age, MARK D. CLARKE, Esq., of Savannah, but for many years a citizen of Biol) county. in tlio filth a native T k a m a: n ally Paper *4,00::::: Tri weekly,. All new Advertisements aimetir In both papers, Friday Morning;, November 1. PASSENGERS. Perbkrk Peter Demill, fm New Vork—Mr Smith, *2.00 Indy and 2 children, 2 Mrs McAlister, Mien Ladd, Miss — ‘ Fraley, Miss Rogers, Mr Howe, 5 steerage. Per steamer Hancock, irom Augusta—Mrs Jones, Mrs Bennett, Miss Jones, MiBS Gilliland, Miss E Jones, Miss Mary Ilust, Mrs Foster and 2 children, Mrs C A Greiner ami servant, Mrs M Bulort, Dr F T Willis, C AGriener, ColG W Hust, Col Green, Col AS Jones, C H Colliding, John Foster, Q Fibz, J T Largest CirculationTalhe City ! ! | Bu P f ?: < l'H ( ; r ^™;, on . fr0 m Angus tn-M.« Lawton, ~B Y T E J ~E~GR A P II ClliId & ,crV “'- t ’ ^ iS “ D .‘ !l . 0Rcl !’..¥ rs * Buckner, Mrs Transmitted Expressly for the Dally Morning News. NEW-YORK COTTON MARKET. M Buckner, Mrs Bostwick, child n nd servnnt, Mies C Hoslwick, Miss A Bostwick. Miss M Bostwick, Mrs B R Bostwick, child and servant, Mrs M Perdue, Mrs N Bruce, Messrs 11 R Bostwie k, W L Wallace, B English, M Mitchell, Dr T 3 Ilnrd ce, U A Perdue, 2 deck. Per steam-packet Wm Seabroc k, from Charles- Mrs M Taylor, Mrs Bliss, Mrs Wood and 2 ser, vant, Miss R G Minis, Mrs Renn olds, Mrs Porter, Mrs Barrett, Mrs Anderson and Bc.n, Mrs Dr Wragg. 7 children nod servant, Mrs Sewoll nod 4 children, Miss Cordman.lMrs Eaton and sen ant, Mrs Windsor, Miss Windsor, Dr R Austin and nervant, Dr D M Clayton, Messrs G M Gritfen, J Barnett, E Barnett, Nkw-Yobk, Oct. 31, 8 P. M. Our Cotton market closed firm to day, with sales of 2,500 bales. Accounts from Canada state that the fugitive slaves, who have reached there in considerable num- 1 sen^E Barnett, jr, D W Orr, A Minis, .1 II Eustice, C bora, are in a starving condition, and that many of H Carmiclbneb AG ray,J^ them arc returning to the States. The sympathy for | and 30 deck. them horc is somewhat abated. i CONSIGNEES. „ wr ' r,r * Per steamer Oregon, from Augusta—522bis cotton fjp The Ma'ls for Key West and Havana, to go & mdze t0 q \y Garmany & Go. C A Greiner and Spccinl Notices. NOTICE. Having engaged the room, well known as the Meth odist Lecture Room, I would respectfully notify the Parents and Guardians of children in the City ot Savannah, that on Monday next, 4th November, I shall open my School. ^11 the branches ot Education both English nnd Classical will-be taught. Particu lar attention will be paid those who may be commit ted to my charge, and every satisfaction given rela. live to their advancement and improvement. I hose who may wish to send their children, will pleaso en ter them at once, as classes will ho lormed as soon as possible. N. 3. VARNEDOE. nov 1 2t NOTICES , M of Candidates for Officenre published daily, untutlin First Monday in January next, for the sum ot Five Dollars—Payable strictly in advance. Receiver of Tnx Returns for Ckantham Co. B. T. THEU3 will bo a candidate for the Office in January next. Oct 9 To the Voters of Chatham County : The undersigned is a Candidate for the office ot RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS, at the election in January next, and respectfully solicits your suffrages, oct 31 JO WM. NEVE. FOR-NEW YORK—Old Established I.lne. £hr The regular packet brig PHILURA, Captain -sttTEi chnrles Thatcher, having part of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to nov 1 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. FOR BALTIMORE—Regular Line. The regular pneket schooner ORB, Captain w alker, having part of Iter cargo engaged, win nave quick dispatch. F’or Freight or Passage,} apply on bourd, at Bolton's whart, or to 1 nov l BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. FOR BALTIMORE. Tim fine fast sailing brig HENRIETTA, ’ Diibel, muster, will have immediate dls- pat'c'nVor the above port. For Freight or Passage, having fine accommodations, apply to the Captain onboard, at Waldburg’s wharf, or to nov ]. COHENS A.lIER'l/.- QHIRT8, fine White Shirts, Red Firm, O Hickory Shirts for Servants! tor s„|, ," nel Commercial. by the steamer Isabel, will bo closed at 9 o'clock this morlng. Union nnd Southern Rights Meeting 1 A large and respectable meeting of the citizens of Chatham County In favor of Union and Southern Rights, was held last evening at the Exchange Long Room. On motion of Judgo Law, the Hon. W. B. Bulloch Capt ed Vice President. Wm. F. Law, Esq., was Secre- I HoytTco, J V Connerat,Tl A Cohen, |E C Ander- tary. , son, W A Cherry A Co, G R HendricksonA Co, S After the organization of the meeting Thomas, E. | Goodull, Hardcastle A Carruthers, W P I onge, La- others. Per steamer Hancock, faom Augusta—314 bales cot ton & mdze, to Allen & Hall, r .V W E Beall, M Dye. Bohn &. Foster, Hardwick & Cook, Rabun & Fulton, W Duncan, Dye, Oliver & Go, C F Mills, N Cruger, Boston & Gunbv, S Solomon s. Per brig Philura, from Ne w-York—T S Wayne, Jaa Dickson & Co, T 11 Mil lfi, E Parsons & Go, J G Brown, Scranton, Johnston & Co, Rowland & Wash* )CH was called to the Chair, and on motion of burn, W B Hale, Brigham, JCelly & Co, Washbnrn, R W ProLFn Jnrim Wm 1 aw was annoint- Wilder fi Co, Philbrick & Bell, J E Cady & Go, S R 'n -A \ / LAW was appoint* p T J Walsh & Co, A Welles & Co, S & H e President. Wm. F. Law, Esq., was Secre* H t & ’ COt j v Conner at, M A Cohen, |E C Ander- , son, W A Cherry & Co, C» 11 Hendrickson^ Co, S /knor die organization of the meeting Thomas, E. Goodall, Hardcastle & Carruthers, W P \ onge, La- Lloyd, Esq., introduced a preamble and series of Roche, Bowne & Co, A A Solomons & Co, Wood, . J ,. u / J- i . * Claffhorn & Co, J F Doe, K Hopkins, Ambler, Barnum resolutions which, (with the exception ot one, which & Jo,C AL Lamar, Cohen & Fosdick, J M Cooper, received one vote in the negative,) were unanimous ly adopted. The meeting was afterwards addressed by Dr. R D. Alnold, F. 3. Babtow, J. E. Ward and Henry M. Law, Esqrs. All the speeches were character ized by sentiments of devotion to the Union, highly commendable. me every time it is reneated Kelly &■ Co, VV 15 Hale, Jns Anderson eo, i o me every time it is repeated. ) £ Mills, o Johnson A Co, J Jones A Son, overflowing houses for them, g ^ p ^ ldi w p ’ Yo nge, H j Gi)bert , Cohens, A row night. Hertz, W W Goodrich, I W Morrell A Co, VV B Fos- N EGItO Round JACKETS and PANTu—~ cheap, at the Cloth ing Store, 1 “• ver y GIBBON'S RANGE. W ANTED, a smart colored boyrnhom~te^—' old, to serve in the store. Apply to 1Wi JOHN M.COOPFH Corner Whitaker and St. JuKti. D Abraham & Brotlier, N B Knapp, W Duncan, Way & King, Helm A Foster, A Haywood, M Conn, J De- Martin, Hone A Connery, Jus A Brown, G A Willett A Co, II J Gilbert, J D Jesse, J Doyle, M J Solo mons, F W Averfeldt, Godfrey A Solomons, J Sav- age, WF Waring A| Co., A Busier, A Champion, Jns Anderson & Co, E Lovell, Snider, Lathrop & Ncvitt. J Jones A Son, McArthor & Morse, C F Mills, W II May & Co, E Reed, Miss F Kendrick, R Hub- ry The Campbell Minstrels performed to ersham & Son. HM Davenport, Cohens & Hertz, A *rr . , , „ ,. r Low St Co, J E Bothwell & Co, Verstille, Lul boro another crowded nnd fashionable house last night, i the ladies assembling in large force to witness the p ( , r bHr ' k j„ dy Knight from Boston—Versiille, Luf- ecccntricltics of this amusing corps. They improvo borow & Butler, N 11 & II Weed, EF Wood, & Co, vastly on acquaintance. Everything well done at CVnnHorn, W Cra'otree, Behn <t Foster, Brigham, first, seems better done every time it is repented. I Kelly & Co, W ,B Hale, Jns Andersen^ & Co, T S We predict two moro —to-night and to-morro .——— 1 dick, Rowland & Washburn, J A Mayer, E Parsons Home Made Alcohol. & COj philbrick & Bell,-' II Roberts, A Welles & Co, We received yesterday, from Mr. W. Humphreys, Collins A Bulkley, C Hartridge, nnd order, a bottle of his Alcohol, distilled, as he informs us, Per bark Peter DemiU lrom New York—W P from the rlud of tho native Sour Orange. We also y o "e e > ^ » & H We ® d , T J Walsh &. Co A Welles i. i i to. at r 1( tt . »i r Co. W Warner, M J Solomons, »V H Smith, r had an invitation from Mr. II. to see the process of Sorre ’ ]| A Sawycr ’, Snyder, Lathrop & Nevitt, J t) distilation, but wero not in time to see the mixing of Sturtevant, Scranton, Johnston & Co, Rowland & the ingredients. This would lmvo been to us the Washburn, E Parsons & Co, Philbrick & Bell, I W most gratifying part of the exhibition, as we confess Morrell & Co, McClesky & Norton, J A Mayer, E we nre at a loss to comprehend how Alcohol, ot so Lovell, A B Duce, Behn ifc boister,^N A Hardee & Co, , , . . . . , . r , . , ., A Haywood R Habersham & bon, C Hartridge. II J high proof, is extracted, by so simple a process as his GUb "; t g Gooda n, j DeMartin, W M Davidson, W A still exhibited, from tho rinds of Sour Oranges alone, cherry, J E Cady & Co, J M Cooper, W ’ >aily, S E There is no question about the Alcohol, nnd it has cer Bothwell & Co, S3 Bartow, A Balster, Jas Anderson, tainly a strong flavor of the orange, but where i t all & Co, Brigham, Kelly & Co, T R Mills, 8 M Pond, comes from is his secret and our mistery T £ ar ^X?J II Holmes, from Philadelphia-Holt & Mr. H. lulorms us Uint he intends sending a sample Bothwell, H A Crane, T S Wayne, J A LnRoche, C of his Alcohol to the great World's Fair, to beheld \ Greiner, A Champion, Rowland & Washburn, W In London, and that he also designs Contending with P Hunter, M Prendergast &■ C, C Green, P D Hilz- Jean A/aria Farina for the prize to bo awarded by ‘jeim.W P Vonge.H A Crane & Co, Davis & Oopp, .a- TVnrLi'. F.ir L.'.i J Sullivan, N Cruger. M J Reilly, T It Mills, U Oran- Stoll, J Lippman, Henry Itoser, N B & H Weed, J A Norris, Swift, Denslow & Co, Cohens & Hertz, N B LATEST DATES. Liverpool, Oct. 19 | Havre, Oct. 12 | Havana. Oct. 18 Savannah Market. November 1. COTTON.—The market was brisk yesterday,with sales amounting to 2303 bales, at the following partic ulars . 266 bales 13; 223 at 13} ; 421 at 13} ; 239 at 138; Cl 9 at 13}; 16fi at 13 13 9-16 ; 195 at 13}, 164 at 13} i nml W at 14 cents. The market closed firm and priceB are unchanged. Savannah ExportB, October 31. PerPrussian sclir Fairy, for St Jugo de Cuba—122,* 325 feet lumber, 48,254 timber. Per bark William Henry, for New York—546 bis cotton. Per bark Franklin, lor Boston—667 bales cotton. Per sclir D H Baldwin, for Baltimore—105 bis cot ton, 25,052 feet -umber, AUGUSTA, Oct 31.—Cotton —The demand for cot ton yesterday was very good, and we heard of seve ral lotr that changed hands. Fair may be quoted at 131 to 13J, and choice 13}. Freights.—Our river is low, but our light druft steamers reach tile wharves. CHARLESTON, Oct. 30.—Cotton.—There was a brisk demand yestesdny, during which the market rallied, and prices recovered their former range.— The sales nmounted to rising of 2700 bales, at ex tremes from 128 a 188- NEW YORK, Oct. 26.—Flour has been quiet, and owing to the inclement weather, not much out door business has been done. Sales of 3,000 bbls. at 4 50 a $4 56 for common State brands. Southern 4 81 a $5 061. Corn firm—sales 5,000 bushels at 70 cents for mixed and yellow. Oats 40 a 44 cts. Rye 70 cents. Rice steady. Seles of the week 600 tierces, clos ing ot 38 a 38 cents; some prime lots at 38 cts. Whisky is selling at 26} a 57 cents. BALTIMORE, Oct. 26.—Flour The flour market Is quiet. Sales of 500 bbls. Howard street brands at S4 688—some holders aro asking $4 75. City Mills $4 688. Grain.—Corn is steady ; sales of white 58 a 59, and yellow 60 cents. Oats 32 a 36 cents. Rye 60 a 6.1 cents. Groceries The mu-ket is quiet, without change in prices. Provisions.—There is a good demand. Mess Pork is held at $11 50 j Prime 8 811 a $8 87}. Lard 7}c. in bbls. and kegs. Whisky.—A steady demand. Sales at 2 7 a 28 cents in lihds. and bbls. Molasses, for sale by 100 hhd8 - prime Cuba oct 29 COHENS & HERTZ PENMANSHIP. J ENREE & MILLAR, the celebrated Ameri can PENMEN, on their return from New-York City, and on their way to New-Orleans, have the dis tinguished honor to announce to the citizens ot Sa vannah, that their apartments for imparting instruc tions in tho Chirographic Art, aro now open for the reception of Pupils and Visitors, atNo. 147 Congress- street, adjoining Dr. H. J. Royal’s Dental Rooms.- Their style of Mercantile Writing is bold, free and expeditious, adapted to Letters, Bills, Notes, Sales, Receipts, atid finishing Journal Entry, and has been successfully taught throughout the principal cities and towns in the United States, Canada, the West Indies, &c. To tho Ladies will bo communicated a beautiful epistolary hand, and tho one now practised In tho most fashionable circles of the day. Having had years of experience, they aro confi dent of imparling their system with marked success The course pursued is such as to remove those cramped, stiff and awkward habits which so olten result from erroneous instruction, and impart a more elegant nnd expeditious hand in 12 lessons, of from one to two hours each, than is usually learned in years by tho old method. All persons, fgood judges and critics,) aro respect fully invited to cull on us, at our room, where we will he happy to elucidate our qualifications by EXHIBITING UPWARDS OF 200 SPECIMENS, expluin our principles, and execute anything that may be called for, whether they wish to avail them selves of our services or not. Ladies wishing to receive private instructions at their residence, or some few Gentlemen wishing to . . become Teachers, can be accommodated hy making BC0 - . Lnnd.eg, andjor sale by immediate application. A bad hand no objection. S'®* 3 Rooms open from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., lrom 3 to 6. and from 7 to 10 P. M. Hours of attendance for Ladies and Gentlemen mado known at our Academy. Reserved hours for Ladies. Arrangements made with Schools on favor able terms. Terms for the course Ten Dollars. Success guaranteed. N. B. Visiting, Wedding, and Invitation Cards written equal to engraving, at $1 per pack. JENREE & MILLAR. J. & M. were presented with Silver Medals in Richmond, Va., which can be seen at their Rooms, nov 1 the World’s Fair, for the best Cologne Water, cess to his efforts, say we. Penmanship By reference to our advertising col. umns, it will bo seen that Messrs. Jenbee & Mil- lab have opened rooms in this city, with a view to teach the art of Penmanship. Thesc.gentlcmen are accomplished penmen, and understand the art of im parting a knowledge of its principles to their pu Knapp, S M Pond, M Cohen, Brigham, Kelly &. Co, D I. Cohen, W M Wndley, S Solomons. Per ship Emma Watts, from New York—T S Wayne, II A Crane & Co, J A Norris, J V Connernt, Tit Mills. I VV Morrell &. Co, 3 M Pond, Brigham, Kelly & Co, S Goodall, A Haywood, Behn & Foster, II J Gilbert, C A Greiner, E Jenks, McArthor & Morse, S E Bothwell & Co, W Duncan, Philbrick & pils. They have, received the highest commenda- Bel), W Warner, N B Knapp, Mrs S Sawyer, Cohens Hons of the press and exhibit some of the most ele- iWeranst & Co! A A Sob gant specimens of penmanship we have ever seen Penmanship and Book-Keeping.—We omitted- yesterday to call the attention of our readers to the ad vertisement of Mr. T. O'Donnel, teacher of Pen- macshlp and Book-Keoping, in all its branches. Mr..- . O’D. is highly spoken of as a proficient in the useful s PringlC’ VCi-atille, Lufbui row & Butler, VV I I mige, “ “ 3 * , , , , . , A Short, W T Williams, II M Devenport, O Johnson accomplishments which he teaches. | ^ C0) Coben & Koedick, Reye & Liberman, J Lip- Arrival op the IsABEL-ThT^amship Isabel I *? a ", ? Ludicua, M J Solomons H.Sinyser, J Stod- omons & Co, P Wiltbergcr,R D Walker, J P' Tuck er & Co, J DeMartin, Scranton, Jolmstou &. Co, and order. Per steamer Wm Seabrook from Charleston.—C RR, Boston, & Gunby, Ambler, Bnrnum & Co, Mar shall <fc Aiken, P D Hilzheim, Stratton At Dobson, J NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 28.—The Cotton market wus quiet to-day, the sales amounting to 1,200 bales, without material change in prices. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 16 There is no material change to notice in thmcotloa market, it has ruled rat.ier heavy since the sailing of the Asia, with more dispose tion on the part of holders to realize at prices slight ly in favor of buyers, but still not so decided as to justify any alteration in tile quotations as given when tlie Asia sailed. The transactions for the four anys ending on tho 16th, umount to 17,000 bales, of which speculators took 2,200 hales. The market may be put down as closing heavily. W HISKEY AND GIN.—25 bbl. Imperial Gin 25 bbls. Imperial Whiskey 34 do. Old Rye do. 10 do. do. Monongahela Whiskey. Landin per sclir. J. H. Holmes, und for sale by nov 1 6 CHA3. A. GREINER. PRENTICE’S “THE CAMPBELL’S ArS^^* AT ARlvtORY H y, , TltllJKIPlI AND Success , POSITIVeITthE ZASt HFo UV/cht' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY,^ OF MURPHY, west & PEEL’S INIMITABLE cajipbTl , WtTH NEW FEATURES EACH EVEN,^^ F For fuiTpnrticulars.'eee Program,, . Cards of admission 50 cents JAMES NORRIS, M™.-. 13ANTALOON8.—G. S. NICIioTs — 1 received about live hundred pair nf bracing all ot tho late patterns, and will sTS*’ en) - SKi* oct:tn G. S. N1CH&18, Gibbon’s Range, H AKD-WAIiE, CUTLERY, dersigned have now opened one of the k i selected stocks of English and American hib? WARE ever offered in this market. Their niirch.. 0 ' being made exclusively from Manufacturers th * aro enabled to offer their Goods, wholesale or’remf at as low prices as in any other cities North or Wi7 The public nre respectfully invited to examine ™ stock betoro making their purchasers. 6 ° U oct 29 McCLESKEY & NORTON N EW CANAL FLOUlt. —50 bbls. Hirain Smith’s Extra Canul Flour; 75 do. Pure — i —- n( j j- or SB | e b es- SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. I NDIA RUBBER GOODS.—Goodyear’s India Rubber Bnils, Teething Rings, Life Preservers Cushions, Pillows, Chest Expanders, Letter Bands' Drinking Cups. Money Belts, Maps of New-York City, and United States. Just received and for s«l„ by COLLINS &. BULKLEY oct 18 H AY! HAY II HAY!!! PrimeEasternandNorth River Hay, in store, and for snle by JOHN V. TARVER, oct 17 Exchange Wharf. C REAM ALK. 50 Barrels superior Cream .fie landing from barque Savannah, for sale by ’ oct 31 W. M. DAVIDSON, F ASHIONABLE, Blue Dress Coats, just rs- ceived, which nre THE fashion, oct 31 PRICE & VEADER, 147 Bay st. D RESSING ROBES-Received, a good as sortment, at 147 Bay-st., by oct 31 PRICE & VEADER fAOLOGNE.—Genuine Farina, in willow covered VZ bottles, assorted sizes, just received and for sale, oct 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. H AY ! HAY !—Prime Northern Hay, landing and for 6ale by oct 31 ROWLAND & WASHBURN. SKY-HGIIT DAGUERRIAN ROOMS r|5HE citizens of Savannah and vicinity are in J. formed that I have, at great expense, added n splendid Reception Room to my establishment, for tho accommodation of my patrons, where those of a musics! taste can amuse themselves on n most beau tiful Piano Forte, purchased expressly for theuseof my customers. PICTURES tuken in all weather hy the use of my large sky light—an advantage never possessed hy those working by a window light.— Children’s Likenesses taken in 2 to 3 seconds, by a 3 uick working instrument made expressly for chil- ren. The citizens are invited to examine my Rooms and Specimens, over Znugbaum So Co.’s Music Store, Market-square, Savannah, nov 1 W. V. PRENTICE. R aisins, grapes and lemons- 1000 whole, half and quarter boxes new crop Malaga Bunch Raisins. 50 Kegs Grapes, 50 boxes Malaga Lemons, in Sue order. For sale by oct 30 3eod DYE, OLIVER & CO. Captain Rollins, arrived at Charleston on Tuesday evening about 8 o’clock, from New York, which piaceahe left on tho 27th, making the passage from dock to dock in 59 hours. The Isabel brings three hundred and thirteen cabin and steerage passengers for Charleston aud Havana. The Itabd will touch off our city this afternoon on her way to Havana. Fbom Texas.—The election to take tho sense of the peoplo on the boundary bill took place in Gal veston on the 21st. Tho vote stood “ Accept ” 135, “Reject ”62. The vote wns remarkably smnll. In Huntsville, Walker county, there was for acceptance 922, against it 24. In Milan, so far as heard from, but one vote was given against thn measutc. Hays county also voted for the bill. dard, Str Dekalb, Mrs Wrugg, F M Jones. CONSIGNEES PER CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. Oct 31.—1038 bales cotton Sr. mdze, to Hamilton St Hnrdeman, E Parsons St Co, G S Frierson, W Dun can, F H Wellman, C Hartridge, Godfrey St Solo mons, John Jones St Son, P Collins, J D Clayton, N A Hardee & Co, C M Thompson, Stratton St Dobson, A S McCuuleb, F T Willis & Co, A Holt, Rabun St Fulton, Adams St Boroughs, Dye, Oliver St Co, Allen Ball, Holt St Bothwell. Shipping intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH.- - NOVEMBER 1. PORT CALENDAR. MOON’S PHASES New Moon. 3d. 9h.,42m.M I Full M’n, 18d„ llh. 26a.A First quarter lld.6h.,7m.M | Last qr. 25th, 7h. 24u.a entered into a co-partnership for transacting a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, ns follows: FRIERSON & HOGE, Savannah, Ga., HUGE St FRIERSON, Macon, Ga. Geo. S. Fbibhson, Suvannuh. Jno. S. Hoge, Macon, nov 1 F 3mo I5P* Tho Washington correspondent oi the N. Y.' Journal of Commerce, writes: “The Southern Disunionists are proceeding to ac tion, being no longer content with wordy measures. The great tuass of the Southern people are sound; but there is no party aud no individual in tho South, who is strong enough to stand up as tire advocate of Governor Seward’s principles. If these principles aro to prevail in the polities of the Empire State, there can exist no party lor tire Union in the South. The question is soon to be settled, one way or the other.’’ Wo aro decidedly of the writer's opinion, that "there is no party and no individual in the South who is strong enough to stand up as the advocate of Gov S U N MOON High Water Nor. Rises. Sct8. Sets. Morn. Even 1 8 5 0. H. M H M. ii M. H. M. II M 1 Friday, 6 18 5 09 04 03 05 48 06 36 2 Saturday,.... 0 18 0 09 04 39 07 01 07 26 3 Sunday (V 19 0 08 05 17 07 46 08 06 4 Monday 0 20 0 07 05 55 08 25 08 44 5 'Iupsday,.... 0 21 0 06 06 36 09.02 09 20 6 Wednesday.. 0 22 0 05 07 21 09 38 09 f>« 7 Thursday,. .. 0 23 0 04 08 08 10 15 10 33 ARRIVED. Bark Lady Knight, Choate, Boston—Brigham,Kel ly & Co. . j, . t . I Brig Philura, Thatcher, Now Y’ork— Brigham, Kel ernor Seward s principles." We turther think that My & Co. ° it is time that we ol the South, should give the advo- | ' Schr J II Holmes, Lodge, 3} days fm Philadelphia cates of those principles at the North due notifica tion of our resolute determination, not to submit to tho enforcement of those principles in the adminis tration of the affairs of this Union. It is for this rea- | son that wo are opposed to "Georgia going into Convention with her fingers in her mouth, it is no time for simpering and sniveling to the Sewards and VaN Bubenb of the North. But it is a time for bold, resolute aud determined action—such action as will leave our friends and enemies at the North, no room —to C A Greiner. Schr Elias lleedi Holmes, from Turtle River, with rosin & spirits turpentine—to E Reed Schr Cotton Plant, Arnaud, from Oecechee, with 3200 bushels rough rice—to R Habersham & Son. Steamer Oregon, Shaw, fin Augusta—Rowland & Washburn. Steamer Hancock, Murray, Augusta—to Behn & Foater. Steamer Wm Seabrook, Peck, fm Charleston— to Cohens & Hertz. L Chivis’ Hatful Plantation, with 1870 bushel rough to doubt as to what will be tho consequences of | r >cc—to G W Anderson &. Bro. •urther aggressions upon our rights. !3PMr. McDonnough’a will has been read. He has loft $25,000 per annum to the American Bible Society, and the rest of his immense property to the citizens of Baltimore and New Orleans for the estab lishment ot public schools for the poor, whenever I KeP Y * ’^' 0 - the proceeds of the real estate amount to three mill ions of dollars. The will is to be contested. A telegraphic dispatch from Baltimore says There is much excitement in that city relative to the bequests of Mr.McDonnough. Hissistcr is dead, but there are many relatives who are claimants to his property. Yh e Queen of Belgium, daughter of the late Louis Philippe, the exile King ot France, died at her residence on the 12tb October. CLEARED. Prussian schr Fairy, Ilaacke.St Jago deCuba—W B Giles & Co Bark William Ilcnry, Watts, New York—Wood, Claghom & Co. Bark Franklin, Wood, Boston—W Hunter. Schr I) H Baldwin, Parker, Baltimore—Brigliain, fellv A- Sir. DEPARTED. Steamer Ivanhoe, McNolty, Burnt Fort, See. Steamer Gotj Clinch, Dixon, Charleston. MEMORANDA Baltimore, Oct 28.—Arr schr Delaware Farmer, Stokely, 5 days from Savannah. B OTTLE CORKS, a fresh supply of French Velvet Wine Bottle Corks; also Taper and com mon Beer Demijohn and Jar Corks ; just received Olid for salo by G. R. HENDRICKSON St. CO oct 15 Gibbons' Building, City Treasurer’s Office, 1 Savannah, Nov. 1, 1850. j T HE following Lots are in arrears to the city for Ground Rents, viz : Brown Ward—No. 1,2, 3,15, 22,23, 24, 42,43, 44, 45,50, 51,56, 58, 59. Chatham Ward—No. 5, 6, 9,11,12. Crawford Ward—No. 12, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37,41,42,43, 44,63,64,70,71. Columbia Ward—No. 1, 3, 4, 6,7,8,9,10, 11,14, 16, 20, 21, 24, 28, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38. Elbert Ward—No. 1, 3, 9,10, 19, 21, 22, 24,29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40. Franklin Ward—No. 2, 3, 4, 7, 11,12,17, 18, 21, 22, 31,32,33,34,35. New Franklin—No. 3, 4, 7,8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17. Green Ward—No. 2, 4, 5,14, 16, 22, 25 26, 28, 35, 36, 37,40. Jackson Ward—No. 13,14,15,16,19,20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 40, 47. Jasper Ward—No. 1, 5,6, 7, 8,10| 24, 29, 31, 35,36, 38, 42, 44,45, 46,47, 48. Lafayette—YVurd, No. 1, 4, 5. 7,8, 9, 10, 16, 17,18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29. Liberty Ward—No. 1,3, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,15,17,18, 23, 25, 34, 39. Montery Ward—No. 1, 2,3, 4. 6, 8,11, 12,13,19, 20, 21, 22. Pnluski Ward—No. 5, 6, 7,9,10, 11, 12,14,15, 16, 17,18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 34,37, 38. Warren Ward—No. 1, 3, 4, 5,10,11,12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23. Washington Ward—No. 2.3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10,13,14 16 19, 20, 21, 24, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40. JOSEPH FELT, City Treasurer. I F THE RENTS due on the above teamed Lots are not paid on or before the 11th inst., 1 shall, on tho morning of the 12th, proceed to re-enter the same in conformity to Ordinance, nov 1 1,2A. 11 DAN. II. STEWART, c. M. F OR HALE.—20 bags new Georgia Wheat Flour, ill sacks of 100 lbs. each. 1000 bushels white Maryland Corn, in sacks 500 do. Heavy Oats do. do. nov 1 HOLLIS & LAWSON. D RAWN NUMBERS of the Green &. Pulaski Monument Lottery, Class No. 65. Drawn in AuguBtu on the 30th inst. 2 14 43 29 72 16 8 66 71 62 26 59 No 2 29 43, Prizes sold. WILL BE DRAWN TO-MORROW. GREENE &. PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. Extra N o,106< Alexandria, Nov. 2 . Lowest three Number Prize ,000. J. W. MAURY & CO. Managers. SPLENDID SCHEME. I3L7981! • $11,000, $6,000, $1,000 arid more than 400,000 DOLLARS!! in smaller prizes. Tickets only $10—shares in proportion. Prizes CuNlicd itt this Office. TioketB and Shares for sale, and orders from the Country attended to at the old established stand ol the Managers, Owens’ Building, No. 5 Bull street, lately conducted by P. B. Pendergast. deceased nov. I J. W. MAURY & CO D RESS MAKING.—Mrs. L. GALPIN, respeit- fully informs the ladies that she has received tiie latest style of fall and winter fashions for Dresses Man- ti tine, Sacks and Sack Cloaks. She is ready to exe cute all orders that may be entrusted to her care, at No. l,Zubly street, opposite Mr. Warner’s carriage es tablishment. Orders from the country promptly attended to. oct 31 6 B OOK KEEPING.—They who would be right ly cognizant of the state of their affairs at all times, should regulate them by a correct system of accounts. Instruction in this important branch of Merchan- tile Education, is given by the subscriber in the af ternoons and evenings, in Messrs. Fcay & Ilossignol’s Rooms,Court House Square. The course embraces, besides Journalizing, Posting, and closing accounta, the use and application of the Auxiliaries, Cash, In voice, Snles and Bill Books, Merchantile Arithmetic, &c., Ac., a knowledge of which is imparted in such a manner ns to render it of easy practical ap plication in the Counting House. T. O’DONNELL, Practical Accouutist and Penman. Hours of attendance, from 3 P. M. to 10. t’y’ Terms, $6 per month. lw oct01 P ENMANSHIP. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Savannah, that he con tinues to give instruction in plain nnd ornamenlsi Penmanship, afternoon and evenings, in Messrs. Feny & Rosignol’s upper room, Court House square. Those desirous of improving their chirograpby wi find tliat object readily attainable by JWjnjjnjjl® use of the Pen ns taught by. T. 0 DONNhU. 53P Hours of attendance from 3 P. M. to iv. _ Terins $5 for a course of 30 Lessons. oct 31 6t -. —For a Cotton Plan- WM. H. M0NG1N. [Jl’TTEIt AND CHEESE.—60 kegs selected Goshen Butter, 117 boxes English Dairy Cheese. Landing aud for sale by novl SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO, O RANDY,-10 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co. -»-» Brandy, in bond. Landing nnd for sule by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. nov 1 N E/ RUM.—50 bbls, Luther Felton A Son's I best Heston Rum. Landing from barque l.ndv Knight, for sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO nov 1 TNDIA RUBBER BALLS-Bat and ParloT, X Air and Solid Bulls, for sale hy »ov 1 G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. O RRIS AND CHARCOAL PASTE—For cleansing the Teeth and Gums nnd puritying the Breath, just received and for snip by oct-H G. it. HENDRICKSON A CO. riDNNY BAGGING.-25bales Gunny Bagging. ' n binding from brig Wilson Fuller. For saleliv ■ BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. Lottery, Class No. 65, for 1850. 2 14 43 29 72 16 8 6671 6226 59 Holders of Prizes will please call lor the cash or renew. DRAWS TO-MORROW. CAPITAL PRIZE. $34,798 DOLLARS Lowest three Number Prizes $1000. GREENE A PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERY Extra Class 10 6. To be decided by drawing of Va. Monongalia Lotte- ry, Class 122. To bn drawn at Alexandria, Va., to morrow, Nov. 2, 1850. J. W. MAURY A CO. Mnnnger>i. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize of $11,000 j 159 1000 1 Prizes of $6000 | 64 100 Ac. Ac. Tickets $10—Shares in proportion. Orders enclosiugthe eusn promptly attended to by nov. 1 E. WITHINTUON. i~lAS LAMPS. A Inrge assortment of Gas U Lumps, broad base, with two burners, also sev eral paterns Brittnnia Ware, just opened, and for sale by JOHN A. MAYER, Brougbton-st., oct 31 Next door to Currell A Boggs. E.C. Jones, Secretary^ C 3 ORN.—First quality Baltimore Corn, landing I schooner Martha Bird, Rn J? A f y 1 Jp“ B DILLON-’ Foot of WcstjjrcaHjA ?-lOPEEE, SUGAR, ,^7^3 do^ d V J Green Ilfo Coffep; 108 do Fair do a ' , ,-rimf null unuiinB- Java do; 12 lihds choice Ht Croix . ugar.- , „ _ ... requiring but five minutes to Porto Rico do; 45 do fair N. O. do; 90 h , , ooobs* make Butter from tresh milk, A supply just received and Crashed do; 40 do Stewarts Clarity a N APKIN RINGS—Ot Ivory, Bone, carved and plain ; Papier Mache, and elegant Steel do., worked with Beads ; just opened and lor sale by oct 31 COLLINS A BULKLEY. rpHERMOMETER BUTTER CHUItNS- X 1 he best in use, requiring but five minutes to make Butter from fresh milk. A supply ji rom the mnmitacturera, and for sale by oct 31 COLLINS A BULKLEY, UK , 100 Bryan-st. PAINTED PAILS. 200 doz. Painted Pails. J. Just received rtud for sole by °<3 -'ll McCLESKEY A NORTON. O VERSEER WANTED tation, by oct 31 J - TAYLOR’S IMPERIAL ALE-Landing per 1 ship Sandusky; for sale by , oct 31 2 F. SKIEL8. Agent^ BALTIMORE WHITE CORN - -D from schr, Henrietta, for salo by net 31 2 F. SHItb* SUGAR. —10 lihds. Muscovado Sugar, UsiH F-z from ship Emma Watts, and tor sale by B ;t 31 JAS A. NUBRIS. SECOND ANNUAL PAIR of the 3 Carolina Institute,—Open on thelethi her next.—The second annual Fair ol the “ 0U /7 ban j. liim Instiute, for the promotion " r “ „ cul Ingenuity, Ac., will be held iuCtotaW L ing on the 18th November and to continue ilur „ Specimens of every branch of industry orc . estly solicited. Premiums will be avvardea-- ^ best specimens, a Silver Medal; for the next - Diploma. For Original inventions, a suitau r mium. at the discretion of the Judges. 0 ( A selection will ho made ol the beet S P BCI Mechanism and the arts—of Cotton. U u ' f ) r” baceo, Corn, Wheat, Flur. Rosin and lurp ^ and sent to the World’s F’air, to be held luL the Spring ot 1851. . , . ..wted A large aud commodious building hasbeeti 7 for the Exhibition, anil every attention wl ! . t0 ihe to the reception and care of the afticles t ^ Fair. All articles must be directed to w . j be Chairman of Committee of Arrangements, delivered by the 14th of November. Taylor Communications addressed to James 1 • L.jil Chairman of Committee on Correspondent meet with prompt attention. . m i t .|iv The Hon. Jos. II. Lumpkin, ot Georgia. » ^ er the Annual Address, on Tuesday P*S l 1 November. ., ,u„ South Arrangements have been made wul . ^sro Carolina Rail Rond Company, to let all tended for the Fair, retur »,‘^ E c ^ G ^e f ideat. Ul UCII IIIU LUIinr, xv/u „ '10<10 Java do; 12 lihds choice St Croix F'ugajv „ gW Porto Rico do; 45 do fair N. O. do; 90h ^ and Crashed do; 40 do Stewarts lLla n {.. m um,. Tobacco, various brands; 40 bbls t ecel lo Flour, from new wheat; 60 do pure g 0 ' f »r do; 175 do Baltimore do do do; 150 d.n hui ^ ke? and Soda Crackers; 20 boxes Sods Biscui solected Goshen Butter. ,„„ M aTON oct I« SCRANTON, JOHFS4 uri