Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, November 02, 1850, Image 1

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mmmm <S> v# Dollars per annum. yjLUME 1. Publication Office No. 115 Bay-Street, near the Custom House. Single Number, Two Cents. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER! 1850. NUMBER 248. .Wished daily and tri-weekly, 1 jjy JOHN HI. COOPEB. y y. THOMPSON, EDITOR. terms: . nnlly Blorning News is delivered to City wribersat 84 per annum, payable halt yearly in n or for TEN CENTS u week, payable to tile ‘'"'"n Single copies, TWO CENTS. ?£![' Ti'i-WecUly Nlorning News,for the coun- )“ L .i„ii,g all the news matter and new advertise- i^'ini'ofthe daily, is furnished for two dollars por- ^Admtisementsins^rted at the following rates^ I iquare ; 1 insertion, 80,50 | 1 square 1 month, 87,00 5,di continuance,.!, 50 1 square 2 months, 12,00 9 iweek,... 2,50 | I square 3 months, 15,00 'IS f ul linen or less to constitute a square.. Ly 1 advertisement! inserted at the usual rates, Alrertissinents from transient persons or strangers. ,„tlie paid in advance. “ ly advertisers will be restricted to their regu- I bail nesses, and all other advertisements not pertain- j“ |0l neir regular busiuess as agreed fur, will be oliarg 'VurW advertisers exceeding in their advertisements .heaverage number of lines agreed for, will he charged ,, rioporttonal rateB. j si advertisements sent to this office without di- mm« as to the number of insertions, will be pnh- [bheii daily, until ordered to he discontinued, and Parted accordingly. ryAllnsw advertisement* appear in the Tn-week- I,tori, for the country. ",, ah LetterB directed to this office or the Editor, mil bs postpaid. he morning news. Correspondence of the. Daily Morning Hews. New York, Oct. 27,1850. The political ferment is now getting to its height, nid next week, I presume, we shall have nil kinds lings on, by that portion of die community who' delight in the excitement of election times. Mr. Kiugsland istho whig cuudidate for Mayor, and a very line, gentlemanly, rich merchant he is; lives in Sue style in a magnificent mansion, in the aristo cratic Fifth Avenue, and can give very excellent dinners. Kelly, the other mayoralty Becker, is as a whig as Kiugsland, but neither nature nor education has conferred ninny advantages upon him. Kingsland will do, and I doubt not will bo elected. The election comes off on Tuesday week, liurk, of the Erprcss has been re-nominated for Congress by acclamation, and he deserved the compliment- fiaymuad of the Courier and Enquirer has also been re-nominated to the assembly. So you see the edi tors are not altogether overlooked in the. distribu tion of houorB. You would not judge,from the newspaper accounts, that a re-action has taken place, with regard to Jenuy Lind; yet such is the fact, and Triplcr Hull would not'have been two thirds full, but for the fact, that Barnum, rather than have empty seuts, freely distributed tickets ns late ns 5 o'clock in the evening of the first concert, when even a thousand seuts were act taken. Consequently, on the second night, the prices were reduced, from 88 to 83, to 85, 84 and 83, and a correspondence between Jenny and Barnum, published, implying that the reduction was made, at hei especial request. I do not mention this, as in any way condemning Earnura, for making all he can by the Jenny Lind speculation; ho deserves to do so and if he realizes half a million of dollars, ut the termination of the contract betweun them, 1, for one, thiniit would he a just reward for his enterprize ill bringing her over, which no olio else, I believe, would or could have accomplished. Jenny will proceed direct to New Orleans on leaving this city, 1 hear, unless Barnum hns guarantees from cities on the route, for specified amounts, should concerts be given inthem He will reup a rich harvest at New Orleans, 1'he Arctic left to-day for Liverpool, with between fifty and sixty passengers. The Ohio also left to-day i, where the mails and passengers will bo transferred to the 1’acific, and conveyed to Chagres. tihenta a very largo number of passengers. I be great meeting in favor of the Union, and approv ing of the Pearce measures passed by the lastCon- grcss, is to bo held in Castlo Garden on Wednesday ''■cuing next A Mr. Burk and others are to be the speakers. Some of the editors who are opposed to this movement, hint that the fear of loosing the aouthem trade, is the motive of the merchants in calling the meeting, and not patriotism. Well it m <ty be so, pecuniary interests are strongly impelling motives doubtless j but, I donotsubscribealtogether •° the doctrine, and indeed, I care littlo what the motive may be, so that the result be beneficial, which *t can hurdly fail to he in this cose. This continued •filiation ’• seriously prejudicial in so many respects, ’ mt il the olive branch can be introduced, let it be I I by say means, and from any motive. The Sew- nrdites are of course opposed to the acceptance of the late measures of Congress, as finnl, and would Georgia Mechanics.—Mr. Stephens uBedtoteil a story with, great effect, during the political cam- paignol 1840, of a blacksmith somewhere in the in terior ot Georgia, who gave out that he could make edge tools. The giet of the joke was the failure ot the unlucky pretender to produce oitlier an axe, a fro we, an adge, or even a clevis, from the metal which had been submitted to his skill. He, howev er, succeeded in making fizzle, when in despair, he threw the luisshnpened mass of hot iron into the slack- trough. That was many years ago, however, since which tlie manufacture of edge tools, as well as the most elegant and difficult productions of mccbani- eal art, has ceased to bo a mutter of wonder in Geor gia. This fact was brought to our mind yesterday, when Mr. P. A. Lawson'exhibited to us an elegant, silver mounted Cotton Gimblet, manufactured by Mr. A. A. 1 onTi-.it, of Grillin, in this State, the ingenious arti- zan whoso 8150 prize Rilletook the premium at the Fair of the Georgia State Agricultural Society, re cently held at Atlanta. We know very little about Cottou, and do not think that wo could tell good fair from ordinary by tbc sample, but we are quite cer tain that wo could get into the merits of a bale as readily with Mr. Pouter's Gimblet, as with any in strument of the kind ever manufactured ut the North. Important to Owners of Vessels.—By a re cent act of Congress, taking effect on the 1st duy of October, inat., says the Philadelphia Sun, no bill ol sule, mortgage, hypothecation, or conveyance of uny vessel, or part ol any vessel, shnll he valid against any person—other than the grantor or mortgager, his heirs and devises, and persona having actual no tice thereof, unless the same be recorded at the office where such vessel is enrolled or registered. Collec tors ot custom s aro instructed to procure suitable books for making tlio records aforesaid, and all ccrtifi cates for discharging and cancelling the same in the order of their reception, and to furnish certified, copies when required, Ac. Owners of vessels upon taking out registers, or en rolments, are required, in addition to the outh of ownership hertofore made, to swear to the share or proportion held by each owner, and tlio Collector is required to iusert the same iu the register of enrol ment then to be issued. The act was approved July 29,1850, and is tho desideratum long needed by owners of vessels. Something for the South —Lieut. Porter, of the navy, has presented to the editors of the National Intelligencer, for distribution, a variety of seeds of plains from the Mediterranean. Among them is the p stechio nut, which is used for the muuulucture of u valuable dye and oil, and for several other purposes ol commerce. In a noto Lieut. Porter says: “I think the climate of Georgia, Louisiana, South and North Carolina,'l'exas, Mississippi, and several other ol the Southorn States, is did! adapted for the propa gation of this tree. Should nny one he successful in raising and bringing the tree to perfection in any considerable number, they will find the sale of “tho uut a lucrative business. Tho lasting melon of Na ples can be kept good one year merely by hanging it up in a cool and dry place. The Oriental cypress is tlie ornamental tree of ull Eastern cemeteries, and be gins to assume that place iu European cemeteries.” I jtVENINGS AT DONALDSON MANOR A or the Christinas Guest, by Maria J. McIntosh author of “Charms and Counter-Charms” “Two Lives,’’ Ac. Our Saviour with Prophets and Apostles, a series of eighteen highly finished Steel Engravings; bound in Morocco and Glass. • The Fathers ot the Desert; or an account of the Origin and Practice of Monkery among heathen na tions ; by Henry Rutfner, lute President of Washing- ton College, Virginia. A Descriptive Geography and brief Historical Sketch of Palestine, by Rabbi Joseph Schwarz, for sixteen years a resident iu tlie Holy Land. Life Here and Theraa or Sketches of Society and Adventure atFara-Pure Times and Places, by N. P. Willis. Paradise Lost, by John Milton, handsomely illus trated. Received by oct 25 JOHN M. COOPER. truckle to Abolitionism or any other ism that w *» likely to enable them to curry out their cherish 'd view* and designs. The Mayoralty candidate of the Whigs, I see, hns fepudiated nnti-rontism ; thus furelessly sacrificing, «least 10,000 votes in the State; but he will not loose by it. 1 lie amount of dry goods entered for consumption lt t lie port during tile past week, w r as 8310,918 and -packages. Thrown into the market during the time 290 packages valued at 806,172. Entered “t " “rehousing during the same period 1099 packa- TaIu ed r,t 857,337. As a proof of the partial o j 0 * c " le 'all business, I may state that the amount . , thrown into tlio murket, the previous week, ? 1 " 1-’958, and the week before that, 8822,201. ,p . was givin iu the Warner ease to-day, ' l ' s " '* n S 'he injunction restrainug Dr. Mottatt from J 01 "‘ding under his judgement, so thut Mrs. Wnr- 1 1 "'“'I not get much out of that party. Tho assign- ™ P| ‘t oi the rents is of tlie real estate however, is do- t(l he fraudulent, so that something maybe "I'd for her. No decision in the Forest case yet ; ■o >,ibly it wifi be given on Monday. C1IARLEMAC. E Methodist Episcopal Church, South.— 'enerablo Bishop Soule has published a letter ad- isd to the Ministers and Members of the Metlic- '-piscopal Church, South, which thus closes: 1 is an important inquiry, what benefits have re- 1 to the church, to the community, and especial- t“e colored people, in the slaveliolding States 1 tn.e legislation of tlie General Conference on "•tjtutiun of slavery ? Occupying, as I now do, '' eve r have done, a position where I can have operate personal interest in tho question of and undor a consciousness, (which accusa- ., ' he contrary will nut unsettle or disturb,) lave been influenced In my courseof action by er motives but *best interests—tlie greatest th , °' a" concern,.. 1 . ® is my settled opin- at tiie legislation of tho church on the civil in- on ol alavory hi these United States, hus been uveof no good, either to the bodies or souls '’“othas rather operated injuriously to the , oi religion, gnd especially to the interests of ‘” e Population. And for this reason, in con- with those previously assigned. 1 believe tbc -'cciion should he left out of the Discipline.” C LOTII.Cassiincres and Vestings. Thesubscrib’ ecriber hus just received a large assortment of Black and colored Cloths, Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimeres, Black and Figured Silk Vestings, all of late style, which he is prepared to make up to order in the mostfushioable manner, and on nccoinmoda- tingterms. W. R. SYMONS. sept25 Old stand of Hamilton A Symon e , R EFINED SUGAR, &c.—40 bills. Crashed and Powdered Sugar; 30 do. Stuart's Clarified do.; 20 boxes Loaf do.; liO bbls. Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers; 40 boxes Soda Biscuit. Landing and for sale by Oct 4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. a UININE! QUININE!! QUININE!! I 150oun. ces Sulphate Quinine, received by tho 6toamer i.ln and lor sale at 84 50 ner ounce by Florida, and for sale at 84 50 per ounce by Oct 9 W. HUMPHREYS. F all trade, isso.—collins & BULKLEY, 100 Bryan-strcel, aro nowreceiv- jng their fall supply of CHINA, GLASS andHOUSE- wURNISHING GOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of purchasers, as their assort ment is as complete and varied ns is to be found in any Southern city. oct 18 H AMS.—-20 bbls Cassard's Hams, landing from schooner Ocean, and for sale by oct 20 COHENS A HERTZ. B acon sides and shoulders.-3o hhds. Sides; 10hlids.Shoulders. Landing,and for sale by COHENS A HLRl Z. oct 20 HREEN LUNGER! GREEN GINGER 1 !—A V" superior article for making Preserves mid Syr ups. Just received from Havana aril: ."dV sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, aopt 25 Smets’ Building. I NDIA RUBBER BALLS—'For sale by oct 20 G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. C X OLD PENS.—A now and large supply just re X C,lived ; also, an assortment of Gold Pens and Pencil Cases, by oct 30 JOHN M.|COQl I.lt. ATEW BOOKS.—THE PSALMS inundated IN and Explained, by A. J. Alexander, Professor in the Theological Seminary nt Princeton—Vols 1 and J. Christianity Revived in the East, or a Narrative ot the work of God among the Armenians oi 1 urker, by H. G. O. Dwight. . , . . Domestic, History of the American Revolution, by Mrs. KUet. , „ Health, Disease and Remedy, by George Moore, History of Darius the Great, by Jacob Abbott. The Orphan Children, a tale of Cruelty and Op pression, by T. S. Arthur. Adelaide Lindsay, a novel edited by tlie author ot Lettice Arnold, &c. oct 29 J. R. CUBBEDGE. J ENNY tilNDLS HONUS.—Child of the Regi ment; Camp was my Home; Come my lovely Maiden; Farewell my Fatherland; I’ve left my Snow- clad Hills; I Dream of mv Fatherland; Jenny Lind’s Last Night in England; My Home, my llanpy Home; Post Boy's return; Hearch Through the Wide World; Se» King's Bride; Hong of the Drum; Stars of Heav- eu are Gleaming; Thy Blessing Dearest Mother; Ha- lut a la France; Rataplan; Upon a Hummer’s Day; What are the World and its pleasures. For sale by F. ZOGBAUM & CO., sept 27 Cor. Ht. Jullan-at., and Market-sip*. CULL AND VVINTEU (iOOI)S.-Tho sub A scribers have received by recent urrivuls, nn ex tensive supnly of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, embracing full assortments of articles suit ed to Dress, House*keeping, and Plantation purposes, which they oilier for sale iu quantities to mit, on libe ral terms JAMES ANDERSON & CO. Oct 11 No. 70 St. Julian, and 1.03 Bryan-st. STOVES TIN WARE, «&c., «&c. T HE best assortment of Choking and other Stoves ever ottered in this market, consisting of select putterns, purchased in Philadelphia, New York nnd Albany. Tin Ware at wholesale, oi the best quality. Japanned and Planished \Varo, Lifting and Force Pumps. Beer Pumps, Lead Pipe, Brass Preserve Ket tles, Copper, Tin and Brass Lanterns, a very hands orne variety, Counter and Tea Scales, Patent Cattoe Mills, Coal Hods and Pokers, CoalShovels und Sif ters, Cake Shovels, Brittisli Lustre, &c., &c. Although my store is not very large, a great por tion of stoves, &c., can be seen where they are stor ed near at hand. JAMES SULLIVAN, July 13 Whitaker street, Savannah, Ga. WHE GIFT: A Token of Friendship, for 1851, X with superb steel engravings and designs, from celebrated artists. The Iris : an Original Souvenir, for 1851; edited by Prof. JohnS. Hart, with 12 spleudid illustrations, engraved on steel—bound in various elegant styles. The Sacred Annual: a Gift for «#1 Seasons; edited by Rev. B. Hastings \VeWT. * # Gems of Beauty, or Literary Gift for 1851: edited by Emely Percival. Also, u new supply of Albums, mid other elegant Gift and Juvenile Books, &c. The Monk Knight of St.John; a Tale of the Cru sades; byMaj. Richardson, author ol “Wacousta,” &c. The Berber; by the author of “Kaloolnh.” &c. Tho Prairie Flower, or Adventures iu tho Far West; by Emerson Bennett, author of “The Bandit of the Osage.” &c. Rose Foster, or the Mysteries of the Court of Lon don—part 3; by G. W. Reynolds. The*Seamstress : a Tale of Domestic Life; by G. W. M. Reynolds. The Magazines for October. Oct 7 J. B- CUBBEDGE. P OTASHES. 5 casks superior quality Potashes, received per bark Exact, and for sale by oct 10 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. Fancy Cashmero PANTS. Received per steam- er|Florida, and for sale by oct 10 PIERSON & I1EIDT. CAPS. Just received and now open ing, a very tine assortment of CAPS, of various kinds. They are a very superi or article, und those in wunt should call and examine them. oct 10 « PIERSON & IIEIDT. pitKT & VEADER, have received an assort X. ment of Fashionable Caps at 147 Bay-street. Oct 12 D OOR MATS—Just opened an extensive as sortment of Door Mats, comprising Adelaide Jenny Lind, Rope, Border, Sheep Skin, Jute and Al- icant Mats. For sale by Oct 11 COLLINS & BULKLEY, 100 Brynn-st B randy, gin &c.—iohf pipes otard, Du* puy & Co’s Brandy; 5 pipes Medcr Swan Gin; 1 puncheon Old Scotch Whiskey; 2 do do St. Croix Rum; 2 do do Jmnaicndo. For sale from store, by 1UB " — oct 16 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & CO. C ^H EAP PAPER—The subscriber has just re > eeived a lot of fine ruled Foolscap PAPER, which he will sell at the very low price of 12$ cts. per quire, und much lower by tho larger quantity or ream. J. B. CUBBEDGE. Oct 12 South of the Market. rnfiA WAITERS.—An elegant assortment of X Tea Waiters, single and in setts, just received nd for sale by COLLINS & BULKLEY. a oct 23 C ^ORN. 1000 bushels Corn in sacks, landing f J schooner II N. Gambrill, lor sale by Oct 12 BRIGHAM, KELLY & Co. K EPIIAIjIA—For preserving, beautifying and restoring the human hair; just received and for sule by G. 11. HENDRICKSON & CO. oct 18 B LUE LICK WATEK, torsaleby July 19 tf W. HUMPHREYS H AItPEIt’S NEW MONTH!. Y MAGAZINE The October number of tbia popular Maga zine is received. The subscriber is prepared to re ceive subscription or furnish single numbers: oct 10 J- B. CUBBEDGE. riMIE LADIES’ I’AI’ETEUIEx a beautiful Jl and cheap article, containing 12 sheets 8 vo. Ivory Noto Paper, 12 sheets Albert Note, 12 sheets Queen's Note, 30 Envelopes, 12 of each size, 36S11 ver Medallion Waters, best quality, oct24 J. B. CUBBEDGE. N JAI l.K.—500 Kegs Nails. For snio by oct 15 ' MoCl.ES.KJ5Y & NORTON. rpABLET OF ALABASTER. —Slmnd’s and Tanant’s, for removing Tan, Pimples, Freckles, nnd beautifying the complexion ; just received and for sale by G. 11. HENDRICKSON 6c. CO. oct 24 B ALE ROPE—300 boils best qunlity Bale Rope, in store, and for sale low by oct 24 J.2 CIJAS. A. GREINER. C 4APS, CAPS, CAPS-—1 have just received J per recent arrivals, the most beautiful assort ment of Cloth Cana, for men and boys, ever brought to this market. They having been made up express^ ly for my retail trade,challenge comparison with an * Those in want of u good article cun got it at the clot ing store of sept 19 GEO. 8. NICHOLS, Gibbon’s Range. H OLLAND HIN, 2 Pipes Imperial Eagle Gin, in bond und for sale Ly Oct 11 WILLIAM M. DAVIDSON. MOTICE.—All persuns naving demands against ’ the estate of Jno. Bradley, deceased, will hand them in duly attested, to aug9 lw-3m OCTAVU9 COHEN, Administrator CARDS. J S. SOLOMONS W l 1,1. contract to execute Plastering, of all kinds and stylos, at the shortest nuliee. Wanted two or throe Journeymen Plasterers, to whom steady employment will be given, und tlio highest wages paid. t All orders for work can bo left ut tlio office of the Morning News. Residence. President Street, next door to Mr. II. Sni der’s. tiin net .17 JOHN V. TARVER, Fnelor nml (loncvnl Commission Merctmiit, AND DEALER 7.Y IIAY AMD GRAIH. O'” 1 Every description of Produce, and Merchan dize sold on consignment, or purchased to order. Exchange Wlmvf. ’ * Clct 12 \V. M. WILLIFORD, Auction & ComsnisMloil Mcrrliiint, MACON, OA. IjT. All kinds of Merchandise and Produce [ox. copt Liquors] received on Consignment, or Purchas ed to Order. WOOD YARD. FERRY WHARF. D remsiiakt is prepared to supply orders • for Black Jack, Oak, Ash and Pine Wool), by the boat load or at retail. As usual, particular attention given to measurement. For tho collvenieuco of persons residing in the up per part of the city boxes for orders, are placed at the stores of Messrs. Turner ft Oden, John Mur chison, und at John M. Cooper, at tho office of tho Morning News, and at tho house of John T, Thom as, Jones-street. IdT Cush orders promptly supplied Get 11 tf PIANO AND /*» FU RN ITU ItK STORE. —” The SuBscniiiEita take , this method to inform theirud i rirnd8 and tlie public that they arc now making large additions to their stock of PinnoH nnd Cnbincr. Furniture, whicli they offer for sule at New York prices. Our stuck of Furniture and Pianos is made to our own order uml selection. We have confidence in re commending it to ull who aro iu wunt, and on tlio most accommodating torms. i. YV. MORRELL & CO. I. W. MOllRELL N. S'. WEBSTER. Allg 1 JOHN POOLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Pur, ratine, aud Varnishes, French and American Window Glass,paint, varnish and while wash Brushes, sable anil camel-hair Pencils, badger nml camel-hair Blenders, Grain ing Combs, Artists' Brushes, ,)c. ,\e. Paper Hangings,’Bordersund Fire Board Prints. N. li. House, .Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining, und Glazing done on reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE, 11 Whitaker Street, nearly opposite Swift, DciibIow & Webster March 30 P. JACOBS, CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign of tlio Indian) neurMonu- ^meot Square) Savannah, Geo. N. B.—Keeps' 5 constantly on hand, Spanish. -Half Spanish nnd American rtogars, at Wholesale and He- tuil. Also Chewing Tobueco, Snuff, &c. March 29. tf " SAVANNAH mutual insurance company, of this city. C. P. IhciiAnDSONE, Prest. J. A. Nonais, Pcc. The above Company is now prepared to take Ma rine and Fire Risks, in this city or tho surrounding country, on the most favorable terms, for which ap ply to tlio Secretary, at tlicir Office, No. 150 on the Buy. ly June 11 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owen's Building opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, Is prepared to execute all work in his line with dispatch, and in a stylo not to bn surpassed. Prices as rcusouublo as any other establishment in tho city. 6m July 9. LONDON PIICENIX FIRE OFFICE. 'Pukes Risks in Savannah. Apply to Aug 1. II. HABERSHAM & SON, Agts. II. J. ROY ALL. SURGEON DENTIST. W OULD take this method of offering his profes. sionul services to the public generally, and ex pressing his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. No pains will be spared to ensure entire satisfaction in all operations, and particularly in the insertion of artificial teeth free of pain, and natural in nppenrance. N. B. As «oino are incredulous as to the safety and utility of the Letheon, (not Chloroform,) 1 would say that in no ease where I have administered it, has any injury been sustained, (to my knowledge;) at tlio same time, 1 would condemn its indiscriminate use, the constitutions of some rendering it injurious, sept 7. HENRY K. l’RESTON, Teacher iu the ClnHwics ami Matlicimitlcs, NO. 74 ST. JULIAN-STBKKT. sept 2 I tf DR. MO RE I. : OFFICE—No. 157 BROUGHTONST. Feb. 7.] SAVANNAH, GA. C l ANAL FLOUR, tfce.— lO bids pure Genesee > Flour; 30 do lliruia Smith's Extra do; 30 kegs selected Goshen Butter; 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese; 50 do Adamantine Candles; 30 bags Old Gov't Java Coffee; 00 bbls Butter, Sugar nnd So da Crackers; 25 boxes Soda Biscuit; 15 bbls Tread well’s Pilot Bread; 25 half chests 6 oz papers Black Tea; 15 flu do 1 lb do; lauding and for sule by sept 6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. tillLDRKN’H LONG COMBS, Shell and > Horn. Just received und for sale by oct21 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. P LANTATION WOOLLENS, «fcc. Schley’s Georgia Pluins, drub and brown, at fnctory prices Cotton anil wooiriaius, Cordarille. Tennessee, Low ell and others Kerseys, Georgia, Southorn and other mukes Linsoys, plaid ami plain All wool Plains, assorted qualities and colors Californians, a very heavy, all wool cloth Soldiers' Cloth, such us is used in the U. 8. Army Blankets, Dull'd, Point and Mackinac, lull assortment Flannels, heavy red, twilled and plain Shirting Stripes, assorted qualities Cotton Osnaburgs, of Southern manufacture Brown Shirtings, 3-4, 7-8,4-4, heavy styles Prints, Plaids ami Stripes, in great variety Wool Caps, Kilmarnock and Glengerry, dyed and all blue Handkerchiefs, llomall, Verona and Im. Madras Ac. ALSO, 44 and 45 incli heavy Sea Island Cotton Bagging. Just received and for sale in quantities to suit, on libera!terms,by JAMES ANDERSON & CO. oct 21 70 St. Julian and 103 Bryan sts. C ’lTRATE of Magnesia is recomended as a deli 7 cious, very agreeable and efficacious Saline pur gative, peculiarly during Fevers. For sale by L. J. MYERS, Apotiiecnry. sept 25 Smets' Building. H AY.—100 bundles prime quality Hay, landing from barque Texas; for sale by oct2« BRIGHAM, KELLY & C'0. CARDS. HARNESS MANUFACTORY. Tlieuitdoiaignedhasopenedaii ifb> establishment for tlie purpose XBAa LIj-rSSi* of Manufacturing Harness, „ , Engine Firemen's Caps, ■sllwufl Mill Bunds, *e. Ac. Corner of Bay Dane and Drnyton-st. llcitod*‘ U “1 tho public patronage in rospoetfull, , , ,, T. W. BR.YA July 15. jy r CABINE™ MAKING and Ul>- JIOLSTEUY.-H. S. BOGARDU8, No Jo Bull st., would lutorni the citizens of Sa vannah, that ho hns taken tho above store lor the purpose of carrying on the Cabinet and Up- bolstering business, viz; Making now and repnring old furniture. Old furniture bought mid sold. The bot toms of Solus, l)i\ line, Cluilrs, and Ottoman*, made over and i u-covered. Glass plates of all sizes kept for sale. Carnots. Oil Cloth slid Matting, cut and put dmvn. Bells mid Lamps hung; Curtains and Roller Blinds putup. Musical Instruments of all kinds re paired. Wool, hair and moss Matrasses for sale; Also,leather bods, bolsters nnd pillows. Old Matras ses nnido over iu the lieBt manner. 4m./*^r7T7i? Kv f y d ? uri l mm , 1 nfGofflns on hand WWminniiii-iiim and made to order, of tho best ma- torials alui iinisb : Prices low. ■ S ’. B ’ h' 11 * Imun engaged In the above business in the city ot Havaiinoli,lor tho.last seventeen years, which induces him to believe thut he can please uli those who will favor him with a portion of their work - nprll 5—ly TO 1* A RENTS AND GUARDIANS. B OY S’ READY MADE CLOTHING ! Tho undersigned would iCstieetfuI- .ngm. Jy miorm both Parcntsand Guardians, buying Boys to clothe, that ho has just meut’of ' r0m Nuw ’ Yorl{ ’ « complete assort- lioys’Ready Made lothing! W m 'd Will keep up the assortment through the g H sonson. He has taken much pains in hnvlntr 2 « them made up to suit this market, and will utter S P them to Ins patrons as low us possible. Each nr- ^ > "clc Will bo nnirked with the soiling price, Hiid w no abatement from it The following will com- w posotho assortment; w Boys' Black Cloth Clonks nnd Over Coats 2 “ Drub and black Pilot Over Sacks “ green, brown nnd bl’k Cloth Sacks ► “ fancy Tweed, Cas., Frock and Sack Coats ° “ , “ “ Folks Coutfcos Kj “ lull trimmed bl’k Cloth Frock Coats “ due, bl’k, br'n, green and Cadet Jackets £ “ id k mixed Satinet R. Jackets ; “ fancy Cnsimcre ami bl’k Cue. Pants £ “ Tweed, Cas. apd Satinet Pants ® _ ,“„ bl ’ k 1'a’H Matin Velentia and Mrsl’s Vests. w |lj (.hjdren’8 bl’k and fancy Dress Suites. H Fays' white nnd col’d Miiirts and undor Shirts ° “ fine blue and black Nary Caps, with and be without Covers, witliacompleto assortment of O p, Capa oi all other kinds, front children's Jockeys H W “P- m F —Having a private room far trying on 2 fn Boys’ Clothing, I must decline sending it out H m tu be tried on, excgptin cases of sickness. Those « tu want are invited to givo mo a cull, at the — Clothing Store Nos*09and 150, Gibbous’ Ranue * Mept 25 (JEO. 8. NICHOLS. stoves; Just received nnd for sale 150 Cook Stoves, and Ranges; 1(H) parlor Stoves, 75 Ilall und Office Stoves ol tlie most fashionable patterns. Also Force, Lift nnd Boar Pumps, Plain and Jsppaned Tin Ware Hollow and Eiiumolled Ware, Furnaces, Smoothing Irons, Grid Irons, Sauce Fans, Fry Pans, Ac., Lead Pipe, sheet Lead, Iron, Copper nnd Zinc. McARTIIOR & MORSE, Uut 7 No. 13 Barnard Street. PIONO FORTKH—Tho subscri bers would respectfully call attention If if t°,fFoir stock of Piano r ortes, coxn- “Prjeing a variety of styles, compnas and finish, by J. B. Dunham, A. Stodart and Wm HnllandSon, New York, and Li Gilbert, Boston; in cluding the inetalic.frame, vibrating overbridge pa tent action, Ac. There instruments are of warran ted durability, based upon an established reputation of many years standing, and are ottered at factory prices by tho manufacturer's agents. , F. ZOGBAUM A Co., Cor St Julion-st. and Market-sq. N. B.-Sccond hand Piunus taken in exchange. Sept. 17. 20,000 PAIRS PLANTATION ffi BROGANH.—The Subscribers are B now receiving their usual supply of M Plunbitiun Brogans, made to order by tho most approved ninnufacturors. Our stock is very extensive nnd selected with care. Having succeeded in giving satisfaction to those who have favored us with their patronage for a scries ol years, we would respectiully invite Planters who lmve not yet pur chased of us, to givo us a cull, to whom we pledgo ourselves to spare no pains in pleasing. In addition to our thick work, we keep constantly on hand a large and choice stock of Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children Boots and Shoes, l’icasctry us. VERSTILLE, LUFBUIUIOW A BUTLER, octl 3 m r|f WEED Sncks and Frock Coats. Received and J- for sale cheup by oct 8 PRICE A VEADER. ( 'ASIMEllE PANTS and Vests, black and Yz fancy. Just received at Sept 23 PIERSON A HEJDT’S. MELODEON8. These beautiful in atrumenta are recommended to the Musical World, as the most ur ique invention of the -a, kind overproduced. le key -board is from four to five octaves in compass, und simllurto that of tiie I’iano Forte. By the use of a swell, tho volume of tone can he increased so ns to equal that of the Chapel Organ, as substitutes for which they are be coming generally in use. Their beauty of finish, su perior quality oi tone, portability and extreme econ omy of price, render them all that is desirable to those who cultivate a taste for Sacred Music; while their remarkable quickness of touch renders them suscep tible of tbc most rapid execution. For sale by the Manufacturer’s Agents, F. ZOGBAUM & CO, Aug 5 Corner St. Julian-st. and Markets S AVANNAH GYMNASIUM. The snbscreo- er respectfully inlornts the Ladies and Gentlemen of.Savaimah that he is now fully prepared for the re ception of company, and will at all times from this date be fully supplied with the best of Ice Creams, Cakes, Confectionary, Lemonade, and the very best flavored Lemon and Qinger Pop ’ ver made in this city. Cotillion and Family Parties, PicNics and Bout Excursions will be furnished with th e above articles on short notice and at reasonable prices. Tlie Garden and Grounds attached to the Gym- nusium will be open to ladies and gentlemen al! hours o f the day and evening until 10 o'clock, and refresh ments will be served them upon giving notice with the bell. P. £ All the archery apparatus having arrived, Ladies wisliiug to form clubs are now notified. May]9 It WM. CjiAGHORN. P AILS.—100 dozen painted Pails, for sale by Oct 3 L ADIES, DRESS GOODS. Just received Colored Silks and Challuys, Canton Crape, plain uml Figured Paris Mouseline aeLsine and Cashmere, Enalioh and Frerch Merino, Colored Alpacas, fpluin and Figured.) All of the above L. every variety of rnlnrnml Inlmit ahila BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. color and latest style sent 26 ‘ LaROCHE, BO WNE a Co.