Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, November 09, 1850, Image 1

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^Dollars per annum. " ' ' ' V' EmU^irn, .,,.'1 Publication Office No. 115 Bay-Street rear the Custom House. Single Number, Two Cents. ’Volume i. AVANNAH. GEORGIA. SATURDAY HORNING. NOVEMBER 9, 1850. NUMBER ifi4s \V. RV JOHN H. COOPER. T . THOMPSON, EDITOR.. TEIIMK*. . i)nlly niorninn News i« delivered to City i wrihert st per annum, payable halt yearly in 0 r for TBN c*NT3 a Week, payable to the fejjfe Sins'* copie., two CkNts. . 'p r i.\Vc<‘l(ly Morning Nows, for the coun- T ™ Iitaininir all the new. matter and uew advertise- W' c ° ,f the daily, i« farni.hed for two dollars per m's®, io*d'" inca ‘ irlvartiiementBinserted at the following rate*: A l insertion, $0,50 i 1 square 1 month, $7,00 Keootinutmce,.. 50 1 square 2 month., 12,00 f*'are l week,... 2,50 | 1 aqnare 3 months, 15,00 l ‘K j, n lines or less to constitute a square. I tsl idverti.emdnts inserted at the n.ual rate., Adwrtindienti from transient penon. or .tranger., _„.r lie paid in advance. V srlf advertiser, will be restricted to their regu- I baiineMcaiCn 14 all other advertiaement. not pertain. j*rrotheir regular business avagreed for, will becharg 'Vfilv advertisers exceedingintheir advertisements yJnetaja number of lines agreed for, will be charged at proportion?-! rates. ry Advertisements sent to this office without di- v nMia* t0 the number of insertions, will be pub- Jgjj j s i|y, until ordered to be discontinued, and Vied accordingly. ryAllnewadv^jtiosments appear inthe Tri-week h Neva, for the country. , jpu Letters directed to this office or the Editor, the morning news. Book Notices I lit Paradise Lost, liy John Milton. With Notei optoiatory and critical. Edited by Rev. James Eobest Boyd. New-York : Baker St Schibneii. H,lton's I’uradise Lost, though acknowledged on I tllhai.dsto bn the great epic of our language, is but I little read. So profound, so purely classical^-pro- I auction is not easy of comprehension by the great Imuiof readers; and though all acknowledge the 1 beauty and sumblimlty of its parts, few except the 1 learned, deroto the labor necessary for a satisfacto- I rj comprehension and appreciation of the entire 1 poem. The Editor of this edition has conferred a ■greatfavor on the reading public by accompanying I the test with copious notes of explanation and criti- lcim,by which the understanding is greatly aided luii bemtics*Sudic it ;d. which might otherwise lie lorerlooked. In this department, the editor has [drawnlargely from tho criticisms of Addison,New Home, Richardson, Stebbino, unil other emi ■lent writers. of the Queens of Spain, from the period of the ‘ Conquest nt the Goths down to tho reign of Her grout excitemont in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, arising from the severe treatment of certain U. S. soldiers ut Fort Constitution, in Kittery. Tho caso we understand to be this: Capt. Judd, tho command ing officer, ordered several soldiers to row a party of ladies, which, because it was not soldiers’ duty, they rofused to do. lie then bad them confined on brend and water twelve days, at the end of which ho and his brother officers, by courtmartial, sentenced them to wear 24 pound balls chained to their ancles. A committee of citizens have investigated the case and taken measures to call a mass meeting in regard to it. CF’ A curious exhibition .» in course of prepara- tlou for the World's Fuir, by Mr. Wyld, M. 1’., the eminent map engraver. He is constructing a huge globe of 56 feet in diameter, which will be provided with a convenient mode of ingress and egress; the ditferent countries of the world will bn represented upon the inner, and not upon the outer surfuce, and the interior will be fitted up with galleries and stuir cases, so as to enable the visitors to make a tour of tins world, and Visit each of the countries whose in dustry Or productions will be displayed in the Groat Exhibition. The Great Basin.—it is stated that the Mormons hare recently discovered iehirlpouls in the Salt Luke, which may possibly lead to the discovery of some outlet for tho waters of tile Great Basin, in which the Mormons have established their homes. Tho basin is some fire hundred miles in diameter every wuy, between four or five thousand feet above the level of the sea, shut in all around by mountains, with its own system of lakes and rivers, and having no known connexion whatever with the sea. FRENTXCS'S Some of the “ Committee of Safety" in Boston liuve sought to induce tho Kail-Rcpid companies not to convey fugitives buck to their home$ f but have failed in the ntttynpt. It is rumored that Col. Bliss is engaged in pre paring a history.of the campaign of Gen. Taylor, all of which he witnessed, and most of which he was consulted about. HIlY-LIGUf DAGUEHUrA ROOMS. riAHE citizens of Suvanouh snd vicinity are in- J formed that l have, at great exppnse, added a splendid Reception Room to my c uiliUshnient, for the accommodation of my patrons, wii-re those of h musical taste can amuse th >m skive* on a most beau tiful Piano Forte, purchased expressly for theute of my customers. PICTURES taken in all weather by tho use of my large skylioijT—an advantage never possessed by those working pv a window light.— Children's Likenesses taken irt 2 to 3 seconds, by n quick working instrument matte expressly for chil dren. ** The citizens are invited to examine my Rooms and Specimens, over Zaugbauin St Co.'s Music Store, Market-square, Savannah, nov 1 W. V. PRENTICE. STOVES TIN WAKE, i&c., &c. I’gPTt is estimated that the gold and silver import ed into the United States, irom various parts of the world, over and above the exports, during' the hot three years, amounts to one hundred millions of dol lars. jTjjp" A Mr. Gilbert, of Brown County, Ohio, was shot at, and badly wounded by u fugitive slnve, while attempting to recover a stolen horse from the slave. The diversion of trade from New-Orlennsin consequence of tile progress of internal improvements inthe neighboring States, particularly by the recent ■res cut Majesty, Isabel II. By Anita George. I extension of the railroad system in Georgiaand South Sew-York: Baker St Scribner. Carolina, anil its prospective extension into the heart W« hail with pleasure tile appearance of the sec- , 11)r ;n Alabama and Tennessee, is beginning to at- it volume of this truly valuable anil interesting (rBCt att4 ntinn. The Mayor of New-Orleans, in hia listory. The volume before us is entirely devoted n a j u message, devotes considerable space to the sub- a biogrnphical and historical sketch of “Isabel K,,. It is apprehended that the completion of tho 'Catholic,” whose eventful, reign comprises u I charleston mid Memphis Railroad, tho Mobile anil Wiotereitiag epoch in fho History of Spain. The ohl(J R lHll i, uud other kindred iufproveinchts, will 'W »nd character ot this Queen has been rendered jn thfi coulve of „ fuw years, materially augment this trank to the Aineriean reader by the popular work ( j iv( , rs j 0 n ot - trac , 9 . of Piebcott, but although the ground has been oc* ** cupicdby nil able pen, the author of these annuls has One Good Turn Deserves Another.—-A favor- If'iuml ample materials to give a uew interest to the ite magpie lwd been accustomed to ■ .. - f *. b bits from the mouth ot its mistress, llieotrerUny Ijabjc-ctofher memoir. it perched as usuul on her shoulder, and inserted its fmk, Disease, and Remedy, Fam liarly and prac- I. j, utw6ell her/lips, not, as it proved, to receive, , tically considered in a few of their relations to the for a0 one g QO( j tulI1 deserves another, the grateful blood. By George NJjooue, M. D. New York : I Wr Jj dropped an immense green fat cattepluar into | I'HFBS &. Brotii rs. tlie i a( ]y’s mouth I—Literary Uaiettc. ite avowed object of the author ot this volume — lubeen to assist the unprofessional render to form Autumn. Very few, probably, are the persons in Jiioberestimate oi Physic, and to enable him to sec - latitude, who reflect, as they enjoy each ot the d the Physician’s efforts to promote health.”—- four Seasons iu its turn, and which almost equally ■ vroikis destitute of everything like quackery, grant- oi»y be read with profit, as well by the proleased ^ (q tl(e northern and southern regions ol KnHtndent as by the general reader. » the earth, while that great zone that lies within the ifiBtrtaad There, or Sketches of Society and Ad- Copies is blessed with a perpetual Hummer. It is venture, ut Far upart Times and l'laces. By N. now more than a month since the sun ceased to shine p.Willis. New-York: Baker &- Scribner. U p 0 n the extreme northern latitudes of out globe, Tifii is a selection of miscellaneous sketches, the „ud a ui ht commenced in that land ot eternal me,—a ter of whTbh’are indicated by the title and the landI no human eye has ever gazed upon,-wbmh wdl ithor'a notne. Like everything from Willis, it is co j|,J“]5g r g in New England, situated mid-way be- not iprightly and fanciful, when not egotistical twcun the extremes of heat and cold, we are accus- >d ridiculous ■ tomed to regard the three montha of Autumn »«' the ■sUnt or Youth and Manhood, a Romance. By most.welcomeand most-glorious tss&Lsr - y “ k ■ armors®?—-?® s "ellcalculated to sustain the favorable impression burdened fl e u 8j while sunbeam*, shorn ot their ^ by “Talbot and Vernon,” recently issued by glare,fall with asottand mellow radieuce. Then the i same publishers. - trees adorn themselves in robes more brilliant than Hons from the History of Medical Delusions.—By YerxeB 8 ° Such^i^our Vioriou?* 1 October—a rainbow Hooker, M. D. New-York: «*' ^‘fw.veflnt oto ?oC“ Autumn. It holds up Scribner. t ,j oUr admiring gaze all tho priceless gold that the bisisan able essay upon the delusions of quacke- gun scatters over the Summer fields. , In truth ttie 'forwhich the prize of $50 was awarded by the garb of admiring beauty is on all the Und when «a- "tes of the FUko Fund of the Rhode Island Med-1 ture urrenders her stores into the hand, of men, Society. CARDS. WM. B. HALE, MANVEACTUBBR O* - PEGGED AND SEIVEI) BOOTS AND SHOES, Plantation ltrognns, Farmer's and Kip Brogan.. 163 CONOs ess-street, nov 6 HInvnmmlii Georgln. JOHN MALLBRY, DRAPER AND TAILOR, 155 BAY-ST-, 1/ EEPHconstantly on hand a complete assortment IV of very choico CLOTHS, CASS1MER8 AND VESTINGS, of the newest snudrs and patterns, with afullsupply of fashionable READY MADE CLOTH INOand Furnishing Goods, comprising every article of Gentlemen’s Apparel, oct 26 J- S. SOLOMONS W ILL contract t o cxccuW Plastering, of all kinds uud styles, at the elioitest notice. Wanted two or three JoiWeymen Plasterers, to" whom steady employment will be given, and tho highest wages paid. IF* Aiforders for work can be left at tho office of tho Morning News. Residence, President Street, nett door to Mr. B. Sni der's. 6m oct 17 JOHN V. TARVER, Factor null General Commission merchant, AND DEALER IN HAf AND ORAIN. \'W Uvcry description of Produce, and Merchan dize sold on consignment, or purchused, to order. Exchange Wharf. Oct 12 W. !6. WILLIFORD, Auction & Cninmianlon Alerclinnt, MACON, GA. SF*. All kinds of Merchandise and l’rodnco lex- cept LiquorsJ received on Consignment, or Purchas ed to Order. JOHN FOOLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Tur t tntincaad Varnishes, French and American Window Glass,paint, varnish and white wash Brushes, sable aud camel-hair I’eueils, badger and camel-hair Blenders, Grain ing Combs, Artists' Brushes, ^c. bfC. Paper Hangings, Borders uud Fire Bourd Prints, N. B. House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining,and Glazing dono on reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE, 11 Whitaker Street, Hourly opposite Swift. Denslow & Webster March 30 rpHE best assortmentof Cooking and other Stoves A ever offered in this market, consisting of oelect patterns, purchased in Philadelphia, New York and Albany. Tin Ware at wholesale, ot the best quality, Japanned and Planished Ware. Lifting and Force Pumps, Beer Pumps, Lead l’lpq, Brass Preserve Ket tles, Coppor. Tin and Brass Lanterns, a very hands omn vuriety. Countermand Tea Scales, Parent Cofien Mills, Coal Hods und Pokers, CoalShovels aud Sif ters, Cuke Shovels. Brittish Lustre, &c.,A:c. Although my store is not very large, a great por tion of stoves. &c.,cau be seen where they are stor ed near athund. JAME$ SULLIVAN. July 13 Whltakerstreet, Savannuh, Ga. P. J AC OBIS , CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign of the Indian) near Monu ment Square) Savannah, Geo. N. 11.—Keeps constantly on hand, Spanish. Half Spanish aud American Scgars, at Wholesale and Re tail. Also Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, &c. Murch26. tf SAVANNAH ! Mutual insurance company, of thisfity. C. P. Richardsone, Prest. J. A. Norris, Sec. ‘‘.Tie above Company is now prepared to take Ma rine and Fire Risks, in this city or tbo surrounding country, on tho most favorable terms, for which ap tly to tho Secretary, at their Office, No. 150 on tho lay. ly Juno 11 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. J. B CTJBBEDGE, No 115 Bay-street, Savannah, Geo PRINTER of the Dtily Morning News, respectfully informs his friends aud the public, that he is prepared to execute orders for Plain and Fancy Printing in superior style, anil on as favorable tyirins as any establishment in the city; bis material being alliiew I and of tho luWst styles, and the best Workmen baing employed, be hopes to give until faction. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owen's Building opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, Is prepared to execute all work in his lino with dispatch, aDd in a style not to be surpassed. Prices as reasonable as any otbor establishment in the city 6m July 9. :BtS. ri csql I dark-1 edded I hi /»• I Von 0 .* I I otWU theire' j :»n b® 1 r —and | asup by i» upr» nt I ipi, irepura- aderiopj bis P«- )'?. ,re UIICUUCIO H«.. ...— ---- — . . , November is sadder and more iiober. It u tne , month when ureat Nature lies down repose, and Turner Fay*, or a Holiday at K oodleigh. ; gttt j l6rg a b out her the drapery ot a couch asaorgeiHis 'J Busan Pindar, nuthor ot “Fireside Fariet. J 9 th|4t j nto which the sun ainksnt evening, q hn birds, By Am- h u silence steal away from their sunnier homes, in search of ureener bowers and summer ^ J ie Story Book; aHoliday Gift. ^ oi S- Till, the Patriot of SwiUerland. Translat- Au«un! , i- And wtadj.wdffi ^CufeWewSo^^NewCk: they whistle shrill and cold-a requiemfor theh.ppi- iicabuvo^orks comprise a scries of *—: r"'^«he P instructive juvenile books, copiously illustrated floVVer8 a n d was the most sacred and the moithon* PP"Mej i n Appleton’s superior style. Wecom- ored of B n a uciem festivities. The Jew. of old had f "4 them to our vouna friends their Feast of Tabernacles, during seven day. when or Pa,sale, in the Life of Our Savior ttagr made B? eminent writers; embellished with ... harvest-home is the farmer's hpl- feheelengravings. New-York: D. Appleton deckedwith [l' I rinwprt and feasts are made, and th ( * nut-brown "•“J'ome volume- valuable both for its literary roun(ij and h11 rojoice th „ the Autumn store- MfUitic merits. The book is printed on superior hou ^ M are fined with “hived up sweetness lor De- "fid bound in elegant style. It Is a very appro- cernber."— Eider News Letter "'c^gilt hook for tho approaching season. „ I HTh'rsicued have now opened one of the best Fhlta,WpW * ! LlP ’ m « d k^rh|rpurehM«. V U f te TOlUra ° uontaina a fund of uacrtl1 infor ' ire enabled 0 to'otfhr then Goods, wholesaie or ’retail value to those who seek to preserve “rices asin.any other citfe. North or South. A professional friend pronounces the p U ^j| c 8re respectfully invited to examine our entitled “The means of preserving f* 10 stock before making their purchasers. »orth tho price of the book. oct 29 McCLEHKi'.Y A. 4 Cereespondcnctof Robert Southey. Editedby ~,„ a CAPS. CAPS-—1 have Just received *Sn« a. , O 80UTHEV. I I *—*• beautiful assort- Chatham Superior Court,May Term, 12450 James Mobdecai, ) vs. sLibol for Divorce Sabah Mordscai, J T appearing to the Court by the return oftheSher . iff, that tho defendantcannot be found in thiscc-uii , on motion, it is ordered, that the said detention c file her answer or detensivo allegatiMi in writing, to the above libel, on or before the first day of the next term of this court; or that th« plaintiff have leave to proceed ex parte to the Jury. And it is further or dered, that ucopjr of this order be published iu oue of the gazettes of this city, once a month for four months prior to the next term of this court. Extract from the minutes. JNO. F. GU1LMARTJN, Clerk •. c. c. c. aug 14 lam—1m ■swv 1 ’ ^ Il8V ‘ Ch+hlks Cuthbeut Southey. > recent arrivals, the most beautifulassort- l.'otk: Harper & Brothers. ment of Cloth Caps, for men and boys, ever brought r 11,78 received the Vth number of this valnablo t(i th , 9 They having been made up express Au «tlier number will complet it, forming a ly tor my retail trade, challenge comparison won ra [i '-'raprehensive and perfect sketch of the life of Those in want of a good article can gotit at the cloth together with his interesting corrcspon- ln | | a J“[Ti ° GEO. S. NICHOLS, Gibbon's Range. ^Lindsey. A Novel Fdltedby the author off s'SOFFEE, SUGAR, dsc. — /fiv. Klilnp* r “ ,nauce of dome * tto Ufc ' »ein S Vo. H' aot'dO d^tewkm Clarifi^UotaiO^xs 1 , "peu s Select Library. Tobacco, various brands; 40 Lbla Hiram Smiths °^e books are for sale by Mr. J. M. Cooper- j,'j our( from new whrfut; 60 do pure. <tenesee do do *, ' Ljq- 175 do Baltimore do do do; 60 do Butter, Sugar- A medical man at Preston has' invented fire Upd Soda. Clickers; boxes 8odu Biscuit; 3o kega a^^ okc > His plan U called "ktpoopyre,” or | selected G^en^utter.^ TnHN ^ TnN &CQ oct 16' SCRANTON, JOHNSTON &CO. Chatham Superior Court, May Term, 185C William J. Bandy, i . vs. S Libel for Divorct. Rebecca Bandy, ) T appearing to this court by the return of tho Hher iff, that the defendant cannot be found in this coun ty, on motion, it is ordered, that the stud defend ant do file her answer or defensive allegation in wri ting, to the above Libel, on or before tbe first day of the next term of this court, or that the plaintiff have leave to proceed ex parte to tho Jury. And it is further ordered, that a copy of thia order be jmbnsh ed in one of the gazettea of thia city, once a month, for four months, prior to tbe next term of this court. Extract from the minutes. JNO. F. GUILMARTIN, Clerk •■<=. c. c. auffl4 m —4m In Equity. Chatham .Superior Court, May Terns, 1243* CATHanirsa E. Barnasd, Compl’t, ‘ and Murdock Chisolm, Isaac B. Row land, John T. Howland, Detts. O N motion, it Is ordered thatMurdock Chisolm and Isaac B. Rowland, Defendants in tho above em titled CR"e,who reside without the limit* of Chatham county, do file their demurrer, plea or answer to the bill filed against them by Catherine E. Barnard, on or before the second Monday in January next, or that the same be taken pro cnnfeseo against them; and it is farther ordered, that*copy of this order be served upon them three months before tho next term of the Superior Court, or published once a month for four months in one of the gazettea of t£« city of Saran nah. Extract trom the minutes. [Signed] JNO. F.GUILMARTIN, e. a. c. c. c. sept 7 lani4m [\TOTICE.~four months after date, applloatb 11 wtB be made to the Honorable the Justices of tho Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the followin property, viz: On i negro man named Peter, and a the real estate of 1 hilip Reilly, late of said count; deceased, lortbo benefit of the heirs and creditors” saidestate. JULIA ANN R1ELLY, Adm’x. aug 27 BOY S* READY MADE CLOTHING I The undersigned would respectful- tjgjkf ly inform both l'areutsaud Guardians, TBmf ”” having Boys to. clothe, that bo has just returned from New-York, with * complete assort ment of . ,j. Boys' Ready Made lothing! W and will keep up the assortment through the tt H season, lie hns taken much pains in having m M them made up to suit this market, and will offer S O them to his patrons as low an possible. Each a > ticlo will be marked with the selling price, an Sowing will« no abatement from it. J2 pose tho assortment: 2 Boys’ Black Cloth Cloaks and Over Coat* 2 “ Drab and black Pilot Over Saak* 3 " green, brown and bl'k Cloth Sacks O " lancy Tweed, (las., Frock and Sack Coats O P " “ " “ Polka CoatceS H full trimmed bl’k Cloth Frock Coats P “ blue, bl'k, Im ’d, green Rnd Cadet Jasheta V to “ bl'k mixed Satinet U. Jackets 3 " fancy Cnsimore and bl’k Cas. Pants £ “ Tweed, Cas. and Satinet Pants o “ bl’k fig’d Satin Vdentia and MrsVs Yeats. m Children's bl’k and fancy Dress Suites, p Boys' whito and col’d Shirts and undcrShirts O “ fine blue and black Nuvy Caps, with Mid t 8 h. without Ccvers, with a complete asaortnleut of O M Caps of all, other kinds, from children’s Joakoys H W ,; ........ ... m LONDON VIIOJNIX FIRE OFFICE. akes Risks in Suvaunuh. Apply to Aug 1. R. HABERSHAM & SON, Agts. Clothing Store Nos. 69 and 150, Gibbons' Range. a«pt'J5 GEO, S. NICHOLS? HARNESS MANUFACTORY:.;, The undersigned hns opened an ■ establishment for the purpose 1 of Manufacturing HurneSs, ♦ - Engine IIoso, Firemen's Cans,. Mill Bands, &.c. &c. ■ Corner of Buy Lane and Drayton-st'. A aharu ot the public patronage la respectfully ao* belted T. \V. BRYAN. July 15. lyr CABINE'*’ MAKING nnd Ul k - HOLiSTKRY.—H. S. BOGAllDUS, Nu- 95 Bull st., would Inform the citizens of Sa vannah, tiiut ho has taken tbo above store, lor the purpose of carrying on the Cabinet and Up. holstcriug business, viz: Mailing new audrcpnringold furniture. Old furniture bought and sold. 17ic bot toms of Sofas, Divims, Chairs, and Ottomans, mado over und re-covered. Glass platoa of all sizes kept for sale. Carpets, Oil CV'th, and Matting, cut and put down. Bells and Lamps hfmg;. Curtains and Roller Blinds put up. Musical instruments of all kinds re paired. Wool, hair and moss Matrasses for sulo; Aiso.feather beds,liolstersand pillows. Old Matrae- •es made ovorin tho beBt manner. C~’ r 7i~ — -i Every description of Coffins on hand metSEMBSSt/ and made to order, of tho begl ma terials und finish: Prices low. H. 8. B. hns been engaged in the above business In the city of Savannah, for the Inst seventeen years, which induces him to believe thnt he can please all' those who will favor him with a portion of their work. april5--ly H. J. ROY" ALL. SURGEON DENTIST. W OULD take this method of offering his profes. sional services to the public generally, and ox- . ressing ills thanks for the liberal putronnge heretofore jestowed. No pains will be spared to eusure entire siitisi'action in ull operations, and particulurlydn the insertion of artificial teeth free uf puin, and natural in appearance. N. B. As some are incredulous ns to the safety and utility of the Letheoo, (not Chloroform,) I would say that iu no case where 1 have administered it, has any injury been sustained, (to my knowledge;) at the same time, 1 would condemn its indiscrimlnuto use, the constitutions of some rendering it injurious, sept 7. HENRY K. PRESTON, Teacher in the Claaalca and Mathemntlc*, NO. 74 ST. JULIAN-STBEET. sept 2 tf DR. MOREL i OFFICE—No. 157 BROUGHTON-ST. Feb. 7.] SAVANNAH, G A. WOOD YARD. FERRY WHARF. D HI5M8HART is prepared to supply orders • for Black Jack, Oak, Ash and Pine WOOD, by ;he boat load or at retail. As usual, particular attention given to measurement. For the convenience of persons residing in the up per part of the city boxes for orders, are placed at the stores of Messrs. Turner &. Oden, John Mur chison, and at John 51. Cooper, at tho office of the Morning News, aud at tbe house of John T. Thom as, Joncs-street. PiP* Cash orders promptly supplied Oct 11 tf PIANO AND IFURN1TURE STORE. The SuBscmnEaa take, this method to inform their J friends and thopublic that they are no w making largo additions to their stock of Pinnae and Oaltinet Furniture, which they oiler for sale at New York prices. Our stock of Furniture and Pianos is mude to our own order and selection. Wi have confidence ill re commending it to all who are in wont, aud on the most accommodating terms. I. W. MORRELL &.CO. » I.W. MOBBELL. N. V. WEBSTXX. Ang 1 . ■■'. 1 v PIONO tPORTES.-.The subsori- bers would respectfully call attention to their stock of Piano fortes, com- prising q variety of stylos, compass and finish, by J, B. Dunham, A. Stodart andwm., Hull and Son, New York, and L. Gilbert, Boston; in cluding the metalic frame, vibrating overbridge pa tent notion, <fcc. These instruments are of warran ted durability, based upon an established reputation of many years standing, and arc offered at factory p rices by the manufacturer's agents, F. ZOGBAUM & Co, Cor St Jnlian-st. and Market-sq. N. B.-Sccond hand Pianos token in exchange. Sept. 17. (,'ALh TRADE, 1850.—COLLINS <fc « IIULKLEY, 100 Bryan-street, are now receiv ing their fall supply of CHINA, GLASS and HOUSE- FURNISHING GOODS, to which they respectfully Invito the attention of purchasers, as their assort ment is as completo ami varied as is to he found in any Southern city. oct 16 C l ANAL FLOUR, Jfcc.~40 bbls pure Goneseo I Flour; 30 do Hirain Smith's Extra do; 30 kegs selected Gu.hen Butter; 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese; 50 do Adamantine Candles; 30 bags Old Gov’t Java Coffee; 60 bbls Butter, Sugar and So da Crackers; 25 boxes Soda Biscuit; 15 bbls Tread well’s Pilot Bread; 25 half chests 6 oz papers Black Tea; 15 do do j lb do; landing andfor sale by sept 6 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & CO. riniLUKKN’* LONG COMBS, Shell and Horn. Just received and for sale by oct 21 G. R. HENDRICKSON it CO. P LANTATION WOOLLENS, Ac. Sibley's Georgia Plains, diab and brown, at factory prices Cotton and woolPlains, Cordarille. Tennessee, Low ell and others Kerseys, Georgia, Southern and other makes Linseys, plaid sind plain All wool Plains, assorted qualities and colors Californians, a very heavy, all wool cloth Soldiers' Cloth, such as is used in tbeU. 8. Army Markets Duffil, Point and Mackinac, full assortment Flannels, heavy red, twilled and plain Sbirting Stripes, assorted qualities Cotton Oensburgs.of Southern manufacture Brown Shirtings, 3-4. 7-8,4-4, heavy stviea Prints, Plaids and Stripes, in neat variety Wool Caps, Kilmarnock and Glengcrry, dyed and all blue Handkeroblefs, Romall, Verona and 1m. Madras Stc. ALSO, 44 and 45 Inch heavy Sea Island Cotton Bagging. Just received and for sale in quantities to suit, on liberal terms, by JAMES ANDERSON it CO. oct 91 70 St. J ulian snd 103 Bryan-sts. GOLD, STEEL AND CALI FORNIA FENS.—Just opened, a line assortment of Gold and Steel Pens, of various qualities and brands; also, a few gross “California Anti-Corrosive’’ Pens, anew article ill the market, und a very desirable one; ready made Quill Puns, Arc., Ac., for sale by nov 4 J. B. CUBBEDGE, South of the Market. PORTE M.ONAIS—A beautiful ns- assortment. Those in want will cal! and examine our stock; also, l’nrses, Card Cases, &c:, Sec. nov 4 J. B. CUBBEDGE, South of tho Market. MELODEOttS. These beautiful in strumdnt* are recommended to the Musical World, as tho most ur ique invention of tho kind ever produced. le key-board Is from four to five octaves in compass, and similar to that of the Piano Forte. By the use of a swell, the volume of tone can be increased so as to equal that of the Chapel Organ, as substitutes for which they are be coming generally in use. Their beauty of finish, su perior quality of tone, portability and extreme econ omy of price, reuderthem all tbatis desirable to those who cultivate a taste for Sacred Music; while their remarkable quickness of touch renders them suscep tible of the most rapid execution. For sale by the Manufacturer’s Agent*, F. ZOGBAUM A CO, Aug 5 Corner St. Juliap-*L and Marftobubuire. I^ITRATE of Magnesia Is recomended as a deli V7 clous, very agreeable and efficacious Saline pur gative, peculiarly during Fevers. For sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, sept 25 Smeta'Building. H AY.—100 bundles prime quality Hay, landing from barque Texas; for sale by oct 26 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. IVfOTIC'E.—All persons having demands against fv the estate of Jno. Bradley, deceased, will hand thcrain duly attested, to aug 9 lw-3m OCTAvTJS COHEN, Administrator B ALK ROPE—300 coils best quality Bale Rope, in store, and for sale low by oct 24 12 CHA8. A. GREINER. H OLLAND GIN, 2 Plpca Imperial Eagle Gin, iq bond and for sale by Pet U WILLIAM Iff. DAVIDSON. •90,000 PAIRS PLANTAT) liUOUANK,—Tho Subscribers now receiving their usual supply of. Plantation Brogans, msde to order by the most approved manufacturers. Our stock is very extensive aud selected with care. Having succeeded in giving satisfaction tc those who have' favored us with their patronage for a series oi years, We would" respectfully invito Planter* who have not yet pur chased of us, to give us a call, to whom we pledge ourselves to spare no pains in pleasing. In addition to our thick work, we keep constantly on hand a large and choice stock of Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Children Boots snd Shoe*. Fleasct VERST1LLE, LUFBURROV octl, CAPS. Juatreceive ing, a very fineaasortu various hindai They i or article, end those i and examine them, oct 10 - UMBRELLAS.—A large assortment black and colored Silk; black and colon Gingham Umbrellas. Just received and : saleby W.R. SYMONS, Old stand of Hamilton it. Symons. A FIRST RATE INVESTMENT FOR CAPITALISTS. The subscriber offers fo” sale 36, Liberty Ward, (opposite Dr, Wayne) 60 by 90. in Fee Simple. On said Lot are three Houses: one fronting 8outh Broad-street a Double Tenement; one oh the corner, occupied aa&Shop; ondeDWeilicg House on the comer of the Lano and Montgomery-vt The Houses are st present under rent lor f— For particulars enquire of oct 91 Stw-tf SAMUEL GOLDSMITH. YD £ OWJ9HS. Ayg 19 or la Messrs. LLO