Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, November 09, 1850, Image 4

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SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1850. CAHI).—Tbo undersigned having ro-opened with nn entire New stock of DRUGS, CHEM ICALS, nnii FANCY ARTICLES, nt No. 13!) South-side H lough ton-stroet, (formerly Wnl- kor’a Murlilr Yard) is now ready to lurnloU anything in hit lino, nt tho shortest notice. SODA WAI til, mndein his own peculiar way, aont to any part ot the city, and always to ho hud nt tho atoro, in tho hoigli «st state of perfection. ' PnntcniPTioNs put up with caro and despatch. Tho nubneribor having served the public long and f " ml?"?’ rC,pCCtftl " y “ jU0lU thSb. HKSaluSft g PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS, flM and othora, written in moat any language Ym put up with care and despatch,not to he cxcell- £Jm ed in tho city. L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, Corner Broughton 4 Whitaker streets. JjJS- A night bell is tooo found on tho door,front- agllro lng Broughton street July 8 / iL.OTU.Cnai „ V aoriber lias just received a largo assortment ol Black and colored Cloths, Black Doe Skin nnd Fancy Cauelnieros, Black and Figured Silk Vesting*, all ol late style, whitli ho is prepared to mr.ke up to order In the most fushloahle manner, nnd on iiccoinmodu- ting terms W. It, SYMONS, sept ‘25 Old stand of Hamilton & Symons. I~U BINS’ Extracts for the Handlterchlef, as JLt Jenny Lind. Rough and Ready, Bouquet do Car olini, Jockey Club, Sweet Pen, Honey Suckle, Mag nolia, Violetie, Geraneuin, West End, nnd hundred others; also Anton and Jean Maria Farina’s Cologne. Just received und for sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, sept 23 Smuts’ Building. L ANDKETII’H GARDEN SBKD'...TU PURCHASERS OF GARDEN HEEDS. It is self evident, that unless tho seeds which wo may sow, are good in all respects, it will ho folly to ex pect favorahlo results—cither wo shall ho disappoint ed by their not vegetating, or what is still more voxntious, find, nftor careful culture, that the variety is worthlessHow many from their own experi ence can estimate tho annoyance of such an event I Conscious of the room for improvement, mid nnnured that tho seeds-imm who should justly ho entitled to conttdeneo, would receive ample support, the foun ders ol tho establishment, now conducted by the subscriber, started more than half u century ago. with the determination to soli nothing but what was worthy of credit; and that they might tho more cer tainly accomplish their object, resolved to produce, as far as possible, tho seeds which they should rend; experience having shown them that most imported seeds could not be relied on, much less those casual ly collected, and told to dealers.—The result was ns they had foreseen :—unlimited public confidence. The concern thus conducted, has been gradually en larged, and is now the most extensive of its kind in America ; supplying not only much of the demand in the Middle, Western nnd Southern States, hut ex- S orting to tho West Indins, South America and the ritish Posnssions in Asin. DAVID LANDUET1I. ARTICHOKE, Large Globe. ASPARAGUS, Large Green Purple Top. BEANS, Bush or Snap Shorts, Eurly Six Weeks, Rod Speckled Valentine, Brown Speckled Valentine Early Yellow SixWccks,China Red Eye, Large Lima, BEETS, Extra Early Turnip-rooted, Early Turnip- routed Red, Long Blood-red, Silesian, or Sugar, Mun- goi Wurtzer. BROCCOLI, Purple Cape, (Imported.) CABBAGE, Early York, (lmurted,) Landrcth’s Large York, Early Sugar Lout, (Imported,) Early Battersea, Green Curled Savoy, Large Drumhead Sa voy, Red Dutch, (for pickling,) Largo Lute Drumhead, Flat Dutch. Bergen, CARROT, Long Orange, Early Horn, Altringhnm, or Field. CAULIFLOWER, Early Asiatic, (Imported.) Lnto Dutch, (Imported.) CELERY, White Solid, Red Solid. EGG PLANF OR MELONOENA, Large Purple. CUCUMBER, Early Frame, or Table, Long Green or Turkey. LEEK, Large Loudon, Scotch or Flag. LETTUCE. Early Curled, or Cut Salad Early Cabbage, Brown Dutch, Royal Cabbage, Philadelphia Cabbage, Curled India, Whito Cos, Green Cos. MELON, Nutmeg, Citron, Spanish Watsr, Caroli na Water, Mountain SproutWater, Dudley or Moun tain Sweet. ONION, Silver Skinned, or White, Large Yellow Straaburg, Large Red Wethersfield. PARSELEY Curled,or Double, Plainer 8inglo. PARSNIP, Sugar. PEAS, Lnndroto'aExtra Early, Early Frame, Early Charlton, Bishop’s Dwarf Prallfio, Dwarf Blue Im perial, Royal Dwarf Marrowfat, Lnrgu White Mar rowfat, Peruvian Black Eye Marrowfat, Knight’s Dwarf Marrowfat, Knight's Tall Marrowfat, Blue Prusaian. PEPPER, Large 8weot Boll-shaped, Cayenne, or PUMPKIN, Shaw, Common Field, or Cheese. RADISH, Long Soarlot Short-top, Long Salmon. Whito Turnip-rooted, Red Turnip-rooted, Yellow Turnip-rooted, Summer White, White Spanish, Black Spanish. SPINACH, Round Savoy-leaved, Prickly Seed. SQUASH, Early Bush, Early Apple Bush, Long Green Crookneek, Cocoa Nat. TOMATO, OR LOVE APPLE, Large Red TURNIP, Early Flat Dutch, (Strap-leaved,) Red Topped (Strap Leaved) Early Stone, Large Norfolk, Large Globe, Yellow Aberdeen, Scotch Yellow, Dale's Hybrid, Ruta Ban, or Swedish.. For sale by 4 nuTDinpi} ft, nnrw L AMES, DEEMS GOODS. Just received Colored Silks and Challuvs, Canton Crape, pluin and Figured Paris Mouseline lie Luine and Cashmere, English and Frerch Merino, Colored Alpacas, (plain mid Figured.) All of tile above .* every variety of color aud latest style sept no Laroche, bowne too. L ot IKS, HINGES, ifc(J. Asupply of the above of new and neat styles, just received. Persons now building or contemplate doing so, would do well to look at our assortment before purchasing. For sale by McCLESKEY 4 NORTON, net 15 J ENNY LIND’S SONGS.—Child of the Regi ment; Camp was my Home; Come my lovely Maiden; Farewell my Fatherland; I've left my Snow- clnd Hills; I Dream of my Fatherland; Jenny Lind's Last Night in England; My Home, my Happy Homo: Post Boy’s return; Search Through the Wide World; Sea King’s Bride; Song of the Drum; Stars of Heav- on ore Gleaming; Thy Blessing Dearest Mother; Sa int n III France; Rataplan; Upon a Summer’s Day; What are tho World and its pleasures. For sale by F. ZOGBAUM 4 CO., sept 27 Cor. St. Julian-st., and Markct-sqr. /AllII HAVI ()TtJIt WITH PROPHETS AND APOSTLES: a series of eighteen highly finished Steel Engravings ; bound in "Morocco and Glass. Evenings nt Donaldson Manor, or the Christmas Guest; by Maria J. McIntosh, author of •‘Charms and Counter-charms," "TwolLivcs, ’ 4c. Life Here and There, or Sketches of Society nnd Adventure at Far-a-Part Times and Places, by N. P. Willis. Paradise I.OBt; by John Milton—hnndsnmelv illus trated. Received by J. B. CUBBEDGE. oct25 A RESCUE TO THE AFFLICTED. THE CELEBRATED. piVENINGS AT DONALDSON 3IANOU l-J or the Christinas Guest, by Marin J. McIntosh author of “Charms und Counter-Charms” “Two Lives," 4c. Our Saviour with Prophets and Apostles, a series of eighteen highly finished Steel Engravings; bound in Morocco «nd Glass. The Fathers ot the Desert; or an account of the Origin and Practice of Monkery among (heathen na tions ; by Henry Ruft'ner, Into President of Washing ton College, Virginia. A Descriptive Geography nnd brief Historical Sketch of Palestine, by Itabhi Joseph Schwarz, for sixteen yenrs n resident in the Holy Land. Life Here nnd There ; or Sketches of Society and Adventure atFar-a-Pnrt Times and Pluces, by N. P. Willis. Purndiso Lost, by John Milton, handsomely illus trated. Received by oct 25 JOHN M. COOPER. Aug 13 TURNER St. ODEN Monument-square YfEW BOOKS. — THE PSALMS JTranslated 1 v aud Explained, by A. J. Alexander, Professor in the Tbnolo.icnl Seminary at Princeton—Vols 1 and2. Christianity Revived in the East, or a Narrative of tho work of God among the Armenians of Turker, by II. G. O. Dwight. Domestic, History of the American Revolulion, by Mrs. Eliot. Health, Disease and Remedy, by George Moore, M. D. History of Darius tho Great, by Jaoob Abbott. The Orphan Children, a tale of Cruelty and Op pression, by T. S. Arthur. Adelaide Lindsay, a novel edited by the author of Lottice Arnold, Ac. oct 3D J. B. CUBBEDGE. N OTICE. Drug Store, No. 151 Broughton-strcet will he kept open on Sunday during the Fall Sea son. JNO.A. MAYER, Sept 21 Next door to Currell 4 Bongs. /FABLET OF ALABASTER.— Shand’s nnd Tannnt’s, for removing Tan, Pimples, Freckles, and breutlfylng the complexion ; just received mid for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON 4 CO. oct 24 T O PRINTERS. John D. MoCroary, Printing Ink Manahoturor, Nos. .131 and 333 Btfraton-et., Now-York, Depot No. 3 8pruce-stroot, would call tho attention of Printers to Ills improved PRINTING INKS of variant kinds and colors, at the following prices: Extra Fne Jet Blaek, (for Card and Wood Cut,).....C2 00 and 83 00 per lb, Fine Book Ink. 0 75 “ 1 00 “ Book Ink. 0 40 •< 0 50 “ Fine Red Ink, ...1 25. 1 50 and 2 00“ News Ink. ...18, 20, and 25 eta. “ Blue, Yellow, Groan and White, 1 25 and 1 50 “ Gold Bine ait 8*> per lb. and Bronte at 50,75 cts. and 81, per o«. For die quality of which he has the following, be sides numerous other testimonials: Nhw-Tork, Sept 25, 1848. We have for some time past, used the various qnal- itos of Printing Ink* manufactured by John D. Mc Creary, and (band them to surpass any othcra wo ev- or used, to beauty aud permaneney of color, and in the process of working. I.havitt, Taow A Co., Aunrtoua Bible Society Printing office. Nxw-Yonx, 8opt. 25, 1848. Tbit win certify that I have used the various kinds ef line Priatteg Inks, manufactured In this City, nnd ind (hat made by I. D. MoCroary, fully equal to the best. Sylvan** Herr, Foreman of Press Room. For sole at New York prlooa, by JOHN M. COOPER, Agent, marts Savannah. IIMrVEED Sacks dhd Frock Coats. Received and A lor sale cheap by oct 8 PRICE Sc VEADER. U EARTH RUGS. Chenele, Tufited and Car A A pet Rugs. For sale by oct 2i Laroche, bowne & co. INDIA RUBBER BALLS—For sale by - ' A cot as G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. fN AMHB—A large assortment of Baokgammon AX Boards, and Extra men, Chess men, Chess- Boards, Die*. Itoashioea, rod Dice Boxes, just receiv ed and far Mde by 9. R. HENDRICKSON Sc CO. oot 18 Gibbon’s Building. I7E8TB. TESTS.—Plato Black and Fancy Silk V Vesta, a large variety. *™'^ YM0Ngi oct 18 Old Stand of Hamilton 4 Symons. TLMANAO« for'l85i'—The Georgia and'Caro A Una Almanac for 1851, for sale, at retail, or by Re groan, by l.B, CUBBEDGE, Markct-sqr. TVTBtr GOODS FOR HOUSK-KEEPERS. 1 v Key Closets, Tea Strainers, Steel Fire Seths Broad Troughs, Box Irons, Jappaned Toilet Setts, •Curtate Bauds and Plae, Nuteracks, Key Rings, Dish Covers, *88, Ccdlers, Cake Turners, Butter Knives, Pastry Dandies, Cork Screws, Knife Boxes, Oyster Dishes, Potato Mashers, training Scissors, together with a ureal variety of other goods. Now opening, and for sale by COLLINS St BULKLF. Y, oct 20 100 Bryan-st. 1 A T018 YEARS OLD.—TSing Gentlemen X 8 * between the age of fourteen and eighteen, I ean lit you to 8ae blaek French Coats, black, brown aud green Seek Goats, Cashmere and Satin Vesta, from a fine assortment Just opened. Call and see at th« Clothing Store, Gibbous’ Range. nov3 0EG. S. NICHOLS. pOLD PENS.—A new mnl large supply just re VA eelved ; also, an assortment of Gold Pens and Pencil Cases, by oct 30 JOHN M. COOPER. C HEAP PAPER.—The subscriber has just re celvod a lot or fino ruled Foolscap PAPER, which he will sell at the very low price of 12J cts. per quire, und much lower by the larger quantity or ream. J. B. CUBBEDGE. Oct 12 South of the Market. A cel lule remedy lor all fixed pains in the Side, Chest, Loins, Rack, Bowels, Muscles, Rheumatism in all its varied forms, Nervous Affections, Lungs and Liver Complaints, Spinal Affections, Female Weak nesses, etc., etc. For the above complaints this Plas ter has no equal. The great celebrity which it has already acquired, not only ill the old, hut in tile new world, the extraordinary cures it has performed in the most extreme cases of suffering, have acquired for it such a reputation, that tile proprietor has not until Recently been able to supply halt the demand. The pnles throughout every city, town and village in the United States, are without a parallel! A circumstance not surprising, when the vnst a- mount of human suffering relieved by its use is con sidered. In spinal Defects, the benefit usually is of the most decided character. In Nervous Complaints, nineteen enses out of twenty readily yield to the pen etrating stimulaCombined in this valuublc prepara tion. In Rheumatism, either acute or chronic, the claims of tlie Hebrew Plaster have long since been univer sally acknowledged Those who are laboring under weak hacks, no matter from what cause the Weakness may have originated—even if such persons iinvo been misguided in previous applications in the use of the Hebrew Plaster they will find the affected purt sud denly restored to its original soundness. As a supporter in cases of constitutional weakness it will be found of great advantage. It is particular ly recommended to Females who are suffering from sudden weakness, or general debility. In short, it embraces all the virtues which the most scientific mind was capable of compounding from valuable substan ces tumid in the old world, und wiil be found entire ly free from those objections which are a source of complaint with the numerous spread-plasters now before the public. iy These plasters possess tho advantage of be ing put up in air tight boxes—lienee they retain their full virtues in all climates. Beware of Counterfeits and Huso Imitations. None genuine without the engraving of Jew David l the wrapper around ench hox. Price 50 cents per box. Each box contains sufficient to spread six or eight plasters. Marks of the Genune: 1 st. The genuine is put up in smooth, engineturned bottomed boxes. 2. The genuine has the. engraved head of Jew David on the directions, around the box 3d. Unless it has, (on the direction around box) a opy of the Record of the Court to E. Taylob, Roch- ESTEK.it is counterfeit. SCOVII, 4 MEAD, 113 Charles street, New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be uddressed. Sold Wholesale ami Retail hv THOMAS M, TURNER, St CO., and TURNER 4 ODEN, Savhnd :h. Oct 10 GEORGE PAYNE. Macon. T O COUNTRY illERCIIANTS. NEW FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS.— The subscribers are now receiving their usual large nnd well selected stock of Staple und Fancy Dry Goods, adapted to the fall trade, which they offer for sale by the piece or package, on accommodating terms. sept lfi SNIDER, LATIIROP & NEVITT. ’fill 13 SUESCIHBER respectfully informs Ids I- friends and the public, that he has just opened a lot of fancy articles, among which are Lubin’s Ex tracts for the handkerchief, fancy Toilet Bottles, Beef Marrow for the hair, Jules Hauels Eau Lustrale Hair Restorative, Shaving Creams, Ambrosial Shav ing Cakes, Hair und Tooth Brushes, Combs, Trans parent Wash Bulls, Brown Windsor Soup, Tooth Paste, Magnifying Mirrors, &c., 4c. Persons wish ing to procure any ofThe nbovenatned articles, should cnllutuncoat JOHN A. MAYER’S, aug2D 154 Broughton st. I IpKTO HI (JO SUGAR, &;c.—28 hhds choice A Porto Rico Sugar; 25 Eighth casks 4th proof Brandy, 24 kegs selected Goshen Butter; 10 boxes Ground Pepper { pound papers; 20 bbls. new No. I Mackerel, 15 half do. do. do. do. Landing from hark Vernon, and for sale by sept 20 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON St Co. •100 bbls. tjlLOUlt, BACON AND LAUD.—100 1 Balttmol'e Flour from new Wheat; 50 do. pure Genesee do.; 30 halt do. do. do.; £ .j V. bis Hiram Smith's extra do.; 30 hhds Primo Racial Sides; 20 do. do. do. Shoulders; 40 hhls. do Leuf Lard; 75 kegs do. do. do. Landing and for sale by sept 20 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. fflHK NEW GLEE-BOOK—THE ALPINE A GLEE-SINGER. By William B. Bradbury, co- editor of 11 The Mendelssohn Collection,’’ “The N. Y. Chornliet," "Psalinodist," and author of various oth er musical works. We have Just published THE ALPINE GLEE- SINGER, a now collection of the most beautiful and popular secular music, In four vocal parts, for choirs, musical societies, and social music parties. Its lead ing features ore, A great variety of now and beautiful SWISS MEL ODIES harmonized. ALPINE AND TYROLESE MELODIES—The choicest variety ever presented to American singers. POPULAR GERMAN PEOPLE’S OR STU DENTS’ SONGS—In parts, from the pens of cmi- ueut modern German Composers. POPULAR- SONGS HARMONIZED—A variety of the most popular English, Scotch and American Songs, Harmonized. ORIGINAL PIECES—Of the Aulhor’s choicest se- culai compositions. HIGHLY-FINISHED PIECES-A select number ot highly finished four-voice compositions, by Men delssohn, Hauptmann, Kreutzer, nnd others. OPERATIC MELODIES—A choice variety of light, favorite operatic melodies harmonized FLORA’S FESTIVAL—A Cantata; re-arranged and harmonized for adn It choirs and clnsses, com plete In itself as a musical recreation, and equally benutifol as disconnected four-voice songs, duetts, solos. See. VOCAL EXERCISES, Ac.—In addition to the above will be found a full set of Tocal exercises for Choirs nnd Singing Classes, chiefly from Pnnseron, together with Lablaclie’a cclebruted instruction for tho cultivation nnd management of the voice, the whole constitutin'' a work for all classes of singers, we believe "not a little in advance of anything of the kind that has appeared in this country.” MARK H. NEWMAN & CO. »ug7. 21|8 199 P.rondway, New-York. TVTBURNING GOODS,—Received by recentar ill-rivals, Mourning Calico, French Cambric, French and Scotch Ginghutn, in latest style; uIho black Alpacu, Black Bombaziue, Bluek Mohair, Lustre, and Black. Drap De Canton, a new and very beautiful article, Sept 26 LaROOHE. BOWNE & CO. G ODEY’H LADY’S BOOK,forNJTcmbeTT - Graham’s Magazine, for November. Sartain’s do. do. Horace Templeton ; by Charles Lever. An Old Country House: a Novel; by the author of the "Gambler’s Wife," Sec. The Cruise of the Crescent, or the Boatswain's Prize; by Hr Admiral Fisher. Jenny Lind's Melodist. Household Words—Nos. 37 nnd 28. Received by oct 23 __ JOHN M. COOPER. plANCY EA.SKETci.-A beautiful assortmentof E Fancy Work Georgia Pine Bur Baskets, and Cushions, Key Baskets, Satchels, Fruit, aud Knife Baskets. Just opened, and for sale by COLLINS St BULKLEY, 100 Bryant street. fl kUOH MATH, Manilla, Jute, Sheep-skip, Ade- sJ lade, Victoria nnd TufftodDoor Mats. Just re ceived by LaROCIIE, BOVINE & CO. oct 21 C 1ARPET1N08. Fine, superfine and three-ply J Carpetings, also superior stair Carpetings, cot ton and wool and all cotton Carpetings. For sale low and on accommodating terms, by oct 21 LaROG'HE, BOWNE St CO. UINIQUININE ! i QUININE nTlBoWT. ces Sulphate Quinine, received by the steamer Florida, nnd for sale a’ Si 50 per ounce by Oct 9 W. HUMPHREYS. rPHICOPHEKOUS—Prof. Barry’s Tricophcr- X ous, or Medicated Compound. With this pre paration ‘'there Is *o sash word as fell." That first journal In Amorioa, medical men of the highest eml. nence, prominent attkens of all professions, and la- dieu who hove qsed It for years to their dressing rooms and nurseries, adult with one accord, that for imparting vigor, gloss luxuriance, arid curl to the hair, eradicating sonrff, dandruff, See., It has no equal among the multttade ?! Compounds advertised in the nubile prists or used to private practice. The scientific treatise ou the hair and skin In which each M enolosed, is alone worth too whole cost of ale. For sals at 28 cents per bottle, oet 30 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. C ANAL FLOUK As GIN—75 bbls. Canal Flour, 40 half do. do. do. 10 bbls. Gin, Anchor Brand, ftir sale by nov 4 COHENS St HBRTZ. 'OOUTABLB DESKS.—A very handsome as .1 eortment of Rose-Wood and Mahogany Writing Decks and Work-Boxes, for sale at very low prlcas, by J. B. OUBBEDGE. octS4 POHTB 1HONAIS.—A new supply of Porte I Mono!*, of desirable quality, at low prices, oct 84 < J. Br SYBBEBMf. preasly manufactured for them. The Overcoats are of various kinds and qunlltles. suitable for dress or to protect the wearer against tho inclemency of the weather. The cloaks are of all tho various kinds and qualities. Tho public are invited to call and cx amine, nt the store of ootlO PIEnSON St HEIDT. S HOULDBIt BRACES.—Babcock’s improved Shoulder Braces, for sale by oct 26 PRICE St VEADER. OUTTBR CHKES POTA TOES dkc—2 -U firkins selected Goshen Butter 120 boxes English Dairy Cheese 75 bbls. Mercer Potatoes, 50 do. White do. 20 do. Yellow Onions, 100 hexes large Bowl Pipes, 20 or. Casks Port Wine, 50 bbls. E. Phelps’ Gin 25 do. Ci own do. 28 do. Hlrara Smith's extra Canal Flour, Landing from sblpa Sandusky and Marion, and for sale by nor 4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON St CO. I NDIA RUBBER BALLS—Bat and Parlor, Air and Solid Balls, for sale by nov 1 G. 11. HENDRICKSON ft CO. R USnTON & CLARK’S COD LIVER OIL Just received a lull supply of tlie above celobra ted Oil, for the use of consumptive patients. For sale by TURNER St ODEN, Aug 8- Monument Sq. ■piRESli TAMARINDS, just received and lor A sale by - Oct 12 TURNER St ODEN. Monuni rot-square. S TOCKS AND CRAVAT S.—Black Satin Stocks and fancy Silk Cravats, just received Hiid for sole by W. R. SYMONS, oct 19 Old stand of Hamilton St Symons. A LKXANDHR’.H TUCOPAPHE—Or Liquid ■fk Hair I)ye; just received nnd for sale by °ct 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. D R. CnURCHE’S VEGETABLE LO- TION, on effectual cure for Eruption on the Face or Skill. Just received nnd tor sale by oct. 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON St CO POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. Handsome A Silk und Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs, of fine quality. For sale by oct 10 PIERSON St HEIDT. PAINTED WINDOW SHADES—A large as 1 sortment of Painted Window Shades, latest do signs in richest colorings, just received and for sale by sept27 LaROCIIE, BOWNE * CO C UBA 9IOLASMEN.— 10(i~hhds. primely- Molasses, lor sale by oct 29 COHENS 4. HERTZ. PRIME UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS — A Fine Cashmer, Merino and Lamb’s Wool Shirts and Drawer*, fur sale cheap at the Clothing Store Gibbon’s Range, by G. S. NICHOLS ’ oct no rrtRACE, OX, AND LOG CHAIN*/Two A pair, just received per ship Lancashire, from Liverpool, and for sale by _fc£29 McCLESKEY St NORTON. YTOUB DE LA1NES.—A very cheap lot of De -LVA Lnines, for sale by B. F.' McKENNA, oct 28 111 Congress-iit., Monument-sq. PASTILLES DE PARIS—For the alleviation A and radical cure of Bronchitis, nnd other dis eases of the Throat, just received and for sale bv _oct 28 G. R. HENDRICKSON St CO. LTBCKEU’S FARINA—1 "esse, just received A A and tor sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, Smets' Building. net 28 /COTTON CORDAGE.—5 bales Cotton C^d V’ age, for sale by aug!7 BRIGHAM, KELLY 4 CO. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. D R. TOBIAS’S VENETIAN LINIMENT is war ranted to be superior to any other medicine yet known for tho cure of Wens, Burns, Coughs, Lumbago, Headache, Dysen tery, Chilblains. Sea Sickness, Chapped Hands, Old Sores, Croup, Swellings, Warts, Hemorrhage, Cramp, Chronic Rheumatism, Weakness in the Limbs, Cholera, Vomiting, Cuts, Bruises, Cold Feet, Corns, Tooth-Ache, Sore Throats, Palpitation of the Heart, S'C- This Liniment was tho discovery of the late Br. So lomon, of Gilead House, Liverpool, a graduate of tho College of Surgeons in Dublin, uuu was used with great success throughout England (luring a period of 15 years, since which it has become the property of tlie present proprietor, tlie grandson of tho late doe- ter; and during the time it lias been introduced into this country over 1000 certificates have been received, speaking ill the highest terms of its pain releiving qualities; and to prove what it is represented to be, every agent is ordered to refund the money should it fail to give rebel when used nccordingtothe drectiuns. A few certificates are given. Certficate oi Mrs. L. I. Cohen. Having used in niy family, with the most complete success, Dr. Tobias's Venetian Limnudit lbr croup, aough, headache pain in tlie limbs, sore throat, &c„ I feel it no more thunan act of justice to tho Doctor to give this certificate ; aud the speedy cures it has uffec- ted, have been most astonishing. 1 am never without a bottle of it in my house, and mn sure no one will re gret trying it. SOPHIA COIIEN, 261 Ninth street. Certificate of Mrs. W. E. Cornish. Dr. Tobias—Sir : One of my children was severely attacked with croup. 1 used your Venetian Lini ment which gave immediate relief, und I really think it wns tlie means of saving my child’s life. . Under no consideration would I be without a bottle in iny house. I-also consider it a most certain remedy for scalds und bruises, having thoroughly tested it for the sume. SARAH CORNISH,354 Bowery. Cityand County ..f New York, es—Andrew Hun ter, of said eitv, being July sworn, doth depose and say, that he was-engaged m superintending the con struction of a sewer in 30t'n street, between the 6th and 8tli avenues, nnd in hoisting up a large stone of nearly a tun weight, the fall gave way and precipita ted deponent, with the stone, into the sewer, a distance of over fifteen feet.stnking him on the back and shoulder,which so severely jammed and bruised de- pcnenr,thathe was taken up insensible mid thought to bo killed. Dr. Tobias was immediately Beut for, and applied the Venetian Liniment, which so revived this deponent that in a few minutes he wa able to speak ; und by the constant use of this most valuable preparation, he wa6 sufficiently recovered to attend to his business asusuul,in the sliortspace of fourdnys, to the astonishment of all who witnessed tlieaecident. ANDREW HUNTER, 7th Avenue,between 31st and 32d-stieets. Sworn to before me, this 3d day of Junuary, 1818. Wm. V. Bhady, Mayor. Foreale by- A. A. SOLOMONS 4 CO., Market-square, Savannah. Wholesale and retail price, 25 and 50 cts. per bottle. Dr. TOBIAS’ office No. 1 Murray-st., New-York. May 29 0 od From llr. Hiram Cox. Late Professor in Cincinnati Electric Medical College. Mr. A. L. Scovill: However reluctant 1 have been to permit my name to bn attached to patent medi cine, l consider it a duty to the community to state that in three cases of incipient consumption, viz; Miss Belt. Miss Barger, and Mr. R. H. Cox. one of the Ci ty Council, that Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar ope. rated more like a specific than Hiiy other remedy, that lever used.. One of the cases, viz : Mias Bell, pro nounced by several Physicians to be laboring under the last stage of Scrofulous Consumption. She is now in goon health, from the use of a few bottles of the above syrup. 1I1RAM COX, M. D. Cincinnati, Jan. 25,1847. From the Hon. Judge Henry iWorae. Mr. A. L. Scovill; I am well acquainted with Dr. Hiram Cox and hi* practice, he buvirg been my family physician lor many years, nnd c.m < ueerfully aay that I have as much confidence i-> b'= .11 as any mun living. iIE.i l V HORSE. Cincinnati, Nov. 8th, 1847. From WlUlnui Rlelmrda, 31. D. I feel constrained from a sense of duty to make tile following statement, conscious that it may appear unprofessional. Mr. Charles Wade, olthiscity, was quite low with Pulmonary Consumption, lor which I had ncentreating with less than usual success. At his request, and that of his friends, I permitted him to try Dr. H-gcrs’ Liverwort and Tar ; and I must confess that its effects were really surprising. After using the second bottle my visits were discontinued, and he was soon restored to health. I do con scientiously recommend my brother practitioners to prescribe this ri medy in all pulmonary complaints which baiflc the ordinary inode of treatment WILLIAM J. RICHARDS, M. D. Cincinnati, Oct. 1st, 1844. Beware of Counterfeits and base Imitations! The genuine article is signed Anuricw IIogxrs, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by SCOVIL 4 MEAD, 113 Chatres-*t.. Between Conti and St. Louis-sts., N. Orleans, General Agents for the Southern States. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by THOMAS M. TURNER 4 CO., and TURNER 4 ODEN, Savannah, Ga. GEORGE PAYNE, Macon.' Oct. 10 TURNER’S Compound Fluid Ex»trnct of G'onyza nnd Stylllnjgln. ’I1IUS preparation is a Concentrated Extract, con- l taining ail the Active MedlCRl Properties of the Oonyza, (commonly known as Black Root,) and the Styllingia. or Queen’s Delight. These plants have been long used among our South ern Negroes, and recently by the Medical Profession, with the happiest results, in cases of Chronic Rheu matism, Ulcere of long standing, and Secondary Syphilis. It Is much superior to any preparation of Sarsaparilla aa an alterative, being more active and prompt in its operation on tlie system. These facts have Aduced the subscriber* to present to the atten tion of physicians a fluid extract prepared strictly ac cording to Chemical and Parmaceufical science, de void ot all the feculent and inert parts of the roots, not doubting tnat it willsupersede the unscientific and crude preparations hitherto used. Price—81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. Prepared and sold by TURNER 4 ODEN, Monument-Square, - And by T. M. TURNER 4 CO. mar 29 181 Bay-streot,Savannah, Ga. (JURE YOURSELF. Tj’ROM time immemorial there has existed In large A cities and populous towns, a' species of disease the dcpendi-nce and propagation of which results from the violation of divine nnd moral law*. To those afflicted, the AMERICAN COMPOUND Is pre sented to their notice as bring tlie most ccrtinn, spee dy, and valuabe specific ever offered to the unfortu nate. Ithas, wherever known,acquired a reputation that duily experience continues to strengthen. Thou- sandshnvo been cured by its use; nnd us it leaves no odour on the breuth, requires neither restriction in diet, or business, nor contains either mercury or noxious drugs in the leastinjurioue to the system. It is boldly presented as the beet euro for such diseases yet offered. It is used by Physicians, and pronounc* ed superior to any known remedy. Prepared by Dr. J.N. Rocter 4 Brother, 294 Mar- ket-streot. For sale liy W. HUMPHREYS, . , A. A. SOLOMONS 4 CO., July 34 ly . T. M. TURNER 4 GO. Rolfave thepStlmitfremi"®*. ° f p “ in ’ I lo cure instantly ii Hra „ tnrturlug » r j,r 1 U the object .oraSftr-* C! Sores ot all kinds I ,,,'V Uc, " 1 y Relief ' ] Rheumatism, Cramps PaiM? bac k I Frost Bitten Elesh-or ColdL CWV J it instantly relieves withom'a^ C S'J In Rheumatism, Nervous nn.i m L 1 Rndwuy’s Ready Reltofactollto2 - U i 1 r * l * ,e AflJ moment it is applied, it gives relb.f Wln - The! worst easos of Rheumatism 1 umi ’ BnJ cu r J a ysis. In Hornicrania or NemiuX <i ' , 1 ul ««J tecta are speedy and effectual fe f.^ #c hei| remedy thut possesses any certain Jfi 1 * la th l gic diseases. How many thousand ' rov '‘ r M are suffering willi that cruel disease v! e hlefe ] ache, yet have fulled in receivingJ will warrant them not only u S sS' l, ‘" nt,r ' li 'l permanent cure, if they will use 11^ £'*<*, i Rehot according to directions U &odw ®y'a 111 i .a Railway’s medicated b is the most purifying balsnmie ele7.„ ■ 0Op ’ preparation that cm. .be applied to fee $ " n<1 M ts the weary, gives tone ami vigor to -!•’ lt rct l tin. skin, removes every particle of nv 'lectioJ the cuticle, mid imparts beauty to the11 all who use it. Pimples, Hl U tche 8 p,"';"! l ' lt " <i ^ and other unsightly spots vanish ’i Ust V le OYitJ with this Soap?lilft dew- before tbe^m^ 6 , 'M Let every laiiy and gentleman ii«e )) , Hrtll "e «ul Medicated Soap in tfidLSf S “we a pure, clean, sweet, fair aud healthy „kil r ™"'l tilul clear, transparent complexion 7 * I.OOK Kon THE STEEL ENORav.v Radway's Sdap, A, No. 1, is endow i f?’ of benutitul steel engraving, rei re 9ei o i figures of Beauty and Health. Sea tw?v tw ° f 'd of 11. G. Iladwayisupon each c,? k c ho 8i P genuine—price 25 cents, large cukes! “ e ' ..... Beautiful Locks of n„, Tis true that the crowning orenm T*. a head of luxuriant hair, thif most lareWi- bc, “ appear Indifferent if it were nitons t, y ? cc " to give it expression. Lovers have lu ? k8 of ot their lady loves. Poets have su„! 0 r'" ‘ J thc w* more havp fought for the • raVt *i» tr lock of their lady's\U?, r ktogs P to , ones to possess a queen possessed 01 bcuutifu] If ml nay’h Circassian Balm fe the most natural hair restorative in , lee it.i. the Bcitlp troin dandruff', removes Scarf , tc e ot thehend, is a perfect antidote for Bs’ld^M 8 nourishment to the roots tor, 8 ' strengthens the hair, prevents its LCom™ ces it to grow. It is admirable lor dfesE'.i it is superior to all other preparations or ,!, h x Ladies nnd gentlemen who hove CIRCASSIAN BALM preferitto Mlril. * ^ Radway’s Circassian Balm is 25 ccatsper bwffc bottles. Sec that ench bottle has the fee 3 nutureof RADWAY 4 CO. ° I0C slmil( *,* For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON 4 CO A. A. SOLOMONS 4 CO aid’ Uct 4 WILLIAM HUMPHREYS DR. ALLEN'S VEGETABLE C 0 31 P 0 U N 1 foil THE CURE OF 1 DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT NFHrnt DEBILITY, BILIOUS AEFECTwl ? rpills medicinal, offered to the^ S l assurance that there is no article in “Z, imving Stronger claims to their consideration M eompoumlecf by n regular GUADUATV nf n PERSON COLLEGE, Philnd^iffa, . rto P.?n»tiJSSS? M twenty years STA.nm 1 hiladclphia, hit* long expmeuce has confirmed h in the opinion that a compounded medicine was quiredto prevent and remedy the debilitation p duced by residing in low mmsmatic climates, and counteract the prostrating influences oftbemi afflicted dlSordor8 witb which tlle hum ™ family, DR. ALLEN is a well known physicinn, nnd 1 used the above medicine in bis practice for two year with the most astonishing effect, harine tea' itd qualities in above FIVE THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ever received more Haltering recc inequation troni physicians of eminent stunuiii" :1 has been bestowed on this. TIioimnnilH lire now Huffiring from t most drendtul complaint, the Dyspepsia, when n gle bottle ol Hr. Allen's Vegetable Compound wo have the effect oi removing all those distress feelings attendant on that most debilitating discus Sole Proprietors— G. W. Allen, M. 1). Phil, i A. J. 4 W. L. Cleavland. 207 King-st Charlut S. C A A. SOLOMONS & C0„ •My 13 Only ugents in Savannah, fil “ DEATH’S DOOR.’’ I -T OW frequently do we hear this expression, whirl * -A is meant to convey to the mind the last state! sickness that a patient can be reduced lo, und lira Mrs. Harrison, a member of the Trinity Church, wnl as she expresses herself, brought down to “Dentbl Door” by Rheumatism and Nervous Headache,nbea like an angel of Mercy RADWAY’S HEADY iicl LI El- relieved her of her Beverq, puino ami restore^ her to her friends in perfect health. The very instant Radway’s Ready Relief is applied its beneficial effects are experienced, it soothes heals, cleansea and purifies; it instantly allays irriia tion. reduces inflammations and swellings, relieve! tlie rnoat severe Neuralgic pains, gives ease to hums Sores, Eruptions, cures Rheumatism. Lumlis!oj Gout, Paralysis, Scalds, Sprains, Strains, Spam! Stiff Neck, Weakness in the Side and Hack, Sores ol all kinds. Galls. Bruises, Chafes, Sore Throat, lni«j enzn, Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, 4c. Elegant Toilet Requisites. To Embellish and Enhance the Charms of Frailly. 1 RADWAY’S MEDICATED SOAP! During the hcHt and dust of Summer, or frost si| bleak winds ol winter; nnd ill cases of sunburn) stings of insects, chilblains, chapped hands, or htf dental inflammation, its virtues have long anil effejl sively been acknowledged. Its purifying and rftolij ing properties have obtnined ita selection from th« thousand* of other cosmetics, both ot European«ni| domestic manufacture, by the bon ton of all pat# °l the fashionable world, from the burning tropic* toj the frozen realms of the Ice King. The public mil jriease bear in mind that Railway’s Medicated to«pf w the only sale preparation for the skin now in uicJ this has been certified to by our most prommraq .chemists. Railway’s Soap is free from poisonoufiir-l mating nnd pernicious ingredients. It can beu*M| on the tender skin of the infant with tho same htppil results as upon beauty in its prime. *,*Si'C that cake is enveloped in h splendid lube] of steel engm-l ing; und further, see that the signature of H- «• way is upon each cake. Price 25 cents, large cm-J The Crowning Ornament of Beauty is a luiuru Head of Glossy Hair. Rndwny’is Cirensainn Bnlm. , Warranted the best Hair Tonic in use, tor Dre* a| and Beautifying the Hair. . I It cleanses the Scalp from Dandruff, kei‘P»a ’■ cures Scurvy, Baldness, and Sores on the ,’l stops the buir from fulling out, renders ltstr0D ?’ ,J| smooth, suit nnd glossy. Persons who ha 1 their hair by sickness will find a complete at' J in Radway’s Circassian Balm. It also gi vt ’ al and benutiful color, and will prevent itfro* l» ,1 grey. From its exquisite purity, It is 8aml8 * dapted for the hair ot children of the P 10S I uge. It is sold in large bottles for 25 cena ri bottle, and it is warranted the best hair pre >• . : c I in use. it will not soil the lint, cap, or the to*. Mn l See that tho signature of RADWAY & . it| each bottle—no Circassian Balm is genuine | tile signature of Radway 4 Co. For sale by . G. R. HENDRICKSON & Co,, A. A. SOLOMONS St Co..aW> Aug 2 WILLIAM HUMPHREYS,^— Dr.GOURAUD’S 3IEDICATED 6® A D ^w l.ol Oi IIlOBb A dill IJUluly *-’** J"* I Skin, by a free uso of GOUROUDS ain ,y onD * I dian Medicated Soap ! Rashes, Ringworm , o( j, er I in tho Skin, Pimples, Salt Rhcum,Mutu,aii tJ jf I cutaneous disfigurements vanish from make | by magic 1 Its delightful, soothing P r0 P ( inl tffre- it peculiarly valuable in the nursery, a® 01 . CRD be ] quently painful operation oi shavmg. . cr __ji)il used nt discretion either in salt or nsra 0 eu p- no Captain of a ship should go to sea w 1 by ■'* ' ply. The roughest and darkest skin bee use, soft, smooth and pellucid. .i,i,»iv uprc"' GOUItAUD’S Poudrc Subtile veM fositi’e^ superfluous hair from low forehead!, upi from any part of tho body I _.,-pntnrl'P ll^, '' Gonrarf’** Lilly Wliite is an i« noC J Editing tlon for instantly removing flushes » '"l-^^^^EELTx^GOURAUD'Srerily vslusWe U*' parotions can only behnd ^tuinen^ ^ May 30. *od M,r * e '