Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 11, 1850, Image 1

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,u,y , .*• f'SvJL"' ••awSHftir VOLUME 1. Publication Office No. 115 Bay-Street, near the Custom House. Single Number, Two Cents, PUBLISHED DAI LY AND TlU-WBEkJ V Bf JOHM M. rooPEK. W. T. T H O M l'8u t\,' EDITOR. tkrms: The Dally Moinfn* News i« delivered to City ubicriben at $4 per annum. payafils halt ynnrly in steance. or tor TiCN Cknt.1 a week, payable to the Carriers, finale copies, twockkts. The Trl-Weokly .Honiinif Newa.fo th'eooun- try,colltainio;/ all me nnwi m uter nml new advertise- m piitiof the daily, is furnished for two dollar* per anum, in advance. Advenisementsinserted at the following rates : liqnnre, 1insertion,$0,5111 1 square l month, #7.00 Sadi continuance,.. 50 | i square,! week,... 0,50 | yr' Ten lines or less to constitute a eyonre Legal advertisements inserted at the usual rates. Advertisements from transient persons or strangers, mint lie paid in advance. yearly advertisers will be restricted to their regu lar tmitnesa.'S. and all other advertisements not pertain, inz to their regular business as agreed far, will he chart ,4 extra. Yearly tfvertisers exceedingiatheir advertisements the average rmmherof lines agreed for, will he charged it proportional rates Advertisements senttn this office without 41- rectinnsas to the number uf insertions, will he pnl>- liihed daily, until ordered to !;o diioontlnned, and shsrted accordingly. *?• Vll new t Jvertiesinetits appear in the Tri-week |y Sews, for t,he country. *,* /all betters directed to this office or the F.riitor aunt he oust paid. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MOllNING, DECEMBER 11, 1850. THE MORNING NEWS. J.y Massachusetts has 9JI 655 inhabitants by the census just completed-tut increase of 256,965 since t ecen-us of 1840 This is at the rate of nearly 35 p remit., or in ire than double the average increase of the five preceding terms of ten years each. Vibgima Financks.— Che Governor of Virginia, in bis message in view of the form ill which the pub lic debt now stands, recommends a complete refor mation and re-organization of the financial system of the 5tide. He remarks that the evidences o Stab debt should be imp essed. as far as possible, with all file qualities of a circulating mmliuin, nnd that the •xperience oi the Federal Government nnd of sever al of the States, has shown that the coupon bond possesses these characteristics 111 the highest drgri e. The present Mil-standing debt of the Commonwealth 's stated at $9,0.15 189 30. and there remains to In paid, on account of auliscriptions made to organized companies, but uot yet called for, 84,633,868 49. Fiends ’.—TUvEimucrat. at Marshall, III., gives the most revolt rig details of a case of fiendi-h wicked- lirss in that county. A man named Oimstead and Ills wife are in prison for starving to death two of his children, by a former wife, end hazarding the life «t a third. It was proven that Oljistead is wealthy, that ihe childn 11 were kept tied in an out house in eo d wet weather, without tire, and only had a little cold corn bread nnd water to subsist upon. . Homum-e Brutality in a Fatiieb. — Several complaints were made tit tile Ninth Win'd Suction 11 ,u e, by several persons residing in tlm neigbor-, hood of Greenwich street, New-York, against a man named Ulyin, for cruel treatment ot his two chil dren. Ituppcnra tbut his wife died a lew mouths ■go, since which time he hns confined his childrens who are quite young, in ti filthy garret, where they have been kept for several days together without seeing any person, Their food was given to them through a hole in the door, which was the only menus of communication. When they were taken from this horrid hole, they werelitoiully covered witli filth sad could hardly lie recognized ns human beings tb.y looked so impoverished. They were sent to the Aims House. Paris nml Lomloti Fashions. Walking on Camhagr Dees-, sumed to the 1’abk- on the Seaside Pbomenadk—High dress of Mberl blue poplin Thu skir. mad* quite plain. The cu.uigi high in the throat, and fusjfeic d up'tbe front hj gold tiiiiey buttons. At the waist there is a smuli skirt uf ha qlline cut out iu scallops at the edge, uinl the stun]] collar which turns over lit the throat i» <ilgnl intliu* me Inuuncr. The Sleeves, which nro ilitm-h ng, have form il up cutta or revere, and are flit ntlln c nts ixis til the iiiiii, the opening being coo lined by a hieing uf narrow silk cord. The iiinkeoi tldiUrc ss grt-atiy resembles Unit of a riding Imbit r— The under sleeves are of white sprigged muslin iu cue putt’, confined at tile wrists on hands ol needir* *mk. Hiiniii t ol blue saiiti, 1 rimed with black ace. 81vetli.i1 leather gloves. Over Ibis dress may be " ,rii n ciishmer shawl, os a mantelet of brown vel- vtl trimmed wit.i two rows of broini silk fringe. Promenade or carriage diie-s.—Thisco tame is -kited to n .-upetii r style 01 out door dress. Tae nmutle i- of blin k v I et. ornunieiited np the two mints with rich end roidery in the rose tree path rti, j'xcuti'din nluck silk and very narrow braid. 111. mit in of tan iiniutle a liin-lunl 1 y u straight rnv • * hi'" d..lacksilk liruid, and the upper pintorca eis sdgac vv.th buck “ilk fringe. Tue manlle has wide jiwijiig sleeves, which ai'ir also dig d with oro ... braid, like ihut at ’lie bottom of tile clOHk. The dress is ot dark green silk, and has three di epttouuccs pinked at the edges. Drawn huiiuet ofstr w colored rutin, with a plume ot feathers o . the same color on "lift side. White musliu under sleeves, and apricot crdiirud aloves. General Observations on Fashions and IJbkss.—r 1001 unitiiig s' v i'Hldiim r dresses reeeui J cuaijil ted by a tasliionahle milliner we select one mr ilcscrimion. This dress, w .ti ll is ol poult de soile green shadetl with black, is trimmed with three deep "ounces, each ■■duod wuh tour rows of black velvet ribbon, graduated in width, the broadest row placed “""rest the edge ol the Bounce. The slccvss are in i' e pagoda style, and trilurn d Wifn three frills edged "ke Ilie tlouuces wit.i rqwsol black velvet ribbon, -lie corsage is open in front, the open pari being till ga up |,y rows ot hack velvet ribbon. Willi this ori'.s to he worn a eojttVre consisting ofjetfiow- cr « Intel mingled witli foliuge of green velvet. Another elegant dress may also be worthy of de- ■ifiptiqh. it ut bine satin, and is trimmed »ith two Aeep flounces of hlaek lace; theflounces’looped up °ll "Oe Bi le, Each ilounee has a heading consisting Jif ceqailles formed ot narrow violet and blrck rib- J 011 with a li ingen edge; hut at the part where the "Unc*ia are looped up. the ribpuna unit-' and tortn I ” • 1 lie GUIMIIJ 1 ' llj'l’un rtltvtjtmif Hiiu IIHB » t.' Hlavv * (jfrlln*. Th« space in front of rhe coixigcs wiili coquille* oi narrow black and viu* z^'lni'ed ribbon. Uiree superb bouquets inteuded to be worn as nt- i«ch.!8 ,rof looping the jupes of a ball dre^s were iaft wai k f rwarded to-the ewurtof Madi id by oneorthr principal riouri'trt ofParis These houquels wmo J rui,»d of fae hudi of in«H8 r»>sed with a profusion ^ b«*aut ilnI foliage. The dresb ior winch ihete < x- T’UHte oinauifiita are declined in of liluc crape. A r <‘Hih ol the fcarnt* How era has bei*n niounlcd ior “u* hair. iuiee similar bouquids have hoeii prepared lor n r< »* ol citr* n colon d crai>«. The ropebuds are hi uudish ol y * Hew. gratiUHtUigfn m a deep gold color °s pal»* tint, aliiiort white, 'ihe coitture consists oi wo p, u ^l, u , t houqueis hanging very l*»w on euch na- I 1 bead, in tin* space netvveeii tbo bouquets is ® y v ° , ua diamoii t conih, set in the form oi a diudei d vf jy l«r bhi k on the head. The bouguet •ioorsagf., hIco composed oi yellow rosebuds, is to .!* ‘‘■strned !tv n Itnur u-'iilt tnriiishi'd with B el the present season are of the same dimensions as those worn hist winter. u Many ot the fancy pocket-handkerchiefs tor ever,inn costume are splendidly embroidered. They are made with the waved holders edged with lace. Fre quently the borders are of ueetflework anil Vulen- cetilieslHCe, the luce being Inteliniiigli d w ith the pat- iWsm >U i'" f urm 'A ki, " i ul ffitnework round the lowers or devices Some are , mbroidered iu a pat- tiniol Stars, and others of flowers, such ns lilies, rose-, &c Asetoi dress bandker hiels has been nre- aicd lor a lady in mourning. The pattern cops! ts of me tluwer ol the cypress, mid -prays of the weeping W’llow. beautifuliv worked in black and white. Lady j .XiKBpnp. r. 'I'HE Boston Fugitive slave (Chafts) Case.— Thr Boston Daily Advtrtiser ol Tuesday enntuins a ooinmunicHlionfrom Geo.T Curtis. Esq., ope ti the Commissioners of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Massachusetts Di-trict. correcting suu dry very grove mistakes commit cd by Mr Willi* II, Hughes, the agent of tint cKunimt of the slaves, in his statemeiil, as published in the Georgia papers nnd hr lore alluded to in the Expri tt. The lett r ot Com mission' r Curtis is uddre-sed 10 Seer, tary Webster. it concludes ns follows: ‘T c .ntiotclosethis letter without saying, that fora long course 01 years, I have been Inmilinr with the Hdimtlisti'ntiuti ol the laws ot 'he United States and [fie workng ol theJud'cialdepartment ufthe Federal G01 et nmt tit; ion 1 that, iu m, opinion, there ih a great deal ol legislation needed, to make tho general' uv. eminent murpendent "t State control, an l indepen- ilent ol Ihe power of mobs whenever and wherever its measures chance to he unpopular. The United States have no ja Is, nml the law.- "I this Common wealth tor hid tae use ot its jails fur ihe purpose 01 holding fugitive slaves Kvnnto d. tain ordinary criminals, or witnesses obliged to lie incarcerated, the United States are en tiicly dependent un the curtesy of the Slates, and may have tlin use of the State jails taken front them at any tuna wllftl it sititsdthu caprice ol a State to withiitiiw it. In my opinion, too, the office of the United Stntcs Marshal is by no means oigniiized and iortificd liy legislation, as it thouid lie, to tneidtnn r popular distui bant e.’’ Fnnuy KeuiAe nnd the Pope. An incident which recently happened at Chelten ham is thus recorded : •• We join in the hope, nnd look forward to the is sue of the struggle wit.i confidence.beenu-e we know that the vast majority ol tue people of England are us firmly opposed to the incursions of Rome as were their martyred forefathers. The Protestant feeling uf the counti y will snon ho roused, and we had 1 striking proof in our town, Tuesday night, that it i by no nieau« dormant at present. MjtfcFanuy K.'in- hie wa- n adirgihe tine historical plaVt King John. and when she came to this reply of the Monarch to the Romish Card nn)— ‘Thou can's! not, Cardinal, devise a lmpie So slight, nnwortby, and ridicul To chin ge me to an answer, ns the Pope, Tell him this tale, and from the. mouth of England Add ill s much more. That no Italian Priest 'Shall tythr. or toll in my dominions.' Theettect was instantaneous. ' This last sentiment was received with unbounded applause.’! 'l"ggg , STOVES TIN ,\V » Ulj, dec., dkc. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! BEKNAltD p. MacKKNNA, (FOBMEBLV oK FUR FHIM OF OftINWAY k JI KENNA, j Has just opened an entire New Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Freeh from the lie»t F.UKOPE VN and AMKUICAN MANUFACTORiKS, am) wiiri'e nfi'ered at price, which cannot fail tu ENsune a speedy sale. Tile attention of the public U respectfully solicited No deviation from first prices. lA?" Ill Cong ess et, Monument square. • NUMBER 279.» ls-1-’.a^.ik >h- CARDS. NEW STOKE. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, UMBRELLAS & TRUNKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: 187 OAiigremx-ati'eet, (olrovn the Alarkct.) WALDBUBO's NEW BUIL INO. r T'IIK Suliscriliers would respectfully inform their A friends and the public that they are Tills Morn ing opening a well selected 'assortment of NEW G(JOl)$, consisting of tile atiove arliclos, ns Weil as many others, which they will take pleasure in show ing. ns well as selling, tothose who may favor them with a call, at prices that will compete with any es tablishment In this city. nov.il riTALF.Y t HENDRY BOOKS AND STATIONERY. J. 11. CUDU EDGE, W HILE acknowlt*duing his obliiiationa to bis friend* nnd the pub.io for tho very lilf rid p!itronn«/o heretofore Ijfestovved on Ids estab lishment, would inform them hat he tyia enlarged hi* store, und laid in h more «» tensive nnd complete assortment of SCHOOL \NJ ftllrfl’ELLANKOUS BOOKS, STATIONERY, FA I ;V ARTICLES fcc.. than he Ims ever before kept, c rapriniiig a very gen eral und well selected itock; hi he feds confident that nil who patronize him wil not fail to be pleased with the articles they purcha . or the prices they p»»y for them, na he is determini \ uot to he undersold. Fledpe cull at 159$- CONORS i-S J'REl.T, not 11 fc?0«th of the Murket. READY MADE CLOTIUNU. ^T^IIE Undercigned has received per f'tcHiner Flo- A ridn find recent urrivul« a complete H.-*orime’nt of READY MADE CLO THING, composed in part of tl»#*. following HTticles— and! all made under hi* own #up« rintendHnce. Tno undersigned hns idvMiy s received from those who have ttwored him with their patroniiffe, the credit of *tiliing 4he REST GOOD8 IN Tllld MARKET. He no\V wishes to cell utten- tion to his TRE8ENT riTOCK; Bml he wishes them to understand he is determined to sell tile CHEAP EST as well li.- the BEriT. The following will compose & part of the stock on hand : Gent’s Business Frocks nnd Sucks. Kersey and Blue Pilot Over Coats. Devonshire Drab do. ‘ do. Norway Coating do. * do. Black mid blue Cloth Cloaks. Pilot Cloth do. do.' # Black DresR Coat-mid Frocks. Brown nnd olive Cloth Flocks. Black super Doeskin Cnssinyjre Pants. Fancy and ribbed do. • do. Block .Satin and fancy Hills \kwts. Fancy Velvet nml Clmlty ^do. Black, fancy, end white Kid,(Hovee. Blucfc.- while, umkfabc.v-Silifc da. « . Merino and Silk UrKh'rshiRs. White and fancy Shirts. Red Flannel und Hickory Shirts, 8toek*, Cravats, and Su panders. Collars, Umbrellas ami Drawers. Also, n large assortment of RENCH. ENGLISH, A NVi GERMAN CLOTHS, t CA SSI MERES, AND VESTINGS, mhdo to <»rder it the ehbrtest notice, and in tin* BEST STYLE Gli WORKMANSHIP. VVM. R. SYMONS, j? Whitntker-Mreet. uov 8 Successor Dfl Hamilton &. Svmon# WM. B. HAJL.il, KANUFACTUBKBUW PEGGED AND SEWED ROOTS AND SHOES, FluUtuttun IStogauv, Futuinraui.il Kip B ogans. 163 Cong Kas-aTUKET, nov 6 siuviiuuiih, fxttorglii. 1-1JE8, FKLIT, AND CUNFKCT1DNAUY. M. S. A6KBW & W. BRATLJBY, PIE IIAhEit 1, ERVli AND ‘i CONFECTIONARY STORE, Corner of lurk and Montgumcry tts, Liberty -square. uuv 13 lino JOHN MALLBKY, D It APISH AM* TAll.DK, 13& BAY-ST-, K FIEFS uonatimily on li.md a oouipieto aa.ortuii'iu of v. ry choim Cl.O’l'llS, CASril.MERs AND VESTINGS, ot tlm nowuatanmiea nn puttoriia, wuh a tullaupply of laabhihattlftliEADY MADE CLOTH JNGimn Furlllahtlig Gooda, compiitlngevery urtiulo ot Gmtlpmeu’a Appuit'l. oct 36 PORT OF PLYMOTH AND DEVONPOllT, ENG. CHARLES WOOD, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL AGENT, A DVANCES Moimy. to nny iiiuoimt. on Gooda consigned tor sale by Auction, or otlmrwite, the attention of expuriel's iare.pi'cttully diiocteu to tliic ntin.'Uilcenient. The above port mimpritea greut ud vnntrtges for tlm aale uf Southern product,—Cum, Sugnr.Kice uud Tttbncco, would always cumiuandthe liighevniiarkct pricca—coiitalniug. ns it doea, a large population, und being an extensiveNiiyiiI Station. Refer tu Mr. W. K. Symi Ns, Savannah nov 8 J S. SOLOMONS W ILL contract to execute Plastering, of all kind, uud styles, at the shortest notice. Wanted two or tlireo Journeymen Plasterer., to whom ateudy employment will bo given, and the highest wages paid. All orders for work can be left at the office uf tlm Morning News. Residence, President Street, next door to Mr. D. Sni der's. 6m oct 17 JOHN V. TARVER, Factor and General Coiniiiiaaioii Merchant, AND DEALER IN HAY AND GRAIN- Every description of Produce, anil Merchnn. dize sold on consignment, or purchased to order. Exchange Wharf. ’ ’ Oct IS W. 8. AVI LL1 FOK 1), Auction & Coininln*ion Dlcrclinut, MACON. GA. nr All kind, of Merchandise nnd Produce I ex cept Liquor.-J received on Consignment, or Purcuus- ed to Order. 7| 4 HE first assortment of Conking and other Stov. a «. ever ottered in this market, con-istiug of sele t patterns, purchased in Philadelphia: New York and Albany. Till Wnrent wholesale, ol the best quality, .liipiuuieil and Planished Ware. Liliiug and Force Pumps, lleer Pumps, Lend Pipe. Brass Preserve Ket tles, Copper, Tin and Brass Lanterns, a very htmils on;" variety. Counter nnd Tea Scales. Patent Cottee Mills. Coal Hods and Pokers, CoalSlluvels ami Sif ters, Cake Shovels, Brittish Lustre. &c., &c. Although toy store is not very large, a gipat por tion ot stoves. &c.,can be seen where they are stor ed near at bund. JAMES SULLIVAN, July 13 Wliitiikei street. Savannah Ga. PRENTICE'S Cliatliain Superior t out [,'Uay Terin, 1S30 Jambs Mohdecai, i vs. J Libel for Divorce Sabaii Mobdecai. J 1' appearing to the Court by the return of the Slier- iff, that tlm defendautcunnotbp found in thiscoun- . on motion, it is ordered, that tho snid defendant lo tile her answer or delensive allegation in writing, to the ubove libel, on or before the first day ufthe nexi term of this court or that the plain tiff have leave to proceed ex parte tn the Jury. And it is further or dered, that ucopy of this order lie published in one ol the gazettes of this city, mice n month fur four months prior to the next term of this court. Extract from the minutes. JNO. F. GUtLMARTIN, Clerk s. c. c. c. ting 14 Ihoi—4m ClttUhnm .Superior Court, Alny Term, 1830. William J. Bandy, > vs. i Libel for Divorce. Rf.bkcca Bandy, ) I T appear ng tu this court by the return of the Eller- iff. that .lie defendant cannot be found ill this coun ty. on moth,u, it is ordered, that the said defend ant dottle her answer or defensive allegation in wri ting, to the above Libel, on or before the first dtiy ol tho next term of this court, or that tile pluintifi have leave to proceed ex parte to the Jury. And it is further ot dared, thnt a copy of this order be publish ed in one of the gazettes of this city, once s month, fur four months, prior to the next term of this court. Extract from the minutes. JNO. F. GU1L.MARTIN, Clerk 3.c. c. c. augli m —4m ' SKY-LIGHT DAGUEIIUIAN ROOMS, rifllh citizens of .'Savannah nnd vicinity are in- 1 formed that I have, at crest expense, added a splendid Reception Room ro my establishment, for the accommodation of my patron-, wh-re those of a musical ta-te can amuse themselves on a most beau- * ..... ...no , mill Piano Forte, purchased expressly tor the turn of fostutf. The ci»T*hgv opt*iis encoeur, and has a large i |»ny customer*. 1*101UH K ^ funm in all weMther by Miii. 1 i a... “ 1 . .. _ - a- . : .. ‘ . r eL’v » vnin’ oil orl viiTitiiGf‘ the use of mv large sky light—an advantage never possessed liv those working by a window fight.— Children’s lAkftnesses taken in 3to 3 seeondf, hy a quick working instrument made expressly lor chtl- The citizen are invited tn examine my Rooms and Specimens, over Zauzhaum & Co.’s Music Store, Mark..,-square, 8«v„«u„h. y |,jj£ NTI f.p QOUTi IK US CLVSSIME It ESa-B^t recrirrd from tli#* factory, an ati^orrmpiit ot Carotinh Ch?. einiprof*. i*ompricing Stri’l Mixed, Black. Invisible Gr**en, Medium Black. Coai t Mixed, &c.. which are offered hy the piece, at factory price*. The public are in v .?d to cull and examine. „ „ dec 2 LaHOCHE. BOWNE & CO. LkUENFH China Gold Band Tea Setts, of 44 I pieces; Gilt Butters: -ingle Cups and Saucers, of elegntit patterns; Mugs, highly dec HIM ted: rich fete a T te Setts; Parlor Match Boxes; Chamber Candle f-sti ned iiy iVboW.' wRh eiida furniehed with a Sticks: Powder Boxes; Cu is nnd Ss.ieers, for chil- 6 | j | inotid Higuillnteh ilrrn. with mottoes; together with a great vanety o, _ 'file recent mild weather has retarded the adoption China Va*es;Terra Cottaand Bob mean GIbm Golem I Further suppli- s of Nislit Side of Nature: liy m *“r»; hut as the season advances they will be gen- , gen; Card Baskets, and other China ArtlcJi'S. very Catharine Crowe.and Medical Delusions, l.y Dr.Uook- e For sain l.y ; et. Received by “ I DOT 22 Ciintliuin Superior Court ..May Penn, IN.50 Catiiebink E. Babnabd, Compl’t, ] .Mubdock Chisolji. Isaac B. Row jJ* 1 Equity. land. John ’1’. Rowland Delta. ] O N motion, it is ordered tbatMurdock Chisolm and Isarc B. Rowland. Defendants in the above en titled case who reiide without the limits of Chatham county, do file their demurrer, plea or answer to the bill filed against them liy Catherine E. Barnard, on oi before the second Monday in January nt xt, orthufi tiie same be taken pro ennfesso against tin tn; and it is further ordered, that a copy of thin order he served upon them three month, before tile next term of rile Superior Court, nr published once n month for lour months in one of the gazettes of the city of Savan nah. Extrnctlmin the minutes, f-dgnod] JNO. F.GUILMARTIN, c. s.c.c. c. sept 7 lain! i (1A INKS & t’O., RECEIVING. EORWARDING. AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Chattanooga, 'Tennessee. BRYAN, WII.NON, HAINES it CO., Augusta. Georgia. THOMAS, VPU.SON & CO., Savannah. Georgia. W ILL GIVE their personal attention to Receiving and Forwarding Goods and Produce. Also tu the sfiio <gt nil kjpd* of Produce and Merchandize tlm> may be entrusted tu their care. A. THOMAS, M. M. GAINES, P. B. WILSON, oct 2 J. J. BRYAN, TO i’AHKNTS .AND GUARDIANS. B OY S’ READY MADE CLOTHING I Tho undersigned would respectlul- inform both Parents and Gunrdlaus, tBSe iVing Boys to clothe, that ho has just "cw.York, with a compi*t« M*qr*- it dy Made lothing! ip the assoitmont through the 8 much pains in having up to suit this market, and will otl't patrons as low as possible. Each a -Ill bu marked with the selling price and no abatement from it. Theiulluwmg wtU com- Jg pceetho assortment: 8 ■ 5 L„yu’Black Cloth Cloaks and Over Coots 5 3 " Drab and black Pilot Over Sin ks ’■ 3 “ green, brown and hl’k Cloth Sack* ► O “ lancy Tweed, Gas., Frock and Suck Coat* W f-i “ “ “ “ i’oikn Coatees td • nil trimmed hl’k Cloth Frock Coat* P bine, bl k,br’n, green and Cadet Jackets 5 " bl k mixed Satinet It. Jackets " S " ianey Casimerc und hl’k Cas P«nt* rj “ Twoed, Cas. and Satinet Pnuts O „ “ J» rk Volentia nnd Mrs!’* Ve«t«. y Chikln u t> bl’k «ml lancy Drcp# Suite*. H B u 5 *’ wlilttr and col’d Shirts Hud under Shirt* ° “ fine blue and black Navy Cups, with and f fe Without Covers, With a complete afsortmenl . f O PI Laps ot h11 other kind*, from children’* Jock«v* ►} M ^TV.i . :, M ' H „ K- B — Uavlng a private room for trying on m P. Boys’ Clothing, I must decline sending it out Si 2 be tried on, vxceptln cases ofilckness. Those a in went me invited to give me a call, at tho •• Clothing Storo Nos.69aml 150, Gibbon*' Range. 95 GEO. S. NICHOLS, , U A it MirtK At AND FA CTORY, ‘ i liHumler.igiieil has. opened an " estnhlishmeiit for thu purpose of Manufacturing Harness, « Engine Hose, Firemen’s Cups, Mill Bands, tic. Set. CSf Corner of Bay Lane and Droytomat. ti -it * 1 r ° ° l th ° PUbl ‘° P“ truu,, R‘ > respectfully « C Ju!y 15. T ' W 'Mln' Sfe JOHN l’OOl.F, WHOLESALE AND BETA1L DEALKB IN Paints, Oils, Turpentine aad Varnishesii'eench and American Window Glass, point, varnish and white wash Brushes sable aud camel-hair Pencils, badger and camel-hair Blenders, Grain ing Combs, Artists' Brushes, 4c. Ire. Paper Hangings, Bordcraund Fire Board Prints. N. I). House, Sign and Ship Pointing, Gliding, Graining,and Glazing done on reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE. H Whitaker Street, nearly opposite Swift, Denslow Si Webster March 30 P. JACOBS, CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign of the Indian) near Menu ment Square) Savannah, Gee. N. B.—Keeps Constantly on hand, Spanish. Hall Spanish uud American Sugars, nt Wholesale and Re. tail. Also Chewing Tobacco, Snuff; Ac. March 89. tf S A V A N N A H .Mutual insurance company, of this city. C. P. Uichakdsone, i’rest. J. A. Nonius, Sec. 'beabove'Company is uow prepared to take Ma- I'ineali.l Fire Risks, in this city or the *iirrounding country, on the most favorable terms, for which ap ply to theSeeretary, at their Office, No. 150 on the Buy. ly June 11 LONDON PHOENIX FIRE OFFICE. Take* Risks iu Savannah. .Apply to Aug 1. U. HABERSHAM Si SON, Agt*. bottles, assorted sizes, ju-t received and for sale oet 31 G. R. HENPRf KSON & CO. N EW CANAL FLOUR. -50 bids. Hiram Smith's Extra Canal Fhittr; 75 do. Pure Genes see. I.muling, and for sale by (jet 26 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. pTAiMS AND BACON SI OEW —gOlifils. NeffT l l extra Sugar cured Ham's 80 boxes clear Sides, landing from schooner J. H. Holmes, and for sale by nov 4 JAS. A NORRIS. E nglish haling and net~tvvine. 2 Bales each, above Twines, just received per ship Lancashire, from Liverpool, und for snlebv oet 30 McCLESKEY A NORTON. W II EEL It AH HO W8.- receivcd and for sale by oct 23 McCLEi -A large supply, jus !KEY A NORTON. Tea Waiters, single anil in setts, just received mid for sale ny " COLLINS A BULKLKV. A lton locke» Tailor and Poet: an Auto Id' a graph.v. ^ Popular Education: for the use of Parents and Teacher*, nnd for Young Psople of both sexes; by Ira May hew, A. M , late superintendent of Public instruction. II.story.- of Madaran Roland; by John S. C. Ab bott with engravings. Music: As it Was, and A* it Is; by N. E. Corn wall. M. A. ■ it* nnuiiri u«o tvt«tu. ■»••»” * - | ’ - „ * the season advances they will be gen- ges; Card Baskets Ln.y worn. Several velvet cloaks have been edged suitable for prese; 5* of cubic or chinchiJJu. The muffs I dec 2 COLL. with broad bunds c INS & BULKLEY, lOOBryan-et [ nov 23 JOHN M. COOPER. H. .1. ROY A LL. SURGEON DENTIST. W OULD take this method of ottering his proles. sionnl services to the public generally, and ex pressing his thanks for the 11 bend patronage heretofore bestowed. No pains will be spared to ensure entire satisfaction in H ll operations, and particularly in the insertion of artificial teeth free of pain, nnd natural in nppearance. N. B. As some are incredulous a* to the safety and utility of the I.efheon. (not Chloroform.) I would say thnt in no ease where I have admlnisteredlt, bas any injury been sustained, fro my ktiowfi dge;)atthr same time 1 would condemn Its indiscriminate use, the constitutions of some rendering it injurious, sept 7. HENRY K. PRK8TON, Teacher in the Olassics nml IMntliemntica, NO. 74 ST. JULMN-9TXEKT. sept 2 tf dr.morelt mm OFFICE—No. 157 BROUGHTON-ST. Feb.-.J SAVANNAH, GA. “book andTcFprintWg. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owen’s ^'‘Aiding opposite Pulaski House, Savannah. H prepared to execute all work in his line with dispatch, and in ft stylo not to be surpassed. Prieto us reasonable as any other establishment iu the city. 6m July 9. CAUINF .HALING unit t *• DLMT ERY.-H. 8. BOGAKBUS, „o- 95 Bullet., would‘nl'orm th"citizen*of9a- vorueh, tlmt ho hits taken tho above store, tor the purpose of carrying on the Cabinet and Up- itolsteriug business, viz: Making new and reparing old turnlture. 01.1 u”’Hture buughl aiid tuld. The bof. toms ol Sofas, Divuni, Chu rs, and Ottomans, made over and re-covered. Glass pintes of all sizes kept for tale. Carpet*, Oil Cl th. and Matting, out and nut lown. Bells hw! Lamps hung; Curtains and Roller Blinds pul up. Musical Instruments of ul) kinds ra- paired. Wool, heir and moss Matrasses lor snlot Also,toather beds,F jlstersnnd pillows. Old Mtura*. *e« mode over in the best manner. SN' fi Every description oi'Ccffina on hend wa biii» made to order, of the bourns- terials and finlsli: Prices low. S. B. has been engaged in the above business in the city ol anvnnnidi, tor the last,seventeen year*. which induces him to believe tlmt he can please ml those who will favor him with » portion of tlipir work. vanril' ' PIANO AffSil , URN IT URL STORE J The Fuusckuieks take, this method to inform theii-L, inetida iitul tho public that they arcuow mnkh additions to their stork of Plnnon nml Cabinet FnnsltuPei which they otter for side at Now York prices Onr stockqf Fnrhitureand Pianb* is aimio to our own order and selection. VVe have confidence in r*. eomim nd ng It to all who aro in want, and oh tb most accoiiimodnting terms. - 1 J. W. MORRELl, Sr. CO t.W. MonriELL. N. F. WB**TB Aum 1 PlG.NG l.Olv'JE.s.—The suhscr! her* would retp. etinilycoU attention to their stock vi Paine i*orre«, toiu- , pHsitig n varieiy of styles, comptts* aidhidrii.hyj. B. Dunham.A. riloiiart unit VVtn. Hid and Bon, New York, mid L. Gilbert, Burton; hi- eluding the metaiic frame, vibrating overbridge nn- riTmmihf 1 ' - ; Th / ee are of Ztl.i- ted durability, bused upon an estuhllshed rcputatiim ot ninny years standing, mid are ottered nt factory p rices by the manufacturer'* agents. „ „ F. ZOGBAUM A Co., q ,, Jul. ( ::n-*t.iind Mnrket-aq, -'.p7 n ^ “ nus tukt 'D jn exchntigo. PORTE 5IONA1S-A lirsutifulls' ftssoriiiient. Those in want will coll and examine our stock; also, Purses, Card Cases, &e.. Sec. 111 >v ^ J. B. CUBljEDGE, -South oftt.-, Market. 1MELODEONN. 'These beautlfni in struim nts m o recommended to the Musical World, us tiie most ur iqur invention of Ihe - kind ever produced. in key board is from torn; to live octaves in compass, „nd similrn to that of thr* 1 lniio Forte. By t1i%* ub#* of « ewell, flio volume ot tone can be increased so as to equal that of th* Chapel Organ, as substitutes for which tiny are b*. coming generally in use, Their beauty oi finish, su- perior quality ot tone, portability and extreme econ- "•ny oi price, render them all that is desirable fo those ..ho cultivate a taste for Sacred Music; whue their remarkable quickness of touch rendersthom sfiscep* tilde of the most rapid execution. For sale !-y tfa* Manufacturer's Agr ids, F. ZOGBAUM A CO, Aug 5 Corner St. Julian.st. and Market-square, WOOD YARD. FERRY WH K15M8I1 ART is prepared to supply nrd • tor Black Jack. Oak, Ash and Pino WOOD, the boat load or at retail. As usual, particular attention given to measurmet, For the convenience of permits residing in tho iij oer part ot the city boxes for orders, are placed 1 tho stores of Mewrs. Turner A Oden, John Mu chisnn, and at John M. Cooper, at the office of Morning News, and at the Dome of John T. Tm **, Jones-ttreet. t^Oash orders^promptly supplied '! A filiANDJUAN’.S Genuine Hair Dye. wil -Y* directions, foreale by L. J MYERS, t>,|V 9 Apotliecnrv. Smew’ Building ■jn Xl'ItACTS Ft) It THE HAXBK: A-z CMIIKF.—Lullin’* and Rous.d's Jenny I... i'opinack, Sweet Briar, Sweet Peas. Spring Ffowei Patchouly, Rose. Jassamine, Violet. Jockey Club Mul Ambre, Jonquille, Boq. de Caroline, Rough am Ready, Rose Geranium, Clove, Pink, Honey Snelr Mnueechne, West End, Ambrosle, Cedrat, Mil Fleurs, Tuberease, Hclliotrope, Magnolia, Mignnm tteji Boq. da* Damee, Verbena, and Citron Germiium, for owelty . JOHNA.MAy— ^(tv Hi Next door to CutTefl Si; »0,OUU FAlJt.w FLANTA1 |«ft M BltfllfANS—The Subscrihers are ® new receiving their usual supply of 3m Plantation Brogans, mnde in order by tiie most approved manufacturers. Our stock is very extensive nnd selected with care. Having succeeded in giving satisfaction fo those Who have favored us with their patronage for a series ot years, wo wo" respectfully invite Planters who have not ye chased of us, to give us a call, to whom we ) ourselves to spare no pains in pleasing. In ad* to our thick work, we keep constantly on ban hu ge mid choice slock ol Ladies’, Gentlemen’* Children Boots mid Shnt'B. Picaselry us. VEUSTILLE, LUEBURR0W A BUTLER net 1 i? ga (MI’S! J ust received and noWfope*. lug. a very tine assortment of CAPS, oi various kinds. They area very superi or article, and those in Want should «aE line tbc-m. ' . riERSON A HEH>T. LMIlRELLA^.-Alarge'^RJmi^f ok amt colored Silk: black mid colored isham Umbrellas. Just received and. for ’fcy, , . WR-fiYMONg, stand of Ilamllrcn & Symons, I.--Four months after date, application made to the Honorable tiie Justices of the rt ot Chatham county, when sitting for poses, for leave to *ell the following On i negro man named Peter, and all of J bilip Reilly, late of said county, the benefit of the heirs atid creditors of JULIA ANN P.rp LY, Adtll X 'AI’S>!!—J have Jnsf receivcd afmtber .ise^beautilul covered Cloth Capa lined ') for men and hoys, aim, foa hnnfiouiest •en's Cloth Jockeys. , ver bronghf fo till* aoon at the Clothing Store, Gibbons’ ti. S. NICHOLS rirCANDLES.-lO fif.li.'p^tS, ■5 H»'t do. do. do. do.: 75 kegs do. d* oxes Star Cardie*; 50 do./' ' Iperm do. : OOdo, fleiWl’* ..atjding arid for saio SCRANTON, JG ESN