Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 17, 1850, Image 1

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VOLUME 1. published daily and tri weekly B¥ JOHN M. COOPEIt. w. t. Thompson. Editor. terms: flie Daily Morning News i« delivered to City jibsoriberi at #4 per annum, payable halt yearly in ,tvnnee, or for ten cents a week, payable to the Carriers. Single copies, TWO cents. fuo Tri-Weekly Morning Nows,for the coun ty,containing allthe news matter and new advertise- Boiitiof the daily, is furnished for two dollarsper- i„nnm,in advance. Advertisementsinserted at the following rates: quare, 1 insertion, $0,50 | 1 square 1 month, $7,00 Jachcontinuance,.. 50 | lsquare,l week,... 2,50 IT Ten fines or leu to constitute a square. I.egal advertisements inserted at the nsual rates, Advertisements from transient persons or strangers, pint be paid in advance. yearly advertisers will be restricted to their regu- | tr biasnesses, and all other advortismnenta not pertain- jniio their regular business as agreed for, will becharg eilextra. " %■ > yearly advertisers exceedingintheir advertisements He average number of lines agreed for, willbocharged it proportional rates. rj»= Advertisements sentto this office without di rections as to the number of insertions, will be pub- lulled daily, until ordered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. rjp* All new advertisements appear in the Tri-week News, for the country. > * AH Letters directed to this office or the Editor must be post paid. THE MORNING NEWS. erngo, and the engravings, of which every subscriber has six this year, are extremely beautiful. Tbo work must be very iuditferent Indeed, if so many are not worth §5. CHARLEMAC, OF* Mr. Johnson of Tennessee, has moved in the House of Representatives, to encourage agriculture, to grant every man in the United States who is the head of a family, J60 acres of land. Free-Soilrrs Hacking Out.—The Washington correspondont of the Baltimore Sun says the Free Seilers find soma defection in their camp. It appears that Mr. Cleveland, Mr. Wilmot and others, hang back from a movement which is directed towards treasonable resistance to the laws. They will not carry their doctrines to the extremity of Veaistancei Mr. Horace Man deprecates the forcible resistance which Mr. Giddinqs invokes.—But Mr. Tiiaddeus Stevens and Mr. RooTjwill act as lieutenants to the agitator of Ashtabula. The Union also alludes to a free-soil caucus held a lew nights since in Washing ton city, at which certain prominent characters were missing. These are good omens we trust, mid most sincerely do we hope, that nothing may transpire to embolden these fanatics to another onslaught ’upon the South. Alf tho lato movement in the Southern States has had the effect to arouse opposition to aboli tion encroachment at the North, and to hold in chock the fell spirit of fanaticism which threatened thedos- tiuction of our institutions uud tho Union, it has not been in rain. [iCorrespondence of the Daily Morning News. | NEW-YORli, DEC. 11,1850. To-morrow having been set apart as a day of Thanksgiving in tfg| State, we are overpowered with (hearing anticipSBns of turkey—a terrific war of extermination has been going on for some days past igainst that hapless bird-; fora thanksgiving dinner ithout a turkey is liko a plum pudding without the plums. I am sorry to say that generally speaking, the day is not observed in the spirit in which it was originally conceived. Eating and drinking, and nil torts of animal enjoyments arc the sort of observance it meets with here. However the Sabbath is by too many, similarly desecrated, and what else is to be ex pected. All kinds of business is suspended; the tounil of Church goinn beiis is heard, though it fall* upon heedless ears; and outwardly the day has eve ry nppearance of being kept with due solemnity. The speeches of Senators Foote and Downs at the reception on Monday, gave much satisfaction, ex cept to the abolitioniBts. I repeat what I have before observed, that these receptions and speeches will produce, or I am greatly mistaken, beneficial results. Union meetings too 1 see are taking place in all parts of the country; and a bettor feeling I firmly believe Is now existing, at the Nortlqat least, the ‘sober second thought' has been cherished, and men begin to feel that it would be . unwise and impolitic to tamper with tlie foundations of the Union. 1 am glad to see that the religious denomination of Methodist, are very generally repudiating the action .of their minis ters, with reference to the Fugitive Slave Law. I nd you fhn preamble and resolutions passed by the lay members of one Church of tlint pursuasion in this city, at a meetinghcld on Monday evening :— Whereas, at a meeting of the Ministers of the Me thodist Episcopal Churches of New York, Brooklyn and Williamsburgh, Yield at the Mission Rooms iu New York, Nov. 9th, 1850,—a Preamble and Resolu tions were adopted strongly Condemning the Fngitive Slave Law. and also virtually repudiating that clause in our National Constitution which provides that “per sons held to labor or service in one State, under the Itws thereof, escaping into another, shall be delivered up ima claim of the party to whom such service or libor may be due And whereas the said Preamble und Resolutions may be supposed to correctly repre sent the sentiment of the Church in this cityThere- fore be it , Revived, By the Lay members of the Allen street M. E. Church, in general meeting assembled, that while we highly respect and esteem the Ministers of our Church, yet we consider it our duty td express our decided disapprobation of tbo aforesaid action »nd to declare our opinion that the tendency of the i«me is destructive ot the peace and prosperity of both the Church and tho State. Resolved, That we will at all times strenuously op- >o»e any attempt on the pnrt of Ministers or Laymen, >y denominational action, either in primary meet ings, or annual, or general conferences, to commit the MethodiBt Episcopal Church to, oridentily it with any political or abolitions! party or movement whatsoever. Thompson the abolitionist from England, is lectur ing without molestation now in Boston, but he has dissolved his connection with that party ; his lectures »ro of a historical and geographical character, and uro said to contain much valuable information. Tho Police Marshal of Boston, I see, is on trial, tor not in terfering to chock the disgraceful riot, that occurred when Thompson first appeared, but itseem3 that he seted by authority, and was directed not to inter, fere, unless an overt act were committed. This is the practice adopted by our Police here, and a very >»d one it is, for it is easier generally to prevents dot, than to quell one, when the rioters have’proceod ■ d to acts of violence. If this system be continued will lead to bloodshed yet. The Common Council of tho city have passed a °te of thanks to Capt. Henry, the officers and crew the packet shi p Devonshire, for their noble exer. ™» in behalf of the persons on board the Helena 'toman. I am sorry to say that tbo public huve not yet one anything for the sufferers, though private dona- ions have been given. Measures are now being ta- en, however, by public persons to effect Iho object, id no doubt that a large sum will be collected, The audition of some of tho poor creatureB is hbartrend. ng. The steamer Georgia went off quietly to-day for uivaua and Chagres, with 175 passengers—bow iffwent it was a fow months aince, almost every voy- scarcely space to lie on the deck, could he ob- “ined “for love or money.” The Florida came in yesterday with her usual reg' larity. I have not visited her consort lntely, but fill in a day or two, and report her progress. The Erie Canal is not closed all tha way through hear, though navigation may be considered, as tetty nearly closed. Immense loads of provisions te now arriving hero daily from above tide water L considerable advance on flour is spoken of, (but I. Mi scarcely credit the rumor. It is said that tho "ipply w m be short when tho river closes. It may : aconspiracy liko that tho coal merchants have en _ !f ed into, who have fixed the price at -$7 per ton, ough they still buy it at $4,60. This is a disgrace, ul and heartless proceeding, for it comos hard upon he poor, and will be tho means of drawing many to e Alma House. Lawyers Niles and Roberts are on trial to-dny in he court of Seesious, on the conspiracy, cifai go, ol 5 toning money py mepns of sham suits of Crim. '**• The affair looks dark, but the jury may doubt le testimony of the main witness ; anditis notes, ected that Havens, one of the witnesses will appear. Tho American Art Union will have its annual draw 's in a short time, and is pushing the thing as fast aq ossible, The paintings arc pretty good on the ay- The “Last Fast” Bigamist.—A New York letter to Philadelphia gives the following accountof a biga mist, mentioned in our own correspondence a few days since.— An extraordinary occurrence of premeditated vil lainy irnnspired in Brooklyn a dny or two since. If appears that a mnn named James Welsh hnd been paying his addresses to a young woman for a year or more, uud they were engaged to be married. He was constantly urging her to name a time for the coil, summation of their nuptials, and finally, Saturday evening November 30, was fixed upon. On that day nad evening lhe bride was slightly indisposed, Bo'thnt a briefdelny was necessary. Welsh left lior at 0 o’ clock, I’. AI., us was supposed for a short time only, but did not return to the house till neon of the next day Sunday. In the meantime lie had gone to tho resi deuce of another girl and married ami remained. He then returned to the house, where he had left hie sick bride, keeping his marriage a profound se cret from lier and her friends, and married her also thus providing himself with two wives in a little over twelve hours. He remained with the girl he last married two davs, and theu left her to brood over the deception that had been practised upon her. it is also snid that tho scoundrel has "anotner wife in Boston, to whom he was but recently mar ried. The gay deceiver has boon arrested, ami the probability isthatit will bo his destiny to spend a few years in the State prison, in order to teach him that one wife is as much as n man is entitled to as long as the law remains as,it is. NEW STORE. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, OIBKLLLAS & TRUNKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: WALDBUKG 8 NEW BUILT ING. many others, which they will take pleasure in show ing, as well as selling, to those who may favor them tublishment iu this city. no? 11 STALEY & HENDRY NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! BERNARD F. MacKENNA, (FORMERLY OF FHE FIRM OF CONWAY A m’kENNA,) Has just opened nu entire New Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which cannpt fuii to ensure a speedy sale. No deviution from first prices., 111 Congess-st., Monument-square. w J. B. CUBBEDGE, liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on his estah than he has ever before kept, comprising a very gen Please call at 159J CONGRESS-STREET, nu v 11 South of the Market., READY 3IADE CLOTHING. riVIIE Undersigned has received per Steamer Flo own superintendence. to understand ho is determined to sell the CHEAP. EST as well ns the BEST. hand: , , _ , Gent’s Business Frocks and Sacks. Kersey aud Blue Pilot Over Coats. Devonshire Drab do. do. Norway Coating do. do. Black and blue Cloth Cloaks. Pilot Cloth do. do. Black Dress Coats and Frocks. Brown aud olivo Cloth Frocks. Black super Doeskin Cassimore Pants. Fancy and ribbed do. do. Black Satin and fancy Silk Vests. Fancy Velvet and Chally do. Black, fancy, and white Kid Gloves. Black, white, and fancy Silk do. Merino aud Silk Undershirts. White and fancy Shirts. Red Flannel and Hickory Shirts. Stocks, Cravsts, nnd Suspenders. Collars, Umbrellas aud Drawers. SKY-EIGHT DAGUKRIUAN ROOMS. r»1UE citizens of Savannah and vicinity are in- A formed that I have, at great expense', added a splendid Reception Room to my establishment, for the accommodation of my patrons, wbfie those of a musical taste can amuse themselves on a most bonu- tilul Piano Forte, purchased exprcsslJ for tho use of my customers. PICTURE f taken in all weather by the use of my large sky light—an advantage never pussessed by those working by a window light.— Children’s Likenesses taken in a to 3 seconds, by a quick working instrument made expressly for chil dren. The citizens arc invited to examine thy Rooms and Specimens, over Zaugbaum St Co.’s Music Store, Market-square, Savannah, nov 1 W. V. PRENTICE. Chatham Superior Court,itlay Term, J 850 J AMES MORDECAI, i \ ) vs. f Libel for Divorce Sarah Mohdkcai, ) ; I T appearing to the Court by the retugn of the.sher iff, that the dcfeiulantcannot be foul ;1 in thiscoun- ty, on motion, it is ordered, that the i lid defendant do file her answer or defensive allcgati m in writing, to tho above libel, on or before tho first i ay of the next term of this court, or that the plaintiff' juveleuve to proceed ex parte to tho Jury. And it a further or dered, tliut a copy of this ol der bepulil lied in one of the gazettes of this city, once a lr ntli lor four months prior to the next term of this c urt. Extract lrom the minutes. - • JNO. F. GU1LMARTIN, Cl<Jk s. c. c. c. attg 14 ' lam—4tn Chatham Superior Coart, May (Perm, 1850. William J. Bandy, l vs.. > Libel'fwr Divorce. Rebecca Bandy, j TT appearing to this court by tho retuiju of tho Sher- A iff, that the defendant cannot be found in this coun ty, on motion, it is ordered, that tint said defend ant do file her answer or defensive nUetation in wri ting, to the above Libel, oil or before the first day. of tile next term of this court, or that the plaintiff havo leave to proceed ex parte to the Jufy. Aid it is further oidered, thutft copy of this order be publish ed in one of the gazettes of this city, onco a month, for four months, prior to tho next term of this court. Extroctfrom the minutes. JNO. F. GUILMARTIN, Clerk s.c. c. c. ^iug 14 m —4m nov 8 WM. R. SYMONS, 17 Whitatker-street. DECEIVED per brig_American ; 35 bbischoice JLL Apples 10 libla Ridwey Potatoes 10 do. Mercer do. 6 firkins choice Goshen Butter 20 wholo and half kits Salmons and Mackerel boxea Chathnm Superior Court ,3Iay Term, IS5I) Catiieiiink E. Barnaud, Compl't, 1 * Murdock Chisolm, Isaac B. Row- | In Equity. land, John T. Howland, Dolts. J JAN motion. It is ordered thnt Murdoch Lliisoloo and yJ Isaac B. Rowland, Defendants in the shove en titled case, who reeido wi thout the limits of Chatham county, do file their demurrer, plea or answer to tho bill filed against them by Catherine E. Barnard, on or before tho second Monday in January next, or that the same be taken pro confesso against them; and it is further ordered,tliHtacopy of this order be served upon them three months before the next term of the Superior Court, or published once a month for four months in one of the gazettes of tho city of Savan nah. Extractfrom the minutes. [Signed) JNO. F. GUILMARTIN, c. a. c. c. c. sept 7 lam4m tCOLOGNE.--Genuine Farina, in willow covered v-J bottlos, assorted sizes, just received and for sale/ oct 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. [YEW CANAL FLOUR.-50 bbls. Hiram 11 Smith’s Extra Canal Flour; 75 do. Pure Genes see. Landing, and for sale by oct 26 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON St CO. TJfABIS AND BACON SIDES.—20bbls. Neff’s Al extra Sugar cured Ham's 20 boxes clear Sides, landing from schooner J. H. Holmes, and for sale by nov 4 JA8. A. NORRIS. QHAWLS. — Scarlet Cashmere, Terkere, Rob ^ Roy,. Mourning and Half Mourning, long and square Shawls; for sale by dec 9 Laroche, bowne & co. A LTON LOCKE; Tailor and Poet: an Auto. /A. biography. Popular Education: for the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young People of both sexes; by Ira Mayliew, A. M., late superintendent of Public Instruction. History of Madame Roland; by John S. C. Ab bott. with engravings. Music; As It Was, and As It Is; by N. E. Corn wall, M. A. Further supplies of Night Side of Nature; by Catharine Crowe,and Mudicg} Delusions, by Dr.liook- er. Received by nov 22 JOHN M. COOPER. f|3EA WAITERS.—An elegant assortment of J- Tea Waiters, single and in setts, just received and for sale by COLLINS St BULKLEY. WHEELBARROWS.—A largo supply, just v » received and for sale by oct 23 McOLESKEY St NORTON. '1YUACB, OX, AND LOG CHAINS.—500 L pair, just received per ship Lancashire, from Liverpool, und forsale by oct 29 McCLESKEY St NORTON. IVTOUS DE EA1NES.—A very chcmp lot of De lfX Lnines, for sale by B. F. McKFNNA, oct 28 111 Congrnea-st., Monument-gq. T>A8TI1jIiES DE PAItlJS—For the alleviation JL and rmiicftl euro of Bronchitis, and other dis eases of the Throat, justivcoivod nncl for sale by oct 28 G. It. HENDRICKSON & CO. T TECKEIt’S FARINA—1 cuse, just received FA and for sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, oct 28 Smets' Building. T> ALTI3IORE FLOUR.—100 bbls., from new I) Wheat, landing und for sale by oct25 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON St CO. r<OItN.—Prime white Maryland Corn, in Store, V^/ nnd for wale low by ] nov 4 JOHN V. TARVER, Exchnmre wharf ’ W* STA R’S, Balsam of Wild Cherry, for Diseas- v v es of the Lung’s, just received and forsale by L. J. MYERS. Apothecary, ■ nor 4 Smet's Building e A GRAND JEAN’S Genuine Hair Dye, with if. directions, for sale by L. J. MYERS, nov 9 Apothecary, Smets’Building . POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. Handsome A Silk and Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs, of line r quality. For sale by oct 10 PIERSON HEIDT. JOHN D. J3SEE. ^ CA RD.—Tho Subscriber returns b^greattul thanks to those gentlemen who have kindly sent orders addressed to Messrs. Hamilton & Houston. and lie takes this opportunity to say, that firm was dissolved in January, 1811, and he has not had any connection with any other Clothing eilahhsnment in Sai , ^ A. r. HOUSTON. . dec 4 DYE, OLIVER & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay S t r s et, S i,sa » a A. M. M. Dye. S, H. Oliver. doc 12 1y DR. GANAHL, OFRICK AND K1CH1DBNCK, SOUTH UROAD STREET, On the North Side—three door* East of Barnard-st. {ijf* Hours tor coosultatto i at Office, from 7 to 10 A. M„ and 3 to 4 o'cl.ick, P. M. nov ,4 DR. WARNER, OFFICE IN HallooHTON-ST., NO. 100, TUR8E DOORS UK LOW DULL. ileaidenee in Bryan-street, oppositu the Stats Bank, doc 3 2mu WM. B. HALE, MANUFACTURER OF PEGGED AND SEWED ROOTS AND SHOES, Plantation Brogans, Farmer’s nnd Kip B ogans. 163 CONCI..ESS-STREET, nov 6 Savannah, Georgia. JOHN MALLERY, * DRAPER AND TAILOR, 155 BAY-ST", I / EEl’B constantly on hand a complete assortment A\_ of very choice CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, ot the newest sondes ana pattern*, tWIh a full supply of fashiondble READY MADE CLOTH INGuini Furuishing Goods, comprising every article of Gentlemen's Apparel. uct 26 PORT OF PLYMOTH AND DKVONPORT, ENG. CHARLES WOOD, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL AGENT, Al)VANCES Money, to any amount, on Goods -i- Y consigned for salo by Auction, or otherwise, the attention of exporters ia respectfully directed to this announcement. The above port compelsea grout ad vantages for the sale of Southern products—Corn, Sugar,Rice and Tabacco, would always command the higuiest market prices—containing, aa it does, a large population, und lieing an extensive Naval Station. Refer to Mr. W. It. Symons, Savannah nov 8 J- S. SOLOMONS XMT ILL contract to nxeeute Plastoring, of all kinds v v and styles, at the shortest notice. Wanted two or three Journeymen Plasterers, to whom steady employment will bo given, and tho highest wages paid. : Ajf" All orders for work oan bo left at the office of the Morning Nowa. Residence, President Street, next door to Mr.B. Sni der's. 6m oct 17 JOHN V. TARVER, Factor and General Commission 31erchnnt, AND DEALER IN HAY AND GRAIN. J3P Every description of Produce, amt Merchan dize sold on consignment, or purchased to ordor. Exchaugo Wharf. Oct 12 W. hi. WILLIFORD, < Auction St Commission Merchant, MACON, GA. PJP* All kinds of Merchandise and Produce (ex cept Liquors) received on Consignment, or Purchas ed to Order. GAINES <te CO., RECEIVINGAFORWARDING, AND OENKRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Chattanooga, Tennessee. BRYAN, VVILSON, GAINES & CO., Augusta, Georgia. THOMAS, WILSON & CO., Savannah, Georgia. TATILL GIVE their personal attention to Receiving IT and Forwarding Goods und Produce. Also to the sale of fall kinds of Produce and Merchandize that may be entrusted to their care. A. THOMAS, M. M. GAINES, P. B. WILSON, oct 3 J. J. BRYAN. JOHN POOLE,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Tur, mtine aad Varnishes, Franck and American Window Glass, paint, varnish arid whits wash Brushes, sable aud camel-hair Pencils, badger and camel-hair Blenders, Grain ing Combs, Artists' Brushes, (,c. Ifc. Paper Hangings, Bordorsand Fire Board Prints. N. B, House, Sign rnd Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining, and Glazing done on reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE, U Whitaker Street, nearly opposite Swift, Denslow it Webster March 30 P. JACOBS, CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign of the Indian) near Monu ment Square) Savannah, Geo. N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand, Spanish, Half Spanish and American Segars, at Wholesale and Re tail. Also Chewing Tobacco, Snuff) 4tc. March 29.' tf SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, of this city. C. P. Riohabdsone, Prest J. A. Nonsis, Sec. The above Company is now prepared to take Ma rine and Fire iUska, in this city or the surrounding country, on the most favorable torms, for whichap- ply to tho Secretary, at their Office, No. 150 on the Bay. ly June 11 LONDON PIIOJNIX FIRE OFFICE. Takes Risks in Savannah. Apply to Aug 1. It. HABERSHAM It SON, Agts. U. J. ROY ALL. SURGEON DENTIST. YIPOULD take this method of offering his profea. It eio.nal services to the public generally, and ex pressing his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. No pains will be spared to ensure entire satisfaction in all operations, and particularly in the insertion of artificial teeth free of pain, and natural in appearance. N. B. Aa some are incredulous as to tho safety and utility of the Lcthcon, (not Chloroform,) I would sny that in nocase where 1 have administered it, hRs any injury been stistamJd, (to my knowledge;) at the same time, 1 would condemn its indiscriminate use, the constitutions of some rendering it injurious, sept 7. HENRY K. PREHTON. Teacher in the Classics aud Mntbeuintlcs, NO. 74 ST. JULIAN-8TBEET. sept2 tf DR. 310 RE L i OFFICE—No. 157 BROUGHTON-ST. Feb.7.J SAVANNAH, GA. READ) tBtKBn Tho W !y InlVu ^ having 1 , returned from Now-'V ment of Boys’ Ready Made lotliing! O them to his patrons as low at possible. Each ar- ^5 E> tide will be marked with the selling price, and W no abatement from it The following will oom- W pose tbo assortment: 5 Hoys’ black Cloth Cloaks and Over Co 2 “ Drab and blaek Pilot Over Saok )q “ green, brown and bl’k Cloth Si o “ tnney Tweed, Oaa., Frock and S . P “ “ “ " Polka CoateCe “ lull trimmed bl’k Cloth Frock Coats § “ bloo, bl’k, br’n, green and Cadet Jackets W " bl’k mixed Satihet R. Jackets " inney Casfmero and bl’k Cos. Pants £ g “ TwePd. Cas. and Satinet Pants 2 q “ bl’k fig’il Satin Velentia and MrsVs Vasts. ® m Children’s bl’k and fancy Dress Suites. p. Boys’ white nnd col’d Shirts and under Shirts ° “ lino blue and black Nary Cape, with and ** h. without Covers, with a complete assortment r,f © H Caps of all other kinds, from children’s Jockeys (-3' H «P- m Eh N. B.—Having a private room for trying on C tu Koys’ clothing, I must docline •ending U out $ to i-oys mottling, 1 must decline sending it oqt fej rj to he tried oh, except in cases of sickness. Those O' in went ore invited to give nao a call,, at,the Clothing Store Nos. 69n«d 150, Gibbons’ T Sept 35 GEO. S. NIOHC UARNKSM MANUFACTORY. Thbtuideraignod lias openedan 4 establishment for the purpose " ^ of MaiiufncttAring Harness^’ i “ Engine Hoso, Firemen’s Caps.ms Mill Bands, &e. <fec. Corner of Bay Lane nnd Drsytol-st. A share of the public patronage ia respectfully so licited T. W. BUT AN July 15. , lyr CABiNE'" itiAKlKo and UP- HOLtWISMy.—H. S, BOGAllDUS, No- 25 Bull «t., would inform the citizens of 8a- vannuh, that he hae taken the aboVestore, for the purpose of carrying On the Cabinet and. Up holstering business, vtgi furniture. Old furniture bough! and in ' toms of Sofas, Divnnv, GlimVa, and Otl over and re-covered; Glntfs plates bf iill sale. Carpets, Oil Cloth', and Matting, down. Bello and Lamps hung; Cdytiur Hlinds put up. Musical Inatnimenfi of all „ paired. Wool, hair Rnd moss Matrasses for sale- Also, feather beds, bolsters ana pillows. Old Juatfas'. seo made over in tho best manner. ’< ~ l— -1 Every df Bcripttnn of Coffins on hand WMMJraHEE' mid mane to order, of the best ma terials und finish: Prlc'slow. fur. ’ H. 8. B. has been engaged in the above business inthe city oi, Savannah, tor the lost seventeen years, which induces him to believe that, ho can please all tlioso who will favor him with a portion of their w, uk. aprll 5—ly FIJI URNITCr'K t . , -r m . • -wothod to inform thoirl friends and the public that they arenow ma additiona to their stock of ■ Pianos and Cabinet Furniture. % which they offer for sale at New York price*. Our stock of Furniture and Pianos is made to our own order and selection. We have commending it to all who aro in most accommodating terms. I. W. MOf I.W. MOnBELL. Angl mftw-re FlftNO FORTES.—The subvert ber ? vronld respectfully call attention (J IT lil n to their stock of Plano rcirtes, eom- “ , c f “Posing a variety of stylos, eompass and finish, by J, B . Dunham, A. Stodart and Wm - ' a* Hill and Sou, New York, and L. Gilbert, Boromi in. “ cludingthe metalic frame, vibrating overbridge pa tent action, &c. These instruments are of warns- ted durability, baaed upon an establiahed reputation of many yeara standing, and are offered at factory p rices by the manufacturer's agent*. F. 20GBAUM & Co, _ ■ .. Cor St Jullaii.*t.and Market-aq. N. B.-Second hand Pianos taken in exchange. Sept. 17. nov 4 FORTE MONAIS—A beautiful aa assortment. Those in want will call and examino our stock; also, Puraes, Card Cases, &e., Sea. J. B. CUBBEDGE, South offt. Market. MEEODHONH. Theae beautiful in strumente are recommended to the Musical World, os the most ur ique Invention of tbo kind ever produced. io.kqy boaiid is from four to five octave* in compass, andatmilur to that of the Piano Forte. By the use of a swell, thb volume of tone can be increased so as to equal that of the Uliapcl Organ, as substitutes for which they are be coming generally in use. Their beauty of finish, su perior quality of tone, portability and extreme econ omy of price, render them all tliatindeeir«blejothoso who cultivate a taste for Sacred Music; whilo thoir remarkable quickness of touch renderstbem suscep tible of the most rapid execution. For sale by tha Manufacturer’s Agents, " ' its, F.ZOGBAUM&eO; Aug 5 Corner St. Julian-Bt. and Market-square. ! I fjf DBA 3101,ASSES. —100 hhds. prinio Cuba Molasses, for sale by oct 29 COHENS & HERTZ. ■O.RI31E UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS.— U Fine C Fine C'ashraer, Merino and Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawer’s, for sale cheap at the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s Range, by G. S. NICHOLS, oct 30 TND1A RUBBER BALLS—For sale by 1 dec 10 ■ G. It. HENDRICKSON <t CO. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. GEORUE N. NICHOLrtj Owen's Building opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, la prepared to execute all work in his line with dispatch, and in a style not to be surpassed. Prices as reasonable as any other establishment in the city. 6m July 9. I prepared tasupply orders k, Ash and Pitfe WOOD, ^y WOOD YARD. FERRY WHARF. D RE3ISHART is • lor Black Jack, Oak, the boat load or at retail. As usual, particular*attention given to For the convenience of persons rt tidii per part of the city boxes for orders, i the stores of Messrs. Turner &■ Oden, chison, mid at John M. Cooper, at the o: 20,000 FAIRS PLANTATION BROGANS"—The Subscribers aro now receiving their usual supply of Plantation BroganB. made to order by * the most approved manufacturer*. Our stock ia very extensive und selected with care. Having succeeded ifi giving satisfaction'!o those who have favored u« with their patronage for a series oi yeara, we would respectfully invite Plahtcrs who have not yet pur chased of us, to give its a call, to whom we pledge oursolves to spare no pains in pleasing. In addition to our thick work, wp keep constantly on hand * large and choice atock of Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Children Boots and Shoes, l’iease try us. VERSTiLLE, LUFBUHROW & BUTLER, octl 3m GAPS. Justrecoivedand no ing, a very flue assortment of C4 various kinds. They are a v4 ® or article, and those in want t nnd examine thorn, oct 10 PIERSON A HEIDT. U31BRELLAH.—AI urge assortment of ^blnck and colored Silk; black and colored ‘ Gingham Umbrellas. Just received and for •sale by , W. 11. SYMONS, oct 91 Old stand of Hamilton Jfc Symons. IVOTICE—Four months after date, 11 will be madeiothe Honorable the Ju made to the Hoporahlethc J Interior Court of Chatham county, whi ordinary purposes, for le»vn to sell f property, viz t Onv negro jtftan named the real estate of J bilip Reilly, late " deceased, fortlie benefit of the heirs saidest«te. JULIA ANN IUE aug27 C APS! CAPS!!—I have just received another lot of those beautiful covered Cloth Caps lined with Morocco; for.meo and boys, also tho hang lot of Children’s Cloth Jockey# overbrpug place. Call soon at tho Clothing Store, Range. nov25 G. MornlnK News, and at the house of John T. Thom- do. do. ;7i as, Jones-street (do. ;40 d 6'n and 8V nov 13 V dliUCC'DlXCCt.. ^jT Cash ordersjjromptly supplied T ABD AND CANDLES.-'10 SU Lard ; 25 Half do. do- do. da