Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 17, 1850, Image 2

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ER 17, 1850. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS, TUESDAY, D E C E t¥b morninu news, ■ fty John iii. coopKit. ^LLIAMTrT EOU PSON.E DITOR T K n M s: Daily Paper, $4,00::::: Tri- weekly, 52.00 All new Adverliemtnte mmijar in both- papers. OFFICIAL. LIST OB LETTERS, EMAIN1NH in the Tost Office, Savannah, Dee. IS j 1850. Persons wishing Letters from this List, will please ask for Advertised Letters : R Anderson W«8 Adams Thomas Adams Lieut W C Andrew* QeoH Allen Mr Geo W Battlste John Ballon Mrs Ellas Barrett Riclmrd Blankenship Peleg Barry Patrick d John D Barnard 1 Barnwell Mrs E C Baker William Brannln Mrs Baker Robert 8 Blakowood Dr B W Blair Carlton Blanca Joseph G Barry Patrick Barlow Charles Baker Alexander lilakqMra Brady Patrick Barry Oapt Chas E Brazeal Willi* H Branhue Peter, Brannally Michael Benfy Amos Bentley 8 C Bedford Wo Bertram Geo L Bertram David F Ahern Miss Joh’na Anderson Mis* Mary 8 Aller Mia* Sarah J Atkinson Jonathan Abbott Thomas n. Brewer Russel Barret James Bennett Mrs A A Bennett Mrs Mebltable II BroganB Beall Jesse D Best F W Benton Geo W Belcase Robert Bickell Edwin Blllard J D Brinton Caleb Bryan Thos W Borno Madame Blodgett Wm J Brockmton Capt Brodle Capt A M Bourk A Brown Miss Hannah R Duller Ezra C Burke Wm Ruttenwrath A H Burrows L G Burt Henry Butlor Maseer W G Brezeal Miss Josephine C HfDBt O’Neil Thomas' Owens Wm H O’Leary Thomas O'Neil Michael Oliver Joseph Parsons L D Parclls Thomas Patlcson John t Patrick Dennis M Patteo Frederick Perkins, Horace S, l’elot, Richard W Pridgeon Mrs Mary E Pringle John G O’Bryan Patrick O'Conners Thos O'Dowd Rosanna Olmeteail Miss Sarah M Ogleby Miss Geo'a Phenis Mrs l'itard Paul Pickett Charles II Price Thomas Plchford Rev Philbrick, Miss R J Polaine P Proctor John TUB GEORGIA PLATFORM. Quail Pierce Quinn Michael Remshart Daniel Redmund Daniel Regan Thonas Reed Mathew P Roiley Patrick Redmund John Ryan Thomas Ryan Mr Ryninger Henry Ryder James J Ryan Ellen • Rising, Wm C Ryan William Riordan, N F Kochford Michael Rohr II Roberts Miss M E Roche William Russell, Mrs AnnaS Cavener J W Calvin Mrs Dora II Campbell John Carley Peter Craft Susy Charlton Jno D C. Clarke Polly CreRghan Matthew Cline John Condon Wm Cronin Timothy Corson Curtis E Sadlor Henry R Stack Wm II Spencer Henry S Stevens S G Sherman Nancy Sbellman Jos M Stephens Capt Spencer Mrs Ann E Stephenson Jno Skinner Mrs Harriet F Silbuetein ChH8 Skinner & Gillard Stinson Calvin Sweeny Mack Smith Christopher Smith Patrick Smye Richard Simmons}Dr Jas N Stiles Rev Jos C Smith Arthur C 9 Smith Lewis II Stiles Geo W Stone Capt T 8 Stoop Charles Sommers Mrs Ann Sloanc John Strobel Miss C L Scott J E Scott Thomas Sewell Mrs Saruh 9 Sullivan Mathew Sullivan Joseph Sullivan Robert Champion Mrs Eliza Ann Courvoisie JasiA Carlfiton Granville E Cohen Mrs E W Ml Ann Calvatte Henry L Carleton Isaac II Carlr Aliza _ Carliek.Patrick ' Clare John 8 Cahill Robert Clark Daniel Calvett Henry L Cahill Thomas Clarke Patrick Collins James H Coles Miss Jane Cole Thomas Coombs Mrs Martha A Coffin Charles W Connell John M Cotter Patrick Coyle John Cockroft Robt H Curlin Patrick Cullen Allen Danese Nicola S Davis Mrs Maria Davis Mrs Frederica O Daniell Master O Y Debyon Miss Rebecca BoLyon James W Denegall Rebecca Dempsey Patrick Diokerson Capt H J Donley Mr Evans John F - Elfe Tenah Ann Enly John W Eldcit Jamos S Flatley Dominick Frazer Garrison Fleming Thomas Feay W T Fessenden O G Fisk Sewall Fisher Dr W A Doratee Andrew Dougherty Joseph Dow Gilbert Donoho Peter Dowd Michael Douglass John Dawson Ann Dunham Mrs Martha Duggar Chesley Dooly John E. Ennis Richard Exley lames B Eldridge Jas W Ensor George P. Foster Mrs J C Ford Capt .1 Fort Benjamin Fondey Wm H Ford Capt Jededlah C Freeborn Jas Thatcher Geo E Taylor N P J Taylor Wm Tapscott Miss Susan C Tracey James Treay Francis Treat James C Trittan Mrs Margaret E Timmons, Mrs M Twiggs Thomas Tiedman Anthony T. & V. Tyler Annie Thompson Mrs M C Tobias J I, Thorans Mr Total Abstinance Soceity President Turner John E Truman William Tutty William Vorous William Walsh' Maurace WassCapt Alfred Walsh John Watts J W Walker Mrs Catherine Walsh Mrs Jane Washington Jas Wells Mrs M E Webb Robt S—2 Webb Mrs Robert S—2 Williams W W Wylly Mrs Anne E WilliamsEdw’d F White Isaac L Wideman Toeod'e Williams Henry R VV. Williams Miss Julia Wheling Chas T Willcox Richard Wylly C G Williams Allen B Williams John M Williams William Williams WH Wise Mrs Brid TJ Williams Alfred Wilson Jonathan Witherell Capt Moses White P Woodward Seth Woftbrd Thos I Resolution* of the Suite Convention,Passed December 14, 1850. The fourth resolution having been materially amend, rd we republish the entire series ns they were adopted by the Convention. Tho vote on the final passage of tin) resolutions was—ayos 237 ; nays 19. He it llemlved by the People of Georgia in Convex, lion assembled, 1st. That, we hold tho Amoncan Un- iun,secondary In importance only to the rights and principles it Was designed to perpetuate. 1 hat past associations, present fruition and iuturo prospects, will bind us to it so long ns it continues to bo the safeguard of those rights find principles. Secondly, That if the thirteen original parties to the contract,bordering the Atlantic in a narrow belt, while their Bcperatointerests wore in embryo, their peculiar tendencies scarcely developed, their revolu tionary trials and triumphs, still green in memory, found Union impossible without Compromise, the thirty-one of this day mBy well yield somewhat, in the conflict ot opinion nnd policy, to preserve that Union which haB extended tho sway ot republican government over a vast wilderness, to another ocean, and proportionally advunced their civilizations and national greatness. Thirdly, That in this spirit, the State ot Georgia has maturely considered tho action of Congress em bracing a scries of measures for the admission ol Cali fornia into the Union, the organization of territorial Governments for Utuh and New Mexico, the estab lishment of a boundary between the latter and the State of Texas, the suppression of tho slnve trade in the District ol of Columbia, and the extradilion of fu gitive slaves, and (connected with them) |ho rejoc non of propositions to exclude slavery from the Mexi can territories and to abolish it in the District ot Co lumbia; and whilst she does not wholly approve, will abide by it ns a permanent adjustment ol this section al controversy. Fovthly, That the State of Georgia, in tho judg ment of this Convention, will and oughtto resist,even (as a last resort,) to u disruption of every tie which binds her to the Union, any action of Congress, upon the subject of slavery in the District of Columbia, or in places subject to the jurisdiction of Congress, in compatible with the safety, domestic tranquility, the rights end the honor of the slaveholding States, or any act suppressing the slave trade between the Biaveliold- ing States, or any refusal to admit as a State any territory hereafter applying, because of the existence of slavery therein ; or any act prohibiting the in troduction of slaves into the territories of Utah and New Mexico , or any act repealing or, materially modifying the laws now in force for tho recovery of fugitive slaves. * Fifthly, That it ia the deliberate opinion of this Convention, that upon the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Late by the proper authorities depends the preservation of our much loved Union. gy A memorial has received tha signature of a number of the lending mercantile houses of Baltimore for aid ot the Government, by a contract fqr carry, ingthe mail by a Ena of steamships between the ports of Norfolk and Baltimore, to Bomb port in Eng land, LATEST DATES Liverpool, Nov. 30 | Havre, Nov.28 \ Havana, D ec . Special Notices. HIBERNIAN riOCJKTY. A Regular Quarterly Meeting of the Hibernian Society will he held at the City Hotel To- t this Evening, 17th instant at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is par* tlcularly requested. By order of G. B. CUMMING, President. L. J. Guilmabtin, Secretary. dec 17 v-OTTON—Our market • and the sales ' ~ decline on the particulars ot the sales ; 32 bales liin't ! Ilf i 702 at 12; 602 at 124 ;767 aU*l 5 60 182 at 12* , 207 at 121; and 45 at lfite ’ w* ]s > Good Middling at 12* • Middling vw' Strict Fair at 12J cents/ 8 « Mt.trni Savannah Exports, Per schr Sea Gull, lor Havana_3U whola half casks rice. PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTING, BY T. J. JACKSON, NO. 129-i Cungress-st.over R. Einstein’s and oppo site Marshall Sc Aikln's dry goods store, jy Paintings for Balo. dec 11 Savannah Imports, Per Br bark Ar; tons lm* MEDIC A E NOTICE. Dr. KNORR has removed lite Office to Broughton- street, near N. E. corner of Montgomery. Reel' dence, No. 10 Barnard-st., near Market-square. Hours for consultation in Office, from 9 to 11 A. M., and from 3 to 5 P. M. nov 16 CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. y Candidates for office can bavo (heir notices published from this date until January 6th, for foor dollars in advance. There will be no ex ception to this rule. dec 6 Election Notice. Fellow Citizens;—I take leave to announce to you, that I am a Candidate for the offidtof RECEIV ER OF TAX RETURNS, on the first Monday in Jan uary next. dec 13 JOHN MURPHY. To tho Voters of Chatham County. Fellow Citizens ;—1 am a Candidate for the of fice of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS, at tho Election in January next, and respectfully solicit your support. dec 10 MICHAEL FINNEY. Young Eli A Young James T dec 17 Y. Young Phoebe GEGRGE SCHLEY, P.M. bavasjkaiBc Tuesday Morning, December 17, 1850. Largest Circulation iu the City!! G. Gray Christopher Gadd Henry Gartlacd, Rt Rev Grant Mr* H Garret Betsey Gray Pnilip Genren Patrick Genochlo F Greene Mrs Mary J Geil Nicholas Grehn Joseph Garrett Tom Gibb James Grigg Master Jas Gibson JohnW Gilbert Samuel A Gilham Mrs Eliza M Goodwin Michael Goulding C H Goldstein Wm Goleghar P Glenn Rev John W Guerry H E Correction.—^The copy of the report of the Com mittee of Thirty-Three, from which we printed yes terday, contained an erroj which Is corrected in the copy since received. In the eighteenth paragraph speaking of the resistance of the Abolitionists to the fugitive slave law, the report, bb printed, reads “We will predicate no extreme action upon their measures of repeal or of modification. In the cor rected copy the word menaces is supplied Instead of “measures-" As this change materially affects the sense, it is important that the correction should be c-J 'made. Aoit-.tion Begun.—That miserable Marplot, as the N. Y. Express calls him, Joshua Giddinos, has opened his batteries in the House against the Fu gitive Slave Bill. In his speech on Monday last ho contended that the President had no right to veto a bill repealing that act; that the act itself was unconstitutional, nnd could not and ought not to be executed. Slavery was a State institution over which the general government had no control, eifcer to regulate, jphold or abolish. He contended that the citizens of the non-slavcholding States could not be constitutionally called upon to aid in the arrest or surrender of a fugitive slave. No power of thiB gov ernment could compel the people of the North to in volve themselves in this crime. He said THAT THE LAW WOULD NOT BE AND HAD NOT BEEN ENFORCED IN NEW-ENGLAND, NEW-YORK, OR THE WESTERN COUNTRY. THE PRESI DENT COULD NOT ENFORCE IT BY HIS AR TILLERY AND HIS BAYONETS, AND IF HE SHED A DROP OF BLOOD HE WOULD SOUND THE DEATH-KNELL OF THE UNION. Wearc not disposed to sttachany great degree of importance to the declarations of such men as Gid dings, though we have from the first doubted tbe- possibility of enforcing the fugitive Slave Law- If .Us enforced, the North must enforce it. If it is not enforced the Union cannot be enforced. The fate of the law and the Union are in the hands of the conservatism of the North. Every truo patriot will await the result with anxious interest. ’ Election Notice. Fellow-Citizens of Chatham County :—I am a Candidate for tho office ot RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS at the Election in January next, and re spectfully solicit your votes, dec 7 W.W. OATES. To the I oters of Chatham County— Fellow Citizens : I am a candidate for the of fice of Receiver of Tax Returns, at the Election in January next, andearnestly solicit your support. Very respectfully your obedient servant, G. J. SPENCER. Commercial. .—Our market was animated , . reached 2,633 bales, at a qu ( fr te r , "' The fXwbg ™. Br bark Argyle, from Liverpool—Do* ia ?. i8i ™ n J l.V*.*™* «»ed, 59 caafa totth beer, 90 hampers potatoes. Shipping intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH, DECEMBERS PORT CALENDAR. MOON '8 P H A S B S Now Moon 3d. Oh., 8m. A I Full M’n,18d.,llh. 55m First qr. lid. 3h., 29m. A | Last qr. 25th, 4h. 16m!! 8 U N MOON High Dec. Rises., Sets. Sets. Morn, 1 8 5 0. H. M H. M. 11. M, H. M. 17 Tuesday 6 56 4 56 rises 06 56 18 Wednesday! 6 57 4 57 04 48a|07 43 19 Thursday,... 6 58 4 57 05 46 |08 28 20 Friday, 6 58 4 58 00 48 09 11 21 Saturday,.... .6 5»» 4 58 07 55 ID# 56 22 Sunday 6 59 4 59 09 03 10 40 23 Monday, 7 00 5 00 11 16 IU 25 Em ARRIVED. Br bark Argyle, Fletcher, from Glasgow—A Loi & Co. Shin Columbia,' Gruinley, 10 days from Boston. Brigham, Kelly & Co. Br ship Laurel, Short, from Liverpool, with 6' sacks salt—to E A Suullard. Scbr J Sc W Errickson, Myers, Philadelphia—to A Greiner. Schr Wm D Jenkins, Watson, Ogeeche, with 4 600 bushels rough rice—to R Habersham & Son. Brig Mary Eleaner, Parker, Baltimore—Brigham Kelly Co. Schr Fawn, Miller, Baltimore—Rowland & Wath burn. Jh Dr J P Screven’s flat, 1100 bu^ls rough rice tt R Habersham & Son. Steamer Isaac Scott, Taylor, Hawkiusville—Brig ham, Kelly Sc Co. CLEARED. Schr Sea Gull, Bullock, for Havana—Cohens Hertz. DEPARTED. Steamer Metamora, Feck, Charleston. Receiver of Tnx Returns. Mb. Editob : Please announce Rev. S. H. Cooper as a candidate for the Office of Receiver of Tax Re turns tor the County of Chathum, at the election in January next, and oblige nov 30 MANY VOTERS. To the Voters of Chatham County: Fellow-Citizens :—I am a candidate for the office of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS, at the election in January next, and respectfully solicit your suffrages. A. F. TORI.AY. nov 25 Hate James G Harris Edw’d B Henley Patrick Bammell Wm Hardee M B Harmon Miss Olivet Hageman Jos Handley Mrs Marfha Hardee Master Wm Hariin Patrick Havens E W Kauby Thomas Hardee P E Hamlet Mra Lydia Hackett Mrs Johanna C Herbert Mrs M G Hendrickson Chas . Herman Peter Heims W B Herb Martha Ueagecey James H. Henory Buchan Hlgana Miss Lucy Hickey Patrick Hinds Ambrose Hyams Lavinia Hough E C Holonan John Hostmark Gerhard Hoffinan Chas Hoxle Capt Elihue llogen Patrick Hodges Wm Houlihan John Holien James Hunna Wm HuBon George Humphrey Dexter Hunter Mrs Sarah R Hunt Miss Wealthy A Hutchinson Mrs M C thunder shower passed over our city last night, between 11 and 12 o’clock, accompanied with vivid lightning. Georgia and Cnrollna. In giving place to the following article, from the Marietta Union, we do not desire to be understood as endorsing its spirit, so far as relates to Carolina.- The article contains some good hints as well as some illiberal, and, as we think, unbecoming reflections upon our neighbors, such as we are sorry to see in dulged at a time like the present. We are for meet ing mm Carolina friends in a fraternal spirit, and of J ng with them in generous and honorablo Hy Mr. Wklton, who is engaged in sinking the Artesian well in Charleston, has penetrated to the depth of nine hundred and fifty-two feet. The last nineteen feet perforated was through a stratum of argilaceous slate, intermixed with granitic boulders, one of which arrested proceedings on Friday. Jaleneau John Johnson W W Jackson Martin Jackson George Jackson Robert Jennings J M Johnson Stephen Jones L A Jones Mrs Elizabeth Ivor Miss M A Jones Jno L Kavenaugh J era'll Kent Jos F Ken^yMrsJehn Kendrick DH Kelly John Keeblcr Lemuel H Keyer Miss Signs Kcaher Capt David Kenny Thomas J. Jones Robt A Johnston John Jones Jno P Johnson C F Johnstbn J H Johnston Dr Wm Jones Mrs S A Jones Henry W Jones Mrs Augustus Jones Miss Virginia Jones Mrs Mary A K. Kellam Hiss Sarah Kehrer Mina Kettleband J D Kibbe Joseph W Kellum Miss S M Knight Noah B King Capt K B Kierulfy V Kohibaiss Dr Laugblin Jno Larkin James Laver Wm Lawton Win Law Chaa Laine Mra S E D Lavan John Lathrop F E Lenaghan Patrick Lee Barnv Leach B W L.. LegetMrs Louis Lynch Patrick Lincoln John T Lynch Edward Lynch James Lovell Payne Liddy Beenard Lurer G J Lundy Miss Fanny Lucas Samuel W rivalry iuall matters pertaining to the commercial Interests of our city and State. But we would be the last to deal Carolina an ungenerous blow, or to exult In her misfortunes. We feel that she belongs to tho Southern sisterhood—that her destiny is idvn titled with our own,and thnt her estrangement would be our weakness. Sustaining the relation to her that we do, we feel that it is unbecoming in us to join in the chorus of the Northern presses in taunting and ridiculing her people, who, if they are rasb, and im petuous iu the vindication of their rights, have had much to insense and exasperate them. Whatever her errors, it ill becomes us to upbraid Carolina with her weakness, or threaten her with tho power of tbe General Government! ■/ Savannah.—If Thereis any sincerity in thethreats of South Carolina to secede from the Union, it be comes important that Savannah should be amply pre S ared to meet the demand that will be made upon or market, in consequence of a large trade diver ted from Charleston. So far as Georgia is concern ed, she owes a greater manifestation of interest in the welfare of her own seaport than lias been here tofore apparent. Let Savannah be to Georgia what Charleston is to South Carolina. The internal im provements of South Carolina, all have for their object tho enriching and agrandizing of her great metropolis ; white chose of Georgia (her State en- terprizes) serve Bimply as channels through which commerce flows from her, and her metropolis into an adjoining State. This is wrong policy at sny time, but more especially now, when a dependence on so rebellious a State as South Carolina, might es sentially embarass the commmercial affairs of our own citizens. The Coinaoeattiie Mint.—TheU. S. Mint at Philadelphia, is coining money at a very rapid rate i having during the last month coined over four mil lions of dollars, will this month exceed five millions and the following month reach the large sum of six millions. The principal part of the-coinage is in gold, although ouough silver is turned outtor the general circulating medium of the country, and there would probably be no scarcity of silver coin were it not for the fact that it has been commanding a pre mium for shipment to England and California. Benton After the Presidency.—The Washing ton correspondent of the Baltimore Clipper says : Benton's speech yesterday, when introducing his bill for the selection of a site by the President, und the immediate erection of a Western Armory, was tho first opening of a campaign on his part in efforts to create a western sectional party, and to place him self at tbe head ol it. His great object is, the manu- facturo of thunder to give him the vote in the valley of the Mississippi at the next election of President. He is pretty well understood, however, and his uffin ity with the abolitionists will kill him off,even should he carry every measure that may come up before Conriess in which the Westhss an interest. CHINESE Revolution. The people of the “flow ery land,” although g iqe ally ns calm and contented with their lot as the disciples of so profound a philos opher as Con-fut-see should be, nevertheless can sometimes be warmed Into a passion. Such seems now to be the case, and a part of the subjects of that great monarch, who claims to bo first cousin to the moon, are in a state of actual rebellion. Late advices Inform us that an insurgent army of 50,000 men was within forty leagues of Canton; one district town had been sacked, another was in a state of siege, and tho Imperial troops had been repulsed with great loss. Receiver of Tax Kedhrns for Cfaantham Co. B. T. THEU3 will be a candidate for the Office in January next. Oct 9 ATTENTION 1 GERMAN FIRE COMPAN f A Meeting of the above named Com - pany will be held on Friday Evenin next, at 8 o’clock, over J. II. Strous/. As the Officers are to be olected, every member t requested to be punctual iu attendance, By order. W, HUMPHREYS, dec 17 4 Secretary. FOR NEW-YORK—New Line. ■ The regular packet schr. VIRGINIA, Capt. Hobart, will have immediate dispatch for thr above port. For Freight or Passage, apply to dec 17 ROWLAND <fc WASHBURN FOR BALTIMORE. The schr. FAWN, UnpL Penniston, wil -have dispntch for the above port For Freigh or Passage, apply to To tlie Voters of Chatham County : Tbe undersigned is a Candidate for the office of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURN^, at the election in January next, and respectfully solicits your suff rages oct 13 . J6 WM. NEVE. dec 17' " ROWLAND & WASHBURN. FOR BALTIMORE—Regular Line. La The suocrior packetbng MARY ELEANOR The superior packet brig J Capt- Parker, linving most of her cargoen gaged, will have quick dispatch. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, atTelfair's wharf, or in dec 17 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO PASSENGERS, Per brig Mary Eleaner, from Baltimore—Mr Har rison. Per Br ship Laurel, from Liverpool—Master Par- ry, Per schr Virginia, from New York—N M Morris, J Hamilton, G L Bertram, D L Stevens, R G Brown, G R Ward. Per ship Columbia, from Boston—Mies M Cutts, Prof Darling, AP Bunker, WR Miller, W Boston, B P King, if McKenzie, 6 steerage. CONSIGNEES I’V.R GEN'IKAL “AlL-ROAD, Dec 16.—1112 bales cotton andmdze, Holt &. Both- well, Boston & Gunby, W Duncan, Hardwick & Cooke, Rabun & Fulton, Behn & Foster. C Ilart- ridge, Hamilton Sc Hardeman, Washburn, Wilder & Co, E Parsons & Co, Cohens &. Hertz, F T Willis Sc Co, Franklin Sc Brantly, G W Anderson Sc Co, John Jones Sc Son, J V Tarver, R A Lewis, Lawton Sc Dowall. Manell Mr* Aim JManua M Mollon Bernard Mansfield Samuel Mallette John D Mava Patrick D Martin Jno Ac. Patrick Alar tin James Mayer J E Marshall Andrew Mara Mr Maryman Thos Mathew Rev Tb'd Meudish Mra Hannah Merritt Reynolds Myers Ms Marg’t Mills Enoch Myers Capt M Mi Mills James Mitchell Mrs Willhcm G B Miller, Mrs Mary Ann Milne Hugh Middleton Chas E Miller John B Morris McM A Moore Chas Mongin Mrs David Moddin James Morse Mrs S Morris W U Morrell M L Moran Mathew Mulvaoey Marg’t Murphy Thomas Murphy Bridget Murpby John 31c. M’Entee Thomas Jil’Cape Edward M’Donell Thadeus M'Inerny James McDoncJl Miss Georgian- na N M’Curter Mrs E H M'Bride James M'Lennan Alex M’Entee Hugh Another matter should be considered by our peo ple. A difficulty between S. Carolina and tne General Government, would at once have the effect ol de preciating her currency. and as it is largely in circu lation in Georgia, and has been rumored to be, n abort time back, in an uncertain condition, any sud den change in that State's relations towards this Gov ernment, would bring suffering upon the holders of her money iu Georgia. We do not pretend the pre diction of any of these results, but the martial spirit of our chivalrous neighbors is aroused; General Brisbane, ot' her military school, Is already sketch ing a line of defense for her troops, officered by his pupils, and however successful may be their demon stration upon “ Muson sud Dixon’s line," it may reasonably be anticipated that the cash box will sut ler by the operation ; while her troops are going through the coffin manual along the aforesaid line, Uncle Sam may send some of Old Hickory’s patent sugar machines around to the mouth of her harbor. War is a game that two can play at, and South Caro- lana “ blue pills" on “Mason and Dixon's line," may bo met with sugar-coated pills at Charleston harbor. If nothing will satisfy her but a fight, it is no.ipart of Georgia’s business to foot the bill. Hence we say, look to Savannah mark-t, and our own State curren cy. Let not the business of Georgia flag, because South Carolina wants to go a “sogermg I” . jgp” The Cholera at Jamaica, wo are glad to be assured , on thelaith of private tetters, b^y the Em pire City, was beginning to .subside. The city of Kingston is said to have lost no lower than five thou, sand inhabitants by the scourge, and Port Royal a proportional number. Fboh IIayti—By the brig Louis Walsh, Captain Milliken, arrived at New-York, we are informed that the Emperor had issued a proclamation to his sub jects, reccomraending them not to eat salt provisions, as it was a great inductive to tho cholera. It was thought tiiis arrangement, if carried out, would ma terially affect the market In those articles. The exis tence of the cholera at Jamaica had caused great alarm among the Hay t <T.t. Compliment to an Actoii.—Our readers will re member Mr. Couldock, the gentleman who sus tained Miss Cushman, during her engagement hero last winter. His chasteness of style graphic delinea tions of character, and correct elocution, mnde him during his short stay among us, a favorite with the discriminating portion of his audiences. We ob serve that he is not less appreciated by the Philadel phia public, where he is ut present performing— The Ledger thus speaks of him, ia alluding to a com plimentary benefit, which had been tendered to him by his friends: This gentleman has, since his "sojourn in this city, won a high reputation as an actor of sterling merit, und he has won it against some little prejudice which first assailed his performances. Now ho is acknowl edged one of the’best actors upon the boards. His admirers in this city intend to present him this eve ning with a star ot brilliants set in gold, in which they are about two hundred mid fifty stones. It is a beautiful ornament, and will be presented by the stage manager, Peter Richings. Sueh a compliment is rarely received. In this instance it is awarded well merited. CONSIGNEES, Per ship Columbia, from Boston—Behn Sc Foster, Brigham,Kelly Sc Co, Collins Sc Bulkley, Cohen & Fosflick.H J Gilbert, EHendereon, O Johnson Sc Co, W B Kendall, CAL Lamar, J II Ladd, I W Morrell Sc Co, W H May V. Co, T It Mills, Order, E Parsons Sc Co, Philbrick & Bell,SM Pond, Rowland Sc Wash burn, Rabun Sc Fulton, Snider, Lathrop Sc Nevitt, Turner Sc Henry, Vcratille, Luflboro Sc Butler, C Van Hern, VV M Wadley, R D Walker, Washburn, Wilder & Co, E F. Wood Sc Co, T S Wuyne. Per schr Virginia, from New-York—Brigham, Kel ly Sc Co, J C Brown, J E Cady Sc Co, W A Cherry Sc Co, G A Conner, D L Cohen, H A Crane & Co, J G Falligant, VV VV Goodrich, Hamilton Sc Hardeman, Hone Sc Connery, Pi Hopkins, A Haywood, T S Wayne, J D Jesse, 1 W Morrell Sc Co, J Murchison, T R Mills, Philbrick Sc Bell, S M Pond, J ltossenu, E Reed, Rowland Sc VVusbburn, Swift, Denslow Sc Co, VV 11 Smith, D O’Conner, E O’Byrno, A Welles Si. CO, Wood, Claghorn Sc Co, Wasliburn, Wilder Sc Co, Verstille, Luffboro &. Butler, W P kongo. Per steamer lsnac Scott, from Hnwkinsville—771 bales cotton and mdze, to C Hurtridge, Hamilton Sc Hardeman, Smith Sc Humphreys, G N Neyle, F T Willis Sc Co, Brigham, Kelly Sc Co. Per Bchr J Sc W Errickeon, from Philadelphia— llchn Sc Foster, 11 A Cruue Sc Co, Cohen9 Sc liertz, Collins Sc Bulkley, Davis Sc Copp, Einstein Sc Eck- man, 8 Sc II Hoyt Sc Co, C A Greiner, Hardwick Sc Cooke,VV B Hate, J Lippman, JH Ladd, S Merault, A N Milter, T R Mills, S M Pond, Sw ift, Denslow Sc Co, Scranton, Johnston Sc Co, E Truchelet, T M Tur ner Sc Co, Way Sc King, N B Sc H Weed, VV T Wil liams, P Wiltherger & Son, T S Wayne, G Conke, M J Reilly, J Waiter, P D liilzhcim, and order. Per schr Howry Alfred, from Boston—T S Wayne, I VV Morrell Sc Co, 8 M Pond, Dr A G Oolmor, N B Sc II Weed, T, R Mills, B M Fosdick, Rowland Sc Washburn, IV Connornt, E Parsons Sc Co, Verstille Duttboro Sc Butler, W B Kendall, Brigham, Kelly & Co, II J Gilbert, Philbrick Sc Bell, T J Walsh Sc Co Wood, Claghorn Sc Co, W P Williams, O Johnston Sc Cn,E F Wood Sc Co. Per brig Mary Eleaner, from Baltimore—A Welles Sc Co, Brigham,Kelly Sc Co, S M Pond, J Murchison, T S Wayne, Scranton, Johnston Sc Co, W II Stark, F Harrison, A Borchart, AF Mere. VV Sc R Mclntire, J Mclntire, Dillon Sc Hurte, J V Tarver, A A Solo mons, Swift, Denslow Sc Co, A Haywood, Cooper Sc Gilliiund, J D Jessie, T Boyle, D R Dillon, H J Dick erson, J E Cady & Co, T R Mills, Uardcastle a: Ca- ruthers, Wood, Claghorn Sc Co, Robt Habersham Sc Son. Awful Disasteb.—By a passenger on board the ship VandaliaXhe N. O. Picayune teams that the bark Emily, from San Francisco to Rcleajo and Panama, was lost on the Pacific const on tho 20th September last. Out of nearly 200 persons on board only two were saved; one a passenger and the other one'of the officers of the vessel. Nn names give*. C REAM ALEi —36 bbls. Cream Ale, landing from barque Savannah; for sale by ' dec 17 , W. M. DAVIDSON. P OTATOES AND CABBAGES.—100 bbl Potatoes, and 4 crates Cabbages; landing and fo sate by ROWLAND Sc WASHBURN, dec 17 L'LOUU.—100 bbls best Baltimore Flour, landio r from Brig Mary Eleanor, for sale by ic 17 ' , BRIGHAM, KELLY Sc COi ALTIDIOIIE IIAM8-—600 Prime qualil) JCr Roloson'e Baltimore Hams, landing irom sew Fawn, ter sate by B R. IG II AMl KELLY Sc CO, O ATS.—500 bushels Seed and Feed Oats, inbaf of 2 bushels each, landing h t [. for sate by DAVID 11. DILLON, dec 17 Foot of We6t Brosd-tt TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOIte- P ROPOSALS will be received until the 15tn uary next, for the building of an Ed flee John’s (Episcopal) Church '1 he matendl Uriot principally of brick. The Lot is on . Plans and minute drawings and specification J examined at the store of G. It. llemiricbao All offers must be in conformiiy with them. G. R. HENDRICKSON, WM. B. GILES. JOHN W. NEVITT, JOS. S. FAY, doe 17 tiirff THIS DA Y. BuUdto Coin® i DRAW S Sales close at 3 o’clock this afternoon. 114,000! GREENE Sc PULASKI I,OTTER Class No. 78, for 1850. To be drawn in Savannah, Ga., This Day, cce 17th. J. W. MAU.ttT£ CO., Manage" 66 Number Lottery-12 Drawn Ballot:. , —SPLENPin SCHEME— 1 Prize of... 814,000 11 Prize of-..- 1 do. of 3,500 5 do. ol- . _r “iinn 25 do. ol CJCOTCH'WHISKE Y.-10 5gal diniejolms Islay £3 Whiskey; also, one puncheon Islay Whiskey, in bond. For sate by VV. M. DAVIDSON, -dec 17 AY*—l’li'mti Eastern Huy in store, and for Buie H by dee 17 DAVID R. DILLON, Foot of West Broad-at- W ool*.—Prime Block Jock, Oak, Ash, and Pine Wood, landing and lor sate by DAVID R. OH,PON, dee 17 Foot of W«!st luuaii-et. bar. 1 do! of::;::::. 2,000125 do, See. &c. &c - Tickets 84—Shares in proportion. Packngo of Wholes cost 88—must draw .« 4 44— " | 22 “ Orders enclosing the cash P r ^ m fi?“iq t M))GT0li' dec 17 h - „ LAST DAY OF SALB^ 8 Dmwala .jriB Ci.y Thl-Day^ REENE SC' PULASKI MONUMENi Class 78. Savannah, December 17tb, lpw ' .$151! J. w. MAU11Y & 12 Drawn numbers out of 22 P ic *‘ c SOMETHING FINE $14,000!! $3,300-«2000-S1,S13-'3 ° $300. Ticket, only !?'!-shares jywggjXW Package of Wholes cost mu» „ Frizes Cashed at rtj* Tickets and M^fwtaW^rf Country attended No. 5 B^T tho Managers” Owens’ Buil<ffo6' ^£ dree^y # tetely Soted by P.B. dec 17