Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 17, 1850, Image 3

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savannah B A RN A R D ST RE ET CHEAP >4 ’ dry goods store, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG ’ SOUTH OF TUB MARKET. ,nHE SyOSCKIllEtt having ju.t returned l trora the North, hot now ready and offers for ,,ln at such prices ae must give saturation, a largo .ml caretnlly aolocted stock ot foreign and domestic dry goods, Consisting in part of BnowNend Bleachkd Sh’kkt- itias nnd SHTRTtNos, all widths und qualities, Blue Denims, Bod Ticks, Shirting Stripes, c'ld Homespuns jiul Apron Checks. A large assortment of col'd and MOURNING CALICOES, jlourninc and colored Ginghams, Furniture Calicoes White Marseilles Quito and Counterpanes, and Fur- "d'Iess goods. Black Silk Lustre, and Satiu Striped Alpacas, Meri boss and Canton Cloths, Plain and Satin striped Cash- more*, and Dolnnes, Ooburg and Lyoncse Cloths, Black and Colored Poplins. With a splendid collec tion of Plain, Brocade and Satin Striped MOHAIRS AND ALPACAS )n Brown, Purple, Morono, Green, Blue, Olive and «ode Color*. BLACK SILKS. for Ladies’ Dresses, Mantillas, &c. 28, 32 and 36 in ches wide with Black Silk Laco to suit. plain and Embroidered White Canton Crape Shawls, and Black Italian 811k Mantillas HOSIERY, A full assortment of Ladies’ Misses’, Gent’s, and Hoys’ Bose and Half Hose; Gent’s Under-VeetB and Drawers. LINEN GOODS. Finger-Spun Irish Linens .“warranted all pure Lin '•CO Yarn, and sound blench, from 25 cents per yard upwards. 6-4,7-4, and 8-4 LinenTable Damask, and T.blo-Cloths, Long Lawns, Damask Napkins, and Douley’s, Birds-eyo, Scotch ana Russia Diapers; Black and Brown Hollands, Dowlas nnd H. back Towels: bordered and H. stitch L. C. Handkerchiefs BLUE AN D BLACK CLOTHS, Black and Fancy Cassimeres and Vestings; Cadet, Bluo, Oxford and Black Satinets, Kentucky Jeans aud Tweeds. BLANKETS and flannels. Extra Sup. 10-4, 11-4,12-4 Blankets for family use, and low priced, do. twilled and plain, for servants; Super 7-8 and 4-4 Flannels, Red, Blue, and White do. low priced. A very large collection of WOOL SHAWLS From 25 cents upwards. Ladies’ and Misses’ Zephyr Wool Hoods, Children's Wool Boots, Wool Mitts, and Pulse Heaters, Collars, Black Lace, Green am Blue Barege aud Gauze VEILS. Black nnd Col'd Silk and Kid Gloves, Figured Lislo and Silk Lace, Linen Edgings, Thread and Lisle do. and Laces. A Superior assortment Gent’s FANCY SILK CRAVATS, And pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders; Head-hand kerchiefs in great variety; Umbrellas and Parasols; Purse Twists, Beads, Bpad Fringe, &c„ Ac. t^=> ah 0 f which will be sold at Buch prices as wilfclearly show the advantage of purchasing for cash. T. McKENNA. P. S. A lot of LADIES’ CORSETS, on consignment, daily expected, which Will be sold by the single pair, at wholesale prices. oct!6 MWF 3m . AUCTION SALES. City Lots, foi Least of Taentf-one Years. O u J ‘ WAI.SH A CO; N THURSDAY next, 19th, will be leased, on tho premises, at 3 o'clock, P. M.: Sixty valuable Lots, lOO.by 00 feet situated on West Broad-street, South of the Rail Road Depot, ior twenty-oft? years, with the right of renewal eub- ject to an appraisement. Diagrams ot the Lots can be had by applying at the Lounting-Room, and all information respecting them * lven - dec 16 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. m A 1,ARCK ASSORTMENT OF SPLENDID Q IF T BOOKS, FOR 1851. PRAYER BOOKS, BIBLES AND JUVENILE BOOKS. The PnthwnyB and Abiding Places of our Lord: illustrated in the Journal of a Tour through tho Land of Promise; by J. M. Wainwright, D. D. °nr. Saviour, wjAh Prophets and Apostles; a series of lahighly finished Steel Engravings, with Descrip tions ot several Americun Divines; edited by the Rev. J. M. Wainwright, D. D. The Queens of England; a series of Portraits of Distinguished Female Sovereigns; Drawn and En graved by eminent Artists, with Biographical and Historical Sketches, from Agnes Strickland. Professor John S. Hart. Evenings at Donaldson Manor, or the Christmas Guest; by Maria J. McIntosh, Sacred Scenes, or Passages in the Life of our Sa viour ; by, various eminent writers—embellished with sixteen steel engravings. The Female Poets ot America, with Portraits, Biographical Noticos and Specimens of their YVrit- ings; by Thos. Buchanan Redd. The Sacred Annual, or Gilt for all Seasons: edited by the Rev. B. Hastings Weld. Leaflets of Memory, an illustrated Annual,for 1851 edited by lleynell Coates, M. D. ty-live subjects from Modern Masters, engraved in the highest style of Mezzotinto; illustrated by ap propriate nrticles in prose and verse. by Emily Percival. Rev. Edward, E. Hale. Wilmot. Tho Snow Flake; a Christmas, New Yearand Birth Dav Gift, for 1851. 1851; by Uncle Thomas. Souvenir, for 1851. several American Clergyman; edited by Wra.B. expressly for this work. various sizes and styles of binding. Juvenile Books to suit all ages. A good supply al ways on hand. J. B. CUBBEDGE, dec 7 South of the Market. B utter, cheese, bacon &c.—20 kegs choice Butter, 50 boxes Cheese. 5 Hhds, Bacon, SideB and Shoulders. TOO Reynolds Hams. 25 Bids. Hiram Smith's Flour. 100 Bbls. Gennesee aud Baltimore Flour. 50 Boxes Sperm nnd Adamantine Candles, 200 do. and half boxoB Soap. 50 Bbls. halves quarters and bags Buck Wheat. 75 do. wholes halves and quarter do. Raisins. 50 Kegs Lard. 50 Bbls.crashed and powdered Sugar. 20 Bbls. Coffee Sugar. 100 Bags Rio and Java Coffee. 40 Packages Tobacco. 10 half chests Hyson and black Tea. 50 Bbls. Butter, Soda, Sugar and Water Crackers and Pilot Bread. 40 halt and quarter bbls. Mackerel. 50 Bbls, MercOr PotutocB. Brandy, Holland Gin, Monongahela Whiskey, Me- delra nnd Port Wine, Venegar, Spices Jcc. Ac., with ' Ms usual lull assortment of choice Groceries, is of fered cheap for cash by nov 29 FMW 9 A. CHAMPION. can be found at the store of nov 23 GEORGE S. NICHOLS. nov 23 B. F. McKENNA, ' 111 Congress-st, Monument-sq. nu 14 li H O, 1 U Ei U A 1 WANTKD. " ■“ TI N or twelt'R Negroes for Boat hands, for which A the highest wages will tra paid. Apply Immedi ately to BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. dec 2 TEACHER WANTED. A YOUNG MAN to leach School tn a family in the ■a*, country, for which liberal wages will be paid. Apply at this office stmhlO doc 7 YYTANTfft). — A situation by a young lady a ”v Teacher in a private family. Apply at this of Ace. 12t dec 5 WANTED, A GOOD House Servant, for which liberal wages -fl. will bo paid. dec 3 tuths6 WM. NEYLE HABEBS1IAM. t> AGON, LAUD it FY.OUU.-20 hhds prime •A Bacon Sides, 35 bbls Leaf Lard, 150 do 8. T. Balti more Flour, landiug and for sale by dec 12 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. f lUHALE OIL SOAP.—5 bbls just received, » » and for sale by dec 12 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. (<IDKH.—20 bbls New Cider, landing from brig Augusta, for sale by dec 12 W. M. DAVIDSON. I5UTTER AND CHEESE.—40 kegs selected LA Goshen Butter; 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese, Lauding and for Gale by dec 12 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. T lil) OIL.—5 bbls just received, and for sale 1-4 by G. R. HENDRICKSON Si CO. , dec 12 IALACK AND FANCY CASHIMERK LA PANTS.—Black Cloth, Dress, and Frock Coats, a large assortment at dec 12 PIERSON & HEIDT'S. PLANTATION OVEIICOAT8.-200 Over- L coats, for sale, very low, nt deo 12 PIERSON St HEIDT’S. QUILTED CAMBLET OVERCOATS— ’v A beautiful article, just received and for salo low, at PlERrON Si HEIDT’S. dec 12 DAGUERREOTYPES. P M, CARY would respectfully give no'.ico to A • the public that he has re-opoued hia Rooms, corner Bryau-strcet and Market-square, (over Wil- mott's Jewelry Store,) where he will be happy to wait upon all who would have thuir Pictures well executed. A Picture of Jenny Lind may be aeenat hi looms, nov 25 tf NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. rpUE subscriber would respectfully inform his JL friends and the Public, that he has opened a SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH SHOP, on Eastern Wharf, opposite Lamar'a Cotton Press, Steamboat and Mill Work, and every discrip- tion of Blucksmithing, executed with neatness and dispatch nov25 lm D. W. MISCALLY. AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO’ R. ROAD. A N ELECTION for seven Directors, to manago xIl the affairs of this Company for toe ensuing year, will take place on Mondat. the 6th day of January next, (1851.) at the office of Mr. Bancbovt, the Sec retary, in tho city of Savannah, dec 14 A. R. LAWTON, President. P RIME EASTERN HAY.—300 bales prime Eas tern Hay. Landing from ship Cerro Gordo, from Portland and for sale by nov 12 COHENS & HERTZ. L IVE of Chalmers—Vol.2nd. Five Years in tho Interior of South Africa; by R. Gordon Cummings. Harpers' Magazine, for November. Received by nov 13 J. B. CUBBEDGE, South of the Market. C l OD LIVER OIL-Jluahton & Clark's, for tho t use of CoueuLr.ptive l’Htients, just received and for said by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary. Bfnov 19 Smct's Buildings. \SfHISKEY 66 bbls Whiskey landing from w, "“ »»“sssaw «t TJICH JEWELRY — Consisting ot Breast JtVpins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Ac.. for sale by dee 9 8. WILMOT. T HE MAGAZINES FOR 1851.—The Do ccmber Numbers of Grabam’sand Uodcy’s AUGUSTA die WAYNESBORO’ R ROAD. A N Instalment of 10 per cent, on Subscriptions to thv Capital Stock of this Company has been called for by the Board of Directors, payable on or W " - • IB OI before tho 19tb December, 1850, at the Office ot Mr. Joseph Bancroft, the-Secretary of the Company dec 9 mwle A. R. LAWTON, Pro ident. (IREAM' ALE,—36 bbls. Cream Ale, landing v from the Maria Morton, and fof sale by dot29 - W. M. DAVIDSON. (TASTING’S SYRUP OF NAPTHA—For [II Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all diseases [of the Chest and Lungs. For salo by dee TO G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. I STOCKS AND CRAVATS.—Black Satin IO Stocks si 1 Stocks and fancy Silk Cravats, just received und I for sale by W. R. SYMONS, net 19 Old stand of Hamilton A Symons. I TAR. CIIURCHE’S VEGETABLE LO UT Tr - - “ TION, an effectualcurefor Eruptio.»ontheFace [orSkin, Just received and tor salo by oct. 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO AREKSE. sole by nov 29 -25 boxes Cheese, landing and for BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. [OCK WINE! HOCK. WINE!!-Few L boxos (one dozen each) ot puro liunesneiiner Md Color); also, a few boxes (one dozen each) |ure Ober Ikleheimer (deep red); both of tho Vin- l»ge of 1846. and imported direct to this place, Jett P hand, and tor sale at reduced rates, to close con- jignmerit, by J. W. PHILLIPS, nov 30 J 184 Bay-st. . j.01,l> aud Silver YVATCHES, of superior quality M for sale by S. WILMOT. 1 dsc 9 'ORN! CORN ! !—700 bushels prime Balt > more Com’ landing I nov 27 Foot of West Broad-street. ,'AKK NOTICE.—We are the manufacturers of what Clothing we sell, and have every facni- J for mnking them, after the latest and most approved (Mhions. YVo receivo regular supplies, by every TO of the steamer, and are determined, our goods N surpass all others, in price and qoah'y HOUSTON A OROUNDLSON. dec 7 96 Brynn-streeL IICALES.—The undersigned being agent for life p New-Y.irk Journeyman Scale Maker a Company, (prepared to furnish Rail Road, Warehouse, Hay, Pour and Portable Platform,Gold and Counter Scales, latent Balances, See., of the best quality, and on the lost rcasopablo terms , ,, I dec 7 ’ (imo W. P. ROWLAND, Ag t Magazines, are received. Subscribers will be ta ken, as usual, for either, at $2 50—in advance— free of post age—which is 50 cents less than the pub lisher’s prices. Those who may wish to subscribe for Godey, Graham, Harpers’ New Monthly, Sar- tain’s, tho Internatiof al Magazine, or any other simi lar publication, will please leave their names early, to prevent delay, or disappointment in obtaining the first numbers. dec 3 .1. B. CUBBEDGE. O ATS.—500 bushels heavy black Seed Oats, land ing fromschr Ocean; for sale by dec 16 JOHN V. TARVER, Exchange wharf. ahigulyimproved farm FOR SALE. a Tho subscriber hnving bought a Farm adjoin' ing, otters for sale his present residence situat' eu un St. Augustine river (salt water,) containing one hundred and twenty acres of Land,of which fifty acres are cleared and in cultivation. It is four miles from Savannah, and joins Bonneventure on the South,and is not only tho most beautiful and pleasant residence on the sea-coast of Georgia but perfectly healthy. On the Farm area great variety of Fruit Tress, among which is a fine grove of Citron Lemons now in full bearing. An abundance of fine Oysters, Fish, Grabs and Shrimps, in their season, may be had at all times. For terms, apply to the subscriber on the premi ses WILLIAM E. LONG. Cedar Grove, dec 16 lmo » ALTIMORE FLOUR —50 bbls, landing from fi^chr Ocean; for sale ny dec 16 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. N^torNorthRiverHay, funding and for sale low from the wharf by JOHN V. TARVER, nov 28 Exchange wharf. JJJAltD-WAREj CUTLERY, &c.—The un- dersigned have now opened one of the best selected stocks of English nnd American HARD WARE ever offered in this market. Their purchases being made exclusively from Manufacturers, they aro enabled to offer their Goous, wholesale or retail, at as low prices as in any other cities North or South. The public are respectfully invited to examine our stock before making their purchasers oct29 v McCLESKEY & NORTON S " EG4U CASES.—a handsome assortment of very superior quality, justrecei vedby nov 23 PRICE A VEADER fioRT AND MADEIRA WINES—25 quar- JL ter casks Burgundy Forty and 10quarter casks M nov29 WiUe iD at ° re ’ aD<i ‘ 0r w 1C M y DAVlD80N. CHAMPAGNE WINE .—25-bHskets “Grape Cchampagne.” lauding from nov 29 TOUSE FURNISHING - ©"}* O ‘ Hearth Brooms, Butter Ladles, plated Knite », India Rubber Door Springs. Tca Cannlflteis. fife Washers, Combination Bells, Omelet 1abs, Title Mats. Tin Foot Tubs, Plate Baskets, Wood i. dhnmnifl sltiiis. Cheese Fryers, Alamqdo lSUgP CLUUCao, COLLINS A BULKLEY, 100 Brynn-st. 'HE 3IONUMENTS <>F . E<J 1 ^>a n i cia°L Egypt a Witness for the Bible : w k», D..D ,L. L. D. With Notes of a Voyage up Nile ; by an American. . „j;.-d hv Margaret Percival in America : a Tale. . ew England Minister. Being Iffq ul ' l gS A ,cival: a Tale : edited by Rev- Wm. Sewell, B. A. editea oy nov- rnrn _ a p ^onn f etor o{ Trinity Church/Falrfifid* Conn. firnal) assortment of the Publications of Py School Union. Received by laov 26 ' J.B. CUBBEDGE. I ME.—300 bbls Thomsston Lime, lauding from Ben Gull,fors.leHERTZ. notice to gas consumers. T he 13th Rule of the Printed Regulations, savan- uuh Gas Light Company, directs that o per cent, shall be deducted frem all bills for Gaa paid at the Cilice of the Company, (at the Works,) within hve ‘ i "ju ?be discount is“ mide to insure prompt paymonb none will be allowed (under uny circumstances) alter 'WISEJSafiafVf ^ yracnt for Ga3 con ; sumed within ten days next after presentation o 8 bXr«w of Gas 3£? “ Bal annab Gas Works, Doc. 14th, 1850. 3t dec 16 La^wear, for |*^ EADEtt , 147 Bay-st. 200 LABORERS WANTED O N THE MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD, BETWEEN MACON AND COLUMBUS.—The above num ber of Laboring Men will find constant employment at $1 per day, or $26 per month, by applying'at iny Camp, on the Road; likewise, several men with families, are wanted, to board hands on the line, dec 14 18 JOHN D. GRAY. s WlRpfif ft 17. 1850. 3fJ> Thoflnepacket ALCYOHa'WhUakormas- 'Vffllr t*‘ r . will ltAve dispatch asabove. For freight ■ passage having good accommodation, apply to doc 10 4t CHARI.E8 A. GRIENER. FOR PHILADELPkUA-HeroiM’LliU!. 3jjk The regular packet. Sellr DART, Homers ;§g|jjk master, will have quick dispatch, for above purLFor freight or passage, having good accom modation, apply to Idee 13 3t CHARLES A. GREINER. FOR PHILADELPHIA—ncron’n s£i£> The regular packet schr VIRGINIA, Homqre ^figuiaster, will have despatch for above port.— or Freight or l’eaaage,having fine accommodations, apply to CUAS. A. GREINER, dec 9 3 STEAM BO; FOR HALTlMORK.-Koftulur Line. The regular packet schooner II. N.UAM- .BRILL.Capt. Bradford,having a portion of her troiguc engaged.will have quick dispatcli- F'or freight - jiassagc, apply on board at Telfair’s wliarf, or to BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. FOR NEW-YOHK. The line packet brig W. L. JONES, Tyle* master, having moat of her cargo engaged* will have quick dispatch for the above port. For freight or passage, having fino accommodations, ap ply to dec 7 CHARLES A. GRlENEIt. FOR NEW-YORK—New Line. Tho regular Packet brig MACON, Captain Watkins, will have dispatch for th* above or freight or passago, apply to ND&W ROWLAS : WASHBURN. FOR BALTIMORE—Regular Line. , Tho regular packet schooucr OCEAN, Capt. White, having most of her cargo engaged, will Figve quick dispatch. F'or Freight or Pillage, apply (in IliiPVll ul 'I'liHoIr'fl tvlioef ,.»■ fn on hoard, at Telfair’s wharf, or to dec 16 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. FOR NEW-YORK—New Line. The regular packet barque PETER DE- g.MILL, Copt. Huey, will have dispatch for tlio ubovo port. F'or Freight or Passage, apply & WAHl ROWLAND ASHBURN. F OR SALE.— 20 bags new Georgia Wheat Flour, in sacks of 100 lbs. each. 1000 bushels white Maryland Com, in sacks 500 do. Heavy Outs do. do. nov 1 HOLLIS & LAWSON. STOVES, Just received and for sale 150 Cook Stoves, aud Ranges; 100 parlor Stoves, 75 Hall and OlHoe Stoves of the most fashionable patterns. Also Force, Lift, and Boar Pumps, Plain and Jappancd Tin Ware, Hollow and Enamelled Ware, F'umncca, Smoothing Irons, Grid Irons, Sauce Prub, Fry Pans, &c., Lead Pipe, sheet Lead, Iron, Copper and Zinc. McARTHOR & MORSE, Oct 7 No. 13 Barnard Street. OVERCOATS AND CLOTH CLOAKS..AI1 “ " new and fashionable goods are offered tor sale at very low prices, for cash, at tho Savannah Clothing Storeof HOUSTON &GUOIJNDESON. nov 28 96 Bryan-streot. LOST, A POCKET BOOK, containing about Two Hun* dred Dollars In Cash, and Notes and Duo Bills, amounting to botween F'lvo aud Six Hundred Dol lars. Any person finding the same, and leaving it at theStore ot Messrs. Vehstili s, Lukdoiibow Sl But- ler, will receive a reward of Fifty Dollars, nov 9 ^N ENGLISH LADY—Resident in Savautwh for the Winter, wishes to engage for a few hours each day, to give instruction in MUSIC and the FRENCH LANGUAGE.. Addros* J. R. at R. Haber sham &. Son’s. dec 14 SOUTHERN CASSIMERES.—Just rccolved C? irom the factory, an assortment of Carolina Cas- eimeres, comprising Steel Mixed, Black, Invisible ' Green, Medium Black, Coart Mixed, Sic., which are j offered by the piece, at factory prices. The public areinv.led to call und examine. dec 2 Laroche, bowne & co. (.(AUD TO BEAT.—People ere fast finding out A A where to get the best mid clioapest clothing and other fixings in this city; all thoBo who are not yet posted In this matter are hereby informed that they enn bate it demonstrated to their satisfaction, by call ing on .#!?« : V'“ PRICE i VEADER, dec 14 147 Bay-street. VIOLINS.—The most extensive stock of Violins. " ever offered in Savannah, for sale by the dozen or singly, by F. ZOGBAUM & CO, dec 13 Corner St. Julian-st. and Market-eq JJLAKE’S FIRE PROOF PAINT, for sate dcc y i3 C. A. L.LAMAR, Agt. for patentee. JJ A MS.—200 cholcecanvassed Hams, landing from Schr H. N. Gambrill, and for sale by dec 10 JA8. A. NORRIS. S IGHT EXCHANGE dec 13 I uu, on New-York. R. HABERSHAM *. SON. SPLENDID PIANO FORTE.—Just received a Rosewood, seven octave, centre Piano Forte, by Pirsson, New-York. A most elegant Instrument F. ZOGBAUM A CO, dee 13 Comer St. Julian-st AMarket-aq. P ERFUMES.—Lubin’e, Guerlain’s, Maugenet’s nnd Ede s Extracts for the handkerchief, consist ing of Bouquet de Caroline. Jockey Hub, Jenny Lind. Rough and Ready, Milleffeur, Violet, Tuberose, Magnolia, Jonquil, Sweet Pea, Mignonette, Verbena, Geranium, Vanilla, Eglantine, Uedyosmia, Bouquet de la Reine, Heleotrope, Mousscline, Honey, Musk and Citronell Rose. For snle by dec 13 G. R. HENDRICK30N A CO. QILVER PLATED CANDLESTICKS, O Castors, Cake Baskets, Tea Setts, and Waiters of various sizes, for sale by S. YVfLMOT, - - - - Tr dec 9 Dealer iti ; Watches, Jewelry A Silver Ware < IN AND WHISKEY.—25 bbls “Flacks” Gin; 75 do Baltimore Whiskey; landing and lor sale by dec 2 48 A HERTZ. MERCHANTS’ AND’MECHANICS’ mutual LIFE Insurance COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Cash Capital $100,000. GEO. ROBERTSON, Jr., Ag’t. Daily Morning News Office, Savannah. TRUSTEES. IPHOIHIXHOPSS NEAH THE MARKET. T HE Subscriber begs leave to Inform his triends and the public generally, that ho has added to his alrcody.jextousivo establishment, (viz: Pistol Gal: lory, Bowling Saloon, Shuffle Board, Quoit Ground, Ac.,) an EATBiIB SALOON, where be will endeavor to supply nil who please to patronize him, equal to any house in tho city. JAMES OLIVER, Agent. ’ N. B. Tho Bar is supplied with LIQUORS and SEGARS of the best quality. Tho Pistol Gullery is open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. 3mo nov 6 CHARLESTON IAVANNAH AND KEY WEST. , To SoM Tuesdny,(December 31st. tho siilmidid sea Steamship ISA BEL, of 1 loot on* burthen, comman- dod by William Rollins, will resume hw regular trip* for tho above ports ‘-j and will continue) punctually to' the t St nnd 15th, for Havana, via Ksy Wwt, and from Havana for Charleston via Key West nnd Savannah, on the f and 2Sd of eachmonth. For F'raigiit or 1 l"y*» M ) ; M* C. MpRDFX A* ga AKRTaRQT »v«m' Ml FUR AUGUSTA, HAMBURG AND THE V INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. Leaves Tuesday Morning Dee, 17. The steamer H. L. COOK, Capt. Peck, will leave tho Union Steamboat Comps- • ny’s Wharf as above at 10 o'clock, A. M 1 For freight or passer, apply on board, or to ROWLAND A WASHBURN, A*t». in, nirCvn, ' SONS* „ Foil burnt fort. . CIA DARIEN, ST. SIMON'S ISLANl HICK, BETHEL, JEFFEHSONTi Leaves Thursday, Bee. 10th o(4 P M. ' Tho Su-am Packet IVANHOB. Capt. U. S. Claghom, will leavu* no above, , For Freight or Pas- rago apply on hoard at Ferry Wharf, or to, sept 19 All freight payable b; M. A. COHEN, Ag’t. , „ . . by shippers, and wul be, stored during tho absence of the boat, free St aborts FOR AUGUSTA, IIAMBUKO, ^' ' JM/WU04A* KlAlimiJliKi AND THE INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS'' Leave* Sntnrday Mnrnlnat Bed lit. “ The Steam-packet OREGON- Captain Shaw, will Ifiavo the Un,. ion Steani Boat Oompghy's Wharf' 'as above, at 10 o'clock, A. NL For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to ** ROWLAND A V sWA8HBUF FOR AUGUSTA nnd HAMBt_ Leave* Friday Forenoon....... Dee. SO. m Jn T,le new and snlendidstcamer HAW 'Vlj ' “'iflBr COCK. Capt. Mourav, wU' tlie above portsand Intermediate landin day, at 10 o'clock A.M. For freight or on board, or to BE11N A FOS'i DAILY U. S. MAIL STEAM Between SAVANNAH AND CIIA 1 D^lmnEA Daily irom “ :on at 9 t Cb . lAKERTZ, . LAFITTE A CO.. A SEMI-WEEKLY U.'S. MAIlPj iHws^m^TtTi uetwe en n SAVANNAH, GA., AND PALATKA.FLA.p DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, AX JA CKSONVILLE. BLA CEU LATA. FLA. X,ANDJ^f(f6^ LATA. FLA. 2.- t ~ : L Leave Savannah evfcry TvEaDAv and SA^ijaUAV, 1 ' at 10 o'clock, A. M., and Paiatka every Mondax and' Thurso at, at 4 o'clock, <p«^" ' L IBERAL Advances made upon Cotton and other Produce consigned to my friends la New-York. nov 4 lmo C. A. L. LAMAR. Q ATS! OATS! !—500 bushels prime Oats, land ing from ship Rhine, and for sale by DAVID R. DILLON. nov 27 Foot of West Broad-strcut. yyOOD • WOOD ! WOOD !!—Lam for sale by dec 9 DAVID R. Dll, Foot of West B: and id-st. VAUIE late firm of 11. O'BYRNE A HON having A been dissolved by the death of the former, the unsettled business of said firm, will be closed by the undersigned as surviving? copartner. All persons having demands against the firm, are requested to present them duly attested, and those indebted to make immediate payment to nov 20 lm o JNO. F. O’BYRNE. U. 8. Mail Stages at Jacksonville, Pibolata, .slid Pa iatka, Fla. COHENS A UKRT%lgenU. UNION STBAM-BOAT COMPANY tta, every “and SOUTH Cj OREGON Capt. Shaw, H. L. COOK Capt PkcK, Leave Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday after-' noon at 5 o’clock ; and Hamburg and »*■’— Saturday and Wednesday morning These BoatB are of very llghtdraft, a , expressly for Passengers and Freight,o River. . , , a Freight consigned to tlio AgeM Will be I free or Commission. All way freight pay shipper For F Steamboat 4 ROWLAND A WASHBURN, Agent*. N.B. Positively nofroightreceivedlagoon board , after 4 o’clock on (tho evening, of. departure,) and tba. Company will not be responsible lor any way freight after being landed. Sett' 18 oi commission, ah way lreigni payaoie o > Freight or,Passage, apply on board, at’Uni on aboat Company’s Wharu or to U. S. MAIL LANE • FROM SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TO TALLAHAS SEE, FLORIDA. Through in Sev enty hours I Fart--^— $22, including meals on R BCBIVJBD per steamer Florida, 10 bbls Apples, 10 do Mercer Potatoes 1 bbl Dried Figs, 2 do do Apples In store 5,000 choice Oranges, dec 4 JOHN D. JESSE. YyillTK FLINT CORN.—A amalllotof s«- perior white Flint Corn, just received and for sale by JOHN V. TARVER, dec 3 Exchange wharl. C APS—Received per bark Taxaa a new aeaort- ment of new styles. PRICE A VEADER, oct 26 147 Bay-street. James Brown, Robert B. Minturn, Hussell H. Nevins, J. Smyth Rogers, Paul Hpoflora, Jacob A. Westerfelt, Mark W. Collet, George P. Pollen, Wm. D. Murphy, David H. Nevins, Richard Irvin, Henry Chauncy, John H. Uourlio, Alfred Large, P. HtrachaU, J. SMYT. Henry Grinnell, Horatio Allen, Charles N. Talbot, Stewart Brown, William H. Wi bb, O.W. C. Schack, Martin Hoffman, George S. Robbins, Wm. W. Billings,lY.ion’n Bcnj. Hunting, Sag Uar'r John C. Lee, Boston Samuel Lawrence, “ Robert Uoope . u / •„ Thomas B. Curtis, “ William S. Bullard, “ '1 RODGERS, President. doe 6 JOHN L. WENDELL, Actuary. AND LANTERNS.—A fine (TALL LAMPS AND LA AA assortment of Hall Lamps, with stained Land' scapes, aud plain, just opened and for sale by „ov 7 COLLINS A BULKLEY. C v OTTON 08NABURGH.—20 bales Cotton J Osnaburgs, just received and for sate by nov 22 LAROCHE BOWNE Si CO. ■■ T an bbls.,mad from gate’s No 1 do; 40 do assorted Candy; 100 bbls good R A ^.re widte thea^knA^lrom barque He- Eating 1'otatoe,; 75 do Mereer_do_do; «)0do A» extra wnite wheat, lauding bron. For sale by deoS PRIG Ttndershirth, Of Silk. r?taUCKS.—Large irou bound Cotton*nd Store C ANAL FLOUR &c —f6 bbl* Genesee Flour; 35 do Hiram Smith's do; 60 do Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers; 25 boxes Treadwell’s Soda Biscuit; 30 bbls White Wine Vioegat; 20 do pure Cider do; 30 half bbls Buckwheat Flour; 25 quarter do do do; 50 boxes do; £0 bbls Mackerel, Noe 1,2 and 3; 45 halt do do, Nos 1 aud 0; 30 bbls Stewart's clarified Sugar: 60 do Crashed end Powdered do; 20 boxes Loaf do; 200 do Bucham A Smith’s Family Soap; 150 do Col Eyed Planting Potatoes; 25 casks, pints, Byass Porter; 43 half chests, -j lb and 6 oz papers Black Tea; lanuing “ n dec°12 lllB by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO C ANAL FLOUR.—bbls Canal Flour, “Ma- gsra .Miila," landing ‘romsdmDart, and mr sale /decU ■ 'Mm TO RENT.—An office or store on Bay-st. near S. W. comer of Bull. Apply at Dr. Knorr's office, Broughton-st., near N. E. ncr of Montgomery nov 22 tf i. cor. ££LACK LACES.—Just received, per Steamer Florida, Black Laces, of all widths. B. F. McKENNA, 111 Congress-at, nov 22 Mcnument-sqr. TESTATE NOTICE.—South Carolina, Beaufort A_J District All persona having claims against the Estate of James Kirk, Sen., deceased, late of Bluff- ton, are requested to present them, duly attested, tor payment; if in Savannah, to Messrs. R. Habersham A Son; if in Charleston, to Wm. M. Lawton A Co., or to the Executors, on or before the first day of January, 1851; and thoso indebted to said Estate to make payment to RO. H. KIRK, 1 Acting JA8 KIRK, ) Executors. Bluffton So. Ca.,Nov.27,1850. tuJl «ee3 ALHAMBRA SALOON. riflUS ESTABLISHMENT is now in com- A plete order—affording as great an attraction to t- u invalid aud others, in search of healthful exer cise and innocent amusement, as any similar place in the city. Connected with the concern, there are three splen did BILLIARD TABLES, and three good TEN PIN ALLEYS, 75 feet long. Billiards, 121 cents per hundred in the day time, and 25 cents per hundred at night. Ten Pina, 6f cents pe; string in the day time, and 12} cents per string at night. Gentlemen will find every Luxury of the season In the RESTAURANT, adjoining the AL HAMBRA, at moderate prices, und the BAR ia sup plied with all the -‘fixings" to match. N. B. A fine Lunch is served up daily at 11 o’clock. dec 6 3m OEO. B. WELSH, Proprietor. Boats leave Savannah on Tuesdays and Saturdays, ■ at lOo'cioek, A. M, and tho stipes leaVe 1 Jacksonville' Immediately on the arrival of the boats, Wednesdays and Sundays, for Tallahassee, via Barber’s, Alligator, T Mineral Springs and Msdlsonvllle' _• ** Passengers will find this thb"shortest and mo»t r comfortable route. TH. D. DEXTER, Prog. Stage Coaches. WOOD A COX, Agents, Jacksonville, , Ageutt, TuUahateee.' Through Tickets for sale by COHENS A HERTZ, Agents, Sobqk'nahr* 106 BRYAN 8TREET.%^v SHOES—SHOES-8HOES. TW V —The subscriber takes pleas- Lv V -jroat this time, in returning manv thanks for the very, liberalpatronuge extended', to l.im by the citizens generally, nnd In return fot their kindness, be begs to notify them, that he has just returned from the Northern Cities with * com plete nnd extensive stock of Boots and Shoe*, allof which are made by competent and establised work-' mi n, which are now optni d at 106 Bryan-st., where' he 1ms located, and are offered to the public, at pri ces that will suit one and all. FRANCIS KOPMAN. P. S. A splendid article of Travelling Trunks^ Valises and Carpiit Bags, uleo Silk and Beaver Hats, Men's and Boys' Cloth, Velvet and Silk Caps, oct 16 3m F. K. HARMONIC INSTITUTE. — The subscribers respectlully announce, than by recent additions to their stock, they are now enabled to offer the greatest choice, bom in variety and amount, of Musical Msrchandisa of every description, ever diaplayed in Savannah-— These goods, being imported directly from European manufacturers, can bo sold at Nojf*' Importers pi ices, thus offering superior faci”“ dealers. Amongst fneir variety may be Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Flsgeolets, Clarionet*,! , Banjos, Tambcrincs, Accordisns, Flutinss, Brss struments, Harp, Guitar and Violin Strings, Bridges. Screws, Ac. Ac. Ail of which are off ered, wholesale or retail, ny F. ZOGBAUM A CO., nov 13 Coroner St, Jullun et. A Mnrket-sqi HLOTH8 AND CASSIMERES.—-Woof Yv black, blue, brown and green Cloths; plain and fancy Cassimeres, Doe-Skins, Tweeds, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Plaid Lioseys, Cloakings. Ae„ for sale by LaROUBK. BOWNE &CO. sai E NGRAVING.—The undersigned returns his thanks to bis friends and the public lor their kind patronage, and would inform them that he baa removed to 110 Broughton-st., (opposite the lucent” Hall,) where he intends devoting bis time exelnaive- ly to Engraving and Printing Visiting, Wedding, and Professiomu Cards, Bsnk Checks, Bank, So ciety and other Seals. Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Ac., Ac. Also, LITHOGRAPHIC DRAWING and PAINTING, such aa Views of Buildings, Portraits, Blank* Ac., Ac. nov 6 nor 21 nPBUNKS AND TRA VELLING B, A A large aefiori ment on hand, atid modi rate prices, by nov 2 willB*.. GEO. 8. NiCHOLS A DDITIONAL MEMOIRS OF MY YOUTH il by A. DcLemartine. Life of John Randolph, of Roanoke ; by Hugh A. Garland. Received by J. B. CUEBEDGE. ■ nov 19 South of the Market. —TV F LOUR.—100 barrels superior Baltimore Fleur , , lurulinu frnm hrijy Hfhrnn onit friY iltlp ot iS-Sfis. landing from brig Hebron, and for sale at $5 50e. per barrel by DAVID R. fiU.LQN, n i v 28 Foot of West Brosii street . e't LITARSI.—A fisis assort men t of French and ; vJT Spauislf Guitars, ic cigat varioty of stylo*,; .a>. ;?' fc ZOGBAUM A GO, dec 13