Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 17, 1850, Image 4

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T BEW*fall ffidWlNlW' DRY BOORS he fluhscribcrav.ro mow receiving their usual l«rR« nd well floWotod stork ot Staple «nd l'nnr> Ii y 11 trail*. which they otter tor SAY A 0'S Goods, adapted to the fall trail?, which thoy otlcrtor ■ala by tbe piece or package, On accommodating SNIDER, LATllROP St NEV1TT. NNAH MORNING NEWS, TUESDAY. P E C ■ .Vi HU ION AH L JR, ifl loo Drcae CoatB, just ro r ccived, which*§ T8*>2nrn ,c oct al FRICK A. VEAGER, 147 Bay-st. "5in i (ioi)s rUlrf -Having supplied ourselves with eve- bf terms, sept 1(1 rjlliK SUBSCRIBER re. 'Ally informs liis be baa just opened menus anti tut*. Ilium;, wim iid j;- - . «. „„ a ioiOf fancy nrfciclea. among which'*Vo ?^ bl ” 8 J^' tracts fob the handkerchief, laucy loilnt Iiottlos, Beef Marrow for the hair, Jules Haucls E«u Lufltrulo Hair Restorative, Shaving Creams, Ambrosial Shav ttS Cakes, Hair and Tooth Bruritos, Combs, Trans- parent Wash Balls, Brown Windsor Soap, Tooth K, Magnifying Mirrors, Ac., &c. "J*- ing to procure any of tlieaboyo namedarticUM sho call at onceat JOUR A. MAYERS, augiW 154 Broughton at. ASO ry article that will pumc.j, —--r- „„„ p_„ f ,* hn w WO again invite the public to examine out Fall Stock SssltiSKSa ... „ goods. Oents' Dress CoaU, Vests PanU, and ottier oct 25 garments, necessary to complete A |cnte^ A, are continually prepared.to turnish. Ha • , r -? of nil patterns lor Men, Boys ^ Children. lnm\\y shoes suitable to all tastes ll ' ,d ■ ? ( o,rc tv’an riIn- vants’ Shoes and Clothliing to*'’ 0 "} clty Hn, ‘ JSZSUSS and strangers, nov 6 self evident, that unless the seeds which we may sow, are good in all raspectB, it will bo folly to ex- . . r «.■» _ .it- •»»#» oil nil i »ft (llflaDDOllll- fOLASSES, tobacco, coffee, BA- more variety is warthlesaT—liow many from their own experi ence can estimate the annoyance ot such »" Conscious of the room for improvement, and assured that the seeds-man who should justly bo entitled to confidence, would receive ample support, the blun ders ct the establishment, now con lucted by the subscriber, starter morn than halt u century ago. with the determination to sell nothing but wliutwua worthy of credit: and that they might the more cer tainly accomplish their object, resolved to produce, as far as possible, the seeds which they should rend; experience having shown them that most imported seeds could not bo relied on, much less those casual ly collected, and sold to dealers.—The result was as they had foreeeen unlimited public confidence. Tho concern thus conducted, has been gradually en larged, and is now the most extensive of its kind in America ; supplying not only much of the demaud in the Middle, Western and Southern States, but ex porting to the West Indies, Soot*[ Amenc.i and the British Posessions in Asia. DAVID LANDKE111. ARTICHOKE, Large Globe. AS PA RAQUS, Large Green Purple Top. BEANS, Bush or Snap Shorts, Early Six Weeks, Red Speckled Valentine, Brown Speckled Valentine Early Yellow Six Weeks, ChlnaRed Eye, Large Lima, BEETS, Extra Early Turnip-rooted, Early lurnip- rooted Red, Long Blood-red, Silesian, or Sugar, Man- B SS/, Purple Cape, (Imported.) CABBAGE, Early York, (Irnorted,) Landreth a Large York, Early Sugar Loaf, (Imported,) Early Battersea, Greon Curlod Savoy, Large Drumhead Sa- toy, Rod Dutch, (for pickliug,) Largo Lato Drumhead, ^^AIUtOT, Long Orange, Early Horn, Altringham, 01 CAULIFLOWER, Early Asiatic, (Imported.) Late M CON, Ac. 100 hlids prime Cuba Molasses UK) boxes Manufactured T obucco 80 small boxes do do. 25 bbls prime St. JagoGottee 100 bngs do ltio do. 25 pockets do Java do. ’ 50 bids Northern Whiskey 50 bbls P Phelps’ Gin 20 bids Old Monongahela Whiskey 30 hlids prime Bacon Sides. 30 do. do. do. Shoulders 75 bbls prime Pork , _ , , 50 bales Gunny Bagging, 20 do. Dundee do 50 boxes Star Candles, 50 do. Soap J00 bbls Canal Flour, 50 do. half do. 75 half bbls Baltimore Flour 20 tirces Neff's Hams, 10 do. Shay s do. 5 M. superior Spanish Scgars, “Cabanas. 50 baskets Champagne, D. A. flnrrcau 20 do. do. Llgnot For snle on accommodating term‘d by nov 9 ' ' RlTsSING ROm^.-lteceived, a good os PRICE A VEADER. 13 'sortment, at 147 Bay-st., by r<ORN AFLOAT.—1,200 bushels prime white C Baltimore Corn afloat, jc-ch. Exchange wharf. KUjn „. Silk and Lnmbs-Wool UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, (some oi extra jyj E It I N O '"omSB 60 ‘° r ‘"pafcE A VEADER, 147 Bay-st. '5"cwks superlorquality PotasheB, otashes. ■* tr .. TT ,---v----- received Dcpbnrk Exacts and lor sale by ootlO P G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. A handsome assortment of Black and B Fancy Cashmere PANTS, er Florida, and for sale by octlO Receivod peratcam PIERSON &TIEIDT. ROGERS’- From Or. Hiram Cox. Late Professor in Cincinnati Electric Medical College. Mr. A. L. Scovill: Hovyevorroluefemtl have been to permit my name to bo attached to patent medi cine, I consider It a duty to the community to state that in three cases of incipient consumption, viz: Miss Belt, Miss Barger, and Mr. R. H. Cox. one of the Ci- foots are tv Council, that Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar ope- rated more like a specific thpn ony other remedy, that I over used. One of the cases, viz : Miss Bell, pro- nbuncpd by several Physicians to be laboring under B acon sides and shoci.iiehh.-3o hhds. Sides; 10hlids. Shou ders Landing, and .„i» i,v COHENS & HEltl A. for sale by oct26 TNDIA RUBBER BALLS—Bat and Parlor, 1 Air and Solid Balls, for sale by uov l G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO._ G as lamps. Li COHENS A HERTZk J —A V N E >S EXPECTORANT—For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, difficulty of Breathing, Ac., just recelve^for nov 4 Hmet’s Building A large assortment of Gas , „ broad base, with two burners, also sev eral puterus Brittanin Ware, just opened, and lor sale bv JOHN A, MAYER, Broughton-st., oct 31 Next door to Curreil & Bgggs. Playing Cnrdfl, Back- thelHflt Stage of Scrofulous Consumption. She is now in good health, from the use ot a tew bottles oi Seabovosyrup; ' HIltAM COX,M. D. Cincinnati, Jan. 25,1847. From the lion. Judge Henry Morse. Mr. A. L. Scovill: 1 am vvell acquainted with Dr. Hiram Cox and his practice, he having been my family physician for many years, and can cheerfully say that I have us much confidence in his skill n8im y man living. HEhUV MORSE. Cincinnati, Nov. 8th, 1847, v R. R. R. itetESfe'ffiXss:- , To cure instantly Burns, Sores ami Is tho object of Radwny'a Readv nil?,,? 1113 ’ Soros ol all ktndB, l.umbago and . Rheumatism, Cramps, PaK s and o„, C . k ’ Frost Bitten Flesh-W Cold, Onto or Cha^ I t instantly relieves without a doubt Ch *P 8 ~ RBdwHy’s Ready^Relief acta hke a *Siarm C aaiiffiaitigi will warrant them not only a apecdv\ P w ^ he permanent cure, if they will use Radwav'.’D Ut ,* Rebel according to directions. y * " e »dy pANCY ARTICLES- _ gammon Boards, Pocket Knives, Pen Holders, Siamese Pocket Combs, Dressing Cases, V ater mameau x uuivui. oumoc, \ W n Paints, Snuff Boxes, Razor and Razor Strops, bond „„d Air Baiis, Perfumed Bags, A STREA.—The balanceof Illusions, a poem deliv- A eTeA before the Phi Beta Kappa Society ot Yalo C IlIlIRCH’S Genuine Chemical Essence ot Mus- j tard, for the cure of chapped Halids, Gout, Rheumetismetc,justjeceive ¥ d E andiorsa,eby yj or, Bluet's Building- From William Rleliartls, BI. D. I feel couBti aiuud from n sense of duty to make the following statement, conscious that it may appear unprofessional. Mr. Charles Wade, of this city, was quite low with Pulmonary Consumption, for which 1 had been treating with less than usual success. At his request, and that of his friends, I permitted him to ti*y Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and lar ; and I must confess that its effects <wero really surprising. After using the second bottln my visits were discontinued, and ne was soon restored to health. I do con scientiously recommend my brother practitioners to prescribe this remedy in all pulmonary complaints which battle the ordinary mode of treatment. WILLIAM J. RICHARDS, M. D. F RENCH,Rose and Orange Flower Water, just i " ’' 1 ‘ 1 '” rec eivedand for sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecnry, Smets’ Building. Dutch, (imported.) ~IEKY, CELERY, White. Solid, Red Solid. EGG PLANE OR MELONOENA, Large Purple. CUCUMBER, Early Frame, or Table, Long Green or TurijiSggJUu., „ , LEEK, Large London, Scotch or Flag. Cabbage, . , Cubbiutt 1 . Curled India, t* «.»v ? MELON, Nutmeg, Citron, Spanish Wuter, Caroli '^'lliograp^iical'Ess^sl'b^Thmnas^DeQ.uincy, mithor ™fi-35 bbls WmTN^s extra Sugar cured of “Coufessiona of an English Opium Eater &e. | O- Hams, lor sale by COHENS & HE RTZ. Received by nov 5 JOHN M. COOPER. npv 4 rflHE ENGLISH LANGUAGE in its Ele- lmenta and Forms, designed lor Colleges and Schools - by William C. Fowler; late Prolessorof Rhetoric in Amherst College. Poor Richard’s Almanac, for 18ol; ns written by G ENUINE BROWN WINDSOR SOAP For sale by JOHN A. MAYER Rich Embroidered Cashmere, Plaid Wool Long Shawls; for sale cheap by B. F. McKENNA, 111 Congress-st, gHAWLS. Benj. Franklin, forthc years 1736-7-8. Additional Memoirs ot My Youth ; by A DeLam- | Monument-sq. Rr Genevieve; or The History of a Servant Girl: translated from the Frenchjof A. DeLamartlne. Received by JOHN M. COOPER^ McCLESKEY & NORTON. Cincinnati, Oct. let, 1844. . Retoarc of Counterfeits and base Imitations. The genuine article is signed Andbkw Rooebs, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles tor Sold Wholesale and Retail, by SCOVIL & MEAD, 113 Chatres-st.. Between Conti and St.Louis-sts., N. Orleans, General Agents for the Southern States. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO., and TURNER & ODEN, Snvannah, Ga. GEORGE PAYNE, Macon. Oct. 10 directions. Kndwnyifl Medicated Bonn is the most puritying balsamic, cleunsing »n preparation that can be applied to the skin b. r""" s es the weary, gives tono and vigor to tho f’un.s rcsl! ' the skin, removes every particle of excreaspiw' of the cuticle, and imparts beauty to the ComnW? from all who use it. Pimples, Blotches, PusffiTe 9 of and other unsightly spots vanish after the m, '• with this Soap, Hka dew before the morning ‘ on9 I.et every lady and gentleman use Radwnv’iff™. ~ Medicated Soap in the bath, and we will 2™ 091 a pure, clean, sweet, fair and healthy skin anil 1 , tilul clear, transparent complexion. 1 la “ eau ' LOOK FOB THE STEEL F.NOBAVINg Radway’s Soap, A, No. 1, is enclosed withii Beautiful Lacks of Hair Tis true that the cro wning ornament ot beauty i„ head of luxuriant hair, the. most lovely faea w™ii appear indifferent if it were minus the iocks nfT- 11 give itexpresaion. Lovers have su-oni bv the u! r their lndv loves. Poets l,»™ „e .._ y ,ue h »'r A RESCUE TO THE AFFLICTED. THE CELEBRA TED. v. ... Black and White Gingham? Mourning do.* Scotch and French do. different QI N G IIA M S R U3I. 50 bbl3 L. Fe.ltou & Son’s Boston Rum, -widths and(lualitics, for sale by landing per flehr Weseogus, for sale by nov 22 1 nov25 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. rPHREE COURSES AND A DESSERT ; | D dviiTsaUe'undersigned have an additional lot of LAROCHE, BOWNE & CO. RE8fl"C0XT^AN>7pTNTH^By«atenr f nil Water, Mountain Sprout Water, Dudley or Moun- : tf 'o,V/OjV,'Silver Skinned, or White, Large Yellow Stra^burg, Large Red Wethersfield. PAR8ELEY 'Curled, or Double, Plain or Smglo. PARSNIP* Sugar. , „ _ . PEAS, Landrcth’s Extra Early, Early Early Charlton, Bishop’s Dwarf Prolific, Dwart Blue Im- nerial, Royal Dwarf Marrowfat, Largo White Mar rowfat, Peruvian Black Eye Marrowfat, Knights Tiwurf Marrowfat. Knight's Tall Marrowfat, Blue 1 ""with fifty illustrations, by George Cruickshank: I vcr y jj no i) reg0 Coats und Pnuts- --- - - ' 1 nov 22 PIERSON & liltiiJ i KWSPAPER—50 reams 21X 27, 50 reams 24 fourth edition. Bohn, London. w The Nicomachean- Ethics ot Aristotle; by It. *v. Browne, M. A. Bolin. London. ., Aristotle’s Treatise on Rhetoric; also tile Poetic ot Aristotle; literally translated by Theodore Buckley, B. Bohn, London. Pictorial Field Book, No. 8. ■ Dwarf Marrowfat, ^ ^EPPER, Large Sweet Boll-shaped, Cayenne, or Loni if HE OI.D COINTRV BOTOS. A ».~l. coowl PUMPKIN, Shaw, Common Field, or Cheese. It iDISH, Long Scarlet Short-tup, Long Salmon, White Tumln-rooted, Red Turnip-rooted, Yellow Turalp-rooted, Summer White, White Spanish, Black Sl l*P/jVvlCII, Round Savoy-leaved, Prickly Seed. SQUASH, Early Bush, Early Apple Bush, Long Green Crookneck, Cocoa Nut. TOMATO, OR LOVE APPLE, Large Red Revelation ot New-York. . Life in the 19th Century; by nn Old Inhabitant. Horace Templeton; by Charles Lever. The Jenny Lind Melodist. Graham's and Godey’s Magazines, forNovember. 0C fc 23 J* R* OUDDiJjUyrj. ^SSSB^o^wedi^F^6^ EN Monument-square Aug 13 iy T ^ ink Manufacturer, Noa. 331 and 333 Stanton-s^t. New-York, D. Jepot No. 3 Spruce-street, would call the attention of Printers to ills improved PRINTING INKS of various kinds and colors, at tho following llxtra Fne Jet Black, (for Card and Wood Cut,) 93 00 and ® 3 00 per lb. FineBooklnk, 075 “ 100 Rook Ink 0 10 “ 0 50 Fine lted ink. ..- 1 25, 1 50 and 2 00“ News Ink, -18, 20, and 25 cts. “ Blue, Yellow, Green and White, 1 25 and 150 “ Gold Size at 92, per lb. and Bronze at 50,75 cts. and For^e^uafity of which he has the following, be sides numerous other testimonials: New-York, Sept, 25, 1848. We have for some time past, used the various qual- ites of Printing Inks manufactured by John D. Me Creary, and found them to surpass any others we ev cr used, in hoauty and permanency of color, and the processor "orkic*.^^ & Co.. iAmerican Bible Society Printing offico. New-Yobk, Sept. 25, 1848. This will certify that I have used the varioua kinds ef fine Printing Inks, manufactured in this City, and find that made by J. D. McCreary, fully equal to the Svltancs Hovt, Foreman of Press Room. For sale at New York prices, by JOHN M. COOPER, Agent, mar 25 Savannah. N^fi? 50“e^s^4 X 387'25'reams 22 X32, 25 16 Printing 3 Inh.-A supply of superior qualify of all descriptions, black mid colored, (in kegs and cams tors ol all sizes,)for Newspaper,Book and Job Work, for Bale at manufacturers New-York prices. Type, ^.-Ordersirrcelvedfor.Tpeand Pnnthig ! JEW OAVID’.S, HEBREW PLASTER: lock oi ineir inay s nair, Kings have giv»n half tk«i“ Oii-ones to possess a queen possessed of beuutifullockB Railway’s Circassian Balm Is tho most natural hair restorative in use. it cl»«r,.». the scalp lrom dandruff, removes Scuri; 7urea Burn! of the head, is a perfect antidote for Baldness viw! nourishment to the roots, invigorates the irnlhn strengthens the hair, prevents its falling out,and for ces it to grow. Itis admirable (or dressing the hair it is superior to all other preparations lor the hair - Ladies und gentlemen who have used RATiWJV’a CIRCASSIAN BALM prefer it to all oils &c | n L Radway’s Circassian Balm is 25 centsper bottk larss bottles. See that each bottle has the fao simile nature of RAD WAY & CO. e 81 8 For sale by fr. R. HENDRICKSON &CO A. A. SOLOMONS & CO. and’’ WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, Agents A certain remedy lor all fixed pains in the Side, Chest, Loins, Back, Bowels, Muscles, Rheumatism in all its varied forms, Nervous Affections, Lungs and T.lver ComDlaints. Spinal Affections, Female Weak- Liver Complaints, Spinal ■ . ... nesses, etc., etc. For the above complaints this Bias ter has no equal. The great celebrity which it has already acquired, not only in the old, but in tho new world, the extraordinary cures it has perlormed in the most extreme cases of suffering, have acquired for it such a reputation, that the proprietor has not until recently been able to supply hall the demand. The sales throughout every city, town and village the United States, are without a parallel I A circumstance not surprising, when the vast mount of human suffering relieved by its use is con_ sidered. In spinal Defects, the benefit usually is of the most decided character. In Nervous Complaints, vsi—tni rjUIE GREEN HAND ; “ Short Yarn ”— The History and Geography of the Middle Ages; for Colleges and Schools : by Georgy W. Greene. I U ber. INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE forNe^ | Peterson : second series, and complete. Household Words, No. 32 P w t .j, Leni Leotl; #r Adventures m the TarWest, being a sequal to “ Prauie Flower^ by Emerson ^jennett. Received by JOHN M. C( nov 22 Household Words, Nob. 30 and 31. , Celio, or New-York above Ground : by G* G. Fob- ter, author of “ New-York by Gm Light.” Petticoat Government: a Novel; by Mrs. Trollope, The Bandits of the Ossage : a Western Romance; bk Emerson Bennett. * ..... . Further supply of Horace Templeton ; by Charlea Leje^ Received by JOHN M. COOPER.. 20CPER. pAINTED FAILS JOHN M 200 doz. Painted Pails, Just received and fbr «ta b|^ & NORTO N^ A GENERAL VIEW OF THE FINE ’ ' ^" ARTS—Critical and Historical; by D. Hunting ton, B. A., A. M. Jamaica in 1850: or the Effects of Sixteen Years oi Freedom on a Slave Colony; by John Bigelow. S -HE COULD NOT W ALK.—An aged lady oi our acquaintance, a ? d ^^ n "dwiti rt f the Tabernoe't\ bad been ... . Rheumatism .or nearly three years; at thei mne we gne could not raise herself off her chair. The'Artist's Chroma tic Hand Book, being a practi- I One offier'^riends had experienced great reliefirom cal treatise on Pigments, their properties and uses i ladwny - 8 Heady Relief in Neuralgia, and recommen- in Painting; by John P.Ridner. 1 ■ ---- J - -u^t- ai,«,m.ri«n. She History of Propellers and Steam Navigation, with Biographical Sketches; by Robert Macfarlane, C.E., Editor of the “Scientific American." Received by no7 g JOHN M. L/UUFJblt. d *d tile oldladjr to try it for her llbeumatism. ^be used it according to directions, wasjiathed^with PETTICOAT GOVERNMENT, a Novel, by cJo'o^Ne^York Above and Under-Ground; by I deriul cure on record Over «ve dun-trea me.timers thefuffior of “Now-York, by .Gas Liglit."^ . __ | of the Tabemnolo and, friends the Reliet for fifteen inutes, during that tune two bottles were used, and In two hours after she could walk alone! this was on Thursday and tho iollowing Sundav she walked to church. Reader, think. Theie is not another such a won- ’ - Over five hundred members BioirraohTcal Essays; liy' Thomas Deauincy.au- I witnesses of the remarkable e««cte of Rndway a or of “Conlossion J of an English Opium-Eater.” Ready Relief in the cure ot Mb cruelafflI thla A fresh supply of the back numbers of Harpers lady, in two hours ; where, can we find another such EW Monthly Magazine. Recrived by cure performed by fcny other article o y h j H.CUBBEDGE, For speed and efficacy it is superior - South side of tho Market. I *-*- t- m». the verv moment it is nov 6 rpHK CHRIST AIN of this kind l to every other reinedvTn use, tbe very moment It is applied it be ns to ease the pain and curetbe disease. K's Ready elief for pain, and a true blessing to tho bed-ridden CJUV7I SWZ 4.U^ ...rvnlr orirl narvmm. PROFESSOR—Ad- ^ _ dressed, in a seriea of Counsels aud Cautions to I ‘“j 1 J^L it strengthens the weak and nervous, tho members of Christain Churches; by John Angel y,. a fpi c ted and sufterers of pain, and cures James. like magic, Sore Throat, Influenza, Cramps, Spasms' A Practical Hand Book of Medical Chemistry; by p,; ' ,“^e Sprains, Strains, Sores, Eruptions, Burns, JohnE. Bowman. Scalds'Lumbago, Inflamations, Swellings, Paralysis, The Syredish Herdsman Song, and others of Jenuy I)c ; ler( , ux Tieuralgi", Tooth Ache, Hemicrama, Lind’s Songs, received by rnriPFTt Nervous Head Ache, Eruptions of the.Skin,Cutan nor 4 JOHN M. COPIER, eoUJ , pleases, -fcc. Taken internally it will iu^tont- “HE LADIES’ PAPETERIE t a beautiful ly allay the most violent Spasms, stop ® u f e nineteen cases out of twenty readily yield to the pen etrating Btimula combined in this valuable prepara tll, jn Rheumatism, either acute or chronic, the claims of the Hebrew Piaster have long since been univer sally acknowledged. Those who are laboring under weak backs, no matter from what cause the weakness inay have originated—even if such persons have been misguided in previous applications in the use ot the Hebrew Plaster they will find the offer'>d part sud denly restored to its original soundness. As a euiqiorter in cases of constitutional weakness it will ba found of great affvantnge. It is pjrticular- ly recommended to Females who are sufiertng. lrom sudd'-n weakness, or general debility. In short, it embraces all the virtues wnichthe mostscientific mind was capable of compounding from valuable substan ces tuund in tbe old world, and wiil be tcund entire ly free from those objections which are a source of complaint with the numerous spread-plasters now before the public. rap These plasters possess the advantage ot ingput up in air tight boxes—hence they retain their full virtues ir. all climates. Beware of Coiintcrfeitsnnil Banc Imitation* None genuine without the engraving of Jew David on the wrapper around each box. Price 50 cents per box. Each box contains sufficient to spread six or eight plasters. Mark* of the Geniine t 1st. Thegenuinc is put up in smooth, engineturned bottomed boxes. 2. The genuine has the engraved head of Jew David on the directions, around the box 3d. Unless it has, (on the direction around box) a npy of the Record of the Court to E. Taylob, Roch- ester, it is counterfeit. SCOV1L & MEAD, 113 Charles street, New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold Wholesale and Retail by THOMAS M. TURNER, & CO., and TURNER & ODEN, Savai.^ h. OctlO GEORGE PAYNE, Macon. G AMES.—A largo assortment of Backgammon Boards, and Extra men. Chess men, Chenn- Boards, Dice, Dominoes, and Dice .Boxes, justrece.lv ed and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON * GO. oct j6 Gibbon’s Building. iriESTS. VESTS.—Plain Black and Fancy Silk V Vests, a large variety. Fo ” a, ^ by YMO ;, i S , oct 19 Old stand of Hamilton & Symons. • A LMANACS f\ lies Almanac tho gross, by for 1851.—The Georgia and Caro for 1851, for sale, at retail, or by j.B. CUUBEDGE, Market-sqr. jyEW GOOBSJFOR HOU8E-RFJEFER8. ^ ^ Closets, Tea Strainers, Steel Fire Setts, Bread Troughs, Box Irons, Jappaned Toilet Setts, Curtaih Bands and Pina, Nutcraeks, Key Rings, Dish Covers, Egg Codlers, Cake Turnera, Butter Knives, ■Pastry Dandies, Cork Screws, Knife Boxes, Oyster Dishes, Potato Mashers, Quilling Scissors, together or 'tefilA’MSi?'. oct 26 100 Bryan-st. V1 A ~TO IS YEARS OLD.—Young Gentlemen between tho age of fourteen and eighteen, I can fit you it) fine black French Coats, black, brown and green Sack Coats, Cashmere and Satm Vests, from a fine assortment just opened. Call and see at - ’Ran the Clothing Store, Gibbons’ Rang. ^ niCHOLS. nTBrlCOPHEBODS.—Prof. Harry’s Trlcopker- X oils, or Medicated Compound, vvii ^ 0« O| w. Compound. With this pre^ naratiou “there is no such word as fail.’ journal in America, raodical men ot the highest emi nence, prominent citizens of all proiessiops, and la dies who havo used it for years in their dressing rooms and nursuriee, admit with one accord, that for Imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance, and curl to the hair, eradicating scurff, dandruff, &c., it has no equal arating the multitude of Compounds advertised in the public prints or used in private practice. 3 he . flcientilic treatise on the hair aud skin in which each bottle Is enclosed, is alone Worth tbe whole colt of the article. For sale at 25 cents per bottle. oct 30 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. P ORTABLE DESKS.-A very handtomej.ss sortment of Rose-Wood and Mahogany_WrWng Desks and Work-Boxes, tor sale -ry tow^iecs, y oet24 A N T I L L A 8.—Just received per steamer some plain, black and watered Silk h and English Prints, Ladies'black .Gloves, Misses and Ladies’ Bonnet Cambric Himdksrahiefs, Hemateich -d do; for sale by LaROCUE, llOWNE & CO. T HE LADIES’ PAFKT15K.IL t a neauiuni iy allay me mosi. vioiu... ‘ Dv and cheap article, containing 12 sheeto 8 vo Cramps and-Cholera Morbus, Sou.^St ^ ^.^y^ Queen’s Note, 36 Envelopes, 12 of each size, 36 &il ver Medallion Wafers, best quality. oc t24 J- B- CUBBEDGE. S~4ITRATEof Magnesia is recomended iw a del, Vy cious, very agreeable and efficacious Saline pur itative, peculiarly during Fevers. For snle by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, Smets’ Building. within a labe DIt. ALLENS VEGETABLE COMPOUND FOB THE CUBE OF DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT. NERV01! DEBILITY, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, 4c ’TAH1S medicine is offered to the public raider tbe X assurance that there is no article in existence having stronger claims to their consideration Bein; compounded by a regular GRADUATE of JEi FERSON COLLEGE, Philadelphia, andapractie ing Physician of TWENTY YEARS STANDING in Philadelphia, his long experience has confirmed hiir in the opinion that a compounded medicine was re uired to prevent and remedy the debilitation ] meed by residing in low miasmatic climates, mil . counteract the prostrating influences of tbe man nervous disorders with which the human family ai afflicted. DR. ALLEN is a well known physician, and ha used the above medicine in his practice for twelv year with the most astonishing effect, having teste its qualities ill above FIVE THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ever received more flattering rccon inundation from physicians of eminent standing tbi has been bestowed on this. Thounnnds arc now suffering from th most dreadful complaint, the Dyspepsia, when a si gle bottle of Dr. Allen's Vegetable Compound wou nave the effect ol removing all thqse distress® feelings attendant on that most debilitating disease. Sole Proprietors—G, W. Allex, H. D. Phil, am A. J. &. W. L. Cleavland, 207 King-et Charlatan S. C. A A. SOLOMONS St. CO., July 13 Only agents in Savaunali, Ga. rt REAM ALE.—10 bbls superior Cream Ab received per steamship Florida, for sale by dec 5 W. M. DAVIDSON. P EACH BRANDY in store aud for sale by 5 bbls Old Teach Brand) dec 5 W. M. DAVIDSON. fO MISTAKE.—All those in search of clothin JY may save themselves trouble and perplexity, calling at 147 Bay-st., and Belcct their wants from th Star Emporium of. „ . dec 5 • PRICE St VEADER. sept25 pOTASIl.—10 bbls. superior quality PoteshjJ'or sale by nov9 R. HENDRICKSON & CO. P LAINS ANDBLANKETS.—Just opened.tin additional supply of the above, embracing a great variety and rendering our assortment com plete. F’or sale in quantities to suit very low by JAMES ANDERSON & CO. nov 6 No. 70 0t. Julian and 103 Bryau-streets. pANTS.- iricty o opened and foi- sale at the Store of nov 13 PIERSON & 1IEIDT. iVEW MACKEREL, HERRING AND il CODFISH.—60 hills, netv Nos. J, 2 and 3 Mackerel; 40 half do. do. 1 and 2 do.; 50 boxes New Scalled Herring; l hhd. Codfish. Lauding from hark Texas, anu for sale by oct. 26 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. A DIES’ DRESS GOODS.-A large assortment mured Si. Satioe, plain and printed Cashmevs, Miislinde Lanes,. Merinos, Sylvaneas, Alpacas, Canton Cloths, French printed Cambrics, Gimlinms, Plain and Figured Swiss, and Tarlitane Muslins, Lung atm Square Oun- ton Crape and Woollen Shawls, Lace Capes, and Berthas, Chantilly Veils, Embroidered Sleeves, Cheuiezettes, Collars, and Linen Cambric Hanker- chefs, Gloves, &c. &r For sale in quantities to suit at lowest prices, by JAMES ANDERSON &- CO. nov 6 No. 70 St Julian and 103 Brynn-streets, this valuable remedy m their houses all pains as toon at it is applied. See that the fee simile of Radivny *J-Co is upon each bottle. Price 25 cents, large Bottles. .... . . Railway’s Chineso Medicated Soap. Patronized by thousands ot individuals throughout the States and Canadas, giving the most flattering satisfaction to all who have used it. Chemists have wondered at its mysterious eff ects, and muny of them have endeavored to discover the secrets ot its won derful combination of efficacious balms and extracts, which render it so speedy and efficacious in the re moval of Pimples, Blotches, PustuleB, Tetter, trans forming as if by magic, dark, sallow, yellow and un healthy skins, to soft,, pure, and healthy com- lcxions. For tho cure of Chapped Flesh, Rough, cracked and discolored Skin, Salt Rheum, R-ing Worm, Erysipelas, Scurvey aud Soro Head, Rail way’s Chinese Medicated rioap may truly be call ed an inestimable treasure. Excressences ot the cu ticle arc speedily removed and cured—the cuticulnr vessels are instantly cleansed ot all impurities the hands, neck and face present abeautiiul clean, sweet KjTf^tEaWEL on STEELENGRAVING. Iladway’s Soap to be genuine must bo enclosed in a label of benutllul Steel Engraving, and the_ signa ture of R. G. Iladway uponcachcuke. Price 25 cents, large cakes. BEAUTIFUL HAIR. Radway’s Circassian Balm. ' Is the moat delicious Hair Tonic in use. It is bet ter thsn Maeasssr Oil for dressing tho hair, and im parting to the witching curls that beautiful gloss fl'« fliA Tffil.l it iu In/lriitH O t TOfiA. CARD.—The undersigned having ro-opened with an entire New stock of DRUGS, CHEM ICALS, and FANCY ARTICLES, at No. 139 South-side Broughton-etreet, (formerly Wal ker’s Marble Yard) is now ready to furnish anything in his line, at the shortest notice. SODA WATER, made in his own peculiar way, sent to any part of the city, and always to be had at tho store, in the high est state of perfection. Pbf.scriptions put up with care and despatch. The subscriber having Bervcd the public long nnd faithfully, respectfully solicits n share of patronage, mar 27 THOS. RYERSON. R ECEIVED per barque Exact: 10 bbls Apples; .10 do choice Mercer Potatoee; 100 whole and half boxes Sardines; 5 cases Extracts, for flavoring; 3 boxes Fig Paste; 10 sacks Soft Shell Almonds; fresh Pearl Barley, Tapioca and Carbonate Soda; 2 cases French Olives; 2 bbls Grenable Nuts, dec 6 JOHN D. JESSE. TJOUTE MONAIS.—A now supply of Porto IW Monaia, of desirable quality, at low prices, oct21 J. B. CUBBEDGE. D omestic Liquoits.-sobbis e Pheip’. Gin, 30 do Imperial d Gin, 30 do Imperial do, 50 do Rectified Whiskey, 40 do High Proof White do. 25 do Domestic Brandy 20 c|r casks Fourth Proof do, 35 eighth do do, do do I.muling and for sale by dec 12 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. which nil admire. To the Bald it is indeed a treas ure, for it will make hair grow in bald spots that have been bald for years. LIFE IN THE HAIR. Each liair in the head possesses a germ of life, on which depends the growth nnd beauty ot the hair, ns the health of the body depends upon the free circula tion of tne blood To invigorate the liair, to give a life-principle to thifi germ, use the CIRCASSIAN BALM prepared by RAD WAY & CO., Chemists o( N. York, ft is putup in lurge bottles for 25 cents, and makes the hairline, smooth, soft nnd glossy. Prin cipal Office 162 Fulton Street, New York. For sale by G.R. HENDRICK80N & Co . A. A. SOLOMONS & Co.,nnd WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, Agents. r >)Ann ORANGES.—Receiving d . AW jV/Ul I from Wilmington Island, n supply of fresh Picked Orarges. For sab;by dee 9 tf WM. 1*. ROWLAND, 8fl Bay-st mg PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS, and others, written in most uny language put up with oaro and despatch,not to be excell ed in the city. L. J. MYERS, Apothecnry, Corner Broughton & Whitaker streets, jgp A night bell is to be found on the door,front g Broughton street July 8 B altimore flour.-ioo bbu How Street Flour, landing from barque Hebron, an c5 by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. Flnur7s8 do7 Hirsm Smith’s do. Extig; 60do. tor, Sugar nnd Soda Crackers; 150 do. Mercer* J’ink Eye Potatoes; 35 do. Prime Leaf Lard; new White Beans; 200 boxes new M 75half do. do. do.; 50 qarter do.do. do.; 80 M- now Scaled Herring ; 2hhds new Codfish; ->“■ Trod well s Soda Biscuit: 20 half chests quarter papers Black Tea; 20 half do. do.boz. do do- Landing and for sale by . r n dec 5 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON St (V F IVE Years in Gordon Cummings. i—Vol. the Interior of South Africa; by Life of Chalmers—Vol. 2nd. No. 18 David Coppcrfield. Halved b! Harpers’ Magazine, for NoTC !^o ji.^COOPEH nov 13 H AKPEB8’ MAGAZINE The Luttrells ; or the Two Marriages. J stone Williams, Esq Household Words. No. 34. HousefiolU worue.no..ia. French:! Fadette; a Domestic Story, lrom the r Matilda M. HayB. . „ n t p a ta The World’s Progresa; A 1th Tabular Views of General History. Rural Hours : lay a lady: M. COOPER. TURNER’S Compound Fluid Ex-U-nct of Conyza nnd Slyllingla. T HIS preparation is a Concentrated Extract, con taining all the Active Medical Properties of the Conyza, (commonly known as Black Root,) and the Styliingia, or Queen’s Delight. These plants have been long used among our South ern Negroes, and recently by the Medical Profession, With tho happiest results, in cases of Chronic Rheu matism, Ulcers of long standing, and Secondary Syphilis. It is much superior to any preparation of Sarsaparilla as un alterative, being more active and -ronipt in its operation on the system. These facts ave induced the subscribers to present to tho atten tion of Physicians a fluid extract prepared strictly ac cording to Chemical and Parmaceutical science, de void of all the feculent und inert parts of the roots, not doubting that it willsupersede the unscientific and crude preparations hitherto used. Price—$1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Prepared und sold by TURNER & ODEN, Monument-Square, And by T. M. TURNER & CO. mar 29 181 Bay-street,Savannah, Ga. T|/f ANTILLAH.—Received per ( J, iil an assortment ’ 0 “Iroche M gowne^ M antillas, visettes, &c.—just re ceived, mi assortment of watered, plain aud black Silk Mantillas and Visettcs. For sale by dec2 LAROCHE, BOWNE A CO. UURK YOURSELF. F ROM time immemorial there has existed in largo cities and populous towns, a species oi discs 30 the dependence slid propagation ol which results from the violation of divine nnd moral laws. To those afflicted, the AMERICAN COMPOUND is pre sented to their notice as being the most cortinn, spee dy, und valuabe specific ever oflered to the unfortu nate. It has, wherever known, acquired a reputntion thnt daily experience continues to strengthen. Tliou- snndshave been cured by its use; nnd us it leaves no odour on the breath, requires neitbet-restriction in dleti or business, nor contains eillicr mercury or noxious dnigein the lea=tiujurioun to the system; It is boldly presented as the best cure for such diseases yet offered. It is used by Pliysiaians, and pronounc ed superior to any known remedy. Prepared by Dr. J. N. Rector & Brpther, 294 Mur- hot-street. For sale by W. HUMPHREYS, A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., July 24 ly| T. M. TURNER &. CO. QOHHEN BUTTER , 10 firkin, fljjgj, UBnnii duxib"- -- n yl i. i„rf»re“ ter, received per steamship luori jJ A yjpsOl TEA.—20 half J“'.| Bpmto^u-tiele, in 5 oz papers recc.-^ Florida, for sale by w - 1 To TAlCi BLUE.—1 cask Superior Engl' 1 * 11 flg J? Just received and S?/-«kRON & &B - HEMP S^g Cohen's TJLAYING CARDS. Goliena JL nmelled and Gold Eagle ^ * r f jJ|M and Abbot Ely’s. half bbls- B altimoke flour* SSI lug from schr Susun Csnnon, W & jjgE' oct 22 Y IS .orS S ofrich w^red material, Visettcs. J«streceived by MARgnALL & GW) out 7 an d 1 IpilENCH Cpmbrick”, Ginghams, Shawls. Just received hy gHAIjL & j oct 7 .ju> Just received by . _ Tho.lSM3|g»^tlTpl^ volume) is received , subserme Williams, Esq., authorl of _ Sr .r^Ids of Honor." See. , b , Christinas Brother Jonathan. ^ ^ MARSHALL*^ owiu^r^ho-