Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 27, 1850, Image 3

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will mite pl«C*» on Monday. the 6th day of Jimi'iry *“*« SB flfe 11 A. R LAWTON, President, S. A. OLDsT W OULDi Ue.Mcttullv Intorm hie frleada, that he haa taken a Store No. 151 Brdsdwnv, Nrw York up stairs, where ho ia prepared to make to order all kinds i>f Garments, in tho Peat manner and nt the |owe«t prices. IIo will be in Savannah the first of January, to take measures and receive orders from there who may wish to dreaa well, and have their Clothe* nt rendy mado prices. AH garmcntH war ranted to At, wnd inude in the latent *tyle dec 84 t v KltMAN Chamomile Flowers, hut received r and lor aalo by L. J. MYKRft, Apothecary, dec 24 Smote' Hullding.a 4 XI KH AND SSl’UINGS.—100 sets, received XX und lor sale by dec 83 McCLF-SKF.Y A NORTON. 9100 REWARD.—Ranaway from the plantation of Dr M C King, on the Savannah River, "POPE,’ aged fifty or fifty fivo years, _blaek complexion, five feet five inches high originally a fisherman. A reward of One Hundred DofiurB will ho paid for his delivery at Dr. King's plantation, or tor Ilia lodgement In the Savannah or Charleston Jail. UOBT. HABERSHAM & SON. dec 24 3 B ARRY’8 Tricopherous or Medicated Cmi7 pound; juat. received und for sale bv dec 23 O. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. J>EllFIJIUKs4.—Lubin’s, flunrlain’s, Maugenet 9 I und Ede S Extracts for the handkercliief, consist jngof Bouquot do Caroline Jockey Hub, Jenny Lind. Rough and Ready, Miilcfleur, Violet, Tuberose, Magnolia, Jonquil, Sweet Pea. Mignonette, Verbena, ([cranium, Vanilla, Eglantine, lledyosmia, Bouquet do la Relne, Heleotrope, Mousselme, Honey, Musk and Citroncll Rose. For salt, by dec 13 G. R, HENDRICKSON A CO. TS. TMKNT T BOOKS, READY MADE CLOTHING, T HE Undersigned has received per Steamer Flo rida and recent arrivals a complete assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, composed In part of the following articles—and all made under his own superintendence. The undersigned has always received from those who have favored him wlthliieir pntronBgo, tho credit of selling the BEST GOODS IN THIS MARKET. Ho now wishes to call atten tion to bis PRESENT STOCK, and lie wishes them to understand ho is determined to sell tho CHEAP EST as woll as tho BEST. The following will compose a part of the stock on hand: Gent's Business Frocks and Sacks. Kersey and Blue Pilot Over Coats. Devonshire Drab do. do. Norway Coating do. do. Black and blue Cloth Cloaks. Pilot Cloth do. do. Black Dress Coats and Frocks. Brown and olive Cloth Frocks. Bluck super Doeskin Caeslmorc Pants. Fancy and ribbed do. do. Black Satin and fancy Silk Vests. Fancy Velvet and Chally do. Blnck, fancy,and while Kid Gloves. Black, white, and fancy Silk do. Merino and Silk Undershirts. White and fancy Shirts. Red Flannel and Hickory Shirts. Stocks. Ciavata, und Su'penders. Collars, Umbrellas and Drawers. Also, a largo assortment of FRENCH. ENGLISH, AND GERMAN CLOTHS, CASHIMERES, AND VESTINGS, made to order nt the shortest notice, and in the BEST STYLE OF WORKMANSHIP. VVM. R SYMONS, 17 Whitatker-street. nov 8 Successor of linmBton A Symons RATER BOOKS, BIBLES AND K8: and Abiding Places of our Lordt illustrated in the Journal of a Tour through the Land of Promise; by J. M. Wainwright, D. D. Our Saviour, with Prophets and Apostles; a series ot 18 highly finish -d Steel F.ngravings, with Descrlp- ttons ol several American Divines; oditod by the Bev. j, M. Wainwright, D. D. Tho Queens ot England : a aeries of Portraits of Distinguished Femnle'Sovereigns; Drawn and En graved by eminent Artists, with Biographical and Historical Sketches, from Agnes Strickland. The Iris: an illustrated Souvenir, for 1851; by Profassor John.S.Hart Evenings at Donaldson Manor, or tho Christmas Guest; by Maria J. McIntosh. Sacred Scenes, or Passages lu the Life of our Sa viour ; by various eminent writers—embellished with sixteen steel engravings. The Female Poets ot America, with Portraits, Biographical Notices and Specimens of their Writ ings ; by Thos. Buchanan Read. The Sacred Annual, or Gift for all Seasons; edited by tlio Rev. B. Hastings Weld. Lesllet* of Memory, an illustrated Annual, for 1851 edited by Reyncll Coates, M. D. The Cabinet of Modern Art: n collection of twen- ty-tivn subjects from Modern Musters, engraved iu the highest style of Mezzutinto; illustrated by ap propriate articles in prose and verse. Cams of Beauty ; a Literary Gift, for 1850: edited by Emily Percivnl. Tile Rosary of Illustrations of the Bible; edited by Rev. Edward E. Hale. Tlie Amcricun Keepsake, for 1851; edited by Anna Wilmot. The Snow Flake; a Christmas, Now Year and Birth 11a Gift, for 1851. Christmas Blossoms and New Year's Wreath, for 1851; by Uncle Thomas. The Christmas Tribute and New Year’s Gift, a Souvenir, for 1851. Women of the Old nnd New Testament—a aeries of Portraits, with Characteristic Descriptions, by several American Clergyman; edited by Win. B. Sprague, D. D., with 18 originnl designs, engraved expressly lor this work. A good assortment of nihlns-nnd Prayer Books, ol various sizes and styles of binding. Juvenile Bouka to suitall ages. A good supply al ways on hand. .1. B CUBBEDGE, dec 7 South of the Market. P IG IRON.—Now landing from ship Argyic. from Glasgow, an invoice of Gartsherrin, No. 1- Apply to ANDREW. LOW A CO. dec 18 tf CHANTS’ AND MECHANICS’ matnal LIFE Insurance jT COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Cub CapluU $100,000. , GEO. ROBERTSON, Jr„Agt. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. Just received, a lot ol Gold Pens, with Gold Cases; do., with Stlrer Cases; Gold Pencils, and Gold Pens without esse. A very han.isume assortment, direct from the manu facturers. dec 18 J It CUBBEDGE, Bomb of Market. ■JUST received, a large 'assortment of Urates.— *# Tho public arc luvitca to call and examine, at No. 102 By an street, dec 18 CI1AS. E. WEED. PASTERN HAY.—20U bundles primo Eastern i-S Hay, landiug Irom shift Cerru Gordo nnd lor •»le by JAS. SKINNER, dec 18 Foot of VVliitaker-etrert. Pantaloons; also, blue nnd black Cloth Cluuka; to be sold at the very lowest prices, by HOUSTON A GP.OUNDESON. dec 18 1)6 Bry mi st., one door from Whitaker. H AIR BRUSHES.—Ju*t received per steamer Florida, n large supply of English ami French Hair Brushes, a choice nssortim nt. Fur sate by dec 18 TURNER A ODEN, Monuraent-sq. S T Alt CANDLBSr.-lOO botia Star ICandles landing from brig Mary Jane, und for sule hy dro 19 COHENS & HERTZ. Hams, 12 do Jno. K Childs A. Oo’a do, landing from brig Mary Jane, und fur sale by dec 19 COHENS A HERTZ. S HIFTS.—500Shirts Ofall kinds and ail quali, ties just received and for enlo by dec 19 O’. 5. NICHOLS B OYS* SCHOOL OVERCOATS.-Anothnr lot ot Boys’ Common Ovorcuats, juBtrceeivcd at the Clothing Btoro Gibbous' Range dec 19 G. S. NICHOLS. E vening dresses and white kid GLOVES—Handsome Embroidered Mu-liusfor Evening D esses; also first quality White Kid Gloves, for sale low by B. F. McKENNA. dec 19 111 Congress-st Monument sq. G ARDEN SEEDS.—Fresh Gnrden Seeds war runted Crop )f 1850, just received and tor sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. dee 18 EMPLOYMENT FOR GIRLS.-A lew JLi Girls, who are accustomed to Sowing will find Employment at the Savannah Shoe Factory. Inquire at the store of the subscriber, dec 19 WM. P.. HALE. r PABI,E CUTLERY—Of the most superior quality, con isting of Knives und Forks, A<\ Ac., of all sorts and sizes, and of every pattern mid style, dec 19 CHAS. E. WEED, 102 Bryanat. mm PIONO FOIITES—Thc subsen bers would respectfully call attention to their stock of Piano rortes, com prising a vnriety of styles, compass «nd finish, by J.iB. Dunham, A. Stodart, and Win. Holland Son, New York, and L. Gilbert, Bor'on; in cluding the metalic frame, vibrating overbridge pa tent action. Ac. These instruments are of warran ted durability,based uponan established reputation of many years standing, nnd are offered ut factory iiriccfby the manufacturer’s agents. F. ZOGBAUM & Co., Cor St Jullan-st.nnd Market-sq. N. B.-Second band Pianus taken in exchange. Sopt 17. f INSKED OIL.—5 casks for sale by L dec 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON & CO. I I ASTING’S Compound Syrup of Naptha, a cure II for Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Consumption, and I diseases of the chest and lungs; just received nnd for sale by L. J. MYERS. Apothecary, dec 23 Sinets'Buildings. I INDIA CIIOLAGOGUE—For Fevers just re I 1 celved and for sale by dec23 L ‘J. MYERS. Stunts’ Buildings. fUMES FOltYOUTH.—A new supply just vJ received by dec 21 JOHN M. COOPER. E VERPOINT PENCIL LEADS.-A good supply of all sizes, juet Fec-ived hy 1 dec2l/ JOHN M. COOPER, IIJOLIDAY PRKSENT8.-The largest and I ll best selected stock ot GIFT BOOKS, DESKS. I WORK BOXES, PORTFOLI S, DRESSING I CASES, Ac. Ac. ever ottered in this city. A few Illustrated Gift Books, ju-t received per Florida, in Ian entirely netr find most elegant and cosily style ot liindlng. JOHN M. COOPER " _ dec 21 IpATENT Lacteal or Artificial Breast, for sale by |r dee.23 G. R. HENDRICK-ON A CO HIUI8TMAS PRESENTS.—SingleCupsand J Saucers, ot elegant patterns; rich China Tetc n Trie Setts; Vases; Card Baskets; Bohemian Glass ICalomges; Terra Cotta Ware; China Ornaments; ■rich decorated Pitchers; Mugs; Parlor Match Boxes; ■Work Boxes; Ink Stands, of Pnrcelian and Terra P>t»a; Wedgewood Curd Baskets; Writing Desks ['iRether with a great variety of China and other Or- picnta. For sale liy „ , dec 21 COLLINS A nULKI.EY, 100 Brynn-st. UMBER, LUMBER—The undersigned In tending to continue the Lumber business nn bis *ii account will keep constantly on hand a quantity 1 River Sawed Lumber, Ranging Timber und phinglea; also Oak, Ash und iov 20 ly At tho old stand, O’Byrne’s wharf. ToTIC’E.—All persons indebted to the Estate ot r * James Frew, late «fOhBtbain County, deceased |te requested to make immediate payment; and all ""rsons having demands against eaid Estate will l’ re I ' rut them, duly attested, within the time prescribed If law, to W. M. DAVIDSON, 1 nov 14 Administrator. P RIME NORTHERN HAY. —200 bundles received nnd for sale hy dec 19 JAMES SKINNER, Foot of Whitaker-st. F LINT CORN.—a first rale article, received and for sale by JAMES SKINNER, dec 19 F'oot of Whitaker-st. new article and one that comfortable, just received per steamer at the Clothing Store Gibbons’ Range tor sale by dec 19 G. S. NICHOLS. ^YVERCOATS.—A V/ must be euinfortabl R ECEIVED per steamer Florida, 10 bbis Apples, 10 do Mercer Potatoes 1 bbl Dried Figs. 2 do do Apples In store 5,000 choice Oranges, dec4 JOHN D. JESSE. I 3UESII TAMARINDS.—For sale by 1 L. J. MYERS, Apothecary. dec 20 Sinets’ Buildingi PHOFESSOR -BARRY’S TIlftjOl’IJERUS A For sale by- dec 20 L. J. MYERS. Apothecary, Sinets’ Buildings. 'T’OWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA.—Ju received and for sale by L. J.M1ERS, dec 20 Apo.hecury, Smets’ Buildings. R OBINSON’S PATENT BARLEY.—Ri eeived per Florida, and for sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, dec 20 Smets’ Buildings. TUST RECEIVE!! — An assortment of Braes Andirons, to he sold at the lowest prices, dec 20 CHAS. E. WEED, No. 102 Bryanat. B UTTER AND CHEESE.—60 kegs selected Goshen Butter; 300 boxes white Cneese; 100 do English Dairy no. Landing fro steamship Flor ida find brig Philura. for sale by dec 19 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A O. O ATS ! OATS!!—A first rate article, white and full grain; for sale by dec 19 JAMES SKINNER, Foot of Whitaker-st. TttOLD PENS.—Just received,* supply of Burd vJf & Brothers' Premium Gold Pens and Cases.— Also, on hand, a larva stock of Bagley’s, Brown's. Benedict A Barney's, and others, of all sizes and prices. JOHN M. COOPER, dee 19 C lANAL FLOUR, <&c.~75 bbis pure Gnessee i Floor; 50 do. Hiram Smith Extra, do; 40 hall do. pure Gonessee do; 60 bbis Butter, Sugar and So da Crackers ; 30poxes Sod* Biscuit; 40 bbis. Stu arts Clarified Suga; 80 do Mackerel,Nos. 1, 2, and 3; 40 halt dn. do Nos. 1 and 2; 29 halt chests Hyson Tea; 40 half chests quarter lb. 6oz. papers ot Bl-ck do - 50 boxes C lgatea Pearl Starch; 100 bbis. good eating Potatoes ; 150 do. Planting do ; 60 boxes 6 a and 8's, Beadels Candles; 300 do. Soap various Brands; 100 do. new Raisins; 150 halt and quarter do do. Lfinding from barque Vernon, and brig Phi ' U dec f 19 r B8 ' e ^SCRANTON, JOHNstON & CO i AY—Prime Eastern Hay in store, and for sale l by DAVID R. DILLON, I dec |7 Foot of West Broad-st. tl/diOI).—,1’rime Black Jack, Oak, Ash/and Pine r Wood - lBndin8and ‘'davIdr.dilfon, dec 17 * Foot of West Broad-at fpggtfgr 1 "--* fissssfc* ldec 19 \ATS.—500 bushels Seed and Feed Oats, in bags J of 2 bushel, each, landing per “hr Ocean and |r sale by DAVID R. DILLON, Idee 17 Foot ol West Broad-st. ^LOUGHS.—700 Ploughs,assorted, just received .and for .ale b, McC lE8KF.Y & NORTON I casks N O Hams, land jng this day from brig 5 y - .and for sale low from JrEINER. IVERCOAT8 AND CLOTH C^AKS.-Al " n ew and fashionable good* are °(ler. J fjtiiiiic p 1-w prices, for cash, at ^e S^aBnah jotting Z% HOUSTON 4 OHOflNDES^ Potato eh anTTcabbagbs.-uwwj» r Potatoes, and 4 crates Cahbagn«>iHbne amUor shy ROWLAND * WASUBUHia. pec 17 EMEMBKU 18? CONGRESS-ST.-We nave received tiy theFlorida thctollowing Goods, viz • Black Cloth Cloaks, blue and bl’k Cloth Frock tees bl’k do. Dress and Frock Coats, 1 weed and Cassirner Business Frocktecs, Over Sacks, ot diner- rat qualities. Satin and col’d Silk Vests, bl kand col d Cassimere Punts. Boys’ fancy Cnssimer and 1 weed Frocktecs,Boys’ fancy Cassimer Pants,Gent s tashion- able Hats, California Hats, Men’s end Boys Caps, hue sewed Boots, sewed Calf Brogans, &c. We would respectlully invito those who have been to see us to come again, and those who have not, to szr w; - we nsssn dec 21 n ail if 1.; NI.-\V G OODS.—A further supply of M Ready Made Clothing, comprising Black Over- Co^ts, Pants, Vests, Ac., reReved^nd fir. HITE 311 HYLAND CORN.—A iresh lot lust received, and for sale by dec'19 JAMES SKINNER, Foot of Whitakerst- SHIP LINES. ~ »iAit sfEnoffifncfSET FOltHAVANA.N.OHLEANSvVCHAGnES The splendid steamship OHIO. J. K. Sclienok, U. H. N. eonitriander will leave this plaeo on Sunday tho 29th inH. For passage apply to cohf.ns a hertz, Agt’a. FOR NEW YORK—New Lln«. J3f3i The regular Packet achr J KRANDALL.Capt Dean, will have Immediate dispatch fur tho aiiovi port. For freight or passage apply to dec 24 ROW LAND & WASHBURN. FOE, IID8TON. Ai. The first class now fast sailing barque HKR- S3feTIIA. C. C. Smart, inaater, having the gie«er pari ul hei*cargo engaged, will meet willi quick d*a- jiutch For balance of Freight or Passage, having superior accommodations, imply to tho muster cu hoard, at Anderson's lower wharf, or to dec 24 COHENS & HERTZ. FOR NEW-YORK. JFJi The fine packet achr. LOUIS1NE, Smith, master, will have quick despatch lor above puff For freight or passage, huving good accom modations, apply to dec 21 3 CHAS. A. GREINER. FOR BALTIMORE. »7't\ Tlie achr. FAWN, Capt lViiniston, will < MaRj-bave dispatch for Ulo above port For Freight or Pa,.age,apply to dec 17 HOWLAND Si WASHBURN. FOR IIALTIMORR—Kc-uulur Line. Theauperiorpneketbrig MARY ELEANOR, jCapt. Parker, having most of her cargo en gaged, witt have quick dispatch. For Freight or Passage, apply ou bonrd, at Tolfilr’s wharf, or to dee. 17 BR'.GllAM, KELLY Si CO hJIIsKS.— Rich Drees Silks, nt low price#, by k? B. F. McKENNA. deo 19 111 Congress-st Monument-sq. WANTED. T EN or twelve Negroes for Boat hnndB, for which the highest wages will he pnid, Apply immedi ately to BRIGHAM, KELLY Si dec2 CO. TEACHER WANTED. A YOUNG MAN to teach School in n family lu the country, for which liberal wages will he paid Apply at thia office stuthlO dec 7 DAGUERREOTYPES. P M. CARY would respectfully give notice to t the public that he has re-opened his Rooms, corner Brynn-street and Market-square, (over Wil- mott’s Jewelry Store.) where he will lie happy to wait upon all who would have their Pictures well executed. A Picture of Jenny Lind may be seen at hi looms, nov 25 tf FOR N'KYY-YORK—New Line. The regular Packet brig MACON. Captain Watklna. will have dispatch for the above port. 'For freight or passage, apply to nov 22 ROWLAND Si WASHBURN. FOR NEW-YORK—Old Eatablialiod Line. IjL Tho regular pocket barquo TEA 'S, James McNair, master, having a portion of bar car go engaged, will have quick dispatch. For Freight or Passage, apply ou board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to dec 18 BRIGHAM, KELLY Si CO. FOR 1*111 LADIteLPHIA-IIeromi’ Line. The regular packet achr. J. Si W. ERRICK- ^.U^ SON. Myers, master, will hare quiok dispatch loranove port. For Freighter Passage, having good accommodations, apply to dec 18 CHARLES A. GRIENER. novr SS F or hale.—20 h Flour, in auckenf lOOlba. each, lorgia Wheat 100U bushels whits Maryland Corn, in sacks 500 do. Heavy Outs do. do. novl HOLLIS & LAWSON. STOVES, Just received and for salo 150 Cook Stoves, and Ranges; 100 (mrlor Stoves, 75 Hall and Office Stoves of the most fashionable patterns. Also Force, Lift- and Boar Pumps, Plain end Jappnticd Tin Ware, Hollow and Enamelled Ware, Furnaces, Smoothing Irons, Grid Irons, Sauce Pans, Fry Pans, &c.,Lead Pipe, sheet Lead, iron, Copper nnd Zinc. McAilTHOR Si MORSE, Oct 7 No. 13 Barnard Street. nnd 22d of rach mo ply to COMENS & HERTZ, Snratteah. FOR AUGUHTA ANV ALL THE INTERMEDIATE LANDING Lcnvca Friday, Dec.D7th, a*4P. M. Tue steam-packet DiKALB, Cant I M. Moody, will leave as above for Augon- la, to touch at all the intermediate Land ings. fur Freight or Passage, apjjly onboard orto FOR AUGUSTA. HAMBURG AND TUB INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. Lenvoe Tuesday Morning Doe. 31. , The steamer ILL.COOK,CaptArdea win leave tho Unlbn Steamboat Gompe ny's Wharf as ahove at 10 ca'clook, A. la, For Ireight or pasago, apply on lioard, or f ROWLAND Si WASllBUR FOR BURNT FORT. VIA DARIEN, ST. SIMON'Sf ISLAND, _ iriCK BETHEL, JEFFERSONTOH, «e . LenVym Thursday, Jan.a atlPII. Th( , Btcwn Plioket 1VANHOK Captain M M Peck, will leavw aaabavo, For Freight or Pas sage apply on board at Ferry M. A. COHEN, Aa’t shippers, and will be io boat, free ol charge Wharf, or to aept19 HT All freigh t payable hj stored during tlje absence of FOR AUGUSTA, HAMBURG, AND THE INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS" Leaves Saturday Morning Dec US- Tho Steam-pocket OREGON- Captain Snaky, will leave the Ue, Ion Steam Boat Company's Wharf as above, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For Freight or Pasaage, Apply on hoard, or to Rowland & Washburn, Ante- /PHCBNIX HOUSE, NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. tllE subscriber would respectfully inform his . friends and the Public, that he has opened a SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH SHOP, »n Eastern Wharf, opposite Lamar'B Cotton Press, Steamboat nnd Mill Work, and every discre tion of Blueksmithing, executed with neatness and dispatch . nov 25 lm D. W. MISCALL!'. 200 LABORER#, WANTED O N THE MUSCOGEE HAIL-ROAD, BETWEEN MACON AND COLUMBUS.—The above num ber oFLaboring Men will find constant employment at $1 per day, or $26 per month, by applying at my Camp, on the Road; likewise, sevetal men with families, ure wanted, to beard hands on the line, dec 11 18 JOHN D. GRAY. gLAKE’S FIRE PROOF PAINT, foreaTe dec^l3 C.A. I,.LAMAR, Agt. for patentee. VIOLINS.— 1 The most extensive stock of Violins. ' ever offered in Savannah, for sale by the dozen or singly, by F. ZOGBAUM Ar, CO. dec 13 Corner St. Jullun-st. and Market-sq L INEN GOODS.—Table Linens, Shirting, and Pillow-case Linens ; Diaper, Sic. for sale low by B. F. McKENNA, nov 29 111 Congress-st, Monurnent-sq T AKE NOTICE.—We are the manufacturers of what Clothing we sell, and have every facili ty for making them, after the latest and most approved Fashions. We receive regular supplies, by every l rip of the steamer, and nre netcrinined, our goods shall surpuss all others, in price and quality HOUSTON & GROUNDESON. dec 7 96 Bryan-street. S CALES.—Tile undersigned being agent forthe New-Y rk Journeyman Scale Maker’s Company, is prepared to furnish Rail Road. Warehouse, Hay, Flourand Por'able Platform.Gold and Counter Scales. Patent Rala> ces. Sic., of the best quality, and on the most reasonable terms dec 7 6mo W. P. ROWLAND, Ag’t. H ALL LAMPS AND LANTERNS.—a fine assortment of Hall Lamps, with stained Land scapes, and plain, just opened and for sale by „ov 7 COLLINS & BULKLEY. jyALTIMORE IIAMS —600 Prime quality L* - Roloson s Baltimore Hams, landing from schr. Fawn, tor sale by dec 17 BRIGHAM, KELLY Si CO. H AMS AND BACON SIDES— 20bbla. Neff* extra rfugur cured Ham’s 20 boxes clear Sides, landiug from schooner J. U. Holmes, and for sale by nov 4 JAS. A. NORRIS. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS lYttOPOSALS will be received until the 15th Jan- P nary next, for the building of an Ed’fice for-St. John’s(Epiacopal) Church The material is to be orincfpally of brick. The Lot is on Ma lison-squnre. “•*—"S.ttS®Sffli ,,, JOHN B W.NEViTT, i Committee* JOS. S. FAY, l doc 17 IPIIE MAGAZINES FOR 1851.—The De JL cember Numbers of Graham’s and Godey’s Magazines, are receded. Subscribers will be ta ken, as usual, for either, $2 50—in advance— tree of postage—which is 50 cents less than the pub lisher’s prices. Those who may wish to subscribe for Gooey, Graham, Harpers' New Monthly, Sar- tain’s, the International Magazine, or any other simi lar publication, Will please leave their names early, to prevent delay, or disappointment in obtaining tho first numbers. dec 3 J- B. CUBBEDGE. NEAR THE MAIIKKT. T HE Subscriber begs leave to Inform Ills friends nnd the public generally, that be has added to hie already extensive establishment, (viz ; Pistol Gal lery, Howling Saloon. Shuttle Board, Quoit Ground, Sic.,) an EATING SALOON, where he will endeavor to supply all who please topntronize him, equal to any house in the city. JAMES OLIVER, .‘gent. N. B. The Bar ia supplied with LIQUORS and SEGAHS of the best quality. (d§*“ The Pistol Gallery Is open from 10 A. M I P. M. 3mo nov 6 O ATS! OATS! 1—500bushels prime Oat#, land lng from ship Rhine, and for sale by DAVID R. DILLON. nov 27 Foot of West Broad-street. STEAM PACK ET MAGNOLIA, :n connection with THE STFAM SHIPS FLORIDA AND ALABAMA. This new and superior fast steam rr. built expressly Tor the trade 'be tween this city and Palntka, Florida, will be placed on the lino early in January, liar aecommodstions for passemfere will be unsurpassed In these waters, having line State- Ro ms, tumished In Superior style, nnd capable of accommodating 60 pk*tei,gers; she Wil’be command ed by Capt. P. McNeiTt, long and favorably known ou the route. Hnrdaysof departure will be TUESDAYS, after the arrival of the steam-ship, and will atrlve back in time for passengers going North to lake the steamer. For Freight engagements or Passage, apply to doc 21 atu4 M. A COHEN, Agent. FOR AUGUHTA nnd HAMBURG Leaves Friday Forenoon.. DDc. 37. _ „?r— it Thenowandeplendldstosmer HAN jffiflgg&aag COCK, Capt. MvmaY, will leave for tlie above povts and intermediate landings, every Fri day, at 10 o'clock A.M. Forfreight or passage apply on board, or to BEHN Js FOSTER, Arts, Lay Strut. DAILY U. S. MAIL STEAMERS, Between SfiffiMKSSIuBSDRGS SMHNBEDHMfil SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON* •vi* .. • .-A ; HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. These steamers leave Daily Irom Savannah, nt ty o'clock, P. M., mid Charleston at. 9 o'clock, A. N., onnnaotitinr ivifli f'ovifi-blTjall.U/illrl u# (laeanni.k ! WOOD! WOOD !!—Landing and TT for sale by DAVID U. DILLON, Foot of West Broad-st. INSTATE NOTICE.—6'oulA Carolina, Beaufort Us Dittrict.—All persona having claims against the Estate of James Kirk, Sen., deceased, late of Bluff- ton, nre requested to present them, duly attested, lor payment; if in Savannah, to Messrs. R. Habershnm Si Son; if in Charleston, to Wm. M. Lawton & Co„ nr to tho Executors, on or before the first day of January, 1851; imd those indebted to said Estate to make payment to UO. H. KIRK, ) Acting JAS KIRK, jUxebutora. Bluffton So. Ca.,Nov. 27, 1850. tujl -<cc3 ALIIAKtBBA SALOON. quilt* ESTABLISHMENT Is now in com- A picte order—afl'ording as great an attraction to the invalid and others, in search of healthful exer cise and inuocant amusement, as any 'imilar place in the city. Connected with the concern, there are three splen did BILLIARD TABLES, and fire good TEN PIN ALLEYS. 75 feet long. Gentlemen will find every Lfcxurv of tlie season in tho RESTAURANT, adjoining the AL HAMBRA, at moderate price), and the BAR is sup plied with all the “fixings" to match. N. B. A fine Lunch is served up dally at 11 o’clock. dec 6 3m GEO. B. WELSH. Proprietor. ONGltAVING.— The undersigned returns bis 1-4 thanks to his friends nnd tlie public for their kind patronage, and would inform them that ho has removed to 110 Breughton-st., (opposite the Lyceum Hall,) where he intends devoting his time exclusive ly to Engraving nnd Printing Visiting, Wedding, and. Professional Cards, Bank Cheeks. Rank, So ciety and other Seals, Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Sio, Ac. Also,LITHOGRAPHIC D RAWING and PAINTING, such as Views of Building#, Portraits. Blanks, Sic., Sic. R. H. HOWELL, nov 6 110 Brouthton-st. C ORN! CORN ! !—700 bushels prime Balt more Corn, landing from ship Rhine and for sale by DAVID R. DILLON, nov £7 Foot of West Broad-atreet. SOUTHERN CA88IMERE8.—Just received from the factory, an assortment ol Carolina Cas simeres, comprising Steel Mixed, Black, Invisible Green, Medium Black, Coart Mixed, Ate, which are offered by the piece, at factory prices. The public areinv. ;sd to call and examine. dec 2 Laroche, bowne sl co. H ock wine: iiock winem—Few boxes (one dozen each) of pure Rudeshelmcr (geld color); also, a few boxes (one dozen each) pure Obcr Iklebr-imer (deep red); both of tlie Vin tage of 1846. and imported direct to this place, left on hand, and tor sale at reduced rates, to close con signment. by J. W. PHILLIPS, nov 30 184 Eay-st. ft OLD and Silver WATCHES, of superior quality IJT for sale by S. WILMOT. for sale by dec 9 L IFE of Chalmers—Vo). 2nd. Fivo Years in the Interior of South Africa; by R. Gordon Cummings. Harpers' Magazine, for November. Received by nov 13 J. B. CUBBEDGE, South of the Market. flODLIVKIl OIL—Rushton & Clark’s, fortbe V-’ use of Consumptive Patients, just received and for sale by L. J. MYERS. Apothecary, nov 19 Sinet s Buildings. connecting with tho CenfralRall-Roid, at I ud Wilmington Steamers at Charleston. COHENS & HERTZ, Agents, Savannah. E. LAF1TTE & CO., Agents. CharSeaton. Y U. S. MAIL STEAkERS. BBT WE B N UNION 8TEAM*30AT ’COMPANY AND SOUTH cJ OREGON Cap H. L. COOK, Cap Leave Savannah every Tuetday and Sat-u noon nt 5 o'clock ; and Hamburg nnd Aug Saturday and Wednetdoy Those Boat* are of very light draft, and a expressly for Passengers und Freight,on tf River. kafcrasg. ■ Freight consigned to the Agents Wil! be forwarded free of Commission. All Way freight payable b shippers. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, at Union Steamboat Company's Wharf, or to ROWLAND * WASHBURN, Agent*. N. B. Positively nn freight itceivod to go on board after 4 o'clock on jthe evening of departure,! and thi» Company will nut be responsible for any way freight after being landed. dee 12 U. 8. MAIL LINE FROM SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TO TALLAHAS SEE, FLORIDA Vm, JSpT- K E7*"® Through in Set- enty hours! Fare »«■ i i *iii— gincluding meals on the boat) J Boats leave Savanuuh on Tuesdays and Saturday*, at 10 o’clock, A. M. and the stages leave Jackscnvllle immediately on the arrival of the boa’s, Wednesdays and Sundays, fur Tallahassee, via Barber's, Alligator, Mineral Springs and k’vdisonville *4- Passengers will find this the shortestand 1 comfortable route. TH. D. DEXTER, Vr WOOD & COX, Agenl —, Ageu US’* Through Tickets for sale I COHENS Si HERTZ. Agents, Savanna i'i UA,j AND I’AUTKA, FLA** vi* DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, AND ST. MARYS, GA., JA CKSON FILLS. BLACK CREEK, AND PICCb LATA FLA. Leave Savgnnah every Tokscat find Satubdat, ■ at 10 o'clock, A. M., and Pulatke every Monday and Thuxsdat, at 4 o'clock, P. M., connecting with the U. 8. Mall Stage* «t Jacksonville, Plcnlata, and Fa- lstka, Fla. COHENS h HERTZ, Agenta. 1 tus8 J13 TTAMS 35 bbis. Wm. Neffs extra Sugar cured n Hearns, for sale by C0HE NS * HERTZ. 19 bbds' * . - primeN.aS^rTsTbblTNSvcrop Mol«.es, ,a d d Jc ag l»‘ r0mbrigM,ry J “cOHfcNS A HERTZ. jy ~o\ SU4J Alt AND MOLA88E8r SHOP TO RENT, and a G ROCERIES tor sale. Enquire at this office, ucc 19 If *VER COATS.-The steamer Florida, from 0*!tew Y^rk, h«B arrived, and we have a large —j- m n. S TOVES, TIN VVAKE. &c., Arc.—The best assortment of Cooking and other Stoves ev er oftored in this market, consisting of select pat terns, purchased io Philadelphia, New York and Al- bnny. TinWare nt wholesale, of the beet quality, Japanned and Planished Ware. Lifting and Force Pumps, Beer Pumps. Lead Pipe, Brass Preserve Ket tles, Copper, Tin and Brass Lanterns, a very hands ome variety. Counter and Tea Scale, Patent Coffee Mills, Coal Hods and Pokers. Coni Shovels and Sif ter«, Cake Shovels, British Lustre, Sic, Sic. Although my store is not very lai ge, a great por. tion of stoves, Sic., can be seen where they are stor ed near at hand. JA.MES 8.ULLIVAN, july 15 Whitaker street, Savannah, Ga. F INK CUTLERY-—Ju»t received, a lot of the finest Pen and Pocket KNIVES, of various and very handsome pnttems. dec 19 J. B. CUBBEDGE, South of the Market COLOUR.—100 barrels superior Baltimore Flour I? landing from brig Hebron, nnd for sale at $5 50c per barrel by DAVID R. DILLON, nov 28 Foot ofJWeit Broad street N O. WHISKEY—80 bbla New Orleans Recti ■ tied 15 hiskey, landiug from bn Mary Jane nd for sale by dee 19 COHENs St HERTZ. HICK JEWELRY — Cq AVPins, Finger Rings, Ear dee 9 A HIO H LY IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. a Tbe subscriber baring bought s Farm adjoin ing,- offers for sale his present residence situat ed on St. Augustine river (saltwater,) containing one hundred and twenty acres of Land,of which fifty acres are cleared and in cultivation Itls four miles from Savannah, and joins Bonnerenturr on theSoutb.and is not only Ibe most beautiful and pleasant residence on the sea-coast of Georgia hut perfectly healthy. On the Farm area great variety of Fruit Trees, among which is a fine grove of Citron Lemons now in full bearing. An abundance of fine Oysters. Fish, Crabs and Shrimps, in their season, may behad st all times. For terms, apply to the subscriber on thepreml- aes. WILLIAM E. LONG. Cedar Grove, dec Iff Into QILVEU PLATED CANPLKHTICKft, O Castors, Cake Basket-*, Tea Setts, snd Waiters of various sizes, for sale by 8. WILMOT, dec 9 Dealer in Watches. Jewelry A Silver Ware CCOTCH WIIISKKY^IO 5g»l dinujohn. ltla iJ Whiskey; also, one puncheon Jalay Whiskey, bond. For sale by ' W. M. DAVIDSON- dec 17 F " LANNELS.—Red and White Flannels, by t^ie piece or yard, at low prices, by , -B.F. McKENNA, ice 10 111 Congrvss-st Monument-sq. 106 BRYAN STREET. S HOES—SHOES- SHOES. —The subscriber takes pleas ure at this tftne. in returning many thanks forthe very liberal patruuagi to him by the citizens generally, and in their kindness, he begs to notify them, just return, d from the Northern Cities pleto and extensive which are made by men, which are he ha« located, t ces that will suit of Boots end Sbo -nt snd establisi d at 106 Bryan i . 'to the public, FRANCIS KOPMA Travelling alto Silk and Be Velvet and Silk ( ,3m TUTE. Hy ai their 1 „ 1 'thoT both in variety and amount, of Mueical 1 o' every description, ever displayed in These goods, being imported directly t European manufacturer#, can be sold alt importers price#, thus offering dealers. Amongst their Violino, Guitars, Kiutes, 1 _ Banjos, Tomhorines, Accordii atruments, Harp, Guitar and ' Screws, Ac. Ac. All of wbiqT nov13 ? Coroner SUu PRIME EA9TERNHAY.