Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 01, 1851, Image 1

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1.1JH'l. wnti pour Dollars per annum. VOLUME 1. __ Publication Office No. 115 Bay-Street, near the Custom House. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1,1851. PUBLISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY- B1 JOHN M. (lOOPEB, w. T. THOM P~SOnTITpIt0R. TERMS! The Dally Morning News is delivered to City ,ib>oribora at $4 per annom, payable halt yearly in atunncc, or for ten cents a week, payable to the Currier*. Single oopiea, two cents. The Tl'UWeckly .Horning News,for the coun ty, containing all me nows matter and new advorti.e menu of the daily, ia furniahad for two dollars per- annum, in advance. Advertiaementainaerted at the following ratee: t iquare, 1 insertion, $0,30 I l square,1 week,.,. 2,30 Cachcontii.uance,.. 50 | 1 square 1 month, $7 00 tijT Ten linea or litt to conetitute a square. ’ Legal advertiaementa inaerted at the osual rate. Advertiaementa from tranaient peraoneor.tranger.’ meat he paid in advance. Yearly advertitera will be re.tricted to their regu i.r buianeaai)*, and all other advertiaementa not pertain- oi to their regular bdsineaa aa agreed for, will beoharg •deatra. Yearly advertiser* e.xceedingintheir sdvertiaement. the average numberof line* agteedfor, will becharged ,t proportional ratee. Advertiaementa aentto tbia office without di rection* as to the number of insertions. Will be pnb- ilehed daily, until ordered to be diacontlnued, and .barged accordingly. '"gp* 411 new advertisements appear in the Tri-week |y News, for the country. V All Letter* directed to thia office or the Editor ist be postpaid. theTorning NEWS Greeting to the New Year. ,-W ’ BY Awake! the “happy New Year” 'p come! Welcome it, thou lining aun; llend to meet it, vaulted sky, Ore-1 it, all ye stare on high; Breathe upon it, zephyrs tree; Dance in ooncord, crested aea; "Skip like Lambs" ye “little hills ;’’ Pour your music, running rill*; Let ell nature join to cheer The coming ol'the glad Now Yearl Ye who yet to guidance cling, Ye who sport in “life’s green spring;" Ye who joy in manhood's might, Robed in lortune's rosy light; Thou whose days are well nigh numbered, Wno»e--silver cord” will soon hesundered ; Maid and matron, old and young, Allwi.o have a heart and tongue, Rich and poor and bund and irae, Jlail the New Year, full of glee I Ye whose hearts by grief are wrung. Whoso harps are on the willows bung; Whose dowers are blighted by the blast; Whose hopes lio withered in the Past; Thou to whom the world looks cold, Whose treasures rot beneath the mould ; Hide thy griefs wittiin thy breast, .'-iiatch from them one hour ot rest; Child of sorrow 1 greet the year, Free from trembling, free troui tear. Thou whose cup with joy runs o’er, Blest ill basket and in store, Greet tho New Year with thanksgiving, •Join in praise with-aUtkfijiyiQgg Ye whose TOugh fiatfWbeeii hushed ; Ye whose hopes have not been crushed ; Ye wliolve-never lost a Mother, Faiber, Bister, Child, or Brother; Greet the New Yearfullol glee, In thanksgiving bend the knee. With freshened hope and gushing joy, Let all their lips in praise employ ; Let Heaven hear the voice of prayer, Pur grace that only comes trom tuere ; W-lat e’er tue heart to hate would move, Be quenched in overt! -wing love; 1-el every paHsiorii all unrest, Ne’er be admitted as a guest; Let peace this day in union bind The broken frsgmectsof maudkinii. Lot home receive the absent ones, The grey-haired sire embrace his sons, The Mother, with a motl er’s joy, Clasp to her heart her long lost hoy; Let cares be burled in the past And quiet joys for one riHy last; Let all be fresh and pure and bright. Beaming with tile New Year's light; While wishes fora happy Yeur Pill the Chorus, swell tun Cheer 1 And us the heart with joy o'erllows, For all the good that Heaven bestows, O. I let our sympathies embrace Euch portion of the huniun race: And let us all sincerely pray That God would haste the blessed day, Wheu Tyranny shall lose its might An,i wrong ahull yield before the Right, When ‘ porceon earth, goon will to men” By ungels shall be sung uguin. Then ul! Old Years of sin and sorrow Shall yield before the brighter morrow, And the happiest best New Year That brings no sigh and starts no tear, Will rise “with healing in its wings" To usher in the King ol Kings. —A New Yeah that will have no end. The New Yeah of Millennium! the statements, and of their unquestioned authentic- ity. 11 you wish to pubMsh such a revelation you may insert this brief letter in your paper and send me a copy as directed below, which will be a sufficient Indication of your will fur me to com mence the work. The letter being published we presume we may look for the disclosures. Another Paih of Siamese Twins.—The Pitts burg Post of Friday says : “Weuiiderstund tliut a woman in Sharpsburg, on Weunesiiay night last, gave birth to twin children, (illegitimate,) who are united together after the lash- lon of the Siamese Twins. They are doing well. Out Relations with the Court of Vienna. Reference was made a day ortwo ago to acerlain diplomatic difficulty said (u exist with this govern ment. and that of Austria. Circumitances induce us to believe, now, that It is the Cabinet of Viaune, winch is ma.ides.iiifl a dlsph-ition to suspend di plomatic relations with us, qnd not us with the Cab inet ot Vienna. In short, they present an ultima tum tor our acceptance—to receive the Hungarian retugees, and furteit the imperial honor of having a representative accredited to this Government. Mr. Hulremnnn has already been virtually suspended from his Inactions, and the correspondence prugres- sin; netween the two powers in due time will be lie before Congre-e. v The Chevalier H I'semann, Austria’s Representa tive at Washington, was instructed toiintorm the Administraiion, that, should Kossuth come to this countiy, and be afforded an asylum, it would be con sidered a sufficient cause tor his recall. Our read er., we pre.ume, may guess what kind of a reply an American Secretary ot State, and a man with a heart aa big as Duniel Webster's, makes to' so inso lent and dictatorial a threat from the Cabinet of Vi enna. It will be laid before the Senate, and, per haps, in the course of a few days They who re member the eloquent and feeling speech Mr. Webster made, in Massachusetts, on tile rights und wr. ngs of Hungary, while she wns yet cuntend ng with the Austru-Russian armies, Will have no difficulty in an ticipating the character ol i:s contents, we think. One worn as to Austria. There isno doubi some of our pnliticiaus at Washington courting popularity at borne, said and did a great many things, in and out ot Congress, during the Hungarian war. which professed Statesmen should not have wantonly in dulged in. But thin government, as such, we believe has never overleaped the hounds of diplomatic re- quirement, or transgressed the law of nations, while hostilities wre carried on against the Hungarians, how much eo ever, its sympathies might liavo been prompting a protest or the withdrawal ot its repre sentative, It therefore ill becomes Aus’rin the sup ple and degraded slave of Russia, row to talk of re calling her minister because Millard Fillmore or Den- iel Webster refuses to turn Huynau, and hum down the Hungai inn refuges, who flee to our shores fora refuge Irom her inhuman peisccution. The Ameri can people spurn with indignation the only terms cm which she will condescend to keep a representative at Wa-hington,—il Mr. Webster’s Infer, will show, that they are, as wo thus understand them tube.— Austria keeps her Representative her e, for her own benefit, not ours. Politically we gain nothing by having a charge at Vienna anil commercially, the ad vantage is about on a par with Muscat, whither we export quite as much in amount und value, ns to Trieste and Vienna together. So that if the worst conies to the worst there is nothing for us to lose. At the same time we are fully persuaded thatMr. Hulsemauu is not to blamein the matter; on the con trary ha deplores what has happened, but ecting in the capacity of representative, Uia duty, of course,is Mohey tliesorderakgpm |pime. '" ” ” " ' PRENTICE’S Horrible Accident.—The Philadelphia North American of Monday says: Yesterday morning, as the mail train from Balti more was coming in Broad street north ofChesnut, one of the cars was suddenly stopped. Upon exami nation into the cause, tile body of a man was tound jammed in between one of the wheels and the brake, "lid crushed and mangled in a meet horrible m .li ner. Tho wheels were upon his hands and ieet, one of each being nearly cut oil'. It was impossible to movo the care, and equally as difficult to get the body nut until resort was had to jackscrews, with which, the car was raised and the body removed. Thedeccased was nnkoown. but wa*recognized JU a passenger from Washington. His hat was labell ed “Tudi. maker, Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, D. C." The c- nductor. it is stated, warned him sev- «ral times against passing from one car to another, and it is supposed that he fell trout the platform w hile in theHct of crossing. Threatened DtscLqsuiiES.—A writer in the New York Express, who claims to have enjoyod peculiar facilities for ascertaining the secret movements and designs ot the abolitionists in this country and in Eu- Tope pre poses (o make some unpleasant disclosures showing tho connection of “ British Gold ” with abolitioniBm in thia country. In a letterto tho editor he says— My opportunities and business for a few years past has been such, as t" opeu to me the whole secret ot tho operations of the abolitionists in runnt g on slaves from the South to Canuda. 1 live on the hne of one of their western “underground railroads. — They were so emboldened by their success before the passage of the late slave reclaiming law that they made little or no secret of 'heir operations. Witnj v «ry little effort I was enabled to learn toe whale system ot their “underground management. 1 I am prepared to make statements, authentic aDd findi-puted, in regard to the abduction ot slaves, and the interference and the designs ul the foreign ah'” htionists, and the distribution of British gold, which pught to bo known by the whole people, and which *1 made public, would astonish even youraell, and surprise the nation. I am willing to prepare a state- m«nt for publication in your paper, hut 1 do not at Present wish to como out with my name. l wUJ > rowever, satisfy any candid mind, of the truth* ot TIIE BRITISH PERIODICALS A N D THE FAlt MEW* GUIDE. L EONARD SCOTT A UO„ No. 54 Gold-st., New- York, continue to publish the iou1 leading British QuarterlyReviews and Blackwood’s Magazine; in ad dition to which they hiivs recently commenced the pu ilication of a valuable Agricultural work, called the “Fanner’s Guide to Sclentiflcaud Practical Agriculture,” By Henry Stephens. F. R. S.. ot Edinburgh, author of tho ‘Book ot the Farm.’, Ac. Ac.; assisted liy Jno. P. Norton, M A.. New Haven, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, Ac., Ac. This highly valuable work will comprise two large ■ oyal octavo volumes, containing over 1400 pages,with 18 or20sp.endid steel engravings, and more than 600 engravings on wood, in the highest style of art, il lustrating almost every implement of husbandry now in use by the bes' farmers, the best methods of ploughing, planting, haying, harvesting, Ac., Ac., the various domestic animals in their highest perfection ; in short, the pictorial feature of the book is unique, and will render it of incalculable value to the stu dent of agriculture The work isbeing published in Semi monthly Num bers, of 64 pages each, exclusive of the Steel engra vings, and is sold at 25 Cents each, or $5 far the entire work in numbers, of which there will be at least twenty-two. The British Periodicals Re-published are as fol lows, via: THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conser vative), THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW(Free-Church), THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal), and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). Although these works are distinguished by the put- litical shades above indicated, yet hut a small portion of their coutents is devoted to political subjects. I is their literary character which gives them their c.iiel value, and in that they et nd confessedly tar above ell other jnurn Is of their class. Blackwood, still under the masterly guidance of Christopher North, maintains its ancient celebrity, and is, at this time unusually attractive, from the serial works ol Bulwer and other literary notables, written for that magazine, and first appearing in iti columns both in Great Britain and in the United States. Such works as “The Cantons” and “My New Novel” (both by 3ulwer), -‘My Peninsular Medal," “The Green Hand.” and other serials, of which numerous rival editions ure issned by tho leading publishers in this country have to be reprinted by those publishers from tho pages ol Blackwood, after it has been issued by Messrs. Scott A Co , so that Subscribers to the Re print of the Magazine may always rely on huving the earliest reudiug of these lose nating tales. TERMS. Perann. For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two do. 5 00 For any three do. 7 00 For all four of tl\e Reviewa, 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine, 3 00 For Bluckwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood und the four Reviews 10 00 For Farmer’s Guide (complete in 22 No«) 83 00 Payments to be made hi all cases in Advance. Money, currentin theStates where issued, will be received at par. Remittances and communications should be al ways addressed, post-paid or franked, to toe Pnb- 1 ‘“ hCrt!- LEONARD SCOTT A CO., 79 Fulton st, New York, Entrance 54 Gold st. r»" Subscriptions received liy k* P w TaoRNE WILLIAMS, or JOHN M. COOPER. Sfl?anrmh, Gn. F LANNELS Redaud White Flannels, by tho piece or yard, at low prices, by B.F. ’JcKENNA, dec 19 111 Congress-st Monument-sq. SKY-LIGHT DAGUERRIAN ROOMS. T 1HE citizens of Savannuh and vicinity are in formed that 1 have, at great expense, added a splendid Reception Room to my establishment, for the accommodation of my patrons, where those of a musical taste can amuse themselves on a most beau tiful Piano Forte, purchased expressly for thcuBeof my customers. PICTURE f token in all weather by tho use of my large skylight—an advantage novel- possessed by those working by a window light.— Children’s Likenesses taken in 2 to 3 seconds, by a 2 ulek working instrument made expressly for chil- ren. The citizen- are invited to examine my Rooms and Specimens, over Znugbuum A Co.’s Music Store, Market-square, Savannah, nov 1 W.V. PRENTICE. Clintlintn Superior Court .May Turin, 1850 Catherine E. Barnard, Compl’t, 1 • and (in- MunDocK Chisolm, Isaac B. Row- | n t -'l uit y- land, John T. Rowland, Detts. j O N motion, it is ordered that Murdock Chisolm and Isaac B. Rowland, Defendants in tho above en titled ease who reride without the limits of Chatham county, do file their demurrer, plea or answer to the bill filed against them by Catherine E. Barnard, on or before the second Monday in January next, or that tho same be taken pro ennfesso against them; and it is further urdered, that a copy of this order be served upon them three month. beforoYhe noxt term of the Superior Court, or published once a month for four months in one of the gazettes of the city of Savan nah. Extractirom the minutes. (SlgnedJ JNO. F. GU1LMARTIN, c, s. c. c. c. sept 7 z: lam4 u bottlps, assorted sizes, jit-t Seceived and for sale LR.Hi oct31 iENDR.1 KSON A CO. N EW CANAL FLOUfd—so bbls. Hiram Smith’s Extra Canal Flout; 75 do. Pure Genes aee. Landing, and for sale by oct 26 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. C l OKN.—Prime white Maryland Corn, in Store, > and for sale low by ’• . nov 4 JOHN V. TARVER; Exchange whurt 1ST A It’S, Balsam oi Wjfifchorry, for Disrai- es of tho Lung's, just aedeived nnd for sale by L, J. MYERS. Apothecary, nov 4 Smet’s Building A G HAND JEAN’S Genuine Hair Dye, with — a. • directions, for sale by ’ L. J. MYERS, n-iv 9 Apothecary. Smets’ Building • POCKET HANBKEIlCstf-HU’S- Handsome L Silk and Fancy Linen Haiidkerchiels, of flue quality. For sale by oct 49 PIERSON A UE1DT. QUBA 91 CLASSES.—100 Uhda. prime Cuba Molasses, for sale by oct 29 COHENS A HERTZ. P HI9IE UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS— Flue Caslnner, Merino and Lamb s Wool Shirts und Drawers, fur sale cheap at the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s Range, by G S. NICHOLS, oct 30 I NDIA RUBBER BALLS—For sale by dee 10 G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. (CLOTHING STOKE—GIBBONS' RANGE— The Largest Stock, the Lowest Prices, and the Best of Goods for Men, Youths, uud Boys’ wear cun be found at the store of nov 23 GEORGE S. NICHOLS. /VALTI9IORE FLOCK —50tibia, landing from U schr Ocean; for sale oy dec 16 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. MMIUNKS AND TUAVELLING BAGS.— -*• A large assort rnent on hand, und will he sold at mod-1 ate prices, by GEO. S. NICHOLS, nov 2 /"fCITARS—A flue assortment of French and vT Spanish Guitars, in g. eat variety of styles. dec 13 F. ZOGBAUM A CO, Corner St. Juliau-st. and Market »q.. C HURCH’S Genuine Chemical Essence of Mus’ turd, fur the cure of chapped Hands, Gout Rlieumetismetu,just received and fur sale by L. J. MYERS, Apothecary, oct 26 Smet’a Building. C REA9I ALE. —36 bbls. Cream Ale, landing from barque Savannah; for sale by dec 17 W. M. DAVIDSON. B ACON, LAUD * FLOCK—20 hbdaprime Bacon Sides, 35 bbls Leaf Lard, 150 do 0. T. Balti more Flour, lauding and for sale by doc 12 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. /"3RASHKI) SUGAR—25 bbls Crashed Sugar landing from bark Texas and lor sale by dec 19 COHENS A HERTZ. ’piIE COUNTRY BOOK; or the Field, the a Forrest, aod the Fireside ; by William Iluwitt. Success in Life: The Mechanic; by Mrs Tuthiil. The History of Xerxes; by Jacob Abbott. A Greek und English Lexicon of the New Testa ment; by Edward' Robinson, D. D., L. L. D.; a new editiun. Received by JOHN M. COOPER, dec 18 % W OODEN WARE —Tubs, Buckets, Pails. Churns, liras, hooped Pails. Barrel Covers, Bale Boxes; Flour Buckets, Milk Piggins, Wash Boards, Bowls, Cocoa Dippers, Mou-e Traps, Faucets, Cu cumber Stickers, Mortars and Pestles, Well Buckets, Measures, Rolling-Pins, Potuto Mashers, Beef Steak Pounders. Lemon Squeezers, Newspaper Filea, v ard Sticks, Butter Prints, Chopping Traja, Spigots, Wood Spoons, Clothes HorscB, Pastry Boards, Bellows; to gether with many other articles n.it enumerated for sale by COLLINS A BULKLEY. dec 18 100 Bryan-strect. P EN MAKERS.—An ingenious instrument, by which a good Pen may be made in a minute’s time, just received by dec 21 JOHN M. COOPER, N EW WHEAT BRAN.-200 bushels new Wheat Bran, landing from brig Mary Eleanor, for sale by JOHN V. TARVER, dec 18 Exchange wharf. O ATS.—200 bushels heavy Maryland Oats; land ing from brig Mary Eleauor, for sale by dec 18 JOHN V.’ TARVER, Exchange wharf. T I3IE.—1000 casks Stone Lime momentarily ex- il pected For SHie by dee 18 COHENS A HERTZ. P ATENT Lacteal or Artificial Breast, for sale by | dec23 G. R. HENDRICKSON A CO. j CPLKNQID P(ANO FORTE.—Just received : C5 a Rosewood, seven octave, centre Piano Forte, by Pirsson, New-York. A most elegant instrument F ZOGBAUMA CO, dec 93 Corner St. Julian-st A Market-sq. ^PICES! SPICES! !—Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves VJ Cinnamon arid African Ginger, all extra. For sal by TURNER A ODEN, dec 18 Monument-square. ATS.—500 bushels heavy black Seed Oats, land ing from schr Ocean; lnr sale by dec 16 JOHN V. TARVER, Exchange wharf. o I >ACONi—20 hhds choice Bacon Sides ; 10 d > prime do. Shoulders, lending and for sale by , dec 78 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. I /'3IDBR.—90 bbls Now Cider, landing from i, r j V.' Augusta, for sale by # dec 15 W_ M DAVIDSON. CAROS. GEO. TROUP H O W ABB, ATTORNEY AT LA W. MV OFFICE IS NO. 97 BAY-STBEKT, dec 6 ly Nnvaimnli, Gn. DYE, OLIVER* CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Day Street, Savannah. M. M. Dye. S. H. Oliveb. dec 12 ly DR. OANAHL, OFFICE AND UKSIDENCE, SOUTH BROAD , Ok the North Side—three docs East of Barnard st, Hours tor consultatiu at Office, from 7 to 10 A. M., and 3 to 4 o’clock, P. M. nov 4 DR. WARNER, OFFICE IN BkOUOHTON-ST., NO. 100, TUBEK DOCK* B- LOW BULL. Residence In Bryan-street, opposite the State Bank, dee 3 2mo WM. B. HALE, MANUFACTUBEK OF PEGGED AND SEWED BOOTS AND SHOES, Plantation Brogans, Fanner s and Kip B ogans. 163 curio Kas-aTBEET, nov G Btavautiab, Georgia. JOHN MALIdBRY, DRAPER AND TAILOR, ISA BAY-ST-, K EEPS constantly on hand a complete assortment of very choice CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, ot the newest similes an-I pattern*, with u tullsupply of fashionable HEADY MADE CLOTH ING ana Furnishing Goods, comprising every article of Gentlemen’s Apparel. oct 26 PORT OF PLYMOTH AND DF.VONrORT, ENG. CHARLES WOOD, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL AGENT, A DVANCES Money, to any amount, on Goods consigned for salo by Auction, or otherwise, the attention of exporters is respectfully directed to this announcement. The above port comprises great ad vantages for the sale of Southern products—Corn, Sugar,Rice and Tabacco, would ulways commaudlbe Highest market prices—containing, as it docs, a large population, und being an exteuaive Naval Station. Refer to Mr. VV. It. Symons, Savannah nov 8 J S. SOLOMONS W ILL contract to execute Plastering, of all kinds and styles, at tho shortest notice. Wanted two or three Journeymen Plasterora, to whom steady employment will be given, and the highest wages paid. ifg 1 * All orders for work can be left at the office of the Morning News. Residence, President Street, next door to Mr.B. Sni der's, 6m oct 17 JOHN V. TARVER, Factor nnd Guneral Commission fflerclinnt, AND DEALER IN HAY AND GRAIN. (y Every description of Produce, and Merchan dize sold on consignment, or purchased to order. Exchange Wharf. Oct 12 W. id. WILLIFORD, Auction * Comitiiaxion Merchant, MACON, GA. or. All kinds of Merchandise and Produce [ex cept Liquors] received on Con.igmucut, or Purchas ed to Order. . GAINES * CO , RECEIVING, FORWARDING. AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Chattanooga, Tennessee. BRYAN, WILSON, GAINES * CO., Augusta, Georgia. THOMAS, WILSON & CO., Savannah, Georgia. W ILL GIVE their personal attention to Receiving and Forwarding Goods and Produce. Also to the sale of all kinds of Produce and Merchandize that may be entrusted to their care. A. THOMAS, M. M. GAINE8, P. H. WILSON, oct 2 J. J. DRYAN, JOHN POOLE, WHOLES-,LE AND BET AIL DXALSB IN Paints, Oils, Tur, tntineaad Varnishes, French and American Window Glass,paint, varnish and white wash Brushes, sable aud camel-hair Peucils, badger and camel-hair Blenders, Grain ing Combs, Artists' Brushes, i,c. IfC. Paper Hangings, Borders and Fire Board Prints. N. B. House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining, and Glazing done on reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE, 11 Whitaker Street, nearly opposite Swift, Denslow At Webster March 30 P. JAC6I1S, CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, No. 27 Bull Street, (Sign of the Indian) near Monu ment Square) Savannah, Geo. -t N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand, Spanish. Half Spanish and American Segars, at Wholesale and Re tail. Also Chewing Tobacco, Snutf, Jtc. March29. tf S~A V A N N A H .mutual insurance coripany, of this city. C. P. Richabdsone, l’rest. J. A. Noams, Sec. ’he above Company is now prepared to take Ma rine anil Fire Risks, In this city or the surrounding cuuntry, on the most favorable terms, for which ap ply to the Secretary, at their Office, No. 150 on the Bay. ly Juno 11 LONDON PH4ENIX FIRE OFFICE. Takes Risks in Savannah. Apply to Aug 1. R. HABERSHAM & SON, Agt*. II. J. ROY ALL. SURGEON DENTIST. W OULD take this method of offering his profes. siona! services to the public generally, and ex pressing his thanks for the liberal patronugenoretofore bestowed. No pains will be spared to ensure entire satisfaction in all operations, and particularly In the insertion of artificial teeth free of pain, and natural in appearance. N. B. As some are Incredulous as to tho safety and utility of the Letheon, (not Chloroform,) I would say that in noenae where I have administered it, has any injury been sustained, (to my knowledge;) atthe same time, t would condemn its indiscriminate use, the constitutions of somo rendering it injurious, sept 7. HENRY K. PRESTON, Teacher in the Claesiee and 3Inthemntice, NO. 74 BT, JULIAN-ST BEET, sept2 tf DR.MOREL: OFFICE—No.157 BROUGHTON-ST. Feb. 7.) SAVANNAH, G A. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owen's tnilding opposite Pulaski House, Savannah, Is prepared to execute all work in his line with dispatch, and in a style not to be surpassed. Prices as reasonable as any other establishment in the city. 6m July 9. WOOD YARD. FERRY WHARF. D REM8HART is prepared to supply orders • for Black Jack, Oak, Ash and Pine WOOD, by the boat load or at retaiL As usual, particular attention given to measurement. For the convenience of persons residing in the up- tier part of tile city boxes for orders, are placed at the stores of Messrs. Turner it Oden, John Mur chison, and at John M. Cooper, at the office of the Morning News, and at the house of John T. Thom as, Jones-street. Cash ovders promptly supplied BOYS’ BEADY MADE CLOTHISO f The undersigned would rasp ly inform both Par having Boys to c)o returned from New-Yor' ment of Boys’ Ready and will keep up the assortment through season. He has taken much -pain* In Eaviti them made up to suit this market, end will otter ! them to his patron* as low as possible. Each ar ticle will be marked with the selling priee. and » no abatement from it The following will soat-B- pose tho nAenrtmcnt: H Boys’ Black Cloth Cloaks and Over Coate E- “ Drab and black Pilot Over Sacks B “ green, brown and bl’k Cloth Sacks “ lancy Tweed, Cae., Frock and Sack Cost* & " full trimmed bl’k ClolhVra'ck^ootJP ^ “ •>}“?. bl’k, hr'n, green and Cadet Jackets £ “ hi k mixed Satinet R. Jackets ? •• fancy Oaslmnre and bl’k Cas. Pant* “ Tweed, Cos. and Satinet Pants V _ fa ,,k ?S'd Satin Voleulin and Mrel’a Yosts. " Children's bl’k apd fancy Dress Suites. Boys’ white and col’d Shirts and under Shirts O, “ fine blue and black Navy Cape, with and P without Covers, with o complete assortment tj O Caps of all other kindo, from children's Jockeys HP up. * M » N ’ » privete room for trying on “ Boys Clothing, I must decline sending It out tt to be tried on, except In cusce of slekness. Those a in Went are Invited to give me a call, at the ~ Clothing Store Nos. D9and 150, Gibbons'Range. Sept 95 GEO. S. NICHOLS? IIA RISKS* MANUFACTORY. Tho undersigned hat opened an Ah establishment for the purpose nK*a of Manufacturing Harness, Engine Hose, Firemen's Caps, esiUimg V~ Mill Hands, Ac. <kc. J!y as* BRYAN, lyr 'J 111 Bands, I3T Corner of Bay Lane and Drayton,st. A share ol tho public patronaga is respectful “ Ini . T. W. BRYi lloitod July 15. CAHINK” MAKING nnd UP* .-jaaar holstkry—h s. hogardus, No- n eua ! 95 Bull st, would reform the citizens of 8a- varnish, that he has taken the above store, tor the purpose of carrying on the Cabinet and Up- noliterfug business, viz: Making new and reparinc old furniture. Old furniturebbughi andtold. The bot toms of Sofas, Dhnna, Chairs, and Ottomans, made over ahd re-covered. Glass plates ol all sizes kept for sale. Carpets, Oil Cl- th, and Matting, cut and put down. Bulls and Lumps liuug; Curtidns and Roller Blinds putup. Musical Instruments of all kinds re paired. Wool, hair and moss Matrasses fc: ealsi Also,feather beds, bolster* and pillows. Old htatrai- <es made over in the best manner. ■:—Ti — Every description of Coffins on hand Wffl{'iTi , i i iiir>aLi'3F and made to order, of the beet ma terials and finish : Prices low. H. S. B. has been engaged In the above business in the city ot Savannah, lor the last seventeen years - which induces him to believe that hu can please alf. those who will favdr him with a portion of their work. april5—ly uiuuiuu iu luiurin meiFBBHMi friends and thepuhlio that they are now making large addition* to their stock of Pianos nnd Cabinet Furniture, which they otter for sale at New York prices. Our stock of Furniture end Pianos is maiio to our' own order nnd selection. We have confidence In re-' 1 commi-nd’tig it to all who are In want, and oath most accommodating terms. I. W. MORRELL & CO, t. w. MoaaxiL. k.r. urts»TB Aug 1 nov 4 PORTE MON A IN—-A beautiful as, assortment. Those in want will call and 1 examine our stock; also; Purees, Card Cases, Ac., Ac. J. B. CUBBEDGE, South of U.. Market. 91 KLODKONri. Thcsd beautiful in strumentf are recommended to the Musical World, a* the most ur Iqur invention of the -sb kind overproduced. ic key-board is from tour to five octaves in compass, «nd similar to that of the Piano Forte. By tho use of a swell, the voluthe of torn; can be increased so as to equal that of the Chapel Organ, a* substitutes for which they are be-v coming generally in use. Their beauty of finish, mti perior quality ot tone, portability and extreme econ omy of price, render them all thatlsdesirablemthoea who cultivate u taste for Sacred Music; whlto their remarkable quickness of touch rendcrstbemizuscep tilde of the most rapid execution. For salehy the Manufacturer's Agents, F. ZOGBAUM A CO, Aug 5 Corner St. julian-st. and Market-square J ‘JO,OOO PAIRS PLANTATION BROGANS.—The Subscribers are now receiving their usual supply of Plantation Brogans, mada toordc ' 1 the moat approved manufacturers. O extensive and selected with care. Ha in giving satisfaction to those who Iff With their pat! onageifor a series of ye respectfully invite Planters who have! chased of ns, to give us a call, to whom we ourselves to spare nn pains in pieusing. In si to our thick work, we keep constantly on hand a lnrge and choice stock of'.Ladies’, Gentlemen’s aa* Children Boots and Shoes. Picosetry us. VERSTILLE, LUFBURROW A BUTLER. , oct 1 3m *'AP8. Just received and now c ing, a very line assortment of CAPE JShSBsKI various kinds. They aro a very super. or article, aud thoso in want should call nnd examine them. 10 PIERSON A HEIDT. U9IBRELLAS.—A large essortmeotoi black and colored Silk; black and colored Gingham Umbrellas. Jnst received and fo: ‘sale by W. R. SYMONS, oct 91 Old stand of Hamilton A Symons. IVOTICE.—Four months alter date, application il will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting fo<i - ‘ ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the following property, viz: On i negro man named Peter, and. all the real estate of 1 bilip Reilly, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors or said estate. JULIA ANN R1E) LY, Adm'x aug 27 M|§ NEW STORE. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, UMBRELLAS & TRUNKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: 187 Congress-street, <?bove the Market.) WALDDUBO'* NEW BUILT INQ. T HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they aro This .Morn ing opening a well selected assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of the above articles, as well as many others, which they will take pleasure in show ing, as well as gelling, to those who may favor them with a call, at prices that will compete with any es tablishment in this city, nov II STALEY A HENDRY R ECEIVED per brig American : 30 bblacbolco Apples 10 bbla Ridwny Potatoes 10 do. Mercer do. 6 firkins choice Goshen Butter 20 whole and half kits Salmons and 2 cases new Prunes,' ia glass jars, boxes ... , -V lS bbl* Soda, B“tt*r, Milk, tiujfar and enit. no* pi •!