Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, March 03, 1852, Image 2

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Savannah morning news, Wednesday, march 3, 1852. ■ ' '•it ■ ■ ““ “*“ “ THB DHL! MORSIXB SEW S» ItyjOHN M. COOPER. ".vn.i.IAM T.THOMPSON. KPITOhT Largest Circulation in the Hty ==r '~flATA»gAj^ Wednemdny iltewhf, M«W> 3» lsav> ‘ Mr. SAMUEL E. BUBOES, Agent, la MthortM* to make collectlona and recelre subacriptioua for tkU papsr !• Georgia and Florida. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. (Transmittedezpresaly for Daily Morning Newt.) Farther Acnonnm by the Franklin. Liverpool Cotton Market, «cc. New York, March 9, P. M. After the departure of the eteamor Africa, on ti» lllh ult., the Liverpool Cotton Mnrkcl became very active, and the aaioe inailo were at an advance of one-sixteenth to one-eighth of a penny, (1-16 a (d.) The sales on Tues day the 17th, amounted to 15,000 hides, of which apeculalore end exporters took <,000 bates. Breedstuffs.—Floor has declined, and sates have been umdo nt six pence reduction on fonner rates. Wheat is also lower, and told at one to two pence decline. Com nil vaoeed six pence. Short Passaue.—The American steamship Arctic had arrived at Liverpool, making the paaaage from New York in nine day and eighteen hotirt, which is the shortest passage on record. Bnuland. Lord John Russell has introduced n hill into Parliament, for the organisation of the loyal militia. China. A very deatruetive fire broke out nt Hong Kong, on the 33th of December flast, which destroyed five huudred houses. Kwanoekf., tho insurgent chief, is making considerable headway againattlie Government furcci France. The approaching elections for members of the new Assembly, is absorbing the attention of the people throughout France. Mpnln. The Queen of Spein lias recovered from the wound ehe received. The Concert to Nlglit. By reference tu the card in ano'her column it will be eeen that the programme of Mad'aelle Pahodi’s Concert comprises several of tier boat pieces. Her talented assistants, Signori naPatti,Straeosch and Hauser, also give •ome of their ehoiceat performances. It is seldom that our citizens are afforded such u musical treat as is offered them to-night, nnd the way to secure the more frc<|uont visits of superior artiata is to give them a liberal en couragement when they come among us. To night ia the last opportunity we shall have of hearing Parodi, and we siucorely hope that ehe tuey leave ua impressed with the convic tion that she was justly upprccinlcd liy our citizens. Sale or City VftunvEs. — The City •harves, known ns Anciuux’s, were sold yes terday before the Court-House by Messrs. Tarver Sl Trvchelut, auctioneers, >nd were purchased by Ont anuo W'oon, Esrj. for the sum of $20,300. gy Tha schooner J. IV. Andcreun, which has'been aground for some time below the city, with a quantity of iron on board, Touched her wharf yesterday. Although aha sustained some damage, we learn that ahe is not mate rially injured. miss Dean In Charleston. Preeentation of Jewelry.—Miss Julia Dean took e benefit at the Charleston Theatre on Monday night, on which occasion she was pre sented with a handsome diamond bracelet and pin. The Standard says— Hiu liana again upucaroil before a brilliant uni] crowded assembly as lliancu, in Milmaa’s Tragedy of Kasio, bur representation of wl'tch waa recoived with the iiiual applause elieited In every oilier in- .lance by tier graceful elocution, spirited concep tion, and truth Alt personation or character. At the conclusion of the play, n cnnnniitea composed of the following gentlemen : George Robertson,Sam’l Tup. per,I.. A. Edmond.ton, and T. Lee, Eaqra., came for ward on one side of the stage, while Miss Dean, coo- dueled by Iter father, appeured at llm oilier. The gift wae thou presented by Mr. Leo, in a neat aad appropriate address, which was most gracefully re ceived and eloquently and happily responded to by Miss Dean, She was frequently interrupt!!,1 by the eniuubiast ic cheers of the audience, and the whole ao«jM waa one of deep interest and gratiflcntlon to all lovers of dramatic genius, aa well the personal friends of thii talented lady. We so© it atated in the Courier that Mibb Dkan has boon re-engaged for five wights more in Charleston, after which, wo presume, wo may expect to bava hot hero again for a few nights. Should she return among us she will oot come as before, unheralded and a stranger, but as an established favorite to meet. • warm and cordial reception. Tho Mormon Coup d’Etat. Tho telegraph brings us interesting nows from Oregon. A revolution 5 agoinst, the U. S. is a novel affair and will sound well in Eu rope. If it is nut speedily put down it will ulso be a serious affair, us the easy doctrines of the saints of Salt Lake will make that country n rendezvous for all the crack-brained ismites, vagabonds and desperados in the world. If a revolution bus been determined oil, and wc arc disposed to credit the rumor, notwithstanding tho denial of Mr. Bushnkll, the Mormon delegate, it is a pity that the movement should bo made just at a time when all tho distin guished patriotism of the country is so busily engaged in President-making, that it has no time to look uftcr the Saints. But for this fact there would he littla. cause of regret. These impious Mormon heretics are a fast people, nt least a century in udvauce of the age, and a good pretext for setting them back little would be of service to them. The nost should be broken up, and the duludcd wretches, (if they are,less knaves than fools, which we doubt,) should ho taught the differ ence between religious toleration, am! the tol eration of the infamous and degrading princi ples, political,religious and sociul, which they profess. Correspondence of the Courier. Washington, Teh. 27. Wc have had, for a day or two, an interest ing rumor of consultations among Southern members of Congress in relation to tho selec tion of a candidate for the next Presidency. I do not liml that unv formal meeting lias yet taken place, though it is in contemplation.— Tim rumor thut Senator Butler hud been do signaled as a candidate by a number of South ern members is probably premature. It is still usserted, however, thut a new candidate is to bo presented, and one wlm will be approved by the .South, w hile he cunnol be objected to by the North. The Southern Whigs, so far us we learn, arc in favor of Mr. Fillmore as their candidate for the Presidency, and ot Mr. Crittenden or Gov. Junes, of Tennessee, for the Vice Presi dency. It is now generally concluded that the pub lic lands arc no longer to be u source of reve nue to the public Treasury, and that they are to ho granted in huge quantities to the IStutes wherein they lie for the purpose of internal improvements. Thu Missouri mid Iowa luml appropriation hills are still under discussion. Meanwhile, the Hlutc of Maine bus applied far a grant of two millions of acres of pubic* laud ail aid of the construction of the Kiiiopeun mid North American Railway, a part of which is to run through Maine und connect with the liiioof railway commenced ill the British Prov inces. Should this railway be completed, it will, in connection with the proposed line of 9toamurs between Halifax uiidGiilwuv,shorten the transit of mails between New York and London to seven days und eight hours. Be tween Haxifax and Galway the distune* is only 2.130 miles, und a steamer running at the rate of 15 milo* >m hour, will accomplish it ill 5 dnvs und 22 iiou'S. The State of Muine urges in behalf of her application that, by assenting to tho Ashbur ton treaty, she gave up a territory equal in ex tent und fertility to Massachusetts, uud thut the Government should render her an equivalent for the sacrifice she then made for the general good. Maine urges that, If Texas was entitled to ten millions ol dollurs as an indemnity for a doubtful claim to a worthless territory, she is entitled to the small grant which she asks in aid of a high national object. I do not think the claim of Muino will he recognized. The old States will liurdly bo ubln to get any share in the spoils of the*domain. \Ve ure yet to see however, what will be the fate of Mr. Under wood’s project to divide a portion ol'tlm public lands among ull tho old .Stales, The vote will be a close one in the .Senate. The splendid Collins’ steamer, the Baltic, lell Now York yesterday, for this city, with a large party of invited ’guests, uud we shall piohably hear her guns this morning, unless she may have .grounded somewhere in the Po tomac, fov vwbiaVt film Uni a g^iiul ulMutao,RAako draws eighteen feet. She is much larger than any vessel that ever floated iu the Potomac. A round of receptions uud entertainments, oil hoard this magnificent ship, will follow her ar rival here. The Naval Committees have not yet report ed upon the application of the Collins' Compa ny, for addirionul aid from the Government; hut it is believed that they are in favor of grant ing the aid asked for. The Supremo Court will tuko a recess from tho tenth of March, or thereabouts, till the tenth of April. Franco with Gcrhikny, and the powers gone- Hamruroii ani> H01.8TE1 n.—The Austrian troops Imve fairly commenced preparations for the evacuation of Hamburgh and Holstein. Spain.—'Tlielasf accounts froui Modrid an nounce timt life Queen's health continues to improve. Prussia.—The Upper Chamber, in its sit tings of the 11 lh inst,, affirmed the motion of M. Klee, removing the trial of political offend ers and crimes from the competence of a jury. Italy.—The Italian journals state that in the village of IVmu, u short distance from Ber gamo,© terrible fire broke out during the night, and two hundred dwellings were consumed. Two old women and many cattle perished, and more than forty persons were more or less hurt, whilst endeavoring to extinguish the flames. Terrible Tragedy in lown. St. Louis, Feb. 25. 1852. Wc learn from Burlington, Iowa, thut a ter rible trugedy wus enacted, on Friday last, near Fort Snelling, which for liciidishiicss and cold blooded atrocity, lias seldom been equal led. It appears that five years since, a man named William Wingate, uud possessed ofconsider- able property, settled with his family, ill Pot tawattamie county, in Iowa, and took up a large tract of land. Soon alter ho became u convert to Mnniioiiism, and abandoned his family, but about a yedr since returned and claimed possession of his properly, which wus all yielded to him hv his sons, two of whom had married during hisahseiiee; und the moth er and sons refusing the overtures towards a reconciliation, removed und settled a short distance from Fort Snelling. \\ ingutc seems, since that time, to have associated himself with a gung of half-breeds of the most lawless character, and, on Thursday lost, in company with several of them, again visited his family and claimed shelter. His sons ollbred every hospitality to him, but would not admit Ins companions, nnd they accordingly lelt together, Imt on Klidav night returned again, nnd on being refused admittance, und the door closed againt them, they fired upon the inmates, kill ing Mrs. Wingate and the eldest of the four young men. They subsequently set fire to the building, nnd as thcHurviviiig inmates attempt ed to escape, the two young women were killed, und this dwelling and out-houscs were burned to anlics. St. IIki.f.na Light Ship.—Capt. Rodgkrs, of the sclir. Rainbow, which arrived ut Charles ton on Monday, from Ashepoo, states that the Light Ship at St. Helena hud drilled from her moorings. J Tho Comptroller of Public Accounts, of tho State of Alabama, reports the totul debt of that Stute nt $ti,35G,406 74; of which $1,325,807 G4 is due to the School and Uni versity Funds of that State. Mokk. Rascality.—The Bel-Air Gazette says, a few day a ago. the cow stable of Mr. Jonathan Warner, ol that county, wus entered, and a valuable cow cut to pieces with an nxe. Tlie thing in liuiuaii sliape that would commit such an act, will never get justice done him until he is hung. MARRIED, On the evening ot the 25th February, by tho Rev. C. Hiiovcn, of B« All fort District. (S. C.) Rev. JESSE T. WILSON, of Springfield. (Gu.) to Miss ANZA E. DAWSON', of the former plane. CONSIGNEES. Per steamship Florida, from New York—G Alexan der, Alkln k Bunin, Jan Andorson k Co, J A Brown, L E Byok, Brigham, Kelly k Co, it 6 Kogardu*, H E Botli- 11 k Co, Belm k Foster, J Burtjb Co, N K Bornumk tion I BfelT :V" ; 1 lit P^ mcn gr Wo ttre indebted ton in*»d for R copy or the “Map of the Cerolinu end Georgia Railroad, nnd their Connection*.' * lithographed by Mr. W. Kekah, Chnrleelon. The map ia Valuable aa thowing the entire ayatein of Southern JUiironde end the diatricta of country which they ioieraect. A view of it enablea ua to correct an error into which we had fallen in reference to ilia North, aa tern Road, to tho itock of which Chnvlaaloahasjustaubacribedtlt)0,000. Title M*d ia deeigned to connect Charleston with the Wilmington and Manchester road, with u .tew to divert the trade on tho greet northern route through that city. The contemplated Rabun Gap Road, which would be a continua tion of the Columbia and Greenville Road, uud by which Charleaton would connect with the Georgia and Tennessee Roads ot .point abore Chattanooga, is another movement, aud is as yet only conteuiplated. A rccoonoisance of the route is, we believe, now being made, but Reorganisation has been made for the prosecu tion of the road. If the plan is feasible, this Utter road could not (ail to be an important and would add auothe, valuable link in Ihe great chain of Southern internal improve ments. * Congress. Ih the U. S. House of Repre sentatives on Friday, after much preliminary action, the House, by a vote of yens 100, nays Sttodupon the table the bill explanatory of tha Bounty Law of September la, ltmt. The hill, ae has heretofore been stated pro- poted to five lend officers additional compe,,. locating land warrants, provided for lion of tho provisions of the law to a I of Hew cases, Sec. 0T Some $50,000 worth of property be longing *6 tho Vermont Central Railroad, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday, in conso- qilence of which the stock of said road sold at a decliua in the Boston market on Thursday. Washington, Feb. 37, 1853. ' | oo good authority that Senator tied to throw his strength interest. The morale of at if Gen. Case were to get vould.iu any event, prevent ; receiving it in 1856, where- .Buchanan, Mr. Douglas —IMiactioo. Atoll events, » Mere has hesL agreed Items of Foreign News by the Atlantic. • There were reports of a secret umloratuud- ing between thu Austrian and French govern mems. No nttucks upon Lord Palmoialon were to be allowed in the Paris pa|iers. It wus said the legitimists will not stnud ns candidates fur me legislative body. Tho celebrated Miss Howard (before report ed banished from Paris) gave, on Saturday, the 7ih inst., a sumptuous dinner party, at which Louis Napoleon und some bngliali tto- blomon wore present. Accounts from Turkey of a serious nature have been received at Paris, to the effect tltxt it complete counter-revolution lias taken plnco in the government of tho Sultan. Rescind Pacha lilts been dismissed. The nncotiaiiou witli respect to the Holy Sepulchre lms beer, completely ahundonod, and tho French minis ter was akuut to leave Constantinople forth' with. The news from Switzerland is important, the threatened occupation of that Country by Austrian troops with the sanction of France. Tho floods in Irelund, Scotland, and the northern purl of England have been torrible. The damage to property has been immense. We have already given the details of the serious loss of life. Tho uet receipts of the revenue of Grcut Britain iu tho your ending 5lh ult., were £52,- 333,006 10s. 5tb; and tho expenditure £40,- 506,61011s. 70.—leaving tho excess of income over the expenditure, £3,736,306 4s. 100. Ac cording to the balance-sheet, tho balances of public monev in the Exchequer on the 5th of January, 1351, amounted to £9,345,676 Is. 936.', and on the 5th ult. the bulnnccs were £8,381,637 3s. 4d. Farther by the Afrlcn. Enolano.—The subject of an international cony-right law between England uud the Uni ted States bus boon introduced in Parliament by Ministers. Ur. M'llale hits issued tiunllier pastoral, which is levelled at nutionsl schools, and all other educational establishments not uniter the entire cuutrol of the priests of his church. IHKI.AND.—Tho Dubliu Post states that a communication her reached Archbishop Mur my, bearing tho sign manual of the Pape. His Holiness has intimated his cordial approval of the course pursued by tho Archbishop in thu ccclesiualicul administration of his diocese, es pecially ill regunl to the ubstiiienec of Ins cler gy Iron) politico! agitation. France.—It becomes cvcty day more appa rent that whatever form of legislation may he odopted iu France in virtue of tlie mock ctm- stitulion, it is the resolute determination ot' Louis Napoleon to keep tlie absolute power iu his own hands. Every day brings us nearer tlie empire. In deed, it may be said, according to M. Thiers’s celebrated impression, that I'Empire eit fait. Although Louis Napoleon lies not yet assum ed th* imperial title, his attendants' now speak ofhim in ordinary us ‘ His Imperial Higtiuoss.’ He is even beginning to create a Court oil tlie model of tlie great Napoleon. Tho decrees ordering the liberation of some of the political prisoners lisa led to some dis turbance iu some oftlie departments where ihe population is badly disposed. The people un derstood that a genera) amnesty was proclaim ed, and thut tho authorities wo’s placing evciy obstacle in its way. The Marseilles Courier says that the commeucinent of an resurrection !, 0 P lnce in the department of the Gait), 1 ‘ ar * e mnssea .hi persons j^raa&MmeMattiberre^and the r p. ^re obligad lo f lre on „ " correspondent s»y, a rlmlor w „ RECEIPTS OF COTTON. Ao.. MARCH 2. I'e. Central Railroad—1,478 baton Cotton uud Mdse., to U N Noylo, W Duncan, E Parsons A Co, Hamilton A liitnlcmini, C Hartridtfc, Allen A Bill, Bradford k Co. Franklin A Brantley, Washburn. Wildor A C<», C»ld- lls, Ulxkulv A Co, Thomas, Friorsou A Co, J H Hull, N A llurdee, Jos II Uurroujrhs, Boston A Guuhy, Cais- well, Roberts A Co, und Harduiuk A Cooke. hr. Elias Reed, from Turtlo River—20.'» hales Sea Island Cotton, aud ill hbl«. Tur|ieutlne, tu E Reed, N A Hurdee A Co, AudersonH A Co, aud Master. or sclir. Northern Belle, from Rlcoboro'—2ti0 halos Islaud Cotton, aud 2,4110 bushels Ro.tgh Rice, to E _ d, Andersous A Co, Y A Hardee A Co, Way A Kiug, Boston A Guuhy, und others. % LATEST I'ATBU. Liverpool, Feb. III Havre, Tc' 1 - 12 I Parana, Feb. IC Correspondence nf Dally Morning News- Nxw-Yosr, Fobraary 28, 1882. Mr. Editor,—DnrinK the r“t »' eek tra ' ineM *>“ boon very moderate, hut few coming in, and they buying qolto lightly. Money rcMy * on call," with good stock fillisters!., but ospltslt.t* sre bsokwsrd !n pUcing their fun,!, where th»y orano*rosdily resell it to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. osss df eoiiVtngeDcy."TbslAi^S^ Moulton, Darker tUSKA IIAUSER Tho Vori.rlled Violinist. t HeOsr, aud of Carlton tWprodded “ hid effect on mercliautK of speuU* al tho market, cansing fears U *>o onfattxlnod respecting the entire class of jobbers, a»d through them to thei im- porter*. Tho light bu.-iiiess'lono this spring; the diffi culty In making collections; the enormous rents nnd both domestic and commercial, to which our ctiug thiinselrmH the constant flow ,d the mwdaiit influx «f good* Into to say nothing of ih© effects of the Culifor- which still lurk In the system; arc sufficient reasons to induce our hanks tupitnllsts to keep a sharp lookout, aud to cause il.ciu to keep their funds w ithin their control, ready t- ‘«kc advantage of every passing opportunity to muk« money; und to nvoid, as far as they can do so. every probability of loss from protested paper. Nor are they to he seen in tho sttntk ‘market, dabbling into that shicli has broken too many already. “Outsiders do nU coiue in," is the general complaint of the brokers, notwithstanding the tempta tions which are daily offered. I" *•"*“. ® v *» r F P re P» r ®- tiiii. h been made, that con'd >>c made with safety, to me -i > ..o rpproaching o.isis, sad to break Us fort e, with w hat cilua remains to lie seen- K ^ tu ,,e hoped, how ever, that the trouble, if it mnst needs come, will be fell moderately, and not l«a*«* ns a wreck, ns lias too often boon the casu with tlm?s which have preceded it. Tho udv Ices per the Admit* are considered unfavora ble, and Bveadstufls deeliued slightly. Cotton was uot materially affected, there bcin?« demand for home coiisiimptlon; aud jhey ha»c tended to distract our markets, uot so much in canning i‘ reduction ot rates, ns iu unsettling the market, un i causing the next steamer to he looked for with the greater anxiety. ttnvnnniili Exports. Per ship Arno, for Boston—1.IW8halo* Cotton, nnd 7 do. Wool. Per hark Rhodes, for Now York-1, MSI bales Cotton, 210 casks Rice, 1DD hags Rico Flour, and 4 boxes Mdse. Per Hr. sclir. Violin, for Abacas—0,078 feet Lumber, Com, Peas, Ac. Per sclir. Geo. E. Prescott, for New York—8,400 bush els Rough Rice, uud 110 hales Cotton. Per schr. Sardine, for Indian River-2D,000 ft. Boards, ami I'. S. Government Stores. Imports. r schr. How ard, from Franklin, l»n.—170 hhds. Mo- s, aud 118 do. Sugar. MACON, MARCH 2.-COT1 day iu the Cotton market wi during tlie greater part of last were freely taken at our quota —The feeliug yexter- iiuewhat better than k, and the lots offered s. We quote extremes greatly declined, Wb place umitatioi ox.—Our ii i*.*l Prices 1 t r»> a (fl CHARLESTON, MARCH 2.— Ihe Cotton market wa rather quiut yesterday, iu eomioqueuoe of tlie advanuiu tendency in prices, owing to the favoruhlo adviues rc eeived by the Africa. Tho transactions reached abou NH» bales, at extremes ranging from D.ViCh’H.V*. WILMINGTON, (N. C.) FEB. 28, P. M.—Sales of ii Mils, dry \irgindip Turpentine, clear of dcductinu. i $1,90 ^ bbl. of 28U lbs.; aud 17'* l»bls. to urrive, at print not public. NEW-YORK, FEB. 28. - Cun ox .—The market has been spiritless for the last three days, uud prices ther iu favor of the buyer, etpccialiy in tho low er grades. Thu totul receipts (to latest datesi nt nil thu nhipning ports are !,(>&>,0D4 bales, against l,o&VJl.'t to same (fates last your—au increase this season of 129,871 bales. Tho sales for the three days are 7,000 hales, making a totul for the week of l. r >,(RR) bales. We quote ATLANTIC 1‘OitTH. Inferior none. none. Good Ortlinary,...7 Gijbi 7 (y)7}t ' FLOUIDA. OTiiKRuur.r 7 C«'V, c.i Punning, II J Gilbert, W WGanxrd, G.Kirroy,Ou.- toy A. (,'o, Ituuo E Ciiunsiy, Hsrawlukt C.ioku, ljiou l- to»n, Ii.lto.hs, UswuekUo, U LatHvni * Co, MoMahoi A Hoyts, T It Mills, McCosksi k 1 W Morrell k Co; W 11 Msy t Co. G 8 Ntolioli, 1 rlco t ' o k . l’lorson A Ilotift. 8 M Fond. 8 Ituui.oau, A A Soloiuuii. k. Co M J Solomons, florautou, Johnston ACo, J Shaffer, ,1 i» soallv. Suidor, I.athrop A Nevltt, J li A M Shuhan, VvR Hvmons. P G Thomas, Verstille A Butler, Wood, CMughumACo! II F Waring A Ao, P Wiltberger A Hon Washburn. Wilder A Co, E F Wood A Co, N B A l* Wood Williamson A Preston, T S Wayne, \ onge t Oden, G M Willett A Co, II A Richmond, J S Rogers, 'i Porter, B F McKenna, und Id McKenna. For Htcumer Calhoun, from Clin Bon, A I Is v wood, Andersous A Co Mcunis. W B Tinsley, aud order. (««m •,...o;*(U|.-v^4 U 1 4(n,9> a Fully Fair to Good Fair,—9@ («*»— —(g.— emu and Fine —(f$ ®— —(<D— Oats—Are plenty amt lower, tho demand haviug fnt- leu off; we quote Canal 41(tji45, River 4«Hq) 42, and Jersey 37(<433 cents. d offered more froel, not. in the market at prcsuut rates ’ ........ -jiverpool, and tho demand for homo use light, prices have declined, amt have rather adoivnwaril tumleucv; the sales are •ltf,t)UU bushels at ii.Vti.(kS emits, closing ot 65(fi,t>5>a for Yellow Houtlieru.tk’ifor Whitedt Cohn—la iu better supply, shipuc freight to Li IIay.- , eonts. The market is dull. Naval Htokbh.—Tho si * ty Turpentine, (chieflyjK 70(0)75 •, delivered; 400 Wilming- BT. ANDREW’S llALlu MILS TBKBSA PAEODI, * PRIMA DONNA, From Her Majenty’s Theatre, London, Respectfully announces that ahe will give one more and POSITIVELY LAST GHAND CONCERT, On WritiiMilny Kveat’ff, IHnrrli JId f IHS%'4, On which occasion ahe will be assisted by 8IGNORINA AMALIA PATTI, Prime Donna Contralto, from the Aator Place Italian Opera. Director and Conductor MAURICE 8TRAK08C1I. The Celebrated Composer and Pianist. Prograiniuc. PART I. 1. Grand Fantasia ou .Mrs from “Lucia di Imm- inermoor," composed aud executed by M. Htrakosch. 1 1 Mourn Thee, hut I Love No More,” n beau tiful English Song, sung by Higuorina Amalia Patti. 3. Fantasia on Lines by Doniiettf, composed aud executed by Miska llauser. “1 know that My Redeemer Livcfch," from Handel's Messiah, snug iu English by Mad’selle Teresa Parodi PART II. “Tho Harp that ouoo through Tara's Halls,” Moore’s celebrated ballad, sung by Signorina Amalia Patti, 2. Rondo Cupricioso, composed aud executed by Miska Hauser, Robert Toi quo J'Aiuio,” sang in French, by Mad’selle Teresa Parodi, 4. Duetto ou Airs from “ Guillaume Tell,” for 'iano and Violin, executed by M. Htrukosch aud Miska Hauser. Duetto from Rossini's Opera “ Semirauiide,” sung by Mud'sclles To ^euiirnuuue, i Parodi aud A. Patti. Borgia,” sung by Hignorina Amalia Patti. 3. (Bv Request) The famous Ricci Valse, sung by Mad’selle Teresa Parodi. “ Variations on National Airs," composed and executed by Muuriee Htrakosh. Yoga Vega, a celebrated Barcarole Duottina, by Rossini, suug by Mad'selies Teresa Parodi and Amalia Patti. Tickets One Dollar, to he had at F. Zogbaum k >. s Music Store, uml Pulaski House. A person will bo in attendance in the Hull for the yuriKjtfo of securing Heats, from 10 A. M. to12M, aud ' 3 to 5 1*. M.. on Wednesday. Mx) - The Piuuo Forte used is of Stodart's mauufueturc, mi secured from F. Zogh clock. Concert to eoinmeuee at^ 8 mwu $Mffi8mssr vm * m No. 6 Whitaker Stmt,—Dp Stair*. (Corner of Roy Lone.) GREGORY MAUKY, ManaRora. class 27. Draws in 8itvnnnali This Day, March 3rd, at the Office ol* tlm Commissioners of tlie Grunt. Cy* 78 Number Lottery—14 Drawu Ballots. .£3 Sales Clone al 3) o'clock, P. Al, CAPITAL J $4,340! &c. See. Ac. *” Ac. Ticket* 11,00—MkiireM In Proportion* DAM.. H. all EWART, mar 3 Vender for Gregory A Maury. SPECIAL NOTICES. AuffUNt* nnd \Vtt)ucsboro’ Hullroml. An Instalment of Twenty Dollars per Slmro (the seventh and last) on subscriptions to the Capital Stock oftlie Augusta and Waynesboro' Railroad, has boon called for by the Board of Directors, payable on or before the flrat day of April next, at the office of the Secretary, Job. Bancroft, No. 117 Bay-street. A. R. LAWTON, President. *** Scrip for full Stock will be issued to subscribers on payxnont of this Instalment, and surrender of fonner roceipts. s o mar 2 SPALDING Ac ROGERVH „ -ivednesdaTani) rnt'Rai)AYr»uin;i,.. In ftildltlon lo tlio rurn coiubtiiiiU.iu ..f u. , , drnum, Uoriomnnililp. O/nintottoi, KqnlltCrinm. tn, D.nolns, to., for tho (Iret time hire Mr RomS - will upponr In lit. .cone of iU»r«ct<ire, onlWod" 00 ™* A Trip in finUfornln. Firet uppeurnuoo of Mr. MAQILTON on l... h.< Cord. To conclude witli u e H vmp^ PPTNA1H > .t7«” 2K" “ 7o ' c,Mk - ta «... >| ^»Mi8SjON-^0^cntiD > Childrenant^erva^ i 2S ct INSURANCE COMPANIES^ NOTICE. Thu Annual Mcuting oftlie Republican Blues rjfitA Building und loiau Association will be hold at hjjffl the Drill Room, at 7}j o'clock, P. M. this day. JUS* letual attendance is solicited. iar 3 EDWARD O. WIL80N, Secretary. OGEKCHEE PLANK ltOAII COMPLY. The Subscript ion Book for Btouk in the above Compauy, has been opened at the office of Mr. C. A. L. Lamar, No. C8 Bay-street. Persons wishing to become interested in this undertaking, arc requested to como forward and subscribe, fob 18 lino EDW’l). C. ANDERSON, Pros't.. NOTICE. aso—Dr. JOSEPH GANAI1L offers bis profes- W'OE* sionul services. Office und Residence, eor- Burnard und State struct*, St. Jumos-Hquuro. my ly Attention Huvnunitli Hifleiuen! A mooting of the Company will bo bo 1 morning at II o'clock, at the office c omas, Esq., for the purpose of electing officers, uir 3 fleiuon! 41 bo held Tins IH i of Peter g.4k (•Elt.MAN HALL. A German Ball will be given by the I. B. Band ou Wednesday, the 10th Inst., at tho Armory Hall, ^ which I invito nil friends. Tickets for ono Gentleman and two Ladies, $2. mar3 wfmw4 J. RUCKERT, Leader. tftiiLs! FOR HALE. The schooner MARY ANN, well found in very respect—will be sold a bargain. Apply to mar 3 WOOD, CLAUHORN k CO. Pint NKW-YOKK.—Olil K.tab’ll Line. .« , The tine packet ship MARION, E. U. Davis, Master, will meet with dispatch as above. For (freight or passage apply on board, at Telfair's tlGIIAM, KELLY k CO. rlurf, o [mar 31 BRHJ FOR BOSTON. - The bark CHARLES WILLIAM, W. Blas- ^V^land, .Master, will meet witli dispatch as ubove. u»wfiFor I'ruiglitor passage apply ou board, BRIG 11 AM, KELLY k CO. FOR BOSTON. The brig CANDACE, Bray, Master, will meet r freight or pussago BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. FOR LIVERPOOL. -j.. The line ship JUNO, Captain Moran, is uow loading. For balance of freight apply to mar 3 ROB’T A. LEWIS. f/iiici isivij£icn u :cd .'Utmediately. Apply to o. m. wn.Tut.Vr, At Storo ojtpositc to 8t. Andrew's Hull. w ANTED.—A white woniuu tu ilo thu cook ing, washing uud ironing in n small family. Oue who can come well recommended will receive good wa- ges, aud a steady place. Apply at this office. 3 in 3 PASSENGERS. Per steamship Florida, from Nevt York—W ClaVk, A Y Marvin, l)r Chas G MeCiiusnuy, Win llalstud, jr, Dr Glentworth, Jos B Gloutworth, Chns Barline, II New ton, John Dunaway, Peter Warren, II W McDougal, W W Shearer, C Fox. Win Weeks, M M Flint and Indy. V It Wittiugham, O H Coudit, A J White, Jus K. id, All Evurltt, .Mrs L’ G Sharpe, T AmUuws, E Kelly, A Rog ers, A Davis, B W Fosdlek. Nathan Collier, 1* Roth, Johu Gongem, R R lluskin, Dr N S Crowell, McKcrnon, Thos Leighton, Dau'l Collins, O D Weeks, E H Reynolds, A U Johnson, Amos Horn, F W Head man, Jacob Uuderliill, W J Ferris, diaries Ellis, J U Sharpe, Miss Harriet Terry, Mrs S B Wheeler, Robert Hyslop, II V’ W llyslop, II F Waring, M Feiitchwuuger, D A Inman, S Utuup, O S Johuson, W 1) Break, J Tick- uor, J Dunham, aud 10 iu steerage. Per steamer Calhoun, from Charleston—II E More, J Elner, lady, child uud survuut, Miss M Elner, W H Loyd and lady, Miss Simpson, 11 W Alenins und lady, Messrs Murrey, Caslcbaue, Cleveland, 11 M Oliver, Gen AOouxulcs, M Ward, L C llurdue, Gen Patterson, V S Tarllor, M Green, C 8 lliilkloy, Elam Alexander, M Clark, It C Sunday, uud 3 duck. $1,81*4 and $1.1 . ton Cuiiiinou Rosin, afloat) taken ns it is, $1,25; 300 d«i $1,36, delivered; 7(K1 No. 1, $l,02>i(.i.$2,2.j; 1,300 Spirits Tiirpeutiuc, wholesale, from 37 to 39 cents, cash uud 90 days; aud -UNI, in lots, chiefly nt 40, ou»h. Rice.—The sales have not been so extensive as they were last weuk, amounting to only about 800 tos., n * 26(h)$3,6d*4, showing no change as regards prices, suiiply is sufficient for the proseut demand, Whisky.—’With a moderate supply them ty lirm ut 22;', for Prisou libls. uud 22 for di Provisions.—Wo notice a moderate demand for Pork, and the market is without material change. Sales to » fair extent were made at $l5,tfl%($$16,76 for new Mess, ami #15,60 for old do.; $il for new Prime, aud #I3,02| 4 (.<.$13,75 for old do. Beef, with u good demand, continues lirm at $9^$1 for Moss, uud $5(<o«d for Prime. Of Prime Mess siiihI Aules are making at $17, and thereabouts. LIVERPOOL, FEB. 13.—Cotton.—There have bcon some slight fluctuations iu tlie Cotton market during the past week, Imt nothing to call for a change iu the quota tions of prices. On Monday und Tuesday we wore com paratively quint uud dull; since that time, und up to this moment, a steady aud rather strong active demand hu* bouu kept up, chiefly for the supply of the immediate consumption, strengthened, however, by considerable buyiug, both oil speculation aud for oxport. A great se curity for all future operations is to be found iu the fact Hint tlie groat bulk of tlie American Cotton remains iu the European markets, at tho moderate price of 4>„ to 5 d. ij4 lb. The Committee of Brokers place fair Uplands at 5d., Alobilo at 5*^d., and Orleans at fi'id. 4,780 Amer ican, 2,500 Surat, 20 Egyptian, and 20 Bahia, have been taken ou speculation; uud 3,tiu0 American, 3,000 Surut, 30 Buliia, aud 30 Pcrnnm, for export. Sales for the week '7,320 bales. •s. BIRD’S, on Liberty Street, i npplic&tioi jr West of 1 \rOTK!li.-l 'lie subscriber having been up pointined e Assignee of R. EINSTEIN hereby re quests ull persons huvmg claims against said Arm to present them, uud all persons indebted to said Arm tt make payment to him. A. MACK. Savuuuuh, .March 2, 1862. [march 3 lmj A. MACK. IMPORTANT AND UNRESERVED SALE AT THE “LONDON HOUSE STORE.” $15,000 u'urth tt/goods—theeJirapestectrshown in this city. * I Ml 18 DAY, und during the week, we purnose X laying before our customers, for immediate sale, u .large portion of British uud French muuufaelured GOODS, to which we cull the attention of thu public, requesting an curly call, in order to secure some of tho most extraordinary bargains over showu by us »iueo the .qwnlug of th. LONDON ESTABI.ISliMKNT. Thu following forms some purtiou of this desirable atock: lait 1—200 dosen Gent's Linen Cuuibric I1DKFS., at 50 ct*., beautiful qualities. Lot 2—50 splendid Embroid'd and flue Cloth SHAWLS, 2 \urds square, cost $10 ouch—w ill be cleared out at $3 75. 200 Wooltun Fluid do., lurge site, 75 cents l,ot 3—500 dozen HOSIERV, from the celebrated manu facturers I. k W. Motley, of Helper, Derbyshire, England, consisting of Ladies’ White Cotton Hose ; do. Ingrain do. of the permanent Rock Dyo; La dies' Slate Cotton; Ladles' Brown do., Sandal, ltaco amt Plain; ovory kind of Children's Socks uml llose; Gent's Half Hose, of all sizes. Lot 4-1,000 pieces SPRING PRINTS for dresses, fast colors, and worth double the tuotiey, commence them at 6 cts., 6)a, 0*4, OJ*, 7, 8, 9 aud 10 cts.; colors war ranted fat Lot .6—Just received, all thu from $4*-a uud upwurds. Lott* “ tu 5.. a It Contain: v French MANTILLAS, i 95 cts., worth current here to-day, which, if wcll-firnnHlM* 1 } U , would be any thing but agreeable, it | la d rc ! J £,1n» o—v;ouiiiiii8 uiagiiinccm. aiiiivn, uc yo cis., woi $1 50; 2,000 yafas of splendid French Her ego, / 31cts., worth G2>o; Rich and elegant Foulard Silks, at half price; 10,000yards of tho finest quali ty Berege de Luincs, ull at 25cts., worth 50 cts.; 1,200 yards Printed Lawns, usually sold at 25 cts., now selliug lor 10 and 12>a cts., uud warranted fust colors. LA 7—275 Fashionable aud richly trimmed Silk and Satin BONNETS, from $2 S7,l u each aud upwards. Wc respectfully invito an early call, us this is an op- iportuutly seldom to be met with. LONDON HOUSE, * Under the Marshall Uotel, Breughtuii-st., Sav'h. W11.i i a m Ki.v;, Priqn ictor. S mar l THE GIPSY GIRL! I'he Seventh Daughter of the Gipsy Family, *\K7'OUl.D respectfully inform thu citizeua of f t Savannah and vicinity that she lias just ttrrived, from Barnum's Museum, New York, uud will hold her • oourts, for a short time, at 5t> South-Broad street, where the will he happy to consult with them iu regard to the Puntf Preweiit aud Future! j$3“ Those wishing to know the circumstances that sjnrround them, will do w ell by calling early. a Hours of Consultation* from 9 A. M. to 12 M., i uqdifrom 2 to 9 P. AL #1r 'Pickets of Consultation, $1—to be *iad at the door, fob 27 Into G. 11. DECKER. Agent. 27 Bull Street, (near Monument Square,) Sugars of tho choicest limuds re- <ie ived per last arrival of the “ Isabel," consisting mostly «tf the following brands, viz.: Itio Hondo, Gold Leaf, La Carolina, Lax 'Pros Marias, Lopex. De Cabanos Y Carbajal Manuol Castillo, F.l Empreaario, La Filantropa, El Peseador, Cubroy, La Espauola, La Redowa, Roucurrel, El Rifle, llabagnaues, tncta urBelgium, u al,o of »omo regiments'urti the Belgian onnv. If there rurnore con be 4 r4AN»Y.-Frnn 1 to depended upon, they would imply that feelinss 1 V d V '* “°“ htif ■ l * ie * r OWD too ft,ore- | ole to France, is apiMfirent. I have reason-to " bellere that something not of an ordinary na ture ie gpiog on with respect to the relations of. RKH8 MAKING.—Mrs. RICE respectfully offer* her services to the ladies of savannah, and ►« grateful for their patronage. idence on Carlton-street, near West Broad- 1500 pounds can I»« had notice, at l E. NEWCOMB’S y. 170 Broughton-street, Sl ot' the fluest quality and at Departure ul biettiiieru iruut savauuuli. 4 P. M. _ s Gordon, Capt. Brooks, Calhoun, Capt. Burden, aud Metumoru. Capt. Freeland, leave every morning at 4 o'clock, for Charles- A and arrive every evening iu Savannah at 5 o'clock, Florida, Coxctter, for Palutku, Ac.,« The regular U. 8. Mail i Irooks, Oa(‘ Departure of Cars on ('eutrnl Railroad. Two P.isskmjkr Trains Daily. Krr.niny Train—Leaves Savaunah at 8 P. M., aud ar rives at Macon nt A. M., connecting with Stages to Augusta, with thu Macon ami Western Day trains to At lanta, with Columbus by Stage, with Georgia Railroad to Augusta, and with the South-Western Railroad to Fort Valley, aud by Stages with points westw ard. Morning Train.—Leaves Savannah nt 8 A. M., and ar rives iu Macon at U** P. M. connecting with the Motion uud Western night trains to Atlauta, Montgomery aud Chattanooga; with stage* to Augusta from No. 9; aud (going East) witli stuges to Milluugoville from Gordon. iriAltliVE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF SAVANNAH MARCH 3. Sun Him- - i>h. 25in.; Sun Sv-tu Sli.o'.hu.; High Tide lii. 27m. ARRIVED. Steamship Florida, Lyon, Now York, to Pudclfnrd, Fay k Co. Fob. 29. 11.15 P. M., 50 miles North of Ilat- toros, exchanged riigunl* with steamship Marion. March 1st, l.' a A. M., 26 miles North of Hatteras, exchuugod signals with steamship Alabama, hence for New York. The F. has had head wind* the entire passage. Schr. Two Marys, Ku*.-<ell t Pennyworth Mill*, with 250 cask* Rice, to R Habersham k Sou. Schr. Elia* Reed, Burr. Turtle River, to E Reed. Schr. Howard, Wood, Franklin, La., to J 11 Burroughs k Son. Sclir. Northern Belle, Thompson, Riceboro', to Mas- Bark lihodi burn. Br. sclir. Violin, Sawy Yonge k Oden. Sclir. George E. I' ham, Kefiv New York—Rowland k Wash- Abacas, Bahama Islands— ott, Gilkley, New York—Brig- Steamer J. Stone. Freolaud, P.ilatka. Ac. MEMORANDA. Now Orleans, F’eh. 24.—Cleared, xolir Pauline. Stile*, for Savannah. The following is her cargo: 108 casks Bacon, 49 tes llnms, 17 do Lard, 12 bids Lard Oil, 15 do Caster Oil, 24 bids uud K8 hhds Sugar, 193 bbls Whisky, 100 bbls Flour, 120 boxes Candles, aud 8 coils Rope. Feb. 25.—Cleared, brig Ruciuv Vista, Iliusou, for Sa- vanuah. The following is her cargo: 55 bbls aud 27 hhds Sugar, 320 bbls WliiHky, 30 tus Hams, 78 hluls Bacon. 25 kegs and 22 bbls Ltrd, 1100 sacks Corn, and 8 pkgs Mdse. New York, Feb. 2K.—Cleared, brig Huntress, Wilson, for Jacksonville. Arrived, brig Atnericau, Godfrey, from Savannah. Providence, Feb. 27.—Arrived, bark Delaware, Lewis, from Savannah. Baltimore, Feb. 28.—Loading, brig John A Tayior, Sleeper, for Savannah. llavaua, F'eb. 17.—In port, brigs R B Lawton, Gard ner, nnd Random, Burdick, loading for Savannah. /'if Africa. Liverpool, Feb. 10.—The John Toole, from Now Or leans to this port, has been wrecked near tiulway, os supposed, the tank*, parts of her hull, deck*, spar*, Ac., also several bales of cotton, forinlug part of her cargo, and a dead tody, answ ering the description of one of the female passengers, having been w’asned ashore. The vessel is supposed to kAve struck ono of the Arran Isl and*. 1 )KIMK NOIITI1XSRN HAY.—134 bundles tint quality Northern llay, landing from ship Ma in, and for sale on consignment, by dfcfORGE 11. 2..AY. Also iu Store, 50 bundle* first quality Eastern llay. 1>HEK8E*—250 boxes prime Cheese, for .sale t»y Vj mar ,3 BRONSON A 8EVLUNOE. C IO-FAKTaEUMIUP.—We huvu this day / UHnociateU ourselves together, for tho transaction of a General Commission uml Shipping Business, under tlie lirm of GREINER A HOLLIS. CHAS. II. greinf:r, mar 2 0 C. 1*. HOLLIS. 1 kinds u ou hand hud for sale by P OTATOES.—IUU libls. prime Eating Poiutou» landing uud lor sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. I 1J1E.—5UU hurrids Lime landing from sclir. J Rockingham, aud fur sale by mar 3 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. 'I'AM. PITCH AND V A it NASH.—Landing I, 100 barrels. For sale by mar 3 WOOD, CLAGHORN A CO. J Jltl.MK AND 1FIESM PORK.—Lnudiug— 75 bbls, for i-ule by mar 3 WOOD, CLAGHORN A CO. $ WOOD, CLAGHORN A CO. t 1 ANDEES.—50 boxes Patent French Candle.., / assorted sizes, represented equal to tlie best Sperm. Laudiug lroiu ship Marion aud for sale by mar 3 COHENS A HERTZ. T \OMKSTlC LIQUORS.—50 bbl* Westoru ±J Rectified Whisky ; 25 do N. E. Rum ; 25 do. P. i'liolps’ Gin. Landing uud for sale by mar 3 COHENS A HERTZ. S UGAR AND MOL.A88E8.—125 hhds Lot. isiana Sugar, and 2U0 bbls do Molasses, in flue order uud of good quality : landing from schr. Esther Burr, and for sale by mar 3 6 J. II. BURROUGHS A SON. DR. S. II. BROWN offer* hi* professional POSa* sorvicos in the teveral departments of Med icine, Obstetrics aud Surgery.—Resideneo 114 Brougli- street. fob 16 tf Unr Uisensvs- DciiIiichhKmlicall) Cured. ■a—Dr. Lk BIIUNN offers to those suffering iv-P* from Deafuess, his infallible AURAL RE&l- EDIES, which have boen successful in nourly three thous and cases of confirmed Deafness. These Remedies have been pronounced by Drs. Kramer of Borlin, Iturd A Do- leauof Paris, and Curtis, Pilcher, Yearsby of I«ondou, the most wonderful uud effectual over applied for Diseases of the Internal aud.Middle Ear. They* prise three different courses for tho vnrious'Msoases that affect the External, Middlo and Intornal Ear. If tho disease is coutiued to the External Ear, their effects are apparent on the fifth or sixth day. Dr. Lk B. warrants e in retry rase, when the Ear is perfect in its form ation. lie ha* eighteen uerlifiootes from thoso who had boen deaf from infancy, whose hearing is now completely •stored, and are now enabled to learn the laugnuge.— Over tirmty-sr.ren hundraiease* of Deafuess have been succesi/ully healed by him. Certificates to thatcffoct may : seen on application. Patieuts by sending a few particulars of their case can have remedies sent to any part. Terms: Fire Dollar* eonsultatiou foe; Ten Dollars to bo paid when the hear ing is rostored to its original acuteness. N. B.—Dr. Lk BRUNN‘8 “ Treatise on the Ear and its DiscAisf*, and Treatment t/the Deaf and Du. trans lated from th** French.—Price One Dollar. Address: Dr. Lk BRUNN, Union Square Post Office, New-York. lmo fob 11 mutual Life Insurance Company #f I SAAC ABBATT, Sec y. JOSEPH B.COI | i Na Pres't. I)r. R. D. Auxoi.d, Medical Eximin. Application* received by ^wmoer. 14 {I W. P. HUNTER. * r , t Nntlouul Safety IiiMiirnnce aud 'iw. C’oinpuny. PlillHdelphin, rrilil /1 IIARTF.lt PERPETUAL.—lion. H, l, n Bv Vj NKK, Pros't. Wm. J. Rkeu, Secy. ‘ Bbn ' A reduction of 25 per cent, has been mode on 51,. *3Et2&}£i$r nm by thl * iJSSt Tho net profit* made by the Compunv will h. .. ally divided among those who insuro P Hu- tlu-whoUiJi torrn, either In <erlp or by an Mulraleat boau. to their rollcir. a. they may ofeet at the tie,, „,X* insured. Liven or Slave* taken. Application* received by III. QANAHL A»,.ni Medical Examiner, Dr. Jos, baxaiiu. fim* R Royal liisurancv Company, Loudon n7* liivcrpool. 1 C 1A1HTAL. TWO MILLIONS OP POUNlw / STERLING.—Tho subscribers arc authoring m issuo Fire Policies for tills Company, and tomikj London Phccitlx Fire Office ' riFAKES RISKS in Suvunnah. Apply to | ang 6 R. HABERSHAM A SON.Aitj. 8outhern mutual lnsurunco ConiuenT 4 SBURY HULL, PrcsiJcut and TtSSSS' Ai.nox Ciiamk, fleo ry. 0. F. McKay, Actuur o undersigned, Agent of the above Company, tinuus to take the following risk*, viz: Murine and Fire ; also on the liven of Servants. Live* of White Persons ure nlno taken bythi«o«. panv. No extra premium for residing ia the South WILLIAM KING, Agcai june 17 ly Corner of Bay and Drayton iu. Houtli Carolina InNuraiico Coinpua),*! Charleaton, 8. C. /CAPITAL, $250,000—all paid iu and well iurta " / od. Marino, River and I.ifo Risks. CHARLES EDMON8TON, President. A. L. Toni A 8, Secretary. Directors.—Robert Martin, M. C. Mordecai, 8. Mosrr Jr., Col. Juh. Gadsden, Charles II. West, Henry Cubit The subscriber having boen appointed Agent in thl city for the above named Company, in prepared to m ive offers, ami issue policios of Insurance oaFiro Hi- ..ne, River und Life Risks, on liberal tormi. All lom insured at this agency, will be promptly adiuiud ul paid by tho undersigned, (ap 7) J. C. LEVY, Agut. np llOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS.— We would call the attention of our readers to tho advertisement of Dr. lfoofiaud's celobrated Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, No. 120 Arch-*treet, Philadelphia. In eases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Disease of tlie Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered stomach, their power is not excelled, if equalled, l»y any other known preparation, as tho cures attest, iu many cases, after the most cele brated physician* had failed. We can conscientiously recommend this medicine as being what it is represent ed, aud urge our readers who are iitHioted to procure a bottle, and they will be oouvtueed of the truth we assort, feb 12 eod2ino HONOR TO WHOM HONOR 18 DUE. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED.-Rcad and be convinced. Having beeu afflicted with acute Rheumatism for some time, and tried sovcral of the most popular remedies of the day, also under medioal advice, and received no re lief uutil I tried the Mustang Liniment, and much to my surprise I received immediate relief; and I ain con fident that by a few more application* of this truly cele brated Liniment I shall be entirely eured; and I advise all who are afllictod to try tho Mexican Mustang Lini ment. (Signed) A. FREEMAN. Savannah, F'eb. 5, 1852. cod ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! ^ IMPORTANT TO DYBPEPTICS.-Dr. J. S. Houghton’s Pkpsin, the True Digestive Fluid or Gastric Juice, prepared from IConnet, or the fourth stomach of the ox, after directions of Baron Lie big, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. 8. Houghton, M. D., Philadelphia. This is truly a wouderful remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, jaundice, liver complaint, constipation and debility, curing after uature’s oi method, by nature's own agent, tho gastric juice, Pamphlets, containing sciuutifio evidence of it* value, furnished by ageut* gratis. See advertisement in am ther part of this paper. cod ly june 11 8. Y. LEVY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Tlai Office over the store of Messrs. Swift, Srs^jSfc Denalow A Co., entrance on Whituker-st. second door from Bay-st. jan 17 goniau Guano. This article is unrivalled for en riching the soil and is well worthy the utteutiou of “ Put up in barrels uud sacks—All packages uqiiire oftlie sole Agent, EDWARD II. BUNKER. ROB. HABERSHAM A SON. f VORY HANDLE TAULE&DE88EIIT J. KNIVES—With and without F'orks, F’or sale by mar 3 F. W. CORNWELL, 102 Bryan-*t. J UST RECEIVED.—6,(H)U PlantationBegars 10,000 La Iu^i Segarri. F'or sale low at COBS' Segar Store, 27 Bull-st. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE C. R. ROAD, > Savannah, February 28, 1862. / "Vf OTICE.—On uud utter the 5th proximo, nil li Cotton consigned to order, if not claimed within 48 hours uftcr it is unloaded from tlie ears, will he hauled to the public warehouses iu the city, uml stored, und iusuruiuo; effected for aee-uut of all concerned, fob 28 lm MACP11E11SON B. M1LLEN, Sup’t. D. B. FICKL1NG, Corner Price nnd Broughton Htreels. B RUGS, Medeeiues, Burning Fluid, (or Gas,) Tobacco, Snuff aud Scgars, constantly on liund. I'ruseriptious put up with great care. Also, Bliss's Cod Liver Oil Candy, for sale. 2iu<m mar 2 To Architects, 8culptor», *Jtc. FpHK Commissioners of tlm Greene uud Pulaski L Monumeut Lottery Fund otter THREE HUN DRED DOLLARS for un approved Debign for u Monument to the muuiory of Couut Puluski, to lie erected iu Chippewa tiquare, Buvnnnuh. Archi tects, Sculptors, Designers, &c., arts invited to fur- nifih plans and specifications, and lo use their own taste uud judgment, with uo other limitation than that the cost must oot exceed $17,000. Plans will be received bv the subscriber until the 1st ol* May, lS52,{who wilrfurnish auy further information thut may be required. WM. P. BOWEN Secretary. Savannah, Jau. 13. 9d oawOis B RICK8.—The Suhscrilier, Ageut for the Pu- rvsburg Brick Company, has on hand and will be receiving a large supply of Bricks, which he will sell at moderate prices. mar 2 8. M. LAFFITEAU. schr. Canton, n from the wharf. r landing; for sale low if taken 1(. HABERSHAM A SON. L IiHK.—Kxpactrd daily to arrire, a c.rf® of SOI) bbl. of be,fc Ifookl.ud I.inw, aud for nl. by tuar 2 RAM I. UOYT k CO. N KW MPIUNU U1CKS8 OOODI4.--A1- KIN k ltURNB are now opening th.tr Spring .took of Drei. Goods, which, for hsanty aud otogauco, cannot bo cxoollod, and thov would molt rolpMtfully call the attention of the public to them, feb iT NOsV 4 A 5 PULASKI-8QUARE. 1FOTATOKS.—50 bbls Planting aud 10 bbl* l^gung route,. i...t rocr | v. i by j 8 Q L o M o Na T> AI8IN8.—100 boxes Raistus, wholes, halves XV^and quarter*, for sale MoMAHON A DOYLE. B EEF.—SO half barrel* Fulton Market Beef, far •ale by (feb 24) Me HAH ON « DOYLf^ Q. N. NICHOLS, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, BalLat., opposite Pulaski House* SAVANNAH, GA. j$y Circulars, Cards, Bill* of Lading, Clieoka, and Posters and Programmes, dune at short notice, [f 5-ly SAVE YOUR MONEY! CHARLES P. FREEMAN k CO., (LATE FREEMAN, HODGES A CO.) IMPORTERS 8l JOBBERS, No. 1.44 Hroadwny, ONE BOOR SOUTH OK LIBERTY 8TBEET, NEW-YORK, H AVE nov/ on hand, and will he receiving daily through the season. New Goods, direct from tlio curupeau manufacturers, aud rash Auctions, rich,Xnsh- iunablc, fancy Silk Millinery Goods. Our stock of rich Kihlums comprises every variety of the latest and most beautiful designs imported. Many of our Goods are manufactured expressly to our order, ’from our own designs and patterns, aud stand unrivalled. We offer our Goods for nett cash, ut lower jiriccs than any credit House in America cau afford. All purchasers will fiud it greatly to their interast to reserve a portion-of their money uud make selections from our great variety of rich cheap gotxlt. Ribbous rich for Bonnets, Caps, Sashes and Dolts. Bonnet Silks, Satins, Crapes, Lissom and Tarlotous. F^mbroiderios, Collars, Chomisettes, Capes, Berthas. Habits, Sleeves. Cuffs, F.'dgings aud Inserting*. Embroid'd Rcvlere, Lace A Hemstitch Cambric Hdkfs. Blonds, Illusions, and Embroidered l<uco* for Caps. Embroidered Lacox for Shawls, Muutlllas and Veils, llouiton, Mochlon, Valenciennes aud Brussels Laces.- English and Wove Thread, Smyrna, Lisle Thread and Cstton Laces. Kid, Lisle Thread, Silk and Sewing Silk Gloves, and mu*. French and American Artificial Flowers. French Lace, Fluglish, American, and Italian. Straw Bonnet* and Trimmings.Iw j[mar 2] The Howard Insurance Company, «f Ncw-Yoik. O FFICE No. «fi WALL-STREET.—Czpiui, $250,000. Incorporated by an Act of tho Lfiiili- e of tho State of New-York. Hrtctors.—It. Havens, Najah Taylor, J. Phillig Fliwnix, Wm. W. Todd, William Cuuch, F'znuinfC. Tucker, Chas. N. Talbot, Japhet Bishop. Tho*. W. (jilt, J. D. Wolfe, Meigs D. Benjamin, Ldwsrd Anthen, llenry E. Davies, Thos. W. l’earsnll, Henry R. Reani, J. K. Herrick, Chat. M. Connolly, Orrin ThoQ|d«i, Uriuh J. Smith. R. IIAVKNS, President. LEWIS Phillips, Secretary. liKNitr A. Oxkli'y, Assistant Secretary. The undersigned having been appointed Agent in thu city for the above named Company, insure* propeitv against loss or damage by F'ire, and the risk* nf Inlui Navigation and Transportation, on os favorable tend . 4, ila city. 8. ODUNNINO, Ap»»l B y t PAl in. Marine nnd Firo Insurouce, |Y TIIE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COM PANY of Charleston, 8. C\—Capital $290jWMI WM. B. I IF. RIOT, President. A. M. bt, deeretary. „ , , Directors.—James K. Robinson, Geo. A. Treuhtlz, Robert Caldwell, A. R. Taft, Henry T. Street, W». MoBurnev, J. U. Brawley, T. L. Wragg. Thu nubnoribova Kravinkbaon appoiutiuLJljrftnUforth above Company, are now r iadv to recetvs offer*, aiflip P. JAC!OB8>8 CIGAR AND TOBACCO ST0B1, 3V Itull-Mt., Hl*n of thu “III# lucre," Near Monument Square, Savannah, 0a. Keeps constantly on liana a large stock of imporwl Cigurs, us well as of his own manufacture, at wtolmk and retail. Also, Chewing and Smoking Tobaoco, Sul, m SPRING FASHION OF HATS. N. K. BARNUM & CO. Are now preparod to offer to the public the 1 Spring style of Hat*, both Messrs. Beebe k Co. uidiiiu of their own manufacture. We bellev* this style “ superior to all others, both for lightness and finish. f ‘ k “ JOHN SI. miLLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Has removed to tho comer ol Bay and Whilu# streets, over Messrs. Swift, Dnnslow 3r Co. ORDINARY’8 OFFICE. »r of liny nud VVliUnkerHlrtfi'* Corner of liny uu«« »»«i»»y Office hours from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., »ud to 6 P.M. ly jau 31 riUIKY DO MAY tlmlgood Wnlclifi»»d _L elry can ho bought for less money at 148 Broegw*' street, (next'to Dickson's,) than at any other piw ■ the city. Try it and see. . Also, SKIFF is an excellent hand at cleaninga** pairing Watches and Jewelry. Give hiui a Mff fib & ONK THAT KM>W. SMITH dt CO.’M MOUTHBUN BXPUBM8 T|1HK HUBSCRIBERrt having establisiied an Ex* I press betweou this city and Charleston, nre prepared to receive and forward with promptness, goods of every description—Bank Note*, Specie, Jewelry, Parcels Ac. jVlso, Drafts, UOfe, Note*, collected witli dispatch. Also, ■roods forwarded to New-York and all Eastern, North ern aud Western .cities. Office \to7 Bay-st., t urner of Whitaker, Savannahj 85 East Buy, Charleston. <>w JAMES a. SMITH, Savannah, mar l ANDREW *V. SWETT, Charleaton, 8. C. DROUGHT TO JAIIj, on the 15th ult., a il Negro Mau, who say* his name is WILL, and that Uebelongs to Joseph Ashley, of Barnwell District, 8. C. Said Will is G feet 6 inches high, about 29 years old, and has been runaway two weeks, mar 2 3 JSAAC D'LYON, Jailor. T78CAPBD FROM TUB JAIL YARD* f/J on fhe 25th alt, a boy by «b« uumo of BILLY, be longing to Col. Brown, of viaeviUu, near Macon. Said Billy is 5 feet 8 inches high, 21 year* old. Ten Dollars will he paid for his apprehension aud safe delivery in Jail. ISAAC D'LYON. Savannah, March 1,1852. 3 mar 2 DRUIT.—Just received a superior lot of Pine P Apples and B.tnannas, in store aad for sale at De- Martin's old -*-- J *~ BRONSON k BEVELING E. 'l*r INKM, l.IfJUOitM, ttOBDIAl.M AND Vy SEOAft8.-A ..parlor lot of .Mtoo» brMo; red qouttlei, urn. Tory cbolc.i j.rtr.o.lT.d..dfori.t.by nil BBilNgON k BEVEUNOE. jjt^ttoi*. inm roMivM p, pxnau k BBiDr. NEW BOOKS, RECEIVED BY JOHN M.COOPER TllUltSDAY, F’xh. 26tii. TTOME and it* Influence*. A Doncrtw swf JLX Godey's Iaidy's Book for March. ^ Count Monte-Leono, or the Spy iu Society—frv* French of H. de St. Georges, iiluitratea. The Heiress of Toulon: or a Sallor’i J Frod. Hunter. u Venetia Trelawney» or the Mysteries of tu* t London. By O. W. Reynold*. Quintin Matsys: or tne Blacksmith of An |"® r fj n | > The F'ortnno-Teller of Sainto-Avoyo: or tne rlou* Stranger. By Eugene Sue. . . a Mary 1'rioe: or the Memoirr of a Bcrnnt »**»• " O. W. M. Reynolds. Further supply of— Hood's Whimsicalities. Illustrated. Walks aud Talks of an American F'armer Maurice Tiernay. By Lever. Ravensoliffe, Ac. O AKTAIIS’M MAUAZINK for Petrifactions and their Teachings: «r» of Fossils of the British Museum. B)’ A- LL.D., F.R.S. Bohu: London. Lucretius on the Nature of Things . A P 0 ^^, Poem. Literally translated into LugiUnpr 0 *’' John 8. Watson, M. A. Bohn: Ixmd°n- y A History and Description of Modern Cyrns Redding. Bohn: London- rooP £RlCd Received by JOHN M. C(——-fTni riMIE MEDICAL 8TIIDENTW I MECTIM-A Compendium of Sfcdicn, Surgery, etr., ete. By George Meoe * D. With 221 engravinge. v.lp—* A Complete Trontteo ou Midwifery Trauelutod by Ctmrlo, D. Meigs, M. B. ’ iltiiKtratioue. ,, , n f Itovioiv of Matori. flfedica: (or Cie By John B. Blddlo, M. D. With tn«'"*' i »M |»l gf Itunking*. Itolf-Yonrly Abltreet of the « '"fttun his Brother'. Koepor: * n SjPOSlnlmi’ 1 *' K. Talmudge, D. l>., rreiidontof Ogleihorp* ^jtucel.ed by JOHN M. COOTEj jin** r rS"uM A BI«k^ I*rintod Bor ago de Laine, PlainC ’ Y> BCB1VED IX Black Water! Printed Berago de Lame, rioin uuiu.--- . . cr*i* TT Robes, Printed Grenadines, Doan* * r pg* Chamois, White Chally, Sew ng 811K. Printed Jacouets, Frenm Muslin*, P*" _ QvfyJ* with a variety (if other >T»‘ sale low by (fob 27) LiRO ( ' BORGIA-ChMhnm 11* whom it may oonoern: Whore** ^ tte ritJGJJ wIU apply to the Court of Ordinar) m ^y»lwr & J dianshfp on the persons and property p^uif Timothy B. and John B. Chisholm, and oa ( of William W. Chisholm, minora and ®JJ w f 0 r«,9 J dock Chisholm, doeoased—These art, tn^ ^ aud admouidh all whom it ma / l c °v: ec rion [i^ pour before euld Court to •»»*? “WSW 1 *' Imvel ou or before the Bret Monday In At r said lettere will bo granted. far CWf itue«, John M. Mil eu, E»l.(Ot«“* rJ ity, thla Zd day ot March, liavej wise s Witness, County, thl„ .re. —j — _ ,w ri BOKWA-ctartMjlilt'kfXli M ” nunmA — \viioresa. trie “Vaditf* I T whom it may concern: Wlierew, O’Neil will applyutthe Court ef j Admintatrattou on the Eatate of 1 no eeaaed—Thoae are, “ bcf.M ljW.Sl whom tt mny eoneorn u be aud appear ^ ^ to make objection. (if any they ha’el Mopdayfih A r rUJne»t, otherwise , Ml M. Mijl.., Ea-mOrfiaary^f County, thla Id day of March, IBM. G eorgia - chathntnt 00 "');!^ whom it may concern: Wh. of A 1 ‘SJi a, ply at the Court ol Ordinary f fj“‘dalgJv5 tratlon on the Eatate of John O. „ «bo» ‘ g- are, therefore, to otto eonern, to bo and appearhefare ^ grT, jeetlon (If any they bare) on•'» b. County; thla id day of sgTS