Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 11, 1857, Image 3

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tmasem SAVANNAH MOENING 3 glPLINB& fiUttllNU, wll- mwt . -The copimrpd „nu» Onpt. 8BTU ►6jB®I!^ fcll7S,wt " lth <>M|»tch. for ^..TppU' *° CAIU.KTON * PAHWIWB. if—iTTiT'SKW YOKHj.—UBOBUIA VXFJT “Ttiio flno fast Bailing schonnor VV kn T Orlo«* McCRKADY, mant r, ^brtE&Sf ” er ca ^° ® rtt * R,d ’ wHI.mwf STEAMSHIP LINES. Baltimore & Savannah Steamship . or Her rente enw d, For "ImlMicc of frolibl, apply on l " ' " or to c(mKN8 4 JIKRTZ. "’^rTTitUNK WfoKK.-U NION LINK. ThI retfOlfcr packet Bchoui.ei Tnr«et« AN? master, having the g eater a^sl.r Smo enaaked. will have quick de»>- S^.aKJS?? uoft. For balance of freight, Sck fjr lh «iprll OtlPKN, STARK *00- # l “;' You iXyKitPOOL..-TL© first K.aif<S»hip Wm. Cummins* JONES „ter, having a lurge purilmi of cargo iiA-ier. having the greater part ol her *** .1-11 nn‘1 going on board, will nio’t wlih r J lre |«’.t of 200 b iles Cotton, ap- ulct Si]] (IaULKTOS A PAUSOf/s. l ^—7 So it f iTkToPt o a uh a urn ii. .TliJ r»«( suilliiK Brittsb HrlB Cbnllenae, ^Oapt. UTLBY 5ARL,'tiioN k PARSONS. bourit at ' Wh •ppif npio BRIO HAM. KELLY A 00. Toil NEW YORK. The Steamship A U CJ U 8 T A ♦ ■Cftpt M.F.WOODHULL roit new tor*, Will null Ou SATURDAY* tho Uth lust.. At 9 o’clock, A. SI., PADKLFOUD. FAY A CO., « Agent*. raruUDIfiVAHT. maater having a largo o engaged, will meet with deapatch nply to iilioil AS AM, KELLY A 00. FOR SALE. E.»tfTiALH-T* remain in the city—A P i,no woman, of excellent character, house Her- f “"2*1 aal pastry cook, with her Infant daugh- SATURDAY, April llth, 1857. At «,» o'clock, A.M ew and splendid Steamship K1CY8TONK STATK, Capt. K. II AUDI E, will leave as above. ingers by thin* Ship for Baltimore ami i, noise aulpustry roong mulatto man. 23 years old. 7> p , r nutto alrl seamstress and house servant, 16 ‘sSl App y lo 5. BRYAN A SUN, yohi.APPJ 117 Bay street. ijiLJ Washington, wlli be’’lauded utT New Castle, Del., If desired, from which place car* start three times dully for the above cities ami other Southern Points, •abln PuBsage to Philadelphia..^ $20 6-1 w competent FBLIiOW, cotton sampler, wolg-\era ' P'Kkl. ruKKLv * 1, apr r, l far 1 > AVin'R 1110°*. Market Square. -i.fi Cal..... Steera*,. — . All freight bills under-$5, payable o delivery. Forlrelght or passage, apply to fo|Lk.* l '5*«»T ’jfrOT BVMOSf M»)U.fH KOIt HAI.K.—ThQ Hire.- .lory bilrU 9 ..'.I,Hub on .lonos Btrcot, post to tbo corner of libfroorn Btrect: sunp'k-i with bob. water on. r,»om If not told before the 1st of May, will L’forrtnt*. Knqrlireof _ M. I-OWKLL. A. GREINER, Agent. Cabin Passage to New fork, $25. 1 WEEKLY U. 8. MAIL Line. Tho new and splendid side-wheel steamships Augusta, 1500 tons burthen, Capt ' o.rtt-lm at Georgia Ice House then, Capt. Q. R. Schouck, will leave Savannah every SATURDAY. These ships are among tho ‘ on tho coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety infort, making ♦heir passages In fifty to sixty hours, aud are commanded by skilful, careful and J " w,n rp»' Charleston Wharf. P* GIEBKLIIOU8K. WANTS. krANTKD.—Gas Htock wanted by It/ A i a uoNTMiil.I.m VV-'-unanV. "* .1, S. MONTMOLLIN. BOm Wl.ONTMO,.LIN; TO RENT. TO .RKNT.-A two Ntorv woode * - - —- »•—» «*'-• Jt-.v-orhlia'" a * two Ntor ■ nouMt. v. .* r Biyan and Habersl L * lvra lm "' 0 ' ,l ‘ ,t a&ORtflP t)TT. r Whitaker st and Bav Lsn ood^n apr8—tf Rb^m ly*r« TO RKNT.-A two Mtory with a large yaM. and kitchen In the Also, a small teuemeut house In Mill Enquire of [anrtl "STORKS AND OWKIaIaINi-S JO . !;_ l ''Z.7 .. tww-l^Lr Hulldliiir on u» D the corner of Whlta- FTihe Store lately occiinled by Gray Brothers.— hey will he let Hepar »te If desired. PSo the next bull-ling, lately occupied by Mr. |ohn Oliver. JMslwslob Blvcu lminodlaUjly. y Ap- ir 51—tf . lfoR ItKNT.-Tni- iruu.,r.». .... Ixo. 116 Broughton Btieet lately occupied a Tjpwelrv Store, by U. P. ILofton. A only to l-ieftiiry niurc, ui ^ LACKL180N, mart4-tf or P. BAUGH I.I V. ! TO RI5NT.-A.raaU tenement house V BYRNR, FOR RKNT.-A Ku ruiv awv»««* — I Love- _ bUue, with a good dwelling. Alan, for sale, _ Apply to 0. M. MILLKN. a TO RKNT.—A tWo story wooden |noU8E. on hrlck basement, north-east corner l*f Mimt’gomory st. Enquire of vn , FOR RKNT.-A brick Htore. I»iVi*rson st., three doors from Coogress street: A -^ 1 f S r t g a jmrvwrnM Dying Establishment, . 73 YORK rt./near the court-house, lEstablished In l>t32.J frill’ anbac.r|bei* brgt l«: “ *-* * *he public gei._ ..,, e all Colors 'n the best stvle nd Wool-n Dresses, Shawls, Ac.: ulso, Tahl- hd Crape Shawls, cleanei Indbleachoi in the host manner, and gentlemen jirnients Dyed and Cleaned, as may be required In p« ram-* superior style, which has generally fell pleased his natrons and-frlends for the pa-' L. ' A-li..I I... i l.. If A _.id orders from II parts of the country promptly- attended to apr2—ly A. oll.T/*«'^Y KrxTTaKr’jsi Photographic & Fine Art GALLERY, BHOUGHTON STREET, COR. BULL, I TIP ESTABLISHMENT 1* now open, with fn- Utlea for business which are cqrtalnly un.surpasi ! and srarcely equalled In this country. tfHE INSTRUMENTS ethe largest and finest ever brought to this city The arrangements are such that any size Picture n be produced with perfect accuracy, from the aallest specimen of Microscopic Interest, to a full n|>h life 6lze-figure, kach department Is under the supervision of ost experienced operators. Colored Photographs, Oil. on canvas, will receive the attention of 8lg. DO K HO, an artist of acknowledged skllPund ad ml- HE PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT 'll! be under charge of Mr. II. M. WELLS, whose to, ex perleno*, in the practice of the art, renders a'most a certainty. [Arrangements are being concluded with an artist ) celebrity In PASTEL and MINIATURE AIMING. |Tbe Reception Room, on tho first floor, has been Nup regardless of expense; and It will be the ® of th«* proprietor to make It a pleasant render. AFFLICTED READ TttXS. OKRTIFICATL8. AuoiibTA, Oa., March 28, 1857.—Prof. Ps2-» DkG^ath. Dear Sir—This Is to certify ffltnybojr Moses haw been afflicted with Rhou p® for seventeen years, ami by one application of farOll (Prof. DeGrath’s Electric Oil) was entirely r f< l< f *nd I cheerfully recommend It to all tdmilnrly Feted. Yours, respectfully, C. HKUBKR. Auousta. Ga., Bfarch 28,1857. [ •'for. De Ghath—Dear Sir: This Is to certify that 1Te been afflicted with Headache and Corns M .from which I have suffered very much, and by ea Pidlcatlon of Do Grath’s Electric Oil, I have <*n cured of my Headache and Corns, and there- re ^commend It to all. P. McGUE. [Ask Mr J. Higginbotham, comer of Kollock T’ 0!ul Greets, If he was not cured of Rheumutlsm standing, by one or two applications of De [ r ?S - Klecfrlc OIL ii'ra n«/ 11 U’Antlgnac and T. 8. Metcalf, If they th.n c ?T e< i of pnlns by one or two applications r&?. r i lh * Electric OU. L4« r fr an Hft y orK t tty others were relieved of all r °ra plaint*, by iho free, application of. this Tiu? s 1>V* nttested by hundreds who saw It ap- L.., ’ tbe Profppsor drunk Reven bottles In the I hundreds, and received no Injury fn anu recer d*nL* y be a PI>iled extern ully rldiutgor. >r Infernally, wlth- marSi—dAwtf k HOLLOWav : s pills. W Soothing yet searching. Free from P v '2& i Itri v, mineral Ingredients, these Pills sooth Erin tho Irritated membraneeof the stomach Eon ik bowp,, » w t»He they expel all morbid matter li i _. ~gans and imbue them with n« ■oldrV7k- '♦"« ans ®nd Imbue them with new vigi fork t H$* n ^ nnrarterles. No. 80 Malden Lane, N. isu'.i °; 244 Strand. London; and by all drug- ■ • “ 25c.. G2>5c., and »1 per box. d*wlw iT^j^s A Ueantil'ul Head of Hair rich and glossy—Is the. certain result LnT Use of LYON’S KATHAIRON-- The 1m- |fX0onn v-° f th,# nnaqualled prera atlon—nearly llivoT b<)tt,fts P«i year—pr claims It empl atb Enrn ' 1>IIDU0 Favowt*.’ 4 The ladles universal- 1b*u .“*!*• 11 to be the finest a d most agreeab E*uua l !L U! »ed. It restores. Invigorates and BS:?**. } h ® Halr.and Imparts a delightful per- ■ob ic« v frywhere for 25 c nts per bottle. Tlie litirtiri.r an t,?. nef *kgs'mjf Impo Itlort by counter* h V'? P o H K ATM, WYJH Kfh iP A CO., Proprle fork. - 1 burners, No. «3 Liberty Hiwg, ^w rShVif*?®. Lulf ches! H «f chestsSouchnng Tc feb »&-tf sM Oolenff Tea; Lhog#. Tea; ttsrin-** Gr *eoi Tea; received and for sale by iftlfir— ' McMAH'»N A POYl.E, -S£rior 3 n W uJ 4l ' ,|,2 ‘~ 1:| ^* h * 1 *- V « ry froonarOrin .^uWand Ume. dally expected, per I »dt7—i,1** °° w| . for sale, to arrive, by BTii.V- HWldHAM. nfclfl.Y A CO. BO , A ‘-' f *l>P0i n„e Fitunvill.t repelv-c *-._iu«ure, ,. y rniir.V B- 0-UYRNJ5. aiK i». Cabin Passage $15. FOR BALTI- MORE.—Tim Steam ship City of Nor- f«!l*j._Capt»ilu M. It. folk. Captain GREEN, will u... above on TUK8DAY next. For freight or pas sago, hnvhig splen- rOR P1IIE.AOEL.PIIIA* I LKAVK NEW YORK ADV’MENTS . PKTTE.im.l, * C'l.’rt .DVtRTIHinU AGKFUY, 80. 11 8AS8AU 8YRZKT, l Flk*«t Cnliln, tHNU-Hccond do.* «5A. jf-JT*. IN THE FIR8T-CLASS PADDLK- 'iRnS» wheel steamship iMriiik AIUKIi, 2000 Tons, TO SAIL FROM NEW YORK FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN, On Tin R DAY, April 16th, And on THUH8DAY Juno 4th. Passengers Ibr HAVRE will be sent on In a first- class steamer, connecting with the Ariel, on arrival ut Southampton. Specie delivered In Loudon and Paris. Persons desiring to bring out their friends can ob tain c< rllficates of passage. The ARIEL Is equal in every respect to any 2000 ton ship afloat. For passage or freight, annly to I). TORRANCE, Agent, mar23—ImP. 8 Bowling Green, New York. NT K A.II TO SO UTH A HI 1* I ON Jk HAVRE. ». THE MAGNIFICENT STKAM3UIP v „ • VANDKitnii/r, trSSmCJomR* 5.400 Tons, will sail:— HAVRE. Tnesday Muy Tuesday Juno 5 Thuraduy.. From Southampton and Havre for Now York. Wednesday Sept 2 Second cabin $100 to $180 $50 •cle delivered In London and Paris. For fushbbo or frclBln, A „. Ilt , mar23—ImP. 5 Bowling Green, New York. s-barf, betbro TIIK HAZARD POWDKR COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS AKI> D8ALERS IN G-uiNrr’o w riiin, :!' t J. n 'i , rA?. 0 .". e , r ,‘VJr J e L‘5 n t w „lte d .w f M. 8. Wood hull; Flori da, 1300 tons burthen, Capt. Isauc Crowell; Alabama, 1800 tons bur- TRIO INDIAN RIFLE and KENTUCKY RIFLE Powder. In Kegs and Canisters. Also, Gunpowder for Blasting and Mining, comprising a mil assort ment of qualities and kinds required by tbe trade, guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. The standard of their Powder, which has m Joyed the highest reputation for more than twenty- five years, will be found unsurpassed manufacture of t he kind In the world. For sale by the principal dealers, and also at th® office of the Company, No. 89 Wall, corner Wi street, New York. P AOo NoviaYork. "Cabin passage to New York. $25; Steer age pass sago to New York, $8. PADELFORD. FAY A CO, Savannah. 8AML.L. MITOHILL, 13]Broailway, New York. Jon 15 Cabin Passage to New York, $25. SEMI-WEEKLY U. f*. Mntl Line. New York and Charleston Sleam- ^ f paakets. Through In 48 \3cTS^ *° 53 hours. Nashville, 1600 tons burthen,CapL ~ i ^ Berry; Marlon, 1500 toiiH burthen, Capt. W. Foster, Jas. Adger, tons burthen, Capt. 8. O. Turner; Southerner, thing In Wednesday and Saturday after the arrival of tho cars from the South, an< West, ut high witter. These steamships are built expressly for the line, and for safety, comfort anu speed, are unrivalled on tho coast. Tables supplied with every luxury. Attention ami oourteoua com manders, will ensure travelers by this hue every possible comfort and accommodation. Cabin Pae- iage, $25; Steerage Pas.sage, $8. For Freight or Pus- sago having elegant state ..mm aecommodatlom. apply to HENRY MISKOON, Comer East Bay and Adger 1 * South Wharves, Charleston, u n COASTING VESSELS.’ UNITED STATES MAIL. For Falatka, East Florida, VIA. DARIEN. BRUNSWICK. 8r. MARY’S. FKR- NANDINA, .FACKSONVII.1.E, PICOI.ATA, AND MIDDI.EBURO, (KI.AOK CREEK.) The elegant nml commo dious steamer .Si. John’s, Capt. N. KING, will resume her trips by leaving fur thw above places on Tuesday morn Tfiesdu; This favorite steamer nd fitted with apacioi d.illv rebuilt _ t _ _ rtable state hs"’c8peciaHy for this trade, offering every In- • -* - ‘--veiling public. wigd, appl • ou board at tho Florida Steam packet Wharf, CL AG HORN & CUNNINGHAM, s Hill and other landings feb 16 Iuland Route. FOR 'PALATKA, FLA., VIA DARIEN, BRUNS WICK. AC. THE new, commodious and fast running steamer Kver* slaile* L. M. COXBTTKR-, Sla ter, will leave this city, forth* at»ove place* and. intermwlli SATURDAY MORNING, at halt post nine o’clock, from Charleston Steampacket whurf. The Everglade 1ms beet:. bl^BIxpresslv for this id has ample and eleglnt accopiraodotlons 100 ti.nHsetigers, and room for from 400 route, 600 hales cotton. For freight or passage, apply Jan 15 COUPE It A I . N. R.—The Everglade will not touch at Darien til further notice. . Inland Route. FOR CHARLESTON, 8. JJ., YlA R^AUFORT.^ st.Vpr. kvhrglade, L. M. COXBTTKR, Master. This new and splendid titeamer, huv- lug elegant passenger accommo- m |-r—ir — latlo■■ will leave us above every TU «3ha Y . I'j ' i.N I NO, from Charleston Steam- packet Whurf, at 8 o’clock. For freight or passage, upply on board or to Jan IS CftP^KRA rRASER, 74 Bay-st. UNITED STATER MAIL LINE For Falalka. East Fla. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS. FKR- nandin a. Jackson villJs, picolatA and MIDDLEBURG. , , The new and elegant Iron st- er St. Mnry», Capl. JAMES FREEBORN, will leavo SATURDAY MuRNING, —I r-f IM mijl— _hla uu.it lias been built expressly for tills route and having extensive and airy state modfttion, offers s d others. For freight or passage apply u da steampacket wharf. Jan 13 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM Agt-n 14. regularly t Fur tharleston Direct. The nnperior steamer 4« or don, Capt. F. BARDEN, Commander, having been thor oughly overhauled and furnish- l with a now boiler, —-— Savannah and Charleslon,twice ^ week, leaving Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, at 6 o’eiock, and returning, will leavo Charleston every Monday and Friday Afternoons, at 4 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply to J. I*. BROOKS, Aeent. ■ • Charleston whar sept 29 For Rluthon, HILTON HEAD, ROYD’SLANDINO.POKTROYAL FERRY. UUiUFORT AND OHARLKFTON. TUB 8TBAIHEK Wm. Henbrook* Capl. F. PECK, having been thoroughly repaired, will run regularly to the abo* places, leaving Savannah ever; -* “ o’clock: r *—'— “ Thursday fternoon,* at 5 o’_clock leave Clmrluaton, every freight engagement, apply returning, wi Night. ” ugagement, apply to N. B.—AH w«y freight payable at tho wharf at time of shipment sept 29 J. P. BROOKS, Agent Charleston wharf. NOTICE. Frulg lita i»«r steamer Everglade will hereafter be re ceived at the Charleston Wharf >every duy-during the w going i N. B.—The Everglade will also ... *r Zephyr for Black Crook, both id coming down the river St. John’s. OOUPER & FRASER. Extensive Sale of Real Estate in ALBANY', GKOIUJIA. nniIKHilbs(.i-H>„r will si-ll, lit 1-ublic Aar- 1 tlou, mi TUESDAY. Uio twtIRh Juy i.f Alnr next, In this city : 231 Business and Residence Lots, of one-fourth, one half, nud one acre each. Theae Lots are situated In the most desirable parts Qf the city. Sale positive, and to contUiUO from day to day until completed. Terms—"ne-thtrd cash; one-third six monthi and onn-third tw'elve inont sk The location of Albany being In tbe centre of tho rich cotton-growing lands of South-Western Geor gia, and the southern tc« minus ol the South-West ern Railroad, and recelv ng a* she will, on the next season, fifty to sixty thousand bales or a rapid yearly lncrei merit for a profltabh In the Southern States. The cars will be rtmnlrg to Albany by the first of Scptem ber day of sale. miles by within . „ . which «tat|on there will be ample ^ommidatlou by » tU ge, royRItor. QnBKVE ^ mar 17—dtwAwtd Albany, March 13, 1857. B Staple Dry (Joods. LEACHBII HUIRTINOBl Muperlov Trlah LIdbpb; , 4-4 and 5 4 Damosk Napkins; liuviiabucka, Diapcre; Damask Doylies; Colored do Hummer (^ntlti sale by (mar24) Dk\Y ITT A MORGAN. Ki^L-Tw* hdflfl • ud thousand hard B^f. soft brown Bricks; for sale marSO Onn HAt JKrt CioTTON HHEn. -Chea* feed for cows. In >tore and for sale by Jan 15 WM..REMSHART A SON, Battle Row. White Roods. J fTST OPEN i'. D—Kinbroldered mid Figured Swiss JaconeT* and Cambrics; Plain an«l Striped Nans'-oha; Plain Swiss Check aud Hair Cord Cambric*: Mi® RAY. APRTt, ll" 188T LOTTERIES, &c. PATTERSON’S OFFICE. NO. C WHITAKER ST, uukbne ! DRAWN aaMMRR OUBH 86; 64 53 30 32 68 18 72 00 64 *1 19 22 16 86. 19 68 72, sold In ft pack of Quuyters. __ Class No. 87, to be drawn at Savannah To-day. 18 Drawn BallotH. BEAUTIFUL SCHEME. $4,444--$1,937--$555—$338, tf-c. Tickets $100— Halve* $0 flO-Quarters $0 25. "also, xxtra class no'. 10: 13 Drawn Ballots, j$ar 25 Frizes of $.000. ~$$ MILLINERY, &c. Dress Making and Millinery. ROOMS 194 Bteot’BHTON-BT., TJX* MTAIMSI. f Opening, Thursday, the 2d of April. Hoping tho friends of Mrs. 8. Tomu* nml of Mrs.O. Free land will coutlmte tbelr favors. Courtesy will bo OMbrved to all. BRILLIANT BOHEMK. $51,554—6 of $30,000—8 of $10,000, &.C., &-C. lioweat Throe N umber Prize $500. Tickets$I5-Ha’.ves $7.60-Qra$3.75-Elgbtha $1.87. and a printed copy of the drawlngn sent to nil whs CHARLES B. rATTRRHON. Savannah, da. -1*., - , « In In (hr miner the ladles of Savannah and lt« vicinity, that ihe will,on WEDNESDAY, April lat, open her eleuaut assortment of MILLI NERY GOODS, consisting of Straw Bonnets forysty.e ami quality. great variety of NEW YORK and PARIS BONnVTS, IIKAI)-DRESSKS, FLOWERS, H1R- BONS. to,, all ot which will be aold on moderate term*! UltKUNK ANI» PjDlaAMKl. LOTT Kit Y , GREGORY A MAURY, Managem. MISS O. WEBB will give hpr attention to firrn.-ttukvnR In .11 It. b«nch«^ # 0 w^KBIi, tiHAWN no naans i M 64 3.5 30 82 68 18 7» 60 54 21 19 gj 16 56. Class No. 87, tor 1857, to bo drawn at Savannah To-day. SCHEME. $4,444—$1,337—$555, tf-c. T7C3G DEPOT .-I have JCi rnents to have a supply ot FRESH KGB.8 ‘ !P I v Tickets $100-Sharws in proportion. hoarding Iiouhoh, ami all those In want of them, the lowest market prices: also, Extra Choice Tuble Extra Class 10, to be drawn at Wilmington, Del. To*dny. 78 Number Lottery—13 Drawn Ballots. RICH SCHEME. *51,fi54—$130,000—$10,000, Ac. Tickets only $18—8hares In proportion. Ticket, either elngly or ‘^th^eeje^r «le b, Vender for Gregory A Maury, aprll< Mav Lii DRY GOODS! GRAY & TURLEY, 115 CONGRESS STREET, Bauer F A MIW1IROCKKY, martl cor. Whitaker and Charltonat*. K « A K S-8 K U A R N,—Now la your chance. Just received, 16,000 Conchlta Segars; ..,J00 Rio Hondo; 5,000 Consolation; 7,000 La Ma Tolar; 4,000Cabargo: 3,000 Las Fres Marlas; 5,000 El Klervo Londress ; 6,000 La Rosa do Sentlugo ; 6,- 000 El Prlvlleglo ; 3,000 La Valor <le La Rama ; 1,000 La Carona ; 1,000 Regalia d* Ia Rohm ; 2,000 Flor de Ccllndrados ; 1,000 La Flor de Andres Klvus ; 2.000 Estoy Ku llegla ; 2,000 IA Principe D. Talma. Also, Pancake, Stiiita and Twist Tobacco, all of best qual ity. For sale by PETER JACOBS, E. & ,T. HOLMES’ 1MPKOVKD Seamless Whalebone Skirts. W K inks plenaure In n*nln Introclucln* our Improved Seamless Skirt, as being the it acceptable and reliable artl de In; market; we aware that mauy uew styles culled Improve- monls are before th public, such 1 Gotta Perch*, Rattan, Ac., all of which wo have ll called for—but canuot recommend them, as we nave lerluiented with and tested them all—(mo*t of iin.in two years since,) submitting them to the ludgement Of competent ladies to decide upon tlielr merits, and have found them ,v .°. in .VJrinnr mr In all Important rospecta, decidedly Inferior to onr properly prepared Whalebone, which has j** n J u use the past two years, and lor which has been ex- nressed irom oil parts of the country entire satls- taetloir utid wo have the more positive evidence from our own large retail trade, amounting to many dozens per day. Therefore wc confidently recom mend our Skirts to he the least objectionable of anv- »hi|]jr in ubo; possessing many advantages found In other Skirt, the, most Important of which la our series of elastic Cords ut the bottom, made from the be used, that will reel place when pressed out of shapo, will not curl. Is not affected by heat or cold.aud.oi be ashed Without Injury. Instead of boues, which Inconvenient, with cord* at tho bottom, exceedingly avrkardand n prepared bonoa above .ml af.brlc manufacturwi byouraele. our goods, In our estimation aud the estimation of thousand* who have used them, produce_a Skirt, and the only Skirt cauail*’ adapted to the parlor, the street, and the crowd, giving a proper, graceful and . Ladies’dress; light, p.labie, easily every respect a complete article The public are cautioned against other goods called Seatnlei impl ill Imitations ...... Skirts. Every gennino article l« ■•tnmp.vl. K. fi. J. Holmes’ taprore-lSoiim- i.-ss Whalebone Skirt, aud are for Bale at 99 Market Street, Philadelphia, i Houses In New Yo>k Boston, Feb. 1,1867. feb 25—SmPiOo k J. HOLMES * CO. NEW YORK ADVKRTIHKIHENT^ tfi' rimlon’a OIIRMIOAL HAIK IN VIGOR ATOR. Tho twenty years lu this coun- : of the many hundreds of Imitations have been ablei • r dressing. Kt-mimic „v« . . dandruff, Ac. It I. inmlmaMe; In ,h«rt. It l, evcrylUlnB that the Hair require urchsiuH. keeping the head GrXiAY TARE event plensnre In nnnoiinclnn to X the Laules of savannah, and the public gcueral ly, that they have opened their new establishment as above, now replete In every department of busi ness In the Dry Goods trade, with the riche it and most superb novelty of styles for the season ever brought to tho Savannah market. TheHo goods have been selected with great caution ami Judg ment, by an experienced buyer, whoso time and at tention Is much given to tho New York Auction Sales, at which great reduction in prices are In variably secured. Tho following are Just received presented for your Inspection on to-day: 60 Flounced Silk Robes, elegant design. 20 “ “ ” from auction, to sell 75 pieces China Silk, embracing all colors. 50 Plain Barege ftobes, well assorted colors. 76 Figured *• " „ 100 Plain ami Figured Barege, — Sill 250 Colored Muslins, well selected. very fine, ltobes, from auction, remark- 35 pieces Black and White Muslin, very desirable for inourulng. 60 pieces Scotch and American Gingham, largo lsmall plnhlK. < Prints, King which la u _. neat style . from auction, to aell atdJaC., worth 12c. Embroideries, of the various descriptions, In end less variety, and entirely from auction, offering nt great inducement*. special at tenth , artmout in “ guaranteed. And brown Shirtings, of the best, brands manu factured. 265 pieoes Wh'te Mualtna, consisting of Plain, PI aided And Striped Swiss, Plain and Platded Jacco- nete. Plain and Pbtlded Nainsooks, Book Muslins. The principle of the house is to be governed by cash system. There Is »o be no deviation from’a<lhe« i nr to the etrlct observance of t he above rule, as particular attention bae been paid t marking of the goods at a very low per ceutagi liar Now Is the time for the bar examine the slock to satisfy yours el Gacriflwa about being made at GRAY & TURLEY’S the great apr3—2w 115 CONGRESS 8TR15ET, oppoelte rulowkl House. SPRING TRADE FOR 1857. IMPORTANT NOTICE! hlce 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Coimetlc for beautlfting the Skin ami Complex ion, and for curing chopp ed Honda; also for the Teeth and Breath. Face. Lips .Tan, Sun burn. Freckles, Pimples. Scalda. YinrnN Ac* A sure an safe cure for the Phc-s: one washing will give Instant relh-f.' After shaving It is very soothing to the skin. It keeps the hands soft and^ I’liulouV MAGIC HAIR DYE. One of the • Very best Natural Dyes In Ihe world. Its long use has proved It to he beyond comparison; and, being a vegetable pro- ilacllon, no Injury can poMl- bl.v be dune to the skin. It la easily applied, and. and yon can obtain ft bl*ck or brown whl h will defy the*best* Judges to tell it from nafhre its If. Brice $1 and $1 50 per box Made and sold by K. P11A LON, «t rot Broad wav, corner of Dey Street, and 617 Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel, N. Y., and aft Druggists ami fancy stores thtoughout the V. State*. WHITTBMORW E OOK I»G GLASSES, And Dealers in Looking Glass Plate, French Plato, amt French ami German Window Glass. Jan 31— SnidAw ~ ^ 7S()NH( .MI v TH)N CtlUED.-ilc not do vy celved bv base Inritat Ions. If EG EM AN, CLARK AC(VH GENUINE COD LIVER OIL, never dlsap points, and ten years’ experience has p- oved It su- .. *| iers all ,t tho only reliable core for jierlor to nil others, amt tho only great deal of spurious oil In the mar ket, adulterated with seal oil, whale oil, Ac., too much care cannot be taken io iproenro the Genuine. cork, be careftii to get IIegex r the wr* A Co.’s, thousands who had used other oil ot inferior quality and-were about giving up - »•— by using l about giving up in despair, have been re stored to health by using iheftnuiueORof our man ufacture. Hold by A. A- SOLOMON8^4 CX)..^and by druggists generally. Jan Si— ftmdAw FI\'i; GROCERIES FOR SOUTHERN FAMILIES. THOMAS HOPE tc CO., No. I3!4 Clmmbero .treet, Now Turk. [EBTABLISHXD 1820.] I MPORTERS nml denlers In nil doscrlp- tlons of Rare < -Id Maderia, Sperry and Port Wines, Finest Old Brandies, Superior Old Jamaica. St. Croix and Antigua Rum, Old Holland Gin, and every variety of Fine Imported aud Domestic Ll- CHAMPAGNE—Max 8utalne, Moet A Chandon and Mumm’s Imperial. Cabinet ami Verzenay, liehlRuick a d other brands. CLARET AND HAUTKUNE— Including Chateau Margaux, Chateau Lafitte, Leoxllle, Lorose, Margaux ami Ht. Jullcn, Cliateau and Uaut Sauternes. HOCK WINKS—Of Johannesberger. Maroobrunner, Ru ieshelraer, Hocklnimor, Sparkling nock and Moselle. , ,, 8EOARS—Of all the choicest varieties. Elegantes, Regalias, Conchas, Operas, Pressed ami Com- F0R1HG N°FRU1T8—Of all kinds, Ralalna, Almonds, TEA 8A'nD^OF F RE—All of the finest qualities GOSH M HAMS AND TONGUKS-BurilDgtpn. Virginia and Westphalia Hams,Smoked A Pickled Tongue*. IliN RUTTER—In Firkins,-Tubs and Stone FOREIGN PlCKLK^j-Saucoa, Cutsups, 8ardlnos, PRESl'BCV’Eb—East and West India and Domestic. FINE GROCERIES. Also, those contemplating Marriage. Colored eteel plates 35 cents, plain plates 26 cents, free of postage. . , This work contains a dissertation on the necessity i ll's worx comams aui8»u«ioiiuu..u r»T rr-wi of MafriffiSe, Instructions 'n Courting, with aGur® for Lov@iet!ect8 of Celibacy, Cohabitation, owfeAt Ster lity>xplnlned. Increase of family. 4lth many Jan 3D Agent* Wanted. piPKS, JPEPPEAt AND PAPER.- 50 boxes English Pipes; 10 do Fresh G found Popper; 200 reams Wrapping Paper; 100 do Writing Paper; received and for sals by (m»r21) McMAHON A DOYLE. CiireAM. SBGAR8, SO U A dc SffH DINES. O 2^ lihds P R aud Muscovado Sugar; 75 hhls Stuart’* Refined do 25,000 Spanish Hegars; 10,000 Amertean do 20 boxes Sup Garb 10 cases Sardines; l Soda; received - _ MoMAil VPfvTBinl9«tf.B at T. J. Walsh’s. 170 Bay st, /^iojtN* Hnr U ibr sale by DA OT 1 *’ .pri alwilAtSqutrfl. xiLoUHTcoiw'. hay, bbi». Jb fuperflneand Extra Flour; 50 sacks do do 500 bushel* White Corn; -A fjt oi DoHble v. b. moaous * 00. ^ MlJCC'l Uo 200 do Choice Oat'. 200 bale< Northen and Eas'ern Hay; 100 bags Bran; - Mjgg * n ' < ’ ,al suit purchasers. ' ' i IIran; In ‘}\$ '"J£ U SHperfla'e l’ Jonr, le •p's 0 " “** >m **'* ‘ J 00TAVUS 00HIW. The first really legitimate, 'importation of 8p lng BONNETS is to lie eeien at tho well kuown Millinery Establish ment, 24 Whitaker street, Savannah, Mrs. Hastings Her magnificent assortment or PARIS BONNETS, of every imngiuable variety, is now ready for the inspection of her numerous cpstoniers. TIIE LARGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPK8T ASSORTMENT OF PARIS BONNETS, of any retail store In the United States. Mrs. HASTINGS wishes to Impress on the minds of city and country ladle* that she has no particib lar opening day, her stock being replenished week ly with the best the market will afford. Slnce.her eu.agcment In business, her cash remittances, to the very beat Importing houses, have been so large, that each and every one of them are more than anxious to supply her weekly, with tho very best and newest Importations, ot the lowest cash com manding prices, to which effect, during Mr. Hast ings’ selections at the North, arrangements have been stjfctly Savauiiah, March 24, 1857. tf SPRING MILLINERY. m ihh si. a . wimn mr25-1 pi Cor. UuU and Brough "FRESH^ EGGS. i hand, which I will ftirnlsli to hotels, WOOD, WOOD. YITOOD—Tho Hubucriber line on hand » f aud for sale on th Canal, near tho river lock, 100 cord* of Oak and Ash Wood, which he offlpra fur sale at $5 and $5* 3 delivered. Boxes for orders are placed at A-. A. Solomons A Co , John M C?ooper A Co, Olaghorn A Cunningham, at the Pont Office and No. 136 South Broad street. mar 3 J. L. WKITMAN._ lete in every departnieiii oi'iiusV- 1 XITASII-Ily tho rank or nontly put up X In cans, for sale by ^ ^ ^ ^ mar 13 r?iiOUR, CORN* HAY, & r 25 bbls illrum Smith’s Flour; 60 ” Howard street Flour; 260 sacks Superfine do 100 “ Extra Family do 600 bushels White Maryland Corn; 200 bnlcs Northern Hay: 60 bales Eastern Hay; Oats, Bran, Ac. In store, and for salo lu lots to suit purchasers, by P. L. CONSTANTINE, niarl8 Jones’ New Building*. -In more* 1STanliin nncl Cotton MATTINGS. innnn YARDS Of all tlie vnriouN Xl-r»v/YFl_r widths, In Check and White: Just re ceived and for sale by W. H. UUION, martl—eodlm Agei tlie entire luterest of JAMES A. NultltlH, GEO. x». JOHNSTON, and JOHN N. BIKCI1, In tho late firm of RODGERS, NORI1ISACO., will hereafter con tinue the Wholesale Grocery and Provision Busi ness in his own name and for his own account, ami respectfully solicits from the friends of the late firm a continuance of tholr favors. PUBLIC FA V_0 It 1 ed Btelnway A , Stodort, J. B. Dunham A Co.’*, F. Waters, W. Ktiabe A Co., G. Vogt A Llghte, Newton * Bradbury’* celebrated PATENT ARCH WREST PLANK 6*4 anti 7.Y Octave AS TIIE BEST IN TIIE MARKET. W. D. ZOGBAUM A CO. having recently recelvod new supply *f these makers, would Invite the attention of the Musical nubile to their stock, comprising every article In tho line, which can be furnished at New York prices. Also, a rich assortment of fine French ENGR A VINGS ami splendid COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, with and without Frames, Just arrived and for sal* by W. D. ZOGBAUM,'A CO., Nos. 107 Bryan and 94 St. Julian sts. AUCTION SALES. BV THOM. J. RVLLOC1I ft. CO. At 154 1 »n TUESDAY NEXT, April 14, at 11 o’clock, A. M.. ^Vlll bo eold *t the residence of Mr. Christopher Hussey, corner Of Huy and Habersham street a, all the Furniture in said house, opnelaitngof Mahogany and Cailo Heat Chairs, Sofas, Dining and Card Tables, Sideboards, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Bedsteads, Feather Beds, Mattrasse* and Bed Clothing, Crockery, Glass ware, and all tho kitchen furniture and utensils Also, the entire conteutu of the bar room, connlnt- of a choice assortment of Braudy. Wi lsky, Gin, _jteu, Cordials, all the Decanters, Glassware, Fix tures, Ac. And at the saute time, the unexptred term of the lease ol iho House and Burro in. Cash. apr7—td BY BELL, PRENTISS * CO. gwtooiMoaa to ptutitMOK a am.) Valnnbie Real HstAto at Private Sale. . Lot No. Irani! improvement*, situated between Joachim and Mill streets, 76 feet on Mill street, and 70 feet on Joacntm street, P2 fret deep; fee simple. The improvements are three tenements on Mill street, and one double tenement on JoAclilm street, all lit good repair,and under good rent. Terms, one third cash, bal »no? 9 and 18 months, with Interest, secured by bond anti mortgage. Pur- iiiiiaifltfMB — i ' ~~xa r chasers paying (hr all papers. apr7—Sawlm T U lnt l,ndcr " 1 tluui tthe lined having bonihtont iiterubt of JU1IN LAMA, will hereafter w « the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND PRO- 111 inn unn imiiiv, mm uir OlB OWO account, And reapcctrutly solicits from tho friends of tbe lato fim Acoutlnuanco of their frvors. J. V. CONNERAT. Savannah. Octuber lat. 1866. eVOTICK.—All pernonn bnvln« clnlmii bam c sent thei ty, doceaned, are hereby notified to ore- i, properly attested, to the vinderslgifrit, -.visum the time prescribed by law; and all persons Indebted to salt! estate, are hereby rtqur^v*'d to make Immediate payment to the undeslgnetl. mar25 JAMES DO\ LK, Adnt’rO.T. Ai AUCTION byXs. mo A denlrabfe tract of L*nd, sltu^w. from the City of Havamiah.contAlBK '!* yn premise* there II dwelling and All isou; *«*ry uut-bulidl on tho corner of tint Ogeccheo Hoad The following valuable Lot*of Laud: Lot No. 25,3<i district, Appling county. •• 7 8 ; •• » .. * * ” “ 517. 4th “ " •* « b I 1 y * i Q . u ^ HSwP** 1 P5**®8 through aud D i Ca Cf^ e n ^? ve which makes them veryde- slrabln, a* they aro well tlmboied and In a healthy location. niarsl For Sal*. That valuable Lot and Buildings, known a* Lot No. t Sloper Tythlng, PerclVal Ward, fronting on Court-house 8ouare an York street; tf not Hold by first Tuesday! i April, will bo offered at public out cry before the Court-house. mails For Sale. Forty prime negroes, conslntlng of Field Hands. Seamstresses and House Servants, also, a fir*t rate Pastry and Meat Cook, of unexceptionable c‘ ter, about 35 y ’ marls BY IVYLLY Bl COLLINS. At Private Sale. 27 very likely Negro, s, fifiid minds and house *er- vauts; one of them a flno seamstress, aprll At Private Hale. . For fur ther particular, sir* to Jesse OhuioikL Esq., or <.toUr ei Also, Ontral Railroad and Bank of Cammerce 8tockfl| l«n I’ltunf HaoAmiik D»n<la |QU’tt M RS. HI. J. IlltOWNR «ll«r«i her aer- vlce* In Midwifery t.o the ladle* of Savannah, also In the application ol leeches. Rxpxrkhoes.—Dr. Carter, Dr. Jones, Dr. Felder, Augusta: hr. Swartchz, Dr. Habersham, Aiken, S. S HOES- A NEW Mupply of^hoen rccetv- ed per steamer Alabama trotn NewYotk: Ladies’ Black and Colored Gaiters, with and without tips; Fine Kid, High Lace and Buskin Shoes, thick aud thin soles; Misses’ Black and Colored Gaiters and Morocco Boots. Also, Childrens’ Black and Colored Boots and Auklo lies. r 20 TyrOTICH.— 1 The aubneriber hnvin* pur- i.1 chased the entire interest of his father, John Mallerv, In his business, will continue the same at the old Htand on hi* own account., and respectfully solicits from his friends and the public a liberal share of p .tronuge, assuring them that no pa'us BRITISH COMMERCIAL LIFE In surance COMPANY, OF LONDON. BRANCH OFFICK NO. 65 WALL STREET, N. Y. Capital mid Surplus, Five and a Half Millions of Dollnra. $100,000 deposited with the Comptroller of the State t\f /Veto York, forming a guarantee for prompt settlement of Awerican losses. T ll K VN DUllMIGN ED has been appoint - X ed Agent fur the «;bovo named highly respect a- JAMES McIlENRY, r 17 FRUIT- FRUIT. 13,000 llnvana Orangrsi 150bunchi'a Bananas; 25 dozen Pine Apples; also, Okra and Tomatoes: Just received per brig John Pierce, sud for sale at tho Family Grocery ■tore of JOHN D. JESSE. BACON AND FLOUR 30 000 BACON R1ME TBNNKS8BE 2<J0 sacks F L O U R. For sale by PATTEN. HUTTON k CO Just Received, A FRU811 Htipply of fine Prunes, Has. Layer Rulslns, Grape Drops and Nuts. Also, a new supply of Toys. For sale at MRS. BATESON’S mmau cornet Congress and Drayton «♦«. B Y J.Y. It A RIIE ETJuaiTreeel vedr cor ner Congree* and Whitaker sts-- 100 sacks Superfine tflmir; 60 do Extra do 160 bbls Mercer and Poach Blow Potatoes; 60 boxe* Family. Pule and No 1 Soap: id Tallow Candles; Yellow OnlonS, Apples, Ac., at moderate prices. Mrs. *1. Is therefore confident, that this coming season, will be another great proof, to the ladles of this city and country, of her being able to entirely ‘ >*d tbe trade, in every thing pertaining to ELEGANCE, TASTE AND CHEAPNESS. The buslneaa being conducted on fair and honor able principles, satisfied with small profits, which her immense sales afford, the lowest price iclelamarkt Je. Ladles article I* marked In plain inures, and made. Ladles may therefore depend In the kuown Integrity of the Proprietress. Laces, Fine Hair Lace, Milliner* supplied xvltli make a beautiful soft lath Price fifty cents. For »ulw by KING A WARING, abatement J. K. DsFORD, Savannah, and by druggists general ly. ,hn 13- KIBBONS, FLOWERS, BLONDE LACES, WHISKER BLOND, CAPE LACE, CROWN LINING, BONNET WIRE. WANT one of thbue splendid Paris Importation go to MFCS. HASTINGS’, 24 Whitaker street. . Fashion* for the season, go MRS. HASTINGS’. Bonnet that clulina I possess the highest admiration of huhes of test TF YOU WANT X possess the hlghes W 1 24 Willt,kgV stnj. t IK YOU WANT r «,. VVeiicK 24 Whitaker street. pollfan, Bugle and Blonde Luces, of every rlptlon. go to MR^HABTlNG8, fl Whltaver st*\a\. LOMBARD INSURANCE COMPANY. OPFICE, 57 WALNUT bU. PintAPXLPHIA, PAi CHART KR R PET UAL,. Authorized Capital, $500,000. ASSETS: Amount actuallyjnild in Consisting o .......$ 291.879 it property, 281.720 $291,870 LIABILITIES: Loss CM duo und unpaid................ «..$ 0 000 Losses not due. unpaid (since p*1d> l (k* Losaos reported, no action had thereon 0-OfiO I/iaaes claimed and resisted 0,000 All claims agalust thoOompany ot any nature I,U2 $3,112 STATE OT PEN NSYT.VAN IA 1 CnT AUD O0UNTT OT PHTLADELPIUA. / ”• Oa thla «ib d», of J p ^r5S. n * lly •ppMrvI bofcra 5T*. JOBS D Mowin’», ;>,«» known tom. to bo tbo Profliaoni of tho LOMliAHD IN8U. RANGE COMPANY, ot rtillulolphlm ol.d State of Pennsylvania, anJ belngdoly sworn, did depose and sav that the foregoing la a true atatement of ih«af. 2 a > ‘®5\i“?A7?*£E»fc«yy t tothe beat of blsknowi- UAL aa'!hOWn'by the books’of the said n raflpayand date above written, befor,'' **^' I J°5?. C MOmAKTV. ProsMont. s „ baton A - ■ Alderman and fiatlcd of the Ptaee. Havln* been appointed Mont of tho above able and nfltti on tho uvea of SLAVICS, at the lowest rales of pro- mlum coballtent wltbjeeurlty. Alllogae. promptly adjusted and paid. r. U, IJOUD. anrh—tl 1110 «*• TYY - 3, V. UAltHlfK, corner rao.re.. Ii and Wldtaker streets, for »ale-MU bids Meicer and Peach Blow Potatoes, in e ood order, single bar rel as. lots of S to 10 liurrels, *Sj U)IW pbundi Bacon, Kama, hhbuldeni and Slciea. apr4 Gents’ and Boys Wear. TUHT OPUNUK-Pluln und Pnnrr f.n.el- tf meres; White Linen Drills und Ducks; Pla’d Marseilles; Fancy Drills; fhrunk Linen for cool coats; Spring Cloths for business suits; Plain Fancy Vesting. For sale at lowest pi ‘ mar3l DbWITT A PERFUMED BREATH. Who would have a disagreeable breath when, by using De La Chur’s Balm qf the Witte Water Lilly as a dentriflcc, It can be ren dered sweet, and leave the teeth white as alabaster! Put a drop on your tooth-brush and wash the teeth night and morning. A beHntlful complexion may easily bejicqulred by uslug ' De Im Chur's Halm of ihe Hliitc Water Lilly It will remove tan, pimples, and freckles from the skin, leaving It soft and rosy. Wet a towel, pour three drops, and wash the face night r broth and pour tur’s Balm * “ White Water Lilly, rob the beard well, and WORTH KNOWING. I’rof. Wood, whose advertisement will be found in onothcr column, ha* discovered a remedy for tho gray nnd bald, which Is at onoe practicable and cheap. It requires no dye ing, no wig, nor extra: r loary trouble. There can be no doubt whatever of Its efficacy. Wo have seen testimonials almost without number, and from men of great Intelligence, high standing atd moral worth. Those who have been bald for years are now wear ing their own hair, nnd appear ten years younger than they did six months ago. As In most case* gray hairs and bald heads arc both premMuro und unnatural, it Is a duty to remedy them by roe natu ral and undoubted means which Professor Wood bos invented, and now kindly offers to the afflicted. Read Ills advertisement, try hls wonderful remedy, and give the Professor a new testimonial.—[Mem phis Whig. sale here by alj Druggists. martl—dAwlm Charles’ London Cordial Gin Is shown by the Records of the Cu* tom House to be the only London Cor dial Glu IMPORTED und sold In bottles, all others are noxious mixtures made here In Imitation of It. It t« a delicious tonic baveruge, and by Us peculiar flavor (*o different from other gins) I* universally esteemed by all who use It. It Is adopted with great .“itccessln cases of Dyspepsia, Gout, Rheiima tism, Dropsy, Gravel, Colic, Cholera, Fever and Ague, Stricture, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Epilepsy, Ac. * Dr. Valentino Mott, of New York, In a letter to the proprietor, say Charles’ London Cordial Gin la the purest, best and most reliable Extract of Juniper l have seen. CHARLES’ LONDON CORDIAL GIN is sold by all Druggists and Grocers In the United States, «Ud «o also arc numerous poisons called “London Cordial Gin’’—to avoid them buy only **CHARLEtF. ’ He- lect any other ofibred to you u* you vulue your health. Price one dollar for quarts, fifty cents for pinto? EDMUND C. CHARLES,. Sole Importer, 40 Broadway, N. T. inar 12—3md*w - Woodland Cream, tji^vj A Pomade for beautifying the Hair— highly perfumed, superior to any French article Imported, end for half the price. For dressing Ladles’ Hair If has no equal, giving It a bright glossy appearance. It causes Gentlemen’s Hair to curl In tbt most natural manner. It re moves dandruff always giving the Hair the appear- anon of iH'lni! fra.li bl,«rapom..l. PrlwojdOftr cents. None genuine unless signed FLTRJDGK k CO.. Proprietors of the “Balm of a Thousand Flow- "JC Ml. bv 4 ^ Afwto . iy—~7~^— White Tooth* Perfumed Breath and Beautlfnl Complexion—can “Balm of a Thousand be procured by using the Flowers.” What lady or (^utleman would remain under therms of a disagreeable brejth, when by using the “ Ba'rfi of a Tlioussud Flowers ” the teeth white ... -— - . kn w their bre»»'» 1» bad,and the subject Is «o«le*l- catu their friends will never mention }t. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure c»*di bjittle Uslgned FBTRI GK A 00.# N. Y. A. A.SOLOMONS A Co.. Agents. For sale by all Druggists. martl-eod UM CANDlAKril 1U half \ 8 jR 10 tioxes No ^l..tora..HHt,r.al.by KDWA „ D 0 ,„ yKNK , f iQilU fifKAL.—FWo' hundred buMhole vv prlm< * prim. W lilto MoaUorralo^in^o^bj^ a p r g Jones* Nuw Bulldliig. BAfiGiNG ANU ~BALK jt-On© 15 hundred bales <3irony Cloth; 300colla Kentucky Bopa. r rof .ala by 0CTAVUS COHBN. (apioj E lLKUTBQiltAiaettcand Jluant-to Elec tric Machines, fur nervoua *Usrn«M. Ac., Just received and for sale oy KINGji WARING, •Pt« Mallory, T can with confidence recommend him to my former patrons and the public, believing they will receive such attention as will be worthv their ige. For the present. I can be found tl purpose of settling jip raj awn business. feb 25—tf JOHN MALLERV. \TOTlUH.-The underslgnad having pui' ll chased the Col bright Cotton Manufacror.v, hav*- entered ln*o partnership under the name and firm of ATWOOD A ROKENBAUGH, for the manufac turing and inprounttle business, and are now 1 Ing the establishment fitted up with entire i machinery, will In a short time be enabled to nloh their friends and customers with » superior article of Cotton Yarn-*, Brown Shirtings and Oana burgs. Solicit a share of public patronage. HENRY ATWOOD. Ladies Dress Goods. I j'LEtiANT llnroaca; MauNllndeChenciu j Organdies; Jacconets and Grenadines; do do Flounced; Silks, Flounced do French Calicoes and Brilllantes; Plain Colored Bareges; 150 pieces Printed Lawns, at 12^ cents. 1 case Scotch Ginghams, at 6>4 cts., great bargain De Balge aud Turkish Checks, tor travelling dress es. For sale at tho lowest prices bv aprl Du WITT A MORGAN. also, City pf Savannah Bonds, ■. • At Private Sale. A benutlftil Farm, containing six hundred uL-nuiiim rarm, containing six aununsu or Land; 100or which Is first quality tmy, 1«. ■ leared and Iioh produced 75 hushela ot cofu tl icre. The place Uwril Improved, situated near No. 5 Central^Railroad j it cannot be surpaased as to office. health. For particulars, apply at our mar20 North »>y the road leading to ThundirbolCandWost by the Skldaway road lriie land Is 3'lTmSS and beautifully local ed for building lota, and witMn W®»! four miles of the city. For Rent, Il< A large and oomtuodlous House on Broughton Challiam Superior Court, JANUARY TERM, 18J7. WHKRKA8* WflHam H. C. AflBIft* Ju. 1“ G. Rodgers, Andrew Low. .iohn N. Lewis. James A. Fawns, John W. Nevltt, William C. But ler, and Abraham A. Solomons, summoned to attend the present January Term ot Chatham Superior Court as Grand Jurors, have mado default tor the term. It Is ordered that they bo fined each In tbe sum of Forty Dollars, unless they file good anu suf ficient cause of excuse, ou or before the first day of and Isaiah Davenport, summoned to attend the present January Term of Chatham Superior Court, -- tiuenou the Grand Jury, h«ve made default twenty-fifth day of February, and *ubae- quentbr. It Is ordered that they be lined each In th* sum of forty dollars, unless they file good and suffi cient cause! of excuse, on or before the first day of the next term of this court. And whereas, John T. Llneberger. Richard Burke, Adolphe Mode, Claus Werner, Daniel Laliy, T *‘ “* "■J. D. Fox, J. Wickham, J J. Wall, ] , ..'.Tf: , Mortl- Fox. J. Wickham, J . 'iw »«lumios, Peter L. t/onstanllne. «i. i„ uone. Gotschalk Brown, John B. Barnwell, Robert E. Al len. Luder Mehrtens, and J. A. Ernst, smumoned to att« ndthe preient January Term of Chatham Su- “orinr Court aa Petit Jurors, have made default for he team. It la ordered that they be fined each Imho urn or twenty dollars, unless they tile good and suf ficient cause or excuse on or before the first day ot the next term of this court. Aud whereas, BenJamln()ammon,T,Col*on, Henry G. (diver, T. F. McHenry,C. Uusch, John Lowe and Patrick siallette, summoned to attend the present January Term of Chatham Superior Court, as Tales men, on the Petit Jury, bavc made default op-Feb- ruary 12th, ant subsequently. It Is ordered that they be fined each In th > sum or twenty doila-s, unless they file good and sufficient causo of exeuNe, on or be foi * next term of this court, —te*. . H. uULLOCII. c.B.o.c.c. 8 UNO It I US, T1!“T KECKIVKD in .tore, nnd for ante, tf 75 bbls und 15 > sacks extra Tennessee Flour, do Xffir dvMfr' do bhoulderit; crop Pnm^N. O.Sugar; 20hhds do 40 bbls Choice Leaf Lard: 20 hhd* r 16 do 20 do do do 20 do do do Fair 50 bbls do do Choice N. O. Molasses; 20 hhd^ and 40 bbi* Cuba do 30 kegs Choice Goshen Rutter; 50 lioxes selected Cheese; 50 bbls do Mercer Potstoo*; 60 do do Peach Plow do SO <10 Rood A Bro.’s Superior Albany Ale. apr3 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A C NEW SPRING- DRY GOODS. THE undersigned 'nro now renelriug A trom the Northern Cities their stock of Spring and Summer Goods, to which they invito the atteu- thm of their friends and customers. Their atock consists In such Goods as wlUauHthe ••Planter, for both plantation and family use, with a variety of Fancy Articles, such as Ladles 11 Dress Goods, In LAWNS. MUSLINS. BARK^KS, GIN- OH A MS. and SILKS; also, a lot of ROBES, price* varying from $4 to $45; MANTILLAS, black, whlto and colored, with a variety of EMBROIDERIES; to all of which wo Invito the attentlou of buyer*. WELLS * WILLIAMS, mar 34 No, 149 Congresh street,. A Rare Chance* FOR HALF OR TO LET— My place, known as the Oak Lodge r »S Tavern, at Thunderbolt. To a person familiar with the tavern business, a better chance seldom occurs. Enquire on the premises, every morning In town ut this of- W. V. PKRNTIOK. (nmr23—tf) SMITH’S Ambrotypeand Dagtierrean Gallery, No. 147 Congrcss-st.* cor. Whlmker. Ambrotypes beautiful'y colored, arid sot In pins, rings,' - uiedHltonn. mar24— ly Sewing Machines. T IIK subscriber Iium the ncency lor the sale of the Wheeler. Wilson A Co. Sewhig Ma- clilueH, which, lur .simplicity, dcrabllity, rapid and beautiful execution, nnd almost noiseless move ment. are unsurpassed. For anlo at the manufac turers price. The nubile are Invited to call and see them, at the store of 8. WlLMOT, mnr28--Im No. 1 Market Square. Wad. Cecile (iradot, of New York, H AH opened in (fonsress etreet* be tween Abercorn and Drayton sts., an EM BROIDERY. LACE AND FANCY STORE, where she will be happy to wait upon the Ladles of Sa vannah. Orders for mending and bleaching lace*, also, for fancy work of various kinds and stamping, received and promptly attondedto. Importation of Embroideries and Laces direct from Paris. Jan 21—eodly •On REWARD—For delivering to me In St. Peters Parish, So. Ca., or In Savan- ...jh Jail, of my fellow WALL ACE. a mulatto, about 30 years old and 5 foet 7 inches high, of slouching 30 years old and 5 roet 7 inches high, or sioucning gait, and alow,.drawling hpee#t, with somewhat the appearance and manner of a house servant. He formerly belonged to tbe McIntosh estate In Florida. mlr 17- n iif*1m t " ° * "lANO DON CI1KVK8, Jr. Savanuah Lager Beer Drpot. tpiIE subscriber will constantly receive X und keep a full supply of Lager Beer for tlie trade. Juut received by tbo Keystone State. 000 kegs Philadelphia Lager Beer, sold low for cash. marl! A. BONAUD, corner Bull and Bay stree R. B. J10NN0LLY, IRTERnnd Dealer In Hash* Blinds, h, Paint*, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Ac., House ii Ship Paint...Gilding, Graining,andGlaz Ing. No. 12 Whitaker streot, Savannah, Ga., be tween Bay and B'yan sts. mar!3— tf Sign a tpiIlH DAY* by J. V. Ilurbee* per uteniri- X »blp Keystone State—10 bbls different kinds Apples. marlO Embroideries, Laces* &c« E mbroidered.Muslin collars, cam bric Bands, Intont’s WuUts. Cambric Skirts «nd Dresses, Lace Sets, Thread a d Valenciennes Edg ings, Black Silk ■ nd Thread Edgings, Silk Blonde do. Black Crape Collars and Sots, Ac.; Jusf received per steamer Augusta by marl4 NEVITT. LATIIROP A ROORRS. sale by _ Af ONONOAU lit A WHIHKK Y A OI N. lti. 25 bbls. Choice old Mononsabda Whiskey; 12 bbls. Rose Gin, landing and for nale bv mar31 COIIKNS A HERTZ. G KOURRIES, LIQUORS* Ac.-Two hundred thousand pounds Bacon, new Teunes- Sides, Shoulders ami Hams; 50 hhd* Molasses; 15 hhds Muscovado Sugar, 10 hhd* I’ortb Rloo do 25 kegs choice Goshen Butter, 400 sacks UU> Coftee; 75 do Java do 50 do Laguyra do 2.6bblaOld Family R; - Aye’ 25 do Old Nectar do 50 do double distilled ; Common > N. K. Rum: 75 do J2. Plielp.V illn; 100 whole, half and quarter boxes Ralslus; ISO boxes SoajK ’Si 32 *' 150 da Tobacco; 10 do Pipes: _. Pipe Heads; 30 bankets hampagne; 60 boxes Claret Wine; 50 bbls Eating Potatoes: 50 dozen Brooms; 60 do Buckets; In store and for sale b^ JB al»r3 >' QLARK A damuntine Caudles; Just recelv* g BUCK ET8* 60 do* 2 aud 3 hoop Palls; ' i Sand 3 ply Broom*; 100 doz Sgnjb^btove and 8hoe Brushes; 50 do* _ 7 .. .. 100 doz Scrub, Sto 75 <loz Well, Oak and Bnww-bound Buckets; 50 doz Toy Falls; 75 cases Mason’s Blacking; received and for sale (martl) MCMAHON A DOYLE. DeWITT & MORGAN Snnini'T Silks; Black and Col’d Poult de Hole Parasrds; “ ” “ 3Iolre Antique do Very rich Fringed da Ladle*’ and Gents' 8Ummer Umbrellas; Ikrefi* Trimmings. In every variety; Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. aprl, SUNDRIES. JUST KKOKIVKI) BY tllLBKRT * TILT)EH, ?-•« .'2 OA IIOXKS llmrac.1 10boxesLcaun 0\J 25 cases assorted Pickles; 24 boxes assorted Candy; . « 75 do Soap; . * 50 do Starch; 50 do Candles; Bacon Shoulders. 8lde*. « Hums. Lard, Fulton Market Bcefln htlf barrels,Fig Pork, PI* Hams. Pig Sides, Butter and Cheetfe, lamP ‘ lugaiidforsale. - aprl .-.nsTjffiah B^ W * [aprl mucus. 200.000b, Bro "° m l?FHOM HALTH.—120 bbia. Juat land .X* and for sale by martl S. D. BRANTLEY A OO. _ maria 8. 0. BRA^NTLa. V A OO. forsffp^by (mar^f T> YK Pl.OL’lt. COUN 1*1 EAI, ANU COW JLv PEAS—In Htore and for sclc by mar*' HNI ItteR* A> AUK VW. j hundred barrel* datocs, lauding per schr ».«. BRIGHAM. KELLY b CO. pKf>IK AND MUSS UHKK.-lflO bbl«. " L of Prime and Mess Beef daliy expected, and * for sale by (mar 20) SNIDERS ASKEW. Ingomar. for sule by If AVAN A 8BOAR8.-A choice lot of IX Havana Pegar*, of variouA qualities aud brands; also, a large assortment of DomeHtlc and Germau Segura; just received, end for sale low, by . P. BEKANC. feb 7 cor.Bov and Drayton streets. TWO 4117 A UT K It CASKS FKMAR- X TIN’S PALE SHERRY—A Choice article, for sale by P. RERAN(3, feb 7 cor. Bay and Drayton streets. 'IIKS Ll#Eft—500 bokes patent Clothe* Pins; 150 dozen Zinc and Wood Wash Board*, 260 dox Clothe* Lines; received and for sale by McMAHON A DOYLE, Jan 26 No. 205 and 2P7 Bay Rtreet. W HITE C ORN IIV WUl(ilIT.-25»0 bushel*'Of Prime White' Beach Island Corn In beiuttftil order; received tills day from ticach Island. Orders solicited. r, • SNIDERS A ASKEW, No 195 Bay street. P OTAT4IEH.-30 bbU. Pink Eye Potn. r _ f toes; bO bbls Mercer l»ototo<.i-iand I n gaii-lfor QACK AND BULK CORN, lnndln« tblft (mar2l ] GILBERT A TlLDKN. O day from brig Henry Guild, from Baltimore, aud for sale Ii aprl brig Henry Guild, from Baltimore, aud wharf in lots to suit purcharcra, by WM. REM8I1ART A SON, MOLASSK8-U5 hb<ls. landing per nchr ITX Grice; for salo by dec li SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A OO. go of brig Confidence; iandlug and for nale by Ian Id—tt CuHHNS A IIKRTZ. ian zv— WJHiaa A ur-KU. H A VJH« bnlenNorthern liny* landlnsr per schoonec Lombard, und for n«le by . .. _ ,_mbard. and for sale by 7 fans' -BRIGHAM. KELLY A OO T 1U.Y WHlI’I!.—A Hiuirrlorr article Xj tor the Toilet. Forwib* by TUHT HKCKIVKU per ctouiiier t3 ma—A fresh supply Of Fig Paste, V * 1 - Lemons, eui‘ articles. For sale at Cor. Congress and Drayton sta> ^ i for sale by feb 26 WILLIAMS A RATCLTFF. LEMON iCHNAPPH, (JOKDIAL, • SYRUP, JIG.—50 cases Schnapps; 25 case* Cordial; 60 boxes Lemon Syrup; 15 hhd* Molasses; i 26 bbls do. Recelvedantfoy McMAHON CUNDRIEri.-’A5 bbls, Htuart’i 0 Sugar; 20 sacks Rio Coffee;* 25 dozen Babbit’* Yoaat Powders; JO boxes BodaBlocull 16 barrels Sugar and Butter and Maple Biscuit; Just recplvei mar 20 KKJiy.UA abbow iToot.