Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 07, 1859, Image 3

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For rr«'s> THB SUPERIOR STEAMER 4Mu "NW7.S" 1 8TABS A'BAliPBH. prec^y. For freight •ouH, end imrt ofthose m Georgia, am tsaes asxaii in UU Iransac Jons tVe have ende*v< (loot oar buutnea.-i with Integrity »n<l t and wo can assure the ptriffi" »'*- 4 heretofore bestowed on or 1i lng trauHf«rr«d to oar succe Augusta,Ga. Pee. >6,186’ frbin NoVYor during mo pi the very lot est pJd-ll. Mltm Mivu»rmn iuat mrir nr stock compares favorably with any ever ol ror stile In t?dg cl<<y, and at prices ntuch lo* er c w^.5°ffl„ b ; watt nnmm Goons, connIrtliKdiiMrlof Plum met figurtd Bnre*o Mart ns Kobe*. Grenadines 750,Muslin Kotins. (\try cheap' 359OrkualB Rotes, (very cheap) AfaSSffifaif S^ff^cJfn^n^tlr^i^ods. In »* Auction llil.n, rocolvod liriot Ip.lly »;wwtit w„*,AOd or the product# of st iTonKa Imported (*>o<l>. ettor tWEm.elvm th«t their «EW VORK A SAVANNAH PROPELLER LINE FOR NEW YORK. m j, Tbs now ted elo,»nt SO- S2L JP ztoAimddp MTJBKiWfii HFNTSYIIXB, o«pt post. WIll lMtee the Ohirlwton Wh»rf, u «bo Kxwav»‘ Mr m For freight or passage, apply to 8TAR& * fUBDBff. 4»KL»*HBA.--T6* iptness, Ironage m&ML will ioave as aboya SmBT Satartlny, April 9th, at i Mm havlng-gplendld *ccom BttlftHAM, BALDWIN A 00. aaged. Will have auica aispaion aa above, m %&■**» briosam. Baldwin * oo. which wo wll in this loeallfc tion of Manta Spect ourstoc the following re’spectfulli _ WOOJJU J^uSfirir C«.TliANAOKR8| SUOOHbSOB* TO 8. oWAN A 00. .SSVSWSM the suporlnuudanuooi Commissioners. OR. ASS 14, DRAWS on SATURDAY, APRIL I, lm CLASS 15, DSAWS On B A’i’UKD AY, APRIL 9 1450 CLASS 10, >f j uw DRAWS OS SATURDAY, APRIL 10. 1454. FOB CUAHLKftTON, Tu Amm 0 ^ ss® n THE SI'FBKIOII IKON MTKA.tIKR FOE NEW YORK aSH FARE REDUCED FREI6HT AND PASSAGE AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER STEAMERS. EMBROIDERIES. Bai do Betts Swiss ahd Jaconet Bands, kc. bargains and at ell priced *’ gn, “ 1^ Swiss and Jaconet Collat sin great variety, vary tfwlBB ard Cambric Sets \.'M \ FOR 1 Immedlat F. PECK - - Having been thoroughly Charleston Whe- F '*"■ **— SUNDAY/ For freight or | - Commander, ..... repaired, will leave the .erf. Ihr the above plaeee, every AFTERNOON, AT 5 O’otouK. ■PMmg.,.j>]dylo_ Br9ad 01ollu - Oun'ieree,Tweed.; Domestic Q-oods. •Brown and Bleached Homupw, RrownCotloh DrlUe By the iplendla and commodious 8IBB.WHBKI, STEAMERS *®?UBTA .1,100 ton.. Capt. M. S. WoodhnlL V®*®*®**" 1 ’* 110 " " Ieaac Orowell. ALABAMA, ....1,800 - ..... •• Oeo R. Bclienck. And first olasa Propeller BTAR OF THB SOUTH, 1,100 tons....Capt. T. Lyon. rA '?”*>“ the oid'SHSt Ushed^nd f »vor;teMne, -J'WWi® 1 fKre, cannot be excelh tSi y.T5f/,i^o con^paiidcd by experienced, skll- mij careful and polite offleera. PADKLFQKD, FAY A 00., jE sam-ll.mit^rlL'aso*^- DRAWS ON APRIL 13, 1869. r building next weet of the wall adapted for a boarding four .tor: [Marshall DRAWS SATURCAY. AI'lilL 50, 1859. OK TRK PLAN Q» SlNULJfi NUUBBKB. 90,0(K* Ticket. | Elvothuuiand four hnudred and .l.hty-Qve prlaei Nearly one prlie to every nine ticket.. m MAGNlPItJKNT SllHSME. To be Drawn each Satnrday In March I BROOKS. Agent, Charleston Whay FOR CHARLESTON, VIA BBaUEORT AND HILTON BRAD. ^ B ^y^!v‘uv“rha h uTeIr a p b .lnte'J’^°, l ’gi' R aNE3HB3mE9ecommenced her regular trips, and wm u»*vh mis city from 111 Ion's wharf, foot of Uas Works, every SATURDAY AUTKHNOON, at 4 o’clock. She connects regnlarlr with the Railroads at Charleston. Freight consigned to the Agent shipped free of commission. JNO. 0. ERASER. Agent, QcUP Bay Street. Irish Linen Dsmanks. While and Browr. AIbo, Irish Unen Damask Tailo Cloths Also, Irish hum Napklus, very .ow Ltneu Towelling ana Crash In great, variety Marseilles and Allendale Quilts. £*• k-4, and 10-4 Bleactu U and Brown Shirting and tiheettags, large lots Gents’ Department. WUlio. Brown sntl ColorWTLlcen Drillings White and Colored Market les ^ Bosom Shirts and Shift foliar* A V 'd allies :do . kvidta and colored ' ykderohtrttamlDUwers*dUkind*w Also, B16ct Silk ana Fancy Cravats am! TIeu. ‘ Hooped Skirts. a‘l kinds, sizes and colors. Also, Window Shades and Trimmings, by MtPPBlt sc MOLI.OY. 1 Prize of.. 1 Prise on! 1 Prise of.. I Prise of.. 1 Prise Of. w ,ww. aw A iisih -n 1,1.rn. aw , . APPaOXlMAllCM PttlZiflri. 4 PrsV.of$4 Bapproxm’iug u> $5000(1 Prise are $1600 4Prs a eof 30JapproxmMngto XuOuOPrisoare I2o0 4Prs s of SW approx m’lug to IhOOO Prise are 1000 4Prssof Sift approx m’lng to ftbOO Prise are 900 4PrsSof SuOapproxtn’lng to 40AI Prise are «KJ 4Prs’sof 150 approx m’i agio SuOO Pilteare 60J 4Prz , s of luOapproxui’iog to 1500 Prise are 400 5,000'* “ 90 are luo.uon $50,0001 . *>,000 1 . 10.UOOI . 6.0U) illK Nllledie IiSU Bull street, are now i ie. Titles undoabUd. J. 4H.YAtfAB0N, FOR SALJE OR Exchange for Negro* *c. pfaw and fa dare. All those «J their Interest to prices fog tb^omse marft 3 0 HI 1 i etyles, selected v. > purchase will find! examine our goods i imiBjgagia SiXor Uordon ! Lown Waiora further partlcujl SAVANNAH A FI.OBIDA V. B. MAIL For Palatka, East Florida, VIA DAK1KN, BRUNSWIOK. ST. MAftVB. EBB- *HM AMRRIOAN AtSanTIO BORRW STB AM. BHir CO’S NRW AND ELBGANT BIBAUBHIPB * a ran it nwuiiu i Broughtou »t„ near Whitaker. Plnrabert Ac. .$310.0000 ■JAMBS &U9SRLL, ontUe premlaes. YIA DARUN. BRUNSWICK. 8T. MARYS, FBfi- NAND1NA. JAOKBONVILLE, MAQNOMA, AND PIOOLATA. Leaves every Friday Morning, at half past O o’clock. — «V THE new and elegant iIS. steamer 8t. Jehns« Capt. N. ,e * ve “ ■*“» “ ■B8HHBa9ki Having been bnilt expressly HAMPTON PLACE FOR SALE. REED & CARPENTER. 449 Coaireu attract OPBMtWO PAT, q W Uii. desire/ Usrdeo liseois, < ock- roaohes, Bed-Bugs, K.ea-, Ante, Moths, and ail prats of the vermin k nd. Tnc importance of a »eiU le artlc e of this kind la Inestimable. 2u warm weather at) nature teems with these annoylugfoea. This powder Is the only article ever discovered which will exterminate them. A oompauy of botanist*, from the Hoitl* cultural Society ot Parl*. wbtie amidst the ferns of AsIm, observed that all Insects lighting upun a cer tain kind of p ant very soon dropped read. Tb a fact was made use of to guard their night camps from these intruders Quantities of the plant were brought home by Mr.K Lyon, and found a positive Insect destroyer la every experiment. It Is sim ply a powdered leaf, cbemloadv prepared to festbt the etiect of age and c lamte Medals and Letters Patent have been obuine j from the CovernmetitM of England, Frau e. Uermanj and Rassla, from the World’s Fair, and numerous medical and horticol- tnrai colleges and societies. {, Letter from the President of the United States. KXISU. TIYE MANSION. \ WASHIXGTO.f, 3lst J«n.. 1858.1 Mr Emanual Lfoiv~D«ar Mr: 1 have the pleas ure to Inform yon that the Royal Commission of Magnetic'Powders, for exterminating Insect*, Ac. . . "MILLAhD FILLMORK, Chairman.” The Above was accompanied by a certificate of OerUdchtOs of Facxages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which Is the rl k: Certificates of Paokage of 10 WhMe Ticket* $90 * ** ** 10 Half “ 40 ‘ ‘ M 10Quarter •• ... . 3d , “ 10 Kluhth •• •••«*.. 10 In order!nx tickets or certificaies. enclose the money to our address for the Uckots ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mall- Purchasers can have tickets endiug In auy number they may designate Thu list oi drawn numbers and prJsos will be sent to purchasers immediately alter the drawing. tOT Purchasers will nies^e write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. 49” Remember that every prize is drawn atod payable In full w.thout. deduction. tar All prizes ot $1,000 and under, paid Imme diately after the drawing—other prises at the usual time of thirty days. NOTICE TO 00-LRK3P0NDKNTB. HUNTSVILLE, Capt. Jehu A. Poet, MONTGOMERY, Capt. Fred. Crocker, Will form a weekly line botweon Savannah and SSL&SM&ra ^£ h P«rt«very Batnrday. These steamers (1000) one thousand tons each, have ele- FfP* accommodations for Passengers, and being of great strength and speed, shippers can rely oq the greatest dispatch to freight. For further particu lars, apply to BKIQHAM, BALDWIN A CO.. For freight or passage, apply on board at the Florida Steampackct Wharf, or to OLAGHOBN A OUSN1NQHAM. 4 Agaetffr This boat conneoiSat Brunswick with the Bruns wick and Florida Railroad; at St. Marys with lers from city and country | wick and Florida Railroad; at 8t. Marys with steamers for Centrevllle and Camp Pinckney; at Fernandtna with Fernaudlna Railroad to Baldwin and Stark; and stages to tiatnesville. Newoans- MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, AC, ville, Flemlngton and Ocala; at Jacksonville with Jacksonville. Alligator and Tallsha-see Railroad; oiata at Pic with stages for St. Angnstlne; at Palatka with stages tor Orango Springs, Ocala, Adsm*vllle, Flemlngton, BrooxviltS, and Tampa Bay, with steamers Darlington and Barnett (o Welaka, Fort Butler, MelunvlUe and Enterprise, and thence by coach to New Smyrna and Iddlan River. ,oct80 ^d^asmMTOLlVERPOOL, SimfiK LONDON < OLAEfflOW, AND ALL PASTS OP IRELAND FOR fSO! The paw.rtul Icon at.am.hlp. HfSSrOOwiMl Clip of Washington, Ottppf Maaekester, Kasgareo, Will sail from New Fork for Liverpool, oanmnsa tus TTm MB. MAI£j» f , W9T Every alternate Saturday. JBt « — Passage from New York; Cabin, $75...Third Class, to all rite above places,$30. ^ Passage from Liverpool: Cabin.... Third Class $40. tOT Passenger* forwarded to Havre. Antwerp. Bremen and Hamburg for $9S In Cabin, $85 Third Class. To PARIS (In 25 hours from Liverpool,) Cabin $90; Third Class. $58. The above Steamships are built of Iron, In water tight compartments, carry each an experienced Surgeon and every requl Ite for the Immediate ex tinction of fire. For Passage, applv to John O. Dale, 15 Broadway, N.X. or It. J. COK T1S 4c CO.. ^ . 177 Broadway, N.Y. 'i w. B. r Passengers by this line avoid the risk and dMfiv.oreallTng at Halifax and 8t Johns. 'tar Agenu wanted. Uni$—ly ;.K5« , !SWaa‘ Zephyr Shawls,'; « forming the largest and most co asortraont of the^e desirable Gotdi Those who prefer not sending money by mail, cauusetbe A iams’ Express Company, whereby money for tickets, in sums of ten dollars, and up wards, can bo sent ns at our rl«it and expense, from any city or town where they have an office. Theanoney and order must bv enclosed In a “Oov- ernment Fastettico Stamped Knvolope,” or the Express Company cauuot receive them All ooramuotouilona otrlctly confidential. Orders for tickets or certificates, by mall ores- pro.,, to 4 'oo./A gu.U 0«o. gf»«S^-Wpk^.D,J niM29—dAwlm. INK WHITE BRILL e«iU p.r yxrd. .worth. 1C 6* I. KX ANDES KID u.uxl.xt BRRU Walton Female C ollege LOl'TERY. New Linen Goods. 10-4 F no Damask Table llatn. fr«n .*i?Ri upwi To».Tsyrarp9tpx^BT ; .^ iU , r D«^i*. Sa»wewH^8 UXRO A OARPljNTS T AOIBS’ and HlisH«a» RxcenhUnN uf 811 »u«3, ol BBgD , OARP(NTt rjltKNADINK, Orni^j, jnj H. (Jt ltpbah ot ItfilUl A OAMMBTl Ladies will M A »R^h !SSff'rtr ar ™7‘« KRRD * OA'tfKNTI flendeuen will Sad A BKAUTlFlJli uaarunt .1 £\. Linen Docks and Drills. Marse/tles Yet Chartered by the State of Georgia in 1855. ITAVINUbeen appointed by the Preol- 11 dent and Trustees of the Walton Female Col lege. Managers of tlaelr Lottery Charter, we intend conducting the same In the favorite Havana Plan of Single NumiHjrs.rud have located our office In the city of Savannah, Ua. We now offer the following Grand Scheme for- 15th of April, 1859, when Prises amounting to $llJ,ftl)0 will bo distributed. Only 30,000 Numbers 15,137 Prizes! FRENCH’S ONTI1K KUEOI-CAN PLAN, CITS' OF l(IW YOBK. Single Rooms, 50o. per Day ■fkgMr". »»•» Rr»nk*»rtBtr«w (Oppo- fe.lt.»tb.y m.r be ardmd Id tin .pwlons R.- Uroe?utteHote!* 8h ° P IUt<1 C * thRuoal ^ otUeh- * ft^B.woro of ituuper. and Hickmpl who ur tgbod.M0«r« tee, tbl. Udi l», m ATLAN TIG Fire Insurance Go OF' BROOKLYN. - Draws on the Havana Plun, at Savannah. Gu, 15th of April. 1059, in public, under the sworn su perintendence of Oomralsslouore W. R. Symons unit J. M. PnntKii. With UsU’A Patent Powder-Proof Locks, the same that were awarded separata mFilals at the World’s Fair, London, 1801, and the World’s Fair. New York, Proprietor. Oapitl Prize, ; > j $30,000. PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. dHgliD BQUSMB. DICKERSON. WHITTEMQRE BREED llll’IlKTERB OF AT ALL LMTHiOlEOIATK LANDIMUB. — -V TO lea., from Dill..’. ~n.Un r . whorl. 10-Jl of the Ou Worts. A. •V ererr WBDNKODAY MOKN- at 9«o'clock. MEMBHaSb The new and splendid nteam- erhV^ULiAAuE, LOUIS M. OOXETTER Com mander, having keen thoroughly overhauled-and repaiuted, will resume her regular trip*, leaving a. above. • The BVBKGIzADB will connect .regularly with the Brunswick and Florida ana Fernaudlna and Cedar Keys Railroads, and all Stage Line* for the Interior or Florida. All Freight consigned to the Agent wlllbofof> warded with dispatch, free or commission, Bh MnU ii o ,• ,i.„„i EVERYBODY WILL FIND BUT ONE PRICE 1858. and are the only A nerlcsn Sates that were awarded medals at the Londou World’s Pair. *•’** *''—** “** * perfect security !afe over offered These safes form the most against Fire and Burglars, of any »..» w .«. paid to any —mh. -»mw vuut. . •* Herring’s Patent implon Safe” ever failed to preserve Its can ts In an accidental fire. The subscriber also nufaeture*. nil kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron SHEET IRON, WIRE, ZINC, COPPER, AND ALL ART.ULR8 TOR TINNRR9’ USB, Noa. 1149.44T and 349 Wnt«r St*. N. Y. Do tier, urn M.rmlKlur.ro .a pplied at the low- 0.1 market mte^ fqr cut »r ttmt., Wmw»MOKRaoo Lirorbuof. ' f,b9-ltm 1 Prize ot i prize ofi..r..!..’: L.."";";;:.:""". fa* > Prizes o: ZMAI ore. .-1.000 10 Prizes ot 100.....6^... «oy 60 Prizes of lUO.. 5000 NOPrlgOj of 60 4.600 15.000 Prises of 4 are....;. i........*.... 60.0WJ 16,167Prises,amoantlfig W .$115,500 Whole tlcltim ABl -flolVeo 92.50.- tlO»rteri 81.S5. attention gera^n that can show that a tentri ’ln an'accidental fireT The'subscriber also manufacturet. all kinds of Be Her and Chilled Iron Bank Cheats and Vaults, Vault Doors, and Mouey Boxes, or Cnests tor Brokers, Jewelers,and private femMee, for 261 Broadway, corner Murray Btreet, Af gxrmg T w OnpoaUe Clltj Hall, New^York^ »a 8 -3m THOS.OTIS LEROr * GO. C'iTWSM BPECIAL NOTICE.—WoaskpartlculaL. to our Schemes diawu on the Havana Plan only, on the l»t and 16th of every month, and ask a corn parlsou with any other Lottery in existence. The s ] ul P |u that every one can understand It, and it has fewer numbers ihsu any otnor Lottery, and, therefore, the chances to draw Prizes are ^ er ro n £e r fi lu8 l«‘“>- th » r '’ lB la °“ r Lbltory only 80,000 Nnmbers, and all others on the same E Un range from 40,000 to 60.000 Numbers. Those otteneson the comblnatioif plan never have lesi l . n ^ u Numbers, and Prises are subject to a deduction of 16-per Cent . while in our Lottery tnere is np deduction on prizes. of *L000 and uuder paid immediately after the drawing; others a r . the usual time of J» Uu the j gt of eac i, month a $10 ticheme, S *th Capitals of $60,000, will be drawn, and oh the 3, h each month a $6 Scheme, with a Capital ol ♦50,000, will l>e drawn. Persons sending money by mall reed not fear Its being lost. Ciders punctnally attended to. Com munications strictly confidential. Notes of BO*Tid Banks taken at par. Those wishing .particular numbers should order Immediately. Address W. 0. DAWBON A CO.. Managers, ,, „ _ Savannah or Macon, Ga. Or, Box D., No. 11. Post Office, New Orleans, La. W#! 1 " cither In Macon or Savannah, Gu., ° f H E BE It ENCK~Don.* YJVID* 1 *^• 8*iPARKS, Mayor of Macon; T. K. BLOOM, Cotton Factor. Maeon Georgia; LaROOHK A BELL. Savannah, ; FARLEY, jokY A CO.. New Orleans, U. *0" Office la 8a\annah Bay Lane, roar Custom House. «pr5 tor New Scheme, only 10,000 nnmbers, draws on the Ilih Inst. For panic mars see scheme. ring A Son, Atlanta, Oa maria-If inarS—6o»eow a#I AN D a«» WATBR STKBKT. Mr TO -W O H. XT ■UKOMCIIIKU A» DIAliw nt LRAD PIPE,. DR0P8H0T, BHKET LSAD, C0MPRR8-D BOOK8HOT BALLS. PDRS BLOCK TINPIPK, P08R 8URRT TIN. P FAK WTAD. BOVT BARCA TIN. LRAD WIKIS. A larte ztock obTietzatly oa b»ad. All ord.ro Mild promiitlr .1 buratl autlut rotes. fetH—2oi . <p p FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES liiiwMeSj AKURNT1NER BARRQRRl H-BKP fcllAI PARENTS READ, For 1859. ACKER MERR ALL & CO. NO. 13* CHAMBER STREET. Corner of College Place, (Opposite Hudson Elver Rail ltoud Station.) NEW YORK, N all oltlev and large towns a great hueanden U frequently made lu reference to -"rtmanuiac urediullk. and as being health of cht drun, Ac , Ac- There little truth In this matter, bnt MT *“”‘tarion be mude os regards id blckly condition of chll- alned beyond a jidubt that Jt.w Muiumuu o#i umoorTiOud ui uge iu iuO hUUpe Ol Paregoric. Laudanum, Anodyne Drops, CoMInle, Ao ,hnve hud mo e to do with the weuk and tlokly condl 1 m of children than *in’' •" «««*•*» »-*-•»— atod and manufactured milk. . Prof, Roberta was urompted to draft steamer Excel will ruif regularly he:ween Savannah and (Augusta, fit all stages of the river, thA r\ f\ur Vnrlf Ii . ‘m UROUG HTON STRkST. UP BX. ja MISS 4. F. RVM hw ^^^suinod zol. mooit.mHt of ttu city and country customer* A»r theirV patronage hereto ore, and respectfully promptly. , , ■-T: REED & CARPENTER XT AVKa few pieces of dike Iscrata €er- XX pets, which xhey will sel AT.iXJST, being compelled to cloao that branch of their business for want of room.] mar? is no doubt should mlnuU the ca^useof the pun> the exhibition of deleterious drugs In the shape ol connecLing wl... ... muu Haiti more steamships at Savannah, and the Geor gia Railroad at Augusta. Goods for Augusta. Ham burg and the Interior should be marked to the care of John V. Tarver, at Savannah, and produce and meriband xe for Savunuah apd the Northern mar kets to the care of H. F. Unseetl, at Augusta. Merchants will find this the cheapest route by which ■ hey can receive their goods. Freight forwarded free of comnilsbion*. JOHN V. TARVER. • n Agent Savannah. H. F. RUSSELL. ^ Jan28—ly Agent Augusta. DBALERSin V1NK8TI Ac .have had mo e to do with the weuk a U M «,nj*iy condl lm of children than my til effects ot adulter ate^ afidm ana factu rod railk.^ In view of this fact, expressly for childrenrand whlc^*confd te exhibit cd for the relief of patnaud hnlfrrtog without being followed by anv of tho^e ovtl consequences which follow tbe exhibition or the usually prescribed nar cotic precautions. The preparation la known aa M Robert’s Colic Mixture fur lnrant8 < '' and during the mapyyear.'* that It has been before tbe people, Ithasgalnedarepntatfonaiid notoriety verv sel dom attaln-d by ••patent” iireparatlods. Every family should bare it. For sale by a l Druggists. HARRAL HI3LKY A KITCHEN. 76 Barclay streei. Now York, mar2l~2w Agents for the Proprietor. ’ 'pi N K'ht” Kft A It 8, IT COFFEBK. finest »i;ttef , 7 nk8T8,IOAB9 - FINEST BAMS, FINEST FAMILY G ROCK KIES* f tvenr description, put op--for shipment to all artapr the world. Catalogues will be furnished upon application. 1859. SPRING STYLE. 1858] N ow ON HAND, Jdy «f the lele, a Kofnance ot Real Life. Bound (n Cloth, 1 vpt-t and In paper. 3 vole. Dy Mri Southitorih. Fathur and Daughter, a Portraiture from tlie LU*. By Vredrtka Bfetnw. 'aiitHor of «The Four Sisters,” "Sketches of Evert Day I^ftu'^Homes tn. tbo New World.” At?; Tranklated by Mai> Uowltt. The Kour Flsters, a Tale if Social and Domestic 14fe 1c Sweden- By Fredrila Bremer. Translatod by Marv Howttt. I The Two tflalArs. By Mib: fi mthworth, author of “ The Lost Heiress, * £c$ta,” ” Mlsglng Bride,” Patrimonial Brokerage lx {ho Metrepolla, beVig True Narratives Of Strange. Adventures Id Nfw York, aqd Startling Faot-s In tha City Life. By a Reporteroflhe New York lyess. > Two Ways lo Wedlock; u Novelette reprinted from the New York Home4obfhal. Pictures of Corintry LWfc. By A lice Oarer, autlior '9ss&k mT* tratloos. T*P vein n^^oo^niete In one. The Old Plantation. Bv lames Hunger ford. The Laird of Norl«w«. a ficoUlsh Story. By the author of “Margaret Maitland.” Ac- The Arts of Beauty, or Secrets of a Lady'a Toilet. TIP TOP HATS! I AND NO MISTAKE, J| Accommodation Boat.' THB Hubacrlber will«« X first of April, to hake Passover or Q BRAiGH OF THB ELECTRO-CHEMICAL BATHS, OPEN DAILY. NO. 160 SdUTH BROAD Btreet. A til. DU BRAHE A are speedily cared X3l (If the organs are perfect) by using the above Baths In connection with Hy ropathlc treatment. If you dont believe It, try It- decU—lv Those who may be desirous Of supplying them- selVes will please send their orders «t otrnC Corner Jefferson anffBey an streets. #y-<)rders from the country promptly attondr H-E now chants the Je -tllLLEIt Sc CO* bnv* remot from No. 141 to No- fft7 Broughton fitreot. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of the Montioello Union Academy A. J. MILLER & CO., Cabiaet Makers and Undertakers, NO. 15Y BROUftirrON STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. XTBW Furnlturp o: all kind** coontnnt- ly on haw (Lai so, a large aa-ortnu-nt of Looking •Glasses. New Work made to order at the «hortest notice. Mattresses, Jobbing and Bell Hanging, dono In t^o neatest, style, with despatch. feb3—ly Baker’s Premlnm Chocolate dr Trade, 33»‘Sr • North or Houth. Chocolate, prepared Cocoa, Broma. C Cocoa Sticks, Holoble.JHomaop^hlo s Cocoa. OrackoJ Cocoa and OocoarlheR* as uutritlve. saluUry and delicious be more than three-fourtba of a century, tueed from Cocoa of the finest quallt ranted superior to any othe Cocoa r made lu the United SUtea. As nousl children, and persona In health, and as for Tea and Coffee In nervous and Djr* BOBRHAVE’S Holland Bitters! IHI OKLIRBATBD BOLL AMD RKMKDVfOtt Syiapep«la, DHKA8B OF THK KIONEVH, LIVED COMPLAINT. Weakness of anv Kind ’ TBVKK AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a dis ordered Jtomach or Liver, such as Indigestion, Acidity or the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Uoartburn. Loss of Appetite,Despondency. Gostlvonesa, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, it has, In numerous Instances proved highly, beneficial, and In others effected a dec!ded*Cure< * „ Tblsle a purely vegetable compound, prepared on stricUyapiontlflc principles, after tbe manner ol tka oelebratici Holland Professor, Baerbave. Became of Its great success In moat of the European btates, 1U introduction into the United Btates was Intend* ed more especially for those of oar fatherland scat tered hare and there over the face of thio mighty country. Meeting with grid* success among them. I now after It tb the Araerlcau public,knowing that 1U truly wonderftil medicinal virtues must be ac knowledges It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been unpaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or Other forms of dlBsslpatlon. Generally instantaneous In effect, It finis Its way directly to tbe seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the dreop- lag spirit, an<L ln^fact. Infusing naw health and T SOTICK—Whoevwexpects to find this abeversge will be disappointed; but to the sfek, weak and low spirited. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial properties. The great popularity ofthta delightful Aromaha* Induced many imitations* which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Boer? eve’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottle wll. con vince yon how infinitely superior it U to ah these Imitations. war Bold at $1.00 per bottle, or six honied for 4lM k, »h« an\m immrlAtftn WKiHatt he present 10K’AND- ID DR»B WAY FREIGHT ifafWF- a BETWEEN thla elty mod Augusta will be received at alt times, and carefully attended lo HBEKSHfeBby th j “Fashion Line” of Boats. Tnenew pasnenger and freight steamer la pro- re88lng finely. The proprietors expect to have ler ready by October next. The patronage pf the publlo Is respectfully sollo W M. A. COHEN, Agout. miAWaoN Saturday, apiiil isu. Class IS, DII.AW3 ON SATURDAY, APRIL 16,1889. Class 10, DRAWS ON 8ATUR0AV, APRIL U. 1869. ■ Class IT, DRAWS ON HAXPKDAV. APRIL. 30, 18 9. VI. Plamiel. and colond «1nlTi.can be — ..had with tbe eaae ul rotten or tlnan, without hilling er shrinking, sni the color restored to Its original ♦th U will lnatantly reir.ave urease and dlrifrom paint or varnish, without any W4ter whatever; pit* tooting windows, oarpeis ahu furniture from suds or slops. The worst btlgo water stains removed from pilnt Immecllately by applying the soan with \XTr removing dirt, grease and tobacco stains i from marble or other fiooi tile. It will be found su perior to auy othwr soap. G h. For cl8anelng. softening or healing tha skin, It It unequallea; a.ao uu excellent and effective DdntrlQce, cleansing tbo gums ami whitening the teeth. , 7tb. Ilia abknnwIbdcbd l'T all whu have leatad the comfort of ev**y fanriy, an ’ the Convenience ot every hotel.vshlp. steam boat or laundry. Manufactured and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN. Ahd CLAteN B i"otSS^a r i?Hff-' tofiflB—jUn Bay street. or Baking Powder IT PAVS EORITSELP i. HOOTS. CAPITAL PRIZE $55,000! of roofing bqlldlugs, elther.qew or ol< LESTER’S S'-,* !<• jSwroUMUojrtJii J 1 * !n Hi, lltoheif n? bs .* n lodiaparomblearti- ti l i' ra 'j«tc'nv,n?.sr v 1 rI honathod. In, the SPASnsagreaRex 1S59 'NOraLTIES 185a Gentleaea’s Wear. M . Q p tcx r q -rr gSKSW|M5M«a ruaV® the SeonTfi 1 behippy t0 receive-any or- 10aNISH.NO Emporium, cotnw*i)('j?uH and » mrterlalraaamtllhK shcetlaed. It 18.n article ;h ( ,t la jiving onlveroal aatlafaetlon where It I. be" lng used. It Is what has been >ong needed hero, a cheap and a lasting roof co«ttnv much less tt.sn tin or nhtugle, and will Iftstlonsrr than either wifi*, out ahy repair. It Is also both fire and wa er proof. Wo are UAing R also fit railroad cars. Hteambaat and hurricane deck a to vea-els. It can be walked over and upon without injuring it. ■Warrant an Roof i maao with this zoatoriel perfelny tight, ot no charge made. For old tin aud Iron roof* that leak,I cave not how much, by using two coats of Cement the same way as paint.! warrant perfectly tight, or I make n6 charge for the aam«. New vtn Roofs painted with It will be preserved from mak ing fot yea-s. and will be a saving of time and ex- P«he«- •Itooatsmpch less than paint. It will not ‘TICKETS ONLY 810* Halves, Quarters and Eighths lu Proportion. On the Finn oj Single Numbers! lion reqnred until have given him ent - *H3NTX,K'aaEjk’S SUMMER WEAR Henry Lathrop & Co. Fifty Thousftnd Tickets—35,827 Prises ! JWero than (hic friiH lo ttery two Ticket, / Orrilflroto “01 l>«k.«e» will bj .old *it tb, f.l- lowlosV.t.s, wbicb Is th«iU*: . _ OertmoAte. of l’.tk«ca of lO WhoIoTlcboU *80 So. do. lOSlghth ao. CZ. 10 IN URDSKINU TICKETi OR OERHflOATXR Bnriose tho money G> our address for the tleheL t TdSed.-'on receipt of which they will be fbrivardad SFnWwajp&a uok *“ ou<1 ' w Tho lint or drown numl»r» aod prlttii will DO lent nERUSMGM illtn. sdd St., tlr.lr poit-omca,co«ntj mod Suto. AWhWMFKfdr '* >m .trtctlj &*** Address orders for TtckeUi NOTICE 40 > OOOhilk^Bi^« i '^ ’"'koTc ,h ^WL^ , *Ar,Ko..w orth inding. White and Marseilles 1 Gauss' Meri Te Ship Owners aud Masters ef VESSELS, I would say that I have a Cement made expressTv ffiBSmSBK nod the action of the water Oannot waah it off. .ihJ*.,, r^ro.hiU Two coats of iht* Cement will idst for «! which oosis but tittle and la worth a great Orders for Roofing Bnlldingvanew.or for Jay street, next dSorto Morilfi Office, or a line to my afidraos. wtii heatti t a&. M i. M .. ; D - t- u SWCRltPMAT; ws. ijoWNBTQN. IiVbmI to suit pnrcbaMi a$r4 L. OONBTANIINiAOO. /