Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 20, 1859, Image 3

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\,-' - r£ r- FOR NEW gffisHvsgm SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20. 1,359. kMsT Master, having tbe larger portion of her ig.-ng« t » , BALDWIN ft 00. -iSr—pott MVBK.lM»OI..-fhe|A 1 fSfW>M|> More Un.lle, Capt REED. h»T- HIAAIiib a Urge portion of cargoeniagad, will tS»* ioh - ^sgrmgTOwtHioo. Jg^r-TOg nbVt yob:R-unTonXu?i iwSWThe regular fast Railing packet schr. 8. kr|i>j. Waring* SMITH master, having portion of her cargo engaged, will have .iMsnatcb for the above port. For balance of SSaaP^rfe rwpTllI HTAKIt* HARDEE. el K 'TON, will meet with dispatch for the FOT frelght ',^U°KAnAMMKr,i.. TO RENT. volt RKNT-A fine* inrare ROOM ...mediately over the office ot this paper.— i? or terms, Ac., apply at the desk, mariH—tf I MiirshHiniouHo, well Adapted for a boarding *' Rent low. Apply to Item tow. DAVID 0 . 00NN0R I Oor. Broughton and Drayton st*. FOR SALE. FOR 9ALBr~ ...■IK Milled*© Vjots. on the extenulen of I Hull street, are now for sale, alngly or other* Ji.A Titles undoubted* J. BRYAN A SOW. HAMPTON PLACE FOR SALE, pine Uesidence and Plantation. THAT well known nnd moat desirable place, situated on Skldaway -Island, footing on Warsaw Bound, Is offered for sale. The location Is remarkably pleasant and . _ healthy, either as a summer or winter residence. A more desirable place cannot be found In this sec- uon of the country. The Improvements consist of tuew and commodious Dwelling,Barn, Outhouses, Negro Douses, Ac. un the premises Is a fine Orchard of six or seven hundred fralt trees, most of which will come Into full bearing the coming season. There Is also a well uf mineral water, which Is very efficacious In all chroulodls6asas. Also, a spring of excellent water. The Plantation contains 714 acres, 400 ol which , 4 cleared aud uuder fence. The landa aro ditched and well adapted to the cultivation of Cotton, ttorn. Potatoes. Ac., aud especially to tbo culture of ill kinds of fruits suited to this climate. The property is offered for sale to close a copart- “ll'IlSf' API)>y JOHN 8. MQNTMOLI.IV. a * tl t REMOVAL. A. J. MILLER & CO., Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, NO. 1ST BROUGHTON MTRKET, SAVANNAH. Q A. N EW Furniture of all kinds* constant ly on hand: also, a large assortment of Looking Ulasses. Now Work made to order at the shortest notice. Mattresses, Jobbing aud Bell Hanging, done In tho neatest style, with despatch. feh3— ly JEWELRY! JEWELRY! Watches I Watches! Now and Froali. oKlFF bus lust received this week a Unew supply c fthe newest and most desirable pat terns of Jewelry, Lava, Coral, Cameo. Mosaic, Jet ami Uarnet. with a variety of all other styles worn now Quick sales and small profits. Neck Chains, Coral. Hold and Jet. Recollect the American Watches that have a warranty from the manufac turer. Being personally acquainted wtth tho manufacturer of those Watches, and receiving tiiein direct from him, I can recommend those 1 have f >r sale. Auother invoice received. Call at nprl3 SKIFF’S, Congress street. E. R. DURKEE’S CONCENTRATED FLAVORING EXTRACTS FOR COOKING. M anufactured from the Fruits and Flowers, and not from flctlttous Oils or Acids These extracts are superior In delicacy and rlchnosB of flavor, as well as In strength, to all others. One boltlo will be found equal to two of New York, by E. R. DUKKEK A 00., aud are bold bv almost every reputable Grocer everywhere.— If your Urocer has none, he can easily obtain them for you from the Jobbers. apr5—ltn TRENCH’S HOTEL, ON TUB EUROPEAN PLAN. CITY OP NEW YORK. Single Rooms, 50c# per Day Oily llu l Square, corner Frankfort Street, (Oppo- TH0S.GT1S LEROY & C0. ( JO I AND *A63 WATER STREET, N E W YORK MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LEAD PIPE, DROP SHOT, SHEET LEAD, COMPRES’D BUCKSHOT BALLS, PURE BLOCKTIN PIPE, PURE SHEET TIN, BAR LEAD. GOV’T BANOA TIN, LEAD WIRE. A large stock constantly on hand. All orders filled promptly at lowest markot rates. febJ2-2tu P «9. N0 £TtW1859. For Gentlemen’s Wear. WM. O. PRICE 1 * now receiving weekly supplier* of all A- the New aud Fashionable Goods of the latest importations, and will be happy to receive any or- derB from the people. unMP^MADK CLOTHING, FURNIBUING J/WDS. HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, Ac., Ac. Call atthe Btar Clothing Emporium, corner of Bull aud 1859. SPRING STYLE. 1859. TIP TOP HATS ! A AND NO MISTAKE, FOOTE & J AUD ON M&NS.mBm&J®* ‘° Mer ‘ foreign db Oomestlo DRY GOODS! FOR THE spring and Summer Trade, uniurDiMa, 1 , 1 ,! 0 09* market, embracing a variety ■a.aril^nl by ‘“F Jobbing house North or South.- TO PHYSICIANS. Druggists and Families i * r ® * #, ° naeat * ,or Hj' COLIC MIXTURE FOR INFANTS. 'UspenS? r «?H r ? t,0 . n w , hlch considered an ln- Kr«Ater nnmhl 1 c i®g- t0 medicine chest, by a Hta'ei/ H b "°f Yamllloa throughout the bulted people-.. nL5 ny * patent*’ now before the llv e,civinS^5 rft K ,oa ver J r simple yet veryeffeo- ‘nd too SitelW fttor ®”* ftol,ie httlo BUfforers, effect* Lffi ou 1 t ,e » T, “g behind those deleterious gorlc, Laminn,,* waj ? succeed the taking of Pare- * Jrp Par»tiona nu o a , n ?, other Nurcotlo Cordials and SindSIi Jfe tau pr,c ®* 26 cent*. •of unuer “lRned are also sole agents for the sale rnunn.. SISLEY’S COMPOUND (FLUID EXTRACT OF 4 remedy wh S"CTOHTJ. ‘ ^‘ho“* CU ° n bUt for which dEft BL ^ 1)I)E R AND URETHRA, h«re<| b! iSff 16 ? th ® r °dpe was expreHsly pre- might hiiv* oniluent physicians, that they lu »convJn*an? r f y8 ln readiness a reliable remedy and uot bn iKm/. 1 ? 11 u# ® 1,1 thelr Oally practice, r,t| on8 ami n« je , ct t0 depend on those Inert prepa- ^ifpoie of Jl, 0 ni*f Q, ?2* l ^at are put forth for the ° ut thelrnioniy tb ® peopl ® * Dl1 fleecing them HARRAL. RIBLEY a kitchen. »Pr9-.j w ^mportera and Wholesale Druggists, 76 Barclay 6t. New York- {' , A*Su*!ih.m N E - CHAMPAGNE.- <10 >1( 'htibflui. i,V2‘, ft I np *.ff u ® °* that favorite braud, •prig ,a * ,a8t received and for sale by W. M. DAVIDSON. Bole Agent. . ”• ViUpGN, Bole i aprU WB. REMBHART A SON, /, ' ——— cor. Bay and Barnard sU. P "fiVE,!** ANW SHIltTING.-lO (Jompouy aheeilngi ud Bhlrt- .nris r,c 'l*«>l »ml for ulu hr , ' L. W WELLS. I a S , I mr'I2 „ | l.ro.o prime (leavened and for ^Jwvdlng from steamship Commerce OOHBNM A HERTZ. ^ ' — COIIBNB A HKttTZ. J-f Pur.’T,*! ri.GUK-.-'JHObhlo. ,u *aaft* 1 "‘Ma'A'fiiasckf* LINES. roa new YORK. The Steamship Htitr of the South, Oapt. LYON, roa nkw tohx, Will sail On Wednesday, n-aa.aalm n *. tu . April 20th, at A. M.. precisely. For freight or passage, apply to PADKLFUKD, FAY AGO.. apr!8 Agents. NEW YORK & SAVANNAH PROPELLER LINE FOR NEW YORK. The now and elegant steamship IIU NTSVI Ip Mi, Capt. DOST, will leave an above Hnturriny, April 23d. at passage, having splendid accorn* For freight modatlons, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Baltimore & Savannah steamship xixsrxi. FOR BALTIMORE, The steamer City ol Norfolk, Capt. PARKER, will leave as above Hnturdny, April 23d, at COASTING VESSELS. For Charleston Direct, LKAVta KVKRY TOMDAY AND SATURDAY AYTKRNOON AT 3 O’OLOOK. THE SUPERIOR STEAMER GORDON F. BAKUEN - - - Commander, * *N-. w| >»«« Will loavo the Charleston Wharf, as above, con necting at Charleston with the first train of the North Eastern Railroad (U. 8. Mail Lino) for the North. Through Tickets for Wilmington, N. 0., Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York, can be had on hoard. For freight or passage, apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agt., apr7 Charleston Wharf. FOR NEW YORK. FARE REDUCED FREIGHT AND PASSAGE AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER STEAMERS. Cabin Passage, ::: : $15. By the splendid and commodious SIDE-WlIKKLi HTKAMKRH AUGUSTA 1,600 tons Oapt. M; 8. WoodhulL FLORIDA *' ** Isaac Orowcll. ALABAMA, ....1,300 *' " Geo R. Bchenck, And firs’, class Propeller STAR OP THE SOUTH, 1,100 tons,...Capt. T. Lyon. These steamships be long to tho old estab lished and favorite lino, known as the “New York and Savannah Bteam Navigation com pany,*’ And In comfort, accommodations and , fare, cannot be excell ed. They are commanded by experienced, skil ful; careful aud polite officers. FADKLFORD, FAY A CO., Agents, Savannah. 8AM*L L. MITCHELL A SON. Je28—tf Agents, New York. New York and Savannah. nUNTNVIl.I.K, Cant. John A. font, MONTGOMERY, Cupt. Fred. Crocker, Will form a weekly line between Savannah and New York, leaving each port every Saturday. These steamers (1000) one thousand tons each, have elv- gant accommodations for PasBengors, and being of great strength and speed, shippers can rely on tbo .. - ----- ..... , Qr furtherpartlcu- 'DWIN ACOy Savannah, Ga. or H. B. CROMWELL A CO., apr7 No. 131 Washington street. Now York. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL, I.ONDON, GLASGOW, AND A1.L PABT8 OF IRELAND I O It $30! The powerful Iron steamships City of Baltimore, City of Wnnliinstou, City of Manchester, Kangaroo, Vl«o, Will sail from New York for Liverpool, CAREY1RQ THE XT. JE». j(GF* Evtry alternate Saturday. «£4T Passage from New York : Cabin, $76...Third Class, to all the above places,$30. Passage from Liverpool: Cabin $86 Third Class $40. tar Passengers forwarded to Havre, Antwerp, Bremen aud Hamburg for $85 ln Cabin, $35 Third Class. To PARIS (In 26 hours from Liverpool,) Cabin $90: Third Class. $38. The above SteamshlpB are built of Iron, lu water tight compartments, carry oacta an experienced ** gcon and every requisite for the Immediate ex ..„jtlon of Are. For Passago, apply to John G. Dale, 15 Broadway, N. Y., or It. J. CO It TIM «fc CO., 177 Broadway, N. N. B.—Passengers by this line avoid the risk and delay of calling at Halifax and St JohnB. " Agents wanted. Imi2—1v FOB CHARLESTON, VIA BLUKFTON. HILTON HBAD, BNAUKORT BOYD’H LANDING, AND PORT KOVAL. THIt SI'I’KIUOU IRON HTKAIHKIt acwm CEOILE, F. PECK ... Commander, Having been thoroughlv repaired, will luavo the Charleston Wharf, for tlio above places, ovury SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AT5 0*01AH)K. For freight or passago, apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agent, Charleston Wharf. FOR CHARLESTON, VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. The flne steamer Ever glade, L. M. UiiXKTTKll, master, having been thorough ly overhauled, painted Ac., has commenced her regulai tripe, and win ie«vo m.s city from Llllon’s wharf, foot of Gas Works, every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, ut 4 o’clock. Shu connects regularly with the Railroads at Charleston. Freight consigned to tho Agent shipped free of commission. JNO. C. FRASER, Agent, oct29 Day Street. SAVANNAH & FLORIDA U. S. MAIL For Paiatka, East Florida, VIA DARIEN. BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FED- NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, MAGNOLIA, AND PICOLATA. Leaves every Friday Morning, at half past 9 o’clock. THE new mid elegant steamer Ml. JoHum, Oapt. N. KING, leaves regularly as above. Having been taillt expreesly tor inis route, wiinlargo and ulry saloons and state rooms, she offers unsurpassed facilities for Invalids aud others. For freight or passage, apply on board at the Florida Hteampackot Wnarf.or to OLAGHOIIN h CUNNINGHAM, Agents This boat connects at Brunswick with tho Bruns wick and Florida Railroad; at St. ftlarys with steamers for Centrevllle and Camp Pinckney; at Fernaudlna with Fernaudlua Railroad to Baldwin and Stark; and stages to Gainesville, Newnans- vllle, Flemlngton and Ocala; at Jacksonville with Jacksonville. Alligator and Tallahassee Railroad; olatn at Pic with stages for St. Augustine; at Pulntka with stages for Orange Springs, Ocala, Adamsvllle, Flemlngton, Urookville, and Tampa Bay, with steamers Darltngtou and Barnett, to Welaka, Fort Butler, Melonvllle and Enterprise, and thence by coach to New Smyrna and Indian River. octsu SAVANNAH & FLOR IDA U. S; MAIL For Paiatka, VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, JACK SONVILLB, MAGNOLIA AND PICOLATA. Leaves every Monday Morning’, at half past 9 o’clook. TL1E new nnd * legnni Iron steamer HT. MARYS, Capt. JAB. FEEUORN, having been thoroughly painted and overhauled, loaves regularly as oove. The St. Marys.has large, commodious and airy state rooms and saloons, having been built ex pressly for this trade, and offers unsurpassed facile ftlos tc Invalids and others. For freight or passage, apply on board, at the Florida Steam packet Wharf, or to « ULAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. This beat connects at Brunswick with the Bronx- Fernandlnu wltu Fernandlua Railroad . 1 Starke, aud. stages for Gainesville, Newnanx- vllle, Flemlngton and Ocala; at Jacksonville with Jacksonville, Alligator and Tallahassee U-tlvoad; at Plcolata with stages to St. Augustine; at Paiat ka with stages for Orar.go Springs, Ocala, A.tarns- vine, Flemlngton, Brookville and Tampa Bay, and with steamers Darlington and Barnett to Welaku, Fort Butler, Melonvllle and FJutornrlse. and thence by coach to New Smyrna and Indian HI LOTTERIES. &c. &CQ’S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES ! (OHARTKR.RD BY TIIB 8TA7E Of OlOSOIA.) H850,000 t CAPITAL PltlZE Notion to tile Publio. As tho members of our firm have, by way of purchase, become tbo owner* of the grants char tered by tho States ol' Delaware, Kentucky, Mis souri, and part of those In Georgia, under the man agement of Messrs. Gregory A Mudry, of Wilming ton, Delaware, we nave deemed it expedient to change the name or our tlriu, on ami after January 1st. 1859,to that of WOOD, EDDY A (Jo., who will hcreattor have the management or tho Sparta Academy Lottery, aud the others, aB above named. lu all IransacLlons we have endeavorol to con duct our buxluess with Integrity ami promptness and we can assure in* •“•an., *><•» • heretofore bextowud lug transferred to our successors. i assure the public tuat tbo patronage .....i- >• ffesorving of bo- Very respectfully. CO. Augusta, U : WOOD, E t* I) k 4.V CO., MANAGERS, SUOOKSSOR8 TO S. eWAN A 00. The follow tug Dcuome win oe uruwu by WOOD EDDY a 00., Managers of the Spar.‘.a Academy Lot* lory. In each of their Single Number Lotteries for April, 1869. at Augusta, Ga., In public, under the superintendence of Commissioners. IXASS 14, DRAWS ON SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1859. € la ASS 15, DRAWS ON SATURDAY, APRIL 9,1859. CLASS 16, DRAWS ON SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1869. CLASS IT, DRAWS ON SATURDAY, APRIL 23. 1859. CLASS IS, DRAWS SATURDAY. APRIL 30. 1859. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Ticket*! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, 1UU0 1 Prtae of. 20,000 | 60 Prises of 1 Prize or lO.UUO | 100 Prizes of 1 Prize of. 5.0W I loo Prize* of I Prize of 4,000 I 100 Prizes of I Prize of. 3,0001100 Prizes of APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prz’s of $4j0approxtu'ing to $50000 Prize are 4 Prz’sof SOuapproxmMngto 2000O Prize are 4Prz’sof 250api>roxm’ingt<> 10000 Prize are 4 Prz’s of 225approxm’tngto 6000 Prize aro 4 Prz’s of 2U0approxm’iugto 40oO Prize are 800 4 Prz’sof ISOapproxm’lagtO 3000 Prize are COO 4 Prz’sof lOOapproxm’tug to 15UUPrize are 4U1 6.WXJ " “ 20 are 100,000 5,486 Prizes amounting to $310,0000 Whole Tickets $io; Halves $•>; Quarters $2>». ..rar a Oiroular showing the plan ol the Lotteries will be sent to any one do - sirous of reooiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold ot tho fol lowing rates, which lx therl-k: Certificates of Package of 10 Whole Ticket* $80 ** “ “ 10 Half “ 40 ‘ " 10 Quarter " 20 _ “ 10 Eighth •• 10 In ordering tickets or certificates, enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on- receipt of which they will bo forwarded by first mall- Purchasers cau have tickets endiug ln any number they may designate The list ot drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. State. _ _ Remember that every prize Is drawn and payuble ln full w.thout deduction. tStT All prizes ol 51,000 and under, paid Imme diately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mall, m use the A u am s’ Express Company, whereby money for tickets, lu sums of teu dollars, aud up 's, can be sent us at our risk and expense, n any city or town whore they have an office. The money and order must be enclosed In a “Gov ernment Postofilce ’ Stamped Envelope,” or the Express Uompauy cannot receive them. 11 communications strictly confidential. **-*"* certificates, by mall or ex- WOOD; eDDY A 00., A gusta Goo. or WOOD,EDDY*CO.. Atlanta,Geo. or WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wilmington, De\ mar29—dAwlm GREAT ATTRACTION I! DRY GOODS! FROM NEW YORK AUCTION SALEH. PEPPER & EfOLLQY WOULD reupcolfnlly direct public at- VV tent hm to their large arrivals of New aud Ele gant Spring and Summer Goods, stock compares favorably with any ever offered for sale In this city, and at prices much lower than can po.islblv he established in this mark'd. We would specially direct aiteutlou to our stock of OHES8 noons, consisting In part of Plain and Figured Bareges Man ge Robes, Uienadlnex 760jMu8l!n Kobe*, (very cheap) 35U Organdie Robes, (very cheap) Primed Jaooueta. French Brllllantes Also, a full lluo of Meui nlLg Dress Ooodx, In eve ry possible design and labile, (very cheap.) ..... o..w ■ - - Mautllla*. latest style, from $1 25 up. 600 811k La EMBROIDERIES. Ono care French Kinbrotoered Bands; great bargains and at alt prices Swiss aud Jaconot Collars hi great variety, very cheap Swiss and Cambric Sets S lain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs lack Stlk Lace Mitts, u great variety. Silk Gloves, (Kid finish) a greut varloty I* »nnet Ribbons, new 8tyles White and Colored ltucheN. Linen Department. Irish Linen (direct importation) warranted pure tlax Also, Shirt Fronts Irish Linen Damasks, While and Brown Also, Irish Linen Damask Table Cloths Also, Irish Linen Napkins, very >ow Linen Towelling and Crash In great varloty Marseilles and Allendale Quilts. Gents’ Department. White, Brown and Colored Llneu Drillings Marseilles do white and colored Undershirts and Drawers, all kinds Also, Black Silk and Fancy Crnvats and Ties. Hooped Skirts, a'l kinds, sizes and colors. LYON’S MAGNETIC POWDERS w GEORGIA STATE LGTTtrtY. For the benefit of the * Monticello Union Academy OF JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA, Authorized by Special Act of Legisla ture. McRINNET & i0., Managers, To be drawn ln public, under the xworu ruperln- teuduncu of two Commissioner*, W. R. SYMONS and J. M. PRENTISS,appointed for that purpose, in the City of Savanuah, Ua. TORE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN APRIL 1 Is tuestlmable. lu warm weather all nature teems with these annoying foes. This powder is the omv article cv^r discovered which will exterminate them. A company of botanists, from the Horti cultural Society ol Paris, while amidst the ferns of Asia, observed that all insects lighting upon a cer tain kind of plant very soon dropped dead. This fact wns made use of to guard their night ca from these intruders Quantities ofthe plant \ brought homo by Mr. E. Lyon, and found a positive Insect destroyor lu every experiment. It Is sim ply a powdered leaf, chemically ptejured to restnt the effect of age and cilamte. Medals nnd Letters Patent have been obtained from the Governments England, France, Germany and Russia, from the Just Beceived, FROM AUCTION! 1000 YARJ0S RICH PLAID SILK, at flOc. par yard; 500 Muslin Robes, very cheap; 10,000 yde. Calico, atG(ic., worth 10c. 500 Paraeols, from 75c. to 12.00; 500 Hoop Skirts, ct.eaper than ever offered in Savannah; rtOOO Marseilles and Dimity Guilts, very cheap; 300 pieces White Brilliants, from 10c to 37c. 500 pieces Irish Linen, from .25c. to *1.00; 500 doz. Linen Cambric Handker chiefs, at 75c. per doaen; 300 doz. hem stitched, from $2.50 to *0.00; 3000 yds. Printed Bnrcgo at 18c., worth 31c.; 35 pieces floor Oil Cloth, at half price; 35 pieces Canton Matting, at loss than it cost to import. All in want ol the above goods will do well to call soon, or they will miss bargains. J, & M. D, Trcauor, 111 Congress afreet, npr7 opposite Pulaski ITouso. 1859. SPRING TRADE. 1859. REED & CARPENTER. 14 9 Congress Street, WOULD Invite particular attention to Tv their largo and attractive stock of NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Comprising tu molt varied collection of the latest atylosln markot. wlilch they wilt eotl at price, to •" -ot the requirement, of the * marff meet tha requirements of the closest buyer*. WotliPs Fair, and numerous'uiedlcal and' horticul tural colleges and societies. Letter from tho President of the United States. EXECUTIVE MAN8ION, \ WABUlNdTOx, 31st Jan.. 1868. / Mu. Emanuel Lyon—D«nr Mr: 1 have the pleas ure to luiurin you that the Royal Commission of the World’s Fair, at Londou, have awarded you a Medal and Certificate for the great value of your Magnetic Powders, for exterminating Insects, Ac. insects; H ERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES.— With Hall’s Patent Powder-Proor Locks, the same that were awarded separate medals at the World’s Fair, London, 1861, and the World’s Fair, New Yoik, 1853, and are the only American Sates that were awurded medals at tho London World’s Fair. These safes form the most perfect security against Fire and Burglars, of any Safe ever offered to tbe publio. $1000 REWARD will be piild to any person that can show that a " Herring’s Patent Champion Safe” ever failed to preserve Its con tents lu an accidental fire. The subscriber also manufactures all kinds of Bi ller aud Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults. Vault Doors, and Money Boxes, or Chests tor Brokers, Jewelers, and private families, for Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. 8ILAS 0. HERRING & CO., 251 Broadway, corner Murray Street, Opposite City Hall, New York. Agents.—LaRoche & Bell, Savannah; Wm. Her- rlng A Son, Atlanta. Qa. W ma-3-3ni COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Lble log house, frame house, barn, i m bor with different detlrable kinds of grapes, straw berry vines, Ac.; apple, qufnce, plam. peach and cheery trees, very choice. One half the lot Is In woodland, trees mostly topped Its location Is ex ceedingly pleasant; mountain scenery, Ac. The water, which Is convenient to the house, both In spring and well, Is as good as In any country. Society goo l. churches and schools good. Any quantity of prime land wPl be sold with It If required. ‘I crius onlte favorable. For further particulars, nddrexs BRAIGH OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL BATHS, OPEN DAILY. NO. 160 SOUTH BKOAD Street. DARBYS’ PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, At the recent STATE FAIR, held In MONTGOMERY. ALA., In November, 1858, was awarded a PREMIUM of a magnificent SILVER PITCHER, by a committee of scientific gentlemen, os being the best aud cheapest DISINFECTANT now ln use. PRICK, FIFTY CENTS. For sale by W.W.LIN OLN, KING!* WARING. J. B. MOORE, 8. D. BRANTLEY, A. A. SOLOMONS A CO.. T. M. TURNER. Retailers will send orders for future suDplIes to R. D. PHILLIPS, Wholesale Agent, marlS—tf Savannah, Ga., CHALLENGE CHEMICAL WORKS E. R, DURKEE 8b CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERS' DRPGS, INDIGO. SALERVTUS, Bl CARS. SODA. CREAM TARTAR, POTASH, Baking Powders, dec., 181 PKAKL STREET, (COHNKK CEDAR.) Wow Yorlt. apr5—-lm WHITE MATTINGS. rpHK subscriber Iihs Jaut received a 1 small lot of VERY LOW rKIOKD White Mat ting ; ’ -AL<0- Whtte and Checked Mattings of different quali ties, In all the widths. D. LATiiitUP, marSl—tf 140 Conxre*a street. Af\ BOXES Family and l*nie Moap,ju*t T:U received and In store, for 8 j) e ( ^jJ YRNE apr!4 cor. Bryan and Jelf rsonsta. QTAKCII-STARCH.-30 boxes Pearl O and Corn Starch, on consignment, and for sale low by Wm. RKMSHAKT a Son, apr!4 cor- Bay and Barnard stx. W 4NTKU—:A pl«a«are Sail Boat about 40 or SO leet long, with a small cabin. apr!4—iw ft. HABERSHAM A PONS, . _Jaret, some very superior quality; 10 boxes Sparling Hock, ta store and for sale by aorffi W- si. DAVIDSON. For Paiatka, FI a*, VIA BRUNSWICK. ST. MARY’S, FKRNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. STOPPING AT ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. . TO leave from Dlllou’ wharf, fontofthe^ Uao Works The new aml splendid xteam- LThV it a, i ,/%»*!;, LOUIS M.COXKTTKR Com mander, having been thoroughly overhauled and repainted, will resume her regular trips leaving as connect regularly :id Florida and Fernandlua the Interior of Florida. All Freight consigned to the Agent will be for warded with dispatch, free of commission, For freight or pas sage, apply on board, or to JOllNC. FRASER. Agent, rfay street. For -Aai^usta. |x THE uew, fust aud light I ih-r draft steamer Excel will run regularly between Sarannah and „t a |i 8 tages of the river, connecting wltu tho New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore steamships at Savannah, aud the Geor gia Railroad at Augusta. Goods for Augusta. Ham burg and the Inteilor should be marked to the care of John V. Tarver, at Savannah, and produce and merchandize for Savannah and the Northern mar kets to the care of H. F. Russell, at Augusta. Merchants will find this the cheapest route by which - liey can receive their goods. Freight forwarded free of commissions. JOHN V. TARVER. Agent Savannah. II. F. RUSSELL, Jan28—ly Agent Augusta. Accommodation Boat. FOR PARAOHUCLA KVKRY MONDAY JfND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. The new and fast running pas- I XL,. • • senger and frolght steamer John «55&r§tfi® <ii. Lawton will leave EVERY iiiiiinimiiii iMMHnninr and Thursday af- TUKNOOM, at 4 P. M., for Paracliucla and Interme diate landings, from foot of West Broad street. J. W. McALPIN, Agent, Williamson’s Buildings. N. B.—Contracts for Landings above can be made. This Boat will not break t.or schedule, angfi—ly For Augusta, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. TIIB light draught Iron steamer >4WAN, Captain K. JOHNSON, having been thor- joughly overhauled, will resume . ..... YD AY AFTERNOON, August 6th, will leave the Charleston Wharf every Frldav evening thereafter, at 5 o’clock. For freight or passago, apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agent, augS—if Charleston Wharf. WAY FREIGHT ****** rv BETWEEN this city ami ■Hr ,i. Augusta will be received at all oEwTSiWlB times, and carefully attended to ilKBBfiSaSSUby the “Fashion Line” of Boats. The new passenger and freight steamer Is pro gressing finely. The proprietors expect to have her ready by October next. The patronage of the public Is respectfully aoltc- (ted, by Jyi—tf M. A. COHEN, Agent. GEO. R. BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, priictlce ln Elllnxlium, liullecli LEA 8l PE1MIIIVS’ CELEBRATED Worcestershire Sauce, PRONOUNCED BY CONNOIBBEURS o amioAULi to EVERY VARIETY EXTRACT of a Letter from a KJCIilOAL (JCNTLKMiN At Madras. TO 1118 nROTUCR at Worcester, May 1, Only Good Sauce "TellLKA k PKU. esteemed In India, aud is. In uiy opin ion. the most p M la- Sauco that Is ; The only Medal awarded by the Jury of the Now by ISA ft PKKIUN8 for tholr V/OBDK8TKU8H JltK SAUCE, tho world wide fame of which having led to numerous Imitations, purchaser*- air* earnestly requested to see that the names ot LRA ft PER KINS” are Impressed upon theBottloaud Stepper, aud printed upon the labels. Sole WUolonale Agents for the United States, John Duncan & Sous, 403 BKOAUWAY.N. V. A .lock ftlWMy, In store. Alao, orders recelyea lor direct stlnulenl Horn Jtuglend. Innel—ly Class 14, DItAWSON .SATURDAY, APBII, 9.1859. Class 15, UHAW8 UN 8ATUI111AY, A PHIL 16,1859. Class 16, UHAVVS ON 8ATUKDAY, APRIL 23,1859. Class 17, DRAWS ON SATURDAY. APRIL, 30, 18 9. CAPITAL PRIZE $55,000! TICKETS ONLY $10. Halves, Quarters aud Eighths ln Proportion. On the Finn ol Single Numbom! Fifty Thousand Tickets—25,827 Frizes More *han One Prize to every two Tickets ! lowing rates, which Is the risk. Certificates of Packages of 10 Who'eTlckets Do. do. 10 Half do 4U Do. do. 10 Quarter do 20 Do. do. 10 Eighth do 10 IN ORDERING TICKETi OR CERTIFICATES Enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mall. Purchasers can have tickets ending In any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. C^T Purchasers will please wrltotnelr signatures plain, and give their post-ottlce, county and State. Remember that every prize is drawn an l dlately after the drawing—other prizes at the Usi ’ confidential, r Certificates t _ .. „ .-oKINNfiY A Cv/.. Office Manor.lc Hall, Bull st Savannah. Ga C'lt.rs O I, IU.i TEO LOTTERIES OF DELAWARE For April, 1859. FRANCE, BROADBENTS & CO., MANAQER8. All drawings under the suiterintendence of the Stale Lottery (Jjmmijsioner. PRIZES PAID AS SOON AS DR A WN. GRAND DELAWARE LOTTERY, ON THE HAVANA PLAN. Extra Class 1, To be drawn lu Wilmington, Del., Saturday, April . 30.1869. 50,000 Numbers l 25,305 Frizes !! Prizes Paid in Full, without any Deduction. In these Lotteries every Prize la drawn. SCHEME. And 212 Approximation Prizes ranging from $20 up to $500. 25.305 Prizes, amounting to $340,000 Whole Tickets $10; lialvea $5; Quarters $2.60. MAONIFICS“'T SCHBMK: GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $70,000! Grauil Consolidated Lottery OF DELAWARE, Class I)., To bedrawn at Wllunngtmi^Del., Saturday, April 8UI1KMK. $70,000 20/00 16,000 20,000 i Prize of 1 Prize of. 4 Prizes of i 6 Frizes of. 0 Prizes of 4 Prizes of. 195 1’rlzes of 66 Prizes of 60 Prizes of. 132 Prizes of 132 Prizes of 3,960 Prizes of 26,740 Prizes of. 30 316 Prizes, amounting to.. . 20,000. . 15,000...... . 10,0001 . 10,001/ “ . 8.000 . 6,000 614 800 ....$1,202,000 Tickets$20,ftalvos$10. Quartered, Eighths $2J0. A Package of 26 Whole Tickets at $20, costa. $620 Thom are 12 drawn ballots, and ouch ballot being worth $20, makes $240 16 percent, oft', being - 36 Leaves net - 204 Leaving risk to tho purchaser $316 Do ao *5 Quarters 76 to Do do 26 Eighths 37 60 _jr All orders addressed to FiutvoB. Broap- bSMTs A Co., Wilmington, Del., will meet with irumpt attention, and tho printed official draw- " g ‘ 8 WUNoi?5iR«ftDBSNT8 ft OO., mar9 Managers. B ktlGKB^-lfeiOPO, Irtl quality Balti more paving Bricks, iandJug per Dark Cam pa- nero and for ssle by spr!3 COHENS A HERTZ. Prince Albert. IT 18 FREE FitO.U POISON. New Yori, October 1st. 1858. Mr. E. Lyon—Dear Sir: We nave analyzed aud tested Tonr Magnetic Powders and find theta pei- *" mankind and domestic aulmuls. rhen Inhaled by bugs, ants a ’ JAMES R. CHILTON, 61. D., Chemist, LAURANCH REID, Prof. Chemlsty, N. Y. Hospital. Mr. John L. Rome, Superintendent of the New York IlosplUl.says, “ he lias expelled utl the bugs, ants, roaches,moths. Ac , with Ljon’s l'owdur. aud finds It of Immense value.” Every gardener and housc-koeper must have a direct interest luan article of this kind. Reference can be made to the Astor, Bt Nicholas, and Metro politan Hotels; to Judge Meigs, President of the American Institute; James Gordon Bennett, Gen. Winfield Scott Cyrus W* Field, E. M. Pease of FI vo Points Mission, Ac , Ac. Judge Meigs says : "This discovery of Prof. Lyou Is of national Importance The Fanners’Club have tested It thoroughly. It wll destroy locusts, grasshoppers, ants, moths bugs, and all vermin. Garden plants can be pre served and houses made pure.” Arrangements are no* made through Messrs. BARNES A PARK, of New York, to ha vc It sold throughout the world. Many worthless imitations MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, &C. W finre now prepared to exhibit a Terr large assortment of LACE MANTLES, POIN18 and SHAWLS, Fllk, 811k and Lace.and Loco Mantillas, HagianB, Basques and Dusters, togeth- M U i«r ror,e ‘ y ° r ba,iicui4 ' b1lk ' Zephyr Shawls, The whole forming the largest and most compre hensive assortment of these desirable Goods over offered ln this market. REED A CARPENTER, inat ?149Congrea street. “In retiring from business, I have sold all my in sect Powders and Pills, Letters Patent, and tfc-7 at crets pertaining thereto, to Messrs. BARNES A PARK. This Powder Is a discovery made by mj - ' self, and brought from the interior of Asia, aud Is unknown to any otuer persons. Tbe genuine and effective article Is put up In tin canisters, and will continue to bear my name. " E. LYON.” Rats and Mlco cannot bo reached by u powder and ure killed by a Magnetic Pill. Order them through any merchant. ’Tla Lyon’s Powder kills Insectr In a trice. But Lyon’s Pills are mixed for rats and mice. Sample Flasks, 25 cents; regular slves, 60 cents 13 and 15 Park Row, New York* Also, THE MEXIOANMUBTANa LINIMENT. TUB I.1VBR INVIG0RAT0B I REPARED BY DR. SANFORP, Compounded entirely from Gums, T8 ONE OF TIIB BKsT I’UKPJATIVl JL AND LI V Ell MEDICINES now before the puollc first on the Liver to eject Its morbid matter, then xperlenced i istreugthi » at the same time that it purges it; a-.. when taken dally lu moderate doses, will .-.trongtl- n and build it up with uuu inal rapidity. Ivertsoneot ■ the principal reguis tors of the human bo-j^idy; aud ' Its functions fully developed. The tirely dependent on tho Liver for the per tlons; when the Liver—huvingcea- the diseases of that prletors has made It To prove that this any person troubled vlnlnt, lu any of Us bottle, and conviction T'heso Gums remove tor from the system, place a healthy How ol stomach, causing food tytna the .. blood i, to the whole machtne- of the disease—effect* Bilious nttuckn Is better* ureven- se of tho Liver lu- One dose aftor eating tbe stomach aud pre rising and souring. Only one dose taken vents Mtfhtmure. " ly oue dOBe taken bowels gently, and One dose takou after Byspepslat 46jT One dose of two ways relive * ‘ One bottle takeu for moves thocauso of the perfect cure. Only ono dose Imme- lc, while One dose, often re- for Cholera Mor* of Cholera. O/.dy one bottle ’ ■* “ ' tbe from the skin. oover falls. AST A few bottles excUUu “ We ta. medteine Aaue,Chill Fever, BlTliouaType. ** and thousands _. wonderful virtues. proven- Fever., 'ype. 1 toper- well, the powers we stomach Is almost er- the healthy action ol formauce ol Its func- ach Is ut fault, the and thn whole system of oue organ—the to do Its duty. Foi organ, one of the pro- ills study, In a practice years, to Uud some counteract tho many whit hit Is liable, remedy Is at last found, with Liver Com" forms, has but to ttys Is certain. all morbid or bad mat pplylng in thole le. Invigorating the digest well, purl- giving tone and health ry,removing thocauee ” ,1 cure. arecuren, uud, whm tou* by the occasloua vlxorntor. Is sufficient to relieve tbe food tioui before retiring, ore- each meal will tea-spoonfullo will ai llendaoho. female obstruction r» disease, and makes » dlately relieves Choi* for Jaundice re- ~ uunatuial ooUr el complaints ylei jI cures attacks cause* cures Dropsy, by PINK WHITE BRILLIANTS, only 15 A cents per yard, worth 2C cents, at REED A CARPENTER’S. A lexander kid gloves, a« usual, at REED A CARPENTER’S. New Linen Goods. 1 ft.A AND'11-4 Linen Sheeting Good Shirting Linen for 31 cents. Fino Damask Table Linen, from 37>i upwards. ToweMngs, Napkins, Doylies, Ac., at REED A CARPENTER’S. rtOUGLAS Ac SHERWOOD’S famous U Matinee Skirts, at REED A CARPENTER’S. L ADIES’ and Misses’ Extension Skirts ot all sizes, at RMEI) A CARPENTER’S. fN RENADINK, Oronudle nnd Barege VJ Robes, at REED A CARPENTER’S. Ladies will find A V E R Y large nssortment of flue French Kmbrolderlesi at REED A CARPENTER’S. Gentlemen will find A BEAUTIFUL assortment of flue Linen Docks and Drills, Marseilles Vestings, Ac., at REED A CARPENTER’S. EVERYBODY WILL FIND BUT ONE PHICE AND TERMS C-A.BX3C , At REED mar7 0 P ENI tSZhViffV’A raspecttnlljr sprig lUBroOghi Paris ttUU 141 Broughton NEIXT DOOR XO MR. I. W. M< „ Diswon. Opening Day, Thursday, ■-flUl* MAUA91B CBVi ^WBWfcroHpcctftiHy Informs t nab and vicinity that sortment of MILLINERYUOOJ Crape and Silk Bonnets, Flowers of ad descriptions DRK88-M aKING done In the lot Selling Off at Hal .t nB ’ r 1111 . 8 * Trlmuilngs Skirts. Lunen ‘-^8. Ac., Ac., Informs the ladles thal”ti? rlflce those Goods at half price, FLOWERS, &o. of ,.li« from her Irlenrt. aud the ladh* GRAND OPEN! SPRING & SUMMEI MIL LINE AT IU6 BUOlfnllTON STREET, SAVANNAH. BEST ASSORTED. MUST SELECT and dtfBtf B J n 8T i T00l l OF MILLINERY EVEr YkT OFFERED. Eugenie Bonnets, and other^or the latest, most roherche and fashionable stylet. Bonnet Ribbons and Trimmings, of any partlcu* Bha(1 ®. or pattern. A splendid assortment ef * erMn " 1 * totant To ladles In quest of ffnegoods end great bargains, at the cheapest cssh prices, this Is decidedly the ?Si?.Sy l K7ou e :S bluKm,,nt Remember tbe number. 106 BROUGHTON STREET, ronr2g Three doors Bast of Jotlbrsob. Fashionable Millinerv AND f Dress-Making Establishment. ' 174 UKOUQBTON bTIlKKT. UP STAIBB. -JBl* MISS A. F. HYDE ho.lB. ... «olo m.iiosemout of tbe Oailoee. „ d* , /»T”formerly conducted under the name el R-a a. F. Hyde, would return her thanks to her city and country customers for their very Ubeml patronage heretofore, and respectfully calls thslr attention to her large and well selected stock of blesM? 00t,JDa 01 thB and most fashions- DR^Bg-MAKING done at the shertoat notice. N. B — Orders from the country attended to promptly.j marie McLEA.N’8 STRENGTHENING CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER. ffUKgreai- ln the world — This Cordial Is dUtllled from a Berry known' only to myself, and chemically combined with some of the moBt valuable medical roots, herbs and barks kuowu to the mind of man, snch ns blood root, black ro >t, wild cherry bark, yellow dock.dandelolns ,-^*T sarsaparllla.eld-^^fiN Bffore tukin&othe'’"SJ After taking. lng the most Infallible remedy f« r the restoration of health over known. IT IS NATUUB’S OWN REMEDY. Iseases by natural laws. When taken. Its healing Jnflnenco Is felt coursing through every vein of the body, purifying and accelerating the circulation of the blood.- It neutralizes any bilious matter in the stomach, and strengthens the whole THE GEORGIA FORESTER. rw .rta'jsw a riving, dressing and Jointing macnine, pre paring wood of all descriptions (with the grain) suitable for staves, at from 4.600 to 6,000 per day. and requiring only oue man and three boys to per form the work. No steaming or any othor prepa ratory process required, save splitting the wood with the axe In the forest. No saws used either to spilt or Joint the stave. This machine con be built to suit any length of stave. vlz-Hogsbeads. Plus*. Barrels or Kegs, as may be required, and are so simple that any negro with two uays' Instruction can work the 8*7; e. The machine is now at work at Messrs. Lackllson’s, near the Canal, where tho ““ " are requested to call and examine the some. 1 of States, Territories or Counties will be sold ou fair terms. Apply to WILLIAM ROBINSON. L. , K M p J t u E OBl ?i aoo, S 1 -- „ . - , „ SaunD.h. dear,!.. „ ••• SftTjumtb ItcpuLlloan. ftuguil. Con.tlt»- ttou.ll.t, titinrleHton Meicury, »na Amorlran. and tha N. Orlauna Bnllattn till! pinna publish tho above oue luontli and ,end bltla to tbla odlce. »p8 tiiomIsJaIe&M AGENTS FOR THE American Chemical Guano COMPANY. THIS GUANO hue been fairly aid practically tested, side by side with Peruvian and other Imported Guano, by gentlemen of the high est standing, wlio have given their opinion that It Is the BEST amfrnost valuable Fertiliser brought out. A few sample boxes on hand for distribution. PI/DE CttIWn TARTAR AND Bi-Carbonate of Soda, r l QUARTER, half and aoepo-rdpit- pers, full weight, Persoas having occasion to purchase either of those artic es, mar rely upon the perfect and absolute rurity of ever package bear- lug our name and trade mark ' Manufactured at tbe Utiaiien'.d Chemical Workik New York, by E. R. DU UK l '.r: A CO, and sold by Enquire for K. K. Uurbee A Co.’s Pure Cream T< tar and Bl Carbor^te of Soda, and see that I trade-mark Is ur an etch package. aprfr-ln atos with certainly, ling to testify to ite Allwho as&l Itareglvlng their unanlmoustes mon7 ln its favor. Mix water ln tbe month tor, and swallow both together. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, an< Is dally working cures almost too great to belief.-* It cures as If by magic, even the Hist ’oae glvlug benefil, and suKtom more «no L ottlo lb requir ed to cure any kind of LtYer Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Head ache. all of which are tbe result of a DISEASED LI V ICR. Prico One Dollar per Bottle. DR. SANFORD. Proprietor, 345 Broadway, New Yora. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also by A. A. «Oly*WONR A 00„ 8.1) UKANTLKY, J. U. MUUttK ft uU. Savannah, apri3 -lydAw OINK suismors.-A ceod naeoriment I? of Lanes' fine Scissors; also, Usui’s Pocket Scissor4, Pocket Knives, Ac , for sale by apr!6 SAMUEL PALMER A SON. er Complaints, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all Diseases aristae from a Dlsor- „ ., dered Liver or Stomach. Heartburn. Inward Piles Acidity of the Stomach. Fullness of Blood to the Head. Dull Pain or Swim ming In the Head. Palpitation of the Heart, Full- ness or Weight ln the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Choking or Suffocating Feelings when lying down. Dryness or Yellowness ot the 8kln and Eyes, Night Sweats, Inward Fevers, Pain In the Small of the Back. Chest or Side, Sudden flashes of htat. De pression of Spirits, b rightful Dreams, Languor. De spondency or any Nervous Diseases. Sores or Blotches on the Skin, aud Fever and Ague (or Chills and Fever.) It will also ture diseases of the Blad der and W omb, such as Seminal Weakness. Incon tinence of Urine, Strangu ary Inflammation or Weakness of the Womb or Bladder. Whites, Ac. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. This Cordial will never fall to cure ony of the above diseases, If taken as por directions on each bottle, ln German, English and French. OVER HALF A MILLION OF BOTTLES Have been sold during the past six months, and In no Instance bas It tailed In giving entire satisfac tion. Who, then, will suffer from weakness or de bility wb8n McLean*. Strengthlog Cordial will cure yon r TO THE LADIES. Do you wish to be healthy aid strong ? Then go and get some of McLean’s Cordial. It will strength en and Invigorate you, causing your blood to flow through every vein, and the rich rosy b 00m of health to mount to youT cheek again. Every bot tle warranted to give satisfaction. FOR CHILDREN. We say to parents, If your children are sickly, puny or afflicted with complaints prevalent among chfidron. give them a small quantity of McLean’s Cordial,and it will make them healthy, fat and ro* bp at-Delay not a moment; try it and be convinced. It Is deltclou* to take, j,. EVERY COUNTRY MERCHANT Should not leave the city until he bad procured a supply of McLeau’s Strengthening Cordial. It sells A »beraldiscount will be made to those who boy to sell agalu. Ask for McLean’s Strengthening Cordlal.and take fv°rol n #th K»°®* y remedy that will puri fy the blood thoroughly, and at the same time strengthen the system. One table spoonful every morning Is a certain p eventlveforOholeia, Chills and Fever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent disease. Price only $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $6. Q1 J.H. McLEAN. 4.. *. , B® 1 ? Proprietor of tbe Cordial, McLean’s Volcanic Oil LlnlmenL tOT Principal depot on the corner of Third and Pine streets, St. Louis, Mo. McLean** Volcanic Oil Liniment* The best Liniment Id the world for man or beast Rheumatism, neura!gta,para!ysls,bruises,spra!ne stiffness In the Joints or mnseles. swellings, sore throat, earache or toothache, wounds, fresh cuts, sores, burns, scalds, pains, Ao.. yield to the 'mag ic” Influence of this wonderful Liniment. For Horses and Cattle. It Is an infallible remedy for chafes. k»Us, scratches, cracked heels.lamer.ess. spavin, aweeny, splint, fistula, bruises, swellings! wounds, rattle snake bites, and various other dU- eosos which animal* are liable to from injuries or accidents. sSaiasaisssa. buy to e «ell < 8ga?)? UL W!l1 b ® to merchants who For sale by J. H. MpLEAN, proprietor, cor- forV.le™ * nd PlM ihfeil flprlg-lTdfty BERNARD STAMM’S HAIR-CUTTING &SH1VING SALOON, Opposite the Pulaaki House, fronting on Johnson Square- »Torfe«ce t .'l„‘iff n ,n r„3 , S; i 2' nt ' C “ , “ “ ““ PKRFUMESantl UAJR DYE. with ail Other arti cles In my line of business, on hand aud for sale at reasonable terms. Jan24—tf * CAREY’S Daguerreotypes, Photographs and AMBROTYPES, B R ° U OH T ON ST H EET. P M. GARY would respectfully give • notlcu1 that his operating hours are from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. AMBROTYPES FOR 50 GENTS. Photograph* of all sizes executed at the shortest I notice. dec3! GASH BUSINESS. it D.vlJ O’Connor., ami .tio Marah.II Uotiso, wlier, hewlll.U.ncI to maklos OKNTLKMEN’8 OA»- MENTS lu tho best and latest style, at prices to suit all who will patronize him. UNIFORMS of all kinds which are made ln the State will also be at tended to and by tho latest regulations. Garments made elsewhere, that do not fit the gentlemen, will 1 also be attended to. . • ' Doe* Henairing, and at the shortest notice. A suit or Glothes made In fourteen hoars. Cutting for men and boys paid for on delivery. 1*. S.—Tor*— -**- ^ conversant with catting gentlemen’s can be taught in live (6) lessons. No compensa tion requreduntil the student Is satisfied that! have given him entire satisfaction. ■ t7-ly M. CAREY. Agent. ^^fi|KA8Y SHOES FOR THE FEET* Received this day per Alabama, a fine lot of Gents’ Cloth, Lasting and Glove Leather E. K. DURKEE’S Yeast or Baking Powder I S the (IheapsNti Beat aid Beultfcleaft P, , e 8skes,°Pa8try. Ao*** f " **"*** ® rWM1, ' it pays for itself In the saving af Milk. Eggs, Shortening, Spoiled good^Yaait trou ^- B * u< ^ exponae of pro^rlog This article has, by Its steady and con ly Increasing demand since Its Introdnetloi years ago, proven lteelf to be an tadispWfcl clo In th4 kitchen of every household. It 1 best, most convenient and economical artier world for making light, sweet and healthy cakes of all kinds, pastry, puddings. Ac., v fermentation. K. R. DU iuUlT\ i anr6— lm 18|; Pearl street, NEW AND FASHION) mum GOODS! llshad stand, corner Bryan a LADIES ^ . jtanras WQBS r 50«ce to Mariners. CHRONOMETERS RATED BY TRANSIT. Particular attantlou paid to repairing Wa ftadJewelry. I mar 11J OKO. WILLfliaT STEAM BRASS GOOI H AYDEN, Sanders Sc Co., tnrers. Steam Whistle*; Tallow Oil Cups; Gong Bells; Gauge Cocks; G!ohe Oil Cups; Air C * Globe Valves: Steam Globe Check Valvea; Double Flange C A LK-~A’ Just receive^ or ft