Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 21, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. Xlt. gtaUvIM wiring |$eMW BY THEODORE BLOjS. H. T. THOMPSON, - - EQ1T0H, i L MQKST~1>AIT.Y OIROVT.ATWR IX THK STATE »!’ (WORMA. Dilily Morn ins; Mew*, $0 per annum, in advanee, Tri-Weekly Morning Mews, [FOR THE COUNTRY,] Published every Monday, Wcdneeday and Friday, at $4 per annum, always in advance. Weekly Hews, Published every Hat unlay, at $2 per annum, always In advance. The LARGE CIRCULATION of the “Mouniho N kwb”—In both city and country, and especially in I irtinilios ITS l)Ail,Y CIRCULATION BEINO 1. VHOEtt THAN riiA-p op any other papcu in Tun State—rendon* it Hit* best possible medium for all those who wish to make their business and wants known to the public in n way which will insure th* inoat prompt and pro- iKnble teturna. MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1801. Later from Europe. ARRIVAL oFtHE ASIA- New York, Jiiu. 19.—The steamship Asia, | wiilt,Liverpool dates to the 15th Inst.; arrived nre to-night. Commercial Newa. Liverpool Cotton Market — Saturday.— | Sales of Cotton to-day 8,000 bales. The market closed steady. Liverpool General Markets.— Breadstuff's steady. Provisions dull. London Mon nr Market,—Consols were j quoted ut 92X@93?fi for account. Additional by the Asia. State op Trade.—Manchester advices were | favorable. There was hut little enquiry and prices were weak. Havre Cotton Market.—New Orleans Ties Urdinalre quoted at 100f.; lias 95f. The sales of lie week were 0,000 hales. Stock 118,000 bales, fho market closed declining. Liverpool General* Markets.—Wakefield, Nash & Co. quote Flour steady. Wheat quiet. Corn dull, declined Od. Richardson, Spence <fc Uo. quote Flour advanced Od. Beef heavy.— j Pork dull. Bacon dull; holders pressing on th I market. Rosin dull; all slightly declined. Splr* Ilia of Turpentine dull. Sugar quiet. Rice firm. , Coffee quiet. ! The Bullion In the Bank of England decreased lone hundred and forty-live thousand pouuds I sterling. The money market was unchanged, but con- |tinged nctlva It was reported that the British Government d sent u strong note to France against the i nch occupation of Syria, flic ship Ohio, from New Orleans%>ouud to ■Liverpool, was spoken on the 10th, damaged and ■part of her cargo overbonrd. The ship Sarqtoya, •om Mobile, arrived at BrQokhaven. She had ost all her sails. From Milledgoville. Mii.ledoevii.le, Jan. 20.—The Governor eom- Jmunicated yesterday to the ^Convention the Itlireatenlnu resolutions which were adopted by ew York Legislature on the llth inst., •ending ■whlrtl'/ MP. Toombs ottered the (billowing: Resolved unanimously, A3 u response to the •solutions of New York, that this Convention (highly approve the energetic and patriotic eon- act of the Governor of Georgia, in taking pos isbIod of Fort Pulaski by Georgia troops, and (that we request him to hold possession of the same until the relations of Georgia with the ''ederal Government be determined by this Con dition. The resolution was adopted unanimously,-qnd copy ordered to be. transmuted to the Gover- u.r of New Y orlc. Alabama Legislature. Montgomery, Jan. 19.—House.—The House m^ed a bill to provide against the invasion of (he State by sea pilots, bringing foreign vessels » Mobile, liable to u fincuud imprisonment in lie Penitentiary, aud authorizing the cominan- of Fort Morgan to destroy the .beacons and marks nt his discretion, and to contract for construction of a telegraph line to Point pitar, in order to have a more speedy eommuni- lutioii with Fort Morgan. It is understood that Blooper, of the jl/ai7, will he the candidate lor pi' ik of the Southern Congress, and will be Vuinly supported by the secessionists. Kentucky News. .oiMsyiLLB u .Tnn,19. — Gov. Magoffin, of Ken- 1'V, disapproves^ of Carolina’s course, i will stand by "tie*'Constitutional rights of tfouth against anti-slavery rule. He rocom- uds a convent ion of the border States at BaUi- »rc; and asks the passage of anti-coercion, (solutions and nn appropriation to arm the State; Later from Havana. Nnu Orleans, Dec. 19th.—The steamship /ai'ana has arrived from Havana, with dates to he 15th of January. Business was dull', and suspensions uumerous. ugars were ’unchanged. The new crop was rapidly coming In. Pork was scarce. Washington News. Washington, Jan. 18.—-Itis confidentially be' (loved that the Republicans in the Sennte do not Intend, under reconsideration of Crittenden’s propositions, to vote otherwise than before-* They will again reject them. Their determined policy now, it is said, will bo npt to ykld their » ty position, ’ \ I ech!f5fy^edt.w«ir confirmed to-day os Secre- P"* 0f Wnr * h y a of Mrty-elght to thirteen. Wawwwi., S3 19.—S„inner’* resolution t uforull J tlf>n relative to correepondeor. wU ■unctions In the secedimr smV.! . Federal , Thn l- “’ u ordered to bo printed “ nd a, “* I he House adjourned until Monday. Treasury Loan. ’’Abhiuoton Jan ui_ti .. [“"lien loan were opened t,i ‘ l8 for H>u five l^^ 'nmierce, at New York bid ,he llank of ^T hol e amount, besides d lor "."words of tbe I'J for four millions at eleven * ° f Co,llu >erce 1"“ f ° r l *° and-a-half mllHons nt! C ' UL interest ’ t 1,18 M* were C££&T* nl - A ' B «r,j*^ 9 Y "“W‘ , Ut«re. ’’dations reported repr, 0U U'ngtho right of secession 8 ? Molulio *>: ile- r‘l StSte will exert her s r ’ T, eipressing at th "f lh 10 maintain the tr T r ’T-rrytr: ^v*;' I They are wining to meet th ' ,ith ho11 ' | ! »ncnUtory manner,“nd * ' ‘ l8ter “mblanu. Aflcr th “ J ' m ,° vc causes ■ Convention. bs?-*5£Bfcafci Pktbiubuiio ^ows. fFS r «=x:S:«| New Orleans Newt. New Orleans, Jan. 19.—Two-thirds of thi delegates to the State convention are secession^ lets. The commander of the Florida forces tel egraphs-to the Mayor of New Orleans for tw< thousand men to take Fort Pickens. The Mexican Prise Steamers Sold. New Orleans, Jan. 20.—The Mexican prise' steamers General Miranxon and Marquez dr la Ha vana, wore sold this morning to parties In Ha vana. The former brought $12,500; the latter 120,000. Markets * Moiiii.e, Jan. 17.—Bales of Cotton to day 3,- 500 hales; Middlings at 10){@l0$£c. The turn was in favor of buyers. New York, Jan. 18 —Sales of Cotton to day 51.500 bales; Middling Uplands 12(a)12>6 cents. The market w^s declining. Flour -sales of 10.500 barrels. Wheat* quiet—sales of 15,500 bushels; Rcdattl 35@l 30; White al*l 50.— Corn firm—sales 42,000 bushels; Mixed nt 70(& 7Le.*; New White nt 75c. Spirits of Turpentine steady ut 85@37e. Rosin heavy 20(&1 25. Rice steady. Moiiilb, Jan. 18.—8ali» of cotton to-day 3,500 bales; Middlings UU£@10%c. ’Sales of the week 17,700 hales. Receipts of the week 32,500, against 35,910 bales same time Iftst year. De crease at this port 101,195 balos. Exports of the week 20,290 bales. Stock on hand 00,700 bales. Freights %d@%d.; to Havre 2 francs. Sterling* Exchange 1O0^@19T>. Exchange ou New York P ur c<J ut discount. New’ Orleans, Jan. 18.—Sales of cotton to day 16,000 bales: Middlings nt 10^@llo. The market was declining. Sales of the week 52,500 bales. Receipts of thp week 89,000 against 72,000 bales. Decrease ut this port 199,000 bales; aU ports 580,000 bales. Exports of the week 80,500 hales ; total exports 885,500 hales. Stock 336,000 bales. Sterliug Exchange 2)l@%’. Exchange ou New York K(a)l per cent, discount. Freights Moiiii.e, Jan. 20.—Sales of cotton yeslerduy 2,000 bales; Middlings Market dull. New Orleans, Jiiu. 20.--Sales of coltou yes terday 8,500 halts; Middlings I0%@ll)*c.— Freights on cotton to Havre 1-16. - Tns Secession of Georgia.—The despatch I announcing the passage of the Ordinance of Se-1 cession, was received here Saturday aftci'noon I about*5 o’clock. 1 mmediately after the reception | of the news a salute of one hdndred guns fired by a dctuchiuent of the Chatham Artillery. I Tip* guns of the Artillery being In use at I the fort, tie salute was fired with Mr. WiL-l liam Hone’s “Baby Waker,” but the late-1 ness of the hour prevented nuy exteusivc demon-1 strallou being made. The Savannah Brass I hnwl, 1 Hubert Lour leader, composed of colofed I men, serenaded the {Jnyor, Col. Lawton, and I several other citizens. Several public and pri vate buildings were illuminated. Raising of the Georgia Flag at Fort Pu laski.—Yesterday morning, after divine service | at Fort Pulaski, the commissioned officers of the j several companies garrisoned there, under the orders of Col. A. R. Lawton, raised the Georgia flag, an:l fired fifteen guns for the fifteen South ern States. % -Coroner’s Inquest.—Coroner Eden,on Satur-1 day afternoon last, held an Inquest'on the body [ of John Barree, a lad about nine years of age; I who was accidentally drowned'ill the Canal, iieiirj the fower lock. Verdict of Jury in accordance! With these facts. Movement of Steamships.—The steamship Jt. It. Cuyler, Capt. Chockkh, from New York, arrived below Friday, and reached the city Sat-1 urday morning last, having been detained by I heavy fog. Purser Pkahk will accept our thunks | for many favors. -.The steamship JAttomac, Capt. Watson, Iroin I Baltimore, arrived ut. her whurl Saturday after. I noon. The steamships Anyustfl, Capt. Wooriiull, I Mnntyomerj/, Capt. Berry, aud Keystone State, | (!ai*t. Mahshman, sailed for New York on Sat urday. 2*TT ho uteuuiship Florida, Capt. Crowell, from New, York arrived at her wharf yesterday morning. For favors wo are indebted to Purser Hempstead. Dispatch.—The steamship Matilyomei'y, Capt. Berry, from Nefv »York f arrived at her wharX ( Friday afternoon last, discharged her iuward car go and took In 7510 hales cotton, 401 casks rice, and sailed ut 10 o'clock Saturday, working only ten Upiirs. This is what we cull quick dispatch. Committed.—James Kennedy, charged with I involuntary manslaughter in the commission of 1 a lawful act, had a hearing Friday afternoon last [ before Justices Felt, Hubsei.l and Connell. I He was committed for trial at the present term of the Superior Court. t Burning of the Steamship William Jenkins. Yesterday morning, about 1 o’clock, the alarm I of fire was given, and it was soou known that ] the steamship William Jenkins, Capt. Hali.kTT, j lying at Carleton’s wharf, near the gas honso, I was on fire. She was Immediately cut loose [ from the wharf and moored on the other side of I the l iver. The Jenkins arrived iu our port, lYorn j Boston via Baltimore, on Friday afternoon last, l with a full cargo. At the time of her catching t fire she hail but a portion of her cargo discharg ed. The Jenkins was u side.wheel steamer, of I about 1,000 tons, and owned in Baltimore by .Messrs. Jenkins & De” Ford, previous to her! trip from Bostou to this port, she came out of I the dry dock at Wilmington, having had sortie J $30,000 worth of repairs done. She was worth- about $50,000, apd will prove a total loss. Tbe'| origin of the fire, we learn, was accidental.