Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 30, 1861, Image 2

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From Washtngtsn Rioomobd, Doc. SiD.—BdUtaioni p»p»r» of llie 87ih report that large Ooiernraent stables In Washington wero burnt OB the 96th, destroying two Uundfcd horse*, * large 1°‘ of barnon, forage, &e. Hate, of New Hampahlre, made a powerful war speech lit the Senate on the 97th, proteating otralnat the. United Bute* homillatlnK Itself before the haughty Inaolence of England.. jit la reported that the Privateer Sumter la on the coa«t of Brasil, deatroylng United States shipping 1 . Geu. ifdtt had not reached Washington on the ffftb. It la rumored that his return waa cause l by Important Information which he desired personally to communicate to the Ltncolu Gov ernment. Eats Northern Metre. Meat ruts, Dec. 24 —The Cincinnati Vnmmtr- cial contains later news from Washington. A •pedal dispatch, dated Washington, Dec. 24th, aaye prlsatc letters received from England hull esilo that the people are insane with wrath against America. Even the lowest classes of so ciety bound the government to tight the United States. Lord Lyons bad postponed his official commu nication, at the request or Seward, whose advi ces from England were hot Jo lute as those of Lord Lyons. The feeling between Bewerd and Lord Lyous 1* aald to he friendly. The British government are about sending non-commissioned officers to Canada to drill the militia. The London Time* says Webb, the U. S. Min later to Brazil, had demanded that the Governor of Maratau ahonld be superseded by the lira- SlUau government for allowing coal nud othei supplies to the Confederate steamer Sumter. It was rumored in New York on the 24th that Mason and Slidell were to he restored, and sent to England in the iluropa, which was to sail the next day. l’bo New York A’/jwesi, of the 24th, euys It was rumored that an Interview bud taken plu between Lord Lyons and Seward, lit whleh ihu latter road a letter toll. S. Mlulsler Adums, writ ten ten days ago. In which ho said the United 8,arcs would give up the prisoners if It was de umnded, on the ground of the espture having been Illegal and contrary to the la* of nations It was believed among Englishmen lu New York that the Queen would abdicate on account ,pf the death of Prince Albert. From the Weit. A dispatch from Jeffersonville, dated Dec. 84tb, says Price’s army retreated from Osceola on the lHth. At luteal accounts Price was at Uermuuaville, hurrying south. A letter lro.-n Cairo to the Cluclnnall Comm tr ibal says the rebels have sunk In the channel at Columbus scows and wharf-boats loaded with rocks, and bave chain cables across the river. They also have sub-marine batteries placed lu the deepest part of the river, lu he lived by gal vanic batteries. There was a trial of the gunboats at Mound City on Suiurdny. At a dlstunce of five huudred and sixty-two yards two halls took effect, mak ing a slight Indentation and starting the rivets, but did not splinter the wund behind the lruu plating. _ fcmieaifl» /if a pam^<tn.>«u * New Obusans, Dec. 29.—Last night the pow der mill opposite the city exploded. The guard had Inspected the works half an hour previous, and the destruction of the mill must haveJieen the work of an Incendiary. AH the powder, ex cept one thousand pounds, was removed yester day. Thu Saltpetre and brimstone was In an other building, null was saved. Auother mill wilt go into operation In a few days. Thu loss by ihu uxploslon is small, and will not affect the government. Capture of a Yankee Schooner. Richmond, Dec. 29th.—A schooner from New Jersey, hound for Daytou, Massachusetts, went ashore near Norfolk Saturday night, and was captured by ihu Confudurnlua. Shu bad 140 tons coal on board. Thu captain and crow have bcuu lulled. Fatal Duel. Richmond, Deo. 2lkb.—A duel occurred on Iba Peninsula, Tuesday last, betweeu Lieut. Jones, of the 6th Louisiana Regiment, and Dr. Forward, a Sutler In the same renlmunt. The weapons used were rifles, at forty paces. Both were killed at the first fire. Their bodies bitvo arrived here! en route to Louisiana. yar* At the annual meetlug of the members of the Savannah Female Asylum the following namcdT ladles were elected a Board of Direc tresses : .Mrs. Andxrson, 1st Directress. Mrs. Champion, 2d Directress. Miss Bahhon, Treasurer. Mrs. S. CoUXN, Secretary. MAKAOEKB. correspondent, under date the 4th, speaks of seeing a - cab, on Oxford street, with the 8 .. „ - x federate flags crossed on a pAnel, and Utile se cession flags for sale on the street. -At the Adulphl Theatre, controlled by Dum Uourcl- catili, where the Oocoromi was playing, the Stars and Stripes, which had flooded there, were wrapped round the staff, and the Stars and Burs displayed. Tbo Tories were urglug on the pop ular teellng lu the hope of getting power,, and the Wblga were striving to outdo them lu order to relhln 4- The London Times, at first.Udnhlfnl as to opr right, having changed front alter It had learuyd the opinion of the law officers ol the Crown, journals, large nud small, except two dr three Irish ones, rivalled each other In fierce autl-Atoe- rlcan articles. use . _ 'Olvlog. If hlle scroll stretch scrols I the son. In grateful eekt- -^ Uu had atreugtbune® u» against. M * m *0eua vim diii*—"‘God glvelb atr* better. I huvo mndts the rwn»lna« bright preen, wKb a scarlW baoil 'field and around tb6 border* Tlu - blue hills, and green field*, khlch ^ strikingly mark our Southern! “ " ed."—Richmond ~ (Special Washington Dispatch to thaN. Y. Herald 1 TUB MASON AND SLIDKIX AFEAIM An absurd rumor, clreolaietl to-dsy that the government lust evening decided to surren der Mason and Slidell, is without any found ition wuatever. Up to eleven-o’clock lust night Lord Lyons had rnude no communication from his Government to the President or Secretary of State relative to the aeUure of the traitors, Ma son and Slidell. The French Minister gave a dinner this even ing. The British, Spanish, Ru«slau and other ministers were present. In conversation the tables were rather turned upon the French Min ister that he had received no Instructions from his Government on the Muson and Slidell affair, since France hns remained as the chosen ally of England. This was pleasantly done, but the French Mlulsler did uot. relish the Joke. . The President has Imporumt privato letters, that will have great weight In the Humming up of ibis tralioroua' Imbroglio. Senate'- Sumner, chairman of the committee on Finance, Inter rupted the proceedings of the Senate to-day by moving that the body go Into executive session to consider Important, business communicated by special messenger of the Piesldent. The motion prevailed. The message contained high ly Important documents concerning our foreign relations, hut having no reference to the Mason and Slidell affair. It concerns the tripartite ex pedition to the Gull, which Is after all ol more Importance lo this Government than anything now agitating the public mind In this country. The messnge was .ordered to bo printed. The M >son and Slidell affair la only employed by the British Government as u pretext while they em ploy their forces in another direction to destroy our power and strengthen their own. Opinion* of the Leading FrenoU Journal* on the Maion- 3Udt.il Affair. ■.From the Opinion Natlonute.J II the French flag bad received such an Insult, the whole country would bave risen us one limn to demand striking satisfaction. [From the Paris l’atrle.l Under any circumstances, ihu British Govern ment cannot dispense with exacting ns a repara lion the dlsmlnsitl of the officers of the 3au Ja clnto, the liberation of tb» passengers taken from the Trent, lind Indemnity for them. [From tho Paris Payr.J On all oecuslous ibis England, so proud, so haughty,before the constitutional powers, trem bles anil becomes small before her trausuilaullc brethren. There Is no sort of Insult which the Federal Government has not inflicted on her, and ye.t these ldsults have always been accepted by her with perfect resignation. This conduct has exulted the pride of the Cabi net at Washington, which has come lo belluvc that It eat. dare everything. But the United States arc mistaken. If England has undergone so much humiliation, It was because she dread ed a war which would close the American ports against the exportation of cotton; it wus because Bhu feared the disturbances and Interior revolu tions whleh would be the fatal consequences of a prolonged stoppage of her manufactories; It was because she feared the ruin of her com merce. But uow tbo question has chauged Its fuep. The North has nothing more to give, hut on the cmt-j , -mar or Toft.,,*A. -e wtltc Smith that possesses cotton; It Is the South that will have the right of ulc.ui.lrig conditions to England; and the United 8taies will do well to correct their error if they can believe, for one moment, that their military force .tnd navul power could frighten Europe. In outraging the British flag the Federalists bave perhaps not reflected on this—that the ma terial interests of England Impel her to an ul- llance with the Confederate States. l»o 9„J.O. 'requested to attend the send annual meeting of this DoogeTHIs KVKNWO.d* 4k o'clock, as business of importan.u will be transacted, A full attendance is dMired.' D B. aOH«N, N. G. Cass, W. Wwt, Bectstaty- ; decfipL-lt KC5TI.. Thar d«U«ge Hospital, lure $4 tbo Faculty of WlW^blMu fbrttwf rftcsptiott of sick soldiers, and (he Oolone'B of Regi ments ale in vited to seed their sink, particularly those affitdod with pneumonia, catarrhal affeclona ,R. & BANKING CO. OP f>A avannah, Decemberlitb, l*)i. ' Kleotlon for nine - (etors of this Company, to selva, vfll be held at the Banking Ho MONDAY. January nth, pro* i the hours of JO A. M. and 1 >>, M , GEO. A, CUTLER,; deed—td _Ca»hl»i FARMERS' AND .MECHANICS’ HARkTI Savannah, Dee. ssili, i«ui 1 ips. XII £1 Annual F.leotii JS> foi Fiv« Directors will he-bald stl backing house, on TUESDAY,- Hist December,] twficn the hours of 10'A M. And 12 o'clock M <tjec25—-td JVC. GAtTDRY. Oaste The friends and acqiiufntattpM of Mr. sod Mrs F. J. Tubln, mid of Mrs.KpULEY, ars respectfnUi' In vited to attsnd- the funeral of the latur, from her residence on ths eornsr of Oharllon and Jefferson streets, THIN AFTERNOON. »t 3 o’block. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE, *e.~D»s M, IS61-- Pcr Central ltaliroad—144 sacks corn, i can pins 1 imbor, 4S horses, u boxes Xuapsacka,SI bnndls, taws, It lids snvar. 40 bsrrsls BMatoe*, 54 Mils beef,10 M»ls bter, KtS sks wheat, III- sks oats,d rolls leather,® bars iron, a boxes tobacco. 27 package# mdse. To R R Young, W Reinsbaft, H * WRIlnk.BJ Smith, Dnn- can a- Johnson, JP Hall, G Gemundea, W J Williford, liurknsr, J W Gant, A Minis. Boston * Villalonga, Luff burrow St T.metons, ft Falrliauks, H P Ooddard. Per Charleston and Savannah Railroad—To Aiteut (! R K, K L Neldihiger; Mra 11 Gowdy, A A Solomons, Gilliland A Co, W U Lawton..! Humphries A Co, R K Jones. Richardson A Martin, A F Bennett, Bohn A Fob cr, J II Moore, Capt Cuyler. la awprtpared for pa- Precinct TO THE VOTERS OJP CHATHAM COUNTY.-*-IOma caudldata for ra-electlon to the office of Ootoosr ofChatham county In January next, and humbly'eolielt ytmr suf frages, tfleatao—Bfj THOS. EDEN deck* J TATK OF GBOBfili, CHATHAM COUNTY.—1 o ail whom It may ooncorn: Where as, Joseph George will apply at the Cliurt or Ordinary -for Letter* of Dismission as Administrator it bon Is non on the Estate of uphella L Abbott, late of said COHOtTr dBCCMtid. - , ,v * ,1, Tbw»e txrv, therofoie.t j cite and atimonlBb all whom K may concern to be and a^ynar bulofc me aald Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before tho l«t Monday In July next, otherwise said let ter! will be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne, Keq., Ordinary for notice:. O N and after the 1st January, lafl-2, onr liuelness will be conducted tnmuy on the dY8 TKM. All,peri#on* ludebted to u« by note or open account aro requested to settle the imine at their ear licet convenience. 1 he nocoeetty which compels. n* to adopt this system will readily euggeet itself to our frlenda. -V Uuao—tf MBVITT, JUATHRQP A HOOKR8. In tlie bftrtet Court or tho «onf«Ae rate tttatci of America^ for tho South ern Dlitr&ct of Georgia* At GifAttumtft. Dct.,16,1W11. /\UD£UEOi That the third regular Term of the VF District Oonrt of the Confederate Statee of Amorh Jt for the Southern District of Georgia, be held UHldcIty; of which all persons lutcroeted will Uke due notice. , V .7T And ;t is farther ordered, that a copy of this order be publiebed by the Clerk of eald Court twice a week In each of tho public newspaper* of tho cltv of Savan nah, and once a week in each of the public newtpaper# of the city of Macon, uutll the sitting of tbo Court, as above directed (Signed.) KDWARD J. HARDEN, District Judge. A true extract from the minuted, bavuunuh, Oct. 16th, im, CHARLhd B. HENRY, r.lerk DUt. Court tionfed. States for the Southern District of Goorgla. ***Macon pnpera copy as directed. octttK-wAm td In the Dlotrftot Court of the Confederate State* of America? for the Southern Dial riot of Georgia* At CmAMtiEiiH, lfHh December, O RDRRKD. That the fourth regular term of thr> District f?ourt of the Confederate State* ol AiuMc i, for the Southern District of Georgia, be held in Lhe city-ot Savannah, and the District afore sftfd, on tho second Tuesday, being the eleventh day of 'sbrntry next 1MU2. at ten o’clock In the forenoon ot that day, and in the Court Room of the Confeder ate stuten in sain city, or which all psrsou* inteivstod will take duo uotlce. And it is fartlur ordered that a copy of this order bo forthwith published by the Clerk of said Court In each oi the pub ic newspaper* of t>e cities of Savan nah, AuuUdta and Macon, once a week tor,two weeks. EDWARD J. HARDKN, District Judge. A true extract from the minutes, Savannah, Do- cumber 10th, Uhl. cllARLKg g JlKNRV| Clerk. fcSr’ Macon and Augusta paper* will pieaae copy. Uce20—lawSw - ASSISTANT KS*. .JOBKf’STODDARD ii.'tMBm. mvix:»« M' AH QaptuRts command-, _ leg Motttteff Oompulsa muot Usreafter make rsqulslttuu* fur forage errUals office on the Orel day of each month, nud no bills tor forags; contracted by them wtH hereatter hepatd by me. HERMANN HIRSCH. decM—41 ' Q*pt. aud A Q M S2o v X eiecr.ions Notice. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, f Boivahnah, Dee. «Sd, 4Wt. ( All Outstsuding Ao- . .-oents egalust this ofttce meal be ren dered previous to the SI st bast HERMANN HIRBf'H, dec»l—Id <’apt- and A. Q. M, WANTED, WO good colored servants. At once, accustomed JL to hotel duties. Apply to the decjO—tt, __ M A HA HA LLltUU Mli._ SUGAR | AA HlIDfi. New Orleans Buuar, assort ed qualities. For sole cheap for cash, <U*c80~»i ELLIOTT, FKAUlN A i.O. Molasses. S IXTY barrels New Orleans Molasses, for sale by dec90—l H. M. LAFFITEAU_ U NlFOHlfl and Drees of the Army of the Con federate btatoa. Received by decOO JOHN M. COORRR A CO. xq tuiu vcntBS ov QUaTHAM COUNTY.-I atu a caudldata for County Hheriffi at the election to be held lu Jauu ary next, and r**pect folly solicit your support. - ' * T.iji&ft BEN J. L. CODE. Bavannah, Oct. 7, itMl. oc7* if)!, Notice. ^,^etkl j/jakembiy of , have enacted "that all v twvlca from this Without Sefurcnco u. . IdaorviceOfttc time- of imrptraoa.'V And whereas,! SbSS5v.„ the county, inay Uga'ly vote wherever rration,;, i der tho *up«ointcuclyn?e: ofiwo t»»nmtsB>ou< d q ettrs Of tbipost'* It U cOhelucud cud ordend \ the Court, that an elettlbn* b* held at Fort Pulaak Fort .Jackson, Green lalaudvStornaway UUi-cl, Tnu,, dcrbolt, Coffee »l»ff, Wilmington laiand, CherokeJ am. Camp Wftfbn, ttio o 1 Hoon, South Newport, t Liberty county, 6t. BVinOft's If4And, ffi^Qlyuu coimtrl and at UoneBiwPtriUt,lu.BryaO'dbtnity, for a ( lmkor tlto Hupsrlnr and Inferior uo«rti», fbr a fiber)Q’, for « Tax Collector and JttqceJver* «*"*“■ County Surveyor, and for a Con ty, lu tht HtateoV 4 , urn. k of ChaUiao coi | i*T0Hher orders bo held r ... gta'T That tho elwtlon at each nf said tbe fluperintwhdvncoor the c tneikHkiuod <.1Ui the company or companies atai,foned at oaub of ‘ T» b*oMW po^tn: the pojfi s opeued M i I^jis» TO THK VOTERS OJ' CHATHAM COUNTY. In cousequsni-e the nltl.wof Ta* Itscstver un.l Collect,>r of Chut ham county helng ooasoli(lRte«l, l r.-spcctlully offer myself as dCariditlste for the above, and reelect lolly solicit the suffrages of my friends, at lhe oletilun In Jaiinary next. Reapsulully, nov2l—tf A! F. BENNK'1-T. Mis. Jackson, Mrs. Forier, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs, Lamar, Mrs. 0. Greene, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Baasluger, Mrs. rutlbnck, Miss Cohen. muster Holt Qf tht foultnln Rifia oj Chatham County, Co. B.\ 6th Neyiintnt, Uairison’ii firtyade, Georgia Mate Tteopt Captain—W. W. H. Bahti.iy. First Lieutenant—John VY. Kuhn.* Secoud Lieutenant—John F. Hbiiu. Third Lieutenant—F. A. Kxdet. First Sergeant—N. E. Fry. Second Sergeant—Ed’.vahD MlLl.Kli. Third Sergeant—John Lkonauuy Fourth Sergeunt . First Corporal—Gxo. Ulmek. Second Corporal—.1 osbvu O. Davis. Third-Corporal—M. E. Zetler. Fourth Corporal—D. K. Doikilas. W. R. Bastlau. L.E.lieldl. W. Bojd. J. J. Hodges. G. B. Bevill. Joseph Helmy. J. Beverigo. George Keeler D. Beverlge. W. M. Ku lei . D. II. Carter. C. E. Long. T. Crosby. Stephen MttXJRell. K. Crosby. John J. Morgan J.C. Zlpprer. II. McBride. Geo. O. Jeukius. T. Myddleton. A. F. Love. E. Stanccll J. Love. D. IL MeClaoe. A. Love. W. Music. S. Crosby. W. Nlvper. Francis Cole. Geo. W.Oullen. Joseph J. Cooper. W. R. Roberts. M. Dotson. T. C. Rlckerson. S. Dotson. M. RickersOfu E. Daniels. A. Rlckerson. -A. Davie. W. F. Smith. And. Davis. R. E. Sanders. H. Kdmous. B. F. XVIgglnton. T. F. Edmondson. A. Wall. Joel C. Griffis. M. White. ,>V. Griffis. v ;r. Wright. W. GlIliard. W. Wright.. C, F. Herb. *Eioetcdln ploce^MtdjulanlQ. ,C. Myers. A Yankee’s Notion or NatwnaL Honor.- The Washington e.-rrcspondenl of the New York Tribune says: “Should a sufficient ronMiie- ration lor the surrender ot Mason and Slidell be ollered, it may he in. Arkansas Inti tlltluual persons arrl 44;b, Who had been i nor.—Seventy-seven ad at Little Rook on tho id lu Searcy county, gang of conspirators 1 and broken up In Vau Bureu county a short time Ago. The Jour nal auuee that the foul conspiracy !which wus the work of a fanatical old free-will Baptist preacher, aided by a few Unary-headed old sin ners, who have been long living In crime and wickedness among the barrens of tbo northern border counties.) has been promptly broken up by the vigilance and prompt action ot the loyal citlaraa of those countirsji&fffc Trying to Excite 8lS»»tuY.—It i„ said that the (Irl-ttcv. W. G. Browidow, who Is Imprison ed at Knoxville, refuses to eat anything, desiring la »wtv» himself to death. 80AP. rHHIHTY boxe* Ltvornoui bonu For »al« by JL decWf-1_ f L M_. f.AFFITRAlI. To Railroad Contractors. OFFICE S.,A. AG..R. R. COMPANY. I Savannah, Dec. 24, 18*11. j C IONTHAOTS will he made as soon as sallefac / tory p.rop»sslA are received, lor emlatuklng por- rlone of the trestle work lutlie Altamaha swamps, — follows: Leagih in Feet. Jones’ Greek fidO Fountain Brsn"h 701) Cypress Flats 300 Barit Swamp 2800 Forest Fond too Main Trestle .... 1200 X’O THE PMOPLE CHATHAM COUNTY 1—The Legisla ture, for the purpose of ntreuchnient, having con solidated the offices of Receiver of Tax Returns and Tax Collector, I utter mysr.lt as s eandidat - (or the oflloe of “Tax Receiver and‘Collector,'' at die dco- lion la January next. Youre respectfully, uov2o-tf Barnard k hek 4 Aj., v AOBH of Wood Laud, lo South- ,IJUU ern Georgia, Is offered In exchange for negroes. For mrther partlcnlsri^uldrrs^j^^^^ ducts—twlm Gum Creek, Ga. ■-WHMM, WMtiiaiE Xtttt SALE, - lineaadBol!, (Frain the New I ork World, Dec. 20.) The War Feeling lu Canada. The news Iron) England relative lo the war like preparations, golug on there, on accouut of the late alleged insult lo thu British flag, has aroused the good people of Canada to tho high est pitch of excitement, and led them to tnku steps tor the immediate arming of the 'citizens -tun organizing a swung military force for the protection of the frontier from Invasion, and sueh offensive measures ns inny hereafter be deemed advisable,-In ease of a rupture betweeu the United States and Great Britain. In Toron to, especially, the warlike aspect of affairs has caused tho minuet activity to prevnil among the aedaulary militia and members of the volunteer companies. The only topic of conversation In the streets and in the bar rooms, for some day* past, has been the prospect ol a war with the Northern Stales of the Union. New volunteer companies are being organized in every direc lion, and their word* und actions are drill, drill, drill. Tfie utmost degree of loyalty to the Brit ish government in the Impending difficulty is nmnlleeted by the Canadians of every rank. Thu Volunteer Rifle company of Toronto, after their drill of Tuc-sdav night, paraded the streets, beaded by’a band ol life* ami drums, playing the popular air ot "Dixie’s Land." The Montreal Commercial Advertiser says that for some time past the Federal Government has been assembling a large jtumber of troops along the Canadian frontier; also, that the foiti- fleatlons ot Saekelt’s Harbor are being put In a state of repair with all posslblo dlspateh, the mvu working on Suudays aa well as week days. These movements it considers on a menace to Canada, and the Canadian* arc therefor^, bound to prepare tor ttfc worst. They feel assured that Camilla will receive the assistance of the whole power ot the British Empire; therefore should the United States determine to prefer war rather lhau moke reparation for the alleged outrage on the Trent, the discussion nu tho sub ject will occupy thu entire Winter. As soon as navigation opens In the spring, they consider that Canada would he safe from Invasion, for then, as they contend, the gun-boat fleet would be nble lo take and keep possession of tlie Luke. This fleet, says a Canadian Jourbsl, now num bers two huudred and twenty vessels, from 100 to 200 ieui long, drawing from four to nine feet water, and carrying from two to eight heavy guns, clletfy 08-pdnndsrf, and all propelled by steam. There .he also one hundred and eight steam mortar bhota, the whole of which can pass up the Rt Lawrence canals, and a large portion Up So Rides" Such a force, independent of the blockade of the seaboard and the pressure of the Confederates on thelr stdo, will And the North ern army plenty of employment without Invar ding Canada, whleh will then he covered by the largest British army ever arrayed ou, this eouti- neut. T ir ■■ ■■ Navaj. ENGAaEMHS'.T IN Mobils Bay.—About mid-day yesterday tbe stout guuboat “Florida,” C. S. N.,coucluded to eelebrate Christmas eve by a small set-to with the Insolent Lincoln cruiser "New London," which wss lying off the inoulb of the harbor. The "Florida ran down lo the Westward of Sand Island and challenged the “New Londou" to come on, which she did, and for an hour or two a lively cannonade ol long taw furnished an excitingly Interesting ex hibition for the entertainment of Lhe great au dience whleh viewed it, the four thousand men who garrison Form Morgan and Gaines, as well os the crews ot the blockading vessels, being the spectators. The -’Florida" could not come in close quarters with the enemy by ressou of the shoal water of a bar intervening, and could rht have got out It is likely she would have had move than she could attend io with the several block- aders that were lying off lu deep water. The engagement was lengthy, and many shots were tired on both sides, and ended by the New London bucking out as usual. The "Florida" was not touched, but it Is thought that three of her pills took effect on the enemy. All but these three were seen to strike the water, but the thou sands of eyes which watched could not tell where these ibree went to if they were not stopped by theN'W London. She was evidently hit b ird, lor after backing out of the tight she signalled the fleet, and ouu of them ran down and lay alongside of her for several hours, rendering as sistance, Ills supposed.—J/iibilf lirgtater. PATENT CXaOTlI. OIL CLOTH, INDIA RUBBER CLOTH. J ITST received, a fro all supply of OIL CLOTH for KuapdutcU*. Diankets, Ovorcoat*, Capa, Ac., Ac., for aoldifcra. .ilao, a very handsome article of FAT- K?»»T CLOTII, and or INDIA RUBBtttt CfX>TH, to which the attention of dealer* and conaamero la In vlted. [declO—Siiwtfj GKO. PATTEN C'nb. Yards (Approximate.) 12,582 IMUt) 3 400 68,110 10,883 48,008 Total «X)0 143,699 The emoaukments may be formed of either the clujr to be found in the vicinity of the work, but if of sand, they muttt have a casing of day of encli thick ness ae the Company’s Engineer may consider a suf ficient protection against freshets, and to extend in *1 cases above the highest water mark. The material composing the casing must generally _ 3 Hwump Clay, but when this material can not be conveniently procured, day from the ad- , ointng hills may be substituted; but In all cases its fifties* for the intended purpose will be judged ol by the Company’* Engineer. Damage to the em bankiuente, if any, by froshets during the progress ol the work, will be sustained by the Contractor. Pay ment ono-third cadi, thu balance in tke capita) stock ‘ Uui.QomcAiix.alAddress^ - Acting President, fck.vanuah, or J. T. STONE, dec96—0 Chief Eng(peer, Thomasville, Qa, BLOUNT & DAWSON, Auctioneers GENERAL COMMISSION BROKERS, F JU the purchase and sale of NEGROES, REAL ESTATE. STOCKS, BONDS, Ac., and COD LECT1MO KENTS, NEGRO HIRE, Ac. Onr Mart I* convenient, secure and comfortable. Office, on Bryan etreoet, opposite State Bank. b. at- nnooHT, Uellfl w. q. paw WHISKEY. 2QQ BAHHBLSMONONGAHELA sndRIC- -1IFIED OLD WHISKEY SUGAR- WHITE and YELLOW CLARIFIED SUGAR MOLASSES— N. O. NEW MOLASSES. OATS—©ATS— CHOICE BLACK SEED sod FEED OATH. For sale by BAVIO H. BILLON, tab Bay street. SUGARS. D , o‘‘4Wi!«5V»»sWr»fa from Havana, Cuba, viz: __. RKa ‘BRoblNBT, OALt$bB*lA, FLOR REGALIA JENNY LIND. REGALIA (3i» JENNY UND. BREVAS fllTl JENNY LIND FLOR LONRRKS CRBAOION ftgaa&ftsu. NOTICE pKOId this Ante all goods sold by the underetgned must bwpald lor ou daltve novh GEORGHA. HAP OF THE SEAG0AST OF GEORGIA. rOB SALE BY K. KNAPS’ A CO., deen West side Monument Square, Savannah. J NSmatCCTION for Heavy Artillery 1 pte . hv a Board of Officers for the use of the army uttod Htatos. • , instruction for Field Artillery, extracted from Gtl ham'a Manual,'for Voluntoura and Militia. Received by Weed] JOHN M. COOPER A CO OLD MADEIRA WINES. 0 1,0 (UIXf.TITtITION, Brahmin, Warden, M. II ADC aud t Mill, fur ' ' Skerry Wines. T7TA RAONY, Schley, Golden Sherrv. Excelsior. 11 for rale by THG8. W. MURRAY, nov2l .■ MW Bay nr CJlaret Wines. ) $16 00, for sale by HOCK WINES. H OOKflElnEn, Hteinbergor, Jotnunetu ger, $12 la $26, (or sale hv THOS. W. MURRAY, uov2) 207 Bay street FOREST CITY VINEGAR WORKS CORNER ' BAV AND MONTOOMBBY STKHBTS, nov2S GEO. D. IRJDGU, Agent Cj?- A W-. iogton tetter eay*: "Several Kng- IDlimen now serving tn our army—among them Col. Havelock aud Cnpl. Stewart—have, it 1» declared, signified their intention to resign’ should further complication ensue. In other ciiaes painful evidences of euddeu hostility to surcauau bave been shown.” R. IV. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY 8URO-EON r)KOPtiNSES to cure all Diseases Incident AT Horses that are anrcepttble of remedy. Charges moderate; cares warranted j terms cash.- Hie stable Is at the brick yard of J. A. LaRocho, Esq Thnnderholt Road. tylT—ly / 1 HOUCK ORANGEff, tbe last of^tira V..' larlore, at j ducts 1 O. 8, ItRGW N H. F B (Sc*“ nt 80 “ n ' 8 'tP&SF "^’‘TlWoWN'k GY 1 . CBOIX Itllffl.—1 unneheon 8t. Croix ta • t °" ““ i fU> U. DAVdDBON- Tbe Georgia Home Insurance (o., I< IB-HI AND FIRE. COIiHtnBUS, «A. O A-XIXzVX, l»aOO,OO0. DR. JAM 88 F, BOZEMAN Presideftt D. F. WILCOX Sdnretory LIFE INBURANOK DEPAHTHENY SAVANNAH, GA., AARON WILBX'R Actuury Dr. R. D. ARNOLD.. Coneuiting Fliybiclan Haghoru and Cunnlngham'a Building, 98 Bay utruet f|W£ Genrgia Home Insurance Compatiy, in their X Life Department at Savannah, are still prepared to inaure the live* of nil healthy pernnne, at the low est rater. Policies in Northern companies can be transferred to this company ou llbcrui tennis and with little trouble. Thiii being the only Life Insurance Company iu Georgia, and tbe n«c«m*ity for |Very man iueuring his Hie as gicaV'a* ever It wa», we hope all will avail themselves of its benefits dec,19—lmo ASS'T QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, i Savannah, December 18,1851. j Wanted. T WO go- d Farriers For particulars, apply the undersigned. . HERMAN UIRHCH, declfi—tf Capt. and Assletaut Qbattenua*ter STORAGE. ffllliC uuderelgned bavins a commodious brt Ju'jN’Oof Warehouse, altnated on the South side of Bay wtrtiet, propose to take on storage, goods, wapee, produce, furuiturc, Ac., at reasonable rates, octlfi—tf LEGUIEL A FOOTMAN MADAME BORREL, (Fr«m I-nri*,) LADIES’ APPAREL RENOVATED, EM BROIDERIES BLEACHED AND PLU TED, LACES AND CURTAINS CLEANSED IN STYLE. Corner of Suita and Whttaker-BU , <Up Stairs,.< oolH Savannah, Off.. ■ pO-._ . -v—-e*r M , on the mbrftftrg bf Wedwnkiay, tho ffm cu> January, A.D., 1W‘>, and be closed at five a tikwk, M ; and that the returu*, properly certified, bo to Uio Clerk of the Super lor court, of this col... nnd that ail things be douetUat kie bylaw required be done By order of their honor*: WTElI^M H; OUYLRR, j i. o. o NOAH B, KNAPF, J. I o.o.o GEORGE I\ HARUIBON, j. t. o. o. joun Screven, j i. c. JOHN WILLIAMSON, j. t o. o cJ Attest: WU.UAM II. Bulloou,Cloik i. n. o.o. dee94 Election Notice. A N Elcctiou will he held at tlie Court Ilonse, tn £k. theeltv of Savannah, in and for tho county of Chatham, in the Htnt0 oVGeorgia, on WEDNESDAY, the first day of January unst. undor the superintend ence required hr law; for a Sheriff, for a Clerk of »hn Superior and Inferior Court*, for a Tax Collictor and Receiver of Tax Return*, for a County Surveyor, and for a Coroner of Chatham County. The polls will be petted at aeveu o’clock A. M , and be closed at six ’clock P. M. The Sheriff of Chatham County aud hi* lawful Deputy, toffftaer with the County Conatablee, are oommandedand required to be tn attendance to pre serve proper order about the poll*. By order of the*r Honor*; WILLIAM II. CUTLER, J i o. o. o. NOAH b. KNAPP, J I <. o. c GEORGE P HARRISCN, J. i. o. o. o. JOHN X^TLLIA MM)N, j. i. c. o. o .JOHN SCREVEN, j. i c o. n. Attest; Wh. U. Bulwkjh,CR.rk i. o c o., Notice to Volunteer loiupiiuic A PE W more (Jmupnntc9 wanted to complotJ Regiment which l am raising hy.nut.iority thu Ooufcdijt'tii&MOVO!nmeut. Ann* of the beat < urrtptlon will be frtrniahetl. In addition to all oti wttgo» and allowances, a bounty of $60 will bo giv to each private and uon-commUbloned olUccr. soon aa mvobixed, the Regiment will bo placed camp of Instruction on tht coast Fov further pi tlcnlar* address OpI. W, S. PIJUXIPb, dec33—im* Savannah, Ga,, care Box 117. Citron Kile A Sentinel, August h; IntoUigoucc jsroxio^* A LL personp indebted to the firm of *J. Ughtpl & Son Aro requested to makeImnitniaie p/ rnenta. All uote* and accoums will be found in u hand* of J. S. Llghtaey, for stulcineut, this Durci bor 20th, 1801. dec2H—J m ' ;• J. LIGHTSF* Y A NON I Notice. A PLANTBM, real din on the ML*ei66i\l litvur, live mUes above Raton Ilouge,L*s dusl.-cf >i mr*king some arraugt aaent, by whicli he mi irease bis force by flfiyrbnt not less than Uveu > handaitoatd hi cultivating t,bu plantation. It HiXiacyes of laud cleared aud partly lu cullivAtionl cotton and corn, uud tiUb in woods. The place ' feet above overflow, Is prbdnctlve and reulthy ha* also an overseer’s itoaau, good ne^ro quai v gins, taw mills, Ac , &c., Ac. Apply »or further Information to ’ BARBLLI A CO.. degli—hi . New Orleans FOR BALE. tW« well hrokn MULKS, right ton year* old, for sale at FREEMAN, 1 DkKSON & CO.’S Stables decltt—tf NOTICE. IN who desire to »oud ■l muxum for aule or storage, ca*. guun P .. .. the undersigned. Who will ba there ail the time to at- liuL to It. idecl4—dmoi E. 0. WADE & CO. notice:— ASSISTANT QDARTBBMASTBR'S OFFICE, l 3AVaNNi.it, Oct. 11), Ib0l. | rriHlB office will be open tor thu transactfnn of A all official l.nslucss from S A. M. till 2 P. M. HERMANN lllRSCII, octll—tf Capt. and Aset, (juarti naarier. WANTED. JA8 11. HEAD, Capt. Irish. Vola. v Co. B ot tst Vol. Regiment Recruits will report to Mr. M J Hailey, nt the Pulaski HoUbo, who will forward tht m 10 tho head- quartery of Uio company. uoril—tf Wanted. EiORTV cents per pound will ie paid for all Bslt- F "petru delh*er£d to me at Oglethorpe Barracks before the ]*t day of July, 18«2 hither on existinj contract* \mh the Ordnanc«De|?ap.tnaj“" ”* ‘ “ Capt. of ArtiiLiryann GOLD WANTED. A high premium mil l»e i>sht by A. BRYAN, Market Square. SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE. LEATHER! LEATHER! MAKE YOtJR OWN LEATHER. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT IN TANNING. TIME AND MONEY SAVED. fillBATEHt' INVENTION OUT! o GOTHtoY’g F ATKNTtor Tanuing Leather, fl isftied Beptcniber 7th, 1861. at Richmond, Va , of his own invention for .Tanning Leather* by on en tirely new process, without bark. The time required by tbts process to Tan Leather Is mnch less than by the oid method by bark, and iu all respects warranted fully pa good and durable tht* mode Hides can be Tanned from fifteen to days, in proportion to tbo atec ana thiekncSs of them, A Tannery is in operation iu this city, by the above patent, near tht* Canal, which has proved very success ful. Any one dosirous of aebiug it are invited to d~ so. The right fdr county, ehpp and State for Bale. gept*-ly GKO,. W. WYLLY. Ag’-bt- Plantation A* Scrlvei. County, , w l • -os I -: 9A1>S2. , WITHIN a>f miles Of No 6*, Cent 4L Railroad, Cuiuaining 1496 acres of first quai Stay and pi no land; acre* of the bay aud the pme land cleared and under cultl i*"11, balance of pine bind well Utnbertd. Itupro ineuts are a two tiory frame Uwe 1 litre;, aud oil oil outbuIidij.fi*, in good order; also, a large cotton a in fioutfe and screw. Together with tbe place w ,jo sold, if desired, « oru, Fo dcr and Stock. ' health of rhelocation is undoubted. Apply to decSfF—lmo BLOUNT A DAWSON S FOK SA L IS t OttMBlVT LAM till lit Nov., 186*, either or both of tlie Rowell finished brink tenejp* uts on Ta atrdnt, next to corner of Llberly Ench t« e eight finn roomp, baafdes basement rooi cloivts. &c , and atabic* catria^ohou*e and re»vai room, separate from dwelling. For further p*mi 'fir*, onplvto BLOUNT & DAWSON, (tecM—Imo -- - Gold Wanted. A HIGH PAEMUJIlf will I to FOR SALE. AAKt Ash, and LightGood, by lhe cord or \ “ Iona. Apply at tho Gharlestou Wharf. •" NOTICE. A LL fEUSOVS uillvbtad .to tho ralatu Charles Drudeke, late of Chatham county, c used, are h-irhby uot’fied iq m?kepayment to undersigned, at d all perron* hating claims again; paid estate are requested-to haud thorn in, propei attested, within the term* of the Imv, duel* ' ANNIE DRUDBKE, Adm Notice. 4 Li, puntoos liidsbteii t* the estate of W. II. *8 1 A her, late of Chatham toimiy, DecMSed. -I Jf herebyliOtlUtJ to make payment, to the utulurriam ’ ■ • Inst snhleaialo i attested, wilt thti term Of-tbee law. •' YFAMf TURNB8, ifdthem'w.'jJSper^n ‘ho term ofthes law. MARY loffRTO declAt—* • '-AdinAniptmuIx. Notice. assistant QUAKTERMASTHR’S office Savashab, Oct. 22,16«l. A NY donations Intended far the Militsrv Hojpl at Srnnswlck, ijriofr. at this office, will be ta care of and shipped free of charge. HERMANN HIK8CH, octaa-tf , Capt. and Aset, t^nartermartfr. Savaauah, Box UD. deeff—tf ROUGH RICE WANTED Apply to La ROOM K A BELL. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANci ( How* 1 mm ram* 6P., of Columbus. Ga. t Vo Of tfie Voiley of of Win- DfEINd ESTABLISHMENT, [BBTABuaianD m Uexuoved to 36 Drayton street, louih of York streeLnenr tbe late residence of the subscriber. rilHUB Sabscribqr, grateful for p.«t favors, bugs X leave to inform his JYtcuds and the public gener ally, that he I* now prepared to Dye all Colors Li the boat style on Silk and Woolen Dresses, Slmwls. dte'.j a]so, Table Covers and Crape Shawls cleaned and bleached in the beet manner. Ladies'Kid and Doe skin Glovoedeaned in tbe l>e.Ht London style. The subscriber begs leave to state that he is now ‘ tn clean, bleach and press Ladles’ Bounete _ intlemen’s Garment* Dyed and Cleaned, as may be reqnired r ln the some superior style which has gen erally so well pleased his patrons and friends for the pfut» vm». A. GALT/)WAY, SOUTHERN Express Company. W* B. JABK80N & €0. pALM left at our Office lor Baggaae to M ttfcw from any i»olnt to any Railroad, Bteamboafc, Steamship, or other address m the City of Savannah, will receive promptaUcntlon. aEOKQR M. BARNKH, Saparintenffent, feb»-U Office No. 99 Bay street^ 'Moles tor Sale. SBYiEN likely Molee for salr. M* *a«a seeu ut tbe stable of Mr. W. C. Sadler, blv street, dvr311- If HEP. FATTBS. c<KOO OATS.— 8i0 IntehcU of Teuneeeea Seed S Oats, for sale by dec27 JAMES 1. SNIDER A CO. AARON WILBUR. Agent tor the following responsible Insurance Companies - The Georgia H The Imuranet The f’loriita Borne Insurance ,<lo.,.o< Apalaublaola, Fla The. Alabama insurance (.I,., of Montgomery, Ala. Risk* taken at reasonable rates .on all ctavre, of in- anrable property. Claghorh * CuniilngUain^ Bulldiuu.Bay «t., Bav&n- nab. _ '6ctiu fim_, 1>H WITT BBUTN. W. BRIIYN & SAVAGE, ARCIHTKCTS JSiisTandtoSVelheBf special attention totheEreo Uonand Supcrintendoucc of Barining*. Office UBattersby’* new BnimitJg, comer of Bay and Dmvtnn strutoOsPftyapMRh.Ga. ", deed NASHVILLE STEAM FORGE. Iron Forging of *11 Kinds. nrE are nmv prepared to make to order, tN. W URQK QUANTITIES, tbo fallowing arUriee, to-wlt: S flun Barrel*, mnflulriicd) and Shovels, (like O imei'l Drills and Crowbars IESHd^-Shsrce Chains, Traces ahd Rfng* Rivets. Solkee, Bolts, Nbt« ana Washers. Axes, hlsele. Knives and Hoes, 8cr*w Moulds, and rv*Ht WBeomiTioN or Ikon ann h-i-kel Fokoino. Address WARD A Co., - in, * Nasbvlllo^ Tcnm D1 It i . FAST DAT SERMON. <* ITOW lo ffmew JLX Sermon preacl Blshui - “ - ' MB' 1® i.-l.i-.f ", Nalfpual SlrengUi.’ 1 aao.oa >lii Olirfst Cburrii, by lott, Friday, November lfth. 1861, bring Himdllstlou. Fasting slid Prajer^Price aotilee for $1 _ ^dsolB) JOHN if. COOPER A CO. a each, or ten con *1. Filial and CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS rflHE undersigned Is authorized to raise a Bab i ltor. of Infantry t ) *fr% « duribk Uio war, It tn appeal to tbo palrlntlsninf Oeurgla la promptly spnhded t'o, the Batbilion will ba supplied with t !. ... . . $50 BEWSSD Z Im paid far the apnvcl : the; Barrack* In this f awIiXukio, whodoserto and «n A/'diiioiial reward of $1 1,miring in the tioinpany who Is without leave. ....-•, tin paid far the apprehension ar.d doltvi .. at the; Barrack* In thlaoltyofa man uau Joira Shaw I|Iuki„, who ffoaertod frost bis compm .... w-q every man out of tho Carrie AndairnTwiil be paiaaiswaid of *i»>r my eeiv BotfUHAKT, a free negro: JACOB HEAD, Capt. Coind'gUo,D. Ught lottery novlb-tf, lei Kept, pa, Reg., C. s. PLl'fATIflM ANB LARI FOR SAfE®:- T he nnilerslgued hive s^veml 'Ptarnation^ i of io«i* improved, in orfginaliy Baker, Mitchell;coujiw, t welve or fifteen xollfc*befo' v A11 containing from 600 to S.lX'O ftefe.- curb ono • tainliig 8,&0 acres, ha* 300 acre* in cnltivAttou, wl| bttllditf'ge for an ovenwer, uegroca, a ffio bouse, “ other oot-onudlngs. Other piAces with Cribine, a ened lauds, Ac., ACa in lhe same locaHty; numeraut* tracts vf uuimproved hied all along t: Railroads from Savannah to BaJubrldgu, and slot tbe Flint and -f.’hattohnocnci* rivers, nil or any which will by utdil^t&$*PPUctwV&°W the fit oat itoer termB and time* -Apply iu G. W. GAUMAN Ji, ' vaniii h, or to ffiVfieVL . JAMTCH R. BD H eupSTr- U : . ,Wacou, »bu> LTNBS FOR SALK. TO rwpsWfcTssirte* Georgia, sre offersdfar eafe'nt rassonable prlees, Ol&M 600 to 3,C| ncws^ftcfi, some Improved apil some partially | P Abandanio of prbW'tlouB oau be Had at reawnalj t )ricep - -. o*a\a, payable ml ‘ MVdral ‘>J| Tannery For Salt svdrfear'the MnllTond. The Yale are »M«ked 1 leather. Tim yard has an e*rahlldbud;repawtu>.J, l Is doing a profitable business; the whole #"““•* I good order. The Estahllshment will be $»MI to e| ble the Executrix to Brttle up lbs: ealeU. bl <•" iff Col. Jao. H. Plover. 0Ixm! R. Ago., _ Mtudv-tin, N. B.—The Y'ard will iS sold »viib or St-,*, as da*treble. 4-SmsT’ TAUU, UlTf'Y it CO. 20 eases old Otard, * store and fur sale by decks