Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 01, 1862, Image 2

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SAVANNAH DAILY MORNING NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 flnUn'jfUonnnrilleirs SAVANNAH, G-A. >VXDNI£STUY Mi'RNTNO. JANUARY 1, 1V2. BY TELEGRAPH. Condolence for the Death of Prince Albert. RicttsioyD. Dec 81.—Tho Norfolk Day rwk. of tlit« morning, pn liehen the proceeding* of a meeting of I'rl’i h roe dent** of Norfolk, held in tit- Count late office, at which resolutions were adopted of ron dole/ ce for the i*enth of Pun e Albert About two linnd od Ft r'ish vesael* are iu the j*orf of Ni\v Y« rk with their col. ra at half mast, iu token of re?p ci t > the memory of"Prince Albert 'f ho Hudson Illver Closed. A Nt-w York dispatch report* the Him. -n Rim to bo froze.) ov rfrom Ilnd-on to New To'k. A rm* Received from Oorinany. Or.o hu• fired and sixty thousand arms, and a ban* dr d md forty t.houa md pounds of lead have been n_ # oeived in New York within the last week, i^ortiy from Germ in ports H w tho New Yankee Tariff Works Th* recent F-.mral t.nffuct U creating great com motion among t’.i■: import' r* o' sugar and coffee. Transportation cf Yankee Prisoners A flag of truce readied Noriol on Mouday night bringing d.rpaiohea to the Government from General Wool, rela 1 »'6 to th-; mode oi convoying two hundred aud forty Yarixee pri«' uorr North. The mode adopt ed ua* to transport them down the Jaiu< a River to Newport Nees. Provisional Congress Nothing of n public uuiuro transpired iu (Jongrats to day. Pcccrsbmg Cotton Varktit The Cotton receipts have been light ..t Petersburg •inC'i Uu* 1st of .'eptembor, owing to the pins* on me lailroaiU of Government transportation The mar* ket ducllmd recently. North Carolina Fair (e<]Uiva lent to fltii.t Middling, Southerti c'.i.udilrat'.oii j Is SO l!ug at 10 • ' nts LlucclnJtt* ^oivtii^ Tltei oi tUe 1%'ai. A geutieuim Just from Baltimore says the people there, a- well a* further North, are getting v ry tired of the war. Those only favor b n * i,rpc»i ./utor* Under thy government Gold In New Ymk 1** pebiu_> nt mi }v, . znlum. Tb« buaks ha\c e .iur,nl, Miapended -i.m, meat. * J [From the Nashville Banner ] Letter from an East Tennessoo Unionist. The following lettor from Hon. John C. Gnat has been furnished up for pubUcuiou. Wean- pleased to give it n place In our columns, as an uvidunjee of tue rffcot pi>»dii ort upon the minds of ‘•Union men” Im blast Tonuciwcn by tho abolition message oi Abra ham Lincoln (*LrvtLAXU, Tew*., Doc 15tb. 1S61 A. S. Cocyar, k**y .—Dear Sir : As in Limes past wo h iu:corre-ponded, as woh us conversed together, touching onr politic il troubles, i tune ihu liberty of writ'n;r to von on tint subject ft*u|n About the flr-t of l irt' we k we received tiiu late message of Lincoln u> the Federal i oagresa. That .iiessage as Lunder- s and it, mmiistiikil> y shows that it Is tho Intention of Lincoliito siihjiigaco rtic South, and to emancipate the negroes, uu<i exterminate Af iciu slavery in the ■■ ti ites Hi menage is in spbstanco a recoin* ruemUtljn to Congress to pt?- aw- to efl- ct that oh- ,e* t. with an Implied promt e that In will try to exe cute and carryout that object. lie hoe eh.-ated and deceived the loyal citizen- <>l Missouri, Kentucky and Mary laud, as well aa tliouaaui's elswhere I opp »*od septrat ou and volod against it, becauso ( neli'.-ved Linooln intended > try to Adiniu S'er the government see »rding to the < ns: tutiou, giving to »be ftouth their Jtist, legul a- d equal rights nu.ier tho Joust Cution. mother woids, that ii was not ttie in ten ion of him or his admin.siratioti, iu the it.a-t de- l ce, to Interfere with the slavery qn ‘etio >. or the ri.iitiof prop, rrv in the South. Therefore 1 believed • • was \ rong to breiih up the gO”erninttt.t of our la- th'-'r-, wui it i revered, until Lincoln liud done pome •it" a h iwitig uti intflii Ion to d"»iy or deprive t in* Souib ol iu jut*! »iii t consiit'itloual rights. 1 never Imdutiy re.-p «i lor Unco u or his party, or the Northern t*eri um«' t N« itlier did I for Mr. Buchauan, bull felt it to be t u duty oi us all to acneie •:: In his election md **ubiu tt,.iho .nwsand I'on&titutionpind try to cor rect the evil at the ballot box. Aud so 1 fed about $Uur JulMrtiiMttWttte. I WOULD CALX. THE nttentlou of the citizens of Chatham county to tho election for Comity Officers, which takes place THIS DAY '.Wednesday ) Respectfully, Janl—!♦ RARNARD K. BEE. SOLOMON'S LODGE, NO. 1, A. F. M.—A regular meeting will bo held nt their Hall on THURSDAY EVE- « < ^NING, 2d Inst., at 7# o’clock. By order of 8. H PALMER. W M. B. F Moork. Secretary. Janl NOTICE. CONFEDERATE ST vTES OF AMERICA, / Headquakteks Military Dipt, op Giorola, - Savannau, Dec. 81, 1861. ) SPECIAL ORDER No «%.] From and ufter the third day of J ANU- ARY, no person, either civilian or soldier, will be permitted to enter or go out of the c.ty i f Savannah, by th • tcvoral Railroads or other routes, without a pats from tho proper authorities. 1 tvillans will bo roqtpred to have passes from the <lv!! authorities of the cities whence thoy come, or from tlie clerks of tho sewerai county Courts, or Jus ticesof the Inferior^Court. Soidlere will be required to have passes from their comrr.auding officers, showing their rank and the companies aud the regiment to which thoy belong. Passengers by the railroa ip getting on tho cars at an* w ay stations, will he re<]uired to have their pusses countersigned by the Railroad Agents at each ataiion, and all passengers by such roads will bo ro- ~..4 l iulred to exhioittheir passes, on the arrival of the l (.oncleinnflt'on, coutemut au j ux-icr.itinn lor j trains, to officers who will be stationed there for that ‘Lwume&ty^ | purpose, before leaving the cars. By order of Brigadier General A.JS LAWTON. RouF.nr it. Elliott, Lieut, and A. ok 0. ly and ennincipato | %*IR publican, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Consti tutionalist, and Mlllvdguvillu Federal Union iusort three times, and send hill to Gen. Lawton. 13 it Lint f lu , •j, and also f late conduct, as well aa bn late mes* , r^m*' late resolutions introduced into the Funeral Cougrurs, clearly shows that it I the in it .lion l Li coin and the NoitL t • su’ jugate tne •■'on.h auj omn'icipatu tiioslave-* They sh -w further lo uiy ralini that an aileiupt wul he made t.) arm the to slay iheii master*. l.incoln (loserveb siigo is ah ipoll to smt the peculiar views of i ‘ nous; and is a bribe held out to them j ; unholy erti-adi) to rob thu people oi ! tnc o . ith of their rights . Aiui the election >.i tlu biii of June la-.t, wheu the | .U»' Win vot.d tint by a large msjoiity, I felt it my I tty t.' 'icquintre in the will of the maJ.M’ y Wa u* i tin Tue Ya.nkli V learn that vusseU tuteic i W Vbo litUrancc «-t R.muey Mursli. H they -o' teuiplute l an attack on oar butteries tit BUl.An way, they cr*u!U tic*t approuch near enough i »r that purpose until high lidothis morning. £•. .nc of the vessels brought in are said to look, like transports. 1 atronuously oppoaed any divirion 01 the ‘*•1 a..*■ or any rehelliou or re-i^tauce to tiie laws of the or the Southern Confederacy Ao J had to hold im courts in tue troubled con.il- ♦.inn «»i the public mind, and try the l.iwatiits and quarrels of all parti*-. I believed 1 could be.slar* complinji t ho (iiftli of my duties aud avoid ceu- sure and criticism, l. avoiding pub ic sneaking, by keeping out of all piiblh H-nembiie , anJ reinmnial; • i". r nr,d talking tint little But I roiife** to ymt, with regict and inonliuation, i'.-' I .s well af» ten- of thousands <t ot.hers was iredanddccelv. il In fhe Ke.lerol Adui idsuati' ;o:- ST The Ch rive Lai night until the Postofflce, wt an from that city. *r4 n iving failed to ai **r tiie hour of clodng rjalw without cur mails pABSPORTO.—We would dire, the orders of Brig. Gen. Liwa column, by whi b it will be, acei, of paaegoa regulations has bee which ingress u i attenti. u to o\, in r.nothor i Lhai a system u organized, by „ esa to the city, efCbi-r Ly laud or water, will beren.'oT h 0 regiilate.d. The precaution is a highly ptnpt-r one, and should be st: ic.ly r n forced. Tho Kcpoiteit Heleufte or ITIanoa* uad Mlideil. The telegraph ngiiii bringa ns the report that the Nb,com Cabinet at Wushiugtou has surren dered Messrs Mason and Slidell, in obedience to the demand of the. British Government, though, until we have more direct, assurances of the fact, it is not easy to come to the conclusion tout even ?!:a c.int-ii.ptibJe cabal of gasconade* and unprincipled pnlirnons who, by vMtation of Providence, now disgrace the American name, have so stultified, degraded and humilia ted themselves iu the eyes oi the civilized world. A?, however, there is no depth of infamy nod meanness to which they may not go without i damage to their honor, we must not be surprised I i j learn that, after all their vulgar blustering mid braggadocio, they have succumbed, unre- • ttuMr rr f beifAvt 'as udi i . ] 1( ._ and f:uc intentions and infnniift Ita ln*>Iv d^lare th.o it ie tlu 'he in crest of . vciw men in tho slave l in.- .In and the N.irih, wl h all ids f andstrem th. Jn other words, . but t!iai we stand and w fTect nf Line )lu *■ mes^ago their inva»\i*u and nuyo Aud such La* been in upuu th!' peoplo of Bradley. Those \v!,„ t U , ;1 ,. LU loru been called Union men, h^ve gone clear o' er aud have commenced volunteering, aud, duvlnctUc week past, I um Informed that .even new volmueer ccnpa Idea have b-cn made up, and more will be made up 11 ooks uo *' lik,; '' ut re ' v in,i, - e ^ will be left at home. 1 wa? at Athene, !a« week, and 'i e ®7 l * c of Lincoln had changed every man with N.ooin I conversed, who i n.-i hr-r.»**.•* CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE, t Savannau, Dec. 81, 1801. f fa ««ms arriving at and departing irom Mavaunah by the traius of thla rompany will save thcinaelws trouble liy complying strictly with the above order of Gen. Lawton. Conductors, when they arrive at Suvauuah, If all persons on the Lain are provided with passes as required by above order, will so Announce to the officer of the guard, who will p n- mit oil to depart without further oxaini- And | Ration. But, should th^re be those ou the train un provided with pa6t-us, the conductor will report that fact to tho officers. Ag *uts will require pinsons to oxhiblt their passes baioio selling ihern tickets to Savannah, and will en- -•» *1... ..oag a, General Superintendent. *** Hepubllcan, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Consti tutionalist, and Mllledgevillt* Federal Union please copy, and send bill to Superintendent Central Rall- ?oad, Savannah _ Janl-3 TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY.—The undersigned is a candidate, at the election in January next, (hr the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, and respectfully pollcitf* tho puffrages of his follow- citizens. ldeo.81-2*] WM. II. BI.T.LOPIL i BANK OF COMMERCE. > Savannah, Die. 11, 1801 ) An K loot ion fbr Seven Director**, to servo lor the ensuing year, will be held at tho banking house of this Bank on MONDAY, the thirt enth day of January, 1G*2. Polls open from.il o'clock A. M. to 2 o’clock P. M. JOHN C. FKRRILL. dec! i—lawt Tan 13 Cashier W ANTED.—First class C’ierk Applv imme diately, at the GIBBONS HOUSE. dec31—lw A AAA ACltES of Wood Lund, In South- tc urn Georgia, is offered in exchange lor negroes. For lurther particulars, address M. O BRYAN, dec!8—twlm * Gum Creek, Oa. NOTICE. T HE copartnerJiip of Foote A. Jaudon cxplrea this (kiy, by limitation Either party will use be name of thu ffrm in liquidation. WILLIAM U FOOTE, THOMAS J JAUDON Savannah, Dec Ml, 1801 :tino— DecMl NOTICE. A FTER the tlretof January we aiiail conuue our business strictly to cash. uecSl—tf HENRY LATHROP <fi CO Notice. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Ooletiiokpk BauraiKa / Savannah, Oa., December UOth, lbhl. i T HKKE will be no isanps trom tins office loi the space of one week from til • 1st day of January, By order of tho Brigadier General Command- Ki<.'ll.till) M CL'YLER, Capt. Artillery and Ordnance. 1802, ing. decSl ORDNANCE OFFICE, Oglethope Bamma. up Savanuah. Ga., December ;«), 1861. I uTi 1 V ver ?" d ' wh p 1 herotofon? lie!loved that Lincoln did not intend lo Interfere with slavery or tha rights of slaverv; nnd nil evptosed them.-elvee decidedly u thu side of the South. I am very respectfully, your frien.i. John Surpi i*e-A. tl ihe* uiislori.tueo v • war. hich Lave oeiai ave been *.early » lun aa (fur '■/ ®urji.* »itv*. ihu lirat skirmiahea which i^urrc'i in \ irginia reaulted disastrously to the Conlcilerate , in-cause om troojai were surprised |u ueir cainjM nd had not an opportunity to ’ * wet tho ciiciiu Tho biutlc ot O.ik Spriiiglield, ML Miri, c um* \ cry near Jortuuc, for the MisMiuuans and Ar- i NOTICE. ASST. ADJT. GENERAL’S OFFICE, j litaix^uaiiteb- Department ok GsonoiA, > Ogl.-tuorpe Barracks, 8avunn?ih, Dec. 81, 1881. ] V~ CaptairiH of Htearners and * v -'**— craft are liercby notiff^d that i at.nr this dal«. before proceeding down the" coiat ot ui- j I^'bArtment, it will he necessary for them toap- jtM j i l>‘y for instructions r.t these headquai tora. By order oc- ! Brigadier General LAWTON, In* | Commanding Department of Georgia. R*d j RoiiEnf B. Elliott, Lieutenant and A. D C. Janl— & .iuiaiaurt wore surprised bv tbe troops mide’r i gl1 '"* ru,u,< !eu. .yon, nad U wns only alter hours oi .he i i***'*’ Hills, i buiug u kansiutia wct Gen. Lyon, ami it \v:is only most despei.iti tUhliuK tlial the IoiIudb td the ! day v.ab det-ided it; our lttvor 'l’he nerouuts ol ! nie recent tifcfli! at Draiosville, indicate that the ! Confederates were surprised by belli*; met with i a force so much larger than li.cy anticinaied near our lines, ijad a proper amount ol vi K i- I lance been exercised, Ii seem., to us Unit the 1 * Ueuerai tommaudinK the Conlederuli troops should have been inlormed by Id, scouts of the 1 J' 1 '! 1 presence of so large a body of the enemy, itgulit we hive an account—through Vtnkee sour.-!.. M is true—of tiie surprise and earn tire In Misiouri of over one thousand men, ono tbouauud '"'rees, arms, ammunition,canio eoulo- age, etc., aud that one thousand of the prison* •"'Sinus taken hove arrived iu St. Louis. rb re in.thing m these untoward events adop'i tbt. , . . . „ however, lo discourage any one. Tbe surprises, i ' Jaui-lmo servei ly and unconditionally, to the indignant I l'>"tigb unfortunate, hue not heeu of sulilelent I 1 mseidlude to hav rt re ukoroia xtrc LllCfc AVI) HOSPITAL AH)OC1ATION hnowl.'dj'e tho teceipt of the following: ickson, do. hiss Mary T. Ifao. fie. .Mrs. Hodaon, A KrieuU, one li.irrCbol Molaseea. ^ Lady d riend, |ef ( . Holdiura' Ald Aasoelatlon, ua (.'omfurta Jam NOTICE. I’.HKi. islooss of the uno-rslgned will hereafter " '' , <* , »!inenHiricUv iiuoii the cash system i UuN M. CCOOPER A CO. Notice. y'iN andaiturihe 1st of .fai.uaiy, the terms of our dVhlad m n 1 ''': b,! Str "- ,I J'' »»b. All persons T V , - y " ,Uu , 01 ' “P 1 " 1 account, aru respectful- 'i’h . ■ d " HC " 11 ' 01 ,lu " r earliest convenience Hi., pus ut unsettled state of ultdlrs compel ua to detnauUa of the British Minister Be that ua it may, we do not consider their ac tion In the premises, one way or the, other, oi such grave importance to the Confederacy. Their humiliation is worth to us a Manassas vic tory ; tbelr obsequiousness will not raise them In the estimation of the European nations, nor deter them from giving to our young Confederacy tbe consideration to which it Is entitled. Eng land and Frauen will not he prevented, by the surrender of Mason and Slidell, front recog nising our iudepeudunec when the proper time comes, or Com raising the blockade wlu-t it be- ra.HK Jl la.st LOVELL A LATTIMORK. Notice. Tiber* find it necessary to conduct thoir Loin Mill* date. entii-Hlv r»n th.. comes necessary, uud there are causes nt work which no Yankee diplomacy can control lhal I enemy iseotidemnedTo dlcq imd‘i'lTuch will hasten that tiujc und briny; about that **“” ‘ ,#t — — ocesity. Iu tbe mean time, our brave young govern any perceptible effect on the MUs od° il "‘ Uu ' r,, ™nf surprise in iMlsaoutl, aitnougli more disastrous' than the others, will nevertheless cause no more than a Ar '"""“ess from this Catty entirely oo^he'cASH ripple upou the surface, nnd will not, probably 31 steu, except for urgent prescriptions, have a decisive clfeet upon iho campaign eith.'-r A ' A dOLOjMONH it ro . one way or tue other, but the Cojfcderat** | — D/uggiats troops eboitld he admonished by such events to ■ I OST ~ exercise greater caution. They should remem- ' — - * ' ‘ • bar that eternal vigilance is the price ol liberty, auu thin u they expect to be victorious over the enemy, uey must walcli ns well aa pray and ngnt. I here can be no excuse for troops sur prised in their encampments. What are their sentinels, their picket guards and their scouts loi, il not to guard against surprise nnd give no tlee ol the presence of an enemy f Tbe sentinel Who sleeps uu Ida post iu the presence of an ■ is condemned to die, and li such severe penalties are inflicted on private soldieu why I , i, 1, lbU tou >"iaudlug odicer who neglects to - Ma n,"an pr0p,!r l ,r * c ‘* ut ‘ons for thu protection of ilia lUeil. wilhnni n..ngiie..v i. ... i . ( ) N ,Jo,' E M i) a lV , WOBNINO, in the vicinity hu Malltct ' between " and to o'clock TWO IJ , T ' V' 11 ' a niched, drawn hy A. Bonaud E»q in favor «»t M. Powell A Co., for filltt.ttft due LMtn June, 18*11, the otOer by L. B. Morne in favor " A-G.-iKe A Co., for $38 4b, due August 27th, 1881 luuna^wdth " b “ 1 bt ' rall> ' r "«urded hy ienviog t Jaul—8t uen hy leaving tl a. Haywood. City Tax Returns. men, w,„ pursue its onward course. sIlMehAnt J ^" ,re '' 'W« h«i i 1TY TREASURER'S OFFICE, I SsVanhih. January 1, tstU, I and self-sustaining, steadily aud certainly ad vancing to ilic glorious future that awaits it. 1 had. Stevens, >d Pennsylvania, Iu a late M ’n l | lu 'Nortliern House of Representa- that Maryland would at , - , , There ought to be. no more, from this time forward. Let every com mander who permits Ids men to be surprised bL disgraced, and we shall soon cease to hear of their occurrence.—.V.rs/o /,'/,. f .utrlnm. Anvgiiam.—it 1 both umusiuff aud nit i once declare for the Southern Confederacy il die l , Ut ‘ ,, ‘ f “iher word's, for instance take Federal troops were withdrawn from her terrb ; p. m'T »»d Lincoln, tbe Vice- tor.- ti.i. . . terri- | President and President „f the United States f he nrst syliyablc of Lincoln's name forms bv -I .>.“11 ton th.. i y . lory. This state,ne:„ Is no doubtY^od ™ ! i*Uc^;^, s Pr “ ,dl - Ut so known to Lincoln whtu lie asserted In his 1 Ham , Kiessa.e that the people of Maryland, remarks I the Richmond Jhiqitirtr, were loyal and true to j bi) government. But deception nnd misrep )ueh lighte ~ heads of the Northern gove habit of coinuiittmg, that we scarcely deem .. necessary to notice them will Ot) Allay on il.^TYiourac tlovc , ffrom tbe Washington L'orrespoudence of the N„ w l ork fVotld ) Despite the apparent inaction which has mark- MeC ellYn u 1 lhUS : ‘ r ’ ^ believe Yh.it General ‘ ^ eobacietuimibly strivingS, ith mi>'l,t Gen. McClellan U Im concerted elfurt. Il tiul friends, tiutouiy f.., w „ c boL-u in ttciuul pow r; tbnt he knows better than any one else the im;-reliability ot the enemy’s I ”iti that Biieh lines can- | —Tjodz - vcuieui must be simultaneous l “ v, * r « uuwt be crossed and j l vVo oi iii«)coinctfienf i uiovuruvuLs ut ihiisop uecessitate three • im«-, , as much time and equipment in preparation as an an advance of tho united column. ! winrl al V" 1 * "A »«<l*r»lood that wean all awaiting the comp etc formation and depart a re of ( en Burnside's uxpediiiot?< ro ,n ' Annapolis and Fortress Monroe, and that this ‘ movement, instead of being destined ,gd t «ome extreme iymibein point, is io „ . with and ba a pur.ion ot li, „. Niedellatpi emm I pitlgn with the main army Ten d t,. more u ii hover, it is relieved, «!, needful deUy. aVIhe m! ibis da) lormi^bt may 1 iiiiuiB in motion airniust aentatlou are so much lighter oireu'eeY than' Ybe | Ha.nlinT'nm! 'vi« 8o‘they ,ly b |m““d rument are In the I f, 5 ,, 1 ,' F' 11 across, or downwards, pronouncing Hie U;tmu of either. So may the word “live?’ he 1 - ll l’" n . mid very approprtately, when nD piled io such wil men as bold the two highest “ 1,1 llle B'ff of lilt people oi the United 1 .-f;™; '‘ l - »■« «•'!have the self-same letter- 1 lw) /h*. bui ilU whom nit holds in u-itir.- - PATKKT CIiOTjI, OM, ( LOTH, INDIA 111'BBEll LLOTII. | V8X recolvcd. a fr« k^i. Blank '* “ ow r “' ld y <o receive City j^y TuS lte,uruB ^°* ,be y«ftr romtnenciDg THIS PP,,Hr i°ov Wl11 hc hept op«h untP tho ftrst day of wfllTe doablYraYe^' ^ " mU d ‘’ fa """ r " R| h a1 fl RBmte 1S propf ' r,y 18 eiih f‘ :r! *» taration - Slock m Trade Hnus !i»i!:l Farnltuuv u^wb“. c te«5ddld!^ ,,w 10 wliicb Gross saJeri by Commission Hurscaor Mules. Carriages drawn bv one or two horses. Vpw* *f. oni ^ fo i>l> y^rs, and under 12 years BfMwl Tab* J UOt atiiXGd t0 ,he reality Bowline A leys Slave Marts. Lottery, or vending Lottery Tickets, ac • rd ° ' ,eMonB ° r co,or between 14 and 45 years of Free i;( ; rsons of color exerciBing any trade m .P 0 ^u° n y° ur Premises. A« K fsof , .^ , lr^“ f . , A 0 .. C, *y r . e, l"f r « a 'hat th. Notice. FFICE, Ogletuop! anuah. Ga., Decemt A ^aL outstaudliijr hills against this Depuitmeut must be presented for payment prior lo the .Mil of January, 1882.. RICHARD M. CUV LER, _ dec31—f» Capt. Artillery and Ordnance. $100 REWARD T HE above reward will be paid for the apprehen sion nnd deli wry Iu Jail of my two negroes, CHARLES and NVILLlAM, or fifty dollars lor t-iiher, who ttb-eonded from my plantation 11, Liberty county on the Light of the *»Uh of December luMant.' CHARLES is a tall, dark mulatto man, rutbei taw houed ami slim, hut broad about the shouldeis; walks erect; rather round faced, high cheek hones, checks somewhat hollow; has little or no I eurd or whiskers can read very well, aud write a little, bu* badly ; is a first rate carpenter and blacksmith; a.out 27 years of age* end of nose inclines to turn up ; ha.< r'ood teeth NVILLlAM ft lather is a luuhilio and his uiolher u uegro; aged about 17.years, <iud is ... little darker than paries; tall^siim and well grown for his age,»» very ag.iodcaVpemerTTT.^ 11 1 ‘ u ,r(,,l ‘ home, ami and was no doubt en.ic.-doii'l.) v:'bT,t.!* i8 ! 1, " < "‘ 1 b V>- turn lias proimhly bmm ratnovrod with m"*,’ tttuh' ?» a „ D L 8 “ d . th0y . a ‘" ^ oba hli "'"king liic-lr way to the w?ihm,t B in 90t "B shop lor themselves as they left without any provocation. 7 $25 REWARD HEADQUARTERS 5111 REO T STATE TRooPB . Camp Ivsrson. Dec. SOih, ti'dl ' ,‘ A raFf”o ''! twentj-ttve dollars will bp iudd) complex ion, and is little below medium height By order of geo P. HARRISON, Ju M. fl. Bab«, Acting AdJutam l0P<ilC<),n S.‘a^i The Georgia Home Insurance Co., i, i re re a n Ij re i k re., (iOLUnHI'S, CIA. CAPITAL $: 50.000. DR JAMES P. BOZEMAN President D-F WILCOX ... . Secretary LIFK INSI'KANCK IlEHhfaEM, SAVANNAH, fl\ AARON WILBi R . Actuary Dr. R. 0 ARNOLD Consulting Physician. Claghorn and Cunningham's Building, US Bay siraet. rnHK lIeorgia Home Insurance Oompam , In their ,, " Departmeni at buviinnah, Hrt* still nreoared est rara 1 ; A, al ' hta 1 lt, ‘> wiK trans em.d h. a Nor ' hl r " ™n>l*s"ies cat. he SK* C ° mpan ' and OennH« b »L 1 !f,i tl11 ' onlv , Ll '" Insurance Company In lll,f»i’„r„e. l i' '"'“"t 11 .' (,,r <,v,!r ) Insuring his .Ll,., 18 k rtflI "s ever il was we hope all will avail themselves ol ns benefits. v deel!*- In,,, ASH'T QUARTER'!ASTER'S OFFICE i Bavanmah, Decemlier to ldtji ' . Wanted. r I , 'Y.w.? 0 l’ d ,*'» rri « r » For particulars, »ppi, deelSln der, r£ n f l - a , H , KKMAN HlRScS, deem-if Capt, and Asslstnul Ouartermasie.. Madame bokrel, 'From Faria,) LA £I E8 ’ APPAREL RENOVATED EM- br O(DERIES BLEACHED AND FLU 1 1ED, LACES AND CUKTAfNS CLEANSED IN STYLE Cornor of State and Whitaker-Sts , (Up Stairs,) ° <:1H Savannah. Ga. if OFFICE : »>NAU A. A t hWft! >Y,N rcr v* Thlrtftvn Dii^t serve for the* enaatiiK v«o of the Atlftutlc and Gulf ^ street, on MONDAY, the ia between the hours of 11 A ^ ? L,C ' >4 _ _IY MA (THOTEa h ASSISTANT (iCAHTRRiHSTERo OFFff . H-V(v ta !i8a i H ,, , (yil, I - A - U Ca *'Un« oumir.4nd- lug Mounted i.'.m,iaulua niint i./ronfier make requisitions for foray! on tnip .at!' < /he flt'Hi day of each month, and no .ifle tor lo'iii e 1 /utracted hy thorn will hereafter be p.|£Vy me f iWMANN li /tSCH, dPCi4-U Cap! MsVA.aj!L_ Notioa. ASSISTANT QUARTm^sTER * CFFIUfi. i . S4 VAjr?2j i <1(3, 18‘il. ) AH Ouiataii^ins count? against ofilwS rn-st bo ren* derod previoue to the Jlf.t ii%t 'UlJiLvf N HIKSni, dec84—id j roft nnd A flp~ir=» 'I’O TShivoTuus ore CH \THaM —I am n candid it-' for rc-eloction to the offle. iO<:o»oa* r ofXhntl.ftm county iu January m-it, nn-j ,i*ubl> boilcit )onr nnf- frages. |dec3fi—81.* TIIO^ I£DKN lvirf CUA iuty Sh si, and t i’ltuv a V yym.lit HATH A .g t;c i JT; 1 i ti ii J a cm ut or iff. at I'.eVthl,,.. ... !*«* hold in •' tciftiKN tfuljy si.li* o-ir mipport B L Mil Savftnnah, o<t , J 1 ■* »• r l\> X’l^L 0 \ 0'I IL17H OF A R <_a J N 1 CUAIHAM of the office-a of T.'X U-u-i er u hnm county h* a in- CDn^oldit- myself hh u CandidaU: for ho til solicit the HuOrugHi* of 11 friu January next. fisj.»- nov2t tf CENTRAL R. R. & BANKING Co" OF f, , 1 SxvANNAn, Decemtierdth. if, 'vf is -A-n Klootlon for nit jat Dliectou „f ,hls Company, to r Iho ensuing your, will be held a t tho BonktciJ IT 111 Savannah, on Monday, January W, botweon tho hoars of to A. M. at d If M ' Precinct Flection Not W UBHKAS, tho Oeuoral A«wiJ f trtto of Georgia hive enact- 0 •til'n-i teers aud other troop- iu th e cet vlco frc?»‘ 1 0 “ uiay vote hi all el-ctloii-, without refrl..^ „ pla. e wherd they, may be lli ?c n ice at t’u iiu« f PICLOUS, ami for olhor purposes.-' ,\Jvb>:£*&■■ ir th" op.n.uo or tho Co.rns, 1 of th.l'onn,",ir’ i Iwthnm comity volunteers, though n#o..e ' tl ,i 5 HIP comity, may lpga'ly vote wb.-ru'eilrallm i a.T the juppr'i't' iul. nco of two «>#!««,mV-SS* ce.'s ot thu Iiorl. ft Is conslupremJd oaltLT i Im Court, that ou "lecttou bn i„ MifFort Piu.c,* Fort Jackson. Green Island, Skids a# 1 els ml BS!. del bolt, Coll'oe lilufT. Wtlmlngtou Jaud r - n Hill. < "Oip Wiison, Isle of ii op e, b,JTNovum S Liberty couuty, st. Symon’e Islsudi GJym. oSJJ ii ad ai (rP'icels Point, Iu bryan emuj fur s . aTtfl till- Superior aud Infer, or Court*. J,\ Sheriift? Tax Collector aud Receiver of Tj Returns 1 Coiluty Surveyor, aud fur a Corotk'If C'hsika SL, ty, 1" Iho Btateol "eoreis ■ Aud ilh farther n.<£oS That th.- election at oichof said il.I" .1. the Hupmiutundeuca of thu c ujl__ the company or comping atmi.-fied''at eaO J poatu : J hat the polla be opomtuat bpv«ti ■> ^ K a M . on the morning of W'cdaoriay, ihu fl*u TJ ti Jaunury, A. D , 1602,and beclradat flvcu , $ " ■ «»". ,' ha ' >h« rotnrns, prep^'V, ilflTd. -, ''oi't 'i ui“ s’ hll i"'rior»uuof U;is antyt, t » and 111", lid things be uouetbatare bylaw reqtrS(n\ M B) oibe. of their honors Sorn^y OUYLEH, J li; NOAH B. KNAPP, j. : o o.c OKOROE p flARlilSUN, : ■ - .... ’UlSVEN, j i c. o o Wii25 f »r V i IjL,AM4oN * J ‘ 1 c c «- " nxu '' H Bvrxotn, Clerk i. 0,01, 1 TO I’^r-K HATH IsSI LH U.N tlire, list' ih - j ui rUn-M ^olidatcd thi- offii-M c.f liedftvcT Tax follector. I ».(!«r tnyse.l a office of “Tax R»*c< iver **nd t «» turn t.i .fiiuuary m*>. . Yo jrs re ^nwtiniiy, nov2*i-- tl vsquence oilia’tor of Chat- eupoctflilly offer and voHpectfnlly ■ in, at the • iv. tlou ill \ i BENNETT PEOPLE LVU’I I V I—The Legit*la- m< hmciit, having con ua and Notice to Volunteer ( ompiules, 4 FIKHV iu..ro Coinpanioa wanted to cr: .)||e s A \ Rt-umient whicii l am raising bv nutmrlK oC ita* ( o.'.ffd.TJit.* Govurnmunl. Arm.* <.( t!io - -t de- script .on wilM.* fnrnlbhccl. In addition to hi other wager .md hHonv-iiiccc, n bounty of \vi!! civen' to i*a*.li private aud iii.n-c'omminbionrd ofllor* At -«.on ae * i Hiii7.*d, tit*: Regiment will be ; in amp ».f In-triiction on lb. court Fur iiirtlrr par* tlculars addlouH Co!. W. 8. 1 j I11l1.1>6, (l.n 33—uu* Sa\.umali, On., caro B<. liT. (. In"i.jL.t & Sentinel, Armieta ; lute;i ;tiicer, 'i th'* ReportiTj La Granin, v. t pleae*i iti'iuuajj, -Mt.i .in- neporter. i.a LsiuI l-c id t»eud liillr* to Col. W S Phi lilt ■ I Box 117 iMAKU L BEK Election Notice. A N Kle.l (oil wui »*e 1\. the city oi cv.nr ChutliHin. in the c. the firr lay ot' .1 uiiturj' eni-j ^ni red by Ju Supertax and In iff *ff iff opened at save o’clot i; r M The Shot in' Deputy, t; truuer commanded s»;d io] serve proper order, By order of rho i V? \xirt HoUre, iu r the countv of , r WEDNESDAY. , under the Hup. nutend- xiiff, ft>t a Clerk of the for a Tax C oll*' tor ami fa I'ountv Surveyor, and "*•* Tpe polls will be County County d to be Di attendance to pre lim polls. As Notice. VSiANTliH, River, li . ldiiii< on iho MisGsIpp! uiiicf atiovo Buton KouajcJis j.-l-ouo r and his lawful T > Constabk‘6, Aro | t.i tmikiug l :i • utrdngemeut, by which he nay in* erea.-o !>>? hy llfry. hut not 1«»hh tlian twui y field hands, to aid ‘ icultifatln*; the plantation lo hae (4io acn-K ot laud .Jearod and p«riy in cultiv tlon t?i cottuii and corn, Hi,il 600 uiwuidn The p!.-v Jg&i fett above overflow. Is nroductive and Kali/, end lm-* also an over.-ccrty ho t»e, ..;ood ne.»io q.titwis, trine, sav. mtiu, a , Ac., d:c Apply ter further information tr. BAltiCLLI i 0.,. - lo . Non «>rsain. .1 l. ' UYdER j t o. c. KNAi’V, j i. (.'. c. c. H RI90N, i i c. Ll )N, J. i o*ck O'* Kk( Aril traimaalon ot - M. till ‘2 P Yf oh ERM ANN IIlit; 1 U. H i Asat. Qunneruabter fri?h Vol.:., |\ill l>«- Hiipp.j ,i t’flpt trmf V Recruit rulaski fl>u quartern fil REaA.i 'at Vol. i ■'"•'m M ,) li.L, o this j,jv ■ /Is Jacob, and that he run away lom’i Ml *-»(.. M. D-.WV.I Jt Callahan Said b‘ y Jl \ .iiti, ami ol lets than median' *!»,• . lug the appoamnoe known as ''imooed ’ *' Those (Bterosud aro requastkd to D , ova andtakohlmuway LEWIS W nvi Bnmsw ink, Ott 1,1881. A ‘° outai—lawtf Plantation (a firrivon («huii for sale, -a-g*_ 5’PniN 2)F n.iles of No (:M umlroad, c.,naming him scree „ftt?,i P'Hc .and; «Jnr-iv-j of the Km'I , P""I Is.i'l 11. are-! and „»>•!.',*" n ball",n •! 1*1 tie l»ml ludi tlriberni J lu.mie aru s lira ;i u r> frame dwaiim, . ami . ralliullili! 5", o* gii'i.l order, nl „ >, f',, r ..,. c ■ gin house and screw Together w Ith the p he sold, U deaired, ( ora, l’o ffer un-.l St.« iie*il!h of the location la undoubted \ nl V; ' \ dam- Imo BI.QUNT A D/\ U enu I loalpy nd I5»t ■iltivsv spFOYt* oi her f.n and ce will ley, at tne y-A rtl them I.» the liead- n -tf for hark Apply immediately, to V. JOHN DRKsSELKR a>c81 ~ a . 54 Bryan street I* O R AX' Cjt l ’ STA. ./pIK , TM* steamer MANASHAH will SATURDAY .MoHNimj, ui elpht o’clock For freight, payuhie when received 100 Negroes. men and w .men, without children, hy addreahine thy W rSfer l t l 5 d Mr ^ inc,i0 “ te L Macon county, Georgia. ( Plant , xf Hlram Robert.1, Savannan, or Mr J 1 ^ ant ’ at Macon. [decai--<j] jj W ORR pay (huir laser on ... v l ira lururauae Companies roro.vml, lees losses actually oald ill order to economise lime, make your returns dkorue w. davib, City Treasurer. o.mpante.H, 10 make* returns and - on °r beli> e the 15th January inatant. . ou amount of premiums janl—lino the N’.»rib. ffiiiug preparations •mby, iy biM eoi: cits past h f'« r A ■ ] rr nten- | ” Kaa ' he positiou :u Centres not be dire ibalour U i and over; ower; Uow roads cu* pnppiy of OlLd.OTU for r. , OvercxMit). rap- Jc ar lENT^TH.^d'^^^’^^V^AT; wlvch "-.ionium ,., dealers and go;,Is' |„ and nearly n* w; Lngi . with tubular B.diur of vv,i uvrta memlo-jcd, witness four gi.,.i - the Loo fed ..rail: arujv (Frosy (,.r , . In the fame and la the m ay of '-butting," . th u tile army will go Into per it is long ' Isf-crtr, hi* Spiritof ihtswe k 1 cootiitlou of tho Iron; J •bore ;.ie no ev.d other ptj; .c u . mauent wir.'c.-ff I past til.-,,, for .' U ch' lnt.» Conside:;i*ioi Hecrehiry of \v nr ' rctorru : u > , - ; 7 uith Cj'.i hi-' Ian's Lm the 1-.iilaU1.1H0u l Me blow. rfie!*y ■ rci Iky udvai ce of il n Savannah, or ». y luflu ■ )<■(■ to p, „ at M -n.Ti<Eu« «r ihe Liiattanoo .1 a,j v ,. P i; ^ 4 i report • hat ,- U tirt- \i ll , l l ^ u ^ r r ' a ? s tl,a t tbe * inud raiment crowed • o«n th«* weather, tAktii ‘‘ cn, ' f decimation of tin* 1 rl * that tlif Army uj ,‘hts ' ' ~' n uwv* fnrwtn •/,’ n.-t d tin; opinion mat. .YtrCtoN I h'tit'; and that he but awotita i “1 n circQmRtanrea to etrik« ; t iniva mre supposed to ire crm.»n upou Chariest' n aj d 1 which is of s'lffl.-ie i» "L^ration oi tho rebel aresy 'ii his r. itl.ii-i FvTTEN BLouN'i’ a dawson: Auctioneers AND l'EP! lL C0,IM *SSI0.\ IffiOkEUS, w,n “ “'“"hase and sftloof NEGFOEB It - JTUCKH, BONDH, tJru and LEl TING RENTS, NEGRO HIRE. Ac! Our Mart is Ctinxcniert, secure and ccmibrtahkr. Office* ,, u Bryaii st reoet, opposite Bute Bank " ‘ -.oontr, __ jjolff] \y v D S K « A il S. | ^MWKCT flUPfillTATUlN & S • -rop of the late arrival .d the Sift /u 1 ' 1 Cuba, vLr. ; REGALIA. BRET ANT? A, FLOlt REGALIA'JENNY LIND "^WORNIA, OW'AUA I‘n.) JENNY LIND. BRENAK ,isri JENNY LINl- FLuK I.ONUHEB OUKAfTON LONDltES SKBASTtlROL LONDRRS LA Bj.PGKANZA. i-^LLa. _. ■"•ffiSafa-o m MADEIRA WlilES. ( ) L M M'arden, * ' - M. H ADC and Gftlli, for eaioJiy I TH08.W.M.R1UV, 07 Hiy-treet ilachiaerj ai Private Sale. * ,E 1 4 J|‘. of steamboat Miu hiuory. con- A, •* v .': L* 1.1" ng c om pi et e, all if, good order Ui Itiru cylinder. 6 feet stroke, Imrleatou make. Apply to J 1*. I WOKS, —; Charleston wharf. Advertisement. * 'hangs m our bust- I ' . '. • oiir lyrmp Irom thin dale will oe 8TRIOT- , ' 'Ttio-* indeliUa to 11 h are lyppertlullv clarn. Maln.ra^ '' arly **" 1 ' ‘"id those haung "" " ^" inM "• ,n present them for payment. To Itailroad ('oulraHors. OFFICE S.,A. * it. If R, COMPAN Y Savannah, Dec. 24, IS01 ( l^^fHACTS will he mndc-at* aoon nc HtttiHac- rVn Q ^7»P ro I>°«*le are received, for embanking j or lions Ot the tlKHlln wnrL- in tk.. AW. ‘ ft* follows Jones’ (^reek Fountain Rian. I* Cypress Flats Back Swamp Forest Pond Mam Trestle Total L^uqtfc in Feet .2800 60J 12011 Cub. Yards (Approximate ) 12,082 11,200 3 400 S8.U0 10.232 48.008 i«c»~u a.ubi.o SOUTHERN S3* ’ •’ LliiTIIER! MAKE YOUR OWN I LMPOKTANT 1MPR0V -,ME11 TIME AND Mo .U| 4JHKATKNT I \ i rJ! nooritii 1 >s fa rss X_# issued b.-pieuih. 1 ,i ,, of his own inveutioit n., tirelyuew process, wifi t> Tbe tiru«* inquired by i • t much less than bv the . • , , respcvN waiTinicd toll .<• this mode Rides can t»e 1 ai»> days, iu propoititin 10 the A Tannery is in .y .jri.t , patent, neat tl.c • ?m,. -w ful. . >,.» ucsirous «.I so Ttie rij,'ht lor conn!* septM—ly Ct- ) j ROUGH RICE ATJ R. IN TANNING. P fo Tu • • sther ie ftnik. a 11 in al; 1 i dura ]e. Bv •v fifteen osi.vtv FOB SALKj Oli | till 1st Nc.v lBHff.ft.w orbrnhw, . and wetl uuiri,ed brie* ( , j 1 j t to worner of Lihorty Jl 1 i nis, t>< -iflt--. tvji-.erne ii iiu.es cart .uie in u?-y hiiu a dwellin'; Lor furtheri BLOCfiT A DAW' xxiiatu fro Gold V/anted. . ,4 ™«« PKKinUJW WliJ be r, 1. V decia" "'1 foe sale. ( )-^ K ? A “ t: - A, ‘ J hlghl'U.ccl, I.y ■),, CO. X fi .iu 1 t,,y Chari auto l Wharf JsqTice. 4 *.L PltllM).v,' lll |,i, ;n rr.,.ri '\ ar! T HfidUir. late oM h.unam a. d "<"' edrudekk. Noitice, A ^ inoebed U'tho fl'. rfiR if a i’u* 1 ** 1 ,alyf t CUlism ecu. ty .*vy hereby totined man Hymen it oVn«*^ wins SRslnst tai ; t Uieain, proper .'j and ail p.-rsons requested to fioi ft >e term . i tnei dod8- * Ma liV ArHIBfANT QUARTRMdSTlifl ■'.i.WAYi Oct.. A N V donatims luieted • A. a 1 KrnnHw-k. ii'inot ca,n - ol and ahlpped fr.vfcl Cn," Notice. 113,602 j ^ftftooh. January 1st, u<nv For Sale. ' 4 PLANTATION, u, a healthy looa- , 10 "* l 1 . 1 'h« Sth Dial,loi of Ware county ono 1.1"- iron, No. iu Station on 11,u a" nd“ H H - ram las, each containing lira a rea • 1 o acrca oDen “* i'iVm* well uf , Vn. l,: ° 4 ldeL ‘*f ° n »be place i. P an • r.t \m il of water, six comfortable negro houses, On tho place is an h ints nt- '.'.i'i"* ,■ ■' 'um.unable negro houses, ■n ri-U l»?J» ,rai' " lnr k" ri".|tora, a good kit.h 1* Vr..nt 5r tl arranged framed dtvelTlug houae, 'V'"™ la a beam im: flower garden with a .Xl*'. "." 1 "* • 1 '>« era ant. trail treea. All of the tbe lines im oeah” is llur.ii: Baliiniore, line over to A l idy flora ' paaa. it th"o u (!| d r, ■ " ; "'- V ,IOra daj'*6iucr, c-utir.nMl,e »t .teulem R fe''( a * ,:w lo u irentleinuf* now in th}„ ' l! ' ltl|f, wn for tbe truth of her statement ° v,,ueh ® 8 from Fortress Monroe, m,’l.." ,' nfj 1 * ? a,, " ! Norloik, and repreaeun that the iadlvi ^ jT Uiort) are all oue way ou the war question a talk exceedingly saucy, to the i 0 Uuilc auun«‘.o Ot (b* kboUllua authoring* • auuotr.uce Sherry Winjes. H™e°b? ' ’ ^^y.Craflen^Frv.Exra,^, 'rV MURRAY, ?i07 Bay hfret Claret Wines. Bart0 “«»*«i>Mta. )> tt toi Huie-iy 1TIOB W. MURRAY’, __ _ 2u7 Ray * ireetr ( I ^ "B^ugar, for «aTo I v 1 ooao u. a, Brown, to $16 no*,-21 house*are j 1 wi i offer the shove pla<» , onl.. Those wish ing a yood l. J '-all before purclmHlng elsewbi I Savaio, > i| t ,° r' n V( ,,n Jdhnstou, Bay street, j Savannah. or to U. J. White, ( . n mo placv j . J _ H ^ WHITE. I VKW OkLkans srUAR. -iB hhda. New ' *", , , r-Lan * bl 't’iw Just received amt for s.|o by I -J abl CLAOHOHN A CUNN1NUHAWL TOW Fit AS. -151 hags Cow Peaa for ealeby I > JJLl Cf.AfllloltN Je CUNNjNOHAM ( notice;. i ( ) N AA “ fU ' r , the V 1 January, 18*12, our huaiuees : Ti'V ilhn"* 1 1 entirely on the CaHH 8YH- i ” All perwuia indebted to us bv note or oneu j acconnt ai.* ixqucatncl to settle thei*urae at their ear- . lies' I'onvenlcuiR. The necessity which comoels ns ■ rtlendT h '" 5 ' <tem ” U1 fUftily suggest Ussl/^o onr j (l' ‘ .'»- ll NEVITT, LATHROP A ROGERS STORAGE ! rjIHK anderatgned having a commodlone brick flro- | JL proof N arehomo!, sltnaied ou the South aide ut Bay atreet, propose to take on storage, goods wares, pindiico, Inrunure, Jtc., at reasonable rates ' ^ 1 "lUd—<J LEG RIEL A FOOTMAN. The emi.ankmente may hi formed of either t..,-. or Band in he found in ihe vicinity of me work hut Ii ol rand, liny must have a casing of clin of such ihi* « ness as the ( ompanv s Koglneei may iimsldec a sul' ncieut protection aeain-t l'rohctr*. and to evr.-na iu all case?* above the hffjhent water mark The material compofinp the casing lunnl genera 11 v be Swamp Clay, bur when thirt material can not be convenientiy prooured, clay from ihe ad- Joining hillrt may tie eubatitutecl; hut in uli . atma IIS tttnerta for th* inlend. J purpose will bo Judged by Hie Company's Engineer. Damago to life em- tMmkinenta, If any, by fr**!»h(*t8 during the proffresH of the work, will be* aubiained by tho Contractor Day meut one third «^h, the bnlauce in the capital stock of the ('ompnny at par. Address HIRAM ROBERT’S. Aetlug President, Si.vaunali or , J. T. STONE _d*<-25 -tl Chief Engineer, ThojiftevlUi- tin WHISKEY. 200 i4AIltt,ll,M ' ION( ' N " A ' , LLA undltEi - TTFIED OLD UriWKEY NlkiAH WHITE and YELLOW (T.ARlFISfi BUGah moLASSEk N. O. NEW MULA.S8KN. OAXN-OAT8 UHOIL'E BLACK HKEDao.l FEED OATN. For sale by . UAVID R. DILLON, I-*. Bay street. SUGAR. 1 Of I ? l ew Orleana Sui/ar, aasorted A qualitiea. For cheap for cash, decSO—ft EUJOTT, FKAQIN A CO. JJT. CROIX HCIYI. 1 puncheon St. Croix ^ Rum, In Htare and for sale iiy deckk W. M. DAVIDSON- X*HBSH Kfltis, stSo cents nor dozen, tu * fIRt AMS RiAiii ‘ IR‘I". V Ageiii for ihe followii Companies Tfie Gtorylci Horn< inetttu The frwtrance t'o. of (hr. i cheater, Va. I 1 fu Florida llt/in*t Jrt.,urar>:t Fla. The Alabama Insurance Co Rlrtlre taken nt reKaoiinble rrd suraiilc property. Claghorn A lYmninghWi? i>*i nah. DB WlTT MHU1 X BRUVN 4. SAVaiit, AKClUTI'.tTS ] t Hill E undersigned having tor u«- - )•; .-n J. are now prepared lo furniai J ai , i.iooe, anil Ur give then up. i>«! ti :• i,:i i |,. tion and Superintend* nee of BiiRdiu^ I Office in Bart Trfby . new Bnild'. > * 1 . L «r und Drayton Blreett s&vaxomh, u« CAL! FOR 'i. - i |Vmas-- 4 ftAlff-tcd i^^F'au’i.ortjAi) to~r £. lion of Im mry to jerio riunnv tbe v ^.1 ] appeal to the puniotirtiuof Georgia D !• ii U I rtjMmdLul to, tle^ B.i(iiti,on will im et;ppli< hniield Rifle, t or further particiiurn aufli Savanuah, Box iso. * dec3—if PPM \y L. < Artt. S&JKEWAK1 -lAKCi W’SNS ZSSWSmr Jour. 8UAw U.au,, i, tl , deserted froo and an addiitt »i rvwsrd of *10 for ever . wTt£ mt lei vs! ct>ulpai ‘J wbo OKI of Ui |* 'l.'IVp, •itiCOr Kr«M> NASH VII,hit STEAM EC. Iron forging i,i , W7 K urv* now prepared to il Yf I.AKGT? QUANTITIES the to wit: Forged Gun Barrel.-, .unfinMu-ff Spades amt Shovels, dike O Auie Picks, Dr.llrt * nd Crowtau- Wttgoh and CurAybie AncKorrt, Crank*- and Shifty Sledgcrt, Ilanjinere und Phm Shai Chains, Traces and Hinps Rivets, Sptkes, Bolts, Nam and ( hisois. Knives uud H*»es, S< u u Mo 1 DRSCRI1TI0N OF iKo.S aMjSi der4—lm* \VA Narl vnannh,or t. FOR 8A LE. rjiHiK nndw-rsignod have several j’;aij X or lest improved, iu original I v Mitchell ujiu ty, t welvo oi flfteec nulosV- coniainlng f om 50'5 to a. re-, car taintn^r 2.260 ct <* x has J-00 acres In cultiv buildings loi in nvei .». er. m uroes, a gin i other oat bir .'iiu'ii. Other places withe enedjand-', ’<■ . Ar., in the"e«:ao loculi:| nnmeroirt p in .*i unimproved land ail Railroaili fd m .Savannah to Ralftbstaf the Kiint avi Cnaftahooct**r < • "hich will lx *old to appliq- »*. 1 and time toG. 'Mil TO SEABOARD F llWEIvN valuable Code in the ru.*t fertile H‘or?ift. a .* uTired for r.dr tl i th* nuyr (uycntmodallnj uf Tliey ar.* net-pHsed of tr*iT a *ee eaci, tXJiqe Improved I p. ivid. Abnndt.ucc o. provlatouB d . pi';ep. evera of the s places ’ ion (f l/u. tr ff vuuU * i t ere lit. JL dec28 xabltc nri i-Ku. „ Q B. BROWN'D, FAST 11AI SKR.X l 44 I-I ow 10 Ken©w <>ur National 1 11 Hermon picaotied in Ohrirl Bishop Kl 1 loti, Friday Novembet ir*il the? day of Humiliation, Funt!n«r nnd 1 12Vi cents each, or ten conies tor *1 jl foe>ale hy (dt.cjfy .JOHN M CO 1 Mules (or Si! SEVEN likely Mule. . .. seen nt the stable of Mr. W. t ' bly street. dec20—C ORO S EED OATS, —at n bu* 1***1 -• of Ten I Oats, for sale hy 1 JAMES I 8NU>il R VE.—260 bushels of Rye fyr •ale ii* ] "as ,7 JAMES J. 8NXJ5 < X