Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 03, 1862, Image 1

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. V*#/ -/ : f/ p i- UM ■■ • w ' r , *tfgM ^ . 5 ?*k rau 3 w?ts. •. . A i Wi ■ ■ .p ■ V f—4 wife ■. ■;,. u. -V,:^ ’ ■ ! ii ' OI id m r' ■S',-’- |f, "■ ' ... irl'., . ■ r.' - . \) i piKU £ j ; VOL. XIII. ^ailiilUovuingPp BV THEODORE BLOJS. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY X 1802. U, t, THOMPSON. - - tiiUTOK. yilXJJAY M0KN1NU JANUARY 3,JL8UW. by telegraph. From tmope ; Through lato Noi'lUoru pu|mrft \vu Ki*t fiomo furlbur lnterimlluij uximuu from 11; inline Ku^llsli juuriyU on subjects oouuccteil with the wur. Wu tnako room lor thu following : ' [From lha London Port (Government Organ) Dec. 7 1 run stonk l i.r.irr uAumuAirna vs. m.ookaubs. 1 Ilia nnnonniM'd thu tucuU -live vessels have : sot sail, hentlly louded with atom's, with llu viow of their lining sunk nt the month of :i 1 Southern harbor. Now, in nil prolnibilit.v in- I gross or egress would he dilUeull ul a .Southern non, with live and twenty aunkuu vessels in limit of the harbor, ms it wns nl Sebastopol, | e here the Russians situk several of tlieir slid I (ireveuling tlio eniriine RKINFOHCKMl:NTS OS TIIKIIt- WAV TO CANADA, liny 111 Artillery, Haller} P, Cu|d. Veaev. Koi.il Ariilleiy, Hitllery I*, tlnpt l.es.ie. Seeoiid Keginieiil ol till! I.ini'imie liinlnlion.) Sixteenth Regiiiienl ol thu l.lilu (onu batla- Hon.) * , , , Twentieth Regiment of the Line (one bait a 11 b'oriy-tlH»i Regiment of the Line (out* Imtl.v Sickness or Kossuth.—The Albany (N. Y.i Gardner, woru riding out on ilils ildu ol Grom a Lutes ifint I, Hers from Italy bring Urn ! Hiver, and upon u|Mh .inching tlm Lull'll picket Intelligence that Koaautli is alarmingly ill. llu disease appears lo he'a kind ol consumption, | tlntl one received a loortnl wound— u Minnie which has ihus^r halHed thu ull'orts of ids pliy | hi tS'V Sixlceulh Lancer.** --Three companies. Ron il Eiurlm eiri—Three eompniilea. Making a tidal I'.nve on ils way to CanadiX of oiiu moii, with twelve 12 pounder ArniMiong The Yaukees invading tho Louisiana Coast. Rjlumund, Jan. 2.—A private dispatch re celvod here iroiu^.Mobile to-day, says Picayune \ V ith the Butler la at Ship Island. The Federate are in English and French vessel* id war. But il the possession of Bitoxi, and probably in- j “1 ffieS' up j tend to occupy all tho towns on thu coast, limy j 3muhlinl ,hey must erf captured two tttunon at Biloxi. There were no thau/iere h nl m,rt ,n, eml ofl/w blurb. -j ■ tlj# , r()|lUlona wilh lbt . small arms to capture, They have luuded live Inal,nice in which ihcti new plan i* lo upp y. (m| . aeven thousand inch,, and v. ill probably at- o' " .," ■ wherever enuon and lol.aceo. Tli . tempi to force their way to Jnctaon, Mias. ! fJ"J 1 "O*J ^loturnment shall thus aiilmliiule ' slore. looms, ol the Seotlish mid Kmjllsh loin, Iudicatious of a Ftderal Advauco ou the Poto* j hU uUcMi veumd-s for its bliip>-oi war, llu n th* mao- j block .nix i.> nl o.k k Urminatnl by tho content of nil Another private dlapatoh from Cculreville, to ! natiouH. h prominent Confederate military olllcer, ^aya | virTonu'd imiooi.amation aoainst Tin: [From l(ti\Hold's London Weekly 1 Fn<;i:iiid ICr.ali tliu Hloi kiule. Due important fuel w-bicli otltfhl never to liO .'l sight of in this eonlruvcr y is that the ;i"iv I Southern people and statesmen are e.\tremcl\ ( | uiivious to In- on friendly polilieul and eo.mmer if to upplV vdal lelations w ith thi- eouuiry. l in y want HI 11(11 o WoeA-m/e fei u,u ' manufactured good.- in exchange for their iniiN uid whcirver and lohaeeo. I lo* produce ol the I lull thus'siilialiime sldi-e looms, ol the .Hcollish and Kngllsl. ‘ ol the engine mamiuieluieia ol llie 1.1 ... I)de, ol tin* Atrcel .••hops »»f Siiellield, ol | t:iI works of Birmingham, now excluded j siclan to arrest p. Si.iouu.’d I>is»*a r* nics Omri.M.i v Rki'Kivi-.d. 'i'lie .Xonrrl/istc (K Iboim, of Deeemher fills, as sells that Ml*. Slidell’s dispulehes, which the New York l^unmls ineteml were -ei:.. I on board the ; '(L have been snlelv brought to Paris by his Sccielai v, Col. Leinal, :m Ameiiom of French origin, and tied tlu \ wrn••telivere.d with the sealspulouL« n to M Tliouxenel. |. regularly posletl there, onu or more of tin i tiled upon ihu eoinpunv, thu lOfiUlt of wi 1 that one received a luorlal woum* ball breaking both of Ids legs. The mimes ol idliei'is our L.inrmniil could not ienrn. Uuu the ab<dis|iin<| slavery ■d. il i i indications ul that point of an early Federal attack at Evanspoit, and probably a simultaneous attack ai other points on the Po tomac. The War in K utucky. Nashville, January •l.—Thu Bowling Green correspondent of thu Union and American says that after advancing to Horse Gave, the Fcdorals have withdrawn to Munfordsville. TheC’oufed erate forces have also fallen back towards Bowl ing Green, and are now near Bell’s Tavern, still moving South, destroying the railroads as they lull back. The tunnel near Cave City was blowu up on thu 27th by order of the military authorities, and the railroad tracks destroyed for several miles. The Fedcruls arc removing the rails from the tracks north of Gave City, and obstructing thu different roads lending to Mun fordsville with trees and other obstructions. An early engagement is now no more proba ble than it was three months ago. Tom Grit ten- den has fuilen back lo Calhoun, where, it is re ported, he Is preparing to go into winter quar ters. Yankee Doodle Backed Down M»»on uua aiutolt Released Richmond, January 1.—A dispatch lias been received here in official quarters, staling that the Baltimore .Vim, of tho 20th nil., publishes Seward's dispatch lo Lord Lyons releasing Messrs. Mason and Slidell, “yielding them to claims iutriusically just, and i>i conformity ailh American doctrine. llie laglit Renewed at Pcnsanda. Mobile, Juu.3—A Confederate steamer, w hile going from Pensacola to the Navy Yard this morning, was fired on from Fort Picketts. Bragg’s batteries replied. The filing was still continued at last accounts. Richmond Theatre Burnt. Richmond, Jan. 1 —Tho Richmond Theatre was burned early this morning. A portion of the walls only remain standing. An adjoining build ing, occupied by David A. Brown, saddler, was ulho burned. The Marshall Hotel Was much damaged. gj m\ Forward Movement of the Enemy in A rumor prevailed in the city on Wednesday afternoon that the enemy bad effected >i landing, from their rendezvous at Ililtou Head, nt some point ou llu* main land nuur Port Royal terry, in what numbers was not stated, and that they had been attacked by our advance forces. We were, however, unable to learn more than that they hud been checked in their advance towards the‘railroad, and thut skirmishing hud been kept up during the day. Yesterday rumors of all kinds prevailed throughout the city, but we were unable to ob tain auy reliable information from the scene of actiou, until late in the afternoon, when we learned that a dispatch had been received at mili tary headquarters, announcing that the enemy had effected u lauding, that u skirmish had taken place in which the Confederates lpst eight men killed and some seven wounded. A passenger by the Charleston cars informed us that at l’o- cotaligo, which place he passed about J o’clock in the afternoon, he learned that skirmishing hud continued during the day, and that our troops were falling back, probably to concen trate their forces and obtain a position out ol reach of the heavy guns of the Yankee gun boats. At the lime of our going to press with our night edition we have no detiuite accounts ol the movements near Port Royal. We only know that the enemy have made a forward movement towards the railroad, and that they are opposed by our troops. Wc hear that reiuforeemcuU have been sent forward. Gen. Lkk left this city lor the scene of action yesterday morning. Jjjy* At an election held at Camp Berrien, near Savannah, by the tiffin (j ham Ihu&ar* % lor county officers for the county of Effingham, the following was the result: For Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts—James Kahn received 8 votes ; R. S. Dawson, 44 votes. Forlieceiver and Collector of Taxes—B. D. Mor gan received 44 votes ; A. F. Rahn, none. For Sheriff of Efiingham County-A. Wilson received 9 votes; John Hinely, 2 votes; 2. Blilch, none; S. Ncidtlinger, none. For Surrey or—A. N. Keiffer received 19 voles hor Coroner—J. ..Dasher received 22 votes The United States and Mexico.—The New York Tribune pretends to give the details of the papers transmitted to the United States Senate last week, by the State Department, concerning the affairs with Mexico. Amoug these il says is a project of a treatry with Mexico^ the pro vie- ions of which are of such importance that it is eveu thought it would, if confirmed, lead to the withdrawal of England and France from the Spanish ulliauce. The treaty, according to the Tribune, provides that the Federal Government shall pay $11,000,000 to Mexico, to bo applied to the satisfaction of English and French creditor and for a grant to the United Stales of all com mercial privileges; the' adjustment of outstand ing debts and the right of transit across Mexi can territory for troops uml munitions of war. It is thought, at Washington, that the treaty will bo speedily confirmed and sent at once to Vera Cruz. McClellan’s Policy Condemned —A pam phlet was laid ou Llie desks of several Yankee Senators and members of Congress at Washing ton, a few days since, written by Charles Ellelt, Civil Engineer, lu which the author discusses at some length the management of tho preseut war, and animadverts pretty severely upon Gen. McClellan’s policy of conducting affairs so far. itsappearauce has caused much comment in po litical circles. The Wak Sfiiut in Canada.—The Cincin nati Commercial of the 25th lust., a copy of w hich we have before us, has the following item : “The news from Canada is warlike. The military spirit of the pioplo i9 excited, and there is a general expression of hostility towards'the - Wll \T LI FEC r EX 1*0ItT OF WAK ;MATEKIAl THEY MAY HAVE ON THE AVAIL [From \h • London Post Rioveumieut organ;, Dec. (j 1 The second royal proclamation, forbidding the export of arms and oilier warlike stores not in cluded in the former, has followed its predeces sor not a day too soon. Willi whatever view llie Cabinet of Washington has been engaged m buying up all our purchaseaide menus of offence and defence, alter a fashion that Charles Dickens would describe as “wholesale, retail, and lor ex portation.” By much or.by little, whatever was to be obtained for money was about to be pur chased and >hippeal lor America. Within the last leu du)s an agent ol the Federal Govern ment is understood to have bought up three thousand Ions of sullfnqrc, tho chief component of gunpowder ; and this was so much more than the whole amount that London could supply, thut the American agent, we believe, was obliged to complete his .mission b> coulraellug with manufacturers of this commodity in the pio\iu- eeu. The export of these three thousand tons was arrested by the former proclamation proba bly ji is I in time. Meanwhile, however, the American Govern incut had been purchasing small arms on a scale somewhat less vast, or with so mud* )’ t .i.,« i...m, iiiia me met Imd nol become notorious. But the necessities of the Wu>hing ton Cabinet pioviug more urgent, a fretdi »m s senger is understood to have been dispatched hoin Now Yolk in the I’er.-ia, which vessel ar rived in Liverpool on Monday last. It is believed that the latter agent repaired immediately lo Birmingham with v< r> i:\tensivcordeis for l ilies, percussion caps, lead lor bullets ami other stores ol wur. These articles, it will be seen, b id nol been included in the interdict ol the tormci ; proclamation, which hail been issued but « lew days he to i o the arrival of thu Persia. Wh.it ihe. immediate succe.-s ol ibis agent’s commis-ion to the manuluelurers m Birmingham and else where may have been we do not know, I- d, il he wore prepared tooa.4’ llie cost in cash -which lie Was very probably armed with the means ol do ing—it may be assumed that no difficulty pie Benied il.-* el I to Ibc completion of the contract so lar as the manufacturers were concerned. But so prompt ami decisive bus been the ac lion of our Uovcininei't, that before this latter agent id’ llie Federal Cabinet bad set foot lor loity eight hours in this eouuiry, a second pro cluma'.ioii was issued, forbidding the export of “arms, ammunition, peieiission caps, lubes and lead ” This proclamation is dated Wednesday, !>,•<• 4, and took the public by surprise yesic i day morning. But tor this rapid action tin; good-. ‘would Lfbahle l„nu hem shipped, they were ready prepare^ lor u.-c, i»v the end of the week. I h« result is that mi rican gentleman is thrown upon Ids beam , and will probably return to New York hv iicxt mail, will* his cash in his pocket, ami leaving the coveted arms uud ammunition on English ground. The truth, therefore, is, that the liberality and futility of our laws have operated to Iced llie ur in the greatly piepoudering Interval of the North. By the present proclamations this ten deucy is now ul an end, and neiilicr belligerent will receive arms or ammunition heiicclorwanl Irorn these shores. 1 his is meting out even jus tice, at least, lo both parties. But whatever were the designs of the Federal Government, it is impossible to imagine, any power more com plctcly beaten In policy by its lute outrage, on our flag. If it were iia aim in these purchases merely to provide for its campaign against the South, il has closed the door to ils own factiti ous a J vantages over its antagonist m British ports ; and il it were its aim to cxhuttsi our resources, it has pul its design in practice just in lime to be decisively defeated lo tlm G' ul proclamations. THE SAN ■) SKI, - THE THE ACT. The Havre journals publish tin; following poll, from Cupluin (Muster; Gotchan, command ing the French brig Jules ei Marie (174 tons—a iTt;w of uiue mui and ono passenger;, from J.iv erpool lo Havana, with a cargo of coals : Havana, November Y —On the Hd «»f Novell! her, about eight o’clock, A. M.. from twenty to twenty-two uiiles from the Malanzas Lights, w>* descried a steamer under siil <»n the starboard bow. As soon us she perceived us, she look in bur sails uml gleamed for us. Win u within four cables’length she liiej a gun, but did not hoist any ilag. Wo immediately hoisted our own II <g. There was very little vyind, and we were going about a knot uml a hall an hour. 'The steamer kept on ahead lo passes in front ; sin- then stop ped. Perceiving that a collision was inevitable, i tried to tack, Inu there was scarcely any wind The steamer vv.is now coming close upon us. I had the maiusaii up, but the collision look place. The steoner tarried away our bowsprit, two masts with the sails, a portion of the bulwarks and ail but broke the mi/.zunumst. As goon as 1 got freh of the broken musts, I sent the men to the pumps. We made no water. I went in a boat alongside the steamer loask lor assistance. The < omiiUiiidcr ol the steamer had ul the same time scut a boat alongside, but on my asking his name and th ilofbia vessel, I could not u.-eerluin if, orders having been given lo bis men to llmt effect. His carpenter was in the boat. Seeing that the commander was not inclined lo help us, 1 told him in «nerj gauge that 1 should k»ep close to hi towed us into safe anchorage lie then ol his men to get up our broken tackli time one of the machine men informed n the steamer was the Sail Jacinto frigate, from New York. The commander informed me that lie had or- deru to Bourch every bhlp, and asked me lor my papers. Having reiterated my demand to be taken in tow, as oiherwi.se we .should have drift ed, uml bet u inevitably lost oil tho coast ul Ba- . Iminu, lie filially consented l*» tow us to llo» lla *vuuu. lie sunt mhiic men on board the Jules at Marie with a cabin. After some solicitations 1 at lust succeeded in procuring from one of the officers the name of ihe frigate and of the com mander. On the -lib of November, about, f* A. M., being tiltee*) miles from the Havana light-house, one of the American crew liuile.il u.s, and told u- to unship the cable they were lowing u.s by. 1 re plied that w o were too lar from the land, uud hoped limy would be kind enough to take us in to poll. They then cut the rope, the remnant of which l have iu iny_ bosseshion, and left us, vvVtli scarcely any wind, to drift In a current which would soon have carried us on shore. I gut up all the sails I could, and the wind liup| i j lv gelling up in the north-cust, i reached the en- . trance of the port, where » tug • learner (None to | our assistance. We ant bored about noon. By the present report I protest in the most I solemn manner against the eommuiiilei ol the) steamer lor the damage be lias caused me. i have drawn up this report on the Mb of ' her, reserving to myself the light of amplify from Hie Southern and Northern Stales by the Morrill and oilier pioleeiive tariffs, will be eager- lv welcomed hv the Southern States when once their independence, is established, or rather a* soon as the blockade is i.iised, for the indepen deni e. of'tlm Confederal ion is now an aecom pii.-Lied fact, which not all ihe might id moon .stricken Yaulceeilom can undo. When iu udill lion to this it i- borne in iniml that iheslon- hoii.-es in New Oilcans, Mobile, Savannah and oilier ports are cram lull, piled Horn cellar to ceiling with that raw cotton, b-r Hie want ol which our looms are standing still, our arti/.ius Hiarv ing, and our manulucluiers becoming insol vent , il is impossible not to perceive that an overwhelming ease in favor ol the immediate raising of the blockade by the British Heel lias i nle; The ilea of procming from other places enough ol cotton lo save ns Irom llie Impending disasters is simply lalulloiLS. Taking the two elements ol qii.unity ami quality into account, it is .-ale lo i.-scri. that not Irom any or all ports of llie World can we. Uml ail equivalent lor the American cotton of which we. are now deplived As lor llu East Indies—Ihe region from which the most sanguine expectations arc now cherish ed—nothing bin the grossest ignorance could havceiveii birth lo the delusion. That it is a delll-l.'ll to bidiev e_ i b o i. 4 • .•" »>*. ‘ Miiiu ieiii supply oi cotton can be procured irom that eouuiry lo 'enilef us independent of Ameri can, every body who ha- looked into the mailer must admit. To erow caiough of cotton in India, and to provide the ways ami means by who it - 'l can be transported to England at stieii terms us will iii<1 in e maimlaciurers to purclr.i.-c il, cannot, on the most moderate compulation, bo necomp Relied in I ss thau ten years. But even if enough oi Fust India cotton could be inaluullv and cheaply procured, il would not liable the Lancashire' mills lo keep working The reason is obvious. East India cotton both coarser uud shorter in libn* llim llie American. Now, in uim-leen out of every twenty miila in this eonntn, tin; machinery was HIMi lifted for the rn Hiliiaelme of the hme r .1 finer libred product of Ibc American cotton. > adapt ibis maebineiy to the Li-u. Imlii col li would iieceBSilu'i; a complete revolution *md cou.-lrueiioii ol our machinery. 'This indispensable alt* ration,could not be el- eleil in less lime lh.ui twelve mouths, or at ss co.it than fifty millions sterling. But iu the e.mlime, vvliat is l<» become of our miemploy I and lamlsliiiig eiti/.ens? Why, the Very evil liieli we dread ami which we are doing all in il* power to prevent, would have laUi n place, > that be.loic the col Inu ol India coni I lie got • the machinery prepared lor its manufacture, u: probabililms are Unit wc should have no oh to r< lit, m* operatives lo employ, no coin Qm?" A the District off’olumhia i be of genet-.ffStrti ie-1 to know that, a« cording to the rcccntr’consus, llie number id -laves at Georgetown iVffiit, in W.i.dilnglou, l.li, and in tlm remuindfer.ol the comity, 8:11; making a total id ff.is:;. V^'v blacks in the Dhliut, I 1,1 “• I; and the touUopiilation of W ohlnghm is ffl,T.*J. • ■*!■>< su* «u—— Tlc!.(’«irlestou Courier says si shell from a ball cry not fine hundred miles Irom llmt city, tell without exploding a few days -iniv ll was found by a group of lillle Alrleans, who, sup posing il lo ctmlain somethiiii 1 ; good, put ii into a tire and gave u a roasting. Fortunately the explosion wlffeh ensued frightened them with out serious Injury. ball also came ycry nmr killing Burgeon Gurd tier—grazing thu breast of his coat.. Howl in (/ Green Onwrfor. Christinas Day •> Diary. Got up at Mill rise beautiful day —went out III the street, not soiim egg nog- i.nv uomu niggers niggei said “ ( in i dinm t t v e" a i\v vva 1 - hi load ol bay wki .1 |»ilee, i 1 50 too inut U walked on; saw some more i»It;l'•:is -nigger I. al load ofliav—asked p... Id o’clock. Niggers thh I- .1 inn* si reel lull ol wagons asked but I bushel of ers tied soiii lo tic soiuu li , Cl- Idlle ho Anotueu Yanki »■: « is stated in t.^- ^ anl ei the f.imoiia Yei mold Ship Islam^Froclon. called by OBTAtn I. I IVEKIDAHD. U . Unit lien. Bhelps t I, who IsAlied the v dl be al once r« J-^jCThe tlitfce i at RiltsbuiY, Bo no I louudru s in the country ton and We i Boini have bo* ordered to mimulaeUire, vvilliiu tin- next twelv mold lift, all the leiiineh Golumbiads they eat Eighteen hunilied guns have been ordered Inn Forlrer s Monro.* to Portland. to hav Tho Emaucipatiau via ;-»t:osi Where tho Contra- hands can ha Sent. Washington, D«*e. *.a Bromim id im tubers hilioti for llie aolllti in order lo eiowils ol slave-, in Ameneaii mills wc. ground i hat tin- I ml ana and Aikan t- d I he ol the Sla Without u. ity amrii-v ied w ing the treatic proposed to a I hey have r on the I ni> i null ami voi llu' |" i m ciipiit»"il a. /•prop! id” question, d supporting o Rirui.-h llu* icy l it:.; (lie e: I Of l.oni- i the l idle.I condition?:. — Violated the d .Slate, thu- reiule Hi Ion’s Funiilu contrabands to this Temloiy and :»|■ them to the settlers upon Use-e collo leaving the qlie.ilion ol tlieir linal .li- to lie settled by Cmigrc.-s at lie* elos war ; all coulr.ihanil-, as Iasi a- tlu*y <*. camp, lo lie promptly lorw.irded liiilliei The eouiiirv i- nppio.ielieil from 81 through Springliuld, n di d ole ol B. more, tin id llpOII Ol iking si.mi a lo llu phatie manner, should they see t mi I'.imisbiiig, grates lir. less, ill tide ot furniture upol wuinc I his our countrv, ii, to lake iii- maUer. But, appe:, Why cbilil cupboards empty, iheir lies denuded of ev cry sir selves pressed into pan against another V W<-rt sueli eomplieity in Uu- Ve|*dii*t of I lie l e-l ol III i till be el some M can ine that perism oi coerced into crime, because (lie mad ami mean government of 11.« Northern .States lias committed itself to one ol the most foolish mid wicked wars ever waged by one power U***y to be guilty ol own extinction, the win l.i would be, that tlieir cowardice was only equalled by tlu ircrim- Rialii', dial a set of more unmitigated Rnbc cib n> .I walk. <1 or craw led upon the face ol Urn earn, it is, llu-re I ore, the most sacred and bounded duly of Urn working classes, and, in deed, of ail ei asses—bill of llie former in a pre eminent. degree- -I.* take up this question and make use ol all tin eoiialiiillmnal mockery al limy- di-posul, in order lo induce the British Government to interpose ns power lor the prc-ervaiion of our commerce Irom ruin, am) our citizens Rom starvation. The F.xrHNSKrt of the Lincoln Govkkn meni'.—'The New York Commercial Advertiser rales the expenses ol the Lincoln GovcrmncnL as rallicr under Ilian over one million doll per day. Tho slalenu nt is one of obvi m- n ileiilatiou, iu neeeptiug tin- uuimiul of | i- fr. ihe tie daily I laid* rtf its The more x pend llu r uni it pay s, as intraeiors and New York Tribune makes i x-.et estimate of the uciual is lIn* measure of llu Gov t.-rniiii'Ml spend? te.l by the grumbling North ol the war it is waging. It says then* h- not a man less than half a million ot soldi.-r (legfilar, volunti • r and militia,) this day lonkiiq to the Federal ’Treasury for food, clothing, traus portation and pay; and our unity has liitheil. cost us Jelly £1000 per man p< r annum, or ubou • dav. Ui elieve the stVi below this al pre-ent, i peeiallv il the .••*■•► •» recruiting and tilling out regRneiils is inelude.l We b.-Re.ve tlm outgoe? of the (joveri)Ui''nt, in eluding Um cost ol llie blockade and ihe, gr»*al Soul Hern naval evpcdiiion. hit fully : .’OO,000,000 per day, or ul le.yu Y700.000,1 KIO per annum bo fur, tin* North has been .-Milling over tlm fuel Uml il has In eu constantly draining specie from the Old World, while mainlaining an arm) of half a million men. 1 mlerilic influence <>i a short crop in Europe, the .North has l».. n *• v porting grain at Urn rateol ^2,00!1,000 per week; uml liy llie help ol a stringent tariff’il lias retain ed all the gold exported from California. Tin sc cause*' will account for the luge amounts .*1 specie accumulated in the* North since llu*..•«.* inciiefiment of the war. Hud the lurifWof 1S'»7 been Icll hi force, we believe tlm balance ol trade with Europe would have been against the North this year,and theii banks thereby rendered utterly unable to help the Government. Let them lie called upon to spare $2,000,000 pur week to London and Baris instead of receiving colli from Lite old World, and Iheir ability to take and pay for Treasury Notes and Bonds would lie t?udl) diminished.*— Hicfommd Fra mint r. n.le of Ihe >a«l !r. nglield to Foil bm.Ih . planlatious ol llu alone cimiI.I lull.v . v.-n i|MflP 1 VCjj Thg emmttvJfei im lit cm braces Un* and oilier river.-, : a. res ol eoll.o,. k, B*’» :n.■; !o Hie GOVel n d l.be Re.i, \ i kail- if Rl:, uliollL 20,(M»l),(MHI usurp i-»M*d lei Lilit l-llpp* D.e ff. At 00 diiln’l huv. blackberries in •ons niggers all lmd hay, eli. Bought some eggs and a s. Nigger Mini 1 owed him fin pullet- paid-him and give him o m is 1 .in It lu»ys popping crack to drunken man’* coal tail tried nine. Tried lo huv some crack a.-ked I.', cents a puck told him s too high- liltle. b.*v said Un-y lull the k id.* •II. iciHii.il a fcliver Ini eci.l ph eu lot* licit Rule boy pul hi-> IlngiM lo his nose all.i , no iiioiu crackers R om China i :!l llm Id.»i*K is bloke. 12 o’clock Sheets lull of nig Nieecr w oineii quarreling about llm pi iri; alien. Nigger man lift'd tun for a dime: him one of Moli's plasters, calling for 41' S more on Lliti buck lliau it tlul on the lilec. Bought some, more eggs. Nigger a-.lv. il me to huv a possum; charged twenty llvu cents - hadn't any change. Counted ten loads ol hay, six loads ot corn, 8 loads of wood ami *e» i /.». niugers within llm compass of a bundled yards. Candidate asked me lo take a drink hail some in a botilc, privately- pretty good. Met anolh.'i eaudid-ile -look me aside- -invite.| me u> a “nog”-told him I would “nog” with him. 2 o'clock B M. -Several hundred nigg. rs eating giligci* cakes. Huy all nold or gi/en away Tw.» drunken men pul in tlm calaboose lor disorderly eoiuRi.l. Niggers all s.dier ; lea- fo:i, I -uppose, wlii-Ky too high. Csillilidatu be - \ M. rr. vv . Failcs, Admlnislralor, willapjdy Attic; Coiuini ordinal; f.*i Lette/pol Dismlssiun Irom llie Ehtate of (ioorgu (1. Furies, lata of etud comity, do- teased. 1 hcsuuio, thereforo, to cite mid adraonlah ai) whom It ilia? . unrto he uud anpcia hefoi'e safd Court to aiak.i objeellim (if any Hoy )mve» ou or btlorn the tlret Monday in i i luuary next, oiiio* wiho said lull era will he 2(iaut.*.l. \V ihu *is Dumb.hk A. oHljrno, K*jq.. (n.tfiimv lot Chalhum County. UiD 1st day Angusl, 1m*1. mm, i i OMl.Nli K .V i» BY Ifrtl*. o UTATR OF UAiOUCIUi Cll.l i'llA ri n Ctit.N t f. I’., all whom U nmy. wueeru : Where as, Jim }'li !• ivelll.a will apply ul the Court ol Or diiuiry lor J.;Uci» ol Iffsnffsuninas ActiQlmslrtUoron ih • .»•;*: i- i bama.lJ. K.ifhr, late oil hulht.Li cuuu ty. d.*i»*!nied. Tl.es. :u.i, thntf.40, to rile and rtdin.wdsli nil whom it iiiuy < oi(.-<:«n, in he and appeal* lieturw said court to in rke .diji-.i tn a (It an? they luivo; on o. h.r'o*u tin* iirst .Vlumlii|f m May next, oiimt'vvIna said letters wiff he Bh.]., OrdJua*^ for • ‘e.ioher. i stit. O'DYFMB. o.o. o. I’m’N DF GI.OJiGl.t, < kl.lTIIAiTI I « • -P.STY. Hfi*i!i!U)ii i.’iiuht. Y. vt Tekm. 1WM. eui.a -.11 IL'mIwU k|v.. Haiall A *:.'*stwhk Inidf.ii .C .11 v.l bet? .V Void, BhdutUBs Al •a .11 luit miu Ru iidaiit appear ai.d .1 tchliof thin l '.Mirt, .4' Hint tl.e CrtHtf Ic&ult, antW.be phMtiUh tie affoweOI l fUmitc# Aids 17t4i day ot VfM. IT RULl.OtTI, Clerk ff. O. c C. | Bruin lie- Railimor Ai'ichI 4*fex->Itiiintei* tiia Several days since, l.!.e I bn e.x Senator from low i, and lal goLa, returned to this .•onniry alter a l.mg an sence. 111! Rlliuediillelv proceeded to Washing Ion, and paid his respects lo llu* Secretary id Slate, at tin* same time, il is .-aid, expressing Ida regret at tho troubles ol his.country, ami I*i' hope that llie r« beliiou would be ovci powered. An error of yHRO whs discover.-d, licit being llu* excess of his claim over llu* amount credited lo him. Mr. Jones says, that upon examination llm whole sum was allowed, the fault being in llu* Department of Stale. As late as Monday immi, he was ‘closeted wi;li Mr. Bowurd, and llu'ir eniiver..aliou :• said lo have been »>! the mo.-i unreserved eharacler. At 5 o’clock he look passage in llie cars, intend ing to return home and see Ids l uuily. Al three o’clock Superintendent Kennedy, «d New Yoik, receiveda.lispal. il from Mr. Sew aid, .lire, ting ldtn to arrest Lite ex S.-nalor ou a eharep* ol (reft son, and informing him ol llu* route lu: had taken. Detective Farley was detailed to llm railroad depot at Jersey t ity, lor llm pin po e of aii'ct ing llu! accused. At live lock 1,11.1*1 i.lay line 11 ing the tram arrived, ami Mr. Farley caw Ids lijHU getting oli. Appro.u hhig him In* iiiforuied him that be was a prisoner. .Mr. Jones e\pi. -- ed u surprise al this unexpected inLerriipliou, ami thought there mu 1 be some nii*-i;tke, Inn tin* officer assure.1 him there was not Mr lotn C baggage was then s. cured, and be Was .akeu lo tin* police hea.lq lai'lei s 111 ft eai i iage. Mr. Jones -aid that In* thought il was very strange that utter his lull and live communication with Um male Department, Mi. 8. ward should older Ids ar'rest, lutieillnr word 01 deed had he been guilty of di-loyally, and lie could ac count for his arrest only on the supposition that who bear him route enmity, had .k a chew ol his tolwiec. 1 Niggers very tldck, •R* arm g and hunting “Uni w agon.” .Money i'll lit! ii*o freely, should judge, from the nun. r of new shoes and bools .,n niggers It-'-1. .2 lock. Big dog light going on comiliy .1*^ cot flu*, licit 1 lo* 4 ats. iciiou butler purl ol valor, -.eeing a “re. onnoissamai in loiate ol [own dog’s friends, left al a “double quick ’ Egg shells thick as b aves iu Valumbrosn. The "nog” begins to vvoik- several noggins punch. I with iiickory sin ks —Chri.-dmas i« burly o|u*m*»l, and tlm little ehildien, niggers and jovial while loll..*, seem to be enjoying ll hugely, nol with St.ill.Rug llie lightness of the Umca and Ihu high price tTj whisky ,—M Mcdyi nill* llccurdtr. Napoleon’s Idea of Making Wak— Tln- I .Rowing letter was written by Napoleon to An gervan, on tho 21st ol February, 181 l it Inis a j,.*. nliai | .-ml ami appropriateness at this tinm : “What! 8ix hours after receiving Um ffrsl troops Iimiii Spain you no notin Um field! Mix hours ol 1 . -I e t| 11 lit* enough lor (hum. i eon qiicrcd :t I N.mgis with the. fn igade ol dragoons . oiiiMig 11 o»n .Spain, who from Bayonno lei.I not . Do you • .\ that tliu aix lailtalioi'S Irom Ni.lines wml . lollies and eipdppago, and .tie iiniuslrueletl v Angereaii, vvliat miserable ev'cipi s ! I have, destroyed rtll.OlM) enemies with ball tlious id conscripts, scarcely .dollied, and without cartridge boxes. Tlm National Guards aru pitiful! I have hern 4,000 from Augers and IR'ciungim in round hats, vvilhoul ciirliidge. boxes, but with good weapons, and l have uunia ih.-iu 1 ell. 'There is no money, do you say V Bui wlielu 1.0 yo»l expect to get money bill Rom the pockets oi the enemy V You have no learns ? •Sei/.e them. You have no magazine. I Till, tut! this is to..* lidieultms! 1 orderyouioputytur- sell in the Held twelve hours after von re.ceivu this letter. If you are still the Augercau • I Casllgll.nie, Keep yunr eomummd. It v.ujr sixty y ears are too mileli for you, i*e.lim|ui.di II to the oldest ol y our general officers. The country is menaced amt in danger. It miij only Re saved by daring ami alacrity, ami not by vain delays. Yon mil. L haves uiicleus of ti.fNKj picked hoops ? I have mil so nnmy, yet 1 have destroyed three armies, ruptured -lll,<MH» prisoners, taken two humli ed pieces of artillery, and thrice saved the capital. The enemy are In full /light upon Troyes V Ibdore them. A. I no longer as ol Into. Resume the method ami spirit ol '9d. When FrciieliMcn see. y our i.Rime waving lu llm van, and \..u, tlrst .*1 all, exposed lo thu cnuinv’* lire, y.mi w ill do with llmm whatever you will. 1 ’ Napoleon had some icpiilulioii as u military man, slid y t l it appeal's lie could ho III a hurry, llu could go without iraiisp.•nation. Hu could move without waiting for. thu. uuuiuy fogal ready. ell, . . LsR'i Hide I’als At uh( him doe III lc was.taken lo Fort l t»e was detained at the ; The. Frovost Mar-h.d . >gone on iu the lruin, and Iral office lo obtain the ter. He insisted that Mr. the hotels, and asked f.i agreeably surprised to le u already ill custody. Fluday morning, the heudquaricrs. -hioglon h ul a Is (em d to Ihe ('11. that Mr. Join* Kr.CElBTS OF BK0DUCK. fife JAW. Is . 1802 Per ( entral Railroad Lmneks and SVO hhls ilonr filj aai ks uieal. tel lilula elidin', lv Intis innlasncs,'! hox.-s lohaecu, s tti klns butler, Jlii hlila Rmo, •/ can noil, 4 . aiBsons, E4 horses, S wagons, V car loads bag gage, 1*2 lulls Knapsacks, 1 tulle tents, « Iml. -* donu h tier, and llld/.e To NV .1 Willlfoitl, M W N\ lute, T 1 Goodwin. W M "Leod, Barlow Hospital, J \V ILibnn Major Siiillh, Nevitt, Lal loop A Roger*., il Si. bub II . obeli, A Simon, .I M ff. liley, .1 I Snider. Inn.. t i i. .lolinrun, ll Coi.flaullne ff ,VI b:i III lean, ('apt Raw son. Older, A \V Km . .1 «' ll'.o* le n A Lckinaii, He Will A >b..;: U R V on-.e, A B llllll, N ff Han. tiff c a*. .', Rugliam, Baldwin R Watkins. In. . -I*.# hl*ls Flour, Vf»7aiu k ii'nioOni- to do Fniji. Kl l.hl .-**.;». 1 . /:» bxs T.ibaeeo, In bbl- R< birmll.-s Paper, *2 ilorrcn, la pkga Md/.e, I• • .1 ileein I HnO 11 .bon. .N C| j| imi, . 0 III im nl A*, t 'o.ip« r, A . *0111111, A A lit lull**. \\ .1 Williford, d U Howland. Rabim a. Sum), R B Al S. J\as,.j T Hale, G Genu, i. b n. \ W (JDuu.-i.T Bub son, il IItrr,. Ii, .1 Hy«»r « »aim a. (ti'iiybiil, J W mi. Republican oaitc, .1 VV Wliiie, SJ Sinitli, I R ■ ' ll At Bell, W ll ff,»' A C. ^ Pn i bu» u -lon and Suvtinnab Knit Hoad A" nt Saw A .OlIf It It, Hi. lend-..11 A. Maillli, A<.o. I Im* tliu .. A < uunillgiiaiii, llollenh. ill A /i.-igl. 1 R tin* slum A son, VV ff Grid*', i'nap* Perry. A I muias, P VV. il*, I vV i'hini/>. Agent Central Rail Road. to procoi A i im* • < tract flta Via.?, A. Lb Ifftil. vj r,%’k a: or ai.oiigi a, ptt.iR iu oi.iv n 1 Y -Ou Um Hr«l 'fueada* lu iluuunry noxt will in*, hold at tliu 1 oil it 11. m* .loot iii Bltickahear, m said county, within tin* iawiul I mu. a od bale, lowliij.' lands, t" wit; No. b», m i Lu Ui h District, • oaitaiuitig lUOacrea. N.» «... 1 1 llu. ‘.ill 1 District e.nit'iining ailORorea. No m thud li Instill.t, containing41K)acred. No v», In llm ffih Dinlih t, containing 4IHIacre*. No. •»;>, im Um filVi DltfUict, uiUtalnlng 246 arrea. Onu hall in tv* tow*, lot ami atoro house ta Uiu town ol'lthnkalear. . fl liu ffaviCKi.ih, alhajiv & Gulf RaWroml nxuMOg Miron'll Kiel near mild l;q.ds, toiQOol' Wh|c4j is jm pnu. 'i No b-’t lying Jov.r thu Brunswick A Albany Railroad. vi tho property of John AIIobIiuw, dce.viflod, |.*r Ihu i eiKlll 01 tliu ileus and cri'dilois of said de- . .--t-i-,i 11 Miiu- Twelve mouths alter this 4'4i No- veml'ei, lffdl. ABRAHAM MIN8HEW, Ackn’r U l*: « n ii i Ay LOIV^DKK 4HIHNW - 'Ytmreun n..tiiel IK vul, giiuidtan lor dada Bov. I, tinvlii., applied to this (\>url tor Letters u2 lusimshmn from aal.i giiaidiansliip, 'i’he-u ac. IIjui. luio, l«> cits all persons coO'ftttm.d Inapp.'tir al iii/ oilleo within thu liinu presc^iiicd by law, 10 Iilu I Ill'll object ioiir. (if any U»ef have,; otiiu- wiau b ill is will hi* grindtul said applicant, W'iines.tt my haiul and sent. iiwv) _J. W. I1ARRKLL. OfJUuMry o-TATti OF dUOMQIA, €M|ITHAW n ..'* UJWTY. -To all whom it may coiicorii: Wliete- , .flrtonmu GaKluot* will apply n» M10 Court 04 Or dinary for bettur* of AdmfnlatratloM oh thu Jd»t*u<r' ,d Ib.'.rniaii .MJiTvuj, latci of HH.fd county, dtcussed. Tiiftu aiu, therefore, lo cite ami adnitmisli ail wIt ' a :f nei? t'oiicern, lo he and appear before said • om t to r., il;«i objection Rl' any they have) on or #>0- foro tin; ih'at Monday in Fobnmry next, otfiorwiao eaid U l *:a will ho granitd. WiLicau, D«>.aii.iek A. O’Byrne, Kuq., Ordinary fur « iMlieRii eouiuy, this nimdooiilh diif of DeeomPu, led I. dec JO- • DDMINlOK A. Q T BYRJf B,Q. U. C. t * uoiTluAi i.ownuem co'uwti. - Kr Wb.-ieas, .J. c. Whicuhaker, Guardian for EIGa Rnv«|e, having applied to this Court lor LfUers oi bmiuis mn Irom said Guardtanshlp, I ne.su aru, therefore, lo eituaR puraonf cr*»t;crt,ed to appear nl nir olh«:u, within the limn prosaiiKd ny law, 1 1 lllu tlieir ohjettlona, (iT any tlmv have| ottifi- wis 1 letters will hi* gmuled hi ill applictinl. de VI) .1. W. D A UR ML L, Ordinal/. ot'NTY. ’To all wUom it may concurn; Wliet. - uri, .laiuea B. Klrlekiaud hut* applied to mo for Lu.tcra ..1 vduiiulstra .ioii ou 1 hu outatu of Juaiot) Sweat, lal0 ol itaia county, d* «v**tse.d. Tluf-tf aru, tliereioru, to citu and fldnionodi u/4 p.jlies iniuieut.'d, whutli. r kindred or erediton*. I * 1 i.uw trull j". (.f my they tmi'O within the tiiuu iuu- k. I bed \>f law, why luttira alionJd not ho qrtuilcd lo v.. 1 d applicant. V. u.iuso iny hand Mii* Dectxrihcr Till, ISfii ccirio AARON 1)( IW I.) NG. t iriliinn y l*. TAT Li OF RKOHblA, Wt.INTOfvM n COUNTY. -'To all whom It may concern: Wh.ro . as, Laura T. Harrias, will apply at tliu Court of Oral- u,.. lor buffer* of Admmw-.lt ahion ou Uu« oclutu of J.iiiich Al. Jlarnv.j. 'Theuoaro, tlu*rt?<»i 0, to gkm tuui admonish uJl wh<4n it may concern, t*» he and appear before said Court lu make olijiv. lion (1f any llmy’lmvo) o«i or before t«» *<d Monday m January next, otherwise said leutita wwi hu granted. V. ilim-s. A. 4. I). Lot-mo, Ordinary fur K.Aifusu county, 1 hie Mf.h dof of Decembtr, l«ol. docH a. A. DhLorMBj Ordlnagr JO I'lCii.—'J'wo inoniTm utter dale applioiUou will he made to tin* Court of Ordinary of Cam- coiinly, Georgia, nt Die tlrst nvular tev in aUcr expiration of two months Horn this notice, for leave lo null u negro boy, (milled JepCIlCtir, nboul iweutf si'Veu years old; also, N' W I 1* I .ft Hoe I**!, b 1, ‘.'WdoWlifliit, lasses, 2:1 I1I11Ih Idthi Ih (R N < tTICR lid after the 1*1 January, 1842, our bimi ll ).e «ofidilfted feiil.i. ly oil Die C-vffll : TtiM. All persons indebted lo us by nolo or . icroiint air i« quest.*.I to s.'ilU* lltesai n.' al III. 0 best . .nivanieiii e The necessity which c..mn.*l to adopt Dim cyatcin will readily vnggcft *1 - It 1. fiicml.-. dn -if ?ystein will 1 NEYJfT. J.ATI1 ItOl* STORAGE. It avu lo sell a ltji «K nu.d iuiuing two liundit .1 acres, moruor leas, known ae /Ion Clmreh tiael, belonging to llie estate of dutaiua King, late oi said county, deceased, for Uio besredt of heire and rseditote of said docenHed. (• ■ a \ 'i' »•. <TT"K I;.. A1.I1, n COUNTY.-To nil whom It may concern : N B. Ward having, ill proper toi ni, applied to mu lor p a nuii. iiL Letter** of Administration on the estate of Thomas O Wright, late »>r hai.1 ctiunfy— This Is to elm all and singular, kindred and ore.M tmts oi Thus. U. Wright., I" Im uml appear hi. my of- lire «>n ihu sx-orid Monday in .January next, uudunrKe ohjnctioii. Ifuny limy can. why udinlulstifttion fiUon/d not b«; gruJiU'd to N. H. Ward on Tho a. O. Waigtrl e Wilne-a uty hand uud official signaurra. novo M. A. «; R AW FORD, Ordinary. ^TA'i’iv oif a ftioH/x i .iTPTiiTff fK coUN'i y . • n Danner 'I bourns, Admlnivliator on the estate of 1 Low hi Thomas, d. i.nm»«*tl, having petitioned to bo d/s 1 »nurged from sai.t AdmmiHlralloii, ulj pemotis v.J.t j law. to sliow cause, A i I Da l I.* the prayer of Ids petition, j Giv.-n ur..i* 1- my hand and ollUjal Bjgnaturo, this i ah* ust 10th, ituii. aauun Dowling, Ordinary. _ _ . »iliU4/i iUNTY Benimiiiu Mlnchow, Administi’afr^* { outlie nslale of WilliHm J. MinelmW, having p. U- : Honed to be discharged R..ia said Administration, ai j p.-iBons who are eoncunfed are reqiiiied. wilhin tin* 1 time fixed hv law, to H.owiansu (it any they hav.^ whyihusui.i iiiuijuiniii Mimtiuw should not hu rkJ . hai -'. d, accordlrig to ihe prayer of Ills petition. under my Laiid auu official eiguuturo tiihs loth, l^bl. AARON DOWLING, Ordlnaiy. y F O I- RL a It a I A. 1'IKKC K till New York ILc- ,c Montpelier. Vi., j B j.uj i f with the I 1 /.Any 1 ic Ci -Tlm 1 which l. of South j the Yankees are making on I Carolina and Georgia is not one whit better than John Brown's in Virginia. They < 01110 to mur der, plunder and lay waste, ami incite our slaves io in-111 lection. Shall the prisoners taken in I his r aid l.e treated as “prisoners ol war,” and allowed to return! We say, no! 'I ho rules of war do not apply to such outlaws. They have destroyed our ports, as far as they arc able. Was 1111 honorable* lots ever guilty oi'such infamy? They have stolen llie negroes ami Ihe cotton, Hied the property ol our seaboard planters, uml Rieilcd tlieir slaves to Rndirreclinii. Will they A eoriespoiidelil aid ol the 2(ilh, willing Rod December '..I, Rum. h. ■ Ih following : AKKEMT OF a “IJKCB: For some lime past officers have been oi: alert, tracking the movements of a lady v> frequent and mysterious vi-iis to t aifid hu k excited their attention. One .letectivi been engaged nearly a monlli in lollowiug She was known to have visited . ertain **e.*c parties ill Montreal, (jm turned lo a small low u / aiiudu line, where she v tent I mm the South, Il'IIi' dv reigned luivin, a eoihDunlioiiR b proof Warehouse, sllimiid on the So.itl . -flout, propone to lap. 0.1 Storage, (food- • hi. i-, landfill.. 1 , »tc . :.l Ti asoii.nhk) raitrn. ..lilt -if I I ..I. FI. A’* Bin.1 1 this if dr ol id in:.** obi in.1 llm opUfff <>i' J ones Griffin, decouBud, In.v- i.ig peiRiom-d to hu de cliargcii from said AdmiumUft. 1 on. ..li prisons who are coureruod aio re.jnirtd, w dluii inu limu fixed ur law, to show cause (if any tin:v have; why (be said Jauica and William Gri^lm , , v , ,,, , r .... , I riiould m.t bu dl^dmrgod, a.'/COidltig to tin* i*isyot nl till" PA I. I'.M ('U) L ll, ! petition. I.../.! /,,, IV |,I . ... 1 I.lv.a i.udet my hand #j!d official dgn»to« UlU , (UL (Lull!, I ADI A IUi Itiihltl i.U. II. iA.iK.mt lutii. jsei. I ! uucM AARON DOWI.INti, Ordinary. ..“Id; | I.N’B* alv.-.l, a l.u-l. a..i.[>ly <d Oil. <’!.*> I 11 l..r * —- -* I....- .1 KiiaiMarfca. (I/..u, r,|... .v . * ^mK Ol* UKOHUM, «UTIIA.!t •auu | fur ►.iidicra Ainu, v. ry Im. i < I-... i>. 'tn.. i ■ .1 VAT- : tl COUNTY. To al! wbom It may cuncaru: When-. ,i KNTI l.uTil, tilui id INL.I A lil'IWlHU <T,!.Tll, I" j an, Juauplt Siifdyun will apply III HiuOourlof OtdA- ... \M.irti ti..* aMcui um ul da .l...-a mid I.- iii i a.-.i v l-.r Lcitcra ul Otcudtaualdp on tli, peraou i*i.d *' ; >n. 1. f,twill 'awcri ulin. i-aTrl.N i pru'iwrly or Mar/ ami JuaipQ Sulllyan, utuor Sui- 5 . - - ; drcu (ll KIIbii liulllvan, d«eea»il4. BLOUNT &. DAWSilf be treated as prisoners of vv We hope not; we believe nol. spoken -let th»! Yankees lira oner arrested on our soil will . Our own Roys ask no quarter given the. invader Yankee caught in ar.u- 1 : every treat, and procl.i . Mill, dy. rdU lb carder. ed caught. Let llie word be iu that no pris- eupe the Iiuller. Let no quariei’ li, death lo every Un be written ou every breeze.— a l night arrested in St. Alban-, Vi., and It is reported bore iu Montpelier lint important Slat.* documents wore, lound conceal ed upon her pc.rbou. Communication xvilli tlm rebels across llni Canada line-, uud them e South ward, through Vermont, lias bo u h»n:; auspt—i ed, but ibis is the lir-i arrest. Tln-re may be ral-holes ou llie Canada Ironti* Auctioneers llie South, and Preald**nt 1 about sending a stum* Heel whalers, in that dir»:ction. >.in * lion Id other (.LXEItVL rO.tiilllSSIO.V IIKOMillS, JJliK the p.irdmee anil *«•!•. of NLlHb'l ff RS.Vlaj I 1 ESTATE, ff'I’OCKS, BONDS, A« , iw:dC:.|. LBCTING RKN'IS. NKGRi > III RE, *. . it .-it ! Bryn ..riienl, aueure ami i stmeet, oppnsile Hod* e.iaxJKT H**1h nk. It, being now buffering Irom Uie disaster which . \ ijoi.Tii Cakoi.i.na Lvov en Kor'iKFOK Fort baa befallen mu. . Lafaybttb.—Hut bind, Ih.. 20.—A lady belqng- I From the Londou News. Dec. «.] ] Rn- i" Charleston, S. C., was arrested at Rouse’s ukpaiit IN i;soi.ani>, , l*<".R ycNl.-r.luy, l.y or.I.ir »r Ueorelary Sawiird, and passed through (his place lo-duy f«»r roll Latkk from Nkvv Madrid- )i r* . 'liiowr- n at Woke. From pas.-engeis .*.ho i.*i« l,eo ij city lust niglil, on llie simmer Deriolo, w»- I learn that General Jeff. Thotnpion leii New 1 Madrid la.-1 SaluiUay, with a body of cavalry, to I.tlack the, Federah. eiuamped at SykeAt*>U» about twenty miles from New Madrid. OuBun- t , lay morning General Jetl. 1 Uuniptou sent bi»ek. aLIa’.IKNN Y LiND ' ' REGALIA (*2n; JENNY LIND h. D l tlK<X'JT IJj POIIT.ITION or Uio N« i’,-op l.y tin late ar rival.»« tueSLeauu'htp laab. Irom iiuvauu, Cuba, viz ; REGALIA. BUKTANICA, BKoi * i n jct, California, THE NASHVILLB l The Coulederatc into the graving dock at y.mthuuij •ginn nl of infauttyand tlPldpieees, which. ■■ wen* sent. About two o'clock Sunday afternoon. . llie tirlugcominenecd, and was heard at New Madrid. Tin* light was said to he iu progrt-a. r when the DcSoto left New Madrid Sunday nigku ‘ The. ro^nU ol the encounter will l*o looked lot* i Nasliville t rent ; day ; ivvauls the i be repaired, The Federal armed mail slea number of! Arogo, will, it is exnectcd, come up iioulha Lila)ettc. She will probably York by ff o'clock to-night. 4i'lv«» iu Net BlUCVAb (Uvi .HCNNY UNI) FLOR LORD It Kb CRKAdON LON DR K6 KEBAri'I'OPOL LONDREb LA LSRKRANZA. m. Monumunt Rquart. United States. The militia to the number of! Arago, fit),000 rnen, have been called out. There is in- ton Water ou Wednesday next, Instead of teuseactivity in all quarters, and the press sounds i inaiuing at Cowes, so that thu two shipc* will be the war-whoop on every side.” I “ wltbiu shot’’ ol each other. Miss Slidell •d as being made with interest.—Memphis Aualunche^ Jan. 1. ^ — Fkdkkai. Picket Shoots a Federal Majuk- . OLD ISADORA WINES. We are very reliably Informed by » gentleiuaio 7 - living beyond Bowling Green, In the vicinity of { ) quite a heroine in England, owing to hereon- 1 the Federal army, that a few days since General duct on the.oetaMon of the arrest ot her lather. 1 Rousseau and staff,* iu dud ing burgeou Win. U- » mil. iOl run: •/» TUOS W .MURRAY, Jb. Bay street. o, tburt.-li.ru, to elm and admonish all wiH*tn it may concern, to hu and appear btrfor# said Cotiif. iu make objeriiou (if any they have) on upbulure -. eond Monday In Junaury next, otiiorwisu »add itd* j tors w.l bo granted. , Witness. Dominick A. O’Byruo, Esq.. Ordinary dor I t'lmlhain county, this S.1 da? of Deceiuber, 181*1. il..*;) IroMl.NIOK. A. O’BTlCfrt, O C. C. I'A'i'iVTiF REuKRiA, ciurn.v n : Co If NT Y.—To all whom It. m»v conceit. ' Whereas, Eliza A. Nstiu will apply at tho Court «#l (*rdi*uiry lor Lutters of Dirtiufssiou ru» AdmLnaU.i- : lti'.*on :..u obtule «.f TlioiiiftH Nuvio. Those are, theiuforv,to cits aud uimunish all wpotc ’ I* unr. «yaeurn, lo b«* and appear hefbra ttm said Coin* t'. make objection (ft un? limy httvn) ou or hufarv u.a : : iRbi Monday m March uoat, olhurwiss suid Icltora will bi granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byruo, £*hj., Ordinary lux ’ L'hntimui county, this 1st day of Hoptqcnlmr, leffS- supi DOMINICK A.O’lfYTgTH, O.O. O I OTATJH OF UKOHUIA, Hr AYNlKlfOVN- I it TY.—To all whom it may consurn: Whores#.. JamoH Highsmith, Administrator spoil the valuta .// Joseph IL Salt'll, (lurear*i*d, spultea for Lottwe of DiMibssloa from tho ^dmluistrution of said ostalu-- Thereforo, (Ss kindred ami meditors of eaidIds- I ceased aru Imri-ny cited and admonished to fllo Mmur I objeetious, il any .they hart), iu iny office, in term# «* the law, othorwlse Lettors DUmissory will be asastt- . ' cl tho applicant at the Juue term next of Che Court I of < irdtuary lor Laid conuly. ! Given under my hand uud oOcStd ».t: ^ituro, this I November Bur, lbdl. , . . ! novtt .GiflRP^ H- WTflQ^ ;„^.tnar f y