Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 03, 1862, Image 2

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SAVANNAH DAILY MORNING NttWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 i8f>2. •In ffilovninfi jflcwa a v \xxAii, r+ FRIDAY MORNING JANUARY 3, 1802^ ” 'bv «Baii mu A feTJ i ' (.Special Dispatch t) Savannah Mornlnx News.] The Fight at Port Royal Ferry! YANKEES Dltivm WITH VUE BA YONBT. THE ENEMY LANDED IN LARGE FORCEI A BATTLE I NIC V IT ABLE 1 Continued fakii miahing I THE THE STEAMER EMILY' WAIILEY RUNS THE BLOCKADE I In the course of his letter, Seward speaks of (ho cfleclnal check trivet, to the insurrection, Says the Commissioners ate comparatively un- important persons, anil that If the safuty of the Union demanded he would retain them. Later from Fort Pickens, Old Ri o\fn Got EiiomkIi Grape AkaIii. Richmond, Jan. 2.—Ocn. Bragg communicates to tin; Government th.it the firing commenced yesterday by Foil Pickens firing on a (Jonfcde- rale steamer, which was replied to by the Con federate batteries, and continued during the day till night. There were no casualties on our side [For the Dally Morning News.] Tribute to Mrs. Mary Marshall and her Daughter, from a Grateful Heart A groan is wafted to my ear; A drooping form I see! And fills upon the tented field One that is dear to me. To battle for Ids country’s rights, To slileld her women fair, I sent him from his mother’s arms His comrades toils to share. And shall my boy lie there alone Away from kindred dear ? His sole companion full tlsease, With none to soothe and chew t Arrival of a Hearer of Dlspatclica from I?Ir. Yancey. Charleston, Jan. 2.—Thu fighting on the coast began yesterday morning. Three thou sand five hundred of the enemy having landed ontfu* main near Port Royal Ferry, were met with the bayonet by two of our regiments, whuu the Yankees fled precipitately, throwing down their arras as they ran. They were driven to their boats, when the boat howitzers opened fire, killing six and wounding twelve Caroli nians. The enemy’s loss is about the same as our own. To day tko enemy landed in much larger force at the same place, when Gen. Gregg’s Brigrda fell back a short distance to a more eligible po- sltibp. The pickets were skirmishing ull day. The enemy designs an attack on the railroad, and cannot avoid a battle. The steamship Ellen. Warley % formerly the Isabel, from Nassau, ran the blockade iulo Charleston at daybreak ibis morning. She was chased and ineffectually shelled by the block- aders. K She brings a valuable assorted cargo nrd sev- rnl passengers. Among her passengers Is MivBisble, bearer ot rti»|’sitdies from Mr. Yancey. Mr. Bi*bie Into started for Richmond. Col. Anderson was in command, as Gen. Bragg wa< absent, lie returned early this morning. Fort Pickens did not renew the firing this morning, and no further demonstration was made *n our side. Proviftlonfil Congves*. Daniel P. White, a Representative from Ken tucky, was qualified and took bis seat to-day.— Proceedings unimportant. Tho Federals Invading tho Gul' Coast Richmond, Jan. 1.—Private dispatches state that the Federals arc landing troops at Biloxi, one hundred miles from Mobile, and eighty miles from New Orleans. No! for an angel form glides lu ; Upon his fevered brow A jeweled hand is softly lai<T; A sweet voles murmurs low. Cheer up, young hero, you Gtall yet Yonr comrades’ laurels share, My Mother’s is the soldiers’ home Her fore the soldiers’ fare. 25rf“We had no news of interest from below yesterday- Wo learned on Wednesday that the licet left Warsaw Sound that morning, probably to concentrate on the const of Carolina. From the brief telegraphic synopsis of the correspondence between Lord Lyon and Old Abe’s Secretary of State, our readers will bo Aul sale unto that Mother's horns My darling son she bore ; Till he, restored to life and health, Ills comrades joins once more. Oh, woman, thou wilt still be true To Mercy's mission given! Thou can’st not bYenk the heavenly links Which to thy soul are riven. Oh, blessings ou that mother good, And on that daughter mild, Who find within their heatt and home Place for the stranger’s chjjd. As long as gratitude shul.'Jtorm Of memory's chain a part* The name of Marshall aHUsh ill live In every throbblhg heart. able to judge whether the bungling, pusilaul* mous back down of the Federal Government is likely to leave their British relations in a much more amicable spirit than they were previous to their self-abasement. If the English people had indignation to prompt their resentment against the Yankee Government, they have now the ad ditional incentive, contempt. Surreu cr of (Mason and fslidt-ll Correspondence Ketwopn Lord Lyons i ml ml. Jfnqnii • Richmond, Jan. 2.—The Kicbmoin publishes tomorrow, from the »m oft.be 80th, the iluuiuud ul the English Govern ment lor the restoration of Messrs. Mason ami Slidell, and tho answer of Seward in response t<» Lord Lyons. The English Minister U short and pointed Seward surrendered Distantly, but. closes hi- reply wiUr a multitude uf. \Vor*U, and argues through firstly aud second'ly, llmt tho , Southern imutni&loucrs were contraband aud liable to capture. He however,, the law of - while justifying, the capture if ui. eqemy’s minister^ aJT conliabnnd, does not, as in this paso, properly provide formulas for ad judicating the capture. This might, have been avoided, he says, if the Trent had been retained, by ptocceding against her; which would have been morally a decision case of CoinmUsUrtlcrs. The moral certainty of the character of Mason and Slidell would have been suUieient to meet the spirit of the law. But tho Trent being dis missed, the source was lost. tie ward says, substantially; that the capture ol Musou aud Slidell was in opposition to, aud the restoration is demanded by ull the principles winch ever obtained iu American policy and statesmanship, and to vindicate which the United States went to war wi'.h Eugland. By declining to surrender the Commissioners, he would vio late the long maintained dogma of his own country, and which he approves. The editor of the Enquirer gives a summary of the points of Seward’s reply us follows : lie saja, first, the capture was right when 'tqstcd by justice, law and decorum; second, Us advantages must, be surrendered upon an assum ed technicality in a court where there arc no pleadings, aud third, that the capture was wrong as judged by prineipb s^iways maintained in the Uni ted, Stales even to Ibe extremity of war. To Seward’s labored effort Lord Lyons makes a brief reply and to the point, lie says he ha* sent his words to Enyland, and will sec him soon and receive ministers. The Philadelphia Bulletin says whatever has been yielded is only owing to the imperative necessity of avoidiug u foreign war. While we have a domestic war ou our bauds it is better not to stand on punctilios, and run the risk ot seeing the Union destroyed by an alliance be- tweeu the rebels aud the leading powers of Eu rope. The New York Express says that the surrender to necessity will soon impose on us other neces sities in connection with Great Britain, to which we must yield or tight. The editor thinks that ninety days will not elapse without further iu- suiting demands from '.lie English Oligarchy, lie advises that Instant preparations for war be made to the extent of a million and a half of nun. He says the Administration has given up ■ ^{a-vjp :iud Slidell, not to law or equity' nr right, but to necessity. The American eagle In its trials aud troubles is humbled for the firm time lo the British lion. The rebellion on hand di ngs* down the ling never before humiliated before England. Let us Americans, hanging our heads because of our humiliation, dismiss the subject with as much silence as possible. ' The National Intelligencer says Seward’s course meets the approval of every member of the Cabinet. The editor says war with England and France is -escaped by the surrender of the Southern .Commissioners. j [Daedal Dispatch.to the Savannah Morning News] Important Diplomatic Corrcspondenco. lyicuMoNl, Jan. 2.—1 send you a brief synop sis of t'.e points of the diplptuatic correspon- (ivtieu ru reference to the surrender of Messrs. \;as offd Slidell: " . I DOCUMENT NO. 1—LETTER FROM BEWaKD TO > German Fire Company, No. 10.—At the an- uni meetiug of this corps, held on Tuesday v * mug last, the following officers were elected • i-i-rvc the ensuing year: V vlbntine Basleh, First Foreman. F. T. Buck but, Second Foreman. Joseph Siciili , Third Foreman. A. IIaiuo, Secretary. John Zkiolbu, [ PloD(icr8 ’ Deter Wejoand, Steward. German ATtTiLimnv or Macon.—This corps, under command of F. H. Beaughard, arrived in this city on Wednesday evening. Yesterday they proceeded to join Walker’s brigade near the city. Election for County Officers. The tfillowiug i-j. the statement of the vote for county officers at the Court House on Wed nesday last: For ■ "> rk: of tho /Superior and Inferior Courts: Win. Ji. Bulloch 9l‘J For Sheriff: Benjamin L. Cole.. 904 H. If. Eden 14 For Tax Iteeeiver and Collector : A. F. Bennett 500 Barnard E. Bee 428 For County Surveyor: J. R. Tebcan. 891 J. B. Hogg* 30 For Coroner: Thomas Eden 914 The following is the vote at Fort PulaRki: Bulloch, 826; Cole, 313; Bennett, 196; Bee, 131; Eden, 314; Tebenu,60; Hogg* 238. Partial returns have been furnished us from the following precincts: Cherokee Hill—Bee, 2; Bennett, 11. Wilmington Island—Bee, 6; Bennett, 12. Fort Jnckaaflh-Her, 88; Bennett, 31. Camp Berrien—Bee, 14; Bennett, 5. Thunderbolt—Bee, 57; Bennett, 9. South Newport—Bee, 5; Bennett, 6. Isle of Hope—-Bee, 27; Bennett, 27. Fort Pulaski—Bee, 131; Bennett, 196. Green Island—Bee, 67; Bennett, 6. Camp Wilson—Bennett, 45 majority. Report of the Resident Surgeon of Bartow Hos pital, at.Savannah, ”ec. 31st, 1861. Editors Morula j New*: The Bartow Hospital was opened ou the 15th November, 1B61. Since that date one hundred and forty-six soldiers of various regi ments have been received and treated. One hundred and twenty have been discharged. Twenty two still remain ; eighteen are convalescent, and four aru seriously ill. Out of this number only four deaths have occuricd. All the above sick sol diers have received, gratuitously., all the surgical and medical attention necessary, and every comft rt they could reasonably require. It ,i|> necessary to state this fad, ns Ibe contrary liaa been untruthfully as sented. Three of the deceased were brought to the Hospital in a dying condition, und the other died after an illness of tweuty-oue days. The prevalent diseases have been measles, luryu- getia, pneumonli, diarrhoea, intermittent and typhoid fevers—tho fatal cases have all been from pneumonia, aggravated by camp exposure The Resident Surgeon returns his thanks to the Steward of the Hospital, for tho prompt supply of .».-.tuu H-henavfr they bavo been needed, und to the Lady Manager for her aamrrautc rnirmng an* attention to the sick soldiers, to whom they mostly owe their recovt ry. Signed F. HEMMING, M. D., Resident Surgeon. The Lady Manager reports that there are live rooms, one hall and one large attic which are devoted to hospital purposes by the Faculty of Oglethorpe Med ical College, tree of charge. In addition to the above, the Janitor, Mr. Welch, lends the basement for cook ing, washing, and many other useful purpose's, free of rent. The Bartow Hospital has thirty eight beds ready for patients, and require thirty-seven more A sup ply of calico, and other material for quilts, comfort ers, Ac , are very much needed. (Signed) MADAME M. t’. CAZIER, I-ady Manager. Tiie Treasurer reports having received tho follow ing sums from: L. F. W. Andrews, of Macoa Thus. Purse, Mayor of Savannah ... G. K. Parsons, Esq. Geo. Patten.. An unknown friend $300 00 . 60 00 0 60 assigned) $300 50 E. C. WADE, Treasurer. [From the Charleston Mercury.] The Firemen of Savannah and Charles ton.—We have obtained a copy of the following Interesting correspondence Savannah, Ga., Dec. 28, 1801. To M. II. Nathan, Esq., Chief if the Fire Department, .S’. C.: Dear Sir : I have been instructed by the Young America Fire Company, No. 5, to remit you eonu-uU ol their Treasury, the amount be ing sixty two dollars and seventy cents, being all they h ive on hand at present, it being their subscription lo your noble firemen who have suffered by the late conflagration in your city, although the company have not been iu service lor some lime as firemen. Out. ot the fourteen members left, there are ten of them stationed at different posts out of the city (Savannah) in the service of the Confederacy. You will therefore excuse their delay. And tell the firemen of your noble city that our motto is still the same: “ Where duty calls, there you'll find us.” Yours, with the deepest regret, James A. Barron, Treasurer of Young America Fire Co., No. 5. fa*. A. na, Charleston, Dec. 30,1861. Esq., Tints Young America Ft, REPORT OF STfiWJLHi^: CONTR1BUTI* B. G. Tilden—Candles. Friend—Sugar and Tea. J. F OiByrnc—% cord Wood. James Butler—One cord Wood. J. It. Sneed—Arrow Root. A. Fawcett—Fowls. A. A. Echols—Flour and Meal. Wm. Green—Flour and Meal. J. M. Cooper A Co.—Blank Book. F. W. Cornwell—3 pair Andirons and Nails Scranton & Johnston—Sugar, Soap and Candle*. R. Habersham A Son—Cask Rice. Claghoru & Cunningham—Barrel Syrup. Q. N. Nichols—Printing ICO Circulars. E Knapp—Paper for part of Circular. A. A. Solomons—Medicines. J. Luma- Brandy nnd Wine. Captain Elliott—Half barrel Sugar^* A. Borchert—Crackers. A A. Davis—Cash 50 cents. Captain IIardee-3 papers Black Pepper. E. C. Wade—One carpet J. W. Gant—One package Butter. S. Ooodnll—Eggs and Butter. W. F. Parker—Brandy, Wine and Whisky. T. W. Murray—Brandy, Wine and Whisky. A. Ooinm—Arrowroot and Apples. The contributions of meals from the following named persons have been liberal: Wm. 11 Davis, (daily), Mr Hitchcock. S. Gardner, Chns. Schneider, P. Higgins, Roos & Hirsch, J W. Gibbofis & Son, L. Tribono, C. Wceland, C. T. Coop er, G. Deiter, Francis McNeal, (colored.) T. Oariet Fonles, (colored) Also. Vegetables from the following : Dear Sir—Your letter ol the 28lh instant, en- j Dr. E. Parsons, Dr. Turner, T Lawton, A. E.Brad ^losing sixiy-two 70-100 dollars us a donation to ley, Dr. Oemlcr, N. Gile, J. B. Epstein, A. A J. Tey- The, firemen who have suffered by the late con- nac. rathni in this city, has just been received, j f rhe following articles were contributed by a Socie ty of little Misses, through their President, Miss Isa bella Neyland: Coming as it does from brother firemen now out o! service, but engaged iu a more, holy cause in the service of the. Confederate States, the gift . , 00 .„ . has u Uvo-I'oia value, l.ecaueo it is the offerin': ! , >3 PiIIow-cmm, half-pound Tea, 1 pound Fl.ueed, from brclhreu who at a tire, or before afire, stick i l dozen Nutmegs. to their old motto, | By,Mrs. Bonaud—6 (each) Towels, Pillow-cases “ Where duly calls there you will find us.” Ac pt the thunks of your sutferio? brother men, who, I am sure, will appreciate the mo- :s which prompted your kind action. Yours, very truly, M. II. Nathan, Chief Fire Department. The Southern insurrection is sustained entire- by hopes of lorcigu recognition. It would •nsa iu ninety days if those hopes should <• Recognition would lead to war between i ed States and ihe reeoguizing'power*.— i ire those unauthorized hopes England I A Stop to Yankee Espionage Abroad.—The Loudon Observer informs us that stepa have been taken to put a stop to what it calls “ American c-ipiuujgc in England’’—that is to 8;*y, ihe sys tem of rending out detective polieem tn to watch Southern rebels In English cities nufl towij^— FUNERAL INVITATION. The frauds and acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry 8. Bell, and families, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of MRS. HENRY S. BELL, from her luta residence on South Broad street, near Dray ton, on SATURDAY MORNING, at ten o’clock. The edito **iy» MARRIED, On the 18th December, at Trinity Church, Colum bus. by the Rev Wm A. Hawks, WM. C. COOKE, of Marietta, nud CLARA W , youngest daughterp{ the late Hon. James Abeuckombib, of Columbus. * §ulvrrtij5cimmts. FARMERS’ AND MECHANIC’S’ BANK, ( Savannah, 8d January, 1862. THE Board of Directtors have this day declared a semi annual divi dend of three (8) per cent., payable on demand. Jan3—8t ' J E. GAUDRY, Cashier. DM I NINTH A TO It’S WALK.-Will be A : sold, by an order of Court, in front of tho Court Houso door in Mitchell county, on the first Tuesday iu February next, one lot of laud belonging to the estate of lames II. Shehan, deceased, known and dis tinguished as Lot number (180) one hundred andhdgh- ty, in the (9th) ninth Dlslrictoforiginally Early, now Mitchell count). M. SHEHAN, Administrator Albany Patriot copy. Jan3-td NOTICE. I N consequence of the times, to * shall be obliged to confine ourselves to a cash business from this date DEWITT & MORGAN. Savannah, January 1st, 1861. NOTICE. A FTKR the first of January we shall confine our business strictly to cash. Jau3—2w EINSTEIN A EC KM AN. NOTICE. H EREAFTER our business will be conducted on the cash system. Jan3 E KNAPP A CO. $50 REWARD fllHE above reward will he paid for the delivery of X my neg»o mau Sam in the County Jail. Sam is a bright mulatto, about five leet seveu inches high, full face, weight 185 pounds, aged 36 years. He had whiskers and moustache when Iasi seen, and dressed iu gray clothes jai.3—tf W A J WHITEHEAD. STOLEN, to Jas. Hays, and signed Jaw. 8. Stubbs. Also,* amounting to $6 66, payable lo Jus. Hays, signed Eli Bradley, dated Keb.uary, 1861. All persons are cautioned against trading for said notes. Jau3-2* WANTED, tO go to Augusta to make Flour barrels a i»i»1 v to W. W. CHEEVER, Jun8— 2t at Col. O. a. L Lamar’s office. Notice. T HE firm of Butler A Frierson is ibis day dis solved by mutual con.seut, the junior partner re tiring on account of ill health W. C Butler cuu be found at the old stand to close the business. January 1st, 1>63. jau3—lw Notice. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, i SAVANNAH, ALBANY A GULF R R. CO . - Savannah, January 2,1862. f P ARTICULAR attention is called to General Lawton’s order in another column. All persons desiring to pass over the road will pro- de^themselves with' the necessary pass and avoid Agents and COHamnm* BM strictly enforced. The Conductor will examine each passengers pnss, a> d report such us are not furnished with Misses to the proper officers. jan8—d&tw3t G. J. FULTON, Sup’t. BROUGHT TO JAIL. A NEGRO RIAN by the name of ISAAC, aged xm. about thirty years: of black color, and says he was sold by A Bryan, of Savannah, to some person in Florida the latter part of 1860. The owner can tiave said negro by proving properly and paying re ward and expenses. He is placed injail by J. O Lit tle and H. C Maddox, of Cupt Harris’ company, at Doctor Town orAltamuha. Apply to him there, — A. Bryan, of Savannah. JAMES O. LITTLE Jan3- tf II. C. MADDOX. SUNDRIES, ft) K BBLS. Whisky, Fleck & Dexter’s UtM 800 sacks Flour, Paragon, Excelsior and Sail quoy 10 boxes Adamantine Candles 12 esses Schnapps 16 csfks Hihhert s Ale and Porter lObbls N. O. Syrup 6 hbls Old Monongahela Whitky X pipe French Brandy 1 cask pure Old Poit Wine 1 cask Tennessee Peach Brandy 5 hbls Gin ObblsN. O. Clarified Sugars l puncheon TrUh Whisky, import../! ink* Also, Choice impmted Whisky, Brandy and Gin CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE, ( Savannah, Ga., Oct. 24th, 1861 j NOTICE. CONFEDERATE ST \TKS OF AW ERICA, i Hiaui/iiartciim M'utauy Dki'i . or Okoiiuia, V SavaioUii, Dec.ill, 1861. | SPECIAL ORDER Ho StHI.J From Ru't nftor tho third day of JANU ARY, ldtt!!,_ l>o perrion, either civilian or soldier, will be permitted D, (inter or fio out of tho c.ty of Savannah, by the tevernl Railroads or other routes, without a part* from ttie proper authorities. Civilians will be rcippred to have passes from the civil authorities of the cities whence they come, or from the clerks of tiie several county Courts, or Jus ticeeof the li.fertor)Court. Soldiers will he required to have passes from their commanding ofllcers. showing their rank and the companies und the repimeut to which they belong. Passengers by tho rallronds, gottlng on the cars at any way stations, will be required to have tholr passes countersigned by the Railroad Aqenta at each station: nud all passonqers by such roads^vill lie re quired to exhioll their passes, oh the arrival of tho trains, to otlicers who will be stationed there lor that purpose, before leaving the cars. By order of Brigadier General A. R LAWTON. RoBsnr B. Elliott, Lieut, and A. D. C. *.-Republican, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Consti- tutionaliBt, aud Milludfreville Federal Union insert three times, and send bill to Gen. Lawton. CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE, i Savannah, Dec. 31, 1861.)' Persona arriving At aud departing irom Huvanimh by the trains of this .company will save themselves trouble by complying strictly with the above order of Gen. Lawton. Conductors, when they arrive at Savannah, if all persons on the train are provided with passes us required by above order, will so announce to the officer of the guard, who will permit all to depart without-further exami nation. But, should the re. Be vly^Be on the train un provided with passes, the conductor will report that fact to the ofllcers. Agents will require persons to exhibit their^asses before selling them lickels to Savauuah, and will en dorse their name ou the pass as agent. G. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. %* Republican, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Consti tutionalist. aud Mllledifevillo Federal Union please copy, and send bill to Superintendent Central Rail road, Savannah. janl— 3 NOTICE. A8ST. aDJT. GENERAL'S OFFICE, j llEAUqUAUTLltS Depahtmknt of Oglethorpe Barracks, r-uvanuah, Dec. 31, 1861. ) Captains of Steamers and sailing craft are hereby notified that, after this date, before proceeding down the coistol this Department, it will be necessary for them lo ap ply for instructions at these headquarters. By order Brigadier General LAWTON, Commanding Department of Georgia. Romkkt B. Ejlliott, Lieutenant and A. D. C. janl—3 gibbons House band 16 o’clock, two NOTKH, with a notice attached, drawn by A. Bonaud. Esq , in favor of M. Powell A Co., for $116.99, due 2bth June, 1861; the other by L. B. Mor._ of A. Gage A Co., for $88 40, due August 27th. lstil The finder wiil be liberally rewarded by leaving the *nm« with a. HAYWOOD, janl—3t WAITED. ») O RECRUITS for the Irish Volunteers — AfO Arms, uniforms, Ac., will he supplied. IE AD, Cupt. Irish V. JAS B Rfi B of 1st Vol Regiment. Recruits will report to Mr. M J ReiK-y, t’ulaski House, who will forward them to tiie head quarters of the company. novi 1 -tf tiie DOlfTY . r pet re d< Wanted. ills per pound w delivered to-me ar. before the 1st day of July, im; ontructs with the Ordnance Depart tin in at Richmond or otherwise. RICH. M. CUYLKR, doc9—ti Cupt. of Aitiller} and Ordnance. II he paid lor all Salt- Oglethorpe Barracks existing GOLD WANTED. A high premium will be paid by « A. IHtV AN, Market Square. Notice. ' IT'!‘»■«■* . JU.W CHANG-EOF SCHEDULE. on this Hoad will run as tollow DAILY DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah 2.so P. M Arrive in Macon 12.40 A. M. Leave Macon , iq.so P. M. Arrive in Savannah 11.16 P. M DAILY NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Savannah 9.60 P. M. Arrlvein Macon 9.00 A. M. Leave Macon 8.50 P. M Arrive in Savannah 7.40 A. M GORDON AND KATuNTON BRANCH. Leave Eatonion 9.55 p. m. Arrive In Gordon ».4f> P. M. Leave Gordon 11.46 P. M. Arrive iu Eatonion 2.36 A. M. Passengers .or Augusta will take the "NightTrain” from Savannah aud Passengers for Milledgeville and Kutonton will take the “Day Train” from savannah and "Night Train" from Macon. Night Train from Savannah connect* with South western R R at Macon for Albany, Eufauhi. Foil Gaines and intermediate places; also, with Macon and \V. R. it to Atlanta and the Wmt. Day Train connects at Mann with 8, W aud Mm- cogee R. It, to Columbus, Montgomery, Pen-ncola, Mobile, and all Middle and Soutueru Alabama and West Florida. By taking Night Train from Macon passengers make a close connection with Albany and Gulf R. R at Sa vauuuh for Bru swick, Thomasville, East and Middle Florida; also, wilh charleston and Savannah R. R. to Charleston, Wilmington, and the North. At Mil ieu with Augusta and Savannah R. it. to Augusta and all places North in tbeConfedera v. GEO. W. ADAMS, oct35 Generm Superintendent. Machiucry al Privau* Sale. and nearly new; Engine 16 inch cylinder. 5 feet stroke with tabular Boiler of Charleston make. Apply to BROo\vs! y Charleston vvimif Advertisement. ^IONTEPIPIj A.TING 1^ change iu our bust- U ■ : •. • meet the subject iu such a way as tu Irce j at a foreign u ol ull embarrassment. DOCUMENT NO. 2—LETT Ell FROM EA11L KU88EI.L TO LOUD LYONS. Short and pointed. Opeus with a statement of the seizure. Declare* It an affront to the na tional flag and unUouul honor, and demanding lull reparation. Hopes the United States gov ernment will, of its own accord, offer such re dress as alone could satisfy the British nation, Lamely, the Liberation of the Commissioners, und tho delivery to Lord Lyous ol u suitable apul- j t>sy- DOCUMENT NO. 8— LETTER FROM SEWARD TO 1 “Mr. Adams, the United States Minister in London, is understood all along to have pro tested against these doings, and thry appear to have been carried on through the instrumentali ty of another Ambassador of the United Slatea rt; but it is expected that the disclosures that have taken place will have the effect ol putting an end to proceedings that have caused so much public outcry and Indignation.” Brownlow and ms Trouhi.E3.--Ju the Com* mUsiouers’ Court at Knoxville, on ilie 27th ul.t., (as we ream Irom the Register,) the rase of Wru. ti. Brownlow was culled, and the Deputy Mar shal reported that be was too unwell to attend. Whereupon the District Attorney read u letter irom llmi. J. P. Benjamin, stating that Browu- iiid voluntarily given himself up ou ibe -e of protection and safe transport out of uulry ; that this promise had been given him by Gen. Crittenden and suiictioned bj OBITUARY. ‘*E. C. Bullock is dead.”—Charleston ptiper. Such is the simple announcement that first brings to a* a knowledge that he is gone. We do not in tend this as an autobiography, but as a simp e, loviug tribute LORD LYONS. I j, A labored argument, abounding with l’llsc j the pan statements, covering four columus of the Ary as. ! which h The Commissioners were contraband, and liable to capture. The capture was proper, courteous iu manner, aud under justifying circumstances. International law justifies the capture hut pro vides uu formula of adjudication of the e.is-c. The vessel should have been seized, 6tc. But here be cou trad lets himself by saying that the capture waft wrong according to American prin ciples ami policy. Seward closes by placing (he Commissioners at the disposal of Lord Lyous. DucUMgyc No. 4—Letter fhom tub French MiNicir.u of Foreign Affairs to Minister Mercer. The Minister argues that the Commissioners were not liable to seizure, and declares that France will support England. i, and that he (the Secretary j 1 it Ills duly to urge on tho President :ii ol Brownlow tor any offence of might he found iruilty, as a means of vindicating the honor of the Government, and relieve :t ol the suspicion oi having “entrapped” the prisoner, ihereupon the District Attorney er.'tr.d :i nol. j>ro , and Brownlow was dis- cnargetl by the civil authority, but immediately arrested aud again remanded to prison by the military commandant—doubtless with a view ot protecting him and carrying out thu promise of the Government. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE, &c.-Jau. 2, 1862 P» r Sivimmh, Albany and Gulf Rjolroad— 1 car ' loud hoop poles, 2 Horses, 400 bides. 65 eases, 22 j hub s Ii »y, 7 hale* f'»- d«*r lb 0*1* beef. 7 bids tt<h, 4 Ltd* s>rap, 2 hi es wool, 1 U indie, ano rndve. To w t,* Diwsoii, I.ovelt A i attimore, Oapt 1) O Tilton, R ilubeislmm A: bon, it F Jones, Ghau Broad well, <4ar- i many A Champion, Tlson «* Gordon, .'d 11 Williams, Dui.c.iii A Johnson, Krw/ii A Hardee, E Robinson, 8 | Guckinhetmer, WrDht A dneksou, C R R. Cohens A Hertz. Miller A Paramore, Boston A VillHlonfia. A I Backer, R H Powell, ilemy I.athrop &Qf>, «:r*d Grier. o the man like a (lush of lightning, come* hack to a* the peaceful, happy days w hen nis erect, cltmder fig- uro could be seen wending its way to his law' office, where awaited him Puah, the Inviutihlc, or Alpheus, the Hold, W*bat words of kindly, genial wisdom—what pal- lies of playful satire, lighting up that dusky office with its duskier books, unfit it shone again I Alas! for the survivors; they are to be pitied, uot him. In the fa * 1 health and Hush of minnond he has been called Lorn among us, who knew and loved him well. Let us choke buck »he rising sob. and now that his brief career i* ended, make a brief garland of Inunor- telh.s to hang upon iii* tomb. He wa* another victim to this foolish, wicked war. He was a private soldier at Pensacola for long weary mouths. Though high in hi* country's service when bis Ufa closed, he did his dutv manfully in yonder trenches with spade and wheelbarrow. We veiilv believe that if it had uot been for this exposure Col. Rfli-ock would he alive to-day and tuuny more years irom to-day, to do bis country much and useful ser vice. • And must it be so r u how we should have re joiced. a painful joy, it he could have gone down at the head of nis brave Alabamians in a last victoiiou* charge. It would have been the glorioaa crown of a life a* puie as tiie Chevalier Bayard’s. firuve gentleman, gallant soldier, true friend, fare well ! Tf a life of stainless chivalry, of honor that swerved from the line of duty, of daily walk as simple aud kindly ns a child's merits the honors thAt earth can bestow and heaven give, surely he has them all. died; On the 90th lust., at Hie Georgia Hospital, 21st street. Richmond, Ya., Private BARRY BIRD, of tho “Georgia Hussars.” FOR, SSALiF. T%% r O good Horse*, suitable for either saddle or harness. Apply immedintelv. to JOHN DRESSEIjER, 64 Bryan street. LY CASH. Parties indebted to us are lespectfull) requested to make early settlement, aud those having claims against it* to present them for payment JUNES BROTHERS. Savannah, January 1st. 1862. ja'ii —mi The Georgia Home Insurance to., I. I F 1 JT. A N X) FI KK, COLIhUBIItl, (U. CAPITAL 50,000. Dll. JAMBS F. BOZEMAN Fresiileut. D. F. WILCOX Secretary. LIKK INSURANCE DEPARTMENT* SAVANNAH, GA., AARON WILBUR Actuary. Dr. R. D. ARNOLD Consulting Physician. Claghoru and Cunningham’s Building, 9H Bay street. |1HK Georgia Home ln-urautv Company, in thei Life Department at Savannah, are *till prepared of all hi allhy persons, at Ihe low- s iu Northern eompanie* cun be * company on liberal terms aud to Insure the live: eat rate*. Pol hit transferred to thi with little trouble. This being the only Life Insurance Company in tg Georgia, and life us great the i security for every mau insuring his hope all will avail declH lino it wu A8S’T QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, I Savannah, December 18, 1h61. j Wanted. particulars, apply to T WO pood Farrier tuo undersigned. HERMAN lllRSCil deep)—n Cupt. and Assistant Quartermasc MADAME BORRE.L, (From 1‘urlM,) LADIES’ APPAREL RENOVATED, EM BROIDERIES BLEACHED AND FLU TED, LACES AND CURTAINS CLEANSED IN STYLE. Corner of State and Wbitaker-Sts , (Up Stairs,) ool8 Savannah, Ga. Janl ULAGHGRN * OUNNINOHAY O N flint aflurttu* lbl of Jhiiiihix the terms of our tm-incflfl will tie etrictly eueh. All pei-flone In- dehteil lo uh, hy note or open uceount, are reppectlui- a,Ofllleo upon to rettle al their etirlieet i oliveiiiellee. Preaent uuuetlleil rtute ot iiu'iir., compel ns to j’utein. NOVELL ii LATTI ilQHR Notice. T HE subscribe i* find it necessary to conduct their business irom ibis date, entirely ou tile cash system, except for urgent prescriptions A. A. SOLOMONS A CO., Janl—6 Druggists. Notice. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Oglethorpe Hakuacus, i 1 /SnVAnnah, Ga., December 30th. 1861. \ 111 Eli IS will be no issue* irom this office for the spnec of one week from th*> 1st day of January. 1862^ By order of the Brigndicr-Qen< nil Coiiinvand- HK’H till) M fUYlKR, 81—5 Capt. ArlilU-ry and Ordnance. Notice. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Ooletuope Bahuacks, t Savannah Ga , December 30. 1861. f A .uL outbiamllug bill* against this Department must be presented for payment prior to ihe 6th A Jammiy. 1862. RICHARD M. CUYLER, [81—6 Capl. Artilleiy and Urduunee. City Tax Beturns. CITY TREASURER’S OFFIi’E. | Savannah. January 1, Rjol. \ pilG undersigned is now ready to rerciTT- o*tr Tax Returns for the year commencing THIS DAY The books will he kept open unti th. first day of FEBRUARY ensuing, after which time uli defaulte: will be double taxed. ng property is feabject to luxation Real Estate Stock in Trade iluusehqld Furniture. Evidences of Debt, bearing interest or to whii terest ha* been added •ross saloe by Commission. Horses or Mules. Carriages drawn by one or two horses. Slave* from 12 to 66 years, nud under 12 yours. All Machinery not infixed to the reality. Billiard Tab TIowMntr A 'leys. Slave Marts. Lottery, or vending Lottery Ticket*. Free persona of color between 14 -and 15 yuan of Free persons of color All Dog* on your premise- N B —The Ordinance.of th« Aprnta of Insuntnc crcising any trade and ii juire* that the , also the Agent ol LWc Insurance Companies, to make return* and pay their taxes on or bet'o e the 16th January instant Fire Insiir.inee Companh un amount ot jiremium; ceived, leu losses a« maby paid, in order io economize time, make your returns early. GEORGE W. lJAVIS, Janl—lmo City Treasure $100 REWARD T HE above reward will he paid for the uppreheu siou aud delivery iu jail of my two negroes, CHARLES and WILLIAM, or fifty dollars for either who absconded from my plantation in Liberty county ou the night of the 24th of December instant.' Oil A KLLS is a tall, duck lutikitto man, nr her raw- boned and slim, lmt. broad about the thouldeis: walks erect; rather round faced, high cheek bom r, cheek* somewhat hollow; lias little or no heard or whiskcis; can read very well, and w rile a little, Inn. budly: is a first rale carpenter aud blacksmith; unoul 27 years ol age; end ol nose incline* to turn up; has good teeth WILLIAM'S father is u mulatto anil his mother a negro; aged about 1; years, aud is a little darker Ultra Charles; tall, slim ami wt il grown for hi* ago, a very likely hoy; ha* never boon ten miles from home, and a good carpenter f r hi* age, and a good disposed boy, and was uo doubt enticed otl’by Charles, who in his turn has probably been tampered with by a white man; aod they aie probably making tholr way to the Yunkeee, to set up shop lor themselves, u* they left without any provocation. Address meat McIntosh Post Office, Gulf Railroad, (dccjfi-ro CENTRAL.!!. R. A BANKING CO. OF iu Savannah, December6th, lnui ’’ • -A.ti MUection for niii,, !„ - , Director* uf this Uiunpuiiy, to ' ho en»ut" K year, will ho hold at tho Bankinc Ho „* .. Havaunah, on MONDAY, January Oth, pro" “J! 1 hotween Ihe hours of in A. M. and 1 I- YI ' ’ 1 . A. CUY-UKR, drc,1 - td Otthlw. OFFIFU ft, A. A a. n. r. company 7 ", HaVannau, Doc 111, tool ’ AN KUKOTIONFOn Thirteen Dlrectnra or this comp, nv , servo for tho onsuiuR year, will he hold at th 6 of the Atlnntlo and Gulf Railroad Company, 0 n b street, on MONDAY, ihu Uth day of January but WOOD tho hours of 11 A. M. and 9 , . M ” decw--td _1). MACDONALD, Seoratarv (JlRCUlrfUl - ASSISTANT VIUAUTKUMASTBR’S OFFIcr Savannah, S8U Dec., ' - JY.11 Captains, oofcom and ‘UK Mounted Couniaulofl must ' make requisitions lor rorago on thiB office on th,,, day of each mouth, and no Mils for ffi-ape coiitr.rij by them will horoatter ho paid hy me. e(1 HERMANN HIRSCII dci:94—tf Oapt. ami A g y NOTICE. P IiANTKlJS who desire to send their cotlni Augusta for suie or storaije. can consianilS lie undersigned, who will be there all the ttnuM , oil to It. (ilocH -8mo; E. o. VVADli“ u, NOTIO h:. ASSISTANT qUAPTERMASTRR'S OFFICE , Savannah, Oet. 10, isoi. 'r , “ 'A open on int; ir official huslauss from a A. M. till . i „ HERMANN HIRKCli °etD tf Capt. and Asst, Quartennatito NOTICE. NOTICE. { 1HK copartner-hip of Foote .v. Jandon oinir,, ihlB day, ny limitation Either party whu« he uanu- ol theilrm iu liquidation. WILLIAM O FOOTK THOMAS J JAUDON Savannah, Dei hi, unit. 8rao-l)ec31 NOTICE. A FT lilt the first of January wc shall confirm ou bu*’ne*8 strictly to cash. decHl—-if HENRY LATIIROP A t 0. Notice to Volunteer VouipaiiiM, FJKYY inure Companies wauUdto a Rfgimtnt which l am raising by authority oi (he Confederate Government. Arms of tire best' sciiptiou will he furnished. In addiliuu to all other wages and allowance*, a bounty of $l0 will be given to each private and uou-cominissioned officer.' a» d, the Regiment will he placed in c'ump of Instruction on th! coast For furtb tlcular* add roe* Col. W. S. PHI' Lil' d«Jc83—im* Savannah, Ga., care Box Chronicle & Sentinel, Augusta; Iutcll'gencer, Atlanta, ami the Reporter, La G>tinge, will please* copy, and send hills tu Col. W. S. Phillips, Savurnub, Ga., care of lie - , !,r ’ Notice. 4 8*1* <% N*a'a£Mt y residing on the Miseisgip LA. River. rt»e miles above Raton Rouge,*fs Iwt „i Ol makuig some arrangement, by which he crease hits b.rce by fifty, but not less than tweiny field baud*, to aid m cultivating the plantation. lit im :HKl acre* of land cleared ami partly in cultivation in , and 600 in wood-*. Tho piece i-30 flow, i* productive and Lcalthy, htd 'rseer’s ho jse, good negro quarter*, cotton and < I’ett above o lias also ar. ^ins, sawmills, Ac , Ac., Ac. Apply -or further information to BAUKLLI & CO., dec24—10 New Orleans. FOR AUGUSTA. IHK steamer Mz\NAS8AS will I leave for Augusta on SATURDAY _MoRNING, at eight o’clock. ® For freight, payable when received bply to .U. J. DICKERS(JaN IMautaliou Iu Srriven ruuuty, (la,, FOX* SALE. WITHIN 9>j miles nl Nu. 5J,. ^Railroad, containing 141)3 acres «.f first quality 5l ay and pine land; Ml acres of the bay ami 1W of the pine land cleared and under cultlti- balance of pine hind well timbered, improve ment* are a two sturv frame dwelling, nnd all other nitbuljdL-gs, in good order; also, a large cotton and i»in house ami screw. Together with -tiro iff Ge sold, rf desired, " Foruler and Sto I till 1st Nov., 1.S62. either or botli of the i | and well tinisi.ud brick tenem* uts on Tat kstre^t, next to comer of Liberty Each t nent lia* eight fine rooms, besides hase_ .losets, Ac , and stables, cairia K e hr/use nnd se; vatu’* oom, separate from dweiiiug. For farther patties- BLOUNT A DAWSON, Gold Wanted! FOR SALE. i lAKj Ash, and Lightwood, by the cord ( V J load. Apply at the Charleston Whart. decl3—lu NOTICE. A LL PEIiSOAIN indebted to tho estate o( Churles Driuleke, late of Chatham coui.iy, de- ■ asr-d, an? h rthy notified to make payment to ibe •iiidersigud, ;n d all persons having claims agaiqit -uid estate are reqae-ied to hum! them in, properly Notice. A I.L person* indebted to the estate of W. H. Tur tier, late of Chathum county, deceased, nr« hereby notified to make payment to the urnleisigned, itiuiail person* having claim* against, snid estate ire requested lo hand them in, properly attested, within the term of the* law. MARY TURNER, dosifl- * administratii: Notice. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, ( Savannah, Octr42, IPiii ) A NY donation* intended for the Military Hospital at Brunswick, if loft at thi* office, will be take - care of and shipped free of charge. HERMANN HIR8CB, Capt. and A»*t. Qnartcrinaster. oct23—tf CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS! 'glliL undei*igued is authorized to raise a T’-atia- A lion of Infant ty to serve during the war, If thi* appeal to the patriotism of Georgiu i« promptly re sponded to, the Battalion will he supplied with lb* Enfield Rifle. For further particulars address me * f Savannah, Box 121). dec3—tf DUNG an L. CLINCH $50 REWARD W ILL Du paid for the apprehension aud delivery at the lnftruckR in thi* city ot a man named John Shaw Hahhi*. who deserted from hi* compai»yi and an nddirionai reward of $10 for every man 1)C * longing to the cqmpfmy who is out of tiie G.rrrieon without leave. 1 And also will be paid a reward of $10 for my s . rvaul Boifeullet, a free negro. JACOB BEAD. Capt. c’omd’g Uo. D, Light Battery* novl&—tf 1st Rtgt. Cm. Reg., C. 8.^. 100 jVIcgroes. Libt WM. H (4AI’LDF.N. k i;ward HEADQUARTERS 5th REG'T STATE TROOPS, 1 Camp Ivekson. Dec. 30th, 4861. i V HEWAKD oi twenty-five dollars will he paid lor the apprehension and delivery c»f Private Robert A. Mock, of Company 1 (Yancey Guards) of tin* Regiment. Said Moca is u resident of Striven county, i» about twenty-live years of age, has red hair, ruddy complexiou,and i*little below medium height. By order of GEO. P. HARRISON, Jn., Colonel Coxninnndini M. G. Basp, Acting Adjut, amandlng, dcc31—4t ) VMKS l. SNIDER A CO. JAMES 1. SNIDER A CO. P EItKONN diS.IHiii; to move their lienroes fHjJJ the coast ean Und employment for young, * KMi men and iv .m«n, without children, by addre*(*ut)U“ undersigned, at Winchester, Macon county, Gcorjjt*- " Hiram Roberts, SavanirAh, or D. W.OliR^ Plant, at Maton. |dce3l - 6) IIA It HKL8 MONONGAHELA and FE 1 -' 200 TIFIED OU) WHISKEY NIIC AK— WHITE anil YELLOW CLARIFIED SUGAK TOOL ANNUS— N. O. NSW MOLASSES. OATS—OATN- CUOIC'E BLACK SEED and FEED OATS. For sale by I: AVID H. DIUUON. 160 Bay strssc SUGAR. 1 TWA HHPS. New Orleans Snear, assort'-' 1 JL UU qualities. For sale cheap fortarifi dec30—6 ELLIOTT, F SAG IN A FOREST CITY VINEGAR WORKS, CORNER BAY AND 1)1 ON ILUltlltliY ftXBKr.i <1 JJOVS3 GEO. D. DODOE. U t - . federate Stales. deu80 Received by . r n. JOHN Jl. COOPER 4