Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 04, 1862, Image 2

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8 A VAIN IN AM DA IL Y M (> it N i A ‘ ■ ,< VV SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 1862 fSiub^Uovmnflpnus s v VaNNAH, O A. *atubb7Fmorninb, January4, ises. 13Y TELK(3-RA.P1-I. Nowk from NortUcru Source*. Richmond, Jan. 3.—Thu New York Tribune of tho 1st instant,- received at Norfolk, says It bus reason to believe that Mason and Slidell sailed on that day (or England. The surrender does not come up to the do* mu ml oi I ho ultimatum, part of Seward’s bar gain being that Wilkes shall not be censured. Tho London Post says England has u reckon* ing to settle with tho United States in relerenee to (he stone fleet. The Boston papers say that Lord Lyons has ordered the Niagara to take out Messrs. Mason and Slidell. McClellan Is still very sick. Baynurd, ol Ohio, Is suggested as his successor. The Persia is at Halifax with troop; memorial. To the Honorable the President and Members of the Congress of the Confederate States: The memorial of ibe undersigned citizens of the State of Georgia respectfully abewetb, That the blockade of the ports ol the Confederate Slates, ft racial in ed and attempted to be carried into effect by the United States, though not such a blockade as before or since the treaty of I’aris has ever beou admitted ns a blockade by tho Courts of Justice of any maritime State recog nizing the law of nations, and more particularly as recognized by the Lnitcd Stales in her treaties with foreign powers, has paralyzed our commerce, deprived us ot many articles of or dinal')’ usn, and, to a great extent, of a market for our produce. That, until the Confederate States can build up u navy, they can have no effectual means of breaking such blockades, and mn«t rely upon such inducements as they can offer to foreign countries, or the citizens of such countries, precipitating question solution of tin? long mi ; ci.dod our recognition. The .‘•took cotton on hand in England Is about exhausted, and such a recognition would be a necessary preliminary*'t<» a lonnnl enquiry Into the effectuality of the p»v«i. !•*<! block ulo, nod tfrti i Is bl ol ri itl»n«, to employ that legitim ito t n tn d v substitute for V the 1 bn tempting, however im ; ..terr 1.. tn place movable obstacles iu the path of u.-ural < h: nuts, to the permanent detriment of . le-i navigation and commerce. Thc«e nre interesting questions; and if thci i yy \ va h should their rulers continue the present •M any one thing, In the future, -.I'-nlutely ecr t tain, it i • thi8 —that th« QIBUH and apology we are now considerin', the . lacle, sad even to a bitter enemy, »-f t. n11•.i’i»t i., j poltroonery and sell twit Hied itnbei-ilit\ which j the government of the Uni ted stmt* at 11»*. - it*• i tnent present, will not ,/</ hi l th i i 1 definite determination. Verily, the saying that “every man must cat 1 his peek of dirt” has received iu» new and » n larged an illustration in this profound ah.is, ' tnent of the Yankee- that, compared'with i: their world-re.lowned out race at Mu » i self must, henceforward, “pule its iuelh erua! . is Atit’fviijsnwmtsi. ! M F.R.K’ AND MKCII\MC3’ HANK, i Sav \ nnah, Sd January, 1809. f ri L) Board of Directors . lit«- ilav deci.irfed n semi annual divi* . , « ni.,.|viyable on demand. ■I E. OAl'DUY, Cashier. UliUKDUTISLY A Negro nn tmily a mlauli i -i). u House Hoy, about 16 \p. -s si* ilife oltlc.* * janl—1* No l K D <1 Pi l.’*>K A *«’(). id this dav dis- i, 1 11ii.11 ciii, nl. Mr D. G. Puuhk is : ,.» -,-ii|t> ii., business «>f the linn ..:.i due in the llrm will he paid , ,i,i- •, ,i will be presented to D O PURSE, P. B SHAY i. ,-02. Janl-6 *!?«-: firm - ol ved ry i ,i.e authorise i uole- :ioil .1 ad ail ellle raVflK More n <y r i c ' the Into Ann < and vascillating policy, to effect that object for us. Thu the most efficient means at our command, trade with the Confederate Stales tor the term of ■ year*. England's warlike preparations will continue j tiio?e niost likely to be acceptable to the In view of tho didieulties with the United'States j Governments of Europe, or the citizens of such arising out of the stone licet blockade. Ihc i Government**, would be to oiler to them, gene surrender of Mason and Slide 1 ! Is said not to be i rally or specifically, the right to absolute free tho whole of England’s demand. Richmond, Jan. «S.—The steamship which Lord Lyons selected to convey Messrs Mason aad Slidell to England, was tho English ocean steamer Niagara. The Burnside expedition has not yet sailed. The London P*st % Lord Palmerston's organ, says the harbor of Charleston belong* to the world, and cannot be given up to an indE-ctuil blockade. A largo number of frigates, transports and Bchoouers ore congregating iu Ilamptou R vda. A proffer cf this nature made to Great Britain and Franc* «*tclusi\e!y. powerfullv aided, a* 4 ii would be, ty the now exhausted stocks of cot ton, toUarcv* and tuinl stores iu those countries, could scarcely induce them to refrain from ig noring the bitukade which the law of nations kod thtir * «n most solemn treaties have do- c’.arcii invalid, and of which they must long ere this have bad, through their consular agents, am ple proof. The results ol such a tueusure, passed by the Confederate Congress, would be— First. To give us abundant supplies of all such goods as w»- most need at present at Euro pean prices, and to enable us to realize full prices ft»r our cotton, tobacco, naval stores and Auction Salk.—We would direct attention J other produce, to he shipped under such condi- ggr In publishing the returns <>t the county election yesterday, we put a star to the name of Mr. Hooo, but omitted to make a note that he was not a candidate for the office of County Surveyor. to tho auction sale of Mess Beef, Tongues, by Messrs. LaRooiie & Bell, on Monday next. The Beef offered i3 of very superior quality, and put up by an experienced packer. 2^* Wo invite attention to the memorial which we puhlioh in another column, uiul which will Ik* ottered to our citizens for signutun Similar petitions have, wc believe, gdrrc for ward to Congress from Charleston, New Or leans, and other Southern cities. Much impatience was felt during yester day and lost night to hear further of the move ments in Carolina, hut the telegraph brought us nothing, and wo were unable to obtain certain information from any source. Our impression is that there was no serious lighting between the Yankees aud our forces yesterday The advance of the enemy from under cover of their guns will, wc doubt not, be the signal for another test of tho Carolina bayonet tires.’ j Arrival of tho Ocean Steamer Ella Warlr-y Running the Sham Blockade. The good people ol (. h irle.-ton woke. Up yesterday morning to be hugely rlelighifd with i the news that the line ocean .-icatiter Kil l War 1 ley, Cant. Sw*is#y, from N.is an, Y R., had -.-a- i tercel our harbor with the flr-t rays of' the risim , sun, und was already safely moored ?•> onr u hart. At trnrly eawn ired o Chatleston cntranc , in full \ lew of the bb» ad lug vessels. These iinmediat ly gave | and eoinmeu vd a rapid lire or .-shot nn'it*"*h :!1, i all of which, however, fell short. Aft* i pi- in: ! lor several miles under tin* enemy's lire tin ' harmed, the noble'-team hip litm'ly came wit inn the protecting range ol the guns of Fort Sun ter, und swept majestic illy tip tn the city. How far the Yankee nival officers imiulge.«t ;n i n*< me lev pie lives, as they beheld what Would have been a very plump prize slip from their grasp, we leave to the imagination of our re.uh 1 lie Ella War ley brings a valuable aborted cargo, consigned principally to Me--:*, b i n Fraser & Co., Hyatt, Me Burney A ( ■- , and K r rison A Lciditig, Iler passenger list i> a h*| lows • . G. 8. Sharp, Loudon; 11. D B GurrU, llavi na; J. >. Murdoch, Maiicbest* r, i . J : H. 1 Black, Nassau; John F. Young, So*: i md •kn: E. Edwards, Liverpool; John fl Mo«»ih v, 8-m! land ; Angus Smith, Scotland. \\ e lit ar t h it the. Ella Wat lev Mr. B. T. Bisbie, whose name, 'however, noes not appear %,n lu*r passenger li-i. Mr. H - a wa • sent ••'ii cveral mot th . 1 Uis) atche to vie -r,. Ynuoey, Rost md our ('ommis-Jouer.s abroad, lie r'i«cli'.*d K. ssan in the English pletunship (iPidiator. lie le;t Ctnirlcston yUslcrilay, by the “ o’clock carp, b*r Richmond, carrying important di«, .-'.*1^3 I'.vm Mr. Yancey i-» Lite State Department. Warlcy left Nassau, tin* steamship V J.l -.i Hoi:- • >I •!' U. G. Parse A: Co. nt. in cotitequeucc of . rsjetned The books ■ found at the City M 11 cult, who is my D. PURSE. To Rent, 3J4» i s^*: . 'T& * 'M- v... , T - S’ purv W 'til bv d; hadi . | ibe 3> LU'l' at Mill»; , with i u In it. The house cou- i- a kitchen In the t-t it.on. Will be me For p**rticu- HINSON, IV M. id tt. >)( color i eoio. ed marks, much • a collar with owner’s ■ reward will be paid COW PEAS ! glKCMI h w nop, in pood < d r, lor sale low by Ifl.urNT Sr DAWSON I'SNUCVS hell eoent lions as the Congress may prescribe. Second. To enable us to furnish the Northern States with European goods at prices lower than could he afforded b) persons importing via New York, aud thus diminishing considerably tins revenue derived from imports by the Lincoln Government. Third To convince the Western titatos that their true interest is to owwua their supplies of foreign goods through the Confederate j mam States, and that the Confederate States can af ford them the best market, domestic or foreign, for their provisions, and that the protection which New England exacts, and continues from day to day increase for the benefit of her man ufactures, is Injurious and destructive to their interests. Fourth. To demonstrate to the Middle St iles r f >-e ol eoaling. ^ < bn* wi that the protective policy of New England h ''I" 1,1 ^ " 1 ... , , . Adams, well Known hen directly at war with and opposed to their com- ' 0 f lhc schooner f-i. o. A. tncrcia 1 . and trading interests, ami especially j reported that one of their ruinous to the great citj* of New York. jam! hoped by tl: Fifth. To ereute and build up a direct trade between the Southern Confederacy and the na tions of Europe, so that, hereafter, when our * l I. »<:. Will be ii front of the Uwtiit • , tii ■ to“i Tuesday ■ I l> longing ti) the M*d, known and dis- ue Imndrcd andjeigii i o.-iimllv Ivtrlv. now M BBEHAN, Administrator jauH— td Nr ) i: I ( 'K. tor nuit -t+i«> were both in that port Flambeau, w hich had been * for some time, left that stuti bound, probably, for Ivey \\ coal was the cause of tier dt coin Government had rttt laden w ii coal u tplie.- J i the Na au nuthot . named vessel the use of tin* Th. A h, - ! S'K ^ • 50 -hill be obliged inniij(!*>s from iltip . ti t A. .MORGAN. jan3 i ( E. siKtll confine our . • & . .. KM AN. I Y \ u. ioint: :- will bo conducted E KNAPI & CO. VV AKJ) ' lout five le t He l7a(f id dteased MTHTKIIEA D. The Yankee IClocknde ami ii;u I£s;gilhh Govormiieut • As we anticipated, the commercial nations of Europe urn protesting against blockading tho Southern ports with sunken hulks. Nolhiug is : poniLiun is recognized among nations, we may clearer than that the maritime powers have o buy Bnd se |j t barter and exchange, without the mutual duty in tho protection of the harbors intervention of intermediate agents, to whose of tho world against such vandalism. The j lol the lirottu havo heretofore faUcn. permuneut destruction or sealing up of an u\e- ! Sixtli. To require, the United mates, at great nuo of commerce is not contemplated by the expense, to increase the blockading forces to luw ol blockade; on the contrary, the right j, ruV ent the entrance of vessels and cargoes exercised by a blockading power is simply the w hicb would be risked in anticipation or the folding as closed for the time a port or harbor, enormous profits which would be the result of valuable to the enemy ns an avenue of trade. If a successful venture. the Yankee idea of blockado was to obtain, it - w would be in the power of any maritime nation [From the Mobile Tribune.] like England to permanently control the com- The Greai ifcaok-dou’ii and it» Couse* -mcrcc of the world by destroying the harbors queucew. of its commercial rivals. Turning the game on The latest intelligence from Lincolndom the United States, for instance, England tnitjht b , ri "« 6 reliable, if ii.n conclusive, tidinsrs Unit ’ , . , the Government and people of the L nited States permanently obstruct every port ou the Atlan- have sunk themselves to a depth of degradation tic coast, and force the commerce of the entire which has no example in history, aud which no Atlantic Slates iulo^bc ports of her Canadian ' language can adequately characterize. After colonies. Such an net oil her part, under pro- fh‘iior*ing tho piratical act of Captain Wilkes,*- . . , , , ,,, , m the must solemn lorma of governmental sanc- tence of a blockade, would be scarcely a great- li()ll --mrough the order directing the eontiue- er outrage upon the United States than upon tnent of the Commissioners in a military strong* the oth u r commercial nations, and it is very hold: through the official report of the naval certain that they would not he disinterested i sucretary, who only regretted the non-extension c \ it ! of the dustardly outrage to the capture of the spectators of such vandalism. vessel itself, and earnestly protested against the In the adoption of the cowardly scheme of forbearance, thus supposed to have been shown, the “ stun fleet” blockade, the Yankees have i being construed into a binding precedent; overreached themselves scarcely less than in ' "•*«»'«>> the lormal and llorid tender ol thanks ...... . .... ... . ! by the same high functionary to the perpetra- their insolent arrest of the Southern Comtnis- i ^ or ,,j jj lv . deed; through resolutions of sloucrs on the deck of nn English vessel, and | compliment and congratulation, passed by they will be fortunate if it docs not involve the Federal House of Representatives in then, in another nnpieasant “necessity.;* Front j Vhro^'b the declarations ol Lord Palmerston’s organ, uddltlonal resolutions of that influential body und other lending English journals, it is plain I consigning the prisoners captured to the igno that the British government are not disposed to I mlnious incarcerations and treatment ot j:ll of h Flambeau, wiinin the harbor, but ii ed. A mtinber of the enemy’s vesae ly been veen near the Ihtlumas. VVli il Kurd Demy, and tlu* owri. r* li.-h cotton snips, and John Hull *. * . say, when they near of th.- Ella \Y. steamed into Clmrlc.-ton hari>or m light, with the Southtni flag flying, iul aud contumelious disregard .1 * and paper blockades, is likely, wc be a little stronger than anythin; said.—Charleston Mcr mti Tir-idl.- '■ ultion;*ci ; th- LFr. >;u- i Lornio Skip. Paper and Lieiu i. • > o her. Avi Lieut. • Miss ftlidell was at the intrusion upon her fathi endeavored to forcibly lvmnvo Slidell shipped tdiu iu ti e face ordered one ol tho marines to bayonet, which command wit* uutii'Hb.it. and would h iv**, no doubt, blidell, had imt Couauander VVilh.iuir marine and his Ijujouet to the ground, .n. the young lady. Ilo, gallants ! brim W»h lnala-t bowl, And click the festal glass >- oh : The grape -'ill shed its sapp'd re sou To eulogise the lasses, oh ! And when yo pledge the lip and curl Of lovcltne-s and glory, oh ! Here's a bumper to the gallant That t-mote the dastard Tor.- . oh ! A bumper, a thumpc STOL-. ; . ' * las Hays, signed Fen u-iry, 1HS1. All perrons tire radingfor; ,d notes. jan3-2* . good Coopers to go Notice. lx ouee RINTENDEN'J it • VK'i'HTLtit i* 1 this day dis . 13m'let . an h< railed l » (Icneral mess and glu. litre’s a bumper to tlu- That smote tin.* dnstbui' r irl. submit to this barbarous outrage ou the nierce and civilization of the age, and we need not be surprised if Lord Lyons is directed to demand reparation for the Injury done to harbors whicb his people claim “belong to the demned felons—alter all these palpable, con spicuous and irreversible decrees of authorita tive approval, on the part of the government, stgned, sealed, delivered and recorded in the ar chives of iJiute, with the pomp and circum stance of memorable public transactions ; and after weeks of detiuut outpourings from the world.” Finding *uch ready acquiescence^ his i w i 10 le Republican press, pledging themselve late demand lor the surrender of our Commis sioners, ho may require that the Yankees shall remove their “stone fleet” from the harbors in which they have sunk them. Then would arise number “necessity," and rather than get a war on their hands with a nation that has a navy, aud could Und them on the sea, the Artfid Dodger Sewakd would, after a column or two of sub- and the people “never, never, never!" to sur render the prisoners, and monster meetings of the last, in Fanucii Hall, ul Boston, and other prominent places, ollering the gallant Captain such acknowledgments as are alone due to na tional benefactors, accompanied with even the “freedom of cities;” after all tins to be told, as we are, that Mason and Slidell are actually sur rendered aud Captain Wilkes ordered to make an humble apology—told, iu a word, that the terfunu null npeulal pleadiug, tamely “Ubmit, and stupendous “pro lily's it lief Ucnomjh, indeed set Ills naw to raislm; their old whalers and to ; to m ike us exelaim with the astounded hero ul dredging out the harbors whose channels they * mSde'the'feo?. employment for Orelae. worth all tl.«rott dredging had temporarily disturbed, nn s of the other senses, Onr boys ore flgh'ing East, and V. t-i, Hut our women do notliu t r, oh ! For they take their tli’iniowil-* from tln-ir bio And their rubies from tli ir fiii.'<*rs, uh! Aud they send their darlings to [he van Uf honor aud of glory, oh 1 . And they’ve all the spirit . f a man To smite a dastard I’ory, oh : A bumper, a thumper, To loveliness and glory, oh ! Here’s a bumper to tin* gdlant gi-.l ! That smote thodu-t.irJ Tory, oh ! MARRIED, On Thursday, 2d inst , by Rev. Sylvan^ Hon. THOMAS PURSE, Mayer if Sr Mias JOSEPHINE A. FELT, a’I »t thi- - to p. with tile uluetoro ■. i! L’ne Go tlull the orders are will examine each is are not famished • . 1 i.; • »N, bup’t- HI JAIL 2i«> M \ N • of J -SAAC, aged olor, and says he i. Id some person Tlu* owner cun ty -Hid paying rc- i jail by -1. O I.d- !'r:s‘ company, at to him there, • StiiOI!i£S. Intfi mini* m_ Lai for Colored Per ber 8ls(, Itkif. el <; and Porter VYIm ky pi pi- French Brandy N n. f’lm ificd Sngara •icon Irish Wbi-ky, onpoitcd 1868 Also, imported M’hbky. Itraudv and (iin .tl whicb they are much better fitted, than for roaming the sea In commission. Wc have no fear that the “stun fleet” will be i the ruin ol the Southern harbors. Eveu if John Bull does not make the Yankees, with tears in their eyes, remove them, time and tide will do it long before the madness which ■which caused them to be placed there is for gotten. Whether Lord Lyons makes the Yan kees remove them, or they are driven away by the tides aud waves of ocean, we hope that at least a vestige of them may be left as a monument of Yankee malevolence, meanness and vandal ism, and to keep us in mind of tire spirit iu wqieh they have waged tho war for lh .* preser vation of their fraternal,union with us. Though all the whalers of New England, and the Lin coln navy to boot, are insufficient to establish au “effective” blockade against the commerce of the rest of tho world, the Yankees may rest assured that so long us an old hulk bleaches on our strand or rots in the quick-sands of our harbor channels, no Yankee vessel will over en ter our harbors for peaceful intercourse and trade. They have “effectually” and forever block aded themselves from ibe hearts and the harbors of the South ST The following is ibe cargo of the senr* Charity, which was fitted out at Providence by Senator Simmons to trade with the rebels at Port Royal, but which has turned out a fizzle humiliating apology of their euterpr Such, however, is the immediate Issue of tho remarkable complication, which lias, for some I time, past, agitated the mind of the country. Let us pause, for an instant, over the startling fact, aud consider its full significance and probable results. A few weeks ago, two able and venerable men, envoys of the Confederate States to England and France, embarked at' Havana, ou board a neutral ship, bound lor a neutral port. It was thought that their utility and experience, coupled with the powers with which they were piv'iuu- ed to be clothed, would Insure them a cordial reception and full hearing from tin* powers to which they were accredited, and that thus au earlier recognition of the indcpcudeuce of our government might be procured than would, per haps, occur in the ordinary development of events. The hopes ol the most sanguine, as to the results of their mission, had ‘ this extent—no more!” Let the hordes ol Yankee’newspapers, orators aud politicians, who, but yesterday, < \ tilled in vaiu-giorious and pot-valiant strain- 4 over the heroism of their congenial warrior, and t he stern deterinluat.iou of their Government to uphold him—let these persons if they would conceivuthe. full extent of the transcendent fol ly of that Government enquire, in what condi tion will these Confederate Commissioners lea\ e the nation by whom they were seized iu.il im prisoned, and iu what manner will they he re ! oeived by the people of Great Britain, so soon | as their feet shall press her soil V They will turn proudly from the fleeting shores of a nation, compelled by a peremptory demand -a naked and insulting threat of armed coceion—not only • to set them free, but to acknowledge, while they through the fuctjitself, and the additional ent, Ci-iViiU- Salt! i • •Kihont Mm him tv, con- 11 order fir. ke. MIL January February July August September Oi'tnbc* November December. Advert! sement. Ifi 1.3 till 21 10 31 :V) U 12 hi ter men ope h nn/ t rr><^ a «-!i.*iimc in onr bnsi- i lIn.- dale will r.c STRICT • * do.! to in- ar. ic-fpectfully • ; ’ I. i.i ••!* in.I thoMc having * : ‘.-m f <r payment. LS BKoTilKRS. Ulbb.'. Janl tin 1‘DrjlH u Dl<‘ 'J A LMI’A I . fusurauce ro M i .a •; x> r* 1 1 a d: , 1.1.3 HI U A. #L5o0,000. F. BO/BfflpM President. *’• Secretary. ‘■i \ \ < «: S»r;S*A IITill ENT, vya i.A , • i.t U Achiury. . 0*1,1). A'diisuIiing l’liysieian. i: liughui.i’f Building, ns Bay street. II ■ I nqviuy, iu their lib--r.il terms und 1,000 bushels, 100 sucks and 5,000 bng£ of Sait, 21 cases and bales Mfize., 37 bbls. and 1 bhd. Bugar, 20 bags of Coffee, 171 coils of Rope, 100 kegs of Nails, 26 bales Gunny Cloth, 46 case? of Bools and Bhoos, 170 Wool Backs, 60 pairs Pant 41 , 8 bbls. Cid«?r, ‘JO bbls. Polaloc* 4 . und 1 bbl. Apples. Confederate Bonds. — I be value, of the C’ou federate paper in the market should not only be u source of encouragement to the Govern ment, butoi congratulation to the people. They are now held at par, an I may be regarded as the beat paper currency in circulation. Arrange ments have been made to pay the forthcoming interest in gold, ni convenient places of deposit throughout the Confederacy. Surely, a govern ment that so promptly and faithfully fulfils its obligation, need have no apprehension of a lack of.the “sinews uf war" hereafter.—Utehinoud Dispatch. JdtT'The prisoners of war, who lately crowded our city jail, were, on Wednesday morning, trans ferred to Columbia, where permanent quarters have been provided for tbety.—J/t/cury. Ilagraui violation ItfiW 1850 1860 Total that the act atoned for wu of the usages of war—was, in short, what Com m inder Williams promptly denounced it to be, on the deck of the unarmed vessel whereon it was perpetrated “a wanton ami piratical outrage.” And when the sail which waits them to their original port of destination shill have fulfilled it* 4 mi -Mon, is there any rational creature iu be ing who can entertain tin* shadow of a doubt that the people of England, of every age, sex, rank ami condition, will salute them with a shout that shall ring through the whole of that sea-girt isle and reverberate over Europe, from the British Channel to the Golden Horn, their welcome of tlie representatives of a treshly vin dicated flag, in tin* glorious cause of internation al right, honor ami eiviliziliou *? L. t. the ped dling contrivers of e ommueal clocks and w ouden. nutmeg- an. wer that qnc; lion, and *: iv, how much of the dust, which th.-y love beiicy than their immortal souls, and lor which a oue they are now waging the present lu fa mo us war, they have made by the transaction. Nay, more : vmoV v lit- tvmlvililft ‘.A. * RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. &c. Per • entral Ruilrimd — lU bills ti I l.f.'j sacks wiieat, 182 sa k j > ' and lu uhls p .:a - :l. .u f.-i-i ip, g M A 1 •i t .- Ml, '■ at lie. ti bills lx .*:•, '■-* f>*»' "are. and .Vi I*. Ilodgs, ii. .1 IK 5 i I^kg^ tents ur» t)t)!s beef. '.Hi i pjc-*s mil/ • To W -I Wiililb.il, ' lUQnd, U H.it'.er, L «' Wad , \ 1. Mi.l- r, < l.igluirn • ; Uiumiugiuiin. A A L>*'n»i-, W II .s arl.. h lh '/, J T w!o\vndo,«f L Locke, E & M Jim isi, I. ! fill nth I, K , Cohen & eo. B. F ('leimpioii. S *1 Lailb, m. ,S .J , nheimer, \i II Williauis, \\ o Da lift-l, S Hern ti Gemenden, d H Lamar, E l‘udt*librii. J ti i Corner of Stai. ..a iuvire them to consider the highly probable, if not certain, effect of tbis popular feude Jute . Dews, LnKucbe .v. i J ri< r? O Ceinn v i v Mil!, upon the British Parliament and Ministry, in 1 E 1» Miller, W H S, Lalioche ^ bell. Mies ~ M dutire . -iked. ! I ’. iSORRF.L 'i UI' Nil V \ i !.L>, EJC- :ij i i.u- I'.s \N(. ri’IU'AINS N El) IS 8T\ LE. :i WhiDt' ov-Stz., (Up Stairs,) tf I I . . - . u! Uorste, ‘miinble for either iinmediatclv. to JOHN DRRSSELKR, 51 Bryan street. NOTICE. CONFEDERATE STATUS OF AMERICA, / HEAuqi.vitTKitH Military Dept, op Okoroia.v Savannah. Dec. 31,1861. ) SPECIAL ORDER No. .*'%.] (y From and after tho third dayofJANU- ARY,-18(52. unperson, either civilian or soldier, will bo permitted to enter or go out of the city of Savannah, by th*. several Rallroadn or other touted, without a pats from the proper authorities. ('Ivillaus will be requ’red to have passes fronith.- civil authorities of the cities whence they come, or from the clerks of the several county Courts, or Jus t ices of the 1 nferiorJCourt Soldiers will he required to have passes from their commanding officers, showing their rank and the companies unci the regiment to which they belong. Passengers by the railrout s, getting on the cars at any way stations, will be required to have their passes countersigned by the Railroad Agent- ot cacti station; and all passengers by such road* will be re quired to exhibit their passes, on the orrivul of the trains, to officers who will he stationed there for that purpose, before leaving the cars. By order of Brigadier General A R LAWTON. Robert B. Elliott, Lieut, und A. D. C. ***Republican, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Consti tutionalist, and Milledgeville Federal Union insert three times, and send hill to Gen Lawton. CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE, i Savannah, Dee. 31, 1881. \ jf7jp>) Persons arriving at and departing Irom Savannah by the trains of this company will save themselves trouble by complying strict!) with the above older of Gun. Lawton. Conductors, when they arrive at Savannah, it ail persona ou the train uie piouded with passes a-» requited by above order, will so announce to tin* ofll'.-.-r of the guard, who will permit all to depot without further cxsnii- imtion. But, should there be those on the train un provided with passes, the conductor will report that fact to the officers. Agents will require persons to exhibit their passes before selling them ticket- to Havaunnh, and will t*n dorse their mime on the pass us agent. G. W. A DA MB, General Superintendent. * # * Republican, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Consti tutionalist. and Mllledgeville federal Union ploist- copy, and send bill to Superintendent Ceutral Rail road, Havauimb. janl 8 notioe! A8HT. ADJT. GENERAL’S OFFICE, , 11 EADqi'AItTER- 1.* HI*AIJ,TM KN T ol «. M.K.il A, v Oglethorpe Barracks, .Nivunmih, Dec. .31, 18(51. j c’aj^t ains oi' Steamers* and tailing craft are hereby notifled that, after ttiisdate, before proceeding down the coast o' tld- Department, it w ill in* necessary for them to ap ply for instructions at these headquarters. By order Brigadier General LAWTON, Commanding Department of Georgia. Robert B. Elliott, Lieutenunt und A D. C. janl—3 >plv itume- ilBBONM' IiOl SE. aecai—ivv t (lnO AflttBs d Ludjji South ein Georgia, i- otleredin exchange r<»r legroes. For further particulars, address M. G. BRYAN, decld—twltn Gum Creek, tin. LOST, O N TITESDA1 JIOKMNC;, in the vi, inity of the Muriel, between t) and Id o’clock, TWu NOTES, with a notice attached, dtuwn by A. Bnnaiid. h-q., in favor of M. Powell & Co., for ^llti.fih, due 2btu June, 1861; the other by L. Ii Morse, iu f-i\or of A. Gage it Co., for $.38 40, duo ATigust 27th, 1861 - The finder wiil be liberally rewardi d by leaving the same with A. HAYWOOD, janl—6t 23 Kt IT'irs for tin* Irish Volunteers — Arms, uniforms, &c., will be supplied. JAS B. HEAD. dipt. Irish Vols , Co. B ot ’ei Vol. Regiment Recruits will report to Mr. M .1 Reiley, at the I'ulaski House, who wi:l forward tl\ein to the in-ad quarters of the company. novtl if Wanted. i JORTY cents per pound will bi paid ;or all Salt petre delivered tu meat Oglt tln.i pc I'.or.i.ke bofiir.* the 1st day of duly IM>2, Lillie. .».i existing contracts with Hie Urdnancc- Dt-j*:trt im nt a’ Hicnmond nr otherwise HI* it M < U k'l.ER, docO—tl Capt. of Amilcyuud Ordname. GOLD WANTED. A high premium will be paid by tcO- tf A. lilt Van, Market Square. Notice. O N and afterthe 1st of lannurv, the terms t.f our lmsiiie-s will lie strictly iMsb. All person.- in debted to us, by note or opt n .*»u*ount, are respeciful- )>' ‘’ailed u, on ti -ettle at their earliest forivt-nieucc. The piesent mi-etited state of a if ore compel us to adopt this system. janl l mo LOVELL W F. AT TIM ORE N otice. f j! Hff! subscribers find it n* c s-ary to conduct their X business from this dat<-. entirely on the cash system, except for urgent preset ipticus A. M# * r '* janl—6 • MONS ( O , Druggists. Notice. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Oui.hiiorpe Baiuiai ks, * Savannah, ill, Decemiu-r 3iltn. lHd \ .'■'HlIF.ItHC will be no issues from this .• If:, i u Hu- I s,>a.' e of om* week Iroai Hi 1st day of Jaiiimry, 1862. By order of the Brigadier^Jem rnl Comn.uml ilig. # RICH ) RD M «’l Yl.RR, decBl—5 * Copt. Artillery and Ordnance. Notice. ORDNANCE OFFICE, Oolkthohk Barhacks. f Savannah Ga., December 30, Itsfil. f 4 ..1* outaiaticling bills again-t lliis Di portnieiit ±\. must he pro-eiiied for payment prior to Hu- till f Jnnuaiy, 1862. HIOHaRD M. CUYLEH, decfll—6 Capt. Artillery and Ordnance. City Tax Returns. CITY T RE A S U R E It’S OFF ICE. / Savannah, January l, 1801. \ 111 ID undersigned i- now leady to re-rive city I Tax Returns fur t’le year commcin iug THIS DAY The book- will Ik* kept open unti th-first day of FEBRUARY ensuing,' alter which I mo ali defaulters will he double taxed. The following property ie subjert to taxation : li»-a I Estate. Stock iu Trade. Household Furniture. Evidences of Debt, ht-ming interest nr to which iu- tcroHl has been added Gross sales by Commission. Horses or Mules. »'arriage- drawn by one or two horses. Slaves from 12 to (iu years, und under 12 years. Slave Marta. Lottery, or vending Lottery Tickets. Free persons of color between I I und 45 years of Fre* persons of col. r exercising any trade. All Doga on your premises N B — fht* U.dihuuee of the City requires that the Ag« nt- ol'InetliniUi: » ouipanics, and also tin* Agents of Life lnsiiiance Ci.mpoi.i -, to make returns und pay their taxes on or la-fo e the 151 Ii .Ltmiuiy iiintnut. Fire Insurance Compani. . on nmmiiii of premiums received, less losses actually paid. In order to econonih.e time, make your returns • nrly. GEORGE W. DAVIS, Janl—lmo * Mty Tri isurer. $100 REW ARD CHARLES and U JLLiAM. who absconded-from iny plunm fBiaiH above reward will be paid to. I he appreheu- c 1 delivery lu j:iii .fniytwo negroes, fifty dollars for either, . . lion in Liberty county on the night of the 2Uh of December iustaut. CliAltLES is a tall, dark malnito n.au rathur raw boned and slim, but broad about the Hlmuldeis; walks ere(t; rather round faced, high cheek bones, cheeks somewliut hollow : has littl.* .,r no heard or whiskers: can r»-ad very well, and write a little, biu badly; is a first rate curpoiiter and blacksmith; ubout 27 years of age; end of nose inclines to turn up ; Im- good teeth. VVILLIAM’.S father is a mulatto and his ihotln-r a negro; aged ahuul 17 years, und is a little darker than 1 'buries; tall, -lim and well grown for his age, a very likely hoy; has never been ten miles from home, and a good carpenter f r life age and a good disposed boy, • nd was no doubt enticed oil'by chines, who in til- tiuu has probably been tumpmed with by a white urn;,; and they me probably making their way to the Yuuki es, to set up shop for themselves, as they left without any provocation. Address meat McIntosh Post Uffice, Gulf Railroad, Liberty count - “* " “ “ ' 1A,TT r ' I *' XT (dec-81 -tl) WM. H GAULDKN. $35 REWARD HEADQUARTERS 5th REG T STATE TROOPS, t Cami* Ivlrson. Dec. .3Utb, 1861. ) A KRWAKU of twenty-five dollars will be paid Ibr tho apprehension aud delivery of Private Robert A. Mock, of Company 1 (Yancey Guards) of this Regiment. Said Mock is a resident of 8criven county, i- about twenty-five years of age, has red hair, ruiidv complexion, and is little below medium height. By order of GEO. P. HARRISON, Ju., Colonel Commanding. M. G. Bah-*, Acting ' djutmit. u« - 31 It CiOOTOH IVHfeKV. 1 pm., iu -..n - -n © Whisky, in store and for sale by dec23 W. M. DAVIDSON. CENTRALR.it. .V BANKING CO. OF ha. i " Savannah, December(ith. 1861. ’ \ Klec’tion i'oi* nino iQi Bw'V-^u-* Directors of this Company, to serve tor tho unsuing year, uiil be held at the Banking Home In Savannah, on MONDAY. January (Ith, proximo’ between the hours of 10 A M and l P M ’ GKO. A. OUYLER, decO—td Cashier. OFFICE 3., A & G. It. R^COMPANY I " Sav a xx .\n, Dec 10,16*31. ’ \ A iV 16 1 j ill C T I O 1ST !F\ Thirteen Direetois uf t^is company. tr> serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the office uf the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Company, ou Buy street, on MONDAY, the 6th day of January next between the houra of li A M. and 2 . M. fi«*Q td I). Macdonald, Secretary omotri ah. • ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER i OFFICE t S \v vnnaii. ‘iid Dec., 1801. f -A.11 Captains command. * iug Mounted Companies must hereafter make requisitions lor forage on this office on the fin-t day of each month, aud no bills for forage contr ctcd by them will hereafter he paid by me. HERMANN IIIRSCH, dec94—tf Capt. and A. Q. M, NOTIOK. IJLANTKRS who desire to send theii cottor to 1. Augusta for sale or storage, can consign it to the undersigned, who will be there ail the time to at- t.*d to it. (decl i 8mo) E, ( w vi»i-■ . CO ( )T I ( ' " ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S OFFH K, i Savannah, Oct lu, jaijl ’ f tilltiis office will he open h»r the- transactiou of A. ali official business iro'n 8 A. M. till u p .\i HERMANN HIRSUI, i ill tf Capt. id Asst. Qua NOTICE. f 111 11 Ii business ».f the undeisigued will iieioaiter _1. lie conducted strictly upon the easii h- -va in Janl .John m COOl ER a co TSTOTIOK. r 9111 K copartJi« r*h:p of Foote v .Jaudon expires K ilns day, tyv limitation Either party wi.i use .In* name of tint firm iu liquidation. WILLIAM G FOOTh, THOM AM J .TaI: DUN. Savannah, Dec 81,1861, 8mpr D6c81 NOTICE.” ' 6 ' 4 FTKIl the not of .January we shall confine our XI. hu>’lines Mti tly to cash. duett 1 II HKNin J. VI JIROL A . -> Notice to l ohuiteer (ompaoies. 4 FK1V more Con*panic i w.unt* d to complete a XV Regiment which l am raising by authority ot iI.i- Confederate Government. Arms ot the best do scription will he furnished, in addition to all other wages and allowances, a bounty of $.‘,0 w i!) he given lu each private and non-com missioned officer. As soon as organized, the liogiment will be placid in Cam]) of lu-iruciiou on th. const Fur finther par ticulars address Col. W. H 1 UK LIPh deefld--mi* Savannah, Ga., care Box 117. Chronicle & Sentinel, Augusta ; Intelligencer, Atlanta ami the K.-porU-i Li (Lange, will please cop>. and send bills to Col. NY. s. Phillips, ?■ avannah, Ga.. care of Box 11 *. Notice. s-ippi A PLANTK1H| ri-hiding on ibe Mi- .. . River, five miles ubovo B iton Rouge,'is d.^i • of making some arrangement, by which he m ay in crease lii- force by lii'iy. but not less than tw-. n v field hands, to aid un ultivatlng tlie plantation. R< I1119 ‘atb acrefi of iand cleared ai d partly in cultivation in cotton and corn, and (KKJ in wood*. Tlu* pi: ce is SO fett above ovonlow, is productive aim i calthy, und has also an uvert-*.. r's ho ise, good negro quarteie, gins, sawmills, Ac. , &<*., Ac Api ly lor furtticr inloimation to BA BELLI & CO., dec-21—10 New Orleans. FOR AUGUSTA. ic;y-t■;« r lTlff*c steamer MANAt-.SAS will [JJhidit+rrtfiv f,>l Aiignpta on SATURDAY MI'U.MXli, at eight o’clock. For freight, pay aide w hen received decMl—td apply to 11. DICKERSON. IMaataliou in Scrivfsi iduBiy, (da,, 4 FOR 3-A.I_.23L \% 2'& KiI>i •»>; miles c.f No njw, f’entrsl *vc%. Railroad, containing 14U3 nr res «»f fi 1 Jlt alily C^|B«s,l.ay and pine land. *0 acre:* of the b-t ami 150 .JL,. u- the |)ine land cKarcd and umli r rultiva- tn <• balance of pine l-.-nd well timbcrtd Iinpi. ment-are a two story Tr*— -*- * • •* ouihitildi. gs, in good ><i desir. d, dwelling, and all 1 ul-o. a large cutto ether w ith the phu . i will dor and Stuck. 'Ilia tii*(iIII* m 1 he location is undoubted. Apply to doe25-1 mo . BLOUNT A: DaWSDN. 1v A | n| 0it ) uie.ii mis eight llimrooms, liccdde.-i liacemcut ri oms, «:*o?ets, Ac , and stnbd s curia, e house ami sesxHiit's room.-eparale from dwi !i:n*.'. For fnrther particu lars. applv to BLUl NT DaNVSON, do. XI -lmo Gold Wanted. FOR BALE. O A IT, Aall, and Light weed, by the cot load. Apply at the charleston Wharf. NOTICE. estate of , late of Chatham county, do- < ..sou, nre mreoy nuUfied to make pay men t to the undersigned, av.d all persons having claims .*igaiii‘t said esiati- are 11 qtn-.-n d to Imml iliein in, properly *Htested, within tl e terms of tho few. d* ‘ Ii .1)\N1E Dli I DLlvt:, A din > Notice. A l. L persous Indebted to the estate of W. B. Tur ner, lute of ( hat hum county, deceased, are ti'Teby i.otific-d to inala payment to the undersigned, aud ail persons having claims against r aid estate are requested to hand them in, properly attested, within tin* term of thee law. jyL.vRY 'I U KN ER. des13-* Adininistratiix. N otice. ASSISTANT QITARTBBMASTRfl’S OFFICE, f Savannah, Oct. 22. uifil. j 4 NY donations intended for the Military Hospital 1\. at Brunswick, if left at this office, will be taken care of and shipped free of charge. HERMANN lllRSCIl, octaa—tf Capt. and Asst, Quartermaster._ CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS! (Iilll^ undersigned ie authorized tn rufeo a Tnt a- .1- lion of Infantry t . terve during the war, ll this appeal to the patriotism of Georgia is promptly re sponded t*), the Battalion will be supplied with the Enfield Ride. For further particulars address me at Savaunali, Box 126. dec8—il DUNTmn L. CLINCH $*50 REWARD W I ILL b« rmld for.the apprehension and delivery at the BJirarks in this city ol a man named John Shaw Hahhis, who deserted iVom hi.- company; and mu additional reward of £10 for every man be lunuing to tho company who is out of the Garrison without leave. Ami also will he paid n reward of $1G for my servant BoiFEi.Li.fcT, a free m-gro. JACOB READ, Capt. Cornd’g Co. D, Light Battery, nov18—tf 1st Regt. On, lleg.,C.S. A. 100 Negroes. f >f*.'3i.M*NS desiring to move 1 heir negroes from B the coast, rau find r*mploymcnt for young, healiby im 11 and w im n, v» ithout children, h.v addressing the undersigned, at Winchester, M-tcon county, Georgia. I refer to Mr Hiram Robert-, Savannah, or Mr. J. C Plant, at Macon. |dec.3l—0) D W. ORR- 200 II.VH BEI,S dONONGAHELA andREC 1’IFIED OLD WHISKEY setait- WHITE and YELLOW CLARIFIED SUGAR 1YIOLA8SUS- N. O. NEW MOLASSES. OATS-OATS- CHOICE BLACK SEED and FEED OATS, For «*qU‘ by IIA V ill U. DILLON. » . 150 Bay street. __ SUGAR. 1 IM 1 HIffOS. Ni'W Orleans Snunr, aaeoried JL\/“/ qualities. For i*a ; c cheap for cash, dec3Q~(j EU.1QTT. FBAQ1N A CQ._ FOREST CITY VINEGAR WORKS, CORKER HA) AND DlONrCOHtiUV STUEKTS, nortS GKO. D. DODQB, Agcnl. C rNlff.'ORiTl anil Drc.r of fho Army of the cod- ) federate Stales. Received by dcc30 JOHN M. COOPER & CO