Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, January 04, 1862, Image 3

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SAVANNAH DAILY i s .V. SATURDAY. JANUARY 4. I8l>2 button ; TO RAHkinD CONTRACTORS. I HI L4BOCUK d( BULL. Lari-e Auction Sale. in'RnD \ Y. the 9th of January, ill the .lore late ^.occupied by Chaa. Halting., o >rner»f Uomtres' ¥& SJSMi'n. lar,eat in the S.ateof Oo <2to 6^ent. fertilisers, to. null comprising the following ortal liliu'k, White a»ul i ol 'tvd i >-t rich Kei’-lh , blade. \t It M 'i\ b rh”n^ rt L fl ud"\uuXmeJ Velvet and Straw els. Blank and Colored , , V OTd« cut ami uncut \ civet. atuwleU colora yarila silk Plu-ih, naaorte.l culora ' Block ami < olorftl tram- ,, ,„ rl u Bonnet silk, aaaorted ttolora ’ , ir ,lB Mm'uellne. aaenrtcd and white , ooi.ai Bonnet and Tap Wire, B;ark uud \t Into .1 ..['n Buda lor Honnela 50 pieces Foundation Lace *£} nTece I'thiioro'daud White Tarleton 1, ,W-i Misses' Flats, trimmed and uutrimnn.tl i inn d-v-cn Gents’ Straw and Leghorn Ua’s 1 dozen Bunts’ Fauatna Hats ' J ;7en Cleats’ Blazed lints u ., ..... (jiii.tjt'ami Moya’«*npa w - -p Fixture* Parlor.’Dining Room, Brd Root., imul Kitchen Furniture, Ac. Ac., und u vniloi> *>t . ^ 1 t illing too numerous to moutlnn rni" ol’ sale, cash. All goods to be paid lor m- , JtiX > ». V* JSUl- ATLANTTC & GULF RAILROAD OFFICE. ( SavaNNau, , 18(11. f m.ido. ad boon ad satis- V ; tin tor* nr<>p -ils are received, for the clearing, I liu .in:i_ ana grading of thin Rond from Painbridje, ! .. . . to M i r-.n ihnuchfc rlvt i, in Alabama—a uia- j t r.i’ •: it Mile- from ^i-tton No. Dll to 80, both in. r more of tho. In ch. Thirty seven nunfy, flint of the if Good*. | i lONTtlACLS \ 41,1i ittli: UNI) FOK SALK. 'C•:» v’ tuti'-'u-iber « 11.■ i • for sale six lotHofvulua i ui pay for boxing u>k! “l, 1 rA 1 he following papers t n • nniil i'ay of o.ilo, md nd bill to ihD is iv MROUHi Ac HELL, Mean Beef, Tougueo, &c- tioND'.Y next, 6th I ii’ii ii y, Mt v. i in’froiit ofstor**. will be sold without t l-’ii t>hl ‘ Mi di Beef i- t.bl* Prim** B uf ■ nbD Pickled Tongues 1 bbl Beef Hearts. , t M iti.4 Tallow. Terms e-v*h. Hi LAROCHE X BELL Confederate States Sals * .\ VUKDAYnext. 4th January, U09, jvl ,< Go\ernnic>.t W ui<*hou-.i, nndci *«« m .v Hardee’a counting room, the folio iol.blH White FDh r \ naif bid White t- 131 obis Herring bblt) large No. 3 ;i in 1b mfeilium No 0 ;i*>l • medium No 15 half bbl* No. S M jqr bhlsNo. *2 Mi orm- cash. i by Mr. Joseph Tnten, a WM. B uaim.dk: For bare. TO HUNT.—The large Wooden Dwel ling known as Fair Lawn place, in complote repair, large lot; Brick Dwelling, comer ot State and Jefferson streets, good repair, water and gua fixtures. Possession let of November. A. BRYAN, Market Square, Savannah. FOR HBNT^That liraeand commodi- J oils warehouse at the head of Broughton, on j West Broad street To a good tenant tt will aim leased on good terms Apply to 11 LaBQCHB 9b BILL. TO WKNiV-Froiu the tat d.ty ot No /ember next, a convenient and pleasant j House on Taylor street, fronting Chut ham ^Square. App Jffi y g Lli A i.ATTlMolti:. j., I’O HUNT. A Br'ivk Store on Wiiltuket Sa street, near Brouehton, well suited lor the ery bn-ineso. PoBieaRion gtveu ou the 1st of October For terms apjdy 11—tf .SAUSKY TO BKNT-A convonionf and pleasant house, delightfully situated, furnished with gas and water. Rent moderate. Apply to Fc-pl.i LxROi'HE .v bKLJL. IO It KMT. Thu tu ick Dwelling at present occupied by Dr. Sullivan, on South * JjjJl Broad street. Iiutween Barnard and W’hllaket ill streets. Apply to fffiHllL ot . 18 Tnoa. PURSE. FOlt UK NT. - The eastern tenement of the house occupied by W. D. Dickson. | Rent $600. PoHBeaslon given 1st November \ Apply to W . T. UO0DW IN, At the t-ustom House. To Rent. imildlug next West of the Broughton street ; well milling house Rent low. and posses he 1st oi November Apply to DAVID O’. ON NOR, aner Broughton and Drayton si reels. AMERICAN GUANO. milK uLiuntion of the -’luntcrs of Qeorgiu and A south Carolina is called to tho Guano (Tom Ba ker’s a d Jarvis’ Island, In the I'acitlcocean. This Guano has been recently inliodu ed. but fully tested iu 1801. It has been analysed by Dr. Drys daie iu more lban on.- bci.died exper mints ou tho Island ; by Da on Lt big, of Prussia; by Henry, < fitie Smithson nil lust.tu.e: by Toi roy, ol the Essay OttUo, New York ; by Dr. Bickwell, Inspector of Guano for Maryland ; and by many others—all of whom concur in t e r. suits, thui the Baker's Island Guano pos sesses 81 ter cent, of the idiosp) ate o' time— tank n - UK) of it equal to 110 lbs. of bone dust, tBleat s below testBy of practical results, and. tsti «Y U. LirttANT, SION Ms well A NT AND AUCI in place is an < gio houscB, : good hitch Johnston. Bay street, SATURDAYt January -Uh. I8(i‘2, nr to A. M., W .11 he sold In the Store 171 Congress »tre.-i, ,, u,o lar.-« and wall -vko.lvd M.n-k ,all kinds, consisting III Prints, Gin dm Merinoes, Flannels. Hosiery, &c. ALSO, rge stack of Clothing, a fine selected . Hardware, Saddli , Bocts. rind’oR kinds of Fancy Good** and -I by GEO, W. WYLLl’. For Salo or Lease- A residence, with all necessary mlt aiM.dniv., a >;o -23^ Station (Marlowviile) Cehtial Raili utd. no ' ’’ To Kent- A comfor.H'ole clwelliip'. with caraape housv |d> •>> nntly sitanied on Bruuqhton elrovi. Gas Stock for Sale. 5 shares Savannah Gas Stock. 1 Private Sale. lft shares.vaaran.teed V par cunt, slock. s »vannaa Albany & Golf ltailrimd Co. For Hive. A No. 1 cook, washer and ironer. ecto Wanted to rurohaso. A brick dwelling, pleasantly located, for wbleb th ash will be paid. 2.—. non SALE.“Prime Giri. 1# years old, countr F raised. , Prime Girl, IS ycata old. country nosed. Woman, cook and washer, its years old. Woman took aim wa dim, 43 years o.il. Man, prime hauti, laborer, Sfi years old. Man, prime band, laborer, so years old. Man, piime band, laborer, 19 yeais old. Oibcr middle aged and old negroes. Woman, savoars old, prime cook and washer: an ler two children, boys, a'x ar.d two y, ars old. Boy 10 years old, smart and llkely BRYAN, iVlUZ ;o Market aquare, Savanuaii. f y s i m n, Apply In . wbeo.lN, Amml I publish unlit noli dec!a—If NOTH !E. i SOU FHER ■■■ InOE? ENDcNIGE. LKATIittJ LEATHER! .MARK YOUR OWN LEATHER. tiuPOHi AN : 1 fe ‘ 10VKMENT SN TANNING, TIME AND MONEY SAVED. Citii.l ,'liST SNlVKN'HO.N OUT! ina Leather, >i>Oi'tI)lV’NP.f'ST«NT( 1, al Klebmolid, , :bud by bai k, and i FLORIDA STEAMtiiS! 4 STEAMER will i iii.nvvicrt once a week l«c Fes lackwmvillcanil Pilalku edlatc lumlirgi. ci.nnci vitb the Savannah, Albany ml Albany Rallroada and Gull and Bruuswick ami Albany Railrondr*. t-. igbt will be received at the bavanmili. .b .. . mul Gull Railroad depot, and charged ut too toiiow- ing through rates: To Dninswlck, Die same as t.» No. 15. To Feruandiua, an additiuu of DM per cent To Jacksonville, an addition of 7d p r«• m. To Palatk’i. ail addition of 100 per cent. Siugle Packages will be charged 75 cents cacti. Alt freight payable by shippers. For further particulars, enquire of CLAGIIORN CUNNINGHAM. ucc-21 Agents. H. SACK & J. MARTIN Y, PBAOTIOAL GUM AND LOOK SMITHS, lft9 CONGRESS STREET W ’Hi would respectfully Inform all military men, and the public generally, that we liav--..j-viud the a wove place expressly to pul lu good order und re pair GUNS, REVOLVERS, PISTOLS, LOCKS, HEY S.Ac. We will repair and alter old Muskets, iu tin* beet manner, from the Hint lock to the percussion, rn *kin.' them am* ver the purpose of new ones. All orders in their 1 ne of business thankfully rcceiv ed and promptly attended to. mass work of ail kinds also attended to with dm JNO. R. BURK, Attorney at Law, G-ritiin, G-eorgia. lOLLIHfllONS in Wcul.-rn Geurqltt, ami eapy J cially in Spalding. Pike, Mortw-***!. i, Upson touroe, liutto, lleurv nml counties Uefeierres duvatinab to Editor Morning News, ones, Salisbury *v Co., John M Cooper & lk>. aprlli H »E A €0., DEALERS IN S.4SII. ?U)OKS, BLL\WS, HOlLUINUS, I'unil*, DiU, \t iiihlou Glusn, VARNISH, Ump anti na, Paper Hangings, HliHUKKii, Ac. ALSO, BlflLDWIid’ IiARDWARVC, the South (’arollna pr SOLE AGENTS! White Lead, '/.Inc t kid rolor Woi kM Dentistry. of the be juntry, A l.’l' ^t, I’U H^ a^nul give aa nineb aHeniion to the insertion o! AR CIAL TEETH na he has heretofore to the i.r* turn of the natural ones. Hi- patent melliou tented May, I860,) which ic now being n«*«;u > > 1 best Dentists, both North and South, cnulib'" b. promise a more o-tsyand perfect fitting plat.' thu [..,-fiibly bemudeby tho common and uncertaiu pi ‘ of making Dies By this method the -lie >- directly from the improssiou of the tfloulb, t. ueadle by which to fit our plates u« pe.nect as iu\‘ ja-M.itself. . , \Veare **o confident in our ability to cons' rue: a *><•’; ter and more comfortable fitting plate by t'n;« meitu.c than car. possibly be made by any other, that •• will guarantor every plato that lea res om o lc< to com Uj to jm-r what, we say, or else it may he reU.rm .^ »t SOUTHERN Express* Company. H. B. JACKSON & CO. ( t.Y LLS left at our * mice for Baggage to be taken J from any point »o any Railroad, Steamboat, . greauiship, or other address iu the City of Savanuab, •oceivt) prompt attention ix.lt? M ‘WARN! NASIIVIIXB STEAM FORGE. Ifi'Rii of all Sundi. x\! ^ !1|V n,i>\ pii 'Hi'til to make to Order, i: i tf'H: ip' ’.NTiTIriS, the lollowint aitiol-j iveis. Sui.c a, H.dtr Ant* and Washers, Axes. -,-u. i.. and il. Sc.-.-v. Moulds, and F.^Enr cii*pt'lofi (>v iu..:. a:;o Steel Foiiolno Address W .UD A C. - , mi 1. • Nashville, T« mi. «g a f. "B* >?. tf% %.§ »A fh ft C* f fllLi a Hu i nalluuo! IIKNKV LATH HOP *V CO., IV '.5 4^ 8. I* invit. tin* a teution or the Military to •ir .lock . f ready Unifoi in Baits! AV will JH A til'’ten IU S ft Btl SIN ESS UW' SULK AGENTS for t. CALLAWAY’S ecle orated SASll, BLIND, DOOR aud MOULDING MANUFACTORY, West Side MoiiuiueiU Square, upr'.t luiAW SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. JOS. BRYAN, REAL AND P£RS0NAL ESTATE tanoBijcm, r.aiidrs and Negroes, .Stoclt^ and Bonds, HuiigKl aud Soi.l on Commtssiou. Otkco ou Itryuit Street, near the State ' Hunk, SAVANNAH, GA. JylB -om paint U l’ liranehee. >i* lieu )-V EH» ’O ATS. GEO PATTEN, f!RE m MARINE INSURANCE AARON WILBUR, A-jeut for the following responsible Iuonrance r/.c'VJloc./Rj Home Insurance Co., of Columbus, On. The Insurance Co. of the Valley of Ur gin in, of \\ m The Florida. Home Insurance Co., of Apalachicola, 1 'ike Alabama Insurance Co., of Montgomery, Ala. Risk*, taken at reasonable ratea on all olaaaea or in- Biuable property. L laghoru ac Cunningham nmmrn W 11 -' iiajVt CLARK, IRVIN V TAYL0B, E, fsUTttTRR, •11T1I, MlTOUBLL, RLV, DlCOATtlB, any county in South V/eat* RICHARD H. CLARK, BAM 1- D. IRVIN, WM. TAYLOR. Albany, Feb. II. 1861._ feb20 Vv A i"*s jv1 hPrilNbS M eriwe (her County, . . n rikts Estahltaliment (VVS* the nv.pt ton of vi.-imni« FINISH Q-a. It be opened for u the. first of June. TIN, Proprietor. feSlilL uonfe derate tab TREASURY NOTES WITT P.RUTN. TUOB. W. BAVMJB. HRUYN & SAVAGE, ARCHITECTS t£ ftC undersigned having formed a co-partnorahip. v prepared to furnish Plan’, and Specifica o pivu their socdal attention to the Krec- u and to give their special attention to t on and Superintendence of Bnildinge. Ofitcc In Battershy’s new Building, corner of lltty sndJJrayton at recta, Savannah, Ga. d^c l FAST DAY SERMON. 4 * LfOW to Renew our National Strength.” A II. Sermon preached In Christ’ Church, by Bishop Elliott, Friday, November 15th, 1881, being the .lay of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. Price 1’2't .’*-rit- each, or ten conies for $1. Published and t-'i saleby (decIU) JOHN M. COOPWR or f O, lutes for Sate. SEVEN likely Mules for salr. May ha seen at the stable of Air. W. C. Sadler, Zu- blv street. dertO-tf GEO. PATTEN. ’ Gats, for sale by JAMES X. SNIDER & CO. \\TIH.i. be i YV *»f all d. ana*28 .-■civi.i b> il.e subscriber in payment ota due them A A, SOLOMONS CO KNGLiSH a t lx Brick, MOUNT EACLE TRIPOLI, DRY ROODS. 1 11! 1C SIJBSORIBKUS'beg leave, most re spool fully, to inform the public that they have opened the Store formerly occupied by Mr. D. B Nichols, for the transaction of a general DRV GOODS BUSINESS, And would invite the public to uu inspection of their Stock, which is both large and seasonable, comprie ing the following goods, viz : FLANNELS, Red, Grey and White BLANKETS, Blue and White KERSEYS and PLAINS OSNABUKGS, Plain and Striped HICKORY STRIPES SATIN ETTS OA SSI ME RES A few cases of L1NSBYS MILITARY GOODS A general assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Ac. A large lot of INDIA RI'BBEK COATS and LEG GINGS, too uumoious to meution. The stock now opening is the most complete in 'his city, and has only to be seen to be appreciated. UOV8 S. NGINHAHP ATO. 1861. NEW TAILOIIINU UST A BIj IS H M E N i’. W. R. NORRIS, <r.4tite lrom W. O. l J rioe*B % ) Under itluMouIc Hall, H AS now iu store a complete aud elegant asson- ment of FALL AND WINTER ( LOTUS. CAS* BMPitS and VESTINGS, together with inuoiner- ilile FANCY ARTICLES, horn which Gcutlemeu ran select, to unit their taatee, a perfect toilette, cither A., home »»r traveling purposes. K.ady Made CloHiiug, cor Gt utlemen uud Boys, on hand ami copel&ully re- civ lug to which attention is called TAITjORINOL IN ALL ITS HHANOHKS, [.r.Mi.j.tly esecuted, aud iu Uu: jmrlect aatislacl.on of patrona. Tmnka, ValiaaB, Carpet Baps, Ac., alway. ae!pt imUaml. ooU? DYElIVCi ESTABLISHMENT, lESTABLISHED IN lft.H’2.) itmiioved to Uraytou Mreet, «ouI1a ot Yorlc Ntreul, ucur the lute tusideme ol’ tho MiibHi rlbor. ally, that he Is now prepared to Dye all Colors In the best -t yle on Silk and Woolen Dresses, bliawle, Ac • also, Table Covers and Crap.. Shawls cleaned and bleached iu the best mauner. Ladies'Kid and Doe- •ikii. Glove*cleaned in the beet London style. Tin* subacribur begs leave to state that he Is now prepared to clean, bleach and press Ladies’ Bonnets and Flute in the most fashionable styles. Terms moderate. Gentlemen s Garments Dyed and cleaned, as may be required in the same superior style which has gcu- ,, ra ii v 50 well pleased hie patrons and friends lor the A. GALLOWAY. AT WHOLESALE I N Ik IA Rubber Hair Pina Wire llalr Plus Rubber Balls Bcissnrs Knives Razors, Wostenholm’s best Rubber Combs Thimbles Rubber Doll Heads Port Mouaios and Purses Hair Brushes Playing Cards t-’acblls and Reticules Marbles Steel Pens aud Gold Pens Pencils; by JOHN tf. COOPER * CO. firm the scientific reports of it«? superior fertilizing value Th-,- Jarvis Island has been used for three years, tiu.t the certiticates from actual experiment show, though less itch iu phosphates, ills peculiarly adapt ed to cotton, The.c Guanos possess three times the quantity ol phosphates eo tained ill Peruvian, but less of ammo- uia, which stlmulateB and exhausts the land and evaporates itself, u hits! phosphates nermantntbj en rich the s.dl J. r. Nisi iet, F. G. s., K. O. s, Ac., or 1 net pul oi the r hetuicul and Agricultural College, London, as serts, ir. muctual analysis, ttiut one ton of Poruvlau Guano is worth, in manuring value, vi/..: One ton or (iuuu.. in wo. th tons larm \ aid dune. •• *• “ vi *• horse dung. “ “ “ MHA» “ cow dung. “ “ “ SMtf “ pl« dung. “ “ “ it •* mixed human. This extraordinary fa.t e> plains why tt is that Great Britain use- « i titeui millions of do lai- ol this Guano annually, f«»r tin* production of wheat, barley, tutu ps, beans, Ac , Ac , none of which repay for mo nuie so well as cot on. • • No iouutry wants fertilizers so much as the Cotton Males, and none can so well atlord to pay for them us they. Georgia alone might, try the use of the A me re ii Ultimo, make her vast itetds ot worn lands as productive as tli$ best, uiu thereby doubt : or tnble their production of <ott.>n and corn, with tho saute labor, lt also expels or deetioys worms from tin- soil, uni causes an . urlier growth and maturity of both cotton aud corn, its well us a mucti larger crop. If I’lc-idont Nisboi be correct n hlo cutlunte of couipara'ive values of various manures, the expense of applying barn-yard dung to the land will be neurly us much as the cost oi A me; loan Gttuno, if tt be ap plied 33,1$ tons to one of Guano, and so of ot her uia- Thu supply of this Guano is ui.foituna'ely very limited, b- th by the existing war, which will exclude other fertilizers, and because nearly every cargo of ’.t imported from U ker s Island in lHt.l was sent itnui Uiately, at «n extra freight, i* various port * In Europe, and none was Imported fiom Jarvis Island. Planters wishing to use the American Guano to liu prove their land aval luerease their crops, will do " ‘ •-• * - immediately, as on! eft for sale. PRHJKS : Baker's Islund (ton ‘2,t)ih) lb-.), to be delivered in good order ut the store $-15 00 Jarvis Isluud, fsame) 40 00 Terms cash, or cotton, of middling quality, at 8c iu Macon, Aiueiiciis, Albuny or Augusta, and otlii qualities in proportion. If taken lu bulk, an allowance of $i 50 per lou will be deducted from ilie* price Dray age to the Railroad 75 cents per ton. Agents proem li g orders, and sending the eu-b warehouse receipts (or Ilc con*»*> *• • a £; x> ' rr ' or **' t.. aii.r...-i >ne usual • >iami—urns None cuu sold ou credit. Apviiy io G. B. LAMAR, orCJ. A. L. LAMAF, Savannah, orWARDLAW, WALKER A CO., f’li&rlestou CF.IITI F1CATKS. Fort Valley, Ucl.*2d, 1861 Dear Sir : -1 used Jarvis Inland Guano on cotton year before last, and it produced double as much cot tun as the same kind of land wht« h was uot Guanoed 1’his year (or tnis year’s crop) 1 put the same land in cotton, wituout any Guano or ma ure, aud using about 150 lbs. uer acre of bmnlx Ouauo on the same quality ol land adjoining. The resu l was that tli land Guanoed tho year before with the Jarvis Gland Utiauo produced a far bctt« r crop than that upon which 1 used the Photnlx this year. I consider .1 Jarvis Island Guano by far the best Guuuo or fertiliz that 1 ever used. Jacob Hampton. Four Valley, Oct id, 1861. Dear Sir : -1 used Jai vis Island Guano on cotton laud year before last, applying about *200 lbs acre. The yield of cotton uu • more than double that on the same kind ot land which was not Guanoed Th- lust yeur 1 pul the same land In cotton, without uny Guano or manure, and the yield was again dou bled over the same kind of laud which hud received no Guano. J.N.Gofp Amkricuh, Oct 4lh. 1861 Deaii din : 1 used some of ihe Jarvis Island Guano last year, on some poor cotton land belonging to t estate of A H Gibson, applying Altont 180 lbs. p acre r i he yield will be (il uot lo.> seriously injure by the storm) about MX) lbs of eoltoa per acre. The yield, without Guano, would iioi liave been over 400 lbs. per aero. Wm. A. Maxwell Amkhicus, Get 5th. 1861 Dear Hut!—T used Jarvis Island Guano ou eott this season, at thu rate of about D20 to 150 lbs. j acre. The stand of cottou was thu best that 1 e\ saw, and was not lu the least damaged by lice, whil the cotton which was not guanoed was very material ly damaged by them. Up to the Utn August the cotton which was guanoex promised to yield thhc times us much us that whlcli was uot guanoed. Since that time the seasons have been so very unfavorable that fertilizer could have done much good ; but still the yield of the guanoed laud will be fully doubled. My ? that the Guano will pay best on rich T. M. Fuklow. I prepared my Cotton land by hreakiug up with scooters 16 Inches in length. The furrow to receive the immure was made with a double mould board straight above! and a 16-tnch rooter furrow tu the bottom ol that. Baker's Island Guano, ut the rHte ot JWU pounds per acre, was deposited in the furrow, and covered by running a diamond-pointed 16-lnch scooter on each side, afterwards beds finished by ruuutug round with long turning shovels. Cotton was cultivated entirely with sweeps. The yield, wtthout the Guano, Is 460 pounds pet acre, with the preparation above given ; and the as sistauce of auo pounds Baker’s Island Uiuno, the yield is an average of 7iK) pounds per acre—several lu ,he " , w m *‘‘" ,,v, ' r Wruouworth. Fort Valley, Houston County, Nov, *2*2, 1861. ly County, June liith, ISHI Deaii Sir: I got several tons ol your Guano from T R. Bloom, and am »o much pleased with tt that 1 would like to engage about «U tons for the next a* in of the same klml • • * I would like to t It atiout the time 1 am hauling niy cotton off. Vours truly, Elijah Bdttv Barnwell C. 11., S. (.’, Oct. 6, 1661 Dear Sirs: Yours making enquiry t«» th- suit of Baker s Island Guano upon cotton have been answered earlier but mv c ileutly udvauecd lor me to speak ai •sired to d«). Tills is the third year that 1 tiave planted cotton he two first years I used 11*2 pounds of Peruvian Juatio per acre; il paid tue handsomely. Increasing . leld upon land where it was applied frot 400 Rounds p onld op was not snf aeflnately ua J too t») aer’s Island 1 applied 150 pufimls per acre • Island Guaiiu. t am satlsfie 11list the yield r has been equal,if Hot heller, IO of I lie I used Pi viini. N UTK TIIE nnderslgneu, Cmum 1*tutors in the City o ' Havannah, iu view of the intarcstt of ail )*uitien m commend to ttietr vnriou» customer- and ctnwv""* dents uot to ship any portion of their oops of Cotton ’ lo this city, or not to remove tt from their plantations, until the blockade is fully and entirely abandoned, o 1 which event due notice will bo given. N. A. HARDKK A CO., COHENS A HERTZ, F. G. DANA, ERWIN A HARDEE, J. W. LATH HOP A CO., TISON A GORDON. A. H IIARTR1DGD, B WHITEHEAD & CO.. RICHARDSON A MARTIN, DUNCAN A JOHNSTON, EVANS, HARRIS A CO., DAVANT A LAWTON, . GEO. PARSONS A CO., HARDWICK Jfc GO., RABUN A SMITH, ISAAC C. W EST A CO., . JNO. R WILDER A GALL1K BKHN A FOSTER, WM. U. BURROUGHS A CO., E. C. WADE A CO. GEORGE PATTEN. Saj^jj^L July 31 -i, 1861. mint) Notice. Deaii Sir: This is to used the American Gum and 1 must confess my e than I tun very much pleased with the Baker’s Island Guano, and will use it hereafter in preference to IV Guano, for 1 think cotton immured with tile Baker’s Island Guano will stand the drought much tier t Luu where It t- manured with Poruvmu Guano Yours very respect fully, (Signed.) A. M. Hunter. News an, Oct. ’28. l»fil. rtlfy that I have Hits year as a fertilizer for cottmi, MN-tations Imve beeu more. , was applied it* the drill ore i hieing) a lit Hi in advance o! planting .1 c used dirt’ereiit quantities, varying Horn one to i hundred pouudi- per acre, and find but a slight _ .arence lu the yield of cotton. I think, however, the quantity of Guano should be varied according to the character of the soil light, sandy lands requiring more, and lands of u moic tenacious nature less lected, us a test of the fertilizing piopertic above matiuie, four short rows of cot ton, two • had been manured and two with no manure neiuioi having tlu-advantage ol tile other as to the stand ot otton nor as to tho quality of the soil, they being side by side. From the two manured rows I picked twenty-four pounds of seed cotton, and from the two tthout any manure f picked seven pounds of sci d cotton. T then counted the remaining matured mi opened bolls, and found about an equal number on uch; thus giving the manured cotton a decided ud- antage as to curiy maturity, together with a little ver one hundred percent, in the yield. Respectfully yours, Ac , John M. Hill. Wasiiinuton County, Oct. 31, 1861. Dear Silt: I used Jarvis’ Island Guano on my col on land tills year, at the rate of *2n0 poiinds.to the ere, and the yield was more than twice as large an on similar land which wus not Guanoed The laud upon which the Guano wus u_h**u it^red. stiff land. f HUNT Y * before leaving 11 >liiptm nts by regular Freight Train must be made by inV nek the day prevoun to leaving; otherwise they vill lie over until the fiirei-thlliig trains Freight reoeived at the Depot from 7 A M until 1 !’ M and from -2 P M until ;> P M , norii further totlce. GEORGE GREGOR, nbVtW Mas’.er Trausporianou T a lit eh . r. Smith. Son ley County, Oct. 15,1861 Deah Sik: On my cotton land t is seaeou 1 u* Hit- Jarvis inland Guai o, in about 150 lbs. per ac t th«! result has boon wry s,’.ti-faclory. The yield- i keen tiicrensodnt least 3tRi Itis per acre »)> it* tables, and I cannot say too i such tegelabl tile. To Kent. LOOP dwelling bouse, v a a Iso, a good store rated on I tie public r Also, n stmv-housi leading lo hoii-e of large size, lo- c square. isc and good stable on tho be depot alt in Hie city oi At ( oda* Slioa’.s. 3 miles from the city of Coving- t on, a targe brick building, suitable toi a Cotton Mill, four stories tilgli. with drums leady built, uud Water power to carry any amount of mat him rv. Also, a good m it hunt Mill for Whialand Corn, and Saw Mill. Lath Mill, Shingle Mill, Ac , Ac., and ample privilege and wilier power to extend to any amount that may be wantlnu ; 61 feet fall in three-fourths ot a mile. The water is used on bot.i sides of the rivei* and good locations to use it 3 times over on each Bide. Apply to A. L CAMP, Madison. Ga., or oO.CAMP, Oovingto . Chi tiov2b Irn WOOL! HENRY LATHROP .t CO. Take Notice. T HK subscriber having resumed the baking o Biscuits and Crackers, is now prepared to receive orders. Hereafter ray terras will be strictly CASH ox delivery. may 11 A. BORCHERT. I shall conttuue t * use this Guano. Scui.ity County, Oct. loth, 1661 Deaii Sin l used Jarvis Island the past year, on a piece of old worn out uk and hickory land, at the ate of about 175 to *200 lbs per acre, leaving some ot he same land without nianurd or Guano. This land 1 planted in cotton, and the resu l ol tl»e picking up to this time is as follows : From tho land which 1 guanoed 1 have picked 670 lbs„ and the land which v ur not guanoed yieulcd up to Hits time only ‘230 lbs. This difference will probably continue to the end of the picking season. ^ ^ ^ P. S.—I weighed the above picking carefully. Warren ton, Ua., March 16th, 1861. Dear am:-1 used luBt vour forty-two tons Jams Island Guano on cotton, nffd it paid well, lor.it made twice as much cotton as on land where no Gnano was used. I unplied two hundred pounds per acre to po tatoot* anti turnips, und fur these crops it cannot be equalled, fot il produced turnips that weighed from 5 lo ‘23)tf pounds. The veal was a very diw one, and my crops had but one rain from the ‘23d of May until October. The land in which I grew thu potatoes and turnips was very thin ; would not make more than ’2<K) pound of cotton pi For Sale. ON of the. most, desirable planta tions in Wart* county. It, isvorye!igi- bly located, two miles from Bavanmui, Albany A Gulf Railroad, at-No. id. Dwelling house and outbuildings all The Iruct contains about 3,10U acre*; in cultivation, and 100 acres more deadened, 'reams. Wagons, Corn, Fodder, Ac ,Ac., will be sold with the place at a fair price 'I erm* to suit pur chaser*. Apply to BLOUNT A DAWSON, deeft-tf For Sale. AN UnPItOVHD PAU1U, •2 miles from 5>> Central Railroad, in Striven county, Ga., containing lwi acres, 30 or 40 acres cleared. The im provements are a two-story Dwelling six rooms, with kitchen, servants’ house* and out* uildlngs, good water and very healthy io- without i also used Peruvian Guano PUotenix Guano, but the Jan the drought and prodne- d mo Hoyt's Phosphate and :• Irdaml Guano stood • cotton than either. Jesse M. Roueuts. impress lou t laud. Henry County, Sept. 18th, 1861 De • R Sir I have used the American Guano from Jarvis Island for the last two years, with very satis factory resu ts, notwithstanding they have been very unfavorable crop years. The must marked ©fleet Irora its use was by one of my neighbors, on some cotton lauds, upon which he used about two huudred pounds per acre. He told me, 1 think, that the land produced two or three Hines as much cottou as the same quali ty of laud which was uot guanoed. Ho ulso put some of his guanoed cottou laud iu wheat, and the effect wus very great, as there was a wonderful difle.ei.ee be tween that and the la id width was not guanoed, thus showing that one application of Guauo had greatly benefit!ed two crops. My impression is that the Guauo should he used every yeur to insure large crop*. John 11. Low. „ Americus, Oct. 4, 1861. Dear Sir: -1 used Jarvis Island Guano year before Iasi, but the extreme drought which pr* vailed through the season prevented a favorable result. Lust fall 1 sowed the same land down in oats, und the result was the finest field of oats I ever saw. The yield was three times as great us it would have been without Guauo. Rout. C. Black. Fort Valley, Get. ‘2d, 1861. Dear Bui:—I used the Jarvis Island Guano la**t year on some very old worn out land, which 1 put iu cultivation for the purpose or trying au experiment upon with Guano. 1 also used Mapew’ Guano on some of the same land. The Jarvis Island Guano turned out fully equal, If not better, than Mapes’ Th import ion of the land which I left without Guano produced about 300 pounds cottou per acre, und that upon which I used the Jarvis Island Guano produced about OoO pounds cotton pe Aluany, Oct. ‘26th, 1661. Dear Bin:—As regards the Guauo I bought of vou year before lust, I can safely soy that it more than doubled the yield ou therauie quullly ol IulU that hud no Gnano. $tf , 1 had two held* tying side by side, exactly the suine kind of laud. The oue on which I used the Guano produced from 800 to 1,000 lbs. cotton to the acre, white the one which was uot guanoed yielded only 350 to 400 lbs. cotton to the acre Last year I could not get the Guuuo in time tor ray crop, consequently planted without it. 1 found :» marked difference til the crop where t tie Guauo was used the year before, notwithstanding this has been a very bad year for all fert ilizers. Consequently, I have no hesitutiou in saying that the American Guano will tnuke a vast difference hi the crops f »r more than one season. UOV 2 N P. Brim won. PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA, MANIPULATED GUANO! MANUKAOTUUED UY THE PETERSBURG FERTILIZER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. O NLY needs a trial to recommend itself; tt lias been used extensively iu Virginiu and North Ca rolina with great success, and the following gentle men iiave recommended it: Major Charles L. Hinson, Raleigh, N. G\; Hon. W. N. Edwards, Warren county N. C.; Dr. George Jefferson, Mecklenburg, N «' ; 41 G. Hardy, Esq., Lunenburg county, Vu : G. Ravens cross Jones, Esq , Brunswick, Va.; T. J. J. Maaou Esq., Sussex county, Vu. FOR SALE BY JOGN It. MOOKE, n ov6 Druggist, Gibbons’ Range. U PGVKY - WHISKY.—*) iky: ‘20 cases old Re- Whisky.a fine nrtb!« ; Ut case* Daly’s Valley Whisky ; SS.lVaeea Da store amt for rule by det-W illHK 1IOM.CVU pipes pure I!o! * - J foreale by W. M. DAVIDSON. and Cob Crushers; Hay Cutter* ; Ox Yokes and Bows; Manuroand Hay Forks; Manure Pullers and Rakes; Gardeu and Field Hoes; Grub llocs and Pick-Axes; one and two horse Plowrs; Axes: Shovels and Spades; Swingle-trees; Wagon and Mule Harness: Traco-fifth, Log, stutcher. Lock and t’s Bourbon Whbky; iu | p 0 lc Chains; Harrows, Ac., Ac., for nale low for cash ! by [nov2T, SAM’L PALMER A SON. i T®® DAVIDSON. declff “Southern Boy,” received by E KNAPP A CO., Wtet Mid* Monument Square. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Oct. 8th, 1861. Dear Sir;—1 purchased last Spring several ioiih «d Bukoi c Island Guano, of your importation, which 1 applied to one of my cotton field* at thu ruL «»t eighty to one hundred pounds | “r acre. It ta too soon yet to he able to stale definitely the effect upon the crops. A severe drought tu the early part of thu season prevailed iu the section where uiv plantation i- situated, Macon county, Ga.; but, notw ithstanding thl- draw back, the action of the Guuuo has been most satisfactory. , , I tiave been in the habit of experimenting, in a lim ited way, with Peruviau Guano for several years, and comparing the effects of the two, I discover Utile, if any, difference; while, from the known constituents of each, we may reasonably look to the Baker’s Island as being most durable in its effects upon succeeding crop.- 1 confidently iccominend it to planters as a valuable fertilizer. Yonrs vety truly, F. P. Holcomb. Griffin, Sept.*)th, 1861. Dear Kilt:—Year before last 1 used some Jarvis Island Guuuo on corn The season was so very dry that no manure could do any good. About the 1st ot January last I put the same land -n oats without using any other manure The field was as fine as 1 ever saw. A part of the land, upon which there was no Guano, was veiy far Inferior to that which was guanoed. Tue same field has siu hay as l ever saw. Giufpin, Sept. ‘20th, 1861. Dear Kin:—I used the Jarv.s island Guano year before last on cotton and corn, l’he result was per fectly satisfactory until the drought set tu, which was bo severe ns to destroy the effect of all rnunur I planted a piece of very old laud tu corn, manuring it with the Guano at the rale of about two hundred pounds per acre, and the yield was fully equal to the fresh, rich laud ou the creek. Last fall I pul the same field in wheat, and the yield was fully equal to fresh laud on the creek. This season 1 put a field In cotton which wa*. tlu year before, guanoed, planting in the same G. ill, with out auy other uiauure, aud 1 think the yield was fully equal to that of the year before This shows two large crops of cottou ou the time land, with “*“» ar ‘- plication of Guano. .... . . . One of my neighbors used about two huudred pounds per acre ou cottou, with equally as good result as my own. , On one field which would not huvt* yielded ovei four to five huudred pounds of cotton without man ore, the yield, I think, would have, been fully one thousand pounds by ueeof the Guano but for the er trenie drought. B. Roberts. Fort Valley, Oct. ad. 1661 Dear Sib:—I used Jarvis Island Guano ou cotton laud the year before la4t, lu quantities of, sav 150 to 900 lbs. to the acre. The yield wa* twice us large ays upon the unguauored land q’hia year I put the same land in cotton, using no manure, and the yield of cottou will be lolly double that on similar land which had no Guano This shows that the crops were doubled for two years by ouaapplication of the Guano. 1 ' G. H Slaitwy. Valuable fnimls iu (IwroketJ for $al?« NO. 709, 40 acres, 5th district, la* section. Lumpkin countv, Ga. No. 595, II) acre*, 4th district, let section, Lumpkin county, Ga. No. 736, 40 acres, 14th district, 1st yth county, Ga. acres, 4tli district, 1st s*m tiun, Lumpkin is, 97tb district, ‘2d section, Murray well timbered with oak, hickory be bought low lor cash. Titles per* floaO] BLOUNT A DAWSON. w.miiivs, j mti;mu, diamoms AND SILVER WARE t UKLONU1NO TO ' A LL the above are now offered at a low rate In order to close the estate, and will be sold wtth out reserve. The Goods are of the finest quality. This is an opportunity seldom offered, aug 14 N. WOLFE, Administrator. ALEXANDER F. BENNETT, Agent lor the Hale ol Rml Estate ami Personal Property, M AN for sale several very fine Dwellings, both brick and wood. They ate located in the mest riuul part ot the city, and couvenieut for busine*.* With Lots unimproved. Persons wiahtug to pur chase will do well to call. ( will take pleasure in showing the locality of euch lot. —ALSO— A No. 1 rnun Cook. 8old for uo fault. Office coinei Bay lane titul Bull sheet,Owmia’Buildings. null FANCY DRY GOODS. Patterns rich, dark SiJk, to be told A lew Die Lumber ! Lumber ! rilHfc: S(JliN4'HXlll£K keeps constantly on _I_ baud and for sale a large tdork of First and Second Quality Lumber and ShippingTimber, Scantliu?, Ac., which tie will sell on reasonable terms. All orders left at his office, at Stevens’ Stables, on West Broad street, head of Broughton, will be promptly filled. A. C. DUNN, janitt—tf ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING. FULTON & MULLER LI AVINL formed a Copartnership are pre .tJL pared to Desigu and Superintend Private and i%blic Buildings iu the various styles of Architecture. Civil aud Mechanical Engineering, Surveying in all its branches, Designing and Superintending every kind of Machinery, Ac. Having had many years prac tice iu both professions, We are confident ot Riving full satisfaction, Office over Battersby A Co., in Stoddard's stores. t. w pulton, Jr., Artb. m. v. uut.leb, o am. e. mart TENTS! 500 TENTS, ON HAND A.IN O fc’OK S-A.I_.TU UT jyia—tf t. n. hmkmiiall a- uho. DR. EATON’S Infantile Cordial! FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, Dysentery, Croup, folic, Ac. A few Dress Belour Ottomons, to be sold cheap Black Velvet Buttons V, pieces very dark, black and white Dclainea 1 very rich sell Poiat Lace Plain Black Long Shawls All Fancy Goods to be sold very cheep. dec‘28 _ DeWITT A MORGAN. NEW GOODS! MOST DESIRABLE BLACK BROADCLOTHS, FOR CLOAKS; DARK BLUE CLOTH; SKY BLUE CLOTH; CAVALRY SWORDS; DRESS SWORDS; WOOLEN ARMY BLANKETS; INDIA RUBBER BLANKETS; Trine Bed Blankets. For sule very cheap, by II. UA&lU, 176 Broughton street. For sale by octfi i Cents a Bottle. JOHN B. MOOKE, Druggist, Gibbons’ Range. Plumbing, IK ALL ITS BRANCH F.iH Large or small jobs promptly executed by febWky H. MORSE, Bt. Andrew®’ Hall. Champagne Wines fr/k CASKS Franca Is, Fils & Co., quarts, pints OV/ and half-pints, lrom |16 to $*2U, for eateby THUS W MURRAY, nov21 907Bay street. Tbc Southern Spy. Virginia. Speech delivered by lion. Beverly Tucker, of Vir ginia. in the Southern Convention held at Nathville, Tf>nn., April 13th, 1850. Received by dee-24 JOHN M. COOPER A CO. JAS. I. SNIDER A CO. 1 v of choice New Orleuus Syrup iu store and fox hftio by _ »[dcc21] JA8 1. SNIDER A CQ. ( » IiA.NO.-~A*inall lot of Manipulated Peruvian I Guano for sale very cheap to close the lot dsefil _______ JAS. 1. SNIDER A CO. B tiUQUNDY POUT WINB.-20 * casks Burgundy Port Wine, of direct importation, in bond and for sale by dec93 W. M. DAVIDSON. I ll I Ml WHISKY.- 1 puncheon Irish Whisky, in Htore and for rale by dec28 W. M. DAVIDSON. J\. 10 ruse* aborted Cordials; 10 8yrup* ; in*tore and for sale by \V. M DAVIDSON ATf&W LEAP LAUD—Jutt received nrd for 50 (IOXE& STAHCU. defi FSTSicbv (i. S. BIIOWH.