Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 24, 1863, Image 1

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* *s. ■■- • •- IL ir>. • '■■■•' ~w> •^T " ■ f\' jfej Mij /] . ■udl^,: (i :: V; til ■ v 'r l •■ sf--/ t >. |?J ^4 VOL. XIV. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, F 1DAV M-01(NiNG, APRIL 21, LSt!'!. NO. 9t> :L\ib JJUovnin^llcu^ BY THEODORE B 1.01 S. T. IIIOMPSOJII, - - DUITOIt. f9 00 * i|i|S4»F SCBM HIFTION AND AH- VHHTIftlNU roil THK I>AILV PAPBit. por one in >utli ... For thioe months run I'UK TRI-WIRKLV PAPKK. Korcne month ror three mouth* run THK WtKKI.Y PAPKK. For three mouth* /.drartOctneuti* Inserted for |l fuj per square often ji iincn or leei*, ea h insertion. ft 51 ft Ml FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1803 TELEGRAPHIC. From the South-Weal. Jackson, April 21.— I'he New O.leans*Era of the lb n gives an account of the battle on Grand Like, In which it claims- that oue thou surd prlsonor-, with the (.'out. derate rauis V'ttTN of the IVVvrf and Dia-na and the tfaunporl Corn e, were captured, t he Yankees destroyed three rebel nan boats and three transports. Oue hundred and ninety Yankee wounded men hail urrived at St. Junes Hospital. F.irrairut Plates that only lour days’ rations are at Port Hudson. I he lebels have heavy batteries at Grand Gall. Colonel KI let is alive and coinnmmliiig the SwitierLiud. Upwaido of ten thousand negroes are at the Y tiikee depot iu New Urleaus, consuming; gov ernment latiuiis. A tatul epideiuie, thetueables, has blokeli out among them. Oue bundled Government employees at Louisville have deserted to the Confederates. A. special dispatch to the Appeal says the cue toy have reached Seualubia Irom the rear, at noon on the 2U;b. A deluehiuent Imd been sent to Sardis to cut the telegraph. The in- mntiy ate provided with bridles to carry oil utmuals, uud tbe uegroes, whether willing or unwiiliufr, uie to be taken. Ibe Yiukies ure evidently retreating. A irustwortby cilir.en reports that a large cavalry force camped within twelve miles Irani 11 u-loii ou Sunday nigln, for the avowed pur poee ol destroying the Central Kiilroud, com mencing at Wuioimoi Duck Hill. A special diepaii-h to the Aftpenl says the Yankees have burned the Court House and other building* at Hernando. Their biuleiuniil ut their loss in the tight ou Sunday is one Ma jor and oue Captain, aud seventeen privates killed uod about tilty wounded. VicK^BUito, April 21 —the Yunkee battery on the Peninsula bar* been tdieui all duy. A party ut our men surprised u number of Yankees ueroso the liver last night, killing oue Firing was heard to day about New Carthage. Noth ;ug from (he ttoet. VicKtBbho, April 21.—Everything remains quiet here. The enemy appear to lie working on their Peninsula battery, 'i be river is falling pretty fast. From Toimensec. Chattanoooa, April 22 —The enemy, eight thousand etroug, uJvauced upon a village live uule* this sideol McMiunville,aud destroyed a locomotive. Mc.Miuuville is reported to lie in tbe posscssiou of the eueuiy. The enemy is also repo r lea to be iu force near Wart race. flit tight at Tuscumbia was a desperate hand to hand affair. SiXty-MX prisoners captured by Roddy ’s cavalry reached Chattanooga this eve hltig. They a/e mostly mounted iulaulry.— i’ho Yankee officers say we will be forced lo give up Tuscumbia. TbLi.Aiio.MA, April 22—The bridge Is hnrot uear McMinuyille, and the telegraph iulcrce e*1. It is not supposed (hut McMinnville la the bands of ihe enemy. Advices ure expected Irom that quarter to-morrow. [From the New York World. March :11st ) “ I'lie Nit nation.” How stood the case, then, in this it* par mount aspect a year ago, aud how does it elui tu day V Twelve months ago, in April, 18 52, the Coi federate* had l.illen bark in Virginia Irom H Potomac beyond the IPippahannoi k, and th were ou the point of receding from the vie i- ol the lower Chesapeake belore the ailvancii army of MeClellan. I’d day they coulront uoek aud hover upon n distance to the Potomac. The river Jaiuii* then virtually open to our naval forces, is now closed by formidable works : the Peninsula is no longer a battle ground, md a Colifederale force Hint (Bums, watched by the vigilant General Peek, almost in Hie rear and quite upon the tl ink ol Nortolk. A year ago we were in a position upon the Allaulle shore of North Carolina from which, for many uonsecu live months, it woti.il have been within our power to cut, at a single decisive blow, t he im uut Southern ariiey v\ bu ll links tin* coast, of the Carolinas with Virginia ; wlole in Month iiiolina our lort-es by land and sea ovni'shud- Aed lioili Charlestou aud S ivuncali with a pre ponderance Which Was at mice repealed and uiillilicd tiy the circumstances ol Hi uni on n uute action of tieeensiouvilie in tbe loliowitig July. Id duy our Noith Carolina lines seem lie exclusively held Us Hue* ol occupation, while Hie expedition which General Hun begau by proclamation to hurl upon JlmrlesiOD more thuu a mouth since still pa Uses belore the triply aggiavuird p<iils ol the position. A yeur a*.» we were substantially -is nl Floruit, both on the Atluuiic mol nil, while Mobile trembled at every bla-l • Federal bugles Iroor Pensacola. I i-dsy re akii'mislinig with advent uroiis m.-groi s around me points in Florida over which our Hag then wared undisputed, and Mobile lias become the deli.oil nursery of a small II -el os misers m Hie very lace if our bloehailing qiiudroii. A year ago our grasp was closing hi (he Mississippi, Irom Cairo to I he G ill, uud u tingle division might have made Viekstmig uud Port Hudson as securely ours as New Or is or Memphis. To-day these, sirougliobis, tied while General Butler was budding up Loui unu disloyalty and ln» own private lor- tuues iu the Crescent Uhy, hold most splendid expedition* wuieh Hie the ile.Volion ol a iree people ever the Held. A year ago we were inastc lucky aud ol ilie greater part ol I'eiin belli Hie way almost belore u* into the very heart of the Coulederaey through E • stern l eu aud Wcsiern Y'irgiuia. I'o-day we see the fortune of the I’uion iu ilutl whole legion aked upon the issues ol impending bailie be tween a great anuy bf the Conlederati-s massi d limu Mississippi on to tin.* mountain-- and ihe host ot Kosimiit.il/, centralized at .Murm-cm I'/Vrv- OF t.iom.i », S TA’I TV v liich. coiues i • mililarv opi i■* the onlv •IHines K Ic* e-:»te of Uleimrd L. lo the Illidcrttgiud hi Notice. •md Memphis, rc«perl lug alleged persons eonrei iii-il are hereby re »nse(il any ili.-y luve) why s.id Ad the ill'st Monday in An-list next, icli irgeil. hand mid off rial signature, this "'Hh- I lie information \, cle> in Washinulo Hie Wet IS not a < Within i he past ,-i-, JA.MKA IIIGUbMI TII, i'IMTK OF GKOHGIA, WAVNK i Idles to 1 slid roiiuty ol tilt n .Orninan for Leuurs of Adinlnlstr-i Citl, i i I lie ; 'hat Admiral Fnrn.Mii’- *d i lo- Port iLulsoii (•« i , t bul the Imlianol i tin Sh.-tti' I l. d- ceased, Isle of said conuiy uud Male. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish, all and singular the kmured and creditor* oi said deceosi-d, to tu-slid appeal at iu> otlle -, within the time pie ' ‘ ‘ e tlf any they have) that the which \ •adv fn Like Provtdeii my I r i Hie s of AduimisiruMi till dee ' II I lMCREdTING FROM NOKTUAVHSIERN VlHOI nia — I he Ricbmoud Sentinel Icarus Irom a cor icspoudent that the Yankee movements U Northwestern Virginia look like preparing t«» leave. The Federals, iu conjuuctioD with the Pierpont dynasty, are stripping the couulry ol food-buying up all (be wheat, corn, grain uud cattle, so as to leave nothing for a Confederate army to subsist upon. Getting Rid of the Elufuant. — The Yanks are. shipping the Virgiuiu negroes, who have fallen into their hands, to 8t. Domingo Once there, starvation and disease in that hot pestilential climate, will soon rid the Northern Abolitionists of all trouble about poor Sambo. Yankee ttuscallt> . Last Sunday a printer was in o route lor Tullahom i. This man was taken at the Murfreesboro’battle, carried to Alton, 111 andI finally exchanged at City Point, Va., Irom which place he has just oorne. He soys he hud enough to eat, while a prisoner, but slates that the Yankee authorities took all his money well as the money ol some leveu or eight p oner comrades. When they were started Irom Alton lor Richmond, the otllcer iu comiuaud ol ihe guard told them that their money would he auuled up in an envelope and handed ( ready lor m-i vice, w that it Hi.ion lb el I liiealia ol I he Sunil i , I sort which *1g» .IAMK8 tllGlI.->Mmi. Deputy Or inury Uu the other ha 1.1, tin* ( •mledeiute repot e prut ed iIiu-im invariably Sliidi id thia aceit-acy relict that the operalnm Ihe hcuil ntry, while the Li lllllc ur woithlcs-iiefe nukes the mailer limit r govern in »l the UHI--i worse if- Ilia ArreMl ol Mr* Jell. Tlioinps.tn, ,t|i Inlliouti) and .Hr. l*aul He in ley. Mrs. Jell, rU mip- •-•II) ill a Mrs "n 11 - o city, per Im lie b/'t 1 i nose arc the facts ol the position; facts un disputed uud undi&piiiuhle. i’hey do not cer laiuly augur decisively ill tor our anus or out hopes, it is still within our power, by euer and timely coiubiualious, to drive the w .r borne to*day where we *verc on the point ol driving it a year ago. But he must lie a very audacious or a very iguoruuL iuju who does uol in Hus simple statement tbe most crushing condemnation that events, more formidable than hostile eloquence mid more scnrebiug than puriiaun criliciuui, have pronounced upon Hit- policy aud Hie capacity of an admmintr.iii which, armed with the unlimited coijtideocc of a mighty people, has simply accomplished, al ii year ol ceaseless etljri and endurance, the most enormous work ol procrastination ever achieved iu the auuals ol war. Railroad Accident.—l^uiie u serious smash up occurred ou the South Carolina road this morning. While the passenger train, ilui Augusta ill l) o’clock, was passing oviru culvert near Brooks’ Mill, one mile from II imbuig, the conductor's car aud two passenger coaches t precipitated Irom lln-truck ami turned The curs were very much damaged, uud u negro, who was sitting on the pluiloriu, war- killed. The cars were crowded with passen gers, including an unusual number of women aud children, aud what is almost marvelous, they escaped without iijury. Two or three soldiers were slightly brtiir-ml. The panseugers were ictuovcd from Ihe pile of mutilated cars through the windows, by the gallant conductor, Mr. Charles C'laocey, whose polite attentions are gratefully acknowledged by those who thus narrowly escaped uiuiilla* lion or death. No passenger train lefl the city this morning, bul it is thought Hie damage to the liai k wnl be repaired during the day Augusta Constitutionalist, ‘Hit A Legend of Niagara In days <>l old, long belore the deep solitudes ol the West weie disturbed by while men, it wasihe custom ol the ludiau warriors ol (he luresl lo assemble at the great i-aluniel, and <>l fer a human sacrifice to tbe spirit of lln- lilts The offering consisted of a while canoe lull ol ripe trims uud beaiililul (lowers, which war- puddled over Ihe terrible lulls by the lam- i g ri who nad jiir-t arrived at the age of w-muiuliood. It w is counted an honor by the tribe lo whose lot it lell to make Hie learlul saeriii.-i; m d even Ll«e doomed maiden deeim-d ii a Id- h c -m plinient lobe Selected to guide the white Bui t its hidious errand, heart of the red man there or cannot he subdued, and snap if strained too tight. the Aik., on Wednesday lust. The lidi Ho- Everett II »use, where the) wen- called upon by Mr Paul Bentley, a genii ••man who’ll m re cently beru in ihe South, aud also cairn- lo ihi- eiiy irom below. On Saturday «i veiling the wlu-le party were arrested, and iheir pn-M m e (equiied at the provost marshal’s ollicc. The la-lies exhibited a |-u-s Irom (o-ii. Got liiou, - nil uiaiidci at Helena, hut Mr. Bentley we* uu tide or unwilling to give oiy salislacloiy eX|'hili:t- tloli ol Ihe bow and wlu uloie ol his pief-en -i- iu Hie Federal liner, .ml was rent io Gialiol an eel pn-oii. Tbe I-dies were periiiilleil lo >e- lIIill lo the.r boll-1, blit -Iiebtlll kept Uliilt I mil itury > ui veilauce. There are lUUi-mJogs ull .at that Mr. B--nH--y knows more than lo- will h-|i; bill, tin re being no pruol ol any Hung i-nniiiiui against him As yet, lie w ill, perhaps, b>- iti-nncd in eii-t-idy only as u sulegiiurd agaiust wiiai lie might do, as Ins auswcis to tin- qiu-s.ion - pio- piuiiided I him were tin> Hung Ini'f-il islio-im y | St l.outs ItrimbLci.it, til/t. Bi KllttltltV W IM e an excelieul re upermr wine froi y gallon ad-ling I lo- following Hie Him- In- stirring occasionally; llo-n sir tin oil the -njuoi iuto a cask, to i very gallon adding two pounds ot siigui; cor-c light, and let Maud till I .Mowing Oeiooer, and you will have wine 'ready i -ru-e, wiiboul any lui ther sir-jining * *r holing, that will ur.l.c lij»- -mack as they never smacked under Min i r inlluence before. I A I t*. OF AkOKh CuL’NI'Y. snxty day- ol A, oi i iialha n cou iy for i--.iv • lo h--iI llu- liegroe* in real ei-luie belonir ng u» tuft late yir PHttiea t'llri: and Mrs. Aim i ui r tn. # oiie\- R i![ Admiiilslralors, (ilit 1 11 \ mar36 JuIlN ItY kJTATiTuK DltOIIUlA, ^ COUNTY —To all whom it inayi as, -fohn Cnniiingbaui .- ill /tuply at Ord limy lor Letters *>i Uu .r-hain-bip< . tyol Lucy Cb .-etina ami Charles RLoder.ck Gallo-, utnior i-biidren of John B Uatlie. ilecea*<.-d. These are, therefore, to efft tud hUijioi isb ill whom it may couceru, U» he and appear iteoT i the pn.pi-i Court to make objection (If any they have) oil ji I lore the llrst Monday In April next, otherwise mi letters will be granted Witness. Dmninick A. O Hyrue. Ksq., Ordinary I- Ohatham County, this 5’h day of Mm-h. 18»W. DO Ml NICK A O’BYRNE, O, C.O ftiAin.t Rmily w. Symons will apply dintiry for Letters »»1 .aelm m.-tr. ii John .1 Symons, lute of i lnt 'iun These are, therefore, locite at.*' it may coueern, to he aud app .- ' make objection (if any th*-- line flr-t Monday in May i the • lh< •erwlse said let ndinary for (‘list- DOMINICK A. O’BYkNB, 'Cl. U. O. IAII. OF GhOIIGl.t, rilAlaiA.il be granted. Witness, D-nuinick A.O’Uyru ham county, this i'J-l /lay of Alan fitllJNTY. To all whom Ii as, Al/.-Phers -n B. Milieu will apply at the Court •l (» diuary for Lett«*rs Dismiss >ry as Adiuimstr • mm county, deceit t may couceru, to the Conti derate officer wtio should receive them *n C'it) Point. Arriving at City Point, an enve lope, purporting to couiain .their money, was handed over a-j stated. Upon urnvlug in Pe terstiurg Hie envelope w, *s opened, and ibe money proved to be all counterfeit, the vuudal thieves having substituted it in place of the good Conte erale money taketo Iroiu our men. The amount, in lolo, was several thousand dol lar-*. We record the fact to be preserved us a rehc of Yankee honor ft Our intonnani tuiiher states that they were well treated while guarded by the Kentuckians, being allowed uiucb liberty, bul tiller being placed under the 77ib Ohio, they were abused utid every chance luken by tbe 77lli lo injure them. The slightest pretext was snatched it bv them as uu excuse lor shooting or maltreat* lug our men. We cuu fairly conclude that the bulk of the Northern army Is composed of thieves, robbers and counterfeiters. | Winchester ( Term ) Bulletin, 21 sf. Fkom I fnneshee —Six or seven more per sons huve been seul through our lines by order ol the dog — R.mem-muz. A Mr. Jordun aud family were allowed half an hour in which lo leave, else go North. The mail who carried the • rder lo his house appeared sympathetic, and helped Mr. Jordan to hitch up, Ihe patrjol hav ing concluded io come wiibm our lines rather than suit, i imprisonment North. Mr. .1. lived ueur l r.urn*. Ol course, all lie lefl behind has been stolen or confiscated—one word means the same hr the oilier in the Yankee Idiom.— 'I has they want lo starve us by sending upon us uli the population they can. Roseucrunr. represent the small pox does the biddiugo! bis muster, Lincoln, to the • sidy removed to the p< I skirls ol the city, from whence they easily feelings which cords which only ilaiighti ol a chief of the Seneca Indians was cho-cn a suciilichl offering lo ilm Spirit of Nngan. Her mother had been slain by a hostile ir.be, aud her father was the bravest among the wui- rune; his stern brow seldom relaxed,s ve to bis blooming child, who was uow the only i »y to which he clung ou earth. When the lot ot the doomed one fell ou his beloved duugb'er, not a muscle of his lace moved; iu thednle ol In dian endurauce he crushed down the ngon> which rout bis bosom Alleng h tin* laial day arrived; savage festivities ami rejoicingsuiv j»n • longed until the shades of evening close around, ami the darkuess of n'ght lulls like a pall up n that wild Mineral least. But. the pile beams «•! the rising ni ton east a lujsnc light up n the -I irk waters; higher uud higher she rises in the dill heavens, anil the loam and Hie mists from the mighty falls gleam with a soli and silvery Mgh'. Niagara thuuders into the dark abyss,bin ail bo sides is iu a calm repose; the Q men ol Night stoops lo kiss the laughing waves, and ill na ture breathes ol love, and peace, un/I happine Hie wild songs ami the wilder whoops ul the rejoicing savages suddenly cease; the dread moment has arrived, and a hush—an awful aud mysterious hush—is upon the eager, li-lcning crowd. Aud now the while canoe glides from the bunk, and is Instantly swept, iuto the fierce rapids. From this moment escape is hopcler-s B ut the young girl dreams not of cscup.*; calmly she steers her Irail bark towards ibe centre /-I Ihe stream, whilst frantic yells ami deafening shouts of encouragement uud approbation burst from the savages who line ihe hanks. Suddenl) another while Cauoe leaves the dirk shade ol tbe forest, aud shoots forih upon the stream. A few powerful strokes from the paddle ol the Seneca chief, ami the eauoes are side by sid<- , the eyes of the father ami child meet iu one last look ol love, as together they pluuge over the thuudering cataract into eternity. [Bentley's .ifiscc'lany aprlJ S T A T »£ ruUNl’Y Ml l< K \ 0 B\ H X OF GI.OIM.IA, III) —Ti* all whom It may couc.-n / uyl- r will »p|.l\ -it Hu- • on Jam- M Ciivl/T, late i “Important, if True We nmb rs thut a private clsputch has been received in nty Irom well known and reliable parti.-s at Richmond, staling that Hie New York Her il d contains information to the effect that tin e Governors from the Northwestern Siat/*-< hid sent a joint memorial to Lmc-dn, iu wli clt Hn-y state, explicitly, that they will lumi-h no more troops lor the war, and that this contest must come to a close at once. We elate Hus piece of indirect news for whit it is worth, with the remark tint the dispatch alluded lo has been s»y-u by a reliable ci'iz -u of 'hi* pl.o e and that the dispatch proceeds from reJiate sources.— Columbus Sun. /P.jeetion / if Monday Iu •> nd appear befo-i V they hive) uu Dominick A. O’Byruc, IIe«| . ('rJinar, 6anty. tins lei day of Autii, l‘./»U DOMINI' ’K A. »• BVICNK <» «’ t It 1 F OF COUNTY.—To fico A f’u h r • l.at Lam county, art Muinlay i* granted. i'Bynie. K-.| . I)/ »MINK i Duiol i ‘hatham lUiiuty HP* 1 1 UT » H COUNTY -lo a Whereas, William Hun uniinary for Letters o <it George 8 ilardmg, These are, therefore, to rite and a/lmoi It may concern, u> be and appear before r will apply ( i Dai Iihiii < makeubjo/ tion (it any iltey nave) on Monday in May next, other b*» granted. WlineSS, Doiniutva A. O’Byrne. Esq , Chat ham couuiy, tlua twelfth uay marlJ " * '* 1 Msr/h.ifsi MINH'K A O BYWNK. (» i < 1 A I n COUNTY.—Toall is. Mury Turner will apply nary lor letters dieim.-i-ory t suite uf William If I uriu-r, at the Court of »<rdi ns Minimi*!rat x on Hu Lite of Cbatiidin • uuot/. O l .t ITC f»F GI.OllGI %, WAY NK t’Ul NTY. ^ I'u all whom it may eo e.-ru ' Whereas, John it Humph, Administrator lipm Un- estate <»l Joseph .M Hilling, tleeea-ed. applies Im L.-tli isol Disiuissiuu from III - a imiulslratitiii ol snui estate. <-ie ore me kindred aud. red t tors of shuI deceased u r. by riled and admmilMiri d to tile their ol-jee- if any they have, m my otilce ill terms ol Hie IjW, otherwise letters illsOilssor) Will bi-g.amei Hie ppiicaui ai the Ni-ptemi>er term next ol lue Court ul Ordinal y t r raid /--miity srriCHINTK.NDENT’S n|-TI Savannui Ai.iiinv «v nri.r I * a i Niiviiuniili, Apt it » On nnd Hfter Mo'itnv, the p* iati-s i»r IrauspoHiitlon eil thirty three and one tliiv Ibioon, Laid, Liquor, Saif, Sugar, Hy.n nd Wool will be . lassed as M/ ond class barged tor according y. • (i .1 FUL aprlfi -dittw'Lv G -m ral f uiieii filauLiiifita. iA'fuws,! RM III ro 'A / i DD p -A*Ttir wr\# H'V, MULES, WAGONS, > VV IS, .Si. l-'< > R S!A r.K. In tbe army, and my •i liHving r ii i* n-eeiiily into s rvtv, I - Unit \ I'liablC I'l iiiia'lon, known as io iittiaiii - ne tiiimwtnd neres, situs luili Mi /-••. l -nru-eii mi e-* lr-.ni Hhvuii Is ftlN.II' th-ie bill..Iii-il slid fifty ne ■ Ini Notice, ORD'AM H |»KI* *T SAVANNAH, March ‘A’., ! The highest market price w II lor iwu ilioUMind i‘f pnui pound* o cure fully dried Moss, delivered si the Arsenal. A T. CUNNINGHAM. nmrt'-lm # l-t Ij* at. Art a-d Ord Coind g D-pul. lipiund, part naei we I ulgh s ah mt ninny trunks, craius, any oy tor pi n.t iig^.n/- . s i-ear> d ba iks defect va, I i«* lUou«ht by goial Judges mltudies mure m>od plnuimg ns si/.*• in CliNiImm county, also, n I hi mla uce Mar. b 5th, 1H»M t.VMkti IHGUSMITH, 1). O. W. UIHlM TATE OF CEOHGI %, WaYNKCoUNTY 1 All persons having deiu.tud* against Jon ph aiuwrignt, d- cease d, Ino- ol said . oil »ty, are Lemby I re.pined io present them, pioperiy • the undersigned, within tbe time pies. Hb- ; and al> persu.-e in.teb'ed to sui/l dccensed >y li-q-iired io make imniedi-de iniymeiil lo Hg..cd WII.LY KNOX, A/liu’r. Maicb !Ll, iStl't. I t I I- OF kliOKkl.t, %% AVNE having demands • of said euiiiity, u 8 Kuiglil, • aud required lo pro out them, properly attest- .o tbe /ilui rsiguod, wiiliiu Hu- uiiio prescribed iw : Mid al< p irons indebted 1 • said dei eu.ai'd are by required io make jmiuedlale payment to Ihe iiuiierrignud. i'll is M r n vtu, Irxit, uiantb J '.^Kl’il -> moRKIS, A/lm'r. ■’EOF LMIdl.I %, AYNLiT/V.vrY. I per-ous having demand* against Koln-ri .1. aiuw right, U ceased, laie uf said county, are liereby * idi d and r. qmr*d lo present llit-iu. prupei ly at* -i d. io llie niidersigiied, within lln-1 mm prescribed la>- , aud all p.-rs-*lis iiuleht-U tn si.ul dc/ease/l ijuued lo make immediate payment lo S'*; i liu/lei-igu* d m i: of «. nioUl Im W II.KY rNu\ S'l- ■O.it.l %, \\ AYNiw I OEM Y. Her lln- /ill •* hereof, H(i|dicalton I ordinary id'said county ei-.H II lots ol I-m-J numbers tw > hundi. > eight (-g»a) aud t wo hundred and tilty seven tin f < ..ml |‘J> district of said county, iigul. iiMCea^ed, for the i on for l*-tter- ■•I, io l»- and appear at uiy utlh-e within Hie •ciih« d by law, to show cause, il any they have, . l.eltz-rs <d Dismission should not he granted, ituenn ii/iit .John W. Harrell, Ordinary -J snh . r. o. G'f ICO It <. I V J. s>. ,V VN iil-on. deceaM-d, having made up i lor I. Her- ol Dirmisaiou Irom saul Adinin- e, therefore. all aud singular tbe kindred and creditors of axl di-ceascd, to show / aus.-, if they coi, within thelim • prescribed l»y law, wtiV L-iters ol Dismission should not he granted to said applicant Witness my hand, Nov. loth. l!M»-2. novl.t J..W. IIAHKKLL, O. L. 0. a It II I N IN I lC VI OIt’ t\ I an order from the Lowndes c iiiiily, will be sold ou the llrst Tuesday April in xt, at the » on ri lions door ill said cimuly, o gil hours ol sate, Lot ol J^und,. No. i 11th district, of said eon ut y, heloiiging ol i- ruiHhs Jones, deceased, 1» MITUHKLL W*»NBH, Adm’r. Ac. ■ of said county, arc hereby duii't r.-ipitrc/i io pr. sent them, properly at wiiliiu Hu- time presc-ihed by law. And all s iiMiehl<-d lo said deceased are hereby reipiii* iiake payment to the undersigned, or toJ. It liUAKUDAM SALK, Ill’ vi-iueol an order from the Court of Ordinary J ’> of McIntosh i- -/inl y, will he s/d I oil the llrst . i.enday in May, iNid ut the Court House door In Darien, McIntosh ro inly, luHween the leg-tl tioinsor sale, one Iran ut land, rmit-nu'iiP three liiimlrcd mil nevei ty Ni-r-s, m re . r lens, lying and being in Me- luiosh i oiiuly, one lot ot cattle and Iwo negro girls, l.'alhaime and Mary Aim, aged l.-ii and twelve years. Hold mr the in-m-iit oi Ihe orphans of Litt le Davis i HAh h DAVIS, Guarnibii. D uoii. Mclnlosti t'o i March 8Btli t *l8tb apr| AtliillnlMiulorVa 8a It*. ITK «»F (i KOKt.lA, WAYNK COUNTY H on lln- lira. Tue-dav in May next, '♦ill be sold at i h 1 mi ri House door ill said cull illy, within Ibe lawlui hours of sale, lot of Imd nuuih.-r two h indr.-d and tMi-niy -ev.-n iv*21g ill tbe secmid district of said county: so'd as Hie property of Audr-wl. MeClel Ian, d. i i-a-e ', l .r theYiein-llt ot the heirs md creUi - io's oi said decea ed Terms made known ou the .lay oi sale. Tills March 5lh, iMdR. ALLKN liltiftiHMI I'll, mat'* Adininislrnior. Atlmltiisiraior’s JT.ITK OF DViMHDA, WAYNKCOUNTY Outlie tlr-l T isillv ill VIA)' il Xt, Will tie sold at Ihe Oonit Holise .1 • r in ► ud r.Hiuty, wiibm lawlui tioiits of sa‘e, gJU acres ol land, more or part ol loi ot L.nd No mnet \ ■ hree (U3) in the Hccond Dial riel o' said c-oii..ty. Hold us the pmperly of mllis Hog.-re, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of said dec. used. Terms made known ibe day ol sale JaMKH M Am.'buL, A dm i Mm ti 5th. in a ft j\olice lo BFlHorsand < reuiiiu>. i pi .utlieniuai.il. »o as to show their character au. amount, to the uii/i«-rs'gned. within the time pri rCT tied by law This Apnl 17, l*63 ■prig P t?TQ1 BHBURY, Kxecn'qr. NOT I OK. V I.L persons having demands against the relate of Mrs. Klizab-th Fort, late of Wayne county hm requested to liuti I the n in ; and all persons m delitea to su'd est ate to make payment to t mirJS J. M TISON, Kx'r. Motice. G IIHH.IA LIItF.ltlY COUNTY'.- Ml persons having demand* against William D deceased late or said country, are hereby present them, properly at iVotiup. Tw ii'y-folir Ilk-ly NhJH he pi o-e i»m a carpentor I r y imd go. d d spose.1, the HavaniiHh, Albany A Gu t KailmuJ 'oinpauy, for mter.-st on iiietulmenls paid prior lo Ibe 1st ol August, 1857, w 1 be paid to the hold. rs thereof on piesentuiioii ai the » ouipany'a office. D. MACDONALD, mirtli—lm T easiirer. t ONFKDKRaTE Hi ATii* Oi AMERICA, * Navt Dei’aiitmbnt, ;• Richmond, Mire., ai. l^n:t \ A Board ol office s will ronvc e ilu ing tins dr Hi -next mouth tor Die cxainina* of Actibg Midshipmen, when they will be-illum ined as follows (Mass.—Upon Navigation, Fe-imanship, Naval Turtle*, Naval Gunnery. Steam Micuinery, Modem Languages, Drawing and Drafting M Class.- Upon ihe same brunebe*, bn* not so i'ieally. td Class—Practical Heuin-ii.ship, Naval Gunnery, Navul Tactics, .Mathematics, Uthicn and Bngiisb stu os, French, Drawing and Drafting. 4tli Class —Mathematics, Kx-rein- of (/real Guns and rniull Arms, Ktliiue, aud fmelisli b ildies uqd Drawing Those who have just entered the eorv ce after pas-- ilig the Medical Ktainmali.m, will e.\ dMl io the Board of Uxamluers evidei.c e oi good niur il chars d must bt able to rehil and write well, write from dictation, a d sp.-'i wi l. correclie.»s, and pir lorm the clem, ulkry ope utioiis of aril'.melic, vie: Niinii-ratiou and adcition, subrlraction, mil:t.plica tion aud division ol wbol- numb rs. h. R. MALLORY. ary?—Ini Htcre'arv ol Hut Navy. For Sale, >l Huge, In goo-I i iiUMiMitLK mmmu AM) FARM FOR 8 4LK lor sale Hie place r|1IIK subscriber WttU'h he now les ough, Ilenr. eoimty, G.-oigi i. e *ntiiinlng three II dr-d acre- in limit more or le-s The dwelling i trained h tilling, eon aiiilhg fiv. i li.-d ibron hunt, uoiihie f-aimd kitclien. h*rn, aia- bins, lie ro In-Use* Ac , and .all new ; ill mil l seventy live sCihs ol * valuable w.n dun'1 lln- inosi ol ll,.- L-ared land Iresb. u I under lone- a ml well watered, good hauls, Ac. McDonough I* e .bated . .. miles east ol the mucoii >v Weston Railroad, M,d i- one of the most i>|. asant an I h uiiliy villag.-a in middle Ht-orghi, having good sclunds, cliiirclus a ul mail faelliliws. I'rlee |3,onU. Tossessiou of dwt- I Ing. kitcheu aud garden given immediately il desir ed, and of the lain) alter I lie crop in path.-ml, or tbe crop can be bought an it stands A. J CLOUD, Mpr-j lU-iwr.u Mcironongb, Ot: W. B. Thomas mi list ilu ten at l,in Ofliee, foil! t.ablinblucnl, opposite the Market, in Cavalry or In- fautry, any where in Ihe Coiilcdoiati- Mltttes Cm scripts romiug to thin city will please call on him ('HOP OF iHij-J. Fresh Clanton Needs, ciiHMsTinn i Kale, Brels, Cabbage, Carrot, I'aulillower, Celery, (’uciiiuber, Kgg IMant, Tomato, Farly Dutch 7 nrulp, Just received by Ihe wav of Uu- Ido k'i<I<-; for sale y joiin B M0(HiK'. Drpgf 1st, marts flihlmim Range Milskiu. I lor. Radish, M. .J. Kolomoas, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BAY SM ItiUKT, (Office formerly occupied t*v Messrs o. Cohen 4 <’/».) I tS^Solicits Conatgumnuta of Produce and Mrr chaudizs feb;t NEW BLOCK AD. GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. F HEX II CuBBiincrc forOefltB em English Tweed* " •• “ B'ue Navy Flannel Browu Linen Duck fur Summer fulltf Plaid (.'olIona-ten 0-4 Black C'uBslm ri a CJentB’ Oxford Tie Shoes ‘ pres<-ri1>- Tbc.- whum H may couce before the lire -aid letters' a l Witm-ss. D n i ’lintbaui * ’ouniy .il -l/'V’V-Uyru UUtti day i UoHINI* K A I» HYRNK. O C C. OF H I-.OIIG I, CHATIlAyi CT1TK “ COUNTY a- R*-v. Peter WUeian will apply at the court ol iirdiiiary tor la-tu-re Dismissory on tin- esmto of John Barry, late ot said County, decwuM-d. These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all whom may concern, to t»e uud app-atr In-fore -aid * ’ourt notified and required tested, to the imdersivned within lhet'_. ed b> law; aud all persons indebted to said are hereby requital lo make payment to the under signed. V. It. LYONS, (jualifled AdruiuGlratnr. Rlceboro’ Apr’18,1863. apilb— Notice. «*t sale, (he lot* ( 4t and loi No SI, each coi lands, to wit • Lot N turning 4h(» acres, in- iiowii as Hie Da-gla- improvenieiit ftll’sl late of Wayne county, deceased, and . Ik-ne tit of ibe heir- ami creditor* of said d.-ctfieed. HENRY and JKHUK II. DAVIS, apr8 Executors. will niake objection ill any they bavu) llrsi Monday in May next, other wise be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrm . K-q., Ordinary for Chat bam couuiy, this Bib day of Oriohrr, 1-h'J ... I*) DOMINICK A O’liYRNK. O C. ('. T A » OF ■ FOICC. MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON. S. C. i John i). Kish -leu \\ u i nir>m>i / *</u(U tinny m the Cnit'n < i >f Meet tn / i'i(f tfo-st/e*/' Tiro*. H. Nl. KKKBOM, I JonKPH PURSKLI., CORN'SACKS Two Bushel, ' ol Geo P Harrison w| oi*to Ue . \S Wylly, K-.j lscloulv because I i the ptopory. Wauted. AHP’T i;E -.RTICRMAH'l RK H OFFICK. I W sters ai-u laborers lor Hus Dcpar.im-hi. Wanted. okdnanor db ot, HavannaR, (4a , Feb (Lb, iHHJf. narkei price wpi h- i*a?d lor scrap i oi l Hitt-s, .'ullverail at Hie Arserml It high • Whitaker nticut A T. CUNNINGHAM, 1st Lieut. Art and oidnsnre, U b7 Mm ' - omn’g Depot. \ lurnlsliotf IIoiim* id Kern, A mtHSlill) linilSK, in the utial i,aii oi the city is ufl'cied mr rent, as e pie-ei.i occupants inteinl Raving the y lliquiie al Ihe ofilte ol GEO W. WYLLY II; City Taxes. .’ITY TRKAHIJlGilt S OFFICE, ( Havan.nah, March 19, 1NI8. | 111 !• ii undersigned is now t- .dy io receive taepay- J ruent oi Taxes tor ttie uur >.t y-ar, except In in-: tax, which will l.c due on ihe first of May xi. 11k- books wui be ciom.i1 on tne Ural of Jtony suing, ai d cxecuHons w ill in- issued ngainst all luulitrs. .no iiniiilited, nor any but. wild are bankable change inlis, will be ru-ei - ed in pavinuit. ol taxes, UK -Rue w. da Vim, marls—tMl City Ticaenrer. Uiitlliaju 'upprtor Lourl, JANUARY TERM, IbO-M. . Pari-oiis, Humucl P Palmer, Johli Cu pmun. Philip ton 11 it • n, Oil. ii Richard-on, Luke Christie, ana Chari s Van Horn, summoned to attend the present lannarv 'Term ol CUath in Hup.-rior enun as Grand >. have iu de <1. tail l for i i ihey be fined eocn In n<e -u n u cs« they It»e good andsnitiueM c before the Him Uii) ot l ourt; and .. John Pi il l, Hilliuiu Firmer, Auj , John Tys n, Davni If itallow-ny, due i UaiR.s Perry. William F Biker. K.’O. Johnson, B Adam . James W usnn, Donald McDon at tend the pr. sent J tuuary Term stitlli-b-ni cause ol eii us - ou n ol the next. Term in iliis ( George J Jones,» hurl, s L Lodi-e, and Anara llo- , Aloii/.u Duy, Ma iiuuuUe Hamilton, W. U. they tile good aud r before the first duy And, Whereas, jiensi ,, , Ferguson, Allen R Wi ght, Henry C Fieeinan, suiumpned to utteud the jnc-eut Term ->f said Court Til Ice men on Ihe Pu it Jury for the trial ol criiunsl Cast-8, have made default lor the Term, it is ordered •Itch in Ilia sum ol twenty did they ilj.i good and Aulltcieuf Cause thut Ihe lars. niile . _ hefoielhe first day of me ol ibis Court; and. wlu-nas, M. D Levy, Laiesioau, madedeluu i oil tiu-.jistof JaUUary.ldod; i. James R. Him.d • " *- lid t’hurlcn F. ProsUm,tal’t-sun ... ltd. !ld, I h and 5 h of February, in-ldi- defniiif IMTWl.alid Wticrea-, Isaae I). La Roche, olisQian made default on the 4tn of Kenruary, IHd'i; and Ue..rpe h. Grar. lan-smaii. made ilcfuml ou ibe fitb luol. ii is ordered tlu.l they in- fined e»cu ill the sum olTwr-in* dollar*, ii le-s Hn-y fileg o.i uml siilllcieul Liras.-ol e-i ,se on or b-foir the tirai Jm> of tlie ui-xl i Hi- mites WM II. BULLOCH, i li 11 It j in liilViior (jujirfi PEHRUAKY TERM, W HKIIIutX, Joseph M. Haywood, Frederick Kre.tMim, l> I.Htbrop, George G. Wilson and ('-•radius 0. Roger.*, sumniolierj U» all- lid the pres- I'battiMin liiferuu court l.iuli, and wuere/iH, «. • tscbalk •i. and W .1 Bandr, Talesman, • -i .mill day of me Term (Fehraa- y M II BULLOCH, Hl-i VAN STK EKT NtGHU AUCTION MART. | II/IVK my house open. Nh. U»H Biyan street, •quure, Muvain.uh, Ga , u-r the sale ol Negroes, piivalt-iy andai aiiciio.i, on i'ueRdayn and Persons bn p more days ii • propeny r ii tltU'l. 1 hIbo »i.--comin«nluUoiin l -r any number uf Negroes rate price lor Iroar l au.l i will use- every nine quick sale* and to the hi si advantage. •KVkNSON, Auctloi en and Broker. VGCNDKL Crier COTTON YARNS, FUR MALE BY IIFN II Y LtTVIKOFlCO. BLUEFLANNELS OSN ABU XCi <3 . M PIKI ES III.I K I l.%X\KI.H, FOR HALE BY II FN II Y' LAInifllP * CO M lilt ft IS. Lilli lift R, ANV DESORIP riON, i i it v i s ii ■: o Dentistry. A.U’ THE Cll JifTEHT NOTICE CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFTO*. I Havahnam. Ga., April Sd W66 f CHANGE OF 8CHEl>aLE. O N and after Sunday, April 6tb, 1088, the treltiB on this Road and hranche# to AagWft end ftratuulou will run as follown : DAILY DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah .. t .* 6 ^-jf- Arrive in Macon 4 48r. M. L.-hvu Macob ,8 40 A.M. Arrive In Havannah 7.44 t.m. DAILY NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Savannah.. .• f• I Arrive in Macon . .^.... ^ B1S_ Leave Macon., . .& 7.80 f. Arrive in tiavannnb - JtOC A. arnvn in riavannaa • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN*-SAVANNA MILLEN. Connecting dally with Night Train to and i gu<*ia, beginning April*8th. Lunve Havnunah ......7.I5P. M* Arrive iu Milieu Leave Mlllen I0.JUP. M. Arrive fn Savannah L^ • .'. P.afi A.M. 6.14 P. 2.9 (A. X. Arrive rn navuniimi AUGUbTA BRANCH—TWO DAILY TRAINS BE TWEEN AUGUSTA AND MILL BN. Leave Augusta ,.6 26 A. M, AirlVb inMlll.m 9.66 A.M. Leave Milieu maP.M. Arrive In Augurta Leave Augusta Arrive in Milieu .. Leave Mlllen Arrive In Angnstn GORDON AND BaTONTON BRANCO. Leave Batonton *• Am vein (Jordon 8.B4 Jr. JB- Lcarc Gordon 8.80P. Bl. Arrivc in Batomon :... .llJW NJgnt. Pnsai necrB for Augusta from Savannah and Macon by -it/.n-train will connect with the South Carolina Railroad trains. Passengers for Mlllcdge^llle and Batonton Will tah* Day Trains" from Savannah and Augnata, and Night Trains" train Macon. Night Train from Havannab and Atb ,/lUi noutn-western R. R. at Macol Eiifuuln, FortGalnes and Intermadtato i with Moron and W. R. R. to AUaniaABf! Day Train connect* at Muon with B, 1 cogee R. H, to Columhaa, Montgomery, moDiie am the Southwest. GW>. W. ADAMM, Hprfi gsfiMB Bapartnteadaot. I MO* SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD Iowa • DBTWIKN MAOOM AMD OOLUMHUIu. Leave Macon at 5.86 .... Til.40 Arrive at Co lam dub at.. Leave Colpmbns At.. Arrive at Macon el BITWBBN UAOOM AMD OKATTi I«eavu Macon Arrlvo at Chattahoochea Leave ChatUhoochoe *P. 1 l^P. 1 Arrive at Mucon. 1BOOOBH. . 6 Sf A. M. .. 4.88- P. M. ..7.30 A. M. ..ft.SI P M. or Train* from Albany eon* 10 8. W K. £.. and from nect dally at BmUbvtlle. No. 10 u. w. u. xx.. ana cram Fort Gaiuus daily at Catbbert, with Chattahoochee Mail Train. „ iieave Smlthvllle at 18*80 P. M. Arrive at Albany at Leave Albany at Arrive at Smlthville at —~ —- Leave Cuthbert at 8.B0 P* X. Arrive at Fort Gaines at /»* 4.88 Fx|l* l/eave Fort Gaines at * 7.30 A. M. Arrive at Cuthbert at 9-86 A. M. Making the connection with the up and down Chat* ::::::::ft tatiouc.he** Mail Train. Trains to Colombna form a through coomaetlan lo Montgomery, Alabama, and AngnatAj BlugaUm, WU* itgome mluglon, havannah* I Pott Coaches run from A bridge, Thomaovllle. Ac. Passeugere for points below Port VaUayaXxH llh (ha Might trains from Angnate and bavmn&ah lo avok detenuon at Macon. For Columbua taka tha IX] VIRGIL POWER®, " Engineer and Buperlntaad^it. , March iffld, 1868. apr6 CHANQt OF SCHEDULE. Savanoab, Albany »( Calf Kallraad. • boauiou Bonn i a •>■•1 nromuTlllsj 6a., d O. U., Lake dty. H-ollo, m’4 TwIIoMm- C yN and after Tkavsdaii Oefobtr I6tk. f 1662. the cars will Icavo and ran dolly (Sandaye eri^pted,) as follows: ' ' Leave Havannah at TJX A. X. Arrive at Thomaavllle at B.OU F. M. RETURNING. ,W * losave TbomaavUlo at 5.00 A* X. Ar rive at Savannah .0.00 t. X. Connecting at McIntosh (Station No. 8. going West) on Tnesdays, Thursdays and flatoxdaM, wUh -nty -IijLji ^line oi coaches to Darien. Returning on auomate Gun nect lug at Tobeauvllle (No. 0) daily With the *4ars for Brunswick. Connecting at Quitman (Mo. 16,) dally with a line of coaches to Madlbon C. H., Fla. Connecting al Groover's (No. 17) with a dally line of coaches te Montlcello, Fla. Arriving la to nmnect with the cars to Tallahassee anaBt. Marks. Freight Trains leave Savannah Mondays. Wednes days aud Fridays, al 6 A. M.; returning on Taeadaji. Thursdays uud Batardays at 6 Pj M, N 11. Doublo the regular rates will, all articles shipped by Paaseni fruit, fresh meat, fish, oysters, articles. Freight by Passenger ' ilvered at the Dept at least one hoar belore the start ing lime ol tbe train. SPg99 G. J. FULTON, flBrsrtnXMdMt. CHANliE OF SCHEDULE GEORGIA RA.IT.R0aT~>. further notice. Atlanta.. Atlanta . Aupaetn Augusta. Alp a. a 7 Jfi ». x 0.46 a. I ....440*. M. Angusta.vr 6.04 V. Augusta 6J0a.ii. Atlanta 6.81 r. v. Atlanta 8.06 a. ■: Trains connecting with Washington and Branches leave Augusta at 6.46 ▲. MV, and Atlanta at 6.10 A. M. No connection with Warranton on But- Swgjg®* 8np . t WANTED. SHIP KNEES WANTED. r.,' - A or BOO Ship Kdhi (White o.k) aiding G tJYJVJ inches and upwards. Apolv to maril—tl KRBNflQN A HAWKS. Silt. « l. tl£K won id say puiioim ami frirndf that h i is now ), )iared,bytbeasaii-tuiif-( of •neoftfu- on mechanical Di-ntiM* in oor count rv, i /IVe hi* m in’li »»t ii-iilti in to H>e i n w, it, j/, of Alt ri. ClAL TBBTil a* he has heretofore to the pre*-.-i v • tion ol the natural oni-s Ills pati-ut mefhoil. (p il May, 1P60.) w Mr 1j 'r now being i.sed by all ot hit ih-t-1 Der.tfsls Imlh North and Month,. proininc-a more - ary ami p**i "** t fittu pra-Hbly la-roads by t * nuiuon * ot makun' 1)1*8. Ry thii- in--tb«><| directly from Ibeiuipiem I.im.I tt. -m t ables hu I .late than c < -Ttain prr»c< U It. __ X Lj5. II. J. DH RSKbON. - T 11 Vt S K HI A Li. A URG , r n s Btatinu, No. 4.H, S., a. A martl—3m V ai-jaluii. Fl)KN nu in; V A11 NISH. anvi.n Uuiou |iri»on^r* r-c uily i'-c'|"'il -uu lire Litiliy Prihotr, Klehtuoml, by fn .i log wire ami burning lh--ir laces in blister* r-o »- 1 bey were nnme-li- Tbi-e letter. W« h ive no report of ekirmishiutr, bat ihe clouds are gathering, uud we look for the aiortn to break forth in all us lory before many more issue ol our pnper. | Wirichctter (Tenn.) Bulletin, 21N. cupcd. i^ritis said that Geo. Fremont hi* sold a poritoti of his M-tripimn estate to a New \ oik company lor eight tuidions ol dollurt. ion (if auy they liavc) on or before llie l-i Monday in May next, otherwise said lrtteie v. ill be granted. Witness. Dominick A O Byrne, Ksq., OMiU'-ry for Chatham ronniy, tbiuHtb davoi Geiolwir, 1S64. DOMINICK 4 O’BYRNE o o. n. 1^1 I’ »\ numb eil I-«ie Proprietors. New Books. We ure »<. ronfiJenl »’•»>- and morn nuui'ort/ tni*ii ran (MNiHibiy la- guarauti-c evury plau- It ability (O roQStract a I) ' 1H-"»: p-ii • ' y this mi-lli i by mi) <uher. that v It .IKK I'l. nl’ IRON VAHNlHH; 2 DO. NO. 1 I'UlCSril t.tt VARNISH •Bee to .'OUl: f It may oo retort - d at tf-de. 14 JOHN (HJYHR’3, No 11 Whitaker street. • t on. with plate-.) The Ainericau Union By Jnrnes Spence. Also, More Alinanne* for 1H0.T Kvidillious of the Line. JoDuul’s Praetire of War. The Judge Advocate’s Viule Mecum. Uei ei'eiland rule ' for air by E KNAPP X Co . N. I mar5 West side Moniinu-ut Square. Corn, Corn. i for sale by M. DAYIDBON 10 Tea. -•- Black and DVEIN« ESTABLISHMENT, . IMT.BIJ.MD m 180.) Removed Kw 86 Drayton iirtsl. sontlk Sr ,h * SSSU*mm IHE Subscriber, grateful hhMendi ally, that he Is now prenarad to Dye all Ooloram tha best style on Bilk and Woolen Dies sea, Bhawla, Ac.; also, Table Coven and Crape Bhawla rl-imitd sM bleached In the beet manner. Ladlea* Kid and w bieacbed In the beet manner, skin Gloves cleaned In the beat _ The subscriber begs leave to ,bTea * UdwlUa ttd Dow* U DOW prepared toe. ean, breach t aud Flats In the r moderate. Gentlomen’s GarmenU Dyed ana rirsnsd. ss asj be r,M|Uired, ln the unw nperloi ttyle which orally so well pleased hla pafcrona and past 80 years. * “ SOUTHERN aawg Peas Peas. W SI DAVIDSON. < Grata rho ca Black and Green Tea. F i L AOH QRN A Cl'NMINGHAM Fleur. l» 111**1. and H'gs Family and Superfine INGHAM. i a «prH Spelling 1 Book, a-jjjjge Wwt .Ide MechhbH cjiili. Pow4er. 1 Keg FFFG Rifle Gunpowder. For sale by A •i'tit w. X. DAVIDSON,