Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 25, 1863, Image 2

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S ' V A A DAIi i *i ( »iciN^i4 i> K v» tsATL'K. -A'<. AJ'Kli. 18* Dailn^Uovnin^tou’ A A N N A l l. C » 4 8ATB&DAY MORNING, APRIL tlb, 18UJ The IVt ^ | We present buliiv | lay taxes tor tbe r »u Tax Hill. synopsis "I ihe 11111 TELEGRAPHIC. Shoaling In It I c fun oil cl Richmond, April JJ4 —K. E Dickson, Clerk cl tbe Mouau of Represoutitives, W'.ts killed to day by one of his late assistants, R F.. Forde, of Kentucky. The shooting occurred on Bank mreet, corner of Tenth, aud caused great ex- cUetnoni. Con Ictlerate Congreaa. Richmond, April 24 -The Senate to-day hud a lengthy debate on the motion to take up the l>ill to provide lor the truneler of soldier* in u wttginent Ironi any State other than their own to a regiment from their own Slate. The lull *rae finally uegatlved. The amendpicut of the to the bill ameudlug tbe impressment act was agreed to. It provides lhut-iu ease the iinpressin^officcr disapproves ol the vuluuliou the clsln^fts to be relerred to eoiuiulaslou- erb appointed under tbe impressment act. The Senate bill dropping officers of tbe unuy wbo are absent. without leave, was passed. Nothing Important was transacted iu open session iu tbe Hou*^ ^ Religious Notice. —Rev. (i Jev Pearce -will preach at Trinity Methodist Church Sab fcath morulDg,nt lOjkJ o’clock, aud Rev. Armk mus Wright at 7% P M. Theatre.—The drama ol the •‘Roll ot the X>ruin,” with all its "pride, pomp and cireum isiauce of glorious war,” continued to draw good houees. Last night the seals were tilled with quite a display of beauty, which is always ture lo enliven the scene. The drama will be repealed to night, and then laid aside to give place to other novelty, which tbe management has In preparation fry The yetfog ladies of Paris Hill, Serivcn county, will please accept our sincere thanks lor their generous donation ol $77 10 for the henetit of the Savannah Way side Home, handed ns by Hr. W. T. Thompsoh. Klojsb L. Campbell, Secretary aud Treasurer. Savannah, April 23, i84>3 Octragb.—Thesuluo of Henry Clay, in tbe Capitol Square, in Richmond, bus been shame fully mutilated by persoua who have no sense ot decency or veuerauon for the memory of the great elati email whom it represents. | COMMUNICATE I) | Mr. Editor . In your issue of Thursday, you stated that the General Assembly ol Geor gia at its convened session, just ended, puased bu act increasing the pay of its members. Iu the many fliugs you have indulged yourself iu recently at the expeuse of that body, it la not io be presumed' that you meditated uuy wilful lujualice, hut us Ibis statement, left undented, is ■well calculated to do Injustice to the members of tbe existing Legislature, 1 beg to correct it by staling that no ouch act was passed. A to that effect did pass tbe Senate but it killed in the House. You may be misled by the fact that au was passed tixing the pay ot the members ol the next General Assembly at six dollars per day. This waadone in view ottbe fact that the members ot this Assembly received four dol lars per day, and paid four dollars per day fo r board, and the members who are to succeed them may have to pay five or six dollars a day f or board. Before closing I will call your attention to an. other misstatement I huve read twice in your paper. It is that certain measures had been deleated in the Legislature on account of ti-Joe Brown feelingp.” You never were more in error. The restriction of cotton planting •was vehemently opposed by some of the warm est personal and political friends, and as warmly advocated by the opponents of Gov. Brown.— And so il was of other measures, including the militia act. It was tb« impression ol many members that Gov. Browu favored the latter measure, and it is undeniably true that some ot bis friends voted for it. Our error iu regard to the proposed increase of tbe pay of members of the present Legists- f! ture is properly explained by our .correspon dent. Our Miltedgeville reporter buying omit ted to send us the closing proceedings of Bat or day, we were misled by a report which met in another paper. The writer is also cor reel in supposing tbut in our occasional marks iu reference to the Legislature, we dll not “meditate any wilful injustice to that body.” Such a resort, had we desired der the Legislature unpopular, would have been unnecessary. Whether or not a factious spirit of personal opposition to Gov. Brown has been permitted to embarrass legislation and mflu- enee the action of membcis, the history of the year’s legislation disclosed tbe fact that nearly every important measure recommended by the Governor, demanded by the exigencies of the times, aud as we believe approved by u majority ol the people,baa been defeated. After wasting a large portion of the first session in legislating down the propositions of the Governor lor or ganizing the militia foi home tiefeuse, at its late session the Legislature passed u bill, which our correspondent says it was under, etood the Governor favored, but which,it seems, wot so objectionable m its provisions as to call forth his veto. ol ,1 uly i mi hi i tin y ear 18113, ami • ilie growth and pi ■•duel I ol •■III i. 1863, and l IX nil money*, hank notes or mid "11 I he value, ot all ered I, || M . iii'ere I ha* not hern paid, and , ,.,| n, . ini- ine-H. I he income det fv- 1,1,1, i- utxcd under the proviui mis ol i.ividril, that nil money* owned, held i- i lteyoii-1 (lie 11uitt- of tlut (Jouled *, hli.ill be \ lined at the current rule I lie I •*teri-af * in Nortli ngHiiikt Ac- re pi I o t* l*euec Willi Hie Moilllt, Mild w lilcla I nkle lor lier Niibjilgutloii. In hi* great -peeeli in New York, Fernando Wood ‘poke ol the lot inuluhlc array of I tin in- tereet* again*'. the peace pari y ol the North, mid iignnal putting a slop lo this war. Aiuoug the many interests which united tor the war, and hi support of the Administration as a con *• (4 it cure, l o eniiiioTiited the following, all eon- merging, tlioiigli differing iu motive, to the same Mljject : The war IsMippnrted by— 1 The whole hmiking interest ol the country. Tlie Administration firm borrowed their eipi- tnl. and then t»y legislation aud the subversion ot .State banking authority ii h t* since iiiouopo listed t.he currency by suhstituliug its credits for ihe coiiMitulional legal standard. Thus the back*, lo secure their own capitals, mostly now Invested in Government credits, and In appre hension of Mo ther encroachments, are bound to sustain tbe Administration in any policy it may iPtom the Atlanta Commonwealth J TI»o Kebel’e Apostrophe. Sir**s and eon* ! ’tls not for glory. Not for lame your -word you wie Yours >hou d he a brighter story Ball hug thus on freedom s Held. Hunters from your dark green mom iMd Kentucky's retries* ones. Swift as rush your native fountain Haste and free your tmure sous. tlitr Atlverttr.ciorutr.. THEATRE. Notice. A WALL) HON, HATIHillA V LVKMM., APRIL 2,'»»ll. the military Dram- eiler u ‘gn. the 1*1 day of duly _-d on the first day ol October next, hereulier u* may he practicable, person engaged, or Intending lo cn y business named iu the . r nli scciiou, hall, within sixty days utter the passage of the act, or at the nine of beginning business, an on the 1*1 of J inuary in each yeur thercafici icgister witli the district colled ir a true ac count (ft the name and lurddencc ol each pci son, firm or eorpoiaiiou engaged or Interested iu tlie business, with a sluleuieut ol the lor which, and the place aud manner iu which the same i* to be conducted, Ac. At the tune ol the i egislry there nbull tm pant i he specific tax fir the year elnltug on tins Hell 3Ut ol D.-cem ber, and such other lax u* may be due upon sales or receipts m such business. 3. Any person tailing to make such regintr slid l-nf such lax, ahull, in addition to all otlie taxes upou Ilia business imposed by the ui t, pa louble the amount ot the specific tax on sue business, aud a like sum lor eVeiy thirty days of such failure. 4. Requires a separate registry uud lax tor each business mentioned in the5 b section, aud lor each place of conducting the same , Imi no l.ix tor mere storage ol good* ut a place other than the registered place ol business. A new registry required upon every ehunge iu the place of conducting u registered business, upon the death ol any prison conducting the or upon the minster of mu tiusme M New England favors tin ing lost a valuable customer finds a profitable substitute un i Govui iimicuLdisbur>uiut ar because, hav the South, she army contracts ills. i aindhn ► Frota Nuftolk Through a private and trustworthy source we have advices from Suffjlk up to tiunday at twelve o'cleck. A general engagement was raoraentarily ex peeled. Skirmishing was going on betweeu the two armies, and Lad been lor several days, with pretty considerable iuse in.- Yankees bad tuken to the rear a number of their killed and wounded, and tl.o the bad grown quite •barp between the opposing forces. On Biinday there was an incessant canuouading, which continued up to 12 o'clock at nighi, and the opinion prevailed that the bkinni.-uiug, which ■was gradually increasing,would bring on a gen eral action the next day. A portion ol our forces arc said to have cur talnly croseed the Naiiseuiond river. We arc told the object of this is to cut off the enemy'e communication. Dining come duys last week \ tbe enemy's commuuicutioo wa* cut otf with Newport News, but whether the Yankees have forced a passage oui informuut cannot tell u* It it now certain, however, that iu attempting to come up the river one of their g uu boats (the Louisiana; wae suuk and two others seriously disabled. Thetireo! our artillery bad been so effective, that the whole n ,iwia bad been driven back. The Yankees are said to he receiving heavy Tcintorcemeute. Our informant thinks there ic no doubt of this. There was the greatest saarm ot the capture of Suflolk and the advance kL™.*.'! 11, inii uf powiier aud com- u,lJ< -‘ r ail the brid « u6 ISotiS X «!¥ olk ’ b0 ,bat *•><!>• muy he de- *.d»e Th,r^r 5UM ' il lbe Uccuetity sbouid oi BuffolkT * 4realeBl tearik were leu lor,he fau al8 “0“l k . “U'i il P ltd be woulu aahuiue rommaud Ihf re. ■n«.nmoHd Etutniner, 22rf, imposes the I dlowiu tax s tortheyeui ending the 31st ot December, lrui*. and lor cadi your vtiereatiei : Bankcia r*ba11 pay $uiJU Auctioneers, tulail dealers, tohscconists, ped lars, cuttle brokcis, upolliccui icn, phologiaph- ers aud conlecinmers, $'il) and two uud a ball per centum on the gloss iiiioiinl "I sales made. Wholesale dealcisiu liquoM, $200, and live per centum on gio-s amount oi sales. Ut-inl dealers in liquois, $100, and ten per cuutum on gross amount ol sales. Wholesale dealer* in groceries, goods, wares, merchandize, Ac , $200, uud two and u hall per centum. Pawnbrokers, money uud exchange brokers, $200 Distillers, $200 and twenty per centum.— Brewers, $lou and two and a hall’ per (a-nitim. Hotels, Inns, taverns and eatiug houses, first class, $. r i00; sermid class, $300. llurd class, $200, lout th class, $100, till h ci ts*, $30. Every house where food or reireshmeuts are sold, and every hoarding hou-m where there shall be hix hoard ers or more, shall be deemed an eating house uutler this act. Commercial brokers or commission mer chants, $200 ami two uud a halt per centum. Theutrei, $300 and live per centum on all re ceipts. Each circus $100, aud $10 for each ex tiibilioii. Jugglers aud other persons exhibit ing shows, $30. Bowling alley-* and billiard rooms, $40 for each alley or table registered. Livery stable keeper*, Dwyeis, physicians, surgeons aud deuiista, $30 Butchers and bakers, $50and one per ceutum. ti. Every person registeied and taxed is re quircu to make returns of the gross amount of sales Irom the pusvage ot the net to the 30in June, and every three mouths thereafter. A tax ujwm all salaries, except of iiersons the military or uavul service^ of cent, when not exceeding $1,300, and two per cent, upon an excess over that amount. Pio vided, that no taxes shall be imposed by virtue oi this act on the salary ot any person receiv- salary not exceeding ^ 1 ,(XK> pet annum, or ut a like rate for auoibci period oi lime, ftbnger or shorter. S- Provides that tin* tax on annual iucotne.s, neiween $300 nud $1,300, shall be five per eeni.; between $1,500 and $3,000, five per cent, ou the first $1 500 uud ten per cent, on the excess; be tween $3,000 and $3 0(10, teu per cent..; between $5,000 and 410,000, 12}<j per cent ; over $10,000, tifteeu per cent.; subject to the following de ductions: ou incomes derived Irom rents ol reul csime, manufacturing and mining esiub- lisbmeute, etc., a suui sufficient for necessary iQunul tepairt; on incomes from any milling or iuauulaciuring tiusine>s, the rent, (if tented; cost of labor actually hired, and law material, on incomes irom nuviguiiug enterprise*, the hire of the vessel or allowance tor wear and tear ol the same, not exceeding ten per ceui ; on incomes denved from the eule of uictcban dize or any other property, the prime cost, e >si of iransporiuiiou, salaries ol clerks and renlol buildings; on incomes Irom any other occupa tion, the salaries ol clerks, reut, cost ol labor, material, Ac ; and in case ol mutual iiistirauee fcompunie*, tltc urnoiim of losses paid by them during the year. Incomes derived Irom other sources are subject lo no deduclious whatever. All joint-stock companies and corporations shall pay one tenth ot the dividend and reserv ed fund annually, it the animal earnings shall give a j rolli ol more ihoi ten aud less lhau twenty percent ou capital stock, onc-eigbih to be paid; if more lhau twenty per cent., one sixth Ihe lux to be collected ou the Jsl ol January next and of each yeut.thereafter. 0. Relates to eslitnaies uud deductions, in- VeMigaiiooH, referees, A *. 10. A tax ot teu per cent, on till profits in lbd2, by the purchase aud sale of fiour, corn, bacon, pork, oats, hay, iice, salt, trou,or me manufactures of irou,*ugai, molasses made ot cane, butler, woolen eloihS, shoes, boots, tdan keis uud cotton cloths. Does uot upply lo leg uinr retail business. 11. Each farmer, alter re*ervtng tor his own use. 50 bushels sweet aud 60 bu-hels liish p.da- toes, 100 bushels corn • r 6u bushels wucat pro duced this year, sh ill pay and deliver to the Confederate Government onc-tentb of the grain, potatoes, forage, mgar, molasses,coilou, wool aud tobacco produced. Alter icociving twenty bushels peas or beans lie shall debvci ouc'tcutU thereof. 12. Every lurmer, planter or grazier, one tenth ol the hogs slaughtered by him, in cuicd bacou, at the rate .d (id pounds of bacon lo 100 pounds ol puik, one per cunt, upon the value mm! I mere-its are materially ad vantaged by its conliiiu.nice. The great central roads ol .Maiyhiud, Penn*y Ivania aud New York have had an unexampled prosperity in conse quence. The closing ol the Mississippi and mbulury arteries ha* forced Western products into an unnatural channel to find a maiket in the E ist. To meet this market, these roads oiler ibe chief aVeuue. 4 The debtor class add their mighty voice lor a vigorous prosecution of the war. War makes expenditures—these create public debts aun promote private speculations. 1’ht* causes ii il tiiou which iu turn operates as a coinmer- ci.d bti.iitil oi , and produces imaginary wealth. Iu the general consequent intoxications, ttie U, In.n class hopes Lo liquid tie their llalillilies. ;> Tin-abolition lunatics, Who ihinK they see in the war mi opportunity lo tree the si tVcs and punish Ihe slaveholder*. ti The many bundled thousand office holders, i-oiiiidctiir* and Government employees, ol all giadee and classes, who, ot themselves, com pose a greater army lhau lias yet Ueeti m tlie field. 7 The members of the Admiuia ration them selves, who hope, by ihe continuance ol the war, and the excuse il otters lor an assumption oi power winch overrides all other depart ment*. interests and classes, to perpetuate then authority tor another term, it not lot life. the K -publican puriUatis, who love polili titled THK It 1 iLL OF TH»£ DBF niK. KOFTHK IMI'omm . writ DuV's MusichyMr. d. Wiegand Mr. F. Saudi in* The Drama conrlu les \ t'AL T\BLt£At'X, and HK'Ll.tts. by Mi** Lack otth-e open Irom 111 the VIVAN by Mr. dolm cal dominion, aud who eustuiu the Auministra tool a* pariizans in all things -especially to • i ush out u scciiou ot the country to which they h U'e alway* been hostile. yi The Wat Di-mucruls, win*, tired of waiting foi the t-poiin under a Democratic Administru liuii,an- willing to avail tlieuiselvea ol -any pre tence t*y which to join a party m possession of the Union. 11. I he unuy, as a branch of the Execuiiv power, with iu* thousands of retainers. IT chief officers ol this now ruling elemental appointed by the Administration, and beiu uuder military discipline, have uo recourse bt lo become its instruments. From FredorlckabiiruL. THE OBJECT OF LINCOLN’S VISIT TO THE ARMY THE WEST REFUSES TO FURNISH ANOTHER MA parties down Iroui Fredericksburg v learn tluit all is quiet there. The situation r main* unchanged, and the two -armies sit quiet ly confronting side of -From of all neat cattle, horses, mules, not ust cultivation, and aSaes, to be paid by Ihe ■ ers ot the canti , bei VcS sold, to bu taxed t 13. detail the duties of posl-quar • the u which reach These eui« w lL ,. biu eoecectfcd Wilb Utucral Burprised uud capture,i . yCeellOK'e l.fm, on tee N UU6e ,„; this point the icpoiis important character. Sibley, 14. Kuiates to the duties of assessors and col lectors. 15. Make* trustees, guardians, , respon sible lor taxes due irom estatca, Ac., uuder their c mtrol. its Exempts the income and tnoueys ot hos pitals. a-yluuis, churches, schools uud colleges from i-iXttiiou uuder the act. 17 Authorizes Ibe Secretary of the Treasury 10 make oil rules uud regulations uecisaury to the Opelulioli ol the ftCl. 13. I'rovide- that the act shall be in force lot two years hum the expiiultuu of the present y, ui, niliess sootier repealed ; that the lax on uaval stores, ti »ur, wool, cotton, tobacco and otLer agricultural products ol the growth ol any year preceding 1803, imposed iu the Ural section, tDall be icVled alid collected only lor the present yeai. The bill, of which the foregoing is a sum mary, now only awaits the signature ol tbu President to become a law. in the present Condition of affairs, and -o ibis late stage of the session, it ii presumable that he will waive ob jectioDc, it nc may tiuve uny, ami sign it; and jet ibi; uiu, whi* n we hid not seen till yester day, is • xucruel? faulty m principle, und still mure so in ito ileiail*. Did we believe it prac ticable ut ibis tunc to cure us inequalities aud detects, we should invoke th** Executive veto, but, salt-tied that this cannot be done, We cull Up><u tbe people LO uccepl ulid abide till* laW as 11 is, and lo lepivss all ugituliou, discontent oi uiui uiui mg. -- JtichinonU Whuj. other fr There is some talk of the making another “change of base,” but is known il is a mere rumor, und thought lobe unfounded in fact. Through .» reliable source we learn the t- ue ob ject of the lute visit of President Lincoln and wile uud party lo the army about Fredericks burg, of which we had accounts through the Northern papers some weeks ugo. it was to induce the. soldiers, whose term ot service in about to expire, to re-enlist. It was at the special request ot Hooker that Lincoln cuuie dowD bout Washington, and it was hoped th it the enthusiasm produced by his presence and congratulations might exert un iotiueuce iu iu ducing the men to re-enlinl. Every appliance was brought lo bear ou the men, and barrels ol wh»6key were brokeu open and liquor tlowcd as ireely on that day as water. Thu men were relieved ot every restr.mu, m»l allowed to in dulge in whi-ky ad libitum. Fur a time a per fect carousal leagued with the army, und alter the meu were well plied with whi-ky Mr. Lincoln tried the eflect of his eloquence, but all his coinplimeuis to the “ muguitieeui” army und Ills In aiitiful rhotorle were iinav.ill ing fhe men thanked him "for his liquor,” they were “cxeecdlugly obliged lo hitu,” but they very pl.oiily said that they “were going home wtieu their lime was out, and the devil could not prevent them.” Mr. Lincoln theu med to per.-uade them that "this monster rebellion would be crtHhed out in the next uiueiv days,” hut the men iruukly answered that "this had been the cry siuce the war com inenced, and that u had played out.” All ap peals tailed, so tired are Iht meu oi the war, an . Mi Lincoln turned homeward iu t discou solute mood ol mind, impressed that the grand army ol the Potomac -"the finest the world ever saw” -wa* last mulling away. We that the enlistment ol a very large, untiihe expire about Lite middle (A next month, nud tli a u is thought that if Hooker contempt uuy movement, it will be made before that lime, when the muli-rial alrcuglh ol his army will la* very much Miliatrucied Irom tiv the piraiion ol tin; term ol eiilistinenle. We feel usstired thut Lincoln is greatly cerued tow to keep up the organization aud fill up the ranks ol his armies in the field. We have had before many such stones, which have turned out lulse, buy inluitnaiion ol this kind reaches u* iu ihu-i instance troin a source which i* entitled to the highest credit It is uot the “sloty ol the reliable gcullcinau,” but it comes from unofficial uuihuniy, which is sufflcien guarantee lot its truth, aL least to our mind. 1 is confident ly asset ted that Lincoln has boeu ol tici,i|iy udvised, witniu the last week, that tie West will uol luiuish another tuau lor ihe wui an i iliut this is her Him and well considered decision laketi in iMUUectlon with the that Line du Ins shirked the coiiscripiioi and ttidi tiullel, postponed Its eulofcemeut, the story has uu air oi probability about it, and fortified by lire uulburiiy ou which US, w>- tue disposed to eilleltulii no doubt ol it. ihe West \s lieiirtily tick of the war, ahe i it is a hopeless struggle, sbe i* si.-nsible il has been perverted iuiu au abolition crusade ug liiiat the South; that il is ouly productivuof a wa*te of blood, and we should nut be sur prised ll 6he ahould take some action Vo bung it to nu e.oty tui mitialuiu, convinced, us she is, thu tiothmu can he g.tiued by ns lurlhet pros eculion. With the suppert ol the West with drawn irom the war, it would lull ol necessity, b * far the great bulk oi lUc at my ha* beeu lur- utsheit by ihe M esteru state:, uint il their men should i el use to fight longer and return to their homes, the North would find ilsell unable lo stipph men to carry It ou, aud tlie only ultei ua- live left her would be to accept peace on the bed terms site could get. it is a crisis uow with tin* North, and much depends ou the eveui* of the tiext tinny days. -fiic/tnunid Examiner, 22J. Strike! and you are free forever! Strike' fur your dear verdant sod' Link your hearts to suodia never ! Ou ! for Liberty uml God. HeccMHed bvort'la Soldier*. The following Is a ll*L of Georgia soldiers who have died ut Grederick City, Md., chiefly ol wounds received iu the lialile.-t ol Sharp* burg and Booucsboro. They were buried in Mount Olivett Cemetery : C N Daniel, died Sept. 10, lielongcd lo Co E, ifi.li 0 t; Win Sitminergall,.-ept IP, co G, 5thh, ,‘lia* Turbridge, Sept 21, co F, r »ULli Gu; R Willb*. Sept 23, co F, fiOth G i; Barney Castle. S -pi 23, 5th Gu; (’apt Johu KO’Siein, Sept 23,50:h Ga; Emanuel Sliumun, S<;|»i 24, co E, . r »0tli Ga, Andrew Slier man, Sent 25ll),50ih Ga; James Shine*, Sept 27, co F, 5l*i Ga; David Sloan, Sept 27, co F, 60th Ga , Oilio French,Sept Go K, 50tu Ga; Mantling Gleb it, Oct 2 co G 50th Ga; Benj Stewliridge, Oct 5. co D, fith Ga; ‘Lx, Oct tl.cn F, 30th t.u; Allied Green, Del ti, co ( , 33 I G •; W G Coleunu, Ocl ti. co G, OUiU Ga; Wm Edsou, or Kusou, Oct 7, co H,30ih Ga; Win McCloud, Ocl 7, co K, (list Ga; David June*, Oct 7, co E,51sl Gu; Berry Bang-ton, Oct 10, co I), bih Ga; J I. Evans, O. l 11, co B, 51*1 Ga; FA Moore, Ocl 11, co D, tilh tiu; Samuel J icksou, Ocl 12, co H, 40 h Ga; .lobn Slcphun-, Ocl 12, co B, 3l*i Gu; John Brooks, Ocl 13 co E, 13th Ga; Allen 1 Deming, Ocl 14, co D, 13ih Gu; W I' •* est, Oct Iti, co K. 51n Gu; Jas Landrum, Oci 10, co E, tilh Gu; John Michels, Ocl iti, 27ib Ua; John W Politick, Oct 17, co F, 4 It Gu; Peter Box, Ocl 17, 2tiib Gu; J B Bmaier, Oei 17, co G. 27ib Ga, Allen Jones, Oct 13. co D, 18th Gi;Johu Murphy, Oct 22, co E, 27th Ga; I L Moss, Oct 23, c i G, dl*i G»; Wm Ii utley, O. l 24, co E, tiib Ga; Wyatt H McPherson, Ocl 27, co 1), 60th Ga; Juo Hawktus, Ocl 28, co A, 38th Gu; Seigl August Owous, O T 2‘J, co lj, ID n Gu; K P Hughe*, Nov 25, co D,50th Ga; M F Strict.: laud, Dec 4, co G, 50ib Ga; F Power, Jan 21, co K.tiili Gu; Dr Meckey, ttu; John R. Lang ford, March l5tU, co F, 10th G.i. From Beer Creek, From our young friend Phil. Full, who is juut from Deer Greek, we learn that the Yankees have laid waste everything on the west side ol the creek (or -a distance of thirty miles. Ou the east tide but little wuh done, t.’ol. Feigns.m having destroyed ull the bridges, thus prevent ing their advance. Every gin, uud ull the lot! der aud corn, liom Smith and Hood’s to Dr. rUotuas*, has been destroyed und five or six hundred negroes carried away, together with hundreds of horses und mules. Major Lee, father-ill law ot Col. Ferguson, fared better Ilian -any planter on the route, In-dug but two or three negroes. Some ol the Yankee officers proposed umrrylug hi* house servants, ii they would go oil' with them, bu' the negroe* pre ferred being the slaves ol Major Lee lo lictug the wives ol Yankees. Sum. Taylor had very near all hi* quarters and fodder aud coin destroyed. Some lost several negroes aud all their corn. A. J. Pax ton’s giu, corn und fodder were Inirued, and his dwelling set ou fire three times, bin wu* extin guished eueh lime by Rev. Mr. McCleliuu,wbom the Yuukees threatened lo hang. They drew tht-ir gnus ou Mrs. Paxton three Inues, aud made uu uusuccessiul attempt lo take Let governess oil' as a prize. At Col. George R Fall's place they left uoihmg but the negro cubius and his dwelling. Thinking lorn a colunt-1 iu our urtuy, they wanted lo buru him with ins giu, but upou searching his house they found hint anticipated their movements uud tloWU. W. T. Warren’s place was saved trooi totul de struction by the presence of a F.euchman, who knocked a Yaukee dowu aud checked the ue lurious proceedings. W. F. Smith lost a great deal, lucludiug, it rs reported, his whole lorce, consisting ol one hundred aud filly hands.— Dowuie’s dwelling house uud quarters weie consumed, and the stock, poultry, «kc., curried away. Dr. Thomas' stock was ull shot and tns i aud fodder burned. There were uiuuy other siiilerers, but we have uot ieurued iheti cb. Noue ol the uegrocs weie forced*Irom the pluiuulioUH; only such us left voluntarily Were lakcu to the boats — Vick.dnay Whtq. »12 o’clock, dally, md Purquettc, $1: Second », $ii to Tickets for mlo at the Hotels, Music and Hook Stores. Doors open at 7!*; conuneure mi s o'clock. apt 25 To Agents of Foreign Insnr.Tiiee Coin- pauies Doinic Business in (leorffla. COMFTHOI.l.EK (1BNKHA1.-S OFKIC'E, I MILLKDOKVIt.i.K, April 2.3. 18113, i B V an Act of ihe lih December. 1868, all Agents ol Fore gu lueiiraucu Companies, or Companies chartered by olllor Slates, doing business m tin* Slate, were required to make their re urns mulct oath, annually, ou the 31st December, in each aud every year, to the State Treasurer and said Agent* were required to pay to the State Treasurer one per cent, upon the premium* received by them. Iu ease ol default by any Act-ul, upon informal ion. the Comptroller Geueral was directed to issue execu tion against the Company, aud its Agent or Aeeuts, for a default tax of $ «KI. Bv an act o* the 15ili De Cernker, 1802 (Which supercedes the 755th and 8-'3d seel iouH ol the Code) Hi- act of 1858 was continued in force, aud additi mat penalties were imposed upon any agent or agon's iu default. Believing that from waul of proner knowledge of Hie law, ..i from other c use, all the agents ol these Insurance Companies have not hen-tutore made their returns ami paid tlu-ir taxes, as th law direels for the last y ar aud previous yenrs. NOTlcK IS HkHkhY til VkN Hi-it 1 shall shortly adopt mea sures to ascertain, as far as possible, who an- uud who have been (telaullers-uud by 'lie first day of June 1 shall proceed to issue the $faNl ex.-culioli.a d eulotce the other penalties it necessary, agaiuet all who may be touud in .lel> nil I'hTbHHON T1IWBATT, Compiroiier General. T fl Book Keept BANK OF THR STATE OK GEORGIA, (. Savannaii, a priI Hi, 1883. | The aiiituiil election lor Right DI rec ti* oil tin- pirt of the Individual slo< k- IroldeiB, tor tin- t lisuilig year, will he held at the litnk11ig lion*.* hi Savannah on .MONDAY, -till May, proximo, between thu hours ol HI A M. uud I 1*. Al. •V CCMMINU, Cashier. {71/“ An; ustaConstituiiomilist copy. aprlT—td NOTK K. CHIEF QUARTEUMABTEH’H OFFICE, f Savannah, Feb. 94th, 18tW. | Parties having demands against this office (ir rent are hereby noHfled that their hills must be p rt rented before tbe first of eve ry month. HERMANN HIRCSU, fob9S -tf Major and Q. M. ^Vurtion Jsalt s. ■IV ULUN A ItlKlNIf, 163 ttioughluu Stre.-t Will be sold, ou MONDAY. V'.tn w.tt,, ut 11 o'clock opr 25 -1 B v Address Box 71 uud Ac- (Uintain. Stray Mare I YFDyon Friday afteruoon.fioin Causton’- tl‘ a Bay Mare, 14>j or 15 hand* high, bean black mane and tail She had on saddle, bridle martingale and baiter. A liberal n-wa-d will h. paid for ber on delivery at Oglethorpe B inac *. 3 \ ( WY LLY SUNDRIES. BOXhS TOU tt t n, various brauds RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. Ac., APRIL 24, 18U3- Per Central Railroad -17 Ual -a eotiou, 4 bbls fiuur, and iud/.«. To S Uresham, 1. FurUeuberg, Muj .i L Locke, ( lighoru A Cuumnghiim, ol Juhusuu, J 11 Tlieall, 11 J Dickers .ii, V\ A. K McIntyre, M .1 Wil liauis, I O bpati, USlow, Ii allies, A H caddler, R J Davaut, M Bay, Maj J Robert von uavuui, .ii Day, maj j nuueinun, j M Pi lulls*, Minis, J Da*lu-i , Dr J R Moore, W 11 Weeks, J A Mi-hrleus, LaRuache X. Bell, Mrs Al L) fiawell, 11 Waslilmrn, .1 Rnigh', W c Cason, Mis Guidon. M:■ j ii C Guerin, C P Wilcox, D A t onuer, T b Per ry, t' A fcteveiMon, Air* K A Uiali, Tibou & Gordon, .J Williamson, B B .Moure, L J Uuilmaniu, W T & H N H-ldt, H Lathrop, A D Cohen, Com. Tatuall, b M Lntllteau, J Rosenhdt, Cant W B Brocket!, l apt (inwii, S Guckeuheiuter. J B McGuire. O Cohen, .* Roberts, M Meiuhard, T R & J G Mills, D How Notice. HEADQUARTERS MIL. DIST. OF GEO., l Savannah, Man-li 17ih, lmi.3. t jThe alteiiliou of wholesale uud retail liquor delict*, hotel proprietuis, aud all others conceruud, is called to Ihe following orders WAR DEPARTMENT, Aiiiitant and Inbpkctok 11EN K It Al. * Ofkici RICUMONU, Jan. Slh, lsGV. ( KMtllU UltllhHN,. No. 3 dlVK I'tsengere by t |,, olbud j •lured at I aieo stated that 4b the same time. Petersburg last night During the torem^u of was heard in the direction to result from an tug a £ unboats ol the enemy onrtr.ur ongslreet moved from his h . vurly hour ou .Monday morning /(ic/unotid JDitna'xh) v .;d. Cat Our It to I pnblu-uu paper now auja puiion procl kinallon ii« itport — | "Was ueVer designed t b’ tvyfiriug oiuipG t- bntig. th- rci.ei feiippobud ! ugainst murder .»u- J.-su iieiwetn tbe ! murder, a..d the prociau Jhty Geu ; belH »•* Nothing wa? i a-uiLfo at uu 1 deni a llilciilK lis in lo riiE buii A Connecticut Re- 11 The introduction of spirituous liquors to auy camp, barracks or station ol the aiuiy, ( ept lor medicinal puri uses, duly recommended bv the seuior medical officer aud approved t.y thcGeiier al or other officer iu couituaud, is hereby expressly prohibited, and all spirituous liquors fouu.1 in any ot said camps, barracks or statlous uot uuthori/ed above, will he confiscated or destroyed under direc tion ot the General or other officur iu command. By command ol the Secretary ol War Iblgned) S. COOPER, Adjutant and inspector G ueral. HEADQUARTERS CHIEF OF ART Y A OHD., ». CllAltLKHTON, March 31, 1863. i it is the dcsireof the Commanding G-*n- oral thut all Light Batteries in the De partment should conform at once to the organiza tion prescribed In Paragraph I., General Orders No 115, Headquarters Department South Carolina, Georgia aud Florida, dated December 4, 1S62, of four (4) guns to each Battery and six 16) horses to tbe piece. All surplus guns will be pent iu to the Ord nance D.-put at Charlerton, addressed 'to the under- (Official ) A. J. GONZALES Colonel and Chief of Artillery and Or..nance, aprt Department of 8. C , Ga. and Fla. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. OFFICE ENGINEER A. 8UPKR1NTKNDENT, 1 Cuaui.Koton ani» Savannah Raii.iuiau Co., v Ciiim.KsToN 8. (• , April 20, IHtH ^ O N aid after TUESDAY. April 28th, and until birttier mu ice, tin* schedule ol panseuger trains ou this road will lie as follows, viz ; MAIL TRAIN. Leave charleston 10 30 P. M. Arrive at Savunuah h.AiA. M. Leave Savannah tint a. At. Arrive Ht Chat eston 12 45 P. M. ACCOM M O DAT IO N TRAIN. I. -ave l hailerton 7.30 A. M. Anive ut bavaunali . 5 3) P. Al. Leave Savannah 7 on A. At. Arrive *i i h irlest..ii . 5 :«i P M. Mad train going South will cuuue t with mail train oil North eu-tern Railroad, and ai .lunction wi h Central Hailioad trufh for Macon or Mont gomery. Mail train going North w II couuect with mail II..in oil North eusl.-in Railroad No tii-ighl or live stock will be taken ou mail truinii U. b. HAINES, apt - - Engineer aud Superintendent. 50 150 bids Flour 5o boxes English Soap GO gross Matches 75 bushels Peas 5i hi " Corn 200 Hie whole Black Pepper 30 hall dies's Oolong Tea 111 bags Cuba und Rio Co flee 10 bbls Sugar f» “ Syrup For sale by HI LA VIIV, 25—lw East Broad street. Crockery, fikissware 1.100 PLATES, 2»XI DISHES, 200 J ugs. Jars and Demi johns; 1(H) Dccuiicrs, ll Goblets, 20 large size Water Buckets, lixi Pilchen '.(J Lamps and shades, and a general ussurinietii i Bonnets, Boots, Shoes. Caps. Hardware. Mattressei Stoves, and a large vaiiety of other articles, K sale at JAMES WILSON'S VARIETY STORE. api26—7 No. 1 3 Congress street AM, in Ihit.-s Family boau !i boxes Tubaivo 3 bills Suit Hi boxes Rebel Mutvhce 1 lot Hardware 6 boxes Cluy Pipe Also, An assort nent of goo-1 Furnilnre, 1 carpet and t ap 25- ?rnl Mattresses HV LhICOCIII: Al BhLL. Household Furniturs. Ou TUESDAY next, the 28th Inst , at 11 o'clock at the residence in Hull street, second door t-ust of Whitaker struct, opposite the Baptist Church, will he sold, A geueral assortment or Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture, Crockery Ware and Glassware, Ag aptifi ■IV LuKtM'll Ii A- IIKI.L. Will he sold, on TUESDAY, 28th iu-t . at N A Hardee’s Warehouse, corner of Bay and Jtiou gum cry streets, at 11 o’clock A. M., 10 ciskrt dirty Corn, about IU) bushels. Condemn . L. Locke, ACS 10 boxes Tobacco. Will he sold, apr25 BV BkU. W. U- li I.LV, Will he sold, on the first 'i l'EMDAY in May next before the Court House, in the city of Savaunah, 65 acres ol land, situated on Liberty island lh“ improvements (-ntisiot ol two 1)welling Houses, Barn, out houses, Ar , wuh a well of excellent wa ter. The orchard contains Peaches. Plums, and a grove of sweet Grange Tree* , also, Fig* and Grape vines. '1 he above nioperty i s on. and a quarter miles below Thunderbolt, t an be Heated loi on.H'tiy until dav ol sa c. etrl l nt ll,t ‘ hMn "' 101 ol No 23t>, Mb Disttict, i. win county, contaiulug aCr, ‘ ri ; apr34 ■IV La HOC IIK A: II r LL. * Lot and improvements north-east corner H b" d Bryan streets, fronting on Wurieii square, . •ovements coiialstiiig ot u large two story woodc Dwelling, with extensive Kitchen and S;a- hies, of buck all in good order; subject loagroaui rent to the city of only ($l9y nineteen dollars per i.n- ‘ beioie the fiist Tuesday In May — apt 24 will th.-u be offered at H e Court House. For Sale. IkV l.altoCIt Ii A if ELL. Dry Goods, Clothing, Stationery, &c Ou SATURDAY next, the 25 h Inst , at 11 o'clock, in our sale room, will be Fold. •neial uinortuient of Ready Made Clothing, Dry Goods, stationerv. Ac., consisting In jmrt ol Black and While Spring .ud summer Coats, vests, ram*. .Silk H-indkeichiels, Calico, Lace, i.dging, Bonnet Trimmiugs, bxs Ribbons, child enV Gloves While and Black Kid Gloves, Stairi Co'.ars, Letter Fat.tr, Blank Braik*, l.edgets. Journals, Day Bo .ks * usie Books, Greek and Latin Dictionaries, ink Stands, Razors, and several oilier nrllclts loo nnmemu- to men lion apt22 rilll l Brishau I'lantation, iu Bryan cnunly, about A ihtee miles Iroiu Way’s Station, on the Havau. fall, Albany and Gulf RhiIioiuI, adjoining lauds ol Arnlods Clays and Waters, eontaiiiiug about six hundn il ai re*. I*or terms, apply to »pr22 5 BLt*UN f* DAWSON. Southern Insurance OOMPA3STY, CAPITAL, - - $1,000,000. rillllC Capital Slock of ibis Company having lieen X increased to One Million Dollars, risks agamsl loss or damage by fire will lie taken on lavorahle terms. Apply at the office of the Compauy, No. Bay street. il. BRIGHAM, President. A. WILBUR, secretaiy. DIUECTOKH. Henry Urigbaui, George Patten, William Batter.-by, Win H.'lisoii, John Cunningham, Isaac Scoti, John M. Cooper, a. Wilbur. Henry Lathrop, apr1 III fibU. IV. WILLY. Beautiful Summer Residence on the Salt). Ou the first TUESDAY iu May next, before thu Court House iu the city of Savannah, will he sold, Lot aud improvuin. tits on iln-• Isle ot Hope Tno dwelling contuina lour r..oms in lias, men*., tour laigu rooms mi next atory, with pantry and store room, and piazza on three sidea of the li..iire, with good back buildings On the lot i* ii large datum, wlika holds many Ihousand gallono ol water Terms cash; purchas. r to pay lor titles apr22 Bagging and Rope, a pi 25 FUR SALE BY L. I GUlLMARTJN L0NVKMi0.\, COLUMBIA, H. C. Not having become acquainted with any other movement iu th<h city, as re* gards the Educational Convention, Columbia, S. C , w invite tbe teachers, trustees ami friends ol Education to meet .n my school rooms, Concordia Hall, block between the Market and Jefferson street, entrance Bryan street, at C. White’s store, uu SAT URDAY next, the 25th of April, ut !» o’clock a. m., for the purpose of discussing the expediency of send ing delegates to said Coiiv.-htiou, or to take any uth- ' mensuies in this direction. THEODORE NIEMANN, apr23—thfts Pastor (). f«. Congregation. Wanted Immediately 200,000 vaniiali river. JOHN M’CHADY. (.'apt. aud rlnei Enguieer, api-24 lw blate of Georgia. Wanted to Hire, A W HITE or colored girl to cook and wasl for a *umii family. Enquire at this office. apfSM -* t b MARINE BARR.V KB, UaVaNNaU. April f3, 1863. i Musicians Wanted, I NOIt Company E. C. 8. Marines, four Musicians ' ^two .'rummers and two lifers). Apply for fur ther particulars at the Naval Gflieu, ou Ltberiy si., between Bull aud Whitaker *t*. JNO. ll. F. TATTNALL, apr20—tf ( apt. C. b. Mamies. c»nrl’g. JOHN A. 5STALEY, AUCITONEER, 1 01.11 KOOKIMi ZIM \UVIEII. fltlilrl>-llV(* cents per pound will paid for» M amount delivered IK the city ol Augusta, and ty ceili* lor ingot Zinc. GKO. W. lt.\INS, tnarfld tm Lieut. Col. Comd’t WANTED Sequestration Sale. B v of the Hon KdwardJ. Harden, District will lie sold *■ aiicftou, to the highest ic l*i Tii.-sday iu May next, before the ily ol Savaunah, In thu t lildde (dint lion: houi* of sale, (lie lollmv . ope undivided half of Jom- 11n- Savannah river, ten mile v.-innuh One Negro Woman named Lima 79 shares and ••in* Iriiciiotial uart of a share in the capital stock or the Ocean aud Harbor Towboat C< 1 Conditions cash in Confederate Stales Treasury Notes or Buuds. W. C. DANlELL, apr s Receiver. Sequestration Sale. B V order of tin* Hon. Edward J. Harden, DDtr Judge, will be sold at public auction tot highest bidder, b.-f .re the Court House iu Hie ci y bavaiimili, on 1 lie fiist Tuesday ill May next, ut ck M, renty acres ol Laud, more or less, in the couuty iai ham. on Lover*’ Lane, formerly the properly iscpti M. Turner, deceased. ri8 W. C. D AN I ELL, Receiver. Wanted. HEADQUARTERS MIL DISC OF GEO Savannah, July Ibin, 1862. BENbltAL OltUbHS, > No ina.—A ropori that the Topnail lulul iu ibis countv, ubiuiued cut reucy here ibis uiorniug. «)ii enquiry we Und ib.il ilua report ban u< olbei i.ouuLuion tbati iu some inoveiueuls oi our troops nut uecesaury uow to particularize. No troops tire lauding at Topaail. Troops have Imeu lauding, uud aie pmbably still lauding, ut Beaufort,believed lo be Foster's old regiments, sent trout this Stale lo Sooth Caruliua to co operate iu the attack upou Chai lesion, which alta. k haVlug beeu made and tailed, uud its early teuewal aypareully uol beiug contem plated, they uie now sent back to worry aud auuoy the people ot Eistern North Caruliua. \V e have uo itiloruialtou ol any advance of the eUeiuy into Onslow eoUulj, nor ol any land- ing ui auy po.ut south ot beuuforl hmlior.— Tue latidiug at that point i* believed to have commenced oil Friday last there is reason to beitcve that uu advance has been made or will be Ulade. o*a the old route Via KlllSlou. We will probabiy hear more irom that direction very soon.— W'tlminytuu Journal, ‘-i’^d 'I liE SttUK of Washington Kainkd.—The siege of \\ astuugiou, N. C., lias beeu raised, and Gen Hill’s lorce* have talleu buck three milea lo tbe (.loon Road*, leaving the enemy iu quiet poseeneloU ol the toWII. ll lb Uol ilkeiy lliul alioth- i ui tempt Will be mude lo CUplUie it. ibe abandonment ol the siege was proba bly caused by the advance o| the enemy ou K-Ilieloli, which is near auu Oil the route to Goldsboro, lb.- town (d Wabhiugtou was (i.iui'-iii>li d .-ii the 13 h aud lfiib lust., and lour Ol live Ii..ii*e* knocked dowu. llor Yulih«-cS 111u*ed Co it-l tbe women aud ckddieu be re moved I out t -wii aud two ladies who escaped j itic Iilghl ligloi, the »aUUOIlude eomuirn.-ed 1 sla e ll.-il il,. Y .ukece Ail Oil obort lUtlOlie, 1 . :• l l,„ i ici-ovJ ;L r.iopltee ot tlie eilUeu*. i /i.inl l/n-ji iU U, * I Thu importation Into tins city, until further orders, of all Bpiiitirous and intoxicating liquors. In any form whatsoever, by railr >ads or otherwise, is here by strictly prohibited. Auy liquor lliiis imported, as soon as the fset be comes known at these Hindquarters, will he confis cated and appropriated to the nse of thu sick of the army. By order of Brig Gen. MERCER. ALGERNON S. HAKTH1DGE, A. D. C. Ail good citizens will rccoglilz** Ihe proprie ty of thu above orders, aud’will, it is to be tioped, uot force upon the military authorities the uicessity ol seizures. Hhould. however, it become uecesruiy, this Uuiv will be performed by the C’ltv Military Guard, uuder command of t .'apt. A L. Uartridge. By commutui of Brig. Gen. MERCER. W. W. GORDON, marls Captain and A. A G. Notice. S IXTY days afier date application will be made to ihe Honorable the Court ol Ordina y - I ( bat- tinty lor leave to sell all the peiishahl • prop M aRY TURNER, A dm i NOTH' E. late of t hat ham county, are requerted to present thu same, duly attested, wilhiu the time pie-cribcd by law^ persons iiid.-lited lo said ' * to make puyincut to Mr. F. L One, l- requested McDonald, AUm Notice. U|$TV days atier date application will be made A STKUtl Engine of 3U or Lilly lu»r*e power Panics tiaviug such will oluaeogive price and description, and address Key B(jx No. 1v2, 8»> mnali Poet Office. w H offer at wholesale aud retail a good assort ment of SPRING AND SUMMER READY M(DE CLOTHING A K. S. LATHROP, apr2ll—lw Tobacco, Tobacco. K ILLI4KIM4 K TOBATC’O AND StlOKINti TOBACCO, Loos»* iu barrels und lu 2 lb. bags. For *alt- bv w m Day id-on. Tau Bark Wanted. I will pay forty ($40) per cord for good Ian bark, delivered at the savannah Taouery, ou *iu- ca- ual. psviug in leather at the lowest market price api21—tf BOOTH BY A OALBF. Salt, Salt. A S iiiy Salt Works arc now in fine operation. I can supply 8ALT many quantity. I can always be found ai my store, corner oi Liberty aud NVhita k m! f rR-if U VON GLAHN. HORSE RiVfelPS AND HAD IRON? pOH SALK HV apr7 A I.O’I’ of Band Paper and Shoe Brushes; for sale by JNO. H DEPP1SH, „p r 7 GibbouC Range. $30 REWARD \\/ II. L be paid for the apprehension and delivery W HI Ull “ ” ... «rn.:....... Ogl.-ltiorne Barrack* ol Private (.mpany E. 2Id Battalion Gi* •*eried from camp on the 18th op shoulder*, and in conversation wearing uniform cap thu above usily detected, Ue is sup -on or AugUHia a* aut.sti iu, e . ‘ HUaSEY, Captaiu Couitusudiug o Macon Messenger aud Augusta Constitution alist copy lor one week, and st-ud hill to ( apt ’ m W. Neely, 4 q M. apt^ Upward. ritlie above reward will lie paid for the apprehtn Ji *ion and deliver y of my negro man David, wf ranawav in Decumber last. David is about 5 feet high, well proportioned, skin black, and s puttie of bis Ironi teeth i T11EODOR E BLOl**. LEU BATTERY, April 20, 1863. sM) Reward .-ward will I the apprehen 1st Vol Reg! of Geo , who deserted Lu.- Buttery on the 14th inal. Said Doyle is 23 years of age. 5 fee! 5>> inches high, florid complexiou.gray eye*, dark hair,turns up Ins lues aud has a pompous swagger iu walking; was horn in l$u.-bee, Canada i£a*t .’has worked for several year* iu Savaunah stowing lumber ou ships apr21—lw ( llams. 3,000 L IKS., tor -rtlt- al ffiyj wnu prr IV. to pour tamilles onh , by ‘ WRIGHT v DaKUCHK Cuba Coffee. 150., Notice, i aft. r date sppli rtiou wiil he tuadu ordinary ol t 'hath- iu» O unty tor leave to tell a nc„ <- woman, slave, lamed Mary, and her chlki, Pris< ills, helougiug to 11“ K-niaie ut Mathias Amorous, deceased, uiui23 MARY M ^Molioli.-, Admanstitttrix. Old Jamaica Rum. 10 ‘ oU J,u,olr “ l v ! J ,II M' r i'*, l vVuHON TIJKPENTINE. ” EV KNTV-FIVK tibia. Spirts Turpentine. O Also—lit d.»z Mill **»iw Filt-e. 300 LBS H A MPIOW A FREEMAN Corn. Itl'SlIKI.N by CHAMPION A FREEMAN IIv into. U. WH.LV. A Fine Residence Fiouuug the Paik, On Hie first TUaMDAY in May next, before Com t House iu l he city of Max an nab, will be s wo etoiiue, wuh lour and stable The Itn- IIY LaKtM'la K A- BELL. Desirable Residence On TUK8DAY, 41h May next, at 11 o clock, in front of OoUit House, will he sold, The Ea-teru leut-uu-ui of th-.t buck block siiua;( d i Gordon strum, corner u i Bull, uonting the monu- meut ou Aiouturey ?quaie—a good three story brick house on ba-ement, w itn hi .ck oiubn.idii.g-, carriage house, and servan »’ rooms The lot i* 21 by uiu feut, subject to u cii y ground rent ol — peranuum.* a water. upr22 * in good u-pair, BV fiKO. W. W VLLV. AdminuiU'atnjt tale. Will be sold ou Hie (list TUESDAY in June next, beioie thet.'oait House, lu the city ol Savannah, between th<- legal h.»ui s ol sale, 1 in put vi muni * on lot No. 2u, Crawford W» rd, ett y ol 3avai.nati, by order ot the Honorable Court ol'Or- diuaiy ol Chatham county, toi ibe benefit of tbe hens Mnl creditors of the «stale ol Jacob wankc, ac- -H*. d. HELENA A(ASKK, uprvn Adnnnieiiutnx. BV LKO. U. WYLLV. Estate Rale Will lie sold ou the first TUESDAY iu May, before the t.'ourt House in ihe city of8avanu<ih, between the legal hours of -ale. Negio woman Judy, md creditors oi t BY STEVENSON A ill KIM ULL. Ou Ihe first TL’EHDAY in May next, beioie the Court House iu the city oi .Savaunah, between the h gal hours of sale, will In: to'd. Lot No. .'III. Mouu-rey Wurd.n deep, iiupiovi-meiiis consist brick buildings ou ihe rear ut the lot, uow runted i $288 p. r annum. Subject to a ground reul of ^33 pur annum to tbe city, apn7—td BV BLO. U. UlLLV. Estate Sale. Will lie sold on the first TUESDAY In May, before the 1 ourt House in tbec.iy of Savannan, between the legul hours ol sale, West Half ot Lot No 7, Tower TyC. iug, Decker Ward, together with tlie brick maiden e theicon, fronting on Britughlou street. Hold by u deenu of 'on 11 for Ihe benefit ol Uiu heirs Hud credltora of tbu Tei inscash - purchaser paving lor papers aplfi . It 1 <4ICO. U. U VLLl. Aduiiuisti blot's Sale. Will be sold ou thu fiist TUESDAY in MAY next, In-foie (Ue Comi House in the city ol bavunnul., In tweeu the legal hours ol sale, A tract of land containing 43h acres, on the Canal, known us part of the liuracu Swamp Trac , well wooded, 11 miles from the city aGj. 245 acres of land in Bryun county, bounded by lands ol F. H. Wil liams, Jas Woods, (J. C. rdater. Thus J Lyons and Wm. A. Mjiunau; black Creek runs through uportion oi ibe laud. Also, 26b acres oi iand lying on the Ugeecln-e river, bounded on the norili by lauds of Rluuiuii, south hy lands of Edwards, east by bhuman. aud west by the Ogeechee river. Also, a tract of land lying in Bryan county , known as the Bridge Tiai.t, cotiiuiuiug acres; a reserve of 200 will be made the pule Also,a beHUtilul garden lot, l)t mlies Canal, containing 7 5-1 ‘ • ** 1 Kttuionu ai.u Also, 6Wi ujuiuui icbb, uc«i No. 26 Marlowville, bou»i the east hy T. R. lltue* and Davis, R Marlow, on the west Ly the Ogetciiec on the south hy lands of Henry Love the above luud can be seen at my office l'lais o: Sold for creditors of ihe .u'.c HV (iLO. W. WYLLV. At Private Bale Lot No. 4, Stoper Tylbiog, Pervical Ward with i; ptov.-ni.ul>. i Btreet, • the Court Hous( Also, 80 acres ol laud in Bulloch county nients consist or two buildiugs, rooms, and all neceesary well stocked plunu place The improve h containing lour buildings. The piaco .... Bull vi/: puacho., rapes of sery superior quality. 1 no ,„tttu jo Tvc.f shaded wilb oak arm evergreens noted for its healmy locality and deligkttu! water i ar.es ... w «»« - Situate WltlllL tWO miles of Quitman, Brooks couuty. with Improve- 913 acres of cotton aud co, BY «4KO. W. *VV LLY. At Private Bale. 541 acres of land,situated on the canal, 7)$ mil?s from the city ; 90acres upland clean d, anc loo acres td first quality of rice laud, all under ie-..ce—balance of laud well wood, d 'Ihe improvements au a duelling, in pro I ou*es, hanr, Ar marS BY T. J. W ALSH. At Private Bale A Farm of 150 seres ol land, situat'd abuui 4)* miles irom the city, on tne White Biuff Ho.U. lor particulars enquire at ihe countine-room apr? i store auJ tor *ale Sal". 500 "r,r apt 24--3 COAST EDWARD G. WILSON, N O I’ ARY P U 13 L I C CONVEYANCER. ATC1TV IBAHS1UI* OFFICK. | |aprl—1m* Take Care of your Carpels and Clauii.ls- r|llie undersigned has I Coast Stlt, iu store and for BAMPION A FREEMAN __ SALT. airlus, elillable arp.-ts Iroui moths. spr21- lw _ A. hONPg. Agent Olobe Lamps. i;l IHU1!B Br-.f ana Copper Gioti ; CUNNINGHAM.