Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 27, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. XIV SAVANNAH, GKOHGIA, MONDAY MORNING, A1YJL 57, 1803. NO. 98 J.uln ^Uoiuini) %\tvc H V THEODORE BLOIS. T. THOMPSON, - - Olio It. The llneu»y»* Purpose cent Movr ll in probable Hi it the ti ohtioni*ls iu Mississippi, with such luieuse iuterosl than tbe employment ol » t*VeU to llli* lit/.Od ill *.l ooiiiplinb the ieilucii'Hi cl \ icUaburg Ap]*at, «»l the 301, says <;**»». Hi nut IfllU. iveuienis ol itie A mean nothing !«' K»* A It tiira ms possible, ; mingle I and pull, l«» ar • . deiiiorruiic The ibi; West, ui VKIII1S1MI roll TUB DAILY PAPIK. For one m mill For three moutbn FOR TUB TRl-WBEfcU-Y PAl'KIl For one innntb r or thr«*e month* roit THU IVLBKLY I'Al'EII. For three month* Advertisement* inn tiled Im $1 50 per Mjuuie often ,HJ» line* or leas, ea b insertion. 5 IKI ft 5 1 it Ml iKUHSOF tllHSmiPTION AMI AD- 1 Jj I Thai lli'ii. Grant at one lima eoutPtnpl ited at I least it Kmiporary abandonment ol opeiaiious mi the river, and tin* transfer cl a lurire portion of bia army either to co operate with Uosen- mnK, or to operate from bin old base at ('or . i ' iutb, is generally believed by our heat inlormed I friend.' at Mempbis. Knowing the lotmidalde | nature of onr defenses Ironlinu: the river, and : leariin; the consequence of a direel aitaek, be commenced hm dileli digging ami llie explora lion of bayous and itisiguiflcuhl creeks, hope iug lo lind Mime way ol turning llie position. Finding Ibm lo be an d.mgeroti-, it not as im possible, as the more direel mode lead deter mined to be, lie withdrew Irom llie held, an it in now undeinittod, with the intention ol muk inic an advance elsewhere. On bin arrival at Meinplns be was met by Ad Juianl General Thomas, ol the Federal mini , a bo, it was announced by the Cincinnati press, waff sent to the Went with lull powers indirect the movements of the unuie<. From that mo ment a change wan wilnenned. The troops go ing up were n.ent buck—Geuenil Grant relumed loins old position without delay—and move uieiila have rapidly billowed each oilier so en lirely at variance with ihe previous plans of the enemy, as lo leave no doubt ol Him I icL llial not only was Geuenil Grant'n backing out policy chauged, bill also an entirely new plan of ope rations adopted, ane which is uow being devel oped. Union men at Memphis have been heard to hiinqilnlly declare that General I'boiuan was positive iu iiis requirements uu meeting Gen. Graul. Bluer the meeting of there otU. era we have witnessed increased vigilance. We are assured that nut only were Ho* imops that Graul sent up the nver turued back, but ul olbat every thing lias I een done lo increase bis si length — A geultcuiau who lell Mempbin a week ago adviseb us that reiulorcrmeuia and appliance?, were Ibeu goiug lorwnrd. General I h uiaa is wiih the army. I uiniii.illy icuve iiiovemeuis have been in progress, in new directions, lot the last lew days; and as we view the an nation mow ja; MOUNlNU, APRIL 27, IStS. TELEGRAPHIC. From (lie South-Weal. (.'uattanooga, April 25 —Passengers by the train report Hie Yaukee Geu. Dodge, with a force estimated at limn 5,000 lo 10,000, advanced icii miles Fist ol Tuacunibia. Col. Roddy is Cghiiug auJ retreating towards reiuforcemeulB. From ‘i'eniieaave Ili.lahoma, April 24 -Further accounts trom McMinnville state that the enemy have destroyed si veral bridges, burnt a cotton lac lury, depot buildiDgs, one eugiue, three curs, at.d rutiled towards Murlreeeboro’. Word to-day passed lor eveiybody to pro coed to tbe front. There is uu movement there on the pail oi the eueuiy. Our troops nre in lir.e spirits aud confident. It is not be F»:vcd ibu the Yankees dare attack us. Advices trom luscumbialo-diysaylh.il three i.uukee regiments are advancing, but are held iu check by Col. Roddy ’a forces. J ullahom.i, April 25 —A dispatch from Tus* cumbia, ol the 25 h, ways the eueuiy are lulling back. Ail quiet iu front. Confederate Congreti, Richmond, April 25 - The Bcuale, to day, pisrtd ihe H(>usebdl to admit, tree ol duty, ail limcbioeiy lor carrying uu mechanic arts. Tbe bill to impress railroads was considered iu se net session. Tbe House concurred in the Senate resolution lo -.idj mrn sine die on Hie 1st <>l May. Albert K Lunar, ol Georgia, lias been elected clerk, vice Funnel D.cksuu, killed. dl.'patch lioui Ciuctuuati to the Chica g<> fimcs, dated the 5th, bays,: “All official di- iccl Irutn Vicksburg, stales that a boating bat tery. mounting SO Parrot guue, hud been com pleted, aud wus being made reidy to lake posi tion to attack Vicksburg. The attack, it is be lieved, has taken place befoie this. Tbe gun points aud rams above and below ure loco ope rale, and tbe luud foices arc to move on its in the \oilhivati iM)k: bid ipiiie a long and interest- with a veiy mieltiveul genlle- eiillv pjfr-i-d Ihe Ft den 1 line-, York on Hie 3 h iu-i He had versed lreeli with lb* leading : it * in tin iiortj ol tbe North and fully S'ltislled that the peace oi ling iu Hie North in much stronger linn would appear from Hie perusal ol tbe Northern co. tervallve papers. These papers, be aiy>, do uol dare to give a full and collect Maleincnl ol lacis as they exist, which would seem to be corroborated by the late order of Gen. Hutnside prohibiting private letters Iroin cotuiug South. « Ihe feeling in New York city is particularly intense. As an instance, an order hid come Irnui Washington lor the arrest of lion. BcnJ. Wood. Tbe maobal was debetl, and lold by V ernundo Wood that il Mich was tbe game the ad m in is i rati m intended to play, they would nitel -I II Divis on hill way ground. Mr. Howard w as telegraphed the lacis and the airest w as uol ultempied. I bis gentleman moreover stales i ti.il a feeling ol sadness and sol row set- iii-ti u.ioii a large mass ol llie people ol New York When tin* news ol the downhill ol charles ton niched them, lie was lull> sal foiled that Hie bauds ol ihe peace party would be greatly fIrenclbelied when pul ill posses.- Notice. from sal.I Ailintnislr'ilioii Tberelore, all pvrsoiis co.ireiued are hereby re quo .si lo-liow cause (if any t !*.-> Iitvr) why s id Ad nunirlialoi. on Uu* lirsi Monday lu Ainusl next, i bouid li •I a unary 22d, IN )*8 JAM EH IUGBSMI ru, ll. o. w e S TATIC OK UROfetUIA* WAVNk col N TV - I’o u I wlimii it may rouceiu : Wltciea-*, John M.Tik u. ol said Stale aud county of Glyim, applies in tin* Ordinary for Leilers of Admlnielra lion, with llie will annexed, on ihe eetu'e of HnerroU Sheffield, deceased, late of said county wild Male. These are, therefore, Incite and admonish, all aud singular lh«- kiuored ami creditors ol said deceased, to lie and appear ai illy office, within the lime lire scrim d by law, and show cause (If any tin y have) wny l.eilera of AdiuiulairailOii, with the K3r id silt till* the applicant. said deceasisl sliuuid not t of the A gfculleniun who receutly passed the Federal linca saya iho Democratic ladies ol New York have gotten ups magmticeui sword, ul u cost ol twelve hundred dollars, intended u present to General Lee. it will be sent to Richmond by some underground railroad, though it uiuy sbure the late ol ihe boots aud night gown ol President aud Mrs. David, which were forwarded by the ladiee ol B tllim w bit.ti were smell out aud captured by Gcuerul dcbeock. llie Yankee* Eudeavorlug lo Ciet Hid oi Ihe Blephaui. An intelligent gentleman recently from Nor lolk infonua the Richmond Examiner lb it the “conlrabutidb” arecrowdiug iu so lati up m in lury uutboriaes ul Four css Monroe that up expedition is getting out for Huyii. Five bun dred names have been uliciidy registered, aud it s* ibougbt that there are enough “coutrabaudu m ibeir lines there to complete three sbq Loads. The Yankees have lnllen upou this us an ex pedient to gel rid of Hie negroes, and have used ili means of pcrsuaslou to couvince them that li lyti is a peril ct land of milk and honey where case and riches await them. To mnn successfully practice this deception ou them we are told ibai they have broogbl on ul 1 tin c ay from Boston a negro speakei to paint the pto-ieUte* aud joys ol ii tyii, and lo iucile them in emigrate there, fnia uegro spoke lo th "ci.ntrabaiidi” both ui-Fortrcrs Monme am Yorktown, announcing himselT “a member o* the bur of Boston, where be had made his tw hundred dolun s every week ” He argued that the “South was bound to whip iu this war, aud .tun the only place ol refuge lor ihe black was lu H iyii, where he was free aud sale Irmn .ho while uiuu." fils exhortulious bad u dg cided etlect ou the poor, ignoiant blacks, aud ihe result ol each lecture was the aUdiuou ol several bundled names to the Uol ol emigrants fur llayti. _ Tits FNiOhCEMENT of TUB YANKEE CON SCRIPTION Act —The King of the Yankee* s go ling frightened at the demonstrations ugaiust the conscription act,and has determined to let i: go by the board. A Washington dispatch, dated ihe loth, says : i'here is reason to believe that the execution of the coiiscsipuon act will be indefinitely post poned. ll was adopted as a meaus of urecuu- lion lo meet eiiiergeucies. The opinion bat- bieii openly expressed, by the highest auihori- ti'*s of the Government, that the armies already •n ihe Held are amply sufficient, und all that will be necessary will be to till up tbe depleitd tegi- tneuts by recruiting Firing—There has been pretty heavy tiring last biglii and this uioruitig in the diresliou ol New iulet. We burn that th»* firing was from ihe blockaders and directed at certain steamers hound lor ibis port, the steamer Murgarel and Jessie, Capt. Wilson, crossed New Inlet Bar ia-,1 nighi ul 9 o’clock, und the Confederate steamer Mcrnmue arrived up here thia loreuoou ul o'clock, having got iu iblH moiuiug aud Rept on up to town. Both vessels were re pcuedly tired at, hut escaped unhurt. The Bieunier Clou lesion, Capt. Walker, has been beached between the “Anderson Battery and “Gatlin Batteiy,” some miles uorth ol New Inlet it is hoped that she may be saved, al though three blockaders are tiring at her. She lies under ite protection of Hie batteries. F. 8.—The following dispatch from Fort Fisher, received a quarter alter ten this lore- noon, informs us ol the salety ol the Charles ton . MtMrs. Fulton d: Price— The steamer Charleston, which was beached Ibis morning, got afloat aud is now safe lUside the bai.— Wamingten Journal, 23<f. From the Trans Mississippi. —We are de- i'gnted to learn Irom au officer ol Geu. Price’s •t«tf. Bays the Jacknou Mit-sissippiaii, that Hie -*rmy in lbs Trans Mississippi Departiueui is improving iu a most gratifying degree—that ihe country is not destitute ol provision^, as beietolove represenletf—aud ihat' the troops “fe, in many respeeis, in a belter condition than those in Mississippi. Uubouuded eoiiti deuce exitis in ihe new lommuuders, and a hopeful and chet-rlui couflduuce baa been rein- s'aien. We expect ere long lo hear news, as is news, from ike Tiaus-MisaiBetppi.—L'ulambus the lights befi-re ue, we eaiiiiol help regarding at baud. Port mutely our pre parations lo meet ibis laal deaperule umve ol the eueuiy remain uudisliiibed. Hi- uncertain inovcinafns deceived iiolmdv to au extent that iu the least decreases tltll' ciWltidence as lo Hie null. ^ Yankee Operation* ou the Holder. We have recently met and conversed with a geulieuiau who ban "I late had an opportunity of wiliieaiug some ol the operaliouh ol Liueolu miuions iu ihe counties bordering ou the I’o loimu*. This gentleman euuie through bum Baltimore, and w«i« detuiued several days at Harper’s Kerry and Charlestowu, Irom which latter poiut he succeeded in running tin* k ide, ami made his way safely into our i. He says that a proclamation lias been issued by order of Gen. Scheuck, requiring all petsous iu Loudoliu uud Jetlersou colliiltes lo take the oaili, or lo be sent out of the enemy’n Whilst at Harper’s Ferry he saw the oath administered lo children not over four- leeu yours of age. Al Charlestown they had just established a Provost Guard, aud il was expected that all (life inhabitants there would be nquired lo lake the oath or leave their homes. Duriug the stay of our iufortnunt at Harper's Ferry, a number ol ladies from Balti more passed through ihul place who bud been expelled fruiu their homes ou aceouul of their Southern sympathies. Aiuoug those was Mrs. Dunham, of New York, whose husband was lor long lime imprisoned ul Fori Warren. With three small childreu she was forced Irom her home, and when she arrived al Harper’s Ferry with great difficulty that she could oh- taiu pel mission lot hernui.se to.accompany her. It umy be somegraiiUcatioii to the enemy to know that this lada and her hushuud areuow boili sale iu Dixie Many ol the ciliz *us ol LouJoii aud Jetl r sou were beiug arrested by ihe Yan keo cavalry and tukeu to H irpor’s Ferrv. b une days ago they visited V.iddlehurg aud arrested and rled oil about sixty cit ems,and in Snlckeisviile scarcely a male citiXMi’was Jell. The whole labor ol l hat section of the Slate ho-been enticed or loiced away. Some dve or six uegro women who left Charlestown aud speui the wiu ter in YWLinglou, huve relumed perlecily satis lied with their experience iu a laud ol Ireedoin. these report Ihul many others would icluru il allowed to do bO. A few weeks ago the enemy’s cavalry we to the residence of Mr. fhos. Weal,a tanner Jt-tfursou, aud lorced Ills scivauts all to lea' They also look with them a little d ole Her Mr W. At lust accoums she h i«J not been covered. — Richmond Dispatch. Siarvulluu Ml llie Noiilli. [From the New York Freemuii’a Journal.) We see the tools ure once more c.iuHorline themselves with th boiilh. Just to couiloil their i atikee gi/./.urde, we will republish a passage Iroui » pkintei it Georgia, who wrote us a letter lb it we publish ed m the Freeman ol March 23, lsi.l “By the middle ol May, il we choi Kxicuhlve preparaiions am making in the Noiib lo resist Ihe enforeemeiil ol Hie cm script law. The. ouly thing that will enable Lincoln lo enforce it at all, will be a decided succes- mi some battle ttMd, either at Vicks burg. Middle Teuiieshee, Virgluia or North l/aridilia. blmiild In* be lolled and defeated al any ol these puiuts, its enforcement would be impossible, and tin* prospects of peace greatly enhanced. It would, he Hunks, be unwise, impolili and iiuloiTiiiiale Im the Roiitheru pres.-, or boil hern slaiesuieii lo do any net or couducl tlicmbelveq. in sin b a manner as to cast contumely or re preach upon Ibis glowing peace party ol the North, -neb, for instance, as has louud utler- mice in some of ihe Rrchmond papers. I heir p.i'ii mu it piesenl is a delicate one, haviug the poweia ol the Goveruuieul aud the Abolition- ..i- i.i contend ag.iiii’ 4 !, coinbined with a niuull •n ol their own party who hive gone- oil wiili siicli meu as John Van Boren and lliady, ,v York, uutler the desiguaiion ol* Union ,r H.-iuocials. ll left miassuiLd by re- jes and hard words Irom us, the Ici bug ol hostility luilwceu ihe Democrats and^Aboli tionists will soou become tuoie inleiise lliail that which exons aguiusl ihe rebels. Ihe ad- minisir iliou ol Lincoln is deuoiiuced Ire- ly and lihetally ill UliiueiBlired lenna, aud H is believ 'd dial outside pressure will lore.' hint to con ic an extra sessiou ol Congress, more espe- lly il he shall lind the culoivemeul ol the •tibcripl law impracticable. 1 >ka ru or R. F. Dixon, Ksq—The hi mining liiiiiouucemenl ol Hus melancholy event leach by telegraph this morning. A simil-o dispatch received by a member of Ins lutuilv Iasi night slated lhal the deceased on Thursday barged Forde, one of his clerks, and that oil erday Hie latter met Inin oil the street ami killed him. In intellectual endowment and so cial standing, Mr. Dixon was one of'the first meu iu Georgia. The universal popu larity which these qualities, combined with a generous and a liable disposition and pleasing eis, won lor him, has devolved upou him irious puhln M ills. When quite a yoiiih be made Secretary of ihe Senate iu ihe Gem Legisiuiure; suost queuily he was elected lo ihe House ol Repre-eiLaiives iu the same body Irom this county, aud still more receuily lie choseu Clerk of the House in theGouleder- Jougress. — Columbus Tunes. have Itlsh potatoes sujjlcient to leed all oui people. First ol June we cau h ive uew floui iu your New York market. Same mouth peaches aud apples. Middle ol Augu-t ou tield-fei mature.-; that falteus everything, Irom a rat up. By the middle ol Seplciuher come Indian corn and sweet potatoes * * * and yet a Southern larmer, with,ill these great provisions, looks upon them a- no food -t -.ill und when referring to hia staples uevvi includes these”—but ouly bacou uud corn ol various k *By all kiuJ ol means, let the Yankee'got roost on ihe peaks ot ihe White and ol ih Green Mountains, and try to keep from lie r.m while waiting lor Hie Smith lo stui ve mil, o their fertile savannas' Aid lei the New i m dailies jingle their bells, uud cock ibeir fools caps uud amuse their Yai kee crowd wuti ideas! Ouly thiuk ol it! 8ix weeks Irom im Southerners eating uew potatoes, and gnmlmg new wheat—aud New xmk daily sheets—H aid, Times, Tribune—gloailug over the idea Wouicu aud babies of llie South siarviug! From the Bah—We leuru Irom Mori Island lhal the Keokuk is lust settling in the qiiicksiuds where she sunk, uud that In reli? und smoke slack have also disappeared. All efforts lo raise her will piobubly be aba dolled. Observations lor I be past l wo d.i show u cousideiable stir on board the I round Her masts were beiug raised, and, in couuecii with other inovemeuis, seemed io mdicaie In tent ion to proceed to sea. li was rummei yesterday that llie whole fleet ol iron du were about to sail lor Mobile. Another repi was circulated that the Fricseon Floating li l«i y had appeared oil the bar Friday morning with Ihe object, as was supposed, ol making all attempt to raise the Keokuk. The Ian i port doubtless arose liuiu the appearauce the ironsides in getting ready to sail. Charleston Courier, of Saturday. Tub WubatCh ip.-We were glad to obiter duniig atrip to Athens aud back, that Ihe wheat fields along the lilies ol the Georgia Railroad, via Uuiou P nut to AHo-us, uppeir to be iu a healthy aud most promising coiidiiiou tti to color and slate ol grow b, and that the prospect is fl ulei mg for au abundant yield. The same good report couu-s up Iroiu other portions ol tbe State aud country, uol the in | iluehce is already being left in ihe decline ol I flour Let the people be p Aleut, and trust to 1 lt ,e fructify lug showers and geuiul sunsliiue ol I Heaven for that plenlifuluess which will d id I deu their hearts, and break the *•••' i those worse lhau Liueolu soldic ! less extortioners RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE, Ac , APRIL 25, ’U3 Per Central Railroad l»4p*» c.tUon,TJfl sk* coiu and mdze To J Feely, F Brewer, N W fluvii. < Hp H Muorc, Dr McDaniel, it Habersham, W M Davlu so !, T J Walsh, WAR Mcuilire. H K i hrlsiiau. D Touruer, U « Johnanu, Behu A Foster, W P Round- ure. J T Coleman, u il tioi'eunacK, cnainpmii & Freeman, J Uari. Cap MB Milieu, WF t'liapliu. Gross, Barber A Co. u Reuueau, Mra W V\ Guidon,.I G Howard, B F Will I deu, Dr »» niUr. A H Muller ( apt U D D Twig's, J H Hoberta, L J Gullmarlln Mrs K N Crofts, Capt N B Brown, Major Un ke, *ia. 11 Hirsrh, Tisou A Gordon. A Borrbert. C P W ilcox. K.-v S Landrum, Dr H W' Klimtl, l<-v Burke, .1 Hoi combe, W KLoiig. t'upi H M Davenporl. ' 8 H«g-*r. Mi Lpur, Msj G M Brow n T It A -I G Mills Giv* n Ulmer my hold hii-I olllckd signtAiire. tins I „ rib did, In.:: .1A MR.'S UH.ll.sMmi. Uiar25 llwputy Oi iuary J I A I'l^ OF LMIlK.IA, WAYNK »Til NT\ * To all whom il may co c.-rn : Whereas, John D. Kiiiupli, Adinliiiplrator up.»u ihe esiaieof .losepli Mauuiiig, deceased, applies l.ir LetU re ol DisminHuu limn Uu adlilliiisiiulliili of said eslutu. Thereforu the kindred and creditors of said deceased e hereby cited and HdiuoiusUed to tile their objec tions, if any they have, in my ollice ill lenuaol Ihe ' i«. otherwise letters dlninissory w ill liegianled llie ppiicanl at tbe .September tetiu next of the c'ourt ol Ordinary l -r said county. will OFFIcit. i a (.me liAii.it Dill, A in 11 I I, ih; : .Moiidnv. Ihe *201 It insporialioii for -e and one Hurd |n t'iaiitsiiion. IVcgrocs, MULES,JVAGONS, '!.< KOli ^ \ L.F. f KraC’arSH Wain Wright, d< ceased, laieof said • ouuly, are hereby notified and required Io present them, |Moperly at- inideralgned. within the time preset ih- vd by law; aud all perso.ie indelued lo said deceased re In-reby required lo make immediate payment to ,je uu*leisigned \\ ILtaY KNOX, Adiil'r. Match-'Id, I Hi'). maili ^ I’Y -All persona haviug demands against Joliu K night, deceased, laieof said iouuly, are hereby no- liej and required lo pre «*ul them, properly allesl- I lolheuiiU reigned, wuhiu llie lime prescribed , law: alidad p rsons imleliled I • said deceased are n-by required lo make imim-di tie payuieut lo Ihe jcersigntal. 't his Al r b Aid, lNi J. rnarib -I iMiPIl >. MORRIS, Adm r. ^TATEOK If ICO KOI 4, WAY MR cut .Vi’Y. M oil per ona having deuiand-i agamat Robert -I. right,d -ceased, laieof said eoiiuty, an: hi reliy 1 and r< qmred lo nreseiil llteui, propeily al to the iindeisl»ne<l v w illnii the time prescribed l>) law; and all persons iiulehl.d lo ssiu diavased an- her by r« q ill red to make imuiediate payment lo lha lindereigiu*d. V\’*l.KY IvNoX, Adui'r^ Maie:. 31. IU n'I. niarli ^ ^TA'fK OF 4a~tC4M(44l~%« WAYNdi COHN1 Y. Two luonibs alter the da «• hereof, upplicalion will be iu «de lo i lie Court ol Ordinary of said coiiuiy for leave los II lois of Imd numbers tw » hundred :M'd lit» eight (-Tid) and l wo hundred and titty seven L* Ol JO efii of the heirs and Creditors ol ssidd ceaseil. Thu* Marcu «1, IN,; W1LKY KNOX, uiaiti Aduiiuisiralor. / ' buitbia, LtTu iGTKx i;«T)N'IT.- VI To all whom It majs eonceru : Whereas, Joliu Delk, Administrator on the Kstate ol Edward C. Duke, laieof said eouuty, deceased, makes uppliiai lion for letters of Dismission born said Administra tion, these are, therefore, to cite all persons inter ested, to be aud appear at my olfice within Ihe time prescribed by Ihw, to show cause, If auy they haw, why Letters of Dismissiou should uol Ih* grained. Witness lion John W. Harrell, Ordinary of sail ’Ouiity, tills October fitli, lHd*J. ud In It. A PKKPLRH, D. C. C. O. G KOlfcCl.t, I.OMMIFS (OIMI Ui. .1. and Janu s Willson, AJiulniblrulo s oil the estate of J. s. N. Willson, deceased, having madcap plicaiiou lor Letters ol Oistulsaiou irom said Admin isiraiorslnp, These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and caedilors of : aid deceased, lo snow cause, if I hey c;»u, wlthiu theliur • prescribed by law, •vkiv L« iters of Dismission should uol be granted * said applicant. Witness my baud, Nov. 10th, IHtl‘2. uovlS _ J.,W. ilAHRKLL, O. L. f 4 UntNINriIA'rVH’N HALK.-Hv vitlur A 1 an order from the Court oi Ordiuary ol lsiwudes c unity, will be sold ou the flrst Tuesday in April u< xt, at the i ourt lions-* door iu said eouuty, between Hie legal byu--* «**'«»l®. jaitnf Uml 107. iu 11tD district of said couutv, belonging U e tate of Francis Jones, deceased, •mat'I MITCHELL J.iNBS, Adin’r. it*. K»HUU, EFPINI,ilAin CllllNl V. All persons havug demands against Daniel red lliirty three linrou.Vaid, Liquor, Balt. Kuirar, Hyrnp, Tallow ami Wool will be classed as second class poods and charged foi arcordiugiy. G J. 1 LL'ON, nprlfi dAtwtlw General Hiinerluieudent. Notice. ORDNANCE DKI'DT. ( NaVaNNAu, March 2d, 181)3. 1 ty^^^The hlghesi uiaikci price w .ll he pud for I wo ihuiisaml MNb pounds o. care fully dried Moss, delivered at the Arsenal. A. T UUNNINOIIAM, marJT-lm 1st Lieut. Art in d Ord foind c Depot. I)’ liable I I oilaiion, Ul • nd rtfiyanrws l a,, ii.il, ; art n i w i iiigh "kh .'ifeeltvi, ■) co< il judges voud 11 luting .i ham ci'illHy, Police. »r^ The fraclional sli irea of Stock issu ’d by lie Savannah, Albany A liti'f Railroad Company, for iub rest on iiisiulineiils paid prior to the Isl of August, InYT, w I Im* paid to the bold-rs tlicrcor ou piesuulaliou at llie Company's ollice, D. MACDONALD. nnr2d Ijn _Ti«asurer,_^ CONFEDERATE M’ATlMi.' AMKI.'b A. , Navy Dki*\i«twknt, Ricbmoiid. Maicli 2-1, |Sd2. 1 A Board ol olfice s will convene duMng this or llie next mouth lor the < xamlna- tiou of Acting Midshipmen, when they will he exam billow s : us*.—Upon Navigation, Peamaushlp, Naval Tactics, Naval Gunuciy, Sleuiu &1 icuiuery Modern Languugu*, Draw ing uud Drafiing 2d Class.—Upon llie same branches, hilt not so I'lcally. :ui Clays —Fraelical Heamarfship, Naval Gunnery, Naval Tactics, Mat hematics, Ethics aud English sill ies, French, Diawiug and Drafiing. 41 li Class.—M'llheuiulies, Exireiseof Great Guns ul Nnuill Aiui|, Klines, und English b udien und Drawing I’huse who have just entered theserv eealler i us ing the Medical Kxamiualiou, will <-xio'>li in the Board i I Examiners evideur.-s of good moral cliaru ter and must be able to rend and write well, write from dictation, and spell w('li coirecti e**, and per form theelemeiitury ope utions or arilliiiietic, vi/- Niiiui-ration and adnilion, siiln tractiou, uni ti plica I urn and division of whole numb- rs. K. R. MALLORY, nui-r jm Btcrelary ol llie Navy. W. B. Thomas |A 11H NISII UN SII list 11III e at nis Olfice, lbi Henderson's hide i ALo ket, iu t 'itVuli*i or I ... . .’oiilederale Slates Ik* cripis coining lo Ibis city will please call on him. doora West of Mi lalilishiuent, opposite H J2A-: M, .T. Solomons, COMMISSION MERCHANT, RAY HTKBF.T, (Olfice formerly occupied by Messrs. O. Cohen JfcCo.) MfaoliciU Couttignmeuls of Froducoaud Msr (i Baylor & Co., NEW ORLEANS AND LONDON, NGiioTIATUili, OF MERCANTILE CREDITS AND CONNKCTIONS IN" KUBOPK. L OANS I fleeted in England, France, Germany and Be giuut. upon Co tun, I'obaeco, and oib i Boui beru securities. Kemiitaiices made tu London hereby ... them, properly si , piesciihcd bylaw. And all imli bled to ssld deceased are hereby rgqulr make iiNyiuei.i to Ihe iiiidersigned. Haueny, ol baialiliall. Remslnil, deeeaseu, 'ale of said conuty, mil ill d aic required tested, w It III ti I lit* marKi Adralulatruti <iUABpU(kM^Lji. B V vlnueol an order from the Court of Ordinary ».r Mc Intosh e-muty, will he sold ou tlie firsl i uesday in May, lsbJ. al the Court House door iu Darien, McIntosh eouuty, Is-lweeu Ihe legal hours or I.I land, contlining three hundred lid revel'ly uer-'H, umre - r less, lying and being In Me luiosh county, one Lot ol cattle and two uegro girls. Catharine and Mary Ann, aged ten and twelve years. Sold lor the bcuefit ol the orphan* of Llli le Davis. Darlei laud I) ofTiidlniiry ell the negroes au-i • lute Air Fatricu Cun an Address C. G. BAYLOR, Allania, Gu NOTH 'K ^ |\TY (lays alter dale ap,iin ^ iu lb* linuorable the bin bam County lor leave to sen •-» •e iu Bulloch Count), be onglug lo Ibe esime oi Vm s intuiel, deceased. NVM. C. DANiltLL, marlO Administrator. jIAfK OF BFUltl.lA, tllAi.tA.il O CtiUNTY, -Sixty day? after date, applidallOu III be made to the ilonoiah i hatliam county l<»r leave a I estate btflougilig id Mis. Aun ( mraii. * [ Administrators, mark; _ JuHN RYAN, i S TATE OF LKUHOIA, t'HAillAitl COUNTY.—To all whom U maycoucem wa. ie Emily M. Bymons will apply at the Court of u. dinar* l jr Letters id xdiuiuirtraiiou on the eat -t oi I, ,1m J Symons, late ol Chatham county, dm eased. These are, therefore, to cite amt adiuuuish an wuom it may concern, lo beahd appeal before end ’*' make objection (il any they * *' nisi Monday iu May hex ter a will be grauted. \N i ness, D.imiiilck A. O Byrne, Ordinary liani coll ill y. ibis *td day id Atsren,, InH m:i,21 DO>11 Nil.'K A. U BY UNE, t X A TK OF BKOKUIA, (TI ATH tHl COUNTY. To all whom il may com as, William H.Cuyler will apply ui ihe« nary for Letters to Admini-nation on n Jane M. CUyler, lair ol said county, uei are. Die rebut*, to cue a lid ndiiiuutah all concern, lobe aud ap.-ear belure said l u'-jecliou (il any they have) mi tu be Mmidav in May uexi, otherwise said I granted Wituc-ss, Dominick A. O’Byrne, Ksq. Ordinary I tint ham County, this Jst day ,^y RNi6 t, O c. imM lUD'K A ^ COUNTY.—''I’oall whom il may couceru When as, Geo A. Cil ler will apply al the C. diuarv for Leller* ol Ailmiulstra n»n oil Hu eslalt of b. Brick Parkman. late of t hatbaiu emuty, de- make ohjei Ural Mont will be graulet .'Byrne, Ksq., Ordinary IU day ol April, 181.3. 'froMl.Nlch A U’Bk HNE. " e r -Atlanta 1 \nnmnnuv ilth. healt- j Ij0~ Aie all traders aware that the poppy, ■ | addition to ihul most valuable me In on'. “I'ODi lt»r which no sobsiiiu e tau be lound, utbndr i uailtl >Utk • Xeelb ill oil Im l STATIC OK (i KUll li I A) CHATHA11I n COUNTY to ait wuoiu i umy \N nereas, William Humrr will apply al th. ordinary lor Leturs of Admiu-airalbn. — Ihe estate Imllmiu eouuty, tlafdiug, lale ol Ttiese are, tberelore, to cite and atlmoulsh all wiiuiu it may couceru, U> be aud appear Indore said Court — make objection (it auy they have) ou or la-fore the llunilay tu May next, otherwise saql letters * be granted. . .... , Witness Dominick A.O’By rue, kaq . Ordiuary for Cbiillmmcuuniy, this twelfth day bi JM itmi I t DoHINIi 'K A O b\ IL TATE OP fiEVHUIA CIlATHAEl sc of Ordinary for L< to J. R. AMANDA G. KBM8UART, JOHN T. HOW LAND, COMMISSION MERCH&NT GENERAL AGENT, ATLANTA, EEJHBIA. _niariq 2a w FIIK-ill liKOIIM* RICE FLOUR! 141R table use, bonstaiilly on band, lu barrel* or 1 iu sacks. io hiiIi. purchasers, lit 15c. per Ih., at the F 'REST CITY FLOUR MILLS, corner ol Coueress and Montgomery slreets, Savannah. maitti -t.tliAs-tf oir(>i J of Fresh Usirden Seeds, 111: iv NI.GbOKS Wanted. ASS'T 1,11 ARTKRM ASTER'S OKFP 'K, I bavannaii, March l.H, lytut i %V A N I I* Ik imineiiKilcI), llipty negioea as team- v V siirs and lalmii rs foi ibis Depai iiueut. Wanted. ORDNANCE DK OT, r|UllCbn W hitut.i Savannah, A T i UNNINGHAM, 1st Lieu) Art andordnsneo, \ I* in nislied House lo lU ni, A FI KMSH Kll IIOUSK, in the nlral pari ol tbe cit, -. iV.-miI no i«-ot, as S I lit • na leaving the ilfice id GKO VV WYLLY rn City Taxes. (Yl \ TUKA*'I null's OFI II.’E, [ Savannah, Mnicli 2, IHW. t Mill*. illulersliiluHl .s nun le.uly lo receive tin* pay i d excciilioiis inarlU—tMl t ly rreHaurer iliailiam s U|M*rior (ourl, JANUARY TERM, 18113. W ill:II I AS, K K lieu Henry li. Washburn, • • ill'um II May. Tliouni* I. II ird. n. Ur. Kll elm Parson*, Samuel I* t'aliiier, J.diu l.'lc pman, Philip Ponllaiu, J ilin Ri ' lung. . Del ll . foily dollar*, Augustus V’llllam F B ker. h,. C. Jolinauii, It Adam . I aim-** Wtisoii, Donald M. Him ii oi ed lo attend llie present January Term 'ouri, ii- iVlit -luiori, have made default for ii, li is ordered Dial limy be fined each In Die LWi Uiy d dlais. Unless lUey file g-io.l and cillfieient cause of exms im or before Ibe first day of llie cirt Term AUiuinlslrallir'^ Sale. oT»TK <l»f WAVNtt COHN TV O Ou .be llimi Tuesday iu May uext, will be sold ul ill *1111111 House door ill snul ( imply.within tbe lawful hours of sale, lot of land umuln ' ‘ ~ ’ iweutyseveli (U27;, lu the county ; sold as *tjc proper!. Ian, di ceased, for Hu*iK*nefll ot the heir* and credl toi* oi said decea ed Terms made known day ol sale. This March 5th, two hundred hlU -olid district of said rly of Andrew J. McClel tdiululSiraior'M sals. fcjTATK 4kF 4JK*»Hfi«A, WAYNKf’OUNTY. o on Ihe first T rsday ill M-'> li lt, Will be sold al Hid Com I House ,1 i.-r m -aul cotiuly, witblu llie lawful boms of sale, 2H0 acre* of laud, more or less, l<ari ol lot ol land No. ninety-three ('.W) hi the Second )i*iricl ol said county. Sold as the property of Gillie Rovers, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and •editors ol said dec. ased. Terms made Known on ie day ol Hale. JAMES M AKT.’OOL, Adm' Mart b Mil, 1 Skill. mturfi \oiice lo Di-lxors aud Credliora. L l l. per HUB indebted lo Ihe estate ol George W stoteebuiy, Isle o' Smveucounty,dHcessed, art .. rt-hy rnjuir d lo settle the same; aud those hiving demands against said estate will present them, duly authenticated, «o as to show their character and nouut to the under* gned. within the lime pr ribed by law This Api I117, lrli'l iprlB 1* h'1'.O'l''KSBUHY . K'Cceu'or. NOTtOfc: A LL persons having demands against the estate iV of Mrs. Rli/.al>"th Port, late of Wayne count/, ai*- requested to hand them in ; und all persons debit'd to said estate lo make payment to ri:| J. M.TISON, Ex i Notice. l FOIf 4.IA LI IIFKTV €OH^TV.-All I uereoiis having demands against William D deceased late of said country, are hereby ^tiiii-d and required to present them, properly i •sled, u> tr ‘ ! “• * — ‘ I by law; i tested, to the undersigned within Ihul me pi iy law; aud all persons indebted to said decet hereby n quired to make payment to the in gued. F. H. LYONS. Rice boro* Apr I 8,1888. Qualified Admitilslrainr. Notice. O N the first Tuesday in May next will lie sold, Ih fore tin-Court Roil e door in Wayne niunt y, Ih tween Ibe ueiiti bo rs of sale, the following I'd land*, to wit Lot No -It uud lot No Ml, each i taming 4ytl acres more or less ; also, one luipr- nienr known as tbe Dawglas iiaprovsmeut all si led, lying an being iu the Id District of Wayne county aud sold as the properly of Dau el D. Davis, late or Wayne county, deceased, aud sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of said deceased. HENRY and JBIIUE H. DAVIS, aprd Kxifiitors. MILLS HOUSE CHARLESTON. S. C. It nil t in ISM nnd fund he.lryuai tinny in the Vnlttd Sta/--J, turner of Mrrtimj un,U tfoem •/reef THUS. Jk No KRHSON, ♦ . ap'J -loaKPB Pl'KSKLL, f ^ r0 P r, ‘* , Kelly Will apply at I ni(UU|(Sllutlo.> (. used. txpohTATiON uF Labor.—Ihe New York lier.ud has au editorial under this heading, In ' *h»cb a iqentKkns that live huudred negroes »ud eveiy farmer pUm* H.c-p « •; ■• ••• * i »*re to he sent to llayti by ihe Admiulainuiuu. ulunll ex'ent, we shall eecuie opitim “‘Dm •• m i ihib it saya iB wiouil, the negroes will be need- lor *11 demands ol the army and the c. no ry, ( <*1 alter ibe war io cUltivoie coiton. “We aud uiay also add luridly to our supply ol M**' 1 don’t want lo get rid ol il. n»Ea“ r9 i but ol .tbe nil- l be poppy aud bent* yield oil equal to tne i L; EE®r-beads. M i best Floience or Lucca oil. ouuly. d ii-. to cite anil aduio.iish ail . to be and app-ar Indore said make obj-ctiou ot any they have) on or elore the first Monday in Juue pext, Otherwise *id lettem will b«* granted Witness. Dominick hulbam • ount v aprt: b ^|Vi£ nuudied batbel* *’slt in store and lor 1 oy [deexi—If) *■-“•■**'•-’* L-o-ci. . 0 Byrne, Oidinary lor Didayol April, lab-'t. Du.MlNb K A OBYRNR,O.C.C. • RaMPIUN A l HUE.MAN. New Books. RDNANCK .lltNIJAL FIIK 18U3. Malian's Peruiaiunt Porlitlcations. (lot it oil with plates,) Tbe American Union By James Spence. Also, More Almanac* for UuH- The Judge AdvocaU-'s Yade Mecaim. Heci 1 /edsnd | for *ale by E KNaPP A. Cu.. mar5 West aide Mouumcat Square CONSIST I MU ( Beets, Ohbbape, C.’arrot, t'atiiiflower, Cucumber, K\'y I Mailt. Kale, Leek, lettuce, Muskmclion, Kadisu, Hoinadi, Tomato, Farly Duteli M uriiip, Just received by Ihe way of tin: blockade; for *alu )- John B. MOORE. Druggist, m4riH UIMkhii 1 Range NEW BLOCKADE GOODS KOjt GENTLK.MKN’.-S W1SLA.K. FIIFN4 II Cassiinerv for Genie suit* English Tweed* U‘lie Navy Flatire) Brown Linen Duck for Summer sulis Plaid rollonades «; 4 Bl«( k Cased in ns Gents’ Oxford Tie Shoes For sale by And, Whutcas, George J ildliert, i Innb s L Lodpe, and Adam Ike hensieiu, Alonzo Day, Ma iinniuku iltuullloii, W. ll. Ferguson, Alim R Wriglil, lleury C. Frecmsa, summoned lo attend llie prudent Term of said Court a* Talesmen on ihe l*u il Jury for the (rial ol cornual nisi s, have made nufauli fur Du* Toriu, it la < rdvrud fitt'WirJr w *•«••!• BMir-jKrxfJsatrJss.- of excuse on nr In-foie Hie firsl day of the next term or Ibis Court ; and, whereas. M. D Levy, talesman, made default on the.‘11*1 ol January.lHiW; uml, where as, James R. anuid mul Charles F. Preston,talesmeu, made deiaull ou ll u 2d -'Id, I'b and 5 b ol' February, I Hit; uml. wbereui, Isaa*' D. La Roche, 'ulusiuau, CENTRAL RAlLIIOAJ) OW*®* , MUHNiB. la*.. April 2d l*63 | CMANGE OF BCH4ftwX.fi. O N and after Muuday, April Blh, 1883, 'ihb trato* mi tin* Road and braucheH to Auguatk and haiouion will ruu a* follow* : DAILY DAY ‘J'lUJM. lAiave Havannuh - * Jf* Airlvo In Marou 5In 1 Leave Macon SJSt’Sl Arrive In Bavannab •:•••••••• i % * r ‘ ■* DAILY NlGBTTRAAW. *u Leave Muon 2 n« a* M Arrive in savannah... - - • • • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN -HA VAWHAii AND M1LLKN, onnectiiig flally with Night Train to and from Aa- gusia, beginning AprH-SIh. .eav»* Httvanuah ’ ^ J* ‘S^iliSL""" TWEEN AUGUSTA AND MiLLKN. _ 4 (5 26 A. M. «6ttA. M. xsaP.M. 6.14 P.M. 680 P. M. «.B6 P.M. AllgllSIH. in Milieu.. Milieu Arrive in August* An ive in ^11 lieu.. Leave Milieu Tr Airlve in Aagusu 0 08 A * “• GORDON AND MATTiNlDN BHANCH- relive Kaumlou..., aiiivu in Uordou. Leave Gonlon Arrive iu Katontou Mlilodgevlllo and ....11.(0 A. M. ..IM P. M. .8 60 P.M. ll.WNigbU 1 iMgatoAJrilV Day Trains ’ from Savannah a&d Adgflata, and Night Trams''from Macon, ixigbi Tralu lioui bavannab and Aogoata connaota with ooutli weatern R. R. at Macon for Alomiy* Kulaula, FortGaiuoa aud lntermodiaio points: also, wub Macon and W. U. R. to AUaniaand Uio WoaL Day Tialn connects at Macon with B, W. and Mas- D«M R. K, to Columbus, aon«om«ty, Mobile M"t' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE - SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD O N aud alter Sunday, March ftld. 1883, lho4Jolnm- liun Mail aud PawtehK^r ltain will run an foi- lows; i itKTWKKN WACOM AMD OOLOMBU*. Leave Mncou at B “ S' S' Ant vo at i^oluttibaa at »• louxve Columbus al l 'J*‘“ Arrive at Macon at tt.w r. m. BKTWKKN MAOOM AMD 0BATTAMOOOMM*. Leave Macon 4 0 8U A. Arrive al Cliatlahoochce. Leave Chattahoochee.... Arrive al Mucou . Iu _ The Mall and Passenger TraUuMTr<m» Albany cou- nccl dally atHuillhvIlle, No. 10 B. W. R- H-. roafrOM H-ou U.lu.1. dully ut I'utUbdrt, wilb OtmtUbootbou .Mail Traiu. Leave Hinlthvtllfl at Arrive al Albany al lueave Allwuiy at At rive at Hinit hvlllo at.... lueave Cutbhm t al Arrive nl Fort Gaines at.. 'Lohvu Fort Gaums at Arrive al Culhbert at.... 2. Making the connection with thaapawddowwOhaie ^ UhiKiche- Mall Train. _ . _. _ . Train* to Uol am hut form a through oonnaaWBlO Montgomery, Alabama, and Aturnaia. F mlngUm, Havannah, MUledaevllle and .1 Post Coaches run from Aiofffcj t bridge, Thoraasvllls, Ac. Passeugsrs for r * llie Night trains f ... 4 88 P. M- ....7.80 A. M. ... 6.21 P. M. .!# 12.80 P. M. 8 08 P. M. ti.fiO A. M. 11.10 w. If. 2.66 P. M. 4.38 P. M. . 7.30 A. M. ,8.86 A. M. ytoTaUaNMBM* JBalR* its below Port Valley ahonldUkw iimuB uwA Augnsu and Savannah to avoid at Macon. Pot Colombo* take the Day - . ul „. Ian 11* <.n the -tin ul February, Ibfi'i, aud • '(* s. Gray, luli-smaii, mud • defiiult ub Die 6th il I* ordered tlir.t they lie ll ed earn |b llie iara lliallniu InlcriiM- (ouri, FEBRUARY TERM, ItpUi. W HICH I* AN, Joseph M. Haywood, Tmderlck Kreiisiui, D Lallirop, George it. Wilson and Cornelius D. Roger*, siiminmied *n allend Die pis* eui February Tt rui Cliaiumu Inferior i otirtns IV- Jurii!*, out tie dt-lsull; and whereas, GuttscuuIR ,wn, I'ciii Juror, iti.d W. J. tUudy, TulcHiian, ile diTunll im Hu- si i;iuii| day of the l .uiii (Foprna ry 171 ti>. it I* ordered Dial they in* liued Iwuuty dyl raaiHO UrniTI' A 1IOHOAN. CORN Two SACKS! Bushel, OSN ABU ns Cl . Dentistry. |>H, 4'LAHK would say lo bit palionr and ((lend* that ho Is Dow pre pared,bylhi-SH-islauceofpaaofthe i> una liMUiral lb niista lu our cooni it. give a* much slleutiou to tin* mserllon ol Aif ff f’lAl. TEETH as lie lias heretofore lo the oree.-i va lion ul Die km!uml one*. Uis patent ineUni I ips u-nlial May, wiili ri i* now lining used by •• 11 uu> best DenlixUi, iioin Norib and South, enables i uu prouniM* a more easy amt perfivrl filling plate 11 tu . ifcMBihly be made by iberommouand uucetiAlli piore*i ol unikiui' Di-*. Bylins no i hod Min (lie Is I tkni- illrerlly Irom the iiupreeslob of llie mouth, thus /ivini- us a die by winri. to fit our pistes as perfect is “ law itsell We are soronfidenl ill our ability loronstrorl a lar *• d more comfortable fit i me plate by this i.iel Urn. c n possibly Im* made by any oilier, that we will j \ guaiuuiee sveiy piste that .eaves oar office to come- . an to Just what wu say or else ll may Ite return al d j our loss. tf—altv 14 | Trunk Locks. A N assortment ol Trunk, Pad, Hoik aud Chest Locks, 10. sale by -INO. II DBPP1HU, a> ,i7 < lihbooa* HAOgc, Superfine Flour I loo spi13 n.e 1 tin hi -l duy ol lln* ; rset li mil ihe miuutc* mil and oiltlciuut exi lire, i of l HI tV AN STKKKi: NEGRO AUCTION MART. ' i: my house open. No. 108 Brj m stfeel, ei Square, Savannah.' Ga , lor llie sale* pf Ni*groes, privately and al auelio.i, on I uesdays and 'Iblirsdayaol every week 1 will sell all kinds of property at the Court House on llie Ar.ai Tuorday of Person* having propeily for sale more days not in* before lire day of •riy can be u Ivnrtlfed 1 also ttn-i mi no idai ion* im any nionher ol Negroes i rate price lor board anil I will ure every ma Ice quirk rale* and to Dip o.;ri advantag VIRGIL POJm* Engineer and Superintendent. "S»J5wtf» uemroutir--. Savamiali, ilkauy tud Wf Kaflr—i; , . , *» .-•i®j4 -t-. jl e»aii* 'XxjMS. aiiorieat and ffloal Bxpsdllloai iloaN tm Brunswick aud TAowanSVIIf#. 8a., AN tun alterTkiraMr,OmoMtletfc, U lbfut, the tars will Isave and'ran daily (Bondaya ext opted,) as loilowa: Leuvnhavaunnh at. *2.00 A; H. Arrive alThomaaiilleat.... 9.00 P.KL RETl URNINU. Lcftv* ThomaavlUs at ,/.6.0# A. M. Arrive at Savannah ...6.00 P. M. (’omnh.iiug |it McInUiah (Station No. 8, going West) on 'ftiesdaya, ’I’Uaradafratld' Bntordaya, wl» a lindRf coacnoa to Darien. Metuitilngoi) altarnatw ^connecting at 'Febeauville (No. 8) daily with tha cars fur Brunswick. • ('onnccting at ^ultuiau (No. lly) dally with A Una 0< coaches to Madison C. II., FI*. ., Conuocllug at Gioovoi 's (No, Yl) with a dally lln* of coaches ta Monti cello. Fla. -Arriving In tlmw Ur* rouuect with the ran to Tallabaseoo and BL Mark*. Fi eight Train* leave Savannah Maadayav Wednoa* days aud Fridays, at 6 A. M.; returning on Tuesdays, Tbursday* and Ssiurduyii at 6 P, M. N. II. Dduhlt! the regular rates will bn charged on all articles shipped by Passenger Tralg, atoapitog fruit, fresh meat, flsh, oysters, ana other pgnaimny artlc\e*. Freight by Passenger Traldahoifldbadj* llvered at the Dept at least one hoar before th# atait- • that tbe properly e A Ml'KV-NSON, Aiictloueer and Hrokci MENDEL. Cri . COTTON YARNS, l VX ^ FULTON, Supertntandant. t , II It LS. Superfine FI. sud lor sale by CLAGiioHN A CUNNINGUA Vt. lOOU Corn, Com. lir^HKIA Coro for sale by W. M. DaVIDSON. FOR HALE BY msi-91 IIl'!N If V l.tTII ;iOI’ A 4JD. BLUEFLANNELS III) PIECES BLl’E FLISNICLS, FOR BALE BY m ir.'l llRNIt Y LATIIKOFA CO tiiMBKit. i.nnu:ii, OF ANV J ) KSOlil P FION, ru it y in ii i: u ATTIIK MItf>nTiRRT NOTICE Apply in H. I. DICKERSON. or T. li. MARSHALL A BRO„ Or at Die Mill, Johnsou's Station, No 4t?, H,, A. J G. R R m I "1 !:a Ir*oi». VarnlBlx. FURNITURK VARNISH. J UA Kit ISL OF lift LN VAR.MHU; 2 1)0. NO 1 Kl'RNli 1' 1 ■ K VAHNISU For sale at JOHN OLIVER'S, ! )22 No. 11 ’Vlniaker street. Tea. cc Black snd Green Tea. For I.AnilMRN CUNNINGHAM AHAH OF SiflfiDItLfi OM GEORQ-IA ttAlLROAD’. GEORGIA RAILROAD, I AuavaPa, July 84,1889, f O N und after Sunday. Joly 97th, Sunday Day Train resumed on main Une, also Trains on Athana and W usluugton Branchas will ran to oonnaot until further notice. uuvs Atlanta ; 6.10 A. M. TSIB At lap w 7.16 9. M. h«gnsu.. MfiA.*. . AugOeta.'. 4.00». w. k aiuinni Augusta 6.04 r. K. Augusta 6.80 ax. Atlanta .8.91 P. X. Atlauta 2.06 a. x: Trains connecting with Wsshington and Athens Brunches leave Augusta at 6.46 A- MV, *ttd Atlanta at 6 10 A M No connection With Warrentou on Sun- * iy. Boleir Tiniu leaves Augusta 6.16 P. 11. Iy28 . " • * GRO. YONQR, Bup’t. -| j\ « best* • IU rale by apr8 Pests, Peas. W. hi DAVIDSON >7 pr UIIIA. and ha i et Flour For pale I. ipi8 CLAGBOBN A Flour. Family and Superfine INGHAM. SHIP k HESS W AN TED. r.i XIV orM ' XXIuEum. (while oeh; eldtiu* f)V f\/ inches and upwards. Apply to murll JJ KRENBoff A HAWKS), DVGUVtt RSTAILISmuilT. llbTABUSHBD U 1888.1 it amoved to 86 Drayton itrssi. soxtht oi Vork street, ussr tha late real lean* or the subscriber. milF Subscriber, grateMl for past favor*, bagu 1 leave U> lulorm Ida friends and th* uubllp gfinar ally, that he is uow prepared to Dye all Colon In tha beet style on Silk and woolen Orenaas, Shawl*. Ac.: also, Tahiti Covers and Crap* Shawl*.claanad and bleuched lu the best maimer. Ladles* Kid and Dow- skin Gloves cleaned In the bast Londonatf la. Tbe subscriber begs leave to state that he la nflW prepared to c.ean, bleach and press Ladle*’ Bonnatk*' aud Flats in the most fashkmabla sty Isa. Tama moderate. Gentlemen's Garment* Dyad *no Cli be required, In the same superior style i orally so well pleased his patrons and I past SI years. A. GA soirmaSS 7 ~ Spelling Book, T> l£lN4a an impiovement on the AmerWan Bds11» 13 lug lu<ok. By Noah Wehater'LL. D. Racsiy- • d and for sale by K. KNAPP A CO,, Weat aide Monument square. Powde*. I Keg FFFu iUflc Gunpowder. For sale by A W.M. DAVIDSON,