Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 08, 1863, Image 1

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.. ? .Hf3P*'" ?r me &*** VOL. XIV SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, DEC EM HER «, ISC,;;. NO. aili) ^tlovmui) jinn BY THEODOIIE BLOIS- tl. T. THOMPSON, - - K1IIT0K. 6ur Adviiiicnd KiiCon of Nil Irani Iptlon and Advcrilalii^, For six months |13 U) For three month* 7 0(1 For one month M m Fim THU Till WEKKl.Y FiPKIi For six mouth* . 00 For throe inontha 6 01 FOIl VUE WEEKLY Pi Pin. For tlx months 6 10 A 1> V EIlTIMNtl, Per square of ten link*, or spac occupied by that. many lines ol 110npurt.il type, two |)o(.i.a Kn tor each 1 iiBortlon. TUESDAY MOBNINU, DEUKMBEK S, lBdS. Cotton Burnt.-—This moroing (Mouday) be tween leu uiui eleven o'clock, u Iol ui Govern ment cotton, supposod to atnouui lo one hun dred nnd twenty-live bnlys, lying at While’s press, was discovered lo be ou lire. The ex-, cluiugtt hell promptly gave the alarm, and the liremtn were as prompt in repairing to the spot wiili their engines aud hose. The wind was fresh from the North-west, and the Haines spread rapidly from huh: lo halo until tho whole lot wart enveloped in Uauiefc. By the exertions ol the llreiuen the Haines were partially sup pressed, hut only to breuk out ugulu. They iiuitlly succeeded in extinguishing the lire, hut the greater portion, it not all, of the eollon will he destroyed. How the lire originated i o person euiihl tell, but it is supposed to have been the result of accident. The loss lo the Government will he about $40,000. In the sheds rlose by was a considerable qusulity of eotlou, all ui which was in d,mgcr ol being consumed. From Newbekn.—Wo learn Irom a source that we consider reliable, says the Raleigh Pro* gress oi Friday, that Butler has been to New beru aud returned to Fortress Mouroe. He was there two or three days the Ural of the past week, was leted, serenaded, etc. Wo learn Irom a geulleiuan right up Irom the lines that the “Boa»i” has shut down upou all returning lo Newbcru t.y our people. He suya that they shall not return even though they Luke the oath. These are pretty hard papers on thobu outsiders •vho uru anxious to get back, but we see no help lor it. . Among the patients in the Lnuallc Asy [ uiu at Mllledgevllle is the celebrated African Missionary and writer, Dr. Bowen. Since he bus been a patient he has written a Spelling Bonk atid grammar which have been published, and is now engaged on a work on Chemistry and Philosophy. Auotbcr patient is the poet Fitzgtbbou. The institution has three hundred aud loi iy ttimutes, a large per cent, ol whom are curable. Important Decision Under tue Confis vrtoN Act.—The U. States District Court lor .c Eastern District of Virginia has just decided tut it cannot limit the Rale ol rebel estates uu- nrlbu Cuullecation Act left ho term ol the uiLor’s lite ; that sucb limitation is not the la in ol the act of Cougrens, aud in the case ol ugh Lilbuiu, tho Court, by Judge Under- oud, ordered a sale and execution ol a deed in icjiy the sborill to the purchaser. A KMctt in Advance lor S.eueral Hardee. A*correspondent of tbe Atluula luudligeueer, remarking ou tbe‘appointment of Lieut. Geu. llxHDEE to Hie chief command of the Army ol Tennessee, is anx ious to protect him from the abuse which, in their turn, has been heaped upon all our distinguished Generals by tbe presses ol the New Yolk Herald aebool iu the Confederacy. Tbe writer Is evideutly warmly attached to tbe new eoinmuudei-in chief, lor whose fiake be pills 111 a plea in udvuuee to the luercy and lorbearaneo.ol those fearless news paper Generals and peuny-a-liuors who, if they have never exhibited their prowess in the Held aguiust the enemy, have by their Ignorant criti- cisms and persistent abuse played aad havoc with the military reputations ol our* ablest chiefs, lie says: A gallant and noble warrior, u true type of the military chieftain, accept* the mantle ol tho re liriug ofllcer. General Hardee assumes a tusk ’and position to day which, though oilier oUU-tjr iu ibuYiuiy, yet»..would not oe uu ., v tf,at position for the wealth ot the indies, With as captions a set ol accnrtvd and delesta- iru happily and honorably than any battledoor Xd shuttle- lilies, gamblers ^ whose name is legion, have beeu^doing with our leadeis buring the liinea past, we aulieipate lor our grand Templar, oflr veteran xavuller Hardee, llrst the jubi l int assent of the people, but the little cloud will come. Tbe Atlanta tburper will want a new excitement. The Richmond tibylock will mutter hla misgivings. The city editor will in- hiuuale. The exempt will cry out agaiust de lays. .The cosy, substituted extortioner will raise bis alter dinner table, and the storm w ill grow apace. At. la-t it wllltiirsi, and on our. nefo’s bead will descend Lhu ink blots’which scourged the mind aud eauterizod the very heartB td all who have preceded him. What an array ol sacrificed talent we have hidden away In'ou mausoleum. Seohow hearUcssly we have cru cill<d Johnson, Beauregard, Bragg; and ovei tlm unexeeptioiiahlo Lee has been probed to Hi quick with the and loved General, wo will •'take up the truncheon in jour defence, lor ba ot envy, spite, ina i'ce'Viiil the duiutiahle spirit ol uiiscbievou ’ lence which marks uur revolution w ,,h • I liell’o own .VIy dear bieud er pike u 1* the truuuicu^ ... „. _ „ HU . loo „ ( ,di, ; u patriot and gullaul a soldier to do nimbi else than lor the welfare of our Re- public. Sul ilio <Ht» mul comes liclurc my eye. when 1 try lo peer into the future and discover what showers of luk what teatus of uhit6e wliui tous' ul luultul pu[i«r will bo heaped ou your Ouvou-ii huad. J ct we believe you wiirilo more aud heller lor our graud army than auy in »d who has precedc.il you. Wearu willing lo Ml,at ill the cool and (IcUm raie generalship we k.iow you are ctfpablc ol, aud wloeh jt»u displayed on? bailie Helds, Butler's First Order.—Beast Bntler hav- iug eutered on his adralnistralinn of the Depurt- niHiit of*Virginia and North Cirollna, issued hia tiisl order as. follows, after the New Or igin* style : Rcpiesculatious having boon made to the i ’omtuandilig General that certain disloyally disposed persons within this dupa,linen! do oc casionally, try force, i terfere with, aud by op I8pprtah orrfspoi.nmo ot the Daily Morning News.) Georgia l.cgklatun'. brloiitnnd threatening languag.: Insult and nuoy loyal persons employed in the quiet dis kin'.’ of Hi. ir lawful occupation*, U h hereby kinioiiiieed that all sucb eonducl and language tly forbidden, aud will be puu- i h.-d i Ail utile binary uc •tty. cut a din sd to lest of nnd to bring aue». ire found offending against Ibis oi the tribunal establish*-.! lor tho purp isldiig otlencea w ithin this departnn 1 • Mtt.LKIUiEVM.LU, Dec. Si, 1806. SENATE. Iu the Senate.to-day Mr. Walker moved lo reconsider thu Idll pufcaed yesterday, repealing so much of section ‘J‘!87 ol the Code us prohihils the creation of trusts for male persons of suue mind. Thu motion was advocated by tbe mover and Mr. Mabry, aud opposed by Messrs. Lloyd, Pottle and Wright. The tuoLiou.wan lost. The call of the roll was in order Mr. Blackwell offered a resolution that uo new matter be received alter Tuesday unit. By Mr. Hawkins—A bill lo auieud the 3:i88d Boeiiou ol the (.lode. Bill lo renew the churtor of the Columbia and Hamburg Railroad Company aud extend its privileges—amended so us to incorporate the Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company, the perAoiiui liability cluUse nisei led, aud pase- To change the line between Warren aud Giusscock counties—passed. Mr. Bacon, Irom the Committee on Knroll- uieut, reported several bills as duty eurolled aud nearly ready fur tbe signatures ol tbe Pre sident aud Speaker. The select committee to which had been re furred a bill lo suppress extortion, reported in favor of the passage ol the bill as amended. Also the bill to suppress guuiiding in this State, reported favorably on the passage of the saute. 'The first was made the special order lor Mon day uext. Tho latter, Mr. Griillti moved lo make the special order for Friday next—lost, Mr. Mabry moved lo amend by striking out tbe eorporeal puulskuicui—agreed to. The bill further provides thul the Sheriff shull beaspcetul al prosecutor, and may break opeu bouses iu which ho has been inhu med upou 1 ,oath that gamb ling is vaincd on; ho may sei/.u the implements oi these '‘professional gentlemen,” and arrest them. Other amendments were proposed and discussed, when a motion was made and cai tied, to refer the hill and amendments to tb Judiciury Committee. To uuieud the oath of tux payers—passed. To require all persons relusiug Confederate Treasury notes in paymeut ol debts, to pay their tax iu specie or specie currency, fins hill elicited considerable dhciierdou, and some members raised constitutional objection, us this measure sought to raise reveuuc, :.ud ought to originate m tho House. The bid was undisposed of at the close of my letter. * HOUSE. Tho House on yesterday afternoon continued the consideration ol the military bill, aud up in the hour of adjournment hud amended thu Sen- uiu bill by striking out “sixteen” and inserting eighteen, and striking out “sixty” and Inserting titty. The House held u night session, and .after reading bills Ural aud second lime, passed the following Senate bills: - To amend section HI 1 of tho Code, io repeal section 445tf of'the Code, aud sub stitute another in lieu thereof. To amend section 1030 of tho Code, lo change the uuiuo of tin? Southern Insur ance Company lo Southern Insurance and'Trust Company. To change the time of holding ^ihe luicrior Coart of Pike county. The House to-day was mainly occupied iu the consideration of the bill to provido a reve nue for the political year 1364. It was elabor ately discussed, and the provision to levy uot more limn one per cent, on the taxable proper ty of the State was retained; though many heavy efforts were made to strike it out. A cei lain member from upper Georgia, wbo has, for many sessions past, endeavored to make considerable character financially, made a com plate somersault on this measure. The bill v*is under consideration at t he time of adjournment. Tnoyi\ Governors of the Confederate States. The following la u list ot the Governors 01 the several Slates composing the Coulcdcraey : Alabama.— 1 Thomas H. Watts. Arkansas.—E. Flannugin. Florida,—John Milton. Georgia.—Joseph E. Brown. Kentucky.—Richard Huwcm. Louisiana.—lli nry W. Allen. Mississippi.—Charles Clark. Missouri.—T. C. Reynolds. North Cajpllua.—Zebuion B. Vuuce. South Carolina.—M. L. Bonham. 'Tennessee.—Robert L. Carifthera, (uot yet in augurated.) Texas.—Peudlotou Murrrah. Vlrglula.--William Smith (from Jan. ’04 ) Jr#*’ Du Thursday morniug last the Southern Female College of LaGrange, Ga., was burnt, with all theeclUccs conuccied with it. It bad been used tor Rome Lime us a hospital. All the bedding, luruituro and things ol value weic saved. 1ST Al the late municipal elecliou in Atlan ta, James M. Calhoun was re-elected Mayor, aud Messrs. Wells, Rawson, Rice, Gullatt aud Brown, old members, and Messrs. Taylor, Wat kius, Crawford, Jones and Fowler, new mem bers, elected Aldermen. Mr. 8. J. Parish, ol Hog Mountain, in Halt couuty, iu this Stale, was bruially murder ed ou the night ol Nov. *£hl, by seven men, wbo shot him in Ins nwu house. He was lolly- tour years ol age, u highly esteemed.citizen and a class leader ol tho Methodist Church. No cause lias been assigned tor the foul deed. ^gTSall at Turk's Island Is quoted al 3 cents per bushel, exclusive of the crowu duly of 10 pur cent, ut! valorem. lo th« Confederate Slates Ills’! Court Fcr tbe Southern District of Georgia. NOVEMBER TERM, 1S«I. O ltllKRKD that the next regular Term tif the Dish let Court of the Confederate Stales lor the Southern District of Georgia, be Held on tlu* met Wednesday in April next, (lstM) at It he t out. derate States Court Room, m the cny id Havanuuli, aud at ten o’clock iu the forenoou oi itoit day, ot wbub all p<.rsous lntcrorted will take dne™oiice And it Is further ordered that u copy of this order be published once a week, lor two WUtks, in tile public, newspapers iu 8avi and Columbus, tttli Novembj , AUgUcta, Mat e ,1 HARDEN, DielflCl Judge A trim cony trora tho original order, ltith Nnvr ter. 1808. nlUHLESS. UENttx, Chak i&T Papers in Augusta, Macon and Coliindi locket Book Lost. *250 REWARD. Special Notice. nml J OKT, between the Park and Liberty streets. J Thursday atternooii. a fair LRATUUU POCKET BOOK, containing about oue hundred dol ars auil papers only valuable to the owner. The above ward wilt lie paid lor the rucovory of the papers aud $100 Reward W ILL be paid tor tiie apprehension and delivery to Uloaut «*. Dawaou, lu Havauuuh, of a Ne gro Mau uamed SMART, about *J»i years old, very black amooth skiu, abour 6 feet 7 iuchea high, weighs about 136 1b*.; a cooper by trade, (haa worVed several years lu a cooper shop iu Savannah;) v raised by aud until a short time siucu belonged to K. I eucks. »Dr. A. WALT HOUR, UeCS—Itawtf Waltbourville, Ga. $60 Reward. rpiilltTV Dollar* reward will be paid for Uio ap- 1. itruheuslou aud delivery to uw, at Oglethorpe llarraulia, ol Private JBtttfMlAH lIAGEttTY, ol November, 5th, 1808, Thirty dollars Reward will also lie paid for the up prehension and delivery to me at Ugleih jrpe Bar racks, ul Private JollN O. REILLY, of Go. B, «Wd Reg. Ga. Vols; Thu sanl Private O'Reilly is about 47 years of.age, 5 feet 11!« iuchea In height, fair com plexion, grey eyes, auburn hair, born in Longford. Ireland, aud a laoorer by occupation. He enlisted as a substitute lor R K. Tompkius, on the Dili of Inly, 1808,aud deserted tfboutthe 15th day oi July, the 15th day oi J lfittJ- W. K. RKADICK, Lieut. Coiud'it Co. B., 08d R«g. Ga. Vols, vl8—cod.n S TATKOP Ai UO Util A, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern Wher-—- " ,l *»..— —"• —-*• •* - »■ icreas, Tltomae Purse will apply at the Court Ordinary for Letters of Adtuiutstratiou on the estate ol AUU Lee, late ot CbalUam county, de- N O ric )JB. 1XTY days after date application wilt be S to tb- i.ewol of scrip to Vih, 1853, which ! Notice. I dol’ll month* after ilntr. api'lleatlon will bo 1 matfo lu Ilio Marino lfank ul tnocllyol tt.ua,- nah for rm.cwal.if Hcrln lor iwoniy abateri nl fbe rtnrk of said Uanli. No. SUM. In lint llaiuo nf ,M. H. VVilltame, Trueten for Mtr. Itnobol \S tUiainr. .land a. |,t. a, mu BjWS.-rip l«w boon luat •jad,l8ft8, * t For Sale, I N EQlnyhiui ronu .. j i„. \ nutirku Hoad, x’20 acres ol land, 4o id i* under fence, with ft coinl'ortaule dwelling hi. mill outbulldir.iM; ft well of go.al water, a Ijeu AUMINISTUATOU’SSALK. AiriLb te sold on HE? tlrsi Tuesday lu Jauuaff W next, before the Couit Ibui*-. iu Ktllnghaiu county, two m-gro uitni.oiu' agid 4- years, the ..tlier lHycais. Also, tlir. *• Htiares CeuDal Rullroml M.*. k, til. i*T By n dis- atcb received iu this city this hi-ruing, by Gen G. W Kvaus, wo learn that i"‘ mm, J. K. Evans, Adjutant General in VViiifht’s brlga. t*, was wounded in the neck in Ul- skirmish on ll.o IDpldan on the 00th No veniiter. We ate glad to know that the wound • but slight. Ho is hiill with the brigade and dying well,—Augusta Chronicle. •d land, mre or less. Hold lor the benchl ol the lieln ■editors of the esinte of Win. Henry Wilfini. JollN V* . U 11.SUN. Ad AlOlllMISTUA l Oil's N0TICK. A I, I, persons having auy claim* against tb*- eft id Jesse \Y. Carter, late ol Cliiuh couuty. d, will please hand them In, prope" 1 ' V, said letters will be gmntud. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne., Ordinary for (Chatham Couuty, tnis lHth day of Nov Ruber, l wif. DOMINICK A. O’BYRNE, U. C. C. H TATk OI» UUOHG1A, CiUATHAJTI COUNTY.—To all whomll may concern: Wl.u« Uichaul W. Adams will apply at the Court of Oi- diimry tor Letter* Dtsuiissory a* Administrator ou tin- estate oi Mary Anu F. R. Washburn, late of Chat unty, accent.eu. * are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to lie and appear holore said make objection (if any they have) ou or before the first Mouoay in May uext, otherwise *akt letters will Im: granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne', Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this tith day of November, 1W3 UoltINU'K A. O'HYKNu w AIMIINISTRATuB’S SALE. ILL be sold before the Court House door in Clinch county, on the first Tuesday In January , all the land and negroea belonging to the estate ul Jesse W, Carter, deceased, consisting of six like ly uegroes, and live or six town lots lixttie town of btocktou, in said coanty, via : mo. 3, Block D. Block A -all.in the town of Stockton. Bold tor tbe benefit ot the heirs and creditors, Terms on the day " salo. WM. A. CARTER, ovll Administrator. PLANTATION FOR SALE. FOB SALEy my plantation in Bulloch couuty, 681 lew, in two tracts. The apper tract coniaius 888 acres of good pint laud, MM about alxty acres of which are under alfoti; the balance heavily timbered. On this place Is a good name dwelling with four roomt., with about four mile* from Station No. 7, Central Rail i the Bulloch hide the Bcrlvc.n side and 113 Ou this place Is the best Ferry on the river, supplied with dat boat and rope. On the Bulloch side, l’i ak 11tulic cleared and under feuce, the balance heavy er, hammook and bay lands. The flsMng Ihl* place la tbe beat on tbe river. TIaa* t*,ry «»f itself can be made to pay a good Income with little trilling expense. Apply to WM. BIIRN8, iov30—frJkiu4 a»C. R. R. MachineBhop. 33,000 Acres of Land For Sale, W ILL be hold lu Lake City, on Thursday, the 3lat of January, A. D. lfcW, thu following property, sequestrated by a decree of tbe Conicder- atoBtates Court for the District of Florida ; 3U.UU0 acre* ot laud, known a* the Fleming Grant, situated m Brevard county, Florida, on Indkau River, iuT 80 8, R87 E;T80 8. R88E;TSl 8, R 88 K; T 31 8, U 87 U. Property ot Bernard, of Boston. 13,It-(l acre* of Land in Brevard couuty, known as the Gome/. Graut, iu T at H, R 41 E; T 88 8, R 43 E; T 33 H, R 43 E; T 40 8 It 42 8: T 40 8. R 43 K; T 41 8, U 48 E. Properly of liotnea, Gome/ A Gonu 500 acres of l^ud in Uernaudo county, Florida, comprising the K of n R k of 8rc 23; the W of N W \i of See 20; E X ol N E of Hoc 37; K 3a ul N W , and K 'A of 8 W K, and 8 E \ of Sec 2n, T 33 “ R 10 E. Pi opertv of Thomas J. Parsons. 160 acres of Laud In Brevard, near county site, Lots No* 3 aud 8 of 8cc 20, T 8(i D, U 41 E. Property of Pnilip llernallee. 200 acres iu Hlllsboroagh coanty, Florida, N li ol 8 E \ of Sec 3, T3t 8. K 83 E.audN W Si ol H w Si; 8 A of 8 E and N K \ of 8 W hi ol bur 3, T 31 H, K 22 K. Property of heir* of Luther Wilson. liitun res ot Laud In Utllsborough county, Florida, aN or Sec 13, T 21 8, R 30 E. Properly of At water, Multord A Co. Block No. 38; NJ4 or Water Lot No. 11; and Lot . Block 25; Lots 1, 2 aud 4 a in Block 18, Lot No. D, In Block 17. ONE STEAM HAW MILL AND GRIST MILL, ii UltH-k No. 38, in the city of Tampa. 80 acres oi Laud, in ilillehorougbicouuty, Florida, N >j of N \V \ of Sec 5, T 88 S, R 20 E. Property of r Bell. A8lf. The above Lauds compilse some of the best In Plot id«, and offer u fine opportunity for profitable in •ry Halunlay thereafter, the Georgia Distributing Committee will semi lo tho Georgia troops at Charleston, nnUa duinji of a #p*cUU turn- stnger, additional suppHe*, and such contributions of fruit, vegetables and cooked provisions, not of a perishable nature, as may reach Savannah on the Friday previous. Every package must be distinctly marked “The Georgia Distributing Committee, 8a vanuuh." WM. BATTBHSBY, Chairman CilAS. 8. IlAHDKM, Secretary. septl -tf > the nuderslgued for Lellcn said Aunmnslrat These are therefore to olio ami admonish all per sons concerned to show cause (it any they have) why said Administrator on ihutlisi Monday lu February Extract, ** •** should not (Mi dismissed from his administra torship Given under my hand ami ofilelal signature, this OFFICE GEORGIA RELIEF AND HOSPITAL A8HOCIATIGM, Aduusta, Ga., Jane 23d, 1868. A messenger of the Georgia ttallef aud Hospital Association will leave Atlanta ou or near the 10th ol each mouth for Mississippi, aud will take charge ol all boxes aud package* in tended lor the Georgia troops in that State, aud will carry them to some sate point near the army aud d< posit them, and noiMy the owuurs or deliver them to tha owners, If ptactlcsble, free ol churgu. Thu boxes aud packages must lie marked with thu names ol the owuers, their cosupsuy aud regiments, aud to thu care ot the Georgia Relief and Hospital Assoc tiou, Atlanta, Ga. Tnu Association will uot be i sponsible for the delivery ol any box containing perishable articles, such as greou vegetables, Ac Boxes and packages will Ikj deposited at the \V u’ysldt Home, Atlanta, Ua. , W. 11. POTTER, _ jesrt—dlwern General Superintendent. Administrator’* Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Coart of Ordinary or Pierce county, Georgia, will.be sold, ou the Hist TUESDAY iu January next, before the Court House door, lu the town ol Ulackshuar, wllhia the legal hours ol sale, a pari ot Lot no. Ui, situated and near said town, containing about. 480 acr Also al the same time aud place, one town lota improvements, in said town. Also, will be sold beloie the Court House door,“In the town of Forest, Cltacti couuty, within the legal hour* of sale, ou the first i uerday in February next, a part t»r Lot, number uot known, lying in said county or Clinch, containing about lUo acres, ot said lands nulfi as the properly of John T. ’ sou, deceased, subject to ihe widow’s flower. novg—W4U WILLIAM UOKTTKB, Adtu Tax Callaeior’a Sale. O N Uus first Tucsduy in December m.-*, wl u sold before the Court House door of WiA lmosli county, between tho legal hours of sale, lots Numbers 7 and 8, (or so much thereof as will satiety the tax Jr ja ,) situated, lying and be ing lu the city of Danc-ii, boiiuued ou the North by Broad or Hay street, eighty-tour feet more or )ess; ou the East by Utlleuhouse street, ou the West by wliarl lot No. 10, ou the South by'thu Aliuiuatm river. Levied ou under auil by virtue oi u.g./u. is sued out by the Tax Collector w. A. A. DeLorme. MobEh YOUNG, Sln-rifi' vlclutosh county. McIntosh county,Get. 2*.i, 1863. novr Notice. Sept. »;th, 1863. MARY EVER PIT, Adm'x o k el) Ward j, t ... a. 8 1*1 PTJftAN. i AUm 1 Notice. S IXTY days alter date appUcation will be made io the Court of Ordinary of-McIntosh county, lor leave to sell the re at and personal properly be longing to thu estate of Janies M. Harris. oct*i LAL Ua T. HARRIS, Adm'x. XMOTtQK S IXTY days after dateappndDldn will be made to the Court of ordinary ol Chatham county for have to sell a tuuiale slave nud-the personal proper ly, other than slaves, bjlonglvg to thu esiale ol Jordan P. Uiooks, tale of( nalUsui i tmniy, deceased. MARGARET E. HRocKS. sepl Administratrix. ' NOT1CJK. O N the first Monday in November next applica tion w ill be made in ihcOourf. of Urdiaary of >.ifiufiham county la# leave to sell inn real estate he- ougiug io the estate ol Win. U. Wilson, aeceased, or tbe bone lit ot thu heirs and creditors ul saidde- -eased. JOHN W. WILSON, *ep9 ^ > Administrator. NO'lCiOE. 8 IXTY days alter date 1 will apply to the Hon oraole Court of 4)rdi*ary of Cuatham county loi leave to sell all thereat aud personal jffoperty oi the estate or Patrick ifouitou, tor a divisiou amoug the ALEX. MuDoNAl.D, Septa Executor's notice. Administrator. A* county , decn .. _ , will please baud them in, properly attested, within thu time preecribeu by law, aud all persons ludehted wii. make liuuicdmio payment to one ul life undersigned GEO. 8. OWENS, 1 .JULIAN IIAKT1UBUK, f • TUO». K. U.urD, ( Kxucuu.r» Kxeculer’s notice. A j LL persons who lave placed claiiue for colleo lion in the bauds of the Hon. Levi 8. D'Lyon, of Chatham couuty, deceased, will plcare pro- GEO. 3. OWENS, • 1 JULIAN UARTRIDGE, v^ u * TUGS. K. LLOYD, | Executors sept21 — lawfiw AdiululNtrator'N notice. N OTIC If Is hereby given lo all parties courtsmed thut application has been made to tbe Honor able Court ot urdluaryuf Chatham Couuty, Geo.gin, sell the real estate Slid personal property belonging to the estate ol James F. Lindt ' said coufity, deceased, for Hie .benefit of the heirs and creditors of raid tslate. EMANUEL B1IBFTALL, Administrator Estate of J. F. Linder. Bavaunah, Sept, lfi, 1868. seplT -u’JwiiOd " Executor’s siie. O N the first TUESDAY' in December next, will be sold before the. Court House door, in Wayne county, Ga., the former residence of Mrs. E.8. Fort, Lake City, Honda, auff E. W. Thompson, at Tampa, Florida. E. M. THOMPSON, Receiver. E Mt LKOD, Conlederate States Attorney. PLANTATION I’OR SALIt;, in LOTS TO SUIT PliKClilSgltS. 1,101111 III llltlANU AltllKN, at* aim 1 arouml Mtaliou No. M, Atlantic and Gull Hail TchcutiVhlc. being the ceufor, aflords a dno opj, tunity ioi veiling village lot* lor stores und resi- dent es. A good school is kept uo in the village, aud a church quite near. Tuese lands are tine pine lands lor ttie culture of Cotton, Corn, Sugar, Ac. Hest- t<flp:e and plantation builtllngs for 40 or 50 negroes. For terms, Ac, apply ou the premises to Major ►ly on Hie premises lo Majt L. C. *1 KUEAU, Savaunah. 5«V) ftcfes lor sale in Chatham county. Torn**, lialf cash ►—1»l. ...... »..u cash, If pYeiCrrvJd. \m SALIi. I DT litter W; aud fraction of fo»t letter Y, situ i aied in South Oglethorpe Ward, bounded by l< to in and Poplar streets, with improvements. For particulars enquire of BLOUNT A DAW SON LEATHER. 700 fU‘i’5 2aw2w LBS, Sole and ilaruess Leather, for sale ERWIN A HARDEE. SOMBTHINti GOOD TO EAT. i » a \ HIILN. Pickled MULLET, iu store aud to rale by KitWIN A UAltDBE duel Sawtw SUOklKV TOBAGO. .lOH «U.K MV p«; w. m. nAVipnow Bacon, w. M. DAVIDSON. outlie main road, eight miles south of Barring! aiaiing of nine hundred (GOO) acres of land, inprovemeuts thereon. Solti by order ol the Onliuary lor the purpose of division, ocilti- * JOHN 51. TIoON, Uexecutor. NOTICE. I.YTV days alter date application will.be made ! to the honorable the Court of Ordinaly of Chat nty loi leave to sett sour BegroesJielongiug te of Mary Jane Harris, lain ot Chatham •cessed, Jur the benefit of the heirs and I the said e 3 (ate J.fNEM. HARRIS, Administratrix. 1SRS EXECUTOR’S NOTICE LI. peri tilhi: tg any claims agaiust ine estate '*'i!*oii, lulu ol Ettlngliam hand them in, properly ibed by law ; and Ull f the uudersigiiet pa] W. WILSON, | ^iiallfietV t>ctrtla\»6w GEl». U. Wii.SON, | K\ t nt.UB. Ailuilubiraior’s Nutice. LL j*ersonB having .any claims against tin A. tale* of Tl couuty I pie, nreacrllied liy law; und all ueVaous iudi'bb J will make immediate payment to the undersigned. J. K. BAlJSSY, scp26 Adiuintstraior. Southeru Insurance company, savannah, ga. Surplus July L BUM. - • '• • ■ • DIKECl'URS. Henry Urlrbam. Georgt uuull H. Tlsou, John Cunningham, A. WHIiur.* Jltlill M. "•«. I- Henry Lathrop, Isaac Hcotl, ol Macon. K. Jackson, of Augusta. The Company is prepared to insure against loi damage ou all Ucsct if property on favorable *AlTio*eee promptly adjuated and paid. Otfftco, 89 l«ny Mrscl, Savannah, (hi. ■ Jn> J. 8, WinomSt Ordinary. UTATMUF 4JUOHUIA, WAYNE l.’OUNTY 0 Whereas, .las. F. King, executor ol tbu last will of 8. Clay. King, deceased, applies to llm underslgu ed lor lastlers DtHiniasory from his exocutotshlp. Therefore all pernoits coneernsd are hereby rcqtlr ud to show caust Hi any they have) why said exccu tor, on the first Mouday in November uext, snuuld not be dischar ed. Given uutlei K uiy hand ami seal this May Hth, 1868. U-a-I JAMES HIUH3MITU, niuy'.t Deputy Ui dlnary. H TATHOF UEOHU1A, WAYNE COUNTY. Whereas, Allen Highsmlth, Adnffulstrator ol the estate ol Amtrevyl. McClellan, deceased, applies lo the uuderalgned tor Jitters Disiuissory from his lUltuiniBlralloii. ull persons concerned are hereby requir . _ e hereby ed to show cause (it auy they have) why said admin istrator, on thu 'first Mouday lu November next, should not be discharged. yiiunauu«l sea! thin May 6lh, 1868. our glider nty I LL.s.1 JAM Eli HiOHbMlTii, nmy.i Deputy Ordinary. 35 koit'tti a haVr»t t'wtt'fi'i'v.—aii vJV peisons having deuiamls agauisl Diqpd C. curry, deceased, late of said county, are hereby Itlugand required to pteseni them, properly tiereby rrtpured It* make Immedtule payment t the uiidersigucU. supl21 JOHN A. M'TLKK. S TATE OF ilEUMHM, WAYNE CuUN i'Y All persons haviug fietuauds agaiust James Htafiord, deceased, late of «aid couuty, ure herutiy notified aud required to present them, properly ut tested, to ttu? tmUeraignetl wtlbin thu time prescribed by law; and all persous ludcbied to said deceased hereby required o make uuiucdiuto payment lo uudurstgued. This 8d..lemt>er illb, •ej>16 S AATKOKGEOMGLt, WaVNK COUNTY Two mouths alter date hereof application wtl. made to the Court of ordinary of said couuty tot leave to sell a tract of land coutalulng otiu bundled acres, more or less, iu said county, too unlit estate ot James Stafford, due .-used, for the bou teLer, and crediioni of said i.eceaaefi, 'l’his 8oj» ELlEAHET'H A. STAFFORD. ,l0 * >10 __ Administratrix. OTI T Ki-VfAYNii oniiftTY. -Hixtv days alter date applicat ion will Tie to tfm N bhuirodSht-IUclJ, tale oi sep2U— 1 oi stud county, de* ei John m. ti.ion, UTATH OF GKOItGIA, ULYNN COUNTY, kx To all whom it may concern : NWiureus, MAry E. Akius applies lor Letters Dismissory upon Hie estate ot John R. Humph, deceased. Therefore the kindred aud creditors of said de ceased ure hen.by tried und atlinouiabut! to file ihtfir objections, it any they have, in my oificu in terms o tbe Jaw, otherwise Letters Dismissory wilt lie grant ed the uppllcaul at the April lutm uext ol the Court oi ordinary olsald county. st:pl2 8TEFHEN J. GORTON, O. U. O. 8 TATK OF (1BUHLI A. ClfitATMA.il COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Jno. Cunninghuin will apply ui the court These arc, therefore, lo cite and admonish uil win it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court make objection (if auy tbey nave* ou or tnuorn the. 1st Monday in November next, otherwise said iettert will be granted. Witness, Dominick A. U'Byruo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham couuty, this 28d day ol September, 1868. p’J4 DOMINICK A O’BYRNK, O. C. C. U TATE OF ilKOUUIA, C’flATfil.llU P COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: whereas Solomon Gardner will apply at tho Court of ordinary lor Letters Dismissory tu Administrator on the Estate ul Harman Marcus,late ot said county, d&ceasud. These are, tmaofore, to cite aud admonish all Whom It may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (IX auy they have) on or before the 1st Monday in December uext,otherwise said letters Will vTiureas, Dominick A O'Byrua, Esq., Ordinary foi Chatham county, this 36Ui day of May, 1863. mill DO MINI S’K A. O'UYRNE, o. o. o TATE OF QEORUIA, CIIATIIAItl . _ COUNTY .—To all whom it may coucuru as, McPherson b. Mitten will apply al thu Court ‘ Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Admintstru tor on the estate of Lewis F. Harris, late ol ('hat ham county, deceased. Tamm are, therefore, lo cite and admonish all whom _»W«“ before said Conrt rare will no granted. WltueM. lXiulutck A. O’ilymo, Orfllnarv Xu. halliitm nmntv tliln 11th dau ..i i..... Chatham county, tills llth day oi April, luoa. aprlfi DOMINKiK A O'liVUNit n i DOMINICK A. O'BY'RNE. O. C. C. S TATB OF (JKOKLIA, OUiTlMlIl <X>UNTY.—To ail whom it may concunu: WUcro as, Dauiul 11. Stewart will apply at the Court ol Ordinary for ladder* Dismissory as Guardian of tbe minor children of bituon Bautina ,deceased, lliese are, therefore, to cue aud admualsh all whom it may concern, to be and appear before Bald Court to make objection (If any they nave) on or be fore the first Monday lnNovumber next, otherwise said letters will be monied. Witness, Dominick A. o'byniu, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Coanty, this 34th day of 8epu-mb>*r, 1868. M DOlHqiCK A D RY RNR. O. C. O G»nf«d«rat« Stale* of America, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. hi District Court <*/ Cviifedcrate Stales of America jor the Southern District of (Jeoryia, April Term, 1803. HKIUKAN, Henry l.athrop, Edw’d Pudolford, W* of said Court, (1861,) made detauli therein; and whereas, Henry J. Dicki-rmwi, Win. 11. Houseman, John Hcudder, Charles il. ilall, John F. Hamilton, Charles W. W. Urueu, John L Grayson, Valentino Basler, Jtisoph F. Gumuiou, bite don VV. Wight, John M. Williams, Abraui Backer, James m. Prentiss, Antonio Ponce aud James Withingtou, Petit Jurois tjularlv diawn and difly .-uniuiuuetl to sttcud ut id term, also made delault tlierJn; and win-mas, James McCarty, AllredT. Uarnaiti, Goo. 1,. McGough and Matlliew G Wilson, Petit Jurors residing iu tho county of Muscogee and District aforesaid, duly und spi dally summoned to attend as such ui .-aid April letin. 1868, ulno made ddauUtherein ; and whcrcus, Charles Baker, a Petit Juror, ruslaimi iu thu county of Richmond aud Distiict afnru|piijPdaiy ana spe cially summoned to intend us surn at said April term, 1863, also made default therein. lore, notice^is hereby given to the above ' ordered by named Grant) and Petit Jug tne Court, he Clerk of said l tally file v O cen tral railroad office, | Havxnnaii. Ga., pq, *,wih i, |jt f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. - N ami nflor Htiu.lny, Novomtinr l.t ism ji,. «■> this Ifuna ui 'Zli run trato. as follows: DAILY DAY TRAIN. Leave Havanhah proa m Arrive lp Mason ium p. m! in J Leave Mart Arrive In savannah DAILY NIGHT TRAIN. Arnvelu Macon 6 80 A. M Leave Macon .6.U0 P. M. Arrive In rtavannsh 7.00 A. M WHITR8VILLK ACCOMMODATION-DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) .6.80 A. M «» 11 uuvbiiii(i u (iiu. ut 7 27 A. M Leave Whltesvllie, (No 8) 7 80 A. M. Ainve ut Savannah 0.20 A. M AUGUSTA BRAM H. ; Leave Augusta 0.46 A. M Arilve in Mlllen 10.45 A.M. Leave Milieu 1.80 P. M. -Oarlesion, 8. C'., Nov. 3d, lbtJ. NPKPML ORoURK, I NO. 238. | 1. Medical officers lu charge of Uosbl- tnl* In this Department wlil report with out delay to Surgeon enow all. Medical Director of General Hospitals, the name, company andngiment of all detailed men employed in their respective Hos pitals, stating whulher or not tbs mmi to employed are unfit fox active service, aud tho nature of tho dis ability. H By oommaud of Geo. Ukaciukuaiux (Slgni-d) JNO. M. OTKY, Assistant AdjUtaut Generul. Gffivul : V\ r . W. Gonno.N, Cupt. und A. A. U. Arrive in Auguuta Leave Augusta Arrive Iti Mlllou .* U.80 P. Al. latave Mlllen I.lu A. M AdIvu lu Augusta 5.10 A. M, EATONTONBRANCH. ljeave Baton ton 1 00 P. M Arrive In Gordon t.tSI P. M Leave Gordon 6.411’. M. Arrive in Batonton i*.47 P. M Passengers from Savntiimh and Mnoou fur Augusta will take either train, and connoc.t. til reel both ways with the Georgia und South Carolina Railroads. For Mlllodgeviiiu and Eaton to 11 iaku “Day Train" from Savannah and Augusta, and "Night Train" from Macon. Accommodation Train to Sllllen will not be run utter Friday night,80lh Instant. Night Trains iroiu buvuuuuh and Augusta connect with South-wcidvm R. R. at Macon lor Albany, Knfuula, Fort Gaines and Intermediate points; also, With Maura and W. R. R. to AtVnuia and the West. Day Train connects at Macou with 8. W. sntl Bins cogee R. H. lo Columbus, Montgomery, Alohlle and the Southwest. oiTi- Atlautlc and Cult .Uallruad. e'LSiM... „jd«I IfiartMl ana itlosi JEx|>edltlona Reuts to Ernnswlek aud Thouaanvlllo. 4fa. a Madison II.. Lake* (tly, Oloiilfcello, and J'nllafiss. Florid. O N and after nioaiday. July 9lei. 1863. the cars will iunve and run daily (Sundays excepted,) as follows: Leavo Savannah at 6.46 A. M. Arrive atThomasvillo at. 7 13 P. M. RETURNING. Loav® Thomasvillo at 6.31 A. M. Arrive at Savannah ti.uu P. M. Connecting at McIntosh (Station No. 8, going West) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with a line ^f coacheo to Darien. Returning on alternate days. Connecting at Teboanvllle (No. 9) dally with the carsfoi Brunswick. cor.noctlng at Gnltman (No. 16,) IfiBy with a line ol coaches to Madison O. IL, Fin. Connecting at Groover’s (No. 17) with a daily line f coaches to Moptlcollo, Fla. Arriving In tluiu to connect with tho care to Tallnbaosce and Hi. Maiks. Freight Trains leave Savuuunh Mondays. Wudncs days and Fridays, at 6 A. M.; returning ou Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 P. M. N. B. Double the regular rates will be charged on all articles shipped by Passenger Train, executing fruit, fresh moat, fish, oysters, and qlbor perishable aitlcloB. Freight by Passeiigtir Train should t>e de livered at tho Dept ut least one hour before Hie start- time oi tho Lraiif. G. J. FULTON, Suporlntonduut, "T, OHANQE OF SCHEDULE SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD ul altor Sunday, March Tld, 1868. tho C'olutu; a Iol- O bus^Rall aud Passenger Train will run lows; • Brrwaui MAOOM AMO OOLUMBD8. Leave Macon at 6.25 P..M Arrive at Uolombns al 11.40 1*. M Ijeave Columbus ut 12.40 P. M. Arnvo at Macon at v 6.62 r. M. SSTWaaM MAOOM AMU OKATTAHOOOUM. Ijosve Macon 0.20 A. M. aoct diuly at StulLhvtDe. No. 10 8. W. U. it., und from Mail Train 0 * dAlJjr Uu^bert, with Chatluhoocno*- .19.B0 P. M, ..11.30 a. ii. 2.66 1*. 1 stave Albany Arrive at NmlthvlUe at Leave rath hurt at Arrive at Fort Gaines 1 Leave Fort Gaines at... Arrive at Cutnbert at .. Milking the connection with the up und down Chat tahoochee Mall Train. CTralns to Colnmlras form a through connection! to Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta. Kingston, wiP I*. M. A. M. 0.36 A. M. rig ton, Savannah, MUlodgevtl leant! Katontou’, ^Post Conchas run from Albany to Tallahassee,Jba n* no Night trains from Augusta and Savannah t the l^av dotention at Macon. For Coiombus Train. VIRGIL POWERS, Engineer und Bupurlntenricn Macon, March 98d, 1868. aprO niAt\^i: OF SCliUDIil.K CM GEORGIA RAILROAD GKOUG1A RAILROAD, I Augusta, July 34,1H63, ( N and after Sunday. July 37th, Sunday Day i'ralL rally Ut fined, the former iu the bum 01 forty dollm*, and the latter in lUe sum of twenty dollars, according to law. Savannah, Supi. Jo, 1863. 'UARLES b. HENRY, Clerk Dlatrfelt ourtUonlc ill 2avy^4 ^^llieru iMsulft Gt-orgjti. Notice. \kj H.L be sold at the re si dunce of K 1(. Da yy vis, dictated, on the second Monday in Do ember uext. J HoruCB, Hogs, Cattle, «'orn. Fodder cumber next. J Horaer, Hogs, Cattle, corn. Fodder, Blacksmith 'Pools, touethei with it quaiitiiy of farm lug utensils, and household und kitcln 11 turnUure. The place, conlHlulng two or three hundred ac res, tosl all hammock laud. Terms of lhu t-nie.rusn All persous havtuu claims against the Estate, und tos«* who are Indebted, will present thum properly attested, und make payment 10 in.* on Hu* day of sale. II J D\\ib, Administrator. octl6—la«3wo* New .Goods. just ouiaai iux>. 1 CASH WINTER PUPLINS 1 case Uontb' Neck Ties 1 ease Gotils’ hemmed L. U. Handkerchiefs Hi do/.cu Scissors Blsck Eugllsh Crapes Black Crape Collars and Cuffs 100ft yard* Plaid Homespuns. m-I-20 DkWITT A MORGAN. O resumed on main llm. also Trains on Atliunr and Washington Branches will ran to connect unll 1 furlhor notice. uuya Atlanta 6.10 a. m. Atlunta 7.16 r. m. Augusta 6.46 a. M. Augusta 4.00 r. M. AAMIVM Augnuta 6.61 v. u. Augusta 6.80 a. m. Alluuta 6.32 P. M. Atlanta 2 tr» a. m; Trains couiiecting with Wusbinglou and Athens Hranrhes leave Augusta ut 6.46 A. M., and Atlanta at 6.1UA. M. Nocouitecliun with Wurrunton ou Sun day. Be I air Truitt lerAes Augusta 6. In P. 51. jysW GEO. YUNGE, Su)»’t. M. J. HulouyinH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, HAY BTREE’J’, —— iGfilcu formerly occupied by Messrs. O. Cohui A Co.) lAF^Bolicita L'onsigamuuta ot PriKtuceiiud Mer ohandlss. (qh3J 1 OSNABTJEGS, MV H K I’lIil’E O M HALE. COTTON TWINE. 1). A K. S. 1ATHR0P. CORN SACKS Two Bushel, OSM ABTJ XX £ OF?. A B. H. LATDUGP, novifi— tf ldoflonmsi snoot. COTTON TWINE GH*EAT mnm mum no. Capital—Two and a Half Million Uollars. T IHI8 Company has been organised by election o Director a as folio wb ; ATLANTA. James Uruiond, W. F. Herr lug, A. W. Jones, E. Root, J. 8. Lockhart, COLllMilUS. W. H. Yeung, I ACUUHTA. T. 8. Melt All, ID. L. Adams, : J iflmcs Brown, |W. J. Owciu.i |B. b. Duul.it ^ v. d. Johiiatoo. , J. A. Rnh'ltui, unlel Gnilln* John L. Joneu, .Adams, Jl'ulaaki b. Holt, * . F. Wilcox, |ii!Jtac scot 1. SATAMMAU. . B. Lamar, lAndrew Ixiw, lmrJiw Gruon, | Wiliiuui Dxllersby, J Dwight Lathrop. W. B. JUR* “* CHARLES DAY, secretary. Thu uudurslgued hue been appointed Agcut for . JCiiNSTON, President. Savannah aud tho low fttiutry ol Georglu, Tepured lo luM risks ugiuust Futa on thunsim nuts. JAM Eh MoHJCNKY, qp37—ly 118 Bay street, up stAl is. liUVAN STREET NEGRO AUCTION MART. L . 1IAY li my house opes. No. 188 Bryau sliect. L Market hquaru, buvunnuh, Ga., lor the sale oi hcgrocK, privately uuu ul audios, on TucMisys tuid Tnarsdnys ol every week. 1 will sell all kinds ol properly ut thu Court Douce on tho first Tuesday of every mouth. Persons having property for rale Will give two or more days notice beiurq Urn dny ot hum, no ihuL thu properly can bu adv« rLfiiyi. 1 ulsc have Mccummodaiions Jor uny number ol Nq iot a at a moderate price for bourd, and I will use • very uliort to muku quick sales und to tho beet au van luge. J. A. fc>TRVANtjON, Auction cur and Broker, fubil K. MEN DEL, Crier. fiVGINd ESTAHUNiWlliVf, Cestaausuxu m ldSS.j; IDniuved lo E6 Brxftun sirost. south or York street, near SLo late realdcuu ul tire suhsmh«r. rat life hubsenbor, grauil'ul for past fhvura r begs X leave Lo inform hits frlendj anu 1 Mo puhRi: u. nor any, Lhuiho Is now prepared to Dye ail CoJoru li- Lhu cent style ou bilk and Woolen Dresses, hituwls, Jto.: also, Tunic CoVom und Crupe khawin cltauou nud buachod in the hurt manner. I Julies' Aid and L'OO* ctrin Gloves cleuitetl in tne bust London stylo. Thu subscriber begu leave to state that he Is now prepared to c.cmi, bleach uud press Ladies' buBuels and Flats in thu most fushiunablc stylos. Ti-ima bu icquirud, In tho somu Bn parlor stylo which has gen- $100 Ikward. l.iSCAPl.f) from uiy Alurt, on tlio 6th nit., a Negro boy, by the name of HENRY , 14 years brown skin, thu property of B. Biiltiugl tun, boy 1h supposed lo bo lurking about lhu city or vamps. J. A. STEVENSON, tv7—2 No. HihBiyuu strut t. Notice. To Lana Buyers. llli; Mibscrlbur ohurs for culo his pliiiiiaiion An tho LouisvlilO road, 86 union from Savannah, containing 16U ucrcH—utrpul GO ucrun under cultiva tion aud vety.productive, aaid laud ituulLd, und cunsiUered licuilhy, two 1 quarter miles irom Station No. 8j*, Central Railk ad. Auy person wn-htng to pun hueu will ud- prues mu 14L Guyton, LUIngnam county, Gu., or cull tiie promises. Guytou, Ga., Nov. lt68, Stray €ow.J l the neck uud sides with small black spots. Thu remainder ol tbe cow la while. Shu Ua* a mark 1 Him right hip, whets she has been branded, which has no hair 011 it. Thu hair ou,lbu tup of the tail Is cut short. Who has a unlit iu oue of her ears, uud a touud ° out of the oilier. 1 will pay ten collars fur her delivery to no, nt the corner of Montgomery and Bay Biroot, or U placed iu any saiu place so Hint 1 can JOHN MopKltMOTT. Land lor Sale. .j inuiim>.ti IIUUI UBTBIIUIIU. wuwtmui; . . n^stml island swamp land. Forty acres pine laud ana ilfiom of lhu swamp Is cleared und under cultivation. The land is a hail mile from lhu Canoochcs Bridge, anil five miles ubuvn DUfou's Bridge. It Is a very desirable locution lor a store, u» it 1b on the- croas-roiulH from Darieu to Jfryau Court House and lbs llau Cart Road. Thu improve- inenis cousistof a large new dwelling one aud a half story, fine rooms, with ull necessary outbe JOHN bLOAN, Savannah. r to E. A. KLARBBE, Scrip. L^t. L OST or stolen, on Wednesday or ThnrSfbftr lust, in bavaunah, berip for ten snaioa of Soatuwusl- era Railroad Stock, number not runic inhered, prop erty ol John Jones, deceased, of RAmf ipb county, iu. Also, nine Couiedcrulu one bunuied Udihir Olee, bearing two i»or cent. Interest pm tlay. nuui« tre nA remembered. A liberal reward will bu paid by the uudersigntd lor the delivery of tho above, if I COOKING SODA. LfeUSf Bi Curb. Soda, iu store and for salo . by CHAMPION A FREEMAN. Iron Varniali. • FURNITURE VARNISH B1IIKEL OF IRON!VAliNISH; 3 DO. NO. 1 FURNITURE VABNlBU ror sals at JOHN OLIVER'S, 22 No. 11 Whitaker street. HBL. Alcohol for sals by mayll JOgj OLIVER. New Books. IHANVJlI. toll 1S0I. u 'Mahan’s Permanent ForUflcations] (Lsrm edition, with plates,) The American Union. Sjmnco. More Almanacs for 1868. Evolutions or fhe Ltne. Jomlm’s Practice ot rf at. The Judge Advocate’s VaditMecam, Rocelvud and >r sale by H. KNAPP «“ ~ mart West f, Flour and Bran. Carbonate Soda. k \ i\ kgfoi rsiu.natf of Soda, for sale by Z O CLAGUORN A CUNNING UA] scpl9 # Suit. HACKS Liverpool Salt )U id fd'ij i'urt/r Ieian.i Salt: for sale by sepA* cfluiUGSM A iTNNlNba. FOR SALIC.BY . « hundred sacks Etowah Mill* «op»rthe Floor; 260 sacks Wheat Brat.: for ■&LV 37 CLAGHURN jt LWNhU*UHAm. HENUY LATHROP A VO. White Cuba tougrar. 20 - IS ri\