Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 09, 1863, Image 1

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/ sata Or*' ,-JrT' r 't ; • vV L^tr'.'*'■** /I'i ; Ab ' \ & \ /j V , .^, /*ifFV 4r V V#.• j. >v‘ *■ -cl si VOL. A IV. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECR.VILEK }). 1 hi;;;. - «» 1«MI ii.tiln 'Hlovniun ?)nr BV THEODORE BLGIS- (1. T, TIUMIPSOV, - - Kill I’Oll. f.13 (0 (fur Advanced icuIom of. KiihNirlpif timl Advertising. VOII Til* DAILY 1’AI’Kll. For six months For tliroo luontlm For one monlb Fern TIIB Till-WEEKLY Fnruix monihr For three months. Fon THE WKEKLY Vi For six month* . ADVBItTIBINO, Per square of ten links, or spac many linos of nonpareil type, two insertion. $8 00 0(0 rrnpied by tlmt WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER U, third. TELEGRAPHIC. REPORTS OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION h'nUreit according to Act of Congrms in Uu y< ir 18U3, by./. ,-V. Thrasher, In the Clerk'* ojlhe oj the /fist riot. (lourl of the Confederate Matt*, for (hr J/orlhcrn? District of (feorgiu. From ('liarliNiim, Cuaki.eston, Dec. S.—No tiring lust nl^bt. A brisk lire between Moultrie amt Guqjg; was opened this morning. Nothing else new. street in rel/eatliitf to Virginia, a special dis- ptileh to lbe New Y-oik Tribune, from Knox villa direct, via Cumberland Gap, dated on the day beforo, says that the aie^e was then still maintained. The dispatch says : We uro now hi the twelfth day ol the sie^e, and the enemy has gained no advantage VVc are belter prepared lor attac k Until ihe most saimuluu expected. Geiurul Longsircel is delaying hostlc opera- thmrt while awaltinif reinlorcements iroiu Vir ginia. The enemy made a diversion on Wednesday upon our jio. itioii over the river, bill niter uu hour’s light were driven hack. On Wednesday a detach incut of the Second Michigan made a valiant charge and captured a rebel nil" pit. We siihsrrpicnlly were r.m//.- to give wiiy to a superior force, with great loss. | From this it does not appear clear that Long- street bus been forced lo retreat luto Virginia. Certainly the Yankee dispatches eon flic l very clearly upon this point.] Another dispatch from Chattanooga, contain ing “the latest," says : Hulllrictii reinlorceiueuts, under Gen. Gordon Granger, have been sent lo Gen. lluruhido lo iusuie ins success. General Bragg's main foiee is reported he yond D.dioiu Stragglers continue lo come into our lines.- M»jor4Jo i«tl Foster arrived*at Cumberland Gap yesterday, luMiud to Knoxville. Fifteen hundred piisonera from Cliallanooga arrived at Louisville yesterday. The guerilla* ure very troublesome on the Cumberland river. Duals arc lired into, houses and cili/.eiia rubbed, and their properly earned Pocket Book Lost, ! Special Notice. TY S250 REWARD. J OMT, between the Park aud .Liberty streets. J Thursday aliernoou,, * “ " iswoiv. containing about I 1,11 BATUIIUAV, Kip r.lh Initl., mill | ^ ! on every Saturday thereafter, tbu We hldllfOIl, U l l Xi: (H, : V). ieu as J -mien ll.gl.snutU, Administrator • •Ggbsmidl, deceased, applied RlMiuisdioh iroiu ■ ig about onu bundred dol ara and per* only valuable to Ike owner. The above ru- rd will be paid lor the recovery of Ihe paper* and questions naked. Information to be left ai this lee. dec-4—S* $100 Reward and delivery \1TUiL be paid for the apprehension If to Blount »v Dawson, in Savannah, of u Ne gro Man named SMaHT, ubout 2t> years old, very hlack umoothekin, about 6 feet 7 Inches high, weighs about 135 llu ; u cooper by Hade, (has worked lor several years in a cooper shop in Sav.iur.ab;) was i by. and until a snort time since belonged to •If. Important from hunt Tennessee. Thg Ailuuta Intelligencer of the dih hits re ceived information I row a trust, worthy source, which stales that on Tuesday lust a courier ar rived at Loudon Hum Lougstruel with dispatches lo Gcu. Vmigbu. Au unsuccessful attack hud been made on Knoxville on Sunday, but Long street having "been subsequently retuforced by Ruusoui, tlio siege wus still progressing. Gou. hong»treel, in .liih dispatch to Gen. Vau bu, says (hut it lie lY.itighn) caii hold the enemy in cheek fora lew clays at Loudon, his loicus and K.tusom’s will be able to manage Burnside. The intelligence coiucb from sources ol un doubted veracity, <tnd may bu relied oij as cor- i»*ci. We are inclined to place lull erudeoce in it, Irom the luet that It Longstrect had com- uteiiced to retreat on Abingdon last Sunday, Nov. tiO.h, be would certainly have reached Bristol ero this, while to the 4:h of the ptcscul luontli accounts from that point represented the siege o| Knoxville as still progressing with g cawioh nco. * l be Marietta Rebel of tLe tith learns from a gentleman wh.» left Knoxville ou Tuesday, that L mgslrcet was still besieging that place. That he had Sent word'lo the commander at Loudon to bold the crossing at all hazards, and that he would be able to finish the job at Knoxville in lue next twetny- four hours. „ The Atlanta Register of the 0th states that, two army corps under Sherman passed Athens ivvsl Tennessee, ouday before yesterday, inarch ing on Knoxville. Wheeler recaptured 1,000 hogs taken by the enemy iu East Tennessee. Lnnguireel and Uaiibum have consolidated their forces, .--lie y will doubtless move toward Bristol, siuce the capture of Knoxville is im possible. Gen. Hardee is exceedingly active, and making cvei.y preparation lor a tight. The Siege ol' Cliarlceloit, Which, at one. li .e, seemed luleruiiuuble, is i.tpidly “playing out." History records few, it any, more obstinately conducted, or more gal lantly reunited. Ilia now nearly live calendar mouths since Gillmore with his lund forces, and Dahlgreu witl^his iron llect, began actively to Invest the “uest of the lebclUou." All Van Kcedoin was agog with the notion that Chat les ion would either capitulate or be reduced to a heap of smoking ruins. What might not other wise bo etfceied, would certainly be completed with the use of Greek Ifte. Despite these piti ful boasting 4 , and the contemptible Yankee tie- mauds for surrender, the Confederate General determined to despise alike Yankee fury ami Greek lire. The result is complete success on (.nr part, and miserable failure on the other. It is now provuj to a demonstration that Clurlca- lAn will siaud, and continue to stand, not only n mark lor impotent Yankee malice,Imiu monu ment of what patriotic bravery may always ac complish with the blessing of God. For some time, all was supposed to be lent when Morris Island was given up. Those who were disposed to blame Gen. Beauregard lor that remit, thuy soon confess that he knew more, of mailers than they did. Wo tiusl the result will teach news paper critics modesty.' As bearing directly on the subject ol these temutks, we make the fol lowing ex.raet Iron) the. letter of an accomplish ed Conlederate olticer in Charleston harbor, to a friend in* this city. The letter is dated !il*th ult., and says : “Remember, L told you, soaio time ago, the siege was a tailure. 1 remain <if that opinion. 1 can’t tell liovv they expert to succeed. They certainly know belter than to hope to do any harm lo these huge piles of sand , ami they must know that every day makes us stronger. Mouuwhile, 8uinter stands. Yesterday was the thirty-sixth day of .this last bombardment. I think it o very rcasouableestimate that for evt ry minute of that timed pAjectile of some sort has hecu lired at it. Yet it is probably stronger than ever. True, two faces-uro changed from vertical walls to comparatively gradual slopes. But, lo. ascend these, they must first pass wfter in floats, encountering all out has become i?0 accurate that we tu fool of the wall With solid shot. N escape the observation of our boats, or ol the sentinel* ulBumlcr; and, should they get there, a feu d'eufrr (litciully r fur <j/ MI-Ed.) awaitf thevi. I doubt ii they will attempt u again.” r deep . which i they f«'roni (lie Norfli. The Very Latest from (he Annies in Firm Ijoni/slrttl /id a ol ini/ to Virginia — *tlte 1- Try ini/ to Out film iff!'—Th> Taken Prisoners an Entire Die I here has been no fighting in this aVmy since Hooker’s attack on Bragg’s rear at Ringgold, ou the “0th. Bragg was foi fed to uiarcti on, being badly whippet), and iulliciiug considera ble los. upon Hooker. Our tuba is about live hundrcJ to six hundred , the enemy's much large oflice The army's movements uuw going otfaic not for the public at present. | Here the Northern ueconni very signilleant- ly closes. Nothing is said ol their being driven back, or of any engag. mem alter the light at Missionary Ridge. Here la a gap iu life n.ura- live.—their repulse ftl Ringgold--which the Yan- kce« fail to supply—and for the very best rea son; they were whipped back. The Atlanta Register says; From all that we rau uow learn, our disaster at Chattanooga has been greatly exaggerated. Our loss m killed and wounded wa* light, and the nutnl «t taken prisoners will no', exceed 1500 or 2000. The heaviest comparative loss we f>u*taiued was in artillery. Pci haps thirty pieces were taken irom us. There is some cousululloii iu the fact that we have more field pieces than we. can mjpi. But there is a rt eoguized stain upon the army that loses guns, and hence the misfortune. A J u <lfco on Public A flair*. dnd^c Cochran, ol Alabama, who lutely re ceived several votes for Confederate Stales Senator in the Legislature ol that state, made the- following graphic allusiou to public attain, alter delivering the usual charge to the Grand' Jury at a rcccut term ol me his He insisted that it was the duty of all at homo to provide lor the wants of the soldier in idle field and his family left behind. Compared the man at home who wilfully oi thrftugb ne- jjert dul uot produce the greatest amount p u „. *ible ol necessary supplies lor the anuy to the unity’s tlag.* Iu order itiat tight Bticnesslully, it is uece P - loumt at his post; i that every one at arg.*. ol his duty in I those who battles may be i sary lor every aoldlur to but uot more neccssaty it,a iir.me tie I * * u Hit la the disci providing lor Life* sub.-i light hilj>6 Ol .. „. vuviuaiia ign eouuiries ja» that Ph«?y may •••■ • Hubjeclidti; but this eun e prove recreant lo the North and IrFfior finally ntuve u never be.done unless iru-i eotaniiGe l lo ns. lie spoke ol those who are so desponding at times that they almost desire : air end of these troubles by reroust ruction. He referred lo I ho revolt ol the Jews in the laud of Egypt, who, when Pharoab came upon them, reproached Moses, their leader, and asked, “weie there no graven tu Egy pt that thou has brought us out to perish in the wildernessAud again, when Moses ascended Ml. biuni, and was hul from them in the cloud, bcc.tiir e they could not sec hint aud understand what lie was doing, they despaired and turned aside to idolatry. 1 bus have.some ol our people, wticu things seemed adverse, or when they could not under stand the movements ,,j the Government and our generals, said, why have you brought us out ol the Uiitou lo perc h ? But the Re#Sea was opened for the passage.of the Jews, and at length Moses descended from the clouds with the law, as au assurance, oi the favor oi their God, amt the clouds and darkness whefu our Moses stands to-day, is tnu the veil that shuts out the visible presence ol the God who gave this loved laud to our lathers, aud will give il lo their children il they prove worthy of Bitch a goodly heritage. What i* reconstruction V Is it to return to the Union on terms of equality ? Our enemies V answered this question in ihe negative. It 3 become'Subject, to a \ nukcu despotism ! have a \aukee or iieuro garrison in every district! To be slopped ol every aim lha. might be used in seT-doimee ! 11 i* worse than death. Subjugation is far preferabld^for to he subju gated Is sleep side by aide with the honored thousands, who have freely poured blood n> defeuce of oureivU .and ic'dgious lib erty, while reconstruction is to turn our backs upon them and give our r«uib to fight the bat tles of our enemies. It* Mil jugal ed, risriTg gene rations will point to ibis tSouibi rn land and say, there once lived a race that became extinct iu defence of their liberties*and their noble acts of daring und^heir powers of endurance in that -tiered cause, reflects nil honor upon them, and makes them worthy of the Imitation t»l all who boaalof virtue and mauhood. h p t ar <• nmie by reronstmcUou, our pobieidy will be pointed at as ihe'ctnldrcn of cowards nmt slaves, who sold lheir birthright lor a few jenrs olqul. i, which they were urn penuillcd to enjoy. But there is no ground lor tfcs|K)ndeucy—no reasou to tear. feutjugutide. h we all do our duty like men, Hie God ol nations will make bare llis arm iu the picerwce of our enemies, and give us peace coupled with liberty, gained under Hi* blessing by oar own strong turns jiud brave hearts. i ti/‘ /! ■ the Northern papers of the 2J—ilhn latest dales we have—report a critical state of attaint fur Lotigstrect. They rcprcscut the siege ol Knoxville lo be raised, and Longstreet iu lull rt tyeal I * Virginia, pursued by all the available forces id the enemy, who are attemptin'! to in tercept i ini. They also claim lo have taken hve thousand prisoneis ot him—u whole divi sion This, the leader must*hear in muui, it* lio Yankeeueconet, amlnhonld not he too fully credited. A dispatch from Ihe West s«y» : All the vailnhlc force , ol the HnUe»l^tales sji'it’s retreat into \ tigmia. Kiiuxvillu brings the tui>*l)igr ral I. ,*1 ••il the that the r Irom d iy Who t of Ihe iliu*.|,y bringing which »«-ult. d ii G'e capture of (: QVe thousand met While tl.o above dispatch ftplcs that Long OiidbuofGkn. W. II. T. Wai.kkh.—On re- 'uraing command of his dfftslou Gen. Walker rsned tin* following order: IlBAUgUAItTKUS Wai.kbii’s B-uioa i»e, ( NoveuiberAJT, Isb.i. ) Qentrai Orders Ao. —. *■ . . •“ In resuming eoniuiaml,* the Major General commanding desire.* to express his high appre ciation of the gallant aiid * lead v bearing ol the diVDiou m phe receui eiigageiuent under the gall tni Gist, lie will have the pretul calislm tnoi oi knowing that his gallant division .lid .. ! that brave and homo.tide men should do to avert the disasu i which has hid illen our arm- Reeollcdt tb it Iret iuan are never etmquere*l, and lulus out and .11 resolve to choose an hon orable soldiers $60 Reward. 'I 'll HIT Y Dollars reward will bo paid for the up- X prehension and delivery to me, at Uglellioroe Bur rucks, of Private JUKKMIAli IlAGKitT Y, of 1), Whl Reg. Ga. V61s. Thu said Private liagt-riy is about -U years of ago, 5 fuel b inches high, has fair complexion, blue eyes, daik hair,, w«s Imru in Ker ry, lrelaud, and a laborer by occupation—deserted November oth, 1803. Thirty dollars neward will also be paid for the ap prehension and dclivci^ to me at Oglulh »rpe Bar- lack*, ol Private JollN O. REILLY, of Co. D, udU Ifeg. Ga. Vols; The said Private U'Retlly Is about 17 years of.uge, B feet 11 At inches m huignt, fair com plexion, grey eyes, auburn hair, horn in Lohgiord, Iiuiaml, and a laborer by occupation. Ue^ciuiHteU as a substitute lor It K. Tompkins, on the I4 h of •inly, 181/1, and deseiled uhoiil the IBlh day ol July, IfcM. ' W. K. RKADICK, Lieut. ComcTg Fo. B., G^Jd Reg. On. Vole. Distributing Committee vtjl send to the Georgia troops at Clmrlcfttoii, under charge gj' a s/ncl il me* Si-ngtr, additional supplies, aud such eoutrihutleus of fruit, vcgetahlen and cooked provisions, not of a perisiiahlo nature, as may reach Savannah ou the Friday previous. Every package must he distinctly marked “TUo Georgia Distributing Committee, 8a- vammli." * \VM. MATTERS BY, Chairman. Chau. 8. IIaudkk. Seem try. suptl—tf novl3—codim SHERIFF’S SALE! i I ATK OF GI.OItGIA, WAYNE COUNTY S i .i ■ n or lanuiiuiA, tVAl.Mt lUU! On Tuesday, llie 5th day «rt January next, ‘ sold at the Court Rouse door in said county, bel the lawful hours of sale, lot of land number two hundred and sixteen prltij; also, lot number two bundled and nine citi'.h. In the Third Distrh t of said county,or as much tuercof a* will he suiUcleni to isitlaly the State and county Lax of Carl' Kppiug for t lie present year,. 18tW. (.Amount one- nity seven dol tars and fifty-two cents and costs.) Said lota or ifmt contain (our hundred and ninety acres each. Tills December •‘i.l, lMi.'J. U i . JAMES F. CHAPMAN, Shcrilb he made to the t.'ourt ol Ordinary of said county lor leave lo sell one hundred acres of lot of land uiim. niuely oue t'.ll) In the second District of said county, part of the real estate of James li. Luwis.de- This December :3d, 1 dcc7 > TATK OF ii LO II U I A, 4 II ATlI^.ll ^ COUNTY.—To all whom ft may concern Whereas, Thomas Purse will apply at the Court .1 Ordinary lor Letters or AUuiiuistialioii ou the state ot Ann Lev, late ol t'hulham county, de ceased. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to lie and appear bclore said Court to make objccilou til au> they ltave) on or be fore the second Mandat in Jauuaryjiext, otherwise id letters u llL be gianted. Witnoso. DomtiuciCA. O’Byrne., Esq., Ordinary lot Chatham county, tlds itith day of November, ltnft. uovkft DUM1NICK A. O'Li V RN E.J ‘. t ’. C. OP CotJNTY’.—To all whom it may concern: WLon- , Richard W. Adams will apply at the Court of Ot dnutryfor Letters Disiulssorv as AdminUlrater on estate ot Mary Ann F. U. Waabburu, late of Chat ham county, Tiiese are, therefor e, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to he and appear betore said C objection tit any they have) on or before the (l»t Monday in May next, otherwise said letterr will la: grained. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne, Esq.. Ordiu.u> lor Chatham county, this Oth day ol November. I8td nov20- DOMIN1CK A. U’HYKNtt. « rUiUlMSTUiTult’S SAI-K. , all the laud and negroes belonging lo the estate 8 lock ton, in said county, viz : xl, Block l), quarter oFom acre; No. v, Block B, and No. d, B U, ijplf #4.to CTtcln Nos. 1 and J, of Block V jjplf #LTt- iai.il. hub. t auu «| ui uiuta y, Ifinrlt A -nil lii tliu tuwii ol Slui-ktou. Si Iti'iielll of the heirs and creditor^ Terms ou the day or hhIo. w WM. A. CAltTKH. •» novM • Administrator. PLANTATION FOR SSAJLE. FOB SALK, my plantation iu llollocli connty, 584 lear, in two tracts The upper tract coutatiiB 898 acres of good pine laud, about sixty ncfcaof which tire under ... tivation; the Italanco heavily Umbered. Ou this place is ii good frame dwelling with four.rooms, witti all necessary out buildings, all situated In a line oak grove, and a good peach orchard. This place about four miles from Station No. 7, Central Rall ied. The other tract contain* IT* acres, situated about two miles from Station No. 7, Central Raitioad. and known as the “ C lit ton Furry Tract.” The Great Ogcechco river divides this tract—M acres being thcScriveu side and lli acres on tlie Bull(*ch side. On this place is the best Ferry on the river. with tint boat und rope. Ued !Pl)l Outlie Bulloch side, arc cleared and uiider fence, t lie bulunce heavy oak timber, hammock aud hay lands. The ‘lisping at this place is the best on the rl'vqfla The Irrryol itself cun ho made to pay a good inemuo with Ii trilling expense. Apply to WM. BUttNM, v-Oi—fr&tu-l ilh little . . - .. . knh, at C. Ii. R. Machine8hop. 33,000 Acres of Laml For Sale, ILL ho sold in* i^fto City, on Thursday, the •ztst of January, -A.-D. ltdl, the following prrqKTty, sequestrated by A degree of the Slates Cunrtfor the Dtsiiictof Florida ; • •JU,eui acres of laud, known as the Fleming (Iraut, situated m Brevard count*. Florida, on Indian Hivcr. In T in 8, It 37 E; T 30 8. «38 K;T 31 8, R 8H E; T 31 It :t7 K. Property of Uemaftl, oT Boston. 1*4,180 acres ol Land iu Brevard county, known llu: dome;-. Grant, in T 39 R. R 41 Ef T 8, It !i K; T V* S, D 4‘4 k; T 40 8, R 43 B; T 4MI, It 4:3 K; T 11 8, lit. Property uf Gome/., Gomes A Gome/., o acres of LaiicI iu llernumlo county, Florida, prising the E )C. «.T « K \ of 8**c 23; the W u. of I of dec 2ti; a .H, ol N h Yi prHec 27; E A, m N 4, and K L ol 8 W h, aud 8 ffi \ of Sec tfs, T 22 ; 19 K. Pioperlyot rimmas J. Parsons. 0acr*8of La 11 * 14 ‘ * Brevard, near couuty site, IxJta Nos 2 and a of Sec 29, T 8t* S, It 41 E. Property of Piniip llerHallcs. 200 aru-r in ItilJuboruugh county, Florida, N E S IC oi bee 3, T 3t 8, It 22 K, ami N W \ ol h A , S Vj ,.f 8 K ami NEK* or 8 W **1 Sec. 3* T , It 22 E. Property «>l heirs of Luther Wilson. Pout res ot Riimiln lltllsboroiieh counly, Florida, N W l H of Sec. 13, T 24 8, K 20 E. Property ol At tiler, Mn I lord A Co Blin k No. 33; N Sj of YValer Lot No. li amt L :t o. , Block vh. Lots 1, 2 and I, in Block 12; Lot No. r>, m Block 17. ONKrf*TK\M«AW MILL AN it GRIST MILL, Block No. 38, in the city or Tump 0 Hi rer* o l.snd, in Hilli-horotiglGcounty, Florida, N j<, of N W of Sc< T 38 8, U20 B. Pri*perty of Arthur Bell. Terms—CASH. The atHjpe Lands compriae some of the ho*1 in Florida, and oiler a due opportunity for prniitahie in vestment. . Inf.iritttiou can he had by uddreasi t.g Ferdinand M. Lend. Confederate states DltlricLcAtloruey. at i..tku City, Florida, ami K. W. Thompson, at lump.i, Florid: OFFICE GEORGIA RELIEF AN!> J HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, }• Auhpsta, ga., Jane 23d, IcttBi. ) y* 1 A ittffsengiT of the Ooorgia Relief and — Hospital Association win tuave Atlanta on or near the 10th of each month for Mississippi, aud will take charge of all Ikixcs aud packages in tended lor tho Georgia troops in that State, ami will carry them to some sale point near the army und de posit them, and notify the owners or deliver them to tho owners, if practicable, freed charge. The boxes and packages must he marked with the names of the owners, their company and regiments, and to the care of thb Georgia’ Relief and llospltul Assoru lion, Atlanta, Uh. The Association will not be re sponsible lor the delivery oi any box couiuudug perishable articles, such as green vegetables, Jfcc. Boxes and packages will be deposited at tho Wayside Homo, Atlanta, Ga. W. U. POTTER, Jtf7-dlwem General Boporiiitpndont, AduluistratorVs Sale. ord* r of the Court of Ordinary l«eilo Mul Auiuiiiistratton, Three are tlieielore to Nte and admonish all per- i sons coueeintvi to ahew cause til any they have) w hy said Adm.msuator on in. hist .Monday in Febmary J next should not l*o Uismissud Irom hta adiutniMirn . torshl]*. Given under my hand and oillchd signature, ihiB Extract, B Y virtue of. bfPjarco county, Gimrgia, wili.he sold, i House door, in the town or Blackshear, wlthia the legal hours ol sale, a pari ol Lot r*o. 91, situated in anil near said town, containing about 13*1 at res. Also nt tho samc'tlm** and place, one town lot ami improvements, tu saiil town. tliu Court House door, iu Alto, wuf be sold bufoi MUUOW UWMI lu tho town ol Forest, Clinch county, within the legal □ours of sale, ou the llrst t uetday ill Fehruary iirxl, iiis 01 sate, ou the llrst i luwduy In February , t Raft ol L«*t, niiinbur not known, lying in county ot Clinch, eontaiuiug about Hid acres, am 0! said lands sold ns the property «>l John T. Wil son, deceased, subject u> tho widow’s dower. > hovg—w-ltf WILLIAM GOEI'TKK, Adin’r. Tax Collector’s s»i«. O N the drat Tiiendey 111 December next, will m? sold heford the Coart House door *>A M< Intosh couuty, bet Ween the legal hours of sale, lot* Numbers 7 and 8. (or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax Jt'. fa J situated, Ring amt be ing In the city ol Darien, bouuded on IheNoith t*y Broad or Bay street, eighty-lour, feet more or less; tho Bust by ltd ten house street, on the West by JV 3 ® . J. 8. WlflGlNs, Ordinary. S TATIC OF (IKOIIOM, WAYNE COUNTy! VN Uervas, .la*. F. King, executor ot the faat will *H 8. Clay. King, deceased, :q*pi<ss to the uuderslgn- ed tor laittors Dismihsory Irom his executorship. Therefore all persons couceruod are hereby n qsu od tt» show calls** (If any they have) why said exei n- tor, on tho tlmt Monday 111 Novemhi r next, siiouid uot Uf dtschar od. UlVJit audci^wy hand and seal this May uth. 1603, 11..S.J .. JAMES IIIGI18MI 1 11, nun 9 Deputy (.H oi nary. USltTUAi.!,.,,, Htl tr# iu ou u, , ! CHANGKOF SCHKllUI E O N and after Humfhy, November 1 t 1 r i * Iran,i on this if,,.,1 .no ; G».ff as follow ■: i”he« will DAILY DAY TRAIN. Loavo Savannah Arrive in Maoou l.e.ivo M.i Arrive In Savannah....." DAILY NIGHT ‘FRAI& ’ • •’ '*> l*. M. A. M. •H.80 p, M. Iicava Savannah Arrive in Mncon... Lv*\yo Mimx.ii A'rive-Ti) S-.viinnuh WHITES VILLS • 5 Ul l*. M 7.od \ \t. I’D M»K 1DATIUN—DAILY, M TATI? OF UKOItUlA, YVA YNE l’( LJ WhercHS, Allen Highsmflh, Adniuns administration. Therefore ull persons concerned are hereby requir ed to show cause (if auv they have) why said admin .letraior, on tliu lirst Monday in Nov no be* next, should not he discharged. Given under my hAuanmf seal this .May nth, 1803. Lb.s.l JAMES UIUUSMITU, hUtyft Depnty Ordinary. /1KO UUI A li ttif, t iiiM V, \u persons having deiuuuds against David c. Curry, deceased, late ot said counly, are hereby no*,tiled and required to present'them, properly at tested, to the iiudert-tglicd Within lueliuie pn *» ul» ed by law; and all persons indebted to said deceased, are uuruhy required to uiuku immediate payment to JOHN A. BUTLER. K'l'ATK €>F 42i:oU<.l \, WAYNE COUNTY kl All perstnis having ocmuuds against James Mattord, deceased, iat«- of said couuiy, ate hereby uouiiud Und required to present them, properly ni- tesled, to Hie undersigned within the lime prescribed l*y taw; aud all persons indebted lo said deceased are hereby riqitir. a .0 make immediate payment lo the uudersigned. This 8d(*tetub«r Uth.ltkkl. . ELIZABETH A. STAFFORD, 1*15 Aub4li)Istr»::rit. . _...e hureoi a. he made to tho Court of Ordinary of said county bn leave to sell u trai t 01 lund containing oim unndiod Tax (Collector is. A. A. Dei..nme. MUSKS YOUNG, Slier 1 If .M< Into.'h County. McIntosh counly, Oct. 29, le(t3. imv2 Notice. A LL pereous having claims against the esloie of Anthony Kvetitt/dhccasejl, will present them, duty authenticated, wilhiu the time pieserlbod by law, und all indebted lo said esta'e win make (mum- ate payment to the tunlerslgffed. MARY EV BRITT, Adlu’x. O E EDWARD , / A||m . ra 8. 8. PITTMAN. , Kept, 'itith, TfilW. or 13* ISfOtlCQ. • soli the real and personal property be > the estate-ol James M. Hums. LAI RA T, HARRIS, A (in, . JNOTlOi^. UlYTY days after date application will be made to the Court oi Oidiuary oi Chathain county tor leave to Hell a female slave, and Ihe personal proper ty, other than slaves, belonging to Che nsiirte u( Iordan P. BrooliV, lute ol I'hullmm county, deceased. MARGARET E. BUouKS, sepl Administratrix. N( ) L U -1-:. O N the Ur*l» Monday in November uext applica- liouw'ill bemad - 16 the Court'ol Ordinary of feillughum county to» leave to sell the real estate be longing to the estate of Win. U. Wilson, deceased, lor ihe Ucnohl ol the heirs and creditors ol saidde- censod. JOHN W. W lf.SON, . Adujlittstrator. No'i'U;k JI.YTY days after duly 1 will apply to the Hon orublu Court ol Ordinary of L'lmi nain ronrityloi leave to H11JI nil tuereal aud persoaat prooertv 01 th. ..(.(.•„( (’.trick II.mi-Iok, (Jr ,, JlvI.ffS,” ^ ““■ra- M.K\. JUt-ii.iNAI.uT . ,1111 i 1,, [ r:,l ,,r CvcculorA Notice. A LLpers*us having any claiuis against the jUL late *»f Hon. l.evi 8. U’J.yon, lute of Chulh counly, deceased, will please hand them in, properly benelll ol less, iu said count), estate 01 Juntos otailoid, decvased, 1. ->«•— » -*-lBARJW’II A STAFFORD. BU *. . Aiuniiilfli rat 1 lx. N ot ii il iv a yn k <ofnv»«x. days alter date application will bo made to trie tiouoramo Court ul Ordinary ot W ayne Fount) , lor leave tosell the uegrous belonging to the Estate of Bheirod Shellleld, mte ot said.uuiily, de< eased jWRW * JOHN II. TloGti, Ahm’r, S TATK OF GHOHOlA) GLYNN COUNTY. To *dl wlunn it may couceiu : Whereas, Mary it. Akins applies lor Loners Dirmissory upon the estate oi John |(. Humph, deceased (Sundays accepted » Luave Whites vide, (No. 3> ' Air.vc at SavaunaU AUGUSTA BHANt 11 lsiave Augusta ■ U SD A. M 7 27 A. M 7 '40 4. M. .9.2(1 A UBAD’ORS DEP’T 8. 0., GA. A FLA.., I l C/Uarluston, 8. C., Nov. 3d, 18W. J /, NPKCIAL Olii/UftH , No. 9*23. f. ‘ Medical officers In charge of Hospt- tals in this Department wilt report With out delay to Surgeon ( huwiuj*, Medmal Director of General Hospital*, the name, company andr. glmcnt ol nil detailed men employed tu their respective Hos pitals, stating whether or not the men t'O employe.! uro unfit for uctlvo eorvice, ana the naturo os tho dis ability. By command of Gen. Buxoticvaiid. UHgued) jiso. M. OTEY, • Assistant Adjutant General. Gn*icixi. W. W. GoitooN, Capt. and A. A. G .1.80 P. M. 6.26 P. SI. 5.90 I*. M. •i.-ai 1*. M. Arrive in Milieu Leave Milieu Arrive tu Augusta.... . • Leave Augusta Arrive in Mtllen Leave Milieu Arrive in Augusta f* to A. m! Eaton ton branch. Lea vo Baton ton 1 (K) P. M. A<*rtve tu Gordon t tvi i*. M Loavo Gordon ... m 1 p, m. Arrive iu Eatouton 9 47 P. M. Paiueugurs from Ravantnh aud Mnoon for Augusta Will take either train, and connerl direct both ways with the Georgia nml South Carolina Railroad* For MilledgevtiJe aud K.itonton tak** “Day Train' from Savannah aid Atlgustfl, mul ‘•Night Train’ from Macon. Accommodation Train to Milieu will not ho rnn alter Friday night, .'kith tn.-tant. Night Ttatim iron* bnvaunan and Augustu connect with South-weeleni R. H. at Macon lor Albany, Kufunla, Fort Gaines aud intermediate points; also, with M'uou aitd W. it. It. to AUohi* ami tho \> cut. Day Train rdmiocts at. Macon wit Ii 8. W. and Mn» cngeoii.H. to CoiumliUh, Montgomery, Mobile and the South Wept. GK9. W. ADAMS, General Hop* ilntundunt. oct.iW Ailanllt: aud tiulf Knilroiel. L^Lixl-.Ai &IOtiTUIUt\ li,Millet to. Capital—Two aud a Hali Milliou UoUars. TE1 IIIS Company has been oiguutzou r»y election o -A. Directors ua iollows . It. a. Mouu'i'g H , CA * ATLANTA. James Urmoud, 11 . F. Herring, W. Jones, Rout, J. 8. lA'Ckhart, UOLUMUUS. W. H. Young, J. F. BokcUiol, Daniel Griillu, D. Ailatua, 8. Dun:>i D. F. Wile l*V. li. John-.uu, ,«f. A.Rtt jJouu L. Jouue, ll'iilaski 8. Holt, f.raac SCOtl. SAVANbAII. iAndi'uw Low, Dwight Lainrou. VV. B. JOHNSJ( CHARLES DAY, Secretaiy. .ersignec bur been appointed Agent lor Baturoby, S&Ti'ON, Prealdott. ttpG—ly BK.YAN STHiCET NEGRO AUCTION MART. htors ol said do ed the applicant at the April lei in uext oi t.._ of ordinary of said c .uuiy. sepl2 s i EniE.N GORTON, O. G, U. E'I’ATL OF U ICO H « I A, ('HATHA It KJ COUNTY.—Tu ail Whom it may concern : tate ol John < ceased. These arc, therelnre, to cite and admoulah ail who* it may concern, to be and uppeur before auld Ct exceptod.) 1 make object ion (it auy they haveJ on or before ... _ .. Monday at November non, otherwise said letter* ill be granted. Witness, Dominick A.O’nymu, Baq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this 23d day ot September, ltm:;. ,»24 ‘ DOMLNK K A O 14) li;»E, «• C. C. Ul’-tlK OF LICOIIIHA, (TIATHAltl O COUN'J’Y. - To all whom ir may concern. whereas Solomon Gardner will apply at the Canrt of Griiiuary lor Lettors Dlsmlssory he granted. w *tuosM, Dominick A O’Hyrm?, Ksq., Ordinary 1 .. aotiuUyor »ay,i Chatham county. COUNTY^—To all wlami rt muy conceit!. as, McPherson B. Milieu will apply at the 1 ourt ofOidinury for Lvtters Jlisnilssiiry* us Adnnmatia- tor on the estate of Lewis F. Hat .• haui county, decensed. Ttruae are, Unruforu, to cite aud admoni;Jr ail when. *»« l «*d appear beloro suld tJouri to omikt. (*bj< < Lion ill anv tiu u Uilw.ii a i»(iuot#he uuueisigiictl. UEi*. 8. OWENS, JULIAN HART sept8l—lawtiw exec uior's Notice. LL persons who have placed claims for codec- JULIAN UAKTKLUUB, t yuk'Heil I HUS. K. LLOVU, f Kicciilori) iopt3l—lawbw A1lmi111.su,itor’s IVoticc. ~ »all parties concerned anle Court ot ordinary of ( hut ham Couuty, Gt-nigia Hip leave to sell the real estate aud personal propert y belonging to lire estate ot James F. j.iuder, late r»f said county, deceased, for the .benefit ol the heirs and creditor’s of suid estate. EMANUEL 8HBKTALL, AdminiB».ator EsUL: u[ J. F. Linder BavaiillHh, Sept,. Hi, 1803. sepl! *2wi,lki Kxocuwr’s sale. O N tire first TUESDAY 111 December next, will Ihj soul beltmv the Court House door, in Wayne coun’y.Ga., the fonder reaklenoe of Mrs. K.H. fort, on tbu main road, eight miles Ktiuth of* Barrington Ferry, consisting of nine hundred (INK)) acres ot laml, and the Improvements thereou. bold tty order of tUeOrdinary lor the purpose of dlvimon. c< lu-J JOHN M. TI-ON, Kexecutoi*. NOTiOfi. 1\TV day, kll.r (laLi ai.pllrst on will ho mndu .rabid llKi Oouri ol Uru.imi v of Cl:,it- r negroee belonging mm eouqty lor leave t«» sell 0 6 the estate uf Mary Jane Harris, late ol « hatrium ouuly, ilec*-ase«l, lor thq benefit of the heirs aud creditors ol the said estate. EXECUTOK/S NOTICE. ^ l.l. persons liuving any claimsagainsl Airs. busauimU Wilson, lut . decanseri. will please hand them in, properly allcst-eil, within Uie U me prescribed by la a , and all persons rudehted w-ll make nnincdiat<> p-tytueui to of the iiudersigued J NO. W WILSON, I (qualified octsiawriw G. W ILSON, | Ex ‘fe. AdinlnlbiralorS Kotire. A LL persona he/tug any claims against the es- J\. tate of Thomas 11. Jordan, late n| Chatham county,dmviased, will ideas*.' hand them In, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted will make immediate payment to the irnderaigued. J. H. SAD88Y. sep*2d Administrator. m«kb uMXjoUmW unf S7,‘ win I,u,,wr - Witness, Dominick A. O’Byme, Esq , Ordinary for Chatham couuiy, this nth day 01 Aprir, lew* upr!3 DOMINICK A. O’BYRNE, O S TATK OP ClKOItUIA, (TV A TU A iTI COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Where as, Daniel U. Htewart will apply at tho Conrt 01 ordinary for l*ottera l>ismisuory as Guardian of the ruluor cnllilreu ol biuron buutina .dt-ccuaed, • These are, therefore, to cue aud admuaish all Whom it may concern, to be aud appear before said Court to luoku olfjeclion (if any they nave) ou or he tore the first Monday lu November uext, otherwise sate letters will bo granted. Witness, Dominick A. G’Byr!i(!,K8q.,Uid!naryf»»r Uhathum County, this 24llt day of September, 18o3. sep26 DOMINICK A. O'tilllNIii. u C. 1 4'oufederate Slates of Aaerica,- bOnrilEKN DISTRICT DF GEORGIA A rnericii Ji^DistricI Court oj 1 ’anjht<\rnte States Jor the Southern District of dtemyia, April Term, 184W. W ill?IUCAn, Henry Luthrop, Kdw’d Padelford, Dill Gowdy and Jos. Llppinan, Grand Jurors duly summoned to attend as snub at the April term of said Court, (lHlt.l,) made default therein; and whereas, Henry J. Dici.eraou, Wm. it. lluusoman, John Hourkhir, Charles H. Hall, John F. Hamilton, Charles W. W. Briton, John L Grayson, Valentine Busier, Joseph l\ Gaaimou, Slie dou IV. Wight, John M. Williams, Ahrain Bicker, James m Prentiss. Antonio Police and James Wtthinglon, Petit .limns r* gularlv drawn and diky Miimmoned to •uieud at said term, also made default tbcrln; aud whereas, James McCarty, Alfred T. Barnard, Geo. i, M« Gougii and Matthew G Wtisou, Petit Jurors residing tu im: counly of Muscogee and DDltii t ulbrcsutd, duly and *p«dally summoned lo attend as each ul --aid April term, ist»3, ul*o made (^idault therein ; and whereas, Charles Baker, a PetltTruror, resluiug in the county of Richmond und Distilct aloiusaid, duly atm spe cially summon! d to attend us sucii at *uiu April term, )8h3, also made default iliereiu. Now, flWrcfoie, notice .s hereby given lo Die a bo V0 uomed Grand and Petti .limirs.unu n i- so ordered by the ( oiut, that unless they shall so vet ally file with the Clerk of.saul «'ourt good and Hifti< i- at cause ol excuse therefor under oath, on or hrloio Dm first d iy 01 the next November I. rm ol said Court, 1803, (being the -Ilh dayot November, 1 Util liny will suv,mil) hu fined, the former in the sum ol forty dollair, and the taller in the earn of tw».:iiy dollars, accordiugto law. Sut^uunh, Sept, m, d,o;j. CHARLES 8. HENRY, Clerk District Court Confederuiu suim ■ octl-2a)v4jN4 eoulheru District Georgia. Notice. E. M. THOMPSON. Hm-Ivcr. E M« LKOD, Confederate States Attorney. oct*24 lnw2iu (uni, diraa foe, All oiliej are rnjoihetl to keep tip the sti iciest dise^jdiim, un>i au appeal i* made i“ the men lu Htaiid l'.V theifc. c*t|ois and tin ircouetry tltroufih evil and amt good lep.nt lie iiot discoungcil l»v ll»i»* dele It. \W vviU yet aeii.l the*.* rotdurs bowl ing hack to tin ir niViAll that is ucee-sttry 1* that we be true to onr*« and liberty will »town out 1 and Strike, l.ll dl: ces-, iiduUl), dis .Ot upon our lie lot* your liberty lud your PLANTATXOHT KOK tSA-Chl, iv 1,01s tu suit rtminsKm. TIIOIIIU «« .K iras, Southern Eusiiraiittf COMPANY, SAVANNAH, GA. •ad. and adiolningthe Junction ot the Brunswick Itailrtaid. 'Hi miles I 0111 savannah, in Ware county. T« h<Mitf>l(]u. being the ceuter, atlords a fine oppor tunity for ‘ ..... r. - . -.1 4 ,| ip Rr |ii up These lands im,* of I'otton. Corn, plantation buildings l John Cunninrhiin, John M. 1 'oOpef, Henry Lflthrop, Wn Rest- j S Bi’fi'IJor ' Pemlletob, 1 apply tlio L. C. I EBLAl Liunc Sia.u. nf Mac. F. Jark«oti, of Augut-M. - prepared to iirsu'e against lo (OlUcial) W. II T. Wai u h. I our (ieileral Comm mdiug- .1 it. Cl MVUMI, Cap lam and A A 10 ner.il. It. UritoH ban 111, Major aud A. 1. General. htiq acres for sale In (’h.tihnm County, f. inn-, halt cash, liaUhee luone and twoy aab. if prefcrreii. riptions ol pro promptly adjuslcd and paid. I) Itny Mrscl, Sdvuiooili, HENRY ItltlUHAM. Preside Aaron Wii.hi 11.Seerelary. W|»% All h Ollic* w ••ember next. 3 llor-es, Hogs, Cattle, ( ilia* kamilti Tools, togettier with a qie ILL he sold at the residence ol R H. I)j via, deceased, 011 the second Monday in l)u Foddui, quantity of faun Tin utensils, and household ami kilim 1. lace, containing two i-r Hire-: Iru.dredat lie place, cumaming •i all batnmnr k land, ._ ... All persons huvlug claims igidust the hstute, and those who are Indebted, will p^aent them proper ty attested, and make paynteni to m on the day of sale. li J. IIAV 18, A.lnonisirau.r octl5--taw5mo* * juMNnius, «.a IfladlBOU (b II., Uks 414*, rriokiftfcpllo, and Tillabna- •es, Florida. ailar illomlay. Julj Slat can* 1 ■* u—•— foil. Leave Savannah al.. rt.45 A. M. Arrive aiThomasvUle at 7 40 P. M. RETURNING. Iioave Thnmnavilla at 5.31 A. M. Arrlvo at Savannah b.liu I*. U. Connecting at Melntosh (Btation No. 3, going West) on Tuondayp, Thunwlaye and Saturdays, with a line- of conches Ut Darien. Reluming ou alternate days. t.^nnocting at Tcbcanvillo (No. U) daily with tho cat* for Brunswick. Connectlim at tiuitmau (No. lfi,) dally with a line ol coSrJnn to Madieon U. II., Fla. ^ (Connecting at Groovcr’n (No. 17) wllh a dally line of coachch In Muntlccllo, Flu. Arriving in lime to connect with the cars to Tnllahat-tmc and Si. Marks. Freight Tcalus leave Savannah Mondays, Wed 11 os days and Fridays, at« A. M.; returning on Tuesdays, Tlmmlays aud Saturdays ut 4 1‘. M. N. li. Don bin tho regular rutos will be charged on all articles shipped by l*amiongcr Train, exconting bait, fresh incut, ttr.b oystera, und other porlanahlu '• ’ " inhtby- Dept Al ii iiu. 111 urllcloa, livcrcd at the Dept At luasi lug time oi the train. Jyl3 G- J, FULTON, Hnpwrlntwidont. 9 hour iMilore the start- CHANQE OF SCHEDULE -«**•• SmMSMMArjstit... . ..'517'.. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD N and atlor Sunday, March 220, 18U3, ihoCohim, \tl and PaV 'i ucsiiuyB t sell all kinds of properly ul tho Court Douce on the first Tuet Uu) ol every month. Puri-ons huvmg proinriy lor tale win give 1^0 or more buys notice betore the day of auiu, eo that the propel 1) can be udri:ii:eeu. i ul*c liuVi' accouiniodaiioiia lor any number ol Negmea it a modir«te price lor hourd, und I wUi use cm ry euort '-o muko quick oaten und (o (he beat uuvunl .^e. lobll bTEVJLNSUN, Auet ioiieer ftnd Diokcr MENDEL. Crier. 1)1 ElMi KmULKrt.’WEVl', LBUTaiuaansn at lbEl.iS Iwutimai Bo 6b ilraylou luntli o< lurk ttrooR uom (Go ia(u roaiitoi eo ol Hie tuburiber. iT.itL Buhbcrinur, gialelul for rmat fhTOis, I egi X leave lo liilorm lUB friends lend Ue piibiicgcovr any, that ho is uow prepare^ to I>yo alt Colors in 1 no alylu on Silk and vYoolau Dtussoa, Shawls, • ;c.; . Table C’ovoru ami Ciupo Shawls cleuuea end ou ached in Uic heat manner. Ladles'Kid ued i ot>- akin clovue cleaned in tho heft London stylo.' TUe subscriber beet; leave to otatc that ho ib toy prepared to c.cau, bloacn and press Ladies' Bonnets ami Fiatb Ui the must u-inuunbio stylus. Te. u. 1 lacduiaie. GwnUuuien'B Garuionla Dyed unu CloazuHl, ns nay ; required, lu the same aupurior style which uas >.eu- •jrsliy so wed pleased lus patrons and fijnnds tor ins punt 30 yearn. A. UyP.oWAY. I 1 v II m $100 Ecward. lows: nRVWRMN UAOOM AND UOLUMBUS. Leave Macon ut. ^ . 6.25 * at. .11.1 P. M iv.k) 1. Arrive at Macon al fi.Q'2 i*. A* SMTWHBN uaoull X8D OUAVTAbboOll»J«f. Leave Macon .. ti au A. M. Arrive id. Chattaboocheo 4.38 p. M. Leave Challulioocbct! ....7.Hu A. M. Arrive at Mnmu . a.21 P. M The Mail mul Pa^feeugor TratUB front Albany con utamlihviiio, No. 10 H. W. K. M., and from w° r f £?* . ,B daily at (fuftifiort, wllb UbattftiioochcA Mail Truln. Juvtve Smlthvllle ut Arrive at Albany at. I1.60 A. M 11.20 n. M 2.56 i». Al. 7.30 A. M. Liiavo Albany at Arrive at Smith villa at.. Lea vs 1 'nthbert ut Arrive at Fort Gaines at l-uave Fori Gaines at.... Arrive nt Dnthtturt at . . Making tlio connection wllh the up and d6wu Chat- Uhooche<* Mall Train. S Trabis to Columhus form a through connection, to . ntflonmry, Alatmma, and Angusta. Kingston, Wil ia ngton, Savunuuh, MtlledKOVtiluana Eaton ton. 4Poet Coachun run from Albany to Tallalmsseo,|Ba ni bridge, Tboinartvllle, Ac.. | iPaaecm^rsfor iroliiis below Fort Valley should take lue Night. Urdus from Auqtista uud Savannah to avo.d detontum at Macon. For ('olnintiiis uae the Dhv Train. VIRGIL POWERH, Eui'inenr und Biiprriuicmh.nt.jg Maron, Mari h 23d, 1 «3 uprii IIIAMiK OF SUIHDULK ON GHaORQIA RAILROAD GEORGIA HAU-ROAD, I AUuUsta, July *21, 1862, f O N and after Sunday, July 27th, Sunday Day Train resumed on main 11m also Trains on Athens and Washington Branches will ran to connect uni! timber nut ice. LIAY1 8.10 a. M. 7.18 P. M. /A,....8.46 a. M. • !".....4.00P. M. AattlVB Atiunta . Atluiilu . Augusta Augusta. .6.04 1 Atlanta Atlanta Trolm* foumuiing with Wutttlll .6.30 a. ..6.3*4 v. ..5406 A. b.ll) A. M. Noconiiecl ioii with Warreutou 1 iy. Ifelair Train leaves Augusu 6.15 P. JK. Jy28 J GEO VuNHK, rtpp’t. J i.SCAIM.l) from my Mart, on tho Cth ult., n j Negro Loy, by the numu of Jlft.NRY, 14 ycuru brown skin, the property ot k. Unit 1ngb1.n1, hoy is supposed lo be iuikmg ultoul the cil) ol CUiniiH. J. A, EN8GN, vt—9 >m*.: HiH Bryun r Notice. To Einxid Buyora. 'I’ll K BUbstriber ofiers lor sale Ins plantation ou the LouIbvIHu rond, :«» miles irom SavnanuU, eontaiuiug lfsi acres—about 60 acres under eulliva Lion and very productive, bind laud 1. , ,.ei.j cituuli.d, and euiibidered healthy, two and u quurtei miles Iroiu blutlon No. 3>o, Ceulrul Ran n mt. Aliy person wishing lo purchute will ml piess iuu al Guyioii, JUliuubuui county, Uu., or 1 ull Stray €ow.y about Uie neck and sides wiUiaiuuil black spoui. ’1 he reiuuindur ol tbu cow is while. She bus a mark ou right hip, where shu bus been branded, which bus *■ "* The hair ou ( llie lop of the tail la cut no hair on it. _ r short. Sim bus a split iu one of her ears, and a round piece out of the utiicr. 1 will pay tea dollars foi but JOHN JfoDSRMOTT. Land tor Sale. I OPFEil for sale my plantation iu Bryan coun ty, twenty-two miles Irom Savonuuh. containing 6(H) acres, pine uml island swamp land. Forty acres nl the pine land auu lllleen ot lue swamp is cleuicd and under uultkvution. The land iuu hntl mile fioiu ihu (Juuooihcu Brluge, ami five miles ulxive Dillon's Bndgu. It is a very desirable location lor u store, is oq the i loss-loads irom Darien lo Bryuu hull story, fine rooms, with ail necessary outbu mgs, good wuler und fine orchard Ot iruit ire gtupe-ry, and good raugc for slock. Apply '.f JOHN 81.UAN, Savannah. E. A. E1.AUBEE, On the place. Scrip Lost. OST or stolen, on a ednesduy or Th'ireduy Inst, i 4 in Savauuah, Scrip lor leu shares cf Southwest- urn Railroad Stock, number uot remsmburcd, prop-* i-riy of John Jones, deceased, ot Raud- iph county, L»u Also, nine Couiederute one huiiuicd dollar .mies, bearing two pui cent, inteiesl per i.ay. Hum- liers uot remembered. A liberal reward will be paid by the undersigned mr the delivery of tliu ubo\c, u ' “ ‘ ** No. dl F.ilacki^lo" J. M. SHERIDAN. J\l. d. hsolomons, OOMMiSSION MERCHANT, BAY H'nilf.K'V, (Office formi 1 Iy orrupiod hy Messrs. O. (lolien .M ’o.) BMr’Uolicils CyiiFiguu.oe'.a ol Tioducaaml Mer chanrtics. fnbfii OSN A.BURGS, II V T H K PIKCli OU II A L K • COTTON TSVI.N New Goods. * JUST OPHM Jil’r). i'Mkm SODA. store aud for sale tail, by HAMPION A FREEMAN. Iron Varniiali. FURNITURE VARNISH IIAHKKL OF LRONfVAItNISII; 2 d6. NO. 1 FURNITURE VARNISH for eals 4 JOHN OLIVER'S, 22 1 No. 11 Whitaker street. iRlL. Alcohol for B&le hy mnyl2 JOHN OLIVER. sB (’ASIC WIN TICK POPLINS 1 ca.ic Gents' Neck Ties 1 cite Gents' hcnuuetl L. D. 11 infik'.rtbb'fs :m do/jii Si lsaors Iti'ii Ii English Cut 1 Black 1 'rape follurs and (’11 ifa llkiH yaids Plaid Uiunespiiuc Two Bushel, OJ9N A B TLT Ilf at New Books. O HDNANPU MANUAL FOIL 1803. Mahan's Permanent Fortifications. (Large edition, with plates,) The American Union. By James Spence. Also, More Almanacs for lHdt). Evolutions of thu Line. Jomint’s Practice or vfo*. The Judge Advocate’s Vade Meoom. lioceived and for a&lo by E. KNAPP A CO., murfi Wnst^jflt;^Moment .sijuarn. A K. «. LAT1IROP, Di V HT A MDRGAN* COTTON TWINE. IIIIV'JI IIWII Bacon, Carbonate Soda. IF W- M. DAUDbO.N. I'M)*™** | BkplU bids, 6»r sail* hy tLAUIKIilN & l l NNINMinil, Salt. rjk HU li* I .ip ml v 1 t f)W • -tt'hs Turk - l-^ud halt; fur ijlIc by rupja CLAuirell.i A i CHNILgHAM. | J)TJ FOU ‘JAUFUx URNIIV LATIlirur A CO. Flour aud Bran. T WO hundred sack* Etowah Mill* mu?*** Flour, StXJ sacl.s Wheal Bran ig^jjiuuAM CLAGUgRN A ( White Cuiw ^ufi-ar.