Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 10, 1863, Image 1

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i I rC' v.n-v U : v 4 ... LiJ i m- Cs* 1 ^ MTWUU II V(H,. XIV. Ja'ilj) ^floviuiii] ;iU'ir*;. Y THEOUOFIE BLoTsT T. TllOilll'SOiV, - . I JUTOII. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, Isii:!. .% ft» Think r SHERIFF'S SALE! t Ihitii Mint Hi. highlands. Witll pl’OpIO f.O I'allJ Will s'.umh.-r supine islands, hud throw u a, h.ltl |»U!*!*CJ. fumlH, the whole Uni I'rcoV 1 UTA I liOK <-ftiaj(' t IA. U'AiMt CULM Y 67u0, which the iu« liiiil i * OuTim-day, iu<» ,.i 1:11111:1,, jm-i'. w il NO. 202 CliaUiAtti SujKrlor C’ouri. , „ ^ Wlu'roaf, Amu* W.lili, Krtwmi, i'dililluul, Motto. I ■^XV v „' ' ' j j : , H. t ohcu, .loin. .Mt Mah.ni, rv a. Mayer Hint James I -•^*** '*** *■' u‘... bt.c i I he Tli 1 nl. you that m "iinUinij u Wo did not lu 11 think It like!v he halls fr< ... yi \ rilled, where ill maimer «»l r if easily learned by precindoti-* 1 eut to Milled^ 1 Hu I ty ^ * lie will, ou a lone visit for llil* often Macoii flt41N .till min ^{federate. Think you that tliu spirit which spoke lu TELEGRAPHIC. fvt>UAT3 OF J HE PRESS ASSOCIATION nllny (o Ait of Congreti in the year ■lerk's ojftcr oj the i'isi.fi,-r. Court of the ConfuUrutr Xti.„., ...othiin /Juirlct of Ueoryia. Report «l (lie Mecroiary o| War Richmond, Dec. 9.—The report ui the dccre- taiy 01 Wur is u v^ry lengthy* uiid highly impor tant docu incut. Thu Socrolury briefly refers to the principal operatioUb of the uruiy m the rov- eral ilepartmiuto, ami says the cauipiugu in Mia- • isalppi has certainly been disastrous, and that it it: diUU ult to resist the impression that those disasters were nut inevitable—that u court of inquiry and investigation ol the whole cumpuigu met ui Atlanta iu SiijjiciuLur—in consequence of the vicinity oi the enemy Uemuudiug the presence of witnesses, judges aud 6lhma, the points have been suspended temporarily. Thu court la expected suuu to re-asaemble. The delleiency showu by the reports ot men and provisions, lather than the reverses of battle, caused the withdrawal ol the army from Middle Tennessee. The Secretary alludes to deserting aud alrag- g.iutf abseutuus, and suya the effective torce ol mu uruiy is little over null or near two- minis ul the men on the lolls, lie recommends the repeal ol the substitute and exemption provi ions, aud that ull having substitute* be imme diately required to go iulo the fluid—that me pi.vilcge which Congress grauied to put iu t iiuitesjcuu be regularly and constitutionally abrogated by the same power. He buy p.ct was entered into by the government and 1 no person iuruishiug a suhsliniie, as alleged, i,ui n was only a privilege which the govern iu* lit accorded. Instead of complaining oi tho .iinogalion, he should bo gratelul lor what Lad i 1 *: 1 eloforu been allowed sun. I lie decretory recommends the abridgment of I \• mptious, couserlpling all and making details'* tor the wants of society at home. He say6 that die three years’ men, when their lures cr- pile, cannot be dually discharged uud should lie 1. un ned, allowing them to choose an existing eotupuny under its present organization iu s .me arm ol the service, lie rc.comuiemls the • uiisi kdutiou ol cum pa 111 Co and regiments re duced below a certain compliment, lie pays a • •winu' tribute to the heroism, endurance uml u -uiti ring devotion ol the soldiers, and the Jft- II • .11 ed dead, >yho have yielded their Jives a t-ac- dice ou tho altar oi liberty, and cloaca by say- ,.ur very reverses nbowlng, uh they do, that our people ale milled and determined to en dure cvciyihiiig for independence, must con- Lbe enemy ul the luLility ol their ciloris i" subjugate us. ficNMnut) of Ihe Governor ol Vlrgluln. Richmond, Dec. ‘J. — Thu Governor’s niessrjo ilchvcied yesterday gives a long review of local .ill lira. The only points of inters^ eoniiuct- ,..| >vi.b mu general policy 'of the country, are tun icmarks lu rclereueolo substitutes nud the . ui 1 ency question. Ilo says substitute! having hccii ucr.epled lor threo years under the laws, hy |„,u, Smtc mid Confederate Govemineuu, 1. , Vl . Luvnme binding contractu, aud should bo impeded. No Government which violntefi 1 oil 11 acts between itseM uud individuals, can On the. currency he saVR our labile ol paucr having been regulated by no principle, 1! e eoiiRi qnenco is over issue, causing mlalriist as to the redemption. We must retire li* excess, stop further issues and adopt some wise system ul taxation, combined with a loan. l»uy ol' I'aMting, lliiuklliulloii uud IDuyef. EX ECU IT VK DEL*A U l .MKNT, ( MlLbUDUttVibLU, Dec. '1, iso:; j For the Information ot the people ot this Stale 1 hereby order the publication ol the fol lowing resolution?, passed by the Uuuuial As sembly, uud I respcotluily invite all the people oi'UiM State to unite iu the ohsei Vance oi the day by fasting and prayer, and by other appro- 1 luriher n qmat that all busiucss houses bu THo.r?d, and all secular business suspended Uming the day. JOSEPH E. BROWN. f’auip Dismal, a. I*., Dec. 6th, lbUJ. A i»H) of l r antlii<> and l*rnyer. The Legiolature ol Alubam a having respond ed approvingly to the recoin me uaatipu ol Gov. Brown that Thursday,the lOib day ol December, (this day), be set apart as a day of fasting, humiliation and pruyci, Gov. Watts haa issued a proclamation enjoining the observance of that day lu the manner recomuieuded. The Legislature of Georgia has also sanctioned the recommendation of Gov. Brown, which wus to make il a day ol fasting uud pruyc|j throughout the Con led ci ale Stales. — General Banks, wuho.otK) men, oc^ppies Brownsville. The Yankee stories of ^Sif.OOO hales ot cotton guiued by the occupation are ylhlcal. Gen. Bee burned all the coltou that tould not be leuloved, uud that was likely to lull lulu Yankee hands, il is uol believed that the enemy obtained tilty bates ol coltou. ■ Cor- liuo, a Muxicau guerilla chiel, has prouuuuccd at Malamoras agaluot Juarez, (he Freuch aud ybody else, and holds Malamoras. T his lu- creusea the ditlicully of the siLu iliuu as to trade by the Rio Graude. It is supposed, however, that the Freuch will very soon dispose of Cor llna. The Texas trade uow goes b> Eagle Pass Armt Lettishs.—'The Postmaster General hus established a P'.stotllce to bo called the “Northern Anuyol Virgmia,” and appointed Captain Johu L. Eubank’, ui Uichuioud, i’ost- master. Said office is to be located near Gen. l.ee'3 army, aud go with it wherever il may go, aud tbe ITistmublers in this Slate and iu other States, tiuding letters iu their offices lor this army, will confer a lavor on the soldiers by sending them “direct” to this new I’ostoltico and thereby expedite their delivery. Moke Banisiuik.vi.—- Miss E. W. Goldsbor- ough, of Baltimore, ol wealthy parents, beuuti lui and rciined, has been fleeted in corres pondence with “rebels” uud sentenced to ban ishment. As the Hi.dwn Ut*.—Thu Staunton (Va.)Spec- tutorli-uins that 011 Wednesday last a train ol cars 011 the Bil.imoro uud Ohio railroad was blown up by torpedoes placed on the truck - - 'I bis oci-mred u**u Pawpaw Tunnel, thirty miles west ol MariinsbU'g t ho train is said to have been loaded with Yuukee troops. Tbe amount ol damage doue is 1101 ki ifwn. ftUtlMf) tin- Nl: the preseui )v tars mid lifly-i i' "iu y «j 01 i;inuui> *!»• HoUhO iloui ui f:i.«| eoti_^,, I lioitrs nl's-ih 1 , un ol lanii imiuIh 1 l six lean ivilb. .-il iu, lot u ti mb. 1 iw. e piOM). hi tin I'lm.i Diairi. t .| . d(l 1 in*tt tlloi-of as will he mlHcleul |. oiiniy t;,x of Tai l Kpidug to U.TAJ) ibH'i. t A11101 cents mid cu Il tty « • ) Said to Did 411 **ul ly ed to at 1 Mo- Mill •r. luado lUtiiiilt, dec-. JAMES F riiAPMANj_MI.ilill. \l)i>lI.MSTIlAI'i;K\S SAl.K.* W li.1. ho sold befnic tin- Court Roust- door in Flinch county, on tin- tirn j uml., u. January Special Notice. bu S ATP Uh AY, the 5th iutd., aud *»u every Saturday thereafUr, the th nrata Pifilnhullng (’ominittee will send to the Georgia troops at Charleston, undtr churye of a uprciut run snigrr, additional supplies, and such contributions of fruit, vegetables and cooked provisions, not oi a perishable aature, as fhay reach Uavanuah ou the Friday previous! Every package must be distinctly marked “The Georgia Distributing Committee, bu vannali.’’ WM. UATTRRMBY, Chairman. CnAtt. ». IIahdkk, Secretary. septl-rtf OFFICfi UBOROIA RELIEF AND - 1 HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, J- Aoousta, Ga., Jane ‘Aid, lbtw. ) on or near the 10th ot each month for Mississippi, and wilt take charge of all boxes aud packages In tended lor the Georgia troops in that State, aud will carry them to some sale point near the army and do- IK)sit them, and notify tho owners or deliver them to the owners, if practicable, free ol chargo. The mixes and packages must be marked with the m of the owners, their company and regiments, and to tare of the Georgia Relief aud ilospital Associa lion, Atlanta, Ga. Tho Association will not be ro- Mpouflble Stir the delivery ol any box containing perishable articles, such as greuu vegetables, Jtc. is and packages will be deposited at the Wayside lloine, Atlanta, Qa. • W. H. POTTER, Je87—dl wem General Superintendent. ‘.V ‘ . ‘.7 . va, “ l RUl >f , i»quei.lly, It iMiidi-rrd «miiniLr'.iu- >> v v H s“ > ud > ri.-ssR u rv. , “ 1 ”: w tu-reas Jo-eph M. Sohmious, J. Mack, Georxo A t 11 vlor, Mt.nigmni-iy OiiMum;., Hm.i Lculiy, Uiraui Uiilien , Ja.m-s M IhM.,. r. a. beli.ei.U, Williuiii 1 . hou r, J II Winhoin H I Uln. mimin sTal AIMIIMS I KA | OK'S \0iil E. 00^14 AennnUtralor. Notice .0 Uelitors aud ()rediior.s. according to law; aud persons indebted to said estate *vUl make immediate payment to JOHN it. mIMs, ut Albany, Ga., nov3—lm* AdmTKst. W. W.Cbeevt-r, dec’d. il, Dr. lill'lia P.i 11. VV. .1. Nev attend tIn* pn luu 11 Executor’s Sale. 1, two SinuU negro boys, between three aud five i ami House of Bepre- if Georgia, in General ur national ea- the solemn duty ol all UesaWed by ibo Sou: seuLuiivfS ol the Sint' Assembly met, That in v lamity and dialit tli* 1 people ol the.Re (Jonluderale States to hum ble themselves belore God, aud with penitence for our past eins—nalioual, social aud individ ual—and with an honest, earnest desire In obey 11.' laws, implore, through the merits ol our Saviour, Ll in forgiveness, and plead for wis dom lu guide ur. That wc cordially concur iu the 1 cuontinundation of His Excellency, Joseph lv .Brown, Governor ol this Stale, that Tumts i»ay, the in.h day of December next, be, uud s ud day in hereby set apart as a day ol fasting, buiniliuilun and prayer; that the Oongtess of the Conludeiate Stales, tho l.egiplalttrea of the dillerent Siute.s, our Army aud navy, and all tho people be, uud aro hereby rcHpecUiTHy requested ll » unite with us in strict observance of tin* day. TlJOri. HARDEMAN, Jit , Speaker of ilottac. I- f - a it it 1 noton, Clflrk of House ’ A. It. wrtiaiiT, I'lenidont ol ihn Situate. *• II Kknan, Bee ol Hctiatu. iia heel o; despo Maryland, has gn urujurt of tbe “1 J c.ho&eu tho Som berla.” The Ap Kusrtias” in more The Alaru net, who has sign ism in many butt snres ns that thei tiduor.e ur hliul utmmg the C'olot privates. Whale among oftk-ers ot undertake to ruj them. He hlutsu him. All I The Philadelp key pruspei ts m i hi owing 01 two .... a cerium day, 1 that “nlneu en of lous parr ol the ifilaud, the Euqun intends to c-outiB ... day, and hy thi tlie city.” It add had only proved 1 imped, the denli would long since It Is u rule ol el iiaianls are mil property defHro.yt tbe attainment ol is throwing shell with the lull kuo’ likely to destroy 1 ill. n, or citizens \ cut in us, than ol S' deuvonug to buri would not only in of belples. ana U would destroy un vate property, t nearer to tho than he uuw any military ou.d lu say that stu inous and execrol in it from the rij the code of war, judgment ol CLr un outlaw, aud w any mode of pi chorme io adopt, rule of war. Wl tht torch! Cities use ot Greek Art millions ol dollai Philadelphia, Bo ke.e cities us rnig ish atrocities or a to hum Charier ample right to they succeed, thi provocation, if doom as well as Gomorrabs ui lit the right way to cut, with ihertlc* tting .10a. they have or its “rii- jt all the A Colo id patriot- U>'»KK.»«- ut of con A. Bragg, Hcers and his to him vould not •al umouu luleuco in sing Yau- Ions Lhe the city leut glee Ml pcq.u at Morris Gilmore from day \ destroy ire thells re as was >u hv lire lied.” 1011 -com r private Hw.sury to Giluio^e hurlcnloii he is t*n- tlagratiuii bousnnds iiugs, hut .b ol pri- iiu u loot l-oaitiou attainable mpliah.— e is lulu ongnged lection ol iDl he the eneuiy is 1st him hy luliou we is still the *t»rch for about the •bey are ./ Whig. *|.pi 1 November 17. Joseph k. brown, g» I 1)0 o No prepj irgla may h diiilug (lie 1 >11 Tuleguph 1 that a raid a looked lor imitD ol .1 .in inide lo ic ii'illuguibhcil giu ato t m Thurnday e sengcr from Colt Railroad Agent 120,000 for Cupt. that place, lor Bkclly placed the and steppnl ou crowd b lore thi law motio uir, in abstracted. The tiluBy followed tbib city. t»uh and ht .pped to 1 known lu the ex ll so bupptuei teen or scventn ami during lb S TATE OF «KOU«l A, CUATUAHI COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern"; WberesB, Thomas Purse will Abplj at tbe Court or Ordinary lor Letters of ▲dmmiitratiou ou tbe estate ol Anu Lee, late ot Chatham county, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all \s hom it may concern, to bo aud uppesr before said Court Ui make ubjecilou (If any they have) on or be fore the second Monday iu January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, Dominica A. u'lJyrne., Esq., Ordinary tor Chatham Couuty, this lGth day of Nov amber, lhSa ui'Yaa , DOMINICK A. O’BYKNE, o. C. C. UTATK OF EEOUU1A. (HATH .%,»• n COUNTY.—To all whom It may concern* Wui4 11H, Ricliard W. Adams will apply at the Court of Or dinary for Letters Disinlssory as Administrator on the estate 01 Mary Ann F. It. Washburn, late of Chat it may concern, Ui be and appear before said make objection (if any they have) ou os before ihe tirst Mouday lu May next, otherwise saiu letters will bn granted. Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrue, Esq., Ordinary for <'haih.ua county, this nth day of November, IN 3 uov‘20— *, DOM IN k it A. OBYRND o 0.0. S tate of ueoiiuia, m« in ton at COUNTY. -To all whom it msycoucern: Wn»-rc us, Frederick Krensou will apply nl the Oonrt of Ordinary for Letters of administration de bonis non ou the estuto 01 James Julian O’Byrue, lute or said couniy,dcccaM-.d. These are, therefore, to cMe and admonish all whom it iu»y conciirn, to be and appear before said court 10 make objection (If any they have) on or before the second Monday In Juarnuy next, otherwise said lob ordluary tor Mcliua.l, coonty, this 7th day or December, IrttW. dect A. A. DmLORvtE, O. M. C. belwoeu the legal hours of age. Wold for tli tors ol the est * I said iouniy, dec tfprlugtleld, Ga., Nov. Xld, 1803. Executor’s Sale. lu Ike Confederate States Ills’! Court For the Southern District of Georgia. NOVEMBER TERM, 180». O ItIll£KI£ll that the next regular Term ortho Uistikt (kiurt of the Coufederatc States for the Southern District of Georgia, be held on the dmt Wednesday in April next, (I8M1 at .the Confederate States Court Room, in the city of Savannah, And at ten o'clock In the forenoon t»f that day, or which all persons interested will take due uotlco. Aud it Is further orcered that a copy of this order be published once a week, lor two weeks, iu each of the public newspapers lu Suvau: ah, Angusta, Macon and Columbus, tilh November, irttki. EDWARD.I. HARDEN, District Judge. A true copy from the original order, kith Novem ber. 18U3. CIIARLE.S S. HKNRV, Clerk. tW“ Papers lu Augusta, Macon and Columbus copy. uovW criminal , wher.as James Well. . ... Thompson uud H. il. Eekmau. laiill ou^ ihu lHth day of JVt if.’ Harden Mortimer H. 'W'lllinms, Edwin L. Neidlingur, Johu Talenuau, made default ou day oi Muy, and Biil>noquoutly uiflq . Will >11.1,1 u of said trial ol iu. t»avul natle , and subsequent- L'ulluud. Th.iuias ( ouraU Schmidt, "is A. C'oheo, U. Muhriens, the niiiutoenlh a.*. . .-it'--- n —-*-j , and whereas, a. Mein hard. Petit Ju{or, made delimit ou the after noon of the eighteenth ol May aud - subsequently ; ami wheroas, CharleB Perry, Petit Juror, made do fault on ihe tweiity-alxtb day or May and subse quently: aud whereas, A. F. Mira, Petit J uror, aud George A. McCleskey aud Christopher Haas, Tales man, mude default ou tbe twenty-eighth day of May, it is ordered that eucli of the above delimiters be " “ 4 of tweuty dollars, uuless they tile *" belore tho ilrat day T«ue extracts from the minutes. a , WM. U. BULLOCH, 1 Clerk 8. C. C. C. llued in the good and sulllcieni excuse of the next Term of this Court. S TATE OF EEUIIU1A, KKINTOSH COUNTY.—Tc ull whom it may concern : Whore- ns, Mary A. Ifyuls will apply at U10 Court ol Ora> nary for Louers of Guardianship ou the persons amfproperty of Philip M., biisau C., Ricbuid, Ro- xals A , Hampton, Caladoula aud Hester A. Hyuls, cbiidreii of Jordan W. Ryals. These are, therefore, to cite And admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) ou or belore the first Mouday in December next, otherwise said loi rs will be granted. Witness, a. A. DcLonnc, Ordinary for McIntosh county, ibis ltd day oi November, )&t>3. nov4 A. A. DkLORMK, O. M. C. TATE OF CtBORttlA, WAYNE COUNTY. . To ul! whom it may concern: Whereas, Wiley Knox, Administrator upon the estate of Robert J. Wainvvrigut, late of said county, deceased, applies Therefore, tho kludrsd and creditors of said de- e.-tsed are hereby cited and admonished to die iheir ibjecitous (if any they have) In my ofllee, iu terms 01 lie law, otherwise Letters of Dlsuiisslou will be granted the applicant at the June term next ol the tiurl ot urdtuary for said couuty. JAMKb niGUSMlTll, November 4, lwtk‘1. Deputy Ordinary. • TATE OF OKOMCtlit, WAYNE COUNTY. 5 on the Unit Tuesday lu January next, will be •Id at tbe Court House uoor in said couuty. witbln the lawful hours of sale, a tract of land eou- tuiuiug two huudred acres, more or k-ss, known as the Ureery Island tract, adjoining Stephen A. Juyors’ land. Also, at the same time aud place, ninety hundred uud fifty acre tract granted to bumucl Kigle. Sold as tbe property of Sherrod b. ‘ kiue, deceased,for tho Denem of the heirs and cmll- rn 01 si'., deceased Terms cash. SAMUEL W. AKINS, Adm’r. November 4, I3f*h uovb S TATE OF UKOUEIA, WAYNeTJoUNTyT To all whom It may conccru : Wheretis, Wiley Knox, Administrator upon tho estate of Jos. Wain- wright, late of said county, deceased, appllte for Let ters of Dismission from the administration of said estate. Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased are hereby cited and admonished to file tlieir objections (if auy they have) lu my olllce. in terms of the law, otherwise Letters Dismissory will be grain ed the applicant at the June term next of the Court of ordinary lor said county. JAMES UIGUSMITil. Noveml*er 8,1853. Deputy Ordinary. U TATE OF UKOKUIA, WAYNE COUN- c> TV. Whereas James Hlghsmlth, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Ulgbsmlth, deceased, applies to the undersigned for Letters of Dismisslou iroui sal J AmnrtilblraLlon, 'These are therefore- to die and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause (if any they have) why said Administrator ou the first Monday in February next should uol be dismissed from his administra torship. Given under my hand and official signature, this July 40th, IbtW. jyiJ J. 8. WIEG1N8. Ordinary. Confederate Stales District Court, For the Southern District of Georgia, 16th NOVEMBER, 1863. 1 UII£ Confederate States hequeslrathm Receiver . for sal (I District naviug llied, with tho Clerk of this Court, said Receivers a.-cmintu for matters which have passed Sequestration, und embracing moneys roccived and paid out la-tweon,*the fourth day of Muy lost aud the fifth day of November, instant • It is ordered tbut Wednesday, the sixth day of Janu ary uext, at eleven o’clock, iu the forenoon of that day, be Appointed for settlement, and that the Clerk do give the notices required lu aud by the oloventh section of the original Sequefltratlmi Act, passed 80th August, 10*3. EDWARD J. HARDEN, A true copy iroui me original G>lf\5r,‘'i*ttVirtnihii, lftth November, 1868. novQO—4w CUAJlLtttt 8. HENRY, Clerk. $100 Reward W ILL be paid for the upprchens!ou and delivery to Blount s. Dawson, in bavann&b, of <1 Ne gro Man named SMART, about 86 years old, very black smooth akin, about 6 feet 7 inches high, weighs about 135 lbs.; a cooper by trade, Bias worked for several years iu a cooper sho^ In .Savannah:) was raised by aud until a suort time since, belonged to E. Jeucks. .Ur. A. W’ALTUUUn, ' -8awtf WaHliourville, Gu. ' $60 Reward. ItTY Dollars reward will be paid for (heap __ . hension and delivery lu mo, at Oglethorpe Barracks, of Private JEREMIAH HAGEkTW of Co. D, 63d Reg. Ga. Vols. The said Private Hagerty Is about 81 years of a^ts 5 feet Sluches high, has fair iplexlou, blue eyes, dark hair,, wus born In Ker- ., Ireland, aud a laborer by occupation—deserted Novem1>ei 5tli, 1863. Thirty dollars Reward will also bo paid for tbe ap Chatham Inferior i:ouri, JULY TO KM. 18«:i AyHKUKAS, J. Holly, U. Kluu. M. J. ’i « ‘ iluu ". U.'L eur.o, 1>. Mclluiru aim o.oiul ilahuuuy. otuuiuoii.vl to attend llieure- aent July Tetln of ubathaiu Joforlor Sir . aa 1-otU i U a 0r HmTh'lv,2jo'. U- otauim aid J. 11. Kiuilli, 1 etlt Jurora, anu Hoborl Uarr ami (1 Uruwu, BDmmoucd aa Taloamou, mad. dulkult un the aocoitd day ol aaltl u-rni; It la ordered that they be deed twenty dollars cadi, unleua they tile e.iod aud aufUcieul eae.uae ou or liut'oro * Ibe Ural day ol tlio next Term o! this Court. * True extract from the minutes. WM. U. BULLOCH. Clmk I. '.O.G. Land for Sale, I Ilal VK two lots of good pine laud, well timbered, lu five miles of Glt nmoro, with u farm of about torty acres cleared, with a good dwelling house, kitchen and other or* *— ’ wishing to purchase will call CENTRAL IUIUUmii ... - | OHA NOE Of"kuHkI)U1^ j/lNoud all.-r Sunday, Nowiub. r Ut, t.-A'. m k I u*' l,i ** “ n hlld brant In’s wIR rw DAILY DAY TRAIN. 1 ‘luviu i W <{nT A IN. AiiHelti Mac .an ftave Mucin .. ... VV ll 1 rfc* VIU.IC, ACID MV!I H l A r 11 »N (8umla>» cxivpiid > Extract. DEP’T S. C., GA. 2b KLA... I r 8 (J\ vp 8rt' ■•nub. Ill ( No. I lo, (Nl>. 3/ 'OK8 “• •'»«. t'h.»: U ston, S. Ut, Nov. lid, 18t»3. M'lJ IAi. oia;Liis,i No. tn*. t 1. Medical ofllc la!s iu this Depiii eut delay to burgeon Chow hi V9ii«**Ulmq.iinia, Ihe i umo, »»• Ml uu.nlled men employed alt*, Mwiieg wheilier ur not the inou to tnq 11 hull for active service, and tho nature Jf ti. ai.nlty. Hy command or Uon ilaaauwraitn. ii) charge o', floppl ;ut \\,lll r< | ort will - Mftdicul Director of npauy and r ginient heir iespective-Ho: AUGt'al’A BMaVNl 1.1 • m lugs. Rursuus outrbnild- Glenmore7whu wilTlibow the land ami a th“ novlO—atw tugs. Corblt, , .... make known the prjoc. |7,(X)0. J A MEi BENNETT Wanted. plantation having from two —res ol open, land, with ac commodation lor a hundred negroes, within five miles of either tho Central Kailroud West of Scrlvei ( ountV’Or the Atiautlc aud Gulf Rallioad South o the Altamaha. Apply to octal—4a w3w Leave Angus Ariive lu Milien Lenvo Milieu Arrive ln»August** Leave Augustu Ariive lu Milieu Leave Mtllcn At rive In Augusta , „ EATONTON BRANCH. Leave KaUiutou 1 00 I’, A Amvo In Gordon •* (kt P B Leave Gordou .6.411*, m Arrive In Eatonton ’ ’ 11,47 P M Passengers from Havaunah and Ma« oii' lor August w ll take either tra In, and connect ill reel both way t w«, Ueor8irta,ld SouUl Carolina Rallroadn. for Mtlk«dgt,vilie aud Kutouton iuke“l);iy Train’ rrom Havannab and Augusta, uud “Night Train’ rroin Macon. AccomnnKlation Train to Milien will not ho rui “Her Friday ulght.auth Instant. ^ r . aln “ irom Ravanuun and AuguMii eoiuieci with Woutb-westorn R. R. at Macou lor Albany, Bufaula, Fort Gaines and intermediate points; also, W, .V* aud W - K - u - u ’ Atlanta and tho West. Day Train connects at Macou with 8, W. und Mas cogooR. R. to Columbus, Montgomery, Mublhi and the Southwest. uico. W- aiiaub, Gsheral Superintendent. Uli KAT u. Atiautlc xud (lulf lUUroad. ■hortaat ana illoil expedition, lioui. it Bruuewlck audTboaie.yllle, <ia,, niedl.ou <1. U., Lake city, ■lid 'lallaliaa. $500 Reward. R AN a \\ \ v, on Sunday, tho 18th day ot beptember Inst., my negro man MUSES, about 4J yean of age, five feet W Inches high, brown color weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds, bipb cheek bones; one or two of hie upper front teeth out. He formerly belonged to Mr. Byam. The above re ward will be paid to any penion lodging lilm In atul jail in the Confederate States, so I can get him. u , „ JOHN A. STALEY, J. P. Savannah, BcpLlBtln 1863.^^ B eplo NEAL, SWORDS & CO., 18'A HHOAD STREET, (HUE express company,) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Agents for tbe sale of VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO CT^r/.S z : 2SiFfro‘^i k u?- . Uglelhorpe Bar- i»L.n, UNO. REILLY, of (U). U Kid Reg, G.3, Vols; Thu said Private O’Reilly is about 47 years of.ftgt, 6 feet ll ^ mehes lu hoight, fair com plexion, gfey eves, auburn hair, horn in Longford. Ireland, and a laborer by occupation. He enlisted us a substitute lorH F. Tompkins, on the 14th of July, 1863, and deserted about the 16th day of July, I&63. lay •< W. K. RE A DICK, Lieut. Coiud’g Co. B , 63d Reg. Ga. Vols. huudred acres of lot of land her uiuely one (91) iu the second DUliictof suid county, part of lh-j real estate of James U. Lewis, de ceased, for tUe benefit ul tho heirs aud creditors of said «i<‘(-eased. ’Ibis DeicUjlHsr 3d, 1863 del mil.let?, ou lit bo showed coua the .train hand tblrt tiiu«Mtfp reiving U, |»roi look lo the wo. Villi’. Tho hue him w b lu continued ige Lttality 1 liatu By Adailuhtralor’s Sale. ' as \ virtue of an order of tbe Court of Ordinary of Pierce couuty, Georgia, wdl.be t>ohl, ou the fiitl Tl'EbDAY in Jauuary uext, before the Court House dour, iu the towu of Rlackoliuar, within the I, gul hoard ol sale, a part of Lot No. 91, situated iu and near said towu, containing about 43U acres. Also at the same time and place, one town lot and Imnioveiuui-.ls, lu said town. Also, will be sold before the Court Uouse door, in the town of Forest, Clinch county, within the legal houis of sale, on the first l uerdny lu February next, a part of Lot, number not known, lying iu said luiiuiyol Clinch, containing about UK) acres. All nl said lauds sold us the property of Johu T. Wll- ■..ii, deceased, subject lo the widow's dower, novfc win WILLIAM UOKTTKK, Adrn/r. a i» \i iMs lit a reii's s.ti.K. tbe first Tuesday in January 1 Court House 111 KMughxm icuro iuoii, out aged 48 year-, the other three abarca Coidrsl llillioad Mock. J, coutaiulng about me) acres. W ll*I* lv 1 uext. bcl Alsu i,d lm wlieieuU.iuts lull,aged to clud* Ido.'dhounfis wi >•- |'i In ought hill) to L ‘) id u leute, unit »t lt»E uniih Home Ina track, which soon a (' raiiglB oil ihn io|i e), liul w ia L-ompell 1 0 1T1 Ual utIHn hold for 1 he benefit ol 1 a ol ll.ecrtUU of Win. Ilt-hry Wilson • .11 .lift W WILSON. A.lm r. \ \lt\S AMI (.SNA111 IttaS. litLK* Y»rua ■’ - "oiiuu Uauuliurj,.! Mr wlo i>» IIKNMV uovlS | PLANTATION FOR SSAX.E. FOR SALK, my plantation iu Bulloch county, 634 acres, more or les», in two tracts. The upper tract coutains 83d acres of good pun land, _____ al»out sixty acres or which are under cultivation; tbe balance heavily Umbered. On this place is a good frame dwelling with four rooms, with all necessary out bulldlugs, fed situated in a Uuu oak grove, and a good peach orchard. This place is • four miles from Htatiou No. 7, Central Rail other tract coutainr 196 acres, situated about two utiles truin blatiou No 7, Ceutral Railroad, aud knowu as the “CUftou Ferry Tract." The Great Ogeechee river divides this tract—H4 acres being ou the Scrlven sWe and 119 acres on the Bulloch side. Ou this place Is the beat ferry ou the river, supplied with fiat boat and rope. On the Bulloch side, 14 acres are cleared aud uudui lence, the balance heavy oak timber, hauimoek aud bay lands. Tho fishing at this place Is the best on«the river. The ferry ol itself can be made to pay a good Income with little or tiifilug expense. Apply to, WM. BURNS, novvO—fr*lu4 at 0. R. R. Machine Simp. 33,000 Acres of Land For Sale, W ILL be sold lu Uke City, c 9lsl of Janu, SSISSLTS.'ste'tV- or Plxrlilx ; 40 non acres of land, known as tbe Fleming (iranl, situated 111 Brevard couuty, Florida, on Indian River, In T 30 8, R 37 E; T 30 8, K :IS E; T 81 h, R 3b E; T 31 S, R 87 E. Property of Bernard, of Botton. 14 180 acres of Land iu Brevard county, ktimvn as tbe Gome/. Grant, in T !R) R 11 E; T :18 S, It 14 E; T 39 S, R 44 K: T 40 S, R 14 K; T k) S, It 43 K, T 11 S, R 43 E. Property of Gomez, Gomez «fc Gome/.. &«Ui acres of Laud lu Hernando couuty, Florida, comprising the K ^ of N K K of Sec 43; tbe W of NWJi of Set X6; B. V «»l N E of Sec 47; E ol N W Vi, and E h ol S W %. and » K V* of Sec 8a, T 44 F, H 19 K. Piopcrty of lAi.d in Brevard, near county BiUj Lot Nos 4 und 8 of St 1: 49. T 36 E, K 41 K. Property e I’hiUp lleruallcs. T • (. • S of S I! W. and NEW of s W w ol See 3, T 31 • .. .. 1 ol Luther Wilsou. Florida, •erty or At water,'Mafford At" , Block No. 38; N ^ of W 5, It 44 E. Property of heirs ol Luther Wile 160 acres ol Laiuil" Hillshoroagb county, N W ,y of s.;c 13’ r If y, R K. Piopertj Lot No. 11; and Lot I, iu Block 14; Lot No. 6, inBiockn. ONE STEAM MAW MILL AND GRIST MJLI*, ou Block No. 38, in the city of Tampa. no acres o' L-iiid, m 11iII-boroughJuniuly, Floibla. N K ol N W W ol bee 'V 38 s, It 40 E Property of Arthur Ihdl. Terms -L’AHII. The above Linds n.mpilsa some ol the Ik-H iu Florida, and offer a fine opportunity lor profitable in- veatmeiit. ,, • luloriualluii can ho had by addtesslOR beidiniffd U M THOMPSON. R.u i. Mi I.KOB, ( yhJiderule Siam* Attorney, ucl’ll Uwirn PLUMB AOO, OR BLACK LEAL, — AND WAGON GREASE. F or male at JOHN OLIVER’S. uov4 No. 11 Whitaker street. New Goods. JUST OPENED. 1 ( MNK WINTER POPLINS 1 iMne Genta’ Neck 'Plea 1 case Geuta’ herumed L. O. Handkerchiefs 40 dozen Scissors Black English Ur a pee Black Crapo Collars and Cuffs 1000 yards Plaid Homespuns rOH S4JJC Bk oct40 DeWMPT A MORGAN. BY (JEO. W. WVLLl. WRl hs sold at private ralo, tho following proper ty : On a good size Steer, two milch cows, two calves, one heffe^ one cart and harness, now at Sta- oct33 Uon No. 9, O. R. li. IBY liEO. W. WYLLV. Valuable Land at Private Bala. Two lots of i^ud In Lowndes county, Qa. Nos. 101 and 169 lu 16th District; No. 161 in 15th Diet rlct, joining -In all 1470 acres. 300 atren cleared of as tino oak und hickory laud us any in the county, the balance uncleared and mostly pluc laud, with clay subsoil. The improvements consist of four good negro quarters. Tuo overscor’s bouse Is not in good order net 15 IBY Cl ICO* W. WILLY. At Private Bale. 300 acres of laud, situated on tho Central Railroad, 36 miles from Suvaunab, 35 acres are in a good state ot cultivation. Tne Improvements consist’of a good dwelling ivith all necessary oulbuildiugrt. Any per sou dcsif’T^a pUasanl, tate and healthy place would do well rerappiy soon. oct3 { BY UEO, W. wTLLtT • At Private 8*He. . A lot on the SouUi side oi Charlton Ificet, next t< the corner of West Broad, fifty five ict-l iront 01 Charlton street. Feu nimple. Said lot is linden lease of $70 per annum, ruuuwublo yearly. octal Salt. r,n NAQKS Liverpool Balt tHi 80 sacuu 'Piuttfe iMAud Salt: Cpr sxlu hy _HU|»WM #MftfnimN A (firNNlVUiMAM. Wines and Liquors. Puficbeou Jamaica Run Uollaud Glu Bourbon Whiskey, ml tattle for medicinal purposes. V01 sale hy GLAinonN A CUNNINGHAM. JF16 _____ _ __ _ PiPiS, PIPES. A VERY large and liue assortment of riptw*, cooMHting in yuri of MerBCbaum, English Briar Wood, tin tin l.ur(9is, Ac., for sale by novlu tf F. CONSTANT, Buli SL_ fe SALT. PBIIIE undersigned are prepared to furnish HALT X equal in quality to any in tills market, lu quail titles to suit purchaser/, on 6 HI INTER A GAM WELL. Bacon, I .IOR sale hy ; now W* M, DAVIPBON. NM0kl\<. T0HAH O. 1 .1011 HALE IBY 1 i.ov*J W. M.’UAVID.HDN. lffoullcellO| aud TstllaUi , „ Florida. AN aud afBur jUiiniay, Jul W 1863. the cars Will BNffe and run dot I* excepted,) as follows: Leave Savannah at i Arrive at ThomaavUlo at RETURNING. Leave Thomaavllle at f Arrive at Savannah 1 Connecting at Mclntoeb (Station No. 8, going West) on Tuoadaye, Thursdays and Satunlayu, with a lino of conchas to Darien. Returning ou alternate days. conne cars for Brunswick. Connecting at Qoltman (No. 16.) dally with a lino oi coaches to Madison C. H., Fla. Connecting al Groover’s (No. 17) with a daily lino of coachoa lo Moutlcellq, Fla. Arriving iu time to connect with the cars to TallabAMco and St. Murks. Freight Trains leave Savannah Mondays. Wwines Uuys and Fridays, at 6 A. M.; returning ou Tuesdays, nnd Saturdays at 4 r. M. •nblo tho regular rates will be ebargod on all arllcloa shipped by Passenger Train, excepting fruit, fresh meat, fish, oysters, and other perishable articles. Freight by Passenger Train should Du de livered at the Dopt at least one hour before the start ing time ol tho train. Jyl« G. J. FULTON, Superintendent. at Tebeauville (No. 9) dally with the Capital—Two aud a llali fiMUlou Dollars'.' f|\UYH Company ban been organized hyeiccttori o Junies Ormond, W. F. Herring, W. Jones, hi. Root, J. S. lAKdiharl, COLUltUI'l W'.'ll. Young, J. F. Bozeman, Daniel Griffin, D. AdauiH, D. t. Wilcox, 1 11. ti. Dunnai, -v. B. Johnston, .J. A. Ralntvfk John L. Jones, > |l*ui rnkj ti. DuK, huilea Green, | William Dutiersby, I Dwight ijuilmip. W. B. JOHNSTON, Picnidci.l, CHARLES DAY, dwetcU.y. '1 hu unueraigiit-u hue been appointed Agenl lor Savannah und the low country ol Georgia, aim Is 'puied to take ritfk-i uguuisl L inn ou Hie ui-iiu •us. JAMES McilKNKY, (y lin Uny-mi.tt, i.|. BUYAN STitKK'r NtfiRO AUCTION MART. HAVE my house open, No. ltw Bryau street. Murkel Sqnaru. Suvuniiuli. lin.. for 1I111 »ai<-of groes, privately Ht UIII.Don, on Tuesdays und • 1 Will sell ail kinda of tho first Tuesday ul - properly lor rule belore me day ot that the property can he advoitised. l ulsc •datlons ior any number ol N^gl(•es Tmirsdnys oi •periy at the Court House rysmonlh. will give two or more days notice CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD O N and alter Sunday, March 44d. 1863, the ( olumj bus Mail and Paasuuger 'Train will run as fol lows: ■BTWnM MAOOH AMD OOLUWBUi. Leave Macon at 5.96 I*. M. Arrive at Coluaboa at 11.40 P. M Leave Columbus at 14.40 P. M. Arrive at Macon at 6.69 P. ¥ mXTWKU UAOOH AMD OHATTAUOOOUM. Leave Macon 6 Hi A. M. Arrive al CnatUhoochoc 4.38 P. M. Leave OhatlaiKMchou 7.3U A. M. Arrive at Macou... 5.41 P. M The Mall and Pasnongur Traina from Albany con nect dally at SmUhviRe, No. It) fl. W. U. ll., and from Fort Gaiuos dolly at Cnfhbort, with Clmltalioociios Mall Train. • Leave Smithvlllo at 13.60 P. M. Arrive at Albany at a 03 J*. M. I^avu Albany at u.60 A. Al. Arrive at Sniltbvllle at 11.40 a. M. Leave Cuth)»ert at 9.5f> 1*. M. Arrive at Fort Quines at 4.H8 P. M. Leave Fort Gaines at 7.&JA. M. Arrivo at Cathhert at 9.85 A. M. Making tho connection with the up aud down Chat tahoocheo Mall Train. t errains to Columbus form a through connecdoiff to lontgomory, Alabama, and Augusts. Kingston, Wll- a ngton, Havannab, MUludgevllTeauo Eatonton. * Pott Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee,! Us n- bridge, Thomaavllle, Ac. ' Juts boiuw Fort ValloyBhould taka lata and Savannah to avo.d - Columbus take the Duv aprfi Macon, March JWd, 1863. CUINGE 0I 1 SCIIUDI1LK ON GEORGIA RAILROAD GEORGIA KAHJtGAD, t AUUUBTA, July 44, 1864, l O N and after Sunday. July97th, Sunday Day Train resumed on main Une also Trains on Athunt and Washington Branches will run to connect unU > further notice. LBATS* Atlanta.. .6.46 i Trains ronuuctlug with Wushtngiou and Athoim Branches leave Aui/usta at.6.46 A. M., and Atlanta at 6.10 A. M. No ruuuaclton with WarreuLm ou huu- Bel sir Tram leaves Augusta B.ir % HUI). YQNGK. Slip*!. M. J. Solomons, 60MMISSI0N MERCHANT, BAY S'miCIC'r. OSNABURGS, BY THE PIECE Olt IB ALE, COTTON TW1NB. P. A K. B. LATII KOI*. CORN SACKS! Two Bushel, osn Abu nta. A E. H. LATII ROP. lii.vii—tl I4u r«iim , <*- s street. COTTON TWINE. HENRY LATIIHOl* A VO. utu moderate price ior bourd, and l will diori lu make quick sales uud loGiu t.esi uuvuiil J. A. bTh.Vr.NbON, -ry D1EI1MG ^SlAJIUSAritM, lA-TADUimBD W 1884.]* Removed lu 3b £>rayiuu lussl, souk of York siresl, near ilia late rralROi.d* ur the subscriber. fflltBE bubsenbur, grucelul for past favors, Legs X leave lu miorm his frici.us uuu tne public ge/.i3- aoy, liiul no is now prepared Lu Dye all Colors ut the oeni stylo ou bilk aud Woolen Diocacs, bhuwis. «.c,: also, Tabic Cavers aud Crai»<: nhuwis (ieuued and 01'.ached in the beet manner. i.adiec‘ Rid and i co- sum Ulaves cleaned in tuc best i/ondonekyic. The sutaicriber begs leave to stule thuk ho is T.ow prepared luc.oau, bleach and press Ladles' Bum cis anu Flats in U10 mod xat>h:uuabio styles. Tonus moderate. GeuUumcn’s Garni outs Dyod ana Cleaned, as x.iay i' required, in tho saiao siqienor style which has gen erally so well pleased ins p&Lons uud friends lor lbs past 30 yours. A. GAIjLOWAY. $100 Reward. tni 1 niLNiiv, u v„; operiy ol hi. Briiunghitiu. 1 iiir.iii-f nfinnii tl„ ; .hv ... Notice. To Xiand. Buyore. I IIL subscriber offers lor sulu Ida pluiiutiouun the Louisville road, 56 rnllert (rum b..vaunuU, coutainiug 15U acres—about f.i) acres under euillva lion and very productive, bind Raid situated, anu eunsiueted healthy, i'vo a quarter miles lrom btatiun No. 3>j, Cc-atrul r cull Guyton, Ga., Nuv. 4, 1863. O. tt. RDWnKDb. Stray Cow, S TMAYEB from tne subscriber, ou Friday morn lug Iasi, a COVV heavy with cull, bho t« spotlei uooui the neck and sides with small black ppois. 'in remainder of the cow is white. She has a mark o the right hip, where she has been branded, wnich lm uo hair ou it. Thu hair ou.ihu top of the luff is CP short. She has a split lu oue ot her ears, and a rouu pn.ro out of the other. I will pay ten dollars for he delivery to me, ut tho corner of Montgomery and Bay street, • ' ud her. novii—2t 1 uiiy sulu place so that 1 c joiin McDermott. Land ior Sale. I OFFER for sale my plantation In Bry»u conn ly, twenty-two miles lrom Savanna' hi seres, pine and island swamp laud, the pine laud s bavununh.-couuumug . Kwy llfteeu of tUe swamp is cleared juid fi niter cultivation. The land is a half utils limn the Cauoochee Bridge, aud live miles al*uvo DUJcn’s Undue. It i-i a vuiy desirable location lor a store, as It Is on tho cross-roads from Dsrit-u to Bryan Court House and Vho Hail Cart ltoau. The improve ments consist of u large uew dwelling, one uml a chaff story, llue rooms, with ull nuccsdury outlui'ld- ings, good water uud fine orchard oL. unit trees, grapery, uud good ruuge lor slock. Apply to JOHN bLOAN, Savonnal). or to E. A. KLARBEE. On the place. Scrip Lost. L OST or stolen, on Wednesday or Thursday last, in Savannah, berip for ten shares of Southv.est- oru Railroad Stock, number not remembered, prop erty of John Jones, deceased, of Randolph huuured dollar „ „ per cent, lpterest per day. nuin- ber» not remembered. A liberal reward will ne paid iy the undersigned lor the delivery of the above, il “ ‘ * " '- , : " USD. . ,1. M. K'HiltlDAN. i No. 81 I'.ilatki lloiieC. LOOKING S0DA5 yit E i-.tiM Bi Curl), boda, in store aud for sale OU wholesale and retail, by novff—3 CHAMPION *fc F REBMAN. Iron Vamlab. FURNITURE VARNISH | HAHKKL OF IHO«|ViRN18JJ;* a DO. DO. 1 FURNITUBK VAINItoll For Mlo art . * JOHN OI.IVBB'3, J43 No. 11 Whitaker street. I ll IIL. Alcohol for sale by muyl-4 JOfitj OLIVER. New Books. . O RDNANCE MANUAL FOR 1863. Mahan’s Permanent Fortifications. . (Largo edition, with plates.) The American Union. By James Spenco. Also, More Almiuiacs lor 1863. Evolutlous of tho Line. Jomlnl's PisicUce m ffas. The Jadgc Advocate’s Vadu Mucnm. Received and for sale by E. KNAPP A CO., mart West side1 ^yiuiuit Snnave. Flour aud ISrau. fllW ff hmulred vacii- Etowah Mills Su|N»rftno X Flonr; 100 sinks Wheal Bran; for sale hr ottil CLAGHOltN A CONN INGHAM. White Cuba Sugar.