Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 12, 1863, Image 1

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*• .1 S ',-nr&sr*m f[k^I 'Ifc'. \ v y v .':' " .V: **• VO I- XIV. '.'•ail )i ^lovnini) ;4U‘U“ . i lit. ii bY THEODORE r. tjiomi*80N, - blois. - KIHTOK, our iiavHUU'd ICutCM «l SiiIini i ipilou and /IdvertlNiiiK, run Tilts 1‘AU.V MI'ih. For six months $13 CO For Uirco iiiohLUb 7 00 For ono mouth 3 mi FOli THU TIU-WEEKI.Y PA FEU. For six month* $u 00 Pui ihrou mouths 6 01 POM TilK WEEKLY 1‘Al’EU. For Pix mouths 5 ill. ADVERTISIN'*, Prr square ol ten lines, ur space occupied by that many linos of nonpareil typo, two dollaiw for ouch 1 riKCEi ion. TJeul. J. ( J HtCAH KltlO u.i.tie.* of hi) 1 (’), w lueli 1 vv SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY Mg, n|NU< dkck.MRKU 12, 1H03 ' ktiluiu Mijtarior l-ourl. • Al \Y TERM. l-M NO. >03 — I h4 .j|(l you it 11*1 ol lli< iipuity (l\ i, and ut yours >'lll to ll.lVI- pi|llll*ll' d 111 III.- . t oiler Gpt‘)-i il, relating both to unlit- the dhliilillllon «)| the plates’ n m .i.l and uldered to he printed. For Hie rellel ol Hen). I) Morg tor ol Kiiiunuel county Loai. To iiuletunily J une-) A. Earnest, ol Kill 114I1 tin county. Passed. To suspend the statute ol limitation during 1 II % 'I * •mYfll i lcd i Ibe h.llllc ol MiShiiiU- >11 Jauic-.f i. I anil mid J r .'"inmoil only to tie SATURDAY MORNING, DLl'KMBLR 12. 18(13. TELEGRAPHIC. REPORTS OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION. Ji'hftrtil uccorUiuy to Act of Cony less lti.i, by ./. a. T/nasher, in me Clerk's 1. /nsi/tct -Court 01 iUe Confederate atan AuWiun tJis.nct uj Oeoryta. Fi'im east JeiiiicAHUti, Dalton, Gee. S.—A gentle mail Just Iroui Knoxville ua)b ibe siege is certuiuly ruifled.- ‘1 nc enemy, 32,000 strong, appeared iu lioni ol Luiii l»lace. lmtigsireeL withdrew, uud wan marching lua kroopn into North Carolina. Buistol, Gee. 10.—(»ur lust advices iroui the irouL are aIi.il Luiigbireel’s lorce* were iu line ol Inti tie at Rutledge, ilia rear guuid was skir mishing with the enemy, whose pursuit had uol been vigoruiio uiuce our forces lelt Morris town. Our cavalry was skirmishing all day 011 Monday with the udvuucu ol Wilcox‘0 lorce on Capt. Everill’s raiding party returned to oiugiluu yesterday. llu auaelted tlu; enemy . Mount a.eiliug-, Ivy., and routed them alter t-Lubmmi icoisiance, during which the • ourt LiUhe uud jul weie burned. He captured 11 hue horses and one hundred - s in greenbacks. The enemy •ivily iciiiloiced, he retreated rapidly lap, elosely pursued by twelve .11114 • ll n i. 1 TJiu coin pan t aiy Uulgc 'buy dol Cbickuiuau.-a * mailt roes, as they arc. Company CJ, Lieut. J. U Miller, coiuuiaiid- Ing—Sergeant L. M. Pryoc, slightly wounded; T. A. Waters, seriously woimdgi.; Simon Waters, Hcriouslv wounded; T. M. Hodges, seriously wounded, J. J. Hodges, seriously wounded and uii&sliig; dim Riggs, slightly wounded. C'ompuuy K, Sergeant J. W. Proctor, com manding—Heigeuiil Alexander Kichaidson, se- lioutly wounded and missing; Corporal Joseph W. Lee,slightly Wounded; S. F. Kutch, sciiously woiimti-d and mi-sing; J. A. I.iblinger, missing. Eli Prut ir, lui-siug; Eli GeL ialch, missing’ and (,'orpqrul F. it. l«ulch, killed. 1 think the missing were Wounded and tell Into tlu- hands ot the eucui) . We rallied three dillerent thues uud louglil the enemy alter ihe rout had commenced, and n uttered severely. Lieul. Col. Ej •I'aiils commaUiled the, regiment and acted lu a most gallant manner. 1 was act ing as held ollicer. UopiDg to hem Iroui you enou, Ir.iiiuu Your ti icud, Joski’H L. Con b, (’apt. Comd’g 17th Ga. t h* l'a-sud. [Special Correspoiuluucool thi- Gaily Morning Nc l.eornla Lo'lslutiiri-. Monday Atteunoon. SENATE. The Senate naicl uud resumed the coubidera- i.ion t»f the bill to suppress extortion, which was ainuuded and paused- -provides that u«» lac tones or other perfiou shall sell cotton )ai ns lor more than $2 per pound lor No. o, $ : :i. r > per poond lor No. b; $2.50 per pound tor No. 10, and *3 per pound lor No. 1*. and il -i» per yard lor osuuburgs, and the same lor ahirtiug or sheeting, except 4 4, which may be sold tor $1.50 per yard. Ry Mr. Wright—A bill to prescribe qualiUeu c, \' l-al.y, eponod at Glade- 4 oi.ii-ticrutr (fougreMK. Richmond, Due. Iu.—Uougruso had to-day u pci lect - bower ol projects, bills and remdutious uu all Kiiiiia ui subjects. No busiuues wastrans- at ten by ci hei house except Ihe pasr-uge by the H' nato oi a lull to repeal the substitute law. Uulil uicuiocia gel oil ibe uosiruius which each set iiib to have brought no rcgulai work, can be accompliebeU, in the ticuuie Mi. Jobust-u, ot Ar»ausas, in- tioUiiccd ao.il to limit ihe term ol ofttco ol memo) 1 »»l the Cabinet to two years, when they might be ro-eligihk-, hut should bo ro- ipp'oU'.Lil and contirmed by the Feuale, He bupported the propu&itiou at some, length, sla ting that what the couutry now ucet’a 13 good goVeniuieut uud good otUcers, and that ho be* Revert 'he measure would comma „,i Hie respeet 01 •UantiiU' neatly support o*. some ol the See (•.alien, lie bad uoubls about Lbeeouslilu- olliet > shall lie hill be printed—; The bill declaring wli erupt bom coimcii|>uou ciupir all civil oUn-.t ra except deputy shorills, uud deputy clerks olthn several Courts. Al'er some discussion the hill was lute 011 the table lor the present. The b'.uate then read bills second time. i^A I'caoluli'Mi to piiui 1JOO0 copies ol the ic port ol Ihe Georgia Rebel auu Hospital Associa tion, was adopted. A message was received Irom the Governor enclosing the repi’.ri ol the Couiiuinswry Gen eral, which was vead, and lilty copies ordered to Uu printed. A hill to amend uu act aulhori iug the infe- Gtiurts in Uie scveial counties 10 levy an The Jlmme resumed the cnmmlcrullou ol the lllililia bill, which was dlscusnad ami \aiious auiFiiduieiiln were ottered, but no deli riiiiua- llou was arrived at up to the hour ol closing ibis letter. TllOOP. S T A IN OF U hO II h I \ % rul NTV IT» nil Vi it 1 \\ nor cut*, iitoiuan luisu wni apply ol I'nlinury lot Lcium ol Adi.uiiistration «m ' entaic ol Aim L e, laic ol v oall.a.i. could) • leaned. T hese arc, therefore, to . dc uud atluiomslr wluAu II ii.uy concern, to l>. .iid appear Ik-lore m lailpl t«‘ make objection lit uh> Ho y linVC) mi 01 foie Ibe second Mmols lu •luuliury mat, olnei a nsi.l letl.-iM Will lie gisuletl Witness, UimmmkA. U lb rue., ks(|.. UrdliiHiy Chstluiiu i'ouuly, tuts Dilli day ol Nov juilH-r, lm»3, ,W loireas, Amos Webb, KdvvuDl I'udclluiil. Moses it'oii. 'i. .1 olio Alt Muhoii, •*>. A. Mayer and Jauu-H ul k(t-, -tiioiuooed sllei.d the piesc.il io»vJ5 IH'MIMCK A o'lb l<N K, -passed. A bill —passed. In amend the A- —passed. incvcunu the fees ol all civil ollicc.ra orpus laws til lids rilule ! b| 1 •.•sure, b at bud consulted abler I 1 roup t:onuiy—lost 1 { and T«W, and to re peal sections 12‘Ji, loOb, 1307 and loOb ul the Gode—lost. lo prcacribe a penally lor dciauhing iurors— laid on table. For the relief of the holra pi Win. Iiogun, of Most • iu .ids. He asked, who is discharging luedutics v*l (d>ia: u-iniasicc General V amt II his uppmin- 111 cut lias btleu cop UuueU by thu beuatc ‘ The H"U»e 1 .iueU with mils and resolutions upon Biibsli , ..tiu!s, curreucy, luxos, impress- mciiih, uroin.uy soi'/.iiiCft and iiuprlflOBUienls by ntiiik.ily adtliotdies, frauds by IJuurLurmaelera aud*G'' aiiiic--.uric.-*, and to prohibit Ihe Tic.milly notes alter the first ol Jaunaiy t.f these were appropriately referred without discussion, the Uoitiu cvinciug a disposition to \y-.ide through ibe mass uud get at serious woik. T he Yaukuo Coiijfl'CM* Rich Mi IK D, Dec. 10.—T’hu Baltimore Gazelle, ol the a.u, says me Yuuhuu Congress met in Washington on Monday, lu the Senate Davis made an earnest opposition to the admissU n of bcutfiorn Irom West Virginia, (Panhandle), con lending Lh.iU coiiftllUitiouully, there i& no such SLute ■)» West Vugiuia, and that, therefore, l.hero could be no Senators Iroui such Sul#. By .1 vote of 3C lo 5, Lire Paubaudlo Seiiutois were admitted to seats. The House orgnui/ud by the elecliou of Col- lax as Speaker. Oil the first ballot he received 101 voit-f; Cox, 42; Dawson, 12; Mallory, 10; all oLhers 17. Neyeasary to choice, 03. The Speaker onttisuiniug the Chair, declared hirnselI iu fa vor of crusting out the rebellion by all the means within the power of the. Government. Lincoln’s menage Was not delivure.il in either House. 'The uicstsuge is said lo be blunter Umu usuajr its moat prominent leiilure relernngio the reunion question, which, however, is only brolly alluded to. Lincoln inliitialiug that the time has not yet come for its lull discuusion.— lie r.aul in i|ps mailer to lake very conserva tive grohnd. • T lir Y tukee telegrams from East Tcnuessoe, an* only coiihrmalory »>l Longtsii'ccii’B reticat. A di-patch Irmu Poster, dated on the 7th Inst. A. M., s-ays Wilcox has beeu bent to attack the enemy’s flank at Bean’s Station. Lincoln has issued a proclanutioTi, rccorn- riicudiiig ihe people to render eiiecial homage and gi.11 itudc. to God lor the dislndgmeut ol the iu Eiht Teuucdsec. lolation ol gold, iu New York, Weeluy Sheffield, ol Miller the. relic I county—passed dcnaio then adjoiirnu.l. SENATE. Tuesday, Dec. ^ln thu Henuto to-day, Mr. 1'otile moved to re- colisidor bill p.iesial uu >unleidN> to prevent. ,;x- loiT ion in Uusoiaic. Col. Guulden lainud a point ol order that thu oil! been recoiimUei cd uiiceaui) under tlm rule could not be reconsidered ngniu. Hie Chair decided that the. point, ot order waa not well taken, but alter Hit liter discussion ot the question uud u careful consideration ol the rules regulating Hie practice ol deliberative nodi,-* luBueb cases, the Picsulentslated that he was satisfied that his first rulimr was wrong, and reversed his dceislou—Irom which decision Mr Pottle took uu appeal to IheSenate. bpon rUlcction, Mr. Pottle wilbdiew his appeal. The call of the roll was next in order. Mr. Adapts—a bill 10 deelam that all laws passed by this General As.-emhly slull take el— led Irom ibeli passage,.unices otherwise provi ded in the same. By Mr. Gauldcn—- A resolution to appoint a •committee ol live lo ill piire uud report by what right members ol this body hold their seals w ho hold eoiumit-eious • * army. lloortcuiilRiilloii ot (lie Arn»> of Ten- usueo. The Atlanta “Coulederacy,” ot Tfiursday, says: “We learn that a correspondence which lias beeu pending lor several days between the President, Gens. Hardee, ^/liuaiou and Bragg has calumniated in an arranged rcorgaui/.iliou ol the cominaud ol the army above. “General Joseph E. Johnston is to lake su preme head of nil iirs, with General Bragg as cblel ol slull—a combination long sought, by the country, and presenting a cheering Iroui lo the future. We have no words to express our ill light at so equitable, popular and proper an acju-«imeiil of the vexed problem. With Johu- sioii lo plan, supervise uud direct, and with Biagg lo conduct the office details and police ot the army, it will restore confidence us it will be itself restored. The people uud the soldiers will accept this lardy tribute lo (heir discerning good sense, with gratitude and cQiitidcucc. The Atlanta Register adds : “ilGauural Bragg be the beat conceivable “Chief ol Blull,' 1 there is but ouc step from Ibe place he occupies now and that which we would give him. ll Bragg wlvo has commanded uu army uud a dt puriiueni for elghlceu mouths past, be willing to do duty os an “Adjutant Ueuerul,”wo concede everything lo bis patriotism which thus trausceuds his sell-love. It happens, however, Ibul an Adju tant Umn-ral is Olten iu (act the General, au.l we know that GeusJohnston deems Bragg ouc of 1 he ablest utuu uud officers produced by the re volution. It uuy oue questions our Biatemenis, let them question members ol the Congression al Committee on Military Allaire, lo which Gen eral Johnston addressed letters touchiug the Western campaign.” Commenting 011 the auiiouucnueul ol the Confederacy, Hie Macon Telegraph says : “We agree with the Confederacy that this arrange ment of Johnston and Bragg will suit, while U10 whole country will recognize iu this act ot Gun. Bragg accepting so subordinate a position, a nobility of soul—a disinterested puli ioihm—an nnsc.lllsh, eell-sacrificiug spirit which will exalt him still higher in the opinion ol his friends, and administer the noblest rebuke lo the as perilous ot his foes that ever entered luto the conception ol an old Roman patriot.” Destructive Fmu on Whitehall street. —A lira broke out on Monday night iu the sec ond story ol thu building occupied by Brown A Rape, Geuial manufacturers, on Whitehall ntruei, entirely consuming it and the adjacent building, occupied by C. Powell, Conlecnouer. Ihe grouud Door of the buildiug, fioiu which the fire first broke out, was used as a trunk lac- lory. Nearly all the conlculs ot this and the 'oiiiectioner’s storu were saved, but in the sec- mi story, occupied by Biowu Ilape, every thing was consumed. The Iusb of these goutlu- men is about $35,u00, with an insurance ol $11,000. Thu building, which is valued, at the presciit rale, at $40,000, is almost a total los^, being insured tor ouly $3 out). We learn Lhul Messrs, blown A ILpc will re sumo bueiucksshortly, their manufacturing shop iu the rear ot the consumed buildiug having beeu saved, thus enabling ihuiu to comtnue tbs luumifucluro ot nil ArUcTuei appeiUumua lltyeiu cul’NTY.—To all wiumiti may coucvrn: Wmi mm, Rlchuul W. Adams will S|)ply at the Court of U. - dtnury lor Luilers IMsiiumsui » no Admlubtrstor on liiti esiitiu 01 Mary Aim F. It. Wsslihuro, lull- ol Chat haul county, uveuasea. These are, therefore, to c.ie ami sdmuiiish all whuru It ruay Ouucem, to Ik- and appi-ur Iteiore said 11 n have Aud. a heii-as, John It. 1 Extract. iikp r :*k i'.. GA. (’ll A NCI K OK ^ ^ N and rtllsr bunday '•» ott. 0th, (.-! » Dial they lie Iln d'Nu' i aiibse)|uei.ilv; *l •»* mdered unless ilu-y die gouJWir tue ■ UU1 01 lolly uoliars, ! the lirel day ol jiTNjjmUoieal excuse make objectiott (If any Uiuy have) on before the Qrsl Monday in May next, otherwise said leitera will he granted. . Willies* Doraluick A. O'ttyrne, t£sq.. Ordinary for OhathtiTU county, this n:h dayol Novuulier, In 3 uovifll—*, UuMIND lUYUNk. COUNTY.—To alt wtiom it untycuuceru us, Frederick lvxensoii w.ll apply at the I'ouri 01 Ordinary lor Leiters ul Adiuiiiielratiun dt bonlt non on the estate 01 Jaruee .iihsn O'llyrue, lulu ol siuU county .deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom il may concern, to he and upp-.-ar before said court lo make objection (U any they have) on 01 before the second Monday iu Juauary uuxl, otherwise suid let ters will he granted. -W'ltm ss, A. A. UcLorino, Ordluary lor Mclutosh county, llu* 7ih day or Geceniher, INW. dscH A Dil.OltMtt. O. il. U. And wheraas, P. Straus, John Ready, uey, ll. N. Pollard, W.‘ Dully, D. It. uould, J. It. James Foley, P. lUrhell, P. Dow- -ftfoi.M, Barnard, ;i. 1). iluw.ii alltl M. J. u3l ; ' l l“ L SriM- alt end the present May Term of Bo -VjjW“ l *os | tu to Jurors, have made doluiill for ti. <j-,.,.£*• ‘cut Whereas, Joseph M. Solomons, J. Ma. * ua Guylur, Montgomery Gumming, David Le-., v ifv! “ Rubens, James M But lor, II. Schreck,'’Viiin Sum, J. 11. Demand, Dr. klislia Parsons, Hits Uo.vi ana 1.1 »u fallows! DAILY DAY TUAIN. Lnave Havannnb Arrive in Maoon l^-ave Macon Arrive In HavauiiAb. will 1IKAO' . | m ClliDhuioli. >>. 4-h, . ex . )', VPLOAi. «M. k0ii.ltN. I No. ( ; t- Medical *«ni vi leebtt Iflv^p tal« In lids I) pint mi .it wPI 1 > I out delay to tur^uon « mwxi.L, M-.1 cal Director of 1 i General UoeplUi;s, the . am., cenq uuy i>nd r glnn nt 1 of all detailed im-ii employed In then n spi ct .ve llos- 1 lloai 1 »por: Wli h DAILY N.GBT TRAIN. Leave Savannah Arrive in Macon • .4.00 P. M. Btarr, 4. u. ocmuuu, ur. r.iiaua rarsous, d. .... . ■ WiuOorn B. LuwU>n, W. J. Neville and Danf! “ ’ Lain, sumuioin-d lo attend ttlo present 'IHiilu ol sit; Court as Taics.uau on trie Pom jury lor the trial uJ criminal cases, have made delaull tor the Term; and whereas James Mclleiity, S. At. LutPe-m, David Thompson and S. U. Kckm iti, Tu. auniii, made de fault on ihe IFIIi .lay ol May last, anil sllltsequeut* ly; mid when us Allies D Cullens, Thomas II. Harden, Wylly Woodtnldge, Conrad Bciimidt, Jttortliuer 11. VVilliums, Anises A. Colu-u, hdwlu L. Nddlingur, John U. Mulirtens, Talueiuun, made Ueuult on tin- niueteenih Muy, and eiibsequeutly; aud wlienus, H. 6.M) r. M. 7... 1.00 A. At. WUITRBViilB ACVOMMODAMON-DAILY, iSuudaju oicoptuti.) Wvc Kavannah " ‘i » ' Ari’.ve at Wliltesvillo, (No. 3) • jj* A - M Leave Whilesville, (No. 3i • » J*. Air.ve u\ Savannah W.xu A. m. Al.O^'l-A BKAN. H. i 1, a . u. Ricliaid, l(u* .. , . .‘aluihiulu and ilestel A. Uyals, children ul Jordan W. Kyats. These are, thureloru, to cue uud admonish all whom tl may coucern, to bo aud apjiear before said Court lo make objucUou (If any they have) ou or before the lirst Monday iu Decemhei uc will begrautod. uext, otherwise said lel- WlluoBB, A. A. DeLortuc, Urdiuary for Mclutosh county, this 3d day ol Novomtter, IbdJl. tovl a. DkLOKMB. O. M. a 8 '1’A'I ». OF GBOiltilA' WA\ Ncurn rY. To all whom ll uiayeouceru: Whereas, Wilev Knox. AilmioialniUi. .1,1011 Lite estate of ILihcrlJ. wainwrighl, late of mild county, ci«*c»-h*.. d, applies Therefore, the kindred and creditors ol said dc* _ are hereby citetl and admouisued b» file iheir objections ul any they have) iu my office, in terms the law, otherwise Letters ol Dismission Will ^ gran led the applicant at the Juno ourt ol urdiuary fur vaid county. November ‘2, Ifitifi. ul the estate 01 Jacob iiigliHiaith, .deceased, applie. to the uuderBlgned for Letters 01 DlsmisBion irom suul AanunlBtiatioii, s are Uieretore to cite and admonish all per- ucerued to show cause (il any they have.) why said AUmiuislralur ou tin- first Monday iu Febiuory next should uol be dismissed Irom his administra tor ship. Given under my hand aud official siguuluro, this July ‘20lh, 1WM. JyVl J. a. WIGGINS, Ordinary. _ ljVATK «K 42 l-,4» It 4*4 A , WAYNE cut NTY. O lu all whom it uiay coucl.h : Whereas, V\ Hoy Knox, AunilMi^iratur upon the catald ot Jos. Wiilu- wrighl, late ol saidcouuiy, deceased, applitw lor Let ters ol DmmiHBiou irom the udmluistiaiion 01 suul estate. 1 lierelore, the kindr.-J and creditors ol sum de- . -ased are heieby cued tud adinoulelied to die their objections fir any they nave) iu u»y office, in terms ol thu law, otherwise Kellers ” K * ed the upplicuutal the.lur of Urdiuary lor said county L-unssory will l 1 uuxl ol tin* court November *2,1SB3, _ l A'DR OF UhuitU l, WAYNE COUNTY iie made lo the Court i)l Otdiuury ol said touuty leave to sell oue hundred acres ol lot ol her uiueiy-c county, part or Meinh ird, Petit Juror, uiadc de.uull luK.n ol the elgiitei-nUi 01 Muy a d subsequently; and where.is, i'harn-s Perry, Petit Juror, made ue- laiill on .lie iwenty-slxtn day ol M.iy anil subse quently ; and whereas, A. F. Mira, IMil .. uror, and Gt-oige A. McClu-ikey aud c blTstophei Uaas, Pales- mail, mad) default ou the twenty-eighth 7lu> of May, it is olden d (list each ol Ihe above dcUulb rs be lined in the sum ol t w. my do,bus, unU-ss they nie good and sulllcieui excuse 011 or bdoie the lust Uuy of the next Term of this Court. True exlructs from the mmiuca. VVM. 11. BULLOCH, sept Clerk 8. O. 1*. O. Clialliani Inferior Court, JULY TIIRM, 1» 8. W I11CK K \N, J. Kelly, N. King, M. J. Kcuu- Inn, C. \V. Hi oue, D. <1. Purse, P. McGuire and Daniel Malmnuy, summoned lo attend tlu- pre seni July Tcim of Ubulham Inferior Court, us Peril Jurors, made default; and wlnSreus, B. Hun.ui and J. 11. Mtuiiu, 1'etlt Jurors, ana Uobuit Carr aud G Brown, sin»u..„ l( .(i 'fau-siuen, made detault ot Urn second dry ol amu c«rru ; it Is ordered that ihoy be lined twenty dollars earn, 1,they rile good — U11. Ilr,t day ol • help jo aud sufficient t-xcuse Ihe uext Term 01 thin Court. True extract from the minuU'B. WM. H. HCLLC' U, Land for Sale, I HAVK two lots of. gtMul pine laud, well timbered, iu five nnlc-s of GJcumurc, wiili a fmmol about lorty acres clcaied, wllh 11 good dwelliog house, kuclu-n and other out build- Wiflriug fo pmc.liase will call on Jhm Corblt, near Glenmoie, who will show the laud and make known t tie prl$e. $1,1X10. novlfi—*2tw* Ihgo. JaME» BaNNICTT. Wanted. w to five huntireil aclcs ol open land, with coiumodatioii lor a nuudred negroes, within five miles or either the Central Ruilrnud West ol Hci iven county, or iboAtiautic auil Gulf Railroad Houihof the uty, or ino Atiaulic ai Altamsha. Apply to Vfve AugiiD-.a. n ‘ v.. 0. Mm... ,/;,w m Mm.-.:: A. : .mMltiwl Arrive in Ar.,*;''' ■ Milieu • Arrive In Aligns;• 1/ 0 P. M. ft SB P. M. ft.3-1 P. M. '•.80 P. M. Kvv >tm»*i’ littAN.'-ii.’ Leave Baloul4iu Ai live in Gordon Leave Gorthiii ...’ " Arrive tli UaU.nton .. * Passengers from Havannah’. v V .1 00 P. M. .-.i.IXI P. M. 11.41 P. will lake eit/itr train, uud ith ibe Georgia and South For MllleJlgeviiie uml Kami ton from Havsnuah and Aiigusla, at direct both ways '•in Railroads la..; *-l)ay Train" Night Train" Mscou. Aci-omuiotlailon Train to.Milien will i.q \ u . C un alter Friday night, .'kith Instant kufaula, Foil Gaines and intermediate points; aim. with Macon and W. R. It. to Atlanta and the Weal. Day Train cobaecta at Macon with H, NY. mid Mm* .. ._ - • Mobile and ptinle, staling wlmihei c aro until fur active seivlco, and thu nalur ability. t ui|doy e*l By cominaud of Gen. Uhauueoaiid. (Higucd) JNO. M UTEY, A*sDtfiut AfijMlkhV * Official: W. W. tlonnoN, Capt and / novtt—St cr d. U J iiuA'J somm aahnUi tu. Capital—Two aud a Halt Million dollars.- riUliS roni|.iuiy ha.. DlrecUna as lolio ATlaARTA. James Oriuoud, N\ . F. Uciriug, Mu-t-ui/ed byoloctt'.n o J. b. Lockhart, ia>LUMUUS. W. 11. Young, ilt. b. J. F. Boouman, I M. If. Join.*" I J. A. Rain.on, John I. . 1»* 11-• t PliluaJil b. Do i.-.iae Lcoll. SAVA.NriSK. . mirew Low, I \\ 1 limm D.-.iiersby, Dwight laitlirop. cogee R. It. lo ikilumhas, Montgoineij, Mobile a tile Honlhwest. (HsO. W. ADAM:., octSd General Superintendent. Atlaitiic aud Gulf ilalkroail. ity, Ikoriml ana ifloat KxpsdlUouk Itoiike tv Urunnu/lck andTIioiusioillo, ' fllsdJ«ou 4). II., Lake 4 1 . noiidvaJio, and TallaliM- ■es, Florida, O N and aner i’lemlay, 1M3, the cars will naive and ra excepted,) aa follows: Iaiuvo Kttvauuah at .... Arrive St Thomasvtllc at RETURNING. lajftvu Thomauvlllu at ^ Arrive at buvannah.... 1 Couuecilng at Mclutosh (BU\Uon No. Tuesdays, Thnrsdaye r.ud Haturdaye, will a line of coaches to Daileu. Returning «)*j alteruat) days. igbt l.uimop. 15. J4J11NH1 UN, Piesident. CBARLK8 DAY, Sccreiaij. . The uiidursigiicd has been appointed Agent lor buvHiixtn uud mu low couniiy f-* piepiuc-u to lube riska against f ' coYgia, bud Id upaff—ly lili Y AN ST 1C li- LT NttiRQ AUCTlOiM MART. irta liijuu el leet, « gcocn, privately and ai uucl.oa, s Tnursdayool uvciy week. I will sell uii LIlub of piupeity ul the CouiL lloube on ihe hvol ‘1 jesU^y 01 every unmih. Pc-isons having properly io» rale will give two or mo to days notice hcioic ihe cay ol rale, so that Hie propeliy tan be nU\t iit*eu. 1 alst huvu accoiUJuotiailoi.s lor any uuiuhc-r ol Negioos at a moUciutv piu:e lor boaui, Miiu r will u»v ‘ very efiorl to make quick aulua and lo the •••ol auvai.iage. tubl) J. A. blit\ ANbUN AuctluJiei K. AIlkNDl-.L, Broker. 1 jldeini* octal— 2aw3w $500 Seward. Sunday, the 18tli day ot (kiaches to Madison V. H., Fla. Couheclliig at Groover’s (No. 17) with a dully Hue of coaches u# Montlcdlo, rlu. Arrivluj; lc wmne-ct with the cars to Tallahnooee ami i*t. Marks. Freight Trains lcuvo Havanunli Mondays, n udnes days and Fridays, at ti A. M.; retornlhg on 1 uesdsys, Thiundays and Hatnrdayh at 4 P. M. N. B. Double the leguJar rates will 'm charged on all articles shlpp'id by Posuougor Train, c-xcupUng Irnit, fresh meal, fish, oysters, and other perisnabie articles. Freight by Passenger l rain should be de livered at the Dept at loost one Hour bclore the start* n^ttmu oi the puLToN, Bnpc.rlntondnnt. lUcTAULicnuo ill lbUJLj; lUmoted lo i)ra|tuu mrud, of Y4>rk atrest, ut-ai rti« !*>• i«» oi tin) •ubKi ibei. Buhner rber, gialuul ior pAet lav ora, begs 1 leave to iuloim hislricotirtuuai l .ci»«.micjcu«'T- auy, that he ib now plciauoiliu Dye cil LofutathO . est style on bilk ami Women Diers.LbAWth, Ac.j Also, Table Covers ana Liapu BkavD the m-coud District of smd reul estate ql James B. Lewis,de* buucht or 1 ul heirs aua crcihinrs ul said d( ceased. This Decs ruber 3J, lr>t>3 detT dental business.—Atlanta JnUlhyencer. \ the Coulcdt-raie By Mr. Polk—A hill to prevent and punish the traffic in spoetu in this Stale during Hie war. The bill to suppress gumbliug in this Bute was taken up and'diacusaed lor some time, when Mr. Adams moved lo lay the bill and uir.eud- meins ou the table for the present—agreed to. The bill to appropriate money lor the Lunatic Asylum l (,r Hie year 1SG4—referred. The resolution ot inquiry as 10 the right ol Beuutors to their suals in Hus body who hold commission* iu the Coufeduiule army w-m mkeii up, and a motion was mode to postpone irnteli uilely 1 which Hie chair decided was.not dehatu- ble, Irom which an appeal was taken lo Ihe Seuaie. The chair was sustained, mid upon motion to po&lpoue, the yeas and nays were or dered and remitted as follows: ayes, 81; nays, So the tuoiiou prevailed. Bill to amend the 3383d aeetiOB of the Code —lost. , . ... t'o amend the fiubens corpus laws ol this i(%-passed- Prnviden a peunliy ol $2,500 agairibL any judge or justice relusing to ijr.-mt the writ ou application ol any person. For the reliel ol Win. J. Toole, ol Chatham county—pnesed. . To amend the act authorizing the lufeiior court* oi Hie several coiuuies to levy taxes Irom time lo ume for the relief ol soldiers lainilioe—passed. ihe 1 ) 151 . Hood in Itirlimoiid. Richmond, Dec. li.-Gen. Hood appeared a r aln*on our streets yesterday, and was warmly greeted by numerous frieuds. HIb wound is entirely healed and gives him no trouble. He 8 crutches. Steps have been taken to pro cure an artificial Itg, both lor lilting uud is general health is uuusu for ally gc id. lie. expects the the field iu the i iu.'tiers i r with lb Noriht-i Goorgia. Rail Road Accidbnt.—We understand that uu uc-cideut, involving u considerable loss of property■, occurred 011 Ibe WiJojin^ion and AIaurlu-flier R-iilroud, ou Monday aflt-rnoou. A UKln ol cars from Wilmington lor Augusta, principally laden with eollec, whiskey and u general assortment ol blockade goods, was hassing over Greeu Swamp Bridge, near Bum- ler Court House, wfieu, alter Hie unglue uud live cars bad sately crossed, the bridge gave way aud the seven remaining cars were precipitated . into the swamp, a dislauce of flltccu feel, crushing the car* aud distributing the contents in every direction. More “teal cotfee” has beeu drauk iu that neighborhood wilbiu a lew days, than for a long lime previously (Charleston Courier. Special Notice. Uu SATURDAY, the 5tti Inst., aud on every Saturday thereafter, the Georgia Distributing Committee will send to the Georgia troops at Charlestou, uinler chary* of a *p*cUU met- stayer, additional aH|SpUes, aud such contributions of fruit, vegetables aud cooked provlMous, not of a perishable aature, as may reach Bavauuah on thu Friday previous. Kvury package must lie distinctly marked “TUe Georgia Distributing Committee, Hh- vannah.”’ WM. BATTBRHBY, Chairman. Cuas. B. Hauukb. Secretary. soptl—tf To declare what officers of this Stale Bhall bn exempt from conscription. Upon thin I'ill the St irate weut iuto eomuilllce.of the whole, Mr. Bacon in (ho chair. Several iitnendmeni* were olfcrc.'l and discii-se.d. Gen. Wright con tended 1h.1t inasmuch iid nearly all Bounty otl»u»n arc lo i„ el'-cictl on Hut first Wclnehday in Janu .ry next, no able bodied man Hioiijd be pcriuiLUd to hold these places, to nkulk irom their duty to tlMur couutry in il* mil.t oy dDcufsiou continued up to Hi this loiter. time ot OFF1CK GEORGIA RttLIKF AND | HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, V Auousta, Ga., Juuq SJd, 1H63. \ A messenger ol thu Georgia Relief aud ~ Hospital ABB'Mtlailon will leave Atlauta on or near thu 10th ot each month for MiBslssIppi, amt will lake churgo or all boxes and packages In tended lor thu Georgia troops in that State, au<l will carry them to aome sale point nour the army aud de posit them, and notify the owners or deliver them lo the owners, If practicable, free ol charge. The boxes aud packages must ho marked with thu name* ol the owueru, thutr company aud regiments, aud to the care of the Georgia Relief aud Hospital Associa tion, Atlanta, Ga. Thu Association wlfl not be re sponsible for the delivery ol auy box containing perishable articles, suca as greuu vegetables, Ac. Boxes and packages will 1m- deposited at tlio Wayside lloniu, Atlanta, Ga. W. H. POTTER, jc*2'--dlwem * General Superintendent. ___ e w- r uiiirng two hundred aeru». tlipi sold ai the v.ourl lion Ihq Inwiul hours l county, wtlbtu ffre 01 aaiu Ucceas'-d. Teirue casb. SAMUKL W. AKINS, Adm r November 2,1&0.1. uovft Aduiiulsirator’s Sale. 11V virtue of au order of the Court of Urdiuary JJft- of Fierce cuuuty, Georgia, will.hu sold, uu ihu mat TURSDA Y in January uext, before the Court iry , of Blackshear, wuhia the part 01 Lot No. Hi, situated iu said town, comamlng about 480 acres. Also at the same time aud place, one town lot and improvements, in suid town. Abo, will be sold before the Court House door, lu ihe town of Forest, L'lincfi county, within the legal hours.of sale, on thu first Jiueaduy iu February uuxt, part of Lot, number not known, lying in suiu county of Citncfi, containing about 100 a All ol said lauds sold as the property ol JotiiiT. Wil- uj, deccusetl, subject to LUu widow's dowur. novfi—w40 WILLIAM UUifiTTKK, Adm’r. AlliUliMSTKATok’S SALK. f ILL be sold before the Court House door iu Oliuch'county, on ibu rtrrt ’J’uesday I11 January it, all ihu latiu and negroes belonging to the estate ... suid county, viz ; no. *2, Block D, _ quarter of an acre; No. <, liloek ll, and No. 3, U U, ball acre each; Nos. I and *2, of Block C, and No. 2, Block A—all m thu town of Stockton. Sold for thu tK-nefit ol thu heirs and auditors. Terms 011 the day I e »|e. WM. A. CARTJCK. no v 11 Administrator. TOBACCO. NEAU SWORDS & C0„ (Nl 1 Hit IIHOAD STUKKT, :.) AXTOUfiTA, GEOltG V A Agents lor the sate of VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA MAN UFACTURED TOBACCO C ION&'rANTI.Y on hand n large stock ol all / grades, to which we luvlto a call Irom purchas- lloV*2tlLll PXjXJMBAGO Oli BLACK LEAL), y . AND WAGON GREASE I.10R SALE A*! 1 CHANGE OF SOHEDULE . TMTl J.T'-'r— •■“T-. useatataut *». SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD and alter Hnnilay, March Ufld, f'KMM.uivei 'train wl Iowa: HXTV/K3N HMHlN AND OOUIKnUB, Leave Macon at. •I* M Arrlvo ut i'oluiahii* at 12. HI 1*. iarave Columbus at. w Arnvu al Macon at '».f»2 1 M BUTWBSM MAOON AMD OllATTAIiOOCKSK. Leave Macon •* ‘J) A Arrive atC hattnhoochuc oicachcU in lfi« best manuci. vj& ■kiirGlovcscTiauud Uvlhu ucbl Koudunr iylc. The subscrlljur bego I emu u> rtlkt j tlu;. uc IB now pruporud to c.ean, bleacb uud pi ess tad it s' Bur.iiuUi . ifiu most laaii.ouabtu slyo *1 ulUl A. i.AUiOlVM . $10« Howard. i;S(Ul , l.l) irom my _ _ the Dili ull., a o Loy,"by ihu nnuiuof Ilh^SKY, 14 years hiowu skin, ihu properfy ol k. lliiiuugiiutu. haul buy is aupposcuio uu ruiking abont ibe cliy or uuups. Notice. uov4 New Goods. JUST OPHNI3D. 1 CASK WINTKIt l*OI*LlNN 1 casu UuuIa' Neck Ties 1 case Gunts' hemmed L. 0. Handkerchief* SodoF.nn Scissors Black Kogllsh CrapM Black Cranio Collars and Cuda 1(K)0 yards Fiald ILunespimt. AUilllNISTKAI OK’S fllOTU'.K. ^LL persons havirq; any claims against the estate within the time prescribed by law; uud all pel .iitlchlcd will luaut- unmudhiie payment Lithe ui.Uci signed. WM. A. CARTER, unvH Aoimiiislrator. Soutlieru Insurance COMPANY, SAVANNAH, GA. in Cliarlsvlou. (.TuKdpG'oN, Dec. lptli.— I’hu eqHiny slielfiil I he city Between leu and eleven o'clock last nirhi aud three and four this morn iug. fchmu twenty ►hell* were thrown: No Btfriona damage waa dout—no one iujured. Our Batterlea open ed neavily upon Ibe enemy during Hie fibe.lllng ol ilit* city. Tun firiug between the Batteries com tunes. LATCH A conMfinl lire baa been kept Tip l»V mir bat teries to-day, Interrupting mid driving Hie ene my ’ wo'L iug paiLiea Irom Gn-nir and Wagner. The «iicin.y replied ocnaaluually. T here bus hei-n 110 lii mn ol i-i>..«-qui.iu'« on Bumler, anil no 1 in 1 It. 1 »*iu Hing *d Hu- « ii c i»-day. FltOM 'ink Kmoni. -We learn Iroiu 1 private dispatch 1 bat the ein-mv’a cavalry, about five iniiitlii-.l strong, made a d-njli into IlmggtMtl^ 011 Monday, Hi«- 7ili lust., but left “ " HOUSE. Monday Afternoon. I11 the House this afieiuomi the bill to renew he charier ol ibe (Jcorgia Railroad and Baiik- np Company was paased. Tn$ iiiiliiia hill wu* la If ^11 up <*ml ocniplfd be balanee of lh6 Bcsainn. At p. m. Hie IBtiise md and look up the |f|| to anieml the dialler ol the Mac VY.-lern Railroad Company cIB' ictl uoitiii'g B' \oud ibe a» .irlug ol a lew wotnun and cbndrpa. Hen. Ulubiiiue's division Is In liout. -oluiion 1 Amended aud uthon/.lfig ul AllnlitH run inil.lln bi|* »M lake., up Hint illmU’ai.rt [,r .utm* luiif, aii.t ll"' ll"U.e i“l|"»ji nert. The las lull "..a |KTlocled In Ihu Hume on ...t,.nl .V Hint m-n. .» >U« rtulu.lu.lld L-ud iu ihe all«'i DIMJ4CTUR8. l.enry Urli:h»m, ()! lor K?, p »' l, ' n . John BobIoii, »»■ U. Tleon, John Cunniuglmm, A. Wilbur. John M. Cooper, Geo. X. Cope, Ueury Lalhrop, Isaac Scott, of Mac«>n. Wui. K. Jackson, ol Augusta. The Company is prepared lo insure agtrtusi loss or damage on all tl' ' " 4 terms riplItHis ol property ou fuvorahl. AH hisses promptly odjualed aud paid OHice, HU Uuy Hired. Nuvauuuli, (is. HENRY BRIGHAM, President. A*iym Wilbur, Secretary, uepVS* t; (ioufetlertle Slates Dlsirkt Court, For tha Southern District of Georgia, 10th NOVEMBER, lwtt. oofederato Studs Heqousi ratlou Receiver ..I Distort luvlug filed, with the Ck I ...lit W.I.'.II VC.-’h druHlIlllt for ins AUMIMSTK AT0ICS SALK. 11he first Tuesday In January uext.belore the CXiurf Hounc in Effingham . tn,one aged 4m years, thu other lb yettu*. Aim, three shares Central Railroad Slot Also, si v trade ni laud, containing utnmt MX) JotlN W. W 1 lSON, Adm i NulMie .o Debtors anil ' rediiors. A LL p».-r*on- having claims u^ninul the estate ol W \N < lii-evcr, dtinuBed, will | rusem ihuiu uccoidiiu to la . and petnoiis liidchlud to said '-slate will make linnn diate uayiim • IIN Kxeculur’s ssHd. W ILL he fold outhu first Tuesday in January next, before Ihu Court House door lu Sprnig- fl«-ld Kfifi'i’hi'in t'oiiuty, Ga., W'-twauu ihe legal hours of side, two small negro boys, between three oct20 DaWlT'r A MORGAN. Ilk »E«. W. WYLI.Y. Will be sold at private sale, the following proper ty : uno good size Htuer, two milch cow*, I wo calves, one heifer, ono cart aud harness, now at Sta tion No. *2, C. K. R. BY 42 BO. \V. WYLLY Valuable Laud at Private 8ale q’wo lota of LAiid In Lowudos couuty, Ga No*. 1(11 and 102 In lttth District; No. ‘ District, joining—iu all 1470 at 181 In tr.th .100 acres cleared of as fine oak and hickory land any in the county, the lialauce an« luared and mostly pine land, with clay submit. Thu irapiovomunla consist ol four good negrt) quarUTs. The overscur’i house 1* not iu good order. ky. ocilS BY 42BO. W. WILLY. At Private Sale. 830 scree of land, sitoalerton the Central Railroad 36 miles Irom Savannah, 2ft acres are in a fiood stui* of cultivation. Tnc lmpiovciuents c.oiibiai ol a gone dwelling with all. uecuasury outfiuilUIng*. Anv per roil desiring a ptca-iutil, foie and healthy pl*< do wop L) apply anon. BY 42 BO. W. W V Ll Y. At Private Sale. A lot on tfirf South side of Cliailtou street, next I tin- corner of West Brouil, Aft)-five 'eel iront o ('iiarlioii «4rcui. Fee simple Saul lot |p under of $7'» per annum, reuuwable yearly 1.88 1*. M. 7.tlu A. M. ft.’il P. M Trains trorn Albany con m lu 8. W. R. IL, and lion. fort Gaines dally at Uuthbort, with Chattahoochee Leave Chatlahoochue. Arrive at Macon Tho Mall and Pasming aect daily at HmlUivllle, Gaiuei Mall Train. Leave A litany at.. Arrive at Smlthvllle at ..., Leave Cuthbert al Arrive at Port Gaines at.. ...12.80 P. M. ... 2.03 P. M ... U.W) A. M V.6ft I*. 4.88 1*. M. Leave Fort Gaines at 7.80 A. M. Arrive at Cuthbert at A. M Making tho 'wonectlou with the up uud down Chat S o* MaII Train. .... to Oolomfins form a through connection: te lory, Alabama, aud Augusta, Kingston, Wu> » ngvon, Kavannah, Milledgeviiluand Kalonton. .Poat Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee,|Ua nt bridge, ThomaavlHe, Ac. ... . ^ 11Passengers for uolntsiiulow Port Valley should lake We Night trains from Aujcnsu and Havauuab dutantlon at Maam, Train. Aiijgni Columbus take ibe Ddv ’ VIRGIL POWKKB, Engineer and Buperlnieuduiit.Rl Macon, March 23d, lntt3. U|,rh ^.. CIIANUK OF «CIIK1)ULK GEOltGIA RAILROAD GEORGIA RAILROAD, I Auoubta, July *24,1862, ) N ud after Sunday. July»Ith, Hnuduy Uuy Tralu O H ana auur dujiub/, ou.| •<>.. “••*•**•*- .. resumed ou main line also Trains on Athens and Waahlugton Branches will run to connect untP farther notice. UAT1 Atlanta... AQguata.. Augusta. , .6.10 a. ..7.16 r. .6.46 A. . .4.00 F. .6.04 I All unto Trails'^'iiuii ctliig with Washington and Athens Branches leavo August* at 11.46 ^ 6.10 “ gif day )/■* . Atlanta ut Nottjuuu'-tion with’ WaireuUm t»u riun* itkilidr Tialn leavee Augusta r. iKO. V ONGK, Knp’t. ouluintiig 1UI ufi scroti under cuPivn- pro'luclive. fiaid laud . .usidund healthy, t Million No. 8Jv* 4,'iilial • li wirilD’g to pUit-Usre Wnl ad* •Kliiiqjkttm county, ‘ . K. uD\> Aiti'o, Guyton, Gn., Nov. 2, 1M»>. Stray Dow, 8 Tit A V BD from tnu subscriucr, on j- rlday uiorn- mu lust, ftCUW heavy with t all, bfiu is spiilti-d tiimill the neck and sides wiili small lilsck rpota._ i no remainder ol the cow is white, bi.u ha- a maik uu Die right, hip, wbeieshe bus been hranocd, WUiui lu»s The him has a split piece uiu of l no olli'-i’. .... 4 lUu top ol Re tail is Ok 1 one ul her '-are, * nit a Rued 1 wilPpuy ten 'iu»mrf.tor her tab aaaw COrilCl of Moll I l-.DUlCrV MUd il placed iu any eitlu plat e ► - that 1 « nu JOHN WoDLKMOTT. Land lor Sale. OBiKBIt lor sale in j pluiilatiou in Bry«u c I lyTtwei'ty twi» ni'ife's Iioiu kavannah, contaiuiug MX) acres, pine and island swamp land. Forty acres of tUe pine land and filter-11 of tue swamp ti cleared and under cilllivaliou. The Uud Isa h-ll mils O0111 iho Uuiioocht c Ullage, and five mth-a above Dlilou a Bridge. It in a vuiy deslrahlo location 0 >r ii( mm c 1 oss-1 oads Irom Daileu U> Brjau Court iTouso aud the Uau Curt Road. ’1 he impiove- uieuln consist of a largo new dwelling nuu mnl % ebalf story, fine rooms, with a.I nece»rt«ry out bin Id* lugs, good water mid Hue ordisidlol ault trees, apery, uim} good range lor Bl0 jy Hr Jbi.uAN, havaa'nali. or to E A. KBAUBEu, ocn-twsw ^u iu.pi»cu._ Scrip Lost. or stolen, 011 Wi-dncsrluy or Tha wlfl y last, Ji erty ' Hand ipu i-oiiuiy. inied uulljr, n snares el aouiuweat- limber not rtiiiAUiberiil, pro|>- \)ohn Jones, deceased, ot Knml nine CouhMcraiH ono him imien I>cailii2 two Iter ': nl. luteieht pe- --#» iivrs uoi remciubereU. A liberal rewuid will U ps d by tlio uoderalgucit idr tlM dslivny of titu above, if left st Room No. bl Pulaski snEKIDAN. uovl—*4* a Ol r creditors «*• the ►old for l benefit ol Ubedlah Kdwurds, , deceased. Uml , lalo I1IIB < fjld Receiver h auamids for inuttora which havii passed Sequestration, ami embracing money* ^ iiiHtaiit or.iered tii’st Wetinesday, the *1x111 day «»l Janu .. xl ul eleven o'clock, lit the lorcnoou ol that WV;‘ pi Opel I > t Executor’s Sole. I TUESDAY In January House door Ir Effing- , aiH.nl -At, yea;* of ^e, Hie A. N KEIFFKK, Kxuentor. SHERIFF’S SALE! UTATVOP 42KOB42IA. WAYNE 4'DlJNTY GuTtn-rttlty. lliufilh'lty of January next, wil. . House door In 1 'utility, he I ; appointed 1 Li.luiueut, and that theCleik | count y - To repeal rct-lloUfl R'Uud U'M Hits (Jode. To uinentl the* fliarlur f >l l^*’ 1 ‘H’ Marlett.r. ’• noiletM required In and by the tqevenlh ► iilsfy ihe | si-'Ti'tii ol the ortviuul Kequesiratioii AG, pansed j tlieprei •Will Augufl, 1MW. “*"**“• " J ‘ I hour* ol suh*. lol ol land number j sixl.-uu r2lii); tt)»o, lot uu ruber two ie i-2nui. 111 Hie Third District of naul hi. h thereof us will lie rtilllcieui lo mid county tux of r.ai l tipping for lien 1 1.1 ; nh*i.ilulft allot her lion ’.1 ol 1 fit; 1 !nflu, .110 Lite Ui«t “I •January offices ol lax Re« »*lvei and Colled A iiiessatfa was»iec»fiveil Irom the Guvuru » truuoihUliui; tko report ul the CoiuuiUwry KDvft API) j. IIAKDKN, DlNlnct Judge. A true ropy from the original Order, savannah, puli November, lartl. n«iv2d--4w , 18118. I AmoilliL due fifty heyen Uol irry . OHAIILMII. U8WHY,Clurlc. _ \t ihu act separating I I'ouf'-iierate Aliuanac lur 1861. I KCKI V «» .ml lo'.'.lojy V ill—3U.W JUIIU M. I.UUPkK £ CO. Sai.l lots of l.'ud |i.-.| and ninety acres each. 31, 1M.3. M JAMlifW*’ CHAPMAN, HlmrilT. octal Sal L. ►*o SA4 I4N l.lvorpool Halt v>ll :iu wtiCflis Tarti Island Halt; for-mjc by ml '.rk'HTONN .V 'UINNINGHAM. Wines and. Liquors. O LD Madeira and Hherry Mines Puui-.heon 4Hard Brandy Puncheon Jamaica Run IhmnmnVvhisUey, vuluihlc for For sale hy cLaGHUKN a ' IJNNlNGllAM. jylh PIPES, PIPES. , for sale by •ONttTAyr. Bull fet. SALT. rilll-K nnderalcnnl nr.. priT";;'' J e.pul In quality t Hue* 10 huH purchase M. .J. tSolomoas, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BiVY HTBKKT, (I)file 1 formerly occuplod by Me»*rs. *'• LiP BoliciU Coniignmoulfl of Produce tud Mer chanriya. OSNAB0KGS. B Y TJ* B P I B r K O It I* A L K» COTTUN TWINE. D. & E. S CORN SACKS' Two Bushel, o s n adu n;o . C00KIM SUM. k l.li.S Bi Gurb.' o«la, in store and lor sale 4) / X Kl'.nS Dl'illt'- o U Wind, rale uud retail, ';y K HAMPION & FREEMAN. Xx-on Vai-maii. furniture varnish I BA It IK^L Off IKON-VAKNlrtHi 0- il Ul). *0. 1 ffUHNLTUKB AhNlnB fforulext JOBN OLIVKS'B, • j*! NO. U WIUUUtei ilrMt. 1 HIIL. Alcohol tor halo by iiiayU JOUN «>l.lV«|t, New Books. /\||I)NANCB MANUAL FOB . K) Mahan’s Permaneut Forilttcatlous. (.Larga edition, with plates.) pial In quality t" any • ““t* ” nrchM ' B - llUNTItlt A OAMMKI.I. Baoon. I UIVS AM) OSV t tillItCS. 10! UvuAbiirga; lor sale by liENitY LVMRUP AiO. \V M. DAVIDHON. NtlOKIM. TORAt'CO. ialui'V w. M.iUAVUi^OH. COTTON TWINE. ThoAiooiicuuUaloii. B, J«u« rtpeuco. Also, More Almanacs for 1868. Evolutions of the Link. Jo mini's Practice cn vfa*. * Mecum KNM- _ KNAfP W.'.t .Idu MBthu' Flour aud Bran. T wo honored mcIm Kloyi.h Mill, hiiportln. von MAi.tt nv IIKNItV UTHatll* * CO. ■White Cuba Sugar. 20 T& w cW^»Wk«!Siffa:- ^ -M ■ . - ■ ■ - i, e§ m