Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 15, 1863, Image 1

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» *"• nii ' Visl.'s feTw .1" njriWit.^J x'--. '-c VOL. XIV SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TUESDAY Mi/RNNING, DECEMBER i.'». Lsr.A NO. 205 the lull* eng >i >s *J ;t50. BY THtODORE BLOIS- W. T. THOMPSON, - . BIIITOtt. «ur Advanced Kate nt NubKcrlpUou Ulltl Advei'llHlll;;. KOlt TIIM UATLV PA l'lt It. For oix months . j ; o For three months 700 For one month.,. . :t yy • iron tux Tia-wxKKi.v pa pun. For six months. . uo * or thru: mouths 5 o) port TI1B WKEUl.Y t'APEH. For six months 0 1 * ADVKllTISINQ, Per square of ten lin%s. or space occupied h] many lines of nonpareil type, two iioli.a ns for insertion. it ion that oil I.illle 1 Ulcers, who >r Louisville* the lie Id is me hundred - TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1803. . TELEGRAPHIC. REPORTS OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION Confederate Mat**, for the Georgia. From Charleston Tho Monitor Her- liHUkou Nuuk. Cuaiu.eston, Dec. 14.—There has been uo firing to-day. aud uoihiug uuusual, except that we have one raouitor ken to light. An official dispatch from Gen. Walker, at Pocotaligo the 14th, euys the Yankee paper NutrSonth, published at I’ort Royal, received by Hug o| truce, contains the report of tbo eiukiug ol lb e Monitor Wcukuwken in a gale oil - Charleston harbor, on Dec. 7lh. Twenty-eight lives wore lost. Capture of a Yankee Steamer- AAull for the Kxcltuujo of l*rl«oueris. • Richmond, Doc. 13 — l’hc steamor.Checapeako, from New York bound to Portland, with a car go valued at oue hundred and eighty thonsaud dollars, was taken possession of on Monday, the 1 th instant, by sixteen, rebels, who were ap parently unarmed passengers. The capluiu was put in trims aud the second engineor killed. The cupturo took place twenty miles northeast of Cape Cod. The captured officers uud crew were landed ut Partridge Island. The sti arner then started to sea, and whoa last seen was ly ing alongside ol another vessel, apparently ta king iu coal. A fleet of vessels have gout* in pursuit. A resolution has hecu ndopted by the Yankee House of Representatives recommending that etlorts be made to secure an exchange of the prisoners now iu the hands of the rebels. The V »le on the resolution was yeas, 100; nays, 4ti. Gold in New York closed llrtn at 149. A memorial Iroui the Georgia Relief and Hos pital Association, asking Congress to devise # plan to facilitate the claims of soldiers widows. Ibis matter Is greatly behind. Congress should do something to hasten the adjustment. Re ferred to a special committee ot five. The House passed a resolution ol thanks to the heroic defenders of Sabine Pass A bill was presented tOj allow lbe fuudtng ol treasury notes, not lundable—roforrod. A resolution was introduced, instructing the Committee on miliary affairs to enquire into the expediency ol appointing veteronary sur geons in the army. General Lee, Governor Harris and General Ocffib were invited to souls on the floor of the Senate. Tbo Committee on Military Affairs have reported a bill that nil white men, resi dents iu the Confederate States, between the ages of IS and 55, be declared iu the military service; all between Id and 18, aud 45 and 55, to belong to lbe reserve corps; and all be tween 18 and 45 to -cuter the field service in the army under the existing organizations. No conscripts are permitted to joiu the reserve corps. The bill repeals ull laws granting ex emplions, and none hereafter are to be ex empt, except each as are unfit for tuilUaiy service, ministers of the gospel, superiuten deuis of asylums, one editor lor each newspa per, printers, physicians, and apothecaries. — The bill was placed on tho caljuuk-r to be tukeu up in its turn. Senator Johnston, of Georgiu, presented a bill to repeal that poilion of the Impressment Act which provides for Stale Commissioners to llx the prices—referred to the Judiciary Cum-* in it lee. Both houses of tho Virginia Legislature have passed resolutions to adjourn next Monday, till the Oih of January. i-'roiu Virginia. Richmond, Dee. I4ih.—It is reported that Averiil, with a heavy force of cavalry and mounted infantry,-is advancing in the direction ot Lowishuruh. it is supposed he will make a raid on tho Virginia and Tennessee. Railroad il not prevented by tliu counter utovemeul lrom the Peul*. l8U |a. We have Information of the cap tuft of two panics of cavalry iu New Kent county by Xfie Yuukee-. The leader of the parly which captured the Chesapeake was Ilnury LI ruine ; second officer, Lieut. Burr, one of Morgan’s men. Mr. Adler, of Baltimoro, was killed iu a duel on Saturday, iu Caroline county, by Lieutenant D.irsey, of the Maryland cavalry. From hunt Temicasc. Bristol, Dee. 14th.—The mum body of our army rcitiuiim at Rogersvllle. Longaireet’s head quarters are that place. Large droves ol hogs and cattle arc being gathered up in ^Euat Ten nessee by our cavalry. Burnside is reported matching towards Cumberland Gap,but nothiug official is known in regard to this. Confederate Congress. Richmond, Dee. 14.—Lincoln’s proclamation U Universally laughed at and scorned, it wll( prove revolting even to^eonstruetinnlsts. important correspondence between the Presl* dent and Gen. Joe Johnston, relative to Bragg’s ^removal, was read in the Hou^o to-day by Mr. Swan, ol Tenues^ee, from which it appears that on the‘J4th of November, 180*3, Johnston was ordered to the supreme command of the whole. Western department, to have his. headquarters at Chattanooga. On the 23d of January, 18ff3, the President ordered him to repair to Bragg’, headquarters to decide upon the best interest of the service and give his advice. 'Johnston iu »peels the army and reports u> the President that the troops were ull iu high spirits and ready to tight, with confidence unabated, lie thinks Urugg’n operations evinced vigor uml t*kill, and that it Would be very unforiuuaie to remove him,that tbs.best interests ot the service require that ho should be retained. Thu operations ol the army in tho West, involving the generalship of l\ ipburtou, Bragg and Johnston, are much discussed among members of Congress. From (lie l<lilted Minion. Miiuii.k, Dee. l'J.h. -A special dispatch to the Register uud Adverlleei, dated Oxford, Decern General McNeil has reliable iiiforu *30,000 men under Price me iii.irehim Rock and Fort Sindh. • Secretary Chase reports die funds < be $l’l00,090,000, .iu,| oppo.-i'M any fun The Couarrvutivu CouiiniU-e, whli Cincinnati 011 llie 3 1, recuuiueuds ! for the Presidency. Thu reward fur M-irgun has been ini live thousand dollars, l’w » ot his 1 Hi escaped with him, were caught The n ui*ber of colored I roup forty-eight thonsaud—iu aervie and six thousand. Tho steamer Fannie McBiruey, burned Fort Pillow a few days ago, is a total loss. LIiicoIii’m IHeNMtgc. RicbAono, Dec. 13.—Thu New York Herald of the lOtli con talus Lincoln’s mcasugo, which makes five columns of that paper. The first part of the message Is unimportant, lie briefly alludes to the ju a lot on once of neutrality by Eugland aud France, tho rights of aliens, aud other mluorsubjeets. In regard to the finances he says the operations of the Treasury Depart ment last year were successfully conducted. Tho receipts from all sources were $*.H),000,lHM», and tho disbursements $895,000,000. Since the emancipation proclamation was issued the rebel borders have boon prettied further back. By the complete opening of the Misiffssippi the country dominated by the rebellion had been divided iulo two distinct parts, and Tcuuussee and Arkan sas cleared of insurgent eoulrol, while iutleuliul elti/.uAis ot each declare openly for emancipa tion. Oi those who were slaves at the beginning of the rebellion, one hundred thousand at e now iu the UuBed Status military service, who are good soldiers ns any. The emancipation measure-, have improved the toue of public sen timents abroad. At home they havC^ieen fully discussed, supported and denounced, elf ; but, however highly cucouragiag to the udiuiuisliu- lion, looking to the resumption of national an Ihority in the rebel Stales, he has issued a proclamation iu which, it is believed, nothing is attempted beyond what is justified by the constitution. The form oi oath is given, hut uo man will be coerced to lake it. lie is only promised pardon iu ease he voluntarily takes it. The constitutionality uud expediency of the proclamation* accompany iug the. oath .is dis cussed at some length. * Lincoln says, “While 1 remain in my present position X shall not attempt to retract or modi fy the emancipation proclamation, nor return to slavery any persons free by the terms of that proclamation, or by auy acta of Congress.” in his concluding pamgraph Lincoln trusts that Congress will omit uo fair opportunity for add ing these important steps to the constitution, but wc must not lqsc sight or the fact that the war power is still our main reliance. The proclamation is appended to the message. The preamble refers to the power of the Presi dent to gi ant reprieves and pardons, and to the existence of the rebellion and treason in several of the Slates, aud to the laws of Congress aud proclamations of the President, confiscating pro porty and liberating slaves, and finally to the desire of some persons heretofore engaged in said rebellion to resume their allegiance to the United States, and reinaugurated loyal 8 Late .go vernments. It la therefore proclaimed that full pirdon is granted to all participants in the re- bullion, with restoration of alt their lights and property, except slaves, upon condition that they lake the oath, the form of which is pre. sealed, to faithfully support the constitutional union of the Stales there under all the arts ot Congress uud proclamations ol the President reference to slaves, lihtil the same are modi fied or declared void. All prominent, officials of the Confederate Government, officers of the army above the rank of Colonel, and others, are mentioned exempted from the houellt of the pardon. He further proclaims that whenever ouu-tenth of the qualified voters of any State in rebellion, after taking said oath, shall establish a State Government, the same shall bo re cog nizedus the true government of said Stale. Tho Herald concludes that Lincoln's plan will * a failure, and expresses tbo hope that the discussion ot it will load to some satisfactory hall-wav house ot rest. lieport* of Llnrolu , M M« crctnrieN. RujumiindJ 1)oc. 13.—The report ul Lincoln's Secretary of War, iu a most highfalutin Yankee glorification stylo, declares that a Federal force il firmly planted In every rebel State, repeals the falsehoods of the Yankee agoni fur the ex change of prisoners, which falsification correspondence already published, fully established, and uublushiiigly avows refusal ot his government to allow credit of the prisoners captured and paroled by Gou. Morgan anil other rebel leaders He says the Yankees have forty thousand rebel prisoners, and tho rebels thirteen llioutuud Y.m prisoners. The Yankee conscript law has i enforced lu twelve Stales, and hi ought tifty thonsaud meu iulo the field, and leu mil lions ol substitute money into the Treasury. He says reports arrive from Lndiuuu that a large proportion of the men will re-culist il IhcGov eminent will give them a furlough ol one month before their term expires, lie says the negro uoops have shown sufficient courURc as iuftuiry troops. The Secretary of the Navy opens his report by declaring what be knows to hr false, iliat tbo blockade has been efficiently maintained’ from Alexandria to the Rio Grande. He refers to thu slow progress ot the siege, ol Charleston. He says over live month, have been spent iu the endeavor to capture tin- original site of in surrection aud disunion. He says the port has been dually' closed, and as a corn men*oil mart, Cuarleston Las uo ex that it the rebels, by great sacrifice und exhaustion, hold out lor a few wceko more, it is a matter of 110 Importance.— The number of vessels lost by capture, or in eu- gugoineuU, or dostroyed to prevent them from falling into the bauds of the rebel-, jis nineteen, iriyiiyf 105 guus. Ho goes into a great rage Vcr the exploits ol the Sumter, Albaiua, Flori da and Georgia, and complains in the severest t«•fma 01 Hie European nations lor acktiowlcdg- lug the rebels as belligerents. He say s the V an koo uayy is composed ol live bandied and en*li ly-three vessels, 01 which seventy-live mv iron clads. The number of vessels captured 111 at lumoliug to run the blockade is one thousand uml forty-live, mid the value ol the prizes not less than thirteen millions ol dollars. The Secretary qi the Interior says the negroes from the South are unwilling to emigrate to Africa nr H i.yli. Only lour h und red and tilty have gone to lliyli. Hu qiieolious tin* pro priety of further effort to colon 1/. 1 tin in, unless to some polul in Uetilrul America, to work on he new railroad route to the Tactile,or they are j uriU'd West ou the Tucitlc Road, lie thinks the ! money appropriations by i’ougrens to coloul/.e would be better spent in taking them to places to labor, and whore they ean help utffcte thu work which, ol all otlii't* m limtst they have llie deepest L'llieilt was I Tlie Front. Kitihay Mok.nino, 11 o’lloelc. Advices from Dalton declare that thv before yesterday our eav dry advanced above Ringgold, 1 lintling the country clear of the enemy. Tiny 1 proceeded tin nee to Lnnko'nt Mountain and 1 -Missionary Ridge Here they found nothing 'hut thedebris oi the enemy’s camp. The posi- ! siliou seemed to have bueff d scried on Suni- | day last. In the town of Cbattmooga be'ow, | tho enemy had visibly decreased his force. The assumption is that u.huuvy column has been sent iu pursuit ol Lougslruet, am) an expedition ; started into West Tennessee to look alter For rest, who has taken apt udvuiilag^of the absence ot Sherman's corps. We Hhall, however, re ceive a clue to such movements as may be pend- | ing In a few days. Friday Nigut, 9o'clock.—Accounts from the region of Bristol are as usual conflicting. A line ol couriers has bceu established between Bris tol aud Rogersville, as we learn by private let | ter. 'The headquarters of Gen. Kausoin are ut the latter place. The command ohGeuerul Sain Jones has hail no opportunity of co operating with Longatreut. Ourcorro8poudeutbaysth.it the rumors that muutmie v{a Bristol are the very worst fort of grapevine, therefore we shall uot repeal such us we hear. The disappearance of tho enemy fiom Mis siouury Ridge uud Lookout Is lugurded by sa vans us uuylhiug than a tavorublc indication, as their purpose is doubtless one ot well concealed aggression, perhaps on some uugurded point. Atlanta t 'onj'ederaft. ~ Marietta, Friday, 1* T. M. The dispatches to-day furnish very satisfacto ry intelligence from the front and Fast Teunes- sec. The Federal* have fallou back to Chatta nooga, making u very decided retrograde move ment. Their pickets only extend to MUeionuiy Ridge, audit is said, that they arc crossing a considerable portion of their ainiyAo thi! other side of tho Tennessee, with tho view, us is sup posed, of rciurorciug Meade uud making a win ter campaign ip Virginia. It umy be, however, that the movement of Longstreet* towards up per Fist Tennessee has disturbed their calcula tion, und put them ou the defensive. The news from Lougslrecl Is, that his army was ut. last accounts at Bean’s Station, 50 miles from Knoxville, which is not on the direct road to Bristol, but is ratber to the left uud more di rectly ou the road to Rogersville. Gen. Vaughn hus made his way out of Ks^t 'Tennessee to Ashvillu, North Carolina. Evidently, the Federal* have some grand inovemeut on* baud, which will soon be devel oped. Oue lhin< appears to be tolerably cer. lain, Georgia is relieved for the time being from all danger of a Federal advance.—liebeL Georgia Leginlutiiiv. | Wo were obliged yesterday to omit the fol lowing from our Alllledguville correspondent:] SENATE. Wednesday Night, Dccomber 9. In tho Senate to night the hill to extend the lime of reluming children entitled to school funds. Passed. A resolution to furnish the Auditor of the Western and Atlantic Railroad certain books. Passed. • A resolution requiring the eompilurof the acts ol the sessionalo annex au appendix show ing the changes iu the Cod.-. Adopted. A rcsoluliuu ’relieving the Western and At lantic Railroad ol liability on Government freight—allowing Government to.have a guard lo lake charge ol its freight,auil providing that Government freight be charged*30 per cent, less than the regular rates. Adopted. The Senate proceeded in eletft a President j/ro tern. The name of Geu. Gone, the vener able und esteemed member lrom the 17i.li Dis trict, was proposed, and henvns unanimously elected, lu response, lie acknowledged the eumpliuiyut iu appropriate terms. The icaoluti&ua ou Suit uud Iron supply were adopted. A bill to allow tax payers (except such as re fuse it lor debts) to pay taxes 111 Gou federate money. Passed. A bill to regulate advertising ot public sales. Provides that they be advertised lrom tilteeu to thirty days. Passed. • A bill to renew thu bauklug privileges of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Gompauy.— Passed. HOUSE. 111 ihu Jiouau to-uitfhi thu genoral appropria tion bill wua takeu up by aoeiious and passed. It appropriates tbo various sums necessary to the support o* the State Government for the year. The following ure the principal items ol the bill: For clothing, shoes, hats, dtc., for sol diers $2,000 000 For the indigent lumiljes ot soldiers and soldiers’ widows, Jcc 0,000,000 To pay the interest 011 puolic debt.... 1,007.095 For Military Fund 3,000,000 For Georgia Relief bud Hospital Asso ciation 500.000 For Contingent Fund 50,000 For Printing aud Stationery 48^000 For Cotton Cards 200,000 For blockade steamer • 750,000 For salt supply (hlauk not filled) Then the salaries aud other minor items make up tally $14,000,000. Any further Incur sions of the enemy may make it ueccsBary t» increase the sum, in calling out the militia. It uy be necessary also to increase the appro priation for ii hluckadc steamer. To meet this immense sum, it is estimated that the lax ol oue per cent., with the income lax and the receipts of the Western and Atlautie Railroad will be ample. From Georgetown—Capture ok Yankrk Naval Officers and Men.—^Twmvo Yankee pri-muuie, including two Acting Ensigns and oue Acting Assistant Paymaster, belonging to tho United Stales brig Perry, blockading off Georgetown, were brought to the city on Friday night, uud alter registering their names on thu Protost Marshal’s book, were lodged iu jail. The prisoner?, it appears, were out ou a re couuoilc.iing expedition, when theyWere eu countered by a equadrou ol the 5th und 21st Georgia Cavalry, under the command of Capts. Harrison aud Bowers. Our correspoude.ut, writing from Georgetown, gives the following particulars of thu affair; “A brisk tight took place on Magnolia Beach, Murrell’s Inlet, on Saturday, the 5ih lustu.it, r<* suiting in the capture of thirteen Yankee naval prisoners, the killing ot iw*», anti the wounding ol three of the Yankee parly. Oncol the kill ed was recognized us a South Carolina rice held negro. The casualties on our side were one killed and two wounded. Among the captured were three comuiUfioued officers ” The following ure the names of the prl<ouers brought lo the eily : George Anderson, Acting Ensign U S. biig Perry. (This prisoner is believed to tie the same person who was tried ( in tho United States Dis trict Court ns concerned |n the Ariel ease 1.1 the murder of Cnpl. Ayres.| W. P. Arrant, Acting Eusigu, same vessel. G. B. Burkett, Acting Assistant Paymaster. Seamen—J P. Rtubard,A. Williams.A. Keefe, . Henderson, J. Davis,.Si. Lawton, C. Il ms. l.mdsujcn—J. B. Gregory aud M. McDowell. (Charleston Con rice. OfpM- irned In KccottHttci dalloiiN of flic Ke» rulin') ol* the Trenulii) for (lie Itellel ol the Currency. In his report to Congress the Senetaiy ol'ilin Treasury makes H e following recommend itnm« for theTTiiprovomcnt of tlu* eununey : 1 “Ihu Cin.'grc-a forthwith uiilliori/.a u loan of $l.t»0d00G.t'iJ»i in rJx pei cent. In.mis, 1 he. principal payable m ' weir.) >.*ai>. Hie inter. .-1 Acini annually ; 1 lime to time, public debt, 2. “ That the Secretary ol tho Treasury bn au thorized to sell at p .i as many ol the said bonds as will bo sufficient to take up the outstanding currency und to pay t he appropriations made hy Cv»ugress. u. “That deposits of Treasury notes qu ae- count ol the said loan may lie received at me Treasury or any ut its depositories, or hy coiu- missioucis to he appointed; said deposits to bo iu sums oi out* hundred dollars, 01* iu sums of which one buudied dollars is a purlecl divisor. 4. •‘Certificates shall be issued lor such de posits, which shall entitle the. holder to bonds for the uinuuhl, with iulerest from the date of deposit. 11 the deposit be made in the month of January, tho bouds issued for the same shall bo exempt from the tux of five pfc.n uml. lor the present year, hereinafter'mentioned; if uiadu 111 the month ol February, they shall be. exempt from one halt of tho tax; and 11 made 111 the month of March, they shall be exempt from one fourth ol the said tax. officers, soldiers, und Beamed iu service, shall he entitled to ex emption from the whole tax lor sums paid ul aujk lime before April 1,1SGL 5. “A lux ot 5 p_cr ceut. snail be imposed on all property and credits (other than tbo new is- sue of notes hereinafter iheuHoned) which may tie held on the 1st ol April next, to be paid on the 1st of July, oue-hali iu Treasury uotes aud one-halt in coin, oriu.ihe coupons ul the . ^udn issued lor the loau. 0. “iu case the coupons should advance iu the 111 irkol lo a premium exceeding 25 per cent, any tux-payer shall be Jermitted to pay bis lax lu Treasury tunes ol the new issue, wtili 25 per cent, udde.i. 7. “Wilhiu six mouths a now and improved Loum MhuJJ boiuaHu oi iwo hundred millions ol treasury uoltft in substitution foe that amount of oht issue?, and ail the old issues shall bo eaut celled, uud the faith ol the Government ls*| plgylged not to iuereaso said issues. \ 8. “Notice shall be given Lo holders ol Treas-) ury notes, (other than the said iwo hundred! million?.,) requiring thuu to present their uoies at the Treasury, or ul some of the depositories, ou or before the 1-.t day of April next, and re ceive. payment Ibt rool iu bonds ol the said eon solidated loau, or in default thereof the uoies not so-brought in, shall cease to be current or receivable ui the Treasury forduoBfbui shall re- umiu evidences of tho debt payable by the Con federate Stales according lo their tenor. 9. “lu the Slates beyond the Mississippi the time mentioned in thu last clause shall bo ex- lorded until the 1st day of July. 10. “Six mouths more shall be allowed all holders ol Treasury notes to come in aud reg ister and verify their notes as demands against the Treasury, and exchange- the suuio lor a cer- liticalc ot debt, or il they prefer to keep the note?, tho uurncol the holder ahull be endorsed thereon, after whieb said notes shall be nego tiable ouly by special assignment, uml ail notes uot bo registered within the same lime shall be barred from any lu.thur claim ou the Gov ernment. . “Any holder ol a bond of the Con'.cderato States, may eouveiL the suine into one ot tho bouds uuder tliio loan ; ibeS per cent, bouds at par, uud the others ut a proportionate rate; and the loan . shall be extended so as lo absorb all bonds which may be offered iu exchange. 12. ** I'he interest coupons of this loau shall be held equivalent to specie iu all future deal fogs ol the Government, and shall be accepted iu payment ol afiy tax hereafter made puyubic iu coin. 13. “ The luilb of the Government is pledged to make adequate pi uvisiou lor the payment ot the principal and interest ol thur-aid loan by the eoulihuaiice ol the tux mentioned iu Article 5, until uccusus bliall be taken, utter which like provision shall i»h made t*y direct taxes or by duties on imports uiui exports. * 14. “The uoiUs ol duuouiinalious uodur live dollar, shall not be eileelcd by .thu provisions ol Liila scheme. f'lialli.im Sii|irrlor I'onri. MAY TKU.il, Wki. WhereUH, Aunt? Webb, I.'.I Win.I I’adelford, More- v Cohen, 1I0I111 Me.Mali.Ml, N. A. Ala ye? uiul .isiuer ill. linpe, Hlluiuioaeil to all. ini lhe pie ••-ul Amy Tci in ('tialhtlii Siipeiun i'our., a.* tl nude 1 iiil»y. . .In I llu . m iy, lie l>. I.ilin iv;, ■ ' KN'i it ' I. UAll.Ijn All OKF1CR. I MASAM;,A,t - “ «'-t. *,»th, '*«W f na e ov ru.: [ ikdtjle. attend aid Court, an tovoid Jar 011 tin .till oi May sad snhreqaei.ily; 11 ib ordirtx that they lie I'm. d cm* Ii iu me niui ot loity iluhars auler^Ajiey die ^ontl unu siilht.i ul excuse on nr In lore the Rml day ol tin* next turni o< Huh « «>ui 1 A lul Whereas, 1*. A. Ilorviuiil, James Foley, f* Straas, Julm Kiady, Henry Mitchell, I*. Dow nuy, G. N. Pollard, W. 1(. Norrm, Barnard, DtiHy, D. Ii. lioald, J. D. W. Dowell, Albert Ft man, J. H. Howell anUA1.<). i.'oln a, sumiuouei uiiend the preseul Muy Term of h .id Court as Petit Jurors, hsvo made deftuiit for the Term. And wheicHS, Juaepli M. Solomoii.i, J. Mack whetcHS, Juaepli M. Solomons, J. Mack, Georg< Huyler, Montgomery Camming, l)HVid Leahy, ID Koberis, James M liuiler.C. Ii. Sctirerk,, William Starr, J. H. Demiiml, Dr. klishs Parsons, While, Winhorn It. laiwtou, W . J. Neville and Daniel M. Liin, Siimnnmed to attend Hie present Term of said Court as Talesman outlie Petit Jury for the trial ol crtuiinul cases, have made deluult tor the Term; ami whereas James Mclieniy, M. M. Lull*can, David Thompson and 8. II. Kckmun, Talesman, made de fault on the 1HI.Ii day of May last, und suliaequeul* ly; and whereas Miles 1). Cullens, Thomas II. Uarduu, Wylly Woodbridge, Conrad Schmidt, Mortimer 11. Williams, Moses A. t'olieii, tedwin L. . Nehllinger, John li. Mehrlcns, Tal«smiUi, made deiaiilt on the nineteenth day ol May, und subsequently; and whereas, S. Muinhard, Petit Juror, made default un thu uliet- noon of the eighteenth ol May a..d subseqiieutly ; and whereas, t'tiaritis Perry, Petit Juror, made de fault on ihu twenty-sixtn day of May ami subse quently , and whereas, A. F. Alira, Petit .Inror, and George A. McL'ItHkcy and Christopher Haas, Tales man, made deluult ou the twenty eighth day ol May, It is ordered that each of the ubow delaullers he lined iu the sum oftwcniy dollars, unless they ille good and sitfllcilmL excuse on or before the lirat day of the next Term of this Court. True extracts from the miua.es. WM. II. BULLOCH, tbpl * Clerk 8. I.'. l\ (?. (lulham Inferior (ouri, JULY TUIfM, IS a. ■\ITHKHK.IN, J. Kelly, N King, M. J. Scan Vf Inn.C. \V. Stone, l). G. Purse, P. McGuire and Daniel Malmimy, summoned m aileiid the pre sum July Tunu ol* Chatham Inferior Court, us Pel It Jurors, made default; and whereas, U. Stamm uud J li-Smith, Petit Jafors, uii,i Robert a'arr and G Brown, summoned as Tulesnmn, made d. lanit on the second day ol suhl term'; ii Is ordered Uiul they be lined t wenty dollars each, unless ihey ille good and sufficient excuse ou or before the first day ol the next Term ol this Court. i True extract fro^i the minutes. «l*» Land lor Sale, I IMVIi two lota or good pine, laud, well Limbered, in five miles of Glemunre, with a farm of uliont forty acres cleared, with a good dwell mg house, kitchen aud other out-buihl- liigt» Ivihoiis wishing lo purchase w ill call ou Jus. C'orbit, nearGiuutuorc, who will show the lund and make known the price. $".,uou. novlti—2tw* * JaMKS BKNNJ8TT. Wanted. W ANTED to rent a plantation having from two to live huuured acres of open land/wlih ac- tommodailon for a numbed negroes, within five miles or either the Central Rullroad W est of Scriv.m county, or the Atlantic and Gulf Ra|ioad South of the Altamuhu. Apply to CHARLES SPALDING, oct91—2sw3w Nankin, Brooks co . Ga. $500 Reward. Ana WAV, on Sunday, the pith day ot bepteinher lust., my negro inan MOSES, annul of age, five feet « iuenes high, brown color; * hundred ami* liny pounds, ni b r two of Ilia upper front feutli B AdiuiiiJstraior’ft stale. V virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary ZZ, -r! iSnf“ u V Un V r » tic V ,r « lrt ' will -‘ ,u MW, on U.i first ILUSDaY iu January next, before tho Court House door, in the town of Bfackshear, within tho legal hours ol sale, a pan ol Lot No. hi, situated in aud near said town, containing about 439 acres. Also ut the same time and place, one town lot und improvements, iu said town. Also, will be sold before the Court House door, in the town ol Forest, Clinch county, within the legal houm of sale, on tho drat J uerduy in February next a part of Lot, number nut known, lying iu said county of Clinch, containing about loo acres. All ol aaid lands sold as lUe property of John T. Wll son, deceased, subject to the widow’s dower. _tiovr.--w40 WILLIAM i.GETTER, Ailm’r. AIWIIISTRATgUSALK. W ia.L he sold before the Court House door In Clinch county, on Hie first Tuesday in January next, all the laud and negroes belonging to llieestate oi Jesse W. Curler, deceased, ctmdsliug of » ly negroes, and live or six towu loLsiuliie kton, in said county, viz : no. 2, Block __ lor ol uu acre; No. ., Block B, and No. 3, B IL nail acre eucli; Nos. 1 and V, »d Block U, and No. S, Block A -all in the town oi Stockton. Hold lor the cnelltxfi tfie heirs uud creditors. Terms on the day > rale WM. A. CARTER, fiovli • Administrator. ilOJIiMM'K V I Oil's NOTICE. A 1*1* persons having any claims aguiusL the estate oi Jesse W’. Carter, lale«il clinch county, tie 'ed, will please hunt! them hi, properly attested, wilhiu the tune preacrIUed hy law; ami all persons air bled will make immediate pay ment Lithe under- gaud. WM. A, CARTER, novl I Ai.mmifiralor. AIIMIiMmTUVTOH'.S SAI.L W ILL l «■ sold on the first Tuesday in Juiuiary next, before the Court House in ElUngham county, two negro men, one aged in years, the other IrsjpiuiH. ADO, three shares Central Railroad Sto. k. , six iracis oi laud, containing mh'i acres, -•or less, hold lor the beuefit of the heirs and crediLiisol the estate of Win. lit nry Wilson, novl'i JoHi%\\\ U fuSO.N, Atlm r. Nolice t« llcbtors aud Creditors. A LL persons having claims against the estate ol W. w. I'heuver, tfei^ased, will preseni them ac<j>rding L» la* ; and persons indehied to said estate will make imuieuiuiepayment *- '\v kxccntor’s Sale. wv. field. Ki of sale, i ol said coiiuty, deceased. J. () Sprlngtiehl, Ga., N«»v. 2 u the first TdrMlay in January ie Ciiurl House dooi iu Spring- V. Ga , between the legal boars to boys, be; Ween three and five r the benefit of Hie heirs and dlali n iwards, hr., late EDWARDS, Exec ttxticutor’s Salt 1 . Ber ltf^i, suy* Northern tnlclligeueo lu iho bib • fulled duiei, the subdue l the i elU Virginiau had just learned Iroiu reliable author! ly that a portion of Col. Slump's B4i.li Virginia Regimcnl, under eouiuiaud ol Lieut. Colonel Frideiuore, was surprised by a body of Yankee cavalry, on Sunday List, iu Lee county, near th- residence of Mr. Marks, about nific miles below Jouesville. Col. Pridemoro bad about oue hun dred and sixty men, who were awaiting thu Yankees iu ambush, whefi they found them selves surrounded and hemmed in hy about fom hundred Yankees. We presume they had out neither pickets nor scouts, as they were ■ ompletely lakeu *by surprise. It is ruppoacd that about hall the force was raptured uud a few killed—auioug the latter Captain Gray.— The most of those who escaped Un-l their hhm- kelH, arms, etc. A surprise is iuexcusable un der any circumstances. A part of lbe same command was surprised at Mulhui ry Gap u fcw (lays since, when Captain Thomas Millet was mortally wounded. The Yankees no douhl pride more than a lit tle in the above exploit, but llie leal would have been more creditable lo them if llie Gllli Vir ginia was not such a very surprising regiment, ' The Nvwburyporl Herald has received j ililoi tu ition taut there are at least 10 000 meu iu ‘ llie British Provinces who have deserted Iroiu Ihe l uiicd Slalca uiui) ou leaveo of absence. I \V Metzger, lute ul w«it| < »uaty, li 4. f y« weighs about cheek turned; o... He formerly Itelouged to Mr. Uyam. 'The uhovo ward will t>»* paid many person lodging him in an jail iu thu Confederate Staten, ho I can get him. JOHN A. STaLBY, J. P. Savaunah, Sept. 16th. Ihfi3. geplO TOBACCO. NEAh, SWOkllS & CO., 181 UIIOAD VIHKK1, ATTeySTA, G K O H 1 yV , « Axuitts lor tbo ffiiltf of VrilUINIA 4WI) NOH'I 11 CAROLINA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO on ll ' uul “ hlr p 1 ’ ' ,,ock 01 '*11 vv grades, to whldi w,; invite a call from unrchm> — _ noV2fitJl flumbag o. OR BLACK JLiEAt), i AND WAGON GREASE. poll SALE AT v4 New Goods. JUST OPESrUD. 1 CASK U IM I R 1*01*JLINS 1 case Genth' Nock Ties 1 case Gents’ hemmed L. U. Handkerchiefs •HI dozen Scissors Black Eogliaii (.'rupert Black Crape ColLus and Call's lotto yards Plaid iluines|)aua. Cll A Ni! U N aud ,afle Iran b ' uii ihiu i;,,.ni »i uj . »M follow • DAILY DAY t'UAIN. Leave. Savsnnr.h Arrive in Macon will • 4 M am\ p. m, 6 A. M. 6.00 P. M. INI A. M. Leave Savannah . Arrive In Macon... Leave Manm Arrive in Savaunnh WHITESVILT.E ACCOMMODATION- DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) 6.3(1 A. M . 7 »? A • M .7.80 A- M .9.20 A. M, • Whllfbvtlle, (Nc». :q l Savanna!. AUGIISTA BKaN( 11. $60 Reward. " T ,,, st ] 4 DoM ITS r»w.ird wIM il- paid fur tlicnp- I prel.lu.nlon and (K-dv.:t> in in.-, a. (»rlrtborue linn -I.- , oi luva u .lU-ihADAlI DAt>E*' l Y. ol ( u D. t. in Reg. Ga. Yul • a*'kuiU !*• ivum iingt.rtv is aiNiiit 24 juur? •*' * r-i- > ~ «•-»*_ . nipl* •>. Delu N«»\ '•mb. Thirty piehoi.Mi ui, and 1 iabotii* hy •.(•cs high, i> k fair upaiUui—it-Hei te. eward will ui-.u lie paid for Ihe a| - ic-liVerv 10 b.cnu v.gleili .row ihu • If LILLY, 01 uo. j;,o3t inu.ek in keigln. lair cum- 'burn fiun, burn(n Loi.giuru. hy occupation. He culietx.d ••o » nuiinuiuui IWI 1. F. Tolllpl.ins, on llie 14Gl of July, lNUJ.wnl deaened about the I6lh day o' July, K * : * W. K. ItBADIi K, I.leut.Comd’g Co. B., 03d Big. Gu. Yule. novia— cod 11 GREAT .6.46 A.M, 1H. t.» A. M, ...1.80 P. M. . 6.26 P. M. 6.3<l P. M 9.3(1 P. M. Katonton Branch. Leave Katoulon 1 00 P. M Anivein Gordon j.ufi P. M I«euve Gordon 6.4 i I*. M. Airtvo in Katoulon 9.47 P. M Passengers from Savannah and Macon for Augusta will take cither train, and connect dir* ct both ways wira the Georgia and South Carollm R uIrmulH. For Jttllledguviiiu and Katonton rakn “Day Train" from Savannah-aud Augusta, and •‘Night Train” from Macon. Accommodation Train t after Friday night. filltli Iii?l Night Trains mmi savunnau and Augusta cnnneci with soutli-western R. R. *t Macon lor Allvmy, Kuiaula, Fori Gaines uml intermediate pointa: also with Macon and W. R. R. to Ailanta aud the West. Day Train cobjiecla at Macon witti H, \\ and Mu* cogue R. It. to Columbus, Montgomery, Mol.ile tho Southwest. " Atlandr aud (iulf ’ Uatliuad. . ^ --J* niadlaou C. II., Lake dty, tflouilcellp, and TaiJahaa- aae, Florida. N aud after Monday, Jkily ( i () Leave Savannah at Arrive ntTl.ouusYlllo ut 7 45 P. M. RBTURN1NG. Leave ThomsnvUle at 6.33 A. M. Arrive ai Savannah turn P. M. Connecting at Mclnioeh (Station No. 8, going West) cm Tuesdays, Tharndayt and Balurdays, will a 1 ine of coachoa to Darien. lUituruingon aiiernat* days. Connecting at Tutieanvlllo (No. V) dally with the cars for Brunswick. Connecting at Quitman (No. 18,) dally with a line ol coaches to Madtsou C. 11., Fla. Connecting at Groover’s iN(». 17) with a daily lli.e ol coacheu lu Mouiicollo, Fla. Arriving in time to conqcct with thu cars to Tallahasst u ami St. Maiks. Freight'Trains leave Savaunnh Mondays. W'ednut* days aud Fridays, ul it A. M.; rot urn tug on *1 nusduys, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 P. M. N. B. Double tho regular rules will ho charged oi all articles shipped by Passenger Train, excepting fi nit. froah meat, fish, oysters, aud oilier perishable articles. Freight hy Passenger 'Train Simula be fit- llvored ut tho Dept at luaet ouo hour beforo the Mail- Ing, time ot the train. jyld G. J. FULTON, Bnpailntcndunt. CHANGE OF 8CHEDU1.E -X oct2U DEWITT .fe MORGAN * DIUlliO. W. U lLLi, Will lie sold at private pale, the following proper ty One good size Steer, iwo mil# cows, two calves, oue beifur, one cart aud iiuruess, now at Ma li.>n No. 9, (R. K (>(;t2H BV «E«>. W. 1.1.1 Valuable Land at Private Bale. Two lots of Land in Lowndes county, Ga. Nos. 161 and 182 In tilth Dislrlci; No. ltd In 16th District, jolning—in all 1470 anes 890 acres cleared of any lu the county -pine land ... fine oak and hickory land us , un- liulance uncleared aud mot-Hy ...... ■.•■■•I, mi.il clay siituoil. Tin: improvemuulB consist of four good negr.t quurlc i s. Tim overseer's liuu-e Is not In good orde in GEO. \V. \\ VI.I.V At # Privato Bale. 230 acres of land, situated ou the Central Railroad, 'id miles lrom Savannah. 23 acres ate in a good state ol cultivation. Toe improvements conalBi of a good “welling with nil neceasury outbuildings Any |*er m desiring a pUasunt, tale uud healthy place would * well to apply-soon., - ii v «lidTwT. w i llY. At Private Sale A lot on the Souih side of Clarllou street, next to the corner of West Broad, fifty -'hurlton street. Fee sim’.l Urt ;‘‘ per anuiim. r. nu .able yearly ij 50 SHERIFF'S SALE! S TATE OF l» EOltS. I A , WAV NB COUNTY ( ni Tue-d »y. Ill*-Mil d «y ol .laiuniry next, wit. hesttid al the ('ouri lloilnu door In su’d county, la-1 tween the i.iwlul hours of sale, lot of land Aiunher two iiiiti.li it and sixteen (216); also, lot mimli.-r two huinlre.l iiiidadne <2b9), in Ille'Third District of said county, "i a- much thereof as will lie stillleiont to satisfy Bn Mm- and county tax of Carl kpping lor l he pres.nl year, iMi-i, (Amount due titty seven do I lars and iili> * wocent* uu.l costs.) Said lotsol land oont iin 1.1,.r hundred and ulliuty urns each. Tins December 'l l, lsbd. del . JAMES F CHAPMAN^ Sh.-iiff mi SALE. I O I l.-tt i W. an I fraction of Lot letter Y, situ j aicd iu .-*011111 Oglethorpe Ward, hounded by Farm at d Poplar streets, with impiov.-meQt*. For pa111euiat 4 ■ n.| rireof de. .'aw.--' BI.OUNT A DAWSON SOMETHING 6601) T0K.\T.~ Suit. l*f<AC!Kfl Liverpool Bait ' a) sawa* TurLyV Island -•'Hit, for s.ale hy BiA G fit J R N A CUNNINGHAM Wines and Liquors. ia and Sherry- W.uoo i (tiatd Brandy Piiacheon J.uuaicn Ran Holland Gin Boutbou Wniskey, suitaMe for medicinal pa:poscs. f >>t sale hy CLAGilORN A CtJNWINGil lvl« i l«V :jiw SOUTH W EXTERN HAILR0A1) ban Mail and Passenger Trniu will lows; It ST WR BN MAOOk AND OOLUKilUB. Leave Mncou ut 6.26 1*. M Arrive ut CoInmimB at 11. lu 1'. M Leave Columbus al 12.40 P. M Arrive at Macon at. a 6.62 P. A* BBTWUKN NAOOH A*%D UU Vi'TXUOOOO Wrt. Loavo Macon «.au A. M Arrive al Chattahoochee 4.3H 1*. M Leave Chattahoochee 7.30 A. M Arrive ut Ala, 0 ,i 6.21 1\ M Tho Mnil and Paasongur Trains from Albany c -eci dully ut Sxuithvlile, No. 10 " ’ort Gufuos dally at Cuihbort Mall Traitu Leave Smlthvllle at Arrive at Albany at I leave AI hauy at Arrive at Smithvillo at... Leave Cuthhcrt at Arrive al Fort GalucB at., , wiLti Chattahoochee 2.66 P. -M 4.88 P. M 7.80 A. M injuve Foil Gaines at Arrive ul Cuthhcrt al Making the connection with the up uud down Chat- tahnochcn Mull Train. Trains lo Colnmhnri form a through connection; to Montgomery, Alabama, iflld AagiiHta..King8tou, Wli nt ugton, Savannah, MiiledgevtUeaiui Katonton. * Poet Coaches run lrom Albany to Tallahamtcc.lUa n« bridge, Thuumavllle, Ac. PitBMmgeis (or tudniB t.eiow Fort Valicy should lake the Night trains from Augusta and Savannah to uto.d detenttou at Macon. For Columbus Hike the list Train. ^ VIRGIL POWERS, Unglni-ot* and Huperlnundciit.Wj Macon, March 23d, 1868^ ajtrrt CUAAiiiE OF SFHEDIU.E ON GEORGIA RAILROAD GEORGIA RAij.UOAD, I AnuiisTA, July 21,1862, j O N and utter Sunday. July 27th, Sunday Day Trait resumed on main line also Trains un Athene and Washington Branches wilt run to connect onli 1 farther notice. UUTl Atlanta.. AHhiilu . Augusta.. ....8.10a. i 7.16 t*. i ...6.46a. i V...4.001*. i PIPES. PIPES A VERY large and . comdi'titig in pari of Wood, GuitA Pereha, .vo., - SALT. r.t of Pipes, iiaiiih. English Briar ale by ON.VTA^T, Ball sL__ lilINTKIt .V GAM M ELL. Bacon, P*K* h> W. M. DAVIDRON. StIOKIM. roll VII 0. . t ,mit mu. if V 1 uors \N. MtSDAVU>HON. Atlanta 6.82 F. n. Atiauta :.. .3.9.* a. u. Trainu connecting with Waeliim..ion uud Alhene Brume. » leave A in-until ul 6.46 A. 61., and Alluida ut 6.10 A. Al. Nucoiuuciion with Warren ton on Sun day. Bolutr Train leaves AnguSta 5.15 P. Al. )y% . GEO VON(IK. Hnp’t. M. J. Solomons, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BAY 8TUIBKT, (Gfiles lot merly occapiod hy Messrs. O. Cohim ACo.) I ^Solicits ConfligumentB of Produce and Mor ehandixs. , f< -h8 ) OSNABURGS, HI T II E PIECE 4* It HALE* COTTON TWINE CORN SACKS! * Two Bushel, OaM ABIT Hto COTTON TWINE. FOR BALK.BY jyTi II EMC Y LATHROl* A CO. SOlitURKS LljiiUM (10. Capital—Two aiid a Halt Million Dollars. fTIHlS Company has been organized by election o JL Direct ora as followa: A. W. Jones, K. Root, J. H. Lockhart, ooLintnus. W. II. Young, T. 8. Metcalf, ID. L. Adams, |JarnuH Browu, 1 W. J. UWt!ih,( B* 1 !). Dunbar, Macon W. B. JolinHton, J. F. Boseman, [J. A. lialslou, Daniel Griltlu, IJohu L. Jouet, D. Adam*, (Pulaski S. Hull, D. F. W11COX, 11 eiutc Scull. , »# SAVANNAH. . II. Lamar, (Andrew Low, harles Green, | William Batiershy, Dwight Lathrop. W. B. JOHNSTON, President. CHARLES DAY. Socrotary. Thu iinilerMigneii hue been appointed Agent for Savannah and the low country «>f Georgia, urn is prepared to lakh rinka ugaitiHi Fikb on the »nua terms. JAMES MuilKMKY, ap27—ly 118 Bay-airwet, lip autirn. Southern lusuranc# SAVANNAH, fiA. DIRECTORS. Honry Brigham, George Patten, John Boston, Win. ii. Tiauu, John Cuuningbum, A. WiDtur. John M. Cooper, Geo. L. Cope, Henry Lathrop, Isaac Scott, of Macon. Win. B. Jackson, of Angtiola. The Company Is prepared to utstue against loos or lamago on all de»cri|)tion8 or jiYopurty on favoiahle terms. All Iobbcb promptly adjunted and paid, Ollier v 80 Hay Street. Suvainiali, C>n. HENRY BRIGHAM, President. AARONWinnon,Secretary. aep2Q- t,r BH.YAN street NEGRO AUCTION MARI'. I ll A VE my house open, No. 10U Bryan street. Market Square, Savannah, Ga., for the sale ol Negroes, privately anil at auction, on Tuesdays uud Thursdays or every week. I will nidi all kinds of property at. tho Court 1 lOase on tho first Tuesday of every month. Persona having properly fot t-alo will give two or more days notice before (he day of r»Hlu, so that tlio-property can tie advertised, i ulrc have accommodations lor any unmbur ol Nugnu.n at a moderate price lor hoard, and 1 will use every effort to make quick Bales and to the bent advauiuge. J. A. STEVENSON, Auctioueei and Broker. fcbO K. MKNDKL, l Tier. DYEING KSTAUl.lSHMETiT, IMTABUHUBI) T» 18 O.'l* Hamoved to 115 Drayton sKroec, •oetb or Vork atreeft, near ll«« late rcaldeuca or the MUbaeriber. FfeUIK Buliecribor, grateful for past favors, begu Ji. leave to Inform his fricuds and the public gcuer ally, that ho is now prepared to Dye all OolOrs ut thh best style on Silk and Woolen Dresses, Shawls, Ac.; alr.o, Table Covers and Crape Shawls cleaned snij ‘ 'cached in the best manner. Lade «* Kid ami Don- Hu Gloves cleaned mthe best Londoiu<tyie. Thu subscriber been leave to etate that he Is now prepared to c.oan, bleach t.nd press Luticn* Bonuot* and Flats In the most fOshlocablu styles. To/ms nunleruiXi. Gentlemen’s Garments Dyed mm Cleaned, as vuij be required, In tho same aa|>erior style whi#i h.\r gen- — Uy so well pleased his patron a and tricuiis lor Vhs it90years. A. GALI.gWav. •W,000 Acres ot Lamt For Sale, ' W ILL bo'sold In Lake City, on Thursday. tJio aist of Jamiury, A. I). lfcbl, thu fullowlug projHirty, sequestrated Ity a decree of the Confeder ate Slaton Court for tho District of Fiorina ; 2*),900 acres of laud, known as tho Fleming (Irani, situated in Brevard county, Florida, on Indian Liver, iu T 99 8, 1< 87 E; T 30 H. R .'ts ifi; T 31 S, R 3b E; T 31 S, R 37 K. Property of Bernard, or Bo-ton. 12,160 acres ol launi in Brevard county, known au iu Gomez Grant, in T 39 H, R 41 E; T 88 H. R t-i K- - 39 S, R 42 K; T 49 S, R 42 K; T 40 S, R 43 E; T 11 S* R 43 E. Property or Gomez, Gomez & Gomez. 660 acres of Laud iu Hernando county, Florida, comprising the K y A or N K % or S- c 23; the VV ,V. or N VV ki of Sec 20; E J4 ol N ni X of Sec 27; K U ot N W H, aud B Jtf or S W anil SUV of Sec 28* T 22 “ it lit E. Pioperfy orTbontas J. Parsons. 16U acres of Iaiud In Brevard, near com,ry site, Lots Nos 2 and 8 of Ut c 29, T 36 S, K 41 i£. I'ropei ty of Philip Hernallue. 290 acres In Hillshorongh county, Florida, NEW S Hi k of Sec 3, T 31 S, R 22 K, and N W JW of 8 14 V; S v; of S K ami N E J* of S W Vi ot Sec 3. T 31 , R 22 K. Property uL heirs of Luther Wilton. 160 acres ol Laud In Hillsborough county, Florida, N W X of Sec 18, T 27 S, R 29 K. Property of At water, Mu I ford A Co. Block No. S3; N % of Water Lot No. 11; and Lot No. —, Block 25; Lots 1, 2 and 4, iu Block 12; Lot No, 5, in Block 17. ONE HTJIAM BAW MILL AND (lit 1ST MILL, n Block No. 88, lu tho city of Tampa. MJ ucrcs of Land, In ilillrborough *,county, Florida, N M of N W R of Sec 6, T 38 S, K 29 S. Properly of Arthur Boll. Terms—CASH. Tho above Lands comprise some ol tho best In Plorid/ff&nd offer a fliiu opportunity for profitable in vestment. Information can. bo had hy addressing Ferdinand McLeod, Confederate States District Attorney, al. Lake City, Florida, and K. W. Thompson, at Tampa, ”lorida. . K. M. THOlHoON, Receiver. E. M«*LEOD, Confederate'Status Attorney. oct2l—lawVm Iron Varniali. FURNITURE VARNISH J BAHHKL OF IKON. VARNI3U; 2 DO. NO. 1 FURNITURE VARNISH For sah) Rt JOHN OLIVER’S, . J22 No. 11 Whitaker street. | IIUL. Alcohol for Bale by i- nniytQ • JOHN OLIVER. New Books. f \RDNANOK MANUAL FOR 18B3. V / Mahan’B Permanent Fortifications, iLargs edition, with plates,) Tho American Union. By James Simnco. Also, More Almonace Tor 1863. Evolntions of tho Line. Join tii’s Practice m was. The Judge Advocate’s Vudi Mecum. Received und for sale by E. T4NAPP & CO., West, sine Monument Square. Cotton Cards. A FEW of tho above'of superior quality; for si by (novlD) JOHN M. COOPER A CO Cloak Cloths. Zouave*, Ac., just r DkWITT A MORGAN. Hour am! Bran .Mill* r>t«i«*iuuo nnTn'id/aM