Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 23, 1863, Image 1

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, \ VOL. XIV. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WLDNF.SDAY M )KN I NO, DttCKMBKR 28, 1808. NO. 30 ijrtitn -itUniuin) zheir HV THEODORE BLOIS. u . 1. 1110,11 P,SO,V, - - KIllTOU. isuj Afivuiund KateH ol Mi liacrtiillon ami' AdvcrilMtnts. For six month-* *. $18 L'O For tiireo months 7 Ot) poll TUB THI-WBBKLy PiPEIi. Fornix month* $s UO For three inoutbs 5 0) roil Tine WBKULY Pi ll’lll. For *ix month* 6 CO AUVEUTUINO, Per square of ten link*, or spue e occupied by that many lima* of nonpareil type, two dom.aus for each insertion. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1803 r.ena of A Irk': We are once uiuny are reci recent l di scent," Abraham (lie First.— non' epjoylng qiilpt unit re-post', viug furloughs— private* I mean ter lorlMilo any further appllca- that , lOtil l l« that i ll, Willi efcruble it refuse {Editor Sava JJttAti dm “Eli ° lu llH CAMP-GOHDON'B liKlUADB, I uuiuierville Fold, Due. 6, Ibtfi. J mh Mum i mj News: For botuc liuie pust public alien- eu directed to the operations oI y near Chattanooga, which Lave Ui.it cliuractcr to cause its every move- tic wineln:d wub the deepest solicitude, euuiuuu lUu Army of Northern Virginia lino been ijiug couipaiatively quid, until quite ruceuiiy, vs Leu u was called lorib Iroiu its re- poor l. witueim tbal remarkable achievement uu the purl ol ibe Yankee General, wbicb line been recorded of uuoibur personage no 16*8 celebrated, ul boldly marching up ibe bill uud ibeu marching down again. I coufcss tbal I am unable to decide aa lu wbicb of tee iwo churnc- vera la uu tilled iu moat c.edit for ibe aklll and gcuiua peiccpuule-iu ibe movetncni wbicb im mortalized ibcui. Certain it id, ibai ibe re nowned pci'buuago to whom this great feat was Ural uliribuicd would have uo cause lo blush on account ol any wuulot proficiency in bis Yan kee pupil and imitator. Ou the night of the 26th nil., ihc 20 th regiment wub relieved trom picket duty along the lUpidun ueai ltobluaon’e Ford, uud, uccompanleil by the 31st Georgia, took a diieciioii down ibe river to j jin the remainder ol ibe brigade, which had preceded them, hav ing lull camp m the inoruiug. A march ol seven miles over a bard and Irox.eu road brought uo to their eucampment, auil here we rested uutil moruiuK ituwued upou us, when wu drew two days’ muons of the soldier's Irieud (hard tack) uud resumed our march. Passing over distance of two miles the brigade left the road auu wurf immediately lormed in lino of buttle. Eveiytbieg appeared 60 still und quiet that 1 was somewhat surprised lo llnd tbo brigade in line of battle, that beiug the first intimation that I bad of beiug iu a locality iufesied’by disagree able neighbors. This fact, however, was run dcred apparent beyond all doubt as 1 hoard ibe heavy report of a cannon aud the peculiar Ttoi wbicb ib made by a bholl in Its passage through the air, uud which Is undoubtedly the best thing in tie world to secure order and quiet along a line ol battle, and renders unnecessary the issue oi any command to “ lie low and keep dark.” The 00th r. giincut was thrown fo.ward us akir wishers, uud lulu iu the afternoon were hotly engaged wtih thui*e of the enemy, who outnum bered them at least three to ouo. The enemy however, declined to test the strength of oui main liuc, ami uparallona wore coudned to the tr.wiia ueeupylng the liuo o( skirnilBtturs. At,out two o’clock ou Saturday morulug the culled up aud ordered to lake a i three iourlhs of a mile in rear ol the lormer one. Here, upon part of the new lmc u bloiio Icuco formed a breastwork ; at o'her puiuts temporary beeastwoiks were made ol logs, stones uud dirt, behlud which our uicu were posted, Skirmishing continued throughout the day. After nightfall on Satur day the brigade aguiif moved to the rear. In taking Li’ is last position our loft Hank rested on Ufiodeh’ division, and our right ou a division of Hill’s corps. Ai three o’clock on Sunday morn mg the brigade was called up oud briskly set to work bulldiug Lruublworkfa of pine limber, of which tbeie was uu abundant supply ou bund, and with Much ludualry w ta .he work carried ou ih.a the murolnit likhi royealed an uuiirely now fuaLure of Ihe Kroiiud to the watchful eyes ol the bluu deviu m our front. A long line ol breastworks, capable ol resisting iho shot from their best rilled pieces, with here and there peeping over it the heaviest pieces ol Held ar tillery, stood complete before them; and, more than all, thousands ol brave hearts aDd ready arms stood wilh armour ou ekpcelaut of and eager lor the impending coolest. The sun rose clear and bright that morning, whilo deep and audjiilirokeu stillness prevailed, and os I sal arolnid a doll lire a short distance from our wurka, my thoughts reverted lo the days of ‘lAuld Lang Syne," and I contrasted my present condition with' that of former days, when Sabbath moruiliga 1 took my accustomed seal In the village ehareh, and lieleucd to the fervent appeals of tbo mlulstor of Ood. All that seem lion lur furloughs by olUci rs. Why u company of iwcuiy-tlvu or ibilly u four officers prcseii l lordul>, it id \ or beat to grata furlouglib lo piivatesu them to ollis»-r«, 1^ know uoi, yet such is the case. The old Twenty sixth still suivlws, buv- lug bravely withstood the fierce und sweeping tempests eucouutercd during two long and ai- duuui cuiupiiigus, but we have lost ibe com panionship of muuy gallant hearts since our •connection with the uruiy, many ol bet bravest und noblest members huve fullcu, und now are resting iu solitary graves prepared by strnuger bauds, some upon the ragged bills, and others beneath the sod ol the vulley, without a t-lone or bourd to muik the spot where the hero fell. Very few officers ure abseut from ibeir regi ment, aud these ohlaiued leaves of absence upou certificates of disability. Auioug tbo number 1 may mention Cuptaiu Jobu T. tttniib, A. M., whose place is supplied by a most pcleul uud lufvbfill hand, iu the person ol C’splulu E. L. Pearce, of Co. E. 1 am pleased to say thut the entire brigade is iu lur belter con dition as regards clothing, than it was twelve uqpniba ugo. lu uddifiou lu the supplies tm dish ed by the Confederate Goveiuibunl, most liber al donations have been received from our native Stale. Aud we are as ready aud well prepared lor another ousel of ibe blue devils, us we have been ul auy time wllhiu the fust twelve mouths. Veunon. Northern paj biuu licet Is expected ul new tbit be Hue it gives additional col* ability to the icporiu that Hum l it* lur war in ilu; Spring, and ibat by onlc liei' fi. ets to wluter on tbi* ude Hitt Alia bbe Wishes lo avoid ll.tvillg lllUui C Miped u the i>.title uud Black seas by ibe t-omnim-d Vies *d Franco aud England, as tb« y worn line Ibe Crimean war. ttlii-uld war biuti in Ihospuug an iwpjrtaui pull ul Uie ilm Heel Will be abloud *o prey upon Kugli.-lt Freueli emuun reu. « Ku< k. II I prub- TATK or a id) Uk i t, rii.iTii.t.u lo nil w Hum It uuy concern; uas hum- wnl apply at tlu court 8' Wheie UtailiaiH Mipfrlor Court. may Tuan, isii.1. Whereas, Amos VVebu, kdwuid I’adeiroiu, t. *.un*fii, a«Mni tUi Muiioii, a ul ttdtnoiiipii nil I ul Ihe pn tud. ' 8 l4'J~ Gculleiueu lately iioin New Oileuus state that uo peinoua aie allowed to enter the my without Ursi obtaiuing pern.iis iroui the tu» Yankee military authorlues. l*bis has reatruiu- • ,,,n cd n large number of parutB uwuillug pas:ugc ni Pascagoula Iroiu gotug across. (Alfa iTx.-ri d W. Aits Ot'MIMI t\ A. *» 1. in- uiwtunii) liy. Aim h in > aiiund . aid *. i IU .1111 Ol Ma UliMTl \l. It.*ii.u CHANGE OF’MCIIili. O N and alter blinds)-, November lr. trun s on this Nuau «i*u mui.. •* An ml lows: DAILY DAY TliAIN. «•>' file Reward. Coin negimuiit Ga. Yols., i it, A 14 ir»;_ liuuds high. i.oruii'g ot the i ycal old, Gunboats at Mobile.—The St. l.ouis Re- publican learns from Confederate deserters re cently arrived in that city llmt Capt. Dobaven and Capt. Montgomery, admiral, are now build ing two large gunboats at Mobile—the largest, the NaBbville, two hundred and sixty-five feet long, and will buvelhe machinery ol the sloam- or Natchez, formerly lu the Mississippi trade, between Ntfw Orleans and Natchez; and the Tennessee, to have lue machinery .of the Alon zo Child, formerly lu the 8t. Lmis uud New Orleans trade. Tbooi*9 FttoM Nobth Cakolina. — North Carolina (according to Gov. Vance’s message) has furnished 100,000 men for the Confederate army. For the year endiug lu J uly last she sent 11,734 conscripts, and between three and fonr thoasand volunteers. In her quota thero h.CVe been only 3,040 substitutes—a smaller number* in comparison than uuyothi.r Bute of the sauio population. Her loul list of exemp- tiona numbers 21,558. horsu has a bis/. collar milks, aud is u natural pucer Also, u dAik or brown buy Hull alt, a years old, .black io^p, inaue aud tail, uo pnrlieular marks rcuicmbe.ed. Any person whj will return mud horse* to Cutup U lull atlou by which lueycau insueuv.red,s ji. r*.cei it* ub.ivu reward. JA<S. N alllMlOkaxK, doe-18—d* jOapt. t>'u. K. 5 tu itog. ««a. Vuu*. urfK/A uituuuiA tukiiin*' •••*« . UuAnTAL A»bUUl A i lOiM, V Auuusta, Ga., June kdd, teed. ) A lueswougor ul the Geurgia Iteliul auu llospiUl Assocmltou Will leuve Allauta ou or uoAr tbo lorn ol each mouth tor Minsipnippl. and wilt take charge ot all bo}es and i'<u-kago» m- teuduu lor the Gourgla iloops in that Biutu, auu win carry them to some sale point dour the uroiy aud do- posit them, and nouiy the owneve or deliver ibou to tha owners, If practicable, free ol Charge. Thu *lK)X*M and packages most be marked wub u*«i uuout ol the owners, their company and regiments, and to the care of the Georgia Relief and Hospital Associa tion, Atlanta, Ga. Tile Association will not he re sponsible fur the delivery oi any box containing perishable articids, sucu ss gre«u vegetables, Ac. iHjxes and packages will be deposited at the W ay side iioino, Atlanta, Ga. W. H. POTTRit, jeH7--dlwom General Ihiperiutemteut. bum county,. , Mary Ann 11 apply at H iBur., u- Ai . H Wash in j lv.ro lue | straus, uiiy, H. li. Tiiese uie, Iberclori, lu cite andudmouish all *•> It uiay eouceiu, lo be uud appear beiute said *- .<u.i make objection tti any im.y .iuvc; ou of oetore Monday IU May next, otUuiWIsc said .oa will tm granted. Witness, Dominick A. U’Hyrue, Ksq., Ordiuar> for Cluuiuuu c*>anty, tuis litli day oi Nov*.tuber, io> 3 UOVV0—* DuMlMi u A. O'Ui lisa., «»■ u. « b OOIJ«T».—To as, Predti'ick Ere Uidiiiury loi Lutuiri county .deceased. These it may c< Jaiu. s J ul id >’Dy. e, to cite and admouisb all uou \U any they u.u«/v/ii uruuk mlay II. duaiuvy uexi, oihei wise Si giant. Mclulo >u in D. eeuibei, <eo3. A. -v biLull d tt, O. M. U. hkOHlUA, ' IIHINI'OSII ■la.itn- {4. COUNTY.—T- uli W»*old it ao, Mur, A. Kyuls will apply Ul me w uuiy iur ivOtuite ol Guatdlanaltip un ami property *.l IMnlqf M., ousau > 1 wa.a a , Uuiuplon, * aludouia and Uetsiei »». i*j«id, children ul Juiaitu W . ltynls. These are, ibeiulure, tu cite und admouisb ali whom it may concern, to i>e ana appear before said court u> make oiuocuua *n anjiVauy havo) ou or eeloru ihu Urst Monday in Decumbcr next, uu>«rwn.o aaid lov- be granted, lu the UMfeicrile DUIts llls’i Couil i .UIICHUU lieu Ike uyxi icgular -term Diet, let Court of the Uoutederato States i Court hoaiuern District ot Ueuigla, e-uucwUay in April next, tlU64) Jbe Conledsratu mates Court Ruoiu, iu uu; my ol bavaliuaii, and at ten o'clock lu thciorcuoou of that day, ol which all persons iniereited will tak. Credit ov Georgia.—The whole debt .ol Georgia does not umouut to $15,000,000. To meet It she has $9,000,000 of available public properly, und her taxable properly on Ibe gold basis is nearly $800,000,000. £SF“Tho Mechanics of dclma have resolved lo give the wug*s of one day in C euch month to ward the support of the families of soldiers.— This is certainly patriotic. brigade ' From the Trana-IvlUiitMlppl. The Mobile Register Is permitted to make the followlug extract from u letter from an army ofttcer beyond the Mississippi : “Shbrvrfout, La., Nov. 27. “Wd are gelling uiuug very* well over here iu the Traus-Mississippi Department. You no doubt hear many rumors of our movements which mostly origluato lu the fertile Imagina tions of persons crossing river, stltnnluu-rt by the desire on yqur side Lo hear nows ol us. The same anxiety lor news from the East pre vails here. ‘The enemy are muklng active demonstra tions on the coast of Texas, but as yet iheimu- lenllous have not been fully developed. They have succeeded in taklug Brownsville, Corpus Christ! and Aransas Pass, but wo hope soon lo bear of a blow being struck by General Magru- notice further orccrcdfthai a copy of this order be published uuce a week, iur two weeks, iu each ol public newspapers in bavau. ak, AUgu.nn, siucun ud Culumnus. tun November, * jkdw and j. harden, Diblrrcl Judge. A true copy from the original order, l'Jth Novciu - bur, i«u3. cHARLKb 8. hKNn •, clerk. Tapers In Augusta, Macuu and Columbus copy. , r . . uovAi CuUN'i'X.—To ail wnoiu u uiuy concern hereas, George A Nicoll will uppiy ai Ibe t uui of urdinMry lor Getters of Administration ou ihu ei ‘ Jubu C. NicoR, lute ol Chatham county, d. sod. These are, therefore, to cite audadinouish all whuu it may concern, U> be aud appear belorn said Court u make objecUuu tu any tUuy uuve) on or baiotc the le Mouday in February next, otherwise said leiiuri will ou granted. Witness, Dominick A. O'Byrue, Ksq., Ordinary lor Chatham couuty, tlrts lttth day of Decern tier, lsoa. Utcfi DUMJLNICR A O'HYKNR, U. C. C. der. .he enemy are reported to bo retreating to Burwick’a Buy, after -udvauciog as far as Ope lousas Gun. Tom Grudu.who is as able ao oillcur in bisliue as we have in the service, has allow ed them no rest, buti. has captured 2,000, and killed and wounded a6 tunny more. “VVe have effectually blockaded Ibe rlve'r lor the last three weeks, by Walker’s DivLioo, which Is staltoued just below the mouth of Ked River. No steamer has passed slice ho look his position. "General Smith left for Arkansus this morn ing, where he hopes lo be able lo uunoy the en emy, if we do not succeed In driving blm buck. Gen. Slaughter has been assigned to the com mand of the Galveston District. We have some thirty-six general officers over here, more than twenty five of whom havo uo couiuiAuds, uud ought to have nouo.”j ..d beautiful or plcqslug iu earlier days rose up iu memory, and lu reviewing the pictures thus m**gicully wrought, I became entirely oblivious ol everything urouud mo, aud seemed to be ta king again the delights and pleasures of youth. A tliree-incb shell h um tbo enemy’a battery threw this pleasing “train of reflections” off lue track, .*n«l convinced me, that by 'directing my thoughts toward present safety, more sub&tan- tinl heiiclils might be becurod, than by reflec tions upon past ei'joymeuts. The day waroou, aud tuu enemy seemed content with throwing shot and ahull ut our works, which did uo more damage ib.n wpuld have resulted from their diachargiug at us copies of ihat superb produc tion called Abraham’.-* negro otnuncipaliou pro clamation. Mouday morning came uud still uo moveineut was ob B crvablu indicating uu advance upon the part ol the enemy; the day passed away with nothing more uuuaual Lo murk us passage than was perceptible the previous day. Tuesday similarly passed. About three o’clock ou Wednesday nioruiug the brigade moved ofl by the right flank along the line of works und look a position oue mile distant from the form er. At early dawn the 20ib regiment, Col. At kinsou commanding, was scut forward us skir mishers to relievo theSlst, und about 7 o’clock nn advance was ordered. It was soon ascertained that the enemy had abandoned bis position; our skirmlsbars were called iu, and Iho brigade took the ■mad leading toGormanna ford lu pur suit ol the retreating foe, but he bad too greatly the advance of us hi suruur, and alter march ing eight or niuh miles in uncommon time, we bulled, came to an‘’about lace” and retraced our steps, resting at night behind the works which we left that morning. The ext.ileiueul is all over, and if anybody ils hurl, it is sonic- body having relationship with that remarkable potentate (fiotnntot would *»n equally applica ble) whose formation it of such u peculiar na ture, und whn^taste* are so very eccentric as to cause him rot only to fool pleasure, hut hon ored, In Inhaling lit*) brefja* reudmud udorlfo Fuom the Coast.—The Columbus Bun learns that a special dispatch was received at Marianna on Wednesday, stating’ that the Salt Works at West Bay had boon totally destroyed, oue hun dred negroes tnkou off aud that the . Yankees at. one time were wllhiu filly-seveu miles of Marianna. It was stated that the enemy by.en tering East Bay, cut ofl Capt. Robertson’s com pany by mentis |ot their gunbouM, and thus ut the west eud of Si. Andrews they hud their.owu way. After shelling a while,' and producing a general seutteratlon on shore, the Yankees lauded, look the negroes mentioned, timu.sbed kettles, burned wagons, killed mules ami caused a general ..destruction. There seemed to he a general run and abandonment ol everything on shore. Mr. Moore’s—to whom the dispatch was addressed—negroes escaped. The Uring from the gunboats was distinctly heard from the river. m ZSTTho papers of the North are filled lytug and hypocritical remarks uk to their kiud- ness to oar wounded. The following Is u sam ple oi that kindness, from tbo note book of a lately exchanged surgeon. Au order hud been given to the sentiuols at Fort Delaware to fire Into any room occupied by Cooiederates, when a light or lire would be louud burning after 9 o’clock, p. in. One ol lue iucu igiiornui of this order, lor It had uever been published to the prisoners, raked up the coals iu the llre-place, a'ler the hour named, and placed u piece of ba con on them lo broil. The sentinel hearing the nolee of the bacon Iritteriug on the fire, levelled hi* musket and shot the poor lellow through the head, driving his brains out against the sides of the room. All the surgoons and men imprisoned at Fort Delaware at the tlino cr teollfy to the truth of the tacts of this murder. Atlanta Confederacy. Administrator uu tire Uatalc ol George tt. Rardlcg, late ot said county, deceased. These are, therefun, to utte and admouisb alt wtuiui It may concern, to ta) and appear before said Court lu —. luuil/ an* limy have)onur beioru Uie IdI July nuxt. otnarwisd said teller- wJU be granted. Witness, Dominick A O’Byrue, Haq., Ordinary foi Chatham county, tills Uth day of December, ittt>3. duel * DOMINICK. A. U'RYKNH, o. o. O. Witness, a. A. DuLortuu, ordinary for McIntosh niciy, this Ud U*y ol November, icUi. m* Ready, ItUl.tl <ouiU, J. He e%-JLulu/ r l*. iUruard, I the |ir 11 owe DoWed, Al I* ami Al. J. * obeli, Minimum *1 lo May Term or s.nt Court ns Tent .... uo deiuuii for the 'i'enu. Jiua tout, Joseph At. ttoloaioiis, J. Mack, George A. Cu>ier, Mouigoiucry Oumiiniig, David Luaby, imam Itobui.s, Juntos M Hiikier, C. , U. bchruck, William bUrr, J. 11. Dcuiuud, Dr. KlDhs l'arsous, C. While, NViuin.rn If. Lawton, W. J. Neville and DanielM. fail II, rti in moiled iu attend the prcncut Term ol suid Leave bsvaunah.. Arrive in Macon iA-ave Macon Airi/e til bavannu $60 Kewara. rj lllh a V Dollar*) row-ni willV-p;.|.; .. DAILY N GUT , Leave Kavaiinali Arrtvein Ms*on Leave Macon Arrive tu f James McUemy, tt. M. r the trial ul r me Term; and LiWU'wsu, David Hihat'queiiL * mien illillUln, A. Melirw-i Euy, ud Nvhert eubsequeiilly ; nnd W Qcreus, tt. A:cuih ul Mjy tne at. d subsequently; , Obatius Toi.y, i'ellt Juror, made uc- lauii on be ivtui.ty-sixiu uuy oi. May and subse quently , aud wbci.cut 1 , A F. aura, Petit uuroi, aud lieolge A. McCle.-key uUd * hrlstO,.uer Hail*, Talus- ukule deiuuii on the IWeUlJ-e.gUltl day ol Olaj, it I - older* d Uml each i Ot 1 a extracts lrorn i sepl A. A. Dal.GnAl U, » M-rATE OF LLOULIA, WAYNE OuUNTY. Jj To al. whom u may concuru: NV.nere*^, Wiley >x, Adiuiuistraidi upon the estate ol Robert J. mwiigiit, late cl said eouuiy, decoSbefl, applies Letters SUlii estate. DlaUlibBlOU irOUi Ibe aduiltilelratlOU Ol the kindred aud creditor* of said du- lehy cite* objections (ii any they tne ' gran .. * county. I A.* July Tetm'Dl Uiiatham Inferior Uourt. Jurors, made default; and whereas, 11. Btainm sad J. U. Smith, Petit Jurors, and Kobori t'urr and G. Urown, summoned as Talesmen, made default on Uie eeoond day ol said term ; it Is ordered that they bo rtitod tweuty dollars each, unk-ss they file good Ollier Wine ucllel nppucaul at ll r said v Novum ner i, lttC3. in oP hibouui jiA.-j UlGHttMlTH, Deputy turuinar 8 l'S.^eo Uie estate ol Jacob UighsnUU), deceased, applies tin* uiidorsiguea tor ix-tterw ol IfiaUiiSDiou irom said AoumiiHlraliuii, arc thi-rolbie u> cite aud admonish all per* abu« concerned to mow nkoso pi uuy they iwtve) wUy AdmimstraUir on Uiu Biol Monday iu February nould nut be dismissed lion* bio administra tor nbip. Given auder my hand auil oUiclul signature, this Juty mb, lmw. j. tt. WIGGINS, Ordinary. M'l'ATE OF l.fcOU(il.l, WaYNR OUUNTY. ^ IU all Whom n lUa/ couccii: Wbciuuo, WRuy Uitox, Auministialoi upon lue cnlalu ol Joo. Wulu wri^hl, lalo ol said < ouuty, duccaoud, applus lor Let* the (ihdrmi uud creditors ui HuUfde- • ed uud udmoniuhcd to ilio llieir bey uavel ill my ul isaury Will be graitL- November SI, ltfG-J. _ oouceruWhere- _ . Julius O- LeUardy will apply at the Court ot Ordinary for Letters of Administrationtni the estate of Edward ttonneuberg, lata or Chatham county, de ceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concent, to be aud appear before said Court t*. make objection tlf auy they have) un at Indore tb* second Mouday in January uext, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, Dominick A* O’Byrue, Esq., Ordinary foi (Chatham county, This flth day of December, 13AM. deciu • DOMINICK A. U'BYHNE. * S TATU OF GliOICClIA. WAYNE COWNTI-ORDINARY’S OFPICE.-T0 all whom it may couceru : Whereas, ttussunah Har per and Wiliam George,of said btute and County, applies to the Clerk of. Ordinary for l.suots tit Ad- mlal tnulon ou the estate of William Harper, de ceased, late of suid Couuty and tttate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceused, lo bu and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, (if uuy they have) why Letters of Administration ou the estate of said deceased should not issue to the applicant. Given under my uauu and official signature this December 7th, lbtW. JAMEtt UlGHttMlTH, dec IE clerk of Ordinary. G IATU OF !• KOULI.I, WAYNE COUNTY Two moiuua uiusi date hoieol,application will He made to the Court ol Gidiuary ol said couuty lor leave lo t>ell oue uuudred acres ol lot of laud nuiu her uiuuty-ouu tUl) iu the second District of said . u«ied,' it tuo bouvauv oi lue heirs aud creditors 41 said deceased. L •line December 3d, it**;',. James M. McCUOL, Adm’r. dtc7 ' LMl'TEGlA LEWlo, Adm’x. Chatham lufortor Court, .JULY TItUM, 1B.8. VHUEKEAS, J- Rally, N. Kiug, M. J. Scan v f lau, C. \V. ritouu, D. O. Pur«u, p. McGuire “• '* Daniel Mabanuy, suininoneJ to aturni) the pro- Leavc WiULmvllIc, tNo. 8). 10 at Savannah AUGUbTA UlUNt 11. ljcave Angusta Arrive in Millet) Leave Milieu Arrive in Augusta ,eave Augusta Arrive iu Milieu Leave Milieu Arrive iu Augusta. Ll EATONTON BRANCH. Leave Eaton! ou 1 UO P. M. Arrive lu uor.mu -un) P. M. Leave Gordon b.4» . . •»». Arrive in EaUimon h.17 P. M Passengers from Savannah and Maroo loi wtugusta ouih iinuect direct liotli KclIroaUs l'-Day lialn” Accuimuodalion Train lo -Mil alter Friday higbt.autb iu-tnut. Night Trains trom ouvanuair and Augusta Night Train” will 1 Willi «ouui-western It. It. at' Macuu lor Eufaula, FoitGainus and Intermediate poii With Mauiu and W. It. it. to Atlanta and lli Day Train connects at Macon with t cogee R. it. lo Columbus, Montgomery, Mobile 1 Atliullc sud fiulf llailroad. nnd suttleient excuse ou or lieforu the first day of >u next Term 01 tuis Court. True (txiraci from the minutes. WM. HfBm.U ’.ll, Land for Sale, 1 HAVE two lots of good pine laud, Well timbered* (p five miles of Ulcuinorc, with a larrnof about Uirty acres cleared, wilh a gooj dwelling bouse, kitchen aud oitu-r out-build- hiug to purchase will call r Gleumure, who will show the 1 land aud make know,u)he price. Wanted. commodatton lor a hundred negroes, within five miles of either lint Central Railroad West ol' beriven county, or the Atlantic aud Gulf Kaflioad South of Minty, t __ ie Altamuha. Apply t ctai—3aw8w $500 Reward. the 18th day ol _ iu MUttEtt, about of age, five feet 9 inches high, brown color; weighs about ouu hundred and Uuy pounds, bi.di cheek bonec; one or two of his upper front teeth oul. He formally belonged to Mr. Uyani. The above re ward will be paid to any person lodging him Lu und jail in theConfederaiu Stales, so lean gel him. JOHN A. STALKY, J. F. . Savannah, Bcpt. 15th, 1863. seplfi IkortMl ana Moat ftfispadlUoua Routt It Urnnattrlok indThomaavlile, La,, HI ad toon 4). It., Lako cut Uloutlcello, "* “** “ •tally (Sundays nd Tallalaaa* ■«t, Florida. O N and an«>r Monday, July 91*1, 1968, Ihe cars willltavu and 1 “ ,n ‘ excepted,) aa follows: Luave ttavannah at Arrive at Thomas vtlie ut ItBl’URNINQ. Leave Thom us vi lie at Arrive at Savannah o.iw r. m. Connecting at Mufntosh (Htatlon «No. 8, going Weal) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Hatordays, with a lino of coAchee tu Darien. Retaruingoo aitoruate ^Sonnoctlng at Tubeavivllle (No. 9) daily witli the care for Brunswick. Connecting at (Joitman (No. 16.) dally with a line ol coaches to Madison C. H., Fla. Oonnocilng at «r*x>ver’s (No. 17) with a flatly line of coaches to Monilccllo, Fla. Arriving in time U> connect with the cots to 'PallahasBco and ttt. Marks. Freight Trains loave Savannah Mondays, NVoduoe days and Frlduys, at ti A. M.; returning ou ’1 nesdayn, Thursdays and Saturdays at -1 P. M. M. B. Double the regular lathb will be charged on all articles shipped by Poseenger Train, excepting fruit, fresh meat, fish, oysters, uud qtner perishable article*. Freight by Passenger Tralh should Ihj de livered at the Dept at least ~~ *■ ‘ - •*- Ing time ol the train. JJ J »i), re.* ,.U dcsoi tod about tie Lieut. Comd’g Co. B., t (iUKAT - INmn hiiliia^ii III. Capital—Two aud a Hall Mill ou Dollars. IIHJtt Company has been organized by < aTLAETA. James Ormond, W. F. Herring, A. SV.dOues, J. F. Bow Daniel G D. adumi W.*D. JuHNSTON, CHARLES DAY, Secretary. 'llie undersigned has been ui%**.inU< Souikeru Iusuhiik% COMPA.2\TY, SAVANNAH, GA. Surplus July 1, led3.. Wiu, U. Itbou, A. Wilbur. Geo. L. Cope, John Boston, John Cunningham, John M. Cooper, ^Henry Lathi op, ieau* Scott,* Win. E. Jackson, oi Augusta. Thu Company is prepared lo lusuic against damage uu 1U1 descriptions ol pio|*crl/ ou la> terms. Ail iosnes promptly adjusted uud paid. Office, HO Itay Slrsot. Suvanuuli. 1 couuty, within TATE OF GUOitUlA, WAYNE *>OLNi'Y. *"i tu*. flret iiiooduy iu Jauuary next, will i*« the.court House uoufiu said c hours oi sale, a tmet huuured acres, more or 1. the Ulcer/ Island tract, adjoining stepueu A. xiyers’ land. Also, ui, Llit» name umu und place, niuety sold the lawiul unuiug l a uuudred and filly ucru tract grained aamuei Eiglu. bold as the piuporly or anerriMl tt. Akius, deceased, tor lire ficiieuloi lire fiuirs and credi- Nuvouii)ec2, Inm. ttAMUkL W. AKlNtt, Adm’r. Aduiluistraio^S Skit. iTATJh OFVEORLIA-WAVNU COUNTY. , , , —All person* fiavingjdctnands against Wlillnn 1 arper, deceased, late oi said Couuty, are hereby no tified and.required to present them, properly attested, to the uudurmgued, wllhiu the time prescribed by law, and ail persous in«.ebtod to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate papmeut to the undersigned. This December 7tb, 1868. SUSANNAH HARPER Adiu'l Executor’s Sale. riLL be sold ou tbo first TUESDAY' iu J«nu Washer uud lrouer; Her daughter, Frauces, aged 15 years; Boston, 9 years, ami a hoy, Wcslley, aged 14 yearn, Iho property of Dr. G. W. tttotesbury, late of said county,.deceased, bold for the benefit ol fiuirs liluiiulslralor’s Sale. ) Y virtue of au ordor ol the Court of Ordlnury o ttie lussday iu Fetnuary next, belurc the Court House door in the city of Savannah, withiu the legal hours of sale, the billowing property, to .vit: tail No. U, with all the impiovemcuts tber&ou, situat' d ou tUe corner of Hurt is und JefiersoH streets, 80 by Ml Teel, und told sa the property of tbo estate of tue lute John lteed, for the benefit of tue heirs a uud creditors Terms cash, purefiaters psyhigJot decl2—td ■6 paying for papers, 11ARVEY SHEPPARD, Administrator. Administrator's Sale* Jjgr Butler hAH issued orders Irom Norfolk, prohibiting, undef npualty.ol tine or iiupri.- uiunt or both, the transfer ol nil property uu the person transferring his returned to his legluricc” to the United States. He bus »!«•*) Is | sued an ordor providing (or the cnlicataiciil ol : free colored troops iu Virginia and North Uaro- llnn, and the care of their latullles. lie fu>a| the reeruitmeut of colored-troops has bccuiuu the settled policy ot the goverumeut, und de clares It to be the duly of every ollluer aud pu vale to aid in carrying out that purpose, nr<; speclive of iicreoual piedlWctiou. Office's arc 1 or bidden to employ able-bodied uegroea us survauts. All the territory 8fiuth of James river is |'.!u<:ed under the superintendence ol (,'api.aln Orlaudo IDown, tj M , and nil north of Ibe river under l). U. Wilder, A. 12- M. The dis triet of North G.rroiiua is placed under the *u- porinteudem-e of Rev, n or see Juiue*. Ubaplaiu. Wayni . tunly, lretwicn the legal hours of sa’e, the follow lux prime nfturoblavef. viz : Maiy, 40years old, and iu-r seven children, Jo*-. 41; Jacob. 17; March, 15; Frank. 10; Washington. 8; Charles, 4 years, and in fant i- month* old. Sold as the propcily *H Sherrod Sheffield, d ceased, by oruer of the Court of Ordinary id raid county, for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors. Term*cash. JOHN M. TlsuN. duel?—^wH Adminlatiatoi-. For Sale. YxNkkB Gunboat Blown Hi'.—owing to tin) occasional oecupillion of purlieus ol Ihu Feuinmila by the enemy, our Intelligence Iroiu lhal aecltou lias been very irregular. Though a little turd) in couilng, ll olf.irds us pleasure, nevertheless, to state that uiioulu fort night ago, one of the Yankee guuboala thut patrol York River was blown up and destroyed by a torpe do, for which they had been dragging lor To Rent. THAT elegant and (-otiimudio TUESDAY lu Jauuary uext, fiefuru the Court House door, lu the town of Blackshear, withiu the legal hours ol sale, a part ol Lot No. UI, situated iu 11 near said town, couiamlng about 480 acres, so at the samu tuu*.- uud place, oue lowu lot and provcmects, l Fo; Clinch, vutiuiuiug about loo oi said lands sold as the property ol Jot.11 T. WU- subject to lUa widow's dower. WILLIAM GUEl’TEiv, Adm’r, A Dill 1M STU ATok’S SALE. Clinch couuty, on ilm first 'I'uuHday lu Jauuary ,, all the luiidauu usgroes beiougiug to the estate esse W. Carter, deceased, consisting of six like- Jy uigrocs, aud five or six town lots iu the towu ol 1, Block D, one , Block R, und No. 8, B H, each; Nos. 1 and 9, of Block C, aud No. ii, Block A—all iu the lowuot Stockton. Sold lor Iho hcuetH'Ol 'Uiu hens and creditors. Term* ou l kale. novH All,MIAISTHAI OK’S NOTICk. ^ LL purs out* having any claims against the estate W. Carter, late of Cliuch couuty, teare*l, will plcuse haud them in, properly atti sted, Wltliin liie time prescribed by law; aud all persons indebted'will matte immediate payment to the under- siguetl. WM. A. CARTER, orll Anmiulrtrator. AllMlNlSTHATOh’S *ALK. W ILL l u sold on the first Tuesday In Junuary next, before tbo Court Uoubh iu Effingham ruuiiLv. two nturo uieu. oiiu agefi 49 years, the other l-s Cent 1 si Rullioad Stock, oiuing about Alan, mzUmuoi wud. more ht le*-. sold for the bcuefii of the heir: creditors ol the estate of Wur. Jlenry Wil JOHN W. WluSGN, Adiu’r. Notice to Uekiorfl aud Creditors. A ll w. *ons having claims aguiusl the estate of Cheever, deceased, will prcouut tui-iu according to ia.<; uud persons indebted lo said estate will make immediate payment * JOHN U. olMa, ail I nov3 —lm* Adm’r H*t. W. W. t Cxcc.uiur’s sale. . nlMtt, at Alliany, Ga., vra." field,^ Kffiiighai d ou tuu Urst Tuesday in Jauuary 3 Ihu tk.urt Uousc door tu Spring- iQiity, Ga , between the legal hours small negro hoys, between ihrue and five _„J. Hold tor the beueiit of the heir* and in-dltor* ol the e-tate ol Ul>ediah Eiiwuids, Sr., late ol said county, deceased. J. C. EDWARDS, Executor. Sprlngrtold, Ga., Nov, aid, 1HM3. _ h"vZ4—id Executor’s Side. \»r ILL be solil ou the first TUESDAY lu.laniurry n*x*, beloro the Cuott Hou-c door lu ElUi g b un county, a negro man, a *out 48 yeuis ot age, the properly ol 1 avid A. Mel/.ger, late ol stud cjuuiy. SHERIFF’S SALE! ITATE OF fibOltUIA. WA1 NM COl Nl V TOBACCO. NEAL, SWORDS & CO., (HI 183 BROAD STREET, r,) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Agents for the sale of VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO C CONSTANTLY on hand a large stock of 1 J grade*, to which wu iuvlte a call from pun-ha novWMJl Erie, hoar beioru the slurt- G7 J. FULTON, Hnpei lnterden CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD ^N and alter Sunday, March 28d, 1888, tbo L'olum arm uiuir onuuay, nai'.u jo*kj, bus Mall and Paseungur Train will low*: BITWIIN HXOOM AMD OOLUiaUB. Leave Macon ut 5-25 T. Arrive at Columbus at 11-4U P PLUMB A 0-0, OR BLACK LEAD, AND W A O O N UREAS E . I OK SALK AT 1 JOHN OLIVER’S, v4 No. 11 Whitaker street. New Goods. JUST OFX1UX1D. 1 CASE WINTER POPLINS 1 case Gents’ Neck Tlea 1 cane Gents' hemmed L. V. Handkerchief* 30 dozen ScIbbois Black English Crapo* . Bluck'Crape Collars aud Cnfls 1000 yards Plaid Uomespans. oct20 DkWITr Jb MORGAN. nv GEO. W. WYLLY, Will bo sold at private rale, the followbig proper- / : cue good size Steer, two milch cow*, two culvcs, one heifer, one cart and harness, now at Sla ty : Ou culvcs, tion No. 9, C. R. It. IIY GEO. W, WYLLY. Valaable Land at Private Sale. Two lots of Lund iu Lowndes county, Ua. Nos. 181 and 1M In 10th District; No. 161 District, joining— iu all 1470 a any 1 hoine is notin good « 11 tl3 MY UFO. W. WYLLY . At Private 8ale. ‘.‘.io acres of land, siiuatcd ou tlm Central Railroad, 38 mlicH irom bavannifti. *J5 acre-* are lu a good statu oi cultivation. Tne improvements consist of a good dwelling with nil necessary outbuilding*. Any per son desiring a pleasant, rale and heuithy place would do well to apply soon <»cUI BY UEll. U . WILLI. At Private Sale the Boutheidu of Uhnrllun street, next t< the corner of West broad, filly five eel iront 01 Charlton street. Fee simple ttsld lot 1* under; lea*e oi 47*1 per annum, reuewahle yeaily. octal A lot c Leave Columbus at Arrive at Macon at 6.M P. V mwin xuoom oxo ohxttxhooch**. Leave Macon 6.#) A. M Arrive at Chai Leave Chattahoochee ’. 7.8(1 A. M, Arrive at Macon 6.y] 1*. The Mall and PaMongar Trains from Albany aoct dally at SmithvilloTwo. 10 S. W. R. it., and irom Fort Gafnoe dally ft Cuthbort, with ChnltahiHwhee UK VAN STIIEKI NEGRO AUCTION iViAliT. 1 11AYE my bouse open, No. lift lii/un ,-trm, MUrkel Square, Suvauiiiiii. Ga., lor ibe *i.ie ol .Negroes, privately und ut auction, on Tm-sduys and ii.wwn. dll . ii'-ruu/n Thursdays oi every week. 1 will fell all k'.-di Dpurly ut the Court Uourt- on the first T Persons having i»r*-p*rty f* r sale more duvs notice beioru iho day ol rf t __ . be advertiBcd. 1 uls*. have accommodutiom* lor ony uumliei ot N- groen that the property c commodulioiiH lor . a moderate price lur In.-urd, uml . UkKlM. KSTABI.ISlSMKftT, LttaTABiasuao im 1833.)” Urn moved vo a Draytuu eurci, B»i:ib of Yprlx atreot) near (Ua la(<* r*-uk nn-s of the subkvnbcr. flitfllfi tthbeenber, ^uleful for past favorr, beg* 1 mave to inform hia friend* and tbo public guuer a.,y, that he is now propured to Dye all Colors 1 eest style on Silk aud Wu 1 i.esl style on Silk aud Woolen Diei**a*, bhawl*. Ac.; *lso, Table Covers and Crape Sluiwiu clean* *1 itml bleached lu the best manner. Ladies' Jim :uv: Doo- iu Gloves cleaned In the best Luudouet/iu. Thu *ubscrlbor begs leave to state that ito u now pruuareu -.0 C.can, bleach aud press Lodi*.* Lenuoli and Flats in ihu most tasbiouablu styles, t'unua moderate. ubiiueiuen's Garments Dyed ana Cleaned, r* may bo required, in the suiau superior utylo which n ui g*li ar ally M wuli pleased his patrons and fnouds lor ihe past 80 years. * a. UALIaiVVAY, Mall Train. Laavo Smlthville at.. Arrive at Albany at.. .12.80 P. M. .11.ui /%. M. . 2.65 1*. M. . 4.38 P. M. Leave Albany at... Arrive at ttmltbvllle at . Leave Cnlhbert ai 1. Arrive at Fort Gaines al Leave Fort Galne* at 1 .ou a. iu Arrive at Cntbhurt at t*-96 A. M. Making tho connection with the up and down Chat tabooc.be** Mai) Train. Montgomery, Alabama, aud Augusts, t M ngton, tt/vannah, Mllledgeviileand 1 tStt Coaches run from Albany to Tall Trains to Columbus form a through <-.ounectlon5 to “ * — * -—- Elngstou, WiD Eaton ton, TaUahaaaee.lBa n« bridge, Thomaavllle, Ac. Passengers for noints below Fort Valley should lake the Night train* from Augusta and tta viuuiau to avo.d rtalsmCiB, at Macon. For C'oluiabus take the Dov Train. Macon, MarchMd, 1883. imSM) OF SMKDftJLK ON GEORGIA RAILROAD GEORGIA RALLRUAD, I AueusTx, July ii, 1H8J, f O N and alter Sunday, July 27th, Eonday Day Train resumed on main (tne also Truiu» on Atuum and Washington Blanche* will run U> connect uuti- fhrther notice. LEAVE 6.10 A. H. 7.16 P. M. 6.46 a. E. LOUP. M. Atlanta.... Atlanta.... Augusta.... Augusta... . .6.04 P. ..6.80 a. . .5.32 P. ..2.U5A. 6.10 A.M. No connection with Warn Helalr Train loaves Angui Ol Sol- 1KO. YONUK^ttiip’L Salt. 50 ? AOKH Liverpool halt 1 30 sucks Turfs,Island Salt; for sale by JLAGflOUri .» CUNNINGHAM. Wines and Liquors. skey, *1 uLai LaUUOKN A CUNNINGHAM. rick, couta (lint rate condition. 1 the city Apply to IVUS 0) (Hue. Auolbei boat whs uImo Iihi1|v )ujur«d by bmi For sale by prt,cuco ol -'lice Amurlcao clU- I Mplwiou,-lUhMhd »'*y. | Oall Salt. . < , ,1 v SACKS of (tad Halt \ 1 M ) 5*i do Liverpool and Talk's Island " 'u.A(JUUKN 4 CL.NMM.UIM. lars ami iHi y r in said i-ouuty, u«l ur* oi salt-, lot ot laud number [ 11i-oii t'Alli); also, loiiiumbt-r two I lui)), in the Third District <>( said | 1 iliurt-of ns will twi Miltk-ieut |«> 1 I nmiiiy tax of Carl bpping for I iU *“ filly sewn did- j PIPES. PIPES. A VERY Urge and fine assortment of Pip*)*, coueisting lu part nf ,M<-r*cbaum, Eogllsh Briar Wood, Gutta Perch*, Ac., fhr sale by novlo -tf F. CONttTANT, Bull ut. SALT. ( .'t-pared to furul»h%ALT Ity to auy tu this market, in qusu- chaHcrs nt-iln fii'ii hiindiH Saul | HUNTER A GAMMKLL M. J. Solomonu, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BAY STREET, (Office formerly «jccnpIod by Mosarsi O. (Tofiw A Co.) yssr-Hniintt* consignment* ef Produce und Mer- OSNABURGS, Bl T II K PIECE OH II A L U. 33,000 Acres qi Lasul For Sale, ILL be sold lu Like City, c -y, A. D. lkv.. . pioperty, aequestruteu by a dccri-e of l ale tttates Court lor the District of Florid/i; 20,000 acres of laud, known us the Fleming Grunt, Thursday, the ‘ j lul jo wing ! C'outcdur- , R 87 E. Properly ot Bernard, of Horton. 12,lbO acres .of Land in Brevard county, km the Gomez Gruut, in T 81) tt, R 41 K; T 31 i Grant, in T 81) tt, R 41 K; X 38 tt, K 12 E; 89 tt, R 42 E; T 40 tt, It 42 E; T 40 B; R 43 K; T 11 tt. 43 it. Properly of Gomez, Gomez & Gomez. 500 acres of Land in Uernuudo county, Florida, comprising the E of N E if of Shc 23; the W >j ul N W M of Stc 20; hi M ul N tt X of bee 27; E >4 ol N W Mi, uud E ol tt W uud oiCMof See ifc, T 22 ‘ ' i J. Pa tt, it 19 E. Property of Thonuia J. Parsons. 1LU acres of luiud iu Brevurd, near county site, Lots L* 36 S, R 41 E. Property of 200 u >4; tt % ol tt E and N ii Jg of tt W ol tte*. 3, T 3i tt, It 22 K. Property of heir* of Luther Wilson. 180 acres ot Laud lu Hillsborough couuty, Florida, NW \ **f hue 18, T 21 tt, R 20 E. Property ol At water*, Mull'ord A C'o. Block No.N >4 of Water Lot No. 11; aud Lot No. —, Block v6; Lots 1, 2 nud 4, lu Block 12; Lot No. 5, in Block 17. ONE STEAM 8AW MILL AND GRIST MILL, ou Block No. 38, iu the city of Turnpu. 80 acres oi Lund, lu Hillsborough ;c*m uiy, Florida, N H of N W M of Sec 6, T 38 tt, U 20 E l’rt perty ol Aiibur Bell. Terms—CASU. Tbo ubovo Luud* comprise some of tho ti^nt in Florida, uud oiler a fine opportunity for profitable in vestment. luformutiou can be bud by addressing Ferdinand McLeod, Couledcrule State* District Attorney, al. Luke City, Florida, und K. W. Thompson, ui. Tuuipu, K. M. THOMPSON, R*i* E. MrLKOD, Confederate Stales Attorney. ocUM—lawful Iron Varuis n. FU&NITUBE .VA1UNISH 1 BAUHEki OF IRON VARNISH; I DO. NO. 1 FURNITURE VARNlBU For sale ut JOHN OLIVER’S, j22 No. 11 Whitaker street. | URL. Alcohol for sale by .JOjlN OLIVER. New Books. d. & e. tt. la rnnop. CORN SACKS! - Two Bushel, ABDNANCE MANUAL FOR 1363. yj Mahan’s Permanent Fortlficatlom*. G-argo edition, with plates,) Tho American Union. By James Bpence. Also, More Almanacs for 1863. Evolutions of the Line. Jomini’s Practs cn rf ar. The Judge Advocate's Vade Mecuin. Received and for sale by E. KNAPP & CO., mur6 West side Moumi unt. Square. Cloak Cloths. osn Abu mo'. DkWlTT & MORGAN. m I Flour aud Bran.' I ill coluber 3.1, < Ii. dec; JAMES F CHAPMAN, HberlfT. SOMKTHINU <;00D TO KiT. ULLKT. tu store unt EitWIN A UAltDaE duci-Uw*w | p oK "J 10 by r Bacon, W. M. UAVIUHUN. TOllAlt'O. W. M.:U4VIUS0M. COTTON TWINE. T CLAli'lioHira’i'VN'N I Nil An _ i Flour and Sugrar^ BACON AND HAMS. IIKNHV LATIIIIOI’ 4 CO, ‘V rf