Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 30, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 186^ BV THEODORE B LOIS. W. T. TllOUI'SOY, - - KIHTOK. l r or six months . I*or squato of i many lines or ira insertion. spare occupied by that WEDNKSDAY MOllNINu, WCEMBEK 30, 1803 TELEGRAPHIC lions ol loyally, and romonatiiinec* against such ircalnieul to a Union man, the Yanked robbers stripped his dwelling, burns, Are., of nearly everything valuable, lie was well-to-do in Ihe world, aud comfortably provided. The Yankees laughed at his professions ol L'uiouisiu aud hia remonstrances, continued their plundering, and boasted that they were makiug a good ibiug of il. He was so outraged lhal it is said that he lorgot his religion nud, iu the billuruebS of his soul, heaped curses upon them, uud became a pretty fair Southern man. Another l ulou man and Ills wile bad boeu long remonstrating with a “rebel” son lor Join* lug the Confederate army aud persuading him to leave it, but without uffccL Their houses were likewise pillaged, aud they w jro cured ol their devotion to “tlm glorious Uuton u* d the old Hag,” aud the old woman told her Yankee friends that she hud been trying to get bur sou out ol the “rebel urmy;” but uow she Intended to persuade biiu to stay In It aud kill as ruuuy Yankees us he could. These are but illusiru- *1 a very general feeling amongst former lorar ret* KBPOKTB OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered according to Act of font/rent in the year Thrasher, in th, Clerk's ajlio of the District Court of tin. iton/^rratt atuUs, fur the 1’Jc hoNitv, while ul Knoxville, announced hiu/Kcli an uncouditiouul emancipationist, and got at loggerheads .on this question with Johu Willliatu*, who has, or had, considerable negro properly. Williams was at the head ol a parly who proposed to rcniouairate with Lincoln agalust the inauguration of the emancipation diey iu East Tennessee (perhaps anywhere), m * hev were denounced l»v Brownlow us j0 l , i' cl “'-'ds.”—Marietta Confederate. Northern District of Exchange ol l*rlMonei‘M. Ricuuond, Dec. 38 b.— Commissioner Quid sent down live hundred Yaukces in exchange for Confederates brought to City Point, but in formed Hitchcock that the Confederate authori ties eould hold no communication with Geu. Duller, and that there must be no further effort at partial exchange. Later from F -r and Ncgroc* Ii tiny at Port Phillip. (Special to Mobile Advertiser.] Magnolia, December ttt.—Mows from 1), says be : leans. They thousand uegraics guuboais have been sand troops. We learn JroiH ai ‘ d pr Iro Uglitiug yesterday. Dix ie in the fori, and all t he out down, with three thou- sou lu Fori St. Phillip joined i ulber source that the garri i (he i ay. “Wu PUKSIDENT rk Herald ha “iu i deplorabb neering lo uii Ou Under this bead the leuder. It piiebcs l denounces it as huvl failure says Mr. Li uuotber term ol otllce ;” d ures of legislation uud the conduct of the wi says his Cabinet has been “a failure Irom l beginning;” rompares Stanton to “a mad bull a china shop;'' Secretary Wells us a Rip V Winkle, sleeping at his po.-l; the ol her mem bers of tbe Cabinet it passes over ns ol “iiitle accouut one way or the other,” and w inds up kicking off Lincoln and his whole clique uud nominating Gen Grant lor the Presided at .la From Wean Ti The Atlanta Appeal hai from Gen. Forrest’s head' Tenu. Here it is : Large numbers of people ore flocking to b reel’s standard. The spirit- and feullugt of the residents ol We , Tc For ellolll. prospi ol the hi 111 cheering li is thought Gen. Forrest will have i cully in soon increasing his force u> tight or ten thousand men, provided h driven out of tlm country by a superior Federal fore-, which, u is staled, is uow being organized lor Ibis purpose. Onihel5.h instant, Major 8trange, of Gen. Forrest's stall', went into Memphis under a dig of truce, wiih a lei ter from Gen. Forn-si,selling fortli the laets in the case of Capt. Guriev, sla ting that lit* was a regular Confederate soldier belonging to his command,and threatening reiul Uilon in the event of Gurley’s execution, lie also inlormcd Gen liiirlbui that in future he would haug every man detected iu burning the residences and property of non combatants, ex horting that oUltvr lo conduct the war on prin ciples of civilization and humanity. Col. Galloway, who luruished I lie Appeal with the above news, is now * n his way to Richmond, and will pass through Atlanta,-on his return to West Tcuiil-ss.:. e, about the lOili ol .January, nud will take pi ensure in carrying letters through from those who imy desire to commu nicate with their friends in tint section ol the country. Sequestration Sale OF STOCKS. V order of the Uou. Edward J. Harden, District $75 Reward. ^ HKU'AHU of twenty live dollars will In: paid Chatham Ssperlor Chart. MAY TERM, 1888. Whereas, Amos Webb, Edward l'adolford, Moses 8. Cohen, Johu McMahon, 8. A. Mayer and James fur the apprehension and delivery at Kos,..... ... - - -■ _ . Oglethorpe Barracks, buvuunaii, of each of E. Cope, summoned lo attuud lho_ pree-out May Term ... bidder, b«U>ro the Custom Douse la Um city HOClu WiHl>IWAI buvauuuU, on Wtduestiuy, me sixth uay ol Juuuary | l0 | anil Vud hexi, at eleven o’clock a. m„ seventy (ib) anaius in . . .« the capital stock or the Union Bauk oi Augusta. Uiu property ol U. 11 Lowry,jJuahmr, an uiicu enemy; jaMKS iokr (4)'shares in the stock ol suiu bank, Uie prop ty ol Francis Laban, an alien oueiuyjaud luniy (8U) shaies lu tue sleek ol said bank, iuj property ui Thomas G. Carey, de ceased, and claimed oy Ihoiuas Liueolh Casey, au ulien .enemy; also, twouiy-r * (ill) snares iu tuo capital slock ol lUe atucon Oa« uipauy, iLe property of Mary R. Lot ton, ““ the foliowing named deserters: of Chatham bupurlor Conn, as Grand Jurors, havu JAWkS MU it 1*11 Y, 4U years old, ft feet 7 Inches made deiault tor the term. And, whereas, Johu R. high, llorld complexion, blue eyes uud black hair; J« husou, summoned to alleua sttld Court born iu ltulaud, aud wuea enlisted by occupation a Juror, made deiault on tbo Mlh of May, ai . (laborer. Deserted about the 1st November, 1803, queutly. And wuereas, Isaac D. l.a Roche, ;ubU. urn .j supposed lo be luikiug ariuud Savannah. | ed to atteud mid Court, as Grand Juror, made deiault a enemy, jaMKM LOOKER, 40 years oid, ft feet i Inches ou the 14th oi May ami subsequently; it is ordered Grand , suiumou- in K nt enemy; aud tweuty-suveu (*1) outer abates In said company, tbe property ol Jobu D. Thomas, Trustee itailroad Compuuy, and IWuivc ilfi) shares iu tue cupttul stock oi Uto meurnboat Oompauy oi tue oiuiu ol ueogia, ail Uiu properly oi George **. Vntfkv, uu alieu enemy; also, six.ecu (1U> shares in Uiu eaptlul -’ (ft; shm said £ Wlint Fur<-lKi>... rhluk K.aeral Atroch.,, Wo lay before our rcudera a tc..., P fr0|n Ca j )t> M. F. Maury, which lately appeared iu \p AU . i^esler(England) Guardian, containing tbe uc mini of two Italians, who had coin missions iu the Federal army until driven from it by its rc- ollliig InlmmauiUea. it will.iiitere&t the pub lic to know that tbo utrodlica ol the eueiuy strike foreigners in the same way as they do us : ROC1T1E8 OP TUR AMKItICAN WAlt. To the Editor of tin Manchester Guardian : Blit : The savage character which has been mparted by tbe Yankcas to the American war nts already moved certain ol the good people ol Manchester to memorialize Her Majesty’s crumc.ut upon tbo biibject, as shocking to liumaniiy. 1 have just received from a citizen of one of he Blales under Lincoln’s rule, a statement •bowing that ihiuga have been long aud syste- naiically worse even than the Manchester me morialists represented them to be. My author ity is a gentleman ol lujji standing uud great respectability, well known us u shining light iu one of the “learned professions.” 1 would give his name, werc.it not that the disclosure would send hltu where habeas corpus could not reach him. Bpcaking ol the savage barbarities practiced by the Northern armiet , lie says “corroborative testimony could be iudellnttely piled up.”— But, lie adds, “it is better to listen to the state ment ol certain observing and liilr-miuded lor- olguers, who came with latictes and returned with fact-.” These are two Italian gentlemen who, upon tbe breaking nut of the war, hastened to Ame rica to aid tue cause, us they thought, ol univer sal liberty. They received commissions il the Federal urmy, and wi re detailed lor an invasion ol Missouri with troops from Kutisa- add Iowa. They witnessed and participated iu the conduct ol the war then, mnt stood il as long us they could, when finally they Vi signed iu disgust, and went back home. Here Is their story : “Wo hud ulded iu treeing Italy irom a loreign yoke, and eaiue to America to help the cause i liberty. But we soon louud il was a war to e slave our own race in violuiiou ul the print* p|> h of American independence, and also ol the agreement on which the Uniou was lurinud I he essential element ol liberty, the light ol the people to elect without iiitiiuiduliou their rep- icbculaiivcH, was destroyed by tbo sword, supposed, too, the war would he courtucn cording to the well established rules ol civilized Warfare, but we were horrified by the frequent cold-blooded murders, especially by the Kun Has troops, ol noii-cnmbuiuui citizens, aud by ‘lie lirutalllies ami lulium-tnln,« ol thu moat uvolling kinds, commuted on women and hildren by them ami by thu German soldiery. Robbery was not deemed a disgrace; nor was il punished by military uuihoniy. Even the /earing apparel ol the women, iu tuuuy cases, .’its taken bom them, and scut by soldiers to eeorulo their wives. We olleu thought that il lie receivers bad no more sense of decency lhau lie thieves, that the American idea of jusiicu ml decuuey must tall very far short of the lealilies ol Italy. The hand of desolation was stretched out over the laud, and il seemed as it long sleeping volcano had suddeuly burst forth, lor the vast provinces we traversed were Hb ashes and smouldering i ulus. We thought if this was the civilization ot inis coun try, that we could not co-operate with u clear •ience iu Biihduiug those who had not harm- q and who might be a great dual bclicr the fulliaus ul whom v uipuai stuck oi »* Railroad Company, Uio properiy Jones, an alien eueiuy; also, uuu uuudr till) shares lu Uie eaplUl slock ol l R. U. Lompauy, the properly ol Jesse atoue, an alieu euumy; albo seveuty-uvo (lb) shims luiftc capital stoca of thu suiu B. W. K, u. couquu>, standing iu the name of Madeline rtaukiu, a.,u s. - qiieslured as the propurly oi Mrs. A*uekwun, uu alieu eueiuy; also, sixty-throe ttkl) shat us iu the capital slock iu the said BouUiwesuru Uuu- road Couipauy, the propci ly ol ira aa. Feck, au alieu inumy; also, ouu nuuiirud auu iweuty-seveu HSI7; shares lu tue capital stock of thu taiu e>. W. R. it. Company, Luo property oi u. u. •put euumy; also,llUy (bO) ‘ r‘ s w It. it. Cud lu luu capital stock ,, '7w. R. It. compsuy, tuo property Ol N. fnarodWtlA alien enemy; also, tHeuty-eigui tze; pauy, tuo properi/ts. . -i. u uuemi: also, three UuuUrodt3UU)^L CAbluS Stock of thu Timber Cutters’ Mank/tA? «»uueriy ol aSii Alsta.it, au alien eueiny; a.so, J iu tbe capital stock of tUu said Tiuinir . D mk, thu properly of Joun Tom, au alien onenii.. ducia W. U. DAfldtuk., Uece.Vwf. pa- The AngasU Couslliuliouallst, Macou Teic- graph, Columbus Enquirer auU Atlanta AUteuiaenr-*- win please publish the roregwiug •-* -*“• **“ ■ lorward each a paper to ms. high; llorld complexion, nine eyes aud suudyliutr. that they bo Illicit oucli lu the Boru lu Englauu, and when enlisted by occupation uulcss they lllo good and sultl alatiorer. West net! ou 134i December, 18UH, * * ‘ ‘ “ “ , lorly dollars, j thu lit si Uay t . next term ol inis Court,- stlTi suuuorod to t»o lurklug arouud tiavauuah. | And whereas, 1*. A. Ucrviaui, James Foley, 1*. RUFl’B ULAKE, 17 years old, 5 Let •» Ine'ios , btraus, John Ready, lleury Mitchell, 1*. Wow hieh. lair complexion, blue lyes and brown hair. . uey, G. N. Bollard, W “ K *"""* *• *- »Ufcum. u..n .ul. a.I.-l lt'il|V. ii. U. tluuld. J. II. 1. . u .,„ .... . d to Dorn iu Cherokee euumy, Alabama, aud when enlisi Notice to Planters. Barnard, Dowell, Albeit Fi Huy quantity. Deraous desiring hides htiiuerl, win will suqi them to tlie undersigned at Huvaninih, cut have them tanned and umslied In ««mhI style for one bttlf. UWKbb A t’ANUET, m.vll—tf Emit ol Tine si., ou the Canal. House and Lot lu Scollsboro’, nearlUillctlgrrlllv, FOR SALK V Fit Y desirable Residence, being only four eight rooms, and the with a good well of water. Terms reasonable, ror luilhor particulars, apply loUupt. J. N. bbtul.olsur, at the camp of the ft7th Ga. Regiment, uear bavan- ua!>, or to Mr. James G. Bhiuhoisor, near lrwiuton, Ga., or to A. J. Miller, Ktq , ou the place, l bcousuoro’. scikiy, DISSOLUTION. fllllE firm ol lailtocUu A, Uc-tl is this day ills sot ve«l JL by mutual commit. Tbe unitulshed hfisl uss wt(t lie Niittled by Isaac D. Laltocbe. Ed her ol Die partners uthori/.nu to use Uiu lutuiu of the linn in ilquldu UoU - ISAAC D. LaRUCUK, HAM’L 1*. DELL. lUttH. dec7 Si-qucstration Sale ot Bank Stock. ij if order of tho Hon. Edward J. Darden, DIs- l» tnct Judge, will bo sola at public outcry, to the n.guosi biuder, before the Custom Douse, m tue C'liy of Bnvauhtth, ou WEDNE8DAY, tho sixUi uay Juuuary uexi. aieleveu o clock, A. M., thiriy-ouc ...aivslu inu capital stock oi the Mechuuies Dank, Augusta, the property of u.uty uud Metcail, alien eu t . W. c. uAMULl, Km elver. >“ Tho Augusta Constilulioimiibi, Macou Tele graph, Columuus Enquirer auu Ailauta iuLlilgen- , will rcpuulmn, ui-wcekly, aud lurward — F»* ;TI tnwfak.1 (k|»l. Mississippi in peace live newspapers. Now to eight, as lollows Citizen, Brandon Rep Quitman Advert Kosciusko Chronicle. Il il papers published in iho BLat t tin* Federal servile at Nalrlu ore becoming insult off guard and while they sable brethren at Furl.I Macou is to be the. cuj bissippt until the city o tenuidc. The officers o are now in Macou. Wo learn that A. I*. ’ been appointed by Liu< this Btat Ho having been born ami rumored that Wirt Ad appointment. rill, of N atch, z, i Military Gover Hive Mississippi ’ h.» ; heard ol his lo hi Adams county and captured and destroyed everything h- possessed. Merrill is a sueakiug traitor, uud was served exactly right. A corret-pondcnl of the Atlanta Appeal, writ ing Irom Jackson, Miss., gives tho auuexeil Dews; The headquartois ol our commander wire established at Bramlou, Miss., fur lhe N purp«)r.c, no doubt, of rt.aiehing more closely the move- uienls of the enemy on Big Black. (»« n. J.u'b- bou’s beudquartern at Hanlon. Our cavalry tuckets « xurnd to E.lwaid’a, within three mi.Uo ol Big Black. The Yankees keep very quiet on their own ndo of Hie river. The railroad in j.r. grcs- of rcconsttucilon from Brandoi., Mi.*siaMppi, l.» .Jackson, will now be liuished, when tbo cars v*ill run to Pearl river. i'be trains are running from Caniou to Madi son station, Alio?., wbieu is eleven miles Irom J it'ksou. A lady Irom Y’lckshnrg gives a sad statement of all urn n, that unl >riuuaic city. Tho IiI .i Uh are regarded rally upon an cquuiiiy with tin . !>., K. Sequestration {Sale OK I'lTV KR0KKM11. JJI order of tue Uouorauio EuwniU J. DArden, Diotnet Judge, will ho ,e iu thu city ol Savauuah, ul public outcry, to the ldguesi biuaer, lu the usual hours oi sale, ou the U'rst lukbUAY iu January uexi, tweuly lots, W mi id Square, Woslay Wjuu, in tuo city ot BavuUuuh, mely, tha IOIS kiiowu as lots A, D, C, D,K, l' ,»*,D. K, aud lots uumbur iwumy-eight iweui>-uim vvrtiy, thirty i*)), tuirty-one(Ul), luirly-iwotitt), thi.iy u (dk;, tuiay-luur v-li), tuiriy-uvu oft), imriy ' ty sevon tlf?;, avcoidiug toa plan exnnntedoii day oi aaie, all the property ot David B. Drown <& Co., alien euemles. W. D. DAN I ELL. Rue Administratrix’s Sale, .... lirdt Tuesday iu February next, beloru tin Court House door in the city of Bavanuah, -within the legal hours ol sale, the loilowiug negroes: To il giau, Muses, Johu, Thomas ed, i viy tin ! hud seeu enough; returning lo Bar- L tbo Austrian per- crcilul, ami sub- dluia. And w seeulious ami suffered, were mild uud Austrian yoko easy to be bori those to which the people of Missouri Jectetl.” This uccounl was written last .July, ami ru lers to events long antecedent to Quautrell’s re taliatory raid with hia guerrillas upon the Kau nas headquarters in Lawrence, and against which Ihe whole of YaukecUoui is uow crying out so lusiily. And, as to what QuautreU really did, we have only heard from the Yankees themselves. I have seen no Bouiheru uecouut ol the affair. Re.specilully, M. F. Mauhy. 2-#“ A Gonledei’a •rlul Lhau lira Aluha •quipped, has put to $10,000 Adiuiuisiration Sale. B V virtue of uu order Issued to me by Court of Ordinary oi Chatham County, Georgia. 1 will sij.I in Albany, Dougherty county, on Tlmrrduy, the scvenih day <»i Jam ary next, in Lout of Buns A Huai’s \oirchmis.\ Mm perishable pioperiy iielouglng to the estate ol VV. W, i:ne«vcr,coii-tHlliIgol clollratg, Led 11 ii iin Inru it il r.-, oltl. c m ill. ire. Tiuika, Ac., Ar - Do (| in,- Ik-ii.-iiI of lu nr and creditors ol said estate. JolIN U. Hits, Adiuiuihl'«u.r. Albany. D.-r SHtli, ISlH. dec VS V hi lei eh I tbiXers. A lady ol high fusing to allow her sen same table withfhui lamil plaint of the servant am Federal ottit ern are se« ii Oml gallanting '1 be coullscalL perty biliiy, symp:i SHERIFFS SALE! utlsfy the suite lie preeeui year, urn and tlfty twr ’lord District of sun 4 will be sufficient ti of I’arl bpping fu t due lllty seven dol ilredand ninety : ;l, 1 i W MICSF rllAl’MAW, BliorllT. H\Tcn(or\s S«ih‘. UrntTUESDAY in.l munr id A Me Hi ye: ; set u daily ridiu gro women ou Hi .1 .ill disloyal ci>i A. N. UEIFTF.lt. Exe. tnruicily chief < alml r F’or Sale Who s A nentsin Whitcsvllle, No l\v«. story frame dweilm inldu.gi, excellent wan Admislstraisr’k bale, B V virtue of au order fopm the Honorable, thu Court or Ordiuory of Chdiham county, Geor- K. e«.» 'J'DJSMAAAV M~l>.uur. next,.lbo4, uie following personal property, to-wit: qf l Patsy, Caroline, Fiai.k, William, chna. Also, ouu amirs Atlantic and uuif Railroad Havanuab, Dec. Negroes lox « a le. W E have this day received from ’ rtaus a every class—i Dully, D. U. Gould, J. D. NV man, .1- ii. Howell and M. J intend the preseut May Term of a.td Court Jurors, have made deiault for Ihe Term. Amt whereas, Joseph kl. Solomons, J. Alack, George A. Guyier, Monlgouiery Guiumihg, DaVtd LcaUy, Uiraut Uoberis, James M. lluiler, U. Scliruck, William bturr, J. H. Ucimiud, Dr. Elisha l’aiaoua, C. While, Wiunorn 11. Lawton, W. J. Neville and Darnel Ai. Lain, smaiuoued to attend lint present Term ol said Gouri as Talesman on the relit miry lor Uiu trial oi crimiual cast s, have made deiault tor the Term; and wtu-nas James AlcUeuty, S. At. LatlUeau, David Thompson and b. 11. Mcmuuii, Talesmau, made de- Iault on the IMIi day ol Alay last, and aubeequenl- ly ; aud whereas Miles D. t’UlleUH, •lliou.as Ii. llardeu, Wylly WotHlhrulge, comad bchiuidi, Mt»rtimer U. W illtamn, arasss A. com u, Edwin L. Nuidiiugor, Johu U. Mohru-u.-, 'ialesinau, made duuuit ou the uiuueeuiu tiny td May, and subsequently; aud WUureua, H. Ateiuhard, l‘« til Juror, muuu deiault ou the utter Hot in of the eigntceuUi ol Alay u.al subsequently; and whereas, Unariea Pony, Petit Juror, madeuu- laidl wu ihu twenty-sixth duy ol May and subse quently ; uml whereas, A. F. Mira, Petit « uror, aud George A. MuDluskey aud c nrlatopher Haas, l’uloa- , made default on the twenty-eighth day of May, vfvv y”!" CENTRAL ltAll.tUiKi) UFI^L'R I daVANNAH, Ga., D, t . iUEj. 't*03 f CHANGE OF BCHLduLE. kN and after buuday, November jjgw the $60 Reward. _ . delivery to mie, si Ugleihqrpt Inu rat k-. oi Private .lEiiEMIAIi HAGEltY. #1 . D. t.-ai Ri g Ga.\ulf. The taitl I‘» ivaie flugtrly is ulHtul ft years oi age, ft feet blnehgp ingu, has coinplexinn, blue eyes, (Ink hair, ry, Ireland, and a fat November Olh, lw«. lollows: DAILY DAY TRAIN. Loave Savannah Arrlvo tu Macon lamvo Macon Arrive In Savannah DAILY NIGHT TRAIN. Lcavo Savannah Arrive lu Maton lamvo Macou Arrive In Da varnish. I Private Jo . Ga. Vols; Th s of.age, plexioii, giey cyi ... u",u u.TLiu, uni, and a labelt r liy occuiairan. He tin.>.u,u Buhstltute lor R. F. Tompkins, on lira 1 Uu qi July. Jbfkl, and deserted about lira Ifttli day oi Jui.V^ Leave Savannah. Arrivo at WhUosviiio, (No. 8). Leave Whltesvlllu, |Nt». 3) Il Is ordered that each oi the above delueIters lie ttuud iu the sum of twenty dollars, unless tlray tile good aud sufficient excuse ou or beloru lira Ural duy *Pt lot of NEGUv lmyc generally ui iitialncitou. Wu have boys, women, girls; from tho W Georgians such nndivii Negroes ol every class also, atveral lunnties—cooks, washuis, boners, •use servauis, au.i a diet rate touuuy blacksmith. We have lately rented tho well-known otllce aud yard of Captaiu Jos. Bryan, deceased. The ample aud uoinpralu arrangements ofllil* establishnuiiL lor convenience uud health, Is woiihy the atleuiiou ol ihuso who have uegrues they want sold. dc'C'fO—Uiw4 CLINK8UALK8 A BOOZER. thalliaui lufprior touri, JULY' TERM, IS 8. W IIKICK\*, .1. Kelly, N. king, M. J. bean iau,C. W. btoue, D. G. purse, P. McGuire auu Daniel Muhanny, summmrad to attuud lira pre sent July Tciiu of Uhsiham inferior Court, as Pei it Jurors, made default; and whereas, U. btatum aud J. 11*. binith, Petit Jurors, uuu Robert t-’arr aud G. Brown, suumioued as Tulesmeii, made default ou the second day ol satd wrm ; it Is ordered that they bo lined twenty dollars each, uuless they tflo good tVi^ t *“dlcicnt excuse on or before tne drsl day JUST RECHIVED, AMU FUH SALE LOAV, ^ FINK lot of A^p A WILLI’OX. V COUN’ Frederick lirei ordinary lot irauei: ilatd oi Jai couuiy.dei To all wunui it may Admiuii 11 apply at the Couit « a Julian Plicae are, lUereiore, to cite andadmouiah all whoa, it may concern, to lie aud appear before said court lo make objoetfou vd any they have; ou or lieldru Die second Monday iuJuuuary next, otherwise said let tors will be granted. Witness, A. A. Jh-Lorura, Ordinary county, ibis ith duy ’ “ *■'“ Mcluto.di dec« ■ A. A. DnLOUME, O. M. C TATE OF UEUHU1A, iUtliMOMI as, Mary A. Ryals will apply » nary lor Lciu-rs of Guaidtaushlp u amt property ol Philip M., Misan v‘ , Hampton, children oi Jordan W. ltyah These are, tberei it may concern, to block, aud twenty (Du) snares Merchants' d» Plan furs' Bank bloc*, wu tflU) dollars per sha.u paid belonging to the estate oi Jamis F. Linder, uoccua ji's of said estate. Terms jrtitles. EMANUEL bUEFTaLL, Uecdl— purchaser* to pay ' lFTaLL Ad'mr Estate oi J. F. Lind* IdBlBlstraiar’B Sale* O N the first Tuesday In February next, will bo sold before thu Court House door m Wayne county, between thu legal hours ol sa’e, thu follow ing prime negro slaves, via : Eary, 40 years old, aud her seven ciuidreu, Joe, fit; Jacwb, i7; Marcu, 1ft; Frank. 10; Washington, 8; Charles, « years, auu lu- laid, s mouths old. bolu as the prupeily ol bnerrod bhedlulu, deceased, by oruur ol' tue Court of Ordinary ol said county, for the bcuedi of the ueirs aud cruui- tors. Terms cash. JOHN M. TibuN, decl7—lawlt Aumlmsliuior. AUiululsiraior’s sale. the comer ol Harris aud Jetlersou atroels, hO by bu leui, and sold aa thu propurljr of thu estate oi tue late John Heed, for the bcuept of tue heirs aud creditors Terms cash, purchasers pay lug for pupurs. HAUVEY 8UEPPARD, duels—td Administrator Aduilubtraiur’M Sale. TUESDAY lu January next, beft House door, in the town of Blackshuur, vriihiuinu legal hours ol sale, a part ol Lot Mi. Ill, situuted in said town, containing about 4hu . nil be sold beloru tue Court House door, iu Ihe town of Forest, Clinch County, within Uie legal hums of sale, ou iho drsl i uc.day in Fumuary next, a purt of Lot, number not known, lying iu emu county ul Clinch, containing about loo acres. All oi smd lauds sold as thu piiqieriy ol Juun T. Wil son, deceased, subject to the widow’s dower, nuvfr—w4u WILLIAM GUEITEU., Adm’r. A Dili I.M Sl'K A I'u K’s SAl.ti. \\J ILL be sold before the Couft House door i Yf Clinch ( i Ursl ’J ucolluy i. eg rocs belonging to ti Jesse W. Curler, deceased, ccnsistiug of t i, aud live ( in suld couuly, via : mo. k, DL.t au a« re; No. , Block It, aud No Block C, Block a -all iu the towuoi atocktou. 7».ud lor tbe bcucdi oi me heirs and creUUois. Terms ou thu u«y vimiim.yhiaioh’.s Nonce. A LL persons having any claims against the estate tu Ji sse W. Carter, lute of Clinch couuly. «eared, will pftase hand them in, properiy alt. sled, vviiuiu Ihe time prescribed by law; aud all pel's iiidclueti will make immediate puyiueut to me urn signed. WM. A. CARTER, AUMlNIsTH A TOK’S SALS. Also, three shares Aged 4« years, the olhi Central Railroad hlocb ic tracts oilaml, coiuaiuing uLout iiU(i t Unionists lend who mis te refugees Jr rain that I'm cliAuuiomsts, ii Two hundred and night Ii. I. NE1DI.INGER. Mi res t f Land in Elllng- etf cl i i.l a Inippy A I'renbyterlan eldi Ills disloyalty lo the s Uou lo Us person am kee Iriend-, liuil.-d llu Was of short duiaimu l md, noted lo dinning proiei* mt SALE lu spite ol his proltidta- dec3—Ltwft 1 I 4»T lilt r W. uud fraction of Lot loiter Y, situ j i.,-.| in si.mli O-lcili npc Ward. b. uml >1 'M Fnm ard INqdur * trouts, with improvements. Fo BLOUHT « UAIV3U N. JolIN W. ExecaiorS Sale. r 11.1. lie sold o« th.. Uml-l-UKSDAY In Jt _„ .jext, beforo the court 1I..UAU iu fcylvsuia, uu county, bi twecu the legal hours of sal' i n-grucs, via: i'harity, sp.cu 4ft years, a Cook. ate and lulmoulsh ull whom lie uud appuar before said Court objection fit any they huvo) pu or liulore 1 dist Monday in Di-cumber next, otherwise said lut- ^a'lUiuM, A. A. Dcl^oruio, (ordluary for McIntosh county, this 2d day ol November, jou.1. UOV4 A. A. DkLu.iMK, O. M. C. iJTAIK l)F Lltom.lA, WAYNE COUNTY'. To ail whom It may Knox, Administrator up Waiuwrignl, I flu ol hum for Leiu-is of Dismission Irom lira udmluistiutrau ol SHld estate. Tberuloru, thu kindred uud creditors of said de ceased are hereby cited uud udmonisirad to lllu ihelr objections fit any they have) in my olltcu, in tuiins oi the law, oiuerwisu Dcliurs of Dismission will he grunted thu uppncuui ul the June ivimuextol the •cpS i tula Court. “*-*»ct from the minutes. WM. H. BULLl »;tl, Chirk 1. \ C. C. $100 RCHitnj Bavamiah AUGUB’UA BRANCH Leave Augusta Arrive tu Milieu laiave Milieu Arrive in Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive In Milieu Loave Mlllun Arrive iu Augusta .ft.vft P. M. A»i P. M. .U.80 P. M. . .1.110 P. 1 KATONTON BRANCH Loave Katonton Arrive In Gonlou Leave Gordon Arrive In Katonlou • lhtsseugurs rrom Bavannah aud Macon for Augusta will Uko either train, aud Connect direct both ways with the Georgia aud 8outb “ For Mlllcdgevilie . .4.1*1 V. 41.-41 P. 11.47 P. M. w ,„..dna RallroaBs Katonlou tuko "Day Train” from 8uvannab and Augusta, and “Night Train ltom Macou. will not be run Accommodation Train to Mill* after Friday night, 30th Instant. Might Trains irom havauuan and Augusta c-nnect wild Boaur-western U. R. at Macou lor Albany, Kufaula, Fort Guinea and lntunuedtaUi lKilnts; also, with Macon nud W. K. K. to Atlanta * • “ •* * “ J ' Day Train connects at Mumu with l the tv cm. cogue IL H. Uj Columbus, Montgomery, Mobile a the Boutbwest. Uko. W. aDAMm, octft) General Mipi-rintemh-ni Ainmlc Aui Uuif llallruad, IfeorUil tun dlont Eipeditluuc IKoul* to liranowlck uidTliuiu«Mvllle. di. ( Madison O. II., Lake t’Uy, Rloiittoello, and 'I’eIIeIieb* out *Jd years old, very ii, alHiut a led 7 inches high, weighs t cooper by trade, thas worked lor i a cooper i-ho,» In bavautnh;) O N 18b8, tho earn will leave and r yxreptod,) as follows: heloiigcd to PIjAISTTATIORT FOR SALE, IN LOTS TO SUIT PIIIUU4SEKS. West) a lln< days. lAOIIIt 1 11 O 11 M A N II ATItliS, at and JL around Btailou No. tl, Allaiilic and Gulf Rail road, and adjoining the Junction oi the Brunswick Rnilroad, uu miles imui .savannah, In Ware county. Tcbcuuville, being the centi r, adoids n iluu oppor tunity lor seliiug village lots lor alines uud leal - hugai upply ou lira premises lirtlaj.. L. C. 'i LBEAl', .savuuuah. NN) acres for snle In ('hnlhu Terms, hall cash, balance 1 mb, If preferred. Land for Sale. of good pine _ II.% V 1C t laud, well timbered, in live miles <d Gleumore, with a farm of about lorty cleared, Willi a good dwelling house, kitchen aud other out build- wishing topuichaeo will call Corbit, near Gleumore, wlm wtl make known lira price. |7,tM*). novltt—fitw* I show the laud ai JaMKH BENNETT. court of ordinary L November fi, 1808, Deputy Urdtnaiy. O TY.— Whereas duiaes Ulghsuillb, AUmiuistralm ol the estate oi Jacob llighsiuith, deceased, applies to tbe undersigned lor LeUero of Dismission irom suld Administration, — esu are therdore lo cite uml admonish all per- couccruMi to show cause til any they have) why Administrator ou the Ural Monday in February t be dismissed Irom his adnuuislra Given auder my hand and official signature, this July fiUlb, lb08. Jyifi J. 8. W1GGIN8, Ordinary. g’TA'l’E OF okOHiilA, WaYNH COUNTY. “ loall whom ll may concern : Wuereas, Wiley xnox, Aniulmstialor upon tho estate ol Jos. Wain viighl, late of said county, deceased, uppln s tor Let* a udiuinisiiutio. objections (d auy they have; lu my olliu the law, otherwise Butlers Dismissory v ed the upplicauial tho June uriu uexi of Ordinary lor said couuly. Novemtier 2, 1388. aftci made to the Court of Ordiuary leave to tell oue huudied acres ol lot of land uuiu her nluuly ouu (Hi) lu tho second District of said county, putloi in : real etnaieof-Jduras B. Lewis,de ceased, fur thu IniUvUt ol lira heirs uud creditors of Siii11 deceased. ’1 his December 8d, 1M18. JAMES M. Mi.COUL, Adm’r. dCC7 LETTItClA LKWL-n, AiIiii X. uTATK «*F UEUttQU. WaYNe cuLN OU I sold at thu t i Hr. Tuesday i l lloii tract ol land « taming l Lira flreei lan.l. A , adjoining 1: i.d nfiy acre is, del d, lo>- the i HAMUkL W. AK1N8, Adm’r. Nuvfcm erfi, lMti. bJ’4 A i t. OF BLUUUl.t, \\A\tSt. n ( ul NTI ORDINARY’’8 OFFICE. To all wUuiu it may couct-ru : Whereas, ftusa..liah llu per aud Wiliam George, of said ntau: and County, applies to iho Clerk ol Or,unary for liners oi An- uiiui ira*! ui on Hi i eslnie ol Wiluuiu Harper, de Craned, late oi said County and State. These are, Iherefuru, t-» cll.t and admoliisli all and singular Uiu kindred and creditors of said deceased, io he and appi ar at my office, within ILe lime prescribed by law, and show cause, (if auy they have; why LciLtb of Administration on tue estate ot said deceased slum id not issue to Ihe applicant. Given under my .iumu ana nUiciul signsluie this Deceiuhci TlU, 1.-4W. J.vMtn UIGlLsMITU, flectfi oi»rk of Ordinary- UTATLUFBKOIK.I a waYaECoI re-. Y 7 uiands ugainsl WillLm tilled and r ed, h ed, Wlllll i-d by Nolic« >» in-lilur.i nud CrcilllorN. A** l" r " ndebit a ut »»ld estate will make minrauiate payment to JOHN K. alMs at Albany, Ga.. novd lui* Adui r usl. W. W. Chvevcr, d«-< M. Wanted. i hundred negroes, within Uys couimodath miles of either lira Central Railroad West county, or the Atlantic aud Gulf KaSioad South i iltamaha. Apply lo ocl21—2aw3w $500 Reward. •uuiy (Uuaitays .11.45 A. M. Couuoctlng at Mclnuish (BtkV-’ ’ " ^ ., olll o ^est) on Tuesdays, Tlioradays and "“-.jnyH, wllb UUEAT S0miilti\ IMlIiiSiii Hi). Capital—1:wo and a Halt J/iilliu.i Dollars. I1IUIH l-ompiuiy I..I«I. ul X Directors as loiioWx ATLANTA. Janu s Oriuond, W. F. Herring, A. W.dimes, E. a<m y J. 8. Lockhart, UOI.U kl Ill'S. W. 11. Young, J. F. Boseiuaii, Daniel Oritllli, D. Adams, D. F. Wilcox, orgauixts! hyulccUou of I II. b. DtaulNI, W. u. JoUiu \v illorshy, NV. B. JOUNbTON, l’rcild. t. CHARLES DAY, Sccrcuwy. Thu undersigned has been appointed Agent l*. iavaunati aud lira low country oi Georgia, * . is •repared to take risks ugaius apfil—ly Noulueru iusiiiviii^e BA VANN All, GA. Henry Brigham, Wi Jot i M. i rape L*Henry Lai W m. u. i The Company is p i Mo i uguilidl L id .1 Augm I prop*. All losses promptly adjusted uml jiaid. Ollier, 81) l(u> Mrecl. Savuuuah, <*«. M, l*rt Aaron Wild icpko tf Connecting at Quitmau (No. 16.) dally with a line ol coaches to Madison O. IL, FIs. - ’ ... Connecting at Groover’s (No. 17) with a daily due of coaches to MonlloaUo, Fla. Arriving In time in connect with thu cars to Tallaliass, c and 81. Murks. Freight Trains lcavo buvauimh Mondays, W minus _iys and Frklays, at H A. M.; returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and ham rdays at 4 1*. M. N. B. Double the regular rates will Jsi chnrgcd on all articles shipped by l’ansengor Tram, exi-epui'K fruit, fresh meat, fish, oysters, and other portshah u articles. Freight by Passenger 1 raili should be dt - llvered at the Dept ut least one hour before the start- time ol thu train. Ins tlm Tyin G. J. FULTON, Bnpcrintnndaut. CHANGE OF 8CHEDULF. aEMLMT-XuC ltw_ SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD thu 13th day ol day o I, aboiu wurd will tie paid many person lodging him iu uud |all in the Confederate status, so 1 can gel him. JOHN A. BTaLEY, J. P. Savannah, Hept. Ifttli. 1m;::. scplil TOBACCO. NEAL, SWORDS & CO., 183 IK ICO A D STUBET, (NKU K X I* R K H S COMPANY,) AUOUBTA, GEORGIA, Agents for the sale of VlUaiNIA AND NORTH CAROLINA * M ANUF ACTURED TOB ACCO ^JONNTANTLY on hand u large slock grades, to which wu luvltu a call from pureban- no vfiOtJ 1 ^ PXiU MS AGO, 1ILAGK LEAD, “ ANU WAOON GREASE ■ AUU S.II.K AT New Good.-. JUST OFXDM DD. 1 CASK U INTKII POPLINN 1 case Gents’ Neck Tics 1 cnee Gents' hummed L. ('. Handkerchiefs Black English Crapes Black Crape Collais and Cufls loon yards Plaid Uomuspune. OCtJO DkNVITT ft MORGAN. Salt. SACK* Liverpool Halt :ni sacks Turk s Island Matt; for sale by CLAi.lR.RN X- CUNNINGHAM Wines and Liquors. ^LD Madeira and Blierry Wines eon Jamaica Run id Glu on Wblskev, tiillxhio for medicinal purpoaei r sale by CLAGHUUN tt CUNNINGHAM. Jy)« PIPfcS, PIPES. A VBKI large and line assortment of r coiiristiag in part of Mcraehaum, Euglisti Guttn Perch a, Au , for sale by i CONSTANT, Bull si. SALT. O N and alli-r Bund.,, M.rr.U «d, 1HM. Urn Uulum, Iiiib Mall anil 1'a.aunaur Train will run aa lul lows: BBTWUMN HXOOM AMD OOI.UMBUS. Leave Macou at ®*®f. \V m AntvoaLColumbus at V; ' Leave (kilombusat *,• v) Arrive at Macon at v "'* 1 ■ w BSTWUaU M400M AMD 0HATTAU<MK3UBB. Lcavo Macon ^ Arrive at Chattahnochoo... Leave Chattahoochee Arrive at Mneun Tho Mall and Psaaeuger Trains Irom Albany con tract daily at Bmlinville, No. 10 8. W. it. R., auu iron. Fort Gaines dally at Ontnbert, with cbatluUiKH he. Mall Train. Leave Bmlthville at Arrive at Albany at i.asa*. m 0%. M. HI CYAN STitKl/i Ntto SUCTION rtlAl.l. n.» \ l. m> ln"n.- >(1 10N n, nk. | wiii'iHJ.. 1 ' !» uml,III. I't ,ro.l. uatlUK 1,‘--VL Ilia. IWO „r ukiiu Uuyn unllCe lirlt.ly tnu i .r lB , P»» Hint lira properly tan bu advcitista. . alSf. > tlfnt the property • ucuimiuoduiiouB lor ujiy uum moth rate price lor buurd, uud 1 i to muku quick sab •' I Sf - v Negroes , ?■ W fct.fi A. bTRVLX.fcUf., Auctioneer uud ore E. MENDEL. Crier. DIUIMi USl'AliLlNUifii&Mi (asTAUUsuai) iH Ibdfi.i* Atcuiovod to 3ft lirtjloU' *t.»8L ol Work ■Creel, near lh« Lato .csHi of ills •uliwnser. ’ ' riNllK ttubs^Hwr, grateiul lor past favor* JL leave, to U*form . isiricmiB auu f a..y, that he IS UOW prepared u. Dye i. si style on HUk and Woolen Drcs. also, Table Covers auu Ciupc^U^.) j pUDiiv - ; ML. 1 i Uiu h manner. •LIU UlOVcruioJiuu *U lit Otul UJI.UU!. j ,M. , Thu snhecriber begs leave to state ue ) uo.V prepared to c.eau, bieaeU uuu pi esu Uul- L j euUciucn’a Garmeuta Dyed atre Cleaned, aa may uuuircd, lu the same superior Btyle wmch t. i get* lly so we;l plmutd his puuons aud menus . .. .hi i :iii viuirn. A. GAL!A< , ...12.8(1 )’. M. ... fi.08 J*. M. ... U.ftO A. M. ,. . 11.fell U\. v. ... fi.fi6T. M. Leave Albany at Arrive at Htnitliviilu at.... Leave Cuthbert at Arrive at Fort Ualues at 4. ;W 1 • JJ. Leave Fort Galon* <jt 1 M A- M. Arrive at CuthbocL at A - M - itaktug the connection wltfi thu np and down (ffiui- tahooche** Mall Train. Train* lo Columbus form a through connection] to Montgomery, Alabama, aud Augusta, Alngstou, Wil« — ugton, Savannah, MLied^evllluaud EalDuU.n, Post CoacJMB ran from Albany t j Tallahaaaee.lUa n« budge, ThomasviIU, Ac. Paaaengurs tor poinU IkloW Fort Valley should lake tne Night tralu* from Aiyfusta and Havauuan U# avo d VIRGIL POWERS, Kflgineer and Buj.eriuUsnduut, Macon, March »8d,Jb68. iwrji OK NilltiDIILK ON GEORGIA RAILROAD GEORGIA RAILROAD, I Auudsta, July 24, lbtifi, J O N and after Sunday, July 97th, Bumlay Day Train resumed on main itm »’ — aud Washington Branches wt] lurthor notice. UaVI Atlanta.. Atlauta.. Augusta.. Augusta.. ...6.10 a. i ...7.16 »*. i ..6.46 a. i .. .4.00 r. i Atlanta Atlanta Trains connecting with Wi Branches leave Angu, tn aid.4ft b.V) A. M. NodiouK tion will day. Be I sir Train leaves Augu f y «B GEU. Yi'NGU. Hnp’t. M. .). BoloinoiiH, COMMISSION MERCHANT. BAY STliEET, (Office formerly occ.upled by Me HF"boDciis CousigumeuLs of Pruilut eaud Mer ehandix*. ’■ l,:< 1 OSNABURGS, f T II K F I M5 4) E 4> If II .1 L IL COTTON TWINE I). A E CORN SACKS! Two Bushel, * Acres ol Laud For tpaie, W ILL bo sold in Like City, on Thurrn.iy, lira slat ol January, A. D.-ltOI, lira lollowlng nroiiftlv. aciiueslralod-by a dtcfeo oi the Coiuedc-r- . Ifi * situated in Brevard county, Florida, ou Indian 1 Ui T 80 H, R 87 K, T 80 b, U ,W E; T 81 8, U 88 K{ 1 h, R ttl E. Property of lieruuid, of Bo.-tou. lfi.lNiacrut " * • ■ —* *• • I lu Brevard county, kn J M* n of Laud , uioE. Property Urevard COI b, it TPd£; T .)« b, li 4/ i S, R 42 E; '1 It. kJN T 22 ’arsons. Brevard, licur county site, Lots 20, T 8b b, It 11 L. ITupcity of 200 one* in 11 illshorough county, Floruit, N E q ol b E hi ol bee 3, T 8l b. It 22 E, UUU N W R ol b s. jg;» % of b E aud N E il t * Prope i of Lull i llillsliurougli i * b, It 20 E. . Mullord A Co. Block No. 88; N>t of Wi N W V i —, Bloi k -ft; Lois 1, 2 aud 4, iu Block 12; Lot No, ft, in Block 17. CNE 8TEAM8AW MILL AND GRIST MILL, on Block No. 88, In tlra city of Tampa. Mi acres oi Land, in ilillsbordiiglqcuunty, F.oiida N q of N W q of bee ft, T38S, it20 li. Properly o Florida, aud olici be had by uddri>sli.g Fevdluaud rate biutcs District Attorney, at i and E- W. Thompson, at iampa, Xi-Oii V armtuo... FURNITURE VARMSH l IIAIIICFL UF IRON VARNISH; NO. 1 FURNITURE XI IIIIL. Alcohol i JOHN OLIVER’S, No. 11 W'hitttkcr sheet, r sale by JOHN OLIVER. New .Booky. HDNAM’E DIAMtAL FOR 13U3. o't: i Uniou. By James bpe 3 Almanacs for li* Lvoluilous of th** Line. Lxccn(«r’3 Sale. ILL be sold ou the first Tuesday in January next, beloru tho Court Bouev door lu bprnig- KlMlighaui county, G*., between tho legal lioius I sale, two small negro hoys, between three $100 Reward. lira benefit of Ibe heirs aud uiu <»l Old-dish Edwards, hr., late uinTcouniy, deceased J. V. EDWARDS, Executor. Bpuugftel‘1, Ga., Nov. fikl 1363. uuvsH-id WM. U. LEoTElt. T tqiidl iu quality U* any titles U> illlll p — Uns market, in quan HUNTER ft GAMMELL. Bacon, W M DAY IDHOM bUOklM. TORMTO. .W. M DAYIDuOH. o S N a B TJ R O . IToak Llvtk*. OT:. c ; CelVi d by DkWITT ft MORGAN. Flour ami Rrau. COTTON TWIN.TS. FOR SALE UY IIKNIIY 'i’llIf 04* A I’lour ana bug&r, BACON ANQ HAMS. ... o