Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 06, 1864, Image 1

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g attg ^ornuij gw BY THEODORE flLOli? WM. T. THOMPSON, KP1T0K. TEiniS «,F TIIK MOHNINU NEW'S. DAILY PAPKK. MX niontlia ♦*‘2® One ITIoiul» - 300 ‘ TRI-WEKKIiY PAPB1H. MX Mounts O;0» lime Moulton " ou WEEKLY PAPKK- Six Klo.iilia *- *° 00 ADYBRTI91ND, Per iquare o! num« I'M. « *P“* ■hv tint imu J llm* ul a IvocilatlW typ*. TWO DDL LA US for cuclt in*, riton. pints OP ADTZBTISINa Vpt£h KbTJCkr* &of Aflmiitlsfration..-.-*♦10 Otf' guilt beyoud a doubt. and- add to hi* crimes I Homicidk at tub Lunatic Asylum —While Ever. a blacker abudo ihau baa yet been glveu oue ol the keepers io lliu above iURlUullou was ibeut. it should be convincing reply to ibo yesterday going his castonmi* round* to call 1 the inmate* lo breakfast, he touud in one ol ike. aparlmeuts an old iiiau, named VV. W. 8iuk.es, D|oir • mill CrodUui l ie 00. 10 OO 12 OO Lei > Sell weal KrUitj and Negroes, p Hah^ol Item jK&uicabd Negrooi Salu of. Perishable Property * V {ir^^Adveril§emeuts not marked with the num- her of Insertions desired, will remainIn the PW nrfii Mrderedjoot by the adve.traer, and charged as above. 1———— 1H 00 ieJtquare 16 00 2 per ►quare lor f WEDNESDAY MORNINO, APRIL 6, 18U4. From ilm Fronti Fpoci.il io tiio Moutsomoty Advertiser. TUBNIII. IIILL, April 1.-i'll.} euouiy'o lorci-s ul Kim£i!"lii U ip* CODS.nl of bird’s division, McCook'sbrigade, non Wlldei’s luoui.ied ln- tunlry, DuniberinK T000 wen. l'bcre is urcui excluiueai iu Ihe sueniy o cuuil>ou ihe U'*uro qocsllou. Mc«liu«s bsve b«eu held and tpmctiii mode at night opposiop settici! In the raaks with orgrocs. A pulillon Die neeu soul to Uoii. Grant to abolish uegTo .atfdi.re Irom tho armjr-ol >b« CuuiberUud. Zfuu eueiuj arc drumming and haying sham (Auks. lud. cut ions dtnionsliale the onuinj * i ,vs buttle during Ibis month,— lieu Grant will evidently .attempt» Ban* moye- incut to compel Gen...Johnston tu fall pack. "“ From MImImIPPI fen Jacksjk, March SO.-Uome Yanlteea who Vha'vo arrived atjafckaoi uuder a dog ol trine, fcdrnli their defeat on Red River. 1 can Team uo particulars. Day of Paitlug aiU Fraycr. the recommendation ol Congress has beeu announced In a lulu Proclamation ol the Prisl- ilciit that Friday, th..8ihof April, be observed tbrougbunt ihe Confederacy as a day ol lasling and prayer. _ v It cuuuot be donbted, remaika the Richmond Despatch, that this rtcoutmeudatiou will he universally complied with throughout out country. We need not reiterate the r.eoaoua loi it, so clearly set forth in the resolutions aud proclamation, and which suggest tbemselve e readily to every utind*:- Too history ol this ex traordinary struggle IraUfttl ol evt .... luwrjr# 111 ™ 1 - 'ffi Almightj P.*wer, atni m^olnietu m uabai uut oy « « t „ u , t wisdom and might have we beeu so lar rescued front the evils with which wo are bull threat cit'd, that none but an infidel could uscribe to httnian agency the glory ol our deliverance. The ingratitude, the exillalion ol sill, uuJ iu tense selUshneSH, the universal spirit of (freed und extortion, which buvo followed these mau 1 festal ions ol D.viue favor may well demand uo only a public day, but many private tluys o lasting, hauiiUaliou an penitence, lest, like the children of I.irael, under .Moses,-this generation should bo compelled to wander forty years in the Vfflldernnss, and uevor permitted t eute 1 the promised land. We are ou the evo l events big with the destiny of bureelve* aud om posterity. A future the most awlal that tin “ liucnau imagination can contemplate awaits Ufi A If we fall v a future as glorious and happy as uViy nation ever attained If on earth we succeed ,.aiuyf whether for well or woe f is in tin haodoirafljlfWi^ faith, and'tbo profound*^ 8 fhuRtihce ahd bumuiiatioo cau array oh; likveaimcul ist Use Iff Per (Itil.Ronds. . a question ol interest to tbm considerable nmouota of the old issue, says Lb* Columbus Enquirer, is the disposition which they can yet make of them. There are several modes ol disposing of them at the rate of sixty- eix and two-thirds cems in the dollar, lei. There is no good reason why they should uo‘ readily be received by everybody at that rate T htft’ are exebungeablo for the new Issue at the rate ol three dollars lor two os soou as the go- verninen^can prepare uud distribute tbu now uoles. This process cunnoi be delayed many we.ks, and the uotes lose nothing iu value bj the delay. 2d. These old notes may be cou verted into call certificates, bearing interest a. the rate of four per cebc. per annum, aud payu hie two years softer the ratification o| u treaty of peace with tho United States. 3d. Ihoj. may be fuuded in tbestxpcr cent, bonds which the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to issne^to the amount ol five hundred millions ol dollars. it is to the advantages ol this last uarned mode ol investment that we wish to direct par- mu-t desirable scheme ol investment yet ofler ed by the Governraunt. Tho bonds are to bear iuietestat iltt? rate of six per cent, per annum, and tiias than invested, will yield tbe eatne iiurOunl ot interest as $1,000 iu tbe lour per cents—$40 per aunrim in both cases, tbe holder ol the nous will Jose nothing, in amount ol interest, by neglecting to fund them at ibetr expressed value In four per cents, and funding them hereafter at tbe rale ol six y-srx cents in the dollar, six per ceuts. Morever, the Interest on the six per ceuts is secured by the pledge ol the revenues ol the Confed. racy derived Imm ii6 import duties and its e»pori dunes on cotton, tobacco and naval stores. No luud or rcveunc is pledged or ret apart lor tbe ;paya«vut ol ibe inierest*on the four per cents, ilt will thus t»e eceti that holders of the six per cent, bonus will be preferred creditors of me Government, secured by the mortgage of a snf ficicLl urnouni ol its revenues, and that the notes which they invest,scaled to the umouut ot oue third, will still bring them the same autoant ol interest as the uoscaled notes iuvested in , foqr per cents. jay The Brandbh Republican learn* Irom a reliable source that the bodies oj over twenty negro children have been taken aut of Chunky Creek since the Yankees left, who were thro win in by the inhuman scoundrels do gel them out ot the way. We have heard of other cruelties in the neighborhoods! Meridian which a& loo horrible to pnblieb. , v _ v The news Irom Maryland represents the poor negroes as fleeing to escape Lincoln’s conscript officers. greu documoula heretofore published. And with retercuce to these We uiay say Inal Ueuor al V. Lee has writteu a Utter to the War De partment uxlug tt.o authenticity Qf these papers; lor he explaius that there was m* opportunity ul altering them unless by ihecouriui who was dispatched with if cut, aud that there was uo wtiling whatever luterliued iu iheitt. We copy litferaUy below the atrocioua private memurauda ul ilahlgreu. iueohereut as some incut are, itiry discovera hellish purpose : I'lcuMitilon will guveru details. Will have details IVwm other comuiauds (four thuusaud). . . Mtchigau uteu have started. {§»!. J. II. Dcviteux ht»tfforpedtM s. iiAuuver J iinuUifif f B. T. Johiisou). M’tTjiaud LVtvaA , | lloi c loilows u slulemeut of tbetumpOsltion uud uumbersul Juhusou’a coiumsud.J UUuptn’s Enui— seveu miles below Rich mond. i3ue Btiuade (BuuVau’s roi^vud Wise,se»** t»» Charleston) Kitet cau be forded half a mile above the city. No works ou 8outh 8tUu. Ho.pltils ucur tuem. River loidable. Cauul cuu * be crossed. Kilty men to remain ou North bank, aud keep tu communication, tl possible. To des troy mills, eaual, aud burn everything ol Vuiuo to the rebels, fie. t. ' any large terry boats, aud uote all crosstugs, tu case we have to iwturu that way. Keep us posted ot uuy impor.uui movement ol tue rebels, uud, as we upproaoti <4Uo city, communteute with us, and do uol give the ulaim beloie they see us iu possession of Jiell Isle aud the bridge. If engaged there, Or uusuccesslul, they must as.dsl iu securiug the bridges uutili we closa. il tfi^ furry boat can t»o tukeuaud worked,.bring It doVu. Every ibiug that cuuuoi be secured or' mude Use or must be destroyrtfl. Gt'e.it cure must be takeii uol to be seen, or any alarm given. Tbu meu must be filed aloug oil. the road or aloug the maiu bank. W beu we euter the city, ihe officer must use his discretion as to wheu to assist tu ruseiog the bridges. The prisoners once loosed and the bridges crowed,ifcm city must be-Uehiroyed, buruiug the public baijdings, dft5r < " — rriSouers'tO go wuh party, fiplke the hgkf y guns ouukde. t^idueers must be ready to repair, destroy, Ate. Turpentine will be provided. The ptoueers must be ready to destroy tbe Ricbmoud bridges, after we have all crossed, and to destroy iht railroad near Fredericks Ha*',(station, artillery &c.) * « w * « Ktiucu meu to halt at Bellona Arseual, while the columu goes ou aud destroys It. Have some prisoners. Thun rej j!u us al K; living portion to watch U anything loilows, uuder good officer. Will be uollUed that Cusiar may come. Mum columu, 400. Oue huudml meu will take tbe bridge after the scouts, aud da*h through the streets aud opeu the wav to the trout, or, II it is opeu des troy everything Iu the way. While they uie on the big btidges, 100 meu willlaku Belle lale, alter the scouts iusiruct- mg the pi tsouurs to gnl the city. The reserve 0>00) will sec this lairly doue aud everything over, and then lollow, destroying the bridges alter tl*cut, aud thuu destroy the city ; going up the priuclpsl etree.s aud destroying everything Oelo/e them, but uol scattering loo much, uud always having a part ^llnu^aud. ^ spot. * . ^ , lib the separate draft of Dahlgreu’s orders the words “ou the spot” do uol occur. Thi. emphasis In the private note-book leaves n< doubt ol Dahlgreu's murderous iuleulion.—Ex. J lu another part of the note book i- the rouge diaiiol liabUreu’s address, it differs some wliat Irom the separate copy which he seems u have amplified aud corrected. He glludes to the “glory of accomplishing an uuderiaktug fur which your couulry will always be gralelul, uud for which you will always have the prayers ol the prisoners now contineu iu fioutheru pri sons. When we have eel free the prisoners ou Bell Isle, aud eeeu them over, we will cross aud daub through the city. You must encour age the pririouers to destroy the city; make one vast flame ol 1l.” Beeidee these memoranda, the book, which neatly bound iu morocco, coutuius u detailed sUieineuiof “the reorgaaizalioL ol fituari’a cav alry, November, lfififi,” aud ol “Major General IVitiie ILmhlnii'ii rtiviiiimi *' aviiIfii It/ l.htt wotk lying upon his bed, with his head tfighitully gashed, tbe brains oiziug out, pudlite near its last gasp. Rushing hack to Dr. Parker, the Su perlhiendent, to rifiilly him ot the eveul, the two returned, aud ou au investigation, it was coolly coufes ed by one of the lunatics, named J ohn Gatlin, that he committed thfvdeed. On beiug interrogated as to the cause and manner of Ihevhomiclde, he replied that the deceased had cursed him, whereupon Guilin wrenched oil a small iron door utmul six inches tquare, which coveieJ the ventiUtor, and struck the deceased on the head. The Acting Coroner, Thomas P. Walker, Esq , beiug ttoiitlcd of these tacts, eiupaundied a jury, who rendered a verdict iu accurdanen with | ael, find such etnpl the foregoing.,fact^-*Oufn»pt«i A *. I'undfHiwn.- ttly on oain tu be Au lustance of leuiale deVotTou to our^ {fieWSWj has been brought our notice worthy id ecord, and Abicb we believe has not hitherto been given to the public through ihecoluuuta-o*. tbe piv».• We are told opou the very beat au thority, that duriug ttifr late dgliT'Vetw^en Gens. Forrest aud fituith, at -Okalouu, Miss., the ladles that place uol only eucouruged our soldiers by their prayers, exhortations aud smiles, but duilug the light, cooked victuals aud predated refreshments lor them. Oue lady, desirous ol seeiug-what was going ou, brought out her eburu of milk upon the pavement, and while churning it, urged on the soldiers to the fight, idling them to come hack after it wus over uud regale themselves from her churn, finch a Bplrit tM.qnerublo.-— Appeal. of spies. Iu a bide pocket was carefully folded tt/oc eimile ul a hundred dbllar bill issued by the “Piaouttou Bank,’', aud good tor oue bottle * “Piauutiou Bitters.” It was probacy .on veulaement taken id he palmed us money . Dablgren upon some Igoorapi and nususpicious “w-v.-sin.iv.ri'r ' . 1 l/s^r Wttnm v uwov. Among the per so us preseut at ihe death of the late Bishop.Meade, of Va., was Geu. Lott The last words spoke by tbe celebrated divine were addressed to that distiuguisbed officer. We fiud them iu tbe Montgomery Advertiser, given by d correspondent. The Bishop re marked thus: “ For a considerable period I thought this war un unjust one, uud was for maintaining the Umou. But wheu I saw Iflucoln’s proclumu uwtt my eyes were opened, uud I saw uothiuk. reittiiic.d to the fiouth. hut the deepest degra ilaflmu or war to tbe bluet' end. fiiuce that lime I have doue all iu my power lor the Confeder -ale arms. But i cau do uo more. God culls aud f go at hie buiumous. Gsu. Lee, you engaged in a holy cutise—the cause of )iberiy t the cause of uuhoru millions. I see it now as I have never seen It before. You ure ul the head ot 4 uugbLy army, lu which millions look with untold anxiety aud hope. You are r Chnsliuu soldier. God thus far owus aud bless es you in your ellons for the cause ol the Sou I Trust iu God, Geu. Lee, “with all your heart, and placing bis palsied bauds ou (he Geuemi head, he added, in u mauqer uever to be lorgol ten by the bystanders,-“ you will never be ov.gr .euiut— you ctULiiy*jaJMtavitfCQffig~ — FitOM Texas and Mexico.—Thu New Or leuus True Delta, of the 23J Inst., bus late hews from Texas. It states that ou the morning the 14iU iost., ludiauola was evacuated by the Yankees. Jt was attempted on the 9th, but heavy north wind interfered with it, uud two transuorts—the Planter aud Warrior—were blowu ashore. The Delta says : With life troops, several Union families, prio elpaHy Geruiuus, leli, taking With them iu some instances the lumber ol their tenements. As they hud taken the oath of ullegien< e with the expectation that tbe army would remain, their beiug forced to leave their comfortable homes wue a great hardship. Gens. McCleroauil Dana did all they could to relieve them, a-> al-o Capl*; Goreuch and McComas. The troops under Gen. Fit* Henry Wat took the laud route, crossing the bayous pontoon ferries. Iuaolnsfso twenty-two u and two officers ot«lbu 09.h iodiaoa, Lieut. Uol. Perry commanding, two men ot tbe filh Michi gan buttery, and eight ol the 21 eugiueer (corps d'Alrique,) iu all thirty lour meu aud two Lories were drowned by the swamping of boats. The writer stales that'G^u. McUlernaud has gone down ibe coast to make a visit to Aransas Pass and Brownsvlllw There wasaisb later news from Mexico by the schooner Luther (Judds, which left Muiaiuorus on tbe evening of the ilh. From it we learo tbe following : The French fleet, heretofore reported off (be Rio Grande, bad uot arrived, but lulorffiuliou had been received Ijrom Havana that two war sieamers were expected out I root France, which would devote themselves to tbe securing that port lor the Mexican Empire. A land force wonld doubtless be sent to co-operate Secretary ol War. II. The Vico PVhsW fituies; tho meiuboi uud ol the soveiul fitjl other Uouledorate^ President or that fiiatet) may certify th per ttdmlnlsiruii m ^ govern iiiuuts, us tt»e j III. Every mluis^ preach according to I who, at the passaged lurly employed lu |itaR teiiat duties; supehutUj oi asylums ol tue dual,’ ! the iusaue ; oue oditprj lug.puhliched ul the^ n.aulhoriz •«! to • this ctiuicu, and I , shall bo regu- »of his miiiis- »ud physii-l ius fitd blind, aud or iui iiewsp.ipiM' be* Up passage of this, ^ editor miiy eur- ) to the ppbbea tlblio [inmei cu 141 ^ ■< OFF1CB UflOKGI A RKL1BP AND 1 * HOSPITAL AttflOCI ATION, > ^ >v . Ga., June BSd, 1803. f A mosseugur or thb Georgia Raildf’and Hospital AesocluUon.wlU loavo Atlanta on oi near (lie lOlU ol each mouth for Uitmibuippl, find will take charge ol all buxus aud packages lu- (elided lot thu Guorgia Hoops lu that State, and will carry i*ium to Some sale potui user the army aud de posit thorn, aud'uotily tho owners or deliver them ih Ihe owners, If practicable, tree ot charge. The noxee and packages must bu marked with tho uauies of the owners, then coiupauyaud rogimeuls, aud to ot the Georgia Keitel and Hospital Assbciu* lion, Allauta, Ga. The Association will uot-be re sponsible for llio dull very ol any box containing '-pi-ilsbablu articles, bucu as greuu vegetables, Ae. ikixea und packages will bo deposited at the Wayside Home, Allauta, Ga. w. 1^ 1'QTTKH, illwein General Kuperlntondeiit. fi'MHi Ji-L. No:-Br‘ J UTA «K UkAh^I I. WAYN«,OODKTY CT To all wUoui luT«»r rrtwurn : WHeF««, Wiley Knox, Admlnlstraihr noon the estate of Jos, Waln- wnght, late of said oouuly,-deceased, apullts for Loi • tersoi Hiamisulou (roiu tue administration oft tl «s|ate. . - t Therefore, the’kindled and creditor*of saldlc ceased are huihby ci (*d and udinoitjnhed to Me tho objections (If any they have) in my'otUre, in termac the law, otherwise Letters bh-mi saury will be gran cd the ui plicautal tbe dune term next oi Urn Goar of Ordinary lor said comity. .IAMBS lllunSMITU. ■ •»», Hepaty Ordinary. G EOIialA-OAMUKN-*i 7 OUNi Y.-Hy vlltUO ol au order of ibe Com l of Ordluury ol said Novemirer 2, 18IM. lersouLon, uaintal Sam, about sixiuou >eais properly of Kobt. H. Dow is lit of the heirs and credltora of sale cash. 9 Adhr February 8d, UKH. House dooi April ext, age; sold as i cease J, lorllio ue said decease.!. Tei WM. W. UOWILN, 1(. U. Do win lebll- UpVKKribKMBNT, | Savannah, April &ih, lfiU4. the Editor of the Morning News: But—'The editor ol ihe'Savuuuah Republican, bis article, “The Shoemakers Rimpaut,’’ appearlug this morutug, states “that the shoe makers, lu their curd ot last evening, have pot word lor the deuisl of the general charge of imposition oh the public, nor would It he of the lest service to them, if they did, because every man In the community knows how much he libs been a sufferer at their hands.” To this 1 mill reply, that ss well as the editor of the Repnbll. can, I know, and. I am sorry for it, that the people have suffered much, lor tbe waut of ebjpes—and have they not fell the waut aud the high price of cloibiug, of tood, und almost eve 1 rythlng else, prices of which have advaucod as much above former rales as the price ol shoes? But any aeoslhle mau will kuow that it Is not the shoemakers’ luult, though, us they am the ouly ones with whom the people have to deal in the ahoeTiue, they arc the ouly ones ac cused. Nevertheless, ll is not because a pair ol shoes cost $190, that the shoemaker t wbo made it is un extortioner. It remains to kno what the material aud makiug did cost him bearing iu mind lhat something mut t be allow ed him for the war luxes aud other expeuscs. Now, as for the specific charge ol having ask ed eighty Uve dollars for soljfg a pair of gaiters, I, for my purl, positIvely deuy It, mn| defy the editor of the Rrpifollcuii, or his* honest wit ness, or anybody, elstt, to prove ICr And If if l* Lwirtjf *hi* i|£neutqi aie guilty of the charge, they ure pothiug but luiserables, having misled tue lu geltluk tin to sigu a false documeul, which I houeslly thought to he true. Finally, us I am a foreiguer, J might not liu derslaud tbe Euglish language as well as ill dilur of the Rupuhllcao, hut 1 do not se where the shoemakers who signed the card at pledged to'not eburgu more thuu the price the speak of. They say that up to the present day they uever eburged more than twenty five to thirty dollars lor soling shoes or bools, but they do not say al all that they uever will charge more, should circumstances coin pc them to do so. ^ ll J. Mabhaht. ie Lonmin*r* inch. Jotiruei pVtUter stiall b*. SipblilfwIT Cuing UUSlUUbl day ol October, eigyk two, auU Uas couiluuei* uilermiooibn, siucir thj over the age ol lUWwW lor the last seven aud regular pruettw I the term pUysiotau sha| »U prestdeiits uud teactr cal semiuarlcs, |aesd** have beeu reguliDiy years uexi boio.e the < valid % that tue beueffisl exicud to Ihosq teaeuA compost'd of twenty- perlutehiieuts ol puull law belore the pussa v physiciaus aud uursei The Editor Ul/VBUT IHBMBNT.J OT *l“ Ihe Ssvsiiiisli Hepubil can Hlutuut Tbetnrprlse created by your article headed 'The Bhoemagers Rampant,” is uol exceeded by the ndofness exhibited in uusweriug the shoemakers' car'd, where, for some cause un kuown to us, yoa desire to wage a war J huneat and t nla * lt of uutU you were put iAto an office that quieted yonr fears and alarms, being iu dread that the same couscrlpt officers whom you so evidently cuiled to yonr help, might perchance pick you up oue of these mornings, to the great injury aud damage to .the good citizens of this city. Yftir ears being thus quieted, you turned against the Biate Executive, uutil alarmed lest you might he put lu the Home Guard, lor Stale defence, you uow -turn upon the shoemakers to make capital (or your paper, thereby creating au excliemeut to. cause its irupid sale. Thul dodge wqu’Ldo Mr. fiueed. You cannot breed mischief against us, uor are you so powerful to destroy us us you muy Imagine. We are taking notes ol your actiugs aud doings, und %e shall watch you to see whom you will uexi attack, or whom you will utlempt to write down. Now, I tell you plainly, that whenever I don’t waut to work lor you, us several dou’t, I will charge you just what I please to get rid pi a customer 1 dou’t .waut or care to do business .for. I slate that, for unc,J never worked lor the Editor ol the Re'publlcuni uud lherel'pre«tbe allusion does uot apply To me. It*. James Hocus. keudoui shall certify i bio to the proper a thereof. L IV. There shall bej overseer or •gncultui luiton upon'W.htah 1J upon he first dAy ol j bodied field bumfs, f aud liny, uphn thC_ This exguiUUffi : hkP in which therc is uol larip or piautailou, I vice* uor unless tbc f i wus, ou the fir • idr. d uudsikty manager, or ovt-rstJefl uo case shall moretll od l.ir uuu urui of jF .nail dint iKnnuto » 1 lednru.u tjtutu.olAI .villi i*u.‘U sBcuflty, ] Eecrnury ul W«Hj Hint bu wllldillvet 11 'rnllruud may he uoaiguid^J] wuliIn twelve mOd buudred pouuds fit the goveruuieut.Jj huuiired pounds fi iivered ou iootJJJ the farm or plum ages, whethetsaiu ix'uot; whschpuH shull be paid loi/ prices fixed by Ujf uuder ihu imprl wheu the pe^o<| saUsiuctory cVIdvi ble lojjfiiui. h lor,aud leavettiTtUl^ eu(^e ol tltoac iiVlfiJ the fiecretary pl j" liou of the sum thereof iu graifi Iivered by suefi lent iulea. 3. fiu| himself .to sell ‘ visions uud i muy raise In liou coutiu.ues. tfi lamilies of soidieh luissiouers of the f act : provided] Lhu j aloiesaiil, shall be { live petyeuL !fi« A he may (leWer wifl passage ol lhia> ll persons coming . \r cxemptiou sliull ; reusou of huVlug.t day ol F-ebiuary el four. 'f In additloi* to J ihe fiecretary 4 yl f thu “ othM iier»cx*.« betxdffiPMjffpn and to f‘ irovlsl t store, who was Biecary ou the tenth biHidrcd and sixty- Ud busmens, without fenou ; all pnysiciaus £, who uow are, uud ) beeu, in the actual fcheir prolessiou ; but K not iucIuUu i.uiiusis ; J jiOt colleges, Lheoiogl- uud scuools, who SlgeU us such lor two iSagu ol this uul : pro • inis exuiup.loo shall duly whoss schools Ucuis or more ; all uspituls esiublished by \ ol this act, uud such icrelu us sucu supenu » be indir.peiisu- fid efficient maiiugeuieiit exempt oue persou us Ist ou each farm or plau he are uow, and were Riuary last, fiitweu able- [a ecu the ages ol sixteen jliuwiug eouditious ; l. only .fie grained in cuotis >hite male adult ou the xir liable to military s«-r- jrsou elalmlug Uieexemp- day or Juuuary, eightevu Ur, either the owner aud [01 said pluututiou ; but m au one person be exempt- laututioii. 2. fiuch person loud, puyable to the Uou Verti u, iu such lot ui, uud Lid iu such peualty, us the itiy ptesenbe, coUiii.iom-il! IV the govcruuicn , ui some s' .other place or ’places as ly tne fiecretary ol War, bTheii next ciieuiug, oue [scon, or, ul the election of rquivaleut iu pork, und oue ei. heel (Said bee) to be Uu- euch able-bodied slave on Within the above said be worked lu the held bacon or polk ^uud beet |y' the government at the fiiumissioucis oi ihefitate it act: provided, that t^Xempieu shall pipilqce That it has been imposst- yseol proper diligcuce PJanr.thh^ coquacLcU pply lor the subsist- iarui or pluutaUou, "direct acoiumuta- . ^yteut ol two thirds ier provisions, to be de- us alorunuid, at cqiuva- iursoii shull lurther bind tarketable surplus ol pro f'fiu hand, und which he . lb ynur, while his exump- the government or to the it prices fixed by the com under the impressment any person, uxeiuplei’ (filled to a credit <d uVe amount ol meat wUieh Three mouths Irom the •t: “provided J tut her, that itbtu the provisions ol this jo; be deprived Ihcreol by •cti enrolled since the Ill'si jfilccu bundled uud sixty-^ [the foregoing exemptions, fur, uuder the directum ol , Yft , |RS„v W ¥. «“«•**'**. (IHA'I'Hin ii nl1 whom ll may vouceru: White Richard W. Aduuis Will apply at the Gourtot Or- ary lor Leliui-s iiisiiilssor> an Ailmtuisliatoi ou • smie o< Mary Ami k. It. Washliuru, late m Ghat Imui cou lily, uei-uikhiHl. Thetai are, therefore, to cl to and admonish all whom ll may couieiu, to tie amt appear iisioie mhu t 'uuil, iu make objection (It any They have) on or before tho (Trta Momlay in May next, utUerwme sum lettur* jvdi Ui MiranUHi. .Witness, Uuiulidik A. U’tUrue, Esu., Ordluurv “-^W^sgg :■>- mlavlioiB a muy cuncuru: Tlliam Huiitur Will apply av tUe Court of urumary lor Letters 'DiHmlasory hb Administrator ou ihe Estate ol George S. Harding. )”kul said couniy, deceased Thcsu are, iberoiore, to cite uud admonish all whom it may ctmeeru, to he uud appear beioru said i;ourt Ui make obJeciUm (if any thuy have) on or before the Ib Monday iu July* next, other wise said lottors will i»e- grauted. tv Huuss, Domiuick A O’Uyrue. Esq.. Ordinary foi Chatliam couuly, thisllth day ol Hi ccwoer, letMi. ‘ • ■liYhdS.’n. II. 0 NOTICE ALL persons having demuuus ug tlusi the i IV oi tbe late Henry ii. heieby tiutilled to pre.ent tl within the Miue pr«-scilhud i. # , debied to said estate are requested to make ale payment to E. W. Dk LKGA Ii, Exeeilto feblt) 1 .oil IN A si. Da I.UGaI,. Em CHAN&t Ok UCHl.uUU T* ilia > Frlrnds tf the' Soldiers - throughoiu the tonrederaej. QUARTERMASTER GBN’L’H DBP’T, 1 lUILItOAO L 1/tlKAL , '■ Riebmoud, Fub 'in, 1804. | ' Tho friends and relatives of soldiers 1n tint a tiny of Northern Virgiuiu are heieby nondou that nu wr* raiiguiuent has this day been elfecied wtto Uienonth eru Express company to cmry ail pukagus oi food aiid wearing apparel to RlchmouU, Vu. To secure ihe advantages thus obtained Urough iho Express Company, tue loliowliig lusihuctioiiH mud be obsei ved: Packages must not contain morff lhan one l.und.ed pounds, he well secured and phiudy marked, and suut st the expeuse of the shipper u> either of the Soldiers’ Relief Aesoclailou, wh.ch are located as follows : lu Noitb t’arolluu, at. i oluiubla; in Hum I Raleigh; iu South Caiollna. l Alalia ivhich t. I lie Age r.n lb., Fxpren espi.ci.iv.' us, Philip M. luissull will app y at the Court oi Or dinary tor Letters Dlsiulssory as Executor out the es tate of Anna Steadman, lute ol Chaiuuiu county, de ceased. these me, therefore, to cite aud admonish ail whom it uuy coucoru, to he aud appear heiore said Court, to make ohjecliou til uuy ihey have) ou or be ioru the llrst Monday iu July uoxt, otherwise said letters will bo grained Witness, Domiuick A. O’Uyrue, Esq., Ordiuary ol Chatham county, tills 4th da/ of January, Usi4. Juu6—* “ ‘ - - DuAllNiCK A ii’ttY R*N a UTATE OF (IKUItlilA, OUATI|Aill kj COUNTY —TO ail wUoiu it may ctiueuru: Whereas, loach I in R. fiaussy will apply at the Court of Ordtbuiy lor Letters Uismlsaory as Aduiiuistrstor ou the estate of Thomas tl. Joidau, lute ol Chatham county; deceased. These are, thureloru, to cite aud ailmouish all whom it uiuy concern, to be uud appear bnioiu said Court to make objection (it any they nave) ou or beloye tbe 1st Monday iu {September uoxt, otherwise said letters Will nu granted. Wituess, Domiuick A. O’Uyrue, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham couuty, this 3d day of March, idM. mur4 DOMINICK A- U uVUNa, O. C. C. SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD O N and alter fiunday, March Tkl, liklS, ihu I'oluih, bus Mall aud Passougur Train will tun us loi- lows: BRWilM naodH t Lea vo Macon at Arrive at Coiumhus at H-mi r. m Leave Colnmhus at lJ ‘j 0 “J. Arrive at Macou at.... • • ' k - r,,J * • lV SHTWSKN MAOoH AMD OUATTAHOOUUHK. Leave Macou. »•••}•*' £• S' Arrive at Chattahoochoe 4.36 r. M. Leave Chaltaiioochue T.tid A. ol. Arrive al Macou b.ai l. Al The Mail aud Passunvur nect daily at cimllbVlUe. No, Fort Galudu daily ‘ Mall Train. Leave fimlthvillo kj ... Arrive at Alliuiry at.... Leave Albany al Arrive at fimithvillu at »'• Leave CuUiburl at Arrive at Fort Gaines at • 4. i/Oave Fort Games al ‘ arrive at Cuthbui t at. **. Making tho couDection with t he up tn 1 di UboochuH Mall Train. Trams Irom Albany «u. Ibtt W. R. R., anil (Jut*fieri, with ChaUahoocUoc ....12.3U P. Al. .... M.CKI P h.bu A COUNTY.—To all whom it may coucoi _ . as, Waring Russell will apply at the Court oi oi dimit y n»r Lctturs oi adnunistratlou ou the os- tuieol Edwiu W. it win, lulu ol Chuihuia couuly, deceased. Thesu are, therefore, to cite aud adinoulsb all wnom it may concern, lo bo aud appu.ii bulote sum coatL u makeobjectiou (ll any thuy have) on or b.doio tin litsl Mohi'.uy iu April next, otherwise salil lettme wnl on grnuted. Witunss, Dominick A. o’Uy.nu, Esq , Ordinary for Cnuthum i minty, this lbih day oi February, ihi»4. fobvu DOMINICK A. O’BYRNn.. O. C. O. S i d i u oif likOKULt, oia<» iu.tm COUNT’S .—To all whom it may concern ; VViieiu- us, William Humor will apply ut tho Coart oi Ordluury. lor Loiters of Adiuinlslrution on thu Estals oi Johu uostoii, Ihh; ul uhutluim couuly, deceased. These are, M.horeforu, Lu Ciiu uud aiimmiisn uli whom it may ebucotn, lo be aud apjaiar i/efore .^uid Court to make ohjuciimi (11 uuy they have) on or be lore the first Monday lu April uext, olboiwlrt aani letters will fie grtfntod. > WiLeeifiu Dumlmuk A. u'Myrjie,Esq.,Ordinaryl. i.'liatiiuhi Couuty, this 146th day ot Fehr .leiwO the Night train* Irom Augusta and Savannah to avoid aatanUOu al Mason. For Co;ambus lake the Dav Train. B VIRGIL l-OWKHfi, Engineer auu fiuptfriutniidtim.. Macon, March 23d, 181*3.uurU ty, mis 116th day ot February, 1834. DOMUHCit A. O'HYRWK. u i;.i '. By exempt or detail auefi [a uiuv be satisfied-Otigbl to fetoriit fif*'T»uxntu'Artscptrii'y, Notice. OFFICE SOUTHERN TELEGRAPH (JO’S., ( U cbmond, March 24th, 1804. ) The stockholders of the Washington B^JST^aud Now Orlean-, Ricbmjnd,Charlottes ville and Staunton, Lynchburg and Afiingdou, aud East Tennessee Telegraph Companies, are hereby notified that the five per cent, tax levied by the law passed 17th February, 1804, on tb.; valued all shares held in telegraph or other companies, will fie paid by tbe undersigned at this office, and they will there fore omit the stock hold in any of these companies, in their lists to asses-ors. B. McCarthy, Auditor, Sooth am Telegraph Companies. mar8Q—2awJuoel ullsrCfi t«U such overseers. In fie satisfied wjll In the pursul s of tary service: prt shall cease wfit overseer shull {i faith, his own sively iu li e j ions, to be soi laiuilies of sot those fixed at ' commissioner! men! uci. lUautoa held ly resolved that Treasurer, ar» of the.Mine, titockhold-rs. lust., I will be marS8—2_ Pay Your Taxes until the of April at the c third cents, or iu them ^ By order oMjuqni maal2—tAp2 production ol grain ■.the lftUll*«eo«y t exemptions or da- tiA fiq way prescrlbu^to BEWT tfriculiure than in the tnili that such cxeiuptioriH pCvr the farmer, pluuter or iVigently lo employ, in good capital and labor evclu Uioti of i'1'aiu and provis- thu governim-.nl and the at prices not exceeding a for like articles by the ’Stale uuder tbe impress- ng Company. ig of the otockuoldeis i lust., it was uijUuimpiiB- t now in the hands of tin: „„ -isaleuf cerlaln property Lullntcd pro rata among thu lelijfglvc not f todnirifiute. . N. LEWIS, Treasurer. without that .i “will cy ol this date |or Ut and.alter the 1st thirty-ihrte-and-ouo currency.” JWARD G. WiLbON, City Treasun r. AtDiiUr mo *.ulf ItsilroAii. Fodder for Sale. A LOT of Fodder, now in *tore next lo our of fice, suitable for Cows. :■ qpifi—8'. HByRY MEINHARD BRO- New lasie. rnWIKKUNO ST All S (»<mg) w The Vacant Chair (Song).’:........--- - - ] 5H Make Me No. Gaudy Cbaulet (Bong)^. J JO Napolltaiue, I am ureaining of T bee (Hong).>. 1 6U Bingeu on the Rhine ? w noalli O N an4l 1864, tbs exceraod,) as Cfillc Leave huvHunah at.L Arrive .at Tliomaavil Leave TbomanvlDef Arrive At fiavannaO Connecting at * West) onr " a line of c Expeditious Rout* is Tiiomaavijic. Us,, H., Lake (ll), J sud Tallalias- IVIorldn. Monday. 16ih Feb., Xleave and rnn eulty (Sundays 8 TATU OF NlliOHUU, (JIlAllUill COUNTY.— To all whom It may ooucfiu : Where as, George A. Cuylur will Apply ut the Court oi Ordinary for l*uUers Dlsiulssory as Admiulstraior on >Uu ustuiu of fi. Ureck I'urkmau, lute of suid’couuly, lIllQCUHUll, These ure, therefore, to cite and admonish all wlion. it.may concern, to fie aud appear fieloru said Court U make objection (if anjg. tfiuy have) ou Or ilulore (hi first Monday lu October uext, otnerwimf said let ters will liegrauted. Wituess, Dominick A. O’Uyrue, Bsij., Ordiuary lo. ClmLliiini county, this 17th day of March, 1804. marlll DOMINICK A.,O’HYRNK. o. o.'o. . rwm as, buiithey A. Htafioril and Asa A. Uuruey will ap ply at tbe Court oi ordinary for Letters of Admin istration on tfie estate ol Robert bludord, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonlBh all whom It may concern, to he and appear before said court t* make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be granted. ‘ Witness,‘fi. J. Gorton, Esq., Ordinary for Glynu county, this 30th day of Marcu, 1864. • —*mK ok «- rjn _ r.—Whureas, Geo. Lamr EUzab-LU Ii H |ilrlns jr> 11' ( IfT* ■eli trust. ' . its Is fburelorl*, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, lo snow cau**e, if any they cuu, why said Executors should not he discharged from ilit-ir uxucu orshipou the first Monday iu Uc •bur, 1864. M. A*. CRAW FORD, mania , Ordlimrjp (l Whereas, N. H. Ward, Guardian of MHrgUrel E. Wright, represents to tlio < ourt that nu has Hilly suttn d witli his ward, she baviug attained her ma jority. This is, therefore, toche all persons c lucerued, kiuured and crediu.fr, to show cruse, if auy they can, a lly hiiu Gun elan should uot be dlsc-hargi-d on llie first Monday lu October, P'64 '* ‘ CRAWFORD, Ordinary. Whereas, N. .1. aud C. J. Patterson, Kxucutofs ol N. .1. PntLcrsou, deceased, represent lo the Uouri, in tbeir pel itioii, duly filed and (Mitered on rucor-i, Him they have udimuisured N<Pattersou’s esute. 'i'his is, therefore, to cite ail persons concerned, kiuurud and creditors, to show i tuise, it uny^they can, why spid executors should not be discharged Irom ihelr i xecuturr hip, and receive lu (• is of dis mission ou the llrni MopUuy lu august, fM*4. le *11 M. A. cnAWKOUl),«•reiiiHry. utioiiua H r A tk o F COUNTY.—To all wl Whereas, II. M btafioru nppii guardianship ol the persons and inoperly i Marion aud Joseiih Wigglu - ft«j’ 4* L V IN N y concern : VraiVfs bltidtmi, minor heirs of Ihejestnte of Robcil blaUord, late of Giyuu on i- ty, di i ied. Tlu-ae are, therefore, to cite aud ndmouish all and singular thu kindred and creditonf ol a|Jd deceased, io be aud apiniar ut iny olfice, wiihiuTue litne prescribed by law, und show cause, (if auy they iiave) why Letters should not issue to the applicant. Given uuder my uunu audoiUcial signsture this February idth K 18(4 b. J.Gi.iU’ON, feblb Ordinary. S tatic of «kokgia-wayne(bounty. un the first Tuesday lu anril next will be sold ul the < ourt House door in *aid county, witblu the luwlui hours ol sale, one hundred a< res of Uud, purl ot loi uuiuber.nu.eiy one, iu the second district, ol said cou-ily. bold us th-r property of James li. Lew is, d. ceased, lor the heiictti of the quire uud credi- t..rs of said deceased. Teimscash, This February 17th, 186-i. JaMEoM McCCOL, Adm'r. (i uuu LET i'ICI V LEW lb, Adoi’x. toZbeit Bingen on the Rhine. The DViugCb 13.*.4.. Warbling* *t Eve Beauregard Bongster.. Just pablishoo. aprl—8 JOHN C, 8CHRELNER M SON. Onunectlug a of ooaches U» connect wP‘ Freight^., day* and Friday Thursdays and t N. B.T)oahle ill arUcle# slxl by Passenger 1 pot at least on< train, febld a (RoM6,) daily wltb a llna df ii(No;lD With a diJlyUn* Savannah Mondays, Wednes A, 1L; rotnming ou 'Pnasdaye, ^ufwun'wtljibe r.b«ij6don ijr Pm«w« Tnln. rretaM itooJd ha dallveroil at the I»- * the starting tine of the ■ PULTON,’ Superintendent. ibe estate of James PopwoJL deceased, applies to tbe umleralgned for totters Dismissory from bis adminietratton. Therefore alt persons concerned are herehy requir ed io show caused! any they have) why said admiu- istraror, on tbe first Monday lu beptember next,, should not be diaebarged. - c ";'iGiven under my hand and seal this Feb. 17ih, 1864. ——— —JAMES HIQUrtMITB, - (UWub: OF MlHEIHILK ON GEORGIA KA1LROA.U - GEORGIA RAlLRu aL», t Augusta, July a4, Ibi.i, | O N and after Sunday. July *Wth, Buuday Du» i’ran resumed on main Itn. also Trains on Aim ut and Washingum Brauenos will :un to .oynnaci unit furtbur noiico. LB A VI Atlanta. 6 10 a. a. Atlunla... - ..1.16 r. n Augusta *i. AugUstu. . . i ‘»'a • Atlanta * b.ir4t.u. 'Atlanta *.u& a. a. Trains connecting wltn Wasniugiou ami Atlion Branches luuvo Auausta utfi.lb A. M , and aiIhudi a ti.lU A. M. Nocouuwcuuii Willi VN uiiuuiun ou out Beialr Tram leaves Augusta 6.io T. M. GEO. YONufi, bup't. day. U JFW OQLETHDhPE INSURANCE UJ.. ok saVannau. Capital, oue IUIIIIoh Dollars. *. DUUtUTOlW. * Noble A. Hardee, William lluuter, A ». Hurtiidge, James VV. Lninrop, Charles b. Hunieb, James McHuuiy, Johu L. VilluloDga. 7’hls Company is prepared lo insure all duscrlp lious ol jiroperty against loss or damogu by lire and H.u perils ol iuluaii navigation and traiispuriaiioii ou usual terms. Olfice, lor ihe present, 118 Buy ntruet, upstairs. JAMEb MoUENitY, Fresuieut. John T. ’Cpomab, becretary. jagj* charge of ilium and ship dully by HouL. ('mnpai.y tu the proper Agems oi tli biule.- hi Richmond, who will hug tlnmi to i hu proper individual owners. 'I o mrd the .wishes of the soldier 1 ), anfi to give them u c. italn uud speedy c^mintinu anon wiui v I'laa.fi^sged < o in Ofdur that no obstacle may occur to tlu <dr.ce?s*Mi hfidublu an enterprise, ihe^uverAl r itlriMit co.. panics ure hereby reqatfsteiT to' rentier' G. i Kxpresa^ Company such facilitios as Will enable It to math this arrangement u • ompl -to success. As Ihu Southern Express Company ft« times all re sponsibility pf rite trausportailou ol tli. se packages, tue Relief Associaltons are requested to withdraw tUelf Agents who have hen tolonipcted as travelling uiussi ugurs. If the Relief Ansurlatiou* will ea: \h* Usli Hgeuciew iu the n ar i f‘otiiur uriuies, they may enjoy the same privileges hereby secured to the m- inyol Northern Virginia. F. W. filMS, Lieuteuant Colonel and Quurterm rati r. Approved. A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster General. OFFICE 8-UTHEliN EYRREfi CO., I AugiiLlH, Ga , Feb. 'JO, 1361. I The Southern Express Company hereby uotily the friends ami relatives of soldiers in the army of North oiu Virginia and elsewhere, lliat they are prepared to carry out arrangements as an uou need in the ftbpye ofilclal uotico, aud that they will do dll in their power to fulfill its requirement.-,. JAMES SHUTBH, Superintendent and Acting President niarlO—lm Southern Express 140 Days Furlou«ii AND $210 REWARD. IiEA DQ*R8 680 GA REGIM ENT. I iti ry, March .4,18'4. f No. 43. 1 V Twenty days’ luriou'jh and a reward or $' 0 will fie given for the apprehension and delivery OLtbis Bat tery of each of the following named privates, mi sorters from 111 s Regiment: 1. W. I). AM All AN, Co, ll 80 years oi age, 5 feet 9 inches high, durlc complexion, buzel ey.-s, black hair, born in Hanover, Germany; by occupa ion a butcher. a. JUIIN II. CAUDLE, Co. C, 32 years of age, 0 feet 2 inches likli, dirk complexion, hate) eyes, black hair, resides in Campbell county, Ga. 3 J. VV. DODDS, L'b. C,32 years ul ag**, 5 feet 9 inches high, l!) r complexiqn, blue eyes, dark hair; residoucii iu Milton county, i*a. а. J. it, BUCKE rT, ro. I, -.H years <d sgu, G feet ,7 inches high, light complexion, blue eyes, brown hub; by occupations Idrmur; horn lu Paulding coun ty, nu.; deserted January 10, 1861; supposed to bo near Dallas, Paulding county, (•»«. f) WARREN DUMINY, t o F, 18 years of age, 5 feu! 6 iiicheshigli, fair complexion, hazel eyes,brown hair, burn In Irwin county, Gu. ,7Jy” occupation afar j iuur; deserted NoveiAbor .3; supposed to be in Irwlu couuty, Ga. б. JAMES PAULK, Co. F, 3(. , 9 or age, B feet 6 inches high,-fair complexion, hnzorcyes, light hair, born in Irwin couuty, Ga ; by occupation a funner; deserted December 17,1663; supposed to bo iu 'rwRg couuty, Oil. 7. J. WATSON, Co. F, ):» years of age. li fovl 9 Riches high, dark complexion, grov « yes, dark hail, born in Irwlu county, Ga ; farmer by occupation; da- sorted January 22, 1864; supposed to bo in Irwit; conn, ty, Ga. By order of GEO. R. BLA^CK," % Lieutenant Colonel Comtnauo ng.‘ John L. Hammond, Acting Aojutant eucement of the new voiuuia m January, isfit, In ill be able to double the projairliuiis ul hlu sheet. whRh will make iL the same size ol 'iLnu latu« N»K s' National Register, containing sixteen quario ages. Tue plau aud purpose 01 the Tue Guuulryiu • are similar to th ine of Niles’ Register, exedpt . ui t blends literary uud . iscellaunouc Uepauuuutr vvlui apolitical department- A new and uuraciive feature will la^ added to our journal—and that is a coustaut, uunnnluiiig n orous dufom eol our luriuure, plante duteri againsl ihespaitj- of t alumi.y aiiot-d by those who dem»uiu,y liiem as vile uxl* who are lo be “cured ol tmtli diAUAi.TauisT INKHH AND MXANNfciSB." The planting Intel have onk organ to defend them against ihe which are heupud ilpo . them by an many 1 thin Eauruion, Ga from town, aud i* emphatically hi: motto 1“ “Judetieudi-iil 111 Ever) Nothing’’—It is a complete cycioju ryol theTimes—ihe War News (ri —block-raising -Field bports - W dote—Tales—l'hiIpsopii r -■*■. prult» lightened Religion an opposed Lo £ try—Politic ' ‘ 1 Turuwoii: “fitly pa pc o In tits c rial . Literal uie (ii that 1 au umusi . reader—all put up in • i - Mo al Mist UllUil it handling, ut ihu low pi WRl the |ju er. cy as a .11 Address declo—tf Willi llie late a publisher ol 'i m uai wiU 1 ovenhniL In ico of $10 (. ni lo 1 hee.l L'ouuiryiut J A TURNER, M. J. SolOUIOUM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, MAV B'i'O hTtl.'i, (Office formerly occupied by Mmsra. o. Cohen Sc Co.) fMTaollClU Cousignmnuis of Plroduceand Mer ohaudlza. OSNABURGS, B V TUB PIKOK OH H U.E. ll. * R. f> I VI’I. IIOP mtiTkVIT IlKttKOIA, u ’ A y.S B COV m!'H SSntSVh"wpBSstt •» “ rm ““ °‘. thi> fuiirt ol urdui.ry (ut IOBHM1TH. November 3,1668. Deputy Ordloarj. CO RN:'SACKS! Two Bushel, JSJ ABU n Oi. I.T nATTKUY, v March o, 1864.) NPFC'IAL ORDJEKN, I No. 47. I * a reward of thirty dollars will be pa l for tbe apprehension and delivery at tnli But- lery ol each ui the iollowniR named privatefcV de serters from Company li.. of this rt< giment: 1. Private JOHN A l»A Mb, 36 years, light com plos ion, gray e,es, dark hair, d feet high; burn in Ware couniy Ga.; a larmer i>y occupation. EuilsU-il at Thunder jolt Buttery fi'pt» in oi-i ;3d, by Col. George A. Guidon; iRborle.t Deiv hiber 2lst, J.‘U3. fillpposul to be i t Coffee county. v,. Private A. J. DAVlci, 27 years oi age, fair com plexion, blue ej us, light biur, 6 l« et h iiu lies ligi; liorn iu Darlington Dmlritl^ (’ ; a farmer by i ccu,- pallon. knlisred at Thunderbolt Batuny Apii; j7, )K6i, by Col. G. A. Gordoi ; deserted .January 16 h, lb* 4. bupposed to be iu South L'aroli .a. 3. PnvuteH. II TlfinN. 2n years oPagi, dark coni- pli-xiou.dark hair, 6 feet high; horn in C( tl .e c un- ty, uu.; larmer by occupa.tun. Eulittui at Thuu- iferboii Battery Juue 16. ibfi.J. by Col. Geo. a. Gur- dou; deserted necembi r 21, I81.H. buj pored to 1 e '.u Culleecounty, Ga. Bi order ul GEORGE R. BLACK. -Lnut. cot. CouiU’g. QRKAT tiOllTHKRN lllillMli CO. Capital—Two and a Half Million Dollars fllUIS Company has beeu orgaiii'xcd by e.tction J. Directors as follows' ATLANTA. James Ormond, W. F Herring, A. W. Jones, E. Root, AUWUHTA. T.S. Metcalf, D. L. Adame, \ James Brown, . W. J, OweuSvl I B 8. Duniiar, MACON. W. B. Johnston. J. A. Ralston, •John L. Jones. Isaac bcott. SAVANNAH. O B Lamar, j Andrew Low, Utar'lraGrcon, iniWam Duiwreby, Dwteht LathK*p. W. l». JOHNSTON, 1 resident. CHARLES DAY, Secretary. The undersigned Uas been appointed Agent lor Savannah and the low country ol Georgia, aud lb prepared to take risks against ^ J. B. Lockhart, OOLUM.UU8 W. H. Young, J. F. Bozeman, Daniel Grillln, D. Adams, D. F. Wilcox, nn27—lv the ueua .J.-iMho MoUENitY, 11H Bhv street, tin -t:'.ir°. D. Sr B. LATH HOP, 1411 t’ojj*nss fireot. Soap and Candles. C /V BOXES Griswoldsvllle Family Soap DU 9fi boxes Macon Soap Wu »oAa»oaa<. SGIITUKIWI pfiBIWB. TUB iCONFBDKBiTE BONNET FKAME FAC- TOK5T, W HICH has teen established by a disablta sol dier, is uow ready to furnish BON Nat and — aTi BHAPEB, of the latest «nd mc»pt approvn* tbe Abutnotice. C* Bssns&i H.CB1MBACO. N Min o-4 Colored Melton Uloths, for toffisa O ^ Jwrnrw?. Cloak., Zouav.., Ac., JortW | ,D»WITT A 110K0AN.