Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, May 12, 1864, Image 1

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w f rfr ;v''«i5rwv"-<:-.’^v ■■<• • 1 *••*-. ■ -i^ur VOL. XV. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING MAY 12. I8di. NO. )1 ifiulij ^lovninf) |U.u’! BY THEODORE BLOIS Will. T. THOMPMilN, tifflTOrt. mil., 'I UK JiVHNlAM MsW'S. DAILY PAPER. Six 72 on Ilia fli OO 'liiroe Moiillia B DO One Jlonlli J DO TKI-WKEKLY PAPER. Six .Uoutlm ■ $& DO liirei .t|oinus 6 DO WEKKI.V PAPKR. SI* lUo.ilhs DO advertising. per equate oi rics unsa «>r mss, oi space oec ipieu by that many liu«s« oi h ivertisiug type, TWO DUL Lars i I lllS'.'l $10 Do Dii! 1 tt-lo Notice to Demurs and creditors Leave to Sell heal KoU»t<: and Negroes, pm Bd'iu wiles. Estate and Negroe®, UM square rate . i Perishable Property, $2 pet a< ♦ a«1i insertion. i*T Aover.liemenU nol mark-d *»tn btr oi iheeriiuue ueslred, M urue.-eU.out by *t>ove. I * OD io Do 15* DO 1 « OO i advertiser. and t barged a »l,l US VVIMtU, The highest market price, either iu urouvy ■libteription, will be p»id lot clean collou ioeu rags, white or colored, delivered at Morning News olllce, 3av .numb ‘ I HUE 3D AY' aUBNINQ. MAY 12. 18ii* 1BLEGRAPHIC. up the press ab&qciatiun i -i thrasher, in the Clerk'* offi< {jut’tici Court t*r' th Confederate citates for the ■T.rrhein District of ifeorQ FHOM VIRGINIA. Capture of Confederate foiuiulssur) Fiores by the Kuemy. ALi- ACCOUNTS FROM NOl'HBKN V1R- uinia favorable ' R ctiMOND, Nla> 10. — Notblug bus beau re ctived irom General Lee since Mouday night. I be Y„rkre cuvalry made a raid-on ihe Cen tral Railroad at Beavci God, last light, uud cap. tured end destroyed iwo tralu& loadeu with commDsary stores The enemy, who 8'ill remain iu force in Ches terfield county, renewed the attack ou our forces defending the railroad to-duy. At IrtHt accounts the enemy was repulsed. All reports from Northern Virglulaare luvor able. The country between the Ruppahaiinoek and the Poiotuacls swarmlog with Yankee deserters and stragglers Heavy firing U heard In the direction of Spotf 1 eylvauia Court Hnnso to-day. Killed and IVuundsd. [Special to Macon Telegraph.] Change C. H., M.»y 7.—1). E Blount: 1 aiu wounded in the left arm. Lieut. Walker,slight ly in btp. Li ut. Rutherford, supposed killed. Li.uienaut Colonel Carter, killed. Captain Munch, Cq A, H'.lcd; Lieut Riddle, slightly wounded. Li'ntenant Colonel Hardeman, ol the 12th, eufe iLG morning. CxPr. G iiison. Col. R W. Folsom, of the Htb Georgli, win- killed on thefi’h—a gllont youth of Uue puraon aud noble spirit. His Dieulenant Colonel i* also reported wounded. Cupt. J. Fi. Weeks, of Talbotton, Co. A, *4.b Georgia, wm killed -»o tbu SLh. Cuptuin i.ewls Munch, Orcshum Rides,Macon, 45th Georgia regiment, Wus killed—a most gal laut muu. [Special to Coiambu* Times.] Field near Change (\ H., May 5 —Auoihei severe battle has closed to-uighl. Hilled in the 81st Gu.. Capl. J. T. Johnson, W T iluckuh) and J. M. Potednle. Forty-ciJt wounded fntcrcitlzig from Dalton. [.Special to the Augusta Chronicle & Scnlinei.] Dalton, May 9, 3 p m — Skirmishing com ■ racueed early this morning on the Cl M Vi:luud rood, on the right. The iOlL Confederate cav ulry charged tbo enemy, who, being In ambush, killed and wounded thirty of our men Gen Wheeler’s escort then drove tbu enemy back, with our loss avenged The jcuumy also advanced oflt leit centre and were repulsed. A column of cavuiry ad vanced toward R ?iaca this morning, and were repulsed four miles The other side by Grigby’s gallant brigade A column of infuutry is re ported marching towards Rome. The enemy's manoeuvres so far are complicated and dccep live. A demonstration In our rear is supposed to cover an assault in front. The Pl7mouih §A?rAiK.—The New York Herald oi tne 26lb, devotes a long editorial ar ticle to the Pljmonth affiir, which it says, ull thiugs considered, is "u more mortifying ml-,- fortnue than the dlsatler in Florida. The Herald thinks the “rebela’' m-.au to compel the avacuallon of North Carolina, so as to remove the menace of raids upon their liues oi com ran location, and also to obtain produce for the support oi Loe'a army. The Distances in Virginia —The following distances may be acceptable iu usststing to uu derrtand the operations near the Kapldun • From Orange C. H. to Fredericksburg is lorty-one miles. The road croc-ses no river. Proceediug from Orange C. H., we come, at ten miles, to VerdlersVille; leu miles further briug us to Par kei’s stori, six miles lurther to Wilderness; five miles further to (Jbancellorsville, leu miles more to Fredericksburg. No Negotiation.—Iu the Federal Congress, while the House liad under consideration th u hill providing a republican government lor the States nanrpedand overthrown by the rebellion, Mr. Norton, of Illinois, said The war wna to be ended not by negotiation, but by bard lighting, aud nothing else, lie nev er would let the rebellious States come back unless they knocked at our doors with free con stitutions In their bund*. Here we have the terms dlsiluctly , 'uiadtt known, and the supporters ol recousti uclloti can shape their course accordingly. Flag of TkUCe.—By Yuukee hag ol truce boat three hundred and seventy-five Confeder ate prisoners arrived at City Point ou Wednes day nlgnt. Fifty of these were officers. t We understand that Hod. Herschel V John son is detained st home by sickness iu his family, and probably will be unable to lake bis seal In the Senate for some time to come. Our lndlnu Allies. The Southern Slates, irorn ihe first settlement, of thh comment by Europeans, have U und, iu mauy casrs, tallhlul friends and allies iu the Indians Deceived by foreign emissaries, som« ol the. tribes often aittmpu-d war or treachery, but others have ever been uue uud luiihlul U> their siipulatuma as the once great nutlou of the ••Cal. wbuwhich will coou ouly exist as a name *1 be Richmond Enquirer gives extracts from private letters showing that our lute sue. cesses ’'over the river” have b,eu enlarged by ihe etlorls of our ludiau ullies : First Indian Hhiuade, Camp Lonustheet, [ t uoitaw Nation, March SO, 1804 ] » * “It Id lepoiteil thul u hea vy force of the euetuy irotu fort Smith Is on the march to clear tint the ludiqu Nations ; It probably numbers leu reguneuis, or tour or dve thoustiiul meu. So you M'O we are likely io have some lun >oon. Suud W title now cotu- uiauds the First Indiuu brigade, m In fine spir its, tub ol confidence, and anxious to meet the eucruy. Look out lor alining uewa from lu auiither letter ol la'er date this wilier ►a)* “ ‘We huve tuet the eutiny aud they are ours,’ that la, wtml is left ol them. Old Stand, with a porltou of his brigade, “ailacked a force of the enemy, 1LOO strong, thirty miles from Bogey l), poi lie fought them uulll dark, and latieMicd sevetal uules, having the Youkeet lu lull possession of the buttle field, uud under the pleo*u(U delusion that Staud Wane was w hip- i)i d— but Watte out Yuukced them this time.— iu the still hours of the night, when the ‘Turk wuudicamiug ol the hour,’Stand Walle und hls cut-throats, u» the Yankees uucburituhly call ii**, leli upon the slumbering Yankees nud scat tered them to ihe lour winds. We captured six hundred horses and equipments, bundled* ol aud lilerully smasued them 'into a cocked hat ' Inis doubt but this force, so roughly bundled b> S uud Waite, wus u pan ol Thayer’s colutnu From ihe awumps ol Florida io the praiiies ol the Indian country, our successes ruu unbroken. oar Indian allies, under Blaud Wane aud otuers, who huve never wavered lu the dutkesi hours ol oursiiugg c, who h ive sar r.deed their ail to the great tause ol Hour hern liber y. will cvi r lu* g i ale fully remembered by the people ol the Confederate iiiuiub Anolliel^lDuy ol mcltenieul Pslsrs* Imrg Supposed lo be tlueutoiii-tl. Yeatuiday dawned upou Piuetaburg with a cloudless sky, uud u luuhl deltghnui teru|miu- lure. Everyuody seemed pleased with the iu- lormutiou conveyed from our uriules by the morning papers, and spoke hopefully us to the results ol the impending coutesi. I he sircetw were thronged with Udiei, uud gaily Uniformed tdficpis d. si.ed about as usual ou their spirited steeds. I bus matters smoothly and pleasantly progress d until about eleven o'clock, when u suddeu ebunge cauie over me whole luce ol the city. lufoiTu.tiiou was received at headquarters that aluige. tteel of transports, couvoyed by Yuukee gnu boats, wus usceuding .lames Kivei, uud that the entireilolllla, wus not u great dts tuuee below CUy Point. Ueu. Pickett iiuuic diately directed Col. F. li. Aichor, coiuiuaud mg the rt'aie forces, to older out his meu, uud .his was the sigual for cousideraule cxclleineul, which iusiuuiuueuubly eusGed. This exctle me.nl wus greatly euhauced by the ringing of the Courthouse bell, uud ihis wus soon billow ed by the niigtug ol all the other hells iu the city, which startled the quiet dauiZous ol our low u, Iroiu Its cell lie lo Its remolest limits — Uur gallant militia quickly respouded to tin* summons, uud in the cuuisc ol threl; or tour hour®, mole thau one thousand of our sturdy sous were ut the place ol icudeEVous “truied uud tquijiped as the luw directs.” All the vet eruiiH of the service arouud Petersburg, includ ing lulautry, uillilery aud caVulry^ hud q nekiy put tnemseive's iu rCndtuens uud moved oil lo their respective places ol dcaliualiou Matins uow assumed uu air ol calm repose, quite the opposite ol 'hut which existed uu uour or two previous, uu.l every tuuu wore a conn cuuuce ol deiciiuiued, stern resolve, lo conquer m die, ti they should be brought in coit'uct wllli the loo. lJ|i to the hour ol this writing, we have been unable lo usccrtaiu the ex tet lorco of the ene ury oil .Julius River, nut ihere is uoqucsliou, lh;ii u very large number ol the enemy's truus- poits u.-eemled the River yesterday, us h.gh up us li iirisou’n Ltudiug, uud suverul a hilly this side. IN e have positive Information that they lauded u ibousuud or more meu at Wilcox’s wharf, ou the Mirth side ol the Jame*, in Charles City county. Others, of course, will or have already, landed either ut Wilcox’s or higher up. li was reported last eyouiug, that they bud also lauded a force ou ihe Bourn side ol the river, below Lilly Poiut. Itns, however, is mere rumor, uud us such we gtvuji. We heard ubo lust eVeuing, Ihul two ol the eue uiy’s iron-clads, ol the Mouitor build, had pass cd City Point, uud proceeded lu Ihe dir. etiou ol Fori Doling, us the Yankees persist, iu cuTl- iug Diewiy'o Biufi. This, ,we thtuk douhllul. They have a holy honor ol torpedoes, aud they have already had u taste of these submarine destructive:, hi the v. ry locality where rumor us.igns thin biace ol Yankee non u.uds. We Ihilik there io uu louger u dwubt that the enemy lu.ends, li possible, to move u beuvy colurnu up the Peaiitsuia, to co-nperuie with, aud, if pot-Blbie, ulluck simuiianeoudy with Grant or Mcude, iu the Fredericksburg dlrec- nou. it may be ihuLhe will also endeavor to move u colurnu up the south o.de ol ibe James, and l ip the ruilroud ul some poiut, art us to cut oil supplier un i remlorcemeuis from Richmond. We think, also, thul it is uow quite evideui the enemy bus snipped every lortiUcatlou iu the Bomb to procure material for there eoluuiua.— With all their rc lcence, ih.s luct they have bcuu unable to conceal! Petersburg Express of Eriiluy, i he Penalty of Hahuuking Desehtekh — j\i many peroohn are not aware of the peuulty laid down lor harboring deserters from theCou- lederate service, the followingsr.ctiou passed by Ibe Congress, io published for gcuerul iutormu- tlou " The (Jongress of the Confederate Blales of America do enact, That every pursou uot sub ject to ihe rules uud unifies o! war, who shall procure or entice a soldier, or purs u enrolled for service, in the army of ihe Confederate Blares, to desert, or who shall uld or assist uuy deserter irom the lirmy, or any person parol led lor service, to evade their proper commanders, or .o prevent their arreu io he returned lo the serr.ee, or who shall knowingly conceal or hur bor soy such der.erien>, or shall pur. uusu from any soldier or person eurolled lor service auy portion of bis arnir, equipment.-, rations, or clothing, or auy property beiouglug to the Cou reamuLc H »i or uuy ntilcer or solder ol ihe Confederal*: Biules, nhuli upou couvictlou be fore the District (Joint of the Confederate Biates having Jurisdiction of thu oflence, bu lined not exceeding one thousand dollars, aud bu imprisoned not exceeding two years.” The President—While we are all rej Icing ul the brightening prospects of the Confedera cy, it is touchiug to think that the great chief to whom we have coufided our desliuiea is ut the very same luomeuliu the ugouy of one of the greatest griefs that cun befall a human heart —ihe death of a child. W.ib the weight of such a responsibility upou bis shoulders us have seldom oppressed eveu the rulers ol mightiest monarchies, he bus been called upou by a tnysieiious Providence lo endure ihe ad ditional loud ifl uu irremediable sorrow. There cau he no ear.bly consolation lor such a loss us the Prcsideut basrUstaii.ed.except that which iu- directly results from sympa.hv; aud its sympa thy, therefor.*, is the only balm which the ua- lion bun to oiler. This it given him with a uni - vernal sluceriiy of emotion, that without re ference to concordant or discordant opiuion, remembers ouiy the double burden u> der which he has now to discharge the daily duties of his high posiliou.—,South Carolinian. Death or L'apt. Hawkins.—A private telegram was receiv fi in thin place, ou balurfiay last, an nouncing the death of uapt. Eugene Hawkins, son of our fellow citizen Nathanle Hawkins, Esq., aud a member of (4eu. D.ties’ staff. . He was killed in the fight on Thursday. He was a gallant soldier, and a young man of tine promise. The symptibies ol ihe whole community are tendered hls afflicted ol the whole community parents, brothers and sisters, in this their great bereavemefit.—Mtiltigevltte Uni n. O60RG.A HISTORICAL SOCIETY lOauwe-.SO tcs- fw ' - Lincoln on (lie Negroes and tbe War. The following letter from Liucolu appears lu a correspondence, published lu the Franklin (Ky.) Commonwealth : Executive Mansion, 1- Washington, April 4th. \ .1 G Uoilyes, Esq , E aukjotl, Kg : My D ai Bn : You ask me to pot iu Willing the substance ol whul 1 verbally said tin* other day, iu, your presence, to Gov. Biuiuleue aud Bcu dor D.Xoii, h was about as follows : •‘1 aiu uaturally uuli slavery, ll slavery is uot wrong, uoibiug is wrong. I eanuol remem ber wheu 1 did uot so think and leel. And yet i have never understood that the Presidency conferred upou u.e an uuresftlcled light to ai t officially upou this judgment aud lceliug. It was iu the oath 1 took, lUul i would, to the best of my ability, pioserve, pro eel, aud delcud the Constitution ol the United Blales. 1 could not take the tdllc- without taking the oath. N ir was it my view that 1 might lake uu oath to get power, und breek the oath tu using that power. 1 Understood, loo, Ihulfn oidiuuiy civil -adium- Isuaiton, this ouili eveu forbade me lo prueti cully ludulge rny prlur .ry, absuacljudgm. nl ou the moral question ol slavery. I had publicly declured this uiuuy limes uud lu many Ways — And 1 aver that, to this day, l have doue no olficial uci in mere de ercuce lo my abstraci judgment and icoling ou slavery. “ 1 did uudeixuud, however, (hat my oulh lo preserve the constitution to the best ol my atnliiy, imposed «*|H»u me tlie duly Of preset V iug, by eve.y ludispeusablt* means, that gov tTiituenl, that nutlou, ol winch that cons uu lion was the orguutc law. Was \l possible lo lose the n ttiou uud ycl preset vu the constitu tion ? “By general law, life uud liuib must bo pro tected; yet often a. iitub must be uiupuiaied lo save a ill. ; but a life is never wisely g.v. ti lo save a limb. I leel Ibal measures, uihei a let: uucouslktuuoutl, might become lawful by be coming iudispebsuble lo the preservation ol the u iliou. Right or wrong, l uH-oituu.l this grouud, aud uoW avow It. 1 c uld noL leel, that to the lust ol my ubiliiy, 1 had ev.-u mefi to preset vc the cousiituiiou, if it) suve slavery oi uuy miuor mailer, 1 should permit the wreck ol government,'’couuiry uud coustiiu ion ail together. Wheu curly in the war Gun. Frci.mut attempted luiltlary emuiicipaiton, l loib.eit it because 1 did uol then think it an ludispeiieu bie ueeessiiy. Wheu u little lulcr, W.*u. Game rou, theu Secretary ol War, btigge.tcd the unu iug ul Uu* black**, 1 objected, becuusu 1 did uol yet think u uu iudtspeusubU ucccboity. When, still later, Geueral iiuuter uttempicu milituiy einancipa.ioii, 1 again luib.tdo it, because i did uot yet thiuk thu ludispeusable iiecuasiiy had come. “When, lu March, ou J May, und July, 13Y>2, 1 in tdu earnest uud successive uppcuis to uu: B iiuer Biates lo luvor compensated emancipa tion, I believe the indispensable uucts ity for military emancipation, uud uriuiug thu blacks, would come, uulucB uvuried by mat meusuie. They decliued the proposition, ami 1 was, in my bt>i judguieui, driven to thu alternative oi either suueudering the Uuiou.aud, with it, the coustituilou, or ol laying strong hand upou me colored ulemcul; 1 chose lUu latter, lu ctious- lug it, 1 hoped lor greater galu than l.»t- r ; but ol this 1 wus uol eutirely conll.leut. aluic mau a year ol It ml now shown no loss by u, iu our foruigu reluiloup; uoue in our home popu Tar seuiimeul ; none lu our while iiuiitary loico ; uo ions by it anyhow or anywhere. Ou the couliury, it shows a gu n ol quite u liuu died uud thirty thoilBuud soldiers, se.meu uud luborurs. These are pulpablefacts, about which us facts ihere can be uo caviling. We have thu uieu, uud we could uol have liuu them without the meusuie. “And uow, let auy Uuiou muu, who com - pluius of the measure, list hiuisell, by wn lug dowu in uue Hue that he Is for subduing the rebellion by force ol urius, uud iu tin*. ne.\t that he is lor takiug three huudred and thirte tliou suud uieu Irotu the Uuiou side uud plac.ng them where the,' would be, but lor the mea sure ire coudemus. ll he uutiuoi luce hls cause as slated, It is only hu«.uut>c> he eanuol luc. thu truth. i add a word which was uol iu thu Verbal couversutmii. lu tell.ug this lule 1 attempt no uomplmnut lo ury own sagacity. 1 claim uot to have coutruUed events, but coulees pluinly lust eveuts have eontiolled me. Now, ul iu»- uud ol thiuu years’ struggle the uuitou'n eoudi- liou Is uot whul either pal ly or auy umu devised or expected. God ulouu can claim it. Whither it is moiling seems plaiu. ll God uow wibo ihe removal oi a greut wroug, uud wills ulso tliai wool the North, as well a» you of the Bum li, shull puy fairly lor our complicity m that wroug, lmpuriiul history will fiud therein new cause io a uilesi uud rcveio the justice uud good Forrest In tiiHMurbca I'omchIou of ‘ Western Kentucky. A telegram lo (bo N Y. Tribltue, dated at Uoluiubua, Ky., April 21, says : The situation it lids district is uot well un OFFH'B UKUKHlA HELIIfF AND hat little mod, but w lull lalnlv 101111111.11% Foiresl holds coiupleie Hint but weakly -disputed possession of the ie gtou ol c un try mirth of ihe .Manilla and Cm eiunall rallioud, And bilw.-. n (tie leuuessce and Mtashslpl'i nvei •>, > x -eotiiig thu po-<is of M.iu'l* Is, Coluurhus and Fotucah. At the same time, we uidcouailamed, f.*r want of men, to remain on TL- deiensive, ouly eunlidetti ol our ability 10 et.pv with the Cu. iny while on the inside ot our e.ribworks. True, Gilerson | tsolu uorih ol M.«tb; hi*, but lovcrv 'll lie pur . pose. We have ysi io b um that he has made uuy offensive ilei.iimstrali.m hejoud follow iug In Die track ol He eu**iny, not daring, lioui j sheer paucity of luuubers, 10 venture within I tight lug til luma*. Forrest haspiob.bly as many is ten Ihousoid ineu north ol this Marietta uu.l Cioclntnul iiiil- I roud, all inouui c‘ while we, wi h comparative ly u small uuiubei of cavalry .o wuu h Ins move luelits, and with an c\tensive river line to guard-, ar.-, iron.* the loree ol circuru*t Hires, C'liupetlfd to remain lit girrtsnu and paileu l>‘ wall -or the em*m> lu develop.- his own mu*Ti lions. Thus it wa-. that Forrest was able m march upon I'.du.M. withoui m.destmuin either from or is *. I h<A; it wa that l.e able m ^iruiu before Metuphi.-, Co less ol God. “Yours, truly, A. Lincoln. From NqrtU Carolina. We learn from u geutlumuu just return ed from North Carollua, the lollowi ig luisot receut movemeuis iu that Department. Alter vorilyiug the deluils ol the cupt lire 01 Plymouth, he suys Geueral Bcuui*-gurd, wno i* m command, made u demoiiolra i >u wi.li uuu biigade ou Wushiuglou, hoping theieby to draw the euetuy Hum Newberu 111 sulllcieui lorce lo wunuut uu attuck upou the lull. 1 place, iu ihi. we wuie disap]>ciule for, ul.ei no.iie desultory sheiliug uufi somu little uiu uoL-uvenug ou tbu purl ol the lu fanny, oui luices wi.hdrew. This Uieuppcaraucc wa* mis coustrued by tbu valorous lou, Who iiuugiuud I. a ruse to get iu their reur. Four prevailed iu their deliberations, uud, acting upuu such couusul, they hub ii> uvacuuu u the ci y, greatly to the joy ol me iuhabiiuuls, wno huvu Uuuii lyrunulAcd over over siucc Burn side’s occ-Ut'UiiuU ul Newberu. At u comma lid iug poiut below iho city, severul guus were run i 00 pur it 1 uu, sufi us a cuustqueuce, two pal ii illy uuu clud gunb.iuts gruculuiiy bid m'i u to the “Union,” uufi will be used by Uomiuofi.*u. Cook iu tbo cuuriug ulluck upou New burn. Our iuioimanl iscunlldeui that a duiermiued efiuittor Ihe possession of lUul city will hi made by Geu. Hcuuregurd. Forces wire up proachiug liorn threo dnectious, aud utilii.n > meu* seem to be buoyuuL iu aulicipailuu of a duccessiui aitack iu conjunction wi.n ihe navy, wuich has improvised, by capture uufi uth. 1 wise, .five guubuals. Ihe enemy's lorce inside their lull, liculious is estimated ut 10,000 Ihis is u lormiduole force ll deieriumeu; out the ex igeucies 01 the limes Uemubd the immediate capture ol this irnpoitaut post, thereby giving our commissariat menus to rcplcui h, and ai the same lime relieve a large lorce to opeiute elsewnere. Our forces have ulreudy pusoesaion ol the ruilroud betweeu Newberu uud Morehuud city. * Geu. Ueuuregurd is represented lo have am ple lorce locu.ry out auy piuu he may oei.n mine upou. lu this couneciiou we should ih.uk Geu. Lee must leel pretty easy iu reg.r.t lo the coming cuufiicl with Ulysses. In conversation with our luloimuni, we asked why the negro prisoners cupiurofi at hyu.ou... hud uol passed through here eu route lor tue prisou depot at Anfi.-rsonviliu J* At min hr warmed up cousiderable, und staled that thu u eg roes were pul lu charge uf the fid Louisiana Battalion, uud the next moruii g two bundled and seventy-five, with their officers, had man aged to elude the vigilance ol iheguuid, und were reported aa having got away during ihe night. Those soldiers who served the fii>L year of the war arouud Norfolk will know how much importance there is attached to ihe.uioruiug re port ol the hcuvy huudcd gentry of the Third Louisiana Battalion.—J/ocon telegraph. Death of Col. Folsom.—A private dispatch to his brother, announces the death of K. W. Folsom, Colonel of the 14th Georgia Regiment, who lull in tbe late battle in Virgiulu. lie wn* born and raised in the village ol Gordon, and enlisted ul tbe commencement of the war us Captaln'of the Ramab Vuluuieers, subsequently Company B of the 14th Regiment, of which regiment he afterwards became the Colonel. He was Id every prominent buttl in Virginia, andulwuys fought with heroism and command ed with remarkable coolness and judgment. Tbe community iu which be lived mourn his death as they would perhaps no other of ihe long list of soldiers who have gone forth from them to fight their battles. Georgia and the Confederate government have lost a soldier who never shrank from duty. Hls brother, T. W. Folsom, has gone to Ihe battle field lor the purpose of securing aud de positing his remains under bis native sod.— Macon Confederate. I.d IV..IU IMMi id h.l'.gu* and city Ut-w's dt*|*tti liu.Mii f May B.I. Coinmod' oupti Oh Kqdius of . fiud the I .Lowing 11 the New York Tun VVui. l>. Furier had peditioii up Red River, and although no mei lion is made ol ihe lad In ihe copy oi 1! Times before U*. the mldui.ee w thul he wt killed in ihe uiara.idiuK Jniriuey : The city Marti lo ihe d< U ni D and ihere Thu Ill 1 appropriate lie .u :,.utc id uuiil lu- R .oui to .lay, wheu Ihe luu.-iai .vili lake |.lu< c. Mauoneh Buiuade 1 iu*. one to in the dispatches as kill iug G auil wound tug Gen. l.jugsued, is the 7 h, 11lit, 17th and 4l»t Viigiu aud is doiuiiiuiid.ul by a native V111 said lo be oils of ihe beat brigade i U.* L- JN otice. OKFli’K V Elf NUN SHELL KOAll CO, [ feuvadinu, Muy *illi, lMii. \ 'I'll.* annual eicciinn for five Di.'ieiors to ni.iuiige ii.u ailairs ol lh.- i:oii.pauy fur tlieoiiHiiug year, will li*« held at thu t oiiniing house of Messrs K. iiahursliani v\ S, us, ou BATUiT DAY, the 14lli of Vay, mstaiil, botwueu lh--hours 01 Ilia. 111. aid l p. in. Joll.N LAMA, inayfiPies’i Varum* *4 H. Co 8 ’r.tTK of ufcioiiui t, i liam.ui COUNTY.- To .ill wlioui .1 ue.ycouc.urn: Wi.cre as, Mary iiCuhoy will apply at the Gouri t»l uril. nary lor Leilursol Afiiu.iiintiaiiou on lliu eatale ul Dav.fi Leahuy, late ol Oharnum eouuiy, deceascl. These are, ihernfnre, in ciiu at.fi atimouisn >1 w tuna it may unucei u, to he an.I uppear n.fioro ua i*<Mirt, to make objection [if uuy they have) 011 buloie the lb si Monfii.y m Ja.te uexi, oUieiwt said lutters will lie «rained Witiiehs, IhHMiuick A o’Uyrue, Ksq., Ordinary l. 1‘ltaUmm County, this 5f7tll .lay of Apiil, 1H14. apt 4s* DOMLMloii A O'BYRNE, O l.' IV [TAT# OF li li'.o It li I A, < h uJUNTV. I’.. hIi niui.it . ... NVli**ii*hs, l)r. John l) Fish will apply ul The fourl of Ordinary for Lrfe-rs Dismissoiy as Admiuisira tor on the estate ol Ueuiy L. i.eopolfi, lute ol na.fi county, deceased. These are, therefore, lo cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to lie and appear heiore said Court to nmkuohjfCiiou ul any they huve) on or he toru the first. Monda. in November next, otherwise said letters will he mauled. Witness, Dominu k A. O'Uynie., Ksq., oran.aiy to. t.'luithfti» (’o.i'.ty, i'ik till It day of April, lHiVi aprlb* UOMmfOS A O’BY RNE. O. 0.0. FIRE INSUR6NCV. Olio II ll lid It-tl 'I'll oil six nd Holla is, me link, and ou ihe most fnvoruhle terms. Soulherii iHutual Insurant s i o, oF ATHEN8. A8BIIRV. 1110,1., Pres’t ALUON I'U ABE, Sec’yJ W A SHKTS r.TiO.OOO. fDiifctlTiaic ff. k H. insurance < o. OF ATLANTA. fUAfi. F. MrOAYt 1‘ios’l WM. McNADGUT, Her. CAPITA I. riOO.lXK). NoiiUieru jiisnrancc io. 'OF bavannah. HENRY BltlGH AM, i’resT .AARON WlLliUK, Bur CAPITAl f,1.000.000. Central U.ift.ftla li.aiii aure Co. uF MAL’ON. tittNJ F. ROBB; lW’1 A. If FREEMAN, b. CAPITAL VfiUl.OOO. Souilicm Insurance to. W. P. INMAN, Blest . MOHEb DOLE, Bei CAPITAL #100,000. (vrlttia Fi k fU» IiLMiiancc < 0. (J. U. JOHN BON, Pres vV J JOHbEi U lPITAL $250,000 .4i..fi.sta f. & ill. lusiirau.'r . u. ui* aUUUSTs M WILKINhON, Ties ». O FARGO, bt-c capital *200,000 ttroai Souihmi Iiisui antT i o, W.B JnilNoTkuN Tres U.DAY.Ser UA VITAL $2,500,000. jABP"AppllcatIons hv mail, giving lull descriptions ul property offered for liiHnnuee, infludmg adja cent huildfngs, will receive prompt at it nt ion. 6 F F l (' E h:«. 11* Lilt .M) Mil'Ll,IN TeNDE.h . , I'lUUl K-TON AND .'A * A.iNa *1 RaILKOAD. '* I'harlestoii, Feb. 18, IbOl ] , K&iacn^naps” o CHANGE OF HCHEDUI.E. N and aftei Sunday, Feb. SHel, passenger tisii. will ^ Arrive Ih b-avannati at. Leave Havdiiuuli at.... Arrive iu Charleston ai . *1.515 T. M, .7 INI A. M .l.iM T. M. feh2b—dl w&eofGw Hardware. B DTCIIRU KNIVKH, t Table Knives aud Forks Pocket Koives Hclssors, assorted sizes Tacks, 4 oz. to 18 uz. Nails, fid. *o 8()d. Weeding Hoes For^sale by mav2 -2 PERIODICALS. The Souibcru Literary itlessenser. buhscrlptioa price, $10 0*1 per year, $ti no for six mouths. TI1K AGK. ▲ NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Bubscripiioa, tiunmihs, $8 00; 8 mouths, $4 on. AdvertlBcmentsand subBcriplions solicited by the Agents for the above, febll—f JOHN C. SCHREINER ± SON. aOBPlT AL AHBUOIATION, ( AuoUhti, Ua., Juno Wd, l»w. A messenger ol the Georgia Keliui and V*-LloepUnl AssvH'latlou will leave Atlanta >*u ui lu ai the lOlh til eaeli l.loulh (ul M irsieslppl and Ull take charge Ol ull tKihes sufi pa<'ka,*,ei* iu l< IUU-*I lilt lit. Georg iu Hoops in that Slate, tnd will *any them to suuu- Sale poiut utuir the nru«y uufi dr posit Meat, ttuU UOltly the oWUule ol deilvei tlieui lo His owner#, if pracltcnble, tree ol chj^u. Tin • MlVoS lufi packages musl be u.uiknl Vr'llt uRutuues ol the tiWiiom, then company unfi rugimuuttfVand lo • he care ol ihe GuoikIh Ueliei suit Uonplial Aasocirv •lon, AilsuU, Ga The Asnocislmu Will uoutK* rv spiilisihlu lot the del I very ol auy IxiX coqtaiulUg petishable articles, suet* as given vogeiahius, Ac. bows aud pacaages will ne fioposilefi ai the WaysiU* dome, Ailannt, Ga. W. H. PUTTER, l» filwem Geueral Hiiperluluudcui. W » vik OF (.noRnii, niAiiittU IO COLa fY. To all wiiuiuu may couture. Wu„.e 1 s, liu-haid W Adams will apply at the l‘ou»l oi Oi diuory loi L*ulms Dismissoiy ar Afimlnleliatui on in,- enialv Mar> Anu F It YY ashhuru, late ol Chat i, thei fiff, to cite •uifiufiuiouini) all whom ii may concern, lo ho and appear be or, -a,a » oua, ;o make objectiuu \\l any luey have) oh or DUoru ihi list aioiutay m May uuu, uim-twinc uaifi ivUur will lit* 1.1,lined W Uuu.., li U i«ui„A a u'Uyruu, , Otdluary aniy.Lhiibin day oi NiivcuiUt. lowf v2u DUMlNt K A t A OF B OOCNTl William Uuhtui ol sill apply at im Diaiuis-ory ar ik<‘ B. liarditiK »ufi aduio Afimniisiruioi uu tin late ol said couhly, fi* These are, thuieiore il may concern, to he make ohjOCli ill HI aUy ihey haV Mohday iU Jdly uoaI, olllei wii gi Shied. i\ lLuuse, Doi-'uUk A O'Uyrub. Esq., oultua. y to C..ulliaui coum», line* iliu day ol D« cemhui, lafid. duel9 DOM l.slCfi A o' i. Y lli >k J. i o ; wh, hv iTA rS loii.vn i.imiit.ll, cell will app i Ml. I it ( l .11 *»ili ajipiy *1 the ooUII iaory as .ViiuiiUibtiatoi •ufau, luie ul v.'haihaui fimlrnouisii, i vlt say they ha\e> v. r iK*n.r 8'^ o.-iid .elturr A.O'Byiiiu, Esq , Grdilrsiy loi :id day oi March, ug*l. NICK » O' iiY If N L. *» r i ‘ rtiOlcuiA. tuaiaam ap t 0, the i rUe uUjiii o c»l i vul >iu gt.-uru Witness, D* Liathau) i..ui lehWb UuM l uihick A. U'liy uc Hub 18lli day , Uu jT-tl h OF hkOUul.k, l IO l u l.li >3 CgUaSTY. lo Ail W huiu ,t Uiay tuucuiu. W ncu ao, YVilihtm iiaiilur will apply ul luc * 'out l O. Oidluary loi laHluis ol admiUlbUuUuh oh Ihi! Eslul. •jimiitfh Ul ai*i iuuy nu Mouday lu April Ut IV granted. > ity me, llittq ;iiaihuru County, turn tilth day ol Februuiy, lckri. • enrU UGAUNU'K A. U 11 k n.iu, o i . r . gi.vi ?. OF REuliusA, I iuti.ui )3 < DHNTX.— To all v Will apply al llie c’ouu oi irnry lur Lull ci,- insiuiBboly as Administrator on intuiu ui R. BrceU Paihiuau, tutu ill calfi county, deceased, Tueoeuio, theieluie, lo l lle ttnfi udmumsU all ivuou ll inay coucem, to' uo and appear uenne said Courl U inukouejection tit any tney ha\ejon oi umoiello llihi Monday 1U OnuhiT next, oinoiwiao raid let ter a Will be gran tea. WlUioss, Dominick A. O'Uyruc, Esq .Oidlnuly io, Ousiham coauty, Oils Uth day ol MurcU, Isot. marl'J DOMINI* li A O’iiWtNa. o o o. u T A ‘i* K of hfibituia. u l t n in ►3 COUNTY. To all whom it may concern Where as, hiuufiey A Btaffuid und Asa a. liuruey will ap ulj si the Guuil oi Oidinury loi Lellets »,1 Admin isiiatioh uu the est ite ui liouuil .'nadoid, lau ul suid county, deceased These are, therefore, Incite aud admonish ail when o may concern, lo he uud pppcai nefuresaid couri U make objocHon \if any they have; on ut boiOre uu Dr hi Monday in May ucxl, utnerwisu said ieilore win he grmlted. Witness, H. J Gorion, E-q., Ordinary lur Glynn Him Iks h day ul Aiarcu, Itifil. a. J. Go it Tun, o g c ^TATk OF (llu*l(U,l, C * ill U h a »3 COUNTY.-YVh* teas. Uto. Lang Jonn Dessau I ‘ ‘ .llKA aud Elizab.HU li 11 qtaius, LaicuIuib ,.l Lius, represuu s iu the Court, tu ibmr puiitiou, ouT) died aud uuiered on refold, tua>. they ns«c tally exi ruled L.eil trust. TUI. Its theieluie, lo cite all pi-ISOiln eoucerrn d, ow cause, il any luey any s iroiu i lober, 181/1 ms rib l jxreeii i liOKLIA, I IIUUIUY E. Wnghl, ropresunis lo tue* o jorily. '1 Uro kioure* CRa v\ FORD, Ordluiry CAMDEN CoUN'i r iter sou, Executors i . jcc-nt lo the (Jomi, i r petition, duly filed uud entered on record, in r leall • the tust Mouday iu nug» M CHAWc <D,. hj'l' A 1' ii U F okduf.i r, n Id In in H COUNTY.-To an wnom it may concern Whereas, H M atuilord ap H *ico to uie lor letleis ol guardianship ot the persons m.n pi,-pert r ol Fisuciii Aiuiiou aud Joseph vVicglns di.dci.i, ruiuoi heirs of ihe estate of Robert builiurd. laic ot Uiynu cu i ly, fin eased These arc, therefore, to cii.i and ,.dm *m-ii sil r^d singdlai the kindred and creditors ol said mccaard, to he and appear al my office, wtttiiu *he time prebcitbul Ly luw, uml show cause, til any* tin y havej why Lellcrs should uot Issue to the appln ant. OW'.m unrtUT ruy a umu ..uiuiai »iunaL ore in.> February Uth, RSM ft. J. (li RTON, fchl8 Onllnary. UTATK OF RKOItULl - W A Y NE * ,'UUNTY. On the first Tuesday lu April next will fie solo at ihe Court House door in said county, wliton the luwrul hours m *ule, one hundred a.:rcaol laud, pari ol lot niyuber ninety out, iu Hie cecoud dmtriri oi earn county, boid as the properly of James ii. Lew is, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs and rrcdi lois of **aid deceased. Tenus cash. This February nth, 1«J4. . ,1 AMLft M MoCOOL, Adm’r. r*U80 LKTl'lCl Y l.EYVlft, Adm’X, . das. W. Pup well, Adruliiistratoi of ihe estate of James Popwull. deceased, applies to the uudendgued lor Letters Dlburissory from his administration. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby requir ed (o show cause (tl auy they have*) why said admin istrator, ou thu first Monday In Beptember uext, should uot be discharged. Given uuder my hand aud seal this Feb. 17th. 1864. febSO JAMAa UlllllaMITil, Dey^ily Ordinary. S T ATM OF UKdllUl.Y, WAYNE COUNTY. To all whom It may couceru: Whereas, Wily Knox, Aduilulslrutor upou thu estate ul Robert J. Wainwright, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismisaluu Irom the admlnlslrutlou uf said estate. Therefore, thu kindred and creditors ol ssid de ceased are hereby cited aud uduioqlshed to file their objections (If any they have) lu iny office, lu terras of the law, otherwise Letteis oi Dismission will be granted the applicant at the June terra uext ol the Court of ordinary ioi said coauty. JAMES HiUhriMlTtt, Novraahcr 9,1868. .Deputy Ordinary. 'OUN'i’Y When as, Archibald McLeod. Guar Ulan of Levi F. Dasher reprise.its to thie Opur! that he has fully act* uu w ith lim ward, h« fi.'.viupai tairu'd nis major.ly Hie (list Mo YY 11 Hess 11 2.1, I Mil. EDYY Alii) 1.AN*J\ .TATE OF UI.OIU.1I, LO R \ il kN To file Friends tin* froidiers tnrou^hou* nit tiuieueiac). t^iJAiiTEltMAft'il‘-rf N i. • hiFT, / it -u..**: u lco ‘Ai, I i ul i •I Knight will uppi will b« grauted Wltl.US), the l 2J..1804. UUNY \ItD I • .l\, LU K (•lies lo tli pe.BUim a * i-uteif u i Lut Monday in May nnx it.cu 'ohju .io.i* \ ( ui.) n.c> have) lu raid iippoiuiui. i.i oiniiwiht- i.« u. i* ... Gu-iidtaimhlp will m- lim lq ifi. u ni Given u.iuur iuj liai.d a.tu ..Ulna: smnsiuyi IMe April 2d, U4i4 YY ll.I.i.xM o.Ylt l U. ni.lKti) Attest tins? mu *■ otJnu-t. • - i M l I OF U ttOIIO ^ l o All Knox, A.iiuimsi Wliphl, lal ul & W t- W llu c-luie, the kiudiul ( 1lb.OlH.l k , .UliMlI* UH.;1ll K ut **.. oruur oi ihe. Cou,I of uui lOUUIJ, will lie Bold ut the OHM Uullrti IN i ) 1 1 4. J A Li. person: batih M Uu.uuu m u.u estate A. I tue lule liei.iy il in- L« gal, Uu* * a, un eu-Uy notilieu to pre i- .t n.em, piojK ih’ "ilusted. tue time prescribed *-y i uHANUI Of buiicuu, SOUTH WE8TEUN RAILKOAD O N arm alter d bus Mail an I Past O Halls . k-, P. M 1.10 1'. At 4.40 P. to. ii.fr- V. to ssvwasa M neaVe Mac on al Arrive dl.Columhun ijeaVr columhas at \ttivu at Macon at SN-rwaau kauom aMU oi*^ i'Txuooouaa. i uavt. Macou 6 80 A. M. Arrive at Uhailnhoounte 1^ f'- Al. i.uttve ChaHnliooc.heu 7-mi A. M. Arrive at Matou o ll P. M I’Ue toull and Pussenuer Pratunfum Alum.v col. uocl amir aVHmuhvllle, Nu ll* d. YY tt. it , and.rum Fort Games daily ai Oaihbeu with i'Laibinoochu*. Mali Tram Leave ffmtinvmu Arrive ai Albauy LeilVu A loany 1*. M. Arrive at ftmiifiviilo ui i.MiVe calhborl ui Ai live at Fart U:. I rice at uu*v« Fort Games ut Arrive at Culhbcti at MaKlug the conuucuou wt i 55 1‘. Vahoochoa Miktl T ^Trains to ColaruUh.. lotui athruayu -.uic- imn«tO M .ntgoucty, Alabuma, aud Augusts. Kingston, W.V- Ul ugfuh, bsvannan, Mli!*xKevinc-ki.ii 8at«mL«n. :j|Pont Ooacheb ton from AlLahy to TuiULa>h»eu,jda u( hr dgu, Tunmuaviiie. ■&* 11PassengerBluikKdUt fi. low i'o*l Vaney nli.-uld Iuj Night (ituusfrom AnyHieta uud ftuvaunan m uYuid a -rnuiToxi at Mac-m. For Coiumin Vralm % YIRGI Euglnue* and h Macon, March 2Hl. IktW. '’". 'kl.kf -. .. M W ,ii».vt.i; of Munoiaa. OMJ OUXJliUlA KAlJ.lU.Al.) UttUj.Hl.i lull.Bu.ul, , AUcUb'i'A, Jflly 24, lo*f». I O N a.td all el Ounday. July 27th, tlimJay Day VldiU roBumed c ‘ Train o. i anti isu.iLAi MULL All inis Augusta Aa|*USia AliikUtS in A Ji Nocouneetiou *. aL war real, i, day. Ueuit Train leaves Aug .mu c it P i Jy2fc (iE(/ YUNfJ. BROKEN ULArfS WANTED Negro Aueuon COMM ISsToN HU USE, U AYINf. made somu aiura*lima m my Mart ami office, r am now p cpiied * » u^«:..marodate any number ul Negroes a - i n cumfort. ai d n‘ a low price ol has id for Hie limes. 1 will buy u. d sell en tiroly on commission l will ui.*o sell at Public Auction ut ifie Court House!, or otfiet .places, all kinds ol property entrusted to uiy cure, wlli he dls- Gkk. ahur'.ust puSSl *1< lime SUd at the highest market prReo. \y J A ftTKYENtwiN, jam i*»wi, No life Hrvsn street M. h.uli;iuoun, COMMISSION MERCHANT, HAY (Office formerly occupied by Mc-sm a O.» uiion & Uu.) WT"Solicits OousigamunU of Fioduceaiid Mer- ohHDdlva , i»1n New Music. r§\ _ A Faded Flowers (Hong).-.. . ... 160 The VMcant Chair (bout') ... . . . l Go Make MS No O iudy Crmplet (Oonv) 1 60 Napoltiuiiie, lurn Druuiuinp oi Ihee vftoug) 1 60 Biugeu uu Hie Kb"*** ° ^ YYsrbllugs u eaurct-urd bougsU' .lust puhllsh**d. spil 8 .IOI l.’H RKINF.R A d()N R A $500 Reward. Nit WAY, on Sunday, me IT h day ol 43 years of age, five feet f» Lmhu? higfi, blown color; welghe about ouc huudred md Ilf'y pounds, M h cheek bones, one or two rt his upper front teeth out. He formerly belonged to Mr Uyam. The above re ward will be paid to any person lodging him in and ward will be paid to any person lodging him li Jail In the Confederate States, eo 1 can get him. JOHN A. STALEY, J Savannah, kept 16th, 1WG n Express i urupaui ,u v .... u . p . id wearing up 1 arel tu Rlchm..,..w. a ’o secure ,hu ..d»uutar.a • muu >LU.usd through th» xpiues Compauy, t a ic.!;0w*-« »-b-»uaiuiis must Packaged muai uot contain mure iuu one i u:4*d pouuds, be well aecureu and piuL.iy marked, i.ud at the expeuse uf the bhippei iu «uhvr u Uoidiurs' Keller Aeouciuuua. whtau are located x* lollows North Carolina, at M.uoigh. ru Houwh Carodna. ikiul.a auy other p ., Muutgum«. thtooS As u The A geu t a ol thsus A.suciauuu. w:ll iL.JW tuko charge ul ni,Tu aud fimwttaii) u/ dc-ut cii* Kxpres* Compao; to the pr J^!Yg 6 u.4 -I the lespuodv » dUD: ut ftiwumoud, ..uu will see %u«ia UistribuU * * 0 meul efiu wishes oi chr* *oldlot,k au.1 lo giss * i» - tin: t i Exp I a .i 1 *! 7 hut Mjr'jad > -.mes all > G- * wfthdi -r. fcj Uuvsitl.tz A. If. Lawton, Uuan OFFICE b lii 8.XP E-* i.G , I irglu Uctar uol ice, and th.u Urey will do ull iu c -uor to lulilil its rcquiretuuuio JAMKft B1.CT151 . Superiuleudenl u.. . .‘-ctixig Ptusid-i marl6—lnr bdutnern Expu.s C> . 1-40 Days Fdi’sdiigii sjiiO REWARD. HKADQTtft OiiD . LEv. No. 48. ' f Twenty days’ iuriou;fi anu a re war-. u‘ $ 0 v, given lur the appic-UeU:K).. and uu.i.i. pj leryofiach or the fol. w.i. A rvm-u priv.ru setters from ih .-* lfegie cm r l W. D. AMARhN, Co, U JO y . ,.i a,;e, c Umetres high, dark tumploxlo i, l uzel ry 1 hair, buru in iluuovcr, G«>uin:.i'; by ocvUpa i butcher. *4. JOHN II. CAUDLE, Co. C, 9'i yearn o; ,, fuel 2 Inches hi. n, aim cuurpU x u-, h z.-l [JUDD.', C;. * 111 4 m., blue eye ill j ouuty j... . PUCLLl’T, ffo. l. ey.or=ul , ; Indies la,u. light cOlapKvtuiq t hati, by occupailoua larinut; horu in P-u.uw., . ly, Gs., .deserted Jarvuur,- lu. r8*>l, »-»-• rt: neur Dulfiis, Tu'rldmg cuumy, « 5 WaRKEN DU .WINY, u F, jS li ct ii lac he b lair < hill, bom In irwlu County, eu . bj uveup-t.. . , iner, deserted NoVeuxbsi . i\ mppocad w u i., . . uunty, Ga. o JaMKS PaULK., Co. F, HO >*nja y,' a^e, 5 : liufiift nigh, ulr complexion, eyes, I born in Irwin county, Ga ; oy uocttpaUun a fi. in serted December 1.’, 1863. mppodea tc* b-j in county, Ou 7. J. WaTSON, Co F, Lb years or age. « luchcsblgb dark complexion, ,.:.jv \ y . s, ..mrn horu lu Dwln couuty, ‘4a : farmer I 7 . ecu; u it; suited January 24, 18tD; suppoawu m ou 'u ir.vrc ty, Ua li, ordci oi OSu. U. ilJACik Llcuteuant.CoLcm'.I Cowui md . Ua $90 % iieYvar«. Ni’LI tAL lihUEliB, ; r1r±r~+ * reward 01 tUr,y dollars will l. pal ■ the npprehi n. i*.*u *ud «feliv«i y hi ; :» erti r« Irom Company 11 01 lh 4 ; '*gi 1 Private JOti.S au/'M-, Stf.u-ntf, ui., k.ruy e,e3, dark hair, u 1«. 1 ni> U, Private ,x J. DaY'U. ft) xraoteg-, Jair a Xion, blueejes, llKiithuir, 8 f- al f in-.lvs b*4. 2. Private u il so . : - ex ion, (lurk hslr, 8 met hjgn. bum lu d«iboil Buttery J don deserte r uei Coueecouuty, Ga QKIiAT mnm allUli JameB Ornkiind, W. F Ht-rrlug, A W. Jones. a Root, J. b. Lockhart, OOLDHBHS W U. Young, J. t\ ikuzeman. iT. n. Mel call, i D 'Yiiruoa. |Jsir»^s (5* A«i u, \V D. F. Wlkox, ,il u. Dun ns r, MAO* )M |w. u. .1 ohntUHi J. A. HeJstoL, John l. Joat-B, ,/ k UlH ‘HI ft. -iolt ilsiittc H’n CDARDKB Day. Jwvreta*’). The underslgr.ea Las fieon apfoL lnd Agur.y Juvannah and tue low coanfry of Georgia, and*Ts prepared to take riaks iqialUMi t uo on the osua lerms. J wtK McdBNltY »p87—'ly 11* Itsv 4*. •• ,Ajnd-ww Low, IVVilumn Datte<%by* Dwight Lathror. W R. .RJHNHTDN, Pre-nunt. SOUTHERN mums*. THE CONFEDERATE BONNEi’ Fit\ME FAO« TORY, W HICH lias -esQ establ Bhtd '.**i dl-sblfd sol- _ rtler, Guow ready t pn>vi d HaT SHAPES, of ih- latest and styles, atthr shorfeshrmlcc. Thepr ste aud the ftumes .nreeqaal t.» :.mop« un njitn .- Bamules Hehl to any partuf tfij c .uieoera* • ifi* r*.cefpt uf the whi-l-eaiepr co. Fncei <au be ucer mined by addressing “(or fodc-raie Dunne, FrameFac toiy. . ox *0, Newberry, 81 C ” /efr48— arad O n and UhJLltlr«F« Cloaks, fcoauvoi!, P**., Jn#, ro ccived by nciSki tWlTT A MORGKhL Capital—Tv.-o and. a Had ivlilliott Dollara »■