Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, July 20, 1864, Image 2

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. ■< 9* P«iww#^tLLJ!fj|^JiJ*i. iimmuiui wmmrmmm wtmmmmm^Bsamsssfmmmgif^Bg^ 8 AviNNAWlI-Y yQ’RtyiNG NK VS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. 1864. *4jjr,S^- * JL—f-— — — j call loilff II, 1'Wlil, rcpimu wo • s^V, • %• ‘ . {, *. KT * i r . i * rtipldl", yet curtly* as la drill, l A V A JN- N>A J 1 •-; toro-ih\« W4' iic?'0mplfsbsJ, ttci • ^ # prdc/fd him u> "Foi w*rd." Ti tfo&ilsinged thro-gtaaod hint our. Iltios* llnowing itViV.®" In JlBUKiur, iforu wblcKodr lino bad to be re* ' ' formed, flodor fif« of'tb* < nemy. "Geadral Uurdou, m— on. Gordon, " advanfturonr Unc # « Mid Gen. , L au loriif It/l-vrlll,*’ replied Gen. Gordon, which no procoedcd'« do, iphAlltaUy prdeft* replied caiuijjr. yet flriuly, (tonn^ny lluo ”»v.'*^' olon, » 1 Jtne-.-Gnldf» oh a lino-—C«Q|roJ |. Gordoii A.ull 1 on a came in M rapidly ■fthioha Mttlug^BiIWlf o -wbaMnpp< acadi Then ttiflMdt py tact, of lnt*pirln roe* along! . Gen. Leo uot to I ;et everything r I ortho* k*ts out orthos W *pdsx" he Ibe trout, ’Tin not afraid vt my, bat 1 am afraid you'll shi there; ao krey cool and be partten nr.. mitvi'il nff* Wil tl we moved offr "Foe; ward we went thruu, laiuWkvi u'JI not whip the eilpn i>t our nwu whcTnre In ,rticuar," he addefr a*, was, tlie word, and frfr • h'pk under- havolieou ronth rest, awl threo <lv raarcu lrg. »u the 1^. here, UaVittg mude -Id evening were*t,an4to4 a again, for lybereti auch a victwffyakA and will tnikejn*\ wlydo Confederacy. PAal Aocidkn*—K v- sons accident occurred yri Welti rn railroad dojK-fc* gagvd unloading a car of jj FHtrfl THIS CiKOKUlA FKOIMT. .Atlanta, July 19.—All isallout this inorn- In tho vlclully ol tho two arm lea. The 2« of Ihu Yankee « xv.iliy raid consist* ol > brlgaileu. They cut tho Georgia Kuilroad yesterday, live ui/ldi^weat ol Bioue Mountain, destroying half* I ^3T<f of the truck. They re* mulued boi t -tithing th«* botfou* lor plitoto.'ijfteWeu haauly/elrmtei^liwards >*rnind£ /S§ JNI ./"I (^1 if Whirl. they tt.UDC."— >|Wlrcd. flul tho Opd-ha raid. .1. LATifK. ' i’ T ^^(Jolct hurt I^revsllcd along the Iron 1 'HPilfy. 'ihu,l(gii>- I'orilOii of lUc enemy's force Ip now voiftti of Ll)t* Clinltftboo- .■bee, Two cor|H me Tnsrchlogton.rd. Slone ,MuuiiLIn .nil D.cuint. The u4;nuri! of to. g.ni#(fbrj>. enter <1 Deciilnr to tiny .1 lyroti, nntl riArbLfllttnK tiu, been ttulci{ on' l lu m.t sleinky. 'tie itk*bi of Ibe nueuiy re.o, between Ibe Oh.I Itboucbee .nil fe.chlree Oroeff. The elty b.e .ubAileS Into u i|niel< tint, cuntm.lluK stiunge- ly with the exclleiueut ol the pu.l lew iluye. Humore4 i>e.tli ol lien. Iir.nl. Rkibuomii, July 1U.—The Yankee Aug. of the fleet In J.mea river bitve been ul hull rami for two day.. The Yankee plekum any tbm Uraot wu wounded, and died from the effeete ol .u^mtatlou. T«1 Riuurh MiUTi. —Vfe are gratified to gentlemen from (be uulKhborluy it the men, old nid fonnit, ere re- I. Ak' .nil of Nov. Brown, and are ' tho Iro^t to, ild jbAtoldnfence ol M ly OBr.'itPraha pnjjBed yeelerday, tb.t mauy will, do so to-day.— reference to th* Uovernor’e proclamation mad latter of InStrnetlon,, It will be seen that all £araona wllbln the axes of elxtuuu and Ally- flve, not actually in the military eervico ol the country, who neglect or refuee to comply with Ma orders, will, alter to-day, bo arrested end sent to Ibe Irbul. Wii jiro. assured that the or dart will be rigidly enforced. ^a. ’ V - • • DNatb 09 Libut. lloLuua.—Tb^ numeroui trleuda ol Llsui. 8. Builer ll^yicH, ol Ihu Ogle ihorpn Light fuluutiy ol UiIh i\liy, will luain '* vfllb rutfrul llml hs died al atunnlon, Va., on the Vfl» ulL, from wounds rucuivud In Ihu buttle al tho Wlldorneas, on tlm « J» ol Mty. Ho was the sou ol l)r. ,lamu- Molinort, lute of Darleu, but now*a resident ol Mlllodgovlllo, and was t young man of good promise, lie had been n Resident ol Ibis city lor auverul yours, uud wa- ^highly OHleciutnl'by ail bU in qnuiulunces. The ouiuoroiis fi lends ol *hli|’fubiily wlU deeply sympulb : /.o with thcirt 1^1 thAlr n 1)1 >ctloti. '1 ukl.'oi.uMhUH Haio -The Macon Telegraph ol Tuesday says an otUciul dispatch received in jiy nays thp,- enemy have occupied Au ml w^releirlog op ibe gBjj there Ir an/fWbffs vtiat la afraid to go With ua, ho bH»l..ll pcnelsaldQ to go to Ika tp*r. A»j! M ho on- qulred. To the aarptlao ol all, buo daatarulj wltllug nieppud b.ck, cxol dining, Uonerul, l dou’t wautto go." Uut the or a or of Col. Atkinson, In words that seemed to cr ick with indignation, quickly movod hi in bac* i. bin place. "Who wanUto got" contin ued Gen Gordon. "All of ua, all ot ua," burst spon'aueoualy from the line. "Forward, then, and give it to them 1" With a yell, (such as had not roused the cboeaof the Wilderness s’nco, d'lib g tho battle of ChsucelloroVlIK , word was p ssod down the Hue, "Jackson la In the rear I ’) wo oaslied into the Jungle; J.ut had not gone flay yards before we mot another I'on coming out, wilh the Yankees preying on their heels. Hero onr ^Inu waa com* pletely M attered; bu* every inau, feeling ht.uself a host, went ahead "on his owu hook." aud with auch' vim,tha the ti tuiuphant Yankees w ore s,»oedlly pot to right about, leaving tho most of their plunder, and a good mauy dead, or wounded. On we dashed, reap ing a harvest of good bats, (which the pine limbs imd kindly reserved for us, uurlug the slaaapsduaf the Yinkles,) aud freely using our mightiest argu ments to stop £he»ilow-fouted or io adtolerate their ape> d. Aboat a"mile and a hair from the slatting point, the Wth halted, the Yankees having outrun us, and tho remainder of the brlgtdu being—no one knew where.' Here a W0 took aomei prisoners, who said that we were «uirotrudod,aud hogged, to boc ir- r led to the rear before we were ilred upon, wot Col. A. held ns thero till ho rccelvod orders for us to retire and rejoin,the brigade. After msnusuveriug till, son down, u llneof baitlo was eftahli«»hcd,and we throw up breastworks.. • -before daylight next morning, dlth May), tho brigade was moved rouud to the ex treme lull, and the 2titb was thrown o t to guard the ilunk. Lalu In. the evening, Qeu. Gord n Joined na with the rein'tinder of bis commaud, and formed the brigade lor that flank movement, by which wu cap. tured five hundred prisoners, two Brigadiers, a unm oor of small arms, aud won for himself a MsJo r General's commission. In this charge the gtfth wa« on tho loti, aud did not cornels contact with any for iflcallous, but on the right, when they did, Gen. Gordon carrie l^he tolors himself, And led the regi ment on horseback. Twas a gallaut deed, aud the algbt of It doubtless uerted the anna of all for auy undoiiak’o^/. That night we occupied the ground (hat w.<UuuLt|ifa. antUho next moifUngt7th), the ~ lvtaI uitMl Ui Ul/ftont om~a iqpftMlsaaoce deployed st^flklrmlalihra, penetrated U# wllaej^ noas about two miles, andfouudlho Yankee*mov ing on the turnplko In great bustle and confusion- than fell back and connected with the advanced skluulsh line, in tho evuelng wo had a hot test fer uu hour ur two, In which tbe lines wero so close, that tbe opposing men canid talk to ouch other, bad n.igo and repartee were as freely exchanged hr- mlunle balls during the light, and some severe hits wero ninduby both parties. JCvorjr man was b’ejilud a tree; so there wero loW casualties. On the IHth we marched from the Wilderness to SpotLylvunla Court Douse, and tho Yankees having l j or 10 houiM tho Htart of us, we bad to mako. up lu speed what wo lacked In iBttc. The day was vet* hot and tuo mou l>rukeq^eairn’for want o sleep and rest/ Kmlor these dlsac^uutagcs toe greater partoi die men did not get to tpmpt with their command, but tho poor fellows managed to be up by tho lime Lhey were needed next day. 1 saw soveraJ men In tbe cveniog lylug beside tho road apparently dead, from oelng ovoi heated, and I beard ol four or live that oled rum the ifl'ecla of that march. Their names should sbiuo us brightly as those who fell amid the shouts of victory, fot they fell from a dctsrmiuatlou to b'i lu the tight, or die trying to got there. On the morning of tho Ulh we built breastworks uud In tho evoulug went out on another fl inking « xpcdltion; bat return ed without a fight. On tho Hllli, the Division (Geu. The ‘e,nr .hitWrinTu •tibia etiy; uil'vuuclug iroui tho direction oi Montgomery. Their uumber is not known. lt ( you euu seud mo oaslatuucc, do ao at once. A telegram received by the Boulberti Kxprens tJompuny in Macon, from their Columbus agent ( yesterday, directs them to "send nothing to Co Rumbus to-night. A raid upon tho Montgomery -and* Weal Folut Railroad. All the citixens uu der Arm^’* The Telegraph says— ,, Outside of these dispalchr^ there's any Amount of gossip afloat. One story is that another col umn of the enemy's < uvnlry moved Irom Home upon TaiAdegu, where they had a tight with Crndton's brigade of i AValry (raw) uud whipped it badly. They were following the railroad dOMirla golfbu. If there U auy founduliot) lot ibi?story yre wero unable to discover It. A , Prom our Army lu Virginia. (Obrrespondencu P ivaumh Dally Morning News.] ioat|on of (hose who b wu Trionds and n’s Georgia Btigadu, and especial glA r< ..iraeut, allow me briefly to udy Ji un«a through which wu have (which nave < curia loss of about 65 pumubrr that flUBtLlbrnoakrof our Upuotng ofsUAfifel 4. Otf thew^Bj^welefttidr iPUgfr’a Mountain, »®ovo down » mvd^rieksburgluTnplke to counter rids or Uiabt, who ti ul decamped the movmg his fore divw'uMiu Kapdau. There was a rymRrk iblo dilTnrtnco In/the moin and spirits of tho mvu mlho opouing of this campaign and that of 18C3.'' Then tho men oi tho < >dumn had nsrdlj left Ihu camp at -Uamil eu's Crossing .trip to Fcnusylv.ium, bufpru everybody seemed to be Indulging in a general burnt of merriment—a spirit \ aroused by a timely remark of our gallant Brigadier, \ for Whom Marye’s Heights bad already won our cs teem and adiulratfou, and whoje guneroas kindness i, often wou our lov6; a spirit so well t the trial and dangers of ttmtmemori*. i could not drive It a vay;’ that exhau| : ould not causu to forsake us. Now an I,quiet determination periled the line, slonal "c«t" at tho "new Issue,” as the ulta were facetiously termed, uo one socnr > Vary the monotony of tbe march with a ware possessed with a spirit of rdto^apfiev and toil, that Gettysburg ircpifig of that campaign fully attests to conquer or die^angendered by the Tcainpalgn .Wfftild be Jecisivo, which l cpnIHct 61 the caflapalgn has displayed, wop for 0| agorde^a brigade) the apocialT ftmpirhientofGtu. Allow ma to aay^ust here that 1 shall coniine my statement to whatd saw and know, to bo trnu.— Hmj narrative la obscure tho fau t lies lit the posl tftM^rom whl« h I have to view events, and tho abort flfMallowsd me to record them. After a weary ■MNk(for we wero unused to It) we bivouacked by ,tkwfnad aide. About 9, a. m, ou tho 6th, wo io- •urn*! the march, and al 1, p. m., we were suddenly warned of the presence of the euemy hy the earnest aypaaranceof Gens. Gordon, Karly aud Kwell, aud jidlty wilh which orders wero glveH aud obey- r® our line of hattlo was formed, a volley oi , whose toar 1 had never beard[ exceeded, ihikour freut, accompanied by a ahull ~jd®d away the ahull of na good a soldier, ^MBduafcfnoQ» duties qf camp and the perbs _ y onr loaaa _ wounds werc generally severe, aud tho dead horribly mutilated. At one pluco, lying In anbpewlleld sub jeutod to a Are of solid shot and shall, I saw a poor folio cut In twain by a shot. Two other men were thrown Irom their placel by the aamaahot, ploughing .... the dirt umfer them. They started to the rear, hut the sleru voice of Col. A, "come back here and ;utin your places," brought^ them back. This was he only flinching 1 saw during that day. After dark tho brigade moved near the position they occupied In tho^ndrulurf, and from she way Yankee ImllotH wore flnglng oreEheafl, It was evident soinc- ttiing was wrong on ouT froqt lino. While we were wdudorlng what this I. heard Gen. Gordon’s voice ouqnlriug for the Still; "Aere," answered sev eral. “Gen. Kwell asked ra-J^lor a good reglflaont," he resumed, "and l recoaiiuonded you." I am going tell you exactly what I want done, and 1 know you will do itrlgJit. The Yankees have taken and are h ddng unifpg’lb on our front line of breastworks aud [ wish you to charge them out of It." Then after a lew words of explanation to tho Colonel concerning the position, he added, "now go ahead 'hoys, 1 have perfect confidence In Colonel A'a patting yon through ralit, and I know yon wilt do tho Job tihnasomel);" out while he was saying this, wo were ihoudy on our way, lu obedience to a "forward" irom Col. Atkinao •. Wu had to file past tuo 18th Weor-’i i. aud hb we marched alontr the bo.' s cried i ul to us? "aoth ir you UQCd help call ' tug over a ridge afewyr ™ . ^atrikadbwnWS?n Wdl hrattced, at (hia momuut.that 1a coming 'nrojigh the thlcx nn durgrowtb,* the colors of the 13ih and 18th had changed p aces. Bat no mat or. 8tlU keeping tho lead, aa they ot to their respective places tho c >lor- bearera waved us forward. Down tbe hill and up intotne woods wo dashed, where we found onr breaetworks, behind which the Yaukees were liter ally packed, with bayonets axed. But already onr fatal rifle* hadc. wed them, so that almost every one kept t la head down behind the works, and by the ti e our line arrived lu ten pact h or the work, they were leaving it in' beantlfni Is-iriay," (as the boy paid of his sweethearts hair) and is we took a dl«- solvln • view or tholr lino wo woie equally pleased — Before they got throu gh the entangh uient in Trout or onriworks, they had paid heavily ior their letne' Ity In a iowlug us to get so c>ose upon them Over i he works and after them we went. As 1 mounted the parapet I was surprised to see so many lyli g appa- rently dead immediately behind It, where they were protected fr >m onr fire; but when I return* d from the pa. suit I law there had been a premature rosu rectio.i, lor wnere dosens lay as we went on, only a tew-now remained. The pursuit was pressed till we had driven them to and lu many places be)Oiid their own works. In Irofltof the-e, our MsJor, B. F. Grace*, was severely wounded. Hd was an ofllcer whom wuall dimrly lovi d to see with us lu critical situations. Theu, as we were In a very exposed po sitlon, and affairs not being very satisfactory be hind us, w* ware ordered hack to hold the lino of work* which wa had passed — Then it was we suffered our greatest loss Thu 3<ith and l‘J h had to fall hack across a miry bottom, up a hill, In an open field half a ra'le, exposed u> tho de liberate tire of a line of nattle secure behind breast works, and uot seventy-five yards from *be;e we turned back. As this ground was covered after ward* by the fire of the snaipsbootcra on both su es, the wounded had to He there and perish, except those whom we could s eal out at night. One poor fellow was taken away the eighth day; hia thigh was broken. It happened he had his haversack full of rations, and feii near a ditch, ao that he could get water l>y dipping It with his shoe; but for eight days be had to he thereon the wet grouud and sufler uu t Id agonies. I do not know whether he fovived af ter he was sent to the hospitaler not. A ter getting back Into the trenches, wu were sab- Jected to a steady fir of solid i>ku' from tho res”, and an unUlsulng fire of tbell, ' ut we were told to hoi i that position at all basarda, awl we did it. I raw only one mau run, and CoWA. sunt three iuuu to bring him back by force. He claimed to belong to some 8.1 brigade. That night we lay on our arms In the mud and ra n. Next morning we-evacnated the horse-shoe bend and straightened the position by a uew line of works, connecting, as It were, the heels of the shoe. Notwithstanding the -atlgue and loss of sleep to which wp had *®*n euhjectod, Willed themselves in on an aldei, saving, there Is no lolling which way shell will come." (| There wo lay five days, under fire more or less t ry day, aud occasional I y losing a man, though no tlou of importance occurred. On the lUlh, whou our corps fiankeu the euemy, the 96th was, sent out to skirmish, and peueiraud the wooda over a mile ahead o( any other, driving bock a lklrmish line all the way, killing some and taking B lew prisoners.— Wu approacheu within a few hundred yards or a Yan kee battery, aud stood there until a line of hatti» at tempted to cut us off. wheu wu fell back aud found a Yanaee skirmish Hue In our r< ar. Part of three wo captured, and the rest we disposed of, iu doing wblcn wog.it as badly sciltored (In the thick undergrowth that the regiment go> aspect d), aud ea< h wing bau to make its way out a i - t It could. From the 18in to tb S'-* nothing more Important than marching, ro:i os . v building breastwork*, aud an occaiioual » u occurred. On the lat J ur tin th i»o*. ini •» In which It lost thirty pert-out sever, v ... .j o 1 three killua. If the namii oitli. • ... struck in their clothes, hats or perm ii. v ere <f* wrW T, divided by the num her ol men cu. <; ,»..i JR. «e WLiuid. be at least night times to each mau. Tcome Anil their clpthus and hat* cut live or six time* aipi were unhurt. It semns that our forces, in inoviug about, had evacuated thulr rifle pits, which wuru three quarters of a mile in front «.f thi' fortifications, for ilia protection of the sharp shooter* or rklrmlbh line, and before they were aware of It the pits wt re occupied by the enemy, who o n begun to fire upon our troops a* they were moving along t.) our Hue of Lrilflcat on . As tiny wer< annoying onr line of battle very much with tar get gnus, it waa doomed nccess ry to uriv6 them out of our rifle pits, and tho br gailu Sharpshooters, un der rapt. Keller, of the 60th Georgia, t e 8Htff ai d Aith Georgia rugimouts wore sp’ocudlo do the work. As It was Impracticable, or rnthir too hsKa-dous to make a direct attack on them, we moved down ,< Hue till we came ton creek aud HWAM> which i tended from onr line across dlagcualljWowaidH the rifle pile. Feeling aloug this a la Indlenne, the ah .rpehooter* In front, tho 88th next, aud the 2tilh last. Wu came soon to a Tork in the swamp and branch, running off parallel with our l)Ao, and efl\ tagily couceaqug our movemnut far. Thiu the fiwhmu Gencn * ** “ ff tj. m , before ho dieu. This *l> persons not to trifle with t loonert Qnc day's * lew hoars im»ro hard v weather, nnd weard i nine 4\y*- Th'a daWu-wu lake the this •reaches you l ^ensate ne for our rhereabouts to the VlBOINlUS. iltgrop *t. CoariDEBATB 8TATBS OP AMBKICA » A dmir -, t - Bouthern District of Geoigia. t lu Admiralty \ .... j. At Hardeevllle, 8. C , on the .4th ih* ^ l y the Rev, W.J. B Frlpp, TIIOMAB M.TDfUlKJh to Mrs. A. WINBPRBD KICKgR. * ... ♦ obituaet: Tho death of thqyouhg, the proaiflHfl and beloved is always *a i io couiuiuplau ; batpihul as U ihe separation from such when r*iu u lionres by tbe alow procese of waatlng dHCase. how mttb more over whelmingly dmshing is the bercaVemcit woen they ore carried rudd nly and fai from homiand amorgat strangers. Buch has bee a the fate of nv youni and much esteemed irlend, COKNBLIU8 l. K.iLLKu, a member > f • ompany F, O ld Regiment Georgia Vol u-iteora. He lull Bavaunah with that (Allant b nd, on the 98th April, 1864. although sutk-rng at thotH.'.e with a disease of the beid. ilepaesiv through the surlet of marches and « «.m termaichi-a with hia regl- meut, from Jal on to M rletta. At aft, worn out and completely exhausted, be uutered fair Ground ll fspirai, Atlanta, on the lith Jane, sJd, alt r two days of suflerine, he bade adieu to ils mother, a brother, and two slaters, to all his irla/ds at home, 'and to ilia brother comrade* la Blpis.wn tbe ITih day of Juue. Hia remains were depteafedIn Atlanta — He waa a strict and laitbful membar of the Roman < albo ic i hurch whilst JivluK, a d died with tbe rites of his cbnroh. lie waff Of ahiougjAitie gnd t.ff.-c- tlonate disposition. He was fc-udtfd obliging, aud loved by all who knew him. Th«fgide and idol of ‘anlywqlovlng sister*, ix aged moti.er, a kind brother si , a kind brother anflYsraloving sister*, id which ciuitcredfbellfourin.lhope* ruction*. For griefs llti- tbe*u there rolasu, aud our omy iucourae is to the object aronud and waruie*t affection*, la Is no earihly rolaeo, i _ _ UIm whose myst jriona and rnflixntl ble prov idcnce w< may not penetrate, bat whom we know doeihall things well. God grant tint ili a Hfvc.ed mot er. wi oping brothers an 1 sisters faiy revive this sad calamity with pat.ence and atUtinfr, suu believe, with ills friend, that GP'nollUf I) iu A bappi- r place- of eternal rest. May the Lord gr at peace to hia’ ashes Is the prajrur oj lia f.lond, * J. T. It Uavauuab, DifP, on tho 7:h. Joue, atRaonton, Va., from i “■* “^celvod In the ba t4.» of the Wilde - aiid 1 mouth. thumb of May, Lieut. G. UUTLRH IUji.mBa, ugi.u- thorpe Light Infantry, 8th Uesygia Regiment, aged KKUAiiln OF FKOHUtk. 4q., JilLX l«th, '04. Pur Central Railroad—f09 bdo* cdftou, aud mdr.e To l 4 8 Malone, G B Lamar. J i^chiallier A Sou, W Baltersby A Uo, J F A M NaBiliVoavMun'er A Gam- mull, P II Bgliii, W u blurk, MaMUrsch, Mrs M Cowdeu, Mrs d. McLeod, JjDsIb, Dipt Manlganlt, H W Pease, Col J O Moore, W P Adsnja. R H Sullivan, 8 A Fowell. J P stone. W.B Hodgson, Capt Neely. B Strauffl, J J Howland, Miss t Rtjlly.O A L Lamar, MIm Hawson, M*J B McKftt< o, B Mfrsn.U A White, G Butler. H Ml clioll, J W While. G N Owens. Wm Hauler. M Myers, M Boley, MhJ Millen, (’apt Butler, W H Weeks. Par PaaaeatwMfn-nr B W Hardee, Capt C W West, J Weiga* d, l)r J U HovAird... m Per Atlantio aud Gulf Railroad—51 bales Cotton, anu mdse. To Duncan A Johnson, G Put ten. W E Adim*, Boilon A Villu*vapn, Tison 1 A Gordon, crane JT. Gray'ill, R Habersham A Bon. Brigham, Baldwin A Oo, Srwlu to Hardee, A R Wright, G Brown, Wm Hunter, L B Morse, L -f Gull martin A Co, MaJ Milieu, J Waldb rg, G uemundeu, City oi Savannah..8 W Wight, W P t oiwo, 8 «iv**r stieot, M H Wlllfaufs, G Cwdb«. D II Baldwin, W H Burroughs, WTD Kthorldge, Hunter A Gammcll.N A Hardee, A Wilcox, .Maj-.Kffbi riion, Muj Daycii 1 or>, and other*. KU hofifSOitM tXfiu.Sd uu July in. UW4. W M ncwitt.A A Lowe, J Peiklns, LI B Tnyloi H Keu, ’i ur * the District Court , G W Master, U Otrilt, J Mc'Titosh, K W Starr, F C 'Connor. •• q. H. HULKMEY. At*« To llie People ol Niivi*iiqmIi aufflkt Lower 4 oiin|fi : a oi (Jrorglu. * * The committee oppniuied by the Mayor ol the city ol BavuiiQ.tb tur the ruliet of the sick ami wouudud soloiura 61, Joliualoii'n army, have exhausted all ita tuuds, aud being culled upon dally to send further eupplica to the Front, feel compelled to Gower Guorl The inf*n? lieiu IllrR Uummfl } of Bavuuuah aud r opblrlbuubn*. KuiOuUtla»«^| the great diets I rod*,-the Relief *■ j itu urine onicers 7b Iht Jfaith i/ q/' (A* J}\s (rids of UeortM, tiruling; Whereas,-a l.bel hat, been filed In the DUtrHt Court of the Confederate- stales ior the Houthern Disirlc .of Georgia, on ine-tUlrieeulh day of Jtuy, In me year ok . ---- - ^ * "’If at the Bivadn h Naval btaiiou, ou bclfalf oi hunscit anu of -heoiticcrs and crews of ceitaln nouta detached ou special service ftom the vussols couq oflug Uie baVuiiuah nq ludron at the *aid Nava, sia .on, and of all oilier peraon* concerned and :uteri stud, again at the Unitea 8tnt>-s war steamer Water Witch, ner tackle, a,*; ur 1, lurui- tore, engines, <n »cnuu-:y, a’urus *ua appnncn^n.ei. guus and iiopiemenis, airi mnnlllona of war, aua S ttiUht all p rsons lulerveumg lor heir interuat crclu, alleging, in substance, t i,at war uuu a *iat; oi'mutual hoetiliiies exists, and bave t nice tbe ear iy K in oi ihe year cignieeu bundreii and six y-on , ex- sled bet aulXj tbe oonrederatc states ot uincrica and the Uulted 8tates ol America; and that capintu* ana ■citures ot euemies 1 pruperij are auih ii ed >>y ibe lawa of nations, aud unjoined uoou ail oUl. -.re oi ihu Confederate blare*; that the libellant did, ou Uio tu.rty drat day ot May last, til out and dispa ch, uu- for usi"' In pass- lo further on, whiih war fcW^ftScK.u tajliqj •iidf they oegan to pour In a heavy fire dn our with c uslderablo effect. When »he9dth got thronga wo fouud tho sha pshooters hud charged over tho hill aud reuikcu the rifle pita, and tho 88th lying down behind the bmw of the hill, over whose creit a Yan kee Hue of battle was uudeavoriug to prevent our ad vance lu force from that direction. The 96th pass d iu to 'ho rig t oi the88th, and lay down as near tho top of the ridge as It wus hoaftby to got. Wh'le lay ing there and calculating the chances of getliug hit In the charge over tho ridge, which wo wore momen tarily expecting, 1 heard one oi the mou remark, * Bov*, I’ll bo hanged if a bird could live 11 o minutes on Ihu top or that hill." Just then I observed 1’upt. Keller walking act use the ridge towards us, as un concerned as Uhls safety were insured. He wanted tweulymeuto reinforce bis sharpshooter*, whose cartridges were uoirly alt nsccl. Bat nobody v. lun- teerod At the second call L:eui. Rodgers, commaud lug Oo. C, 26lh Ga., Jumped up exclaiming CJ, every ma" of yo , 1 want yon to ijo and help Captain Keller' 'omu over the bill aud luto the rifle plt,s Quick," No Booster salfftb ‘n donc.but alas I iu stead of rifleplls we fouiffujnl/ a few pile* of .oit :n rail* for our , rotectlon, anu thk Yankee llbe of bat- ‘ >-flve ynr 3 - ‘ behind L s .) mucl to make wildly A tlunbout seveuty five yards 'u Ironl, *»cutely trenched. Dqwu behied .Chi * 1 ** we fell au • com rnenced firing, not *.> much with the hope ot hurting tho Yankees, as to tuske them keep tlielr In-ail-, down and so fire wildly A us Meanwhile the haiuuce of the regiment hsd come In on our right. Tho sun wm then au hour highland from that tlino till dark s steady Are waa kcig. up,botweyu us. Tho rail piles proved a p or pr t*>ctl*m for us. Four men lay j-e- tnd one pile wkhimt. AU«f qflgol hall /Money Is wauled to purchase fluppIL^SB^h^uis, sweetbread, ginger cake*, aud all^^fcleg .which a «luk Or wouuHed mau may^JH^p; ais'o ehiris and druwen*, rtoare brouglil m wilh scarcely a reuiufinl of clothing to cover their uakedouAfl. Wivps, mothers and sisters, can yon uol do Bouielhlog more to relieve the utlurings ol those most dear to yon? Look over your siorefl and send torwiy d whatever you can spare.. Rev. Mr. .Wynn is chairman ol our distributing committee, and with hi* nqble associates who are devdiing their time and strength iu inuilkipiiug to the ekk and wound- d, will sen ibift all* you tuay send is properly ppliod. Thu'tJEkprofirQompatiy, the Railroad Company, and the nicamboais ou the duvauQub river will bring forward.renyihii g yon may smul Ireo ot charge. - * •£/ H. Uiinuu.M, Chut’c Relief OOhUnittee, Bavannab. —^lng I, and keeping about twenty incn«ui)su, nw wu way, followed by A the reg.ment. .'here 'It waa we mot with some of the bloodiest work It has been my lot to oucounter. The ground was thickly strewn with dead and wonnded, for dur ing the cvunlbg, our meu had beeu driven pull-moli over It at tho point of the bayonet, and, iu tnm,tne Yaukees hud hceu driven back before the murderous fire of fresh troop*. It was not h dd by eltlur party, for while ihe Yaukoes held the angle, we could uot hold It without betug exposed to k their Are under coyer, while they did not attempt to hold U for a similar r. u on; *o the aoction ot breastwork along side ot which we had to advanco, was Unoccupied, oxcnpl hy the dead aud dy ng. The dlLli had pur posely been obstructed by our meu with defilements, (cross section of wall to protect from au onlllane lire ) Over these ob-t uctions, iu the lace of a heavy slant il o, bearing mostly on the head ot onr column, the wounded begging us piteously uot to step on them, aud rcrcamTug in agony wheu wo did, tho bul lets whistling around u* with thut peculiar whist which Indicates their Initial velocity, or raining against t heir victims with a murderous spat, spat, spat we followed our gallant Colouul, till we got to a pus.Cion from wblcn we could return their lire — Then with a ye’l of vengeance aud a volley that seemed to astonish tho Yaukees, we dashed at tlmu, and quickly had the happ ue«* of t-eemg them fl lug panic-stricken a- ross he field, with car de.-ttu shots i all lug thick and fast aauug tfoui, and leaving the' ground pretty well sprl kUd with blue . Wuile we were rest ng ouenr laurels, and con gratulating ourselves llut we had »scaped uuhurt ihe Yaukees brought up their bmds as near as they could, and playod several national airs. Otherwise they did uol dloturb us, so that night we slept on our arms. Karly the next morning, (lHh), we were n-lit-ved from tne front, and took our placu again (wilh the brigade iu reserve), aud proceeded to dig ourtclves shelter from the sharpshoou r*'bullets and random shot and shell, which were us dangerous to u* there a* to those on the front liue. As no as*u Its were made on our lines that day, wo remained in the trenches and again slept on our arms. Daybreak ou the morning of the 12th revealed a heavy fog, which enshroud'd everything iu its gloomy mist. For a fr w miuutes all was silent; *avu tne rattling of a battery going Into position on onr right The piirt of the nnj bohlud which we were held In reserve, formed, lu Its genecral shape, a horse-shoe, with a rad.us or hair a mile. Nwtne left side of the too of his shoo was our positiou.— For a few moments only this ominous silence reign ed. Before the sun rote the euemy hsd rtermed and carrl d nearly the whole nt this c rc lor im* of I roadworks, by wfiich we wore exposed to tho triple Four me _ U*foov were wounded. mostly by balls that passed though the rotteq rai Is To the right of mo the Yankee* fired the wo«Ms, and about dark several of «nr rail piles had caught and were in a light bla«. Ty stay.wfluud them was impossible, lor the dry rotten rail* burnt like Under, aud to ruu oat in thulr light wjis to/taw tho c ncen- trated fire of the Yankte line of DSltl®. Our boys had to run iheganutle:. and me volley that greeted our ears aa we smarted made the previous roar seem a skirmish fire, Taank God nouu loll— In a minute morel saw an act of daring fidelity K crformcd by a private In the 88th Georgia, n>r which e deserves more than a compliment 1 wish I knew his name that 1 might recurd it with tho set, hefo o his adminug countrymen. Learning from those who rau out from a burning pile, that his Lieutenant was lying dead acre** it, be dasht d across the ridge lu the lace or a heavy Are dire ted entirely at him, snd seizing tbe corpse by the leet, he drrggf-d him ont of the fire, and over the hill in ssfuty. I could but hold my breath as I watched him. By this time the Yi kees had ceased to fire, except on those who wt.. exposed by the light of the fire, find soon they ce*ied altogether. Suddenly they poqjrud.’ a heavy volley Into us, raised a stragg’ing huzza and 'Totward, for ward, charge’em, give It-to the d—d Jhonuie-,” were plainly heardlu their Hues. Wo replied with a y«H and a lew shola to let them know that we wen ready, hut their cal ant churgo all played ont will their last huzza. Then the ••Jhonuie*" began to Jeei at them. "Why don’t you come or, Yapk* ?" ciiet one, "charge the d—d reba,” sneeren another. "Got any hard lack?" enquired another. "Y» a," .nawered a Yank, "come over and I'll give you aom*." "No. thank yotl," res. onded the reo. rather trado yon car trulgos for them." A little fellow had all this time beeu shouting "hnza*-a-a for Georglnt" Afrwmln- utos afu-r tholr failure to oharge ns. the Yaukees moved off lu the dark, and Co. O. was ordered to the extreme right io occupy the rlfla pita up there.— The first vacant pit We came to we halted a mom« na* to seo,who should get Into that ono,and who no to tne next, wheu we were fired into from it, breaking one m us arm and sirlWlng another. At this we ill de elded to get »u that pit, ond did eotn a iwinkling,hut Justin time to sc eeu i urselvea from a severe irout and left oblique fire, be Idea the the from the pit, tWeniy paces on our right. Lackilv f r us ihe dirt from I he pit ire . be n distributed on the three side* of the pit which we had been oiced into Wu managed to return tne II-o as be.-t we could, tl 1 Col. A , see ing we were liable to be cat off and • aitnrcd. (our connection on the right being broken.).withdrcw tbe reglmcut about 150ya-d*. and cst ibllshcd a uew line alter which wo were relieved. Theovcninur th. next' day (Id Juue; the whole corps advanced ve the same groaud, led by our b »g de and drove tho enemy ont of two l-nm of fort flcattona.capmiliig about 600 prlsonei , rnd wreaching GrauCs right wing b ck two mllesand we lie d tho gr und— Next day (3d) the a .th wu* engaged all day iu a live iy skirmish, and atnight our position being decided ly uuteuame in caBe of an at'm k In force, as it t compkl-'y snrrouuric • »-y I - e enemy’s artillery, left It 1 charge ol on* .: 'Looter* and retired to our ud ..roast wo ;ht. ...er three days of com pita tlve quiet, the Ynukesa left our front and took p >*i xguul Lieuteiiout iLomas P. Pu.... Come derate Suice Navy, (auottiecr unuur liiu liLel- lanL’s command) au exped.t.ouof seven opcu boats deiacii.d irom v ,nous public vessel* ui war iu th- Confederate bailee u .val *u>vice ai d buiougiiig io the said bavann .il bquudron, uudet the liiulUnt'o immediate couimanu, auu otiicereu nud m<itiued from the same, wiiU Uialructious Irom tuu libeiUintto attack and rapiuro any vessel or vea<» l»of uu* euemy ihai-hould bo foumi iu the waters oi i s.-abaw ^ound the hunts of the l.b lluUl u commauil a* F.ag cnilCur ua aforesaid; that the mid Lieutenant Tuo*. F. JViotdid, in-ptirauaneeof tne truction*, ami with tuu oaiu ueiathmcul of nd (he ulflcer* anu crews tbeteo , eubdue, ju capiure, by hoarding, on the third d:ty oi Juue ia t, the .aid war sum er Aa.er Witca her tackle, Ac., as afoieraid, iuUssubaw Sound, in, the bouthern oUtr.tt ot Georgia, ou navicuuk water* wuhiu iheuhb uud flowm ihe tide, and wltlnnilit- Admit ally and maritime jurisdic loi) ot the aa.d Goutaud (hat the same ar. now within tne mid District, and .vtihin tho Jurisdiction ol tao s .id Coot.; that tue aid steamer VVaL r .* itch waa, at ihe eo. her capture, a public, armed, tu.-int* >*■■>»«• , prupeitym the United biates u; Atm-t.cp, and > c mmanded by l.icutomtu Cuunna....fr AUilin Pendcrgr«st, of tile Uuifod owtesNav^, that ;be said oiediuer Water W i ch io a Vessel of uooui three hlin- dted>i. d ulucly ton* burthuu, aud, ul the l.iue o her was armed with uuu thirty two pjnnd r ri >gle batiuea Parrott gun, out- biHes till d waive puumloi gun, ana two brass bmcotb boru twelve pounder gun?, besides emu.I turns; a.id thu aur Tull complement ol oillcuis aud iuoa a as uihct>- flve; hut the w^ule number ot ulUwci e uud nn.u oi ihe s .id uxpudiiton tha. actually buuidcd and caplur« d tile sum steamer Water Witch Was suvcuty-six, tinn ed <v itu side-arms aioue, and that tue bum bur ol ihu enemy ou board cup tun a and mu lu prisoners by them was llfU-uu ofllcus and ei^ty live iuuo; ih .i ti.« said steamer Wuter Witch Wus c iplur d by n n fo- rlor force, aud luai, in accuroancu with ihe tiiu.c m such core provmud, the pruce.d* ol the rani cup tuie, when tue same siiail he ud^udgnl go.dpil/e, becofpe.thu sole prr petty of the oapi r , to ihu ex clusion ol* aby right of ihu Coine .i rate buieb lo a snare therein; ibui llie ofllcc-ni, uieu end u>aia in k tug the raid capture were- ia the naval service oi tuo Goukderate buttes, and belonged lo the i oufracraic btalc-s i>uval rqumirou under tne immediate com mand of ihu libel.aut, us F.ng uiiieer a* iiiorusuid, aud were i etuched therefrom on mu «uui special serv.ee, hy tne lloeilaut’s orders, ami iLat ihu mla capture wus made wituin lbel.mlL* ul .thqiibu lam'* command as ^isg Ofllcer as aioreeuui; and praying the usual proceb: and iu initiou of ihu *«id court lu this bunalt to be made, uud that all persona having or claiming any .merest lift lie aa d rteamer Water Witch, her t cale, Ac., Ac., may be cued to appear aud dUHW r tne premises, aud Ui-tl, all due proceed ing* b lug had, the *aid stiumer Water Witch, ner tackle, Ac , Ac , may, for the cause* aluresaid, and othu » appeunug be condumued a* nnfjiieu and ud judgid good prize Of war, to be distributed a- by luw •s provided iu casus U oupturcr made by ouiccis uud men ol the C'oulederaiu auu-s Navy, a. d by ihc- pubiic aimed vessels ol the Gonfedeiate dtale* : Now, th reforo, you, the said Mars.i.tl, arc licrcby commundf d t j cite and adnumiab every and all per son aud pcisour liavingoi clfiiiitiig any iiiierutt m the said steamer Wat-^ Witch, hut uickie, Ac , ac , -flA there l, to appear bcf. ie the Lonreaerat* Males lor .h boatoeru District of Uuorgla, at tbe Court Room ol the said couri'iu t> e city of Havauuuh, ou Tuenhiy, the second uiij ol August, next, at ihe hour ol eleven o'clock iu the forenoon, to adswui mo pr misi s, nnu to lotcfpOae (heir claim*, if any they have, ami mat right and justice may bo au t ad.niuister. d in this behalf; and wnulsoiVer yen shall do in tbe premises by virtue bu.eol, term, nua iu-ius known Lo Ihe Judge of the raid Court, at the time and place aforesaid, und have, men and tin re, this writ. Wit .e*a, the Honorable Edward.). Harden, Dis trict Judge of Ihe coilic-derale stales for ihu .ttotfth eru Distri-1 of Gcorgl i, this thirteenth -day of July, in Ihi- year ol our Lord uighteuu hundred amt * x- ty-loir. HKNKi wlLM.-.Md, Proci'-r and Advocate lot Libellant. wui*^iU-rcatod iti the f.ir.-gopig monition . CHAtt. C. USHaB.. Savannah, Jn'y lath, laii. jlfijin—u D RIO&S, tfcc. G i CJJl oPIditl, Ch.orulor.n, i'anmu, Cooking I Soda, indigo, Suglisii Blue, Snell Luo, I-lng Glass Adhesive Pjist. r, Hish Mors, 1'uriarlc Acid, Ri»*e Pink, Whitfr.g, Flux Seed, Powdered Arst iilo; \ermi.uge, J)u by’u Cdimluative. Gum Myrrh, Uad Uhairti.y, Ac. For sale b> B. F. ULmKK, M. D and Druggist, Jyl«—2* cor. Brunch ton A Price-sis. Exchange Nniice No. II. Rirnnonn, Va , June-yffb, 1FG4. All ofllcars and meu of tse Vicksburg capture or Jul, 4th, 1868, who repoYfsfl for doty either at Enterprise, Miss., Demopolis, Ala., Jonesboro', Tuna-, Vienna, Natchitoches, Shreveport, ot Aler.andil«, La , at auy tin^f prior to April 1SL1864, and whi cd to me By the exchanged luqon; hl'Kt'IAL OHDER8, f * No. —. - * . f Lieut. H. F. Grant, Troop B, 4th Georgia ffnvrlry, will remain iu Savannah for a limited time, to re ceive and forward to Macon alt mru of the 4th Goof, gia Cavalry who hsvc not yet reported for duty DUNCAN L CLINCH, jnlyU—U C.'bmel c?ommandlng Nudcc loTax Payers, Western Divi sion, Disirlrl No. 1. All parties who have not returned and paid the tax due upon groas sales for the quarter ending the 3>,thday of Julie last, will do so at once. A. 8.* UARTRIDGE. Collector West. Div. Dls. No. 1. JoHHaGAXKELL, BY OBO. W. WVILV. trill beaoic, on WEDNBnDAY. tho soih In.tasi, at 11 o'clock,In from ot my -oitlcc, on the ectuct of roS I PO N CD AllCIlUV. Naval .stItioh. W __ _ —■ u ■—, uly ia;h, 1801. 1 . 7 k v* .V*2?T at ?“•»%. auctib W EDN 'V DAY,the Mkli inotaut, at 11 «^k>ck a. m.,-at * vno c;. 9. N »Val More,- •truer pf Bryan and Abercorn streets, a lot of empty Beef a .d Pork Barrels an,l Hu ?±L” l ™ eadB ’ f° r account of the c . S Navy Do- 1- Notice. Julyl9~6tfl Insiirauco.rl'M. Capilal, alfr Juhscrlbt'd, '$5,50*iM>0.' Paid up lo |,M,, - - T A u«WuM i^-c . A TRUST CO., ( U, July lsih, 1S(4. t SflKh OFFICE HOUTHEn^ IN . rfavunn Thuanbiml moitlpiror tho 8fl* ktmld : to £ this Company, will be held at this office on WKDNKhOaY, the 20(h in*L,at twrivi- ••’clock m , when.con r ormably t<» rule, an ek-cflon of Directors will take phee, and a nta^ement of the bueiree* of the past year will tie subrn Mt-d. j. RDWAKD C. LUGRIBL, Julyltt-a Secretary Aaron Wilbur, Juo. Richard, ou. D. H. Baldwlr. Wm. H. Stark, Jpo. c. Fqrrill, C. S. REGlSTERiD S10CK. . C b. DEPOSITORY, ( Havununh, July l3ib. lbfVl. ( The Schedule* of Interest ou the C. 8. Loads qf February 28yi, l&6t; Muy 16ih, 1^1; August Iflih, 1861, and 8i-v n and Right per cents, of Fcbijuiry 20th, 1*563—all payable 1st July, lustai t, havingbecu received, holders of t-aid stock will apply at Ibis Deposit, ry and receive tlielr iu- terest. J. R. 8NKKI), July Kt -6 C. H. Depositary. Circular. CHIEF .M.’rt OFPH5B, GA. RESERVES, [ Macon, June lb, 18bt. | Quarter nastui* aud Acting Quart.-riuosters in the Georgia Rese-ve Corps, will inukc to till* office, monthly, the following re{>orts, viz ; Report of piopc-rty rccdivoil, UPvd hnd remaining on liaud. H( port of persous’ and a;tlcles hired or employed, monthly summary statement. Tho above ropfirts must bu made by tho 10th of each month. _ ,.J. L. MORGAN, . MgJpr aud«H|f^. Qq. Hi Ijinti ^(l8|Mlgrmcttt$ ifo^er Having frcJtWfl Authority to Increase my BattaHoirto ift^egltffent, I invite all and, r the ago of clghtecn'AKdisgfer the age of fluty five, who may baVe fofmei?Coipps^ie*, or parts o* Comp luics, or individuals, to untie with mo. There are now m-yen Companies III the Battalion, which 1s now, aud will continue t» he, a local rfserVe force- AH Interested c-in call at my ftfioe, 17 Whitaker street, and enroll themselves, or address meat WhP. marsh Island. W:'R. 8YMON8, Ju’yao * WaJoflftBsit. Resirvt * Last \Vesk—Gross 'Alins. CITY TRKAHURER’H OFFICE, I Savannah, 10th .lily, 1S64 t This is the last week for makiug City Tax Returns of Gro^ St^Cs for tbe quar ter ending 30lh June, 1861, I relnttve. Those who cannot well Aloud n tb>’ mornings'are informed that I will bo at iny offilo every afternoon this week from 4 o'clock tto o-'dock. EDWARD Q. WILSON, J >19—oadS 'City Treasurer. $25 ItfSoir*. m the und«r*lg,io1. < It ran readily he ku one Uack^uL other l l>« paid TTd. hrcret ress office. GEORGE I1IIMBOLDT Cent. Ceriilcate. I Poodle Bitch PUP. It ran readily he kuowe by it* peculiarity of eyes- one Mack, til; other blue.— Thu above reward will be paid *l d- lirered at the Billiard R »om over Express office. ’( July20—9t — $10,000 4 Per Tor $10,600 . . he Confed- tatv*. No. 3,9i^i, dated "Culuni ia. May 6, 1864," in favilr of "Thjs. R. Shop," ind sigued 'Alex. Liuehliu." The Department h9*e been notltlcil, ml tux celvers will stop the ocrtlfleato. If presc All p rsons are hcreby.nutiflednol to ade for the na da, vll ih left with At tho request or Mr. Mordecal, I Invlk ihe a tlou ol all li.x officers iu SouthCarolin* i (he nbi a »(1 if such a certificate shall be preset tei for u: they are authorized lo refuse the saoR a* it has never been assigned by him to any om-, aid any ef fort to puss the same for taxes would-be frund. jos. Daniel ‘©pe. Btaua- *1 lector. jy State Colfrctors of the Co'ib-ue je States will please issue similar circulars to.the ffc officers of their v tato, and (.will p.4y-lhe dxrieii-c.l whutever It may »*e M. C. MnRlKL’AI, j uly 11—2 y -Colufttfn 8. C $*200 Reward. >K two mgro men, Dick and D.iuiel 1 buy left Ktug's Bridge, in Chatham county, on trr«- uiga^of me lHtn July, lb(i4. Dick tsum.ut 5 feet b Uicheahlgh. 45>earsol a e, aud Uiack com lrxioii; he i- irom North Carolin». D*ulel ls^ a A fr ct 10 inches high, 3i years of age, a dark ui'Sko Ivlh nie front teeth out; he came from Souih They may bo trying to make their way bucU^Fthc Caroll na* The above reward will bo paid any one ak leg them up and givin,* me iuionuai u»u, ui Way's Mdiiun, Bryan couuty, Georgia, or $t 0 for epher onuol them. JulylO-im • MoLEOD KING. D It Y GOO D« . ( I.GSliVli OUT. iectlng. Parties interested will nliase t ike notice andca<l e»r^y. JOHN McyUNAGHY, 160 Bruuphlon str> ot mdcad e.ir^y Jul> 16 -3t savannah IMUKIVC MILLS. _ Mills ha* b on fully repaired and fitted out with superior bolting cloths. On. sign munis of Wh< a , to be ground on toll, are solicited will oat regard lo quantity. The Mill l* prepared to furnish a* g >od ' :lo of i lour *s :>ny lu the State. i article julyl4-2w A. P. WETTER. For Sale. Hog. tea ot one hundred gallons each, riin two of eiguty gallons each, for sale Apply l • TAYLOR & AMiY, Ju'yl4—tf At Miller’s Foninliy. NOTICE TO BANK OFFICERS AND To llie Public Generally. S TOLEN from the subscriber, at Halifax, N. 8, twenty (20) Uooigla State Bonds for $A00cach, Nos 900 to 999, Inclusive. Said Ronds were issued in aid of the Atlantic end Gull Railroad, under an act (No. 103) entitled ‘ Au actio incorporate a rail road c nnpauy to be called tbe AUautic aud Gulf Rail Rood Company.' and for-othur purpoMes therein named ” Approved February 27tb, 1850. Tbe Bond* ate payable In twenty years at New York: Interest nayublu-st-mi-aunu illy at tbe city of New York, at the rate of six percent. Bond* signed E. P. Watkins, Secretary of State. Joseph K. Brown, Governor of Georgia; seal of State affixed, August 1st, I860. Coupons due ou same from February 1st. 1868, and signed by John Jones, Treasurer. The public are hereby notified not 11 purchase said Bonds or Coupons, us proper notice his been given at the Treasury of the ata«e cf Georgia to stop pay ment on the same, and l.ad to thu (lett-eliou of the party who stole said Bond* un-l Coupon*. * KNOWLES juiy4—3 DYE£N« fiSTABLlSHitlRMT, (iBTABLiami) in 1981.] Ksmored so 85 Ursylon sircst, south of York str*st« uesr Ui* lata roldnic* of tbs subscriber. fllUE Subscriber, grateful for oa*t favorr, Hors X leave to inform bit friends anu tne uahi t »cuer- ally, that he is now prepared to d v ,. &j| Ck. lC rp lu -he best style on 811k and Wo61eu Drtf re*, Hhawls, Ac.; also, Table Covers aud Cra;*! Shawls cmaned one bleached iu the lm*t manner. Ladies’ Kid nad Doa Skin G!ov«**r!.-an«d in the best fsmdonstyle. The soherriber begs leave to state that h-.- Is now prepared lo an, bleach and press f Adieu’ UonuHts and Flats In the mo*C fashionable styles. Terms moderate. Gentlemen's Garments Dyed aim Cleaned, as may .be required, In the same superior stylo which h&s gen erally so well plea**! hta patrons and friends'for Jhs OHfct hn yMn A. GALLOWAY. Strayed or Stolen F ltOffl my plantation, near TebeauviUe. Ware county, Georgia, a MARE COLT, Is months old. light hay, feet, mane and ta 1 black, with a small white spot ou the forehead and on tbe nose;, tolera bly well grown. Anyone returning said Colt will receive a reward of fifty dollars, and any one giving me information where I can get her will receive a reward of twenty five dollars. jul>9—law4w SALANAN LEE. FARMER j AND ^VCBaNICB' BANK, I Bavaunah, July 1st, ih64. J The btockholdcrs are notified that the Confederate Sti-tea und SiateTaxes will be paid by 1 iKl* Bank in lieu of a divtd no. J«]v* J. K. GAUDRY Cquhlur, HEADE RS DETACUM’T 6tu GA. CAVALRY, i m Bivouac iu Lmaimel County, ’ v Juiy 6th, lbi.4. j $180 Reward. riHIIItTY Itfllur* reward will be paid for the E apprehension and deliv. ry at Ugleiborpu Bar rack*, SAvuuuuh, of each of the following cowardly miscreant*,, wtiudorerl d from t Iris Detachment while oa the muren to loin Gen. Johuhton s army, viz : BUGLER J. GORDuN, ol K Troop, ngu i9 years, gray t ye*, light hilr, 1 ght Complex .on, 5 fe«t 9Jtf .uchts higbt burn in Mcjnio*u ccnuiy, iUilistu.i July b <8i>2, by Capt u C. HopklnB lorlhf war De- *yrtod with a dark urowu hoise, about 14>j hauus Private K J. DAVIS, of K Troop, ago 19 year*-, br«»wn eyes, brown n*ir, dark complexion, 0 fe-1 9 incurs high, horn lu Mclnfush county. lUillst-d May 21, f62, by Capt. W. Hughe* ior the w sur.td wnh a hay nor mahout I6b»i ds Ii gh Rrlvu c MOSELY, orTfTroop, h,.\j .0 year*, gray ere.-, urown hair, Jight complex.o.t, 5 uet 8 lncbo* bleb, born iu TaUuoil county. Mnli*;*d March 27, ItkCl, by -capt. Brills: or tl A»a-*»va war » rmiiw -trnvrrrir. Of O ago 31 yuiff* bine *‘« ht . ,m,r » Hght complexion, 6 fe ta Inches hfrh, barn In Green county, unlisted Murch 1, 1862, bv ( ol. Rock-oil for the war. Private W. i». ME1 ZGKR.i f I Troop, ago 18 year*, b'Ue «-yi-s^d*.k hair, light complexion 6 feet 1 inchr* high, born iu Effingham couuty. hulist, #1 miiikry 12, 1862, by Uapl.Blr.lWor tho war. D ^erted ^Ilh ut l.i k Inuse, about 16 hatul* high. Prlitt.u B "C, VS RIGHT..of 1 Troop, age ld^VeSM, brown eye*, light hair, light chmplerion, 6 feet 4W men.-* high, born in Effingham Miunty hniist January 9, i«6J, by capt. stroohar for the war. ,, R- -F. AKIN, (apt. Coma g Detach meat 6th Ga. Cavalry Julyl3-*-, |ft ' A DESIRABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. C llifflI’illNINIi8000 acres of first qimliiy plant ) log land, situated ou Crooked River, Camden » L '~' * amp, 900 county, Ga., f 00 acre* of which Is tide ^ ol which Is under good bank and iu fine st de of cui- ‘ -ution; 700 acre* tine hammock, producing 30 io 40 corn per acre; tho h&luncu well timbered, untof live oak ship limner. bushole together with iarg' range for stock. The lmprovemeu d flr*t HI a floe dweiliug, well finished, with eight” riiomo, » fire place in each; all uucersary ontnuildiug*, In go.»d order; health ausurpassed, water Hue, and the furnish.ng an abuuuance of h*h aud oysters, irtlr.'— For further paruculais apply to July7—3aw4w BLo DNT A DAWSON. B r'brder of‘th? *tejKk»ferl®tI Court of McIntosh flinty, Gcore a,! radii bVUki public nnction on the 80uh day of July* 1864; a Urge lot ol Wrought Iron, at the jail Itf the city of D*uec, Ga. There are several ton* of the Iron, and coi si t nn *t>y t" from 6 to 15 feet loqg, two and a half inche* and u half to, hree- q mrters of au Inch thick. .Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. Term* cash, lu nt w issue. Iron to be weigued and delivered on day of Mle. r. COGDKLL, _ , Sheriff Mclbt'jsh Coui ty July 6,1304. July8—td TATKOF RKOHCIU, CHAT HA HI Minn* Amrgin will app.y at the Court of Ordi- uaryior Uttentot Administration on the estate of Amraoi, late of Chatham county, de- Dav.d ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before mud Court, to make objection (if any they Nave) on or be fore the first Monday in September next, otherwise said letter* will be granted 1 WltneHd, Dominick A. O’Byrne, K-q., Ordinary of Chatham count*, tnis 18th day bf July, 1864. Julylft—♦ .DOM1MICK A O’BYIlflB. o. O. C. Leg«l Notice. N « rif’E I* hereby given that I have made * cation ' ” - - ounty tor leave to e and Gull RAilrOAd Sni owun Foley, deceased jnnel II twenty share* of the Atlantic* Vbe!• miring to tUue*uite'of J'-F. KIRBY, Executor K-t. O. Foley Notice. S IX months after du*e I will apply to the Court ol Or-.if ary of Chatham county for Letter* or Dismission from the Admlni.-tration on tbeesta'epl SophiaL. Tow, latwof Chithum couuty, dt-rea-ed MARGARET M. DIBBLE, fiprtS ~ Acmlnlstrairix. Legal Notice. A LL persous having any claim* against the estate of tne late Col. Joseph L. McAllister will pc seutlh.-ui, duly aitestee, within the time prescrib. d by luw; and all p.-reone indebted to ihe suid esiat will make paym.'iit V) the undersiuned. WM. N YLK HaBEUSUaH, ) Joseph clay, >Executors. GKO S OWENS, ( july9 Savinnah. July 8 1864. Legal Notice. A LL persona having ttalms against the estate of Michael Sneahaii,deceased, are notified topr.- sei.t them, duly aMested, within thu rime pri by Jaw; arffl all Indebted to sa-d^nato wl 8hoes! Shoes! A I:P T P r '"P-r'or. »nMtaiiti»|i T m.'lc 81 oo. for me at rat* l at reduced piiccc. Tbey ctu m *' the store of ' . 1Q »BdSR9 CHAMPION * BRKEdAN. M. A. Coma, 8ac*T.. , OGL£THjr.PE v L -4°^ »ava Capital, rmEcToaa. Wm. Ncylc Habersham, Henry Bri»haio, E. C. Wade Henry Lathr p, AA BDN*Sli,y9 l i{; p" -, Jeu( Junekf—iodim SURANCi. ^ 6AVAKK+-H. «l»e ftlllllM ' Dollars 1 i DIRECTORS. iVAJSS** William Hunter, ci«.STuto„. i!S5 „ «Iorin L. VHIalongn. ,a |»roparod to Janie* McHenry, all deecrlp «“* V, accent ummT irm°. l ™"«Po>latton "u Joiin Tj™o«aa,B«nuary. . ' "**% V. « Y. ACADEMY OF THE VISIfATiON, NEAR MOBILE, ALA. au88lon Close on the 27th ol , classes will hcresuutotl ou in»- 7ih • •I Sej iemb r. Tlie achul**i 1: yu.tr w-.L be diviu «i into threeeeesloiu, a mmcDaiug sent 7tn°JW iif April 9th, ana ending July 2otn, 1866 * "If" *? ■ dunu« vuuullon, *110 (10. CENTRAL Rai i-iftfTJ.tAL llAlLRu^ir E Ga#, March Doth, 1864. CHANUEOF SCHEuUi.ih' ( “ na Sunday, March D7lh, l-rt. cu4 V/ trains on this Road and hrauri>»> umi ....a as follows: p DAILY DAY TRAIN. L-’av*- saviuman Arrive lu Macon .’ nuatu .ancon \ctY9x-. in Bavomian ‘" '.**7... DAILY NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Savannah Arrive in Macon... Lsaavo Jincon '/ Arrive in Savannah WHITESVILLE ACCOMMODATION— DAILY Leave Savannah Arrive at Whlte*viJle. (No. 3). Leave Whitesvllle, (No. 8) Arrive at Savannah A ugdhta BRANCH. Leave Ailgusta Arrive In Millen Leave Wlluu Amve^j^^pta ,i iwiw**>*' . . _ , . EATONTON BRANCH Leave Raton ton.. Arrive in Gordon Leave Gordon r Vj T-* *“ Arrive in Eatouton 11> *;! PaBfon K or»lri>m Savaim.lhmd Micon'for a'.i r «iL will*iake cithi.r train, and coBnmtSicci huih Itdgovuiu yui huo.eren take "Day Train" from Maoou Uah 8nd AuKUbLa * an<l “Night Trrio * Night Trains frort Savannah aud August uwimet with 8i.ui.ij. wee tern H. It. at Macon .or Eiifoala, Fort Gonira nndintermedlate point* • alaol un< ‘ Wl u - h - ,n AUauta anu tho West ^ Day Train connect* at Macon with b, \\ ,nu *u * QogeeR R. to Columbus, MonLromon, Mobile aV i the South wort w mar fi—daw Hon “UAMt,. “ W.J.V, ^.ita ; 41 Miilc »n«' <;uir Kalli-ok-J. hori* I ana .8on Kxpadttloua Bonn t* Brunawiok nnd l l.oma.vtlu, - dladlaon C. II,, Labe u,) ' iflanllcctlo, and Tallakn ” au. Florida. O * -dd an.r Monday. ] 1084. thafans -Will (vavc F'-UJ oir.tiptnd,) a. follow. Arrive alVhdmadBITe at’.*. ’. * V’ " ' ’ * aSTUIlKIH6. Loavc ThomMVtnd *t ’ i.w, , „ A dvo at biivaunah Ta r- !!■ Cujuiocting at Mcletoah (Stiilou' Ho. 7. W«»t, cjn Trevdaya, Thursdays and ih.uiraaya, K £'?(i a^hn« of coachoa to Pula., lintimiioc on alhmata Ooijncclinfr si Qnltmau (No. 18.) dally with a lira .1 Qoaehea to Madison C. H., Fla y c ' tlonnectln* at (Jronynr’B (No. 11) witr, a dallv Hi,. 2a1S2m.'h.? 0uUc t 11 % Arrll "“; Inllmu ic 00 S“S ct .?l ttl Ufff “T* to Tallaha.?^ r«. Milk, Freight Trains leave Savannas Mondays, . Jil/S and Fridays, at li.il; rctarniu. ,rn ‘l'o.F.dava ' Tlmiadavo nnd hat:irdaya at 4 p. m ^ N. B. Donhln thu rmnilar rains will bo ehantad or all urtldoa ahlnpad by Pantenvnr Train. Frelirhi by PatMi^er frt.ln ahoald hn a»!it*Cd at ru t '.ridn !b art ,im, liF.iir hidra ■ tt. ; atari in« tlnm r-( ri.s (rhld g, j. F(II,T.-)V Iiniawlniwidmit OFFICE ENdINEICIt AND 8DI’EHINTENJJBN'V CliaHl.USTON ANIi hAVANN.n H AI mtnAU, Charlcatrrn, June V, 1884. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE O N Tharday, June Ball, 18n4, a, d ..ntlll (nr.hr notice, the echudnb- ot the passenger train > bo a* follows, viz : Leave i harleeton at 6 4'. a . M. Arrive lu SavannuU at 5.40 P. M Leave Savannah at 6 *0 A. M Arrive In Charleston at...; 1.16 P.M. This iraio make* direct connect!.m*. going nt and atiuth, wl.h the Noriheartern Tiailrnaa .. Charleston, and the Central 4 Railroad at th.j Junction R H. HAINES, Eng’r and 8dp\ June8—dlw*eod4w Dundee Ri?ggisig. • /1dm W d.t.Maufdnn bxl next, before the Court House doormat., o’clock a. m., four Blavea, named Heit/, Julius. Cor nell .1 and Richard. Sold as the property ol tbe estate of Mary J. Harris, fry permit-Bioa of tne Court or Or- atnarv of Chatham com.ty. Jul>9—* JANE M. HARrJl??, Adm’x. Wanted, ROPE, suitable for compressing Cotton OSNABURGS, 8HIRT1NGS, YARNS, COTTON ond woollAlrjm FOB SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, At 8 GERSTMAN’S, Collins’ Old Stand, juueai—lm Bryan and St. Jnliefl^itreeiS. IN STOUTS AND FOR S B ACON, Lud^s/rop, Flour, Tobacco. Salt, Machinery Oil, Bagging, Rope and Twine. V£J~ store open from 9 80 a. m. to 1 Jaiyl3—b w. LEATHER BELTING FOR SALE. A 1 FEE r 1-inch Belting, with S8 tin cup« ■(. -± X tnened, soluble (or rice mill purposes. Apply to Uttiy«—aswiw] . blou«t «. Dawson. •