Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 2. . .
The Loyal Georgiau.
AUGUSTA, GA., JULY 6, 1867,
J. B. BRYANT - - .- Edtor. o
THOS. . BRARD - - Ageat.
Qe in rear of 6loho Motel, comer of Jasksen
pind Ellis Streete, Anguata, {corgin
Cue¥ear,» « w o = < $6
Bix Mouths, » - - - - »
Threes Womths, » « »« =« =
o Yoou, = « « e = 360
Mix MostMs, « = =» <« 175
Thrce Months, * - s B
~:'3‘ g R -
Qo tSq_uar-:e.
2 ulenEns s&g
g sRED
el sBB e,
ggggBgssesessl L
o ll - i J L
pEgesEesgsßsL . .
et . o i i
B et ol »
SRR e R .
B il I
One squara, first insertion, 7% centi; each
{weertion after firat, 50 cents. i
Jvae Bquare is mossnred by tem line of miuion
F e,
“Idv¢;".,iscments Insoried threo times o week
{overy piher day) for s month or longer period,
will be chnoged two-thirds of table rates,
Adsomtisens wis twice n week one-half of table
robeß, ' L
Advertissment@nes aweok one-third of tablo
Marriage an Fraters! Notuieces, 31,
Obltusrics, 30 cante PEr Hne.
Advertsements inseced s 4 spacinl notieo
will be charged 86 per dont adivance on table
A 2 dress, Loval Suorgen,” Ker Box 100,
Augmeta, Gea, L
Rarvenay, Jone Y3th, 1507
. "o Georgin Anmal Conferenco of
the Africsn M. K. Zion Connection was
orgmaisd to-day in Trinity Charch, in
sho city of Augnsty, G, and woas
cllod t 0 order by Rt Xev. Joseph J.
Clinton, Bishop of the Foarth Episco
pai District, ot tem o'clock A. M., who
opensd the session by giving out the
“Come let us wie the grace divine,™ ete,,
And by reading the 118th Psalm.
Prayer was offered by T. G. Campbell,
Subsequently the Bishop delivered his
Xpisoopal Address.
W. . Strong, of the Alabama Con
ferenm, wag clected Scoretary, and T,
Q. Camapbell wan clected Reporter.
- Kldergeeßadward West, Tornins &
DPreachers-~Adam Palmer, Kobert
Benson, David\Wesley, Robert Kent,
Simeon Beard, “Washington Harrie,
Cambridge Smith, John Harris, Jere.
mizh Hays, King Japes, John Jeffer
son, Morgan Broomfield, Brister Gould,
William Williams, Tobisg Hopkins,
Prinity Church—Yortnet Gordon,
Peter Mack, Thomas Terms, Fiisha
Webb, Henry Simpking, Cabert Wig
gins, Solomon Garret, Thomas Wilson,
Abram Wright, Cyrus Wigfsll, A
Washington, ¥. Brown, Winson Cha.
vis, Kdmund Jones, Watson Dorican,
Joseph Dunbar, Nathan Jackson, C.
A. Lattivees, Geo. Walker, Matticon
King, Stephen Washington, Daniel
Gardner, Joseph Childs, Wm. Benton,
North Carotine Conference—lJ, W,
Hood, George W, Price, Edward Hili,
W. . :Mt')Ol'é:. . |
Alabarna Conference-W, (. Stxong,
J. M. Batler, Solomon D, Erry. '
Daurham Davis, State Street, Chnerh,
Mobile, Ala. L
A Coernvaitzes waw appointed to wait
spop . H. May and Heury Russels,
¥iq., to sscertsin i they wourld be
*;vi_'ifinf.;: to have their names recorded
in the organization of this Conference,
to-wit: £, West, H. Lumpkin, R.
Durham Davis, of State dt, Charch,
Mobite, was introduecd by W. G.
Steong, and, on motien, elected an han
orary member of the Conference.
The rules of the Lonisiama Confer
ence were adopted, with the exception
s 10 the time of meeting and adjonrn
went, which was amended, to.wit:
Conterenge shall meet st 10 A, M. and
adiourn at 1 P, M, and assemble at 3
pod adionm at 5 P. AL
The neats in the centre of the Church
“Were et off a 8 the bonnds of the Con-
Herence: sod, on motion, |
R, Brown, Wm. Dobson sud Geo,
Walker were elected Marshalls,
| The appoimtments for the Sabbath
were snmounced as follows: ,
Lrinity Chure/—Moming, W. G,
Strong; afternoon, DBishop Clinton,
night, T. G. Camphell. '
Springficld Baptist Church -At
night, Bishop Clinton. :
Red IG7l—Adam Palmer,
Mowns Zion—S. Derry, J. M. But
Adjourned to Monday at 10 A, AL
Singing and Berediction by the
Moxp AY, June 17.
Bishop Clinton presiding. The de
votional exercises were condicted Dy
A, Palmer. Journal of the previous
|gession was read sad apprdved. By
the suggestion of the Bishop the aetion
of Saturday, electing W. (. btrong,
Secretary, .and T, G, Campbell Re
porter, was received, and on motion,
T. G. Campbell was clected Secretary,
and W. G. Strong was elected Repor
ter and Compiler oif the Minutes.
The President anmounced the standiug
Committees to wit : .
On. Devotion—-B, West, .Adum
On Finanes—K, West, . Brown,
T. G, Camypbell,
On Orders='T. G. Campbell, K.
West, 8. Derry.
On Sub Confercnce "Dhistyricts—-E,
West, A. Palmer, T. G. Campbell, R,
Brown, W. G. Strong. :
On FEducation—W, . Strong, B,
Beaird, J. M. Butlor.
On Scbdath Schoals--R, T. Keont,
|B, Derry, D. Davis, 8
L O Conference Houndarive-—N,
lPfl:"Ill('l‘. T H. (f:unln*fii, R.T. Kent, 1.
West, W. G. Stronz, |
} On Business—dJ. M. Butler, T. G
Campbell, T). Davis, l
. On Post Office—Xobers Brown. '
~ The Digeipline guestions wers takon |
ap and the following perscos werg
recived into full conmection, to M\
Edward West, A. Palmmer, B. Brown,
David Wesley, Simeon W. Beaird, C.
ifimi_th, J. Hays, King Jones, R, Rent,
'W. Harris, J. Jefierson, M, Broom
fieid, Bdward Jones, John Saulsberry, |
tl“r:mk Williams, J, Swath, ¥, Hmith, |
Buck Ward, B, Gould, W. Williams, |
Tohias Hopking, Hardy Mokly, Jerry !
Wilson, Wi, Lawr, Tobing "\“fiflis:n*.sx,!
Rubin Smith, John Roberts, Edward|
Lacey, Elisha Webh, R. Whitehead, |
Gabrit Carmichael, 3. George, Proston |
Wesbit, Mzekiel Pioncer. ;
Rev. Mx. Goings of the Baptist |
Church was introduced to the Con-|
ference by the Precident, and on mo-!
tion, was elected Honorary memaber of
the Conferonce ; subseqnently, he made |
a few happy remarks. The ladies :)t'{
the city of Augusta, pregented 1o the
Conference, through itz President, o
book to record the doings of the body, |
and oune quire of paper. It wes re-|
ceivad, and on motion, & vote of thanks |
was tendered to i}fittlk_z; :'sl'."l;Si;!i!l-;”!'l‘.].'y', &
the Bishop made a few remarks “}l3;
which he said that the doings of the!
First Regular Methodist Conforence;
ever held by colored men in the State |
of Georgia, would be recorded in f??.{!;
book just presented by tho ladies,|
Twenty-four (21) Societiss, containing ‘
in the aggregate, three thonsand :}-.rm;l
hundred and sixty nine (3,36%) mera-}
bers were reported, and on m,;ie;u,%
received into the ¢onunection, |
The Committee appointed to wait |
upon R.H, May (white) and Tlenry |
F. Russell, (white) Esas, - !‘(_‘}_N)T'f,wi;
that they had waited npop the gentle-|
men, and found that they werce \vi“a.!in;.}fg
to have their names recorded on the
rolls of lay delegates in this Confer- |
cgee ; that if the colored peaple were |
not ashamed of them, they were nots
ssbamed of them, &e. The report was |
recetved and :’ufi'i(ni)t‘i‘d 5 and, on mot im‘.: 3
the names of Henry F, Russell and |
R. H. May were ordered to Le zecord
el on the roll. l
Adjourned to three o'elock P, M,
Benediction hy Rev, Mr. Goings, l
~ Bishop Ciinton presiding; opemwi!
aecording to rule: journal of morming |
session read and approved. On l'm‘,a-i
tion, |
Resolred, That this Conference set !
off mother Conference to be called |
the Flodda Conference—carred, %
Peter AMunay, J, Williwms, J, Ross, |
werareceived into full connection. ey,
Mr., Bryant of the Baptist Church was
introduced, Rov, Dr. Watts of the
Baptist Church, wag on motion, !‘Ja:z-‘i:«:‘
an_honorary wmember of the Conlor
ence. The remaining portion of the |
segsion was occupied in layme cut the
Districis. Appointment at night, |
Trinity Church, B, West. e e
Adyourned, Benediction by A, Pal-|
mer, el !
Touspay, June 15, 1867, f
Bishop Clinton presiding. The de-|
Augusta, Ga., Saturday, July 6, 1867,
.{ votioual excrciges were conduoted by
J. M. Butler. Journalof yesterday was
1| rend and approved. P, Moris and G
| Kitron were recetved into full cennec
.jtion. The session was occupied in
, {laying out the Districts ontil the heur
iof adrournment,
L Adjourned to 3 P. M. .
i Benedietion by the Bishop, ,
| Dishop Clinton presiding; opened
{according to rnle 3 journal of previous
| session was read and agproved.
{ The Committee on Babbath achools
{presented its report—it wae received
{on the motion to adept, interesting
{ speeches were made by 8. Derry, T.
| G, Campbell, A, Palmer, and E.,%est,
- snd 1t was adopted unanimously. The
lollowing is an abstract: “Resolved,
- that we will organize schools, i. e, SBab
i hoth and dsy schools, wherever weo
| can bring 2 halt dozen pupils together
_{ to catichize them both re.iigions?y and
i morally—both old and young; and
jonee in ¢ach month preach, or cause
. to be preached, aspecial sermon suited
1 to the ogeagion ; and our prayers shall
A be God bless the Sabbath school,”
‘ Duritayx Davis, )
t Sotoyuaw Derny, . Com,
J. M. BurrLeß, {
| The Commiitee on Education pre
{ enbed its report. It was received—
don motion to adopt, an interesting
!"i'!\'.‘»n ensued in which W. G,
| Srrong, T, G, Campbell, J. M. Batler,
3. Derry snd others, and it was adop
| ted unanimously.
- 'The {ollowing is an abstract—
| Resolved, That we hold the Presa to
be somediom of great strength and
(power in any community of people;
{and innsmuch s our beloved Ziom was
(0 Cornectional paper, salresdy estab
}iti;h-.; 1 nader the editorships of Revs.
'W, 11, Deckor, Wm. H. fiay and S,
| Jones, with their able and noble
'hm;d of co-edifors, We do resolve to
rastala Zion's Stendard and Weskly.
Llewimn, by subseribing for it individa-
Nally s and by recommending it for Bnb-}
seriplion to our people, |
Fesolved, That we do recommend
the election ol a esrresponding editor
i this Conference, whose duty shall
(Lo to hold correspondence with said
e, and in hie correspondence, we
uhall trgnsmit whatever of importenca
[ocowm in this Conference D}atrid:?tto
| tha colnmne of said paper,
| fßesolved, That we do earnestly
Crecorimend the organization of a Lite
rary Soclety o this Conferonce, similar
o tae one siready organized in the
Alabama Conderence,
Foesolocd, That we do rocomemend
also to our people for subseription—
The Daily Loyal Georgian, Augumts,
re--a. B, Brvaat, Bditor,
f W. 8, Srroxg, ;
| J. M. Burrer, Com.
' Dvrmay Davis,
| The proceedings of the Conference!
Cwere suspended for the pmrpose of!
organizing a Missionary Society,
Wrxnxespay, Juse 12, !
- Bistiop Clinton presiding, Devo- |
Lional exerelses wero conducted by T.|
(G Campbell, Journal of yesterday |
(read and approved. T. @. Campbell §
Lwas ciected Corresponding Editor of |
| Zivn Standord and Treeirl;y Review |
tor tho Georgla Confereneg, and also
was elected General Agent for said{
paper, dor the HStates of Georgia and |
Floride. Robert Brown was elected |
| local Agent for said paper. Alexander|:
Johuson, and Jobm Knappa were re-|
ecivdd into full connection. The Com
‘mitteo on orders recommended the“
{ollowing porsons for Dencons orders,l*
'viz: A, Palmer, R, Btown, C. Bmith,|
. Hays, J. Ross, W. Harris, J. Wil-}
iams, 1% Neshit, J. Hammond, J.{f
' Wilson, B. Word, J. Warren, D.|
{ Wesley, M. Droomfield, E. Lacy, E. 1
j Y\‘y’{:]}"), i 3, ()’01’1.](1, T Hopkina, and An.
'Pabuer and K. Brown, for Elders.
|The Heport was received, and od mo
tion, 2dopted, and the persons named,
elected to Deacon’s and Elders’ orders.
' The President amnounced that |,
{ Ordinations would take place on Thurs- | ;
'day pight, Sermen by T. G. Camp-{:
|bell. It was 4:lecidc-d] te have 5004,
eopies of the Minutes fubliabod. |
! Conumittee onpublication. R. Browa, |
|B, West, A, Palmer, Wi 6. Strong, |
I, West, A. Paltaer werd g»pointed B
Committee to draft a Consiteation for .
| g Lit erary Soctety. !
Adjourned to 3 P. M, :
' Benediction by J. Ross. TN
Bishop Blinton presiding. Opened
f :'x.‘»,,';f?f';y,a:‘. (o rnle, Journal ox:lprevious,
session read and approved. . The Com-|
ittee on Consttuiion for the Literary
{reported a Constitution for said Society. |
It was received, and on motion adop
{ed—Bee Minutes—QOfficers ©of < the
Association 10 wit: President; Ed-|
~ward West, Recording Secretery; M.
King, Corresponding Becretary ; E,‘
| Lagey, Treasuver, A, Wright. A
¥ Board of Home and Foreign Missions
twas alté arganized with the following
i listof officers, wix: ;Prwiden%f;West.,
| Secretary; T. G. Cazupbell, 1‘1"??}?011—
{ding Secretary; Geo. Walker, jTrea
| surer; C. A. Lattivees, Board of Man
tfxgers; D. Gordon, E, Webb, W.
arris, H. Simpkins, C, Smith.
Adjourned, Benediction by the
Tourspiy, Juns 20,
Bishop Clinton presiding.
Devotional exercises were conducted
by the President.’
Joumna! of yesterday rend and ap
proved. g, R T
Isom Lockbart, Jus. Monreg and
;.T eflarson Knapps, were mem&e‘into
i full connection.
i Thetollowing resolutions were adopi
ed unanimounsly : :
"k .P.cwlz:edk Thata vote of thanks
in herolsy tendered to the Rt. Rev,
J oe:gh . Clinton for ths able and dig
nified menner in which he has pre
sided over the deliberstions of this
body. %
2. Resolvsd, That a vote of thanks
16 alxo tendered to tho Boctotaries, Re
porter and Compiler for tho faithiul
discharge of their duties, |
3. Resolwed, That a vibe of thanks
in also tendered {o the citgens of Awu
gusta for their hoapitality, and espe
cially to the Baptist sisters. who gave
lum.{ yestorday; snd alsatp the pas
tors and membership of the Baptiat
churches for shetr christisy gympathy
and fellowship, as ofinlreasd by their
acte; and also to of our white
brethren sud {riends in tho mmunity,
4. Thet a vote of thdnkgz heveby
tenderod to the Editor of The ZLoyal
&eorgion for publishing e doings
of this body; and, also, for is synxpa
thy for us, and the excollontiremarks
he msde before this body prvim:s to
its final adjournment. | ‘
Resolvad, "That = vote of Banks is
hereby géizqn to the Quarterly |{Confer
enca of Bt. John's M. K. Clutmh2 of
this city, for their kind reception of the
commilies sent to them by us, and for
the symp.thgouprmd for Zion Con
nection, A ‘o
{ - Resokwd, Thas this Conference do
‘recommecad the membes of Trinity
Chuarch %0 oarry out in good iaith sl
arrangememts made for this year with
tho brethren of the M. g. Church
South, sncl thns show their apprecia
tion of kind acts, past and present, of
those brethren, and the resclutions
passed by theém a 8 a body in relation
tion to the transfer of church property.
~ The Business Committea reported
the following, to wit: |
. Whereas, the A. M. K. Zion Con-,
nection in Amierica, was the first to
commence the missionary work ix the |
South, and the suocesd attopding the|
fame Leing anparalled in the past or|
present history of the churches, as|
shown by thenumber of sabbath rehools |
and churches already estsblished, and |
& mombership of six?* thousand eu—}
rolled in eifim annual Conference Dis
tricts, to which Florida is now added, |
makingh‘flm ninth distriet; and, where- {
a 3, we have met with much kindness
from distingmished ministerisl breth-!
ren in the Efi? E. Church South, to
whose ancouragement we owe much ;
and as 2 good feeling always eflsted]
with us, we will do all in our power |
to continue to cultivate a similar feel- |
ing with them ; and to all christisa de-|
nominations we extend the right band |
of fellowship, and point to our m-:»f:m‘
on Zion’s standard : “ Charity to all—
Mslice towards none. We will par-|
sue the right, as God gives us to #oe |
the right, trusting that the dawning|
of a better day has begun to show i
self, in whioh all the dvferencos of the |
past shall be forgoticm, and iu the spir-|
1t of our hiessed Lord and Master, wo |
will ever preeeh & gospel of peaco »ndt
good will to sll mankind ‘
Voice of Zion.
T. G. CaurszLy, } |
J. M. Burrez, Con.
f Do DAVB, f {
The roport wee Teccived, wnd os
motion adopted wnanimously, The!
followingy persons were elected Trus-|
toes of Trimity Church, viz: Daulel
Gacitner, Stophen Wadhington, Frank|
Brown, Wm. ]sobson, Jag. Thompeon, |
Joseph @iles, Madicon King, Henry .
Willisms and Jacob Xerrineton, 4
Committee on Finsnoce reportad. li,
Wwas recetted, and on motion adopted.
Capt. Bryant aes introduced, and|
made-ean excellent fegeech. A vote of!
tharks was tendsred to him, i
The Bishop delivered hig Valedicto |
ry addrese, and read the appointments
for 1867. |
The Minutes were tead and approved. |
Conference adjourned to mest on!
the second Wednesday im March, 1864, |
at 10 A. M., in Trinity Chwreh, Avgu- |
ta, Ga. |
Benediction by the Bishop. f
N. B. A missiongry meeting was |
held last might. “Addresses were do-|
livered by the Bishop, T. G. Campheli, |
W. G. Strong and 8, f)eny. The sum |
of $20.80 was collested for missionary
| purpores. iM. Butler and Mre, Amy
) 'glmis;wer,e thefdizst to subgoribe,,
'l L e .
4! ‘ U oF TRE
1A : g 8 i e BT ey
:§ vl bods 'OE THEB , : :
African ' Mothodist Ewvisecope! Zian
"Conmection in America, 1837
; :,' b ’-' """;""’"‘ ?f". -
| Teinity Church, Elder Edw. West,
{ Hamburg, 8. C,, Preston Neshi,
{i Zion and Soclal Chape!, W. Herriv
41 ‘Athere C. Siodth:
I%+ Lexington, J. Bavgrond, +47 2
11 Columbia, Brasilia W‘ Biawaod, J.
Williams.. " & P
Crawfordsville and Rhea Town, 1o
be supplied. |
' Thompsonviile and Butler Ureck, 1, |
Jones, e vl |
- Richmond. J, By,
{ W&tkiusvmm, J. Moulishury, |
- Philadelphia “ Chueeh, Union snd |
Apalia, J. Ros, ,f
‘ GI‘QCRGSbGYO),»J. f'-f:l:z.g-;r;: anek A
Johunson, :
| Elberton and Ruckersville, Fsomi
Lockhart, ;
Beech Isl:amh Jas, Monroe. !
P@tfil’ }fflbl'l‘i.fl;. Sll}fn FRRMerLry, ?
‘ TL ;
Elder, Adam Palmer, 5
- Warrenton and Sparta, Lo €0 dipe |
plied, R ;
. Mount Zion, I, Jones and E. Pio-!
neer. . g it
Old Chureh, David Weslov, ?
Waresbore’, 1. Lacy aed I, Wil |
Lams, . |
Ray's Bridge, B. Ward and ¥, Vel |
} Red Hill, J. Wilsowrand B, Wihise |
head. |
Reese's Churcl:, Solin daffvrsu, i
t Fair Yaven, Morgan Broomticld, |
- Jefferson, Rouben Smith. t
- Sardis and Millian, Silas Gleorgs, §
Elder to be supplied. }
o Sandersville, Lonisville; Wil |
ton, (Wilkes,) Petershurg, Faliftn, |
Monticello, Uhinton and Jackuon, o ‘
' 'Elder, Hardy Mobly. ’
Savannah; (city)) Libertv county, |
Hynesville, Midway and Waltowers. |
ville, John Williams. i:
| Wi
* Elder, Robert Brown, §
Atlante, Fort Valley, Moviebta,|
Rome, Powler Springs, Grifiin, Zebu-|
km, Flt?l‘-:":‘h?('., '”} OIRPEUOO, I AT S '.':"iz,',
and Milledgeville Cirenit, Dercon tusae|
Morrix, : ; |
. Vl, i
Deacon, Thommus Sueward |
Columbns, (city,) St. Luake, Girard, |
Taibotton, Harsis, Opelikn, Hut:uls
Liberty, Shadv Grove, Auburn, Ching
Megai}'.\fim‘. Knox, to be suppliad,
Eldor Solomon Derry, oversiyit, |
Elder, T. (5. Caraphell«
Bellevillo and Plantations, Tobias |
Hopkins<. : . |
Dal‘itfl fl-i.l(z ;s‘-35;; | ‘ f.\v‘g: .'Aq;'h[;‘;
Roboris, ; |
Crayton Island, W, Lo :
Hant’s Neek and Ploatation, w 0 b
supplicd, ~
Elder to be sapplied. . |
~ Amerigus, Bethel, Magnohiabprings,
Oglethorpe, Monigomaory, Foet Validy,
Tinmeville, Vienna, Rankinmvill. i
. _ t
Florida Conference Bisiriel,
X ?
Cornish Chavel, Kov West, Kldear |
Joseph Duteh.
Tampa, Cedar Kevs snd S Marvics, |
Lymn Thotnas,
Tallahassee, (eity,) Mavians, wnd|
Apalachicola, Sl Frazier, "ol
- Milton, Quiney, Ocjockney. bEfobus,
Leoncounty and Chatiaigochen, Sandy |
‘; (.‘-C»l‘.[lifl"fl. i
; ST R IR |
- Yhomas Darley. o
. Fernanding, St Augnuiing, Palaska, |
| New Smvrna, Mopuicello, Madz<on,)
*()aefla, Gzinesville, Mount Tabor, 'Tas
key, Stone, Musquitp Riven, Livg Ok, |
Take City and Concord, to hospppiied. f
| UL ‘
r' Wider, Ephraim 3. Winn,
Perdido Misgion—Simn'y Harbor,
z Calthoun, Greenwood, Waooduille s
i Home's Vailey, Veorzon and Oak dill
t Harrtson Carrpway,
¢ Camphell - Mission—Campbellton,
Springfield, Antioch, Detblehemn and
Marysoria, S, Jones, '
. heckshatehtle Mission—Thomas
ille, Bainbridge =nd Valdosta, Ste
iphen Canada, \ :
1 Klder T, G. Camphell, General Mis-
Signary of Georgla and Florida, and
Baviag the oversight of the Florida
Conferénee Distriet, '
i General News,
Difing the month of May 37,109
foreiom immigrants arrived st New
York. i
Tha Republicans in many parts of
the Month nre making great propara.
oiony for the celebration of the “(glori»
fust Fourth.?? »
. Nearly sll the hattlefields around
Richmend are now sown with grain.
The Hubsian Emperor is believed o
spend abhout 8100,000 a day in Peris,
The Massachusetis contribution Lo
the: Sonthgrn Welief Fund is $49,035,
Alabama epicures aro lnxuciating on
graen ¢ormn,
The quesiion of female suffrage is
being agitated in Vivginia,
Government will take all the tele
pragh dines in Hogland for the postal
Haber’s establishment sends out two
buaidred and twenty million lead pen
il veurhy,
dohn Randolph's former slaves nreo
seiticd bm-Ohio, and are highly spoken
ol for industiey snd good conduct,
A large New Foundland dog weat;
over Geneser Falls o few days zinoe,
uud wade the descent in safety,
The New York Express says the
vacut Vesta beat the li’l.}enrietta on the
roturn Wwip by eight hoursand a quarter,
he Chattanooga Union makes men
ton ol severalimprovonents now going
oiin that city, evidencing ingrossing
Texas papers contain sccounts of de
vastating storms on the 2d and 3d
et Many Lives were lost and much
property ;f{.;f*.\'*..]‘{):,'Wf} L
The splendid baod of vhe 16th U, 8,
fantey was disbanded at Macon w -
e dsva sinee, and the members have
cone 1o their homes.
Chict Justiee Chaso has decided not
i repard the Stay Law of North Car
alina i tho practico 2od pleadings of
the United States Conrts, '
M omanudactory in Maine makes ton,
trnonspnd bedsteads per anmmn,
Westoy Thomas has just recovered
Wl¢.ooo from the Mebile and OQhio
Railread for losing his right arm by
en enging, of which he wes fireman,
running o the track, :
The Saveonnsh Noews of tho 15th SEYR
Muyor Anderson snd a 8 comxnittee ap
painted for the purpose left the oity
tihwd _n!x:"'.'a'in;_‘: 161 j-\fl:‘m.f;fl, o Invite
(veneral Pope to visit Savannah,
Instenetiond from the State Depart
et hawe baen forwarded to Minister
Carapbell to proceed atonce to Mexico,
aed #eck and take up his residence
avar the Juares ‘Government.
The prelppinary drawings of the
Souathern Asvloia Loed LC-fi.ery tool
place on thae 15th inst., at Hernando,
war Maenphis, The Avalaoche and
Flost newse PG Wora among the win
pors of prizes, The drawing 13 deemed
The London Tines 1'0})5»‘:&! that in
Hugland the express traing run gene
rally, iucluding stoppages, about forty
miles pee hour, The ordinary trains
ris generally from ecighteen to thirty
wiles ver houry the slowest trains
nitietoen and 4 hall miles per hour.
Tho largest railway consolidalion
over stlemptad in this country is about
Tbo consmramated. Tt embraces five
or wix distinet corporations, whose linen
pextend Teom the center to the extreme
i",’*(«,mwrn points, and all the details of
| Ihe aoreement have heen agrond vpon.
. Jn Alabama there are more than
thivey thonsand whits loyalists enrolled
Lo dhe ranks of the Union League, and
under the healtbful. influence of free
spuceh and o Iree press, things hither-
L 1o unkoown in that part of the coun-
Ly, e pumber 3s rapidly increasing.
| Tur NewsPirEßs oF KaNsis.—-
[There mre twelte daily newspapers
published inthe Mates of Kansas, bo.
g six more than are pablished in the
{ State of Mavyland, Ll'here a 6 alsd
jpublished in the State forty wookly
Cnewspapers and twelve montbly roagm
- rines, being abont doubls the®number
Lol weeklies that are published in Mary
and, g eleven more of tho monthly
| prblications. The whole veting populs.
tion of Kansas s but twenty-cight
thousdand, whilst that of Marylang is
{.;,‘-a;-,;,;;- o hundeed thousand. These
! ATC ?Mj"'s which 1t “’()‘ifilld be WC‘“ .ff_"t‘
, Marvianders who wish to overturn the
oL eduacationsl system of the State 6o
No. 23,