Newspaper Page Text
flmrfh Directory.
vices eleven o’clock a in: Sunday school xwo
l> in: services afternoon three o’clock, evening
half past seven; Rev W D Johnson, pastor.
First Bryan Baptist Church, Bryan street;
services eleven a m, three and a half and sev
en and a half p in; suuday school three p in;
Rev li L Houston, pastor.
St Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Habersham
street; services ten forty-five a m and seven
forty-five p in; Sunday school four p m; even
ing prayer Thursdays seven forty-five; Rev
Win H Morris, rector.
First Bryan Baptist Church, corner West
Broad and Wald burg streets; services ten and
a half a tn and seven and a half p m: Sunday
school two o’clock p m; Rev Alexander Har
ris. pastor.
St James’ Tabernacle, cor Rnndolph and
Perry streets; services eleven a m and seven
thirty p m; Sunday school nine a m; general
services three p m: Tuesday evening class
meeting; Thursday evening preaching: Rev H
M Turner, D D, pastor. Rev M R (irandison,
First African Baptist Church.cor Montgom
ery and Bryan streets; services eleven thirty
a m, three thirty and seven thirty p m; sun-
day school two p m; Rev W J Campbelboaster
St. Augustine Mission Chapel, corner Bolton
and West Broad streets; prayer, litany, ante-
cominunion service and sermon at ten forty-
five a St: prayer and sermon seven thirty p in:
prayer daily at nine thirty a in and seven
thirty p m; lectures on Thursday evenings;
litany Wednesdays and Fridays; Rev J R
Love, missionary.
Asbury M U Church, cor West Broan and
Gwinnett streets; services, preaching eleven
a in, three p m and seven and a half p m; Rev
A G Amos, pastor.
First Congregational Church, (Beach Insti
tute.) cor Price and Harris sts; services, sab
bath school ten, reading eleven a m, preach
ing eight p in: prayer meeting Tuesdays eight
n m; bible meeting Thursdays eight p m. Rev
R F Markham, pastor.
Second African Baptist Church, cor Presi
dent and Houston streets; seviees eleven a m,
three and a half, and seven and a half p m.
Rev. H L Simpson, pastor.
All subscribers who fail to get
their paper will please notify us of the
tact in person or by mail.
Death of Fleming D. Buds.
We are paiued to anuounoe to ou r
community the death of Mr. FletniugD.
Butts, which occurred early yesterday
morning. Mr. Butts had beeu afflicted
with consumption for several mouths,
but was perfectly rational and conscious
up to the moment of his death. He was
a night inspector of customs at this
port for several years, out was compell
ed to resign recently, in consequence
of his failing health. He was always
open in his demand for the rights of
our people, and will be greatly missed
by them. His funeral will take place
this atteruoou from his residence on
Charlton street lane near Liucoln.
The Republicans of Effinghatij Coun
ty have elected J. G. Clark, Esq., and
Rev. J. 1*. Flintroy as delegates to the
Atlanta Convention which meets on
May drd.
^te brand Jury of Effingham,
County in their presentment, dated
April 12th, says, iu Rubstauee, that cer
tain witnesses in a recent murder case
had been tampered with, and that the
“ends of justice well nigh frustrated,’’
aud this because we published the de
claration of Emma Rhodes, to the effeet
that she had been forced tp make a state
ment under threats of violence aud
death. We suppose the intelligent jury
meant the recent murder of Mrs. Coch
ran and daughter in that county.
Now we wild simply say that Mr. Co
chran has our deepest sympathy in the
fefrible calamity that has befillen him
iu the destruclion of those who were
nearest and unquestionably dearest to
him. We nlways hoped that the mon
sters who committed the iutmmau aci
would be hunted down, aud bo made
to pay the full penally of the law.
Iu reply to the Grand Jury we will say
their presentment is uutrue in every
particular, so far as it relates to our
visit to the jail. In the first place Emma
Rhodes was the only witness with whom
we conversed, aud we saw none of the
other prisoners from Effingham eouuly.
Emma made a voluntary statement,
which she afterward swore to. as is stated
by ns two weeks ago. She was not
tampered with in any particular, but
told her own story over and over. The
jailer permitted nothiug that could iu
the remotest degree impair the course of
justice, nnd nothing of the kind was
desired nor done duriug our visit.
That the Graud Jury has neglected
their duty is apparent to every one, who
will call to miud the recent slaughter of
three colored men without any proof
whatever that they had been guilty ot
auy crime,aud toseethat no presentment
has been made of the matter. Our
advice so that Jury is to lerret out aud
puuish crime uo matter by wii mi com
mitted, white aud black alike, and they
will have the hearty co-operation ot all
good citizens; and until this is done
everywhere, it will require something
more than vague presentuien s to cause
a feeling of security and relief to pre
vail in onr State
Republican Mass Meeting*
Will be held as follows to elect dele
gates to the county convention which
meets in this city on the 29th:
First District, at Lyceum Hall, Mon
day, 24th iust., 7 12 p. iu.
Fourth District, at Tabernacle, Wed
nesday night 20th inst., 7 12 p, m
Second District, Thursday, 8 o’clock
p. m., Huntingdon st. near Jefferson.
Our friends who are indebted to the
Tribuns will please pay up at once.
The Chatham Light Infantry will cele
brate th r fifth anniversary on Monday,
by' a, parade iu the afternoou. They
will also have a supper iu the evening
at their Hall; admission 50 ceuts.
The St. Cecilia Society gave a
supper for the benefit of St Benedict’s
Mission last Monday. We appreciate the
courtesies of the committee.
If yon wish an evening of real en
joyment go to the concert at Beach
rustitute ou Wednesday night. See
the excellent programme in circulation.
Daniel Davis, one of the men recent
ly sentenced to death in Effingham
County, has been granted a new trial,
owing to the energy and perservance
of his counsel, Mess. P. M. &. R. W.
Russell. Davis positively denies that
he made a confession that he was
guilty, as stated by donstable Morgan
of the 4th District.
Tho following named colored persons are re.
quested to call at the Sheriff’s Office at Com ^
House aud pay their State and County Tuxes
for the year 1875, by so doing it will save ex
pense of levy and sale of their property. Ex
ecutions are in my hands for collection.
Sheriff C. C.
Jesse Anderson. Norris Burke,
Richard J Artson. Brutus Butler.
Barriek Baker, Allen Burton,
Prcrio Baker, Sam Charlton,
Nancy Hlruard. Turner Cox, trustee
Matilda Beasley, Jaek Davis,
Phoebe Blake & ehild’nSusan David,
Sarah Ann Black, A K Desverney,
Othello Blue, Matilda Durden,
Apollo Blunt, Theresa iulwards,
John Bowles F Ferguson & Dafney
Nancy Brown A ehil’u Blake,
Natt Bradwell, Christmas Fogarty,
John Bryan. Junior. A Grant,
George Brown, Josiah H Grant
Jim Brown Mitchell Guy.
Sam Brvan. Ihos Grant,
Israel Burroughs, Titus J Grant,
Joseph Butler. Richard Grant,
Eliza Ann Habersham,Ned Green,
C J Harris, Hector Nelson,
Tenah Ann Harris and John Owens, _
children, Mulberry Pliaman,
Robert Henry, Adeline Pinckney,,
Titus Houston. Josh Porter,
E W Houston. Mary Preston.
Ben Houston, Ned Putnam.
Raymond D Jackson,James Roach.
Toust Jackson. Molly Rodney.
Abraham Jenkins, Daniel Roberts,
E*t Jerry Jones, Hope Seubrook,
James Janes, Allred Sharper,
William Jones. > Shelman, trustee
Mary Jones, Gertrude E Steele.
Abraham King, Alexander Steele,
Joe Lane, Mrs Jane Stevens.
Theodore La Rose, Est Nancy Stevens
Andrew Lawton, Steven S win ton,
Nancy Lane, Emma V an Winkle.
Frank Lloyd, Win. Wallace,
William Martin Sulner waring,
Marg’t Owens Miller,Weston Wade,
July Miller, Estate Sol Weaver.
Louis Miller, Peter Williams
John Milieus, Jim Young.
Ann Moore, 1 & lheo Mitchell,
Henry Smith, Nancy McAleer,
Cuisar Norman. Martha Murray,
a a 22-3