The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, January 19, 1798, Image 3

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Brifclffi fleet || the lits n*tgwertt<a** fte 4 <# U £B, M an officer preftttt I begleave Wacqu* llll you, that it confut ed-rf 7 fad of 74 guns, 7of 64 jP* ns > 1 *°f , * and 1 of 16, nuking in all 17 fail. There were fcveral /mail hired lugger* and cutters, which ought not to be notice of. “ The Dutch had 17 their line of battle, frigates, and 5 brigs, making in all 27 fail. 1 heir jßrigatra ami brigs carried lieavy metal, and fired occafion p ally at our fliips that had broke their line and engaged to r leeward. This you may rely on is an accurate statement. November 10. It appears that Buonaparte is to afiift L at the Congress of Raftadt, as President of the French Le gation, before he can be conveniently spared by the Dire<sto ; ry to head the Army of England, and plant the tricolorcd fiandard on the Tower of London. It is fuppoi’ed that the two contradfingparties in the late treaty have secretly taken every nrecaution to accelerate the operations of the Con [ grefs in a military manner, conformably to their rtfpecYtve interefls, upon the fame Jacobin system which kthe conditions of the peace at Udina. ■ Government has very liberally granted the full pay of an BEnglifh Admiral to the DutcLArlmiral De Winter, and Biis brother officers of that t : 7, during their flay in this Country. • ‘ r'7 i The Editor of the Sdpfelle has the following strong on the fubjedl ‘Jt the treaty with the Linpcror: ■ There is 11b doubt but that the Emperor aims at eni'iiar- Kg us. fiexvifhes to gain time; and we will venture to ■Kv.arri wlnt inay perhaps be considered as a political blaf- No trust ought to be replied in the treaties which make with Republics; and their Envoys can be no than traitors and fjypicritcs. It requires fmcerity common sense only to agree to this trutfc” wNovember 11. Late -on Wednesday night died, at his in Faviftoc k street, the Dutch Vice Admiral :s, in the 64th year of his age. He has never been HU since the gun'wound he received across his belly when his own flnp the Jupiter. His body was Opened when no cause could be difeovered to induce to alter their firft opinion, that his death pro. a long Banding apoplettic complaint. A leaden preparing for the reception of the body, which to Holland in the course of a few days for ’w HMerday Admiral Lord Duncan and bis officers attended of Admiralty to receive inlfruftions from tlic mi m i ffioner s relative to their joining tie fleet of destined for further service in the North Seas the winter season lets in. Diitch Admirals IX: Winter and Mmicr also waited Board with the Undertaker, for directions for the of the deceased Admiral I)e Reintjes. received by the last Li (bon mail actually state, Spanifli troops-were filing off towards-the frontier jaSHreance to prevent the French troops from entering Spain a pretenCe of invading Portugal. ■Spar! rit. Vincent.was at anchor in the Tagus with 13 of the line and several frigates. The squadron left 6ff Cape St. Vincent coiififted of 9 or io fliips of line. ’ ’•••r for a toast or gave, u Tlu. health of Duncan.” Rhe Duncan robe and the Duncan -cap are all the and nothing is to be fieen but plaid ribbons; KINGSTON, (Jamaica) December 9. Y evening the American brig TA r o*Broth- B- ers, from Baltimore, bound to Martinique or Cura with flour, rice, &c. was lent into Port Roval by his ¥ of a letter from Capt. Story , of the American Trio, at Savanna la ‘Mar, 2 jtb November. 1 have the pleasure to inform you of my lase arrival Bon the lilt inst. after a ievere brufli with French [■Wto guns, and full of men; Ihe run under our PJIR 5 minutes liefore o i on Sunday tlie 19th infl. and gave F*"SSBc r>W UnS ’ U P g ave Us her broadside, and w ore round and gave us her other fide. My people; HNHffieir credit, behaved like men ; and after dilclmrging R^Bcou’i Is, at 25 minutes pajl i flic hauled her wind, ■jUetely disabled. Our force Was 6of tlie-largefl guns’ BBndlafl voyage, and 18 men.’/ icember 12. The American sloop Nelly, from Plii- oound to L’Ance a// eaux, with dry goods and j^Mlprifionlent in by the I horn (loop of war, arrived vef tqglay; Ihe was found coming out of De Cuba. Erinrefs of- Wales, taken fome confi durable time sgm f the Mole, on her pafiage from tiiis island to Europe, - m l into Cuba and there condemned, has been purchal'ed American and is arrived at Por* Mcrant. Capt. ’ ri! !ie American br:g Sophia, taken on lier pafiage f/jMr tlm to or folk, came pafienger in he% -He mentions of condemnation liad arrive¥at St. Jago de ail American and Britifb vefleUr wiat were there, fni that tne fitters out of privateers had been greatly dis- MHKencn by numbers of them being captured by our fri . * “ Hpie American schooner Mercury, from Tobago, with Laly’S 1 beads of fiigar on board, taken by a French privirr and retaken by tlx brig Maria of Toitola, arrived ytrday. ■P t SAVANNAH, January 19. m E\. James Jaekion is elected Governor of this IKT state. L r Prctident of the United States on the tilt. HRlproveu an act postponing the levying of the flamp duties tlie 30th cl June next. i ll be Medea French frigate has been captured in the ■BF-ht Indies by tlx: Scourge sloop of war. Sinkins, who arrived here on Tuesday Est from lilaui in 9 days, informs, that the day before lie Bp* llc a,va y the Post from Boston to Newport brought ad os tlu- arrival of a velfel at the former place after a °| 35 days trim France, by which accounts had ■ p®rr received of recent commotions in Paris, and that up- I fc?* nls ° f 5 ° ° f thc Mbers of tlie Giuncil of Five Hun- WNd >lad l< *fl their live* in couHquence of chenu Further HBfcrticulvrs he did not learn. - BBdtnk iu'jtnturcb inay tic iud at tnc Pnnunt; | f UffieC. , 4 MAR IH E LIS T. - Cutcreo Inward. Brig tVres, Howard, Ntw Yonk Sloop ITuee Sifters, Dexter, Qiartcffwa Favorite, Lavender, ~ Diuw Schdoper Savannah Packet, Todd, Ditto Columbus, Smith, St. Croix Brig Two Sifters, Arnold, St* Thomas Ifiduftry, Ross, ‘ ’ Cbarloftqn Sloop Betsey, Sweeton, Ditto Harwich Packet, Hinfot), Ditto Ship Columbia, Hervey, New York Schooner Hope, Sinkins, Briftpl, Rhode Island Sally, Grilling, St. Bartholomew Sloop Peggy, Horfbrough, ‘ Jamaica Schooner Flarriot, Da ‘Cleaued Out. Ship Phenix, Grenada ScliOonet Two Friends, Connell, St. Bartholomew Brig Dean, Akerly, New York Ship John, Aiild, Dominica Brig Apollo, Parke?, ‘lb London Aurora, Kewan, Ditto Ceres, Howard, New York SloOn Delight, I.ightbourrl, New Providence Dove, Brown, Chariefton Brig Tryall, ForfK r, . # Liverpool Schooner Dcfire, Milligain, Brunswick i r trlrti and, V flie Merchants and Planters Ccjfeghoufe, Having thirteen rooms and five fire places. January 6, 1798. Alex. Watt. TO BE SOLD, on the i3 tb day of February nc%t, at Ebenezer, in the county of E fngbam, PARTbf the Personal Estate oLHchgan Heewssen, deceased, consisting of Negroes, lioufehold furniture, flock, a carriage, Bcc. And on the 21 Jl day of faul month, at the plantation of the said deceased, ITJLL BE SOLD, All tlie Remaining Part of his Estate, being stock, plantation tools, Negroes, horses, &e. FlaNnaii Heerssen, Adininiftratiix. ■January 11, 1798. NOT! C b. PROPOSALS in writing, dating terms, will be received until the fir'd day of February, for paving the Public Market of this City with hard bricks, the colltraffor to furnilh materials John’ Glass, . n > r%* > v-(/!ni!llttCCk JAMLS KOBEHTSO!, J Savannah, January 12, 1798. AN O R D I N A N‘C K For regulating ai.d efiabltjhing certain Fees to be taken by the Minijlers and other Officers rs tbe'fcveral Churches in the City bf Savannah. WHEREAS it is ntc\fl*ary and proper that the fees to Ire taken by the Min;tiers and other Officer’- of the several Churches in this city,’ for fcrvices ]x:rfonned by them reljredtively, Uiould lx* r. gulated and afeertuined, Be ■it therefore ordained, by the Honorable the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, in Council afiembled, and it is hereby’ ordained, That the following lees shall be paid she Minifler and Sexdon of the fevcral (Jlmrelies in this city for the following services, to wit: To the MINISTER. Dollars. Cents. For publifliing the bans cf marriage, and marrying in the Church, ‘ . .. 2 25 For perffirming funeral rites over any dead person, . . . .1 2- For granting a certificate of a register of > baptiiin, . ... 1 o SEXTON. For tolling the bell, if required, . o 7 ~ For (Jigging a grave, and doling the fame*, ..... t o Inviting, when required, . . l o For the use of tlx: -frail, when required, 1 o For carry ing to the grave, when found by the Sexton, . 1 o And be it further ordained, That if ar* Officer of any of the Churches in this city (hall eJTRft other or larger fees than those herein mentioned, on due proof thereof, he shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars* In COUNCIL, Monday, tttb January , 1798. Passed, (L. S.) JOHN GLEN, Mayor. Atttft. ‘Fhomas Pitt, c. c. F O K SAL h, APLAN'FAI’ION, on Midway swamp, Li’aerty county, containing 750 acres, of a dch about Ijo acres are cleared; on the premises are a tolerable dwtHing houfe, good barn, and woodpecker machine. On this tract there are about 60 or 7p'acres of good cotton land, and. at the distance of only two and an half miles from a good land ing. It w ill bt*fold very reafonabfe for immediate payment. A I. S Five Yoke of Prime OXEN. For particulars apply to Dr. James Dnnwcxry, in Liberty county, or, in Savannah, to JAMES CASHEN. January 4, 79 8 * r I UP in Savannah, A Nlgho Wench, who 1 calls herfelf Hannah , aad fixnetimes Kate , and fays it is two or three years since she ran away from Chariefton, that fiie belonged to the widow of ihomas Smith, but believes that Hie has been since fold to lorn* person in tlie country; flie apjx:ar* to be about 25 years old, of ratlier a yellow complexion. Whoever flic belongs to may have her by applying to Matthew Motz, Keeper td de federal gaol, and paying charges of ad vending, &c. Savannah, scr:b S-j t. 1797. THE YEAR NINETY-SEVEN : .... - . 4 * OH, jf T ‘"d JERVIS asd DUNCAN THY Navy. Old England! has long been thy pride* ’ But its triumph ne’er null'd on Glory** full tilfe, Till the glorious year Nirwty-Seveu. Tlio* tarnifti’d at firfi by fome vile mutineers, In Treason’s auarchial array, .. . . Britannia fat wretched—lier eyes bath’d m tears, And marking her laurels decay. The (launch British Seamen beheld her—and blufli'd At abase-minded, traitorous crew j Then each to his duty moft manfully mill’d, And swore to great George to be true. M Oh! Neptune,” they uttered, w we’ll not Hand aloof, 44 But wipe off this daftaidly (lain, “ Let honor but beckon—we’ll give a found proof, 44 We’re Tars of Old England again.” ‘ Then Neptune proclaim’d tbit bold Jervis ftiould fteef To Vincent’s be-lea-girted rock— With force far unequal, brave Jervis lhould there Give Spain’s naval powers a (hock. His trident he wav’d—his commands were obey’d, And Spain felt the force of our guns— For Nelson was there—a;ra Britannia soon fw ay’d Glory’s wreath o’er her tar-titvftur’d Tons. The ozier-erown’d Monarch exult'mgly cried, 44 Thus bravely, my boys, you begin: 44 Your valor intrepid again lhall be tried, \ “ You still greater laurels may win.” Batavia, whole hardihood all imift allow, Prepares her dread enligns of fight, And hopes to tear off from your long envy’d Frew, Ojd Ocean’s dread sovereign right. To Duncan the glorious charge was alugn’d— What cOnfl’uil tremendous ensued! Hie Tritons and Nereids with Inrieks fill’d the wind, With blood their ledge caves were imbrued; Long, dubious', and awful, Hern Vidlory late, G ill broke was the Hollanders line, Who saw ’twas in vain to contend aguinft fate— That gifve Britons a valor divine. The Dutch Hood aghast on their cannon fliook shore, Despair and deftnußion in fight, Their fliips all difmafted— Breaming with gore, Unable to run as Cos fight; De Winter and Reynjes, the Admirals twain, And nearly the whole of theih ho t, Grac’d the brave Britjlh Duncan’s invincible train, —So vanifli tlieir Maritime hoaft. „ giiGrus. Now Infidel France, with base treaclx rous Spain, Skulk dastardly into their haven, Win HI we ride triumphant the Lords of t’l Ivlain, And bless the great year n 1 nety-sevf.N. -A Fifty Doilprs Reward STI UN AWAY last night from tho ‘X.V fubfcrHier’s hottfe, the following Negroes-: Sharper , a country born jfellow, about- 30 years of age, full 6 fi-ct high, remarkably thick and strong, yellowilh complexion, pleasing “‘coun tenance, f,-caks plain English, walks very upriglit, commonly wears lib hat inclined, to the right fi je of his h ad, e>.cv<lively artful, and handy at any work. Nanny , his wife, a country bom wencll, about the fame age, 5 and an half feet high, blaik complexion, finding countenance, very heavy with child, fpeuks plain English, and commonly wears handkerchiefs tied about her head and neck. Joe, lier child, 5 years of age; and John, 1m brother, 2 and an half. They carried away their blanket*, many articles of clothing; and forro provifionp* Filey were completely drefled with new suits of dark Lindon brown bath coating. It is fufpecte*d they have go pc fome of the Carolina neighboring plantation t jyhtre SharjKr has a great numljer of relations and acquainV iiici .. Any person that will secure them in the common g ol of Savannah (hall be entitled to my warmed thanks and die abo/e reward*. EMANUEL RENGIL. Savannah, January 4, 1798. Hi-TV DeiLLAKS KeWAKD. RUN AIVAT from the fubferiber at Savannah , this morning, the Negbo Man and Wench hereafter defertbed : ■ — j■l, a “XTED, a Country bom fellow, near yQ it or quite 38 years of age,,alx>ut L itS 5 {ect 3or 4 inches high, speaks very vlain Englifh.’ has a vfry gross voice, is of a yellowish complexion, anu is re g markable for having 6 toes on each Toot, - ICr ? I .* and 5 fingers on each liaad, has loft se veral of his fore teeth, both alx>ve and below, and his very thick lips, had on a brown jacket and trowfers nearly new, and carried away with him a dark London brown bro .and cloth coat,* with many other article* of clothing. JENNY, his wife, a country bom wench, about the fame age and lieight of the fellow, of a black complexion, has a fiiiali fear on her left cheek, as well as can be rccol lefted, speaks very plain English, has a small waist, and is well made, is very sensible and hrtfuT; ftie has mfithci* a id other relations in the Fork of Broad River, near Pc /teriburg, Elbert county, where it is moft probable they will hereafter proceed, ftiould they not before be taken up* Any person apprehending and delivering them to tho Keeper of tlie Prifori at Savannah ftiall be entitled to the above reward. S#ucl Wall. Savannah, November *4 797*_ . BROUGHT to the Wockhoufe in Savannali, A Vvc cao Fellow, 4vbo fay* his name is Potnpey , about c feet 9 inches high, and about 35- jears of age, says he belonged to Mr. John Coxe, deceafed* j Jaco Tuuss, Gaoler.