The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, January 19, 1798, Image 4

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ITALTFJtX, {BTgvx fcvtix) November 24. ‘'N, AS a lUtUncholf contrail to the imeUigencrinwn Eu roa the ereateft dilllefe* to slate tbe dreadful fact of h Majefty'a ffop Tribune, of 44 gunSf -Capt. Barker. This fHip coming into the harbor on Tlwffday last (buck 00 die fends of Thrumfcap, The tide hemg ebbed every exertion to relieve, her proved meflfertual, and she remained there until 1 o’clock the fame* night, which time it blew a violent lieavy at e. e. e. Ihe guns, Except ode for ftgnals, and every weighty article, being thrown overboard, the ship thus relieved floated a little before high water, when the gate blew strongest ; her rudder having been knocked off, the (hip “leaking excefltvely, and Every thing in tlte grearefl confufi n, all attempts to gain the harbor were found imprartkj able. At this dreadful moment Lieuts. Campbell and North, of the Fu fibers* who had been on board to offer their assist ance, quitted tlte Ihip, intending to lie under her lee and wait the event; but the lea ran too high to admit of it. The fliip drifted dirertly before.the wind within a small di fiance of tlt craggy (liorc jail below Herring Give, whqre Ihe foundered, and, terrible to relate, (except 11 seamen and marines and one petty officer) every loul on board have perilhed! The number pf men belonging to tlie fliip is stated to have been upwards of 240; exchifive of which about 16 noiAommimoned officers and privates of tile H. N. S. re giment, Mr. Bruhuro of tlje Navy Yard, and, (we men* tion with peculiar regret) Lieut, Jame* of the N. S. regi ment, an amiable and deforving young officer, who had gone on board from motive* of humanity, met the fame fate. f Bojlon, December 21. The Renown, Rams, from ’ Newfoundland for Boston, was wrecked on Friday morning last on Milk Illand* call fide of Cape Ann; the crew got on fiiore, but the Ctptain was drowned. New York, January r. The boat in which a part of the crew of the fliip John escaped not beingjarge enough to contain the whole they were reduced to the painful ncetf fity of calling lots for the preference. The Captain, firft’ B'oatfwain, leamen, and lopalfengers, were destined to remain on board. The ffcrfon who gives this information was amongst die number of the unfortunate upon whom the lot fell. He, however, terrified with the melancholy profpert which pre lented kfelf, fpiung from the mast in order to gain the boat which had just before put off from the (hip; the crew hu manely received him on boards. This person informs that the Marquis La Fayette had dined several times on board the John whileVt Hamburgh, and had determined to take a paflage in her for this coun try ; but Come days previous to her failing Madame La TayetteV illncfs (the conference of her lufferings in the dungeon at Olmutz) compiled him to poflpone his voyage. The John lay on Demk’s bar, five miles from the Jersey fliorc, n&firly full of water, with her broadside to the tide, and the ice forming a bank roundJbei. Every ebb attempts are made from the shore to relie/o the diftrefled persons on board, but have hitherto been tinfucccfiful; they were so be repeated yesterday morning The people can plainly be difeerned from the fliore walking on the quarter deck, the only part of the veltcl now left them; their situation mull lx truly deplorable. January 2. The seven men belonging to the ship John who were iuppofed to be 101 l in the ice got on board the brig Bride, from Rotterdam, oat 86 days, for this port, and are landed at L-ewiftown. The brig afterwards went round to New York. The brig’ Gratitude, Clifton, from the Havana, is on shore to the l'outhward of Indian River. The tranlported-Deputies from France, Barthelemi, Pi chegru, &c. are arrived at Cayenne, S. A. They are lodged in ode houle, and are permitted to walk abroad under a guard. January 3. A letter from a refpertable Houle afifaavre, dated on the day of Capt. Type’s clofes with the following: w Although the American Commilfioncrs have not yet been admitted to the Directory we are per suaded there will be no war between the two nations; it is more likely that the United States will in future be ton fidered as a nation having no treaty wich us.*‘ Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Havre to a refpeciable mercantile House in this city y received by the Rosetta, from thence . • . .. / * Havre, 6th November, 1797. v ‘Kl'licre is now a projert of an absolute delceht on Eng land ! X'lie immortal Buonaparte is appointed Commander in chief du this expedition. There is to be immediately afremblea 120,000 mere between Brtfl and Honfleur, as well a* another body of 10,000 men between tins place and Dunkirk. ** Hanover will be immediately attacked; and what will ensure our success is a secret article in our treaty with the Eni]jeror permitting the paflage of our .troops.” January 5. The advices from France art contradictory with regard to die profpert of war with Anterica, and therefore we conchlde tlie persons who give the information know nothing certain on tlx; fubjert. Gem KeJlennan k dqnived of’ his command by an or der of the Directory. ‘Philadelphia, December 14. Yesterday at noon de parted this life,’ Mrs. Mary White, consort-es the Riglu Rev. Bifkop White. Several robberies have lately been perpetrated in and near this city. Lalf night a Mr. Srott, one of the City Gonftables, was Mopped tv ar the fVater-houlb, fired upon, and wcavnded in the head, ‘lire vdlains, after having rifled his pickets, made thtir escape ; his life is despaired of. Jjtecmber 3c. On tlie 23d instant tins dwcllingUonfr of Archibald Hamilton Rowan, Esq. on Brandywine Creek, together with the furniture contained therein, Wa? totally dcllrwyed by fine. t, A motion to recoufider the vote of the House of Repre fruudve* for pfenning the bill for anning vefteb until February ha* been Ml; the UU therefore is postponed. ~ VefWrday a & for very was made of feveitd of the persons concerned ia committing the robbcrius*hear this city; two tbvji arc young nacn iron* New Jersey. January a. • With extreme pleaiure we announce, that L-rr wau naGeircd ia town fiute our last tom Capt. , folgcr of the JoFW, Greenwich, (Jersey (Korc) aSA ultimo, informing that, by the humane exertions of the peopk: of that place, he, with the remaining part of the CrtW and paffengert, were preferred from deftruftitm that morning; they went got off from the fliip in fmaH batteaux. TTie Captain adds, that the ftwp was then 7 nearly foil cf water, but that he expefted to save a part of the- edrgo. The amount of flour fliipped from the port of Piufadi l phia for the year 1797 was 136,550 barrels, and 173? bar rels of middfmgs. Norfolk , December 28. Yeftcrday evening arrived the schooner Bilboa, Capt. Cobb, 7 days from Boston. Capt. Cobb informs, that yefterdav morning at fiinrKe he discov ered two flops afluire on Mackapungo shoals, about 25 miles to tiie northward of Cape Charles; the northennoft ot‘ the two flaps was so close in with Hog llland that it broke the force of the wind, and (lie appeared to lie easy ; lhe has briglit varniftied iides, a, and white boot top; flii appealed to be JoadedYTiad all her mails standing, and her courft sand toplails ldofe. l'he other appeared to be a long flrait fltip, of alxiut -400 tons burthen, painted entirely black, was very ddl-p in the water, and the sea making a breach over her. - As Capt. Cobb palled abreafl of her the main and missen masts vent by the board; 1<; minutes afterwards (lie caught fire, and so continued till he loft: fight of her. Capt. Cobb pafled within three quar ters of a mile of her, but could alford no relief, the fi :> being very high ; she fired minute guns at break of day. Cbarlrjlott, January 6. Yeftcrday arrived the brig Ifabclla, Brush, Hamburgh, 133 days. About 60 American velfels were lying nt,,ifix when Capt. Akins left it; they were at a loi’s what to do, as no freights offered for the United States. January 9. Yeftcrday arri.ed the Jhip Folly, How land, Bilboa, 50 days. Capt. Howland “informs, that the hrig Amiable MatHda of Pliiladelplua, John Brewer Mast r, was. captured about 5 leagues from the bar of Bilboa, Ihe had taken r. pilot from tliat pej-t, where ihe-was bound, by a French armed boat rttbuntihg two swivels, and was carried into Bay onne. The two Negro men, named Capell, and Figaro the younger, hav# been transported /rom this Rate, agreeably to their sentence. ‘ v ‘ His Excellency Robert Liilon, his Britannic Majesty’s Ambaflador to the United States, and his Lady, lei t this city on Sunday last, on/their re.utrn to Pbilaftelphia. ?* January la# Ydferday arrived il.e lliip Mary, White, London, 50 days. The brig Paddy, O’Drifi 011, and fliip South Carolina, Robtrtfon, were to lull from London for this port, about 14 days after Mary. Rice was very low in London, only 1 Ms. Insurance on American veflcls very high—from 10 to 12 guineas. The FamrGjones, and ti e Knight, Morfey, % had ar rived at Hamburgh from this port. Capt. Smith, of the fliip Rainbow, lately belonging to this port, which has lieen condemned in France for want of a role d’etjuipage, came palTenger in the Mary. The fliip Charlotte, Hndfiiy, which was carried into Nantz, it was thought would be condemned. ‘The Juno, Walker, which was carried into France, it was fupjiofed would lx- cleared; lor though, the captofs had cleftroyed the role d’eqtiipage, the owner, who was in France, had received a copy from America, which would f be the means of clearing her. From a cursory perusal of the papers received by the Mary we do not find any article refj'edling our ComniiHi oners. One private letter fays they were in momentary expectation of hearing ol’ their bring ordered to leave Paris. ffA\ accounts agree that there is not the moft distant p.o fjie£l of peace between lingjand and France. On the 7th of November’ a gentleman who arrived in London that day from Calais gave it out as’ a probable event, that an Embargo would immediately be laid on all vefiels in the different ports on the coasts of Frauce. . January 11. A Paris paper of the 13th of October fays, “ Citizen Coffin, the American Consul at Dunkirk, has been set at liberty eight days after his arrt llution.” Married at Richmond, Virginia, on the 13th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Chafrain, Alexander Mitchell, Elq. aged 101 years, (much alflirftfd with tire palsy) m the amiable and accoinpliffied Miss Jane Hammond, aged 16 years, both of Buckingham county. It may not be improper to mention that the parties applied pivvioufty to a Circuit Preacher, the* Rev. Mr. Saunders, (ti e Rev. Mr. Chaftain being absent) who refufed to perform the fbtemn ceremony, alleging that the intended union was contrary to nature. January 12’. Letters were yeftcrday received from Capt. Hayward, of the lliip Gadltlen, dated at Halifax. LL* informs, that after encountering several storms, in the last of which he had carried away the head of his rudder, he had arrived at Halifax on the 10th of December, where he kxpeited his vessel and cargo would be condemned; as twoWeifels, the Pomona and Telegraphe, which were cap tureiVcoiniug from the Havana, had just been condemned, tlie (raptains of those vessels informed him, on no other ground than that they were trading to a port which they were ndt permitted to enter before the war. A letter from New York, received by the brig Integrity, dated January 4, mentions’ the loss of the ship Lydia, Todd, and cargo, from Baltimore for this port. T'lic time is not mentioned, only that ftie was loft in the ice, about 20 miles below Baltimore. On the report of the Secretary Congress have v6ted to pay to Gen. Kosciusko the amount of his certificate from the United States, being 12,800 dollars. They have also rtiblved to allow tlie daughters of Count de Graile a cer tain firm, but the Wank remains to be filled. Resolutions have allb pafled appropriating 100,000 dol lars on account of the Quartermaster’s and tlie Indian De partments ; a like sum ou account of lubfiftence of the ar my ; and 52,000 to pay awards under the British treaty. Appointments by Authority. William Willis, Consul of tlie United States at Venice, to be Consul at Barojona in Spain. „ , James Blake, of Pennf) h*ania, Consul of the United States at the city of St. Domingo, in tlie illand of St. Do mingo. Daniel Hawley, es New York, Consul of the United States at tlie Havana, in the maud of Cuba. On Wednesday (far (4 d> ts Wtbm&fp trlff bt fiXA* *t public ttußion, btfire the fLbfoibar’s port. ALL thtjfe PUiatalk*!* ® r Tracts erf Larxi, on S*rs*> onh River, formerly the netiience of Gea. Way**v knrfwn fey the names of Richmond and Kae, \ containing about 1336 ai n > of prime river fwaHp affdhigtl land, tegcxhcr with all the Negroes, Stock, and Plantatio* Tools, thereon. PQ* Particulars mav be had, previous to the day of sale, by applying to Mr. Turnbull on tlie spot, or to Gairdners and Mitchcl in Savannah* Conditions calh. WILLIAM BELCHER, Außfanjer* ■ January , 79 8. SHERIFFS SALES. ON the firft Tuvfday in Fiibnnry next, will be fold, at Rio*. borough, between the liouja > f 10 and 3 o’clock, by put*, lie i-HfCrv, Thefoilonittv valuable PROPERTY, viz. *SO Acre of La 1, t!• ft u Inndft ant nii mpfi-ved >n-l part of .ill that tiaft of 1 fTid,’ rontait>i"K ft°° r, e, in 1. tnjty r>,ua ty, ktto Wn by the “ante <>t Hu nrfi id’s Print. AM©, iß.rxi an b.-ls A-rrs, being the h!( of a 1 ‘hat u ref of land, in the co;intv of Liberty, or g na'ly iiran'ccl to CoK John Hater, dt- I'trff’H, con a ning n’ h whole 437 ac-rs, hutting ar<ffoi>tm<l ipi? by Mb rt (tun 11 the bov, d< f. ribtil tr-£t) north oy vacant 4ini nturfb, fogth by4M‘ : GyV, *®d w;tt by Maybankh land. AIC>, L'he Tii jp Part ol rtl h L<“, H'libs, Wharf L"', and Billlding, of the sud Col. J hn B iker, rl.cahd, and known in ifie plan of >h fan) town by Hi•• i‘umbcr a;*. Also, Eight p’ me field Wavev.-Seized under and i>v* itueof twnfvtr Irxe cjimo’ at'h. f.. t |*<T jnf pi Fuller an the I.x cu O’s of Cater, find point#cf out by JhnPHer as ih F’ pry o* Col. Jhn liakar, cfrpraTed, 11:. <on for tii ! 1 y lotlu’ vr i<! if r>f a Special Jioy ateh’ i dbS {uitib r t. lin anhtone half ol iho prop rty iu hie p df fit 0. Also, 5-0 Aers'! L'ld in Liberty county, rear Sunbury, • bon dcfl i.or. hbyM rk C.i'f. f nth by M dd’iw by vacant l;tri , <* r aft v hrarfhe- and creek* of Mdw y r/vet, feii/.crf jnd ken ijn f'’ ap'd by virio <>’ rbi above > x ouiobs <n the prop r'v ol ihe FA a r ol 01. John B niter, and pointed out b/ Joh’i Ha r, Ex cu o. Ar rive fame tifnep ,( 1 place will be fold. Two Lol* in he Town of * u fbilr’i, kimwn ifi the plan of fa <1 < v.n i,y ‘he num bers pi and ga • the Inf .uannher pi • an impr -vi tl lo , rn v good fi"i*, i n whn'h thei f arc a emd dw ‘ litigh’ uf< , kitchen, and o'her ou* f urldtrg*. AT', sgy :md n halt A re* of L-nd in (‘amden c< uoty , on Ih< south prong ol L-ttle Settil’ , bound, cd w,f| by Gilb >t Harnf ui’ iand, not h ny Feter Taa-lb g *, call by Johr CraV'S’s and south by vacant land ai the tiOh “f fnr<v y. A rttl a so, Ano hcr Trail in the fa and noun yo’ Cam# den, containing a ts, adjoining th above tiaft, bnui>d<d nor hby Peter 1 at” ling, nd on all othn fid’ sby ianrjs vac nt at ‘he time of furve y. Sc 2.d and 1. kin under an ex cu ion at th” property of John Gr. vra. d.ceaf and, at ‘he fmt ol Ihomaa Ye>ug, a,\d poipudoui by William Grates, I'-xrcutoft CdiuluMiiu cal 1 ). JOHN’ JONES, S. L. C. Rierhoiotigh, 3d J nany, 1798. r ■ 11, r - - - - . „ r -| Marlhal’s Sale. By a decree of the Court of Admiralty , ijilt be fold , at the Courtboufc in .Savannah, on the 23 d January , between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, The BRIG ABIGAIL, her Sails, I ackle, find Furniture. V Conditions cafil. ( (d* BOWEN, Marshal. Savannah, January i MarllXl’s Sale. IV til he fold, on the feccnd Tuesday in February next , at the Court half in Savannah, between the hours of 10 Imd 2 o’clock, , , f i> ONE UNDIVIDED MOIETY of the following lIlAf, 1 S Ol 1 LAND oi the Eflate of John Baku , Esq. tlecealed, taken under execution at the I‘uit of Samp el Challet, whole judgment is the firli obtained said Eflate, to wit, the following Lots, NO3. 22, 25, 26, and 6, in Suubury, with the Buildings thereon. Five Hundred Acres near Sunbury j Five Hundred Acres on Colonel’s Illand, known by the name of Butterfield’s Point; and Four Hundred and ‘1 hirty-feven Acres adjoining But terfield’s Point Tract. Conditions cafb. O. BOWEN, Marshal. Savannah, January 12, 1798. SHEKIFFs SALE. WILL BE SOLI), at the Courlboufc in the Town of St. Alary, County of Camden, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, on Tuesday the Gth day of March next, • __ A Negro Fellow, named Will , seized und/r execution as the of John Dil worth, at tiicj suit of Gen. James out by the Plaintiff’s Agent. J. M. Lindsay, s. c. c. Sheriff’s Office, November 30, 1797. To be fold, on the firff Tuesday in February next, at the Courthouft (bring the boufe of James Wilson) in the. county of F.JJingham, under and by virtue of two executiopt , . . . ALL thole tlfrte Trafts of that is to fay, 13 acres, bounded north by land of John ChrihopW I Buntze, weft and south by land -of John Justus Gravcn ftine, east ■ ardly by land of Andrew Bidenbach; 200 acres on the Ru n, joining lands of John Gugle; 250 acres or* Black Creek, in Bulloch county; and one Town Lot ia Ehenefcer; to be fold as tlie property of Emanuel Keiffer, deccaied. Also, 300 Acres River Swamp, opposite Apalachujda, with a good upland iettlement, taken as the property ofl| ijolm Aiulibert. W. DUPUIS, s. e. c. 9 BROUGHT to the \V orkltoufe in Savannah, A NeJ| gro Fellow, named Buck, about 5 feet 6 high, and about 40 years of age, (peaks very bad Eng lift i, - fays he ’telongs to one Myer, in South Carolina. < Nov. 23, 1797. Jacob Tiieiss, Gaoler. [ SAVANNAH; Pbutld by N. JOHNSTON UJ.A