The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, February 02, 1798, Image 1

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. .... • (No. 745.) Circulating Library. THE subscriber proposes opening A CIRCULATING LIBRARY on the following terms, via. 1. No person to take a book on loan without depositing the value of it, and if it belongs to a let the value of the whole mud be depolitsd. 2. The price per week is xo cents for each duodecimo volume, and 18 3-4 cents for each ‘oftavo volume. Pamph lets, plavs, See. in proportion xo their value. 3. Any person retaining a book longer than seven days mult pay for two weeks, and lo on. . 4. Any book written upon, torn, or otherwise materi ally abided, mud be paid Jbr, or compensation made to the fatisfaclion ol the loaner. An additional variety of momently txpe&ed from New YYrk kind Lofton 5 and, lliould lutncient en couragement be given, repeated aduitions will be made of such nooks as may be deemed worthy peruial. Every nfcw work ofomerit ‘be fought fqr with,y; and nothing {hail be wanting on the part of"the subscriber to render the infticution worth the attention qf'tL-e lovera of literature. The titles of a great part of the books compoling the library may be found in my late advert’dunents in the Co lumbian Multuro, and a catalogue of the whole is kept at my (tore. ‘ A fubfeription at three dollars per quarter'is open. ’ CEO. LAMB. Savannah, January 26, 1798. 1< \j R. b A L ii,-- Georgia ‘Paper Medium, Apply to Jam ns Mackintosh. January 24. * 7 i - subscriber has f>r sale, on the 411 oil reafonahle JL terms, for cash, at Iris dole in Bull Itreet, oppolite Messrs. Hamilton and Hartriclge, * The following At tides, viz. London particular Madeira whig a Second quality of ditto ( By t’ e quartercaik, gol- Port wine - 49 \ lon, dozen, or bottle. Sherry ditto * ‘ 1 Jamaica rum • New England ditto drench brandy Hollandfe gin London boHecTporter by"the groefo dozen, or bottle Coffee Loaf and brown sugars MoiaiTes II non and boliea tens Black pepper Ratlins’ Shelled almonds Nails of all kinds Crockery ware assorted Writing and wrapping paper Liquor cales. A L S 0 , >lnflin fit aw Is Ditto aprons Linen and cotton handkerchiefs Oz.iabrigs by the piece or yard. . Captains cf vends and others’ can be fupolied with all kinds of groceries at chreihorteft notice. f -1 JAMES BELCHER. Savannah, January 25, 1798. John feu , Robertson, and : Cos, j ETURN their lajccrc thanks to their friends who J v have employed thfril in the Difpoful of their Crops, an 1 inform them ? that they continue to the Coinmilliou and Factorage Business, • in all its branches,'flattering themfolves that they will ren d. r entire I'.tti: fiction to thole who may employ them, by their attention, punctuality, raid dispatch. They have on Hand, for Sale, tn love Ttrms, Imperial,’ 1 ; • Hyfon, and LTea ; Young HyibnJ Paper hanging, - Soap in boxes, - \ t Glass ware, . -j Prime beef, . , Suporfme flour, ‘ f Salmon in half barrels, Brand -■ ..’ Hollandfe geneva, r. MulV.ovado sugar in hogflieads and barrels, Jamaica rum, C'Lee in hors heads and bags, 1 - Loaf sugar in tiefc^f, Nkilsrand brads assorted, Bar irond ditto, Window glass Bby 10, _ . ’ . A few bales Kendal cottons, Ditto white plains, Fraxen oonabrtgs; A quantity of Englnh gunpowder, F and FF; London-bottled brown flout. A L S 0, Rice, tobacco, and A few hundred bulhcls Indian coni. S •• l\ December 14, 1797. A tew Copies ot tiie Fire Ordinance and Patrol Law may be lud of the Printers. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1708. |CP The subscriber intending to leave this city, offers for sale, at very reduced prices, The Remainder of ■bis Stork of GOODS, WHICH CONSISTS OF IRISH linens, calicoes; 1 Superfine black, navy blue, and mixed doths; Scarlet, black, drab, and mixed second ditto; Bath coating; Superfine black, white','mix ed, and pri-irtedxollmeres; Marseilles quilting, f.vanf down, and • florinet, for wAlc/oating; EluflicN coating and fared i cloths, Green call hot. Womens scarlet cloaks’ or cardinals. Mens” camlet coats ar.u cloaks, Cloak camlet of an excellent quality, 6 4ths green baize, Durants-of various colors, Mr.lbeirk wildbcrc, Rife blankets; Red, white, and yellow fir.n- L; ‘ j Voided and cotton flock- I lugs, Beaver gloves, Y~.elvet vciLihapes', blue vel ■ vet, white corduroy, Brown fqflrians, Vaver.fiudk, Manchtit..r corded fluffs of different colors, Strik'd and clouded nan keens, , India yel liw clitto, and cole red mu (knots, Ginghams, ■Bririfli dowlas,. ; 4tbs and 7 oths bed tick,h Hll ml slims, A few-piers? muslins and muffin handkerchiefs, Clouded muslin fliawls, India bandano and romal handkerchiefs, Red and yellow fdk ditto, Printed linen and coitcn J pocket ditto, Black Barcelona ditto, Gentlemens mu din neck dit to with tambor-H corners, Brown hoU ‘nd and plat’d las, Oznabrigs, German rolls. Mens- and vvoffitus-bfeeb hat?, .Childrens drab ditto, Ounce arid ftitdiing threads, Colbfed ditto, Sewing lilk and twifl, qua . ‘ lity binding, Silk ferreting, tape and bob bin,’ Canton.and French fans, Patent metal tea kettles, Beil metal fkiilets and kettles, Coffee mills, folders, and Dutch ovens, ALSO, . Frcfli hyfon tea, Ero'.vn fo.igrr, Lout sugar, ~ Ginger ana black pepner. u • WILLIAM IIALLS 2 EAD. * Savannah, January 10. ICT‘ TO B E S OLD, T LOi, and BUILDINGS thereon, near the JL .Market Square, occupied bf MeflVs. Stratford and Robert Brown and Mr. APKenzie* also, A few do?eti LONDON BO P ('LED PORTER , at two dollars and three- quarters-per cfozfei), and a well chosen assortment of BOOKS, Sec. Sepfy U T7Q7. ’’fo J. T. LAWRANCE. .SAUNDERS HAIR DRESSER; Ij) ES?i.C l rUI. t 1 informs his ciifoomers, and others, JL V that he has remov ed to the fliop occupied bv Mr. Cummings, next door to the eastward of Mr. La Gonx. Fie returns thanks for the encouragement lie has met with, and humbly foil- its a continuance of their favors. Savannah, January 4, 1798. LANDING this day, at Hunter’s wharf from the Brig Sarah, George Norval, Majter, 92 Hogflieads Havana Mola/les, - And FOR SALE bv M'CALL & MILLER. Ncv. 16, 1797. Iron pots from liti If a gallon to eight gallons, Fryingpans, gritiii-ons and griddles, Hard metal table and tea spoons, Japanned waiters and tumb lers; . ~ London and Eiilol pewter bafons, plates, and dilhes; Hearth bruflies and bellows,’ Currycoilibs, herfo bruflies, Iron and brals candleflicks, Japanned damps, Steel and japanned fmtffcrs, Sad or fmootliing irons; Steelyards to‘Weigh 62, 81, 87, 88, 103, 133, 150, 182, arid 200 lbs. Carpenters and Ihoemakers tools, Falling and club axes, iron flux-res, - , - Centre bits, draw knives, Weeding hots, j T il 1 and cupboard locks, I Chest locks and hinges, can nister locks, Erafs knob and ring locks ■ for doors of various fires, Rim and flock ditto, Single and-double padlocks, II and HL hinges, hooks and hinges, Iron butts from one and’ an half to four and an half incites-, —— ■/ Skew rifirig joint ditto, Fiat and round bolts .for doors and windows, I'hunrb latches, brass and wood pullies, Iron ditto for v.’ipxows, fafli lines; 6d,, Bd. lod. and 2od. noils; % 3d. and 4,d. fine cl opt ditto, 6d. and ice. jiue drawn ditto; 2d. 3d. 4'i. and 6d. brads or ■ T;'igs; Sand, emery, and glass pa per; Round and flat head wood * i urU-YV — - In Table kn’ves and forks, Pocket ane, pcnxiuvcs, Razors and lt.aps, lliaving boxes, Shoe and knee buckles 1 , Goat and bread buttons, SpcAiiCles, combs, tooth and comb bru hies, Filh hooks, pins, needles, India tea china; Sets of dining ditto, conflft ing cf xoo pieces each ; Tin, glass, auu Cfockdty ware. __ By the brig Polly, from Jamaica, and fcbocncr Two Brothers , from St. Croix, JAMAICA and WIN INWARD ISLAND RUM, SU GARS, and COFFEE, for file, by GAIRDNERS & MITCEELf Sept, t, 1797. * Roderick & Norman Madeod t HAVE received,.per the Bellona, Shepherdess, and Apollo, from New York, and now opened at their flare, No. 2 Woodhoufe’s Row, A Complete’ and Elegant Assortment ok- Fancy and Seajonable Goods, CONSISTING. OF 4 4ths and 6 4ths plain, jaconet, and book mtbflns ;• Ditto striped jaconet ’’ - ditto, Ditto f cross brj-red and tamfcorM ditto, Ditto loom IpottM ditto, Ditto elegant brocaded “ ditto, * Gentlemens needle wrought cravats, A large afiortment of book and jaconet muslin handkerchiefs \ 5 4-ths an ! 6 4ths black, blue, pink, brown, drab, and yellow colored mullins; Mulli-i aprons and petticoat patterns; Fine mull’ui fnawls, fancy patterns ;. Fit-ole and chinis lhawls, , CoP:red and white pocket handkerchiefs, * ♦ A large assortment of corded dimities and line plaid ginghams; Superflue doths and cafcnfcres, fafliionable colors;* Neat fwanfdowiis, linnets, and quiltings, for waistcoats; Second cloths, elaftics,’Orleans cloths, and coatings; * W hite, re 1, yellow, and scarlet flannels; ‘ Rose blankets; J 1 ‘ A large-assortment of prlrited calicoes and chintfqs, hewefl patterns; . . 3 4ills, 7 Btlis, and 4 4ths Irish linens; Brown linens arid lildias, Coarse and fine French cambrics; Ounce, pound) and colored thread; Bobbins, tapes, anNfilk forrettHg; Sewing folk arid twill, various colors; Round ai;d wire fllirt buttons, Buttons and button moulds, A hard flame assortment of colored and black Barcelona ,'l\andkercbiefe, . ‘ Silk an l camel’s hair foaivW; <■ Durants, calamancoes; and black ruffe!; 3 4ths and apron. vrade check, Mens white and fancy cotton (lockings, Ditto patent and folk ditto; Ladies HuiF (hoes, flippers, and fomdals; Ladies and g -ntlemens pocketbooks, Ladies thread cases; A large and elvgant^affortment of plain and figured modev China, and fitin ribbon; ‘ Hair ribbon arid galloon binding, Cotton counterpanes,. . / 7 Bths and 4 4ths rbirral handkerduefs, Silver and gold epaulets.; Tea trays, waiters, and,knife ‘ t Gentlemens and ladies drefling cases ; ~ - Writing paper, qr.iils, and wafers; A handsome collection of books ; Swords and (word belts, guns and pistols; . • Bell battle powder, ■ . - Plated and hard ware; ‘’ Warrantecl befl hyfon and fouchong tea; Nutmegs, mace, and cloves ;- An aflortnient of crockery and glass ware; With a number of other articles too t-di’- ifs to enumerate* Whit h will bf fold o}f very reaffTnable terms for ca(h, or approved notes at fliort dates. December 13, 1797. r a ‘HE fubferibers .having rented the Wharf and Stores JL cf Dr. George Jones, adjoining MeflVs. Hunter, Prdfftman, and Go. have commenced • The Factorage and Commijfion - - Business , and flatter thefnfelves, from their attention to that business, they will give fatisfaclion in the difpolal of produce placed in their hands. BENEDIX and CO* ON HAND, FOR SALE, Cotton bagging, ; —-German ozaabrigs,— . Ileflians, Glazed c'.imney tiles; Window glass, 8 by 10; Queen’s ware in hog (heads, Madeira wine in half pries and quarter calk? 1 , Havana sugar in boxes. 1 December 5. Hrc7jONES,~ HAVING convenient (tores oil Clarke's wharf for the - reception of Country Produce, or Mtfchandife of ’ any defeription, efiera his heft services to his frk.ids, ?nd the public, in tranfoufling any business they may- place in his hands as a Faclor or Commiflion Merchant. Savannah, October 7, 1797* * ,-.W’ (4 dollars per ann.)