The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, March 30, 1798, Image 1

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Georgia Gazette. (No. 753.) Loring&Seaverhave received, A large Afl'ortment of IRONMONGERY, COSSIST&it; OF SCREWS, butt and Other hinges, latches, bolts and locks of all kinds, sets shoemakers tools complete, ,, (hoe buckles, (toe knives, panel and mill laws; (hovels, tongs, and pokers ;* also, woraem, mens, and boys plain, ribbed, and gauze white and colored cotton (lockings; cloth, hearth, horse, and tooth bruflies} broad cloths and ‘Cafimeres; artillery and horfemens swords, with belts; horfemens caps; holders,-with bear (km 7-ips and straps; mens and womens saddles; with various kind* of bridles, and ink powder. Sf j • AND HAVE ON HAND , london particular and London market Madeira wine in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter calks; London particular Tenerife wine in hogsheads and quarter calks, hogiheads Jamaica and St. Croix rum, hogflieads ot loaf and biown sugar; tierces, barrels, and bags of coffee; barrels prime beef, barrels fine and fuperfine flour, barrels pilot bread, cordage, boxes mould and dipped candles, boxes soap, boxes chocolate, bags black pepper, kegs Lonjon ground white lead in oil, ditto red lead dry, ugs boiled Indeed oil, catfia and mace; all of which they will fell low tor caih or pro duce. . - Roderick & Norman Macleod HAVE RECEIVED from NEW YORK, i A SMALL ASSORTMENT OF VERY HANDSOME PRINTED MUSLINS and SHAWLS, Light and Dark PRINTED CALICOES, . and Lidies TAMBORED HANDKER CHIEFS. JUST OPENED, Three Chefls HYSON, YOUNG HYSON, and SOUCHONG TEA, fnperior quality- AN ASSORTMENT'OF PICKLES; ROSC, ORANGE, and KA NEEL WATER. AND J--- ALM..VN for t h?_pr.fcnt Year. R. MACLEOD intending t-o leave the (late about [the beginning of April -for forae time, they take the liberty Ito requ-ft that all those indebted tb them do call and fettle [their refpeftive accounts before that period, as no further [indulgence can be given. Savannah, March ?o. {LANDING this day , at Hunter’s wharf from the Brig Sarah, George Norval , Maji&r , 92 Hogflieads Havana MolafTes, And FOR SALE by M'CALL MILLER. I Nov, 16, 1797. r | ‘HE i’ubicribers having rented the Wharf and Stores I of Dr. George Jones, adjoining Meff/s. Hunter, iPrefltrmm, and Cos. have commenced [ The Factorage and Commiflion I Bufmefs , fcnd flatter themselves, from their attention to that business, Kiey will give fetisfuction in the riifpofal of produce placed |u their hands. BENEDIX and CO. ON HAND, FOR SALE, ‘ I Cotton bagging, \ I Germain ozuabrigs, | Hclfians, . ~ Gtazed c’ unneyHfia^ Window glass, 8 by 1o; Mr Queen's ware in hogsheads, 4 Mad. ira >viue quarter calks; Havana fugar*in boxes, XfDcccniber 5. I S AUXDER !rMOTTA7 1 HAIR DRESSER , mJ LLIt informs his ciificonej*, and others, ■ V that he has removed to the &np Occupied by Mr. ■nmmings, next door to tla? eaflward of Mr. La Goux. P‘; returns thanks for the encouragement he has met with; ■id humbly foUcits a continuance of them favors. ■ Savannah, January 4, 1798. I FO R S A L t, ■A a good carpenter,, cmv (have, dress WL Tmr, take care of Wes, or do'Shnoft any boufe or ■aitation worki Apply to the Primers. ® March 9, 1798. * £ I Taylor and Miller HAVE FOR SALE, Bl *t ir :%re &*f, *. *; Ai AfibrtnHiit of SHIPCHANDLERY, con ", ?8 ci Unfeed and ftmp oil, vamifh, cord w, the m lit ufcful articles in that line. m..., brandy, fiigar, coifer, white plains by ■v u or . h - L > gunpowder in calks, and window elafe - b V F ; ‘ K - * V " ,SE or h vxni Different kinds ofluahcr. ’ 1.;.a t.ley will dilpofc of, on low terms, for caih HHy 4 *’ *• ■ oa. . ■ I9H • Jy9 4 . FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1798. F OR SAL E. Georgia Paper Medium . Apply to James Mackintosh. January 24. XT’ TO BE SOLD, THE LOT, and BUILDINGS thereon, near the Market Square, ocafpied by Meflrs. Stratford and Robert Brown and Mr, McKenzie. . A L S O, A few dozen LONDON BOITLED PORTER, at two dollars and three quarters pev doien, and a well chosen afl'ortment of BOOKS, &c. Sept. 1, 1707. J. T. LAWRANCE . - • - 1 • •'*• 7 Johnjlon , Robertjcn, and Cos. RETURN their (inccre thank* p their friends who have ‘employed them in the Dilpolal of their .Crops, and inform tliem, that tliey continue u> tranfid tlie Commiflion and Factorage • Business, . in all its branches, flattering themselves that they wp.l ren der entire fatisfaction to those who may employ them, by their attention, punctuality, and dispatch. They have on Hand, for Sale, on low Terms t Imperial, “J Hyion, and >Tea> Young Hyion J Paper hanging, l Soap in boxes, ‘ Glass .ware, * Prime beef, ‘ Superfine flour, Salmon, in half barrels, Brandy, - Hollandfe geneva, / Mufcdvado sugar and barrel*, Jamaica rum, ‘ Col Fee in hogsheads ind bags, Loaf sugar in tierces} —;• ] Nails and brads aUb^ed^ Bar iroil ditfc), Window glass Bbyt o, r v . A few bales Kendal cottons,' ’ . Ditto white plains,^ Flaxen oznabrigs; A quantity of English gimpowdci*, F and FF‘s London bottled brown. Itoirt. ALSO* Ride, tobacco, and A few hiuidred buftiels Indivai com. Savannah, December 14, ‘ TCfßte'RtN I ED, The Merchants arid Planters Cojjeehoufe Hayrnglhirteen January 6, 171*8.- •• - : - Alex. Watt. hTcTJonls“ HAVING cpnvenient (tores dn Claritas wharf for the receprtioa of Coimtry Prodmre, or hferdiandife of any defeription,, offers his befl femces to his friends, and the'public, in transacting any business they may place in his i.ands as a Factor or Cominitfion Merchant. .1 Savdr.h-ab, GNober 7, 1797. ■ 1 1 ■ 11 ■ : —■ 3 Boxes Hats aflorted, at a low advance ; 28 Barrets Mufcovada Suyir; for (ale bv GAIRDNERS & MITQHEL. January 27. Meins & Mac hay t • tlie wharf and (lores late fti poflefllon of Mrs v/ John Caningham. inferior to none lii this city for the do reage and fe<*rity ; of property,-—ln the Shipping and Ea£iorage Line they offer their services to the Public, ansf flatter themselves that every fatisfaftion will be who may em ploy them. ‘ ‘ - THEY HAVE FOR SALE , 15 pipes Bourdeaux - - - -- - 13 ditto Spaniih ditto, 70 barrels (hip bread, and 20 ditto pilot ditto. * ‘ Savannah. January x, 1798. THE iublcribtrs having entered u;to Copartnerlhip, under the Finn oLCASHKN and ROBINSON, liave rented convenient Stores on TelfaiPs wharf for Use receptiou of Produce, where they’ purpose carrying cn the Fa<9:oraue & Commiflion Business, and hope by their punctuality and attention to merit the confidence of those who arepfcafed to fever them w ith their business. TAMES CASHEN, _ , JOHN ROBINSON. December 2, 1797. * ALMANACS- F r fefe at the PrimSnyOffics in Brcugh- on ftrccu (4 dollars per ann.) Opening W Ralston, A ItgHdfjtt** Affortmcnt of Printed, TaVoo:e.d, PU m Muflinj. Aft, lately ReCeh rd, * Two Calls of LsMes; Crcntierhens, and Boys liaver Hats. February 1. I; —*■ “"• ‘I L. 1 i ,1 JuJl landing from Onijkard the brig U r Uituw, f jHt mawdiicch, ■ , TWENTY of Madeira wine, Fourteen puncheons janjakfa rum, Collie, sugar, mdafles, and cocoa* : _ ALSO ON H AND*, Twenty puncheons of Wiiidvard lUand rum, • • LnrrpooJ and alum feTt, &e.\ All ot wlfich wdl Ibe fold low folcafli or produce. February 8. ALEX. WAIT. —■ ■■.. ■ • ■ • *——* Windward Island Riijn in pun cheons, Sugar, and, Coffee, Landing frofftlie galiot Triton, Martinique, and the brig Sally, froift Jamaica, and for sale, by GAIRDNERS & MITCHEL. January 4, 179& • (•_ .. ICy* Die intending to ijave this city, offers for sale, at very reduced prices, The Remat nut r of bis Shck of GOODS, ■which consist* or : : IRISH Jmenlj, calicoes; Stiperfine navy blue, and nixed cloths; ■ Scarlet, black, drab, and mixed feconi ditto ; I*rth coating; Superfine black, jwliite, mix ed, and printet cafimeres; Mari'eillea quilt*ig, fwanf down, and for waistcoating; \ Elastic coating ind forelt cloths, \’ ~ ~ Green cafinet,' ’ Womens fcarlef clanks or cardinals, Mens camlet coats and cloaks, ■ Cloak camlet of aa excellent - 6 4UIS grifen. baize, Durants of various colors, Mulberr)- wiidbote, !” Role blankets; .j, h Red, write, and yellow flan nels ; [ Worsted and cotton Hack* ings, ‘ Beavey glove?, Velvet veil Hi apes, Blue vel- Brown fuftians, ravenfduck, ManCbtftcr torded fluffs of difTerent colors, Striped -and clouded rian kiiens, Inßia yellow ditto, Wlnte and colored muflinets, Ginghams, Britilh dowlas, 3 4tiis an 4 7 Btiis'be4”tick, Hunihums, A few pieces muslins and niullin handkerchiefs, Clouded muft’m fhavrls, India bandano and romal l.andkercbiefe, Red aud ,yellbw li'ik ditto, Printed linen and cotton ’ pocket ditto, ‘ ‘p “ Black Bmxseiona dhfo,’ Gentlemens muffin neckdk— to with t Anbored corners, Brown holland andplatillas, Ozndbrigs,, German Tolls, Mens and womens black _ ‘ hats, J.’ Cliildretts drab ditto, . Ounce and Hitching threads, Colored ditto, Sewing silk and twill, qua lity binding, * . Silk ferreting, tape and bob bin, Canton and French fans, Pater.t metal tea ketdes, Beil mietal flcilkts and ketdes, ./ ■ ’ • Coffee mills fpUers, and Dutch ovens, ~ A XC Frtfli hyfon tea, Loaf fogar, WI Sitoaghab, January n). w k&s¥> A SMALL convenient DWELLING HOUSE a • centric part cf the city. Inquire of the STarters. . . „ ‘—■> \'*-l * L * .. . ~ *5 “ T . -vyr • • ■ ‘ Iron pots from half a gallon td eight, gallons, Fryihgpans, gridirons and griddles, Hard metal table and tea fpoorts, Japanned waiters and tumb lers; London and Bnfiol pewer batons,-plates, and dilhes j Hearth brii flies and bellows, Currycombs, hprfe brushes, liop apd brass cacdlefticks, Japanned., lamp*, . / ’ and japanned fnufllrs, Sad or fmoQthu)| hvni3; Steelyards to weigh 62, 81, 87, 88,’ 103, 133, 150, 182, and 200 lbs. Carpenters and flicemakers Falling and club axes, iron squares, -■ - , Centre bits, dr-sw knives, Weeding hoes, . ‘Oil and ctqjboard locks, Chefl locks and hinges,’ can* n.ftcr locks, Brals knob and ring lock* for doors of various sizes, Rim aii3 ftprk ditto, Single and double padlocks, li and HL hinges, hooks and hinges, Iron butts from one and ao half to four and an half r inches, - Skew rising joint ditto, Flat and round belt? for doors and windows, ‘rhumb latches, brafe aad wood puilies, Iron ditto for windows, faih lines; -<rf t 6d. B<L xod. and 2od. naSs;', . *. ~f . 3d. and ad. fine clout ditto, 6d. and iod. fine drawn ditto; 2d: 3<h 4<L 6d.l?aas bt fprigs'; Sand, emery, and glass pa per; . Round and flat Lead wood ferewa, Table “knives and forks, -- Pocket and penknives, -Raaoni and firaps, fimrieg .Boxes, Shoe and knee b^ekles, Coat and brpaA buttons, Spectacles, combs, tooth and comb bruflies, Fi(h hooks, pins, needles, India, tea china; JSets of dining ditto, confid ing of 100 pieces each; Tin, glass, and crockery ware. ‘ f. soC ‘ I Brown sugar, Ginger and black pepper. LLIAM HALLSTEAD.