The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, April 06, 1798, Image 1

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Georgia Gazette. (No. 754.) JAMAICA and Northward rum, Holland gin, French brandy, Molasses, and A quantity of com, . For sale, bv ■ SLUYfER & BAKER, in Mr. Hogg's buildings. St. Julian pect, Jobnfon's fqttare. March 29, 1798* ‘ lo for Field Negroes, LOT No. 2 Vernon tithing, Heathcote ward, St. ‘James’s square; the foil .-is rich, having been highly manured, the situation plealant and healthy. A L S, O, A pair handfdme bright bay Virginia bred CARRIAGE HORSES, about 15 hands high. ‘ Apply to ;} WALK IC7 3 Who will contrail to deliver any quantity oi LIME. March 30. ‘ IVANT ED ON KENT, A SMALL convenient DWELLING HOUSE in a centriepartjof the city. Inquire of the Printers. |C7* The fubferiber intending to leave this city, offers for sale, at very reduced prices, The Remainder of bis Stock of GOODS, WHICH CONSISTS Os IRISH linens, calicoes; Superfine black, navy blue, and mixed cloths; ‘Scarlet, black, drab, and mixed second ditto; Bath coating; Superfine black, white, mix ed, and printed cafimeres; Marseilles quilting, fwanf down, and florinet, for waistcoating; Elastic coating and forell cloths, Gi-een cafinet, Womens scarlet cloaks or cardinals, Mens camlet coats and cloaks, Cloak camlet of an excellent quality, 6 4-ths green baize, Durants of various colors, Mulberry wildbore, Rod blankets; Red, white, and 1 yellow flan nels; Worsted and cotton ftock togs, N. ; Beaver gloves, Velvet vest ihapes, blue vel vet, white conluroy, Brown fuftians, ravemduck, Manchefler corded {luffs of different colors, Striped and clouded nan keens, India yellow ditto, White and colored mufti nets, Ginghams, Britifti dowlas, 3 4ths and 7 8 tbs bed tick, Humhums, A few pieces irmflins and muslin handkerchiefs, Clouded nnrft'm ftiawls, India bandano and romal handkerchiefs, Red and yellow iilk ditto, Printed linen and cotton pocket ditto, Black Barcelona-ditto, Gentlemens nutflin neck dit to with tarnborcil corners, Brown holland and platillas, Oznabrigs, German rolls, Mens and womens black hats, Childrens drab ditto, Ounce and stitching threads. Colored ditto, Sewing silk and twist, qua- I lity binding, Silk ferreting, tape and bob bin, Canton and French fans, Patent metal tea kettles, Bdl metal fkillcts and kettles, Coffle mills, spiders, and Dutch ovens, ALSO , frtfti byfon tea; j Brown sugar, -Loat lugar, # I Ginger and black pepper. WILLIAM, HALLSTEAD. Savannah, January 19. Windward Island Rum in pun cheons, Sugar, and Coffee, Landing from the galk* Triton, from Martinique, and the wig Sally, from Jamaica, and for sale, bv r GAIRDXERS & ‘mitchel. * d'ltujy 1798. Iron pots from half a gallon to eight gallons, Fryingpans, gridirons and griddles, Hard metal table and tea spoons, Japanned waiters and tumb lers ; Lqpdon and Bristol pewter bafons, plates, and dilbes; Health brtdhes and*bellows, Currycombs, hoffe bi-ufties, Iron and brass candlesticks, Japanned lamps, Steel and japanned fnuffers, Sad or fircothing irons; Steelyardi to weigh 62, Bi, 87', 83, 103, 133, 150, 182, and 200 lbs. Carpenters and flioemakers tools, Falling and club axes, iron fquaves, Centre bits, draw knives, Weeding hoes, *• ‘Fill and cupboard locks, Chefl locks and hinges, can nister locks, BVafs knob and ring locks for doors of various fizts, Rim and flock ditto, Single and double padlocks, H and HL hinges, hooks and hinges, Iron butts from one and an half to four and an half inches, Skew riling joint ditto, Flat and round bolts for doors and windows, Thumb latches, brals and wood pullies, Iron ditto for windows, fafti lines; 6d. Bd. ied. and- acd. nails; 3d. and 4d. fine clout ditto, 6d. and iod. fine drawn ditto; 2d. 3d. 4d. and 6d. brads or sprigs; Sand, emery', and glass pi per; Round and flat head wood {’crews, Table knives and forks, Pocket and penknives, Razors and straps, {having boxes, Shoe and knee buckles, Coat and breast buttons, Sja.ftacles, combs, tooth and comb brushes, Fish hooks, pins, needles, India tea china; Set% of dining ditto, consist ing of 100 pieces each; ‘fin, glass, and’ crotkeiy ware. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1798. ALMANACS For sale at the Printing Office in Broughton street. * ■■ - ■ ■■ ■■'■■■ t - ■■■■ —— THE having entered into Copartnerlhip, uiider the Firm -of CASHEN, and ROBINSON, have rented idbnvenient Stores on Telfair’s wharf for the reception of Produce, where tliey purpose carrying on the Fa&orage&Commiffionßufmefs, and hope by their pun&ualjty and attention to merit the confidence of those who are pleased to favor them with their buiinefs. * JAMES CASHEN, John robinson. December 2, 17^7* Meins & Mackay OCCUPY the wharf and {lores late in poHellion of Mr. John Cuningham, inferior to none in this city tor the ftoreage and fecarity of ptoperty.—ln the Shipping and Factorage Line they offer their services to the Public, and Hatter themselves that every fatufaftion will be afforded those who may em ploy them. ’ . THEY HAVE FOR SALE , 15 pipes Bourdcaux brandy, 13 ditto Spanish ditto, 70 barrels (hip bread, and 20 ditto pilot ditto. Savannah, January 1, 1798. hTcTj ONES’ HAVING convenient {tores on Clarke’s wharf for the reception of Country Produce, or Merclvandife of any deferiptron, offers his bed services to bis friends, and the public, in tranfafting any buiinefs they may place in his hands as a Faftor or Connniiiion Merchant. r Savannah, OSlobcr 7, 1797. ter TO BE SOLD, THE LOT, and BUILDINGS thereon, near the Market Square, occupied by Mcffrs. Stratford and Robert Brown and Mr. M‘Kenzie. ALSO, A few dozen LONDON BOTTLED PORTER, at *wo dollars and face quarter*- per dozen, and a well chofcn assortment of BOOKS, &c. Sept . 1, 1797. J. T. LAWRANCE. FOR bALJi, . Georgia Paper Medium. Apply to James Mackintosh. • . January 24. Opening by George Ralston, A Ilandfotne Assortment of Printed, Tam bored, ami Flam Mullins. Aljo, lately Received, Two Cases of Lidies, Gentlemens, and Boys Beaver Hats. February 1. * Just landing from on board off the brig William, from Jamaica , ‘ ‘ TWENTY pipes of Madeira wine, Fourteen puncheons Jamaica rum, Coffee, lugar, mobiles, and cocoa. ALSO ON HAND, Twenty puncheons of Windward liland rum, Liverpool.and alum lalt, See. All of which will be fold low for cafli or produce. February 8. ~ - ALEX. WATT. Roderick & Norman Macleod HAVE RECEIVED from NEW YORK, A SMALL ASSORTMENT OF VERY HANDSOME PRINTED MUSLINS and SHAWLS, Lighrand Dark PRINTED CALICOES, and Ladies TAMBORED HANDKER CHIEFS. JUST OPENED, Three Cherts HYSON, YOUNG HYSON, and SOUCHONG TEA, superior quality. AN ASSORTMENT OF PICKLES; ROSE, GRANGE, and KA NEEL WATER. AND “ ? ALMANACS for the present Year. |C7* R* MACLEOD intending to leave the state about the beginning of April for fome time, tliey take .the liberty to request tliat all those indebted to tliern do call and fettle their reipeftive accounts before that peribd, as no farther indulgence can be given. Savannah, March 20. ; SAUNDERS MOTTA, HAIR DRESSER , RESPECTFULLY informs lit, customers, and others, that he has ren?bvtd to the Ihop occupied by Mr. Cummings, next door to the eafiward of Mr. La Goux, He it tarns thanks for the encouragement he has met with, and humbly solicits a continuance of their favors. Savannah, January 4, 1798^ (4 dollars per ann.) FOR S A L E,. A BLACK MAN, a good carpenter, can (have, dress hair, take care of horses, or do alnioft any house or plantation work. Apply to the Printers. March 9, 1798. Lonng & Seaverhave received, A large Affjrtmcnt of IRONMONGERY, consisting of SCREWS, butt and other hinges, latches, bolts locks of all kind?, NLs flioemakers toots complete, corkfcrewß, {hoe buckles, ihot knives, pariel and mill saws; Jhoyels, tongs, and pokers; alio, womens, mens, and boys plain, ribbed, and gauze white ahd colored cotton {lockings; cloth, hearth, hori’e, .and tooth brwfhes; ..broad cloths and cafimeres; artillery and horfemens swords, with belts; horlemens caps; holilers, with bearskin caps and ftrajJs; mens and womens laddies; with various kinds of bridles, and ink powder. \ ’ *AND HAVE ON HAND, london particular and London market Madeira wine in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter caAts j London particular 1 eneriffe Wine in hogsheads and quaiter calks, hogsheads Jamaica and St. Croix rum, hogiheads of loaf and broWn lugar; tierces, .barrels, and bags of coffee; barrels priifie beet, barrels fine and fuperfine flour, barrels pilot bread, cordage, boxes mould and dipped candles, boxes Tqap, boxes chocolate, bags black pepper, kegs London ground white lead in oil, ditto red lead dry, jugs boiled linseed oil, cassia and mace; all of which they will fell low for cath or pro duce. Y- Taylor and Miller HAVE FOR SALE, At their Store under the Bluff, A NEAT Assortment of SHIPCHANDLERY, con lifting of paints, linseed and lamp oil, Varnifb, cord age, and the moil ufeful articles ift that line. . Also, Jamaica, Windward Iftand, and Northward rum; Sn in caies, French brandy, sugar, coffee, white plains by e piece or bale, gunpowder in calks, and window glqfs of different sizes. 1 hsv have likewise on h and,Different kinds of lumber. All of which they will diljxifoqf, oii low terms, for tafti or produce. Savannah, 28 tb Sept. 1797....... 5 iO Bn RENTED, THAT VALUABLE AND WELL KNOWN/ on Little Ogrchee, About 12 miles from Savannah, and 2 miles from Little Ogechee Bridge, late the property and residence of John Fox juit. deteafed. An immediate poffeflion will be given. For terms apply to .{y ‘ Francis Coukvoisie. 7th March, 1798. ; - Savannah, afi ft March, 1708*’ SIR, PLEASE to take notice,’ that the Lot No. 4, situate on Savannah river, near Five Fatliom Hole, contain ing 250 acres, more or Ids, in my poffeflion, and levied on by you to fatisfy an execution at the suit of John • M‘Queen versus Administrators of George Haig, is my property, purchaled on the 28th January, 1794, and is secured by mortgage, duly recorded, for tlie payment of the purthafe money, and interest accruing thereon: There fore I hereby notify to -you these facts, and forbid any lale of the said property, as advertised by you'to be fold the 1 oth of April next. - ./ T. .’ . v • 1 am, Sir, your moft obedient fervapt, • ‘ • ~~~ ‘ ■ NIGHOL TURNBULL. Oliver Bg'ucu, Esq. Federal Marshal. I CST fubferiber intending to leave thie state for X a few weeks, requests all thole who mav have any partiailar buftnds -with him to apply, during his ab llnte, to his Attorney, William Stephens, Esq. of this city. NICHOL TURNBULL. Savannah, 22<f March , 1798. ALL pertbnS having demands again(l the Eftkte of Ml chael Aspeh, decealld, are desired to lend them in duly attested, and those indebted thereto are requested to make immediate paymepu ‘a.; ~ Asper, Adm’rix. . _ - . y pAVin Gt'GEL, Adm’r* February 28, 1798. 7; *’ GN the petition of Joel Walker* stating, that lie wa poffelfed of two certapi notes of hand; one signed by David Hodges,- bearing date on. or about the twentieth day of February, one thoularid seven hundred and ninety-three, for four barrels rice, neating each fix hundred and ten pounds; the other signed William Maxwell, HB, bearing date on or about the twenty-fifth day of October, ohe thou land liven hundred and ninety-two,’for the* sum of ten pounds; copies of which, as nearly as the said Joel Walker can recollect, are to the said petition annexed, and now lodged in the Clerk’s office, together with an affidavit, pursuant to the aft of AffemUy m that case made, and provided; that the said bond was loft or mislaid; and pray ing the benefit intended by laid aft; It is ordered, That, bn other circumstantial proof being laid before the Court, the said notes be eftabUlhed as direfted by the iaid aft, the said Joel Walker publiftring a notice as therein required, and for the {pace of fix months, in one of the Gazettes of this state, tfnlcfs cause {hall be Ihewn to the contrary within the said time, or other matterJhsdl appear to the Court again# the feme. r ExtraH from the Minutes, x - JOSIAH STEUART) C. C. U C* Ricciorougb f September 21, 1797.