The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, May 25, 1798, Image 4

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KEWTORK, April 26: THE citizens were alarmed yesterday, about noon, by the ringing of bells. / It proved to be a call to the gaol, which had been broken open by the prisoners, prin cipally debtors, 24 of whom had draped. A cirdfemflanc* of this kind inu reds every class of men; we have therefore taken paint to obtain paiticiSars, which are thus stated: A few moments before 2 upwards of 40 of the prisoners tame driving down flairs in a body, armed with piflols, which had spring bayonets affixed to them, and clubs. They knocked down the turnkey and assaulted tiie front inner door, the lock of which they abfolutcly burst off. Seeing opposition in front of the priibn collecting they flew to the rear of the house, and pried their way through into the yard, firing at every one who opposed them, and forced their way through a crowd of officers and citizens, who found it impossible to stein their imjetuofity; but, by skill tmd numbers, the officers and citi retook 10 of them, through the fire of all their piftoh, not, however, without receiving many wounds, lire other 14 made a fuccefsful escape; their names fee in the Sheriff’s advertisement in tliis paper, by which too dollar is offered for their appre- Jicnfion. Thofc taken were put in the dungeon. ‘JThe officers of tlie gaol appear to have faithfully per formed their duty. What man. uneonfeious of design, Could oppose such a torrent. • _ Their being armed in such a manaer may be conceived somewhat mysterious; but thefo could easily have been fmugglcd in from time to time by the friends of the prifon cn. ----- ~— — *— 1— I Many citizens acquired much credit by their exertions, at the risk of their lives, in aiding the Magistrates in this moment of alarm. There are many evuWifccs .also of the vigilance of the officers; Mr. William W. Parker, Deputy Sheriff, took two of the prisoners lfimfelf, each armed with pistols; and we are told that tliis is not the firft inftante of liis exertions in cases cf this kind. It pains us to mention the fate of our worthy fellow ci tizen, Mr. Peter Lolflard, tobaoconift, in Chatham street; he received a ball through his body from one of the prisoners after he had retaken him, and his (late was conceived very dangerous last evening. One Long, a carman, unfortunately received four wounds in his body and limbs with buck (hot, but they were not Conceived dangerous. Three other citizens were slightly wounded. Watson, now in the dungeon, was badly Wound ed before be refigneii. April 28. Yefttrday arrived the fliip Harmony of in 120 days from Calcutta. The Harmony mounts 14 guns, and fired a falutc of 15 guns as ftie passed the fort on Governor’s Jflurnl. Pbiladclpb’t'h May 5. The timed (hips Ganges and Hamburgh racket are pttrehafed for the United States. The Rebecca, from Charleston for Goree, has been captured by the English; her naval stores and gunpowder taken out and landed, and the veflel liberated. , Cbarlcjlon, May 16- The brig Romulus, Wallace, from this port, is carried into Jean Rebel by a French privateer. The brig Hercules, O’Connor, from Philadelphia, bound to Port au Prince, with a cargo valued at 120,000 dollars, is atfo carried into Jean Rebel by a French privateer; and another brig, commanded by a Capt. Lee, from Baltimore. Yesterday morning a luindfome brig, built of live oak find cedar, .wAs launched from tfie yard of Mr. Paul Prit chard. She is calculated to carry 14-guns, 6 pounders, and is to be employed as tlie cutter for this port. She is allowed by good judges to be a faithful built veflel, and does credit to the Conllru&or. We are informed (he is Called the Unanimity. May 17. The Britifli frigate Thetis, Capt. Cochran, anchored off our bar the evening before the last; (he is last from New Providence, and has cruised the last eight'days between St. Augiiftine and this bar, during which Ihe has captured four vessels, viz. The fi.hooner Ranker, Booth, belonging to Messrs. B. Booth and Cos. of this port, from Havana, loaded with sugars. The schooner Napcy of Norfolk, from the Havana, bound for Virginia, loaded with sugars. , The reason given tfor. the above captures is, that they tarried naval stores and contraband articles to the Havana. The Danifli brig Three Friends, from thd Havana, bound to St. Thomas’s* cargo supposed to be enemy’s pro perty. The Hamburgh brig Frederica, from the Havana, with 1200 boxes sugar on board; flic was on her voyage to Hamburgh, and was to pall off here for orders. The reason for taking her is, that Hamburgh vessels are not allowed, by tlie late orders of the King in Council, to carry goods from a nation at war with Great Britain to any port but their own. This brig, we are informed, is to be lent this morning to Halifax for trial. Tlie brig Aurora, Woodman, whifh arrived yesterday from the Havana, was brought to by tlie Thetis and exa mined; her papers being such s Capt. Cochran approved of he permitted her to proceed. Capt. Ward, who arrived yesterday from New York, Was brought to on Tuelday by the Thetis frigate, which took from him one-man, named Robert Harrilbn; he had fi certificate of his being an American. Capt. Cochran re quested Capt. Ward to tell the owners of the schooner Ranger that he had lent licr to Halifax, where, if they intended to make any claim, ir o. nnid Hp nßfyff-try to {Lb, 1. V hen Cipt. Ward left the Thetis there were two brigs Hear her, which were taken poffefiion of by Capt. Cochran; Capt. V arJStlid not learn who they were. Mity 18. Ihe brig Julia, Hitchborn, which failed the clay before yesterday for the Havana, loaded with flour and rice, was brought to by tlie Thetis, and detained until yesterday evening, when Ihe was releaied, nothing contra band haying been found on board of her. - NOTICE. All persons having demands against tlie E/late of Martin Shubman , late of Chatham county, de feated, are do fired to render them properly attested; and •H indebted to make immediate payment. Tabitha Sbvhios, Adm’rix. ■ 4frU z6 f 179S* NOTICE. ✓ ;> THE fubferiber having Wen appointed by the Interor Court of the County of Chatham to receive the Re turns of Taxable Property for the pretent year, he will attend for that purpote on the following days and places, from 9 o’clock in the forenoon to -,3 o’clock in the after noon each day, viz. For Cherokee Kill Dijlrift, at Cherokee Hill, on Mon days the 30th April/ the 14th and 28th of May next. For Little Ogecbee Thftricl, at Mrs. -M‘Knight’s, on Wednesdays the id, the 16th, and 30th of May next. For the Sea Ijlands, at John Barnard’s, Esq. on Wil mington Island, on Saturdays the sth and 19th of May, and 2d of June next. For White Bluff Dijlrifl , at the Muster Field, on Mondays tlie 7th and 21st of May, and 4th of June next. For the City cf Savannah, at his office St. James’s square, on every day in the month of May, Sundays and the aforementioned days when employed in the country excepted. It is eameftlv feqiiefted that all persons will attend with their returns ready made out, and that ti e commanding officers of each militia company diftricl will furpilh him with a correti lift of all persons liable to pay taxes within their refpedtive diftridls, upon oafli or affirmation, agree ably to law. JUSTUS H. SCHKUBER. Savannah, iSlb April , 1798, EXTRACTS from the TAX LA IF. a And the commanding officer in each company ffiall give to the Receiver so attending a lift of the inhabitants liable to pay taxes within his diftrid, on oath or affirmation to the belt of his knowledge and information, under the pe nalty of thirty dollars, See. &c. “ And be it also enadtid, That all and every person li able to pay tax fliall give in the lift of his, her, or their property, [held on the firft day of January laft] as well as a lift of every such person or >perfons as he, lhc, or they, may be attorney or attornies, executor or executors, ad jniniftrator or aominiftrators, guardians, trustees, or agents, for, in the county wherein they refute, deferibing as near as possible, from the plats, deeds, or other documents, the particular situation of such land, the quantity and quality thereof, in what county, what particular water courl'e on, and what lands it joins, for whom surveyed, or to whom granted, &c. “ And be it further enacted, That the Receiver of Tax Returns ftiallj in thirty days after pu'ftidling the lift of defaulters, proceed to and assess all I‘uclt’defaulters in a sum equal, according to the best of his opinion, to the full a mount of the tax of such alters, Sc c. &c. and the Col lcdlor fliall proceed against such defaulters for double the amount of laid affeffmuit, &e.” A LIST cf TAXABLES . All lands within the flute. All free male white persons above 21 years of age. All negroes and other Haves under 60 years t f age. All lots, Wharves, and all buildings, within the limits of any town, village, borough, or city. All free male negroes, inulattoes, and meftizoes, ;; above 21 years of age. All stock in trade of merchants, fliopkeepers, and others. All profeffors of law and phylie, factors, and brokers. All billiard and E. O. tables, or other instruments of similar confirmation uled or intended for gambling. All foreign wares, liquor?, or merchandise, fold, bar gained, or trafficked for, by all factors and brokers. The funded stock of the United States* ” NO TTcTE “ T X THERE AS ihameful depredations have been com- V \ mitted on the Island of Great Wajfaw , a great proportion of the stock killed and carried off, and the lhell banks robbed, in order to prevent the future deftrudtion of th.eir property, the Proprietors, in tlie moft politive man ner, forbid all persons from carrying dogs on, or hunting 011 that island; and, to prevent thole from running into an error who may think they may continue to do so with im punity, they are informed that the ilknd and its depend encies is now under the direction of Mr* J unes Adams, who has orders to kill every dog that he finds there, to whom foe ver belonging. This, if severe, is indilpenfably necessary, and will meet the coincidence of every candid mind, as it is utterly impossible to prevent stock limn run ning wild where there is a continual hunting and firing of guns. They also forbid all perfohs taking llieiis from their lhell banks without permillion firft obtained. All thole detected in violation of tliejybcve notice will be, without difti action of persons, prole cured td the utmost severity of the law. March 13, 1798. GEORGIA."j By Nathaniel Bacon, Register of.'Pro (L.s. ) > bats'for the county of Liberty jin the N. Bacon. j state aforefaid. WHEREAS John Mallard, Tohn Robarts, and Thomas Mallard, have maoe application to me for letters of adminiftiation on the estate ’and effects of William Norman, late of the county of Liberty, deceafec!, The fe “tire therefore to cite and admonUh.all and Angular 11 e kindred and creditors of the laid tieceafed to be and ap pear before me, at my office, on or before the 9th day of June next, to Ihew cause, if any thev have, why letters of admmiftration lhould not be granted them. Given under myTiancFand Teal, the 17th day of May, 1798, and in the 22d year of American Independence. Nl) * 1 C E ALL persons are particularly warned against purchasing 1 any Negroes, lands, or other property, belonging l to the Efface ot Joluvßuopert, deceased, from anv person I or persons whatfbever, as the whole tlrertof is fccured, by ! the will of the said John Ruppert, to the foie and ftps rate j use ol Mrs. Burney during her life, and to her children after her deceaic. William Lewoen,"] John Eufinglr, J Executors * February 2t, 1795. blank Bills ol Exchange may be had oi tne Pdniers licrcoi". Assize- for-may, *^l. THE Price of Superftre flour being 10 dollars barrel, and of Fine 9 dollars per barrel, of 196 lbs, wt. nett, the Loaves must weigh as fellows: “ lbs. OZt Os tiie best fiiperfine quality, a u 1-2 cent loaf, 2 2 a 6 i-4 cent ditto, 1 1 Os the second quality, a 12 1-2 cqnt loaf, 2 5 a 6 1-4 cent ditto, 1 2 1-3 . May 1, 1798. W. li. Lange, c. t. TO BE RENTED Otf RE/ISONAbTe VERMS FOR ONE OR MORE TEARS A CONVENIENT STAGE, 13 miles from Savan nah, on the Augusta road, with a convenient dwelling, house, kitchen,'rilable, and other conveniences. For far ther particulars apply to Mr. Peter Miller, at the weft cor ner of the town. fCj™ A fniall Stock of Cattle to be disposed of. Apply as above. ‘ May 14, 1798. N O T I C E. ~ ALL perfor.s having any demands against the Estate of Robert Richardson are requested to render their ac counts, properly attested, to the fubferiber, at St. Mary’s; and those indebted are earnestly solicited to make early pay ments. The public and the parties immediately interested arc hereby canjitreed aga'oft receiving, or in any y&k fjr, tering for, or paying a bond given by John Hunton; of Wafliiugton, in Wilkes county, for the sum of 920 dol lar >, and a note given by Wiiiiam Adams for 24 dollars, ( which fuel papers were with the papers of said Richardson at the time of his dt-cer.te, and moft probably are now in the poffefflon of a Mrs. O’Neal or Mr. Jacob Cunes) with any other person bui: the fubferiber, who is the legal admi nistrator, and also fully authorized to fettle the Estate by ample powers from the widow of laid Richardson. May 17. ALEX. GANDLISH. NOT I C E. ‘ A IX persons having any demands against the Estate of Mary Low, late of Liberty County, aecerffed, are requested to fend them in, properly attested, to tiuT lubferiber, within 12 months and a day from the date hereof, after which time the affairs of the said Estate will be doled, and all accounts not rendered will be excluded. John Jones, Admr. Rural Felicity , Liberty County, March 28, 1798. ten dollars reward. j~ — : • j “O UN AWAY from the fubferiber, ii on the 17th February, Afmall 0* . Negro Fellow, named AARON, 4 feet 8 inches high, of a black complexion, a^ont 8° years cf age. Any person will secure the above Negro in tlie hi gaol in tliis < ity, or deliver him at Moll* teith plantation, (hall have the above reward. - Owen Owens. Savannah, March 8, 1798* TEN DOLLARS R-EVVA:<I~ wn-t. —RUN A WAT from the fubferiber, j O ANEGRO i L Ll.OW.namcd MAfl HERCULES, About 5 feet 4 inches high, of a black complexion, has his country marks in his face, and is about 45 yeare of age. Owen Owens. UP in Savannah, A Negro Wench, who A. calls herfelf Hannah, and sometimes Kate, and fays it is two or three years since (he ran away from Charleston, that she belonged to the widow of Thomas Smith, but believes that Ihe has been since fold to fame person in the country; five appears to be about 25 year3| old, of rather a yellow complexion. Whoever (he belongs! to may have her by applying to Matthew Motz, Keeper! of the federal gaol, and paying charges of advertising, &c.| Savannah, 30 tb Sept. 1797. BROUGHT to the Workhoule in Savannah, A Nr- 1 gro Fellow, who fays his name is Pompey, about! 5 feet 9 inches high, and about 35 years of age, fays hl belonged to Mr. John Coxe, deceased. Jacob Theiss, Gaoler. BROUGHT to the Workhcufe in Savannah, A Ne'B -GRo,Fellow, named Buck, about 5 feet 6 inclidß high, and about- 40 years of age, speaks very bad Englmw fays lie belongs to oiie Myer, in South Carolina. Nov. 23, *797. Jacob Theiss, Gaoler, j - r I LIKEN UP by the fubferiber in Effingham coun*''a X A DARK BAY HORSE, about 15 and an"Bj hands high, branded on the mounting shoulder hind feet white to the fetlock, a long tail, a final!■ star in his forehead, supposed about 12 years old. Theß owner can hav e said hone by applying to tlie fubl'cribcrtß and paying for this advertisement. ® JavYEs Gibson. | WooiviUe Plantation , 26 tb April , 1798. TAKEN UP at the fubfenber’s plantation, Screvei® on the main road leading fiom SavannsiH to Augusta, about the 17th May last, A BAY HORStiB about 8 or 9 years old, one hind white foot, blaze face® branded on tlie mounting shoulder 26, and on the neaiß buttock IN, trots and canters, about 14 hands high. August 2q, 1797. STEPHEN m STRAYED from the brick vard, near the tan yaid're Savannph, A BAY MARE, and her COLT abNj® 6 weeks old, brands (if anv) not recolle£led; it is thev have gone up the Augusta road. A reward oi Dollars will be given to anv person delivering them to ■ RADIGUET, at Bis brick yard. ® SAVANNAH; Pbutte® bt N. JOHNSTON asp J